A tribute to Prof. Asko Parpola; he identified an Indus Script hieroglyph, a...
https://tinyurl.com/yyr85ageThis is an addendum to Indus Script writing instruments, Kernoi rings are ink-stands for iron-oxide liquid pigment, gold pectorals with nibs are styluses...
View ArticleThe khōṇḍa young bull-calf (so-called unicorn) has an antelope horn to...
https://tinyurl.com/y6ozorsz-- R̥gveda links with Indus Script. parīśāsau, pair of tongs, of ṛśya,'antelope' horns used in PravargyaThis monograph demonstrates that the orthography of one-horned young...
View ArticleDiscovery of gold leaves with Hindu deities,gold bead from Thailand
manasataramgini @blog_supplement 4h4 hours agoMoreGold leaves from Go Thap, Thailand showing nR^isiMha and viShNu from ~300 CEA Gold bead found in the vicinity of the form of the dodecahedron. Several...
View ArticleFrom Pulwama Attack to ASAT Test -- Stratcepts Analysis Brief
View ArticleDotted circles on Rojdi potsherd 3rd m.BCE, Ujjaini ancient coins and on a...
http://tinyurl.com/y6799p8hI submit that dotted circles on Ujjaini ancient coins and on Alisha Huyuk pot signify dhatu 'mineral ore' worked on by dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. This concordance may explain the...
View ArticleMohenjo-daro triangular prism is a bezel pendant worn by an artisan to...
https://tinyurl.com/y3shzub6This monograph discusses a remarkable triangular prism bezel (m0489) and firmly anchors archaeological evidence of Indus Script Meluhha inscriptions to affirm the presence...
View ArticleNeuroscience. Our face evolved to help us convey emotions. What is ātmā 'life...
Raising eyebrows: how evolution gave us expressive faces...
View ArticleFive Failaka and Ancient Near East seals with Indus Script inscriptions are...
https://tinyurl.com/y44553sxThis monograph presents the following sections demonstrating that Indus Script inscriptions on five Failaka an Ancient Near East seals are metalwork catalogues of Meluhha...
View ArticleRadiocarbon dates and Bayesian modeling support maritime diffusion model for...
Radiocarbon dates and Bayesian modeling support maritime diffusion model for megaliths in Europe Fig. 4.Map showing dates estimated for the start of accessible megaliths as dolmens and passage graves...
View ArticleNeuroscience. Science of consciousness: What are ātmā and citta,?...
Science of Consciousness: स्फोट is citta; जीवनम् is ātmā. स्फोट m. bursting , opening , expansion , disclosure (cf. नर्म-स्फ्°).आत्मन् (in comp. forआत्म्/अन् ; also अध्य्-ात्म , अध्य्-ात्म्/अम्). fr....
View ArticleArchaeological evidence for presence of Meluhha speakers (Indian sprachbund,...
https://tinyurl.com/y26gb4tdA number of hieroglyphs on cylinder seals of Ancient Near East have been explained as Meluhha rebus expessions in Indus Script cipher. What is the archaeological evidence...
View ArticleItihāsa. The book on EVMs edited by Subramanian Swamy & S. Kalyanaraman(2010)...
A VVPAT is intended as an independent verification system for voting machines designed to allow voters to verify that their vote was cast correctly, to detect possible election fraud or malfunction,...
View Articleकोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus kō̃da कोँद a kiln (a potter's, a lime-kiln,...
https://tinyurl.com/yydlmsq2This monograph is organized in the following sections:Section 1. Decipherment of a 'Unicorn' seal impression on Ceramic furnace (Kiln-jar) to make stoneware bangleskarã̄...
View ArticleIndian sprachbund, 'language union' words signify Indus Script hieroglyphs 1)...
https://tinyurl.com/y4lhq7qcThis is an addendum to: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus kō̃da कोँद a kiln (a potter's, a lime-kiln, and brick-kiln, or the like); a ceramic...
View ArticleDecipherment of Indus Script hieroglyphs on Naga-Nagini-mollusc-Rope,...
https://tinyurl.com/y49azvqfSculptural frieze with molluscs. Mathura, possibly from the very ancient Naga temple discovered at Sonkh. Crica 1st-2nd centuries CE.'mollusc' hieroglyph: Ta. ippi...
View ArticleDholavira had a central marketplace and a signboard, arka 'copper, gold'...
https://tinyurl.com/y53qufekThis is an addendum to: Dholavira signboard inscription proclamation steersman, mineral ore metal casting workshop bright metalware bronze metal infusion...
View ArticleItihāsa. When the south was one Karnataka Empire -- Vasundhara Filliozat
When the south was oneHistorian Vasundhara Filliozat on distortions of history, and how the Karnataka empire ruled over most of south India and fought Muslim invasions.History by Monica Jha Mar 15,...
View ArticleThe earliest oxhide ingot shape appears on an Indus Script inscription, ca....
https://tinyurl.com/y46e27qmThis is an addendum to:1. A temple at Sanchi for Dhamma by a kāraṇikā sanghin 'guild of scribes' in Indus writing cipher continuum https://tinyurl.com/ofda5rw2. Dholavira...
View ArticleUnderlying language of Indus Script is Proto-Indo-European (Meluhha). Ancient...
https://tinyurl.com/yxhxo2rburūnum signifies a metal-smelting furnace. Cognate with: Kur. ōrnā to be warm weather, be heated (e.g. iron, body with fever); ōrta'ānā to warm, heat. Malt. órtre to make...
View ArticleShu-ilishu cylinder seal with Indus Script hieroglyphs, Akkadian cuneiform...
https://tinyurl.com/y2lpc55bThis is an addendum to: 1. Archaeological evidence for presence of Meluhha speakers (Indian sprachbund, 'language union') in Ancient Near East https://tinyurl.com/y26gb4td...
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