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Squirrel, ficus leaf hieroglyphs read rebus Meluhha lōhakāra, śrēṣṭhin khār guild-master of blacksmith artisans and merchants


The clear identification of Sign51 as that of a palm-squirrel by Asko Parpola necessitates a review of all Indus Script inscriptions which use this Sign 51 and variants of Sign 51. 

This monograph establishes that the occurrence of this Sign 51 (and variants) is a signature tune of a guild-master of blacksmith artisans and merchants. Some variants may signify a bica, 'scorpion.' rebus: bicha 'haematite, stone ore'. The unique ligatures of Sign 51 are repeated only on a ficus glomerata leaf, yielding Sign 327.

 Sign 52 is Sign51 with the ligature of koDa'one' rebus: koD'workshop'. Sign 51 is śrēṣṭhin khār guild-master of blacksmith artisans and merchants. Thus, the ligatured Sign 52 reads: workshop of guild-master of blacksmith artisans and merchants.

   Sign 327 is Sign 320 ligatured with kāra 'ears'; thus, reads,  lōhakāra 'ironsmith, blacksmith'.Sign 232 is Sign 320 ligatured to a mountain-range: dang 'mountain range' rebus: dhangar 'blacksmith' (Semantic determinative) since loa 'ficus glomerata' rebus; loh 'copper, metal'.
I submit that the ligatures unique to Sign 51 and Sign 327 signify  *kāra6 ʻ ear ʼ. [Connexion with kárṇa -- is not clear]Wg. kār ʻ ear ʼ (← Kho. kār), Kt. kōr, Dm. ar Morgenstierne FestskrBroch 150, NTS xii 173; -- Ash. karmuṭäˊ ʻ ear ʼ, Kt. karmútə ʻ lobe of ear ʼ, Gaw. kumtak ʻ ear ʼ NTS ii 261 (or poss. all three < karṇapattraka -- ).kāra -- 7 m. ʻ tax ʼ see kara -- 2.Addenda: *kāra -- 6: Kho. kār ʻ ear ʼ certainly not ← Wg. BKhoT 69.(CDIAL 3056) Rebus: khār'blacksmith' 

When 'ears' are ligatured to ficus glomerata, the expression is: loa'ficus glomerata' rebus: loh'copper,metal' PLUS kāra 'ear' rebus: khār 'blacksmith'. Thus, loh khār'coppersmith'. lōhakāra m. ʻ iron -- worker ʼ, ˚rī -- f., ˚raka -- m. lex., lauhakāra -- m. Hit. [lōhá -- , kāra -- 1]Pa. lōhakāra -- m. ʻ coppersmith, ironsmith ʼ; Pk. lōhāra -- m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ, S. luhā̆ru m., L. lohār m., ˚rī f., awāṇ. luhār, P. WPah.khaś. bhal. luhār m., Ku. lwār, N. B. lohār, Or. lohaḷa, Bi.Bhoj. Aw.lakh. lohār, H. lohārluh˚ m., G. lavār m., M. lohār m.; Si. lōvaru ʻ coppersmith ʼ.Addenda: lōhakāra -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) lhwāˋr m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ, lhwàri f. ʻ his wife ʼ, Garh. lwār m.(CDIAL 11159)

When 'ears' are ligatured to squirrel, the expression is:khāra šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄  'squirrel rebus: 
śrēṣṭhin khār 'guild-master of blacksmith artisans' (Aitareya Brāhmaṇa).

Thus, Signs 51 and 51 are deciphered as: lōhakāra'ironsmith, blacksmith' and śrēṣṭhin khār'guild-master of blacksmith artisans'.

Nindowari-damb seal Nd0-1; Mohenjo-daro seal m-1202; Harappa tablet h-771; Harappa tablet h-419 

Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) 
m0001 text 1067Text 1067
Field symbol:  kõda ‘young bull-calf’. Rebus: kũdār ‘turner’. sangaḍa ‘lathe, furnace’. Rebus: samgara ‘living in the same house, guild’. sãgaḍa (double-canoe, catamaran) Hence, smith guild.
Meaning, artha of inscription: Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'... PLUS (wealth categories cited.).
dhāi 'strand' (Rigveda) tri- dhāu 'three strands' rebus: dhāu 'red ore'. त्रिधातुः (magnetite, hematite, laterite) -- ferrite ores PLUS M. dhāūdhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron-- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ(CDIAL 6773)

khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa)  Alternative reading: bicha 'scorpion' Rebus: bica 'hematite, sandstone ferrite ore

kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus:sal 'workshop'. Thus bronze/bell-metal workshop.

ḍhāla f (S through H) The grand flag of an army directing its march and encampments: also the standard or banner of a chieftain rebus: ḍhālako 'ingot

खांडा khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  khaṇḍa 'implements'
m0146 text 1100Text 1100

kanda 'pot, jar' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe

Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) 

kuṭila ‘bent’ CDIAL 3230 kuṭi— in cmpd. ‘curve’, kuṭika— ‘bent’ MBh. Rebus: kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) cf. āra-kūṭa, 'brass'  Old English ār 'brass, copper, bronze' Old Norse eir 'brass, copper', German ehern 'brassy, bronzen'. kastīra n. ʻ tin ʼ lex. 2. *kastilla -- .1. H. kathīr m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; G. kathīr n. ʻ pewter ʼ.2. H. (Bhoj.?) kathīl°lā m. ʻ tin, pewter ʼ; M. kathīl n. ʻ tin ʼ, kathlẽ n. ʻ large tin vessel ʼ.(CDIAL 2984) 

खांडा (p. 116) khāṇḍā A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon).  khaṇḍa 'implements'.
dhāḷ 'slanted stroke' rebus: dhāḷako 'ingot
dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771) 
Text 6304
Kalibangan 068A 
[Is it a bird or an India River Otter? Could be a scorpion, a model for Signs 51 and 52 ? 

Kalibangan 068B 

 Text 8117 in Mahadevan The 'bird' on line 1 is a 'squirrel'
Meaning, artha: Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'... PLUS (wealth categories cited.).
bicha 'scorpion' Rebus: bica 'hematite, sandstone ferrite ore
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe'.

pōlaḍu'black drongo' pōḷad 'steel' पोलाद [ pōlādan (or P) Steel
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe'.
khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) kharada खरडें daybook (wealth acounting classification ledger).
PLUS kāmsako, kāmsiyo = a large sized comb (G.) Rebus: kaṁsa'bronze' (Telugu)

dula 'two' rebus: dul'metalcasting' PLUS baṭa 'rimless, wide-mouthed pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace' baṭa 'iron'. Thus, iron furnace.

Gadd 18 Sign 51 variant of Text 9845
Seal impression; UPenn; steatite; bull below a scorpion; dia. 2.4cm.; Gadd, PBA 18 (1932), p. 13, Pl. III, no. 15; Legrain, MJ (1929), p. 306, pl. XLI, no. 119; found at Ur in the cemetery area, in a ruined grave .9 metres from the surface, together with a pair of gold ear-rings of the double-crescent type and long beads of steatite and carnelian, two of gilt copper, and others of lapis-lazuli, carnelian, and banded sard. The first sign to the left has the form of a flower or perhaps an animal's skin with curly tail; there is a round spot upon the bull's back.

Field symbol: rango 'buffalo' rebus: rã̄g, rã̄gā ''pewter, tin'
Text message:

Variants of Sign 375
mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) 
Lozenge shape, bun-ingot shape: mũh rebus:  Rebus: mũh 'ingot' (Munda) PLUS gaṇḍa ‘four’ Rebus: khaṇḍa ‘metal implements.. Thus, the sign is a hypertext signifying equipment and ingots.
Hypertext: कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread' rebus: कर्णक kárṇaka, 'helmsman'
bica ‘scorpion’ (Assamese) Rebus: bica ‘stone ore’ bicha 'haematite ore' Alternative: 

Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) 

m606B Text 2918

m606A Text 2918

Text 2918 

 The last sign is wrongly identified in Mahadevan (ASI 1987, Sign 51) Text 1400 in Mahadevan reads it as a variant of Sign 51

m0314 Seal impression, Text 1400 Dimension: 1.4 sq. in. (3.6 cm) Marshall 1931 (Vol. II, p. 402). 
The last sign on the last line flipped vertically and horizontally compares with the hieroglyph on Nindowari seal and is likey to signify 'squirrel'. 
Nindowari seal 1


m1202 Space on the side of the seal was used to inscribe a third line. Seal m1202 is that of a guild-master of blacksmith artisans and merchants.

Field symbol: barad, barat 'bull' Rebus: bharata, baran 'alloy of copper, pewter, tin' PLUS pattar 'feeding-trough' rebus: பத்தர்; pattar, n. perh. vartaka. Merchants; வியாபாரிகள். (W.) Thus, merchant of metal alloys, bharata.
Text message: Part 1, Line 1
karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith'

Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) 

kanda 'pot, jar' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe

Text message: Part 2, line1
maĩd ʻrude harrow or clod breakerʼ (Marathi) rebus: mẽṛhẽt,med .'iron' (Mu.Ho.Santali)
bhaṭā 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭā 'furnace'
kanda 'pot, jar' rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe

Text message, Line 2
Lozenge shape, bun-ingot shape: mũh rebus:  Rebus: mũh 'ingot' (Munda) 

Text message, LIne 3 (on the side of the seal)
Hypertext: कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread' rebus: कर्णक kárṇaka, 'helmsman' PLUS koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop'. Thus, workshop of steersman.
Lozenge shape, bun-ingot shape: mũh rebus:  Rebus: mũh 'ingot' (Munda) PLUS dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metalcasting' PLUS koDa 'one' rebus: koD 'workshop'.Thus, workshop for metalkcastings of ingots.
taTTal 'five' rebus: taTTar 'brass'

Nindowari-damb 2  The seal is the daybook of guild-master of blacksmith artisans.

Hypertext khāra, šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ 'squirrel is plaintext khār 'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master' (Aitareya Brāhmaa) Alternative: bicha 'scorpion' Rebus: bica 'hematite, sandstone ferrite ore'

kāru pincers, tongs. Rebus: khār खार्'blacksmith'
khareḍo = a currycomb (G.) Rebus: kharādī ' turner' (Gujarati) kharada खरडें daybook (wealth acounting classification ledger). PLUS kāmsako, kāmsiyo = a large sized comb (G.) Rebus: kaṁsa'bronze' (Telugu)
Field symbol: sãgaḍ 'lathe, portable furnace' rebus: sangara 'trade', samgraha, samgaha 'arranger, manager'. कोंद kōnda 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda ‘engraver, script’; kundana ‘fine gold;  kundana ‘fine gold’Alternative: san:ghāḍo, saghaḍī (G.) = firepan; saghaḍī, śaghaḍi = a pot for holding fire (G.)sãghāṛɔ m. ‘lathe’ (G.) Rebus: san:gatarāśū = stone cutter (S.) jangaḍiyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’; sanghāḍiyo, a worker on a lathe (G.) H جاکڙ जाकड़ jākaṛ [fr. S. यतं+कृ; cf. jakaṛnā], s.m. A deposit or pledge left with a vendor for goods brought away for inspection or approval; goods taken from a shop for approval, a deposit or pledge being left; a conditional purchase; articles taken on commission sale;—adv. On inspection, for approval:—jākaṛ-bahī, s.f. Account book of sales subject to approval of goods, &c.:—jākaṛ bećnā, v.t. To sell conditionally, or subject to approval:—jākaṛ le jānā, v.t. To take away goods on inspection, or for approval, leaving a deposit or pledge with the vendor. (Urdu)
h771A, B baṭa 'rimless, wide-mouthed pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'PLUS gaṇḍa 'four'  rebus: khaṇḍa 'implements'. Thus, implements furnace.
karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khār खार्'blacksmith'
Squirrel [√śriṣ1]Phal. šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ?(CDIAL 12723) Rebus: guild master khāra, 'squirrel', rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri).
dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'. Thus, inscription message, in plain text: metalcasting blacksmith guildmaster (with implements furnace).
[√śriṣ1]Phal. šē̃ṣṭrĭ̄ ʻ flying squirrel ʼ?(CDIAL 12723) Rebus: guild master khāra, 'squirrel', rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith' (Kashmiri).
kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l'smithy, forge'  Or, warehouse  kuṭhī granary, factory (M.)(CDIAL 3546). koṭho = a warehouse.
Meaning artha Trade of kōnda sangara  'metalwork engraver' (in) supercargo (of) smithy,forge implements workshop, bellows (forge) of blacksmith, furnace metal implements of smithy, forge.
m1634 ceramic stoneware bangle (badge)
 Read from r. to l.: 
Vikalpa: The prefixSign 403: Hieroglyph: bārī , 'small ear-ring': H. bālā m. ʻbraceletʼ (→ S. ḇālo m. ʻbracelet worn by Hindusʼ), bālībārī f. ʻsmall ear -- ringʼ, OMārw. bālī f.; G. vāḷɔ m. ʻ wire ʼ, pl. ʻ ear ornament made of gold wire ʼ; M. vāḷā m. ʻ ring ʼ, vāḷī f. ʻ nose -- ring ʼ.(CDIAL 11573) Rebus: bārī 'merchant' vāḍhī, bari, barea 'merchantbārakaśa 'seafaring vessel'. If the duplication of the 'bangle' on Sign 403 signifies a plural, the reading could be: karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khār 'blacksmith, iron worker'.

The pair of signs on 1634 ceramic stoneware bangle confirms the reading of Sign 51 as khār'blacksmith' śrēṣṭhin 'guild-master'. Sign 403 on this bangle is thus a semantic
 determinative of the professional competence of the 'squirrel' hieroglyph which signifies a 'guild-master', specifying him as a 
guild-master of blacksmiths, artisans.

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