Indus Script Cipher is चित्रगुप्त, secret in pictures.
-- barāh, varāha unifies Sarasvati and Vaigai rivers, affirming the essential cultural unity of the nation of Bhāratam, the civilization of Bhāratam with Meluhha as the parole, spoken form of Indian sprachbund'speech union' or Linguistic Area
Indus Script Cipher is चित्रगुप्त, secret in pictures.
This is an addendum to: Carnelian ring seal with বরা 'boar' rebus badaga 'artificer' links Keeladi (Tamil Nadu) with Dwaraka (Gujarat) of Sarasvati Civilization
This boar hieroglyph of Indus Script links Keeladi (கீழடி) with Sarasvati Civilization which had an anthropomorph with boar as the signature tune of the civilization. This anthropomorph is the signifier of an artificer of the civilization because the anthropomorph shows on the chest a 'unicorn' or spiny-horned young bull which is the most frequently used hieroglyph in Indus Script Corpora. The carnelian ring seal of Keeladi (கீழடி) signifies an artificer of the civilization.
I am thankful to Mridula Ramesh for the exquisite photograph of the Carnelian ring seal found in Keeladi (கீழடி) 13 km. near Madurai on the banks of Vaigai river.
What Mridula Ramesh calls tiny intricate boar seal (just about a centimetre in width) unifies the nation of Bharatam from Rakhigarhi to Madurai.
Thus, the hieroglyph, the boar, unites Sarasvati River and Vaigai river, unites Sarasvati Civilization with the continuum of the civilization in Madurai, Tamil Nadu on the banks of Vaigai river.
Importance of the boar hieroglyph may be seen from the fact that an anthropomorph has a boar atop the ram hieroglyph with spread legs and a 'unicorn' on the chest. See decipherment at Mirror:
On one anthropomorph, an over-written Brahmi inscription is found and deciphered. Summary: barāh, baḍhi 'boar' vāḍhī, bari, barea 'merchant' bārakaśa 'seafaring vessel'. manji 'dhow, seafaring vessel'eka-shingi 'one-masted' koḍiya ‘young bull’, koṭiya 'dhow', kũdār 'turner, brass-worker'.
kundar 'young bull' rebus: kunda'wealth', kundaṇa 'fine gold' khonda 'young bull' rebus: khoTa 'wedge, alloy metal' PLUS konda 'furnace'.
Focus on (Embedded with a 'fish' hieroglyph on the chest); spread legs -- कर्णक m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx , 133 'spread legs'; (semantic determinant) Rebus: kanahār'helmsman', karNI 'scribe, account''supercargo'. कर्णक 'spread legs' rebus: 'helmsman', karNi 'supercargo' PLUS aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'. Thus, supercargo/helmsman engaged in alloy metal work.
Hieroglyph: M. mẽḍhā m. ʻ crook or curved end (of a horn, stick, &c.) ʼ *miḍḍa ʻ defective ʼ. 2. *miṇḍa -- . 3. *miṇḍha --
Rebus: meḍh ‘helper of merchant’ (Gujarati)
barāh, baḍhi 'boar' vāḍhī, bari, barea 'merchant' bārakaśa 'seafaring vessel', ಬಡಿಗ 'artificer', बढई baḍhī 'worker in wood and iron', వడ్లబత్తుడు 'carpenter'.
barāh or varāha 'divine boar' is thus an artificer of both Sarasvati Civilization and Vaigai Civilization.barāh, varāha unifies Sarasvati and Vaigai rivers, affirming the essential cultural unity of the nation of Bhāratam.
varāha 'divine boar' is the yajna purusha, as evidenced on the Khajuraho Chitragupta temple of varāha 'divine boar'.
The freestanding sandstone carving, 2.5m long is of the boar Varāha. All the sculptural friezes on the body of the boar are carvd out of a single piece of rock. There are over 674 miniature sculptural friezes of divinities and scholars, organized in 12 rows, depicting devatā-s from R̥gveda. Devi Sarasvati adorns the snout, cashAla. This cashAla signifies the wheat chaff ring atop the yupa which is set on fire and its godhuma fumes enter the molten metal to harden it, to convert iron into steel by infusion of carbon as an additional element. This is metallurgy par excellence of Sarasvati-Vaigai Civilization.
Hieroglyph: चषाल n. the snout of a hog MaitrS. i , 6 , 3.
Rebus: चषाल mn. (g. अर्धर्चा*दि) a wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post RV. i , 162 , 6 TS. vi Ka1t2h. xxvi , 4 (चशाल) S3Br. &c
Sarasvati on the चषाल 'snout of varāha'.signifies a knowledge system to produce metalwork wealth..
Citragupta (चित्रगुप्त) is the name of a deity representing the secretary of the divinities, according to the Kathāsaritsāgara, chapter 72. Citragupta (Sanskrit: चित्रगुप्त, 'rich in secrets' or 'hidden picture') is a Hindu divinity assigned with the task of keeping complete records of actions of human beings on the earth.
That the varāha temple is called Citragupta temple is significant. Citragupta is the divine accountant who maintains wealth accounting ledgers of a nation.

A large central panel portrays Yama the god of death (often referred to as Dharma) seated on a throne; to the left stands a demon. To the right of Yama sits Citragupta, assigned with keeping detailed records of every human being and upon their death deciding how they are to be reincarnated, depending on their previous actions.