Eight sources of Padmini nidhi, wealth according to Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa (2...
This is an addendum to: Surprising validation of Indus Script Decipherment as 'wealth-acccounting ledgers' in Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa https://tinyurl.com/y4mtv9g2Two additional translations of Chapter 68 of...
View ArticleCyclone 'Fani' heading into Bay of Bengal
It is tough to predict the landfall of the cylone because of the unique wind currents near Ramasetu. Both clockwise and anti-clockwise wind currents are noticed in the region.Kalyanaraman, Sarasvati...
View ArticleNavanidhi of Kubera, nine treasures are metalwork, lapidary categories on...
https://tinyurl.com/y6m46cm9This monograph demonstrates that the nine treasures of Kubera in Hindu tradition are traceable to Indus Script inscriptions which are wealth-accounting ledgers of metalwork...
View ArticleWriting instruments: reed ṭã̄k pen-nib of ANE, three pen-nib Gold pendants of...
https://tinyurl.com/yye9o26pIt has been demonstrated that kernoi rings are ink holders (ferrite oxide) to write on metal.See: Indus Script writing instruments, Kernoi rings are ink-stands for...
View Article4,000-year-old rice, dal, sacred chambers and coffins found in Sanauli --...
ASI unearths treasure at U.P. siteDamini NathNEW DELHI, APRIL 30, 2019 23:12 ISTUPDATED: APRIL 30, 2019 23:12 ISTCoffins inside the burial chambers at the excavation sites in Sanauli. 4,000-year-old...
View ArticleMore than 100 million in the path of life-threatening Cyclone Fani
May 01, 2019More than 100 million in the path of life-threatening Cyclone FaniBy Eric Leister, AccuWeather senior...
View ArticleRehman Dehri Rhd 1 and Mohenjo-daro m1186 narrative hieroglyphs signify...
https://tinyurl.com/yyvb2bpxRehman Dehri seal signifies a T hieroglyph which also appears on oxhide ingots. Mohenjo-daro seal m1186 is a detailed narrative with pictorial motifs and a text message...
View ArticleVedic Empire, Super Power of the Globe from ca.7th m. BCE, extends from...
https://tinyurl.com/y2raay7oAtharva Veda, Book V, Hymn 22 mentions Bāhlīka, Mujāvan, Gāndhāri, Mahāvr̥ṣa, Anga, MagadhaSome hymns of Atharvaveda invoke the fever to go to the Gandharis, Mahavrsas (a...
View ArticleIndia helps translate ancient inscriptions in My Son Sanctuary
India helps translate ancient inscriptions in My Son SanctuaryVNA TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018 - 20:02:00 PRINTUNESCO world heritage My Son Sanctuary in central Quang Nam province. (Photo: VNA)Quang Nam...
View ArticleRivers as mothers of hearths (Mahābhārata) (dh)mākara vāhana of Ganga. Rebus...
Rivers as mothers of hearths in the Mahābhārata 3.212.21–24: Hence, (dh)mākara is the vāhana of Ganga. Rebus signifier is dhmākara 'bellows blower, blacksmith'. Bhima is the smith in Bhimaswarga,...
View ArticleUniquely ligatured ficus hieroglyph signifies lohakāra 'coppersmith,...
https://tinyurl.com/y3sdsz7gSign 327V326 (Orthographic variants of Sign 326) V327 (Orthographic variants of Sign 327)loa = a species of fig tree, ficus glomerata, the fruit of ficus glomerata(Santali)...
View ArticleCitragupta, accountant, kāyastha 'merchant-guilds' on sculptues signify Indus...
https://tinyurl.com/y3dwju97Citragupta is a quintessential accountant, a keeper of accounts, wealth-accounting ledgers. This tradition is traceable to R̥gveda and Indus Script Corpora.-- Bull...
View Articleखर-अंशुः 'Soma, metaphor of wealth, of sun's rays'. Meluhha Indus Script...
This monograph reconstructs two ancient Meluhha (Indian sprachbund, 'language union') expressions which signify wealth-accounting for a nation by merchant-/artisan-guilds of Sarasvati Civilization....
View ArticleThe 'unicorn' of Indus Script is کار کنده kār-kunda ''manager, director,...
m1656 Pectoral.Gold Pendant. Harappa. National Museum, New DelhiSun's rays arka 'sun, rays of sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'moltencast'. Orthography of the young bull clearly shows sun’s rays...
View ArticleUruk cylinder seal Indus Scipthieroglyphs metalwork wealth-accounting ledger
https://tinyurl.com/y5vsevbp Oriental Institute @orientalinst May 5, 2019Uruk period (3350-3100 BC) limestone cylinder seal (A17641, not on display),...
View ArticleRafale Itihāsa: Central Govt.to SC, Full texts of 2 affidavits, rebut...
Rafale: Court cannot base its decisions on Media Reports, Central govt to Supreme Court...
View ArticleYoung bull kār-kunda 'manager' with unique orthographic ligatures elucidates...
https://tinyurl.com/y4uh3ywqThe monograph is organized in the following eight sections: 1. Symbol of one-horn of the bovine2. Symbols of rings on neck-- Semantic determinative of kōḍe. [Tel.] n. A...
View ArticleOverflowing pot of m1656 pectoral and on Ibni Sharrum cylinder seal signifies...
https://tinyurl.com/y6psctdwThis is an addendum to: Young bull kār-kunda 'manager' with unique orthographic ligatures elucidates metallurgical competence of 'lapidary, goldsmith, turner' in mint...
View Articleṭhākur 'blacksmith' in कर्मठ karmaṭha, kamaḍha, a tapas, 'penance' venerated...
https://tinyurl.com/yxjuhflbThe monograph is presented in two sections:Section 1. Kneeling adorant in a gesture of venerationSection 2. A person seated on a platform in a meditation yoga postureThis...
View ArticleDaśāvatāra metaphors & Indus Script cipher, kãsā kammaṭa 'bell-metal coiner,...
https://tinyurl.com/yxtlnjspWhy is kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell) one of the nine treasures of Kubera? Why is Kūrma an avatāra?I submit that the daśāvatāra including the first five forms or...
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