This is an addendum to: Warrior traders of r̥gveda RV 10.108 are echoed on Indus Script hypertexts as पणि metal work artisans & seafaring merchants Mirror:
Bhagwan Singh's comment on Facebook: "According to the text the Panis occupy a region which is far away and almost inaccessible for the team commanded by Indra. The Panis are despoiled of the treasure they 'guarded'. They are left wailing after the treasure निधि is extracted by the miners."
Panis are very mobile people; they may explain the Nahal Mishmar cave (Israel) treasures of metalwork which provide the early indications of writing system, dated to 6th millennium BCE. (See image of Nahal Mishmar maces of arsenical bronzes).
It is tough to sequence the recordings on Indus Script inscriptions and the metaphors of R̥gveda. I have brought out 17 books on the civilization studies all available as kindle ebooks on Amazon including 3 volumes of Epigraphia Indus Script with over 8000 inscriptions.
Now that the corpora is solid, it is consitently related to wealth-generating activities by artisan and seafaring merchant guilds.
The breathtaking find is the ratnī रत्नी ratnī f (रत्न) In monkey-sports. A term given to the female monkey habited as a woman. This monkey-woman hypertext occurs on Shalamaneser III Black Obelisk now in British Museum, the veritable rosetta stone for the script (see image). The inscriptions lists these hypertexts as treasure offered from Musri (nearby region of Kurdistan, the region of the Yazidi-s, who wear sindhur on their foreheads even today). The hypertext is rebus for रत्न ratna n (S) A gem, a jewel, a precious stone. 2 A common term for the fourteen precious things produced by the ocean when it was churned by the gods and giants. See चौदा रत्नें. 3 fig. A term of praise for an excellent thing in general, a jewel.
So, the entire set of inscriptions relate to metalwork, gems and jewels, ores, alloys, metal castings, smelted, cast ingots, metal equipment.
Hence the sign 342 rim of jar rebus: kanda kanka 'pot rim' rebus: kanda karnika 'equipment scribe, supercargo, steersman, helmsman'. This most frequent signature tune of the corpora reinforces the wealth-accounting ledgers of the guilds, a veritable treasure record of the Rāṣṭram राष्ट्रं Now we can prove why Bharat was superpower in 4th millennium BCE accounting for over 33% of Global GDP (Pace Angus Maddison). I submit that Indus Script stands deciphered. The winged unicorn on Ishtar Gate is 'spiny-horned young bull' cipher text: khonda singhi; plain text: kunda singi 'fine gold, ornament gold' PLUS khamba 'wing' rebus: kammata 'mint'.