This is an addendum to:
-- Śyena, śen, śenī, aśáni'thunderbolt, falcon' Indus Script hypertext signifies آهن āhan'Iron', āhan gar 'blacksmith'
-- Śyena, śen, śenī'thunderbolt, falcon' shaped fire-altar brings Soma, havyam from aśan 'heaven'; rebus by sēna 'kāyastha, scribe'āhan gar 'blacksmith'
-- Caturaśra Śyena is the shape of the fire-altar because Soma as havyam in śen, śenī falcon from aśan heaven rebus sēna 'kāyastha, scribe'
-- śyēna derived from Meluhha aśáni'hail, thunderbolt' yields Meluhha Indus Script expression ahan-gār अहन्-गार्, āhan gar 'thunderbolt weapon-maker blacksmith';آهن āhan, s.m. (9th) Iron; -gar, or -gār suffix is reflex of khār'blacksmith'
-- A pun on the word śyēna is derived from Meluhha dialect phonetic form śen, śenī 'falcon'. The rebus reading is sēna 'a revenue collector, a kāyastha, 'scribe''.
aśáni f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ RV., °nī -- f. ŚBr. [Cf. áśan -- m. ʻ sling -- stone ʼ RV.] Pa. asanī -- f. ʻ thunderbolt, lightning ʼ, asana -- n. ʻ stone ʼ; Pk. asaṇi -- m.f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ; Ash. ašĩˊ ʻ hail ʼ, Wg. ašē˜ˊ, Pr. īšĩ, Bashg. "azhir", Dm. ašin, Paš. ášen, Shum. äˊšin, Gaw. išín, Bshk. ašun, Savi išin, Phal. ã̄šun, L. (Jukes) ahin, awāṇ. &circmacrepsilon;n (both with n, not ṇ), P. āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ m.f., WPah. bhad. ã̄ṇ, hiṇi f., N. asino, pl. °nā; Si. sena, heṇa ʻ thunderbolt ʼ Geiger GS 34, but the expected form would be *ā̤n; -- Sh. aĩyĕˊr f. ʻ hail ʼ (X ?). -- For ʻ stone ʼ > ʻ hailstone ʼ cf.
मेढा [ mēḍhā ] A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl.(Marathi)(CDIAL 10312).L. meṛh f. ʻrope tying oxen to each other and to post on threshing floorʼ(CDIAL 10317) Rebus: meḍ'iron'. mẽṛhet ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.)
Harappa seal h166A, h166B. Vats, 1940, Excavations in Harappa, Vol. II, Calcutta: Pl. XCI. 255
śyēna comes from पारावत'remote, distant quarters', 'mountain'; from remote Mujavant (RV 10.34.1). Yaska takes it as Mt. Mujavant. (Nir. IX.8) Munjavant is a mountain in the Himalayas according to MBh.(MBh.X.485; XIV.180).
śyēna brings Soma from heaven. (AV VII.41.2; RV 4.26.4: where the word havyam is a metonymy for the Soma brought from heaven by the gāyatrī in the form of a hawk, by the hawk; śyēna carried off Soma (RV 4.26.5)
śyēna is an eagle, falcon or hawk; it is a swift bird; it is a strong bird.
In local parlance or Meluhha, Indian sprachbund 'language union', the word
śyēná has many pronunciation variants, linked with the word root ŚYAI which signifies 'congeal, freeze' hence, the derived semantics of āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ 'hail' (Punjabi). āhiṇ, āhaṇ are pronunciation variants of aśáni 'thunderbolt, lightning'. Thus, āhaṇ in Meluhha means 'hailstone'. This meaning gets enshrined in derived expressions in Pashto, Kashmiri and other sprachbund dialects semantically related to blacksmith/blacksmithy where metal weapons are produced; thus ahan-gārअहन्-गार् or آهن ګر āhan gar signify 'blacksmith producing vajra-or thunderbolt-like metal weapons'. Since अशन् aśan also means 'the firmament', śyēna rmetaphor in r̥ca-s refers to the Soma brought from heaven: अशन् aśan 'the firmament' RV. i , 164 , i ; 173 , 2 ; x , 27 , 15 [in the first two of these three passages the form /अश्नस् has before been taken as nom. sg. m. fr. 1. अश्न q.v.].
Thus, Soma is brought from mountains in the form of a hawk or falcon or by the hawk or falcon, अशन् aśan,śyēná. I submit that this is the reason for the śyēná 'falcon or hawk' chosen as the shape of a citi or file-altar.
I am thankful to Prof. Ramasubramanian for the types of Agni Citi, 'fire-altars' and the objects desired from a particular citi shape. The significant summary from this list is that the objective of heaven is achieved through three types of Citi: śyēna citi, Kanka citi, Alaja citi.
śyēna 'hawk, falcon, eagle'
कङ्कः kaṅkḥ कङ्कः 1 A heron; Mb.11.16.7.... -4 A Kṣatriya. -5 A Vṛiṣṇi. -6 A false or pretended Brāhmaṇa. -7 Name assumed by Yudhiṣṭhira in the palace of Virāṭa. -8 One of the 18 divisions of the continent. -9 N. of a people (pl.); cf. कङ्कस्तरङ्गे गुप्ते च गृध्ने काके युधिष्ठिरे । कूले मधुरिपौ कोके पिके वैवस्वते$प्यथ ॥(Apte) kaṅká m. ʻ heron ʼ VS. [← Drav. T. Burrow TPS 1945, 87; onomat. Mayrhofer EWA i 137. Drav. influence certain in o of M. and Si.: Tam. Kan. Mal. kokku ʻ crane ʼ, Tu. korṅgu, Tel. koṅga, Kuvi koṅgi, Kui kohko]Pa. kaṅka -- m. ʻ heron ʼ, Pk. kaṁka -- m., S. kaṅgu m. ʻ crane, heron ʼ (→ Bal. kang); B. kã̄k ʻ heron ʼ, Or. kāṅka; G. kã̄kṛũ n. ʻ a partic. ravenous bird ʼ; -- with o from Drav.: M. kõkā m. ʻ heron ʼ; Si. kokā, pl. kokku ʻ various kinds of crane or heron ʼ, kekī ʻ female crane ʼ, kēki ʻ a species of crane, the paddy bird ʼ (ē?).(CDIAL 2595)
अलज m. a kind of bird (वाजसनेयि-संहिता. xxiv , 34).
آهن āhan, s.m. (9th) Iron. Sing. and Pl. آهن ګر āhan gar, s.m. (5th) A smith, a blacksmith. Pl. آهن ګران āhan-garān. آهن ربا āhan-rubā, s.f. (6th) The magnet or loadstone. (E.) Sing. and Pl.); (W.) Pl. آهن رباوي āhan-rubāwī. See اوسپنه .(Pashto) ahan-gār अहन्-गार् (= ) m. a blacksmith (H. xii, 16).(Kashiri)
*āhana ʻ striking, blow ʼ. [√han 1 ]OG. āhaṇa m. ʻ blow ʼ; OM. āhāṇā ʻ harmful ʼ.
Addenda: *āhana -- : †*āhanaśālā -- .(CDIAL 1539)*āhanaśālā -- ʻ blacksmith's forge ʼ? [*āhana -- , śāˊlā -- ]Garh. aṇsāḷ ʻ blacksmith's workshop ʼ.(CDIAL 1539a)āˊhanti ʻ strikes ʼ RV. [√han 1 ]Pa. āhanati ʻ strikes, presses against ʼ; Pk. āhaṇaï ʻ strikes, kills ʼ; OG. āhaṇiu ʻ beaten ʼ, pres. part. āhaṇataü. (CDIAL 1540)
śyēná m. ʻ hawk, falcon, eagle ʼ RV.Pa. sēna -- , ˚aka -- m. ʻ hawk ʼ, Pk. sēṇa -- m.; WPah.bhad. śeṇ ʻ kite ʼ; A. xen ʻ falcon, hawk ʼ, Or. seṇā, H. sen, sẽ m., M. śen m., śenī f. (< MIA. *senna -- ); Si. sen ʻ falcon, eagle, kite ʼ.ŚYAI ʻ congeal, freeze ʼ(CDIAL 12674)
In local parlance or Meluhha, Indian sprachbund 'language union' the word aśáni signifes a 'thunderbolt'; asani signifies 'thunderbolt,lightning' (Pali); āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ (Punjabi) signifies 'hail'; thus, vajrāśani is 'Indra's thunderbolt' or 'hailstone' which is bajāsani (Awadh)(coming from vajra'thunderbolt,meteorite, lightning'.
aśáni f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ RV., ˚nī -- f. ŚBr. [Cf. áśan -- m. ʻ sling -- stone ʼ RV.]
Pa. asanī -- f. ʻ thunderbolt, lightning ʼ, asana -- n. ʻ stone ʼ; Pk. asaṇi -- m.f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ; Ash. ašĩˊ ʻ hail ʼ, Wg. ašē˜ˊ, Pr. īšĩ, Bashg. "azhir", Dm. ašin, Paš. ášen, Shum. äˊšin, Gaw. išín, Bshk. ašun, Savi išin, Phal. ã̄šun, L. (Jukes) ahin, awāṇ.; (both with n, not ṇ), P. āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ m.f., WPah. bhad. ã̄ṇ, bhal.; f., N. asino, pl. ˚nā; Si. sena, heṇa ʻ thunderbolt ʼ Geiger GS 34, but the expected form would be *ā̤n; -- Sh. aĩyĕˊr f. ʻ hail ʼ (X ?). -- For ʻ stone ʼ > ʻ hailstone ʼ cf.upala -- and A. xil s.v. śilāˊ -- .vajrāśani -- .áśayat ʻ he was lying ʼ: see śḗtē .aśiṣṭa -- ʻ untrained, rude ʼ Āp. [śiṣṭa -- 2 ]See śiṣṭi -- 2 .Addenda: aśáni -- : Sh. aĩyĕˊr (Lor. aĩyār → Bur. *lh ye r ʻ hail ʼ BurLg iii 17) poss. < *aśari -- from heteroclite n/r stem (cf. áśman -- : aśmará -- ʻ made of stone ʼ).†*aśari -- ʻ stone ʼ see aśáni -- .(CDIAL 910) vájra m. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ RV., ʻ diamond ʼ ṢaḍvBr. [√*vaj ]Pa. vajira -- m. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ, m.n. ʻ diamond ʼ, Pk. vajja -- , vayara -- , vaïra -- ; Sh. (Lor.) b*l c̣, pl. ˚c̣e m. ʻ thunderbolt, meteorite, lightning ʼ (< *baJ̣?); B. bāj ʻ thunderbolt ʼ; Si. vidu ʻ Indra's thunderbolt (or < vidyút -- ?), diamond ʼ, vadura, viduru.vajrakūṭa -- , *vajrāgni -- , vajrāśani -- .Addenda: vájra -- : X vidyút -- Add2 .(CDIAL 11204) *vajrāgni ʻ fire occasioned by thunderbolt ʼ. [vájra -- , agní -- ]OAw. bajāgi f. ʻ fire caused by lightning ʼ.(CDIAL 11206) vajrāśani m. ʻ Indra's thunderbolt ʼ R. [vájra -- , aśáni -- ]Aw. bajāsani m. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ prob. ← Sk.(CDIAL 11207)
śyēna is a pun on the word अशन् which means 'stone, rock' (RV 10.68.8: the expression used is aśnāpinaddham madhu'rock-imprisoned sweetnesss'); 'a stone for slinging , missile stone' RV. iI.30.4 and IV.28.5 (In RV II.30.4, asna is interpreted as a 'bolt or missile'; in RV IV.28.5 Soma and Indra piercethrough the aśnā 'stone'; in RV X.27.15 aśna is a 'stone'); अशन् aśan m. Ved. A stone for slinging; a stone or cloud. अश्नापिनद्धं मधु पर्यपश्यन् Rv.10.68.8; दश प्राक् सानु वि तिरन्त्यश्नः Rv.X.27.15):
RV X.68.8 He looked around on rockimprisoned- sweetness as one who eyes a fish in scanty water.
Brhaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it forth like a bowl from out the timber.
Even as in time of old with might thou slewest, so slay even now our enemy, O Indra.
मूजवत् m. N. of a mountain (वाजसनेयि-संहिता).; pl. N. of a people (अथर्व-वेद, शतपथ-ब्राह्मण)(Monier-Williams) मुञ्जवत् muñjavat मुञ्जवत् a. Overgrown with rushes, rushy.(Apte)
पारावत mf(ई)n. (fr. परा-वत्) remote , distant , coming from a distance , foreign RV. (instr. pl. " from distant quarters " AV. ); m. N. of a नाग of the race of ऐरावत , MBh.; a mountain (Monier-Williams) पारावतः pārāvatḥ 1 pigeon, turtle-dove, dove; पारावतः खरशिलाकणमात्रभोजी कामी भवत्यनुदिनं वद को$त्र हेतुः Bh.3.154; Me.4. -2 A monkey. -3 A mountain. -Comp. -अङ्घ्रिपिच्छः a kind of pigeon. -घ्नी N. of the river Sarasvatī.(Apte)
अशन् m. (connected with √ अश्) ([only /अश्ना (instr.) and /अश्नस् , perhaps better derived from /अश्मन् q.v. , cf. Whitney's Gr. 425 e]) , stone , rock RV. x , 68 , 8; a stone for slinging , missile stone RV. ii , 30 , 4 and iv , 28 , 5; ( NBD. ) the firmament RV. i , 164 , i ; 173 , 2 ; x , 27 , 15 [in the first two of these three passages the form /अश्नस् has before been taken as nom. sg. m. fr. 1. अश्न q.v.] (Monier-Williams) अशन् aśan m. Ved. A stone for slinging; a stone or cloud. अश्नापिनद्धं मधु पर्यपश्यन् Rv.10.68.8; दश प्राक् सानु वि तिरन्त्यश्नः Rv.1.27.15. (Apte)
श्येनः śyēnḥ श्येनः [श्यै-इनन् Uṇ.2.45] 1 The white colour. -2 Whiteness. -3 A hawk, falcon. -4 Violence. -5 Ved. A horse. -6 A kind of array in battle. -Comp. -अवपातः the swoop of a hawk; श्येनावपातचकिता वनवर्ति- केव Māl.8.8. -कपोतीय a. (from Śibi story) sudden (calamity). -करणम्, -करणिका 1 burning on a separate funeral pile. -2 a hawk-like, i. e. rash and desperate, act. -चित्, -जीविन् m. falconer; Ms.3.164. -पातः the swoop of a hawk or eagle; वडवे इव संयुक्ते श्येनपाते दिवौकसाम् Mb.3.133.26.(Apte) श्येन m. a hawk , falcon , eagle , any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down सोम to man) RV. &c; firewood laid in the shape of an eagle (शुल्ब-सूत्र); a kind of array (in battle) MBh. Ka1m.; a partic. एका*ह (षड्विंश-ब्राह्मण, कात्यायन-श्रौत-सूत्र); a horse; with or without इन्द्रश्य) N. of a सामन् (आर्षेय-ब्राह्मण,लाट्यायन); श्येना, श्येनी a female hawk; श्येन eagle-like (ऐतरेय-ब्राह्मण); mfn. coming from an eagle (as " eagle's flesh ") , Kr2ishn2aj. ?? (prob. w.r. for श्यैन) (Monier-Williams) श्यैनंपाता śyainampātā श्यैनंपाता [श्येनस्य पातो$त्र अण् मुम् च] Hawking, hunting, chase; इह विहरणैः श्यैनंपातां रवेरवधारयन् N.19.12; श्यैनिकशास्त्रम् śyainikaśāstram श्यैनिकशास्त्रम् The science of hunting; Gīrvāṇa.; श्यै śyai श्यै 1 Ā. (श्यायते, श्यान, शीत or शीन) 1 To go, move.(Apte)
This is an addendum to:
World's first wealth accounting Indus Script system of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization 'wealth' categories of metalwork in pasra'smithy'
-- Śyena, śen, śenī, aśáni'thunderbolt, falcon' Indus Script hypertext signifies آهن āhan'Iron', āhan gar 'blacksmith'
-- Śyena, śen, śenī'thunderbolt, falcon' shaped fire-altar brings Soma, havyam from aśan 'heaven'; rebus by sēna 'kāyastha, scribe'āhan gar 'blacksmith'
-- Caturaśra Śyena is the shape of the fire-altar because Soma as havyam in śen, śenī falcon from aśan heaven rebus sēna 'kāyastha, scribe'
-- śyēna derived from Meluhha aśáni'hail, thunderbolt' yields Meluhha Indus Script expression ahan-gār अहन्-गार्, āhan gar 'thunderbolt weapon-maker blacksmith';
-- A pun on the word śyēna is derived from Meluhha dialect phonetic form śen, śenī 'falcon'. The rebus reading is sēna 'a revenue collector, a kāyastha, 'scribe''.
श्येन [p= 1095,2] m. a hawk , falcon , eagle , any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down सोम to man) RV. &c; firewood laid in the shape of an eagle Śulbas. (Monier-Williams) śyēná m. ʻ hawk, falcon, eagle ʼ RV. Pa. sēna -- , °aka -- m. ʻ hawk ʼ, Pk. sēṇa -- m.; WPah.bhad. śeṇ ʻ kite ʼ; A. xen ʻ falcon, hawk ʼ, Or. seṇā, H. sen, sẽ m., M. śen m., śenī f. (< MIA. *senna -- ); Si. sen ʻ falcon, eagle, kite ʼ.(CDIAL 12674) Rebus: sena 'thunderbolt' (Sinhala):
aśáni f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ RV., °nī -- f. ŚBr. [Cf. áśan -- m. ʻ sling -- stone ʼ RV.] Pa. asanī -- f. ʻ thunderbolt, lightning ʼ, asana -- n. ʻ stone ʼ; Pk. asaṇi -- m.f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ; Ash. ašĩˊ ʻ hail ʼ, Wg. ašē˜ˊ, Pr. īšĩ, Bashg. "azhir", Dm. ašin, Paš. ášen, Shum. äˊšin, Gaw. išín, Bshk. ašun, Savi išin, Phal. ã̄šun, L. (Jukes) ahin, awāṇ. &circmacrepsilon;n (both with n, not ṇ), P. āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ m.f., WPah. bhad. ã̄ṇ, hiṇi f., N. asino, pl. °nā; Si. sena, heṇa ʻ thunderbolt ʼ Geiger GS 34, but the expected form would be *ā̤n; -- Sh. aĩyĕˊr f. ʻ hail ʼ (X ?). -- For ʻ stone ʼ > ʻ hailstone ʼ cf. upala -- and A. xil s.v.śilāˊ -- . (CDIAL 910) vajrāśani m. ʻ Indra's thunderbolt ʼ R. [vájra -- , aśáni -- ]Aw. bajāsani m. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ prob. ← Sk.(CDIAL 11207)Bogazkoy Indus Script seal, sēṇa 'eagle' rebus: sena ʻvajra, thunderboltʼ PLUS dhAtu 'strands of rope' Rebus'mineral, metal, ore' (CDIAL 6773) Alternative: pajhar 'eagle' rebus: pasra 'smithy , forge' dul 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'Śyena, śen, śenī 'falcon' rebus: Śyena, śen, śenī'thunderbolt'.
मेढा [ mēḍhā ] A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl.(Marathi)(CDIAL 10312).L. meṛh f. ʻrope tying oxen to each other and to post on threshing floorʼ(CDIAL 10317) Rebus: meḍ'iron'. mẽṛhet ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.)
dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā ]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)
dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā ]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)
eruvai 'kite' rebus: eruvai 'copper'; eraka 'wing' rebus: eraka 'moltencast, metal infusion'
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'cast metal' PLUS Hieroglyph: wings: *skambha2 ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, plumage ʼ. [Cf. *skapa -- s.v. *khavaka -- ]S. khambhu, °bho m. ʻ plumage ʼ, khambhuṛi f. ʻ wing ʼ; L. khabbh m., mult. khambh m. ʻ shoulder -- blade, wing, feather ʼ, khet. khamb ʻ wing ʼ, mult. khambhaṛā m. ʻ fin ʼ; P. khambh m. ʻ wing, feather ʼ; G. khā̆m f., khabhɔ m. ʻ shoulder ʼ.(CDIAL 13640) Rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner. (DEDR 1236).

śyēna comes from पारावत'remote, distant quarters', 'mountain'; from remote Mujavant (RV 10.34.1). Yaska takes it as Mt. Mujavant. (Nir. IX.8) Munjavant is a mountain in the Himalayas according to MBh.(MBh.X.485; XIV.180).
śyēna brings Soma from heaven. (AV VII.41.2; RV 4.26.4: where the word havyam is a metonymy for the Soma brought from heaven by the gāyatrī in the form of a hawk, by the hawk; śyēna carried off Soma (RV 4.26.5)
śyēna is an eagle, falcon or hawk; it is a swift bird; it is a strong bird.
In local parlance or Meluhha, Indian sprachbund 'language union', the word
śyēná has many pronunciation variants, linked with the word root ŚYAI which signifies 'congeal, freeze' hence, the derived semantics of āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ 'hail' (Punjabi). āhiṇ, āhaṇ are pronunciation variants of aśáni 'thunderbolt, lightning'. Thus, āhaṇ in Meluhha means 'hailstone'. This meaning gets enshrined in derived expressions in Pashto, Kashmiri and other sprachbund dialects semantically related to blacksmith/blacksmithy where metal weapons are produced; thus ahan-gār
Thus, Soma is brought from mountains in the form of a hawk or falcon or by the hawk or falcon, अशन् aśan,śyēná. I submit that this is the reason for the śyēná 'falcon or hawk' chosen as the shape of a citi or file-altar.
I am thankful to Prof. Ramasubramanian for the types of Agni Citi, 'fire-altars' and the objects desired from a particular citi shape. The significant summary from this list is that the objective of heaven is achieved through three types of Citi: śyēna citi, Kanka citi, Alaja citi.
śyēna 'hawk, falcon, eagle'
कङ्कः kaṅkḥ कङ्कः 1 A heron; Mb.11.16.7.... -4 A Kṣatriya. -5 A Vṛiṣṇi. -6 A false or pretended Brāhmaṇa. -7 Name assumed by Yudhiṣṭhira in the palace of Virāṭa. -8 One of the 18 divisions of the continent. -9 N. of a people (pl.); cf. कङ्कस्तरङ्गे गुप्ते च गृध्ने काके युधिष्ठिरे । कूले मधुरिपौ कोके पिके वैवस्वते$प्यथ ॥(Apte) kaṅká m. ʻ heron ʼ VS. [← Drav. T. Burrow TPS 1945, 87; onomat. Mayrhofer EWA i 137. Drav. influence certain in o of M. and Si.: Tam. Kan. Mal. kokku ʻ crane ʼ, Tu. korṅgu, Tel. koṅga, Kuvi koṅgi, Kui kohko]Pa. kaṅka -- m. ʻ heron ʼ, Pk. kaṁka -- m., S. kaṅgu m. ʻ crane, heron ʼ (→ Bal. kang); B. kã̄k ʻ heron ʼ, Or. kāṅka; G. kã̄kṛũ n. ʻ a partic. ravenous bird ʼ; -- with o from Drav.: M. kõkā m. ʻ heron ʼ; Si. kokā, pl. kokku ʻ various kinds of crane or heron ʼ, kekī ʻ female crane ʼ, kēki ʻ a species of crane, the paddy bird ʼ (ē?).(CDIAL 2595)
अलज m. a kind of bird (वाजसनेयि-संहिता. xxiv , 34).
*āhana ʻ striking, blow ʼ. [√
Addenda: *āhana -- : †*
śyēná m. ʻ hawk, falcon, eagle ʼ RV.Pa. sēna -- , ˚aka -- m. ʻ hawk ʼ, Pk. sēṇa -- m.; WPah.bhad. śeṇ ʻ kite ʼ; A. xen ʻ falcon, hawk ʼ, Or. seṇā, H. sen, sẽ m., M. śen m., śenī f. (< MIA. *senna -- ); Si. sen ʻ falcon, eagle, kite ʼ.ŚYAI ʻ congeal, freeze ʼ(CDIAL 12674)
In local parlance or Meluhha, Indian sprachbund 'language union' the word aśáni signifes a 'thunderbolt'; asani signifies 'thunderbolt,lightning' (Pali); āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ (Punjabi) signifies 'hail'; thus, vajrāśani is 'Indra's thunderbolt' or 'hailstone' which is bajāsani (Awadh)(coming from vajra'thunderbolt,meteorite, lightning'.
aśáni f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ RV., ˚nī -- f. ŚBr. [Cf. áśan -- m. ʻ sling -- stone ʼ RV.]
Pa. asanī -- f. ʻ thunderbolt, lightning ʼ, asana -- n. ʻ stone ʼ; Pk. asaṇi -- m.f. ʻ thunderbolt ʼ; Ash. ašĩˊ ʻ hail ʼ, Wg. ašē˜ˊ, Pr. īšĩ, Bashg. "azhir", Dm. ašin, Paš. ášen, Shum. äˊšin, Gaw. išín, Bshk. ašun, Savi išin, Phal. ã̄šun, L. (Jukes) ahin, awāṇ.; (both with n, not ṇ), P. āhiṇ, f., āhaṇ, aihaṇ m.f., WPah. bhad. ã̄ṇ, bhal.; f., N. asino, pl. ˚nā; Si. sena, heṇa ʻ thunderbolt ʼ Geiger GS 34, but the expected form would be *ā̤n; -- Sh. aĩyĕˊr f. ʻ hail ʼ (X ?). -- For ʻ stone ʼ > ʻ hailstone ʼ cf.
śyēna is a pun on the word अशन् which means 'stone, rock' (RV 10.68.8: the expression used is aśnāpinaddham madhu'rock-imprisoned sweetnesss'); 'a stone for slinging , missile stone' RV. iI.30.4 and IV.28.5 (In RV II.30.4, asna is interpreted as a 'bolt or missile'; in RV IV.28.5 Soma and Indra piercethrough the aśnā 'stone'; in RV X.27.15 aśna is a 'stone'); अशन् aśan m. Ved. A stone for slinging; a stone or cloud. अश्नापिनद्धं मधु पर्यपश्यन् Rv.10.68.8; दश प्राक् सानु वि तिरन्त्यश्नः Rv.X.27.15):
RV X.68.8 He looked around on rockimprisoned- sweetness as one who eyes a fish in scanty water.
Brhaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it forth like a bowl from out the timber.
RV II.30.4 As with a bolt, Brhaspati, fiercely flaming, pierce thou Vrkadvaras', the Asuras', heroes.
Even as in time of old with might thou slewest, so slay even now our enemy, O Indra.
RV IV.28.5 So, of a truth, Indra and Soma, Heroes, ye burst the stable of the kine and horses,
The stable which the bar or stone obstructed; and piercing through set free the habitations.
RV X.27.15 Seven heroes from the nether part ascended, and from the upper part came eight together.
Nine from behind came armed with winnowingbaskets-: ten from the front pressed over the rocks'
high ridges.
Nine from behind came armed with winnowingbaskets-: ten from the front pressed over the rocks'
high ridges.
Vāmadevagautama sings the following rca-s for śyena:
प्र सु श विभ्यो मरुतो विरस्तु प्र श्येनः श्येनेभ्य आशुपत्वा अचक्रया यात स्वधया सुपर्णो हव्यं भरन्मनवे देवजुष्टं (RV 4.26.4)
4.26.4 May this bird, Maruts, be pre-eminent over (other) hawks, since with a wheelless car the swift-winged bore the Soma, accepted by the gods, to Manu. [With a wheelless car: acakrayā vadhayā = cakrarahitena rathena, with a car without wheels; the text has havyam, this is a metonymy for the Soma, which is said to have been brought from heaven by the gāyatrī, in the form of a hawk; by the hawk, we are to understand the supreme spirit, parabrahma].
भरद्यदि विरतो वेविजानः पथोरुणा मनोजवा असर्जि तूयं ययौ मधुना सोम्येनोत श्रवो विविदे श्येनो RV 4.26.5
4.26.5 When the bird, intimidating (its guardians), carried off from hence (the Soma) it was at large; (flying) swift as thought along the vast path (of the firmament), it went rapidly with the sweet Soma, and the hawks thence acquired the celebrity in this world.
मूजवत् m. N. of a mountain (वाजसनेयि-संहिता).; pl. N. of a people (अथर्व-वेद, शतपथ-ब्राह्मण)(Monier-Williams) मुञ्जवत् muñjavat मुञ्जवत् a. Overgrown with rushes, rushy.(Apte)
पारावत mf(ई)n. (fr. परा-वत्) remote , distant , coming from a distance , foreign RV. (instr. pl. " from distant quarters " AV. ); m. N. of a नाग of the race of ऐरावत , MBh.; a mountain (Monier-Williams) पारावतः pārāvatḥ 1 pigeon, turtle-dove, dove; पारावतः खरशिलाकणमात्रभोजी कामी भवत्यनुदिनं वद को$त्र हेतुः Bh.3.154; Me.4. -2 A monkey. -3 A mountain. -Comp. -अङ्घ्रिपिच्छः a kind of pigeon. -घ्नी N. of the river Sarasvatī.(Apte)
अशन् m. (connected with √ अश्) ([only /अश्ना (instr.) and /अश्नस् , perhaps better derived from /अश्मन् q.v. , cf. Whitney's Gr. 425 e]) , stone , rock RV. x , 68 , 8; a stone for slinging , missile stone RV. ii , 30 , 4 and iv , 28 , 5; ( NBD. ) the firmament RV. i , 164 , i ; 173 , 2 ; x , 27 , 15 [in the first two of these three passages the form /अश्नस् has before been taken as nom. sg. m. fr. 1. अश्न q.v.] (Monier-Williams) अशन् aśan m. Ved. A stone for slinging; a stone or cloud. अश्नापिनद्धं मधु पर्यपश्यन् Rv.10.68.8; दश प्राक् सानु वि तिरन्त्यश्नः Rv.1.27.15. (Apte)
RV IV.17.13 Maghavan makes the settled man unsettled: he scatters dust that he hath swept together,
Breaking in pieces like Heaven armed with lightning: Maghavan shall enrich the man who lauds hm.
Breaking in pieces like Heaven armed with lightning: Maghavan shall enrich the man who lauds hm.
अशनि f. (rarely m. R. Pa1n2. Sch.) the thunderbolt , a flash of lightning RV. &c;
the tip of a missile RV. x , 87 , 4; a hail-stone, (कौशिक-सूत्र); m. one of the nine names of रुद्र (पारस्कर-गृह्यसूत्र); m. N. of शिव MBh. xiii;pl. N. of a warrior tribe , (g. पर्श्व्-ादि , q.v.); अशनि--मत् अश्/अनि-) mfn. possessing the thunderbolt RV. iv , 17 , 13.अशनि--हत mfn. struck by lightning काठक); अशनिन् mfn. = अश्/अनि-मत् q.v. MBh. xiii , 1157; अशनी f. = अश्/अनि , the thunderbolt (शतपथब्राह्मण.xi )(voc.) R. iii , 35 , 40.(Monier-Williams) अशनिः aśaniḥ m., f. [अश्नुते संहति, अश् अनि Uṇ 2.11] 1 Indra's thunderbolt; शक्रस्य महाशनिध्वजम् R.3.56. -2 Flash of lightning; अनुवनमशनिर्गतः Sk.; अशनिः कल्पित एष वेधसा R.8.47; अशनेरमृतस्य चोभयोर्वशिनश्चाम्बुधराश्च योनयः Ku.4.43. -3 A missile. अष्टचक्रां महाघोरामशनिं रुद्रनिर्मिताम् Mb.7.175.96. -4 The tip of a missile. -5 A sacrificial rite (अनुयाज) to kill an enemy. -6 A master. -Comp. -दण्डः The thunderbolt. निर्भिद्याशनिदण्डचण्डतरया चञ्चूवाधुना वक्षसि Nāg.4.27. -नि m. 1 Indra. -2 Fire. -3 Fire produced from lightning.(Apte)
श्येनः śyēnḥ श्येनः [श्यै-इनन् Uṇ.2.45] 1 The white colour. -2 Whiteness. -3 A hawk, falcon. -4 Violence. -5 Ved. A horse. -6 A kind of array in battle. -Comp. -अवपातः the swoop of a hawk; श्येनावपातचकिता वनवर्ति- केव Māl.8.8. -कपोतीय a. (from Śibi story) sudden (calamity). -करणम्, -करणिका 1 burning on a separate funeral pile. -2 a hawk-like, i. e. rash and desperate, act. -चित्, -जीविन् m. falconer; Ms.3.164. -पातः the swoop of a hawk or eagle; वडवे इव संयुक्ते श्येनपाते दिवौकसाम् Mb.3.133.26.(Apte) श्येन m. a hawk , falcon , eagle , any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down सोम to man) RV. &c; firewood laid in the shape of an eagle (शुल्ब-सूत्र); a kind of array (in battle) MBh. Ka1m.; a partic. एका*ह (षड्विंश-ब्राह्मण, कात्यायन-श्रौत-सूत्र); a horse; with or without इन्द्रश्य) N. of a सामन् (आर्षेय-ब्राह्मण,लाट्यायन); श्येना, श्येनी a female hawk; श्येन eagle-like (ऐतरेय-ब्राह्मण); mfn. coming from an eagle (as " eagle's flesh ") , Kr2ishn2aj. ?? (prob. w.r. for श्यैन) (Monier-Williams) श्यैनंपाता śyainampātā श्यैनंपाता [श्येनस्य पातो$त्र अण् मुम् च] Hawking, hunting, chase; इह विहरणैः श्यैनंपातां रवेरवधारयन् N.19.12; श्यैनिकशास्त्रम् śyainikaśāstram श्यैनिकशास्त्रम् The science of hunting; Gīrvāṇa.; श्यै śyai श्यै 1 Ā. (श्यायते, श्यान, शीत or शीन) 1 To go, move.(Apte)