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karaṇī supercargo-scribes document, authenticate wealth produced in -- warehouse, workshop, smithy, furnace (video 28:51)


-- Mortimer Wheeler's Video explains how large storage pots are dispalyed on the bazaar street. Such pots also had Indus Script inscriptions. See: URL https://www.facebook.com/HeritageNgo/videos/992997067535021/ (Video 28:51) From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iI1xbBIi_Y&t=765s Buried Treasure video

-- This monograph elucidates the functions served by the signature of the Scribe, Supercargo on the pottery inscriptions to authenticate their contents
Sign 342 signifies the scribe's, supercargo's message: wealth contents signed, authenticated in account ledger. Hence, this is the most frequently used hieroglyph on over 8000 Indus Script inscriptions which are all wealth accounting ledgers for a nation of bronze-age artisan, seafaringmerchant guilds.

-- One to four infixed short strokes classify karaṇī supercargo-scribes assigned to four resource centres -- warehouse,workshop,smithy,furnace 

Supercago 'merchant's representativein charge of cargo) is also a scribe. Four such scribes are identified specific to their assignments to four workspots -- warehouse, workshop, smithy, furnace.

8029 Kalibangan Seal 23 Field symbol: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

8029 Kalibangan Seal 23 Text kolom 'three' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS arkasāle 'goldsmith workshop' PLUS 

मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick, horn &c.) Rebus 1: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.) Rebus 2: medho 'helper of a merchant'.PLUS dula'pair' rebus:dul'metalcasting'Thus, iron castings PLUS kaNDA kanka 'equipment supercrgo'.

2286 m160 Seal Field symbol: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

2286 m160 Text 

Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. 

arkasāle 'goldsmith workshop' PLUS 

koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop' 
aya 'fish' rebus:ayas 'alloy metal' PLUS PLUS *ḍhakk ʻ cover ʼ. 2. *ḍhaṅk -Rebus: - dhadhaknā ʻ to blaze ʼ;thus, blazing, bright alloy metal
kuTi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuThi 'smelter'2463 m1119 Seal

2163 m1119 Text 

Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment (warehouse) Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. 
arkasāle 'goldsmith workshop' PLUS 
kolmo 'rice plant' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS muh 'oval shape' rebus: muh 'ingot'; thus, ingot smithy, forge.
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'

2687 m165 Seal Field symbol: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

2687 m165 Text  dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS  PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'
Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment (warehouse) Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. 
खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. 
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'

2300 m968 Seal Field symbol:कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

2300 m968 Text2300 m968 Seal 
2300 m968 Text Field symbol: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

Text message signs: 
Segment 1: 249, 162,343, Tin smithy (warehouse) supercargo
Segment 2: 296, 342 Brassworker equipment supercargo 

ranku 'liquid measure' rebus: ranku 'tin ore'
kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'

Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment (warehouse) Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. 

Sign 296 is a variant of   

Duplicated curves: dula 'two' rebus; dul'metal casting' PLUS kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ(CDIAL 2984) कौटिलिकः kauṭilikḥकौटिलिकः 1 A hunter.-2 A blacksmith  Thus hypertext of Sign 294 signifies bronze castings. [bronze castings]
PLUS Sign 342 kanda kanka 'equipment supercargo'

4718 h369a Tablet

4718 h369C Tablet kolom 'three' rebus: kolii 'smithy, forge' 

Sign 328 baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: bhaa 'furnace' baa 'iron'

4718 h369F Tablet

4718 h369 Text Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. 
kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'

 Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment (warehouse) Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment Supercargo. 

koDa 'one' rebus:koD 'workshop'
muka 'ladle' rebus: muh 'ingot' PLUS baTa 'rimless bot' rebus: baTa 'iron', bhaTa 'furnace'
kolom 'three' rebus: kolilmi 'smithy, forge'
kaNDa 'arrow' rebus:kanda 'fire-altar' kaNDA 'implements'

4801 Pottery 
 kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, smithy supercargo.
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
 kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'

2253 m867 Seal Field symbol::कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

2253 m867 Text kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'; thus, workshop supercargo.

dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
 kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'

2941 Ivory or bone rod Geometrical patterns followed by  inscription. dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
 kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'
Sign 176Hieroglyph: currycomb: खरारा   kharārā m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. खाजवीत नगारा वाजवीत-येतो-फिरतो &c. Used of a low vagabond or idler.(Marathi) Rebus: wealth-accounting ledgers -- kharada खरडें 'daybooks' Hieroglyph: Currycomb, scraper: khareo 'a currycomb' (Gujarati); खरड्या   kharayā a (खरडणें) That writes or shaves rudely and roughly; a mere quill-driver; a very scraper. khareo = a currycomb (Gujarati) खरारा [ kharārā ] m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. (Marathi) Rebus: 1. करडा [karaā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 2. kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati) Rebus: करडा [karaā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 

2063 m859 Seal Field symbol: कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, smelter.' कोंद kōnda 'kiln, furnace' singhin 'spiny-horned' rebus: singi 'ornament gold' PLUS sangaa 'lathe, portable brazier' PLUS  [ kammaamu ] Same as కమటము 'portable furnace' rebus: sangarh 'fortification', sangar 'trade', kamma'mint, coiner, coinage'. 

2063 m859 Text meṭṭu mound, heap of earth; mēṭu height, eminence, hillock; rebus: meD 'iron' PLUS gaNDA 'four' rebus: kaNDA 'equipment' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge'

dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'

3505 Ivory rod

3505 Ivory stick text kāru 'pincers' rebus: kāru 'artisan'. 
kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS muh 'ingot' (lozenge or oval shape of bun ingot).
arka 'twelve' rebus:arka 'gold, copper'
dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting'
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'
Sign 176Hieroglyph: currycomb: खरारा   kharārā m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. खाजवीत नगारा वाजवीत-येतो-फिरतो &c. Used of a low vagabond or idler.(Marathi) Rebus: wealth-accounting ledgers -- kharada खरडें 'daybooks' Hieroglyph: Currycomb, scraper: khareo 'a currycomb' (Gujarati); खरड्या   kharayā a (खरडणें) That writes or shaves rudely and roughly; a mere quill-driver; a very scraper. khareo = a currycomb (Gujarati) खरारा [ kharārā ] m ( H) A currycomb. 2 Currying a horse. (Marathi) Rebus: 1. करडा [karaā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 2. kharādī ‘ turner’ (Gujarati) Rebus: करडा [karaā] Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c. (Marathi) 

5252, 4321, 5389 three sealings

5252 Sealing h199A, h200A, h201A

5252 Sealing h199B, h200B, h201B

5252 Sealing h199 Text aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal' PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin' rebus: .ayo kammaTa 'alloymetal mint'
*ḍhakk ʻ cover ʼ. 2. *ḍhaṅk -Rebus: - dhadhaknā ʻ to blaze ʼ;thus, blazing, bright alloy metal
dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'; thus, metalcasting smithy
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo'
kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'. Thus, smithy supercargo.
baTa 'rimless bot' rebus: baTa 'iron', bhaTa 'furnace'

Warehouse Equipment Supercargo (Scribe) has signed (authorised) the following large storage pots

m2061 side A and Rim Inscription signifies that scribe supercago is in charge with the hypertext of Sign 343 
Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo.
.|| hieroglyph following the Sign 343 signifies that the contents of the storage pot are metal castings.

m2062 Side B Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. This Sign 343 signifier is followed by the 'sprout' hieroglyph which signifies pajhar 'sprout' rebus: pasra 'smithy, forge'
The iron equipment contents of the storage pot are amplified in the added inscription : 
Item 1:मेंढा [ mēṇḍhā ] A crook or curved end (of a stick, horn &c.) Rebus 1: meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Mu.) 
Item 2: 

Sign 65 aya 'fish' rebus:ayas 'alloy metal' PLUS PLUS *ḍhakk ʻ cover ʼ. 2. *ḍhaṅk -Rebus: - dhadhaknā ʻ to blaze ʼ;thus, blazing, bright alloy metal

m2060 Storage Pot (with inscriptions, Side A and Side B

m2060 Side A
.|| hieroglyph following the Sign 343 signifies that the contents of the storage pot are metal castings.
Sign 343 is Sign 342 PLUS notch: kanda kanka 'equipment Supercargo' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) rebus: khāṇḍā 'equipment'. Thus, the infix notch is a reinforcement of Sign 342 which signifies equiment (warehouse) Supercargo. 
muka 'ladle' rebus: muh 'ingot' PLUS baTa 'rimless bot' rebus: baTa 'iron', bhaTa 'furnace'
kolom 'three' rebus: kolilmi 'smithy, forge' (Thus, the products in the storage pot are from smithy furnace).

m2060 Side B kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge'
 PLUS  kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS muh 'ingot' (lozenge or oval shape of bun ingot); Thus bell-metal ingots. barado'spine' rebus: bharat, baran'mixed alloys' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin) PLUS (signed, scribed -- contents authenticated and certified by the accountant scribe) Sign 342 kaNDA kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kaNDA kanka 'equipment supercrgo'..

*ḍhakk ʻ cover ʼ. 2. *ḍhaṅk -Rebus: - dhadhaknā ʻ to blaze ʼ;thus, blazing, bright alloy metal

meḍ 'body' Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' PLUS koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop'. Thus, iron equipment from workshop.
signed, scribed) Sign 342 kaNDA kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kaNDA kanka 'equipment supercrgo'..

m2064 taTTal 'five' rebus: taTTar 'brass' PLUS muh 'bun ingot shae' rebus:muh 'ingot' PLUS dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting'; thus, brass ingot castings PLUS koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop'. (Message: Products from brass workshop constitute the contents of the large storage pot)

m2065 kolmo 'rice plant' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' (Message: Equipment smithy products constitute the contents of the large storage pot)

The objective of Sign 342 'rim of jar' on large storage pot inscriptions confirms that the hieroglyph constituted a signature or authentication of the scribe, supercargo of the contents of the storage pot. It is also a proclamation that can be seen and read by customers on the bazaar street where the storage pot is displayed.





http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.com/2017/05/indus-script-examples-of-paired-sabda.html Mirror: http://tinyurl.com/l4uxwhn


Below the rim of the Susa storage pot, the contents are described in Sarasvati Script hieroglyphs/hypertexts: 1. Flowing water; 2. fish with fin; 3. aquatic bird tied to a rope Rebus readings of these hieroglyphs/hypertexts signify metal implements from the Meluhha mint.

Clay storage pot discovered in Susa (Acropole mound), ca. 2500-2400 BCE (h. 20 ¼ in. or 51 cm). Musee du Louvre. Sb 2723 bis (vers 2450 avant J.C.)
The hieroglyphs and Meluhha rebus readings on this pot from Meluhha are: 1. kāṇḍa 'water' rebus: khāṇḍā 'metal equipment'; 2. aya, ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'metal alloy'; khambhaṛā 'fish fin' rebus: kammaṭ a 'mint, coiner, coinage' 3.  करड m. a sort of duck -- f. a partic. kind of bird ; S. karaṛa -ḍhī˜gu m. a very large aquatic bird (CDIAL 2787) karaṇḍa‘duck’ (Samskrtam) rebus: karaḍā 'hard alloy'; PLUS 4. meṛh 'rope tying to post, pillar’ rebus meḍ‘iron’ med ‘copper’ (Slavic)
Susa pot is a ‘Rosetta stone’ for Sarasvati Script

Water (flow)
Fish fish-fin
aquatic bird on wave (indicating aquatic nature of the bird), tied to rope, water
kāṇḍa 'water'   rebus: kāṇḍa 'implements

The vase a la cachette, shown with its contents. Acropole mound, Susa.[20]
It is a remarkable 'rosetta stone' because it validates the expression used by Panini: ayaskāṇḍa अयस्--काण्ड [p= 85,1] m. n. " a quantity of iron " or " excellent iron " , (g. कस्का*दि q.v.). The early semantics of this expression is likely to be 'metal implements compared with the Santali expression to signify iron implements: meď 'copper' (Slovāk), mẽṛhẽt,khaṇḍa (Santali)  मृदु mṛdu,’soft iron’ (Samskrtam).
Santali glosses.
Sarasvati Script hieroglyphs painted on the jar are: fish, quail and streams of water; 
aya 'fish' (Munda) rebus: aya 'iron' (Gujarati) ayas 'metal' (Rigveda) khambhaṛā 'fin' rebus: kammaṭa 'mint' Thus, together ayo kammaṭa, 'metals mint'
baṭa 'quail' Rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.
karaṇḍa 'duck' (Sanskrit) karaṛa 'a very large aquatic bird' (Sindhi) Rebus: करडा karaḍā 'Hard from alloy--iron, silver &c'. (Marathi) PLUS meRh 'tied rope' meṛh f. ʻ rope tying oxen to each other and to post on threshing floor ʼ (Lahnda)(CDIAL 10317) Rebus: mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formeḍinto an equilateral lump a little pointed at each end;  mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.)
Thus, read together, the proclamation on the jar by the painted hieroglyphs is: baṭa meṛh karaḍā ayas kāṇḍa 'hard alloy iron metal implements out of the furnace (smithy)'.

This is a jar closed with a ducted bowl. The treasure called "vase in hiding" was initially grouped in two containers with lids. The second ceramic vessel was covered with a copper lid. It no longer exists leaving only one. Both pottery contained a variety of small objects form a treasure six seals, which range from Proto-Elamite period (3100-2750 BCE) to the oldest, the most recent being dated to 2450 BCE (First Dynasty of Ur).

Therefore it is possible to date these objects, this treasure. Everything included 29 vessels including 11 banded alabaster, mirror, tools and weapons made of copper and bronze, 5 pellets crucibles copper, 4 rings with three gold and a silver, a small figurine of a frog lapis lazuli, gold beads 9, 13 small stones and glazed shard.

"In the third millenium Sumerian texts list copper among the raw materials reaching Uruk from Aratta and all three of the regions Magan, Meluhha and Dilmun are associated with copper, but the latter only as an emporium. Gudea refers obliquely to receiving copper from Dilmun: 'He (Gudea) conferred with the divine Ninzaga (= Enzak of Dilmun), who transported copper like grain deliveries to the temple builder Gudea...' (Cylinder A: XV, 11-18, Englund 1983, 88, n.6). Magan was certainly a land producing the metal, since it is occasionally referred to as the 'mountain of copper'. It may also have been the source of finished bronze objects." 

"Susa... profound affinity between the Elamite people who migrated to Anshan and Susa and the Dilmunite people... Elam proper corresponded to the plateau of Fars with its capital at Anshan. We think, however that it probably extended further north into the Bakhtiari Mountains... likely that the chlorite and serpentine vases reached Susa by sea... From the victory proclamations of the kings of Akkad we also learn that the city of Anshan had been re-established, as the capital of a revitalised political ally: Elam itself... the import by Ur and Eshnunna of inscribed objects typical of the Harappan culture provides the first reliable chronological evidence. [C.J. Gadd, Seals of ancient style found at Ur, Proceedings of the British Academy, XVIII, 1932; Henry Frankfort, Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad, OIC, 16, 1933, p. 50, fig. 22). It is certainly possible that writing developed in India before this time, but we have no real proof. Now Susa had received evidence of this same civilisation, admittedly not all dating from the Akkadian period, but apparently spanning all the closing years of the third millennium (L. Delaporte, Musee du Louvre. Catalogues des Cylindres Orientaux..., vol. I, 1920pl. 25(15), S.29. P. Amiet, Glyptique susienne,MDAI, 43, 1972, vol. II, pl. 153, no. 1643)... B. Buchanan has published a tablet dating from the reign of Gungunum of Larsa, in the twentieth century BC, which carries the impression of such a stamp seal. (B.Buchanan, Studies in honor of Benno Landsberger, Chicago, 1965, p. 204, s.). The date so revealed has been wholly confirmed by the impression of a stamp seal from the group, fig. 85, found on a Susa tablet of the same period. (P. Amiet, Antiquites du Desert de Lut, RA, 68, 1974, p. 109, fig. 16. Maurice Lambert, RA, 70, 1976, p. 71-72). It is in fact, a receipt of the kind in use at the beginning of the Isin-Larsa period, and mentions a certain Milhi-El, son of Tem-Enzag, who, from the name of his god, must be a Dilmunite. In these circumstances we may wonder if this document had not been drawn up at Dilmun and sent to Susa after sealing with a local stamp seal. This seal is decorated with six tightly-packed, crouching animals, characterised by vague shapes, with legs under their bodies, huge heads and necks sometimes striped obliquely. The impression of another seal of similar type, fig. 86, depicts in the centre a throned figure who seems to dominate the animals, continuing a tradition of which examples are known at the end of the Ubaid period in Assyria... Fig. 87 to 89 are Dilmun-type seals found at Susa. The boss is semi-spherical and decorated with a band across the centre and four incised circles. [Pierre Amiet, Susa and the Dilmun Culture, pp. 262-268].

. This monograph presented the framework for Mlecchita vikalpa (Meluhha cipher) with examples of animal hieroglyphs as rebus representations of metalwork wealth repository.

More examples of this cipher from Indus Script Corpora are presented.

Black drongo bird
Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) IMG 7702 (1)..JPG
A Black drongo in Rajasthan state, northern India

పసి (p. 730) pasi pasi. [from Skt. పశువు.] n. Cattle. పశుసమూహము, గోగణము. The smell of cattle, పశ్వాదులమీదిగాలి, వాసన. పసిపట్టు pasi-paṭṭu. To scent or follow by the nose, as a dog does a fox. పసిగొను to trace out or smell out. వాసనపట్టు. మొసలి కుక్కను పసిపట్టి when the crocodile scented the dog. పసులు pasulu. n. plu. Cattle, గోవులు. పసిగాపు pasi-gāpu. n. A herdsman, గోపకుడు పసితిండి pasi-tinḍi. n. A tiger, పెద్దపులి. పసులపోలిగాడు pasula-pōli-gāḍu. n. The Black Drongo or King crow, Dicrurusater. (F.B.I.) ఏట్రింత. Also, the Adjutant. తోకపసులపోలిగాడు the Raquet-tailed Drongo shrike. Jerdon. No. 55. 56. 59. కొండ పనులపోలిగాడు the White bellied Drongo, Dicrurus coerulescens. వెంటికపనుల పోలిగాడు the Hair-crested Drongo, Chibia hottentotta. టెంకిపనుల పోలిగాడు the larger Racket-tailed Drongo, Dissemurus paradiseus (F.B.I.) పసులవాడు pasula-vāḍu. n. A herdsman, గొల్లవాడు. 

"With short legs, they sit upright on thorny bushes, bare perches or electricity wires. They may also perch on grazing animals."(Whistler, Hugh (1949). Popular handbook of Indian birds (4th ed.). Gurney and Jackson, London. pp. 155–157.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drongo

Hieroglyph: eagle పోలడు [ pōlaḍu ] , పోలిగాడు or దూడలపోలడు pōlaḍu. [Tel.] n. An eagle. పసులపోలిగాడు the bird called the Black Drongo. Dicrurus ater. (F.B.I.)(Telugu) पोळ pōḷa 'zebu'& pōlaḍu 'black drongo' signify polad 'steel

Image result for bird zebu fish bull indus sealA zebu bull tied to a post; a bird above. Large painted storage jar discovered in burned rooms at Nausharo, ca. 2600 to 2500 BCE. पोळ pōḷa, 'Zebu, bos indicus' pōlaḍu, 'black drongo' rebus: pōlaḍ 'steel'; पोळ pōḷa, 'Zebu, bos indicus' of Sarasvati Script corpora is rebus:pōlāda'steel', pwlad (Russian), fuladh (Persian) folādī (Pashto) 
pōḷa 'zebu' rebus: pōḷa 'magnetite, ferrite ore) pōladu 'black drongo bird' rebus: pōḷad 'steel' The semantics of bull (zebu) PLUS black drongo bird are the reason why the terracotta bird is shown with a bull's head as a phonetic determinative to signify 'steel/magnetite ferrite ore'. పోలడు (p. 820) pōlaḍu , పోలిగాడు or దూడలపోలడు pōlaḍu. [Tel.] n. An eagle. పసులపోలిగాడు the bird called the Black Drongo. Dicrurus ater. (F.B.I.)  rebus: pōlaḍu 'steel' (Russian. Persian) PLUS



https://tinyurl.com/y8aexctz    https://tinyurl.com/yajea5yx                                                                                                              The inscription on the pot described by Mortimer Wheeler in a BBC documentary is a proclamation that inscribed (authenticated) brass ingots, inscribed metal castings from furnace are offered for barter (sale) and contained in the storage pot. The reference to this pot in an archaeological context is detailed by Mortimer Wheeler from -16:31 to -15:44 of the video presented herein.

An old documentry on Mohenjo Daro by BBC.

Sir Mortimer Wheeler's 1957 tour of Mohenjo-daro, although outdated in many ways, has some great footage, close shots of Indus objects, and an engaging host. Gripping to Indus fans.

The documentary provides a remarkable evidence on an artifact with Indus Script inscription which is a Hypertext.

The Indus Script Inscription is imprinted (from a seal) on a pot which has been used as a storage pot on the Mohenjo-daro market for sale.

Clearly, the inscription is a description of the item offered for sale and held in the pot.
A storage pot on the left front of this photograph has an Indus Script inscription -- a proclamation of product on sale held in the pot.
The inscription on the small pot is presented on this enlarged image of the small storage pot.

What does the Indus Script Hypertext which has two hypertexts signify?
This signifies brass ingot dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS kui 'curve;  kuika— 'bent' MBh. Rebus: kuila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) bhaṭa ‘warrior’ rebus: baṭa‘iron’ (Gujarati)
Sign 15 This is composed of Sign 12 and Sign 342 This Hypertext Sign 15 signifies kuṭhi kaṇḍa kanka ‘smelting furnace account (scribe)’. 

Thus, the two hypertexts together signify a proclamation that inscribed (authenticated) brass metal (iron) ingots, inscribed metal castings are offered for barter (sale) and contained in the storage pot.

Identifying Meluhha gloss for parenthesis hieroglyph or (  ) split ellipse:  குடிலம்¹ kuṭilam, n. < kuṭila. 1. Bend curve, flexure; வளைவு. (திவா.) (Tamil) In this reading, the Sign 12 signifies a specific smelter for tin metal: kuṭi 'woman water-carrier'  rebus: rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/ kuṭila, 'tin (bronze)metal; kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) [cf. āra-kūṭa, ‘brass’ (Samskritam) See: http://download.docslide.us/uploads/check_up03/192015/5468918eb4af9f285a8b4c67.pdf

It will be seen from Sign 15 that the basic framework of a water-carrier hieroglyph (Sign 12) is superscripted with another hieroglyph component, Sign 342: 'Rim of jar' to result in Sign 15. Thus, Sign 15 is composed of two hieroglyph components: Sign 12 'water-carrier' hieroglyph; Sign 342: "rim-of-jar' hieroglyph (which constitutes the inscription on Daimabad Seal 1).

kaṇḍ kanka ‘rim of jar’; Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe’; kaṇḍ ‘furnace, fire-altar’. Thus the ligatured Glyph is decodedkaṇḍ karṇaka ‘furnace scribe'
Daimabad Seal 1 (Sign 342: Two hieroglyph components: jar with short-neck and rim-of-jar) -- distringuished from broad-mouthed rimless pot which is another Sign hieroglyph.

Each hieroglyph component of Sign 15 is read in rebus-metonymy-layered-meluhha-cipher:  Hieroglyph component 1: kuṭi 'woman water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/kuṭila, 'tin metal'. Hieroglyph component 2: kanka, kārṇī-ka 'rim-of-jar' rebus: kanka, kārṇī-ka m. ʻsupercargo of a shipʼ 'scribe'.

karṇīka, 'account, scribe', karaī 'supercargo, a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.'
 कारणी or कारणीक  kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S) That causes, conducts, carries on, manages. Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship; कुळकरणी (p. 100) kuḷakaraṇī m (कुल &38; कारणी S) An officer of a village under the पांटील. His business is to keep the accounts of the cultivators with Government and all the public records. karuṇīkam கருணீகம் karuṇīkam , n. < karaṇa. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of village accountant or karṇam; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலைகரணிகம் karaṇikam , n. < karaṇa. 1. Intellectual power, any one of the four anta-k-karaṇam, q.v.; அந்தக்கரணம். (W.)  [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of accountant.  కరణము  karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. కరణము n. Instrument, means. కరణికము or కరణీకము karanikamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk.
करणmf(ई)n (once करण्/अ RV. i , 119 , 7) doing , making , effecting , causing (esp. ifc. ; cf. अन्तकरण , उष्णं-क्° , &c R. &c; clever , skilful RV. i , 119 , 7m. a helper , companion AV. vi , 46 , 2 ; xv , 5 , 1-6 ; xix , 57 , 3;m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast क्षत्रिय Mn. x , 22 ; or the son of a शूद्र woman by a वैश्य Ya1jn5. i , 92 ; or the son of a वैश्य woman by a क्षत्रिय MBh. i , 2446 ; 4521 ; the occupation of this class is writing , accounts &c );m. writer , scribe; n. the special business of any tribe or caste; n. pronunciation , articulation , (अथर्व-वेद-प्रातिशाख्य); n. (in law) an instrument , document , bond Mn. viii , 51 ; 52 ; 154; n. (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected , the idea expressed by the instrumental case , instrumentality Pa1n2. 1-4 , 42 ; ii , 3 , 18 ; iii , 2 , 45 

Ligatured hieroglyph 15 using two ligaturing components: 1. water-carrier; 2. rim-of-jar. The ‘rim-of-jar’ glyph connotes: furnace account (scribe). Together with the glyph showing ‘water-carrier’, the ligatured glyphs of kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ + ‘rim-of-jar’ can thus be read as: kuṭhi kaṇḍa kanka ‘smelting furnace account (scribe)’. 

Sign 342
Sign 12Vaiiants of Sign 12

 This hypertext signifies the hypertext reads: dul kuṭila 'cast brass' (from) bhaṭa 'warrior' Rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.

bhaṭa 'warrior' Rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS kuṭi 'curve kuṭika— 'bent' MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin). Thus, the hypertext reads:dul kuṭila 'cast brass' (from) bhaṭa 'warrior' Rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'.

The two parenthetical marks 
which constitute the circumscript around the ''warrior' hieroglyph are a split lozenge or oval shape 
Sign 373which is an Indus Script S
Sign 373 signifies mũhã̄ 'bun ingot' Sign 373 has the shape of oval or lozenge is the shape of a bun ingotmũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced atone time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed likea four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes andformed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt komūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali). Thus, Sign 373 signifies word, mũhã̄ 'bun ingot'. 

The sign occurs on a zebu, bos indicus to signify a crucible steel cake since po'zebu, bos indicus' rebus:poa 'magnetite, ferrite ore'.

Decipherment of Harappa zebu figurine with oval spots: magnetite ingots http://tinyurl.com/o75bok6 wherein a zebu figurine with oval spots has been presented.


I submit that these oval spots signify पोलाद pōlāda, 'crucible steel cake' explained also as mūhā mẽht = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) 

See: Indus Script hypertext पोळ pōḷa, 'zebu, bos indicus' signifies pōḷa ‘magnetite, ferrous-ferric oxide Fe3O4', पोलाद pōlāda, 'crucible steel cake' https://tinyurl.com/y9so6ubv

पोलाद pōlāda, 'steel' = ukku 'wootz steel' derived from Vedic utsa 'spring'; eraka, urku 'moltencast'

Image result for zebu ingot shape bharatkalyan97
Slide 33. Early Harappan zebu figurine with incised spots from Harappa. Some of the Early Harappan zebu figurines were decorated. One example has incised oval spots. It is also stained a deep red, an extreme example of the types of stains often found on figurines that are usually found in trash and waste deposits. Approximate dimensions (W x H(L) x D): 1.8 x 4.6 x 3.5 cm. (Photograph by Richard H. Meadow) http://www.harappa.com/figurines/33.html

The oval spots are shaped like the copper ingots shown on this photograh of Maysar, c. 2200 BCE:
Maysar c.2200 BCE Packed copper ingots INGOTS
mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali)
Another artifact which compares with the described shape of mūhā mẽṛhẽt 'steel ingot' is shown in the characteristic oval shape of a crucible steel buttton.
Related imageCrucible steel button. Steel smelted from iron sand in a graphite crucible.https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crucible_steel_button.jpg
Decipherment of the Harappa figurine on Slide 33:
 पोळ [pōḷa], 'zebu' Rebus: magnetite, citizen.(See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/08/zebu-archaeometallurgy-legacy-of-india.html )
 mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali)
खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. (Marathi)
The figurine signifies ingots of  पोळ [pōḷa], ‘magnetite’. This is a metalwork catalogue message in Indus Script Corpora.

The following proverb indicates the exalted status of the zebu, bos indicus which read rebus as  पोळ‘magnetite, ferrite ore’ is the life-sustaining wealth of the artisans:  ज्याची खावी पोळी त्याची वाजवावी टाळी. Of whom you eat the salt, him laud and exalt. टाळी (p. 196) ṭāḷī f (ताल S)  Beating the hands together.
There is a remarkable expression in Tamil which signifies the homonymous writing of similar sounding words as pictures in Indus Script. The expression is: போலியெழுத்து pōli-y-eḻuttun. < id +. 1. Syllable or letter resembling another in sound, as அய் for அவ் for  ஓர் எழுத்துக் குப் பிரதியாகஅவ்வொலியில் அமையும் எழுத்து. (நன். 124.) 2. Letter substituted for another different in sound, as in சாம்பர் for சாம்பல்ஓர் எழுத்துக்குப் பிரதியாக வரும் எழுத்து. (நன்.)

போலியெழுத்து pōli-y-eḻuttu can thus be translated as rebus writing of Indus Script.

I suggest that since the majestic dewlap is the most characteristic feature of the zebu, the following etyma reinforce the identification of zebu,bos indicus as पोळ   pōḷa m A bull dedicated to the gods, marked with a trident and discus, and set at large: पोळी   pōḷī fig. A dewlap. पोळी पिकणें g. of s. To begin to fare sumptuously; to get into good living.

The oval-shaped incised spots on the zebu figurine signify crucible steel cakes and hence may be calledपोळ   pōḷa   पोळें   pōḷēṃ   पोळा   pōḷā  पोळी   pōḷī f. n C A cake-form or flat honeycomb;  fig. Any squeezed and compressed cakeform body or mass. पोळी (p. 305) pōḷī f A plain wheaten cake: also a cake composed of rice-flour boiled and rolled up with wheaten. 2 The cake-form portion of a honeycomb. 3 fig. Any squeezed and compressed cakeform body or mass. 4 Cotton steeped in a dye of lác, lodhra &38;c., flattened into the form of a cake, and dried;--forming afterwards, with water, a sort of red ink. 5 fig. A dewlap. पोळी पिकणें g. of s. To begin to fare sumptuously; to get into good living.
The smelting processes involved in making such crucible steel cakes are expressed by the following semantics of cognate words: अहारोळी   ahārōḷī f (अहार & पोळी) A cake baked on embers.पोळणें   pōḷaṇēṃ v i To catch, burn, singe; to be seared or scorched.  पोळा   pōḷā A kindled portion flying up from a burning mass, a flake.  पोळींव   pōḷīṃva p of पोळणें Burned, scorched, singed, seared. पोळभाज   pōḷabhāja f (पोळणें&38; भाजणें To burn &38;c.) In agriculture. A comprehensive term for the operations connected with the burning of the ground.

The cultural significance  attached to the crucible steel cake may be seen from the practice of offering a cake atop the Holi festival fire which is called : होळीची पोळी (p. 527) hōḷīcī pōḷī f The right (of villagers, esp. of the मुखत्यार पाटील) of first placing a पोळी (or cake) upon the pile which is kindled at the close of the festival of the होळी. 2 The cake so designated and applied.दुपोडी पोळी (p. 237) dupōḍī pōḷī f (दुपूडपोळी) A पोळी or stuffed cake doubled up. 
Sign 294  is a doubling of a curve.dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS kuṭi 'curve;  kuṭika— 'bent' MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin).

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