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अयास्य आङ्गिरस 'metallurgical, carbon infusion, molten metal Soma experts', Myth of the Panis in the Rig Veda -- Doris Srinivasan (1973)



This is an addendum to:

अयास्य आङ्गिरस and पणि are  processors and traders of metalwork treasures.
अयास्य आङ्गिरस is an expression which signifies expertise in metal work and infusion of carbon into molten metal. आङ्गिरसāgirasa are metallurgical experts who have mastered the use of आङ्गार  āgāra 'firebrands, charcoal'; for e.g. in the use of godhuma to infuse carbon element into molten metal to harden it, say, to transform iron into steel.आङ्गार  āgāra आङ्गार [अङ्गाराणांसमूहःअण्] A multitude of firebrands, charcoal.  आङ्गारिकः  āgārikआङ्गारिकः A charcoal burner; मालाकारोपमोराजन्भवमा$$ङ्गारिकोपमः Mb.12.71.2.

RV 9.44 to 46 are Sukta rendered by Rsi ayāsya āngīrasa. अयास्य m. N. of an अङ्गिरस् (composer of the hymns RV. ix , 44-66 and x , 67 and 68RV. x , 67 , 1 and 108 , 8 S3Br. xiv.

आ-या--° स्य refers to n. N. of various सामन्s, (पञ्च-विंश-ब्राह्मण). ayāsya अयास्य a. Ved. Indefatigable, inexhaustible. valiant, invincible. -स्यः 1 A mystical name for the chief life-wind; सो$यास्य आङ्गिरसो$ङ्गानाहि रसः Bṛi. Up. 1.3.8. -2 N. of Aṅgirasa. 

आङ्गिरस   āṅgirasa आङ्गिरस a. (-सी f.) Descended from or referring to Aṅgiras. -सः 1 N. of Bṛihaspati, son of Aṅgiras; अध्यापयामास पितॄन् शिशुराङ्गिरसः कविः Ms.2.151. तं भासुरं चाङ्गिरसाधिदेवं यथावदानर्च तदायुषे सः Bu. Ch.2.36. -2 Descendants of Aṅgiras (pl.). -3 A parti- cular Sūkta or hymn in the Atharvaveda -4 the soul; अधमास्ये$न्तरिति सो$यास्य आङ्गिरसो$ङ्गानां हि रसः Bṛi. Up.1.3.8. -5 A Kṣatriya by will of Brahmā and by profession. -6 N. of a particular year. cf. आङ्गीरसस्त्वब्दभेदे मुनिभेदे तदीरितम् । Nm. -Comp. सत्रम् The ब्रहस्पति Satra; सत्रमाङ्गिरसं नाम ह्यासते स्वर्गकाम्यया Bhāg.1.23.3.

ayāsya is an expression related to ayās अयास् a. [fr. इ 'to go' Nir.] Ved. Agile, nimble. -याः ind. [इ -आसिः Uṇ.4.221] Fire. AND  ayas अयस् a. [इ-गतौ-असुन्] Going, moving; nimble. n. (-यः) 1 Iron (एति चलति अयस्कान्तसंनिकर्षं इति तथात्वम्; नायसोल्लिख्यते रत्नम् Śukra 4.169. अभितप्तमयो$पि मार्दवं भजते कैव कथा शरीरिषु R.8.43. -2 Steel. -3 Gold. -4 A metal in general; 5. An iron instrument; यदयोनिधनं याति सो$स्य धर्मः सनातनः Mb.6.17.11. -6 Going. m. Fire. [cf. L. aes, aeris; Goth. ais, eisarn; Ger. eisin]. (Apte)

Wilson translation RV 10.67

10.067.01 This great seven-headed ceremony, born of truth our father (An:girasa) discovered; Aya_sya, the frined of all races, engendered the fourth (generation), reciting a hymn to Indra. [Legend: R.s.i An:girasa had a son named Br.haspati, who became the purohita of Indra, for the instruction of the gods. His cows were stolen by the Pan.is, and taken to Vala's city, and hidden in three places. Indra urged Br.haspati to go with the Maruts and look for them.  Br.haspati begot the sun to light up the cave where the cows were hidden (events referred to in this su_kta). Br.haspati took away the cows after kiling the demon Vala and the Pan.is who chased him; seven-headed ceremony: i.e., accompanied by seven bands of the Maruts, or having seven metres; dhiyam = reflecting on good works, i.e., Br.haspati: Aitareya Bra_hman.a 3.34; engendered the fourth generation: i.e., his grandson].
10.067.02 Reciting sincere praise, reflecting correctly, the An:girasas, the pious sons of the brilliant and powerful (Agni), upholding the intelligent base, the supporter of the sacrifice, praise from the beginning. [Supporter: padam refers to Br.haspati, as supporting (dha_ma), the sacrifice].
10.067.03 With his friends (the Maruts) clamouring like geese, throwing open the (asuras') cattle-folds made of stone, Br.haspati calling aloud (desires to carry off) the cows; knowing all things he praises (the gods) and chants (their laudation). [Chants: udga_yat, acts the part of the Udga_ta_].
10.067.04 Br.haspati purposing to bring light into the darkness drove out the cows standing in the cave in the place of darkness below by  two (ways), and those above by one (way); he opened the three (doors of the asuras). [Two ways: stha_na_bhya_m = resting places].
10.067.05 Resting near it, demolishing the western city, Br.haspati wrested at once from Vala the three, the dawn, the sun, the cow; thundering like the heaven, he proclaimed the adorable (Sun). [Vala: lit., the ocean, i.e. Vala in the form of a cloud; dawn, sun, cow: Br.haspati begetting the son, which comes into being after the time of dawn, brought the cattle out from the folds enveloped in darkness].
10.067.06 Indra with his voice as with an (armed) hand clove Vala the defender of hte kine; desirous of the mixture (of milk and Soma) he with (the Maruts)k, who were shining with perspiration, destroyed Pan.i and liberated the cows. [Shining with perspiration: dripping ornaments, or having streaming ornaments, ks.arada_bharan.aih].
10.067.07 Together with his true brilliant wealth-winning friendly (Maruts) he destroyed the detainer of the cows; Brahman.aspati, with the showerers (of benefits), the conveyers of desirable (water), the frequenters of sacrifice, acquired wealth. [Brahman.aspati: lord of praise, i.e., of the three Vedas, the R.k, Yajus. and Sa_man; frequenters of sacrifice: or, those who go in lustre; or, dripping water].
10.067.08 They with truthful mind searching for the cows resolved by their exploits to make him the lord of cattle; Br.haspati with his self-yoked (allied) mutually defending each other from reproach, set free the kind. [Mutually defending: mitho avadyapebhih = those to whom the kine, to be protecte4d from the asura in the guise of sin, mutually resort].
10.067.09 Magnifying the victorious Br.haspati, the showerer (of benefits), roaring in mid-heaven like a lion, let us praise him in the conflicts where heroes win, with auspicious praises.
10.067.10 When he acquires food of various kinds, when he ascends the sky or the northern stations, (the gods are) extolling Br.haspati, the showerer (of benefits), with their mouth, being in various (quarters), bearing light.
10.067.11 Make good our prayer for the bestowal of food; you protect through your movements even (me) your worrshipper; may all our enemies be driven back again; heaven and earth, the delighters of all, hear this (our prayer).
10.067.12 Indra by his might has cleft the brow of the vast watery cloud, he has slain Ahi; he has made the seven rivers flow; do you, heaven and earth, along with the gods, protect us. [Indra; ie., Br.haspati].

Griffith translation: RV 10.67 1. THIS holy hymn, sublime and sevenheaded, sprung from eternal Law, our sire discovered.
Ayasya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as he sang his laud to Indra.
2 Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes,
Angirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifices' holy statute.
Girt by his friends who cried with swanlike voices, bursting the stony barriers of the prison,
Brhaspati spake in thunder to the cattle, and uttered praise and song when he had found them.
4 Apart from one, away from two above him, he drave the kine that stood in bonds of falsehood.
Brhaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, drave forth the bright cows: three he made apparent.
5 When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three from him who held the waters.
Brhaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn, the Sun, the cow, the lightning.
6 As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle.
Seeking the milkdraught- with sweatshining comrades he stole the Panis' kine and left him weeping.
7 He with bright faithful Friends, winners of booty, hath rent the milker of the cows asunder.
Brhaspati with wild boars strong and mighty, sweating with heat, hath gained a rich possession.
8 They, longing for the kine, with faithful spirit incited with their hymns the Lord of cattle.
Brhaspati freed the radiant cows with comrades selfyoked-, averting shame from one another.
9 In our assembly with auspicious praises exalting him who roareth like a lion,
May we, in every fight where heroes conquer, rejoice in strong Brhaspati the Victor.
10 When he had won him every sort of booty and gone to heaven and its most lofty mansions,
Men praised Brhaspati the Mighty, bringing the light within their mouths from sundry places.
11 Fulfil the prayer that begs for vital vigour: aid in your wonted manner even the humble.
Let all our foes be turned and driven backward. Hear this, O Heaven and Earth, ye Allproducers-.
12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head of Arbuda the watery monster,
Slain Ahi, and set free the Seven Rivers. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect us.

Wilson translation RV 10.68

10.068.01 Like birds swimming in water when keeping watch, like the sound of the roaring thunder-cloud, like sounding torrents falling from the clouds, the worshippers glorify Br.haspati. [Like birds: as the emitters of water, the husbandmen, call out when keeping the birds off the ripe grain].
10.068.02 The son of An:girasa pervading him with his brightness has, like Bhaga, brought Aryaman to the cows; as Mitra (unites his radiance) with the people, so has he united husband and wife; Br.haspati, send (your wide-spread rays to your worshippers) as (a warrior sends his) horses to battle.
10.068.03 Br.haspati brings unto (the gods), after extricating them from the mountains, the cows that are the yielders of pure (milk), ever in motion, the objects of search and of desire, well-coloured and of unexceptionable form, (as men bring) barley from the granaries. [The cows: ga_h = the rain water; parvatebhyah = the clouds; from the granaries: sthivibhyah = kusi_debhyah, usurers; nir u_pe = sows (as of seed)].
10.068.04 Saturating (the earth) with water, scattering the receptacle of rain, the adorable Br.haspati, raising up the cattle from the rock as (he raises) a meteor from the sky, rent the skin of the earth (with the hoofs of the cattle) as (Parjanya rends it) with rain.
10.068.05 Br.haspati drove away the darkness from the firmament with light as the wind (blows) the S'i_pa_la from the water; guessing (them to be there), he swept the Vala's cows together to himself as the wind (sweeps) the clouds. [S'i_pa_la = an aquatic plant, s'aiva_la, the vallisneria].
10.068.06 When Br.haspati demolished with rays burning like fire the weapon of the malignant Vala, he devoured him (encompassed by his followers) as the tongue (consumes) that which is encompassed by the teeth; he made manifest the hiding-place of the kine.
10.068.07 When Br.haspati had discovered that name of the lowing kine in their place in the cave, by his own strength he extricated the cattle from the rock as (breaking) the eggs of a bird (one extricates) the embryo.
10.068.08 Br.haspati looked round upon the cows shut up in the cave like fish in a dried up pool; he seized Vala with a shout, cutting him off like a bowl from a tree. [Cows: madhu, honey; hence, Soma, or milk; here put for the yielders of milk].
10.068.09 Br.haspati found the dawn, the sun, Agni; he dispersed the gloom with light; he seized (the cattle from the rock)) of Vala surrounded by the kine as (one extracts) marrow from a bone.
10.068.10 As the trees (bemoan) their leaves carried off by the winter, so Vala bemoaned his kine (carried off) by Br.haspati; he did that which cannot be imitated, which cannot be repeated, whereby sun and moon mutually rise (day and night). [Trees: vana_ni = vanani_ya_ni, the desirable wealth of cows; as leaves are carried off by winter, so the desirable cows were carried off by Vala had pity on Br.haspati coming in search of the cows; i.e., gave him the cows. He made this, i.e. the mutual rising of the sun and moon, which cannot be made afterwards, which cannot be made again].
10.068.11 The protecting (deities) have decorated the heaven with constellations as (men decorate) a brown horse with golden trappings; they established darkness in the night and light in the day; Br.haspati fractured the rock and recovered the cows. [Protecting deities: pitr.s, or progenitors, the An:girasas, who appear to have been among the ancient astronomers, the inventors of the lunar asterisms (naks.atras)].
10.068.12 We have offered this homage to Br.haspati, who lives in mid-heaven, who recites in order many (sacred stanzas); may he bestow upon us food, with cows, with horses, with son, with dependants.

Griffith translation RV 10.68 1. LIKE birds who keep their watch, plashing in water, like the loud voices of the thundering
Like merry streamlets bursting from the mountain, thus to Brhaspati our hymns have sounded.
2 The Son of Angirases, meeting the cattle, as Bhaga, brought in Aryaman among us.
As Friend of men he decks the wife and husband: as for the race, Brhaspati, nerve our coursers.
Brhaspati, having won them from the mountains, strewed down, like barley out of winnowing-
The vigorous, wandering cows who aid the pious, desired of all, of blameless form, wellcoloured-.
4 As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flaming meteor down from heaven.
So from the rock Brhaspati forced the cattle, and cleft the earths' skin as it were with water.
5 Forth from mid air with light he dravc the darkness, as the gale blows a lily from the fiver.
Like the wind grasping at the cloud of ValaBrhaspati gathered to himself the cattle,
Brhaspati, when he with fiery lightnings cleft through the weapon of reviling Vala,
Consumed him as tongues cat what teeth have compassed: he threw the prisons of the red cows open.
7 That secret name borne by the lowing cattle within the cave Brhaspati discovered,
And drave, himself, the bright kine from the mountain, like a birds' young after the eggs'
8 He looked around on rockimprisoned- sweetness as one who eyes a fish in scanty water.
Brhaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it forth like a bowl from out the timber.
9 He found the light of heaven, and fire, and Morning: with lucid rays he forced apart the
As from a joint, Brhaspati took the marrow of Vala as he gloried in his cattle.
10 As trees for foliage robbed by winter, Vala mourned for the cows Brhaspati had taken.
He did a deed Never done, Never to be equalled, whereby the Sun and Moon ascend alternate.
11 Like a dark steed adorned with pearl, the Fathers have decorated heaven With constellations.
They set the light in day, in night the darkness. Brhaspati cleft the rock and found the cattle.
12 This homage have weoffered. to the Cloud God who thunders out to many in succession.
May this Brhaspati vouchsafe us fulness of life with kine and horses, men, and heroes.

RV 10.108.8 Wilson translation: 10.107.08 (Sarama_). Excited by the Soma, the R.s.is, the An:girasas of the nine months' rite, headed by Ayasya, will come here; they will partition this herd of cattle, then the Pan.is will retract their words. [Headed by Ayasya: or, unwearying; will retract their words: lit., vomit, i.e., reject].

RV 10.108.8 Griffith translation: 
Rsis will come inspirited with SomaAngirases unwearied, and Navagvas.
This stall of cattle will they part among them: then will the Panis wish these words unspoken.

Wilson translation: 9.044.01 Indu, you advance to give us abundant wealth; Aya_sya bearing your waves (go) towards the gods (to sacrifice).

9.044.02 The sage Soma gratified by the praise of the pious (worshipper) prepared for the sacrifice is sent in a stream at a distance (from the filter).
9.044.03 This vigilant Soma effused for the gods, approaches, all-beholding he goes to the filter.
9.044.04 Flow for us food-desiring, making (our) sacrifice auspicious; (O Soma, whom) the priest with the sacred grass adores.
9.044.05 May Soma who is pressed forth by the seers for Bhaga and Va_yu, ever prosper in, grant us (wealth placed) among the gods.
9.044.06 Receiver of sacrifices, knower of (pious), give us this day abundant food and strength for the acquisition of wealth.

Griffith translation: 9.44 1. INDU, to us for this great rite, bearing as it were thy wave to Gods,
Unwearied, thou art flowing forQh.
2 Pleased with the hymn, impelled by prayer, Soma is hurried far away,
The Wise One in the Singers' stream.,
3 Watchful among the. gods, this juice advances to the cleansing sieve
Soma, most active, travels on.
4 Flow onward, seeking strength for us, embellishing the sacrifice:
The priest with trimmed grass calleth thee.
5 May Soma, ever bringing power to Bhaga and to VayuSage
And Hero, lead us to the Gods.
6 So, to increase our wealth today-, Inspirer, best of Furtherers,
Win for us strength and high renown.

9.045.01 Indu, do you the beholder of men flow pleasantly for the banquet of the gods, for Indra's drinking and exhilaration. [Pleasantly: kam = sukham yatha_ bhavati tatha_; sometimes, kam is explained just a particle meaning nothing, inserted only to balance the metre of the verse].
9.045.02 Approach the office of the messenger for us; you who are drunk for Indra, (pour) on the gods wealth for (us their) friends.
9.045.03 And we adorn you, the purple-tinted with milk and curd for the purpose of exhilaration open the doors for our riches.
9.045.04 Indu passes the filter as a horse in going passes the shaft (of the chariot); he proceeds to the midst of the gods.
9.045.05 His friends praise Indu sporting in the water and passing through the fleece; their hymns glorify him.
9.045.06 Flow Indu, with that stream wherewith when drunk you bestow much vigour on your discerning worshipper.
Griffith translation 9.45.1. FLOW, thou who viewest men, to give delight, to entertain the Gods,
Indu, to Indra for his drink.
2 Stream to thine embassy for us: thou hastenest, for Indra, to
The Gods, O better than our friends.
3 We balm thee, red of hue, with milk to fit thee for the rapturous joy:
Unbar for us the doors of wealth.
4 He through the sieve hath passed, as comes a courser to the pole, to run
Indu belongs unto the Gods.
5 All friends have lauded him as he sports in the wood, beyond the fleece:
Singers have chanted Indus' praise.
6 Flow, Indu, with that stream wherein steeped thou announcest to the man
Who worships thee heroic strength.
9.046.01 Begotten by the stones the flowing (Soma-juices) are effused for the banquet of the gods' active horses. [Begotten by the stones: or, growing on the mountain slopes].
9.046.02 The Soma-juices pressed (at the sacrifice), adorned like a bride who has a father, flow to Va_yu.
9.046.03 These brilliang Soma-juices, bestowing pleasant food, expressed into the vessel, gratify Indra with the ceremonies.
9.046.04 Dexterous (priests) have (to me), taken with the ladle the pure (Soma), mix the exhilarating (Soma) with milk and curds.
9.046.05 Soma, conqueror of wealth, who know the way (to fulfil my desires), flow forth the bestower of vast wealth upon us.
9.046.06 The ten fingers purify this purifiable pure-flowing exhilarating juice for Indra.
Griffith translation 9.46 1. LIKE able coursers they have been sent forth to be the feast of Gods,
joying in mountains, flowing on.
2 To Vayu flow the Somastreams-, the drops of juice made beautiful
Like a bride dowered by her sire.
3 Pressed in the mortar, these, the drops of
juice, the Somas rich in food,
Give strength to Indra with their work.
4 Defthanded- men, run hither, seize the brilliant juices blent with meal,
And cook with milk the gladdening draught.
5 Thus, SomaConqueror of wealth! flow, finding furtherance for us,
Giver oF ample opulence.
6 This Pavamana, meet to be adorned, the fingers ten adorn,
The draught that shall make Indra glad.

The Myth of the Panis in the Rig Veda

Doris Srinivasan
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Vol. 93, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1973), pp. 44-57 (14 pages)

DOI: 10.2307/600516

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