This is an addendum to: milakkhu, mleccha 'goat' rebus copper smelting processes on Indus Script 8 hieroglyphs composition, spy on tree, tiger looks back, yogi seated on platform
This addendum demonstrates that the Harappa tablet h176 is: खातें khātēṃ 'account' of kanka 'scribe, supercargo', baran 'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin), meḍ 'iron', battuḍu, baḍaga 'five artificers', arka baṭa 'copper furnace'.
If the animal shown on h176B is a hare, the rebus reading is: kharā 'hare' rebus: khār 'blacksmith'.
The narrative described on this link relates to one side of a two-sided Harappa tablet h176.
Both sides of the tablet together with a text inscription are presented below, in three figures:
h176 tablet Tablet in bas-relief
Person standing at the centerbetween a two-tiered structure at R., and a short-horned bull (bison) standing near a trident-headed post at L. (PLUS text of inscription)
From R.—a tiger (?); a seated, pig-tailed person on a platform; flanked on either side by a person seated on a tree with a tiger, below, looking back. A hare (or goat?) is seen near the platform.
structure at R. and a short·horned bull standing near a trident-headed post at L.
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS arka 'wheel, sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold'
kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kanka 'scribe, supercargo'.
బత్తుడు battuḍu 'worshipper'బత్తుడు battuḍu, baḍaga 'a professional title of five artificers' ; pattar 'guild of goldsmiths'.
Standing person: meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' (Mu.Ho.) med 'copper' (Slavic languages)
barad, balad 'ox' rebus: भरत bharata n A factitious metal compounded of copper, pewter, tin &c भरतक bharataka n (भरणें) Complement (of a number or a quantity). 2 Cargo, lading, load, contents. 3 unc Loaded or filled state (of a ship, vehicle &c.); भरताचें भांडें bharatācē mbhāṇḍēṃ n A vessel made of the metal भरत. भरती bharatī a Composed of the metal भरत. baran 'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) (Punjabi)
khaḍū1 m. ʻ bier ʼ lex. 2. khaṭṭi -- m. lex. [Cf. kháṭvā -- ] 1. B. khaṛu ʻ bier ʼ.2. B. khāṭi ʻ bier ʼ, Or. khāṭa.(CDIAL 3785) Rebus: khāti 'wheelwright'. Text of inscription: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUSarā 'spoke of wheel' rebus: arā 'brass'. Hieroglyph:buffalo: rã̄go 'buffalo' Rebus: rāṅgā 'zinc alloy, spelter, pewter'. Thus, cast spelter Hieroglyph: body: mēd 'body' (Kur.)(DEDR 5099); meḍ 'iron' (Ho.) கட்டில் kaṭṭil , n. < கட்டு- . Bier; பாடை. கட்டிலேற்றிக் கைதொழுஉ (ஞானா . 6)Ta. kaṭṭil cot, bedstead, couch, sofa; throne. Ma. kaṭṭil bedstead, cot. Ko. kaṭḷ cot. Koḍ. kaṭṭï id. Te. kaṭli litter, dooly. Go.(Tr. Mu.) kaṭṭul (obl. kaṭṭud-, pl. kaṭṭuhk) bed, cot; (numerous dialects) kaṭṭul, kaṭul id.(Voc. 477). Konḍa (Sovadial.) kaṭel(i) cot.
Pe. kaṭel id. Manḍ. kaṭel id. Kui (K.) gaṭeli id. Kuwi (Su.) kaṭeli, (P.) gaṭeli, (S.) kateli,(F.) kuteli (i.e. kaṭeli; pl. kutelka, i.e. kaṭelka) id. / Cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 3781, kháṭvā- cot; no. 3785, khaṭṭi- bier (lex.); also kaṭāha- cot (lex.). From IA: Pa. kaṭeya cot (< Halbi); Kui kaṭe id.; Kur. khaṭī bedstead, bed; Malt. kaṭe, káṭi id. .(DEDR 1145) kháṭvā f. ʻ bedstead ʼ Kauś., ˚vākā -- f. Pāṇ., ˚vikā -- Kāś., khaṭṭā -- f., ˚ṭaka -- m. Apte. [Cf. khaṭṭi -- , khaḍū -- 1 , khāṭa -- m., ˚ṭā, ˚ṭĭ̄ -- , ˚ṭikā -- f. ʻ bier ʼ lex. and Pa. khaṭōpikā<-> f. ʻ bed ʼ]Pk. khaṭṭā -- f., Ḍ. khaṭ, Paś. kuṛ. chil. xōṭ, dar. kāa ṭ (lauṛ. kaṭ ← Psht. ← IA. IIFL iii 3, 101), Shum. xāṭ, Woṭ Gaw. khaṭ, Sh. khăṭ m., K. ḍoḍ. khaṭ, S. khaṭa f., L. P. khaṭṭ f., WPah. bhad. khaṭ, Ku. N. A. B. khāṭ, Or. khaṭa, Bi. Mth. khāṭ, Bhoj. khāṭī, Aw. lakh. khaṭiyā, H. G. M. Ko. khāṭ f.; -- Pk. khaṭṭuliyā -- f. ʻ little bed ʼ, S. khaṭolo m. ʻ plain bedstead ʼ; P. khaṭolī f. ʻ small bed -- bug ʼ; N. khaṭauli ʻ wooden litter ʼ, A. khaṭalā; B. khāṭuli ʻ bier ʼ; Bi. khaṭolī ʻ cot, litter ʼ, Mth. khaṭulī ʻ cot ʼ, khoṭlī ʻ litter ʼ; H. khaṭolā ʻ cot ʼ; G. khāḷlɔʻ bedstead ʼ. khaṭvāṅga -- . Addenda: kháṭvā -- : Garh. khāṭ ʻ cot ʼ, A. khāṭ AFD 92.(CDIAL 3781)
खातेवही khātēvahī f The book framed from the daybook, containing the distinct accounts of individuals. खातेवाईक khātēvāīka c One that has an account (with a banker &c.) खातें पोतें khātē mpōtēṃ n (खातें & पोतें The account and the purse.) Dealings with; business with (of buying and selling). खातें khātēṃ n An account (with an individual or of the outlay upon any concern or business) as appearing upon or as drawn and framed from the daybook: also the paper or leger exhibiting such distinct account. 2 fig. The range or reach, the sphere or compass (of rule, sway, government, inclusion, comprehension). Ex. किल्ल्याचे खात्यांत मुलूक आहे; हा गांव मुंबईखात्याखालीं मोडतो. 3 Province; proper office or business: also department; particular sphere of labor or work: as बिगारखातें, खैरातखातें, खर्चखातें; also गांवखातें or मुलकीखातें Civil department; लशकरीखातें Military department; पैमाशखातें Survey-department; न्यायखातं Judicial department. खातर khātara f ( A) Regard or consideration for; care or concern about as of importance. Gen. neg. con. Ex. पैका गेल्याची त्यास खा0 नाहीं; हजार रुपये त्याचे खातरेंत नाहींत. 2 Assurance or confidence; conviction or satisfaction of mind. Ex. हा मनुष्य विश्वासू असी आमची खा0 आहे. 3 Choice, liking, mind. Ex. आमचे खातरेस वाटेल तें करूं; हें खातरेस येत नाहीं. 4 Used as prep For the sake of. खा0 करणें g. of o. To satisfy regarding. खातरीं पटणें To please, suit, be liked.खातरदारी khātaradārī f ( P) Assurance or guarantee--whether a person or any token. 2 Assurance of mind regarding.
kamadha 'penance' rebus: kammata 'mint, coiner, coinage'; dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'artisan' kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kole.l 'temple rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge'
బత్తుడు battuḍu 'worshipper'బత్తుడు battuḍu, baḍaga 'a professional title of five artificers' ; pattar 'guild of goldsmiths' The worshipper holds a rimless pot: baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: baṭa 'furnace'
Copper smelting processes on field symbol composition of Indus Script, spy, tree, tiger looks back, yogi seated on platform, goat
Field Symbol Figure 112 Fro m R. - a tiger; a goat: a seated personage on a pedestal; a person seated on a Iree with a tiger below. (Source: ASI 1977 Indus Script Concordance of Mahadevan)
The hieroglyphs are:
1. tiger kol 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'
2. tiger looks back kolā krammara 'tiger looks back' rebus kolhe kammāra iron smelter smith artisan
3. tree kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
4. spy on tree heraka = spy (Skt.); eraka, hero = a messenger; a spy (Gujarati); er to look at or for (Pkt.); er uk- to play 'peeping tom' (Ko.) Rebus: erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Ka.lex.) cf. eruvai = copper (Tamil) eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.) eraka‘copper’ (Kannada)
5. person seated in penance kamaḍha 'penance', rebus: kammaṭa = mint, gold furnace (Te.) 'mint, coiner, coinage' Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner.(DEDR 1236)
6. person wears scarf as pigtail dhatu 'scarf' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore'
7. Person seated on platform pāṭa ʻthroneʼ rebus फड phaḍa 'metals manufactory guild',పట్టడ paṭṭaḍa paṭṭaḍu. [Tel.] n. A smithy, a shop. కుమ్మరి వడ్లంగి మొదలగువారు పనిచేయు చోటు.
8. goat melh,mr̤eka 'goat or antelope' rebus: milakkhu, mleccha ' copper'.
The hieroglyphs are:
1. tiger kol 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'
2. tiger looks back kolā krammara 'tiger looks back' rebus kolhe kammāra iron smelter smith artisan
3. tree kuṭi 'tree' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
4. spy on tree heraka = spy (Skt.); eraka, hero = a messenger; a spy (Gujarati); er to look at or for (Pkt.); er uk- to play 'peeping tom' (Ko.) Rebus: erka = ekke (Tbh. of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Ka.lex.) cf. eruvai = copper (Tamil) eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.) eraka‘copper’ (Kannada)
5. person seated in penance kamaḍha 'penance', rebus: kammaṭa = mint, gold furnace (Te.) 'mint, coiner, coinage' Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner.(DEDR 1236)
6. person wears scarf as pigtail dhatu 'scarf' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore'
7. Person seated on platform pāṭa ʻthroneʼ rebus फड phaḍa 'metals manufactory guild',
8. goat melh,mr̤eka 'goat or antelope' rebus: milakkhu, mleccha '