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kanda 'fire-trench of four arms' an Indus Script Hypertext is a consecrated Vedic अग्नि-कुण्ड agnikuṇḍa


-- kanda 'fire-trench of four arms', अग्नि--कुण्ड 'enclosed space for consecrated fire', कोंद kōnda'furnace' of dhā̆vaḍ'iron smelter’.

Smelting or ore purification process occurs in a pot-kiln or in an enclosed space of a deep pit.
The Ujjain symbol of four dotted circles on four arms of a + hieroglyph, on early coins of Ancient India provide the leads to decipher the semantics in Meluhha of hieroglyphs/hypertexts as signifiers of smelting processes and smithy/forge processes to produce ingots or metalware,wealth of a nation. This Ujjain symbol on coins of ca. 3rd/4th cent. BCE are derived from a hieroglyph registered on a Rojdi potsherd of Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization ca. 3rd millennium BCE. A modification of the + symbol is the svastika showing the unique processes of sublimation of zinc in retorts; the sign is read rebus: sattva'svastika symbol' rebus: sattva 'zinc'.
Image result for svastika bharatkalyan97
 See: Proving that Svastika is NOT a syllable, but hypertext of logo-semantic Indus Script. History of svastika and its use on metalwork wealth-accounting ledgers 
https://tinyurl.com/y69rudws Thus, svastika symbol signifies the unique process for sublimating zinc ore.
"Rojdi is an archaeological site belonging to the Indus valley civilization. It is located on the northern bank of the Bhadar River in Gondal taluka of Rajkot district in central Saurashtra peninsula of Gujarat state in India. It was continuously occupied from 2500 BCE to 1700 BCE...The pottery often has graffiti with signs from the Indus script, such as jar sign. There is also a short inscription in Harappan writing on the rim of a potshred. Five (four complete and one broken) copper or bronze flat axes were found, all belonged to Rojdi C period." .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rojdi

This monograph establishes the semantics of the + shaped fire-altar shown on Indus Script inscriptions as अग्नि-कुण्डम् with the Kashmiri Indian sprachbund, Meluhha pronunciation variant कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace'. Dotted circles surrounding such a pictorial motif signify dhā̆vaḍ 'iron smelter’. Spherical blobs surrounding such a pictorial motif signify g̠ou 'round stone or pellet' rebus: khōa 'alloy ingot' . Thus, the pictorial narrative on Mohenjo-daro seal is a description of the metallurgical process of making alloy metal ingots on a sacred fire-altar.

m2093 Ivory road provides the link between smithy/forge activities and the smelting activities signified by dotted ccircles and signifiers of round blobs or round stones or pellets.
Image result for cylinder seal bisons fishImpression of an Indus-style cylinder seal of unknown Near Eastern origin  On this cylinder seal impression, a round blob is flanked by two bisons (water-buffaloes). rango 'buffalo' rebus: rango 'pewter' PLUS g̠o'round stone or pellet' rebus: khōa 'alloy ingot' Plus dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'. Thus, the cylinder seal narrates the processes in a smelter, in a smithy and a forge for producing metal castings from ores.
m2094 seal narrates the processes of smelting and production of metal alloy ingots and lokhaṇḍa'metalware' from metallic ores in a deep + shaped pit or fire-altar with consecrated fire.
Ivory rodm2093m2094 Mohenjo-daro seal

Hieroglyph: seed, something round: *gōṭṭa ʻ something round ʼ. [Cf. guḍá -- 1. -- In sense ʻ fruit, kernel ʼ cert. ← Drav., cf. Tam. koṭṭai ʻ nut, kernel ʼ, Kan. goae &c. listed DED 1722]K. goh f., dat. °i f. ʻ chequer or chess or dice board ʼ; S. g̠ou m. ʻ large ball of tobacco ready for hookah ʼ, °ī f. ʻ small do. ʼ; P. go f. ʻ spool on which gold or silver wire is wound, piece on a chequer board ʼ; N. goo ʻ piece ʼ, goi ʻ chess piece ʼ; A. go ʻ a fruit, whole piece ʼ, °ā ʻ globular, solid ʼ, gui ʻ small ball, seed, kernel ʼ; B. goā ʻ seed, bean, whole ʼ; Or. goā ʻ whole, undivided ʼ, goi ʻ small ball, cocoon ʼ, goāli ʻ small round piece of chalk ʼ; Bi. goā ʻ seed ʼ; Mth. goa ʻ numerative particle ʼ; H. gof. ʻ piece (at chess &c.) ʼ; G. go m. ʻ cloud of smoke ʼ, °ṭɔ m. ʻ kernel of coconut, nosegay ʼ, °ī f. ʻ lump of silver, clot of blood ʼ, °ilɔ m. ʻ hard ball of cloth ʼ; M. goā m. ʻ roundish stone ʼ, °ī f. ʻ a marble ʼ, gouā ʻ spherical ʼ; Si. guiya ʻ lump, ball ʼ; -- prob. also P. goṭṭā ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ, H. goā m. ʻ edging of such ʼ (→ K. goa m. ʻ edging of gold braid ʼ, S. goo m. ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ); M. go ʻ hem of a garment, metal wristlet ʼ.*gōḍḍ -- ʻ dig ʼ see *khōdd -- .Addenda: *gōṭṭa -- : also Ko. u ʻ silver or gold braid ʼ.(CDIAL 4271) Ta. koṭṭai seed of any kind not enclosed in chaff or husk, nut, stone, kernel; testicles; (RS, p. 142, items 200, 201) koṭṭāṅkacci, koṭṭācci coconut shell. Ma. koṭṭakernel of fruit, particularly of coconut, castor-oil seed; kuṟaṭṭa, kuraṭṭa kernel; kuraṇṭi stone of palmfruit. Ko. keṭ testes; scrotum. Ka. koṭṭe, goṟaṭe stone or kernel of fruit, esp. of mangoes; goṭṭa mango stone. Ko. koraṇḍi id. Tu. koṭṭè kernel of a nut, testicles; koṭṭañji a fruit without flesh; koṭṭayi a dried areca-nut; koraṇtu kernel or stone of fruit, cashew-nut; goṭṭu kernel of a nut as coconut, almond, castor-oil seed. Te. kuriḍī dried whole kernel of coconut. Kol. (Kin.) goṛva stone of fruit. Nk. goṛage stone of fruit. Kur. goā any seed which forms inside a fruit or shell. Malt. goṭa a seed or berry. / Cf. words meaning 'fruit, kernel, seed' in Turner, CDIAL, no. 4271 (so noted by Turner).(DEDR 2069) Rebus: khōa 'alloy ingot' (Marathi)

अग्नि--कुण्ड n. a pan with live coals R.; a hole or enclosed space for the consecrated fire Katha1s.(Monier-Williams) अग्नि-कुण्डम्[अग्नेराधानार्थं कुण्डम्] an enclosed space for keeping the fire, a fire-vessel. (Apte) कुण्ड n. [अस् m. L. ] , a bowl-shaped vessel , basin , bowl , pitcher , pot , water-pot Ka1tyS3r. MBh.&c;
a vessel for coals R. v , 10 , 16 &c; a round hole in the ground (for receiving and preserving water or fire cf. अग्नि-कुण्ड) , pit , well , spring or basin of water (especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person) MBh. R. &c

Tu. kandůka, kandaka ditch, trench. Te. kandakamu id. Konḍa kanda 
trench made as a fireplace during weddings. Pe. kanda fire trench. Kui kanda small trench for fireplace. Malt. kandri a pit. (DEDR 1214) కందకము  kandakamu. [Tel.] n. A ditch, trench. అగడ్త, పరిఘ. కుంట  kunṭa. [Tel.] n. A pond. కొలను, చెరువు. A pit, or hole of any kind పల్లము గుంట. A certain square measure of land, 1/40 of an acre. కుంటముక్కు kunṭa-mukku. n. A sort of fish. H. iv. 224.   కుండము  kunḍamu. [Skt.] n. An earthen pot. A pit or pot for receiving and preserving consecrated fire. A fire pit నిప్పుల గుండము. Ta. kuṭṭam depth, pond; kuṭṭai pool, small pond; kuṇṭam deep cavity, pit, pool; kuṇṭu depth, hollow, pond, manure-pit. Ma. kuṇṭam, kuṇṭu what is hollow and deep, hole, pit. Ka. kuṇḍa, koṇḍa, kuṇṭe pit, pool, pond; guṇḍa hollowness and deepness; guṇḍi hole, pit, hollow, pit of the stomach; guṇḍige pit of the stomach; guṇḍitu, guṇḍittu that is deep; guṇpu, gumpu, gumbu depth, profundity, solemnity, secrecy. Koḍ. kuṇḍï pit; kuṇḍitere manure-pit. Tu. kuṇḍa a pit; koṇḍa pit, hole; guṇḍi abyss, gulf, great depth; gumpu secret, concealed. Te. kuṇṭa, guṇṭa pond, pit; kuṇḍu cistern; guṇḍamu fire-pit; (Inscr.) a hollow or pit in the dry bed of a stream; gunta pit, hollow, depression. Kol. (Pat., p. 115) gunḍi deep. Nk. ghuṇḍik id. Pa. guṭṭa pool. Go.(A.) kunṭa id. (Voc. 737). Konḍa guṭa pit, hollow in the ground. Kui kuṭṭ a large pit (Chandrasekhar, Trans. Linguistic Circle Delhi 1958, p. 2). Kuwi (S.) guntomi pit; (Isr.) kuṇḍi pond. Cf. 1818 Ta. kur̤al and 2082 Kur. xoṇḍxā. / Cf. Skt. kuṇḍa- round hole in ground (for water or sacred fire), pit, well, spring.(CDIAL 1669)

kuṇḍá1 n. (RV. in cmpd.) ʻ bowl, waterpot ʼ KātyŚr., ʻ basin of water, pit ʼ MBh.H. kū̃ḍ f. ʻ tub ʼ, kū̃ṛā m. ʻ small tub ʼ, kū̃ḍā m. ʻ earthen vessel to knead bread in ʼ, kū̃ṛī f. ʻ stone cup ʼ; G. kũḍ m. ʻ basin ʼ, kũḍī f. ʻ water jar ʼ; M. kũḍ n. ʻ pool, well ʼ, WPah.kṭg. kv́ṇḍh m. ʻ pit or vessel used for an oblation with fire into which barley etc. is thrown ʼ; J. kũḍ m. ʻ pool, deep hole in a stream ʼ; (CDIAL 3264) kō̃da कोँद । कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv. 1033); a lime-kiln. -bal -बल् । कुलालादिकन्दुस्थानम् m. the place where a kiln is erected, a brick or potter's kiln (Gr.Gr. 165). --khasüñü --खस॑ञू॒ । कुलालादिकन्दुयथावद्भावः f.inf. a kiln to arise; met. to become like such a kiln (which contains no imperfectly baked articles, but only well-made perfectly baked ones), hence, a collection of good ('pucka') articles or qualities to exist. Cf. Śiv. 1033, where the causal form of the verb is used. (Kashmiri) *kandukara ʻ worker with pans ʼ. [kándu -- , kará -- 1]K. kã̄darkã̄duru dat. ˚daris m. ʻ baker ʼ.(CDIAL 2728)khaní ʻ digging up ʼ AV., f. ʻ mine ʼ VarBr̥S. 2. X gúhā -- 1. [√khan]1. Pk. khaṇi -- f. ʻ mine ʼ; NiDoc. kheni ʻ pit ʼ; A. khani ʻ mine ʼ; Or. khaṇi ʻ large pit for storing paddy ʼ, khaṇā ʻ large and deep pit, trench ʼ; H. khan m. ʻ mine ʼ, khanī f. ʻ pit in which husked rice or other grain is kept ʼ; M. khaṇ f. ʻ mine, quarry ʼ.
2. Sh. (Lor.) khōhkho ʻ cave, shelter of overhanging cliff ʼ; P. khoh f. ʻ hole, cavern, pit ʼ; OAw. khoha ʻ cave ʼ; H. khohkhokhau f. ʻ hole, pit, cave ʼ; G. kho f. ʻ cave ʼ. (CDIAL 3813)
   V کنده kandaʿh, s.f. (3rd) A cavity, a chasm, a cleft, a channel made by a torrent, an abyss, a ravine. 2. A large pit or ditch in which a number of dead bodies are buried after a battle. There are several of these at the top of the Malakand Pass, leading into Suwāt from Peś̱ẖāwer, and weapons and bones are often found protruding. Pl. يْ ey. See کند(Pashto)

 kandará n. ʻ cave, glen ʼ R., m. lex., ˚rīˊ -- f.Pa. kandara -- m. ʻ cave, grotto, glen ʼ; Pk. kaṁdara -- n., ˚rā -- , ˚rī -- f. ʻ hole, cave ʼ; Bi. kãdrī ʻ well dug in a river bank into which river water infiltrates ʼ; Si. kan̆dura ʻ mountain stream or gorge ʼ.(CDIAL 2724)

bal 3 बल् । क्षेत्रस्थानम् m. a suffix forming nouns of place, either proper or common, as in Hazrat-bal, N. of a place (RT.Tr. II, 457); saba-bal, the place where a wedding dinner party is carried on; wura-bal, the place for the cooking-fires of a bridegroom's party; kō̃da-bal, a brick-kiln or a potter's kiln; graṭa-bal (K.Pr. 71), the site of a Persian wheel, a mill-house. The word is esp. used to indicate the presence of water or a place sacred to a minor deity or spirit; thus, Ganēsh-bal, N. of place (RT.Tr. II, 340); Shāradā-bal, N. of a place (ib. 279); Ganga-bal,N. of a famous bathing-place at the source of the Kashmīr Gaṅgā (ib. 407, Śiv. 1684) (Kashmiri)

খন্দ1  khanda1: a ditch; a pit; a piece of low land.

   খণ্ড  khaṇḍa: a part; a fragment; a portion, a region (ভূখণ্ড); a piece (প্রস্তর খণ্ড, বস্ত্রখণ্ড); a slice (একখণ্ড পাউরুটি); a section (of a story, poem etc.); a volume, a copy (বইয়ের প্রথম খণ্ড). ̃কাব্য n. (rhet.) a minor epic or a short poem; an imperfect epic. ̃কাল n. a portion of a particular time, a part of a period. খণ্ড খণ্ড a. cut or broken or separated into pieces. খণ্ড খণ্ড করা v. to cut or break or separate into pieces. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) a partial eclipse. ̃প্রলয় n. a partial destruction of the universe; a tremendous upheaval or affray (resembling universal annihilation). ̃বাক্য n. (gr.) a clause. ̃বিখণ্ড same as খণ্ড খণ্ড । ̃যুদ্ধ n. a strife, a skirmish, an affray. খণ্ডশ, খণ্ডে খণ্ডে adv. part by part, in parts; piece by piece, piecemeal.
   খণ্ডন  khaṇḍana: cutting or cleaving or breaking or dividing or separating into parts or pieces; cutting or severing; refutation (যুক্তিখণ্ডন); freeing from, vindication, absolution (দোষখণ্ডন, পাপখণ্ডন); annulment, rescission (বিধিলিপি-খণ্ডন). খণ্ডন করা v. to cut or cleave; to break; to divide, to separate; to sever; to refute; to free from, to vindicate, to absolve; to contradict; to confute, to reverse, to annul, to rescind. খণ্ডনীয় a. that which is to be or can be cut or cleft or severed: breakable; dividable, separable; refutable; vindicable, that which can be absolved; reversible, that which can be rescinded.

lokhaṇḍa 'metalware'

कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' 


Orthography of a strand on Indus Script Sign 397 and orthographic variants of twisted rope ANE artifacts signify dhā̆vaḍ'iron smelter’. 


m2094m2094A See m2093
m0352Am0352Cm0352Dm0352E m0352F dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
gaṇḍa 'four' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements' rebus: kaṇḍa 'fire-altar'.

Numeral Sign ||||: gaṇḍa 'four' kaṇḍa 'metalware, equipment, pots and pans' gaṇḍaka m. ʻ a coin worth four cowries ʼ lex., ʻ method of counting by fours ʼ W. [ Mu. Przyluski RoczOrj iv 234] S. g̠aṇḍho m. ʻ four in counting ʼ; P. gaṇḍā m. ʻ four cowries ʼ; B. Or. H. gaṇḍā m. ʻ a group of four, four cowries ʼ; M. gaṇḍā m. ʻ aggregate of four cowries or pice ʼ.

Addenda: gaṇḍaka -- . -- With *du -- 2: OP. dugāā m. ʻ coin worth eight cowries ʼ.(CDIAL 4001) 4 koa or koa = 1 gaṇḍa = 4 (Santali) This is a classic example of counting in 'fours'; thus, four 'ones' make one gaṇḍa which means 'lit. group of four'.

The + shape of the fire-altar with four arms, is a semantic signifier of  gaṇḍa 
'four' kaṇḍa 'metalware, equipment, pots and pans' 

Dotted circles on Rojdi potsherd 3rd m.BCE, Ujjaini ancient coins and on a Alishar Hyyuk pot signify dhatu 'mineral ore', dhāvaḍ 'smelter' 

I submit that dotted circles on Ujjaini ancient coins and on Alisha Huyuk pot signify dhatu 'mineral ore' worked on by dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. This concordance may explain the formation of Proto-Indo-European languages which find expression in Indian sprachbund (speech union), in dialect words or mispronunciations of Meluhha (mleccha). It is possible that ancient Indian artisans landed and settled in Alisha Hoyuk and Cadic Hayuk, in search of and working with mineral resources.

This is an addendum to: Itihāsa. Potsherd of Rojdi with Indus Script inscription shows Ujjaini symbol; the hieroglyph reads in Meluhha rebus dhāvaḍ kaṇḍa 'smelter implements'https://tinyurl.com/y5nczkle

निर्झर मुखोपाध्याय

April 9, 2019 Facebook Harappan Archaeology

Thanks to Nirjhar Mukhopadhyay for this brilliant insight, identifying a Rojdi potsherd with an Indus Script inscription. The hieroglyph used on the potsherd is used as Ujjaini symbol on thousands of ancient mint coins from Ujjain and Eran. Clearly, the hieroglyph signifies the wealth of metalwork in mints. 

See: https://twitter.com/i/status/1117872841930657792
The Ujjaini symbol is traceable to an Indus Script hypertext on Rojdi potsherd which reads: dhāvaḍ kaṇḍa 'smelter implements'. (rebus gaṇḍa 'four' since the dotted circle is shown on four arms of the symbol).

Ujjain standard symbol (which consists of four dotted circles)  which appears on thousands of ancient coins from Ujjain and Eran mints of Ancient India. The same dotted circle occurs on the pot of a Bronze Age site in Turkey, Alishar Hyyuk, close to Cadir Hoyuk. I suggest that the dotted circle is read in Meluhha (mleccha) rebus in the sites of Turkey and India.

There are two hieroglyphs in the dotted circle: 1. Dot; 2. Circle. The dot is an orthographic style to signify a strand (like a strand of thread inserted through a perforated bead). The circle hieroglyph also a livelihood activity, duty, office; the word is vatta ‘circle’ rebus:-ʻduty, office’ (Pali).


Thus, together, the hypertext of dotted ciecle signifies:  dhã̄i 'strand' rebus: dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stoneʼ dhatu 'mineral ore' PLUS vaṭa'string' vaṭṭa 'circle' together rebus expression: dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. Thus, the Ujjaini symbol used as an Indus Script hypertext on Rojdi potsherd reads: dhāvaḍ kaṇḍa 'smelter implements'. cf.dāya 'roll of one in dice game' தாயம் tāyamn. < dāya. 1. Patrimony, inheritance, wealth of an ancestor capable of inheritance and partition (R. F.); பாகத்திற்குரிய பிதிரார்ச்சிதப்பொருள். 2. Share; பங்கு. (யாழ். அக.) 3. Paternal relationship; தந்தைவழிச் சுற்றம். (யாழ். அக.) 4. A fall of the dice; கவறுருட்ட விழும் விருத்தம். முற்பட இடுகின்ற தாயம் (கலித். 136, உரை). 5. Cubical pieces in dice-play; கவறு. (யாழ். அக.) 6. Number one in the game of dice; கவறுருட்ட விழும் ஒன்று என்னும் எண்Colloq


Hieroglyph, circle is: vr̥ttá ʻ turned ʼ RV., ʻ rounded ʼ ŚBr. 2. ʻ completed ʼ MaitrUp., ʻ passed, elapsed (of time) ʼ KauṣUp. 3. n. ʻ conduct, matter ʼ ŚBr., ʻ livelihood ʼ Hariv. [√vr̥t1]1. Pa. vaṭṭa -- ʻ round ʼ, n. ʻ circle ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭa -- , vatta -- , vitta -- , vutta -- ʻ round ʼ; L. (Ju.) vaṭ m. ʻ anything twisted ʼ; Si. vaṭa ʻ round ʼ, vaṭa -- ya ʻ circle, girth (esp. of trees) ʼ; Md. va'ʻ round ʼ GS 58; -- Paš.ar. waṭṭəwīˊkwaḍḍawik ʻ kidney ʼ ( -- wĭ̄k vr̥kká -- ) IIFL iii 3, 192? 2. Pk. vaṭṭa -- , vatta -- , vitta -- , vutta -- ʻ passed, gone away, completed, dead ʼ; Ash. weṭ -- intr. ʻ to pass (of time), pass, fall (of an avalanche) ʼ, weṭā -- tr. ʻ to pass (time) ʼ; Paš. wiṭīk ʻ passed ʼ; K.ḍoḍ. buto ʻ he was ʼ; P. batāuṇā ʻ to pass (time) ʼ; Ku. bītṇo ʻ to be spent, die ʼ, bitauṇo ʻ to pass, spend ʼ; N. bitāunu ʻ to pass (time), kill ʼ, butāunu ʻ to extinguish ʼ; Or. bitibā intr. ʻ to pass (of time), bitāibā tr.; Mth. butāb ʻ to extinguish ʼ; OAw. pret. bītā ʻ passed (of time) ʼ; H. bītnā intr. ʻ to pass (of time) ʼ, butnā ʻ to be extinguished ʼ, butānā ʻ to extinguish ʼ; G. vĭ̄tvũ intr. ʻ to pass (of time) ʼ, vatāvvũ tr. ʻ to stop ʼ(CDIAL 12069)


Rebus: Pa. vatta -- n. ʻ duty, office ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭa -- , vatta -- , vitta -- , vutta -- n. ʻ livelihood ʼ; P. buttā m. ʻ means ʼ; Ku. buto ʻ daily labour, wages ʼ; N. butā ʻ means, ability ʼ; H. oūtā m. ʻ power ʼ; Si. vaṭa ʻ subsistence, wages ʼ.
vārttā -- ; *ardhavr̥tta -- , *kaṇavr̥tta -- , *dyūtavr̥tta -- ,  (CDIAL 12069)


Hieroglyph: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., (CDIAL 6773)

Rebus: dhāˊtu*strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f.(CDIAL 6773

Alishar Hüyük (in modern Yozgat ProvinceTurkey) was an ancient Near Eastern city. It is near the modern village of Alişar, Sorgun....Alishar Hüyük was occupied beginning in the Chalcolithic Period, through the Bronze Age and the Hittites, and into Phrygian times. A number of Hittite-era cuneiform tablets in Old Assyrian of the Cappadocia type were found there. Mention in those tablets of the town Amkuwa has caused speculation that the site is the Ankuwa mentioned in other Hittite texts...The site was excavated between 1927 and 1932 by a team from the Oriental Institute of Chicago. The work was led by Erich Schmidt...About 12km northwest of Alishar Huyuk, there's another important archaeological site named Cadir Hoyuk (Çadır Höyük in Turkish alphabet).Recent excavators of Cadir Hoyuk have identified this site tentatively with the Hittite city of Zippalanda.Evidence of the first known settlement at Cadir Hoyuk has been radio-carbon dated to the Early Chalcolithic (5300-4500 BC); nevertheless the occupation may well be even earlier than that, and go back to Neolithic (ca. 5500 BC)...Cadir Hoyuk appears to have flourished during the Middle and Late Bronze Age (2000-1100 BC), continuing into the Iron Age.(I. J. Gelb, Inscriptions from Alishar and Vicinity, Oriental Institute Publications 27, The University of Chicago Press, 1935) Hans Henning von der Osten and Erich F. Schmidt, Researches in Anatolia 2. The Alishar Hüyük Season of 1927, Part 1, Oriental Institute Publications 6, The University of Chicago Press, 1930; Hans Henning von der Osten. Researches in Anatolia 9. The Alishar Hüyük Seasons of 1930-1932, Part 3, Oriental Institute Publications 30, The University of Chicago Press, 1937 

"Phyrgian painted pot (A65608) from the site of Alishar Huyuk in Turkey. The circles in the background behind the deer on the pot are thought by some scholars to be snow." (Oriental Institute). I submit that the dotted circles are NOT snow but signifiers of dhā̆vaḍ 'iron smelters’. The markhor is also an Indus Script hieroglyph: miṇḍā́l 'markhor' rebus: meḍho a ram, a sheep rebus मृदु mṛdu, mẽṛhẽt, meḍ'metal', iron'. Thus the Phyrgian pot Indus Script hypertext signifies Meluhha iron smelters at work.

Indus Script Cipher explains the sign zero (circle) as a hypertext in Meluhha (Bhāratiya sprachbund, speech union) to signify  vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: ba'iron'.

In the context of using the sign zero in place value notation, the same pair of homonyms (similar sounding words) signify: vaṭṭ'circle' rebus: vartana 'interval or landing point in numeration'

Zero hieroglyph was chosen because it signifies  hieroglyph: vr̥ttá ʻroundedʼŚBr. rebus: vr̥ttá ʻturnedʼ RV. The cognates in Bhāratīya sprachbund with pronunciation variations are: வட்டம் vaṭṭam Circle, circular form, ring-like shape; கிழமைவட்டம் kiḻamai-vaṭṭamn. < id. +. Week, as the cycle of seven kiamai;baṭṭ'that is round' rebus: baṭṭ'barrenness'. Given these semantics, the choice of sign zero as a circle reads: vr̥ttá 'turned' to signify a landing point or 'interval, vartana' of ten in numeration count on base 10.

A good example of the circle to signify baṭṭa 'that is round' is on this cylinder seal read rebus in Meluhha:

Image result for cylinder seal bisons fish

Sign zero is shown flankedby two bisons in the bottom register.

Impression of an Indus-style cylinder seal of unknown Near Eastern origin (After Fig. 6 
http://www.akhabataku.com/IndusScript.htm) "One of the two anthropomorphic figures carved on this seal wears the horns of water buffalo while sitting on a throne with hoofed legs, surrounded by snakes, fishes and water buffaloes. Copyrighted photo by M. Chuzeville for the Departement des antiquites orientales, Musee du Louvre." (Christian Carpelan & Asko Parpola, 2001, On the emergence, contacts and dispersalof Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Uralic andProto-Aryan in an archaeological perspective, pp. 55-150 in: Carpelan, Parpola & Koskikallio 2001, Memoires de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne 242, Helsinki. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura). The Meluhha Indus Script readings are: 

dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
ranga 'buffalo' rebus:  rango 'pewter'. rangarang pewter is an alloy of tin, lead, and antimony (anjana)  
baṭṭa 'rounded' rebus: baa 'iron' bhaa 'furnace' 
śyena 'eagle' aśani 'thunderbolt' rebus: āhangar 'blacksmith'
eraka 'wing' rebus: eraka 'molten cast, copper'
gaṇḍá4 m. ʻ rhinoceros ʼ lex., °aka -- m. lex. 2. *ga- yaṇḍa -- . [Prob. of same non -- Aryan origin as khaḍgá --1: cf. gaōtsāha -- m. lex. as a Sanskritized form ← Mu. PMWS 138]1. Pa. gaṇḍaka -- m., Pk. gaṁḍaya -- m., A. gãr, Or. gaṇḍā. 2. K. gö̃ m., S. geṇḍo m. (lw. with g -- ), P. gaĩā m., °ī f., N. gaĩo, H. gaĩā m., G. gẽḍɔ m., °ī f., M. gẽā m.Addenda: gaṇḍa -- 4. 2. *gayaṇḍa -- : WPah.kṭg. geṇḍɔ mirg m. ʻ rhinoceros ʼ, Md. genā ← H. (CDIAL 4000). காண்டாமிருகம் kāṇṭā-mirukam , n. [M. ṇṭāmgam.] Rhinoceros; கல்யானை. (Tamil) Rebus: ṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’ (Gujarati)  
ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal'
kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'
kuhi a sacred, divine tree, kui 'temple' rebus kuhi 'a furnace for smelting iron ore'.
kūdī 'twig' kuhi 'smelter' PLUS  hangra 'bull' rebus:  hangar 'blacksmith' PLUS ko 'horn' rebus:ko 'workshop'
kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' PLUS dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
फडा phaā f (फटा S) The hood of Coluber Nága Rebus: phaa फड 'manufactory, company, guild'

 Ivory rod, ivory plaque with dotted circles. Mohenjodaro. [Musee National De Arts Asiatiques Guimet, 1988-1989, Les cites oubliees de l’Indus Archeologie du Pakistan.]

m1654 Ivory cube with dotted circles Dotted circle hieroglyphs on each side of the cube (one dotted circle surrounded by 7 dotted circles): dhātu 'layer, strand'; dhāv 'strand, string' Rebus: dhāu, dhātu 'ore'.(smelter) PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: ba'iron' . Together, dhā̆va 'iron-smelters'. 

m1654A ivory cubem1654B ivory cube m1654D ivory cube dhāˊtu 'strand' Rebus: mineral: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773).

Ivory counters. Mohenjo-daro. The hypertexts signify creation of hard alloys from mineral ores. Hieroglyphs: karaṇḍa 'duck' (Sanskrit) karaṛa 'a very large aquatic bird' (Sindhi) Rebus: करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi)  

dhāˊtu 'strand' Rebus: mineral: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773).
 Ivory rod, ivory plaque with dotted circles. Mohenjodaro. [Musee National De Arts Asiatiques Guimet, 1988-1989, Les cites oubliees de l’Indus Archeologie du Pakistan.]
 m1951a Hieroglyph: dhāˊtu 'strand' Rebus: mineral: dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M.dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773).

m2113ABD धातु ‘strand, element’ rebus: ‘primary element of the earth, mineral, metal’  dhātu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ(whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f.(CDIAL 6773)

dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771). 

dula ‘duplicated’ rebus; dul ‘metal casting’ PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'.
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman'

m2089A m2089BC
dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'. Thus bronze/bell-metal workshop.
meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam)

m2090 dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'. Thus bronze/bell-metal workshop.
meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam)

m2091m2092 मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick) Rebus: meḍ 'iron'
(lozenge) Split parenthesis: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'.
meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam)

kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal'
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman'
PLUS mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.'
khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) PLUS kāmsako, kāmsiyo = a large sized comb (G.) Rebus: kaṁsa'bronze' (Telugu) kharaḍa ‘account day-book’
dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771). 
m2093 kolmo ‘rice plant’ rebus: kolilmi ‘smithy, forge’. Thus, metal casting forge. 
dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
धातु ‘strand, element’ rebus: ‘primary element of the earth, mineral, metal’  dhātu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ(whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)

Kikkuli Hittite Text shows that Kikkuli was a Meluhha शहाणा śahāṇā 'expert' from Sarasvati Civilization

We have seen that Kikkuli uses the expression vattana from Indo-Aryan (Meluhha, Bhāratīya sprachbund) to signify, 'intervals, rounds' in the context of horses put through paces of specific number of rounds during training. Kikkuli uses terms such as:  Vedic eka-, tri-, pañca- sapta-, nava-vartana. The numeral compounds used from Indo-Aryan are: aiga-tera-panza-satta-nāwa-wartanna ("one, three, five, seven, nine intervals"). See: 
The Hindu–Arabic numeral systembase-10. An ancient landing point in numeration is a count of ten which forms a set. Digits 1 to 9 gain their multiples of tens by the way they are positioned in a number. for example 
10 signifies One Tens place 
11 signifies One Tens place + numeral 1; 
22 signifies Two tens place PLUS numeral 2; 
123 signifies One Hundreds place + two tens place + numeral 3
Positional notation or place-value notation is a method of representing or encoding numbers. Positional notation is distinguished from other notations (such as Roman numerals) for its use of the same symbol for the different orders of magnitude (for example, the "ones place", "tens place", "hundreds place").

The word used for such placement system of counted numbers in Bhāratīya sprachbud (speech union) isvartanavaṭṭa 

வட்டம்1 vaṭṭam, < Pkt. vaṭṭa < vtta. n. 1. Circle, circular form, ring-like shape; மண்ட லம். (தொல். சொல். 402, உரை.) 2. Halo round the sun or moon, a karantuai-kō; பரிவேடம். (சிலப். 10, 102, உரை.) (சினேந். 164.) 3. Potter's wheel; குயவன் திரிகை. (பிங்.) 4. Wheel of a cart; வண்டிச்சக்கரம். (யாழ். அக.). cf. āvtti. Turn, course, as of a mantra; தடவை. விநாயகர் நாமத்தை நூற்றெட்டு வட்டஞ் செய்து (விநாயகபு. 74, 214).

வட்டன்2 vaṭṭaṉ, part. < வட்டம்1. Each, every. See தோறும். ஆட்டைவட்டன் முக்குறுணி நெற் பொலிசையாக (S. I. I. ii, 69, 3).

வட்டம்1 vaṭṭam Boundary, limit எல்லை. தொழுவல்வினை யொல்லை வட்டங்கடந் தோடுத லுண்மை (தேவா. 5, 9).

வட்டம்1 vaṭṭam Curve, bend; வளைவு. வில்லை வட்டப் பட வாங்கி (தேவா. 5, 9). 
கிழமைவட்டம் kiḻamai-vaṭṭam, n. < id. +. Week, as the cycle of seven kiamai; மண்டலித்துவரும் வாரம். (W.)

The following words from Bhāratīya sprachbund indicate that vaṭṭsignifies 'circle, round'.
Ka. baṭā, baṭṭa, baṭṭu bareness, voidness. Tu. baṭā̆ open, wide. Te. vaṭṭi empty, vacant, void, blank, mere, simple, vain, useless, bare, naked, false, untrue, groundless. Pa. baṭṭi bare ground.(DEDR 5233)

vr̥ttá ʻ turned ʼ RV., ʻ rounded ʼ ŚBr. 2. ʻ completed ʼ MaitrUp., ʻ passed, elapsed (of time) ʼ KauṣUp. 3. n. ʻ conduct, matter ʼ ŚBr., ʻ livelihood ʼ Hariv. [√vr̥t1]1. Pa. vaṭṭa -- ʻ round ʼ, n. ʻ circle ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭa -- , vatta -- , vitta -- , vutta -- ʻ round ʼ; L. (Ju.) va m. ʻ anything twisted ʼ; Si. vaa ʻ round ʼ, vaa -- ya ʻ circle, girth (esp. of trees) ʼ; Md. va' ʻ round ʼ GS 58(CDIAL 12069)

varta1 m. ʻ *turning round ʼ, ʻ livelihood ʼ lex. [√vr̥t] S. vau m. ʻ twist ʼ; H. baṭṭā m. ʻ exchange ʼ; -- Si. vaa ʻ subsistence, livelihood ʼ or < vr̥ttá -- .(CDIAL 11346) *vartakara ʻ making turns (of the quail) ʼ. [Pop. etym. for vártikā -- (vartīra -- m. Suśr., ˚tira -- m. lex.)? -- varta -- 1, kará -- 1]Ku. B. baer ʻ quail ʼ; Or. baarabatara ʻ the grey quail ʼ; Mth. H. baer f. ʻ quail ʼ; -- → P. baer˚rā m., ˚rī f., L. baērā m., S. baero m.; K. uru m. ʻ a kind of quail ʼ, baēra m. ʻ quail ʼ.(CDIAL 11350) *vartakaraa ʻ twisting instrument ʼ. [varta -- 1, káraṇa -- ]N. baernu ʻ the stick on which a rope is twisted ʼ.(CDIAL 111351) vartana n. ʻ turning, rolling ʼ Nir., vartanī -- f. ʻ spindle ʼ Lalit. [√vr̥t1]Pa. vaṭṭana -- n. ʻ turning round ʼ, vaṭṭani -- f. ʻ ring, globe ʼ, vaṭṭanāvali -- f. ʻ line of spindles(?) ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭaā<-> f., vattaa -- n., ˚ā -- f. ʻ revolving ʼ; Ḍ. b*l*li f. ʻ disc fixed on large spindle ʼ (?); Kho. bartun ʻ wooden disc fixed on spindle ʼ (a?); K. watan f. ʻ small circular piece of leather or wood or metal for fastening chain of bolt ʼ, watüñü f. ʻ do. used as a toy ʼ; S. vaio m. ʻ spindle ʼ; L. vanā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope P. vaṭṭṇāvaṭṇū m., ˚ī f., baṭṇā˚ū m., ˚ī f.; Ku. baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ; B. nā ʻ grinding ʼ; Bi. baanī ʻ fringemaker's wooden reel ʼ; H. banā m. ʻ stick for twisting rope ʼ; G. ṭṇɔ˚iɔ m. ʻ long round stone used in crushing or beating on a slab, muller ʼ.(CDIAL 11354) vartáyati ʻ causes to turn, whirls ʼ RV. [√vr̥t1] Pa. vaṭṭēti tr. ʻ turns, twists ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭēivattaï tr. ʻ turns, rolls into a ball, makes exist, covers ʼ; Dm. bayāy -- ʻ to wrap ʼ; Paš.lauṛ. waṭṭ -- tr. ʻ to pass or spend (time) ʼ; K. waun ʻ to fold up, roll up, close up, collect ʼ; S. vaau, srk. ˚iu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ; L. vaṭṭa, (Ju.) vaa ʻ to twist ʼ, awāṇ. vaṭṭu ʻ to coil ʼ; P. vaṭṭṇā ʻ to twist ʼ; WPah.bhad. baṭṭnū ʻ to twist (rope or thread) ʼ, bhal. baṭṭnū ʻ to fold, roll up (cloth) ʼ, (Joshi) ṭṇu ʻ to knead ʼ; Ku. ṭṇo ʻ to twine, wreathe, fashion ʼ; N. nu ʻ to twist, plait, weave ʼ; A. iba ʻ to twist, grind ʼ; B. ā̄ṭā ʻ to pound, crush ʼ; Or. ibā ʻ to pound ʼ; Bi. banāi ʻ act of rope -- twisting ʼ; H. nā ʻ to twist, twine ʼ; G. vũ ʻ to pound by rolling ʼ; M. ṭṇ ʻ to grind finely by rolling with a muller ʼ, vaṭṇ ʻ to scutch cotton (by rolling) ʼ; Si. vaanavā tr. ʻ to turn round ʼ; Md. vařan ʻ to twist, braid ʼ; -- Pa. vaṭṭāpēti ʻ causes to be turned ʼ, S. vaāiu; P. baāuā ʻ to cause to be twisted, change ʼ (whence vaṭṇāba˚ ʻ to be exchanged ʼ = H. banā ʻ to be twisted ʼ); G. vaāvvũvatāvvũ ʻ to exchange, cash ʼ. Addenda: vartáyati: WPah.kṭg. baṭṇõ ʻ to knead ʼ, J. ṭṇu; A. baiba ʻ to pound ʼ AFD 333; Md. vařanī ʻ twists, surrounds ʼ (in sense ʻ rubs on ʼ < údvartatē?). (CDIAL 11356)vártman n. ʻ track of a wheel, path ʼ RV. [J. Bloch StudII 19 *vartmā nom. sg. m. after ádhvā m. (cf. pánthā -- ) became f. in MIA. -- √vr̥t1]Pa. vauma -- n. ʻ path, road ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭa -- n.m., vaṭṭā<-> f., vaṭṭamaya -- , vaū˘maga -- n., K. wath, dat. ˚ti f., pog. wat, S. a f., P.  f., ḍog. batta f., kgr. bat f., bhaṭ. batt, WPah.bhad. bhal. paṅ. cam. batt f., pāḍ. cur. bat; Ku.  ʻ path, pass ʼ, o m. ʻ path ʼ, N. o (obl. a postp. ʻ from ʼ), A. B. ; Or. a ʻ path, place ʼ; Mth.  ʻ path ʼ, Bhoj. bāt, OAw. OMarw. a f., H.  f., G. M. Ko.  f.; Si. vauma ʻ road ʼ (← Pa.?), devaa ʻ lane ʼ (de -- < dēśá -- ?); -- Sh. ṭṷ m. ʻ wheel ʼ; G. ṭɔ m. ʻ tire ʼ (semant. cf. vartaní -- f. ʻ felly of wheel, path ʼ RV., Pa. vattanī -- f. ʻ track, path ʼ, Pk. vaṭṭaī -- f. ʻ road ʼ). -- Deriv.: N. bauwā ʻ traveller ʼ; B. beo ʻ of the road ʼ < *uāODBL 491; Or. uā ʻ traveller ʼ, G. vɔ m. -- X mārga -- q.v. -- Si. vat ʻ road ʼ (LM 404, EGS 155) extracted from māvat < *mahāpanthā -- . -- See vartís -- from which some of above NIA. feminine words may phonet. equally well derive.Addenda: vártman -- : WPah.kṭg. bāt, kc.  f. (obl. -- a), J. ' f.; Garh. u ʻ way ʼ. (CDIAL 11366)

Field Symbol 118 is ‘dotted circle’.Field Symbol figure 123 These hypertexts are also likely to be related to the orthography (and semantics) of ‘dotted circle + string’. Field Symbol figure 123 is associated with a ‘portable furnace’ indicating the possibility of production of ‘crucible steel’.

These signs (ASI 1977 Mahadevan corpus) may be semantic variants of the ‘dotted circle+ string’ orthography of Sign 397.

Sign 397 dhāī 'strand' PLUS vata, 'string'; together, the expression is:
a dotted circle + string which signifies dhā̆vaḍ ''iron-smelter' who performs the act of purification to win the wealth, the metal from mere earth and stone -- replicating the immeasurability of cosmic phenomena. This symbol is worn on the fillets of the Mohenjo-daro priest (on his forehead and on his right shoulder).
Cross-section view of a strand (say, through a bead), ‘dotted circle’: धातु ‘strand, element’ rebus: ‘primary element of the earth, mineral, metal’  dhātu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼ MBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā] Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ(whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si.  ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)
dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’PLUS kolmo ‘rice plant’ rebus: kolilmi ‘smithy, forge’. Thus, metal casting forge. 
Or. kāṇḍa, kã̄ṛ ʻstalk, arrowʼ(CDIAL 3023) rebus: kaṇḍa 'implements'.
aren,'lid' Rebus: aduru 'native unsmelted metal’ PLUS ko
a 'one' rebus: ko
kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ(CDIAL 2984) कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥ
कौटिलिकः 1 A hunter.-2 A blacksmith  PLUS dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’. Thus, bronze castings.
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman' PLUS sal‘splinter’ rebus: sal ‘workshop’
khaṇḍa 'division'. rebus: kaṇḍa 'implements'
dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
m1350 2599 ranku antelope’ rebus: ranku ‘tin’
kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ(CDIAL 2984) कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥ
कौटिलिकः 1 A hunter.-2 A blacksmith  PLUS dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’. Thus, bronze castings.

kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman' PLUSखांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon) rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'.
(lozenge) Split parenthesis: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, ingot forge. 
adar ‘harrow’ rebus: aduru ‘native metal’
ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥gveda)
dhāi 'strand' (R̥gveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a guild of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
kolmo ‘rice plant’ rebus: kolilmi ‘smithy, forge’
m1381A1m1381A2 1559 Seal Impression on a pot
dhāi 'strand' (R̥gveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
sal ‘splinter’ rebus: sal ‘workshop’
kāru pincers, tongs. Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' 
dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’ PLUS dhāḷ 'slanted stroke' rebus: dhāḷako 'ingot' PLUS kolom‘three’ rebus: kolimi ‘smithy, forge’
 m1648shell dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)

m1684a Field symbol:  kõda ‘young bull-calf’. Rebus: kũdār ‘turner’. sangaḍa ‘lathe, furnace’. Rebus: samgara ‘living in the same house, guild’. sãgaḍa (double-canoe, catamaran) Hence, smith guild.
Meaning, artha of inscription: Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'... PLUS (wealth categories cited.)
koḍa 'one' rebus: koḍ 'workshop'
dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'; dhāvḍā 'smelter'
kolmo ‘rice plant’ rebus: kolilmi ‘smithy, forge’.
m1744 Field symbol:  kõda ‘young bull-calf’. Rebus: kũdār ‘turner’. sangaḍa ‘lathe, furnace’. Rebus: samgara ‘living in the same house, guild’. sãgaḍa (double-canoe, catamaran) Hence, smith guild.

Meaning, artha of inscription: Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'... PLUS (wealth categories cited.)
aya, ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal' PLUS adaren 'lid' rebus: aduru 'unsmelted metal'
मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick) Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’
aDaren,'lid' Rebus: aduru 'native unsmelted metal'.PLUS dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'; dhāvḍā 'smelter'
dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771) PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon) rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'.
kamaḍha 'archer, bow' Rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'
khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) PLUS kāmsako, kāmsiyo = a large sized comb (G.) Rebus: kaṁsa 'bronze' (Telugu) kharaḍa ‘account day-book’
m1744 Field symbol:  kõda ‘young bull-calf’. Rebus: kũdār ‘turner’. sangaḍa ‘lathe, furnace’. Rebus: samgara ‘living in the same house, guild’. sãgaḍa (double-canoe, catamaran) Hence, smith guild.
Meaning, artha of inscription: Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'... PLUS (wealth categories cited.)
aya, ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal' PLUS adaren 'lid' rebus: aduru 'unsmelted metal'
मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick) Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’
aren,'lid' Rebus: aduru 'native unsmelted metal'.PLUS dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'; dhāvḍā 'smelter'
dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771) PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon) rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'.
kamaḍha 'archer, bow' Rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'
khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) PLUS kāmsako, kāmsiyo = a large sized comb (G.) Rebus: kaṁsa 'bronze' (Telugu) kharaḍa ‘account day-book’

m1916a Field symbol: kul ‘tiger’ (Santali); kōlu id. (Telugu) kōlupuli = Bengal tiger (Telugu) कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें  [kōlhēṃ] A jackal (Marathi) Rebus: kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kol ‘working in iron’ (Tamil)
adaren 'lid' rebus: aduru 'unsmelted metal' PLUS dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'; dhāvḍā 'smelter' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus sal 'workshop' 
मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick) Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ PLUS meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id ‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam)
śrētrī ʻladderʼ rebus: seṭṭha 'guild-master'
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman'

m1120 2362  Field symbol: पोळ [ pōḷa ] m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large. पोळी [ pōḷī ] dewlap. पोळा [ pōḷā ] 'zebu, bos indicus taurus' rebus: पोळा [ pōḷā ] 'magnetite, ferrite ore: Fe3O4' 

aren,'lid' Rebus: aduru 'native unsmelted metal' PLUS dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS copper ore M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a guild of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)
kāru pincers, tongs. Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' PLUS dula ‘duplicated’ rebus: dul ‘metal casting’
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar' rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe' कर्णिक 'steersman, helmsman' 

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