Rakhigarhi is the largest site of Sarasvati civilization. Mohenjo-daro stupa...
https://tinyurl.com/y2yk2wftSee: Sumer-Meluhha contacts. Ziggurat of Mari and Mohenjo-daro stupa compared; R̥gveda chandas mantra compare with songs of Sumerian gala 'temple...
View Articlekumir̤ Indus Script hieroglyph 'pronounced globular knob in a vessel'...
https://tinyurl.com/y5u8jz5gEvidence for processing silver in Binjor (4MSR) siteThe terracotta vessel shown below was perhaps used to create metal alloys with kumuda'silver'. This furnace activity is...
View ArticleOn Indus Script, twenty-four short strokes signify 24 artisans नारूकारू...
View ArticleItihāsa in motion; Vedic Heritage Portal
The portal aims to communicate message enshrined in Vedic knowledge for the universal well-being. This portal will be a one-stop solution for the user, who would like to search any information...
View Articlemilakkhu, mleccha 'goat' rebus copper smelting processes on Indus Script 8...
https://tinyurl.com/y2ddzye8Copper smelting processes on field symbol composition of Indus Script, spy, tree, tiger looks back, yogi seated on platform, goatField Symbol Figure 112 Fro m R. - a tiger;...
View Articlekhaṛu ʻbierʼ rebus खातें khātēṃ 'account' of kanka 'scribe, supercargo',...
https://tinyurl.com/y3sts8fmThis is an addendum to: milakkhu, mleccha 'goat' rebus copper smelting processes on Indus Script 8 hieroglyphs composition, spy on tree, tiger looks back, yogi seated on...
View ArticleImportance of gmelina arborea tree in Sarasvati Civilization and...
https://tinyurl.com/y3s2rk7eA semantic, pragmatic excursusAnnex details the importance of gmelina arborea tree as a wealth-producing tree with its wood used for boat building by seafaring merchants of...
View ArticleDholavira Signboard with 4 occurrences of spoked wheel proclaims bronze,...
https://tinyurl.com/yy8a4pj2-- moltencast, metal infusions (of) brass, minerals, iron hard alloy, copper, lapidary turning, engraving (managed by supercargo, steersmen)See: khaṛuʻbierʼ rebus...
View ArticleKaṭapayādi notation system may have roots in Indus Script Cipher څرخ...
https://tinyurl.com/y44p6pzjThis is an addendum to: A tablet shaped like a gmelina arborea leaf with Indus Script bas-relief inscription of a silversmith's lapidary metalwork repertoire...
View Articleiron worker, metalware, pewter, alloy metal, fine gold,ornament gold merchant...
https://tinyurl.com/y66yg49r-- pattar, pāṭroṛo 'trough' Rebus: pattharaka 'merchant' pattar ‘guild, goldsmith’; పట్ర paṭra, patta 'village, hamlet, maritime town' pāṭan 'market' pāṭroṛo 'feeding...
View ArticleShipment cargo of arka, amśu, 'gold' products from karaṇasāle, 'writers'...
https://tinyurl.com/y4phto5t This set of signs of an Indus Script inscription includes hieroglyphs dula'pair' rebus: dul'metal casting' PLUS kāmaṭhiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.) Rebus: kammaṭa'mint'...
View ArticleA tribute to Dennys Frenez & Massimo Vidale who brilliantly demonstrate...
https://tinyurl.com/yy9xrqeo-- Seal of a warrior, master of sēṇi 'guild' shows kunda singi horned young bull + unicorn khōṇḍa with two horns rebus kunda turner' Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting...
View ArticleComposite animal Indus Script hypertext, bill of lading, 'metalwork...
https://tinyurl.com/y45gxnvm-- Composite animal hypertext proclaims saṅgaha collection (of wealth cargo), ready for shipment on सांगड sāṅgaḍa 'double-canoe, catamaram'-- Composite animal Indus Script...
View ArticleMetal cargo from smithy, forge on bāhula बाहुल 'Pleiades' rebus bagalā 'arab...
https://tinyurl.com/y2oqs6hubāhulaबाहुल 'Pleiades' rebus: bāhuḷaʻarmour for the arms'; बगला bagalā m An Arab boat of a particular description (Marathi) बहुल born under the Pleiades Pa1n2. 4-3 , 33; m....
View ArticleSource of tin in AFE powering the Tin-Bronze Revolution of 4th millennium BCE
https://tinyurl.com/y5rbl2apThe provenance analyses by Begemanna et al is conclusive evidence for the source of copper which powered the Tin-Bronze Revolution in ANE. The stunning finding is that the...
View ArticleBharat a Super Power of the World in 4th millennium BCE, evidence from Indus...
Attached ppt with 7 slides. Includes a slide showing sewn boat with coir ropes from Kerala dated to 19th cent. BCE. To show that Bharat has been a Naval Power, a Super Power, an Economic Powerhouse of...
View ArticleSeal impression from Umma is a bill of lading of metal artifacts from Meluhha
https://tinyurl.com/yx8r2zydSeal no. 9811 200101 (Mahadevan's concordance) from the Sumerian city of Umma, north of LagashG.kāmṭhiyɔ kāmaṭhiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.) (CDIAL 2760) rebus: kammaṭa...
View ArticleIndus Script Seals of mokka, ḍollu, karaṇa.'tumbler, drummer' rebus mokkha...
https://tinyurl.com/yxlwvcx5Examples of acrobats as hieroglyphs:கரணம்போடு-தல் karaṇam-pōṭu -, v. intr. < id. +. 1. To tumble heels over head; to gambol; தலைகீழாகப் பாய்தல். Colloq.குட்டிக்கரணம்...
View Articlekātī ChoghaMish cylinder seal and Elamite lady spinners are khātī...
https://tinyurl.com/y23uyoohCylinder seal ca. 3350 BCE of Chogha Misha with Indus Script hypertexts wealth accounting metalwork by wheelwrights, smelters, metalware https://tinyurl.com/ydhbstwpOriental...
View ArticleItihāsa. ISRO releases latest photos of Moon craters taken by Chandrayaan-2...
ISRO releases latest photos of Moon craters taken by Chandrayaan-2The space agency said the pictures of the lunar surface were taken on August 23 by the Terrain Mapping Camera-2 of Chandrayaan-2 from...
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