Venerated नन्दिन् < nandu 'increase, prosperity', Gaṇeśvara. पोळ poḷa 'zebu'... is an addendum to: 1. Master of animals is a bull-man, a blacksmith, a celestial being, generator of wealth of a nation Citragupta,...
View ArticlePuruṣa sūktam & Indus Script Cipher. Veneration of sādhya साध्य celestial...ṣa sūktam is a divine, sacred, celestial metaphor rendered in chandas in veneration of sādhya साध्य celestial beings, treasures, children of सोम-सद्s गण-देवता. Indus...
View Articlekarṇika, 'Meluhha merchants' and kundār 'Meluhha lapidaries' trading in... kundār 'Meluhha lapidaries' are creatprs pf kunda, one of the nine treasures of KuberaFigure 1 map prepared by VN Prabhakar, showing the location of Sarasvati-Sindhu...
View ArticleJ. Bhagawati, Krishna Pravin and Arvind Panagariya refute fulminations by the...
On Narendra Modi, religion, Brexit, YouTube, monarchiesLetters to the editorArvind PanagariyaVerified account @APanagariya 23h23 hours agoMoreA hard-hitting response to the editorial by the Economist...
View ArticleFunctions of terracotta cones, cakes. Kiln setters, baffles. foundation pegs... is a device used to restrain the flow of a fluid, gas, etc. or to prevent the spreading of sound or light in a particular direction.I suggest that the terracotta...
View ArticleA Harappa standard, a Ganweriwala tablet signify Indus Script hieroglyphs of... khār खार 'backbone, spine' rebus: khārखार् 'blacksmith' -- kamadha'penance' Rebus: kammata 'coiner, mint'. h1997 A,B Harappa Faience Tablet or Harappa Standard .Two...
View Articlevāpī, bāwlī, 'well with steps', kuṇḍá, gõṛā 'well, reservoir' of... This monograph is a prelude to the start of the Bhāratiya National Water Mission to ensure 24x7 water to every farm and every home. -- The monograph recollects the...
View ArticleDaimabad रथी chariot-rider is rathī 'guide, leader'a guild-master of a metals... monograph deciphers the hieroglhyphs of the bronze Daimabad chariot as Meluhha signifiers of a wealth-accounting ledger, metalwork catalogue. The chariot rider is रथी...
View ArticleHakra ware culture or early phases of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization seafaring... suggest that the Susa pot with metalware is a pot of the Hakraware culture. The pot has Indus Script inscription describing the contents of the storage pot.The pot has...
View ArticleMetaphor of “Iron-Lady” Draupadī described by Indrajit Bandyopadhyay affirms...
Over 1500 monographs at present detailed archives of metalwork wealth-accounting in Indus Script Corpora.-- Śyāmā Draupadī, the Dynamic Twilight...
View ArticleHakra river is navigable Sarasvati River adored in the R̥gveda, a maritime... is an addendum to: Hakra ware culture or early phases of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization seafaring trade on a navigable Sarasvati River ca. 5th m. BCE...
View Articleश्रुति स्मृति चतुर्दश अष्टादशविद्याः, Knowledge Systems -- Yājñavalkya Smṛti,...
Source: before the founding of the world’s oldest surviving universities – the...
View ArticleTwo pillars of Dholavira signify dula khāmbā rebus dul kammaṭa 'metalcasting... Dholavira, pillars were used to provide for structural support to roofs and provide an indication of multi-storeyed structures. Pillars were mounted on a series of...
View ArticleMeluhha Semantic Iconographic Systems of Indus Script deciphered & roots... Archaeological evidence of Iconographic system in Sindh-Sarasvati maritime, riverine waterway contact areas of ANE-- Iconographic narratives on Indus Script...
View ArticleDecipherment of two Farmana seals and a Bhirrana seal, surface find; as... 'unicorn' or one-horned young bull appears on this Bhirrana seal without the 'standard device' in front of the hypertext pictograph. This surace find seal has been...
View ArticleSanauli, OCP culture, copper-tools, mirror, upper Ganga-Yamuna doab, chariots...
ASI finds evidence of 4000 years old civilisation at ‘Mahabharat era’ excavation site, different from Indus Valley CivilisationPreviously, the Archeological Survey of India has discovered the ‘First...
View ArticleNal se jal revolution on the anvil. Breathtaking images of pipe drainage... Watermanagement systems par excellence, 3rd m. BCE-- Thanks to निर्झर मुखोपाध्याय and Shobash Jee for the imagesPart of Ephesus’ plumbing system. Turkey.naḍá, naḷá -- m....
View ArticleNal se jal, pit dwellings of Burzahom, storeyed houses, water reservoirs,... to Pushparaj Suresh Patil for exquisite images of ancient architectural facets of ancient civilizations. This is an addendum to:Nal se jal revolution on the anvil....
View ArticleItihāsa. BBC & NYT prime mythologists of our time; should do journalism for a...
Myth as History, or History as Myth?Vamsee JuluriMay 22Romila Thapar and a Brief Critique of How Ayodhya’s History is Depicted in BBC and The New York Times“They peddle myths and call it history,”...
View ArticleR̥gveda defines geography of the nation of Bhāratam Janamयस्येमे हिमवन्तो महित्वा यस्य समुद्रं रसया सहाहुः। यस्येमाः प्रदिशो बाहू कस्मै देवाय हविषा विधेम। (RV...
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