Open mouth of tigers signify vyōkarḥ व्योकरः A blacksmith and प्र-सार opening (the mouth)(वोपदेव) rebus: a trader's shop (नलचम्पू or दमयन्तीकथा):
Veda texts detail Metals Age (from ca. 5th millennium BCE) migrations from Sarasvati River basin, of Videgha Māthava and Gotama Rāhugaṇa into Ganga (Videha)-Brahmaputra (Karatoya) river basins. Archaeological explorations validate the narrative in ancient sacred texts of the Hindu civilization. Bogara, a metals age site on Karatoya river signifies bogara 'blacksmith'. vyōkarḥ व्योकरः A blacksmith; व्योकाराःशौल्विकास्तथाŚiva B.31.17. (Apte) व्यो-कार m. (prob.) " making the sound व्यो " , a blacksmith Hcar. (Monier-Williams) शुल्व N. of a परिशिष्ट Cat. L. also " copper ". Thus, bogara signifies both iron- and copper-smiths. शुल्व (or शुल्ब) also means n. (also m. and अor f (ई).) ‘a string , cord , rope’ (सुश्रुतसूर्यसिद्धान्तभागवत-पुराण). Thus, शुल्व sutra are texts of geometry (measurement of lengths), and also of working with ‘copper’.
Veda texts detail Metals Age (from ca. 5th millennium BCE) migrations from Sarasvati River basin, of Videgha Māthava and Gotama Rāhugaṇa into Ganga (Videha)-Brahmaputra (Karatoya) river basins. Archaeological explorations validate the narrative in ancient sacred texts of the Hindu civilization. Bogara, a metals age site on Karatoya river signifies bogara 'blacksmith'.
vyōkarḥ व्योकरः A blacksmith; व्योकाराःशौल्विकास्तथाŚiva B.31.17. (Apte) व्यो-कार m. (prob.) " making the sound व्यो " , a blacksmith Hcar. (Monier-Williams) शुल्व N. of a परिशिष्ट Cat. L. also " copper ". Thus, bogara signifies both iron- and copper-smiths. शुल्व (or शुल्ब) also means n. (also m. and अ
or f (ई).) ‘a string , cord , rope’ (सुश्रुतसूर्यसिद्धान्तभागवत-पुराण). Thus, शुल्व sutra are texts of geometry (measurement of lengths), and also of working with ‘copper’.
प्र-सार opening (the mouth)(वोपदेव) rebus: a trader's shop (नलचम्पू or दमयन्तीकथा)
Text message 1: Hieroglyph ḍhaṁkaṇa 'lid' rebus dhakka 'excellent, bright, blazing metal article' PLUS khanda kanka (karnaka) 'equipment scribe account' of kod 'horn' rebus: kod 'workshop' (of) kola 'tiger' kolhe 'smelter'.
Text message 2: kuti 'water-carrier' rebus: kuthi 'smelter' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS gaNDa 'four' rebus: khanda 'equipment' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS heraka 'spy' rebus: eraka 'metal infusion' arka 'gold, copper'. Thus smelter smithy of ironsmith, goldsmith working with metal infusion.
Hieroglyph: Branch of tree: To. kwṛ (obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn.(DEDR 2200) heraka ‘spy’ Rebus: eraka ‘copper, molten cast'
kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'
krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'blacksmith'. Thus, kol pasar 'tiger open mouth' rebus: kol pasar iron smelter trader's shop'
kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
Hieroglyph: horns: கோடு kōṭu : •நடுநிலைநீங்குகை. கோடிறீக்கூற்றம்(நாலடி, 5). 3. [K. kōḍu.] Tusk; யானைபன்றிகளின்தந்தம். மத்தயானையின்கோடும் (தேவா. 39, 1). 4. Horn; விலங்கின்கொம்பு. கோட்டிடையாடினைகூத்து (திவ். இயற். திருவிருத். 21). Ta. kōṭu (in cpds. kōṭṭu-) horn, tusk, branch of tree, cluster, bunch, coil of hair, line, diagram, bank of stream or pool; kuvaṭu branch of a tree; kōṭṭāṉ, kōṭṭuvāṉ rock horned-owl (cf. 1657 Ta. kuṭiñai). Ko. kṛ (obl. kṭ-) horns (one horn is kob), half of hair on each side of parting, side in game, log, section of bamboo used as fuel, line marked out. To. kwṛ(obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn. Tu. kōḍů, kōḍu horn. Te. kōḍu rivulet, branch of a river. Pa. kōḍ (pl. kōḍul) horn (DEDR 2200) Rebus: koḍ = artisan’s workshop (Kuwi) Hieroglyph:Split parenthesis (is a hieroglyph created from an oval glyph): mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali) PLUS dhakka 'lid' rebus: dhakka 'bright'. Thus, bright metal ingot.
Sign 342. kaṇḍa kanka 'rim of jar' (Santali): karṇaka rim of jar’(Skt.) Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe, accountant’ (Te.); gaṇaka id. (Skt.) (Santali) copper fire-altar scribe (account)(Skt.) Rebus: kaṇḍ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) Thus, the 'rim of jar' ligatured glyph is read rebus: fire-altar (furnace) scribe (account) Pasaramu 'cattle' పసరము pasaramu or పసలము pasaramu. [Tel.] n. A beast, an animal. గోమహిషహాతి. rebus: pajhar 'smelter, smithy', rebus: పసారము pasāramu or పసారు pasārdmu. [Tel.] n. A shop. associated triplets of hypertext clusters. Thus, clusters of animals (expanded also as a composite animal or animals shown in procession) are wealth-accounting classifiers of distinct metalwork categories related to a smelter or a smithy. prasara m. ʻ advance, extension ʼ Kālid. [√ sr̥]Pk. pasara -- m. ʻ extension ʼ; Ku. pasar ʻ extension of family, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasal ʻ booth, shop ʼ; B. Or. pasarā ʻ tray of goods for sale ʼ; M. pasar m. ʻ extension ʼ; -- N. pasar ʻ the two hands placed together to receive something, one hand so held out ʼ, H. pasar m. ʻ hollowed palm of hand ʼ: rather < prasr̥ta -- .(CDIAL 8824) prasāra m. ʻ extension ʼ Suśr., ʻ trader's shop ʼ Nalac. [Cf. prasārayati ʻ spreads out for sale ʼ Mn. -- √ sr̥] Paš. lāsar ʻ bench -- like flower beds outside the window ʼ IIFL iii 3, 113; K. pasār m. ʻ rest ʼ (semant. cf. prásarati in Ku. N. Aw.); P. puhārā m. ʻ breaking out (of fever, smallpox, &c.) ʼ; Ku. pasāro ʻ extension, bigness, extension of family or property, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasār ʻ extension ʼ; B. pasār ʻ extent of practice in business, popularity ʼ, Or. pasāra; H. pasārā m. ʻ stretching out, expansion ʼ (→ P. pasārā m.; S. pasāro m. ʻ expansion, crowd ʼ), G. pasār, °rɔ m., M. pasārā; -- K. pasôru m. ʻ petty shopkeeper ʼ; P. pahārā m. ʻ goldsmith's workshop ʼ; A. pohār ʻ small shop ʼ; -- ← Centre: S. pasāru m. ʻ spices ʼ; P. pasār -- haṭṭā m. ʻ druggist's shop ʼ; -- X paṇyaśālā -- : Ku. pansārī f. ʻ grocer's shop ʼ.(CDIAL 8835)
प्र-सार opening (the mouth)(वोपदेव) rebus: a trader's shop (नलचम्पू or दमयन्तीकथा)
Text message 1: Hieroglyph ḍhaṁkaṇa 'lid' rebus dhakka 'excellent, bright, blazing metal article' PLUS khanda kanka (karnaka) 'equipment scribe account' of kod 'horn' rebus: kod 'workshop' (of) kola 'tiger' kolhe 'smelter'.
Text message 2: kuti 'water-carrier' rebus: kuthi 'smelter' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS gaNDa 'four' rebus: khanda 'equipment' PLUS kolom 'three' rebus: kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS heraka 'spy' rebus: eraka 'metal infusion' arka 'gold, copper'. Thus smelter smithy of ironsmith, goldsmith working with metal infusion.
Hieroglyph: Branch of tree: To. kwṛ (obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn.(DEDR 2200) heraka ‘spy’ Rebus: eraka ‘copper, molten cast'
kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'
krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'blacksmith'. Thus, kol pasar 'tiger open mouth' rebus: kol pasar iron smelter trader's shop'
kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
Hieroglyph: Branch of tree: To. kwṛ (obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn.(DEDR 2200) heraka ‘spy’ Rebus: eraka ‘copper, molten cast'
kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter'
krammara 'look back' rebus: kamar 'blacksmith'. Thus, kol pasar 'tiger open mouth' rebus: kol pasar iron smelter trader's shop'
kuṭi 'water-carrier' rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'
Hieroglyph: horns:
கோடு kōṭu : •நடுநிலைநீங்குகை. கோடிறீக்கூற்றம்(நாலடி, 5). 3. [K. kōḍu.] Tusk; யானைபன்றிகளின்தந்தம். மத்தயானையின்கோடும் (தேவா. 39, 1). 4. Horn; விலங்கின்கொம்பு. கோட்டிடையாடினைகூத்து (திவ். இயற். திருவிருத். 21).
Ta. kōṭu (in cpds. kōṭṭu-) horn, tusk, branch of tree, cluster, bunch, coil of hair, line, diagram, bank of stream or pool; kuvaṭu branch of a tree; kōṭṭāṉ, kōṭṭuvāṉ rock horned-owl (cf. 1657 Ta. kuṭiñai). Ko. kṛ (obl. kṭ-) horns (one horn is kob), half of hair on each side of parting, side in game, log, section of bamboo used as fuel, line marked out. To. kwṛ(obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn. Tu. kōḍů, kōḍu horn. Te. kōḍu rivulet, branch of a river. Pa. kōḍ (pl. kōḍul) horn (DEDR 2200) Rebus: koḍ = artisan’s workshop (Kuwi)
Hieroglyph:Split parenthesis (is a hieroglyph created from an oval glyph): mũh metal ingot (Santali) mũhã̄ = the quantity of iron produced at one time in a native smelting furnace of the Kolhes; iron produced by the Kolhes and formed like a four-cornered piece a little pointed at each end; mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends; kolhe tehen mẽṛhẽt ko mūhā akata = the Kolhes have to-day produced pig iron (Santali) PLUS dhakka 'lid' rebus: dhakka 'bright'. Thus, bright metal ingot.
Sign 342. kaṇḍa kanka 'rim of jar' (Santali): karṇaka rim of jar’(Skt.) Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe, accountant’ (Te.); gaṇaka id. (Skt.) (Santali) copper fire-altar scribe (account)(Skt.) Rebus: kaṇḍ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) Thus, the 'rim of jar' ligatured glyph is read rebus: fire-altar (furnace) scribe (account)
Pasaramu 'cattle' పసరము pasaramu or పసలము pasaramu. [Tel.] n. A beast, an animal. గోమహిషహాతి. rebus: pajhar 'smelter, smithy', rebus: పసారము pasāramu or పసారు pasārdmu. [Tel.] n. A shop. associated triplets of hypertext clusters. Thus, clusters of animals (expanded also as a composite animal or animals shown in procession) are wealth-accounting classifiers of distinct metalwork categories related to a smelter or a smithy. prasara m. ʻ advance, extension ʼ Kālid. [√ sr̥]Pk. pasara -- m. ʻ extension ʼ; Ku. pasar ʻ extension of family, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasal ʻ booth, shop ʼ; B. Or. pasarā ʻ tray of goods for sale ʼ; M. pasar m. ʻ extension ʼ; -- N. pasar ʻ the two hands placed together to receive something, one hand so held out ʼ, H. pasar m. ʻ hollowed palm of hand ʼ: rather < prasr̥ta -- .(CDIAL 8824) prasāra m. ʻ extension ʼ Suśr., ʻ trader's shop ʼ Nalac. [Cf. prasārayati ʻ spreads out for sale ʼ Mn. -- √ sr̥] Paš. lāsar ʻ bench -- like flower beds outside the window ʼ IIFL iii 3, 113; K. pasār m. ʻ rest ʼ (semant. cf. prásarati in Ku. N. Aw.); P. puhārā m. ʻ breaking out (of fever, smallpox, &c.) ʼ; Ku. pasāro ʻ extension, bigness, extension of family or property, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasār ʻ extension ʼ; B. pasār ʻ extent of practice in business, popularity ʼ, Or. pasāra; H. pasārā m. ʻ stretching out, expansion ʼ (→ P. pasārā m.; S. pasāro m. ʻ expansion, crowd ʼ), G. pasār, °rɔ m., M. pasārā; -- K. pasôru m. ʻ petty shopkeeper ʼ; P. pahārā m. ʻ goldsmith's workshop ʼ; A. pohār ʻ small shop ʼ; -- ← Centre: S. pasāru m. ʻ spices ʼ; P. pasār -- haṭṭā m. ʻ druggist's shop ʼ; -- X paṇyaśālā -- : Ku. pansārī f. ʻ grocer's shop ʼ.(CDIAL 8835)
FS Fig. 53
FS Fig. 52
FS Fig. 104
Scarfed, lady with markhor horn and twig ligatured to tiger: dhatu 'scarf' rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore' PLUS kola 'lady' rebus: kol 'working in iron' (Semantic determinative) PLUS kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' PLUS miṇḍāl 'markhor' rebus: mẽṛhet 'iron' (Santali) med 'copper' (Slavic languages) PLUS kūdī 'twig' kuṭhi 'smelter'.
Narrative 1: Tiger leaps: kol kõdā rebus: kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln'
kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' (A semantic determinative of the woman holding back the leaping tigers).
kol pasar 'tiger open mouth' rebus: kol pasar iron smelter trader's shop'.
कोल्हा [ kōlhā ] कोल्हें [ kōlhēṃ ] 'tiger' Rebus: kolhe 'smelter' (Santali) Ta. kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith. Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village; kolhali to forge (Kuwi)(DEDR 2133)
B. kũdā, kõdā 'to leap'; Or. kudibā ʻ to jump, dance ʼ; Mth. kūdab ʻ to jump ʼ, Aw. lakh. kūdab, H. kūdnā, OMarw. kūdaï, G. kūrda m. ʻ jump ʼ, gūrda -- m. ʻ jump ʼ Kāṭh. [√kūrd] S. kuḍ̠u m. ʻ leap ʼ, N. kud, Or. kuda, °dā, kudā -- kudi ʻ jumping about ʼ. kūˊrdati ʻ leaps, jumps ʼ MBh. [gūˊrdati, khūˊrdatē Dhātup.: prob. ← Drav. (Tam. kuti, Kan. gudi ʻ to spring ʼ) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 375]S. kuḍ̠aṇu ʻ to leap ʼ; L. kuḍ̠aṇ ʻ to leap, frisk, play ʼ; P. kuddṇā ʻ to leap ʼ, Ku. kudṇo, N. kudnu, (CDIAL 3411, 3412)
Rebus 1: kunda 'fine gold', 'Kubera's treasure'
Rebus 2: kō̃da कोँद । कुलालादिकन्दुः f. a kiln; a potter's kiln (Rām. 1446; H. xi, 11); a brick-kiln (Śiv. 133); a lime-kiln. -bal - बल् । कुलालादिकन्दुस्थानम् m. the place where a kiln is erected, a brick or potter's kiln (Gr.Gr. 165). -- khasüñü -- खस&above;ञू&below; । कुलालादिकन्दुयथावद्भावः f.inf. a kiln to arise; met. to become like such a kiln (which contains no imperfectly baked articles, but only well-made perfectly baked ones), hence, a collection of good ('pucka') articles or qualities to exist. Cf. Śiv. 133, where the causal form of the verb is used. (Kashmiri)
Lady holding back the leaping tigers: kola 'woman' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter', kole.l 'smithy, forge'
FS Fig. 105 Two tigers leap:dula 'pair' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS Tiger leaps: kol kõdā rebus: kolhe kō̃da कोँद 'smelter kiln' PLUS panja 'claw of beast, feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln' (Semantic determinative). kola 'lady' rebus: kol 'working in iron' The iris of the is plal 'iris of the eye' (Gaw.)(CDIAL 8711) a pronuciation variant is provided by pā̆hār ʻsunshine' in Nepali. If this phonetic form pāhār explains the hieroglyph 'iris of the eye', the rebus reading is: pahārā m. ʻgoldsmith's workshopʼ(Punjabi)(CDIAL 8835).
![Images show a figure strangling two tigers with his bare hands.]()
Six locks on hair of woman: bhaṭa ‘six’rebus: baṭa ‘furnace' PLUS kola 'woman' rebus: kol 'working in iron'. Thus, iron furnace.
Hieroglyph 'hinder', 'thwart', 'obstruct': Ta. taṭu (-pp-, -tt-) to hinder, stop, obstruct, forbid, prohibit, resist, dam, block up, partition off, curb, check, restrain, control, ward off, avert; n. hindering, checking, resisting; taṭuppu hindering, obstructing, resisting, restraint; taṭakku (taṭakki-) to be obstructed, impeded, detained; obstruct, hinder, detain; n. obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruction; taṭaṅku (taṭaṅki-) to be obstructed; taṭavu prison; taṭukkal stumbling block, impediment; taṭukku (taṭukki-) to obstruct, impede; n. impediment; taṭai (-v-, -nt-) to hinder, stop; (-pp-, -tt-) id.; n. resisting, obstructing, hindrance, obstacle, impediment, objection, coat of mail, guard, watch, door, gate, bund, embankment; taṭṭu (taṭṭi-) to obstruct, hinder, ward off, oppose, frustrate; n. warding off, averting, impediment, frustration; taṇṭal obstruction, hindrance, resisting, opposing; taṇṭu (taṇṭi-) to be hindered. Ma. taṭa resistance, warding off (as with a shield), what impedes, resists, stays, or stops, a prop; taṭa-kūṭuka to hinder; taṭaṅṅal hindrance, stoppage; taṭaccal impeding, stop, stumbling; taṭayuka to be obstructed, stop between, stop; taṭavu what resists, wards off, a prison; taṭassu obstruction, hindrance; taṭukkuka to stop, hinder; taṭekka to stop; taṭṭuka to ward off, beat off, oppose. Ko. taṛv- (taṛt-) to obstruct, stop; taṛ, taṛv obstruction. To. taṛf- (taṛt-) to delay, prevent, screen; taṛ prevention, screen; taḍgïl hindrance, obstruction, delay. Ka. taḍa impeding, check, impediment, obstacle, delay; taḍata act of restraining, state of being stopped (as water), wearing well (cloth); taḍapa delay, slowness; taḍapu hindrance, impediment; taḍavu to stop; n. delay; taḍasu to stay, wait; stop, hinder, impede, cause to halt or stop; taḍahu stop, cessation; taḍisu to stop, detain, hinder, keep off; taḍe to delay, wait, stop, detain, restrain, check, keep down, endure, bear patiently, last, wear well (cloth, etc.); n. check, impediment, obstacle, restraint. Koḍ. taḍe- (taḍev-, taḍand-) to be obstructed (by person or thing); taḍï- (taḍïp-, taḍït-) to stop, obstruct, endure; taḍu lateness, delay. Tu. taḍavu delay, hindrance, impediment; a slowcoach or dilatory person; taḍè hindrance, obstacle, a charm for serpents; taḍepāvuni to hinder, impede, obstruct; taḍepini, taḍepuni to hold off, hinder, keep back, prevent, stop, oppose; taḍeppu stoppage, resistance, anything put up to stop a passage; taḍeyuni, taḍevuni to halt, stop, tarry, bear, endure; taḍevu a halt, stopping, tarrying, impediment, hindrance; taḍevoṇuni to bear, suffer, be patient; daḍè an obstacle, hindrance; taṭṭaṅků id. Te. taḍayu to delay; taḍa hindrance, obstruction, prevention; taḍavu delay, loss of time; taṭāyincu to hinder, prevent. Go. (Ma.) taṭṭi bund, dam (Voc. 1474). Kur. ṭaṇḍnā to prevent, hinder, impede. Br. taḍ power to resist.(DEDR 3031)
Rebus: dhatu 'mineral ore'.. Thus, woman with six locks of hair and engaged in act of thwarting jumping tigers signifies: kol dhatu baṭa ‘iron mineral ore furnace’.
Textmessage 1,2,3,4 on leaping tigers narratives:
Text message 1
Pa. kaṇḍa 'arrow' rebus: khaṇḍa 'tools, pots and pans'
aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'
sal 'splinter' rebus: sal 'workshop
sangaḍa, 'lathe-brazier' + kunda 'lathe' PLUS kammata 'portable furnace' rebus: sangar 'trade'+ kunda 'fine gold' PLUS kammaTa 'mint, coiner, coinage'
Thus, the text message is workshop with portable furnace producing alloy metal for trade.
Text message 2:
Shape of rhombus or bun ingot: mũh rebus: mũha 'ingot', the quantity of iron produced at one time from a furnace'
Rhombus or oval bun-ingot shape: mũh rebus: mũha 'ingot', the quantity of iron produced at one time from a furnace' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) Rebus: khaṇḍa 'tools, pots and pans'. Thus, ingots from furnace.
ḍato = claws of crab (Santali); dhātu = mineral (Skt.)
kole.l 'temple' rebs: kole.l 'smithy, forge'
Thus, the text message is smithy, forge (producing) equipment, ingots, fine gold for trrade from Mint
Text message 3:
kuṭi 'curve; rebus: कुटिल kuṭila, katthīl (8 parts copper, 2 parts tin)
dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
kuṭi = a. slice, a bit, a small piece' (Santali) rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter' PLUS खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] A jag, notch, or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon). (Marathi) Rebus: khaṇḍa 'tools, pots and pans', Thus, kuṭi khaṇḍa equipment from smelter.
ḍato = claws of crab (Santali); dhātu = mineral (Skt.)
Thus, the text message is smithy, forge (producing) equipment, ingots, fine gold AND alloy कुटिल kuṭila, katthīl (8 parts copper, 2 parts tin)for trrade from Mint.