--Standard device is kunda kammaṭa 'fine gold mint'; kaMohenjo-daro priest is Indus Script hypertext; पोतृ 'purifier of metals', पोतदार 'book-keeper'
kuṭi Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. Thus, the book documents that the fine gold mint has a smelter.
This monograph demonstrates that the standard device in front of the ‘unicorn’ is kunda kammaṭa pottige‘fine gold book (wealth accounting ledger) of mint’. பொத்தகம்¹ pottakam , n. < pustaka. 1. Painted cloth; சித்திரப்படாம். (திவா.) 2. Book; புத்தகம். நிறைநூற் பொத்தகம் நெடுமணையேற்றி (பெருங். உஞ்சைக் . 34, 26). 3. Land register; நிலக்கணக்கு. பொத்தகப்படி குழி (S. I. I . iii, 80).पुस्तक mf(इका)n. a manuscript , book , booklet Hariv. Ka1v. Var. &c; m. or n. a protuberant ornament , boss
fish PLUS notch: खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] jag, notch Rebus : ayaskhāṇḍa 'excellent implements: tools, pots and pans, PLUS aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'.PLUS
kuṭi 'water-carrier' (Telugu) Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. Thus, the text message on h73 is alloy metal smelter..
h73 Sealimpression
Sign 10 is a variant of Sign 15'. See Variant 5515. This gets orthographed as
The objective of this monograph is to identify the hieroglyphs on the frequently used standard device on Indus Script Inscription Corpora and unravel the messages conveyed as hypertexts, documentation of metalwork wealth.
--पोतृ uddhmāna 'fireplace of assayer of metals', पोतृ, 'purifier' also, पोतदार is a keeper of books, pottige signified by hieroglyph pottige, 'flame', pōta 'bead on fillet'
-- Fillet is a band or ribbon worn round the head, especially for binding the hair.-- pottige 'flame' is signified by the smoke and flame emanating from the top surface of the portable furnace which is shown in the bottom register of the portable standard device. The dotted circles shown on the surface of the bowl in the bottom register also occur as trefoil decorations on the shawl worn by Mohenjo-daro priest.
-- Processions by బేరి bēri 'merchant' in utsava bera 'bargain, barter trade enterprise' signified on Indus Script messages
uddhmāna, 'fireplace', udvāna3 , uddā˚ n. ʻ stove ʼ lex. [Semant. cf. uddhmāna - with which it would collide in Paš. and Si.: √vā 2 ]Pk. uddāṇa -- n. ʻ stove, cooking oven ʼ; Paš. uddəna ʻ three stones to support cooking -- pot, fireplace ʼ (or < uddhāna -- 1 ); Si. uduna ʻ fireplace, oven ʼ, un̆duna ʻ kiln ʼ.(CDIAL 2078) uddhmāna n. ʻ fire-place ʼ lex. [Perh. re-sanskritiza- tion of uddhāna -- 1 ; but semant. cf. udvāna -- 3 with which it would collide in Paš. and Si.: √dham ]Pa. uddhana -- n. ʻ oven ʼ (a?); Paš. uddəna ʻ three stones supporting the cooking-pot, fireplace ʼ (or < uddhāna -- 1 ); Si. uduna ʻ oven ʼ, un̆duna ʻ kiln ʼ.(CDIAL 2028)uddena'stove of 3 stones' rebus: uddami 'profession, business'
That he is PotR is reinforced by the semantic determinant of the fillet worn on his forehead and on his right shoulder. potti 'bead' rebus: potti 'priest in Malabar', potir 'to pierce' (Tamil) पोत pōta m f A bead of glass and, sometimes, of gold and of stone. 2 m A neck-ornament of females made of these beads. पोंत pōnta m (In Konkan̤ neuter.) A seton.पोंथ pōntha m n (Or पोंत) A seton. 2 Applied to the hole of a ploughshare. Rebus: पोतृ प्/ओतृ or पोतृ, m. " Purifier " , N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brahman ; = यज्ञस्य शोधयिट्रि Sa1y. ) RV. Br. S3rS. Hariv. पोतदार pōtadāra m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith. पोतदारी pōtadārī f ( P) The office or business of पोतदार: also his rights or fees. Rebus: पोथी pōthī f A book, a pamphlet, a manuscript.
Trefoiils on the shawl of Mohenjo-daro priest potir 'pierce' rebus: potR'purifier'potadhara'assayer of metals, shroff'. पोतडी pōtaḍī f पोतडें n (पोतें) A bag, esp. the circular bag of goldsmiths, shroffs &c. containing their weights, scales, coins &c. पोतदार pōtadāra m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith. पोतदारी pōtadārī f ( P) The office or business of पोतदार: also his rights or fees. Three dotted circles together signify uddena 'stove of three stones' rebus; udyama 'trade, business, enterprise'.
I suggest that the trefoil -- a composition of three dotted circles signifies uddena 'oven which is constructed with three stones'. Thus, the rebus reading is: hieroglyph/hypertext: uddena potta 'three dotted circles' rebus: udyama pottige 'trade book'. Thus, the priest of Mohenjo-daro who wears a pota 'cloth' decorated with trefoils is a book-keeper of transactions of the guild, which is produces podu, பொதுச்சொம் , common property, shared wealth, a commonwealth.
*paustaka ʻ keeper of books ʼ. [*pōstaka -- ]Si. pota ʻ keeper of books ʼ SigGr ii 449?(CDIAL 8427) *pōstaka ʻ book ʼ. [pusta -- m.n., ˚tā -- f. ʻ book ʼ VarBr̥S., ˚taka -- m.n., ˚tikā -- f. Hariv. -- ← Ir., e.g. Sogd. pwstk ʻ book ʼ ~ Pers. pōst ʻ skin ʼ (< OPers. pavastā -- → pavásta -- : see also *pōstikā -- ) EWA ii 319 with lit.]Pa. potthaka -- m. ʻ book ʼ, Pk. puttha -- , ˚thaya -- n., ˚thiyā -- f., K. pūthi , dat. pōthĕ f.; S. pothu m. ʻ large book ʼ, ˚thī f. ʻ smaller do. ʼ, P. po(t)thā m., ˚thī f., Ku. pothī f., N. pothi, A. puthi, B. pothā, ˚thi, puthi, pũthi, Or. pothā, ˚thi, puthi, Mth. pothā, ˚thī, Bhoj. pōthī, Aw.lakh. H. pothā m., ˚thī f., G. pothũ n., ˚thī f., M. pothī f., Si. pota.*paustaka -- .Addenda: *pōstaka -- : WPah.kṭg. pótthi f. ʻ (small) book ʼ, pótthu m. ʻ small book ʼ, J. pothī f., Garh. pōthī, Md. fot.(CDIAL 8413)
*pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ.Pk. pottī -- f. ʻ glass ʼ; S. pūti f. ʻ glass bead ʼ, P. pot f.; N. pote ʻ long straight bar of jewelry ʼ; B. pot ʻ glass bead ʼ, puti, pũti ʻ small bead ʼ; Or. puti ʻ necklace of small glass beads ʼ; H. pot m. ʻ glass bead ʼ, G. M. pot f.; -- Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ rather than < pōtrá -- 1 .(CDIAL 840)
pōtrá1 ʻ *cleaning instrument ʼ (ʻ the Potr̥'s soma vessel ʼ RV.). [√pū ]
Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ? (CDIAL 8402)
*phōttara ʻ hollow ʼ. [See list s.v. *pōka -- ]G. photrũ n. ʻ chaff ʼ.(CDIAL 9113)
potir (-pp-, -tt-) to pierce; potu (-v-, -nt-) to be perforated; (-pp-, -tt-) to bore, pierce; potumpu hole, hollow in a tree, pit, cave; pottu hole, rat-hole, hollow in a tree, rent or puncture, defect; pottal, pottai hole, orifice, defect; pottilam hole in a tree; pōttu, pontar, pontu hole, hollow; pōṉ cave. Ma. pottu hole in the ground, cavity, hollow hand; pōtu a hole as in worm-eaten wood. Te. botta hole, leak; bonda hole, bore; Pa. botta id.; potpa, poppa a chisel.Go. boḍga chisel Konḍa (BB) pot- (-t-) to bore, perforate. Pe. pot- (-t-) id. Kui pospa (post-) to pierce, bore a hole, mortise; n. act of piercing, mortising; pondo hole; ? bojo wood dust resulting from dry rot. Kuwi (F.) pōthali to hollow out; (S.) poth'nai to hole; (Isr.) pot- (-h-) to make a hole (in wood, etc.). Kur. pattnā to pierce, perforate, tap with a chisel; pattā chisel to dig a hole in a piece of wood. Malt. pattre to pierce.(DEDR 4452)
பொது¹-தல் potu- , perh. 4 v. intr. To be perforated; துளைபடுதல். மரம்பொதச் சரந் துரந்து (திவ். திருச்சந் . 73). பொது²-த்தல் potu- , 11 v. tr. Caus. of பொது¹- 1. To bore; துளைத்தல். புட்கள் பொதுத்த புலால் வெண்டலை (பதினொ. மூத்த . 3). 2. To pierce, prick; முள் முதலியன பாய்தல். கப்பணம் கால்களைப் பொதுக்கும்படி (மதுரைக் . 598, உரை ).
பொதுச்சொம் potu-c-com , n. < id. +. Common property; பொதுச்சொத்து. (யாழ். அக.) பொதுச்சொல் potu-c-col , n. < id. +. 1. Word in general use; எல்லாரும் அறிந்த சொல் . 2. (Gram.) Word common to both the tiṇai; இருதிணைகட்கும் பொதுவாகிய சொல். ஒன்றொழி பொதுச்சொல் (நன் . 269). 3. Word implying common possession, as of the world; உலகம் பலர்க்கும் பொது என்ற வார்த்தை. போகம் வேண்டிப் பொதுச்சொற் பொறாஅது (புறநா . 8) பொதுமுதல் potu-mutal , n. < id. +. Joint stock; கூட்டுவியாபாரத்தின் மூலதனம் . பொதுவில் potu-v-il , n. < id. + இல் . Public hall; அம்பலம். (அக. நி.) பெருங்கண நாதர் போற்றிடப் பொதுவினின்றாடும் (பெரியபு. திருமலைச் . 10).பொதுளகரம் potu-ḷakaram , n. < id. +. The Tamil letter 'ḷ' as being common to Tamil and Sanskrit, dist. fr. ciṟappu-ḻakaram; தமிழுக்கும் வடமொழிக்கும் பொதுவான 'ள'என்ற எழுத்து .பொதுவெழுத்து potu-v-eḻuttu , n. < id. +. (Gram.) Letter common to both Tamil and Sanskrit; ஆரியந்தமிழ்களுக்குப் பொதுவா யுள்ள அட்சரங்கள் . (நன் . 150.) பொது³ potu- , n. [T. pottu, M. podu.] 1. That which is common or shared by many; generality, opp. to ciṟappu; பொதுமை யானது. பொதுநோக்கான் வேந்தன் வரிசையா நோக்கின் (குறள் , 528). 2. Lack of distinction; சிறப்பின்மை. பொதுக்கொண்ட . . . வதுவை (கலித் . 66). 3. That which is ordinary or general; சாதாரணம். பொதுவின் மன்னுயிர்க் குலங்களும் (கம்பரா. வருணனை . 30). 4. That which is usual or natural; சகசம். உரை பொதுவே (கம்பரா. முதற் . 172). 5. Neutrality; நடுவுநிலை. அவன் எந்தப் பக்கத்திலுஞ் சேராது பொதுவாயிருக் கிறான் . 6. Likeness, equality; ஒப்பு. ஒன்றொடு பொதுப்படா வுயர் புயத்தினான் (கம்பரா. நாகபாச . 75). 7. Vagueness; குறிப்பான பொருளின்மை . Colloq. 8. That which is public; பகிரங்கமானது . (W .) 9. Public place, assembly; மன்று. பொது விற் றூங்கும் விசியுறு தண்ணுமை (புறநா . 89). 10. The hall in the temple at Chidambaram; தில்லை யம்பலம். கோலமார் தருபொதுவினில் வருகென (திருவாச . 2, 128). பொதுக் கட்டு-தல் potu-k-kaṭṭu- , v. tr. < பொது +. To deposit by mutual consent, as with a mediator or Pañcāyat; மத்தியஸ்தரிடம் விவாதப்பொருளை ஒப்படைத்தல் . Colloq. பொதுக் காரியம் potu-k-kāriyam , n. < id. +. Matter concerning a community or the general public; சமூகநலத்துக்குற்ற செயல் . Colloq.
పొత్తర pottara. [Tel.] n. A pack or bundle of leaves, ఆకులలోనగువానికట్ట.
పొత్తువు pottuvu. n. An epithet of Sarasvati, సరస్వతి. The etymon is a signifier of shared commonwealth activities. పొత్తు pottu. [Tel.] n. Friendship, partnership, holding in common. స్నేహము, సహవాసము, విశ్వాసము, ఉమ్మడి, అవిభక్తిత. పోరునష్టి, పొత్తులాభము (proverb) quarrelling is a loss, friendship is a gain. పొత్తునగుడుచు to eat together as messmates, బిగిసిగాతిను. వీధులు అందరికిపొత్తు the streets are free or common to all men. ఆ సరుకులు పొత్తున కొన్నారు they bought the goods between them, or as common stock. ఆ పని పొత్తులుపోక పడవేసిపెట్టినారు the work is left undone because they could not settle which of them should do it, ఆ పని నీదంటే నీదని పడవేసిపెట్టినారు. "నృపుపొత్తుబాముపొత్తుంగపటుండగు మిత్రుపొత్తుగడుసరిపొత్తుం, విపరీత భార్య పొత్తుం నెపమిది నిడువంగవలయు." Sumati. 129. "ఇట్టి అవమానపుపొత్తు మనంగ వచ్చునే." M. IV. iii. 33. పొత్తులవాడు he in whom both parties have an equal right or interest. ఇద్దరికి సమమైనవాడు. "ఏనుపొత్తులవాడనై యిరువురకును." ib. XII. v. 257. adj. Friendly, united, associated. స్నేహితము, సంగతము. పొత్తుకాడు pottu-kāḍu. n. A friend, స్నేహితుడు. పొత్తుకత్తె pottu-katte. n. A female friend. స్నేహితురాలు. పొత్తుగుడుచు pottu-guḍuṭsu. v. n. To avail or come to good. పనికివచ్చు."సత్యములు పొత్తుగుడుచునా సున్నుతాంగి భళిర సత్యములానలైనచ్చునీకు." Ila. iv. 21. టీ సత్యములు పొత్తుగుడుచునా, బాసలు కలిసివచ్చునా. పొత్తుగుడుపు pottu-guḍupu. n. Eating together as messmates. పంజ్క్తిభోజనము. పొత్తుచేయు pottu-chēyu. v. n. To make friends with, to cultivate friendship, to associate with, స్నేహము చేయు
పోత pōta. adj. Molten, cast in metal. పోతచెంబు a metal bottle or jug, which has been cast not hammered. పోత pōta. [Tel. from పోయు.] n. Pouring, పోయు pōyu. [Tel.] v. n.To pour, as water. To cast in metal or found.పోయించు pōyinṭsu. v. a. To cause to cast or pour; to erect. విగ్రహములు పోయించిరి they had some statues cast.పోతురాజు or పోతరాజు pōtu-rāḍsu. n. The name of a rustic god, like Pan, worshipped throughout the Telugu, Canarese and Mahratta countries. He represents the male principle associated with the village goddesses Gangamma, Peddamma, &c. A proverb says పాడుఊరికి మంచపుకోడుపోతురాజు in a ruined village the leg of a cot is a god. cf., 'a Triton of the minnows' (Shakespeare.) పోతము pōtamu. [Skt.] n. A vessel, boat, ship. ఓడ. The young of any animal. పిల్ల. శిశువు. An elephant ten years old, పదేండ్ల యేనుగు. A cloth, వస్త్రము. శుకపోతము a young parrot. వాతపోతము a young breeze, i.e., a light wind. పోతపాత్రిక pōta-pātrika. n. A vessel, a ship, ఓడ. "సంసార సాగరమతుల ధైర్యపోత పాత్రికనిస్తరింపుముకు మార." M. XII. vi. 222. పోతవణిక్కు or పోతవణిజుడు pōta-vaṇikku. n. A sea-faring merchant. ఓడను కేవుకు పుచ్చుకొన్నవాడు, ఓడ బేరగాడు. పోతవహుడు or పోతనాహుడు pōta-vahuḍu. n. A rower, a boatman, a steersman. ఓడనడుపువాడు, తండేలు.
Utsava bera is an उद्यम udyama m (S) Business or occupation: also busiedness, occupiedness, engagedness. The objective of the udyama carrying pratimā, 'symbols' in procession (utsava) is to accomplish trade promotion through barter trade transactions of wealth resources signified by the symbols. Thus, the symbol of spiny-horned young bull or 'unicorn' signifies the resource of furnace alloy metals including ornament gold. Similarly, the symbol of 'standard device' (lathe + portable furnace) signifies the resource of lathe and portable furnace used in creating wealth products of metal and gems. Thus, the standard device signifies kunda 'lathe' rebus: kunda 'fine gold' PLUS sangada 'combined parts' rebus: sangara 'collection' PLUS kammata 'portable furnace' rebus: kammata 'mint, coiner, coinage'. Thus, the resources signified are fine gold and products produced in mint by coiners (metal, lapidary workers, artisans). Together, the unicorn PLUS standard device signify the repertoire of metal-/lapidary- traders trading in fine gold, ornament gold, alloy metals and drilled gems such as agate, carnelian, lapis lazuli and even gold beads.
We have seen what the spiny-horned young bull 'unicorn' signifies.

*paustaka -- .Addenda: *pōstaka -- : WPah.kṭg. pótthi f. ʻ (small) book ʼ, pótthu m. ʻ small book ʼ, J. pothī f., Garh. pōthī, Md. fot.(CDIAL 8413)
*pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ.Pk. pottī -- f. ʻ glass ʼ; S. pūti f. ʻ glass bead ʼ, P. pot f.; N. pote ʻ long straight bar of jewelry ʼ; B. pot ʻ glass bead ʼ, puti, pũti ʻ small bead ʼ; Or. puti ʻ necklace of small glass beads ʼ; H. pot m. ʻ glass bead ʼ, G. M. pot f.; -- Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ rather than < pōtrá -- 1 .(CDIAL 840)
pōtrá1 ʻ *cleaning instrument ʼ (ʻ the Potr̥'s soma vessel ʼ RV.). [√pū ]
Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ? (CDIAL 8402)
Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ? (CDIAL 8402)
potir (-pp-, -tt-) to pierce; potu (-v-, -nt-) to be perforated; (-pp-, -tt-) to bore, pierce; potumpu hole, hollow in a tree, pit, cave; pottu hole, rat-hole, hollow in a tree, rent or puncture, defect; pottal, pottai hole, orifice, defect; pottilam hole in a tree; pōttu, pontar, pontu hole, hollow; pōṉ cave. Ma. pottu hole in the ground, cavity, hollow hand; pōtu a hole as in worm-eaten wood. Te. botta hole, leak; bonda hole, bore; Pa. botta id.; potpa, poppa a chisel.Go. boḍga chisel Konḍa (BB) pot- (-t-) to bore, perforate. Pe. pot- (-t-) id. Kui pospa (post-) to pierce, bore a hole, mortise; n. act of piercing, mortising; pondo hole; ? bojo wood dust resulting from dry rot. Kuwi (F.) pōthali to hollow out; (S.) poth'nai to hole; (Isr.) pot- (-h-) to make a hole (in wood, etc.). Kur. pattnā to pierce, perforate, tap with a chisel; pattā chisel to dig a hole in a piece of wood. Malt. pattre to pierce.(DEDR 4452)
పొత్తర pottara. [Tel.] n. A pack or bundle of leaves, ఆకులలోనగువానికట్ట.
పొత్తువు pottuvu. n. An epithet of Sarasvati, సరస్వతి. The etymon is a signifier of shared commonwealth activities. పొత్తు pottu. [Tel.] n. Friendship, partnership, holding in common. స్నేహము, సహవాసము, విశ్వాసము, ఉమ్మడి, అవిభక్తిత. పోరునష్టి, పొత్తులాభము (proverb) quarrelling is a loss, friendship is a gain. పొత్తునగుడుచు to eat together as messmates, బిగిసిగాతిను. వీధులు అందరికిపొత్తు the streets are free or common to all men. ఆ సరుకులు పొత్తున కొన్నారు they bought the goods between them, or as common stock. ఆ పని పొత్తులుపోక పడవేసిపెట్టినారు the work is left undone because they could not settle which of them should do it, ఆ పని నీదంటే నీదని పడవేసిపెట్టినారు. "నృపుపొత్తుబాముపొత్తుంగపటుండగు మిత్రుపొత్తుగడుసరిపొత్తుం, విపరీత భార్య పొత్తుం నెపమిది నిడువంగవలయు." Sumati. 129. "ఇట్టి అవమానపుపొత్తు మనంగ వచ్చునే." M. IV. iii. 33. పొత్తులవాడు he in whom both parties have an equal right or interest. ఇద్దరికి సమమైనవాడు. "ఏనుపొత్తులవాడనై యిరువురకును." ib. XII. v. 257. adj. Friendly, united, associated. స్నేహితము, సంగతము. పొత్తుకాడు pottu-kāḍu. n. A friend, స్నేహితుడు. పొత్తుకత్తె pottu-katte. n. A female friend. స్నేహితురాలు. పొత్తుగుడుచు pottu-guḍuṭsu. v. n. To avail or come to good. పనికివచ్చు."సత్యములు పొత్తుగుడుచునా సున్నుతాంగి భళిర సత్యములానలైనచ్చునీకు." Ila. iv. 21. టీ సత్యములు పొత్తుగుడుచునా, బాసలు కలిసివచ్చునా. పొత్తుగుడుపు pottu-guḍupu. n. Eating together as messmates. పంజ్క్తిభోజనము. పొత్తుచేయు pottu-chēyu. v. n. To make friends with, to cultivate friendship, to associate with, స్నేహము చేయు
పోత pōta. adj. Molten, cast in metal. పోతచెంబు a metal bottle or jug, which has been cast not hammered. పోత pōta. [Tel. from పోయు.] n. Pouring, పోయు pōyu. [Tel.] v. n.To pour, as water. To cast in metal or found.పోయించు pōyinṭsu. v. a. To cause to cast or pour; to erect. విగ్రహములు పోయించిరి they had some statues cast.పోతురాజు or పోతరాజు pōtu-rāḍsu. n. The name of a rustic god, like Pan, worshipped throughout the Telugu, Canarese and Mahratta countries. He represents the male principle associated with the village goddesses Gangamma, Peddamma, &c. A proverb says పాడుఊరికి మంచపుకోడుపోతురాజు in a ruined village the leg of a cot is a god. cf., 'a Triton of the minnows' (Shakespeare.) పోతము pōtamu. [Skt.] n. A vessel, boat, ship. ఓడ. The young of any animal. పిల్ల. శిశువు. An elephant ten years old, పదేండ్ల యేనుగు. A cloth, వస్త్రము. శుకపోతము a young parrot. వాతపోతము a young breeze, i.e., a light wind. పోతపాత్రిక pōta-pātrika. n. A vessel, a ship, ఓడ. "సంసార సాగరమతుల ధైర్యపోత పాత్రికనిస్తరింపుముకు మార." M. XII. vi. 222. పోతవణిక్కు or పోతవణిజుడు pōta-vaṇikku. n. A sea-faring merchant. ఓడను కేవుకు పుచ్చుకొన్నవాడు, ఓడ బేరగాడు. పోతవహుడు or పోతనాహుడు pōta-vahuḍu. n. A rower, a boatman, a steersman. ఓడనడుపువాడు, తండేలు.
We have seen what the spiny-horned young bull 'unicorn' signifies.
What does this standard device signify?
The question can be restated in the context of Indus Script evidence. There is an inscription written on a tablet displaying a standard device held aloft on the shoulder of a person, clearly demonstrating that the device is a portable furnace (bottom register) PLUS lathe (top register). The restated question is:
What do these two objects on the bottom and top registers of the standard device held aloft on a flagstaff signify in Meluhha language?
I submit that the tablet conveys the message of a బేరి bēri 'merchant' in an utsava bera, 'procession of symbols on a festival day'.
One such festival day is called Pola, the festival celebrating pōḷā ] 'zebu, bos indicus taurus,' rebus:पोळा [pōḷā] rebus: pola 'magnetite, ferrite ore' as a wealth resource.vyavaharati ʻ deals, trades with ʼ Āpast., ʻ has inter- course with ʼ Gr̥S. [√hr̥ ]Pa. vōharati ʻ administers, governs ʼ; Pk. vavaharaï ʻ works, is busy ʼ; S. oraṇu ʻ to talk over one's troubles ʼ (or <*avalagati ); N. bornu ʻ to confuse with, contaminate ʼ; OG. vuharaï ʻ buys ʼ, G. vɔhɔrvũ, vɔr˚ ʻ to buy, collect ʼ.(CDIAL 12173) vyavahāra m. ʻ behaviour ʼ MBh., ʻ custom, business ʼ Pat. 2. *viyavahāra -- . [√hr̥ ] 1. Pa. vōhāra -- m. ʻ trade, business ʼ; Pk. vavahāra -- m. ʻ daily work, lawsuit ʼ; P. vuhār, bu˚ m. ʻ trade ʼ; WPah. cam. buhār ʻ custom ʼ; M. oharā, orā m. ʻ a bout of the plough, the elliptical space ploughed ʼ; Si. vahara ʻ custom ʼ (also spelt vasara with s for h).2. Aś. viyohāla -- samatā ʻ equity in judicial procedure ʼ; OG. vihivāra m. ʻ business ʼ, G. vahevār m. ʻ intercourse, transactions ʼ.(CDIAL 12174) vyavahāraka m. ʻ trader ʼ Pañcat. 2. *viyavahāraka -- . [vyavahāra -- ]1. K. buhuru m. ʻ vendor of drugs &c. ʼ (← Ind.); N. bohorā ʻ name of a clan of Chetris ʼ; H. bohrā, bauhrā m. ʻ class of village bankers (Muhammadans originally from Gujarat) ʼ; G. vahɔrɔ, vɔrɔ, hɔrɔ m. ʻ trader ʼ (bɔrɔ m. ← H.)2. Aś.jau. nagala -- viyohālakā nom. pl. m. ʻ city magistrates ʼ.Addenda: vyavahāraka -- : WPah.poet. bōro m. ʻ member of a caste of bankers ʼ (poss. ← H. Him.I 144).(CDIAL 12175) vyavahārayati ʻ deals with ʼ SaddhP. [√hr̥ ]MB. behāribā ʻ will employ ʼ ODBL 351 (< *viyava˚?).(CDIAL 12176) vyavahārikā f. ʻ servant, female slave ʼ R. [vyava- hāra -- ]Ku. bwārī ʻ son's wife ʼ, N. buhāri, buwāri; A. bowāri ʻ son's or younger brother's wife ʼ; MB. bauhārī ʻ wife, son's wife ʼ ODBL 345 (X MB. bau < vadhūˊ -- ?); -- Gy. eur. bori ʻ bride, son's wife, brother's wife ʼ rather < vadhūṭī -- .Addenda: vyavahārikā -- : Garh. bwārī ʻ wife, son's wife ʼ.(CDIAL 12177) vyavahārin m. ʻ trader ʼ Mn. 2. *viyavahārin -- . [vyavahāra -- ]1. Pa. vōhārika -- m. ʻ magistrate ʼ.2. OG. vivahārī m. ʻ trader ʼ.(CDIAL 12178)
vyavaharati ʻ deals, trades with ʼ Āpast., ʻ has inter- course with ʼ Gr̥S. [√hr̥ ]Pa. vōharati ʻ administers, governs ʼ; Pk. vavaharaï ʻ works, is busy ʼ; S. oraṇu ʻ to talk over one's troubles ʼ (or <*avalagati ); N. bornu ʻ to confuse with, contaminate ʼ; OG. vuharaï ʻ buys ʼ, G. vɔhɔrvũ, vɔr˚ ʻ to buy, collect ʼ.(CDIAL 12173) vyavahāra m. ʻ behaviour ʼ MBh., ʻ custom, business ʼ Pat. 2. *viyavahāra -- . [√hr̥ ] 1. Pa. vōhāra -- m. ʻ trade, business ʼ; Pk. vavahāra -- m. ʻ daily work, lawsuit ʼ; P. vuhār, bu˚ m. ʻ trade ʼ; WPah. cam. buhār ʻ custom ʼ; M. oharā, orā m. ʻ a bout of the plough, the elliptical space ploughed ʼ; Si. vahara ʻ custom ʼ (also spelt vasara
with s for h).2. Aś. viyohāla -- samatā ʻ equity in judicial procedure ʼ; OG. vihivāra m. ʻ business ʼ, G. vahevār m. ʻ intercourse, transactions ʼ.(CDIAL 12174) vyavahāraka m. ʻ trader ʼ Pañcat. 2. *viyavahāraka -- . [vyavahāra -- ]1. K. buhuru m. ʻ vendor of drugs &c. ʼ (← Ind.); N. bohorā ʻ name of a clan of Chetris ʼ; H. bohrā, bauhrā m. ʻ class of village bankers (Muhammadans originally from Gujarat) ʼ; G. vahɔrɔ, vɔrɔ, hɔrɔ m. ʻ trader ʼ (bɔrɔ m. ← H.)2. Aś.jau. nagala -- viyohālakā nom. pl. m. ʻ city magistrates ʼ.Addenda: vyavahāraka -- : WPah.poet. bōro m. ʻ member of a caste of bankers ʼ (poss. ← H. Him.I 144).(CDIAL 12175) vyavahārayati ʻ deals with ʼ SaddhP. [√hr̥ ]MB. behāribā ʻ will employ ʼ ODBL 351 (< *viyava˚?).(CDIAL 12176) vyavahārikā f. ʻ servant, female slave ʼ R. [vyava- hāra -- ]Ku. bwārī ʻ son's wife ʼ, N. buhāri, buwāri; A. bowāri ʻ son's or younger brother's wife ʼ; MB. bauhārī ʻ wife, son's wife ʼ ODBL 345 (X MB. bau < vadhūˊ -- ?); -- Gy. eur. bori ʻ bride, son's wife, brother's wife ʼ rather < vadhūṭī -- .Addenda: vyavahārikā -- : Garh. bwārī ʻ wife, son's wife ʼ.(CDIAL 12177) vyavahārin m. ʻ trader ʼ Mn. 2. *viyavahārin -- . [vyavahāra -- ]1. Pa. vōhārika -- m. ʻ magistrate ʼ.2. OG. vivahārī m. ʻ trader ʼ.(CDIAL 12178)

Hieroglyph:er-aka 'upraised hand' (Tamil) erhali to hold out the hand;(Kui) erke, erkelů rising (Tulu)(DEDR 905) Rebus: eṟaka, eraka any metal infusion (Kannada); moltencast, cast (as metal) (Tulu)(DEDR 86) ; molten state, fusion.
Utsavodaya (उत्सवोदय).—The height of the vehicle animal in comparison with that of the principal idol; मूलबेरवशं मानमुत्सवोदयमीरितम् (mūlaberavaśaṃ mānamutsavodayamīritam) (Mānasāra.64.91-93). ईरित said, uttered, sent , despatched. Mānasāra discusses the height of the vāhana compared to the मूलबेर, 'principal pratimā taken in a procession. Thus, बेर, refers to the symbol taken in procession. The purpose of this procession of बेर is to promote trade, udyama, by advertising products and processes used to produce bright, blazing products. Hence, the processions of symbols depicted on Indus Script tablets and on Mari marble frieze of a procession with a priest carrying a flagstaff made of holcus sorghum, khonda, with a khonda 'young bull' symbol rebus:khoda 'alloy metal'; kō̃da कोँद।कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln PLUS singhin 'spiny horn' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' standing on kasa 'rein ring' rebus: kamsa 'bell-metal'. Among the symbols carried on Mohenjo-daro procession tablet are 1) the same one-horned, spiny-horned, young bull and 2) a standard device held aloft on a flagstaff.
Utsavodaya (उत्सवोदय).—The height of the vehicle animal in comparison with that of the principal idol; मूलबेरवशं मानमुत्सवोदयमीरितम् (mūlaberavaśaṃ mānamutsavodayamīritam) (Mānasāra.64.91-93). ईरित said, uttered, sent , despatched. Mānasāra discusses the height of the vāhana compared to the मूलबेर, 'principal pratimā taken in a procession. Thus, बेर, refers to the symbol taken in procession. The purpose of this procession of बेर is to promote trade, udyama, by advertising products and processes used to produce bright, blazing products. Hence, the processions of symbols depicted on Indus Script tablets and on Mari marble frieze of a procession with a priest carrying a flagstaff made of holcus sorghum, khonda, with a khonda 'young bull' symbol rebus:khoda 'alloy metal'; kō̃da कोँद।कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln PLUS singhin 'spiny horn' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' standing on kasa 'rein ring' rebus: kamsa 'bell-metal'. Among the symbols carried on Mohenjo-daro procession tablet are 1) the same one-horned, spiny-horned, young bull and 2) a standard device held aloft on a flagstaff.
आगटी āgaṭī f आगटें n (आग) A heap of sticks and straws kindled: also a few embers or livecoals placed in a vessel, a chafing dish. 2 A goldsmith's fire-pot, a cruset. Pr. सोनाराचें पाहणें आगटींत. आकटी ākaṭī f (Better आगटी q. v.) A chafing-dish; a cruset अटणी aṭaṇī f A goldsmith's cruset or crucible. 2 The roller inserted betwixt the two lines composing the warp, to keep the space open for the play of the shuttle. 3 A common term for the two sticks passing across the warp, (the one over it, the other under it,) and constituting, together with the cords called गोमटे, the member called ओवी or वही.
अटणी aṭaṇī f (Verbal of अटणें) Melting or fusing (of metals).
भेर bhēra f ए R A crack, cleft, fissure. bhēdá n. ʻ cleft, fissure ʼ RV., ʻ division, separation, distinction ʼ ŚrS. [√bhid ]
Pa. bhēda -- m. ʻ break, disunion, dissension ʼ; Pk. bhēa -- m. ʻ separation, sort, kind ʼ; N. bheu ʻ nature, condition ʼ; Or. bheu ʻ a secret ʼ (whence bheuā ʻ spy ʼ), OAw. bheū˘, H. bheu, bhewā m.; OG. bhev ʻ way, means ʼ, G. bhev m. ʻ secret ʼ; Si. beya, bē ʻ part, division, distinction ʼ; -- P. abheu ʻ indistinguishable ʼ; H. abhew m. ʻ similarity ʼ; -- ext. -- kk -- : N. bhek ʻ locality ʼ; M. bhek n. ʻ slice, division ʼ, bhekṇẽ ʻ to split, slice ʼ. -- Ku. bhiyõ m. ʻ share of the meat of an animal killed for sale ʼ?bhēdakara -- .Addenda: bhēdá -- : WPah.kṭg. bhèu m. ʻ information, secret ʼ.(CDIAL 9610)
भेर bhēra f (भेरी S) A large kind of kettledrum. 9615 bhḗrī -- , ˚ri -- f. ʻ kettledrum ʼ MBh., bhēra -- m. lex.Pa. bhēri -- f., Aś.shah. man. bheri -- , gir. bherī -- , kāl. dh. bheli -- , Pk. bhērĭ̄ -- f., S. bheri f., L. bhēhar, bhēhr m., (Shahpur) bhḕr, G. bheri f., M. bher f.; Si. beraya, berē ʻ small drum ʼ.
*bhērīvādaka -- .
Addenda: bhḗrī -- : Md. beru ʻ drum ʼ. 9616 *bhērīvādaka ʻ drum -- player ʼ. [bhḗrī -- , vādaka -- ]
Pa. bhērivādaka -- m. ʻ drummer ʼ, Si. beravāyā.
பேரம்¹ pēram , n. < Pkt. bēra. [T. bēramu, K. bēra.] 1. Sale, trade; விற்பனை . 2. Bargaining, higgling and haggling; ஒப்பந்தத்திற்குமுன் பேசும் விலைப்பேச்சு. பேரஞ்சொல்லாமற் கறாராகச் சொல்லு . 3. High value; கிராக்கி .
பேரம்² pēram , n. < bēra. 1. Form, shape; வடிவம் . (நன் . 273, மயிலை .) 2. Body; உடம்பு . 3. Idol; விக்கிரகம். உத்ஸவபேரம் . బేరిు bērīḍzu. [H.] n. An account. A total sum, మొత్తము. బేరి bēri. [from Skt. భేరి.] n. A kettle drum. దుందుభి, నగరా. బేరము bēramu. [Tel.] n. Trade, dealing, a bargain, బేరముసారము or బేరసారము trade, &c. (సారము being a mere expletive.) బేరకాడు bēra-kāḍu. n. One who makes a bargain, a purchaser, buyer. కొనువాడు, బేరమాడువాడు. బేరకత్తె bēra-katte. n. A woman who bargains or purchases. బేరమాడు or బేరముచేయు bēram-āḍu. v. n. To bargain. బేరముపోవు to go on a trading journey. బేరి bēri. n. A man of the Beri or merchant caste.
బేహారము or బేహరము bēhāramu. [from Skt. విహారము.] n. Trade, commerce, వాణిజ్యము, వర్తకవ్యాపారము, బేరము. "అంగళ్లునిలిపె బేహారముల్ మాన్చె." BD. iv. 61. బేహారి or బెహారి bēhāri. n. A merchant. వణిజుడు, వర్తకుడు. वेपार vēpāra m (व्यापार S through H) Traffic, trade, commerce. वेपारी vēpārī m (बेपार or H) A merchant, trader, dealer. उद्यम udyama m (S) Business or occupation: also busiedness, occupiedness, engagedness. उद्यमी udyamī a S Ever engaged or occupied: also diligent, assiduous, sedulous. उदीम udīma m (उद्यम S) Traffic, trade, business, dealing. Pr. उ0 करितां सोळा बारा शेत करितां डोईवर भारा If you trade, expect to meet with losses: if you till, be content to carry loads. 2 Laxly but popularly. Applied to the crops or produce of one's field, plantation, or market-garden. उ0 करणें fig. To lose in business (i.e. to trade wrongly). उदीमपट्टी udīmapaṭṭī f Tax on grain dealers. उदीमव्यवसाय udīmavyavasāya m उदीमव्यापार m उदीमपादीम m Comprehensive or careless terms for Trade or business. (Marathi)
उत्-सव enterprise , beginning RV. i , 100 , 8 ; 102 , 1; joy, gladness, merriment उत्- √ सू P. -सुवति , to cause to go upwards Ka1t2h. xix , 5 ; (-सुनोति) , to stir up , agitate BhP. iii , 20 , 35. (Monier-Williams) उत्सवः utsavḥ उत्सवः [उद्-सू-अप्] 1 A festival, joyous or festive occasion, jubilee; रत˚ Ś.6.2; ताण्डव˚ festive or joyous dance. U.3.18 (v. l.); Ms.3.59. -2 Joy, merriment, delight, pleasure; स कृत्वा विरतोत्सवान् R.4.78,16.1; Mv.3.41; Ratn.1.23; Śi.2.61; पराभवोप्युत्सव एव मानिनाम् Ki.1.41. -3 Height, elevation. -4 Wrath, -5 Wish, rising of a wish. तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ त्वद्दर्शनकृतोत्सवौ Rām.5.35.23. -6 A section of a book. -7 Enterprise. -8 An undertaking, beginning. -Comp. -उदयम् The height of the vehicle animal in comparison with that of the principal idol; मूलबेरवशं मानमुत्सवोदयमीरितम् (Māna- sāra.64.91-93). -विग्रहः Image for procession (Kondividu Inscription of Kriṣṇarāya). -सङ्केताः (m. pl.) N. of a people, a wild tribe of the Himālaya; शरैरुत्सवसङ्केतान् स कृत्वा विरतोत्सवान् R.4.78. (Apte)
Pa. bhēri -- f., Aś.shah. man. bheri -- , gir. bherī -- , kāl. dh. bheli -- , Pk. bhērĭ̄ -- f., S. bheri f., L. bhēhar, bhēhr m., (Shahpur) bhḕr, G. bheri f., M. bher f.; Si. beraya, berē ʻ small drum ʼ.
*bhērīvādaka -- .
Addenda: bhḗrī -- : Md. beru ʻ drum ʼ.
Addenda: bhḗrī -- : Md. beru ʻ drum ʼ.
Pa. bhērivādaka -- m. ʻ drummer ʼ, Si. beravāyā.

Bera Utsav celebrated in Murshidabad, West Bengal
Line 1: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' dATu 'cross' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'; thus metal castings of mineral ores. baTa 'rimless pot' rebus: baTa 'iron' rebus: baTha 'furnace'. Thus, metalcasting furnaceLine 2: muka 'ladle' rebus; mū̃h 'ingot',PLUS baṭhu 'pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.; kuṭi 'water-carrier' (Telugu) Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. Thus, smelter (to produce) ingots.Line 3: kaṇḍa -- m.n. ʻ joint of stalk, stalk, arrow' rebus: kaṇḍa 'equipment'; kanda kanka 'equipment supercargo, scribe' ranku 'liquid measure' rebus:ranku 'tin ore'. Thus, arrows and tin (alloy) equipment.
kunda, mukunda, kharva are two of the nine treasures of Kubera. I suggest that the treasure categories are material resources and produced artifacts of Bronze Age: kunda signifies ‘fine gold’; mukunda signifies ‘halberd, combined spear and battle-axe’; kharva rebus: karba signifies ‘iron’.In Harappa (Indus) Script, two hieroglyphs signify kunda ‘fine gold’ and karba ‘iron’. The hieroglyphs read rebus in Meluhha words are: खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf) one-horned young bull and karb ‘culm of millet’ (Punjabi), respectively. (NOTE: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’ is a phonetic variant of a worker with gold and lathe: kunda ‘fine gold, lathe.’ खोंड [khōṇḍa] m A young bull, a bullcalf. (Marathi) खोंडा [khōṇḍā] m A कां बळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood; खोंडरूं (p. 216) [ khōṇḍarūṃ ] n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा -cowl. (Marathi) khōṇḍa A tree of which the head and branches are broken off, a stock or stump Rebus: kõdār ‘turner’ (Bengali); kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali). koḍiya ‘rings on neck‘, koḍ ‘horn’ rebus: koḍ ‘workshop’. కోడియ (p. 326) kōḍiya కోడె kōḍe [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. kodeduda. A young bull (Telugu) (NOTE: the hieroglyph is a hypertext composed of young bull, one horn, pannier (a कां बळा ‘sack’ of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood), rings on neck.)
Line 1: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' dATu 'cross' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'; thus metal castings of mineral ores. baTa 'rimless pot' rebus: baTa 'iron' rebus: baTha 'furnace'. Thus, metalcasting furnaceLine 2: muka 'ladle' rebus; mū̃h 'ingot',PLUS baṭhu 'pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.;

kunda, mukunda, kharva are two of the nine treasures of Kubera. I suggest that the treasure categories are material resources and produced artifacts of Bronze Age: kunda signifies ‘fine gold’; mukunda signifies ‘halberd, combined spear and battle-axe’; kharva rebus: karba signifies ‘iron’.
In Harappa (Indus) Script, two hieroglyphs signify kunda ‘fine gold’ and karba ‘iron’. The hieroglyphs read rebus in Meluhha words are: खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf) one-horned young bull and karb ‘culm of millet’ (Punjabi), respectively. (NOTE: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’ is a phonetic variant of a worker with gold and lathe: kunda ‘fine gold, lathe.’ खोंड [khōṇḍa] m A young bull, a bullcalf. (Marathi) खोंडा [khōṇḍā] m A कां बळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood; खोंडरूं (p. 216) [ khōṇḍarūṃ ] n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा -cowl. (Marathi) khōṇḍa A tree of which the head and branches are broken off, a stock or stump Rebus: kõdār ‘turner’ (Bengali); kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali). koḍiya ‘rings on neck‘, koḍ ‘horn’ rebus: koḍ ‘workshop’. కోడియ (p. 326) kōḍiya కోడె kōḍe [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. kodeduda. A young bull (Telugu) (NOTE: the hieroglyph is a hypertext composed of young bull, one horn, pannier (a कां बळा ‘sack’ of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood), rings on neck.)
Standard device and gold fillet with standard device as hieroglyphs of Harappa Script. Lathe is part of the hypertext (together with a portable furnace, dotted circles) normally shown in front of a young bull on Harappa (Indus) inscriptions as a phonetic determinant of kunda ‘lathe’ rebus:kundār ‘lathe-worker’ AND kunda, kundaṇa ‘fine gold’).
kunda m. ʻ a turner’s lathe ʼ lex. [Cf. *cunda — 1]N. kũdnu ʻ to shape smoothly, smoothe, carve, hew ʼ, kũduwā ʻ smoothly shaped ʼ; A. kund ʻ lathe ʼ, kundiba ʻ to turn and smooth in a lathe ʼ, kundowā ʻ smoothed and rounded ʼ; B. kũd ʻ lathe ʼ, kũdā, kõdā ʻ to turn in a lathe ʼ; Or. kū˘nda ʻ lathe ʼ, kũdibā, kū̃d° ʻ to turn ʼ (→ Drav. Kur. kū̃d ʻ lathe ʼ); Bi. kund ʻ brassfounder’s lathe ʼ; H. kunnā ʻ to shape on a lathe ʼ, kuniyā m. ʻ turner ʼ, kunwā m. kundakara — .(CDIAL 3295) kundakara m. ʻ turner ʼ W. [Cf. *cundakāra — : kunda — 1, kará — 1] A. kundār, B. kũdār, °ri, Or. kundāru; H. kũderā m. ʻ one who works a lathe, one who scrapes ʼ, °rī f., kũdernā ʻ to scrape, plane, round on a lathe ʼ.(CDIAL 3297)
కుందనము (p. 289) kundanamu kundanamu. [Tel.] n. Solid gold, fine gold. అపరంజి. అపరంజి (p. 62) aparañji aparanji. [Skt.] n. Fine refined gold. కుందనము, పదివన్నె బంగారు, ఉదిరి. అపరంజి (p. 1397) aparañji [H. from Arabic Afran -jiya which means ‘ foreign ‘ and perhaps originates in that word which is derived from ‘ foraneus, ‘ external.] n. Fine gold. అపరంజికాను lit. ‘ foreign coin.’ A Venetian sequin. ఉదిరి (p. 157) udiri [Tel.] adj. Fine, pure. Refined. తప్తము, ఉదరి బంగారు fine gold అపరంజి R. vii. 184. పదియార్వన్నె పసిండి fine gold. குந்தனம் kuntaṉam , n. < T. kundanamu. 1. Interspace for enchasing or setting gems in a jewel; இரத்தினம் பதிக்கும் இடம். குந்தனத்தி லழுத்தின . . . ரத்தினங்கள் (திவ். திருநெடுந். 21, வ்யா. பக். 175). 2. Gold, fine gold; தங்கம். (சங். அக.) “Sequin (the French form of Ital. zecchino, zecchino d’oro), the name of a Venetian gold coin, first minted about 1280, and in use until the fall of the Venetian Republic. It was worth about nine shillings. It bore on the obverse a figure of St Mark blessing the banner of the republic, held by a kneeling doge, and on the reverse a figure of Christ. Milan and Genoa also issued gold sequins. The word in Italian was formed from zecca, Span. zeca, a mint, an adaptation of Arabic sikka, a die for coins. In the sense of “newly-coined,” the Hindi or Persian sikka, anglicised sicca, was specifically used of a rupee, containing more silver than the East India Company’s rupee, coined in 1793 by the Bengal government. ” (1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica). Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting gems in a jewel; fine gold (< Te.). Ka. kundaṇa setting a precious stone in fine gold; fine gold; kundana fine gold. Tu. kundaṇa pure gold. Te. kundanamu fine gold used in very thin foils in setting precious stones; setting precious stones with fine gold.(DEDR 1725)
Ka. kunda a pillar of bricks, etc. Tu. kunda pillar, post. Te. kunda id. Malt. kunda block, log. ? Cf. Ta. kantu pillar, post.(DEDR 1723)
Ta. kuntam haystack. Ka. kuttaṟi a stack, rick.(DEDR 1724)
Ta. kuntāli, kuntāḷi pickaxe. Ma. kuntāli, kūntāli id. Kurub. (LSB 1.11) kidli a spade. Ko. kuda·y hoe. Ka. guddali, gudli a kind of pickaxe, hoe. Koḍ. guddali hoe with spade-like blade. Tu. guddali, guddoli, (B-K.) guddoḷi a kind of pickaxe; guddolipuni to dig with a pickaxe. Te. guddali, (VPK) guddili, guddela, guddēli, guddēlua hoe; guddalincu to hoe. Nk. kudaḷ spade. Go. (G. Mu.) kudaṛ spade, axe; (Ma. M. Ko.) guddaṛ spade, hoe (Voc. 749); (LuS.) goodar hoe. Konḍa gudeli hoe-like instrument for digging. Malt. qodali a spade. Cf. 1719 Ta. kuttu. / Cf. Skt. kuddāla– spade, hoe; Turner, CDIAL, no. 3286.(DEDR 1722)
குண்டகம் kuṇṭakam , n. < T. guṇṭaka. Garden hoe, scuffler; மண்பறிக்குங் கருவிவ
kār-kund (corrup. of P کار کن) adj. Adroit, clever, experienced. 2. A director, a manager; (Fem.) کار کنده kār-kundaʿh. (Pashto) This is a compound expression khār खार् PLUS kunda — ‘blacksmith, iron worker’ PLUS kunda ‘turner’. A possible variant of Samskritam compound expression: kundakara m. ʻ turner ʼ W. [Cf. *cundakāra — : kunda — 1, kará — 1]A. kundār, B. kũdār, °ri, Or. kundāru; H. kũderā m. ʻ one who works a lathe, one who scrapes ʼ, °rī f., kũdernā ʻ to scrape, plane, round on a lathe ʼ. (CDIAL 3297)
Indus Script hypertexts are a writing system to create document archives of wealth-accounting ledgers, metalwork catalogues (as marketing promotions/presentations as seen on imageries of hieroglyphs taken on procession.

It has been noted that a gold fillet of Mohenjo-daro also signified a standard device (lathe PLUS portable brazier) as proclamation (sangara) of furnace-, metal-work. http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/09/fillets-with-indus-script-hieroglyphs.html?view=mosaic Such a fillet may also have been worn as a proclamation ornament on the forehead. Or, as an honour conferred on the inventor-metals-turner with competence in alloying metallurgical techniques.

Proclamation of procession tablets of Mohenjo-daro
A procession of iron, metalcasting workers is shown on the Mohenjo-daro tablets.

eraka 'nave of wheel' Rebus: moltencast copper
dhatu 'scarf' Rebus: mineral ore dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻa partic. soft red stoneʼ (Marathi) (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻa caste of iron -- smeltersʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ)
kōnda 'young bull' Rebus: turner
sãgaḍ 'lathe' Rebus: sangara proclamation
kanga 'portable brazier' Rebus: fireplace, furnace

Detail of the Mari Ishtar temple victory parade: thestand topped by the image of unicorn wild bull (excavationno. M-458), height 7cm. (After Parrot 1935: 134, fig. 15)
a)A procession of four men holding up stands topped by various things including a ‘unicorn’ bull. Terracotta tablet M-490 (HR 1443) from Mohenjo-daro; b) Terracotta tablet M-491 (HR 1546) from Mohenjo-daro; c) a unique tablet H-196 (262) from Harappa. After Asko Parpola Figure 6, 2018.
a)A procession of four men holding up stands topped by various things including a ‘unicorn’ bull. Terracotta tablet M-490 (HR 1443) from Mohenjo-daro; b) Terracotta tablet M-491 (HR 1546) from Mohenjo-daro; c) a unique tablet H-196 (262) from Harappa. After Asko Parpola Figure 6, 2018.
John C. Huntington notes: "Because there are ‘stand alone’ versions, it isreasonable to surmise that the ‘mangers’ have some meaning in their own right."
Two tablets flanking an object in the round showing the 'standard device'.
"The unicorn always has this object in front of it. There are at least five theories about this object. Mackay and Marshall thought it was the feeding trough or "manger" still seen in Sindh today. There is work connecting it to contemporary offering stands used in central India today. Mackay also guessed that it could have been a cage for birds or insects, or an incense burner. A fifth, more recent theory suggests that the object may have been the filter used to extract the intoxicating Soma drink described in the Rg Veda."
Carved Ivory Standard in the middle[From Richard H. Meadow and Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Harappa Excavations 1993: the city wall and inscribed materials, in: South Asian Archaeology ; Fig. 40.11, p. 467. Harappa 1990 and 1993:representations of ' standard'; 40.11a: H90-1687/3103-1: faience token; 40.11bH93-2092/5029-1:carved ivory standard fragment (split in half, made on a lathe and was probably cylindrical in shape; note the incisions with a circle motif while a broken spot on the lower portion indicates where the stand shaft would have been (found in the area of the 'Mughal Sarai' located to the south of Mound E across the Old Lahore-Multan Road); 40.11c H93-2051/3808-2:faience token

Penn Museum. Cylinder seal. An adorant (followed by a woman) is seen standing before the seated divinity (Ishtar) carrying on his left-hand the comjbined symbol of crucible + sun symbol (of Shamash).

The standard device shown on thousands of Indus Script inscriptions is NOT a Yūpa. This monograph presents reasons why the speculation of links with Yupa are not valid. This is an addendum to:
The ancient word is saṁghāṭa m. ʻ fitting and joining of timber ʼ R. [√ghaṭ]Pa. nāvā -- saṅghāṭa -- , dāru -- s˚ ʻ raft ʼ; Pk. saṁghāḍa -- , ˚ḍaga -- m., ˚ḍī -- f. ʻ pair ʼ; Ku. sĩgāṛ m. ʻ doorframe ʼ; N. saṅār, siṅhār ʻ threshold ʼ; Or. saṅghāṛi ʻ pair of fish roes, two rolls of thread for twisting into the sacred thread, quantity of fuel sufficient to maintain the cremation fire ʼ; Bi. sĩghārā ʻ triangular packet of betel ʼ; H. sĩghāṛā m. ʻ piece of cloth folded in triangular shape ʼ; G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; M. sãgaḍ f. ʻ a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men &c. linked together, part of a turner's apparatus ʼ, m.f. ʻ float made of two canoes joined together ʼ (LM 417 compares saggarai at Limurike in the Periplus, Tam. śaṅgaḍam, Tu. jaṅgala ʻ double -- canoe ʼ), sã̄gāḍā m. ʻ frame of a building ʼ, ˚ḍī f. ʻ lathe ʼ; Si. san̆gaḷa ʻ pair ʼ, han̆guḷa, an̆g˚ ʻ double canoe, raft ʼ.(CDIAL 12859) The Tamil word describes the nature of tied/stitched construction (using coir ropes).: கட்டுமரம் kaṭṭu-maram கட்டுமரம் kaṭṭu-maram, n. < id. +. 1. Catamaran, used for deep sea fishing; raft made of logs of wood lashed or joined together; மீன்பிடிப்பதற்காக மரங்களாற் பிணைக்கப் பட்ட மிதவை. 2. Post to which is bound Arāvāṉ to be offered as a sacrifice in the festival of kūttāṇṭai held to commemorate certain incidents in the Mahabharata; கூத்தாண்டை என்ற பாரதக்கதைபற்றிய விழாக்கொண்டாட்டத்தில், அரவானைப் பலியாகக்கொணர்ந்து கட்டும் மரம். Cm.The Ayn Sukhna evidence is stunning; it is dated to ca. 19th cent.BCE.
The device which appears in front of one-horned young bull on thousands of Indus Script inscriptions is sã̄gāḍā 'joined parts, lathe'. सांगड sāṅgaḍa m f (संघट्ट S) A float composed of two canoes or boats bound together: also a link of two pompions &c. to swim or float by. 2 f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together.(Marathi).
Lathe + portable furnace are linked in the pictograph. Dotted circles are dAya rebus: dhAi 'red ores'.dhāū, vaṭṭā 'red stone, mineral (iron ore)' rebus: dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter of magnetite, haematite, laterite ores'
Hieroglyph: కమటము kamaṭamu. [Tel.] n. A portable furnace for melting the precious metals. అగసాలెవాని కుంపటి. "చ కమటము కట్లెసంచియొరగల్లును గత్తెర సుత్తె చీర్ణముల్ ధమనియుస్రావణంబు మొలత్రాసును బట్టెడ నీరుకారు సా నము పటుకారు మూస బలునాణె పరీక్షల మచ్చులాదిగా నమరగభద్రకారక సమాహ్వయు డొక్కరుడుండు నప్పురిన్"హంస. ii.
Rebus: కమ్మటము Same as కమటము. కమ్మటీడు kammaṭīḍu. [Tel.] A man of the goldsmith caste.కమ్మతము kammatamu Same asకమతము . కమ్మతీడు Same as కమతకాడు . Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner.(DEDR 1236)
The standard device shown on thousands of Indus Script inscriptions is NOT a Yūpa. This monograph presents reasons why the speculation of links with Yupa are not valid. This is an addendum to:
A short note on the iconography of Sindhu Seals -- Mrugendra Vinod
The device which appears in front of one-horned young bull on thousands of Indus Script inscriptions is sã̄gāḍā 'joined parts, lathe'. सांगड sāṅgaḍa m f (संघट्ट S) A float composed of two canoes or boats bound together: also a link of two pompions &c. to swim or float by. 2 f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together.(Marathi).
Lathe + portable furnace are linked in the pictograph. Dotted circles are dAya rebus: dhAi 'red ores'.dhāū, vaṭṭā 'red stone, mineral (iron ore)' rebus: dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter of magnetite, haematite, laterite ores'
Hieroglyph: కమటము kamaṭamu. [Tel.] n. A portable furnace for melting the precious metals. అగసాలెవాని కుంపటి. "చ కమటము కట్లెసంచియొరగల్లును గత్తెర సుత్తె చీర్ణముల్ ధమనియుస్రావణంబు మొలత్రాసును బట్టెడ నీరుకారు సా నము పటుకారు మూస బలునాణె పరీక్షల మచ్చులాదిగా నమరగభద్రకారక సమాహ్వయు డొక్కరుడుండు నప్పురిన్"హంస. ii.
Rebus: కమ్మటము Same as కమటము. కమ్మటీడు kammaṭīḍu. [Tel.] A man of the goldsmith caste.కమ్మతము kammatamu Same as
Another rebus reading for सांगड sāṅgaḍa is samgara 'catalogue'. All IndusScript Inscriptions are metalwork catalogues, wealth-accounting ledgers. Yet another rebus reading is: the ancient accounting system used for invoicing precious commodities on approval basis called: The jangad/Challan made out by the defendant and stated to be signed by the plaintiff as receiver of the goods shown therein evidences the written contract between the parties...https://www.casemine.com/search/in?q=invoice+written+contract In Gujarati, the word jangadiyo means 'a military guard carryiingaccompanies treasure stored in the treasury/warehouse of the state'..

lo 'nine' (phonetic determinant: loa 'ficus religiosa') rebus: loh 'copper, metal' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon. Thus, together: लोखंडकाम [ lōkhaṇḍakāma ] n Iron work; that portion (of a building, machine &c.) which consists of iron. 2 The business of an ironsmith. An alternative reading is possible to read the hieroglyph: chain, link (a loop emanating out of the notched vessel ending in rings): dama ʻchain, ropeʼ; dhamaka 'blacksmith' (Samskritam) Hence, lōkhaṇḍa PLUS dhamaka 'iron work blacksmith or iron smith'.
Rings on neck, one horn on young bull reinforce the phonetics of:
कोंद kōnda ‘young bull' Rebus: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’ (Marathi)
The standard held on a post over which the entire hieroglyhph multiplex is superscripted may be a stylized rendering of the 'lathe-cum-portable furnace' device that frequently occurs in front of the one-horned young bull: saghaḍī, śaghaḍi = a pot for holding fire (G.) sãghāṛɔ m. ‘lathe’ (G.)
Variant rebus readings are suggested in the context of the metalwork:
Rebus: san:gatarāśū = stone cutter (Sindhi.) jangaḍ iyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’; san:ghāḍiyo, a worker on a lathe (Gujarati.) sanghar 'fortification' (Pashto) sanghAta 'collection' (Pali) sanghAta 'adamantine glue' (Samskritam). The last semantics indicates that the blacksmith had competence in working with cementite or metal alloys.
The text of the inscription includes 'fish' hieroglyph:
The first hieroglyph on the text read from r:
kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy'
kaNDa 'arrow' rebus: khaNDa 'excellent iron'
aya 'fish' rebus: aya, ayas 'iron, metal' (Gujarati.Rigveda)
खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon.(Kashmiri) खांडा (p. 202) [ khāṇḍā ] m A kind of sword, straight, broad-bladed, two-edged, and round-ended. (Marathi) Thus, Panini: ayaskANDa 'excellent iron'. khāṇḍā derived from lōkhaṇḍakāma can thus be translated as 'metalware, tools, pots and pans'.kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bronze' PLUS vaTTa 'circle' Ara 'spoke' Together vaThAra 'quarter of town'
Thus, the pictorial motif consisting of hieroglyph multiplex PLUS text inscription:
Pictorial: lōkhaṇḍa PLUS dhamaka 'iron work blacksmith or iron smith' PLUS कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’
Text: kolel kaNDa ayaskANDa kancu vaThAra 'quarter of town for smithy, excellent iron, metalware, bronze'.
Thus, the message of the Mohenjo-daro seal m0296 is a reference to a quarter of town for metalwork and metalcrafts by blacksmith and engraver-lapidary setting or infixing gems.
lo 'nine' (Santali); no 'nine' (Bengali); on-patu (Tamil). loa 'species of fig tree, ficus glomerata, the fruit of ficus glomerata (Santali) Rebus: lo 'iron' (Assamese, Bengali); loa 'iron' (Gypsy); lauha 'made of copper or iron', metal, iron (Skt.); lohakaara 'coppersmith, ironsmith' (Pali); lohaara 'blacksmith' (Pt.); lohaLa id. (Oriya); loha 'metal, esp. copper or bronze' (Pali); copper (VS); loho, lo 'metal, ore, iron' (Si.); loha luTi 'iron utensils and implements' (Santali) loa 'iron' (Mu.)Re(B),,(B) {N} ``^iron''. Pl. <-le>(Munda etyma)
dol 'likeness, picture, form' (Santali). Rebus: dul 'cast iron' (Santali) dul ‘to cast metal in a mould’ (Santali) dul meṛeḍ cast iron (Mundari. Santali)
san:ghāḍo, saghaḍī (G.) = firepan; saghaḍī, śaghaḍi = a pot for holding fire (G.)sãghāṛɔ m. ‘lathe’ (G.) Rebus: san:gatarāśū = stone cutter (S.) jangaḍ iyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’; san:ghāḍiyo, a worker on a lathe (G.)
kod. 'one horn'; kot.iyum [kot., kot.i_ neck] a wooden circle put round the neck of an animal (G.)kamarasa_la = waist-zone, waist-band, belt (Te.)kot.iyum [kot., kot.i_ neck] a wooden circle put round the neck of an animal (G.) [cf. the orthography of rings on the neck of one-horned young bull]. ko_d.iya, ko_d.e = young bull; ko_d.elu = plump young bull; ko_d.e = a. male as in: ko_d.e du_d.a = bull calf; young, youthful (Te.lex.) ko_d.iya, ko_d.e young bull; adj. male (e.g., ko_d.e du_d.a bull calf), young, youthful; ko_d.eka~_d.u a young man (Te.); ko_d.e_ bull (Kol.); khor.e male calf (Nk.); ko_d.i cow; ko_r.e young bullock (Kond.a); ko_d.i cow (Pe.); ku_d.i id. (Mand.); ko_d.i id., ox (Kui); ko_di cow (Kuwi); kajja ko_d.i bull; ko_d.i cow (Kuwi)(DEDR 2199). kor.a a boy, a young man (Santali) go_nde bull, ox (Ka.); go_da ox (Te.); konda_ bull (Kol.); ko_nda bullock (Kol.Nk.); bison (Pa.); ko_nde cow (Ga.); ko_nde_ bullock (Ga.); ko_nda_, ko_nda bullock, ox (Go.)(DEDR 2216). Rebus: kot. 'artisan's workshop'.(Kuwi)kod. = place where artisans work (G.lex.) kō̃da कोँद । कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv. 133); a lime-kiln. -bal -बल् । कुलालादिकन्दुस्थानम् m. the place where a kiln is erected, a brick or potter's kiln (Gr.Gr. 165)(Kashmiri)
ko_nda bullock (Kol.Nk.); bison (Pa.)(DEDR 2216). Rebus: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, lapidary setting or infixing gems’ (Marathi) Grierson takes the word कन्दुः (Skt.) to be a cognate of kaNDa 'pot' rebus: kaNDa 'fire altar' (Santali)
Thus, the yung bullock or young ox glyph seems to be an allograph of 'rim-of-jar' glyph in Indus Script corpora. When two bullocks are juxtaposed, the semantics of pairing point to dol 'likeness, pair'(Kashmiri); rebus: dul 'cast iron'(Santali) Thus, the pair of young bullocks or oxen are read rebus: dul kō̃da 'two bullocks'; rebus: casting furnace or kiln'.
koḍiyum ‘heifer’ (G.). Rebus: koṭ ‘workshop’ (Kuwi) koṭe = forge (Santali)kōḍiya, kōḍe = young bull (G.)Rebus: ācāri koṭṭya ‘smithy’ (Tu.)
खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon.(Kashmiri) खांडा (p. 202) [ khāṇḍā ] m A kind of sword, straight, broad-bladed, two-edged, and round-ended. (Marathi) Thus, Panini: ayaskANDa 'excellent iron'.
लोखंडकाम [ lōkhaṇḍakāma ] n Iron work; that portion (of a building, machine &c.) which consists of iron. 2 The business of an ironsmith.
Rebus: dam 'blast of furnace' (Kashmiri): dhamá in cmpds. ʻ blowing ʼ Pāṇ., dhamaka -- m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ Uṇ.com. [√
K. damun m. ʻ bellows ʼ. -- Ash. domótilde; ʻ wind ʼ (→ Pr. dumūˊ), Kt. dyīmi, Wg. damútildemacr;, Bashg. damu; Paš.lauṛ. dāmāˊn, kuṛ. domón, uzb. damūn ʻ rain ʼ (< ʻ *storm ʼ → Par. dhamāˊn ʻ wind ʼ IIFL i 248): these Kaf. and Dard. forms altern. <
śr̥ṅkhalaka 'chained camels' are rebus शृङ्गि 'ornament gold' tributes on Shalamaneser III obelisk. Seal m296 signifies gold-silversmith
This addendum identifies and deciphers the two links of a chain shown on m296 seal as कटक kaṭaka 'link of a chain' rebus: कटकम् kaṭakam 'caravan, an army, a camp' (from a gold-silversmith mint) working with eraka, 'moltencast metals', ayas 'metal alloys', metal equipment [ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron,excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ)] in a kole.l 'smithy/forge'; 'temple'.
This addendum identifies and deciphers the two links of a chain shown on m296 seal as कटक kaṭaka 'link of a chain' rebus: कटकम् kaṭakam 'caravan, an army, a camp' (from a gold-silversmith mint) working with eraka, 'moltencast metals', ayas 'metal alloys', metal equipment [ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron,excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ)] in a kole.l 'smithy/forge'; 'temple'.
-- కమటము kamaṭa 'portable furnace' rebus: kammaṭa 'mint'.
कटकः कम् kaṭakḥ kam कटकः कम् 1 A bracelet of gold; कटकाकृतिमुपमृद्य स्वस्तिकः क्रियन्ते Mbh. on I.1.1. आबद्धहेमकटकां रहसि स्मरामि Ch. P.15; Śi.16.77; कटकान्यूर्मिकाश्चापि चित्ररत्न- चयाङ्किताः Śiva. B.17.44. -2 A zone or girdle. -3 A string. -4 The link of a chain. -5 A mat. -6 sea- salt.-9 An army, a camp; आकुल्यकारि कटकस्तुरगेण तूर्णम् Śi.5.59; Mu.5. -1 A royal capital or metropolis (राजधानी). -11 A house or dwelling. -12 A circle or wheel. -13 A ring placed as an ornament upon an elephant's tusk. -14 N. of the capital of Orissa. -Comp. -गृहः A lizard.
Ta. kaṭikai bolt, sliding catch. Ma. kaṭika peg tied to the well-rope to prevent its slipping from the bucket. Te. gaḍacīla wooden pin with which a bucket is fastened to the pole of a picottah.(DEDR 1130)
Ta. kaṭikai bolt, sliding catch. Ma. kaṭika peg tied to the well-rope to prevent its slipping from the bucket. Te. gaḍacīla wooden pin with which a bucket is fastened to the pole of a picottah.(DEDR 1130)
कटकिन् kaṭakin कटकिन् m. A mountain. कटकः कम् kaṭakḥ kam -7 The side or ridge of a mountain; प्रफुल्लवृक्षैः कटकैरिव स्वैः Ku.7.52; R.16.31. -8 Table-land; स्फटिककटकभूमिर्नाटयत्येष शैलः Śi.4.65. (Apte) कटक mn. a royal camp Katha1s. Hit. &c; an army; mn. a multitude , troop , caravan Das3.; mn. collection , compilation Ka1d. 40 , 11; mn. N. of the capital of the Orissa (Cuttack)(Monier-Williams)
शृङ्गिन् 'horned' (RV)(Monier-Williams)शृङ्गिन् śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Horned.(Apte) Rebus: शृङ्गि gold used for ornaments (also -कनक) (Monier-Williams) शृङ्गिः śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments śṛṅgī शृङ्गी Gold used for ornaments (Apte)
Two शृङ्खला 'chain links' are also shown on an Indus Script seal (m296) together two 'unicorn' heads in profile.
![Image result for m296 indus script]()
Seal impression of m296
The horns are spiny. Such spiny horns are signified by the Santali word singhin cognate with शृङ्गिन् 'horned' (RV)(Monier-Williams)शृङ्गिन् śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Horned.(Apte)
Rebus readings are: शृङ्गि gold used for ornaments (also -कनक) (Monier-Williams) शृङ्गिः śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments śṛṅgī शृङ्गी Gold used for ornaments (Apte)
Hieroglyphs: śr̥ṅkhala m.n. ʻ chain ʼ rebus शृङ्गिः śṛṅgiḥ शृङ्गिः Gold for ornaments śṛṅgī शृङ्गी Gold used for ornaments PLUS kaṛā 'ring' (Punjabi) rebus: khār 1 खार् । लोहकारः 'blacksmith, ironsmith' (Kashmiri) Pair: dul khār 'metalcaster smith'.PLUS Hieroglyph of portable furnace with round pebbles: गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble Rebus: गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A lump of silver: as obtained by melting down lace or fringe. Thus, the hypertext reads: dul gōṭī śṛṅgi khār 'silver, ornament gold metalcaster smith'.
కమటము kamaṭamu kamaṭamu. [Tel.] n. A portable furnace for melting the precious metals. అగసాలెవాని కుంపటి. "చ కమటము కట్లెసంచియొరగల్లును గత్తెర సుత్తె చీర్ణముల్ ధమనియుస్రావణంబు మొలత్రాసును బట్టెడ నీరుకారు సా నము పటుకారు మూస బలునాణె పరీక్షల మచ్చులాదిగా నమరగభద్రకారక సమాహ్వయు డొక్కరుడుండు నప్పురిన్"హంస. ii. కమసాలవాడు (p. 246) kamasālavāḍu Same as కంసాలి. కమసాలవాడు kamasālavāḍu kaṃsāli or కంసాలవాడు kamsāli. [Tel.] n. A goldsmith or silversmith. కమ్మటము kammaṭamu Same as కమటము. కమ్మటీడు kammaṭīḍu. [Tel.] A man of the goldsmith caste. Rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner (DEDR 1236)
Two शृङ्खला 'chain links' are also shown on an Indus Script seal (m296) together two 'unicorn' heads in profile.

The horns are spiny. Such spiny horns are signified by the Santali word singhin cognate with शृङ्गिन् 'horned' (RV)(Monier-Williams)शृङ्गिन् śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् a. (-णी f.) [शृङ्गमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Horned.(Apte)
Two heads of 'horned young bulls': dol 'likeness, picture, form' (Santali) dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast iron' (Santali) dul ‘to cast metal in a mould’ (Santali) dul meṛeḍ cast iron (Mundari. Santali) PLUS kunda singi 'horned young bull' rebus: kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'.
Hieroglyph:Nine, ficus leaves: 1.loa 'ficus glomerata' (Santali) no = nine (B.) on-patu = nine (Ta.) rebus: lo 'iron' (Assamese) loa ‘iron’ (Gypsy) lauha = made of copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); metal, iron (Skt.); lohakāra = coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali);lohāra = blacksmith (Pt.); lohal.a (Or.); loha = metal, esp. copper or
bronze (Pali); copper (VS.); loho, lo = metal, ore, iron (Si.) loha lut.i = iron utensils and implements (Santali)
kamaṛkom ‘ficus’ (Santali); Rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭamcoinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner (DEDR 1236)
Hieroglyph: Semantic determinative of portable furnace:
Text of the Indus Script inscription m296
Ligatured glyph. ṯs̱arḵẖ 'potter'swheel' (Pashto) rebus arka 'copper,gold' eraka 'moltencast, metal infusion' arā 'spoke' rebus: āra 'brass'. era, er-a = eraka =?nave; erakōlu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Kannada)[Note Sign 391 and its ligatures Signs 392 and 393 may connote a spoked-wheel, nave of the wheel through which the axle passes; cf. ar ā, spoke]erka = ekke (Tbh.of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal);crystal (Kannada) cf. eruvai = copper (Ta.lex.) eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.); erako molten cast (Tulu) Rebus: eraka = copper (Ka.)eruvai =copper (Ta.); ere - a dark-red colour (Ka.)(DEDR 817). eraka, era, er-a = syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.)Vikalpa: ara, arā (RV.) = spoke of wheel ஆரம்² āram , n. < āra. 1. Spoke of a wheel See ஆரக்கால். ஆரஞ்சூழ்ந்த வயில்வாய்நேமியொடு (சிறுபாண். 253). Rebus: ஆரம்brass; பித்தளை.(அக. நி.) Thus, Part 1 of the hypertext sequence connotes arka 'copper,gold' eraka 'moltencast, metal infusion' and a copper, bronze, brass smelter furnace. Ayo ‘fish’; kaṇḍa‘arrow’; rebus: ayaskāṇḍa. ayas 'alloy metal' The sign sequence is ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron,excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ) ayo, hako 'fish'; a~s = scales of fish (Santali); rebus: aya = iron (G.); ayah, ayas = metal (Skt.) kaṇḍa ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) DEDR 191 Ta. ayirai, acarai, acalai loach, sandy colour, Cobitis thermalis; ayilai a kind of fish. Ma. ayala a fish, mackerel, scomber; aila, ayila a fish; ayira a kind of small fish, loach. ayir = iron dust, any ore (Ma.) aduru = gan.iyindategadu karagade iruva aduru = ore taken from the mine and not subjected to melting in a furnace (Ka. Siddha_nti Subrahman.ya’ S’astri’s new interpretationof the Amarakos’a, Bangalore, Vicaradarpana Press, 1872, p. 330) DEDR 192 Ta. ayil iron. Ma. ayir,ayiram any ore. Ka. aduru nativemetal. Tu. ajirdakarba very hard iron अयस् n. iron , metal RV. &c ; an iron weapon (as an axe , &c ) RV. vi , 3 ,5 and 47 , 10; gold Naigh.; steel L. ; ([cf. Lat. aes , aer-is for as-is ; Goth. ais , Thema aisa ; Old Germ. e7r , iron ; Goth. eisarn ; Mod. Germ. Eisen.])(Monier-Williams) Thus, in R̥gveda, the falsifiable hypothesis is that ayas signified 'alloy metal' in the early Tin-Bronze Revolution. kole.l 'temple, smithy' (Kota); kolme ‘smithy' (Ka.) kol ‘working in iron, blacksmith (Ta.); kollan- blacksmith (Ta.); kollan blacksmith, artificer (Ma.)(DEDR 2133) kolme =furnace (Ka.) kol = pan~calo_ha (five metals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha = a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Mangarāja’s Nighaṇṭu. 498)(Ka.) kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali) kolimi 'smithy, forge' (Telugu) Thus, Part 2 of hypertext reads: ayaskāṇḍa kole.l 'smithy/forge excellent quantity of iron' Both Part 1 an Part 2 of hypertext together: kamsa āra kuṭhi 'bronze (bell-meta), brass smelter'; ayaskāṇḍa kole.l 'smithy/forge excellent quantity of iron (alloy metal)'. Thus, the pictorial motif and the text message on m296 Indus Script inscription signify a caravan of gold-silversmiths. |
kuṭhi ‘a furnace for smelting iron ore to smelt iron’; kolheko kuṭhieda koles smelt iron (Santali) kuṭhi, kuṭi (Or.; Sad. koṭhi) (1) the smelting furnace of the blacksmith; kuṭire bica duljad.ko talkena, they were feeding the furnace with ore; (2) the name of ēkuṭi has been given to the fire which, in lac factories, warms the water bath for softening the lac so that it can be spread into sheets; to make a smelting furnace; kuṭhi-o of a smelting furnace, to be made; the smelting furnace of the blacksmith is made of mud, cone-shaped, 2’ 6” dia. At the base and 1’ 6” at the top. The hole in the centre, into which the mixture of charcoal and iron ore is poured, is about 6” to 7” in dia. At the base it has two holes, a smaller one into which the nozzle of the bellow is inserted, as seen in fig. 1, and a larger one on the opposite side through which the molten iron flows out into a cavity (Mundari) kuṭhi = a factory; lil kuṭhi = an indigo factory (koṭhi - Hindi) (Santali.Bodding) kuṭhi = an earthen furnace for smelting iron; make do., smelt iron; kolheko do kuṭhi benaokate baliko dhukana, the Kolhes build an earthen furnace and smelt iron-ore, blowing the bellows; tehen:ko kuṭhi yet kana, they are working (or building) the furnace to-day (H. koṭhī ) (Santali. Bodding) kuṭṭhita = hot, sweltering; molten (of tamba, cp. uttatta)(Pali.lex.) uttatta (ut + tapta) = heated, of metals: molten, refined; shining, splendid, pure (Pali.lex.) kuṭṭakam, kuṭṭukam = cauldron (Ma.); kuṭṭuva = big copper pot for heating water (Kod.)(DEDR 1668). gudgā to blaze; gud.va flame (Man.d); gudva, gūdūvwa, guduwa id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1715). dāntar-kuṭha = fireplace (Sv.); kōti wooden vessel for mixing yeast (Sh.); kōlhā house with mud roof and walls, granary (P.); kuṭhī factory (A.); koṭhā brick-built house (B.); kuṭhī bank, granary (B.); koṭho jar in which indigo is stored, warehouse (G.); koṭhīlare earthen jar, factory (G.); kuṭhī granary, factory (M.)(CDIAL 3546). koṭho = a warehouse; a revenue office, in which dues are paid and collected; koṭhī a store-room; a factory (Gujarat) koḍ = the place where artisans work (Gujarati)
S. baṭhu m. ‘large pot in which grain is parched, Rebus; bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’ (P.) baṭa = a kind of iron (G.) Vikalpa: meṛgo = rimless vessels (Santali) bhaṭa ‘furnace’ (G.) baṭa = kiln (Santali); baṭa = a kind of iron (G.) bhaṭṭha -- m.n. ʻ gridiron (Pkt.) baṭhu large cooking fire’ baṭhī f. ‘distilling furnace’; L. bhaṭṭh m. ‘grain—parcher's oven’, bhaṭṭhī f. ‘kiln, distillery’, awāṇ. bhaṭh; P. bhaṭṭh m., ṭhī f. ‘furnace’, bhaṭṭhā m. ‘kiln’; S. bhaṭṭhī keṇī ‘distil (spirits)’. (CDIAL 9656) Rebus: meḍ iron (Ho.) PLUS muka 'ladle' rebus; mū̃h 'ingot', quantity of metal got out of a smelter furnace (Santali).Thus, this hieroglyph-multiplex (hypertext) signifies: iron ingot.
mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. (Marathi) PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). khaṇḍa 'implements'.
kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting'. Thus, metalcasting smithy/forge.
dhāḷ 'slanted stroke' rebus: dhāḷako 'ingot' PLUS खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). khaṇḍa 'implements'.
खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon) rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'.
meḍ 'body' rebus: meḍ 'iron' med 'copper' (Slavic) PLUS dāma ‘fetter’ rebus: meḍ dhā̆vaḍ ‘iron smelter’ Circumscript: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting'. Thus, cast iron. meḍ ‘body’ rebus: mẽṛhẽt ‘metal’, meḍ‘iron, copper (red ores)’ (Mu. Ho. Slavic) < mr̥du ‘iron’ mr̥id ‘earth, clay, loam’ (Samskrtam) (Semantic determinative of ‘ferrite ore’).
Decipherment of text message:
kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge'
kāṇḍá 'arrrow' rebus: khaṇḍá 'equipment'
aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'
खांडा [ khāṇḍā] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool). This is a hieroglyph-multiplex: slant PLUS notch: DhAL 'slanted' rebus: DhALako 'large ingot'
kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS tsarkh 'potter's wheel', arka 'sun' rebus: arka 'copper, gold' eraka 'metal infusion'
kāˊṇḍa (kāṇḍá -- TS.) m.n. ʻ single joint of a plant ʼ AV., ʻ arrow ʼ MBh., ʻ cluster, heap ʼ (in tr̥ṇa -- kāṇḍa -- Pāṇ. Kāś.). [Poss. connexion with gaṇḍa -- 2 makes prob. non -- Aryan origin (not with P. Tedesco Language 22, 190 < kr̥ntáti). Prob. ← Drav., cf. Tam. kaṇ ʻ joint of bamboo or sugarcane ʼ EWA i 197]Pa. kaṇḍa -- m.n. ʻ joint of stalk, stalk, arrow, lump ʼ; Pk. kaṁḍa -- , ˚aya -- m.n. ʻ knot of bough, bough, stick ʼ(CDIAL 3023) Rebus: khaṇḍa 'equipment' PLUS lo, no 'nine' loa 'ficus glomerata'rebus: loh 'copper, metal'. Thus, metal equipment.
कर्णिका f. the pericarp of a lotus MBh. BhP. &c kárṇikā f. ʻ round protuberance ʼ Suśr., Rebus: karaṇī 'scribe, supercargo', kañi-āra 'helmsman'. कर्णिक having a helm, helmsman (Skt.)
कटक kaṭaka 'link of a chain' rebus कटकम् kaṭakam 'caravan, an army, a camp'.कटक 'collection, compilation'. Thus,helmsman managing the collection of copper metal castings.
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS mū̃h 'face' rebus: mū̃h ' ingot', quantity of metal got out of a smelter furnace (Santali). Thus dul mū̃h 'metal casting'
skambhá1 m. ʻ prop, pillar ʼ RV. 2. ʻ *pit ʼ (semant. cf. kūˊpa -- 1 ). [√skambh ]
1. Pa. khambha -- m. ʻ prop ʼ; Pk. khaṁbha -- m. ʻ post, pillar ʼ(CDIAL 13639) Rebus: Ta. kampaṭṭam coinage, coin. Ma. kammaṭṭam, kammiṭṭam coinage, mint. Ka. kammaṭa id.; kammaṭi a coiner.(DEDR 1236)
koḍiya ‘rings on neck‘, koḍ ‘horn’ rebus: koḍ ‘workshop’. కోడియ (p. 326) kōḍiya కోడె kōḍe [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. kodeduda. A young bull (Telugu) खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf) one-horned young bull Rebus: खोटसाळ khōṭasāḷa a (खोट & साळ from शाला) Alloyed--a metal. खोट khōṭa f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. Hence 2 A lump or solid bit (as of phlegm, gore, curds, inspissated milk); any concretion or clot. खोटीचा Composed or made of खोट, as खोटीचें भांडें.P. khuṇḍ, ˚ḍā m. ʻ peg, stump ʼ; WPah. rudh. khuṇḍ ʻ tethering peg or post ʼ; A. khũṭā ʻ post ʼ, ˚ṭi ʻ peg ʼ; B. khũṭā, ˚ṭi ʻ wooden post, stake, pin, wedge ʼ; Or. khuṇṭa, ˚ṭā ʻ pillar, post ʼ;(CDIAL 3893)