--Kneeling adorant carrying a pot on Indus Script inscriptions is पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'soldier offering purified soma in a smelter'--पूतभृत् pūtábhr̥ta 'Soma purified, carried in a vessel) by a worshpper, soldier signifed on Indus Scriptपूतभृत् m. a kind of vessel which receives the सोम juice after it has been strained (तैत्तिरीय-संहिता, वाजसनेयि-संहिता, ब्राह्मण)(Monier-Williams) pūtá1 ʻ cleaned ʼ RV. [√pū]Pk. pūa -- ʻ purified ʼ; Si. pū karaṇavā ʻ to winnow ʼ.(CDIAL 8320) पू pū पू a. (At the end of comp.) Purifying, cleansing, refining; as in खलपू &c. पूत pūta पूत p. p. [पू-क्त] 1 Purified, cleansed, washed (fig. also); दृष्टिपूतं न्यसेत् पादं वस्त्रपूतं जलं पिबेत् । सत्यपूतां वदेद् वाचं मनःपूतं समाचरेत् ॥ Ms.6.46; त्रैविद्या मां सोमपाः पूतपापा यज्ञै- रिष्ट्वा स्वर्गतिं प्रार्थयन्ते Bg.9.2. -2 Threshed, winnowed. -3Expiated. -4 Contrived, invented. -5 Stinking, putrid, fetid, foul-smelling. -तः 1 A conch-shell. -2 White Kuśa grass. -तम्Truth. -ता An epithet of Durgā. -Comp. -आत्मन् a. pureminded. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 a purified man, saint, sage. -क्रतायी Śachī the wife of Indra; पूतक्रतायीमभ्येति सत्रपः किं न गोत्रभित् Bk.5.28. -क्रतुः N. of Indra; घोषस्यान्ववदिष्टेव लङ्का पूतक्रतोः पुरः Bk.8.29. -तृणम् white Kuśa grass. -द्रुः the tree called पलाश. -धान्यम् sesa- mum. -पत्री holy basil (तुलसी). -पाप, -पाप्मन् a. freed from sin. -फलः the bread fruit tree (पनस).(Apte) भृत mfn. borne , carried &c (Monier-Williams) bhaṭa 'soldier': bhr̥ta ʻ carried, brought ʼ MBh. 2. ʻ hired, paid ʼ Mn., m. ʻ hireling, mercenary ʼ Yājñ.com., bhr̥taka -- m. ʻ hired servant ʼ Mn.: > MIA. bhaṭa -- m. ʻ hired soldier, servant ʼ MBh. [√bhr̥]1. Ash. 3 sg. pret. bəṛə, f. ˚ṛī ʻ brought ʼ, Kt. bŕå; Gaw. (LSI) bṛoet ʻ they begin ʼ.2. Pa. bhata -- ʻ supported, fed ʼ, bhataka -- m. ʻ hired servant ʼ, bhaṭa -- m. ʻ hireling, servant, soldier ʼ; Aś.shah. man. kāl. bhaṭa -- ʻ hired servant ʼ, kāl. bhaṭaka -- , gir. bhata -- , bhataka -- ; Pk. bhayaga -- m. ʻ servant ʼ, bhaḍa -- m. ʻ soldier ʼ, bhaḍaa -- m. ʻ member of a non -- Aryan tribe ʼ; Paš. buṛīˊ ʻ servant maid ʼ IIFL iii 3, 38; S. bhaṛu ʻ clever, proficient ʼ, m. ʻ an adept ʼ; Ku. bhaṛ m. ʻ hero, brave man ʼ, gng. adj. ʻ mighty ʼ; B. bhaṛ ʻ soldier, servant, nom. prop. ʼ, bhaṛil ʻ servant, hero ʼ; Bhoj. bhar ʻ name of a partic. low caste ʼ; G. bhaṛ m. ʻ warrior, hero, opulent person ʼ, adj. ʻ strong, opulent ʼ, ubhaṛ m. ʻ landless worker ʼ (G. cmpd. with u -- , ʻ without ʼ, i.e. ʻ one without servants ʼ?); Si. beḷē ʻ soldier ʼ < *baḷaya, st. baḷa -- ; -- Pk. bhuaga -- m. ʻ worshipper in a temple ʼ, G. bhuvɔ m. (rather than < bhūdēva -- ).*bhārta -- ; abhr̥ta -- ; subhaṭa -- .Addenda: bhr̥ta -- : S.kcch. bhaṛ ʻ brave ʼ; Garh. (Śrīnagrī dial.) bhɔṛ, (Salānī dial.) bheṛ ʻ warrior ʼ. 9589 *bhr̥takarman ʻ soldier -- work ʼ. [bhr̥ta -- , kárman -- 1]Si. baḷām ʻ warfare ʼ. 9590 *bhr̥tagātu ʻ hero song ʼ. [bhr̥ta -- , gātú -- 2]Ku. bhaṛau ʻ song about the prowess of ancient heroes ʼ.(CDIAL 9588, 9589, 9590)Hieroglyph of 'kneeling adorant' or 'worshipper' is such an abiding message that Mahadevan concordance treates the hieroglyph as a text 'sign'. Signs 45, 46 Mahadevan Concordance. In Sign 46, Sign 45 is ligatured with a pot held by the adoring hands of the kneeling adorant wearing a scarf-type pigtail. I suggest that the rimless pot held on Sign 46 is a phonetic determinant: baTa 'rimless pot' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace'. So, is the kneeling adorant, a worshippper of a person seated in penance, a bhaTa 'worshipper in a temple' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace'. For him the kole.l 'temple' is kole.l 'smithy, forge' (Kota language). Sign 46 shows a person wearig a scarf-type pigtail. I suggest that this iconography signifies a soldier. Bot Signs 45 and 46 show a kneeling adorant carrying a pot. ![]() ![]() ![]() Reverse side of a two-sided tablets m0478, 0479, 0480. in bas relief. Kneeling adorant carrying a U-shaped rimless pot in front a tree. NOTE: The kneeling motif also occurs on Sit Shamshi bronze.
Three identical Mohenjo-daro tablets, with identical inscriptions. m 478-480. Hieroglyph: मेढा [mēḍhā] A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl (Marathi). Rebus: meḍ 'iron, copper' (Munda. Slavic) mẽṛhẽt, meD 'iron' (Mu.Ho.Santali) meď 'copper' (Slovak)
kuṭi 'tree' Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter)', furnace (Santali)
1. kuṭila ‘bent’; rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) [cf. āra-kūṭa, ‘brass’ (Skt.) (CDIAL 3230)
2. Glyph of ‘rim of jar’: kárṇaka m. ʻ projection on the side of a vessel, handle ʼ ŚBr. [kárṇa -- ]Pa. kaṇṇaka -- ʻ having ears or corners ʼ; (CDIAL 2831) kaṇḍa kanka; Rebus: furnace account (scribe). kaṇḍ = fire-altar (Santali); kan = copper (Tamil) khanaka m. one who digs , digger , excavator Rebus: karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk. (Telugu) káraṇa n. ʻ act, deed ʼ RV. [√kr̥1] Pa. karaṇa -- n. ʻdoingʼ; NiDoc. karana, kaṁraṁna ʻworkʼ; Pk. karaṇa -- n. ʻinstrumentʼ(CDIAL 2790)
3. khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ‘ turner’ (G.)
On seal m1186A a kneeling adorant makes offerings. bārṇe, bāraṇe = an offering of food to a demon; a meal after fasting, a breakfast (Tu.) barada, barda, birada 'a vow' (Gujarati) Rebus: baran, bharat (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin)(P.B.) A similar kneeling adorant now holds a wide-mouthed, rimless pot and makes an offering to the tree. baṭhu m. ‘large pot in which grain is parched (Sindhi) Rebus: bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’ (P.) baṭa = a kind of iron (G.) bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (Gujarati) baṭa = kiln (Santali); bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron (pkt.) baṭhu large cooking fire’ baṭhī f. ‘distilling furnace’; l. bhaṭṭh m. ‘grain—parcher's oven’, bhaṭṭhī f. ‘kiln, distillery’, awāṇ. bhaṭh; p. bhaṭṭh m., ṭhī f. ‘furnace’, bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’; s. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ‘distil (spirits)’. (CDIAL 9656) Thus, the reading of the composite glyph: kneeling adorant + pot is read rebus: meḍ pattar + bhaṭa 'iron urnace (of) merchant guild'.
Paṭṭar-ai community; guild as of workmen (Ta.); pattar merchants; perh. Vartaka (Skt.)వడ్లబత్తుడు vaḍrangi. [Tel.] n. A carpenter. బత్తుడు battuḍu. n. A worshipper. భక్తుడు. The caste title of all the five castes of artificers as వడ్లబత్తుడు a carpenter. కడుపుబత్తుడు one who makes a god of his belly. L. xvi. 230.(Telugu)
The merchant, battuḍu, pattar is shown in a worshipful state kneeling in adoration on many inscriptions.
Part 3. Text message (Tablet m478a to m480a) Hieroglyphs (from. r to l): battuḍu bhata, 'worshipper' rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’ PLUS OFFERING: barada, barda, birada 'a vow' (Gujarati) Rebus: baran, bharat (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin).
Numeral four: gaṇḍa 'four' Rebus: kand 'fire-altar'. PLUS bhata, 'pot' rebus: bhaṭa ‘furnace’. Thus, the 'four linear strokes PLUS rimless pot' signifies: 'fire-altar (in) artisan's workshop'. Body hieroglyph read rebus: ![]()
Circumscript of two linear strokes for 'body' hieroglyph: dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal' koḍa ‘one’(Santali) Rebus: koḍ ‘artisan’s workshop' Thus, the circumscript signifies 'cast metal workshop' (with furnace) PLUS circumscribed body hieroglyph: meḍ 'body' Rebus: mẽṛhẽt 'iron' (Santali) meḍ 'iron' (Mu.Ho.); med 'copper' (Slavic).Together, the hypertext reds: dul meḍ koḍ 'metal casting, cast iron workshop'.
Hieroglyph: khareḍo 'a currycomb' (Gujarati) Rebus: kharādī ‘turner’ (Gujarati) खरडा kharaḍā m (खरडणें) Scrapings (as from a culinary utensil). 2 Bruised or coarsely broken peppercorns &c.: a mass of bruised मेथ्या &c. 3 also खरडें n A scrawl; a memorandum-scrap; a foul, blotted, interlined piece of writing. 4 also खरडें n A rude sketch; a rough draught; a foul copy; a waste-book; a day-book; a note-book. खरड kharaḍa f (खरडणें) A hurriedly written or drawn piece; a scrawl; a mere tracing or rude sketch. 2 Vehement reviling or abusing. v काढ g. of o. निघ g. of s. 3 The ashes and earth which gather about an ingot of metal during its formation. So called because to be detached they must be scraped off. खरडघाशा kharaḍaghāśā m (खरड & घासणें) A term of abuse for a bad writer, barber, carpenter &c.; quill-driver, scraper, chips. खरडणें kharaḍaṇēṃ v c To scrape or rub off roughly: also to abrade or graze. 2 To rub up; to grub up; to root out (grass, weeds &c.) by pushing the instrument along. 3 To shave roughly, to scrape: also to write roughly, to scrawl: also to jot or note down; to make brief memoranda: also to draw roughly; to plough roughly; to grind roughly &c. &c. (Marathi).
The semantics of खरडें 'rough draft' explains why the hieroglyph occurs ONLY on tablets which are works-in-process documentation by scribes.
Thus, the inscriptions on tablets m478 to m480 complete the documentation of wealth-creating metalwork खरडा kharaḍā daybook. Hieroglyph (alternative): aḍaren, ḍaren lid, cover (Santali) m1186 Offering and adorant glyphs of Indus scriptThere are two seals of Indus script (m1186 and m0488) depicting a kneeling person with some offerings on a stool/tray. In a vivid orthographic analysis, John C. Huntington identifies the nature of the offering on m1186: it is a bowl with ladles. The offering kept on a stool on m0488 is likely to be a similar glyph, though analysis of a higher resolution image is not possible because the tablet with this glyph is worn-out.
m1186 seal. kaula— m. ‘worshipper of Śakti according to left—hand ritual’, khōla—3 ‘lame’; Khot. kūra— ‘crooked’ BSOS ix 72 and poss. Sk. kōra— m. ‘movable joint’ Suśr.] Ash. kṓlƏ ‘curved, crooked’; Dm. kōla ‘crooked’, Tir. kṓolƏ; Paš. kōlā́ ‘curved, crooked’, Shum. kolā́ṇṭa; Kho. koli ‘crooked’, (Lor.) also ‘lefthand, left’; Bshk. kōl ‘crooked’; Phal. kūulo; Sh. kōlu̯ ‘curved, crooked’ (CDIAL 3533).
Rebus: kol ‘pancaloha’ (Tamil)
bhaTa 'worshipper' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace' baTa 'iron' (Gujarati) saman 'make an offering (Santali) samanon 'gold' (Santali) miṇḍ ʻ ram ʼ, miṇḍāˊl ʻ markhor ʼ (Torwali) mẽḍhɔ 'ram' (Gujarati)(CDIAL 10310) Rebus: me~Rhet, meD 'iron' (Mu.Ho.Santali) heraka 'spy' (Samskritam) Rebus:eraka 'molten metal, copper' maNDa 'branch, twig' (Telugu) Rebus: maNDA 'warehouse, workshop' (Konkani)\karibha, jata kola Rebus: karba, ib, jasta, 'iron, zinc, metal (alloy of five metals) maNDi 'kneeling position' Rebus: mADa 'shrine; mandil 'temple' (Santali)
dhatu 'scarf' Rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' (Santali)
The rice plant adorning the curved horn of the person (woman?) with the pig-tail is kolmo; read rebus, kolme ‘smithy’. Smithy of what? Kol ‘pancaloha’. The curving horn is: kod.u = horn; rebus: kod. artisan’s workshop (Kuwi)
The long curving horns may also connote a ram on h177B tablet: ![clip_image061]() h177B ![clip_image062[4]]() 4316 Pict-115: From R.—a person standing under an ornamental arch; a kneeling adorant; a ram with long curving horns. The ram read rebus: me~d. ‘iron’; glyph: me_n.d.ha ram; min.d.a_l markhor (Tor.); meh ram (H.); mei wild goat (WPah.) me~r.hwa_ a bullock with curved horns like a ram’s (Bi.) me~r.a_, me~d.a_ ram with curling horns (H.) miṇḍ 'ram' rebus: mẽṛhet iron (metal), meD 'iron' (Ho.) med 'copper' (Slavic) |