Glimpses of Ganweriwala, on Sarasvati River Basin -- Decipherment... narratives: There are figurines of one-horned young bull of Ganweriwala. The one-horned young bull signifies Indus Script. khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf....
View ArticleYogi Adityanath unveils 7-foot tall Ram statue in Ayodhya
The seven-foot-tall statue of Lord Ram made from a single block of rosewood and purchased from Karnataka depicts Kodand Ram- one of the five forms of Lord Ram. Updated: Jun 07, 2019 18:57 ISTAsian News...
View ArticleCybersecurity, An extension of Kak protocol could be Indus Script Cipher...
An extension of Kak protocol could be Indus Script Cipher which uses two pictogram allographs, e.g. खोंड khōṇḍa 'holcus sorghum', 'young bull' rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'furnace for smelting'. This is like...
View ArticlePetroglyphs of Ratnagiri, Rajapur laterite ore areas of Konkan goṭa, goṭā... petroglyphs of Ratnagiri, Rajapur areas of Konkan are created on laterite rocks. There are indications that these petroglyphs may be precursors of the Indus Script...
View ArticleUnicorn of Indus Script signifies in Meluhha rebus rendering mint of... parts.Key identifier is the mer̥ha curved, crumpled horn; rebus: medhā 'yajna, dhanam'. खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull'; khōṇḍa 'sack, pannier'; koḍiyum 'rings on neck'...
View ArticleThe summer of discontent -- Kumar Chellappan. NaMo, needed NOW, National...
The Summer of discontentSunday, 09 June 2019 | Kumar ChellappanIn the season of Agni Nakshatram or the ‘star that emits fire’, all major temples in parched Tamil Nadu are reverberating with hymns as...
View ArticleUnicorn of Indus Script with two horns !!! of Indus Script with two horns !!! An answer to those who think that the face of the 'unicorn' is that of a horse or...
View Articlederen, 'animal with horn', tiria ʻanimalsʼ signify Indus Script... These are variant iconographic signifiers of a 'unicorn' -- with variant horn styles. One has one curved, crumpled horn; the second has two horns; the thirs has wavy horns...
View ArticleIndus Script Cipher chooses tiria, 'Meluhha animals as hieroglyphs' to design... are animals chosen as hieroglyphs on Indus Script Cipher? The reason is provided by the phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics of Meluhha (Indian sprachbund, 'language...
View ArticleUnicorn, Indus Script hypertext kunda-kara karaṇī is a goldsmith, smelter... Unicorn, Indus Script hieroglyphs read Meluhha rebus as kō̃da-khār-karaṇī'smelter blacksmith, supercargo, scribe', kunda-kara'turner, lapidary',...
View ArticleLargest Ever Treasure Trove of Iron Age Weapons Retrieved in Oman --...
27 JANUARY, 2018 - 02:00 THEODOROS KARASAVVASLargest Ever Treasure Trove of Iron Age Weapons Retrieved in OmanREAD LATER PRINTReports of archaeological finds from Oman, a middle-eastern country on the...
View Articlekār-kunda کار کنده 'manager, scribe' directs 'wealth-accounting ledgers of... view of the unique expression attested in Pashto dialect, and reading two earlier monographs together, the following conclusions are drawn from a review of Indus Script...
View Articlekhara 'onager' rebus khār 'blacksmith' plays the large bull-headed lyre of... 'unicorn' of the bull-headed lyre of Ur (ca. 2600 BCE) is: खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull (Marathi) Rebus: kunda a turner's lathe (Skt.)(CDIAL 3295) Vikalpa: kūdī, kūṭī...
View ArticleWhat facets uniteSarasvati Civilization? Looking beneath the Veneer (CA...
What facets unite the 2000+ archaeological sites out of 2600+ sites of the civilization? These can be summarized as: 1. Navigable waterway of Sarasvati River;2. Common language;3. Common Writing system...
View ArticleArtisans khara 'onager' rebus khār ‘blacksmith’, khōṇḍa 'young bull' rebus... --Together, کار کنده kār-kundaʿh 'director of metalwork manufactories' of ancient India and Sumer Erwin Neumayer presents compelling evidence of animal-drawn chariots on...
View ArticleConclusive proof from Kharaputta-Jātaka and Kanmer seal for khara as equus... the outset, this is a tribute to Asko Parpola and Juha Janhunen who hve identified some signs of the Indus Script Corpora as equus hemionus. I had read some of these...
View ArticleDesign principles of pictographic Indus Script, gleaned from 'unicorn',... is an addendum to: Overflowing pot of m1656 pectoral and on Ibni Sharrum cylinder seal signifies Indus Script hypertext lokhaṇḍa 'metal tools, pots and pans, metalware'...
View ArticleHerring bone (or, ladder?) Indus Script kuttu rebus kōḍa 'workshop' of khara... is an addendum to:1. Conclusive proof from Kharaputta-Jātaka and Kanmer seal for khara as equus hemionus which draws a royal chariot; rebus khār 'blacksmith'...
View ArticleCopper tablet Indus Script inscriptions with hare hieroglyph proclaim khār... thorny bush in front of the hare is a semantic determinative, khār 4 खार् a thorn, The decipherment of the copper tablets with the 'hare' hieroglyph in front of 'thorn'...
View ArticleStone stele with image of bull-shaped moon god, 11th cent. BCE found in...
Bull Man Stele. Basalt. H. 115 cm; W. 59 cm; D. 31 cm. Iron Age II, 9th-8th century BCE. et-Tell (ancient Bethsaida), Israel. Israel Antiquities Authority: IAA 1997-3451/980Figure 8. Stele from the...
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