I deem it a privilege to convey to mambers a link to a youtube video wherein Smt.Jayashree Saranathan presents her Upper-limit date for the events of the Rāmāyaṇa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNIoZTd9Fy4&feature=youtu.be
Oct. 6, 2019
Prof. Oak says Ramayana happened in 14th millennium BCE, Hema and D K Hari say 5110 BCE was when Rama was born. Which is correct and why? Are there other ways to arrive at the date? In this must-see discussion, Dr. Jayasree Saranathan examines scriptures and stone carvings to arrive at the date.
Oct. 6, 2019
Prof. Oak says Ramayana happened in 14th millennium BCE, Hema and D K Hari say 5110 BCE was when Rama was born. Which is correct and why? Are there other ways to arrive at the date? In this must-see discussion, Dr. Jayasree Saranathan examines scriptures and stone carvings to arrive at the date.
I will provide the link to her Kindle ebook as soon as I get it, may be, tomorrow.
Good time to start vidyābhyāsam.
A point about the relative chronologies of R̥gveda, Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata and Sarasvati Civilization; can Mahābhārata events be really dated to 2nd m.BCE,if Rāmāyaṇa is dated to the 6th m. BCE?
Hope we will not remit the dating exercise to the Hon'ble Supreme Court, as the temple for Śri Rāma becomes a reality in our life-time.
Listen into the lucid video. Kudos to Smt. Jayashree Saranathan.
Sarasvati Research Centre