See: खरडा kharaḍā Daybooks of Metalwork, mintwork, smithy, forge and Soma yajna depicted on Bactria silvervase Indus Script hypertext narratives
This note identifies the eight priests shown on the top register of Bactrian silver vase.
There are two registers on the silver vase.
Top register shows Soma yajna with Brahman priest and seven other R̥gveda priests.
Bottom register shows a farmers' narrative signifying Sarasvati Civilization artisans at metalwork using Indus Script cipher.
The eight priests shown on top register from l. are:
1. Brahman (brāhmaṇācchamsin) (reciter of hymns from the atharvaveda) -- seated with त्वष्टृ, called नेष्टृ, artisan signified by the two perforated jars and basket of metal ingots
2. neṣṭṛ (नेष्टृ (prob. fr. √ नी aor. stem नेष् ; but cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 135 Va1rtt. 2 &c ) one of the chief officiating priests at a सोम sacrifice , he who leads forward the wife of the sacrificer and prepares the सुरा (त्वष्टृ so called RV. i , 15 , 3) RV. Br. SrS.) (Signified by the two perforated jars used to infuse carbon element into molten metal to harden the alloy)
3.hotṛ (reciter of invocations)-- third from r. holding a palm leaf manuscript
4.adhvaryu -- in charge of the physical details of the sacrifice (in particular the adhvara, a term for the Somayajna
5.agnīdh (अग्नी* ध् – kindler of the fire)
6.potṛ (purifier, signified by the filter cloth of golden fleece) -- potti 'cloth' rebus: Potr̥ 'purifier priest' of R̥gveda.
7.acchāvāka (inviter)
8.maitrāvaruṇa assistant priest of hotṛ -- Priests 7th and 8th from the r. are a pair signifying maitrāvaruṇa and acchāvāka
The bottom register ploughing narrative are Indus Script hypertexts:
1. पोत्रम् pōtram signifies a ploughshare as shown on the narrative on the Bactria vase. This is a semantic reinforcer of पोत्रम् pōtram the office of purifier priest in Soma Yajna.
2. Pairs of bulls: Unicorn or spiny-horned young bull signifies kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold'.) Thus, the narrative of the ploughmen are rebus representations of Indus Script to signify wealth-creation activities of Meluhha artisans of Sarasvati civilization.
3. wo of the ploughmen signifies खुंडी, 'cereal plant, holcus sorghum' rebus: kunda 'fine gold', 'a treasure of Kubera'. (जोंधळा jōndhaḷā m A cereal plant or its grain, Holcus sorghum. Eight varieties are reckoned, viz. उता- वळी, निळवा, शाळू, रातडी, पिवळा जोंधळा, खुंडी, काळबोंडी जोंधळा, दूध मोगरा.
4. पोतः-वणिज् m. a sea-faring merchant; धत्ते पोतवणिग्जनैर्धनदतां यस्यान्तिके सागरः Śiva B. 29.89. Hie right hand is also an Indus Script hieroglyph: eraka 'raised hand' rebus: eraka 'molten cast,metal infusion'; arka 'copper, gold' as in arka śālā 'goldsmith workshop'. Thus, the right-most person is a seafaring merchant (of) goldsmith workshop.
5. Scribe, seafaring merchant signified by the tablet he carries and with a raised hand (right-most figure on the bottom register).
5. On the Bactrian vase of Miso Museum the bottom register shows the narratives of chariot ride and flock of animals, together with archer-hunter figures and one-horned bulls. These are also Indus Script hieroglyphs signifying the triumphant caravan of merchants and the 'master of animals'.
Animals narrated with the archer-hunter include: hieroglyph markhor: miṇḍāl 'markhor' (Tōrwālī) meḍho a ram Rebus: मृदु mṛdu, mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'metal, iron'; kola 'tiger' rebus: kol 'working in iron' kolhe 'smelter' kole.l 'smithy, forge'.
kamāṭhiyo 'archer' Rebus: kammaṭa ' coiner, mint'
Hieroglyph: pasara 'animals' rebus: pasra 'smithy'
gaṇḍa'four' rebus kaṇḍa'equipment'.lōkhaṇḍa लोहोलोखंड 'copper tools, pots and pans' (Marathi)
dhangra 'bull' rebus: Dhangar 'blacksmith'
Hieroglyph: paṇṭi 'cart, waggon, carriage' Rebus: bhāṇḍa- 'goods, wares'
Ta. paṇṭi cart, waggon, carriage; vaṇṭi id., cartload; vaṇṭil cart, carriage, bandy, wheel; pāṇṭi cart with a top, bullock cart; pāṇṭil two-wheeled cart, horse-drawn chariot. Ma.vaṇṭi, vaṇṭil wheel, cart, bandy. Ko. vaṇḍy cart. To. poḍy bullock-cart. Ka. baṇḍi bandy, cart, carriage, wheel. Tu. baṇḍi, bhaṇḍi cart. Te. baṇḍi carriage, cart, any wheeled conveyance. Kol. baṇḍi bullock-cart for freight. Ga. (P. S.&super2;) banḍi cart. Kuwi (Su. Isr.) baṇḍi id. / Skt. (Hem. Uṇ. 608) Or. baṇḍi. Ultimately from Skt. bhāṇḍa- goods, wares, as carrying these; for an IE etymology for bhāṇḍa-,(DEDR 50)
Pasaramu 'cattle' పసరము pasaramu or పసలము pasaramu. [Tel.] n. A beast, an animal. గోమహిషహాతి. rebus: pajhar 'smelter, smithy', rebus: పసారము pasāramu or పసారు pasārdmu. [Tel.] n. A shop. associated triplets of hypertext clusters. Thus, clusters of animals (expanded also as a composite animal or animals shown in procession) are wealth-accounting classifiers of distinct metalwork categories related to a smelter or a smithy. prasara m. ʻ advance, extension ʼ Kālid. [√sr̥ ]Pk. pasara -- m. ʻ extension ʼ; Ku. pasar ʻ extension of family, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasal ʻ booth, shop ʼ; B. Or. pasarā ʻ tray of goods for sale ʼ; M. pasar m. ʻ extension ʼ; -- N. pasar ʻ the two hands placed together to receive something, one hand so held out ʼ, H. pasar m. ʻ hollowed palm of hand ʼ: rather < prasr̥ta -- .(CDIAL 8824) prasāra m. ʻ extension ʼ Suśr., ʻ trader's shop ʼ Nalac. [Cf. prasārayati ʻ spreads out for sale ʼ Mn. -- √sr̥ ] Paš. lāsar ʻ bench -- like flower beds outside the window ʼ IIFL iii 3, 113; K. pasār m. ʻ rest ʼ (semant. cf. prásarati in Ku. N. Aw.); P. puhārā m. ʻ breaking out (of fever, smallpox, &c.) ʼ; Ku. pasāro ʻ extension, bigness, extension of family or property, lineage, family, household ʼ; N. pasār ʻ extension ʼ; B. pasār ʻ extent of practice in business, popularity ʼ, Or. pasāra; H. pasārā m. ʻ stretching out, expansion ʼ (→ P. pasārā m.; S. pasāro m. ʻ expansion, crowd ʼ), G. pasār, °rɔ m., M. pasārā; -- K. pasôru m. ʻ petty shopkeeper ʼ; P. pahārā m. ʻ goldsmith's workshop ʼ; A. pohār ʻ small shop ʼ; -- ← Centre: S. pasāru m. ʻ spices ʼ; P. pasār -- haṭṭā m. ʻ druggist's shop ʼ; -- X paṇyaśālā -- : Ku. pansārī f. ʻ grocer's shop ʼ.(CDIAL 8835)