This is an explanatory note on the reading of a pair of spoked wheels as
arkaśāla 'goldsmith metal workshop'
Itihāsa. Dholavira signboard proclamation of agasāle, arkaśāla 'goldsmith metal workshop'
It is clear that "hieroglyph on Indus Script Corpora signifies sal'splinter' rebus: sal'workshop' This word, sal, is a cognate of śāla 'workshop'. śāˊlā f. ʻ shed, stable, house ʼ AV., śālám adv. ʻ at home ʼ ŚBr., śālikā -- f. ʻ house, shop ʼ lex.Pa. Pk. sālā -- f. ʻ shed, stable, large open -- sided hall, house ʼ, Pk. sāla -- n. ʻ house ʼ; Ash. sal ʻ cattleshed ʼ, Wg. šāl, Kt. šål, Dm. šâl; Paš.weg. sāl, ar. šol ʻ cattleshed on summer pasture ʼ; Kho. šal ʻ cattleshed ʼ, šeli ʻ goatpen ʼ; K. hal f. ʻ hall, house ʼ; L. sālh f. ʻ house with thatched roof ʼ; A. xāl, xāli ʻ house, workshop, factory ʼ; B. sāl ʻ shed, workshop ʼ; Or. sāḷa ʻ shed, stable ʼ; Bi. sār f. ʻ cowshed ʼ; H. sāl f. ʻ hall, house, school ʼ, sār f. ʻ cowshed ʼ; M. sāḷ f. ʻ workshop, school ʼ; Si. sal -- a, ha˚ ʻ hall, market -- hall ʼ.(CDIAL 12414) Splinter hieroglyph: śalá1 m. ʻ staff ʼ TBr., ʻ dart, spear ʼ lex. [~ śará -- 1: cf. śilī -- ]S. sarī f. ʻ a stick forming part of a waterwheel ʼ; Or. saḷa ʻ pin, thorn ʼ; Bi. sar ʻ sticks used in setting up the warp ʼ, Mth. sarkā; H. sal m. ʻ stake, spike, splinter, thorn, difficulty ʼ; G. saḷī f. ʻ small thin stick ʼ, saḷiyɔ m. ʻ bar, rod, pricker ʼ; -- Kho. šoḷ ʻ reed ʼ(CDIAL 12343)
The " also signifies duplication in the Indus Script writing system. Thus, I submit that a pair of spoked wheels
Sign 391 is an alternative way of signifying"(double inverted commas) which is read rebus: sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop'.It has been demonstrated that Sign 391
is read rebus as: څرخ ṯs̱arḵẖ, s.m. (2nd) A wheel (particularly a potter's, or of a water-mill or well); arka'sun' rebus: arka'gold, copper'.
When the pair of Sign 391 is signified on an inscription, it is read in context as AN ALTERNATIVE (VIKALPA) REPRESENTATION of duplication signified by " (double inverted commas) which signifies sal'splinter' rebus: sal'workshop'. Together, the pair of Sign 391 are read as arka-sal (spoked wheel duplicated). The evidence of lexemes of Indian sprachbund, 'language union' provide examples of cognate pronunciations with the same semantics: agasāle, arkaśāla 'goldsmith metal workshop'
Thus, the proclamation of Dholavira signboard is a proclamation of the metallurgical competence of agaāle, arkaśāla 'goldsmith metal workshop':