muhã ʻ face, mouth, head, person ʼ Rebus: mũhã̄ 'the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native furnace' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, the three faces signify iron of a smithy/forge. Thanks to RS Kshatriya for the exquisite drawing of the face on m0304 seal. The entire Indus Script Inscription on m0304 is a metalwork wealth-accounting ledger of Meluhha artisans including śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' signified by a squirrel on other inscriptions. See decipherment in the context of the Indus Script Corpora examples at Decipherment of Indus Script Inscription on a Louvre Cylinder seal, made in Meluhha, of śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' Some decipherments like Sullivan's read the script as syllabic. Maybe, they have to relate deeply into the pictorial narratives which are 'meaningful'. The script is NOT syllabic, it is logosemantic in Meluhha, Indian sprachbund, 'language union'. Some decipherments like Sullivan's read the script as syllabic. Maybe, they have to relate deeply into the pictorial narratives which are 'meaningful'. The script is NOT syllabic, it is logosemantic in Meluhha, Indian sprachbund, 'language union'.