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Gaṇeśa,Varāha, bāhulā -- Saptamātr̥ka on Indus Script relate to artisans' hand armour, woodwork, metalwork


--Gaṇeśa,Varāha, artisans working in iron and wood with Saptamātr̥ka

I suggest that the Saptamātr̥ka are called bāhulā in Meluhha expression on Indus Script read rebus: bāhulam'hand armour-guard, vambrace', thus related to the protective armour of warriors of Sarasvati civilization, protecting the wealth created by seafaring merchants and artisans of guilds, gaṇa.

Association with Saptamātr̥ka is the clearest indication of the role of women artisans in the Civilization during the Tin-Bronze Revolution from 4th millennium BCE.
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Gaṇeśa with Saptamātka (Brāhmai, Vaishavi, Mahevari, Indrāi, Vārāhi, Kaumāri, Cāmuṇḍā) n Mahādeva in a panel in d open museum in Āapuri, MP.
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Nataraja–Shiva (left) with Virabhadra and the first three Matrikas. Matrikas are depicted with children – Ellora
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"The Rigveda (IX 102.4) speaks of a group of seven Mothers who control the preparation of Soma, but the earliest clear description appears in select chapters of the epic Mahabharata dated to 1st century AD.[18][19] Wangu[who?] believes that Matrika description in Mahabharata is rooted in the group of seven females depicted on Indus valley seals."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrikas

About the depiction of seven or six Pleiades on Indus Script, see:


बहुलिका   bahulikā बहुलिका (pl.) The Pleiades.

बाहुलम् 1 Manifoldness. -2 An armour for the arms, vantbrass (Apte) Alternate name for vantbrass is vambrace. Etymology From Middle English vambracevauntbras, from Anglo-Norman vambrasavantbras.vambrace (plural vambraces)
  1. (historical) The piece of armor designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist.
  2. (historical) The pieces of armor protecting the arm from the shoulderto the wristhttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vambrace
"Vambraces (Frenchavant-bras, sometimes known as lower cannons in the Middle Ages) or forearm guards are tubular or gutter defences for the forearm worn as part of a suit of plate armour that were often connected to gauntlets. Vambraces may be worn with or without separate couters in a full suit of medieval armour. The term originates in the early 14th century. They were made from either boiled leather or steel. Leather vambraces were sometimes reinforced with longitudinal strips of hardened hide or metal, creating splinted armour." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vambrace
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vambrace (full arm protection)
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A left-arm vambrace; the bend would be placed at the knight's elbow
Translations: ±

बहुल   bahula बहुल a. (compar. बंहीयस् superl. बंहिष्ठ) 1 Thick, dense, compact; वृक्षांश्च बहुलच्छायान् ददृशुर्गिरिमूर्धनि Mb.3. 143.3. -2 (a) Broad, wide, capacious; (b) ample, large. -3 Abundant, copious, plentiful, much, numer- ous; अविनयबहुलतया K.143. -4 Numerous, manifold, many; तरुणतमालनीलबहुलोन्नमदम्बुधराः Māl.9.18. -5 Full of, rich or abounding in; जन्मनि क्लेशबहुले किं नु दुःखमतः परम् H.1.184; क्रियाविशेषबहुलां भोगैश्वर्यगतिं प्रति Bg.2.43. -6 Accompanied or attended by. -7 Born under the Pleiades; P.IV.3.33

बाहुलेयः   bāhulēyḥ बाहुलेयः An epithet of Kārtikeya.
bāhula बाहुल 'Pleiades' rebus: bāhuḷa ʻarmour for the arms'; बगला bagalā m An Arab boat of a particular description (Marathi)  बहुल born under the Pleiades Pa1n2. 4-3 , 33; m. pl. N. of a people (मार्कण्डेय-पुराण); बहुला f. pl.= कृत्तिकास् , the Pleiades (वराह-मिहिर); 

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On m0300 bagala 'pleiades' rebus: bagala 'dhow, seafaring vessel'.

[Pleiades, scarfed, framework,  scarfed person, worshipper, markhor, ficus religiosa] Brief memoranda:

The bottom register has hieroglyphs of: worshipper, ram, ficus, buffalo-horned person: bhaTa 'worshipper' Rebus: bhaTa 'furnace' meDha 'ram' Rebus: meD 'iron', loa 'ficus' Rebus: loh 'copper, metal' taTThAr 'buffalo horn' 

manḍa 'arbour,canopy' M. mã̄ḍav m. ʻ pavilion for festivals ʼ, mã̄ḍvī f. ʻ small canopy over an idol ʼ(CDIAL 9734)Rebus 1: mã̄ḍ ʻarray of instruments'.  rebus: 
maṇḍā 'warehouse, workshop' (Konkani)  maṇḍī 'market' 

Rebus:  ṭhaṭherā 'brass worker' (Punjabi) Thus, the message of this portion of the epigraph is: brass worker furnaces of loh 'copper' and meD 'iron'

The top register has scarfed, pleiades: Hieroglyph: dhatu 'scarf' Rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' bahulA 'Pleiades' Rebus 1:बगला   bagalā m An Arab boat of a particular description (Marathi) Rebus 2:  bāhula 'armour for the arms' 

Hieroglyph: worshipper: bhaṭā G. bhuvɔ m. ʻ worshipper in a temple ʼ rather < bhr̥ta --(CDIAL 9554) Yājñ.com., Rebus: bhaṭā ‘kiln, furnace’

Hieroglyph: ram, markhor: Dm. mraṅ m. ‘markhor’ Wkh. merg f. ‘ibex’ (CDIAL 9885) Tor. miṇḍ ‘ram’, miṇḍā́l ‘markhor’ (CDIAL 10310) Rebus: meḍ(Ho.); mẽṛhet ‘iron’ (Munda.Ho.)

Hieroglyph: standing person with buffalo horn: taTThAr 'buffalo horn' Rebus: taTTAr 'brass worker' Ta. taṭṭāṉ gold or silver smith; fem. taṭṭātti. Ma. taṭṭu a blow, knock; taṭṭuka to tap, dash, hit, strike against, knock; taṭṭān goldsmith; fem. taṭṭātti; taṭṭāranwasherma(DEDR 3039) *ṭhaṭṭhakāra- brassworker;(CDIAL 5490) *ṭhaṭṭh ʻ strike ʼ. [Onom.?]N. ṭhaṭāunu ʻ to strike, beat ʼ, ṭhaṭāi ʻ striking ʼ, ṭhaṭāk -- ṭhuṭuk ʻ noise of beating ʼ; H. ṭhaṭhānā ʻ to beat ʼ, ṭhaṭhāī f. ʻ noise of beating ʼ. ṭhaṭṭhakāra ʻ brass worker ʼ. 2. *ṭhaṭṭhakara -- . [*ṭhaṭṭha -- 1, kāra -- 1] 1. Pk. ṭhaṭṭhāra -- m., K. ṭhö̃ṭhur m., S. ṭhã̄ṭhāro m., P. ṭhaṭhiār°rā m.2. P. ludh. ṭhaṭherā m., Ku. ṭhaṭhero m., N. ṭhaṭero, Bi. ṭhaṭherā, Mth. ṭhaṭheri, H. ṭhaṭherā m.(CDIAL 5490, 5493).
h097 Text 4251 h097 Pict-95: Seven robed figures (with stylized twigs on their head and pig-tails) standing in a row. Text of inscription: खांडा [ khāṇḍā] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool).This is a hieroglyph-multiplex: slant PLUS notch: dhā 'slanted' rebus ḍhāḷako 'large ingot' khaṇḍa 'implements' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge' (Semantic determinative) PLUS  muka 'ladle' (Tamil)(DEDR 4887) Rebus: mū̃h 'ingot' (Santali).PLUS baṭa = rimless pot (Kannada) Rebus: baṭa = a kind of iron (Gujarati).bhaṭa 'furnace' PLUS kāṇḍa 'flowing water' Rebus: kāṇḍā 'metalware, tools, pots and  pans' PLUS Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn.(DEDR 2200) Rebus: kōḍ 'workshop'.
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Seal m 1186 Mohenjo-daro
Decipherment: ḍabu ‘an iron spoon’ (Santali) Rebus: ḍab, ḍhimba, ḍhompo ‘lump (ingot?)’, clot, make a lump or clot, coagulate, fuse, melt together (Santali) ḍabe, ḍabea wide horns (Santali) Rebus: ḍhābā workplace (P.) 

The stool on which the bowl is placed is also a hieroglyph read rebus:

Kur. kaṇḍō a stool. Malt. kanḍo stool, seat. (DEDR 1179) Rebus: kaṇḍ 'stone (ore)' as in: ayaskāṇḍ'excellent iron' (Panini)

dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu) m. ‘scarf’ (WPah.) (CDIAL 6707) Allograph: ḍato = claws of crab (Santali) Rebus: dhātu = mineral (Skt.), dhatu id. (Santali) 

See the human face ligatured to a ram's body (an indication of the hieroglyphic nature of the orthographic composition):

mũh 'face' (Santali). Rebus: mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each end; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽtko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali.lex.) 

miṇḍāl 'markhor' (Tor.wali) meḍho 'a ram, a sheep' (G.)(CDIAL 10120)mēṇḍhaʻramʼ(CDIAL 9606).मेंढा [mēṇḍhā] m (मेष S through H) A male sheep, a ram or tup. मेंढका or क्या [ mēṇḍhakā or kyā ] a (मेंढा) A shepherd (Marathi) Rebus: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.) mēṇḍh 'gold' as in: मेंढसर [ mēṇḍhasara ] m A bracelet of gold thread. (Marathi)

मेढ [mēḍha] f A forked stake. Used as a post. Hence a short post generally whether forked or not. Pr. हातीं लागली चेड आणि धर मांडवाची मेढ.

m1186 (DK6847) [Pleiades, scarfed, framework, ficus religiosa , scarfed person, worshipper, twigs (on head), horn, markhor, human face ligatured to markhor, stool, ladle, frame of a building] 

Brief memoranda:

bhaṭā G. bhuvɔ m. ʻ worshipper in a temple ʼ rather < bhr̥ta --(CDIAL 9554) Yājñ.com., Rebus: bhaṭā ‘kiln, furnace’
mū̃h ‘human face’ Rebus: mū̃h ‘ingot’ (See human face ligatured to a markhor: Seal m1186) PLUS Dm. mraṅ m. ‘markhor’ Wkh. merg f. ‘ibex’ (CDIAL 9885) Tor. miṇḍ ‘ram’, miṇḍā́l ‘markhor’ (CDIAL 10310) Rebus: meḍ(Ho.); mẽṛhet ‘iron’ (Munda.Ho.)
lo, no ‘nine’ phonetic reinforcement of: loa ‘ficus’ Rebus: lo ‘copper’
dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu) m. ‘scarf’ (Western Pahari) (CDIAL 6707) Rebus: dhatu ‘minerals’ (Santali)
maṇḍa m. ʻ ornament ʼ Rebus: meḍ (Ho.); mẽṛhet ‘iron’ (Munda.Ho.)

A group of six or seven women wearing twigs may not represent Pleiades, bagaḷā). The groups of such glyphs occur on four inscribed objects of Indus writing. (See four pictorial compositions on: m1186A, h097, m0442At m0442Bt). Glyph (seven women): bahula_ = Pleiades (Skt.)bagaḷā = name of a certain godess (Te.) bagaḷā ,bagaḷe, vagalā (Ka.); baka , bagaḷlā , vagaḷā (Te.) bakkula = a demon, uttering horrible cries, a form assumed by the Yakkha Ajakalāpaka, to terrify the Buddha (Pali.lex.) bahulā f. pl. the Pleiades VarBr̥S., likā -- f. pl. lex. [bahulá -- ] Kal. bahul the Pleiades , Kho. ból, (Lor.) boul, bolh, Sh. (Lor.) b*lle (CDIAL 9195) bahulegal. = the Pleiades or Kṛittikā-s (Ka.lex.) bahula_ (VarBr.S.); bahul (Kal.) six presiding female deities: vahulā the six presiding female deities of the Pleiades (Skt.); vākulai id. (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Pleiades: bahulikā pl. pleiades; bahula born under the pleiades; the pleiades (Skt.lex.) bahule, bahulegal. the pleiades or kr.ttikās (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: female deities of the pleiades: vākulēyan- < va_kulēya Skanda (Ta.lex.) பாகுளி pākuḷi, n. perh. bāhulī. Full moon in the month of Puraṭṭāci; புரட்டாசி மாதத்துப் பெளர்ணமி. அதைப் பாகுளி யென்று (விநாயகபு. 37, 81). Glyph (twig on head on seven women): adaru ‘twig’; rebus: aduru ‘native metal’. Thus, the seven women ligatured with twigs on their heads can be read as: bahulā + adaru; rebus: bangala ‘goldsmith’s portable furnace’ + aduru ‘native metal’. bāhulēya Kārttikēya, son of S'iva; bāhula the month kārttika (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) வாகுலை vākulai, n. < Vahulā. The six presiding female deities of the Pleiades. Rebus: bagalo = an Arabian merchant vessel (Gujarati) bagala = an Arab boat of a particular description (Ka.); बगला   bagalā m An Arab boat of a particular description. (M.); bagarige, bagarage = a kind of vessel (Ka.)  cf. m1429 seal. बहुल Born under the Pleiades; P.IV.3.33. An epithet of fire. -ला 1 A cow; कस्मात् समाने बहुलाप्रदाने सद्भिः प्रशस्तं कपिलाप्रदानम् Mb.13.77.9. The Pleiades (pl.) -लम् 1 The sky. बहुलिका (pl.) The Pleiades. बाहुल a. Manifold. -लः Fire; शीतरुजं समये च परस्मिन् बाहुलतो रसिका शमयन्ती Rām. Ch.4.99. -2 The month Kārtika. -लम् 1 Manifoldness. बाहुलेयः An epithet of Kārtikeya.बाहुल्यम् 1 Abundance, plenty, copiousness. -2 Manifoldness, multiplicity, variety. -3 The usual course or common order of things. (बाहुल्यात्, -ल्येन 1 usually, commonly. -2 in all probability.) बाह्लिः N. of a country (Balkh). -Comp. -ज, -जात a. bred in the Balkh country, of the Balkh breed.बाह्लकाः बाह्लिकाः बाह्लीकाः m. (pl.) N. of a people.-कम् 1 Saffron; ... प्रियाङ्गसंगव्यालुप्तस्तनतटबाह्लिक- श्रियो$पि दृश्यन्ते बहिरबलाः Rām. Ch.7.64. Amarakośa makes references to the Saffron of Bahlika and Kashmira countries (Amarkosha, p 159, Amarsimha.) 

बाह्लिः N. of a country (Balkh). -Comp. -ज, -जात a. bred in the Balkh country, of the Balkh breed.बाह्लकाः बाह्लिकाः बाह्लीकाः m. (pl.) N. of a people.-कम् 1 Saffron; ... प्रियाङ्गसंगव्यालुप्तस्तनतटबाह्लिक- श्रियो$पि दृश्यन्ते बहिरबलाः Rām. Ch.7.64. Amarakośa makes references to the Saffron of Bahlika and Kashmira countries (Amarkośa, p 159, Amarsimha.) 
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Balkh may refer to Bahlikas (Sanskritबाह्लिकBāhlika) who were the inhabitants of Balikha (Sanskritबलिख), mentioned in AtharvavedaMahabharataRamayana, Puranas. Kamboja.vishhaye jatair Bahlikaishcha hayottamaih (Valmiki Ramayana I.6.22.VanayujanParvatiyanKamboj.Aratta.Bahlikan (Mahabharata 7.36.36) "The fact that Puranic evidence locates the Bahlikas in Uttarapatha and further the close association of the Bahlikas with the Kambojas as well as with Tusharas, Sakas and Yavanas in the Atharvaveda Parisista and in some other ancient sources suggests that the Bahlikas were located as a close neighbor to the Tusharas, Sakas, Yavanas and the Kambojas etc. Since the Kambojas were located in Badakshan and Pamirs, the Tusharas on the north of Pamirs and the Sakas on the river Jaxartesand beyond, the Bahlikas or Bahlams, as neighbors to these people should be placed in Bactria...Dr P. E. Pargiter points out that there was also another Bahlika settlement in the plains of Punjab alongside or south of Madradesa...Ramayana refers to (Saurashtrans.bahlikan.chandrachitranstathaivacha)...The Bahlikas have been equated to Mlechchas in the later Brahmanical literature. There is a distinct prophetic statement in the Mahabharata that the mlechcha kings of Sakas, Yavanas, Kambojas, Bahlikas etc. will rule unrighteously in Kali yuga. (3.188.34-36). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahlikas

The presence of Gaṇeśa and Vārāhi are explained as Indus Script hypertexts, as on the Gaa shown on Kanchipuram temple.
गण m. a flock , troop , multitude , number , tribe , series , class (of animate or inanimate beings) , body of followers or attendants RV. AV. &c; troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as शिव's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god गणे* ; cf. -देवताMn. Ya1jn5. Lalit. &c; a company , any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims Mn. Ya1jn5. Hit. (Monier-Williams)

Hieroglyph: karaṇa करण 'dance-step'
Rebus: karaṇa करण A writer, जज्ञे धीमांस्ततस्तस्यां युयुत्सुः करणो नृप Mb.1.115. 43; Ms.1.22;  Business, trade.



karibha, ibha 'elephant' rebus: karba, ib 'iron'

barea 'merchant' (barāh, baḍhi 'boar')barāh, baḍhi 'boar' rebus: vāḍhī, bari, barea 'merchant' bārakaśa 'seafaring vessel';baḍhoe ‘a carpenter, worker in wood, iron’; badhoria ‘expert in working in wood’(Santali) বরাহ barāha 'boar' Rebus: bāṛaï 'carpenter' (Bengali) bari 'merchant' barea 'merchant' (Santali) बारकश or बारकस [ bārakaśa or bārakasa ] n ( P) A trading vessel, a merchantman.
baḍhia = a castrated boar, a hog; rebus: baḍhi 'a caste who work both in iron and wood'  వడ్రంగి, వడ్లంగి, వడ్లవాడు (p. 1126) vaḍraṅgi, vaḍlaṅgi, vaḍlavāḍu or వడ్లబత్తుడు vaḍrangi. [Tel.] n. A carpenter. వడ్రంగము, వడ్లపని, వడ్రము or వడ్లంగితనము vaḍrangamu. n. The trade of a carpenter. వడ్లవానివృత్తి. వడ్రంగిపని. వడ్రంగిపిట్ట or వడ్లంగిపిట్ట vaḍrangi-piṭṭa. n. A woodpecker. దార్వాఘాటము. వడ్లకంకణము vaḍla-kankaṇamu. n. A curlew. ఉల్లంకులలో భేదము. వడ్లత or వడ్లది vaḍlata. n. A woman of the carpenter caste. vardhaki m. ʻ carpenter ʼ MBh. [√vardh] Pa. vaḍḍhaki -- m. ʻ carpenter, building mason ʼ; Pk. vaḍḍhaï -- m. ʻ carpenter ʼ, °aïa -- m. ʻ shoemaker ʼ; WPah. jaun. bāḍhōī ʻ carpenter ʼ, (Joshi) bāḍhi m., N. baṛhaïbaṛahi, A. bārai, B. bāṛaï°ṛui, Or. baṛhaï°ṛhāi, (Gaṛjād) bāṛhoi, Bi. baṛa, Bhoj. H. baṛhaī m., M. vāḍhāyā m., Si. vaḍu -- vā.(CDIAL 11375)

baḍaga is a takṣa, divine tvaṣṭr̥ of R̥gveda, he is a yajña puruṣa as evidenced in Khajuraho monumental varāha sculpture.. He is the very embodiment of the Veda, Veda puruṣa.  त्वष्टृ m. a carpenter , maker of carriages (= त्/अष्टृAV. xii , 3 , 33; " creator of living beings " , the heavenly builder , N. of a god (called सु-क्/ऋत् , -पाण्/इ , -ग्/अभस्ति , -ज्/अनिमन् , स्व्-/अपस् , अप्/असाम् अप्/अस्तम , विश्व्/अ-रूप &c RV. ; maker of divine implements , esp. of इन्द्र's thunderbolt and teacher of the ऋभुi , iv-vi , x Hariv. 12146 f. R. ii , 91 , 12 ; former of the bodies of men and animals , hence called " firstborn " and invoked for the sake of offspring , esp. in the आप्री hymns RV. AV. &c MBh. iv , 1178 Hariv. 587 ff. Ragh. vi , 32 ; associated with the similar deities धातृ , सवितृ , प्रजा-पति , पूषन् , and surrounded by divine females [ग्न्/आस् , जन्/अयस् , देव्/आनाम् प्/अत्नीस् ; cf. त्व्/अष्टा-व्/अरूत्री] recipients of his generative energy RV. S3Br. i Ka1tyS3r. iii ; supposed author of RV. x , 184 with the epithet गर्भ-पति RAnukr. ; father of सरण्यू [सु-रेणु Hariv.स्व-रेणु L. ] whose double twin-children by विवस्वत् [or वायु ? RV. viii , 26 , 21 f.] are यमयमी and the अश्विन्x , 17 , 1 f. Nir. xii , 10 Br2ih. Hariv.545 ff. VP. ; also father of त्रि-शिरस् or विश्वरूप ib. ; overpowered by इन्द्र who recovers the सोम [ RV. iii f. ] concealed by him because इन्द्र had killed his son विश्व-रूप TS. ii S3Br. i , v , xii ; regent of the नक्षत्र चित्रा TBr. S3a1n3khGr2. S3a1ntik. VarBr2S. iic , 4 ; of the 5th cycle of Jupiter viii , 23 ; of an eclipse iii , 6 ; त्वष्टुर् आतिथ्य N. of a सामन् A1rshBr. ).

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Image result for ; boar and bull in procession; terminal: plant; heavily pitted
ate Uruk and Jemdet Nasr seal; ca. 3200-3000 BCE; serpentine; cat.1; boar and bull in procession; terminal: plant; heavily pitted surface beyond plant.  Indus Script hieroglyphs read rebus: baḍhia = a castrated boar, a hog; rebus: baḍhi ‘a caste who work both in iron and wood’ Hieroglyph: dhangar 'bull' Rebus: dhangar 'blacksmith' baḍhoe ‘a carpenter, worker in wood’; badhoria ‘expert in working in wood’(Santali) বরাহ barāha 'boar'Rebus: bāṛaï 'carpenter' (Bengali) bari 'merchant' barea 'merchant' (Santali) बारकश or बारकस [ bārakaśa or bārakasa ] n ( P) A trading vessel, a merchantman (cargo boat).

Indus Script Hieroglyph: barāh, baḍhi ‘boar’ Rebus: vāḍhī, bari, barea ‘merchant’ 

baḍhoe ‘a carpenter, worker in wood’; badhoria ‘expert in working in wood’ Together with an anthropomorph of copper/bronze with the curved horns of a ‘ram’, the hypertext signifies: meḍh ‘ram’ rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ PLUS baḍhi ‘boar’ rebus: baḍhoria, ‘expert in working in wood’PLUS khondar‘young bull’ rebus: konda ‘furnace’ kundaṇa ‘fine gold’ Thus, the anthropomorph is a professional calling card of a worker with furnace, worker in iron, fine gold and wood. It is not mere coincidence that Varāha signifies an ancient gold coin. Another anthropomorph rplaces the young bull frieze on the chest of the ram with a ‘fish’ hieroglyph. ayo ‘fish’ rebus: aya ‘iron’ ayas ‘alloy metal’.

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ஓடாவி ōṭāvin. prob. ஓடம்¹ + ஆள்வி. 1. Shipwright, boat builder; மரக்கலஞ் செய்வோன். (W.) 2. Carpenter; தச்சன்.ōṭam, n. < ஓடு-. cf. hōḍa. [T. K. Tu. oḍa, M. ōḍam.] 1. Boat, ferry-boat; தோணி. (திவா.) 2. Raft, float, vessel of any kind; மிதவை. (W.) 3. The tenth nakṣatra; மகநாள். (இராசவைத்) 4. Weavers' shuttle; நெசவுநாடா. (யாழ். அக.) 5. A song in the boatman's tune; ஓடப்பாட்டு.ōṭa-p-pāṭṭu , n. < ஓடம்¹ +. Boat song; கப்பற்பாட்டு. Ta. ōṭam boat, raft, float, vessel; ōṭāvi shipwright, boatbuilder. Ma. ōṭam boat; ōṭāyi shipbuilders; ōṭi a large seaboat (long and narrow, chiefly from the Laccadives). Ka. ōḍa boat. Tu. ōḍa id. Te. ōḍa ship, vessel. Pa. ōḍa boat, trough. Go. (M.) ōḍa, (Ko. S.) ōṛa boat (Voc. 437); (Pat.) oda (i.e. ōḍa) donga. / Cf. Skt. hoḍa- boat, raft; Turner, CDIAL, no. 14174. The IA words are probably < Dr.; Parpola 1977-78, pp. 243 ff. (DEDR 1039) hōḍa m. ʻ raft, boat ʼ lex. [← Drav., Kan. ōḍa., &c. DED 876]H. hoṛī f., holā m. ʻ canoe, raft ʼ; G. hoṛī f. ʻ boat ʼ; M. hoḍī f. ʻ canoe made of hollowed log ʼ. -- See uḍupa -- .Addenda: hōḍa -- : Md. oḍi ʻ large kind of boat ʼ ← Drav.(CDIAL 14174) ōḍra1 m. ʻ a tribe of Śūdras ʼ Mn., ʻ name of a people ʼ MBh., uḍra -- , auḍ°. 2. *auḍrika -- ʻ of that people ʼ. [S. Lévi JA 1923, 20 ff., EWA i 132]1. Pk. oḍḍa -- , uḍ° m. ʻ the land of Utkala ʼ, uḍḍa -- m. ʻ a caste of well -- diggers ʼ; S. oḍru m. ʻ a caste that make mud walls, blockhead ʼ, L. oḍ̠ m.; P. oḍ m. ʻ a tribe that clear out watercourses or build houses ʼ; Ku. oṛwoṛ ʻ mason ʼ, N. oṛ; Or. oṛa ʻ an aboriginal inhabitant of Orissa ʼ; G. oḍ m. ʻ a caste of Hindus who dig and carry earth and build mud houses ʼ.2. oḍḍia -- ʻ pertaining to Utkala ʼ; B. oṛiyāuṛ° ʻ an inhabitant of Orissa ʼ, Or. oṛiā, Bhoj. oṛiyā; EH. (Chattisgarh) oṛiyā m. ʻ navvy ʼ.ōḍradēśa -- .Addenda: ōḍra -- 1 ʻ a tribe of Śūdras ʼ Mn.: WPak.kṭg. ōḍ m. ʻ carpenter, name of a caste ʼ; Garh. oḍ ʻ mason ʼ.(CDIAL 2549) ōḍradēśa ʻ land of the Oḍras ʼ MW. [ōḍra -- 1, dēśá --] Or. oṛisā ʻ Orissa ʼ, H. uṛīsā m.(CDIAL 2551) [Note: the seafaring Bharatam Janam of ōḍradēśa are the seafarers who celebrate Baliyatra every year on Karthik Purnima day in memory of their contributions to Hinduised states of the Far East (pace George Coedes' wok in French Les états hindouisés d'Extrême-Orient. These are the ancient dharma-dhamma savants who spread Bauddham in Sri Lanka and in the Ancient Far East.]

Hieroglyph: dhangar 'bull' Rebus: dhangar 'blacksmith' 

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File:Bactrian axe BM 123628.jpg

Cast axe-head; tin bronze inlaid with silver; shows a boar attacking a tiger which is attacking an ibex.ca. 2500 -2000 BCE Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex. Length: 17.8 cm (7 in). Weight: 675.5 g (23.82 oz). British Museum.ME 123628 (1913,0314.11913,0314.1) R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 'British Museum “axe” no. 123628: a Bactrian bronze', Bulletin of the Asia Institute, NS I (1987), pp. 17-26
Curator's comments: See RL file 6616 (29/6/1995); also Research Lab file 4992 of 12/09/1983 where XRF analysis of surface indicates composition as tin bronze with approx 10% tin and traces of arsenic, nickel, silver and lead. Dalton's inclusion in the 'Catalogue of the Oxus Treasure' among a small group of comparative items has unfortunately led to recurrent confusion over the date and provenance of this piece. It was first believed to be Achaemenid in date (Dalton, 'Catalogue of the Oxus Treasure', p. 48), labelled as such in 1975 in the former Iranian Room and thus suggested to be an Achaemenid scabbard chape (P R S Moorey CORRES 1975, based on an example said to have been excavated by P. Bernard at Ai Khanoum or seen by him in Kabul Bazaar, cf. P. Bernard CORRES 1976). It has also been assigned a 4th-5th century AD Sasanian date (P. Amiet, 1967, in 'Revue du Louvre' 17, pp. 281-82). However, its considerably earlier - late 3rd mill. BC Bronze Age - date has now been clearly demonstrated following the discovery of large numbers of objects of related form in south-east Iran and Bactria, and it has since been recognised and/or cited as such, for instance by H. Pittmann (hence archaeometallurgical analysis in 1983; R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1988a, "British Museum axe no. 123628: a Bactrian bronze", 'Bulletin of the Asia Institute' 1 (NS), pp. 17-26; F. Hiebert & C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky 1992a, "Central Asia and the Indo-Iranian Borderlands",' Iran' 30, p. 5; B. Brentjes, 1991a, "Ein tierkampfszene in bronze", 'Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran' 24 (NS), p. 1, taf. 1). 

Decipherment: There are three hieroglyphs: ram (markhor), tiger, boar. The rebus renderings are: coppersmith (merchant's helper), smelter, worker in wood and iron.

Tor. miṇḍ 'ram', miṇḍā́l 'markhor' (CDIAL 10310) Rebus: meḍh ‘helper of merchant’ (Gujarati) mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (Mu.Ho.) med 'copper' (Slavic) meṛed-bica = iron stone ore, in contrast to bali-bica, iron sand ore (Munda) Thus, coppersmith, helper of merchant.

kola 'tiger' rebus: kolle 'blacksmith', kolhe 'smelter' kol 'working in iron'. Thus, a smelter.

badhi 'boar' rebus: badhi 'carpenter, worke in iron' and dhangar 'bull' rebus: dhangar 'blacksmith'. baḍhoe ‘a carpenter, worker in wood’; badhoria ‘expert in working in wood’(Santali) বরাহ barāha 'boar'Rebus: bāṛaï 'carpenter' (Bengali) bari 'merchant' barea 'merchant' (Santali) बारकश or बारकस [ bārakaśa or bārakasa ] n ( P) A trading vessel, a merchantman.

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Shaft-hole axe head double-headed eagle anthropomorph, boar, and winged tiger ca. late 3rd–early 2nd millennium B.C.E Silver, gold foil L. 15 cm. 

Anthropomorph (human body) is represented twice, once on each side of the axe, and consequently appears to have two heads. On one side, he grasps the boar by the belly and on the other, by the tusks. 

The composite animal (feline, tiger body) has folded and staggered wings, and the talons of a bird of prey in the place of his front paws. Its single horn has been broken off and lost.


Rebus readings are: eruvai 'kite' rebus: eruvai 'copper' PLUS kambha 'shoulder, wing' rebus: kammaTa 'mint'; thus, copper mint.

kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' PLUS kambha 'wing' rebus: kammaTa 'min'; thus, iron smelter's mint.

badhi 'boar' rebus: badhi 'carpenter, worke in iron' and dhangar 'bull' rebus: dhangar 'blacksmith'. baḍhoe ‘a carpenter, worker in wood’; badhoria ‘expert in working in wood’(Santali) বরাহ barāha 'boar'Rebus: bāṛaï 'carpenter' (Bengali) bari 'merchant' barea 'merchant' (Santali) बारकश or बारकस [ bārakaśa or bārakasa ] n ( P) A trading vessel, a merchantman.

The hieroglyph-multiplexes on Ancient Near East artifacts include hieroglyph components: tiger, rhinoceros, eagle, kid (goat), bull/ox. All are metalwork cipher texts. These are in addition to a boar: বরাহ barāha 'boar' Rebus: bāṛaï 
'carpenter' (Bengali) bari 'merchant' barea 'merchant' (Santali) बारकश or बारकस [ bārakaśa or bārakasa ] n ( P) A trading vessel, a merchantman. 

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