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Shipment cargo of arka, amśu, 'gold' products from karaṇasāle, 'writers' office', kammata 'mint' signified by Indus Script hieroglyphs


 This set of signs of an Indus Script inscription includes hieroglyphs dula'pair' rebus: dul'metal casting' PLUS kāmaṭhiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.) Rebus: kammaṭa'mint' kammata 'gold furnace' (Te.). Thus, metal casting gold furnace. 
This inscription thus reads: Shipment cargo of arka, amśu, 'gold' products from karaṇasāle, 'writers' office', kammata'mint' signified by Indus Script hieroglyphsThe Sign 29 and Sign 28 include Sign 1 ligatured to bow and arrow. 

Sign 1 reads: mē̃ḍ 'body' rebus: mē̃ḍ ‘iron’ PLUS karaṇa 'dance posture' rebus karaṇa 'scribe'; कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 , 3 rebus:कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman; m. pl. N. of a people VP. (Monier-Williams) rebus:karī 'supercargo', 'engraver' (Marathi). Thus, Sign 28 and Sign 29 signify syupercargo, steersman managing mint metalcasting shipment cargo. Combined with a pair of Sign323, the shipment cargo is defined as arka, amśu, 'gold' products from kammata mint.

Sign 1 signifies mē̃ḍ 'body' rebus: mē̃ḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) It also signifies karaṇa 'dance posture' rebus karaṇa 'scribe'; कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 , 3 rebus:कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman; m. pl. N. of a people VP. (Monier-Williams) rebus:karī 'supercargo', 'engraver' (Marathi) The semantics of the homonym karī 'engraver' is echoed in Telugu. Tamil, Kannada expressions as a village accountant, writer, clerk:
కరణము  karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. కరణము n. Instrument, means. కొరముట్టు. An organ of sense. ఇంద్రియము. Marking or causing, as in ప్రియంకరణము endearing. స్థూలంకరణము fattening, శుభగంకరణము fortunate. కరణచతుష్టయము the mind, intellect, volition and self-consciousness. మనోబుద్ధిచిత్తాహంకారములు. కరణత్రయము thought, word and deed. మనస్సు. వాక్కు, కర్మము. త్రికరణశుద్ధిగా completely, absolutely, entirely. కరణీయము karaṇīyamu. adj. Fit to be performed, worthy to be done చేయదగిన. కరణికము or కరణీకము karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk. கர்ணம்2 karṇam, n. < karaṇa. 1. Village accountantship; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலை. 2. 
Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன்கரணிகம் karaṇikam, n. < karaṇa4. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of accountant. 
See கருணீகம். Locகருணீகம் karuṇīkam, n. < karaṇa. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of village accountant or 
karṇam; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலை.   கருணீகன் karuṇīkaṉ, n. < id. 1. Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன். கடுகை யொருமலை யாகக் . . . காட்டுவோன் கருணீகனாம் (அறப். சத. 86). 2. A South Indian caste of accountants; கணக்குவேலைபார்க்கும் ஒருசாதி.

kāˊṇḍīra 'armed with arrows' rebus: Rebus: kaṇḍa'equipment, metalware'.PLUS karaṇa 'dance posture' rebus karaṇa 'scribe'. Thus, metal equipment (maker), scribe.
kāˊṇḍa (kāṇḍá -- TS.) m.n. ʻ single joint of a plant ʼ AV., ʻ arrow ʼ MBh., ʻ cluster, heap ʼ (in tr̥ṇa -- kāṇḍa -- Pāṇ. Kāś.). [Poss. connexion with gaṇḍa -- 2 makes prob. non -- Aryan origin (not with P. Tedesco Language 22, 190 < kr̥ntáti). Prob. ← Drav., cf. Tam. kaṇ ʻ joint of bamboo or sugarcane ʼ EWA i 197]Pa. kaṇḍa -- m.n. ʻ joint of stalk, stalk, arrow, lump ʼ; Pk. kaṁḍa -- , °aya -- m.n. ʻ knot of bough, bough, stick ʼ; Ash. kaṇ ʻ arrow ʼ, Kt. kåṇ, Wg. kāṇkŕãdotdot;, Pr. kə̃, Dm. kā̆n; Paš. lauṛ. kāṇḍkāṇ, ar. kōṇ, kuṛ. kō̃, dar. kã̄ṛ ʻ arrow ʼ, kã̄ṛī ʻ torch ʼ; Shum. kō̃ṛkō̃ ʻ arrow ʼ, Gaw. kāṇḍ,kāṇ; Kho. kan ʻ tree, large bush ʼ; Bshk. kāˋ'n ʻ arrow ʼ, Tor. kan m., Sv. kã̄ṛa, Phal. kōṇ, Sh. gil. kōn f. (→ Ḍ. kōn, pl. kāna f.), pales. kōṇ; K. kã̄ḍ m. ʻ stalk of a reed, straw ʼ (kān m. ʻ arrow ʼ ← Sh.?); S. kānu m. ʻ arrow ʼ, °no m. ʻ reed ʼ, °nī f. ʻ topmost joint of the reed Sara, reed pen, stalk, straw, porcupine's quill ʼ; L. kānã̄ m. ʻ stalk of the reed Sara ʼ, °nī˜ f. ʻ pen, small spear ʼ; P. kānnā m. ʻ the reed Saccharum munja, reed in a weaver's warp ʼ, kānī f. ʻ arrow ʼ; WPah. bhal. kān n. ʻ arrow ʼ, jaun. kã̄ḍ; N. kã̄ṛ ʻ arrow ʼ, °ṛo ʻ rafter ʼ; A. kã̄r ʻ arrow ʼ; B. kã̄ṛ ʻ arrow ʼ, °ṛāʻ oil vessel made of bamboo joint, needle of bamboo for netting ʼ, kẽṛiyā ʻ wooden or earthen vessel for oil &c. ʼ; Or. kāṇḍakã̄ṛ ʻ stalk, arrow ʼ; Bi. kã̄ṛā ʻ stem of muñja grass (used for thatching) ʼ; Mth. kã̄ṛ ʻ stack of stalks of large millet ʼ, kã̄ṛī ʻ wooden milkpail ʼ; Bhoj. kaṇḍā ʻ reeds ʼ; H. kã̄ṛī f. ʻ rafter, yoke ʼ, kaṇḍā m. ʻ reed, bush ʼ (← EP.?); G. kã̄ḍ m. ʻ joint, bough, arrow ʼ, °ḍũ n. ʻ wrist ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ joint, bough, arrow, lucifer match ʼ; M. kã̄ḍ n. ʻ trunk, stem ʼ, °ḍẽ n. ʻ joint, knot, stem, straw ʼ, °ḍī f. ʻ joint of sugarcane, shoot of root (of ginger, &c.) ʼ; Si. kaḍaya ʻ arrow ʼ. -- Deriv. A. kāriyāiba ʻ to shoot with an arrow ʼ.kāˊṇḍīra -- ; *kāṇḍakara -- , *kāṇḍārā -- ; *dēhīkāṇḍa -- Add.Addenda: kāˊṇḍa -- [< IE. *kondo -- , Gk. kondu/los ʻ knuckle ʼ, ko/ndos ʻ ankle ʼ T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 55]S.kcch. kāṇḍī f. ʻ lucifer match ʼ? *kāṇḍakara ʻ worker with reeds or arrows ʼ. [kāˊṇḍa -- , kará -- 1]L. kanērā m. ʻ mat -- maker ʼ; H. kãḍerā m. ʻ a caste of bow -- and arrow -- makers ʼ. *kāṇḍārā ʻ bamboo -- goad ʼ. [kāˊṇḍa -- , āˊrā -- ]Mth. (ETirhut) kanār ʻ bamboo -- goad for young elephants ʼ < *ka&rtodtilde;ār. kāˊṇḍīra ʻ armed with arrows ʼ Pāṇ., m. ʻ archer ʼ lex. [kāˊṇḍa -- ]H. kanīrā m. ʻ a caste (usu. of arrow -- makers) ʼ.(CDIAL 3023 to 3026).

Sign 29 is Sign 1 ligatured to a pair of 'bow and arrow'hieroglyphs. dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS kāˊṇḍīra 'armed with arrows' rebus: Rebus: kaṇḍa'equipment, metalware'.PLUS karaṇa 'dance posture' rebus karaṇa 'scribe'. Thus,cast metal equipment (maker), scribe.
 Sign 28 shows an archer carrying bow and arrow on one hand; Sign 29 shows an archer carrying on both hands two sets of bow and arrow. The duplication of bow and arrow on Sign 29 signifies dula 'pair' rebus; dul 'metal casting'. The bow and arrow carried by an archer signifies:

kamāṭhiyo = archer; kāmaṭhum = a bow; kāmaḍ, kāmaḍum = a chip of bamboo (G.) kāmaṭhiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.lex.) Rebus: kammaṭi a coiner (Ka.); kampaṭṭam coinage, coin, mint (Ta.) kammaṭa = mint, gold furnace (Te.)

m1540Act Reverse. Copper plate inscription. Mohenjo-daro

A line drawing rendering of the hieroglyph as Pict-89 pictorial motif on Mahadevan concordance.
Line drawing of the copper tablet m1540 (pace Asko Parpola, BM Pande).

kammaṭa 'coiner, mint' signified by hieroglyph: kamāṭhiyo 'archer'

B19 copper plate epigraph: hunter-blacksmith: कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥ कौटिलिकः 1 A hunter.-2 A blacksmith. कौटिलिक [p= 315,2] m. (fr. कुटिलिका Pa1n2. 4-4 , 18) " deceiving the hunter [or the deer Sch.] by particular movements " , a deer [" a hunter " Sch.Ka1s3. f. ( Pa1n2. 4-4 , 18कुटिलिका crouching , coming stealthily (like a hunter on his prey ; a particular movement on the stage) Vikr. कुटिलिक " using the tool called कुटिलिका " , a blacksmith ib. कुटिलक [p= 288,2] f. a tool used by a blacksmith Pa1n2. 4-4 , 18 Ka1s3.mfn. bent , curved , crisped Pan5cat.
kamaṭh a crab (Skt.) kamāṭhiyo=archer;kāmaṭhum =a bow; kāmaḍī ,kāmaḍum=a chip of bamboo (G.) kāmaṭhiyo bowman; an archer(Skt.lex.) kamaṛkom= fig leaf (Santali.lex.)kamarmaṛā(Has.), kamaṛkom(Nag.); the petiole or stalk of a leaf (Mundari.lex.)kamaṭha= fig leaf, religiosa(Skt.) dula‘tw' Rebus: dul 'cast metal ’Thus, cast loh ‘copper casting’ infurnace:baṭa= wide-mouthed pot; baṭa= kiln (Te.) kammaṭa=portable furnace(Te.) kampaṭṭam 'coiner,mint' (Tamil) kammaṭa (Malayalam)

Same inscription as on B19 sets of copper plates appears on C6 sets of copper plates but with a distinct hieroglyph-multiplex of ficus PLUS crab (pincers, tongs) on the obverse of the copper plate.
C6 copper plate epigraph: ficus PLUS pincers: metalsmith: लोह--कार [p= 908,3] m. a worker in iron , smith , blacksmith R. Hit. Hieroglyph components dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS: loa 'ficus glomerata' Rebus: loha 'copper, iron' Hieroglyph component: kāru pincers, tongs. Rebus: khār खार् । लोहकारः 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri)

Since loha  signifies 'copper' and kammaTa signifies 'mint' this hieroglyph multiplex on the obverse of C6 set of copper plate inscriptions (ficus PLUS crab+pincers) should more precisely signify semantically: mint-master, coppersmith.

The text of the epigraph common to both sets of copper plates (B16, hunter and C9 ficus+crab/pincers) has hieroglyph-multiplexes
 Inscription message: Supercargo bronze cast metal, ingots (of different shapes), metal implements smithy/forge On C9 set of copper plates, these come from लोहकारः lohakAra kammaTa the mint-master, coppersmith's workshop. On B16 set of copper plates, these come from कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥ bronze worker's (smithy/forge). 
  mū̃h ‘ingot’ (Santali) PLUS (infixed) kolom 'sprout, rice plant' Rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' Thus, ingot smithy 

Notes: dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' Ellipse is split into two curves of parenthesis:  (  ) Thus, dula 'cast metal' signified by the curves joined into an ellipse. 
mū̃h ‘ingot’ (Santali) dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' Thus, cast metal ingot.
dhollu 'drummer' (Western Pahari) Rebus: dul 'cast metal' 
kola 'tiger' Rebus: kolle 'blacksmith' kol 'working in iron' 
kolimi 'smithy, forge' j̈asta, dasta 'five' (Kafiri) jasta, sattva 'zinc'
dula ‘pair’ Rebus: dul ‘cast (metal)’ PLUS kana, kanac = corner (Santali); Rebus: kañcu = bronze (Telugu) Thus, cast bronze or bronze casting.
This is a hieroglyph-multiplex: slant PLUS notch: DhAL 'slanted' Rebus: DhALako 'large ingot' PLUS खांडा (p. 202) [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). Rebus: Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’ (Marathi) khaṇḍa id. (Santali)
  kolom 'rice-plant, sprout' Rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'
  goṭ 'seed, rounded object' Rebus: खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge (Marathi)
 The 'curve' hieroglyph is a splitting of the ellipse. kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. 

Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ.(CDIAL 2984)

rimofjar.jpgkaṇḍa kanka ‘rim of jar’ Rebus: karṇīka ‘account (scribe)’karṇī‘supercargo’.
kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’.

 खार् 'blacksmith'

Cognates of the word khār has two meanings: 1. blacksmith; 2. खर-अंशुः the sun. अंशुः is a synonym of Soma and is cognate with ancu.'iron' (Tocharian). The processing of Soma or अंशुः is the central, sacred metaphor of R̥gveda.

Etymology of Khar from Sanskrit "Svar", meaning Sun, which changes in northwestern Indian languages to "Khar". खर  khara खर a. [opp. मृदुश्लक्ष्णद्रव) 1 

Hard, rough, solid-Comp. खर-अंशुः, -करः, -रश्मिः the sun (Apte). खर--मयूख = खरा* ंशु "hot-rayed" , the sun (धूर्तनर्तक)(Monier-Williams) 
Sign 323 inverted appears on the belly of the horned young bull. This sign also is embellished on a gold pendant from Harappa.

kunda singi 'horned young bull' rebus: kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'
Image result for gold pectoral bharatkalyan97Image result for gold pectoral bharatkalyan97m1656 Pectoral. Gold Pendant. Harappa. National Museum, New Delhi   

The gold pendant signifies sun's rays arka 'sun, rays of sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'moltencast'.

Orthography of the young bull clearly shows sun’s rays or inverted Sign 323 on the belly of the bovine. *kōttha ʻ belly ʼ. [Cf. *kōtthala -- , kṓṣṭha -- 1?]Pk. kottha -- ʻ pertaining to the belly ʼ; Or. kothā ʻ corpulent ʼ, kothala˚thāḷa ʻ pot -- bellied ʼ; -- X *gōdda<-> in kodā˚dāḷiā ʻ id. ʼ?(CDIAL 3510)  kōṭṭa1 m. (n. lex.) ʻ fort ʼ Kathās., kōṭa -- 1 m. Vāstuv.Aś. sn. koṭa -- ʻ fort, fortified town ʼ, Pk. koṭṭa -- , kuṭ˚ n.; Kt. kuṭ ʻ tower (?) ʼ NTS xii 174; Dm. kōṭ ʻ tower ʼ, Kal. kōṭ; Sh. gil. kōṭ m. ʻ fort ʼ (→ Ḍ. kōṭm.), koh. pales. kōṭ m. ʻ village ʼ; K. kūṭh, dat. kūṭas m. ʻ fort ʼ, S. koṭu m., L. koṭ m.; P. koṭ m. ʻ fort, mud bank round a village or field ʼ; A. kõṭh ʻ stockade, palisade ʼ; B. koṭkuṭ ʻ fort ʼ, Or. koṭakuṭa, H. Marw. koṭ m.; G. koṭ m.'fort, rampart ʼ; M. koṭkoṭh m. ʻ fort ʼ, Si. koṭuva (Geiger EGS 50 < kōṣṭhaka --). A. kõṭh ʻ fort ʼ (CDIAL 3500)

अंशु m. a filament (especially of the सोम plant); a kind of सोम libation (शतपथ-ब्राह्मण); a ray , sunbeam; end of a thread , a minute particle; a point, end (Monier-Williams); aṃśuḥ अंशुः [अंश्-मृग˚ कु.] 1 A ray, beam of light; चण्ड˚, घर्मं˚ hot-rayed the sun; सूर्यांशुभिर्भिन्नमिवारविन्दम् Ku.1.32; Iustre, brilliance चण्डांशुकिरणाभाश्च हाराः Rām.5.9.48; Śi.1.9. रत्न˚, नख˚ &c. -2 A point or end. -3 A small or minute particle. - 4 End of a thread. -5 A filament, especially of the Soma plant (Ved.) -6 Garment; decoration. -7 N. of a sage or of a prince. -8 Speed, velocity (वेग). -9 Fine thread -Comp. -उदकम् dew-water. -जालम् a collection of rays, a blaze or halo of light. -धरः -पतिः -भृत्-बाणः -भर्तृ-स्वामिन् the sun, (bearer or lord of rays). -पट्टम् a kind of silken cloth (अंशुना सूक्ष्मसूत्रेणयुक्तं पट्टम्); सश्रीफलैरंशुपट्टम् Y. 1.186; श्रीफलैरंशुपट्टानां Ms.5.12. -माला a garland of light, halo. -मालिन् m. [अंशवो मालेव, ततः अस्त्यर्थे इनि] 1 the sun (wreathed with, surrounded by, rays). -2 the number twelve. -हस्तः [अंशुः हस्त इव यस्य] the sun (who draws up water from the earth by means of his 1 hands in the form of rays)(Apte).
अंशुः, पुं, (अंशयति इति अंश विभाजने । मृग-ष्वादित्वात् कुः ।) किरणः ॥ प्रभा ॥ इति मेदि-नी ॥ वेशः ॥ इति धरणी ॥ सूत्रादिसूक्ष्मांशः ।इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ लेशः ॥ सूर्य्यः ॥ इति विश्वः ॥(ऋषिविशेषः । लतावयवः । सोमलतावयवः ।भागः ।) https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/शब्दकल्पद्रुमः
अंशु पु० अंश--मृग० कु । किरणे सूत्रे सूक्ष्मांशे प्रकाशेप्रभायां वेगे च “अंशवोऽत्र पतिता रवेः किमु”? इत्युद्भटः“सूर्य्यांशुभिर्भिन्नमिवारविन्दमिति” कुमा० । तत्र स्वपर-प्रकाशकस्य तेजःपदार्थस्य समन्तात् प्रसृतः स्पर्शयोग्यःकिञ्चिन्निविडः सूक्ष्मांशविशेषः किरणः, स च प्रायशःसूर्य्यस्य, तस्य तेजसा प्रदीप्तचन्द्रादेश्च । तदपेक्षया अल्प-स्थानप्रसारी किञ्चिद्विरलः स्पर्शायोग्यः तेजःसूक्ष्मांशःप्रभा, सा च रत्नादिवस्तुनः । चन्द्रादेस्तु अन्यापेक्षयाऽधिक-प्रसृतत्वात् किरणसम्भवः अतएव तत्र शीतांशुः सितकिरणइत्यादिप्रयोगः । स्पर्शयोग्यः तेजःपदार्थस्य किरणादपिनिविडः सूक्ष्मांशः आतपः, किरणापेक्षया अतिविरल-प्रसारी स्पर्शायोग्यः परप्रकाशसाधनमतिसूक्ष्मांशविशेषःआलोकः । प्रभायाम् आलोके वा न र्शोऽनुभूयते ।तत्र अंशुशब्दस्य किरणवाचित्वे सहस्रांशुः उष्णांशुःशीतांशुरित्यादयः । प्रभापरत्वे रत्नांशुः नखांशुरित्या-दयः । अजस्रमाश्रावितवल्लकीगुणक्षतोज्ज्वलाङ्गुष्ठनखांशु-भिन्नयेति” “द्विजावलीबालनिशाकरांशुभिरिति” चमाघः । सूत्रांशपरत्वे अंशुकं पट्टांशुकं चीना-शुकमित्यादयः । प्रकाशपरत्वे उपांशु उपहृतप्रकाश-त्वाच्चास्य गुप्तत्वं प्रतीयते तच्चार्थिकम् । सूक्ष्मविभागपरत्वेप्रांशुः प्रोन्नतावयवत्वा च्चास्य दीर्घत्वं प्रतीयते तच्चा-र्थिकम् इति । https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/वाचस्पत्यम्

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