-- रत्नी ratnī + śã̄gaḍ 'female monkey + chain' rebus ratna sangar'gems trade' saṅgaha'collection' proclamation of Indus Script hypertext display on Shalamaneser Obelisk shrang श्रंग् । शृङ्गम्, प्रधानभूतः m. a horn; the top, peak, summit of a mountain; the head man or leading person in a village or the like.
-- रत्नी ratnī 'female monkey' dressed as woman' rebus ratnin 'possessing gifts'
-- rátna n. ʻ gift ʼ RV., ʻ treasure, jewel ʼ Mn. [√raṇ 1 ]Pa. ratana -- n. ʻ jewel ʼ, Pk. rayaṇa -- , ladaṇa -- m.n., Si. ruvan -- a. ratnākara m. ʻ jewel -- mine, ocean ʼ Kāv. [rátna -- , ākara -- ]Pa. ratanākara -- m. ʻ mine of jewels or precious metals ʼ, Pk. rayanāara -- m.; -- Si. ruvanāra ʻ ocean ʼ (EGS 148) prob. ← Pa.(CDIAL 10600, 10601)
This is an addendum to:
1.Decipherment of Shalamaneser Black Obelisk list of exotic wares (imports from Musri) brought into Akkad by Meluhhans https://tinyurl.com/y4xfhasf
2.Wolfgang Heimpel explains why animals are depicted as tribute on Shalamaneser Black Obelisk https://tinyurl.com/y5nrbgof
3. Nimrud (Kalhu), black obelisk with Indus Script hieroglyphs, materialities of Assyrian knowledge production https://tinyurl.com/y4mhg8br
4. Rosetta Stone for Indus Script has been found. It is Shalamaneser III Black Obelisk of Nimrud 825 BCE https://tinyurl.com/yxarbsve
4. Rosetta Stone for Indus Script has been found. It is Shalamaneser III Black Obelisk of Nimrud 825 BCE https://tinyurl.com/yxarbsve
śṛṅgin शृङ्गिन् Ficus infectoria (i.e. a semantic determinative) rebus: śr̥ngī 'gold used for onaments' shrang श्रंग् । शृङ्गम्, प्रधानभूतः m. a horn; the top, peak, summit of a mountain; the head man or leading person in a village or the like.

śã̄gaḍ ʻchainʼ rebus: sanghāta 'vajra, metallic adamantine glue'. Thus, the metallurgist has achieved and documented the alloy of copper, as adamantine glue.
The cbain hieroglyph component is a semantic determinant of the stylized 'standard device'.Hieroglyph: śã̄gal, śã̄gaḍ ʻchainʼ (WPah.)
Rebus: sã̄gaḍa, 'lathe, portable brazier' used for making, say, crucible steel. Hence the circle with dots or blobs/globules signifying ingots, gems, jewels. sangar 'trade'
Hypertext: खोंड khōṇḍa 'A young bull' rebus: kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'. Composite hypertext, cyphertext: khōṇḍa khara singi kolom 'young bull, onager, one-horn (horned) rebus plain text: kōṇḍa kunda khār singi kolimi 'कोंड [kōṇḍa] A circular hamlet; a division of a मौजा or village, composed generally of the huts of one caste, kō̃da कोँद 'kiln, furnace', fine-gold smith gold for ornaments smithy/forge' PLUS singi 'horned'
Rebus: kunda singi 'fine gold, gold for ornaments of village headman'.
After Fig 6.2 Unicorn seal, detail of head, H95-2491, scanning electron miscroscope photo ( Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Iconography of the Indus Unicorn: Origins and Legacy, in: Shinu Anna Abraham, Praveena Gullapalli, Teresa P. Raczek, Uzma Z. Rizvi, (Eds.), 2013,Connections and Complexity, New Approaches to the Archaeology of South Asia, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California, pp. 107-126) Hieroglyph III (three linear strokes): kolom 'three' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS singi 'horned' rebus: singi 'village headman' singi 'gold for ornaments'; koḍiyum 'neck ring' rebus:koḍ 'workshop'; khara 'onager (face)' rebus: khār'blacksmith'; खोंड khōṇḍa 'A young bull' rebus: kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'. Composite hypertext, cyphertext: khōṇḍa khara singi kolom 'young bull, onager, one-horn (horned) rebus plain text: kōṇḍa kunda khār singi kolimi 'कोंड [kōṇḍa] A circular hamlet; a division of a मौजा or village, composed generally of the huts of one caste, kō̃da कोँद 'kiln, furnace', fine-gold smith gold for ornaments smithy/forge'.
The reading of khara 'onager' ligatured to a young bovine is reinforced by:کر ś̱ẖʿkar or ḵ́ẖʿkar, 'horn' (Pashto) PLUS खोंड [ khōṇḍa ] m A young bull, a bullcalf (Marathi). کار کند kār-kund (corrup. of P کار کن ) adj. Adroit, clever, experienced. 2. A director, a manager; (Fem.) کار کنده kār-kundaʿh. (Pashto) P کار kār, s.m. (2nd) Business, action, affair, work, labor, profession, operation.
The reading of khara 'onager' ligatured to a young bovine is reinforced by:
Singin (adj.) [Vedic śṛngin] having a horn Vin ii. 300; J iv. 173 (=cow); clever, sharp -- witted, false Th 1, 959; A ii. 26; It 112; cp. J.P.T.S. 1885, 53. Rebus: Singī & singi (f.) [cp. Sk. śṛngī] 1. gold Vin i. 38; S ii. 234; J i. 84. -- nada gold Vv 6428; VvA 284. -- loṇa ( -- kappa) license as to ginger & salt Vin ii. 300, 306. -- vaṇṇa gold-coloured D ii. 133. -- suvaṇṇa gold VvA 167.(Pali)
śã̄gal, śã̄gaḍ ʻchainʼ (WPah.) śr̥ṅkhala m.n. ʻ chain ʼ MārkP., °lā -- f. VarBr̥S., śr̥ṅkhalaka -- m. ʻ chain ʼ MW., ʻ chained camel ʼ Pāṇ. [Similar ending in mḗkhalā -- ]Pa. saṅkhalā -- , °likā -- f. ʻ chain ʼ; Pk. saṁkala -- m.n., °lā -- , °lī -- , °liā -- , saṁkhalā -- , siṁkh°, siṁkalā -- f. ʻ chain ʼ, siṁkhala -- n. ʻ anklet ʼ; Sh. šăṅāli̯ f., (Lor.)š*l ṅāli, ši ṅ° ʻ chain ʼ (lw .with š -- < śr̥ -- ), K. hö̃kal f.; S. saṅgharu m. ʻ bell round animal's neck ʼ, °ra f. ʻ chain, necklace ʼ, saṅghāra f. ʻ chain, string of beads ʼ,saṅghirī f. ʻ necklace with double row of beads ʼ; L. saṅglī f. ʻ flock of bustard ʼ, awāṇ. saṅgul ʻ chain ʼ; P. saṅgal m. ʻ chain ʼ, ludh. suṅgal m.; WPah.bhal. śaṅgul m. ʻ chain with which a soothsayer strikes himself ʼ, śaṅgli f. ʻ chain ʼ, śiṅkhal f. ʻ railing round a cow -- stall ʼ, (Joshi) śã̄gaḷ ʻ door -- chain ʼ, jaun. śã̄gal, śã̄gaḍ ʻ chain ʼ; Ku. sã̄glo ʻ doorchain ʼ, gng. śāṅaw ʻ chain ʼ; N. sāṅlo ʻ chain ʼ, °li ʻ small do. ʼ, A. xikali, OB. siṅkala, B. sikal, sikli, chikal, chikli, (Chittagong) hĩol ODBL 454, Or.sāṅk(h)uḷā, °ḷi, sāṅkoḷi, sikaḷā̆, °ḷi, sikuḷā, °ḷi; Bi. sīkaṛ ʻ chains for pulling harrow ʼ, Mth. sī˜kaṛ; Bhoj. sī˜kar, sĩkarī ʻ chain ʼ, OH. sāṁkaḍa, sīkaḍa m., H. sã̄kal, sã̄kar,°krī, saṅkal, °klī, sikal, sīkar, °krī f.; OG. sāṁkalu n., G. sã̄kaḷ, °kḷī f. ʻ chain ʼ, sã̄kḷũ n. ʻ wristlet ʼ; M. sã̄k(h)aḷ, sāk(h)aḷ, sã̄k(h)ḷī f. ʻ chain ʼ, Ko. sāṁkaḷ; Si. säkilla, hä°, ä° (st. °ili -- ) ʻ elephant chain ʼ.śr̥ṅkhalayati. Addenda: śr̥ṅkhala -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) śáṅgəḷ f. (obl. -- i ) ʻ chain ʼ, J. śã̄gaḷ f., Garh. sã̄gaḷ.śr̥ṅkhalayati ʻ enchains ʼ Daś. [śr̥ṅkhala -- ]
Ayo ‘fish’; kaṇḍa‘arrow’; rebus: ayaskāṇḍa. The sign sequence is ayaskāṇḍa ‘a quantity of iron,excellent iron’ (Pāṇ.gaṇ) ayo, hako 'fish'; a~s = scales of fish (Santali); rebus:aya = iron (G.); ayah, ayas = metal (Skt.) kaṇḍa‘fire-altar’ (Santali) DEDR 191 Ta. ayirai,acarai, acalai loach, sandy colour, Cobitisthermalis; ayilai a kind of fish. Ma. ayala a fish,mackerel, scomber; aila, ayila a fish; ayira a kind ofsmall fish, loach.
kole.l 'temple, smithy'(Ko.); kolme ‘smithy' (Ka.) kol ‘working in iron, blacksmith (Ta.); kollan-blacksmith (Ta.); kollan blacksmith, artificer (Ma.)(DEDR 2133) kolme =furnace (Ka.) kol = pan~calo_ha (fivemetals); kol metal (Ta.lex.) pan~caloha = a metallic alloy containing five metals: copper, brass, tin, lead and iron (Skt.); an alternative list of five metals: gold, silver, copper, tin (lead), and iron (dhātu; Nānārtharatnākara. 82; Man:garāja’s Nighaṇṭu. 498)(Ka.) kol, kolhe, ‘the koles, an aboriginal tribe if iron smelters speaking a language akin to that of Santals’ (Santali)
Rebus: G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; M. sãgaḍ part of a turner's apparatus ʼ, sã̄gāḍā m. ʻ frame of a building ʼ, ˚ḍī f. ʻ lathe ʼ;(CDIAL 12859)
saṁghāṭayati ʻ joins together ʼ Sarvad., ʻ causes to collect ʼ Kathās. [√ghaṭ ]Or. saṅghāṛibā ʻ to mix up many materials, stir boiling curry, tie two cattle together and leave to graze ʼ.(CDIAL 12860) saṁgraha m. ʻ collection ʼ Mn., ʻ holding together ʼ MBh. [√grah ]Pa. saṅgaha -- m. ʻ collection ʼ, Pk. saṁgaha -- m.; Bi. sã̄gah ʻ building materials ʼ; Mth. sã̄gah ʻ the plough and all its appurtenances ʼ, Bhoj. har -- sã̄ga; H. sãgahā ʻ collection of materials (e.g. for building) ʼ; <-> Si. san̆gaha ʻ compilation ʼ ← Pa.*saṁgrahati ʻ collects (CDIAL 12852)sáṁgr̥hṇāti ʻ seizes ʼ RV. 2. *saṁgrahati. 3. saṁgrāhayati ʻ causes to be taken hold of, causes to be comprehended ʼ BhP. [√grah ]1. Pa. saṅgaṇhāti ʻ collects ʼ, Pk. saṁgiṇhaï; Or. saṅghenibā ʻ to take with, be accompanied by ʼ.2. Pa. fut. saṅgahissati, pp. saṅgahita -- ; Pk. saṁgahaï ʻ collects, chooses, agrees to ʼ; Si. han̆ginavā ʻ to think ʼ, hän̆genavā, än̆g˚ ʻ to be convinced, perceive ʼ, han̆gavanavā, an̆g˚ ʻ to make known ʼ.3. Or. saṅgāibā ʻ to keep ʼ. (CDIAL 12850)
Ku.gng. śāṅaī ʻ intertwining of legs in wrestling ʼ (< śr̥ṅkhalita -- ); Or. sāṅkuḷibā ʻ to enchain ʼ.(CDIAL 12580, 12581)சங்கிலி¹ caṅkili , n. < šṛṅkhalaā. [M. caṅ- kala.] 1. Chain, link; தொடர். சங்கிலிபோ லீர்ப்புண்டு (சேதுபு. அகத். 12). 2. Land-measuring chain, Gunter's chain 22 yards long; அளவுச் சங்கிலி. (C. G .) 3. A superficial measure of dry land=3.64 acres; ஓர் நிலவளவு. (G. T n. D. I , 239). 4. A chain-ornament of gold, inset with diamonds; வயிரச்சங்கிலி என்னும் அணி. சங்கிலி நுண்டொடர் (சிலப். 6, 99). 5. Hand-cuffs, fetters; விலங்கு.
Rebus: Vajra Sanghāta 'binding together': Mixture of 8 lead, 2 bell-metal, 1 iron rust constitute adamantine glue. (Allograph) Hieroglyph: sãghāṛɔ 'lathe'.(Gujarati)
Seal m0296 Two heads of young bulls, nine ficus leaves)
m0296 Two heads of one-horned bulls with neck-rings, joined end to end (to a standard device with two rings coming out of the top part?), under a stylized pipal tree with nine leaves. Text 1387
Rebus: Vajra Sanghāta 'binding together': Mixture of 8 lead, 2 bell-metal, 1 iron rust constitute adamantine glue. (Allograph) Hieroglyph: sãghāṛɔ 'lathe'.(Gujarati)
Seal m0296 Two heads of young bulls, nine ficus leaves)
m0296 Two heads of one-horned bulls with neck-rings, joined end to end (to a standard device with two rings coming out of the top part?), under a stylized pipal tree with nine leaves. Text 1387
Hieroglyph: lo = nine (Santali); no = nine (B.) on-patu = nine (Ta.)
[Note the count of nine fig leaves on m0296] Rebus: loa = a species of fig tree, ficus glomerata,the fruit of ficus glomerata (Santali.lex.)
loa = a species of fig tree, ficus glomerata, the fruit of ficus
glomerata (Santali.lex.) Vikalpa: kamaṛkom ‘ficus’ (Santali);
rebus: kampaṭṭam ‘mint’ (Ta.) patra ‘leaf’ (Skt.); rebus: paṭṭarai
‘workshop’ (Ta.) Rebus: lo ‘iron’ (Assamese, Bengali); loa ‘iron’ (Gypsy) lauha = made of
copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); metal, iron (Skt.); lo_haka_ra = coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali);lo_ha_ra = blacksmith (Pt.); lohal.a (Or.); lo_ha = metal, esp. copper or
bronze (Pali); copper (VS.); loho, lo_ = metal, ore, iron (Si.) loha lut.i = iron utensils and implements (Santali.lex.)
glomerata (Santali.lex.) Vikalpa: kamaṛkom ‘ficus’ (Santali);
rebus: kampaṭṭam ‘mint’ (Ta.) patra ‘leaf’ (Skt.); rebus: paṭṭarai
‘workshop’ (Ta.) Rebus: lo ‘iron’ (Assamese, Bengali); loa ‘iron’ (Gypsy) lauha = made of
copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); metal, iron (Skt.); lo_haka_ra = coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali);lo_ha_ra = blacksmith (Pt.); lohal.a (Or.); lo_ha = metal, esp. copper or
bronze (Pali); copper (VS.); loho, lo_ = metal, ore, iron (Si.) loha lut.i = iron utensils and implements (Santali.lex.)
Mohenjo-daro Seal impression. m0296 Two heads of one-horned bulls with neck-rings, joined end to end (to a standard device with two rings coming out of the top part?), under a stylized tree-branch with nine leaves.
खोंद [ khōnda ] n A hump (on the back): also a protuberance or an incurvation (of a wall, a hedge, a road). Rebus: खोदणें [ khōdaṇēṃ ] v c & i ( H) To dig. 2 To engrave. खोद खोदून विचारणें or -पुसणें To question minutely and searchingly, to probe.गोट [ gōṭa ] m (H) A metal wristlet. An ornament of women. 2 Encircling or investing. v घाल, दे. 3 An encampment or camp: also a division of a camp. 4 The hem or an appended border (of a garment).गोटा [ gōṭā ] m A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble (of stone, lac, wood &c.) 3 fig. A grain of rice in the ear. Ex. पावसानें भाताचे गोटे झडले. An overripe and rattling cocoanut: also such dry kernel detached from the shell. 5 A narrow fillet of brocade.गोटाळ [ gōṭāḷa ] a (गोटा) Abounding in pebbles--ground.गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A roundish stone or pebble. 2 A marble. 3 A large lifting stone. Used in trials of strength among the Athletæ. 4 A stone in temples described at length under उचला 5 fig. A term for a round, fleshy, well-filled body.
Rebus: गोटी [ gōṭī ] f (Dim. of गोटा) A lump of silver: as obtained by melting down lace or fringe.
Hieroglyph: lo = nine (Santali); no = nine (B.) on-patu = nine (Ta.)
[Note the count of nine fig leaves on m0296] Rebus: loa = a species of fig tree, ficus glomerata,the fruit of ficus glomerata (Santali.lex.)
eraka 'moltencast, metal infusion'
ara 'spoke' rebus: ara 'brass'. era, er-a = eraka =?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Ka.lex.)[Note Sign 391 and its ligatures Signs 392 and 393 may connote a spoked-wheel,nave of the wheel through which the axle passes; cf. ara_, spoke]erka = ekke (Tbh.of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal);crystal (Ka.lex.) cf. eruvai = copper (Ta.lex.) eraka, er-aka = anymetal infusion (Ka.Tu.); erako molten cast (Tu.lex.) Rebus: eraka= copper (Ka.)eruvai =copper (Ta.); ere - a dark-red colour (Ka.)(DEDR 817). eraka, era, er-a= syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.)Vikalpa: ara, arā (RV.) = spokeof wheel ஆரம்² āram , n. < āra. 1. Spokeof a wheel.See ஆரக்கால். ஆரஞ்சூழ்ந்தவயில்வாய்
நேமியொடு (சிறுபாண். 253). Rebus: ஆரம் brass; பித்தளை.(அக. நி.) pittal is cognate with 'pewter'.
āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' PLUS sal 'splinter' rebus sal 'workshop' āra 'spokes' rebus: āra 'brass' (DEDR 856) era, er-a = eraka =?nave; erako_lu = the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.M.); cf. irasu (Ka.lex.)[Note Sign 391 and its ligatures Signs 392 and 393 may connote a spoked-wheel,nave of the wheel through which the axle passes; cf. ara_, spoke].
Rebus:eraka moltencast metal: Kur. elkhnā to pour liquid out (by tilting a vessel standing on the ground); elkhrnā to be poured out. Malt. eqe to pour out from a vessel; To. eṟ- (eṟQ-) to scoop up (water with vessel). Ka. eṟe to pour any liquids, cast (as metal); n. pouring; eṟacu, ercu to scoop, sprinkle, scatter, strew, sow; eṟaka, eraka any metal infusion; molten state, fusion. Tu. eraka molten, cast (as metal); eraguni to melt. Kur. ecchnā to dash a liquid out or over (by scooping, splashing, besprinkling). (DEDR 840, 866). eraka, era, er-a= syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.) erka = ekke (Tbh.of arka) aka (Tbh. of arka) copper (metal); crystal (Kannada)
‘iron smelter furnace’ (Santali) kuṭhī factory (A.)(CDIAL 3546)

Rebus: G. sãghāṛɔ m. ʻ lathe ʼ; M. sãgaḍ part of a turner's apparatus ʼ, sã̄gāḍā m. ʻ frame of a building ʼ, ˚ḍī f. ʻ lathe ʼ;(CDIAL 12859)
saṁghāṭayati ʻ joins together ʼ Sarvad., ʻ causes to collect ʼ Kathās. [√