Five Judges wrote the SC Judgement delivered on Nov. 9, 2019.They are: Justices Ranjan Gogoi, SA Bobde, Dr. Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, Ashok Bhushan, S. Abdul Nazeer. Note that only one judge's name is prefixed with title Dr. In an unusual 'addendum' to the judgment in Ayodhya Case, the Supreme Court has included many significant observations related to a discipline called Itihāsa, which is clearly beyond the ambit of judiciary.
![Image result for lithographed constitution of india rama]()
I am told that it is unusual in juristic bureaucracy to include an ‘addendum’ in a judgement. But this SC judgment in Ayodhya case includes a 116-page addendum constituting Pages 930 to 1045 of the judgement document . Since the juristic bureaucracy has also its own rules of propriety, the final judgement endorsed unanimously treated the addendum as a non-secular statement but, however decided to include it in the judgment because of the document's value in Itihāsa, another discipline with its own rules of propriety. It feels so good to see citations from ancient texts called Purana-s. Anyway, the addendum observes that faith and belief of Hindus since prior to construction of Ayodhya mosque and subsequent thereto has always been the Janmasthaan of Lord Ram is the pace where Babri Mosque has been constructed. What amounts to a 116-page in the final pages of thee 1045 page judgement refers to accounts of various historians, gazetteers, travelogues as well as verses from religious books including Valmiki Ramayana, Skanda Purana, Rama Charita Manas. The judgement (oops, addendum) notes that in the period prior to 1528 CE, there was a sufficient body of religious texts, which led the Hindus to believe the present site of Ram Janma Bhumi as the birthplace of Ram. It is good to see the juristic discipline taking note of historic documentations of tradition and noting a belief about the birthplace of Ram. Surely, no court has the competence to determine and certify the birthplace of Lord Ram; it is in the domain of the historian, itihasakaar. When history and jurisprudence are in conflict, history should hold sway because it records the sentiments of the people for whom history is written. It is good to see the jurstic persons deciding that it is not within the ambit of their discipline or kaayaka to pronounce on the birthplace of Ram which is a civilizational memory. I suppose jurisprudence has not advanced enough to realize the consciousness, the aatman which sets a deep root in the conscience of over a billion people, call it faith, call it belief, but recognize aatman as a reality, as real the 1045 pages on which a judicial document is written and documented. The documentation of the birthplace of Lord Ram has taken place in the aatman, consciousness. Go figure it out in the last frontier of science. This is another story, beyond the pale of jurisprudence AND iItihāsa. Aatman is life-principle, the enquiries are on from the days of Rgveda to figure this aatman which is the toughest endeavor in the history of civilizations.
It gives me great pleasure and I deem it an honour to include all 116 pages of this remarkable addenda included in the SC judgement. Judges, जीवेम शरदः शतं for this extraordinary gesture in trying to reach out to Itihāsaakār who struggle to narrate history. It is good to know that Maryaadaa Purushottama Sri Rama born in Ayodhya has been the beacon of the Rāṣṭram राष्ट्रं so beautifully endorsed by the exquisite painting on the lithographed edition of the Constitution of India now in Rashtrapati Bhavan. Note that this picture adorns the Chapter Part III called Fundamental Rights in the Constitution, samvidhān. This is the poet's way of saying Lord Ram who defines a Rājyam, state. But, then, Lord Ram is larger than the State, larger than the Civilization, He is Divinity personified.This is a good example of the imperative a multi-disciplinary approach to enquiries in Knowledge systems. Jurisprudence and Itihaasa should join forces to reach the status of a vidyaa vinaya sampannaa. A historian cannot write judgements; he is not authorised; but he has every responsibility to report what happened, iti ha aasa, so indedd it was.(इति-ह-आस , " so indeed it was ") , talk , legend , tradition , history , traditional accounts of former events , heroic history S3Br. MBh. Mn. &c (Monier-Williams). A hisotrian has the fundamental right to say इति-ह-आस , "so indeed it was". He gains this right, because of his responsibility in reporting from पुराण belonging to ancient or olden times , ancient , old (also = withered , wornout,opp. to नूतन,नव) RV. Aha, Sri Ram defines Hindut-va.

Here is the painting.
S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvati Research Centre
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