Published: January 27, 2016 02:06 IST | Updated: January 27, 2016 07:37 IST Bengaluru, January 27, 2016
Caste system has left imprints on genes: study

When did caste become the dominant norm for ethnic communities of a region? 70 generations ago, or nearly 1,500 years ago.
The twisting strands of DNA tell tales, not just of the strengths and weaknesses that make us human, but of the consolidation of the caste system.
A study by researchers from the National Institute of BioMedical Genomics (NIBMG) in West Bengal has looked at the genes of various communities to answer questions that have often been suggested in history books: when did caste become the dominant norm for ethnic communities of the region.
For most upper-caste communities, endogamy (that is marrying within one’s caste) started nearly 70 generations ago, or around the time of the Hindu Gupta period around 1,500 years ago, says the study published in the latest issue of the journal PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
“A lot of social transformation took place during the Gupta period. Notable among these was the enforcement of social strictures against marriage between castes, as enshrined in the Dharmasastra. This reveals that some social norms leave imprints on the DNA, which can be reconstructed by careful genetic studies,” says Partha P. Majumder, Director, NIBMG, who, along with Analabha Basu and Neeta Sarkar Roy, authored the study.
By looking at the block lengths of ancestral genes, the team could pinpoint the era when mixing of castes ended. In the case of West Bengal Brahmins, marriages with the northeastern communities continued until the arrival of the 8th century Pala dynasty which cut off these regions.
Genetic inputs show upper caste dominance
Unsurprisingly, it was mixing between tribes of various ancestries that ended the last.
Mixing of population
However, the researchers have noted that “mixing” of genetic populations continued in an “asymmetric” trickle after this. Upper caste populations continued to give genetic inputs to lower caste and tribal populations — but not vice-versa.
This is “consistent with elite dominance and patriarchy” of the upper caste, notes the study.
“Male members of upper caste communities have had off-spring with other communities, but the reverse is not seen. This is possible by an elite group [sharing the similar genes] dominating non-elite groups,” says Partha P. Majumder, Director, NIBMG, who, along with Analabha Basu and Neeta Sarkar Roy, authored the study.
Researchers analysed “high quality” genotype data of 367 individuals drawn from 20 ethnic populations.
The samples ranged in caste, linguistic as well as geographic variations: from “upper caste” — Gujarati, Manipuri, West Bengal Brahmins and Marathas — to Dravidian communities — Pallan, Irula, among others — to Central and Eastern Indian tribes — Ho, Santhal, Birhor.
From Andaman and Nicobar islands, the Jarawa and Onge tribes were chosen for the study — and these tribes were found to have ancestries closer to the Pacific Islanders than those in mainland India.
Complex ancestries
Apart from the historical linkages shown, the study also shows the complex ancestries that now make up the Indian population.
While a previous study published in Nature in 2009 by Harvard geneticist David Reich and his team, showed that most Indians could trace their roots in Ancestral North Indians (ANI) and Ancestral South Indians (ASI) genes; the NIBMG team shows a significant presence of the Ancestral Tibeto-Burman (ATB) genes in communities in the North-East as well as Ancestral Austro-Asiatic (AAA) genes among the tribal populations of east and central India.
| Tuesday , January 26 , 2016 |
When the caste die was cast |
G.S. Mudur |
![]() The study, by scientists at the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics at Kalyani in Bengal, has also shown that five ancestral populations -- not two as inferred earlier --- spawned the tapestry of India's present-day population diversity. Earlier studies by Indian and US scientists had indicated that people across the country mated without concern for class, caste or ethnic barriers for over 2,000 years before the advent of the caste system. Those studies had also suggested that most present-day mainland Indians have descended from two ancient groups called the ancestral North Indians (ANI) and the ancestral South Indians (ASI). "We've now identified a sharp window of time that marks a consolidation of the caste system," Partha Majumder, the director of the Kalyani institute who led the new study, told The Telegraph. The findings were published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a research journal. Majumder and his colleagues Analabha Basu and Neeta Sarkar Roy analysed the genetic makeup of 367 people from 20 populations chosen to represent the diversity of India's population. They picked Khatris from northern India, Brahmins from Bengal and Gujarat, Iyers and other Dravidian speakers from southern India, Marathas from Maharashtra and several tribes from central and southern India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, among others. Their research aimed at reconstructing India's population history by studying subtle differences in genomic makeup that can reveal information about individuals' ancestry, their genetic distance from others, and signatures of endogamy --- marriage only within one's community --- in populations. Their study shows that most populations on mainland India owe their ancestry to four groups: the ANI, the ASI and two others -- an ancestral Tibeto-Burman (ATB) group, and an ancestral Austro-Asiatic (AAA) group. The Jarawas and the Onges share their ancestry with present-day Pacific islanders, implying a distinct ancestral population for these Andaman and Nicobar tribes. The genetic evidence also suggests that almost all upper-caste populations began to practise endogamy about 70 generations ago after a long period of unrestricted mixing. "The gene flow across these populations came to an abrupt end about 1,575 years ago, assuming an average of 22 years for each generation," Majumder said. "We went back to history books and found that this period coincides with the reign of the Gupta emperors." The scientists say their findings suggest that the Gupta rulers -- possibly Chandragupta II or Kumaragupta I -- used the state machinery of a developing political economy to enforce social and moral strictures leading to strict and widespread endogamy. "I don't have a dispute with this suggestion," said Shatrughna Sharan Singh, professor of ancient Indian history at Patna University. "An early version of the caste system may have emerged during the Vedic times, perhaps as far back as 1,200 BC, but it is possible that the caste system based on micro-division of labour consolidated itself during the reign of the Guptas." The scientists say that endogamy wasn't adopted quickly everywhere. "Low levels of gene flow continued to occur between certain populations. We can see signatures of such gene flow in present-day people," Basu said. The study, for instance, suggests that across eastern and northeastern India, Bengal's Brahmins continued to admix with Tibeto-Burman populations until the emergence of the Buddhist Pala dynasty in the eighth century. "This is an important (research) paper," said David Reich, professor of genetics at the Harvard Medical School, who had seven years ago led an independent effort to reconstruct India's population history that had pointed to two ancestral groups: ANI and ASI. "We had excluded the Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman speakers from our analysis as we wanted to understand the gradient of ancestry seen mainly in Indo-European and Dravidian speakers," Reich told this newspaper. "The history of Tibeto-Burman speakers and Austro-Asiatic speakers and the Andaman and Nicobar tribals is very important even though these groups comprise a small fraction of the present-day population." Majumder and his colleagues say their genetic study also suggests that the census counts of the Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman speakers in India are "gross underestimates" of the extent of the AAA and ATB genetic components in present-day populations. Many present-day Indians who speak Indo-European languages or even Dravidian languages may thus have genetic components they inherited from AAA or ATB groups. "Languages evolve much faster than genes," Majumder said. "The evolution of language has masked the genetic backgrounds of some populations." |
Genomic reconstruction of the history of extant populations of India reveals five distinct ancestral components and a complex structure
- Edited by Masatoshi Nei, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, and approved December 17, 2015 (received for review July 5, 2015)
India, harboring more than one-sixth of the world population, has been underrepresented in genome-wide studies of variation. Our analysis reveals that there are four dominant ancestries in mainland populations of India, contrary to two ancestries inferred earlier. We also show that (i) there is a distinctive ancestry of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands populations that is likely ancestral also to Oceanic populations, and (ii) the extant mainland populations admixed widely irrespective of ancestry, which was rapidly replaced by endogamy, particularly among Indo-European–speaking upper castes, about 70 generations ago. This coincides with the historical period of formulation and adoption of some relevant sociocultural norms.
India, occupying the center stage of Paleolithic and Neolithic migrations, has been underrepresented in genome-wide studies of variation. Systematic analysis of genome-wide data, using multiple robust statistical methods, on (i) 367 unrelated individuals drawn from 18 mainland and 2 island (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) populations selected to represent geographic, linguistic, and ethnic diversities, and (ii) individuals from populations represented in the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP), reveal four major ancestries in mainland India. This contrasts with an earlier inference of two ancestries based on limited population sampling. A distinct ancestry of the populations of Andaman archipelago was identified and found to be coancestral to Oceanic populations. Analysis of ancestral haplotype blocks revealed that extant mainland populations (i) admixed widely irrespective of ancestry, although admixtures between populations was not always symmetric, and (ii) this practice was rapidly replaced by endogamy about 70 generations ago, among upper castes and Indo-European speakers predominantly. This estimated time coincides with the historical period of formulation and adoption of sociocultural norms restricting intermarriage in large social strata. A similar replacement observed among tribal populations was temporally less uniform.
- 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or
- Author contributions: A.B. and P.P.M. designed research; A.B. and N.S.-R. performed research; A.B. analyzed data; and A.B. and P.P.M. wrote the paper.
- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
- This article contains supporting information online
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