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deren, 'animal with horn', tiria ʻanimalsʼ signify Indus Script wealth-categories for tiṟ(u) 'to exchange, barter, pay'


  These are variant iconographic signifiers of a 'unicorn' -- with variant horn styles. One has one curved, crumpled horn; the second has two horns; the thirs has wavy horns of a ram.

Variant 1: On m1656 Mohenjodro Pectoral, the tiria'animal' is ligatured with a curved, crumpled horn; the rebus reading is: meha deren khōṇḍa 'a crumpled horn of young bull' Rebus: medhā'yajna, dhanam' (from) kō̃daकोँद 'furnace, kiln' (for) tiṟ(u) 'exchange, barter, payment'.

Variant 2: On the seal,  the tiria 'animal' is ligatured with two horns; the rebus reading is: khōṇḍa 'young bull' koḍ 'horn' rebus: kō̃daकोँद 'furnace, kiln' PLUS koḍ 'workshop' (product). 

Variant 3: On the copper tablet of Mohenjo-daro, the tiria 'animal' is ligatured with the horns of a ram or markhor. The feeding trough in front of the animal: pattar 'feeding trough' rebus: pattar'goldsmith guild, merchant'. Together, the rebus readings are: pattar 'feeding trough' rebus: pattar'goldsmith guild merchant' PLUS khōṇḍa 'young bull' mẽḍha 'ram' rebus: kō̃daकोँद 'furnace, kiln'mẽḍh 'iron', meḍho 'helper of merchant', i.e. goldsmith guild merchant (bartering) iron from kiln, furnace. (See embedded examples of both sides of copper tablets with Indus Script inscriptions and rebus decipherments.)

The pictorial motifs also deploy many hieroglyph components such as rings on neck, pannier on shoulder, belly, thigh. All these components are also read rebus as descriptive of the wealth-categories as detailed in the monograph: 

 https://tinyurl.com/yxhbpldz (Annexe for ready reference).

tiṟ(u) 'to exchange, barter, pay'

Gy. pal. tir -- , pret. tirdă ʻ to pay ʼ, tirnáuăr ʻ causes to pay ʼ; L. tirṇī f. ʻ a kind of fee or tax ʼ; N. tirnu ʻ to pay back ʼ, caus. tirāunu.(CDIAL 5844) K. trinun ʻ to become or be prosperous in having many sons, grandsons, &c. ʼ (cf. tērun ʻ to gain prestige ʼ < tirátē).(CDIAL 5845) Ta. teṟu-poruḷ indemnity, tribute; tiṟai tribute; (inscr.) tiṟappu assessed lands. Ma. tiṟa tribute, taxes; an offering, an inferior feast. Ko. ter- (teṯ-) to pay (debt). To. tel- (teṯ-) to pay (fine, debt); teṟ a fine, compensation paid in buffaloes to man whose wife is taken by another. Ka. teṟu (tett-) to pay; teṟuvike paying; teṟisu, tettisu to cause to pay (as taxes, fines, etc.); teṟe, teṟage, teṟige, teṟege tribute, tax; tiṟ(u) to exchange, barter, pay, offer, present, give; teṟa price paid for a wife; teṟavu id., (PBh.) tribute, tax; teraṇṭu to make a gift of raiment to the bride and bridegroom at a wedding. Koḍ. ter- (teruv-, tett-) to pay (penalty). Tu. terigè taxes; tirmuru exchange. Te. (inscr.) teṟe a kind of tax. Go. (Pat.) terānā to repay (Voc. 1779). Kui tehpa (teht-) to repay, return, make restitution; n. restitution, repaying. (DEDR 3441)
tiria ʻanimalsʼ (OG)(CDIAL 5825) deren, 'horn', derenanko'creatures having horns'  Tiracchāna-gata 'an animal, a beast' (Pali) Tiracchāna  [for ˚gata=Sk. tiraścīna (˚gata)=tiraśca; "going horizontally," i. e. not erect. Cp. tiraccha, tiriyaŋ, tiro] an animal It 92 (tiracchānaŋ ca yoniyo for tiracchāna -- yoniyo); Vbh 339 (˚gāminī paṭipadā leading to rebirth among beasts); VvA 23 (manussatiracchāna an animal -- man, wild man, "werwolf"). -- kathā "animal talk"; wrong or childish talk in general Vin i.188; D i.7, 178; iii.54; Vism 127; expld at DA i.89 by anīyānikattā sagga -- mokkha -- maggānaŋ tiraccha -- bhūtā kathā; -- gata an animal, a beast Vin iv.7; S iii.152=DA i.23(Pali)

tere, 'Crumpled, wave', mer̥ha deren'crumpled horn': *tiriyak, tiryák ʻ across, obliquely ʼ ŚBr. (n. sg. of tiryáñc -- ʻ oblique ʼ AV.). [tirás]Pa. tiriyaṁ ʻ across ʼ; Pk. tiria -- ʻ slanting, crosswise ʼ; OG. tiria ʻ animals ʼ(CDIAL 5825) Ta. tiraṅku (tiraṅki-) to be wrinkled, crumpled, dry up as dead leaves, be folded in as the fingers of a closed hand, be curled up as the hair; tirakku (tirakki-) to be crumpled, shrivel, wrinkle; tiraṅkal being strivelled, wrinkled, crumpled; tirai (-v-, -nt-) to become wrinkled as the skin by age, be wrinkled, creased as a cloth, roll as waves; (-pp-, -tt-) to roll as waves; gather up, contract, close as the mouth of a sack, plait the ends of a cloth as in dressing, tuck up as one's cloth; n. wrinkle as in the skin through age, curtain as rolled up, wave, billow, ripple; tiraippu wrinkling, rolling, rippling, place screened by a curtain; tiraiyal 
wrinkling; tiraivu wrinkling as by age, rolling as of waves. Ma. tira wave, billow, curtain; tiraccal wrinkles; tirekkuka to roll as waves; tirappu rolling. To. terf- (tert-) to make a loop (of cane); tešk loop, curve of horn. Ka. tere a wave, billow, curtain, cloth for concealing oneself used by huntsmen. Koḍ. 
(Shanmugam) tere wave, dress, screen. Tu. śerè, serè a wave, billow; serasarè, serasrè curtain, screen. Te. tera screen, curtain, wave. Br. trikking to wither up, change colour, fade. / Cf. Sgh. tiraya curtain, veil (delete from Turner, CDIAL, no. 5825); (Burrow 1967, p. 41).  (DEDR 3244)

Component parts.Key identifier is the mer̥ha curved, crumpled horn; rebus: medhā 'yajna, dhanam'. खोंड khōṇḍa 'young bull'; khōṇḍa 'sack, pannier'; koḍiyum 'rings on neck' rebus kō̃da कोँद 'kiln' See the pannier on the shoulder, rings on neck. lo 'overflow', kāṇḍa 'sacred water'.Overflowing pot is lōkhaṇḍa लोहोलोखंड 'copper tools, pots and pans'. koḍ 'young boy' is artisan is a lapidary, smith. In Telugu the word for a young bull is kōḍedūḍa కోడె kōḍe. [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. కోడెదూడ. A young bull. kṓṣṭha1 m. ʻ any one of the large viscera ʼ MBh. [Same as kṓṣṭha -- 2? Cf. *kōttha -- ]Pa. koṭṭha -- m. ʻ stomach ʼ, Pk. koṭṭha -- , kuṭ˚ m.; L. (Shahpur) koṭhī f. ʻ heart, breast ʼ; P. koṭṭhā, koṭhā m. ʻ belly ʼ, G. koṭhɔ m., M. koṭhā m.(CDIAL 3545) Rebus: kṓṣṭha2 n. ʻ pot ʼ Kauś., ʻ granary, storeroom ʼ MBh., ʻ inner apartment ʼ lex., ˚aka -- n. ʻ treasury ʼ, ˚ikā f. ʻ pan ʼ Bhpr. [Cf. *kōttha -- , *kōtthala -- : same as prec.?]
Pa. koṭṭha -- n. ʻ monk's cell, storeroom ʼ, ˚aka<-> n. ʻ storeroom ʼ; Pk. koṭṭha -- , kuṭ˚, koṭṭhaya -- m. ʻ granary, storeroom ʼ (CDIAL 3546) kunda 'a treasure of Kubera'; kundaṉa 'fine gold'.
Pk. ṭaṁka -- m., °kā -- f. ʻ leg ʼ, S. ṭaṅga f., L. P. ṭaṅg f., Ku. ṭã̄g, N. ṭāṅ; Or. ṭāṅka ʻ leg, thigh ʼ, °ku ʻ thigh, buttock ʼ. 2. B. ṭāṅ, ṭeṅri ʻ leg, thigh ʼ; Mth. ṭã̄g, ṭãgri ʻ leg, foot ʼ; Bhoj. ṭāṅ, ṭaṅari ʻ leg ʼ, Aw. lakh. H. ṭã̄g f.; G. ṭã̄g f., °gɔ m. ʻ leg from hip to foot ʼ; M. ṭã̄g f. ʻ leg ʼ(CDIAL 5428) टांग or टांगडी ṭāṅga or ṭāṅgaḍī f (टंग S through H) A low or light term for the leg. 2 esp. टांग A stride: also the stride as a measure of land; as टांगा टा- कून शेत मोजलें. ज्याच्या टांगड्या त्याच्याच गळ्यांत घालणें To catch a man in his own trap; to involve or embarrass one with his own words. टांग बांधणें (To tie up the legs.) To obtain some secret ground of sway over. टांगें तिंबणें (A vulgar and opprobrious phrase.) To get married. 2 To bathe. टांगड्या तोडणें To tiudge; to tramp.(Marathi)
Rebus: stamped coin, mint: टंक [ ṭaṅka ] m S A stone-cutter's chisel. 2 A weight equal to four माष &c. टंकारी [ ṭakārī or ṭaṅkārī ] m (टंक) A caste or an individual of it. They are workers in stone, makers of handmills &c. ṭaṅkaśālā -- , ṭaṅkakaś° f. ʻ mint ʼ lex. [ṭaṅka -- 1, śāˊlā -- ] N. ṭaksāl, °ār, B. ṭāksāl, ṭã̄k°, ṭek°, Bhoj. ṭaksār, H. ṭaksāl, °ār f., G. ṭãksāḷ f., M. ṭã̄ksāl, ṭāk°, ṭãk°, ṭak°. -- Deriv. G. ṭaksāḷī m. ʻ mint -- master ʼ, M. ṭāksāḷyā m. Addenda: ṭaṅkaśālā -- : Brj. ṭaksāḷī, °sārī m. ʻ mint -- master ʼ.(CDIAL 5433, 5434). శాల ṣāla. [Skt.] n. A house, edifice; a hall, room, place. గృహము, సభ, చావడి. అశ్వశాల a stable. ఆయుధశాల an arsenal, an armoury. ముద్రాక్షరశాల a printing office. టంకశాల a mint. సాల sāla. [from Skt. శాల.] n. A house, edifice; a hall, room, place. గృహము, సభ, చ ావడి, చెరసాల a prison. టంకసాల a mint. टंकशाला ṭaṅkaśālā f (S) pop. टंकसाळ or टकसाळ f A mint टांकेकरी ṭāṅkēkarī m (टांकी & करी) One who works with a टांकी; who chisels or rechisels handmills and grinding stones.टाकसाळ or टांकसाळ ṭākasāḷa or ṭāṅkasāḷa f (टंकशाला S) A mint. टाकसाळथर ṭākasāḷathara m Worn and battered coin fit to be returned for new coinage into the mint. टाकसाळी or टांकसाळी ṭākasāḷī or ṭāṅkasāḷī a (टाकसाळ) Pertaining or relating to the mint--money, a person.टाकसाळी or टांकसाळी ṭākasāḷī or ṭāṅkasāḷī f A cess upon a mintestablishment, टाकसाळ्या ṭākasāḷyā m (टांकसाळ) The master of a mint.(Marathi)
Hence the Indus Script Hypertext message is: mint of goldsmith, lapidary.
m1656 Mohenjodro Pectoral. Carnelian. kanda kanka 'rim of pot' (Santali) rebus: kanda 'fire-altar'khaNDa 'implements' PLUS karNaka 'rim of jar' rebus: karNi 'Supercargo, scribe' PLUS semantic determinant: kANDa 'water' rebus: khaNDa 'implements'. In the context of semantics of karNi 'supercargo', it is possible to decipher the standard device sangaDa 'lathe' rebus: jangada 'double-canoe' as a seafaring merchant vessel. The suffix -karnika signifies a 'maker'. Kāraṇika [der. fr. prec.] the meaning ought to be "one who is under a certain obligation" or "one who dispenses certain obligations." In usu˚ S ii.257 however used simply in the sense of making: arrow -- maker, fletcher (Pali). kāraṇika m. ʻ teacher ʼ MBh., ʻ judge ʼ Pañcat. [kā- raṇa -- ]Pa. usu -- kāraṇika -- m. ʻ arrow -- maker ʼ; Pk. kāraṇiya -- m. ʻ teacher of Nyāya ʼ; S. kāriṇī m. ʻ guardian, heir ʼ; N. kārani ʻ abettor in crime ʼ; M. kārṇī m. ʻ prime minister, supercargo of a ship ʼ, kul -- karṇī m. ʻ village accountant ʼ.(CDIAL 3058) 
kunda 'lathe' PLUS kammatamu 'portable furnace' rebus: kammaa 'mint, coiner, coinage'
Hieroglyph: sãghāṛɔ 'lathe'.(Gujarati).Rebus:  Vajra Sanghāta 'binding together' (Varahamihira) *saṁgaḍha ʻ collection of forts ʼ. [*gaḍha -- ]L. sãgaṛh m. ʻ line of entrenchments, stone walls for defence ʼ.(CDIAL 12845). సంగడము (p. 1279) [ saṅgaḍamu ]  A raft or boat made of two canoes fastened side by side. రెండుతాటి. బొండులు జతగాకట్టినతెప్ప சங்கடம்² caṅkaṭamn. < Port. jangada. Ferry-boat of two canoes with a platform thereon; இரட்டைத்தோணி. (J.) G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; M. sãgaḍ f. ʻ a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men &c. linked together, part of a turner's apparatus ʼ, m.f. ʻ float made of two canoes joined together ʼsaṁghāṭa m. ʻ fitting and joining of timber ʼ R. [√ghaṭ] LM 417 compares saggarai at Limurike in the Periplus, Tam. śaṅgaḍam, Tu. jaṅgala ʻ double -- canoe ʼ),sã̄gāḍā m. ʻ frame of a building ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ lathe ʼ; Si. san̆gaḷa ʻ pair ʼ, han̆guḷaan̆g° ʻ double canoe, raft ʼ.(CDIAL 12859) Cangavāra [cp. Tamil canguvaḍa a dhoney, Anglo-- Ind. ḍoni, a canoe hollowed from a log, see also doṇi] a hollow vessel, a bowl, cask M i.142; J v.186 (Pali)
Hieroglyph: खोंड (p. 216) [khōṇḍam A young bull, a bullcalf; खोंडा [ khōṇḍā ] m A कांबळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood. खोंडरूं [ khōṇḍarūṃ ] n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा-cowl (Marathi. Molesworth); kōḍe dūḍa bull calf (Telugu); kōṛe 'young bullock' (Konda)Rebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali)
kāṇḍam காண்டம்² kāṇṭam, n. < kāṇḍa. 1. Water; sacred water; நீர். துருத்திவா யதுக்கிய குங்குமக் காண் டமும் (கல்லா. 49, 16). Rebus: khāṇḍā ‘metal tools, pots and pans’ (Marathi) (B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See `to be left over'. @B24310. #20851. Re(B) {V} ``(pot, etc.) to ^overflow''. See`to be left over'. (Munda ) Rebus: loh ‘copper’ (Hindi) The hieroglyph clearly refers to the metal tools, pots and pans of copper. 
Hieroglyph: lo 'penis' Go<luGguj>(Z) [lUGguy']  {NB} ``male ^genitals, ^penis, ^scrotum''.(Munda etyma) loe 'penis' (Ho.) Hieroglyph: ``^penis'':So. laj(R)  ~ lij  ~ la'a'j  ~ laJlaj  ~ kaD`penis'.Sa. li'j `penis, esp. of small boys'.Sa. lO'j `penis'.Mu. lOe'j  ~ lOGgE'j `penis'.! lO'jHo loe
`penis'.Ku. la:j `penis'.@(C289) ``^penis'':Sa. lOj `penis'.Mu. lOj `penis'.KW lOj@(M084) <lO?Oj>(D),,<AlAj>(L)//<lAj>(DL)  {N} ``^penis''.  #43901.<ului>(P),,<uluj>(MP)  {NB} ``^penis, male organ, male^genitals''.  Cf. <kOlOb>(P),<susu>(M) `testicle'; <kuLij>(M), <kuRij>(P) `vulva'.  *Sa., MuN<lO'j>, MuH, Ho<lo'e>,So.<laj-An>, U.Tem.<lo'> ??. %33271.  #33031.So<lO?Oj>(D),,<AlAj>(L)//<lAj>(DL)  {N} ``^penis''.<lohosua>(D)  {NI} ``^dance''.  #20141. lo-khaṇḍa, penis + gaṇḍa, 4 balls; Rebus: lokhaṇḍa 'iron, metalware.'Rebus: loh 'copper, iron, metal' (Indian sprachbund, Meluhha) लोह [p= 908,3]mfn. (prob. fr. a √ रुह् for a lost √ रुध् , " to be red " ; cf. रोहि , रोहिण &c ) red , reddish , copper-coloured S3rS. MBh.made of copper S3Br. (Sch.)made of iron Kaus3.m. n. red metal , copper VS. &c Rebus: <loha>(BD)  {NI} ``^iron''.  Syn. <luaG>(D).  *@.  #20131)  laúha -- ʻ made of copper or iron ʼ Gr̥Śr., ʻ red ʼ MBh., n. ʻ iron, metal ʼ Bhaṭṭ. [lōhá -- ] Pk. lōha -- ʻ made of iron ʼ; L. lohā ʻ iron -- coloured, reddish ʼ; P. lohā ʻ reddish -- brown (of cattle) ʼ.lōhá 11158 lōhá ʻ red, copper -- coloured ʼ ŚrS., ʻ made of copper ʼ ŚBr., m.n. ʻ copper ʼ VS., ʻ iron ʼ MBh. [*rudh -- ] Pa. lōha -- m. ʻ metal, esp. copper or bronze ʼ; Pk. lōha -- m. ʻ iron ʼ, Gy. pal. li°lihi, obl. elhás, as. loa JGLS new ser. ii 258; Wg. (Lumsden) "loa"ʻ steel ʼ; Kho.loh ʻ copper ʼ; S. lohu m. ʻ iron ʼ, L. lohā m., awāṇ. lōˋā, P. lohā m. (→ K.rām. ḍoḍ. lohā), WPah.bhad. lɔ̃u n., bhal. lòtilde; n., pāḍ. jaun. lōh, paṅ. luhā, cur. cam.lohā, Ku. luwā, N. lohu°hā, A. lo, B. lono, Or. lohāluhā, Mth. loh, Bhoj. lohā, Aw.lakh. lōh, H. lohlohā m., G. M. loh n.; Si. loho ʻ metal, ore, iron ʼ; Md.ratu -- lō ʻ copper ʼ.WPah.kṭg. (kc.) lóɔ ʻ iron ʼ, J. lohā m., Garh. loho; Md.  ʻ metal ʼ. (CDIAL 11172).
lōhakāra m. ʻ iron -- worker ʼ, °rī -- f., °raka -- m. lex., lauhakāra -- m. Hit. [lōhá -- , kāra -- 1]Pa. lōhakāra -- m. ʻ coppersmith, ironsmith ʼ; Pk. lōhāra -- m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ, S. luhā̆ru m., L. lohār m., °rī f., awāṇ. luhār, P. WPah.khaś. bhal. luhār m., Ku. lwār, N. B. lohār, Or. lohaḷa, Bi.Bhoj. Aw.lakh. lohār, H. lohārluh° m., G. lavār m., M. lohār m.; Si. lōvaru ʻ coppersmith ʼ.WPah.kṭg. (kc.) lhwāˋr m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ, lhwàri f. ʻ his wife ʼ, Garh. lwār m. (CDIAL 11159).lōhaghaṭa 11160 *lōhaghaṭa ʻ iron pot ʼ. [lōhá -- , ghaṭa -- 1]Bi. lohrā°rī ʻ small iron pan ʼ.*lōhaphāla -- ʻ ploughshare ʼ. [lōhá -- , phāˊla -- 1]WPah.kṭg. lhwāˋḷ m. ʻ ploughshare ʼ, J. lohāl m. ʻ an agricultural implement ʼ Him.I 197; -- or < †*lōhahala -- .(CDIAL 11160) lōhala ʻ made of iron ʼ W. [lōhá -- ]G. loharlohariyɔ m. ʻ selfwilled and unyielding man ʼ.(CDIAL 11161).*lōhaśālā ʻ smithy ʼ. [lōhá -- , śāˊlā -- ]Bi. lohsārī ʻ smithy ʼ. (CDIAL 11162).lōhahaṭṭika 11163 *lōhahaṭṭika ʻ ironmonger ʼ. [lōhá -- , haṭṭa -- ] P.ludh. lōhṭiyā m. ʻ ironmonger ʼ.†*lōhahala -- ʻ ploughshare ʼ. [lōhá -- , halá -- ]WPah.kṭg. lhwāˋḷ m. ʻ ploughshare ʼ, J. lohāl ʻ an agricultural instrument ʼ; rather < †*lōhaphāla -- .(CDIAL 11163).

Field symbol: feeding trough + short-tailed markhor :pattar 'trough' rebus: pattar 'goldsmiths' guild' PLUS  Wkh. merg f. 'ibex' (CDIAL 9885) Tor. miṇḍ 'ram', miṇḍā́l 'markhor' (CDIAL 10310) Rebus: meḍ(Ho.); mẽṛhet 'iron' (Munda.Ho.). Alternative rebus: करडूं karaḍū 'kid' Rebus: karaḍā 'hard alloy'. Rebus 2: karaḍā 'daybook (accounting ledger)(Marathi); Rebus 3: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) PLUS qola 'tail' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'. 

Text B8: kolom ‘three’ rebus: kolimi ‘smithy,forge’ PLUS gaṇḍa 'four'  rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. PLUSkolmo ‘rice plant’ rebus: kolimi ‘smithy, forge’. Thus, implements forge.
baraḍo 'spine, backbone' rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi)
bhaṭā 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 
'supercargo, scribe, helmsman'
goṭā  ‘round pebble’ Rebus: goṭā 'gold-braid' khoṭa 'ingot, wedge' Rebus: गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा)  A lump of silver: as obtained by melting down lace or fringe. 
Field symbol: duplicated feeding trough + duplicated (antithetical bulls) PLU short-horned bulls: dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' Duplication is an orthographic style to signify cire perdue (lost-wax) casting.PLUS pattar 'trough' rebus: pattar 'goldsmiths' guild' PLUS barad, balad 'ox'
rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi)

Text B10: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
aya 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal'
baraḍo 'spine, backbone' rebus: baran, bharat ‘mixed alloys’ (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi)
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe, helmsman'

Field symbol: feeding trough + one-horned young bull: kondh ‘young bull’. kũdā‘turner, brass-worker’.kōḍu horn (Kannada. Tulu. Tamil) खोंड [khōṇḍa] m A young bull, a bullcalf. (Marathi) Rebus: कोंड [kōṇḍa] A circular hamlet; a division of a मौजा or village, composed generally of the huts of one caste. खोट [khōṭa] Alloyed--a metal (Marathi).
pattar ‘trough’ rebus: pattar ‘goldsmiths’ guild’

Text B1:loa 'ficus glomerata' Rebus: loha 'copper, iron' PLUS dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metalcasting’ PLUS kamaḍha 'crab' Rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'. ḍato =   claws of crab (Santali) Rebus: dhātu 'mineral ore'.
khura ‘hoof’ rebus: ċhúrɔ ‘dagger’ (WPah.)    3727 kṣurá m. ʻ razor ʼ RV., ʻ sharp barb of arrow ʼ R., ˚rī -- f. ʻ knife, dagger ʼ lex., ˚rikā -- f. Rājat. [√kṣur]
ch -- forms, esp. in sense ʻ knife ʼ, are wide -- spread outside dial. bounds: -- Sk. chū˘rī -- f. ʻ knife, dagger ʼ lex., churikā -- f. Kathās., chūr˚ lex., Pa. churikā -- f., NiDoc. kṣura; Pk. chura -- m. ʻ knife, razor, arrow ʼ, ˚rī -- , ˚riā -- f. ʻ knife ʼ; Gy. pal. číri ʻ knife, razor ʼ, arm. čhuri ʻ knife ʼ, eur. čuri f., SEeur. čhurí, Ḍ. čuri f., Kt. c̣urīˊc̣uī; Dm. c̣húri ʻ dagger ʼ; Kal. c̣hūˊŕi ʻ knife ʼ; Bshk. c̣hur ʻ dagger, knife ʼ, Tor. c̣hū, Phal. c̣hūr f.; Sh. (Lor.) c̣ūr ʻ small knife ʼ; S. churī f. ʻ knife with a hooked blade ʼ; L. churī f. ʻ knife ʼ, awān. churā m.; P. churā m. ʻ large knife ʼ, ˚rī f. ʻ small do. ʼ, Ku. churo˚rī; N. churā ʻ razor ʼ, ˚ri ʻ knife ʼ; A. suri ʻ knife ʼ, B. churi; Or. churā ʻ dagger ʼ, ˚rī ʻ knife ʼ; Bi. chūrā ʻ razor ʼ; Mth. chūr˚rā ʻ dagger, razor ʼ, ˚rī ʻ small knife ʼ; Bhoj. Aw. lakh. chūrā ʻ razor ʼ; H. churā m. ʻ dagger, razor ʼ, ˚rī f. ʻ knife ʼ; G. charo m. ʻ large knife ʼ, ˚rī f. ʻ small do. ʼ (Bloch LM 415 wrongly < tsáru -- : churī ← H. or M.), M. surā m., ˚rī f.; Si. siriya ʻ dagger ʼ; -- Woṭ. čir ʻ dagger ʼ ← Psht. ← IA. Buddruss Woṭ 96.
kh -- forms: Pa. khura -- m. ʻ razor ʼ; Pk. khura -- m. ʻ knife, razor ʼ; K. khūru m. ʻ razor ʼ; S. khuryo m. ʻ grass -- scraper, tip of silver at the bottom of a scabbard ʼ; WPah. bhal. khuro m. ʻ razor ʼ; Ku. khuro -- muṇḍo ʻ the shaving of heads ʼ; N. khuro ʻ head of a spear, ferrule of a stick, pin at the top or bottom of a door; A. B. khurʻ razor ʼ (whence A. khurāiba ʻ to shave ʼ), Or. khura; Bi. khūr ʻ razor ʼ, khurā˚rī ʻ spiked part of the blade of a chopper which fits into the handle ʼ; H. khurā m. ʻ iron nail to fix ploughshare ʼ; Si. karaya ʻ razor ʼ.
kṣaura -- ; kṣurapra -- , kṣurabhāṇḍa -- ; *prakṣurikā -- ; gōkṣura -- , trikṣura -- .
Addenda: kṣurá -- : WPah.kṭg. ċhúrɔ m. ʻ dagger ʼ, Garh. khurchurī ʻ knife ʼ, A. spel. churī AFD 216.
   3728 *kṣuraṇa ʻ scraping ʼ. [√kṣur]
Bi. mag. khurnī ʻ a kind of spade ʼ.
3729 kuráti ʻ cuts, scratches, digs ʼ, churáti ʻ cuts off, incises ʼ Dhātup. [kur]
 khurati ʻ scrapes ʼ, Pk. churaï ʻ breaks ʼ; G. chɔrvũ ʻ to dig up with a sharp spade ʼ. -- Ext. with --  -- : S. khurau ʻ to scrape ʼ, khuri f. ʻ scrapings ʼ; -- with -- kk -- : S. khurka f. ʻ itching ʼ; L. khurka ʻ to scratch ʼ, P. khurkā; N. khurkanu ʻ to scrape ʼ; -- with -- cc -- : P. khurcā ʻ to scrape (a pot) ʼ; G. khurcā m. pl. ʻ scrapings ʼ. -- X trōayati: M. khurtuḍṇẽ ʻ to nip off ʼ.
   3730 kṣurapra ʻ sharp -- edged like a razor ʼ BhP., m. ʻ sharp- edged arrow ʼ MBh., ʻ sharp -- edged knife ʼ Pañcat., ʻ a sort of hoe ʼ lex. [Cf. *prakṣurikā -- . -- kṣurá+?]
Pa. khurappa -- m. ʻ arrow with a horseshoe head ʼ; Pk. khurappa -- , ˚ruppa -- m. ʻ a kind of arrow, knife for cutting grass ʼ; S. khurpo m. ʻ a pot -- scraper ʼ; P. khurpā m., ˚pī f. ʻ pot -- scraper, grubber for grass ʼ; N. khurpo ʻ sickle ʼ, ˚pi ʻ weeding knife ʼ; B. khurpā ʻ spud for grubbing up grass ʼ (X khanítra -- q.v.), Or. khurapa˚pā˚pi˚rupā˚pi;; Bi. khurpā ʻ blade of hoe ʼ, ˚pī ʻ small hoe for weeding ʼ; Mth. khurpā˚pī ʻ scraper ʼ; H. khurpā m. ʻ weeding knife ʼ, ˚pī f. ʻ small do. ʼ; G. kharpɔ m. ʻ scraper ʼ, ˚pī f. ʻ grubber ʼ (X kāpvũ in karpī f. ʻ weeding tool ʼ); M. khurpẽ n. ʻ curved grubbing hoe ʼ, ˚pī f. ʻ grub -- axe ʼ. -- Deriv. H. khurapnā˚rupnā ʻ to scrape up grass ʼ; G. kharapvũ ʻ to cut, dig, remove with a scraper ʼ; M. khurapṇẽ ʻ to grub up ʼ.
   3731 kṣurabhāṇḍa n. ʻ razor -- case ʼ Pañcat. [Cf. kṣura- dhāná -- n. ŚBr. -- kṣurá -- , bhāṇḍa -- ]
H. churã̄ṛī f. ʻ razor -- case ʼ.

meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic). PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  khaṇḍa 'implements'

ranku ‘liquid measure’rebus:ranku ‘tin’

meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic). PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch,   or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  khaṇḍa 'implements'

khaṇḍa 'division'. rebus: kaṇḍa 'implements' PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'.

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