The thorny bush in front of the hare is a semantic determinative, khār 4 खार् a thorn, The decipherment of the copper tablets with the 'hare' hieroglyph in front of 'thorn' hieroglyph signifies khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)
Hieroglyph: hare: kharā'hare' rebus: khār'blacksmith'Hieroglyph kharā 'hare' (Oriya): *kharabhaka ʻ hare ʼ. [ʻ longeared like a donkey ʼ: khara -- 1?] N. kharāyo ʻ hare ʼ, Or. kharā, °riā, kherihā, Mth. kharehā, H. kharahā m(CDIAL 3823) ``^rabbit'' Sa. kulai `rabbit'.Mu. kulai`rabbit'. KW kulai @(M063) खरगोस (p. 113) kharagōsa m ( P) A hare. (Marathi)
Hieroglyph: thorn: khāra 2 खार 📷
) or khār 4 खार् (L.V. 96, K.Pr. 47, Śiv. 827) । द्वेषः m. (for 1, see khār 1), a thorn, prickle, spine (K.Pr. 47; Śiv. 827, 1530)(Kashmiri) A خار ḵẖār, s.m. (2nd) A thorn, a thistle, a bramble. 2. A spike, a splinter. Pl. خارونه ḵẖārūnah. خار دار ḵẖār-dār, adj. Thorny, barbed, troublesome. خار ګیري ḵẖār-gīrī, s.f. (3rd) A fence, a temporary defence made of thorns. Pl. ئِي aʿī. See اغزن(Pashto)

Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)
See: Hare khāra 'blacksmith' Indus Script hypertexts implements town, bright alloy metal, ingot furnace, tin smithy, forge, smelter
This is an addendum to wherein the hare + thorny bush is read rebus: kaṇḍho 'thorn' rebus: kaṇṭho, kaṭrā market town. Together with hare: kharā 'hare' rebus: khār 'blacksmith', the reading of hypertext is: khār kantho 'blacksmith market town'.
It is also possible to read the hypertext on the following copper tablets as: Thorny bush: kaṇḍiru ʻ, kã̄ṭī, kāˊṇḍ rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. Thus, hare + thorny bush is read a hypertext: khāra
'blacksmith' + khaṇḍa 'implements' +
kantho 'market town', i.e. blacksmith implements town.
khār khaṇḍa means 'blacksmith quarter of a town'.
Thorny bush
Examples of incised copper tablets (Hieroglyph-multiplex: hare PLUS thorn/bush):
pajhaṛ = to sprout from a root ( Santali); Rebus:pasra 'smithy, forge' (Santali) kūṭī kūdī, 'a stalk/twig, sprout (or tree branch)' kūdī, kūṭī bunch of twigs (Sanskrit) + Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace‘ (Santali) Thus, pasra kuṭhi 'smithy, smelter'
Sign 183. ranku 'antelope' + koḍa 'one' rebus: koḍ 'workshop' rebus: + Rebus: rango ‘pewter’. ranga, rang pewter is an alloy of tin, lead, and antimony (anjana) (Santali). Hieroglyhph: buffalo: Ku. N. rã̄go ʻ buffalo bull ʼ (or < raṅku -- ?).(CDIAL 10538, 10559) Rebus: raṅga3 n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. [Cf. nāga -- 2 , vaṅga -- 1 ] Pk. raṁga -- n. ʻ tin ʼ; P. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ pewter, tin ʼ (← H.); Ku. rāṅ ʻ tin, solder ʼ, gng. rã̄k; N. rāṅ, rāṅo ʻ tin, solder ʼ, A. B. rāṅ; Or. rāṅga ʻ tin ʼ, rāṅgā ʻ solder, spelter ʼ, Bi. Mth. rã̄gā, OAw. rāṁga; H. rã̄g f., rã̄gā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; Si. ran̆ga ʻ tin ʼ.(CDIAL 10562) B. rāṅ(g)tā ʻ tinsel, copper -- foil ʼ.(CDIAL 10567). Thus, ranku koḍ 'tin workshop'.
Sign 407 is inclined stroke infixed + Sign 403.
Sign 403 is a duplication of
dula 'pair, duplicated' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS Sign'oval/lozenge/rhombus' hieoglyph Sign 373. Sign 373 has the shape of oval or lozenge is the shape of a bun ingot. mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced atone time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed likea four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes andformed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt komūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali). Thus, Sign 373 signifies word, mũhã̄ 'bun ingot'. Thus, hypertext Sign 403 reads: dul mũhã̄ 'metalcast ingot'. Inclined stroke is a semantic determinant to signify ingot: ḍhāḷ = a slope; the inclination of a plane (G.) Rebus: : ḍhāḷako = a large metal ingot (G.). Thus, the Sign 407 hypertext reads: dul mũhã̄ ḍhāḷako metal casting large ingot.
Sign 336 has hieroglyph components: muka 'ladle' (Tamil)(DEDR 4887) Rebus: mū̃h 'ingot' (Santali).PLUS
Sign 328 baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: baṭa 'iron' bhaṭa 'furnace'. The hypertext reads: mū̃h bhaṭa 'ingot furnace'
Sign 65 is a hypertext composed of
Sign 59 and 'lid of pot' hieroglyph.
Sign 134 ayo 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal' ays 'iron' PLUS
dhakka 'lid of pot' rebus: dhakka 'bright' Thus, ayo dhakka, 'bright alloy metal.' Thus, Sign 65 hypertext reads: ayo dhakka 'bright alloy metal'.
Hieroglyph kharā 'hare' (Oriya): *kharabhaka ʻ hare ʼ. [ʻ longeared like a donkey ʼ: khara -- 1 ?]N. kharāyo ʻ hare ʼ, Or. kharā, °riā, kherihā, Mth. kharehā, H. kharahā m(CDIAL 3823) ``^rabbit'' Sa. kulai `rabbit'.Mu. kulai`rabbit'.
KW kulai @(M063)खरगोस (p. 113) kharagōsa m ( P) A hare. (Marathi)
Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)
1706 Hare
The reading of incription on 'hare' copper plate is with the following hypertexts to signify metalwork catalogue of a blacksmith:
khāra 'blacksmith' + khaṇḍa 'implements' +
kantho 'market town', i.e. blacksmith implements town.+
ayo dhakka 'bright alloy metal'
mū̃h bhaṭa 'ingot furnace'
kolami 'smithy, forge'
dul mũhã̄ ḍhāḷako metal casting large ingot. + pasra kuṭhi 'smithy, smelter'
ranku koḍ 'tin workshop'
pasra kuṭhi 'smithy, smelter'
KW kulai @(M063)
Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)
Thorny bush: kaṇḍiru ʻ, kã̄ṭī, kāˊṇḍ: kaṇṭin ʻ *thorny ʼ (ʻ name of various plants ʼ). [kaṇṭa -- 1 ]Pk. kaṁṭiya -- ʻ thorny ʼ; S. kaṇḍī f. ʻ thorn bush ʼ; N. kã̄ṛe ʻ thorny ʼ; A. kã̄ṭi ʻ point of an oxgoad ʼ, kã̄iṭīyā ʻ thorny ʼ; H. kã̄ṭī f. ʻ thorn bush ʼ; G. kã̄ṭī f. ʻ a kind of fish ʼ; M. kã̄ṭī, kāṭī f. ʻ thorn bush ʼ. -- Ext. with -- la -- : S. kaṇḍiru ʻ thorny, bony ʼ; -- with -- lla -- : Gy. pal. ḳăndīˊla ʻ prickly pear ʼ; H. kãṭīlā, kaṭ° ʻ thorny ʼ.(CDIAL 2679)kāˊṇḍa (kāṇḍá -- TS.) m.n. ʻ single joint of a plant ʼ AV, ʻ cluster, heap ʼ (in tr̥ṇa -- kāṇḍa -- Pāṇ. Kāś.). [Poss. connexion with gaṇḍa -- 2 makes prob. non -- Aryan origin (not with P. Tedesco Language 22, 190 < kr̥ntáti). Prob. ← Drav., cf. Tam. kaṇ ʻ joint of bamboo or sugarcane ʼ EWA i 197]Pa. kaṇḍa -- m.n. ʻ joint of stalk, stalk, arrow, lump ʼ; Pk. kaṁḍa -- , °aya -- m.n. ʻ knot of bough, bough, stick ʼ; Gaw. kāṇḍ, kāṇ; Kho. kan ʻ tree, large bush ʼ; kōṇ; K. kã̄ḍ m. ʻ stalk of a reed, straw ʼ, °no m. ʻ reed ʼ, °nī f. ʻ topmost joint of the reed Sara, reed pen, stalk, straw, porcupine's quill ʼ; L. kānã̄ m. ʻ stalk of the reed Sara ʼ, °nī˜ f. ʻ pen, small spear ʼ; P. kānnā m. ʻ the reed Saccharum munja, reed in a weaver's warp ʼ, Bi. kã̄ṛā ʻ stem of muñja grass (used for thatching) ʼ; Mth. kã̄ṛ ʻ stack of stalks of large millet ʼ, kã̄ṛī ʻ wooden milkpail ʼ; Bhoj. kaṇḍā ʻ reeds ʼ; H. kaṇḍā m. ʻ reed, bush ʼ (← EP.?); G. kã̄ḍ m. ʻ joint, bough, arrow S.kcch. kāṇḍī f. ʻ lucifer match ʼ? (CDIAL 3023)Gaw. khaṇḍa ʻ hill pasture H. khaṇḍar ʻ broken ʼ, m. ʻ hole, pit ʼ, khãṛar ʻ dilapidated ʼ, m. ʻ broken ground, chasm, hole ʼ (see also *khaṇḍaghara -- ).As ʻ hill, mountain pass ʼ (< ʻ *rock ʼ < ʻ piece ʼ or < ʻ *pass ʼ < ʻ gap ʼ and perh. X skandhá -- : cf. IIFL i 265, iii 3, 104, AO xviii 240): Gaw. khaṇḍa ʻ hill pasture ʼ (see ab.); Bshk. khan m. ʻ hill ʼ, Tor. khān, (Grierson) khaṇḍ, Mai. khān, Chil. Gau. kān, Phal. khã̄ṇ; Sh. koh. khŭṇ m., gur. khonn, pales. khōṇə, jij. khɔ̈̄ṇ ʻ mountain ʼ, gil. (Lor.) kh*l n m. ʻ mountain pass ʼ.ʼ(CDIAL 3792)
Rebus: khaṇḍa ‘implements’