(dh)makara 'composite Indus Script hypertext' rebus: dhmākārḥध्माकारःA...
https://tinyurl.com/yy7zvkk4(dh)makara 'composite animal indus script hypertext' rebus:ध्म blowing, a blower (cf. तूण-,शङ्क-); धमक "a blower", blacksmith (as blowing the forge) Un2. ii , 35 Sch.; मकर a...
View ArticleGaṇeśa on Huvishka copper coin, 1st cent. CE in Rudra image holding a bow...
Two copper coins of Huvishka bear a 'Gaṇeśa' legend, but instead of depicting the typical theriomorphic figure of Gaṇeśa, have a figure of an archer holding a full-length bow with string inwards and an...
View ArticleGardez Vināyaka with Indus Script hypertexts signifies iron smelter,...
https://tinyurl.com/y56wgrxfToday is Gaṇeśa Caturthi, September 2, 2019. This monograph demonstrates, by deciphering the Indus Script hypertexts with that it is a proclamation of wealth created by...
View ArticleTiger cub shown on Gardez Vināyaka is rebus पेटा pēṭā smelter guild region of...
https://tinyurl.com/y6p5j4cuThis is an addendum to:Gardez Vināyaka with Indus Script hypertexts signifies iron smelter, manufactory, खरडा kharaḍā,'wealth-accounting ledger'...
View ArticleItihāsa. Nātyasāstra & Tolkāppiyam list the same eight rasa,'figures of...
மெய்ப்பாடு mey-p-pāṭu , n. < மெய் + படு-. 1. Manifest physical expression of the emotions, of eight kinds, viz., nakai, aḻukai, iḷivaral, maruṭkai, accam, perumitam, vekuḷi, uvakai; நகை, அழுகை,...
View ArticleItihāsa. Blue city, Jodhpur and the medina, or old quarter, in Chefchaouen,...
Blue city, JodhpurThe medina, or old quarter, in Chefchaouen, MoroccoA medina quarter (Arabic: المدينة القديمة al-madīnah al-qadīmah "the old city") is a distinct city section found in a number of...
View ArticleIndus Script anthropomorph is artisan mē̃d कर्णक karṇi 'an iron helmsman...
tiny.cc/dj44bzAnthropomorph is a professional calling card of an artisan of Sarsvati Civilization.Sheorajpur anthropomorph has an additional indicator on the chest: fish hieroglyph. aya'fish' rebus:...
View ArticleItihāsa. D K Hari discusses the 7000-year history of Kashmir and Kāshmīra...
PGurus@pGurus1From Kashyapa to Adi Shankara to Lalitaditya to MSD (Modi-Shah-Doval), D K Hari @Bharathgyan walks the viewer through the 7000-year old history of Kashmir and how it is integral to India...
View ArticleOchre-, burgundy-coloured Harappa tablets convey same narratives as Meluhha...
https://tinyurl.com/y28b5ccj Two molded terracotta tablets burgundy and ochre-coloured, with...
View ArticleHypertexts Indus Script include bichā 'scorpion' rebus bica 'stone ore' bichi...
https://tinyurl.com/y2nksj9xbichā विंचू 'scorpion' मेंढा mēṇḍhā'A crook or curved end (of a stick)' Rebus: bichā'haematite ore' meḍ'iron'. Thus, the hieroglyph Sign 130 crook is a semantic...
View ArticleGaṇeśa,Varāha, bāhulā -- Saptamātr̥ka on Indus Script relate to artisans'...
https://tinyurl.com/yybwk89k--Gaṇeśa,Varāha, artisans working in iron and wood with Saptamātr̥kaI suggest that the Saptamātr̥ka are called bāhulā in Meluhha expression on Indus Script read rebus:...
View ArticleDr S Kalyanaraman decodes Harappan symbols and their link to Sarasvati Valley...
https://tinyurl.com/y6fhe944 PGurus @pGurus1Which was the path Saraswati took? To Prayag or Kutch? How can a...
View ArticleAncient Harappan Genome lacks ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian...
https://tinyurl.com/y5fpktepCell: September 5, 2019 (Volume 178, Issue 6) Graphical AbstractMysterious Indus Valley People Gave Rise to Modern-Day South AsiansBy Stephanie Pappas - Live Science...
View Articleपांडा pāṇḍā 'tiger cub' phaḍa फड 'cobra hood' rebus phaḍa, paṭṭaḍa ‘metals...
https://tinyurl.com/y2jo2yvmThis ~1300 years old murtis of Vināyaka...One found from Afghanistan & another from Vietnam... Separated by 1000s of miles & yet follows the same iconographic...
View ArticleNahal Mishmar evidence of hieroglyphs and link with writing system of Indus...
https://tinyurl.com/y668xvzw5 AUGUST, 2019 - 18:40 ED WHELANEarliest Writing System May Have Been Developed by Ancient Metalworkers 6,000 Years AgoAn Israeli academic has claimed to have found the...
View ArticleScience journalists report on DNA Rakhigarhi research study in Cell journal....
Context: Indus Script decipherment proclaimed atDr S Kalyanaraman decodes Harappan symbols and their link to Sarasvati Valley -- PGurus September 5, 2019 https://tinyurl.com/y6fhe944 Mirror:...
View ArticleThe Great Bead Story -- Kausalya Santhanam
The Great Bead StoryKausalya SanthanamSEPTEMBER 05, 2019 16:55 ISTUPDATED: SEPTEMBER 05, 2019 16:56 ISTA beaded necklace from late Harappan context from the site of Harappa A popular fashion...
View ArticleMysterious Indus Valley People Gave Rise to Modern-Day South Asians--...
Mysterious Indus Valley People Gave Rise to Modern-Day South AsiansBy Stephanie Pappas - Live Science Contributor a day ago History Who were the ancient people from the mysterious Harappan...
View ArticleItihāsa. Kāśmīra, a crown jewel of Bhārat
Presented below, a series of articles and albums on Kashmir’s Indic Tradition and Connections (Thanks to Sanjeev Nayyar for the links). 1 Kashmir’s Radian Knowledge Tradition by B S Harishankar...
View ArticleSeal of an "interpreter of Meluhha language" Shu-Ilishu EME.BAL.ME.LUH.HA.KI...
https://tinyurl.com/y55p2gnpThe Shu-ilishu cylinder seal is a clear evidence of the Meluhhan merchants trading in copper and tin, signified by the field symbols vividly portrayed on the cylinder seal....
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