Mlecchita vikalpa, Indus Script explained as 'copperworker cipher'अक्षर-न्यास... न्यस्ताक्षरामक्षरभूमिकायाम् Rāmāyaṇa18. 46 अ-क्षर--न्यास writing-- rebus logo-semantics of metalwork words Vātsyāyana refers to mleccchita vikalpa 'writing cipher by...
View ArticleDance-steps of two Mohenjo-daro and one Bhirrana dancing girls is करण 'dance... /Lambada /Banjara /Meghwal Source:...
View ArticlePortal for select books and back issues of Ancient India journal of ASI
Archaeological Survey of IndiaVerified account @ASIGoI 9h9 hours agoMore Select Books and backissues of Ancient India (Bulletin of the...
View ArticleBrāhmī is a syllabic script while Indus Script is logos 'word'-based writing...
Brāhmī is a syllabic script. Harappan script is logos 'word' based writing. अ-क्षर-संस्थानम् 'arrangement of writing'; अ-क्षर means 'word'..Argument at
View Articleāre potter's wheel (Gondi) ārū आ॑रू॒ 'circle' (Kashmiri) ār̤i 'circle'... eraka 'knave of wheel' rebus: arka, aka 'gold, copper'; eraka 'metal infusion'This is an adddendum to: One-horned young bull PLUS spoked wheel signifies कोंद kōnda...
View ArticleUnicorn or, young bull, is Indus Script hypertext; signifies kundār, 'turner,..., lapidary signified by a oung bull with spoked wheel kunda 'lathe', kundār, 'turner, lapidary, goldsmith'This monograph provides 1) archaeological evidence for a...
View ArticleOman Indus Script Inscriptions evidence dhā̆vaḍ 'Meluhha smelters', maritime... monograph deciphers the Indus Script inscriptions discovered in Oman Peninsula as wealth-accounting,metalwork catalogues indicating maritime trade of metal artifacts by...
View ArticleItihāsa of विज्ञानं . Indian Foundations of Modern Science : Lecture by Padma...
Subhash Kak @subhashkak1 16h16 hours agoMoreHere's my Lecture on Indian Foundations of Modern Science, which covers both the past and prospects for the future. Delivered at National Physical...
View ArticleAsko Parpola's and Kenoyer's identification of unicorn is countered.खोंड... is an addendum to: Unicorn on, young bull, is Indus Script hypertext; signifies kundār, 'turner, lapidary, goldsmith'--Goldsmith, lapidary signified by a oung bull with...
View Articleवैश्वानर image
वैश्वानर mf(ई)n. (fr. विश्वा-नर) relating or belonging to all men , omnipresent , known or worshipped , everywhere , universal , general , common RV.onsisting of all men , full in number , complete RV....
View ArticleItihāsa. Dimensions of the Aryan problem revisited in 2017 -- Manogna Sastry...
Dimensions of the Aryan problem revisited in 2017 (Presented at IIT Madras, 2017 Dec)Whether posited as an invasion by or migration of Aryans, these variant forms—of an into-India hypothesis (supposed...
View ArticleItihāsa. Sarasvatī in the Mahābhārata - A Study -- Manogna Sastry & Megh...
Sarasvatī in the Mahābhārata - A StudyPresented at third International Conference on Sarasvati River (Feb 8-9, 2019) at Panjab University, Chandigarh, 2019The mammoth significance of the Mahābhārata to...
View ArticleItihāsa. Dating Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, A critique of Heinz Bechert’s Echo...
The B of ABC of Indian Chronology: Dating Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, A critique of Heinz Bechert’s Echo Chamber(Presented at IGNCA, 2019 Feb)The parinirvāṇa of Gautama Buddha is a milestone of singular...
View ArticleIndus Script hieroglyphs kanac, khū̃ṭ, konḍ 'corner' are rebus kañcu... 262, 373, display competence of metal artificersKiln, furnace: kō̃da कोँद । कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv....
View ArticleItihāsa. Swadeshi Indology Conferences, download ebooks, conf. proceedings
SWADESHI INDOLOGY CONFERENCESइच्छन्ति देवाः सुन्वन्ति न स्वप्नाय स्पृहन्ति...
View ArticleMystery of 5th m. BCE Mehrgarh ornament solved; āre, ṯs̱arḵẖ 'wheel' rebus... is an addendum to Speculating on chronology of early writing systems. Spoked wheel on Indus Script, is it adapted from a chariot wheel or a potter's wheel?...
View ArticleRevisiting BB Lal's analysis of Copper hoard culture (1951); anthropomorphs,... accepting the association of Ochre Coloured Pottery with copper hoards,I agree with the argument of DP Agrawal (1969) that copper hoard are perhaps, pre-Black-and-Red...
View ArticleHow a farmer has been protecting the prehistoric Indus carvings of Domkhar --...
How a farmer has been protecting the prehistoric Indus carvings of DomkharTania BanerjeeAPRIL 06, 2019 16:25 ISTUPDATED: Boulders with prehistoric carvings of men and beasts at Domkhar Rock Art...
View ArticleIndus Script writing instruments, Kernoi rings are ink-stands for iron-oxide... Writing ink of iron oxide liquid in kernoi rings and gold metallic stylus to inscribe free-hand Indus Script inscription on metal-- Decipherment of Nindowari seal khāra,...
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