This monograph deciphers the hieroglhyphs of the bronze Daimabad chariot as Meluhha signifiers of a wealth-accounting ledger, metalwork catalogue. The chariot rider is रथी rebus rathī'guide, leader' of kaṇḍa'metalware'sadana 'dwelling'अखाडा akhāḍā'guild'पोळ pōḷa'zebu', 'magnetite'pōlaḍu'black drongo', 'steel'. In sum, the artifact signifies a guild-master of a metals manufactory with a kiln and smithy/forge.
--bhaṛkanu 'with raised membrum virile' has rebus bhaṭṭhā'kiln', फड phaḍa'cobrahood' rebus फड phaḍa'metals manufactory'
-- पोळ pōḷa m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large; zebu (Marathi) Rebus: पोळ pōḷa'magnetite, ferrite ore'dula'two' rebus: dul'metal casting'
-- pōlaḍu, 'black drongo' rebus pōlaḍ'steel'; dula'two' rebus; dul 'metal casting' pōlāda 'steel', pwlad (Russian), fuladh (Persian) folādī (Pashto).पोलाद [ pōlāda ] n ( or P) Steel. पोलादी a Of steel. (Marathi) bulad 'steel, flint and steel for making fire' (Amharic); fUlAd 'steel' (Arabic).
-- sadassa'a noble steed of the horse kind' (Pali) sadom'horse' rebus: sadana 'seat, dwelling'. The animal may also signify khar'onager' rebus: khār 'blacksmith'.
The vivid hieroglyphs on the bronze Daimabad chariot are:

Four-hooded cobra arches over membrum virile of Daimabad charioteer of bronze chariot with Indus Script hypertexts of metalwork wealth accounting
1. chariot-rider रथी
2. Raised membrum virile protected four cobra hoods bhaṛkanu PLUS lo'penis, rebus:loh'metal' PLUS gaṇḍa'four'kaṇḍa'metalware, equipment, pots and pans'
3. Two black drongo birds perched on the axle pōlaḍu, 'black drongo' rebus pōlaḍ 'steel'; dula 'two' rebus; dul 'metal casting'
4. chariot drawn by a pair of zebu, humped bulls पोळ pōḷa m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large; zebu (Marathi) Rebus: पोळ pōḷa 'magnetite, ferrite ore'
5. A pair of wheels: څرخ ṯs̱arḵẖ,'wheel' rebus: eraka 'molten cast, metal infusion'
6. A horse on the axle-rod sadassa 'a noble steed of the horse kind' (Pali) sadom 'horse' rebus: sadana 'seat, dwelling'
Rebus: रथी rathī रथी 4 A guide, leader. (Apte)
Hieroglyph: axle: आंख āṅkha m (अंक S) A number, a figure, an arithmetical sign. 2(अक्ष S) Axis or axle. आखरी ākharī f (आख Axle.) The beam over the axle upon which the frame of the cart rests.
Rebus: अखाडा akhāḍā m ( H) A community, or the common place of residence or of assembly, of persons engaged in study or some particular pursuit; a college, a disputation-hall, a gymnasium, circus, arena. Hence, A club or clubroom; a stand of idlers, loungers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps. 2 An order of men. Ex. गोसाव्यांचे अठरा अखाडे आहेत. See अठरा अखाडे.
Hieroglyph:bhaṛkanu ʻto start, rise (of penis)ʼ (Nepalese): *bhaṭ ʻ sudden movement or noise ʼ. 2. *bhaṭṭ -- . [Cf. bhaṭabhaṭāyatē ʻ gurgles ʼ Cat.] 1. H. bhaṛ m. ʻ crackle, rush ʼ; M. bhaḍ f. ʻ crackling fuel ʼ; -- redup.: P. bhaṛbhaṛī f. ʻ alarm ʼ; Ku. bhaṛbhaṛāṭ m. ʻ startling noise, crackling of fire ʼ; Or. bhaṛabhaṛa ʻ snuffling ʼ; G. bhaṛbhaṛ ʻ violently ʼ, bhaṛābhaṛ ʻ smartly ʼ; -- ext. -- kk -- : Pk. bhaḍakka -- m. ʻ noise ʼ; Paš. lāmbəl -- bṛāk ʻ lightning ʼ IIFL iii 3, 110; S. bhaṛka f. ʻ flash ʼ, bhaṛkaṇu ʻ to blaze ʼ; P. bhaṛk f. ʻ flash ʼ, bhaṛkṇā ʻ to be angry ʼ; Ku. bhaṛāk ʻ blow ʼ, bhaṛkaṇo ʻ to be angry ʼ; N. bharkanu ʻ to take fright, start ʼ; A. bharak ʻ boast, display ʼ; B. bhaṛak ʻ display ʼ, Or. bhaṛaka; B. bhaṛkāna ʻ to take fright ʼ, Or. bhaṛakibā; H. bhaṛak f. ʻ flash, display ʼ, bhaṛaknā ʻ to be excited, take fright ʼ; G. bhaṛkũ n. ʻ blaze ʼ, bhaṛākɔ m. ʻ crash, blaze ʼ, bhaṛakvũ ʻ to take fright, start ʼ; M. bhaḍak f. ʻ display ʼ, bhaḍakṇẽ ʻ to blaze, take fright ʼ.2. G. M. bhaṭ ʻ suddenly ʼ; -- ext. -- kk -- : S. bhaṭkaṇu, bhiṭ˚ ʻ to wander ʼ; Ku. bhaṭkaṇo ʻ to writhe ʼ; N. bhaṭak ʻ display ʼ, bhaṛkanu ʻ to start, rise (of penis) ʼ; H. bhaṭaknā ʻ to be restless ʼ; G. bhaṭakvũ ʻ to blaze, start ʼ; M. bhaṭakṇẽ ʻ to wander ʼ (LM 377 < bhraṣṭa -- ).(CDIAL 9365)
Rebus; bhaṭṭhā 'kiln' (Hindi): bhástrā f. ʻ leathern bag ʼ ŚBr., ʻ bellows ʼ Kāv., bhastrikā -- f. ʻ little bag ʼ Daś. [Despite EWA ii 489, not from a √bhas ʻ blow ʼ (existence of which is very doubtful). -- Basic meaning is ʻ skin bag ʼ (cf. bakura <-> ʻ bellows ʼ ~ bākurá -- dŕ̊ti -- ʻ goat's skin ʼ), der. from bastá -- m. ʻ goat ʼ RV. (cf. bastājina -- n. ʻ goat's skin ʼ MaitrS. = bāstaṁ carma Mn.); with bh -- (and unexpl. -- st -- ) in Pa. bhasta -- m. ʻ goat ʼ, bhastacamma -- n. ʻ goat's skin ʼ. Phonet. Pa. and all NIA. (except S. with a) may be < *bhāsta -- , cf. bāsta -- above (J. C. W.)]With unexpl. retention of -- st -- : Pa. bhastā -- f. ʻ bellows ʼ (cf. vāta -- puṇṇa -- bhasta -- camma -- n. ʻ goat's skin full of wind ʼ), biḷāra -- bhastā -- f. ʻ catskin bag ʼ, bhasta -- n. ʻ leather sack (for flour) ʼ; K. khāra -- basta f. ʻ blacksmith's skin bellows ʼ; -- S. bathī f. ʻ quiver ʼ (< *bhathī); A. Or. bhāti ʻ bellows ʼ, Bi. bhāthī, (S of Ganges) bhã̄thī; OAw. bhāthā̆ ʻ quiver ʼ; H. bhāthā m. ʻ quiver ʼ, bhāthī f. ʻ bellows ʼ; G. bhāthɔ, bhātɔ, bhāthṛɔ m. ʻ quiver ʼ (whence bhāthī m. ʻ warrior ʼ); M. bhātā m. ʻ leathern bag, bellows, quiver ʼ, bhātaḍ n. ʻ bellows, quiver ʼ; <-> (X bhráṣṭra -- ?) N. bhã̄ṭi ʻ bellows ʼ, H. bhāṭhīf.
*P. bhaṭhūhar, ˚hrā, bhaṭhūrā, ˚ṭhorū m. ʻ cake of leavened bread ʼ; -- or < *bhr̥ṣṭapūra -- .
*bhraṣṭrāgāra ʻ grain parching house ʼ. [bhráṣṭra -- , agāra -- ]P. bhaṭhiār, ˚ālā m. ʻ grainparcher's shop ʼ.(CDIAL 9656 to 9658)

Rebus: arká1 m. ʻ flash, ray, sun ʼ RV. [√arc ].Pa. Pk. akka -- m. ʻ sun ʼ, Mth. āk; Si. aka ʻ lightning ʼ, inscr. vid -- äki ʻ lightning flash ʼ.(CDIAL 624)Ta. eṟṟu (eṟṟi-) to throw out (as water from a vessel); iṟai (-v-, -nt-) to scatter (intr.), disperse; (-pp-, -tt-) to splash (tr.), spatter, scatter, strew, draw and pour out water, irrigate, bale out, squander; iṟaivai receptacle for drawing water for irrigation; iṟaṭṭu (iṟaṭṭi-) to sprinkle, splash. Ma. iṟekka to bale out; iṟayuka id., scatter, disperse; iṟava basket for drawing water; eṟiccil rainwater blown in by the wind. To. eṟ- (eṟQ -) to scoop up (water with vessel). Ka. eṟeto pour any liquids, cast (as metal); n. pouring; eṟacu, ercu to scoop, sprinkle, scatter, strew, sow; eṟaka, eraka any metal infusion; molten state, fusion. Tu.eraka molten, cast (as metal); eraguni to melt. Kur. ecchnā to dash a liquid out or over (by scooping, splashing, besprinkling). (DEDR 866)
रथोत्सव rathōtsava m (S) रथोत्साह m (S) A festival in which idols are placed in their cars and paraded about.(Marathi)
रथ m. ( √4. ऋ) " goer " , a chariot , car , esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the अनस् q.v.) , any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods) , waggon , cart RV. &c (ifc. f(आ).)(Monier-Williams) रथी f. a small carriage or waggon , car (शिशुपाल-वध)
rátha m. ʻ chariot, cart ʼ RV.Pa. ratha -- , ˚aka -- m., Pk. OG. raha -- (Pk. m.n.); Si. riya ʻ waggon, carriage ʼ; -- ext. -- ḍ -- : L. rēhṛā m. ʻ handcart ʼ; P. rehṛā, rihṛā m., ˚ṛī f. ʻ cart ʼ; H. rahṛū, rẽhṛū m. ʻ light open cart with one seat ʼ; -- with -- l -- : P. rahilā m., ˚lī f. ʻ cart ʼ.(CDIAL 10602) rathaśīrṣá n. ʻ forepart of a carriage ʼ ŚBr. [rátha -- , śīrṣá -- ]) Si. riya(h)isa ʻ hood of a carriage ʼ. (CDIAL 10604) rathāṅgá n. ʻ chariot -- wheel ʼ MaitrS., ʻ potter's wheel ʼ MBh. [rátha -- , áṅga -- 1 ]Pk. rahaṁga -- n. ʻ wheel ʼ; Si. riyan̆ga ʻ any part of a carriage, wheel ʼ. (CDIAL 10606)रथः rathḥ रथः [रम्यतेनेन अत्र वा, रम्-कथन्; cf. Uṇ.2.2] 1 A carriage, chariot, car, vehicle; especially, a war-chariot.रथिक rathika रथिक a. (-की f.) [रथ-ठन्] 1 Riding in a carriage. -2 The owner of a carriage. -कः A cartwright. रथिन् rathin रथिन् a. [रथ-इनि] 1 Riding or driving in a carriage. -2 Possessing or owning a carriage. -m. 1 An owner of a carriage. -2 A warrior who fights from a chariot; आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु । बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहमेव च ॥ Kaṭha Up.1.3.3; R.7.37. -3 A man of क्षत्रिय caste. -4 A driver. -नी A number of carriages or chariots. रथिन rathina रथिन a. See रथिन् above. रथिर rathira रथिर a. 1 Possessing a carriage. -2 Riding in a carriage. -3 Quick, speedy. -रः = रथिन् m.
रथ्यः rathyḥ रथ्यः [रथं वहति यत्] 1 A chariot-horse; धावन्त्यमी मृगजवाक्षमयेव रथ्याः Ś.1.8; Śi.4.14. -2 A part of a chariot. -Comp. -चयः a team of horses. -विरथ्यः N. of Śiva. (Apte)
रथ a warrior , hero , champion MBh. Katha1s. BhP. (Monier-Williams)
ráthya ʻ pertaining to a chariot ʼ RV., ʻ collection of chariots ʼ Pāṇ., n. ʻ chariot with its team or equipment (?) ʼ RV. [rátha -- : for the extension of meaning cf. rathakārá -- ʻ chariot -- builder, carpenter ʼ, Pk. rahaāra -- m. ʻ id. ʼ, Dhp. radhe'aro ʻ shoemaker ʼ Brough Dhp 237 and similar development of mahānasa -- . <-> (Poss. < *rapsa -- : √*rap 2 in rápas -- ʻ (demon of) injury ʼ RV. (cf. Lith. rẽplės ʻ tongs ʼ IEW 865) and conn. with *rapaka -- and *rampa -- : J. C. W.)]S. rachu m. ʻ treddles of a loom, fish net, vessel or utensil for holding or cooking food &c. ʼ, rachī f. ʻ turner's point for hollowing with ʼ; L. racch m. ʻ tools, implements ʼ; P. racch m. ʻ that part of loom to which web is attached and along which shuttle plays ʼ; H. rāch m. ʻ instrument, implement, apparatus, weaver's toothed instrument ʼ; G. rāc m. ʻ tools, implements, furniture, materials ʼ.(CDIAL 10607)*rathyadhānī ʻ instrument -- case ʼ. [ráthya -- , dhāˊna -- ]L. richāhaṇ, racchāṇī, richāhṇī f. ʻ barber's case of tools ʼ, P. rachāṇī f.(CDIAL 10608) रथः rathḥ -2 A hero (for रथिन्); अपवातेषु पार्येषु त्रयस्ते$भावञ् रथाः Mb.1.2.92. -3 A foot. -4 A limb, part, member. -5 The body; cf. आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु Kaṭh. 1.3.3. -6 A reed. -7 Pleasure, delight. -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a carriage-axle. -2 a measure of length (= 14 aṅgulas). -अङ्गम् 1 any part of a carriage. -2 particularly, the wheels of a carriage; रथो रथाङ्गध्वनिना विजज्ञे R.7.41; Ś.7.1. -3 a discus, especially of Viṣṇu; चक्रधर इति रथाङ्गमदः सततं विभर्षि भुवनेषु रूढये Śi.15.26. -4 a potter's wheel. (-ङ्गः) the ruddy goose. ˚आह्वयः, ˚आह्वानः, ˚नामकः, ˚नामन् m. the ruddy goose (चक्रवाक); रथाङ्गनामन् वियुतो रथाङ्गश्रोणिबिम्बया । अयं त्वां पृच्छति रथी मनोरथशतैर्वृतः ॥ V.4. 18; Ku.3.37; R.3.24; रथाङ्गाह्वानानां भवति विधुरम् Udb.; (the male bird is said by poets to be separated from the female at night, and to be united at sun-rise). ˚पाणिः N. of Viṣṇu; रथाङ्गपाणेः पटलेन रोचिषा Śi.1.21; दुरन्तवीर्यस्य रथाङ्गपाणेः Bhāg. -अभ्रः a reed cane. -अर्थकः a small carriage. -अश्वः a carriage-horse -आयुधकः a kind of bow. -आरोहः one who fights from a chariot. -ईशः a warrior fighting from a chariot. -ईषा, -शा the pole of a carriage; रथेषाश्च रथेषाभिः ... संगतैः सहिताः Mb.6.46.5. -उडुपः, -पम् the body of a chariot. -उद्वहः, -उपस्थः the seat of a chariot, the driving-box; रथोपस्थ उपाविशत् Bg.1.47. -कट्या, -कड्या an assem- blage of chariots. -कल्पकः an officer who is in charge of a king's chariots. -करः, -कारः 1 a coachbuilder, carpenter, wheel-wright; रथकारः स्वकां भार्यां सजारां शिरसा- वहत् Pt.4.54. -2 N. of a caste called सौधन्वन (q. v.); तस्मादत्रैवर्णिको रथकारः ŚB. on MS.6.6.47; परिशेषाद- त्रैवर्णिको रथकारः स्यात् ŚB. on MS.6.1.44. ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the रूढ अर्थ is stronger than the यौगिक अर्थ; cf. योगाद्रूढिर्बलीयसी. This is discussed and established in connection with the word रथकार by Jai- mini and शबर in MS.6.1.44-5. -सुटुम्बिकः, -कुटुम्बिन् m. a charioteer, coachman. -कूबरः, -रम् the pole or shaft of a carriage; कूबरा रथकूबरैः ... संगतैः सहिताः Mb.6. 46.5. -केतुः the flag of a chariot. -क्षोभः the jolting of a chariot; रथक्षोभपरिश्रमम् R.1.58. -गणकः an officer who counts chariots. -गर्भकः a litter, palanquin. -गुप्तिः f. a fence of wood or iron with which a chariot is provided as a protection from collision. -घोषः the rat- tling of a chariot. -चरणः, -पादः 1 a chariot-wheel; धृतरथचरणो$भ्ययाच्चलद्गुः Bhāg.1.9.37; Dk.2.7. -2 the सुदर्शन wheel; रथाङ्गे चन्द्रार्कौ रथचरणपाणिः शर इति Śiva- mahimna 18. -2the ruddy goose. -चर्या chariot-exercise, the use of a chariot, travelling by carriage; अनभ्यस्त- रथचर्याः U.5; सारथे रथचर्यासु सज्जो भव सुशिक्षितः Bm.1.684. -जङ्घा the hinder part of a chariot. -ज्वरः a crow. -दुर्गम् the throng of chariots. -धुर् f. the shaft or pole of a chariot. -नाभिः f. the nave of the wheel of a chariot; रथनाभिरिवाभिख्यायेत Ait. Up.2.4.5. -नीडः the inner part or seat of a chariot. -पुंगवः a chief or distinguished warrior. -बन्धः 1 the fastenings or har- ness of a chariot. -2 a league of warriors. -महोत्सवः, -यात्रा the solemn procession of an idol placed in a car (usually drawn by men). -मुखम् the forepart of a carriage. -युद्धम् 'a chariot-fight', a fight between combatants mounted on chariots. -योगः a team (of horses etc.) on a chariot; Bri. Up. -योजकः a chariot- eer, harnesser of a chariot. -वंशः a number of chariots. -वर्त्मन् n., -वीथिः f. highway, main road. -वारकः son of a Śūdra and a Sairandhrī. -वाहः 1 a carriage- horse. -2charioteer. -विज्ञानम्, -विद्या the art of driving chariots. -शक्तिः f. the staff which supports the banner of a war-chariot; रथशक्तिं मुमोचासौ दीप्तामग्नि- शिखामिव Mb.1.6.13. -शाला a coach-house, carriage- shed. -शास्त्रम्, -शिक्षा the art of driving a chariot, coachmanship. -सप्तमी the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha.(Apte)