Rohit, Mallik Chakravarthi, Vaddera christian convert -- E-Police enquiries...
Translation of excerpts from Telugu news report in Andhra Jyoti, 22, 2016: Granaparents reveal that they are vaDDera kulam. Parents said they are OBC. Rohit converted to Christianity and was renmed...
View ArticleData mining of a Mohenjo-daro copper tablet, kāmṭhiyɔ ʻarcherʼ.rebus kammaṭa...
Mirror: deterministic affirmation of the entire Indus Script Corpora as catalogus catalogorum of metalwork comes from data mining of a Mohenjo-daro copper tablet with...
View ArticleWhy the battle for Sanskrit needs to be joined -- Rajeev Srinivasan. Kudos to...
Why the battle for Sanskrit needs to be joinedJanuary 20, 2016 22:52 IST'It is a great misfortune that the Nehruvian Stalinists of India have colluded with the grand project of demeaning and destroying...
View ArticleData mining of four Indus Script inscriptions with hieroglyph signifiers of...
Mirror: hieroglyph-multiplexes from Indus Script Corpora signify kammaṭa 'coinage, mint, coiner'. In the Vedic tradition of Soma Yaga, this semantic structure signified...
View ArticleKudos to NIA for cracking the ISIS cells in Bharatam. Jai Jawan, effectove...
CIA leads help Indian agencies bust ISIS cellsTNN | Jan 23, 2016, 07.35 AM ISTNEW DELHI: Till not too long ago, the exact presence of Islamic State (ISIS) operatives was being debated. On Friday almost...
View Article1962: The War That Wasn't by Shiv Kunar Verma: Book review by Wg. Commdr....
DID WE SCREW UP? Oh YES! BIG TIME!ByWing Commander Rajesh KhoslaThis is a review of a book, titled rather aptly 1962: The War That Wasn't by Shiv Kunal Verma. There have been books on...
View Article"Je tiens mon affaire!" Orthography of penance signifies kammaṭa 'mint,...
Mirror:çois Champollion (1790-1832)..."The main breakthrough in his decipherment was when he was also able to read the verb MIS related to birth, by comparing the...
View ArticleNew horizons in history of Sri Lanka - An archaeological perspective - Prof....
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Team <>Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 5:55 AMSubject: Video - New horizons in history of Sri Lanka - An archaeological...
View ArticleData mining of nine inscriptions of Indus Script Corpora signifies bhaṭa...
Mirror: of 'kneeling adorant' or 'worshipper' is such an abiding message that Mahadevan concordance treates the hieroglyph as a text 'sign'. Signs 45, 46 Mahadevan...
View ArticleEmancipation of military: containing the citizenry -- Fred Reed
Emancipation of Military: Containing the CitizenryPosted on January 21, 2016 by Fred ReedThose who try to understand military policy often confuse themselves by focusing on minor matters such as...
View ArticleNehru's reference to Netaji as 'your war criminal' in his Dec. 1945 letter to...
NEHRU TERMED BOSE ‘YOUR WAR CRIMINAL’Sunday, 24 January 2016 | Pioneer News Service | New DelhiThe declassified Netaji files have come as a major source of embarrassment for the Congress party with...
View ArticleMajor Cities US East coast Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out Snow
N.Y. / REGIONMajor Cities Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out SnowBy JAMES BARRON and RICK ROJASJAN. 23, 2016Continue reading the main storySlide ShowSLIDE SHOW|13 PhotosSnowstorm Sends Heavy...
View ArticleMedia's blind eye to the guilt of its heroes, the 'eminent historians' --...
IGNORING TRUTH THAT’S UNSETTLINGTuesday, 26 January 2016 | Koenraad ElstGiven the moralistic bombast with which the Ayodhya issue has been covered, one would have expected archaeologist KK Mohammed's...
View ArticleStupid belief in innocence of American Oriental Sanskrit scholars like...
R JagannathanJagannathan is Editorial Director, Swarajya. He tweets at @TheJaggi.26 Jan, 2016‘American Orientalism’ As The New Macaulayism, And What We Need To Do About ItAmerican Orientalism is a...
View ArticleLanguages evolve much faster than genes. Aha, Indian sprachbund existed ca....
Published: January 27, 2016 02:06 IST | Updated: January 27, 2016 07:37 IST Bengaluru, January 27, 2016Caste system has left imprints on genes: studyMohit M. RaoWhen did caste become the dominant norm...
View Articlecaṣālḥ चषालः is a Rigveda citation of a ring atop yupa which signifies Soma...
Mirror: expression प्रचषालम् pracaṣālam used in the Mahabharata is explained as a particular ornament on a yupa in the context of a related expression describing the yupa...
View ArticleThe Left has no clothes. Dishonest Left historians should apologise to the...
Isn’t It Time For Left Historians To Apologise To The Nation For Their Dishonesty?R JagannathanJagannathan is Editorial Director, Swarajya. He tweets at @TheJaggi.25 Jan, 2016The Left routinely accuses...
View ArticleVedic, Indus Script traditions: अष्टाश्रि 'having eight corners' Satapatha...
Mirror: Script hieroglyphs read rebus relate to yajna of Vedic tradition celebrated on hundreds of examples signified on punch-marked and early cast coins of ancient...
View ArticleBack from the enemy country -- Pervez Hoodbhoy, a teacher of...
Here is an extraordinary op-ed by a scientist from Pakistan. He cites an anecdote.In a public meet Nayantara Sehgal talked too much about intolerance and about atrocities against Muslims by the Govt...
View ArticleSuicide of Rohit Vemula aka Mallik Chakravarty. Let us recall Swami...
We should remember the sage words of the late Swami Dayananda Saraswati who received the Padmavibhushan award posthumously on 26 Jan. 2016. The title of his speech was: Conversion is violence. Attempts...
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