This monograph demonstrates that the nine treasures of Kubera in Hindu tradition are traceable to Indus Script inscriptions which are wealth-accounting ledgers of metalwork and lapidary products of artisans.
1. (dh)mākara, makara is a composite animal with elephant trunk, crocodile face, body of fish, feline paws, Rebus reading is dhmākara 'bellows blower,blacksmith'. kola'tiger' rebus: kol'working in iron', kolhe'smelter'.

Makara with fish-tails and emergence of a smith, ivory-carver, artificer. Plaque from Casket V. Begram. Site 2, Chamber 10. Ivory. Inv. no.: MG 1901.Musee Guimet.
2. kunda, mukunda 'treasure'.: खोंड khōṇḍa'young bull'kō̃da कोँद 'furnace'
3. nanda or కుంద, குந்தம்6 kuntam , n. < kunda 'lathe' Hieroglyph: kunda 'lathe' rebus: kō̃da कोँद 'furnace' kundaṇa 'fine gold'.
4. Meluhha synonym of kharva is karba: kharva 'dwarf'; Elephant: karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karb, ib'iron'.
Worship of Śiva Linga by Gandharvas - Shunga Period - Bhuteshwar - ACCN 3625 This is worship by kharva 'dwarfs' gaNa of Siva, celebrating Kubera's nidhi also called kharva Rebus: karb 'iron' (Tulu)
On this sculptural frieze of Mathura, Śivalinga is shown atop a smelter.

5. Meluhha synonym of mahāpadma is sattva (Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa). sattva'svastika hieroglyph' rebus: jasta, sattva'zinc, pewter'.Rebus:sattu, satavu, satuvu 'pewter' (Kannada) సత్తుతపెల a vessel made of pewter ज&above;स्ति&below; । त्रपुधातुविशेषनिर्मितम् jasth जस्थ । त्रपु m. (sg. dat. jastas जस्तस् ), zinc, spelter; pewter. trápu n. ʻ tin ʼ AV.
Pa. tipu -- n. ʻ tin ʼ; Pk. taü -- , taüa -- n. ʻ lead ʼ; P. tū̃ m. ʻ tin ʼ; Or. ṭaü ʻ zinc, pewter ʼ; OG. tarūaüṁ n. ʻ lead ʼ, G. tarvũ n. -- Si. tum̆ba ʻ lead ʼ GS74, but rather X tam̆ba < tāmrá -- .(CDIAL 5992)
5. Meluhha synonym of kacchapa is kamaṭha'turtle, tortoise' Rebus: kammaṭa'mint, coiner, coinage'. kassa 'turtle' rebus: kãsā 'bell-metal' (Oriya), kamaṭha 'turtle' rebus: kãsā kammaṭa 'bell-metal coiner, mint, portable furnace'. dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'. Thus, metal casting mint.

7. Meluhha synonym of śankha is Ta. ippi pearl-oyster, shell; cippi shell, shellfish, coconut shell for measuring out curds. Ma. ippi, cippi oyster shell. Ka.cippu, sippu, cimpi, cimpe, simpi, simpu, simpe oyster shell, mussel, cockle, a portion of the shell of a coconut, skull, a pearl oyster; (Gowda) cippi coconut shell. Tu. cippi coconut shell, oyster shell, pearl; tippi, sippi coconut shell. Te. cippa a shell; (kobbari cᵒ) coconut shell; (mōkāli cᵒ) knee-pan, patella; (tala cᵒ) skull; (muttepu cᵒ) mother-of-pearl. Go. (Ma.) ipi shell, conch (Voc. 174). / Cf. Turner, CDIAL, no. 13417, *sippī-; Pali sippī- pearl oyster, Pkt. sippī- id., etc(DEDR 2535) sippi 'snail' rebus: s'ilpi,sippi 'sculptor, artificer, artisan'.. A synonym of śankha is kangu: kāṅga 'comb' Rebus: kanga 'brazier, fireplace'.

Story of Serpent King Erapata, with Erapata worshipping empty throne, on Prasenajit pillar, from Bharhut, Madhya Pradesh, India, Sunga period, c. 100-80 B.C.E., reddish brown sandstone (Indian Museum, Kolkata) (photo: Anandajoti Bhikkhu. tāmarasa 'lotus' rebus: tāmra 'copper'; phaḍā 'cobra hood' rebus:phaḍā, 'metals manufactory'; paṭṭaḍi 'metal anvil workshop'.
9. The ninth treasure is nīlamaṇi m. ʻ sapphire ʼ Dhūrt. [nīˊla -- , maṇí -- 1 ]
Pa. nīlamaṇi -- m. sapphire ʼ, Pk. ṇīlamaṇi -- m.f., Si. nilmiṇa.(CDIAL 7565). The word also signifies S. nīru m. ʻ blue colour, indigo ʼ; L. nīl m. ʻ indigo ʼ, P. nīl, līl m., Or. nīḷā, (Sambhalpur) nirā. (CDIAL 7563). In the 8000+ Indus Script inscriptions deciphered, no evidence has been found of any inscription which signifies this wealth of sapphire gem or indigo colouring dye, as a treasure. If a hieroglyph signifies this treasure, it is likely to be a hieroglyph which signifies a 'standing' posutre as on Sign 1. Ka. nil (nilt-/ nind-), nilu, nillu to stand still, stand, stand up, stop, stay, wait, remain, be left, last, remain fixed, cease, rest, endure; nila, nilu standing, that stands upright, remainder, balance, arrears;(DEDR 3675).But this sign together with over 40 ligatured variants, seems to relate to the semantics: meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron',med 'copper' (Slavic).There is a possibility that the ninth category of treasure may be signified by the semantics of śrēṣṭha श्रेष्ठः as a name of Kubera; if so, there is an Indus Script hieroglyph which signifies this word providing the meaning 'guild-master':
khāra 'squirrel', šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel' Indus Script hypertext is khār 'blacksmith'śrēṣṭhin'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaṇa).
*śrēṣṭrī1 ʻ clinger ʼ. [√śriṣ 1 ]Phal. šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ?(CDIAL 12723)
Hieroglyph: squirrel: *śrēṣṭrī1 ʻ clinger ʼ. [√śriṣ 1 ]Phal. šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ?(CDIAL 12723) Rebus: guild master khāra, 'squirrel', rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri). *śrēṣṭrī1 ʻ clinger ʼ. [√śriṣ 1 ] Phal. šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ? (CDIAL 12723) Rebus: śrēṣṭhin m. ʻ distinguished man ʼ AitBr., ʻ foreman of a guild ʼ, °nī -- f. ʻ his wife ʼ Hariv. [śrḗṣṭha -- ] Pa. seṭṭhin -- m. ʻ guild -- master ʼ, Dhp. śeṭhi, Pk. seṭṭhi -- , siṭṭhi -- m., °iṇī -- f.; S. seṭhi m. ʻ wholesale merchant ʼ; P. seṭh m. ʻ head of a guild, banker ʼ,seṭhaṇ, °ṇī f.; Ku.gng. śēṭh ʻ rich man ʼ; N. seṭh ʻ banker ʼ; B. seṭh ʻ head of a guild, merchant ʼ; Or. seṭhi ʻ caste of washermen ʼ; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. sēṭhi ʻ merchant, banker ʼ, H. seṭh m., °ṭhan f.; G. śeṭh, śeṭhiyɔ m. ʻ wholesale merchant, employer, master ʼ; M. śeṭh, °ṭhī, śeṭ, °ṭī m. ʻ respectful term for banker or merchant ʼ; Si. siṭu, hi° ʻ banker, nobleman ʼ H. Smith JA 1950, 208 (or < śiṣṭá -- 2 ?) (CDIAL 12726) I suggest that the šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ? is read rebus: śeṭhī, śeṭī m. ʻ respectful term for banker or merchant ʼ (Marathi) or eṭṭhin -- m. ʻ guild -- master ʼ(Prakrtam)
palm squirrel,Sciurus palmarum'

śrēṣṭha श्रेष्ठ a. Best, most excellent, pre-eminent (with gen. or loc.). -2 Most happy or prosperous. -3 Most beloved, dearest. -4 Oldest, senior. -ष्ठः 1 A Brāh- maṇa. -2 A king. -3 N. of Kubera. -4 N. of Viṣṇu. -ष्ठम् 1 Cow's milk. -2 Copper. -Comp. .,. (-ष्ठम्) the main pillar of a house. -वाच् a.eloquent.
This is an addendum to:
Synonyms for Kubera used in Mahābhārata. Alakādhipa, Dhanada, Dhanadeśvara, Dhanagoptā, Dhanādhipa, Dhanādhipati, Dhanādhyakṣa, Dhaneśvara, Dhanapati, Dhaneśa, Draviṇapati, Gadādhara, Guhyakādhipa, Guhyakādhipati, Kailāsanilaya, Naravāhana, Nidhipa, Paulastya, Rājarāja, Rājarāṭ, Rākṣasādhipati, Rākṣaseśvara, Vaiśravaṇa, Vittagoptā, Vittapati, Vitteśa, Yakṣādhipa, Yakṣādhipati, Yakṣapati, Yakṣapravara, Yakṣarāṭ, Yakṣarāja, Yakṣarākṣasabhartā, Yakṣarakṣodhipa.
Names of Kubera in Amarakośa
Kubera – one who has a vile body (ugly)
Trayambakasaka -- Friend of Shiva, one who has three eyes
Yaksharat – king of Yakshas
Guhyakeswara - - one who keeps himself secret in the underground caves
Manushyadharma -- one who follows morals of human beings
Danada: -- one who gives wealth
Rajaraja:-- king of kings
Danadipa: --- lord of wealth
Kinnareswara: --- lord of Kinnaras
Vaisravana – descendent of Visravas
Paulastya – belongs to Pulastya gotra
Naravahana: -- carried by humans
Yaksha: -- worshipful
Ekapinga: -- looked at by the corner of Devi/goddess
Jadavida: -- who came through Ida and Pingala or mother’s name Idavila
Sridha: -- one who has Sri=Lakshmi
Punyadineswara: Lord of Punyajanas
शेव--धि śevadhi, sevadhi " treasure-receptacle " , wealth , treasure , jewel RV. &c;treasury , an inexhaustible quantity (of good or evil); one of the nine treasures of कुबेर (Monier-Williams) पद्मिनी is a magical art (Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa).

Kubera as Naravāhana, Tala, Chattisgarh. The Nara is shown as Kīrtimukha, an iconographic signifier of tiger's face:kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron', kolhe 'smelter'. This tradition is traceable to Sarasvati Civilization with tiger hieroglphs and figurines. This indicates that Kubera's wealth or nine treasures are metalwork and lapidary categories.

Feline figurines with large round ears and beards may represent tigers or lions. They are often depicted either standing or lying down with their legs extended to one side.
Approximate dimensions (W x H(L) x D) of the larger figurine: 3.3 x 8.2 x 4.7 cm.

Tiger or leopard figurine with incised facial features, including punctated dots on the face that could be whisker marks. This figurine depicts a normal feline without horns or human face and therefore probably represents the actual wild animal. Hand formed with applique eyes.
Material: terra cotta
Dimensions: 5.7 cm height, 11.9 cm length, 4.5 cm width
Harappa, Lot 59-17
Harappa Museum, H87-339
Dales and Kenoyer 1990: fig. 62.3, Dales and Kenoyer 1991: fig. 13.14, 1
Dimensions: 5.7 cm height, 11.9 cm length, 4.5 cm width
Harappa, Lot 59-17
Harappa Museum, H87-339
Dales and Kenoyer 1990: fig. 62.3, Dales and Kenoyer 1991: fig. 13.14, 1

"A miniature mask of horned deity with human face and bared teeth of a tiger. A large mustache or divided upper lip frames the canines, and a flaring beard adds to the effect of rage. The eyes are defined as raised lumps that may have originally been painted. Short feline ears contrast with two short horns similar to a bull rather than the curving water buffalo horns. Two holes on either side allow the mask to be attached to a puppet or worn as an amulet.
Miniature Sharp Toothed Terra Cotta Mask"

"It has been suggested that some feline figurines have anthropomorphic facial features. While features such as "coffee bean" eyes are unusual, the facial features of many animal figurines are stylized. Such features as beards are not necessarily anthropomorphic features, but may represent either tigers’ ruffs or lions’ manes. Variations in facial features may represent differences in wild felines rather than anthropomorphization.
Anthropomorphic Feline Figurine"

10th Century CE, Bhopal Museum, Pratihāra Dynasty

Kubera, 12th century,Airavatesvara Temple, Darasuram, Tamil Nadu.


Kubera at the San Antonio Museum of Art | |
Affiliation | Deva, Lokapala, Guardians of the directions (Dikpala) Mount: Wild Boar, Mongoose |
nidhiḥ निधिः [नि-धा-आधारे कि] 1 Abode, receptacle, reservoir; जल˚, तोय˚, तपोनिधि &c. -2 A store-house, trea- sury. -3 A treasure, store, hoard (for the nine treasures of Kubera, see नवनिधि). -4 The ocean. -5 An epithet of Viṣṇu. -6 A man endowed with many good qualities. -7 the science of chronology; Ch. Up.7.2.1. -Comp. -ईशः, नाथः an epithet of Kubera; Bhāg.1.5.56. -वादः the art of finding treasure.
vasu वसु a. Sweet. -2 Dry. -3 Ved. Wealthy, rich. -4 Ved. Good. -n. [वस्-उन् Uṇ.1.1] 1 Wealth, riches; स्वयं प्रदुग्धे$स्य गुणैरुपस्नुता वसूपमानस्य वसूनि मेदिनी Ki.1.18; R.8.31; 9.6 वस्वीशाद् वसुनिकरं (लब्ध्वा) धृतानुरागा Rām. ch.7.58. -2 A jewel, gem. -3 Gold. -4 Water; वसु काल उपादत्ते काले चायं विमुञ्चति Bhāg.4.16.6. -5 A thing, sub- stance; त्रात्वार्थितो जगति पुत्रपदं च लेभे दुग्धा वसूनि वसुधा सकलानि येन Bhāg.2.7.9; Mb.12.98.2. ..1 N. of a class of deities (usually pl. in this sense); सेयं भूरिवसोर्वसोरिव सुता मृत्यो- र्मुखे वर्तते Māl 5.24; Ki.1.18; (the Vasus are eight in number :-1 आप, 2 ध्रुव, 3 सोम, 4 धर or धव, 5 अनिल, 6 अनल, 7 प्रत्यूष, and 8 प्रभास; sometimes अह is substituted for आप; धरो ध्रुवश्च सोमश्च अहश्चैवानिलो$नलः । प्रत्यूषश्च प्रभासश्च वसवो$ष्टाविति स्मृताः). -2 The number 'eight'. -3 N. of Kubera. -4 Of Śiva. -5 Of Agni...-ओ (औ) कसारा 1 N. of Amarāvatī, the city of Indra. -2 of Alakā, the city of Kubera; 'वस्वौकसारा श्रीदस्य शक्रस्य नलिनी पुरी'इति हरिः; वस्वौकसारां नलिनीमतीत्यैवोत्तरान् कुरून् Rām.2.94.26; व्यक्तं वस्वोकसारेयम् Mb.7.67.16. (com. वस्वोकसारा सलोप आर्षः । कनकमयानि ओकांसि सारो यस्याः सा तथा). -3 of a river attached to Amarāvatī and Alakā...-धारा, -भारा the capital of Kubera. [वसोर्धारा 1 a stream of ghee prepared for Vasus; कुड्यलग्नां वसोर्धारां सप्त वारान् घृतेन तु । कारयेत् प़ञ्च वारान् वा नातिनीचां न चोच्छ्रिताम् Chhandogapaddhati...-स्थली N. of the city of Kubera (Apte) वसु N. of the gods (as the " good or bright ones " , esp. of the आदित्यs , मरुत्s , अश्विन्s , इन्द्र , उषस् , रुद्र , वायु , विष्णु , शिव , and कुबेर) RV. AV. MBh. R. (Monier-Williams)
vitta वित्त p. p. [विद् लाभे क्त] 1 Found, discovered. -2 Gained, acquired. -3 Examined, investigated. -4 Known, famous. -तम् 1 Wealth, possessions, property, substance. -2 Power. -3 Gold; L. D. B. -4 The second astrological mansion. -Comp. -आगमः, -उपार्जनम् acquisition of wealth. -ईशः, -पः, -पतिः, -पालः an epithet of Kubera; रुद्राणां शंकरश्चास्मि वित्तेशो यक्षरक्षसाम् Bg.1.23; Ms.7.4; Bhāg.5.1.17. ..vaittapālya वैत्तपाल्य a. Relating to Kubera; Mb.7.21.73.
pramōdita प्रमोदित p. p. Pleased, delighted, joyful, happy. -तः An epithet of Kubera.(Apte) वित्ते* श m. " wealth-lord " , कुबेर Mn. Hariv. &c (Monier-Williams)
navan नवन् num. a. (always pl.). Nine; नवतिं नवाधिकाम् R.3.69; see comp. below. (At the begining of comp. नवन् drops its final न्). -Comp...-निधि m. (pl.) the nine treasures of Kubera. i. e. महापद्मश्च पद्मश्च शङ्खो मकरकच्छपौ । मुकुन्दकुन्द- नीलाश्च खर्वश्च निधयो नव ॥ (Apte) नि-° धि a store , hoard , treasure RV. &c &c (in later language esp. the divine treasures belonging to कुबेर , nine of which are enumerated , viz. पद्म , महापद्म , शङ्ख , मकर , कच्छप , मुकुन्द , नन्द , नील and खर्व , they are also personified as attendants either of कुबेर or of लक्ष्मी नि-° धि (with दैव) the science of chronology ChUp. vii , 1 , 2 (शंकराचार्य)(Monier-Williams)
aṣṭan अष्टन् num. a. [अश-व्याप्तौ कनिन् तुट् च Uṇ.1.154.] (nom., acc. अष्ट-ष्टौ) Eight. It often occurs in comp. as अष्टा with numerals and some other nouns; as अष्टादशन्, अष्टाविंशतिः, अष्टापद &c. [cf. L. octo; Gr. okto; Zend astani Pers. hasht.]...-पदः (˚ष्ट˚) 1 a spider. -2 a fabulous animal called Śarabha. -3 a worm. -4 a wild sort of jasmine. -5 a pin or bolt. -6 the mountain Kailāsa (the abode of Kubera). (-दः, -दम्) [अष्टसु धातुषु पदं प्रतिष्ठा यस्य Malli.] 1 gold; आवर्जिताष्टापदकुम्भतोयैः Ku.7.1; Śi.3.28. -2 a kind of chequered cloth or a board for drafts, dice-board (Mar. पट); ˚परिचयचतुराभिः K.196. ˚पत्रम् a sheet of gold. (Apte)
arthḥ अर्थः [In some of its senses from अर्थ्; in others from ऋ-थन् Uṇ.2.4; अर्थते ह्यसौ अर्थिभिः Nir.] 1 Object, pur- pose, end and aim; wish, desire; ज्ञातार्थो ज्ञातसंबन्धः श्रोतुं श्रोता प्रवर्तते, सिद्ध˚, ˚परिपन्थी Mu.5; ˚वशात् 5.8; स्मर्तव्यो$स्मि सत्यर्थे Dk.117 if it be necessary; Y.2.46; M.4.6; oft. used in this sense as the last member of compounds and translated by 'for', 'intended for', 'for the sake of', 'on account of', 'on behalf of', and used like an adj. to qualify nouns; अर्थेन तु नित्य- समासो विशेष्यनिघ्रता च Vārt.; सन्तानार्थाय विधये R.1.34; तां देवतापित्रतिथिक्रियार्थाम् (धेनुम्) 2.16; द्विजार्था यवागूः Sk.; यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणो$न्यत्र Bg.3.9.(-दः) N. of Kubera....-प्रतिः 1 'the lord of riches', a a king; किंचिद् विहस्यार्थपतिं बभाषे R.2.46;1.59;9.3;18.1; Pt.1.74. -2 an epithet of Kubera.
icchā इच्छा [इष् भावे श] 1 Wish, desire, inclination of mind, will;...-वसु a. 'possessing wealth according to wish', epithet of Kubera.
īśa ईश a. [ईश्-क] 1 Owning, possessing, sharing, master or lord of; see below. -2 One who is com- pletely master of anything..-सखः an epithet of Kubera.
kakṣḥ कक्षः 1 A lurking or hiding place; क्रोष्टा वराहं निरतक्त कक्षात् Rv.1.28.4...-पः 1 a tortoise. -2 one of the 9 treasures of Kubera.
kacchḥ ccham कच्छः च्छम् 1 Bank, margin, skirt, bordering region (whether near water or not); यमुनाकच्छमवतीर्णः Pt.1; गन्धमादनकच्छो$ध्यासितः V.5; Śi.3.8; Māl.9.16. -2 A marsh, morass, fen. 'जलप्रायमनूपं स्यात्पुंसि कच्छस्तथाविधः' Nm. -3 The hem of the lower garment tucked into
kāmḥ कामः [कम्-घञ्] 1 Wish, desire; संतानकामाय R.2.65, 3.67; oft. used with the inf. form; गन्तुकामः desirous to go; संगात्संजायते कामः Bg.2.62; Ms.2.94. -2 Object of desire; सर्वान् कामान् समश्नुते Ms.2.5; Bṛi. Up.1.3.28. Kaṭh. Up.1.25. -3Affection, love. -4 Love or desire of sensual enjoyments, considered as one of the ends of life (पुरुषार्थ); cf. अर्थ and अर्थकाम... -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera; -2 the Supreme soul. -3 a person possessing all wealth. अपास्य कामा- न्कामेशो वसेत्तत्राविचारयन् Mb.12.287.56.
kinnara किन्नर 1 किम् ind. Used for कु only at the beginning of comp. to convey the senses of 'badness', 'deteriora- tion', 'defect', 'blame' or 'censure'; e. g. किंसखा a bad friend; किन्नरः a bad or deformed man &c.; see comp. below. -Comp. -ज a. born somewhere (not in a noble family) मन्ये किंजमहं घ्नन्तं त्वामक्षत्रियजे रणे Bk.6.133. -दासः a bad slave, or servant. -नरः a bad or deformed man; a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (अश्वमुख); चयोदाहरणं बाह्वोर्गापयामास किन्नरान् R.4.78; उद्गास्य- तामिच्छति किन्नराणां तानप्रदायित्वमिवोपगन्तुम् Ku.1.8. ˚ईशः, ˚ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera. (Apte) किं--नर m. " what sort of man? " a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man S3is3. iv , 38 ; originally perhaps a kind of monkey cf. वा-नर ; in later times (like the नरs) reckoned among the गन्धर्वs or celestial choristers , and celebrated as musicians ; also attached to the service of कुबेर ; (with Jains) one of the eight orders of the व्यन्तरs) Mn. MBh. &c (Monier-Williams)
ku कु ind. A prefix implying 'badness', 'deterioration', 'depreciation', 'sin', 'reproach', 'littleness', 'want', 'deficiency', &c. Its various substitutes are कद् (कदश्व), कव (कवोष्ण), का (कोष्ण), किं (किंप्रभुः)...-तनु a. deformed, ugly. (-नुः) an epithet of Kubera.
kuhḥ कुहः 1 Kubera, the god of riches.
kundḥ ndam कुन्दः न्दम् [Uṇ.4.98] A kind of jasmine (white and delicate); कुन्दावदाताः कलहंसमालाः Bk.2.18; प्रातः कुन्दप्रसवशिथिलं जीवितं धारयेथाः Me.115; Ś.5.19. -न्दम् The flower of this plant; अलके बालकुन्दानुविद्धम् Me.67,49. -न्दः 1 An epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 A fragrant oleander. -3 One of the nine treasures of Kubera. -4 The num- ber 'nine'. -5 A lotus. -6 A turner's lathe. -Comp. -करः a turner.
कुबे vē रः kubē वे rḥ कुबे (वे) रः [कुत्सितं बे (वे) रं शरीरं यस्य सः] 1 The god of riches and treasure and the regent of the north- ern quarter; कुबेरगुप्तां दिशमुष्णरश्मौ गन्तुं प्रवृत्ते समयं विलङ्घ्य Ku.3.25 (vide Malli. thereon). [Kubera is the son of Viśravas by Iḍāviḍā, and thus the half brother of Rāvaṇa. Besides, being the lord of riches and regent of the north, he is the king of the Yakṣas and Kin- naras, and a friend of Rudra. His abode is Kailāsa. He is represented as being deformed in body-having three legs, only eight teeth, and a yellow mark in place of one eye.](Apte) कुबेर kúbera -datta, m. N. of a mythical being; -vallabha, m. N. of a Vaisya.(Monier-Williams)
कौवे bē र kauvē बे r कौवे (बे) र a. (-री f.) [कुवेरस्येदं अण्] Belonging to or coming from Kubera; यानं सस्मार कौबेरम् R.15.45. -रीThe north (the direction presided over by Kubera); ततः प्रतस्थे कौवेरीं भास्वानिव रघुर्दिशम् R.4.66. -2 The Śakti or female energy of Kubera.
kailāsḥ कैलासः N. of a mountain, a peak of the Himālayas and residence of Śiva and Kubera; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनिता- दर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6; R.2.35. -Comp. -ओकस् m. -निकेतनः, -नाथः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 of Kubera; कैलासनाथं तरसा जिगीषुः R.5.28; कैलासनाथमुपसृत्य निवर्तमाना V.1.3.
कोशः, -शम् (षः, -षम्) [कुश् (ष्) आधारादौ घञ् कर्तरि अच् वा Tv.] 1 A vessel for holding liquids, a pail. -2 A bucket, cup. -3 A vessel in general. -4 A box, cupboard, drawer, trunk; Rv.6.47.23; स एष कोशो वसुधानस्तस्मिन्विश्वमिदं श्रितम् Ch. Up.3.15.1. -5 A sheath, scabbard; Ki.17.45. -6 A case, cover, covering. -7 A store, mass; ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां धर्मकोशस्य गुप्तये Ms.1.99. -8 A store-room. -9 A treasury, an apartment where money is kept; Ms.8.419. -1Treasure, money, wealth; निःशेषविश्राणितकोषजातम् R.5.1; (fig. also); कोशस्तपसः K.45; कोशपूर्वाः सर्वारम्भाः Kau. A.2.8. -11 Gold or silver wrought or unwrought...-Comp. -अधिपतिः, -अध्यक्षः a treasure, pay- master; (cf. the modern 'minister of finance'). -2 an epithet of Kubera. -अगारः, -रम् a treasurer, store-room. -कारः 1 one who makes scabbards... -नायकः, -पालः 1 a treasurer. -2 An epithet of Kubera.
खर्व (-र्ब) a. [खर्व्-अच्] 1 Mutilated, crippled, imperfect; Yv. Ts. -2 Dwarfish, low, short in stature. -र्वः, -र्वम् A large number (1,,,). -3 N. of one of the treasures of Kubera. (Apte) खर्व mfn. (cf. /अ- , त्रि-) mutilated , crippled , injured , imperfect TS. ii , 5 , 1 , 7; dwarfish; m. name of one of the nine निधिs or treasures of कुबेर (Monier-Williams)
gadḥ गदः [गद्-अच्] 1 Speaking, speech. -2 A sentence...N. of Kubera. -7 A weapon. ... गदो$स्त्रियाम् । आयुधे धनदे रोगे पुंसि कृष्णा- नुजे$पि च Nm.
guhyakḥ गुह्यकः 1 N. of a class of demigods, who, like the Yakṣas, are attendants of Kubera and guardians of his treasures; गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे Me.5; Ms.12.47. -2 The number 'eleven'. -Comp. -अधिपतिः, -ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera.
ghaṇṭā घण्टा [घण्ट्-अच्] 1 A bell. -2 A plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock. -Comp. -अगारम् a belfry. -कर्णः 1 N. of a demigod under Śiva, (of Skanda or of Kubera) worshipped in the month of Chaitra (also -ईश्वरः)
carcas चर्चस् m. N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. चर्चः carcḥ चर्चः [चर्च्-अच्] Considering, deliberation. चर्चक carcaka चर्चक a. [चर्च-ण्वुल्] Repeating.
tri त्रि num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) Three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. Ms.2.229; प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ R.9.18; त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती Ms.9.9 [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three]. -Comp... -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श Ku.3.44; जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन R.2. 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः Ak.
draviṇam द्रविणम् [द्रु-इनन् Uṇ.2.5] 1 Wealth, money, property, substance; Ve.3.22; Pt.3.174; निमग्नानां यासु द्रविणमदिराघूर्णितदृशाम् Bv.4.29. -2 Gold; R.4.7; ज्ञातिभ्यो द्रविणं दत्त्वा कन्यार्थे चैव शक्तितः Ms.3.31. .. -6 That of which anything is made. -7 A wish, desire. -Comp. -अधिपतिः, -ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera. -उदयः acquirement of wealth; पराङ्मुखे विधौ चेत् स्यात् कथंचिद् द्रविणोदयः Pt.2.11. -उदस् m. fire. -प्रदः an epithet of Viṣṇu. सुधन्वा खण्डपरशुर्दारुणो द्रविणप्रदः V. Sah. (Apte) द्रविणोद mfn. granting wealth or any desired good RV. AV. VS. द्रविणराशि dravina-râsi heap of money or valuables; -̮adhipati, m. lord of treasures, Kubera; -̮îsvara, m. possessor of wealth. द्रविण dráv-ina movable goods, property; wealth, money; strength, might.(Monier-Williams)
drumḥ द्रुमः [द्रुः शाखास्त्यस्य-मः, cf. P.V.2.18] 1 A tree; यत्र द्रुमा अपि मृगा अपि बान्धवो मे U.3.8. -2 A tree of Paradise. -3 An epithet of Kubera.
ध dh ध a. (At the end of comp.) Placing, holding, containing, causing &c. -धः 1 An epithet of Brahmā. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 Virtue, moral merit. -4 (in music) The 6th note of the gamut. -धम् Wealth, property. tiger, made of or covered with a tiger's skin. -पः A car covered with a tiger's skin. -पम् The skin of a tiger.
dhanam धनम् [धन्-अच्] 1 Property, wealth, riches, treasure, money (gold, chattels &c.); धनं तावदसुलभम् H. 1; (fig. also) as in तपोधन, विद्याधन, &c. -2 (a) Any valued possession, an object of affection or endearment, dear- est treasure; कष्टं जनः कुलधनैरनुरञ्जनीयः U.1.14; गुरोरपीदं धनमाहिताग्नेः R.2.44; मानधन, अभिमान˚ &c. (b) A valu- able article; Ms.8.21,22. -3 Capital (opp. वृद्धि or interest). -4 A booty, prey, spoil. -5 The reward given to a victor in a combat, the prize won in a game. -6 A contest for prizes, a match. -7 The lunar man- sion called धनिष्ठा -8 Surplus, residue. -9 (In math.) The affirmative quantity or plus (opp. ऋण). -1 A sound. -Comp. -अधिकारः right to property, right of inheriting property. -अधिकारिन् m. -अधिकृतः 1 a treasurer. -2 an heir. -अधिगोप्तृ m., -अधिपः, -अधिपतिः, -अध्यक्षः 1 an epithet of Kubera; अनुचेरण धनाधिपते रथो नगविलोकनविस्मितमानसः (स जगदे) Ki.5.16. धना- धिपेन विद्धस्य अनुह्रादस्य संयुगे Hariv.; यदस्माकं धनाध्यक्षः प्रभूतं धनमाहरत् Mb.179.18. -2 a treasurer... -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 a treasurer. -2 an epithet of Kubera...-केलिः an epithet of Kubera... -द a. liberal. (-दः) 1 a liberal or munificent man. -2 an epithet of Kubera; जिगमिषुर्ध नदाध्युषितां दिशम् R.9.25;17.8... -पतिः 1 an epithet of Kubera; तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहानुत्तरेणास्मदीयम् Me.77,7. -2 a treasurer...-पालः 1 a treasurer. -2 an epithet of Kubera.
nandḥ नन्दः [नन्द्-भावे घञ्] 1 Happiness, pleasure, joy. -2 A kind of lute (11 inches long). (MW. 7 inches). -3 A frog. -4 N. of Viṣṇu... One of the nine treasures of Kubera. -दी An epithet of Durgā. -Comp. -आत्मजः, -नन्दनः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa -पालः an epithet of Varuṇa. (Apte) नन्द of one of कुबेर's 9 gems (Monier-Williams)
narḥ नरः [नॄ-नये-अच्] 1 A man, male person; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्यमतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5; Ms.1.96;2.213...-वाहनः an epithet of Kubera; विजयदुन्दुभितां ययुरर्णवा घनरवा नर- वाहनसंपदः R.9.11
nṛ नृ [नी-ऋन् डिच्च; cf. Uṇ.2.11.] (Nom. sing. ना, gen. pl. नृणाम् or नॄणाम्) 1 A man, a person whether male or female; Ms.3.81;4.61;7.61; नॄन् प्रशंसत्यजस्रं यो घण्टाताडोरुणोदये 1.33. -2 Mankind...-धर्मन् m. an epithet of Kubera... -पः, -पतिः, -पालः 1 a king; जाताभिषङ्गो नृपतिः R.2.3; विद्वत्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन Subhāṣ. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 Kṣatriya...-वाहनः an epithet of Kubera.
nīla नील a. (ला -ली f.; the former in relation to clothes &c., the latter in relation to animals, plants &c.) 1 Blue, dark-blue; नीलस्निग्धः श्रयति शिखरं नूतनस्तोयवाहः U.1.33. -2 Dyed with indigo. -लः 1 the dark-blue or black colour. -2 Sapphire. -3The Indian fig-tree. -4 N. of a monkey-chief in the army of Rāma. -5 'The blue mountain', N. of one of the principal ranges of mountains. -6 A kind of bird, the blue Mainā. -7 An ox of a dark-blue colour. -8 One of the nine treasures of Kubera; see नवनिधि.
padma पद्म a. [पद्-मन्] Lotus-hued. -द्मम् 1 A lotus (m. also in this sense); Nelumbium Speciosum (variety red); पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम्. -2 A lotus-like ornament. -3 The form or figure of a lotus. -4 The root of a lotus. -5 The coloured marks on the trunk and face of an elephant; कालः किरातः स्फुटपद्मकस्य वधं व्यधा- द्यस्य दिनद्विपस्य N.22.9; -6 An army arrayed in the form of a lotus; पद्मेन चैव व्यूहेन निविशेत सदा स्वयम् Ms.7. 188. -7 A particular high number (one thousand bil- lions). -8 Lead...-5 One of the nine treasures of Kubera; see नवनिधि...-8 One of the eight treasures connected with the magical art called पद्मिनी. -द्मा 1 N. of Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, and wife of Viṣṇu; (तं) पद्मा पद्मातपत्रेण भेजे साम्राज्य- दीक्षितम् R.4.5... -लाञ्छनः 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2Kubera. -3 the sun. -4 a king. (-ना) 1 an epithet of Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth. -2 or of Sarasvatī, the goddess of learning. -3N. of Tārā. (Apte) पद्म one of the 9 treasures of कुबेर (also personified) R.(Monier-Williams)
para पर a. [पॄ-भावे-अप्, कर्तरि अच्-वा] (Declined optionally like a pronoun in nom. voc. pl., and abl. and loc. sing. when it denotes relative position) 1 Other, differ- ent, another; see पर m also. -2 Distant, removed, remote; अपरं भवतो जन्म परं जन्म विवस्वतः Bg.4.4. -3 Beyond, further, on the other side of; म्लेच्छदेशस्ततः परः Ms.2.23;7.158...-आविद्धः 1 an epithet of Kubera. -2 of Viṣṇu. parāviddhḥ पराविद्धः N. of Kubera. (Apte) परि-विद्ध m. N. of कुबेर L. (cf. परा-व्°)(Monier-Williams)
piṅgala पिङ्गल a. [पिङ्ग-सिध्मा˚ लच्, पिङ्गं लाति, ला-क वा Tv.] Reddish-brown, yellowish, brown, tawny; तोनोत्तीर्य पथा लङ्कां रोधयामास पिङ्गलैः (वानरैः) R.12.71; Ms.3.8; पिङ्गो दीपशिखाभः स्यात् पिङ्गलः पद्मधूलिवत्. -लः 1 The tawny colour. -2 Fire. -लम् 1 Brass. -2 Yellow orpiment. -ला A kind of metal.-Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. -लौहम् Brass.
पिशाचः piśācḥ पिशाचः [पिशितमाचामति, आ + चम् बा˚ ड पृषो˚] A fiend, goblin, devil, spirit, malevolent being; नन्वाश्वासितः पिशाचो$पि भोजनेन V.2; Ms.1.37;12.44. -Comp. . -भाषा 'the language of devils', a gibberish or corruption of Sanskrit, one of the lowest Prākṛita dialects used in plays. -सभम् 1 an assemblage of fiends. -2 pandemonium, the hall of their assembly.
पिशाचकिन् piśācakin पिशाचकिन् m. An epithet of Kubera, the god of wealth.
puṇya पुण्य a. [Uṇ.5.15.] 1 Holy, sacred, pure; जनकतनयास्नानपुण्योदकेषु आश्रमेषु Me.1; पुण्यं धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.35; पुण्यानि हि नामग्रहणान्यपि महामुनीनां किं पुनर्दर्शनानि K.41; Ś.2.14; Ms.2.68. -2 Good, meritorious, virtuous, righteous, just. -3 Auspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable (as a day); Ms.2.26,3...-जनः 1 a virtuous man. -2 a demon, goblin; वियति प्रसमीक्ष्य कालमेघमप्रतिमं पुण्यजनौघमुन्नदन्तम् Rām. Ch.2.56. -3 a Yakṣa; Bhāg.4.1.3; पयोधरैः पुण्यजनाङ्गनानाम् R.13.6. ˚ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera; अनुययौ यमपुण्यजनेश्वरौ R.9.6.
puruṣḥ पुरुषः [पुरि देहे शेते शी-ड पृषो˚ Tv.; पुर्-अग्रगमने कुषन् Uṇ. 4.74] 1 A male being, man; अर्थतः पुरुषो नारी या नारी सार्थतः पुमान् Mk.3.27; Ms.1.32;7.17;9.2; R.2.41. -2 Men, mankind...-वाहः 1 an epithet of Garuḍa. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -व्याघ्रः -शार्दूलः, -सिंहः 'a tiger or lion among men', a dis- tinguished or eminent man. उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मीः H. -2 a hero, brave man.
pulakḥ पुलकः 1 Erection or bristling of the hairs of the body, a thrill (of joy or fear), horripilation; चारु चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती दयितं पुलकैरनुकूले Gīt.1; मृगमदतिलकं लिखति सपुलकं मृगमिव रजनीकरे 7; Amaru.59,82. -2 A kind of stone or gem; Kau. A.2.11.29. -3 A flaw or defect in a gem. -4 A kind of mineral. -5 A ball of food with which elephants are fed (गजान्नपिण्ड). -6 Yellow orpiment, a dot of the same; रक्तोज्ज्वलांशुकवृते द्विरदस्य कुम्भे जाम्बूनदेन रचितः पुलको यथैव Abhiṣeka.4.23.-1 A bunch. -Comp. -अङ्गः the noose of Varuṇa. -आलयः an epithet of Kubera. -उद्गमः erection of the hairs of the body, horripilation.
puṣpakam पुष्पकम् 1 Flower. -2 Calx of brass. -3 A cup of iron. -4 The car of Kubera (snatched off from him by Rāvaṇa and from him by Rāma); वैमानिकाः पुण्यकृतस्त्य- जन्तु मरुतां पथि, पुष्पकालोकसंक्षोभम् R.1.46;13.4. -5 A bracelet. -6 A kind of collyrium. -7 A particular disease of the eyes. -8 A bracelet of jewels. -9 A small earthen fireplace.puṣpam पुष्पम् [पुष्प् विकाशे-अच्] ..-3 A topaz (पुष्पराग); Rām.2.94.6. ... -5 The car or vehicle of Kubera (Apte) पुष्पक n. a small earthen fire-place or furnace on wheels; पुष्पक n. a cup or vessel of iron (Monier-Williams)
paulastyḥ पौलस्त्यः 1 An epithet of Rāvaṇa; पौलस्त्यः कथमन्यदारहरणे दोषं न विज्ञातवान् Pt.2.4; R.4.8;1.5;12.72. -2 Of Kubera. -3 Of Bibhīṣaṇa. rāvaṇa रावण a. [रु-णिच् ल्यु] Crying, screaming, roaring, bewailing; इत्युक्त्वा परुषं वाक्यं रावणः शत्रुरावणः Rām.3.56. 26 (com. शत्रून् रावयति क्रोशयति शत्ररावणः). -णः N. of a celebrated demon, king of Laṅkā and the chief of the Rākṣhasas; स रावणो नाम निकामभीषणं बभूव रक्षः क्षतरक्षणं दिवः Śi.1.48. [He was the son of Viśravas by Keśinī or Kaikaśī and so half-brother of Kuber. He is called Paulastya as being a grandson of the sage Pulastya. Laṅkā was originally occupied by Kubera, but Rāvaṇa ousted him from it and made it his own capital.
ph फ a. Obvious, evident. फः 1 A high wind, stormy gale. -2 Yawning with the mouth wide open. -3 Fruitfulness. -4 An increaser. -5 The performance of a mystical rite (to propitiate Kubera;s attendants).
bakḥ बकः 1 The Indian crane; न प्रयत्नशतेनापि शुकवत् पाठ्यते बकः H...-5 N. of Kubera. -6 An apparatus for subliming metals or minerals... -यन्त्रम् a kind of retort.
makarḥ मकरः [मं विषं किरति कॄ-अच् Tv.] 1 A kind of seaanimal, a crocodile, shark; झषाणां मकरश्चास्मि Bg.1.31; मकरवक्त्र Bh.2.4. (Makara is regarded as an emblem of Cupid; cf. comps. below). -2 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. -3 An array of troops in the form of a Makara; दण्डव्यूहेन तन्मार्गं यायात्तु शकटेन वा । वराहमकराभ्यां वा ... Ms.7.187; Śukra.4.11. -4 An ear-ring in the shape of a Makara. -5 The hands folded in the form of a Makara. -6 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. -7 The tenth arc of thirty degrees in any circle. -Comp. -अङ्कः an epithet of 1 the god of love. -2 the ocean. -अश्वः an epithet of Varuṇa. -आकरः, -आवासः the ocean; प्रविश्य मकरावासं यादोगणनिषेवितम् Mb.7.11.19. -आलयः 1 the ocean. -2 a symbolical expression for the number 'four'. -आसनम् a kind of Āsana in yoga; मकरासनमावक्ष्ये वायूनां स्तम्भकारणात् । पृष्ठे पादद्वयं बद्ध्वा हस्ताभ्यां पृष्ठबन्धनम् ॥ Rudrayāmala. -कुण्डलम् an ear-ring in the shape of a Makara; हेमाङ्गदलसद्- बाहुः स्फुरन्मकरकुण्डलः (रराज) Bhāg.8.15.9. -केतनः, -केतुः, -केतुमत् m. epithets of the god of love. -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of the god of love; संप्राप्तं मकरध्वजेन मथनं त्वत्तो मदर्थे पुरा Ratn.1.3; तत्प्रेमवारि मकरध्वजतापहारि Ch. P. 41. -2 a particular array of troops. -3 the sea. -4 a particular medical preparation. -राशिः f. the sign Capricornus of the zodiac. -वाहनः N. of Varuṇa. -संक्रमणम् the passage of the sun into the sign Capri- cornus. -सप्तमी the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha.
mukundḥ मुकुन्दः [मुकुम् दाति दा-क पृषो˚ मुम्] 1 N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛiṣṇa. -2 Quicksilver.
-3 A kind of precious stone. -4 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. -5 A kind of drum. -6 A kind of grain. -7 (In music) A kind of measure. -8 The resin of the गुग्गुल or कुरुन्द tree (Boswellia Thurifera); also मुकुन्दुः.
yakṣḥ यक्षः [यक्ष्यते, यक्ष्-कर्मणि घञ्] 1 N. of a class of demigods who are described as attendants of Kubera, the god of riches, and employed in guarding his gardens and treasures; यक्षोत्तमा यक्षपतिं धनेशं रक्षन्ति वै प्रासगदादिहस्ताः Hariv.; Me.68; Bg.1.23;11.22. -2 A kind of ghost or spirit; तन्न व्यजानन्त किमिदं यक्षमिति Ken.3.2. -3 N. of the palace of Indra. -4 N. of Kubera. -5Worship. -6 A dog. -क्षम् 1 A ghost. -2 Sacrifice. -3 Anything honoured. -क्षी 1 A female Yakṣa. -2 N. of Kubera's wife. -3 The Yakṣa. class; अल्पवीर्या यदा यक्षी श्रूयते मुनिपुंगव Rām.1.25.2. -Comp. -अधिपः, -अधिपतिः, -इन्द्रः Kubera, the lord of Yakṣas. -आमलकम् the fruit of the पिण्डखर्जूर tree. -आवासः the fig-tree. -कर्दमः an ointment consisting of camphor, agallochum, musk and Kakkola (according to others, also sandal and suffron) mixed in equal proportions; यक्षकर्दममृदून्मृदिताङ्गं ... सिषिचुरुच्चकुचास्तम् N.21.7; (कर्पूरागुरु- कस्तुरीकक्कोलैर्यक्षकर्दमः Ak.; कुङ्कुमागुरुकस्तूरी कर्पूरं चन्दनं तथा । महासुगन्धमित्युक्तं नामतो यक्षकर्दमः ॥). -ग्रहःthe being posses- sed by Yakṣas or evil spirits; a kind of insanity. -तरुः the fig-tree. -धूपः resin, incense. -बलिः a particular nuptial ceremony. -रसः a kind of intoxicating drink. -राज् m. 1 N. of Kubera; प्रतिसिञ्चन् विचिक्रीडे यक्षीभिर्यक्षराडिव Bhāg.1.9.9. -2 a place prepared for wrestling and boxing. -राजः N. of Kubera. -रात्रिः f. the festival called Dīpāli, q. v. -वित्तः one who is like a Yakṣa, i. e.the guardian of wealth, but who never uses it; तस्यैवं यक्षवित्तस्य च्युतस्योभयलोकतः Bhāg.11.23.9.
yakṣiṇī यक्षिणी 1 A female Yakṣa. -2 N. of the wife of Kubera. -3 A certain female fiend in the service of Durgā. -4 sylph or fairy (holding intercourse with mortals).
ratnam रत्नम् [रमते$त्र रम्-न तान्तादेशः Uṇ.3.14] 1 A gem, jewel, a precious stone; किं रत्नमच्छा मतिः Bv.1.86; न रत्नमन्विष्यति मृग्यते हि तत् Ku.5.45. (The ratnas are said to be either five, nine or fourteen; see the words पञ्चरत्न, नवरत्न, and चतुर्दशरत्न respectively.) -2 Anything valuable or precious, any dear treasure. -3 Anything best or excellent of its kind; (mostly at the end of comp.); जातौ जातौ यदुत्कृष्टं तद् रत्नमभिधीयते Malli; कन्यारत्नमयोनिजन्म भवतामास्ते वयं चार्थिनः Mv.1.3; अग्रेसरीभवतु काञ्चनचक्ररत्नम् Nāg.5.37; so पुत्र˚, स्त्री˚ V.4.25; अपत्य˚ &c. -4 A magnet. -5 Water. -Comp. -अङ्कः N. of Viṣṇu's car. -अङ्गः coral. .. -कन्दलः coral. -करः N. of Kubera.
rayiṣṭhḥ रयिष्ठः 1 N. of Kubera. -2 Agni. -3 Brahman. -ष्ठम् N. of various Sāmans (Apte.Monier-Williams).
rājan राजन् m. [राज्-कनिन् रञ्जयति रञ्ज्-कनिन् नि ˚ वा Uṇ.1.145] A king, ruler, prince, chief (changed to राजः at the end of Tat. comp.); वङ्गराजः, महाराजः &c.; तथैव सो$भूदन्वर्थो राजा प्रकृतिरञ्जनात् R.4.12; पित्रा न रञ्जितास्तस्य प्रजास्तेनानु- रञ्जिताः । अनुरागात्ततस्तस्य नाम राजेत्यभाषत ॥ V. P. -2 A man of the military casts; a Kṣatriya; Śi 14.14. -3 N. of Yudhiṣṭhira. -4 N. of Indra. -5 The moon; राजप्रियाः कैरविण्यो रमन्ते मधुपैःसह Bv.1.126. -6 Lord, master. -7 N. of Pṛithu. -8 A Yakṣa; तं राजराजानु- चरो$स्य साक्षात् Ki.3.3... -राज् m. 1 a supreme king. -2 the moon. -राजः 1 a supreme king, sovereign lord, an emperor. -2 N. of Kubera; अन्तर्बाष्प- श्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ Me.3. -3 the moon. -राज्यम् the state or dignity of Kubera; स्वर्लोके राजराज्येन सो$भि- षिच्येत भार्गव Mb.13.85.53. -रीतिः f. bell-metal.
rudra रुद्र a. [रोदिति रुद्-रक् Uṇ.2.22] 1 Dreadful, terrific frightful, formidable. -2 Great, large. -3 Driving away evil. -4 Praiseworthy. -द्रः 1 N. of a group of gods, eleven in number, supposed to be inferior mani- festations of Śiva or Śaṁkara, who is said to be the head of the group; रुद्राणां शंकरश्चास्मि Bg.1.23; रुद्राणामपि मूर्धानः क्षतहुंकारशंसिनः Ku.2.26. -2 N. of Śiva... -सखः N. of Kubera.
vaiśravaṇḥ वैश्रवणः 1 N. of Kubera, the god of wealth; विभाति यस्यां ललितालकायां मनोहरा वैश्रवणस्य लक्ष्मीः Bv.2.1; यदाश्रोषं वैश्रवणेन सार्धम् Mb.1.1.166. -2 N. of Rāvaṇa. -Comp. -आलयः, -आवासः 1 the abode of Kubera. -2 the fig-tree. -उदयः the fig-tree.
śaṅkhḥ ṅkham शङ्खः ङ्खम् [शम्-ख Uṇ.1.12] 1 The conch-shell, a shell; न श्वेतभावमुज्झति शङ्खः शिखिभुक्तमुक्तो$पि Pt.4.11; शङ्खान् दध्मुः पृथक् पृथक् Bg.1.18. -2 The bone on the forehead; शङ्खान्तरद्योति विलोचनं यत् Ku.7.33; Rām.6. 48.1. -3 The temporal bone. -4 The part between the tusks of an elephant. -5 A hundred billions. -6 A military drum or other martial instrument...-8 One of the nine treasures of Kubera.
śēvḥ शेवः [शुक्रपाते सति शेते, शी-वन् Uṇ.1.152,154] 1 The penis. -2 A snake. -3 Height, elevation. -4 Happiness. -5 Wealth, treasure. -6 An epithet of Agni. -7 Of Soma. -वम् 1 The penis (also शेवा). -2 Happiness. -3 Hail ! (exclamation addressed to deities). -Comp. -धिः 1 a valuable treasure; जानाम्यहं शेवधिरित्य- नित्यम् Kaṭh.2.1; विद्या ब्राह्मणमेत्याह शेवधिस्ते$स्मि रक्ष माम् Ms.2.144; सर्वे कामाः शेवधिर्जीवितं वा स्त्रीणां भर्ता धर्मदाराश्च पुंसाम् Māl.6.18; नाशेवधिर्बन्धुषु नाप्यदाता Bu. Ch.2.11. -2 one of the 9 treasures of Kubera. (Apte) शेव f. the form of the लिङ्ग; a fish; शेव mfn. (prob. fr. √ श्वि , and connected with शवस् and शिव) dear , precious RV. AV.; m. treasure , wealth (Monier-Williams) Te. boṭla cē̃pa a sort of fish, Sparus. Go. (SR.) boṭṭe species of fish; (Ph.) boṭṭe jimṭa fish; (Tr.) bōttē, (G. Mu. Ma.) boṭṭe, (Ko.) boṭe kīke kind of fish (Voc. 2624); (Ko.) poṭ kīke species of fish (Skt. rohita; Voc. 2378). Pe. boṭu min a kind of fish.(DEDR 4498)
śrī श्री f. [श्रि-क्विप् नि˚ Uṇ.2.57] 1 Wealth, riches, affluence, prosperity, plenty; अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलम् Rām.; साहसे श्रीः प्रतिवसति Mk.4 'fortune favours the brave'; कर्माव्यारभमाणं हि पुरुषं श्रीर्निषेवते Ms.9.3; Ki.7.28. -2 Royalty, majesty, royal wealth; श्रियः कुरूणामधिपस्य पालनीम् Ki.1.1. -3 Dignity, high position, state; श्री- लक्षण Ku.7.45 'the marks or insignia of greatness or dignity'; दुराराध्याः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Pt.1.67; विद्युल्लेखाकनकरुचिरं श्रीवितानं ममाभ्रम् V.4.13. -4 Beauty, grace, splendour, lustre; (मुखं) कमलश्रियं दधौ Ku.5.21; 7.32; R.3.8... -कण्ठः an epithet of Śiva; श्रीकण्ठपदलाञ्छनः (भवभूतिः) Mv.1.4/5. -2 of the poet Bhavabhūti; श्रीकण्ठपदलाञ्छनः U.1. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera. ,,-दः an epithet of Kubera.
śrīmat श्रीमत् a. 1 Wealthy, rich. -2 Happy, fortunate, prosperous, thriving. -3 Beautiful, pleasing; श्रियः पतिः श्रीमति शासितुं जगत् Śi.1.1. -4 Famous, celebrated, glo- rious, dignified; (the word is often used as a respectful affix to celebrated or revered names of persons and things as श्रीमद्भागवत, श्रीमत्छंकराचार्य &c.). -m. 1 An epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 Of Kubera. -3 Of Śiva.
śrēṣṭha श्रेष्ठ a. Best, most excellent, pre-eminent (with gen. or loc.). -2 Most happy or prosperous. -3 Most beloved, dearest. -4 Oldest, senior. -ष्ठः 1 A Brāh- maṇa. -2 A king. -3 N. of Kubera. -4 N. of Viṣṇu. -ष्ठम् 1 Cow's milk. -2 Copper. -Comp. .,. (-ष्ठम्) the main pillar of a house. -वाच् a.eloquent.
śvēta श्वेत a. (-श्वेता or -श्वेती f.) [श्वित्-अच् घञ् वा] White; ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ Bg.1.14. -तः 1 The white colour. -2 A conch-shell. -3 A cowrie... -उदरः an epithet of Kubera.
satya सत्य a. [सते हितं यत्] 1 True, real, genuine; as in सत्यव्रत, सत्यसंध. -2 Honest, sincere, truthful, faithful. -3Fulfilled, realized. -4 Virtuous, upright. -5 Un- failing; कच्चिच्छुश्रूषसे तात पितुः सत्यपराक्रम Rām.2.1.7. -त्यः 1 The abode of Brahman and of truth, the upper- most of the seven worlds or lokas above the earth; see लोक. -2 The Aśvattha tree. -3 N. of Rāma. -4 Of Viṣṇu; सत्यव्रतं सत्यपरं त्रिसत्यं सत्यस्य योनिं निहितं च सत्ये । सत्यस्य सत्यमृतसत्यनेत्रं सत्यात्मकं त्वां शरणं प्रपन्नाः ॥ Bhāg.1.2.26...-संगरः N. of Kubera. -a. true to an agreement or promise.
sita सित a. [सो-क्त] 1 White; सितं सितिम्ना सुतरां मुनेर्वपुः Śi. 1.25. -2 Bound, tied, fastened, fettered; सुहृत्सु च स्नेहसितः शिशूनाम् Bhāg.7.6.11; Bṛi. Up.3.9.26. -3 Surrounded...-उदरः an epithet of Kubera.
su सु ind. A particle often used with nouns to form Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhī compounds, and with adjectives and adverbs. It has the following senses:-- 1 Well, good, excellent...-7 It is also said to have the senses of assent, prosperity, and distress. -Comp... -प्रसन्नः N. of Kubera.
sōmḥ सोमः [सू-मन् Uṇ.1.139] 1 N. of a plant, the most important ingredient in ancient sacrificial offerings. -2The juice of the plant; as in सोमपा, सोमपीथिन्; Ms. 3.257. -3 Nectar, beverage of the gods; अलब्धभागाः सोमस्य केवलं क्लेशभागिनः Bhāg.8.1.23... -9 N. of Kubera. -1 Of Śiva. -11 Of Yama. -12 N. of Sugrīva. -13 (As the last member of comp.) Chief, principal, best; as in नृसोम q. v.... -संस्था a form of the Soma-sacrifice; (these are seven:अग्निष्टोम, अत्यग्निष्टोम, उक्थ, षोढशी, अतिरात्र, आप्तोर्याम and वाजपेय).
saurabhyḥ सौरभ्यः N. of Kubera (Apte)सु-रभि surabhi m. a fire lighted at the fixing of the sacrificial post (Monier-Williams)
sthapati स्थपति a. [स्था-क तस्य पतिः] Chief, principal. -तिः 1 A king, sovereign; 'स्थपतिरधिपतौ तक्ष्णि बृहस्पतिसचिवयोः'इति वैजयन्ती; जगत्त्रयैकस्थपतिस्त्वमुच्चकैः Śi.1.34. -2 An architect; स्थपतिर्बुद्धिसंपन्नो वास्तुविद्याविशारदः Mb.1.51.15. -3A wheel-wright, master-carpenter. -4 A charioteer. -5 One who offers a sacrifice to Bṛihaspati. -6 An attendant on the women's apartments. -7 N. of Kubera. (Apte) स्थ--पति m. (accord. to some स्थपति , fr. caus. of √1. स्था) " place-lord " , a king , chief , governor , head official ( Ka1tyS3r. , " a वैश्य or even a person of lower caste , who has celebrated the गो-सव sacrifice after being chosen king " ; accord. to others , " an आयोगव who is a town official " ; cf. निषाद-स्थ्°) AV. VS. Br. S3rS. R. S3is3.; an architect , master builder , carpenter , wheelwright MBh. R. &c; ne who sacrifices to बृहस्-पति Monier-Williams)
hayḥ हयः [हय्-हि-वा अच्] 1 A horse; ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ Bg.1.14; Ms.8.296; R.9.1 ...-वाहनः 1 an epithet of Kubera.
hara हर a. (-रा, -री f.) [हृ-अच्] 1 Taking away, removing, depriving one of; as in खेदहर, शोकहर. -2 Bringing, con- veying, carrying, taking; अपथहराः Ki.5.5; R.12.51. -3 Seizing, grasping. -4 Attracting, captivating. -5 Claiming, entitled to; as in रिक्थहर &c.; परिहृतमयशः पातितमस्मासु च घातितो$र्धराज्यहरः Mu.2.19. -6 Occupying; समादिदेशैकवधूं भवित्रीं प्रेम्णा शरीरार्धहरां हरस्य Ku.1.5. -7 Dividing. -रः 1 Śiva; श्रुताप्सरोगीतिरपि क्षणे$स्मिन् हरः प्रसं- ख्यानपरो बभूव Ku.3.4,67;1.5; Me.7. -2 N. of Agni or fire. -3 An ass. -4 A divisor. -5 The deno- minator of a fraction. -6 The act of seizing, taking. -7 A seizer, ravisher. -Comp. -अद्रिः the Kailāsa mountain. -ईश्वरः Śiva and Viṣṇu forming one person. -गौरी one of the forms of Śiva and Pārvatī conjoined (अर्धनारीनटेश्वर). -चूडामणिः 'Śiva's crest-gem', the moon. -तेजस् n. quick-silver. -नेत्रम् 1 Śiva's eye. -2 the number 'three'. -प्रियः Nerium Odorum (करवीर). -बीजम् Śiva's seed', quick-silver. -वल्लभः the white thorn-apple (धत्तूर). -वाहनः a bull. -शेखरा 'Śiva's crest', the Ganges. -सखः N. of Kubera; -सूनुः Skanda; व्याजहार हरसूनुसंनिभः R.11.83.
hari हरि a. [हृ-इन्] 1 Green, greenish-yellow; हरिता हरिभिः शष्पैरिन्द्रगोपैश्च लोहिताः Bhāg.1.2.11. -2 Tawny, bay, reddish-brown (कपिल); हरियुग्यं रथं तस्मै प्रजिघाय पुरंदरः R. 12.84;3.43. -3 Yellow; महोरगवराहाद्य हरिकेश विभो जय Mb.6.65.52;3.42.7. -रिः 1 N. of Viṣṇu; हरिर्यथैकः- पुरुषोत्तमः स्मृतः R.3.49. -2 N. of Indra; प्रजिधाय समाधि- भेदिनीं हरिरस्मै हरिणीं सुराङ्गनाम् R.8.79;3.55,68. -3 N. of Śiva. -4 N. of Brahman. -5 N. of Yama. -6 The sun; एवं स्तुतः स भगवान् वाजिरूपधरो हरिः Bhāg.12. 6.73. -7 The moon. -8 A man. -9 A ray of light. -1 Fire. -11 Wind; तासां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा हरिः परमकोपनः । प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभुः ॥ Rām.1.32.23. -12 A lion; करिणामरिणा हरिणा हरिणाली हन्यतां नु कथम् Bv.1. 5,51... Comp. -अक्षः 1 a lion. ...... हर्यक्षसमविक्रमान् Śiva B.31.53. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 of Śiva; सशूलमिव हर्यक्षं वने मत्तमिव द्विपम् Mb.9.12.3. -4 N. of an Asura (हिरण्याक्ष); एवं गदाभ्यां गुर्वीभ्यां हर्यक्षो हरिरेव च Bhāg.3.18. 18.