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kaṇḍa kārṇī is 'equipment supercargo'; paṭṭa 'fillet' worn by priest signifies him as फडनीस Master of फडा phaḍā 'guild'


kaṇḍa kārṇī is 'equipment supercargo' signified by 'rim-of-jar' hieroglyph.

paṭṭa'fillet' worn by priest signifies him as फडनीस 'guild-master', or Master of फडा phaḍā 'guild', paṭṭaṟai'guild, smithy' 

The priest is फडनीस 'guild-master', paṭṭaṟai 'guild, smithy'.  

The hieroglyph kaṇḍa कर्णक 'rim-of-jar' signifies  kaṇḍa 'equipment' karanīka, 'accounted' (or, cargo accountants -- kaṇḍa 'equipment' karanī 'accountant'comparable to the expressions kārṇī 'supercargo of a shipʼ, kul-karṇī ʻvillage accountantʼ. Supercargo is a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.

Thousands of Indus Script inscriptions use this hieroglyph, signature symbol, to signify that the equipment (wealth, cargo) have been accounted for. 

Indus Script cipher thus performs the function of the earliest wealth (cargo)-accounting or classification system on the globe.

See:  https://tinyurl.com/y2287ve9

kárṇa m. ʻ ear, handle of a vessel ʼ RV., ʻ end, tip (?) ʼ RV. ii 34, 3; kárṇaka m. ʻ projection on the side of a vessel, handle ʼ ŚBr. [kárṇa -- ] Pa. kaṇṇaka -- ʻ having ears or corners ʼ; H. kannā m. ʻ edge, rim, handle ʼ); B. kāṇā ʻ brim of a cup ʼ.(CDIAL 2830, 2831) कर्णक m. (ifc. f().) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c ) , a tendril (शतपथ-ब्राह्मण, कात्यायन-श्रौत-सूत्र) 

. 2. Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன்.కరణము  
karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. కరణము n. Instrument, means. కరణికము or కరణీకము karanīkamu. Clerkship: the office of a Karanam or clerk. (Telugu) கர்ணம்² karṇam , n. < karaṇa. 1. Village accountantship; 

kāraṇika m. ʻ teacher ʼ MBh., ʻ judge ʼ Pañcat. [kā- raṇa -- ]Pa. usu -- kāraṇika -- m. ʻ arrow -- maker ʼ; Pk. kāraṇiya -- m. ʻ teacher of Nyāya ʼ; S. kāriṇī m. ʻ guardian, heir ʼ; N. kārani ʻ abettor in crime ʼ; M. kārṇī m. ʻ prime minister, supercargo of a ship ʼ, kul -- karṇī m. ʻ village accountant ʼ.(CDIAL 3058)

 கரணம் karaṇam , n. < karaṇa Implement, means, material, instrument; உபகரணம். அதனுக்குரியவாய பல்கரணமுந் தருதி(கந்தபு. குமாரபுரி. 65).  Title-deed, document (R.F.); சாஸனம். 14. Accountant, karnam; கணக்கன். (S.I.I. i, 65.) கருணீகம் karuṇīkam , n. < karaṇa. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of village accountant or karṇam; கிராமக்கணக்கு
வேலை.கருணீகன் karuṇīkaṉ , n. < id. 1. Village accountant; 
கிராமக்கணக்கன். கடுகை யொருமலை யாகக்காட்டுவோன் கருணீகனாம் (அறப். சத. 86). 2. A South Indian caste of accountants; கணக்குவேலைபார்க்கும் ஒருசாதி.

Ka. paṭakāru tongs, pincers. Te. paṭakāru, paṭukāṟu pair of tongs, large pincers.(DEDR 3864)

फडा   phaḍā f (फटा S) The hood of Coluber Nága &c. फडी   phaḍī f (Dim. of फडा) The expanded hood of Coluber Nága &c. फडी फिंदारणें To expand its hood--the नाग.  phaṭa n. ʻ expanded hood of snake ʼ MBh. 2. *phēṭṭa -- 2. [Cf. phuṭa -- m., ˚ṭā -- f., sphuṭa -- m. lex., ˚ṭā -- f. Pañcat. (Pk. phuḍā -- f.), sphaṭa -- m., ˚ṭā -- f., sphōṭā -- f. lex. and phaṇa -- 1. Conn. words in Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 386]1. Pk. phaḍa -- m.n. ʻ snake's hood ʼ, ˚ḍā -- f., M. phaḍā m., 
˚ḍī f.2. A. pheṭphẽṭ.(CDIAL 9040) Ta. patam cobra'shood. Ma. paṭam id. Ka. peḍe id. Te. paḍaga id. Go. (S.) paṛge, (Mu.) baṛak, (Ma.) baṛki, (F-H.) biṛki hood of serpent (Voc. 2154). / Turner, CDIAL, no. 9040, Skt. (s)phaṭa-, sphaṭā- a serpent's expanded hood, Pkt. phaḍā- id. For IE etymology, see Burrow, The Problem of Shwa in Sanskrit, p. 45. (DEDR 47, p.512)

फडा   phaḍā A root (as of ginger or turmeric) which separates into cloves, a race or sprig. 4 m An end or a fragment of a branch of the Date-tree: also a spike or pinnate leaf of it. फड   phaḍa m (Commonly फडा) An end or a fragment of a branch of the Date-tree: also a leaf or spike of it.

फड   phaḍa m ( H) A place of public business or public resort; as a court of justice, an exchange, a mart, a counting-house, a custom-house, an auction-room: also, in an ill-sense, as खेळण्या- चा फड A gambling-house, नाचण्याचा फड A nachhouse, गाण्याचा or ख्यालीखुशालीचा फड A singingshop or merriment shop. The word expresses freely Gymnasium or arena, circus, club-room, debating-room, house or room or stand for idlers, newsmongers, gossips, scamps &c. 2 The spot to which field-produce is brought, that the crop may be ascertained and the tax fixed; the depot at which the Government-revenue in kind is delivered; a place in general where goods in quantity are exposed for inspection or sale. 3 Any office or place of extensive business or work,--as a factory, manufactory, arsenal, dock-yard, printing-office &c. 4 A plantation or field (as of ऊस, वांग्या, मिरच्या, खरबुजे &c.): also a standing crop of such produce. 5 fig. Full and vigorous operation or proceeding, the going on with high animation and bustle (of business in general). v चाल, पड, घाल, मांड. 6 A company, a troop, a band or set (as of actors, showmen, dancers &c.) 7 The stand of a great gun. फड पडणें g. of s. To be in full and active operation. 2 To come under brisk discussion. फड मारणें- राखणें-संभाळणें To save appearances, फड मारणें or संपादणें To cut a dash; to make a display (upon an occasion). फडाच्या मापानें With full tale; in flowing measure. फडास येणें To come before the public; to come under general discussion.

फडकरी   phaḍakarī m A man belonging to a company or band (of players, showmen &c.) 2 A superintendent or master of a फड or public place. See under फड. 3 A retail-dealer (esp. in grain).
फडझडती   phaḍajhaḍatī f sometimes फडझाडणी f A clearing off of public business (of any business comprehended under the word फड q. v.): also clearing examination of any फड or place of public business. 2 fig. Scolding vehemently; paying off. v काढ, घे g. of o. 3 Search of or inquiry at the several फड q.v.; taking the accounts of the several फड (as to arrivals of goods, sales, rates &c.) 4 Altercation or dispute of two फड or companies of तमाशेगीर (showmen or sportmen). 5 Freely. Examining or sifting rigorously.
फडणिशी or सी   phaḍaṇiśī or sī & फडणीस Preferably फडनिशी or सी & फडनीस.
फडनिविशी or सी   phaḍaniviśī or sī & फडनिवीस Commonly फड- निशी & फडनीस.
फडनिशी or सी   phaḍaniśī or sī f The office or business of फडनीस.
फडनीस   phaḍanīsa m ( H) A public officer,--the keeper of the registers &c. By him were issued all grants, commissions, and orders; and to him were rendered all accounts from the other departments. He answers to Deputy auditor and accountant. Formerly the head Kárkún of a district-cutcherry who had charge of the accounts &c. was called फडनीस.

பட்டறை² paṭṭaṟai , n. < K. paṭṭale. 1. Community; சனக்கூட்டம். 2. Guild, as of workmen; தொழிலாளர் சமுதாயம்பட்டறை¹ paṭṭaṟai , n. < பட்டடை¹. 1. See பட்டடை, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14. 2. Machine; யந்திரம். 3. Rice-hulling machine; நெல்லுக் குத்தும் யந்திரம்Mod. 4. Factory; தொழிற்சாலைModTa. paṭṭaṭai, paṭṭaṟai anvil, smithy, forge. Ka. paṭṭaḍe, paṭṭaḍi anvil, workshop. Te. paṭṭika, paṭṭeḍa anvil; paṭṭaḍa workshop. (DEDR 3865)


பட்டம்² paṭṭam , n. < paṭṭa. 1. Plate of gold worn on the forehead, as an ornament or badge of distinction; சிறப்புக்கு அறிகுறியாக நெற்றி யிலணியும் பொற்றகடு. பட்டமுங் குழையு மின்ன (சீவக. 472). 2. An ornament worn on the forehead by women; மாதர் நுதலணி. பட்டங் கட்டிப்பொற்றோடு பெய்து (திவ். பெரியாழ். 3, 7, 6). 3. Title, appellation of dignity, title of office; பட்டப்பெயர். பட்டமும் பசும்பொற் பூணும் பரந்து (சீவக. 112). 4. Regency; reign; ஆட்சி. 5. Fasteners, metal clasp; சட்டங்களை இணைக்க உதவும் தகடு. ஆணிகளும் பட்டங்களுமாகிய பரிய இரும்பாலேகட்டி 
(நெடுநல். 80, உரை). 6. Flat or level surface of anything; பட்டைவடிவு. 7. Flat piece, as of bamboo; பட்டையான துண்டு. 8. Cut of a gem; மணிகளில் தீரும் பட்டை. 9. Paper-kite; காற்றாடி. பிள்ளைகள் பற்பலவுயர் பட்டம் விடல்போல் (திருப்போ. சந். பிள்ளைத். சப்பாணி. 8). 10. Cloth; சீலை. (அக. நி.) 11. Large banner; பெருங்கொடி. (பிங்.) 12. High position; உயர் பதவி. (பிங்.) 13. Gold; பொன். (சங். அக.) neṟṟi-p-paṭṭam நெற்றிப்பட்டம் neṟṟi-p-paṭṭam , n. id. +. Thin plate of metal worn on the forehead, as an ornament or badge of distinction; நுதலி லணியும் பட்டம். (W.)

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