Copper from Meluhha (Capital Rakhigarhi), tin from Mekong delta reached... Ancient Maritime Tin Route linking Hanoi and Haifa posited.-- Why Was Rakhigarhi capital of the Civilization? -- Location on the water-divide, linking...
View ArticleEndless knot, gold with inlaid lapis lazuli ring. Indus Script hypertext मेढा... meḍhi'plait, twist' Rupaka, 'metaphor' or rebus reading: meḍ'iron' (Mu.Ho.) med'copper' (Slavic languages) -- मेढा [mēḍhā] A twist = धन Naigh. ii , 10 Dhruva II...
View ArticleKneeling adorant with a pot in hand in front of a tree on Indus Script... adorant carrying a pot on Indus Script inscriptions is पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'soldier offering purified soma in a smelter'--पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'Soma purified,...
View Article8 Scientific Papers That Were Rejected Before Going on to Win a Nobel Prize...
8 Scientific Papers That Were Rejected Before Going on to Win a Nobel PrizeFIONA MACDONALD19 AUG 2016As a scientist, there are few things more soul-crushing than spending months or years working on a...
View Articleपोतदार, village silversmith, पोतृ 'Purifier', assayer of Sarasvati-Sindhu... Mohenjo-daro priest performs traidhātavīyā iṣṭi, as Indus Script पोतदार pōtadāra casts 3 metals, wealth accounting categories-- Indus Script पोतदार pōtadāra shroffs,...
View ArticleInterpreting the Dholavira Sign Board of Indus Civilization -- Rekha Rao
Rekha RaoIndology | 11-12-2018 This paper proposes a new interpretation for the previously unsolved puzzle of the Dholavira sign board. The symbols used in this sign board are also utilized in many...
View ArticleNeuoscience. Is cit computable? No, says Subhash Kak in Neuroquantology. Is...
Cosmic dancer in CERN, Geneva.One way to pose the question is to ask who is apasmara? "According to Hindu mythology, Apasmāra was a dwarf who represented ignorance and epilepsy. He is also known as...
View ArticleSumer-Meluhha contacts. Ziggurat of Mari and Mohenjo-daro stupa compared;... From Meluhha to Sumer, reinterpreting movements of Meluhha Bhāratam Janam (RV 3.53.12) into Sumer-- Both 1) R̥gveda chandas mantra and 2) songs of Sumerian gala 'temple...
View ArticleHistory of Hindi
History of HindiBy Sanjeev Nayyar March 2002A friend of mine from Bihar told me what we considered as the national language Hindi was indeed a form of the Khariboli of Delhi. The Hindi they spoke was...
View ArticleSemantics of three faces on Mohenjo-daro seal m0304ã ʻ face, mouth, head, person ʼ Rebus: mũhã̄ 'the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native furnace' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, the...
View ArticleSingle serrated, mēḍhā 'twisted', mer̥ha 'crumpled' horn of the young bull is... are many unique iconographic features on a 'one-horned young bull' hieroglyph of Indus Script Corpora. Each feature is explained in Meluhha rebus readings of Indus...
View ArticleHistory of writing on postage stamps, Indus Script memento from PIA and...ṭa 'rimless water' rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’baṭa‘warrior’, rebus: bhaṭa‘furnace’ (This is a semantic determinative)kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy,forge'mer̥ha koḍ...
View ArticleArguments for Indus Script as a logosemantic writing system that the Indus Script is a logosemantic writing system. The pictorial motifs occupy the maximum space of inscriptions; they have to be explained and linked to the...
View ArticleIndus Script Cipher frames semantics, an advancement over Egyptian... hieroglyphs are a logo-phonetic system and the hieroglyphs which are icons or symbols are read as phonemes. The cipher uses homonyms of ciphertext phonemes; this is...
View ArticleEvolution of Indus Script Writing System as wealth-accounting ledgers in... Semantics and pragmatics of Egptian and Indus Script hieroglyphs-- An industrial scale Bronze Age workshop of Harappa evidenced by a series of circular workers' platforms...
View ArticleSilver seal from Karur kampaṭṭa-k-kuravan 'mint guild master' signifies his... monograph explains is an elucidation of semantics and pragmatics in Indian sprachbund, 'language union' exemplified by Meluhha, mleccha dialectical expressions and...
View ArticleSoma is NOT a drink, it is a sacred metaphor is NOT a drink. Soma is EATEN by devā. That Soma is NOT a drink is emphatically stated in Chandogya Upanishad: esha...
View ArticleChanhiyun Jo Daro Jar Painted with maraka 'peacocks' rebus marakaka'copper... Script hieroglyphs of painted peacocks & stars read rebus: maraka 'peacock' rebus: marakaka'copper alloy, calcining metal' miṇḍā́l 'markhor' (CDIAL 10310) Rebus:...
View ArticleSoma is NOT a drink. R̥gveda sacred metaphor is a pyrite object (RV 1.119.9)... Soma is purchased from Mujavant seller, processed in fire-- माक्षिक mākṣika'fly' rebus: माक्षिक mākṣika'pyrite ores'-- उपांशु ind. (fr. √ अंश् , " to divide " , with उप...
View ArticleJal Śakti. जल क्रान्ति for Bhāratam Janam
Bhārat has a long coastline of 8000 kms. Every 4 kms. BARC desalination plant on boat to ensure pure nal se jal for all people upto100 km. from coastline. National Water Grid Authority 24x7 water to...
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