-- moltencast, metal infusions (of) brass, minerals, iron hard alloy, copper, lapidary turning, engraving (managed by supercargo, steersmen)
See: khaṛuʻbierʼ rebus खातेंkhātēṃ'account' of kanka'scribe, supercargo', (cargo from) baran'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin), meḍ'iron', battuḍu, baḍaga 'five artificers', arka baṭa 'copper furnace'
The Harappa tablet h176 inclded the text message:

The string of two hieroglyphs of 'spoked wheels' is repeated on Dholavira proclamation Sign board. It has been demonstrated that this string on h176 signifies as a hypertext, dul arka, eraka, 'copper, gold metal castings of metal infusion'; Rebus: ஆரம் brass; பித்தளை.(அக. நி.) pittal is cognate with 'pewter'. arka erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka (Kannada) அருக்கம்¹ arukkam
(Tamil), n. < arka. (நாநார்த்த .) 1. Copper; செம்பு . 2. Crystal; பளிங்கு . अर्क arka'copper' agasāle, agasāli, agasālavāḍu = a goldsmith (Telugu)
Dholavira signboard proclamation: export quality blazing bronze, brass, iron, copper metalware, metal infusion castings

This proclamation of Dholavira signboard is read from three parts. Dholavira Signboard inscription of gypsum inlays on wood measures 3 m. long. Each of the 10 signs is 37 cm. high and 25 to 27 cm. wide and made of pieces of white gypsum inlays; the signs were apparently inlaid in a wooden plank. The conjecture is that this wooden plank was mounted on the Northern Gateway as a Signboard. The message is intended to be a proclamation for seafaring merchants to see from across the PErsian Gulf as they approach the Dholavira citadel.
Hence, Dholavira Signboard is read from left to right in three segments.
Segment1: Moltencast copper, brass, iron hard alloy, copper mineral, writer/supercargo/steersman
khuṇṭa 'peg'; khũṭi = pin (Marathi.) Rebus: kuṇṭha munda (loha) 'hard iron (native metal)' (Munda)
loa 'ficus gloomerata' (Santali) Rebus: loh 'copper mineral' PLUS karaṇika 'ears' rebus: karaṇika 'writer, steersman, supercargo' (Telugu)
Segment2: Moltencast copper, brass metal tools, pots and pans, metalware, lapidary turning, engraving, bronze workshop
kana, kanac 'corner' (Santali); kañcu 'bronze' (Telugu) kan- 'copper work' (Tamil).
|खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). Rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements' Alternative: koḍa 'one' Rebus: koḍ 'artisan's workshop' (Kuwi)
Segment3: Metalcasting moltencast brass, minerals