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Seal with zebu and Indus Script message, unprovenanced, private possession of Shahid A. Khan


Posted on 30 Oct. 2019
A jar a carrier a warrior and three with mighty zebo bull. Wish I could read the seal I have.....kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; 
kāmṭhiyɔ kāmaṭhiyo a bowman; an archer (Skt.) (CDIAL 2760) rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner'; bhaṭa 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭā 'furnace'; kaṇḍa kanka 'rim of jar' (Santali): kanda 'pot' rebus: khanda 'equipment' PLUS karṇaka rim of jar'(Skt.)  rebus:  कर्णिक 'helmsman';  कारणी or कारणीक kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S) Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship   కరణము  karaṇamu 'village clerk' కరణికము or కరణీకము karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk.Thus, equipment scribe of smithy, forge (with furnace and mint), helmsman, supercargo. (a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/416065382227600/?epa=SEARCH_BOX

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