Rigveda Parameshti Prajapati's enquiry on creation: "Who then knows from what...
Mirror: http://tinyurl.com/gnrhgoqAdhyatmika metaphors of Rigveda are unsurpassed in profundity and brilliance. Here is one instance. The cultural history of Bharatam Janam is presented on a material...
View ArticleKK Mohammed and MGS Narayanan on cartel of motivated historians -- Kumar...
FORMER ASI OFFICIAL CRIES FOUL OVER AKBAR’S IBADAT KHANA FACTSThursday, 04 February 2016 | Kumar Chellappan | ChennaiAn attempt by the Marxists to sabotage India’s history has been brought to light by...
View ArticleWar games: RAND (full text) about Baltics, NATO cannot defend eastern flank
Nato cannot stop Russian tanks in the Baltics, wargames predictRussian tanks could be in Tallinn or Riga within 60 hours a Rand Corporation report warnsEstonian soldiers take part in NATO military...
View ArticleModi in Assam: PM says Gandhi family disrupting House to avenge poll defeat
Modi in Assam: PM says Gandhi family disrupting House to avenge poll defeatBy: PTI | Moran (assam) | Updated: February 5, 2016 5:28 pmPrime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally for tea garden...
View ArticleCong levelling baseless charges against Modi to hide its corruption: BJP....
Cong levelling baseless charges against Modi to hide its corruption: BJPBy: PTI | New Delhi | Published:February 6, 2016 5:28 pmFile photo of PM Narendra ModiBJP on Saturday accused Congress and its...
View ArticleHow not to deal with the ideology of hate -- Kanchan Gupta
HOW NOT TO DEAL WITH THE IDEOLOGY OF HATESunday, 07 February 2016 | Kanchan Gupta | in Coffee Break12345Theological pamphleteering, no doubt well meaning and sincere, is of no consequence to the...
View ArticleBook announcement: Sati -- Evangelicals, Baptist missionaries, and the...
Publisher: Aryan Books International, Pooja appartments, 4B Ansari road Delhi 110002 www.aryanbooks.co.inAbout the book: Sati -- Evangelicals, Baptist missionaries, and the Changing colonial discourse...
View ArticleBill Gates prescribes costly foreign drugs for India’s poor -- Madhav...
Bill Gates prescribes costly foreign drugs for India’s poorBy MADHAV NALAPAT | NEW DELHI | 6 February, 2016Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been accused of promoting interests of US-EU Big...
View ArticleMade in head-en - Amma finds wedding ambassadors -- G.C. Shekhar
| Monday , February 8 , 2016 |Made in head-en- Amma finds wedding ambassadorsG.C. ShekharAmma stickers on the headbands and (below) the traditional headband — a turmeric-paste-coated thread with a gold...
View ArticleHeadley names Mumbai terror attacks mastermind Hafiz Saeed, ISI in court
Published: February 8, 2016 09:14 IST | Updated: February 8, 2016 12:03 IST Mumbai, February 8, 2016Headley names Mumbai terror attacks mastermind Hafiz Saeed, ISI in court Rahi GaikwadDavid Headley...
View ArticleNear Bengaluru, two continents -- KM Rakesh
Monday , February 8 , 2016 |Near Bangalore, two continents- Attack on Tanzanian student bares deep divide in a ‘suburb’ that is yet to become a melting pot K.M. RakeshStudent leader Nana Yalley...
View ArticleLeopard Enters School Premises, Bengaluru, 6 injured in leopard attack (video...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN39pT819P0Leopard Enters School Premises | 6 Injured In Leopard Attack | Bangalore | TV5 News Published on Feb 7, 2016Leopard strays into Bengaluru school campus, 2...
View ArticlePakistan’s Hand in the Rise of International Jihad -- Carlotta Gall, NYTimes
Pakistan’s Hand in the Rise of International JihadBy CARLOTTA GALLFEB. 6, 2016PhotoThe funeral of Saeed Jawad Hossini, 29, who was killed in a Taliban suicide attack in Kabul in January.CreditShah...
View ArticleIndia’s economy grows 7.3% in third quarter, beats expectations. NaMo,...
India’s economy grows 7.3% in third quarter, beats expectationsAFP, New Delhi | Updated: Feb 08, 2016 18:37 ISTThe Indian economy grew 7.3% in the third quarter ended December 31, 2015 . (AFP...
View ArticleRupa Ganguly has the potential to dislodge Bamboo Mamata in Bengal political...
কাঞ্চন গুপ্ত @KanchanGupta 2m2 minutes agoSorry @SandipGhose I have known Rupa since mid-80s and I have tremendous respect for her. She has integrity. Do I need to elaborate?Roopa (or Rupa) Ganguly...
View Article26/11. Daood Gilani to Pukka Sahib serving 35 years in US jail.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/26/11-Mumbai-attacks-approver-yawns-and-sniggers/articleshow/50909225.cms26/11About 2 hours agoThe 10 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists, who launched the Mumbai...
View ArticleIndus Script hieroglyphs daürā 'rope' Rebus dhāvḍā 'smelter'; khambhaṛā 'fin'...
Mirror: https://www.academia.edu/s/8b7d08b10dMounted as a pair of 'srivatsa' symbols atop two pillars of the Sanchi stupa torana (north gate), the proclamation is: aya kammaṭa 'metal mint' PLUS dhāvḍā...
View ArticleThe launch that was for 1962: A war that wasn't -- Wg. Cdr. Rajesh Khosla
The Launch That WAS for1962: A War that WASN’TWg Cdr Rajesh KhoslaPhotographs Kapil SyalFew books dealing with matters military have in the recent past had such an impact. David Davidar, the publisher...
View ArticleJNU students' leader on police remand
JNU STUDENTS’ LEADER ON POLICE REMANDSaturday, 13 February 2016 | Rahiba R Parveen | New Delhi12345Tension continued in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) with the arrest of JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU)...
View ArticleWhy the events at the JNU are downright sinister and unacceptable -- Kanchan...
WHY THE EVENTS AT JNU ARE DOWNRIGHT SINISTERSunday, 14 February 2016 | Kanchan Gupta First it was Hyderabad University. Now it's JNU. This bush fire will spread further. The purpose is to disrupt the...
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