Pictorial narratives, खरडें daybooks of Yoga postures on Indus Script with...
https://tinyurl.com/y66bzxlb-- Together with an abiding metaphor of a seaedd person in kamaḍha 'penance' and an adoring, bhaṭa kneeling worshipper bhaṭa 'furnace'm0492Ct 2835 Pict-99: Person throwing a...
View ArticleThigh,buttock ṭã̄g PLUS fish' hieroglyphs on Indus Script signifies aya...
https://tinyurl.com/y6xdt34zAsko Parpola attempts to decipher the message on m1690 and observes: "One big obstacle in matching the Indus sequences with the Tamil compounds is that it is difficult to...
View Articleṭaṅka-šālā = taṅka-cālai Mint, place where money is coined is signified on...
https://tinyurl.com/y577tschEvidence is provided in Tamil lexicon providing the expressions இடங்கசாலைiṭaṅka-cālai, taṅka-cālai lit. gold workshop as a synonym of ṭaṅka-šālā'Mint, place where money is...
View Articlekanda 'fire-trench of four arms' an Indus Script Hypertext is a consecrated...
https://tinyurl.com/y4vy252s-- kanda 'fire-trench of four arms', अग्नि--कुण्ड 'enclosed space for consecrated fire', कोंद kōnda'furnace' of dhā̆vaḍ'iron smelter’.Smelting or ore purification process...
View ArticleDemonstrating temple architectural and Veda textual tradition to affirm m2094...
https://tinyurl.com/yxghpmstThis is an addendum to: kanda 'fire-trench of four arms' an Indus Script Hypertext is a consecrated Vedic अग्नि-कुण्ड agnikuṇḍa https://tinyurl.com/y4vy252sFire Altar....
View ArticleYamuna was once connected to the palaeo-Ghaggar (i.e. Sarasvati) River
Discovering ‘buried’ channels of the Palaeo-Yamuna river in NW India using geophysical evidence: Implications for major drainage reorganization and linkage to the Harappan CivilizationAuthor links open...
View ArticleWorld's first wealth accounting Indus Script system of Sarasvati-Sindhu...
https://tinyurl.com/y5rcpy6t-- World's first wealh accounting Indus Script system of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization Pictographs of pasaramu 'animals' of Indus Script Corpora are dhanam, 'wealth'...
View ArticlePersepolis Darius & Achemenid period seals with Indus Script hypertexts...
https://tinyurl.com/y5qvhuk8Oriental Institute @orientalinst#Achaemenid period cylinder seal from the site of #Persepolis. It shows a human-headed winged lion. The human-headed sphinx is chasing a...
View ArticleShape of Caturaśra Śyena in Mānava Śulbasūtra, Harappa seal h166 narrative...
https://tinyurl.com/y3s9tommIt appears that the body of the syena is quadrangular Caturaśra Śyena, or "four-sided falcon." (Mānava Śulbasūtra):After Patrick A....
View ArticleInterpretation of Caturaśra Śyena in Mānava Śulbasūtra and in Indus Script...
This is an addendum to: Shape of Caturaśra Śyena in Mānava Śulbasūtra, Harappa seal h166 narrative Caturaśra Śyena rebus آهن ګر āhan gar 'thunderbolt makersmith' https://tinyurl.com/y3s9tommI submit...
View ArticleŚyena, Simorg, Anzu, Amśu (Soma), Indus Script Corpora wealth-accounting...
https://tinyurl.com/yyqow9lo-- Tablets of destiny brought by Śyena are Indus Script Corpora Soma, amśu wealth accounting metalwork ledgers-- Inthe prayers of R̥gveda IV.27.1-4 the devatā is Śyena; it...
View ArticleSemantics in choice of śyēna citi 'Veda fire-altar' and Indus Script with...
https://tinyurl.com/y3h6n7ujThis is an addendum to:World's first wealth accounting Indus Script system of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization 'wealth' categories of metalwork in pasra'smithy'...
View ArticleIn search of a mythical river -- Dr.KK Paul
In search of a mythical riverTuesday, 28 May 2019 | Dr KK PaulThe Saraswati might have been a myth for some but satellite imagery clearly shows that such a river system did exist in line with...
View ArticleSoma is yajñasya ātmā, śyenaciti is signified on Indus Script, on seven soma...
https://tinyurl.com/yy7ky2tdSoma is yajñasya ātmā, Within soma, amśu which is a component, is ātmā yajñasya (RV 9.2.10, 9.6.8); आत्मन् 'essential nature, principle of life, of sensation'. -- A synonym...
View ArticleArchaeologists find ancient linga statue in Kratie province, Phnom Penh
Noel Tan May 28, 2019 Linga found in Kratie province. Source: Phnom Penh Post 20190521via Phnom Penh Post, 21 May 2019: Statue of a linga discovered in Kratie province.An archeological team has found a...
View ArticlePlain of Jars in Xieng Khuang province, Laos, Thong Hai Hin World Heritage Site
Plain of Jars to become Laos’ third World Heritage SiteMay 17, 2019| Khonesavanh Lathsaphao |VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – Laos has been working for 20 years to have the Plain of Jars,...
View ArticleExplaining iconography of Assyrian anthropomorphs 9th cent.BCE in Indus...
https://tinyurl.com/y3hqbhal-- Winged humanheaded bull of Khorsabad (Dur Sharrukin), Assyria, Iraq, 721-705 BCE is an Indus Script hypertext memorial of ancestor smiths"Winged genie", Nimrud c. 870 BC,...
View ArticleDiscovering 'buried' channels of the Palaeo-Yamuna river in NW India-- Imran...
--Or, how Rakhigarhi, capital of the civilization linked Ganga-Yamuna-Sarasvati waterways Kalyan
View ArticleŚyena Citi (R̥gveda), Gonur archaeology, Adda cylinder seal c. 2300 BCE,...
https://tinyurl.com/yyc38jp5-- Anzu (Sumerian), Simorg (Persian), Śyena (R̥gveda),'falcon, thunderbolt' associated with metalwork-- aśan, ahan 'falcon' rebus: ahan 'iron' PLUS kamadha 'penance' rebus:...
View ArticleŚyena Citi (R̥gveda), Gonur archaeology, Adda cylinder seal c. 2300 BCE,...
https://tinyurl.com/yyc38jp5 (Part 2 contd.)Mohenjo-daro m1431 four-sided tablet. Row of animals in file (a one-horned bull, an elephant and a rhinoceros from right); a gharial with a fish held in its...
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