This is an addendum to: Decipherment of Shalamaneser Black Obelisk list of exotic wares (imports from Musri) brought into Akkad by Meluhhans I suggest that the female monkey anthropomorph signifies: रत्नी ratnī f (रत्न) In monkey-sports. A term given to the female monkey habited as a woman. (Marathi). The paws signify: panja 'claws' rebus: panja 'kiln, furnace'
Thus,the person holding a female anthopomorph monkey on a leash is a lapidary working with ratna, 'jewels and gems'. Thus,the tribute offered to Shalamaneser III are jewels and gems produced by Meluhha lapidaries.
A Meluhha technical term describes the competence of Meluhha lapidaries working with gold, metals and gems/jewels:Ta. kuntaṉam interspace for setting gems in a jewel; fine gold (< Te.). Ka. kundaṇa setting a precious stone in fine gold; fine gold; kundana fine gold. Tu. kundaṇa pure gold. Te. kundanamu fine gold used in very thin foils in setting precious stones; setting precious stones with fine gold. (DEDR 1725) kunda 'a treasure of Kubera'.
I suggest that the male monkey anthropomorph signifies मर्कट markaṭa 'monkey' rebus: marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ green ʼ. Two monkeys, one male and the other female displayed together with elephant signify: कुठारु a tree, a monkey, an armourer (Monier-Williams)
I suggest that the ivory statuette of a young man found at Nimrud -- a tribute bearer-- signifies his profession by the hieroglyph of the monkey on his shoulder, leopard skin on his shoulder and the onyx he leads by his left hand. The tribute is NOT a monkey or leopard skin or an onyx but Meluhha rebus renderings of wealth-accounting ledgers signified by these hieroglyphs. The young man is an armourer working withhard alloys and iron.
![Image result for nimrud ivory monkey boy]()
SYRO-PHOENICIAN | Nubian Tribute Bearer with Oryx; Monkey; & Leopard Skin. | c. 799 BCE-700 BCE | Levantine | Phoenician | Ivory | Calah (Nimrud). Iraq
karaḍa ‘panther’; karaḍa tiger (Pkt); खरडा [ kharaḍā ] A leopard. खरड्या [ kharaḍyā ] m or खरड्यावाघ m A leopard (Marathi). Kol. keḍiak tiger. Nk. khaṛeyak panther. Go. (A.) khaṛyal tiger; (Haig) kariyāl panther Kui kṛāḍi, krānḍi tiger, leopard, hyena. Kuwi (F.) kṛani tiger; (S.) klā’ni tiger, leopard; (Su. P. Isr.) kṛaˀni (pl. -ŋa) tiger. / Cf. Pkt. (DNM) karaḍa- id. (DEDR 1132).Rebus: करडा [karaḍā] Hard from alloy–iron, silver &c. (Marathi) kharādī ‘ turner, a person who fashions or shapes objects on a lathe’ (Gujarati) कुठारु a tree, a monkey, an armourer (Monier-Williams)
Hieroglyph: miṇḍāl ‘markhor’ (Tōrwālī) meḍho a ram, a sheep (Gujarati)(CDIAL 10120) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’
Statuette of a man with an oryx, a monkey, and a leopard skin
Period: Neo-Assyrian
Date: ca. 8th century B.C.
Geography: Mesopotamia, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu)
Culture: Assyrian
Medium: Ivory
Dimensions: H. 5 5/16 x W. 3in. (13.5 x 7.6cm)
Classification: Ivory/Bone-Sculpture. MetMuseum
Credit Line: Rogers Fund, 1960
Accession Number: 60.145.11
"This statuette group, carved in the round, was found with five other statuettes with similar imagery. The six statuettes were excavated in and just below two arched niches built into the wall of a room at Fort Shalmaneser, a royal building at Nimrud that was probably used to store booty and tribute collected by the Assyrians while on military campaign. Those found just below the niches could have fallen when the palaces were destroyed during the the final defeat of Assyria at the end of the seventh century B.C. Originally, these objects were attached to long ivory plinths and exhibited in the arched niches, perhaps arranged in a procession of foreigners bringing different animals and animal skins as tribute to the Assyrian king. A frontally facing male, striding to the right with his lower body in profile, grasps the horns of an oryx (a species of desert-dwelling antelope) that strides behind him. The male figure’s eyes, necklace, and armlet were carved to receive colored glass or semiprecious stone inlays. He wears a short kilt belted with a long sash, embroidered with decoration including two uraei (mythical, fire-spitting serpents), zig-zags, wavy lines, small squares, rosettes, diamonds, and circles. A monkey, whose fur is rendered with short incisions, sits erect on his left shoulder and grasps his short curly hair which bears traces of orange-red paint. Although his right arm does not survive, it was probably extended to support the elaborately patterned leopard skin draped over his right shoulder. The monkey, leopard skin, and oryx suggest that this piece represents a Nubian bringing luxury goods in the form of live animals and animal skin as tribute to the Assyrian king."
Shalamaneser III Black obelisk displays the following sculptural friezes of anthropomorphic monkeys, apes and langur:

Side D: There are more monkeys with their keepers.
रत्न ratna n (S) A gem, a jewel, a precious stone. 2 A common term for the fourteen precious things produced by the ocean when it was churned by the gods and giants. See चौदा रत्नें. 3 fig. A term of praise for an excellent thing in general, a jewel. 4 A cant name for a bug.
रत्नखचित ratnakhacita a (S) रत्नजडीत a Set or studded with gems.
रत्नदीप ratnadīpa m (S) A gem serving as a luminary; a radiant or light-yielding gem. Such gems are fabled to be in Pátál.
रत्नपारखी ratnapārakhī c A judge or connoisseur of jewels and gems.
रत्नवाटी ratnavāṭī f (Poetry.) A saucer-form dish with diamonds (or other jewels) attached.
रत्नाकर ratnākara m (S) A jewel-mine. 2 A descriptive term for the ocean (as the great repository of jewels). र0 आळविणें (To soothe the sea.) To fall to blubbering or weeping, and give up weakly (a work commanded or undertaken). Ex. हा रडतोंड्या खरा जेथें कामास पाठवावा तेथून रत्नाकर आळवीत येतो.
रत्नी ratnī f (रत्न) In monkey-sports. A term given to the female monkey habited as a woman. (Marathi)
वानर vānara m n (S) The black-faced and long-tailed monkey, Semnipethicus Entellus.
थेर thēra m A caste or an individual of it. They are merry andrews, strolling players, monkey-exhibiters &c. 2 A boy that dances and sports in the guise of a female. 3 n m f Mimicry, mockery, taking off. v कर, आण, माज, नाचव g. of o. 4 n Applied as a term for a queer, odd, vitiously eccentric, disreputable fellow. 5 n m Dissolute practices: also childish pranks. (These two senses arise from the quality of the business and the character of the subjects of the थेर caste). वानरथेर vānarathēra n Monkey-tricks. (Marathi)
Sapphire, monkey: नीळ nīḷa f (नील S) Indigo plant. 2 Indigo. 3 m A species of monkey. 4 A sapphire. 5 f The green matter of stagnant water. नीळ नासली or रांपली or निळीचा रंगनासला Phrases founded upon a popular story, and used in rejecting any report or statement as utterly fabulous and incredible.
నీలుడు nīluḍu. n. The name of a monkey. ఒకవానరుడు.
Indigo: नीळ nīḷa a (नील S) Dark blue, indigo blue.నీలము nīlamu. [Skt.] adj. Blue, purple, deep blue, bright black. నల్లని. n. A blue or black stone. పచ్చరాయి, నల్లరాయి. The sapphire. Blue colour, blackness. The Indigo plant, నీలిచెట్టు
ताम्रमुख tāmramukha n S A redmuzzled monkey.
mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' (Santali)
Ta. mucu langur, Semnopithecus priamus. Ma. mocca a light-coloured monkey (or with 4626 Ka. maṅga). Ka. musu, musuku, musuva a large and black kind of ape; (Hav.) muju black monkey; (Gowda, Dr. Ling., p. 98) mucca black-faced monkey. Koḍ. muccë langur. Tu. mujji, mujju a black monkey. Te. koṇḍa-muccu large black-faced monkey, baboon. Kol. muy black-faced monkey; (Haig) muī langur. Nk. muy blackfaced monkey. Pa. muy id. Ga. (P.) muy id. Go. (Tr.) mūnj (pl. mūsk) langur monkey (female); (W.) mūnjāl ape; (M.) munj monkey; (D. Mu.) mūnjal, (Ma.) mūnji, (S.) mūnju, (Ko.) mūnjblack-faced monkey (Voc. 2937). Kui mūsu (pl. mūska) sp. monkey or ape. Kuwi (F.) mūhū (pl. mūska) monkey (hanuman); (S.) mūhu monkey; (Su.) muhu (pl. muska), (Isr.) mūhu (pl. mūska) black-faced monkey. Malt. muge baboon.(DEDR 4910)
Ma. moṅṅa monkey; mocca a lightcoloured monkey (or with 4910 Ta. mucu). Ka. maṅga monkey.
Tu. maṅge monkey, ape. Kor. (M.) maṅgimonkey.(DEDR 4626)
Ta. maṅkai woman, girl between twelve and thirteen years. Ma. maṅka, maṅkacci (pl. maṅkayar) a young, playful woman, a coquette. Ka. (Hav.) maṅgu female cat. Tu. maṅgaṇè, maṅganè affectation, coquetry; maṅgu female cat, silly female.(DEDR 4625)
Ruby: māˊṇikya n. ʻ ruby ʼ Kathās. [maṇí -- 1 ?]S. māṇiku m. ʻ ruby ʼ, māṇikī f. ʻ dark part of pupil of eye ʼ; L. māṇik m. ʻ gem ʼ; P. mānak m. ʻ bead, gem ʼ; Ku. ʻ jewel ʼ; A. mānik ʻ ruby ʼ; B. mānik ʻ ruby, jewel ʼ; Or. māṇika ʻ ruby ʼ, Mth. mānik; Bhoj. mānik ʻ jewel ʼ; OAw. mānika m. ʻ ruby, gem ʼ, H. mānik m.; G. māṇe k n. ʻ ruby ʼ, M. māṇīkn., māṇkī f. ʻ small ruby ʼ; Si. mäṇika ʻ jewel ʼ; -- Kal. ãdotdot; ʻ bead necklace ʼ (or maṇi -- 1 ). *māṇiya ʻ collection of jewels ʼ. [maṇí -- 1 ]
Pa. māniya -- Saddanīti 621, 8; Sh. (Lor.) māni m. ʻ necklace, round bead (?) ʼ; Si. mäṇa ʻ jewel ʼ H. Smith JA 1950, 209.(CDIAL 9997, 9998)
Agate: maṇí
अंकी aṅkī a (अंक S) Figured, numbered, marked with figures or numbers.
Carnelian:अकीक akīka m ( A) A carnelian.
గండంగి ganḍangi. [Tel.] n. A large black monkey. The Madras Langur, Semnopithicus prianus (F.B.I.) కొండముచ్చు.
Konḍa (BB) kōnza red-faced monkey. Kui kōnja black-faced monkey. Kuwi (F.) kōnja monkey (small); (S.) konja ape; konzu monkey; (P.) kōnja black-faced monkey.(DEDR 2194)
Ta. kōṭaram monkey. Ir. kōḍa (small)monkey; kūḍag monkey. Ko. ko·ṛṇ small monkey. To. kwï·ṛṇ monkey. Ka. kōḍaga monkey, ape. Koḍ. ko·ḍë
monkey. Tu. koḍañji, koḍañja, koḍaṅgů baboon.(DEDR 2196)
कुठारु a tree, a monkey, an armourer (Monier-Williams)
kuṭhāra m. ʻ axe ʼ R., ˚raka -- m. VarBr̥S., ˚rī -- f. lex., ˚rikā -- f. Suśr. [kuṭhātaṅka -- m., ˚kā -- f. lex. Prob. ← Drav. and conn. with √
Addenda: kuṭhāra -- : WPah.kṭg. khəṛar
కొండత్రిమ్మరి konḍa-trimmari. n. (Lit. a hill-rover.) A monkey. కోతి. కొండనాలుక konḍa-nāluka. n. The uvula. చిరునాలుక. కొండపసుల konḍa-pasula-pōligāḍu. The White-bellied Drongo, Dicrurus cerulescens. కొండపిండి konḍa-pinḍi. n. A kind of tree. కొండపిచ్చిక. konḍa-pichchika. n. A hill sparrow. కొండపోడు konḍa-pōḍu. n. A corn-held on high ground. కొండబూరుగు a species of the silk cotton tree. కొండముచ్చు konḍa-muṭsṭsu. n. The lion-tailed monkey. Macacus silenus. నల్లనిమూతిగలకోతి.
Ka. siṅgaṇika, siṅgaḷīka a black monkey. Tu. ciṅglike a large kind of ape. Te. (B.) siṅgilīkamu the great black monkey (DEDR 2502) చింకలిక్క chinkalikka. n. A red faced monkey. సింగిలీకము
ṣingilīkamu. [Tel.] n. The great black monkey, పెద్ద నల్లకోతి. "ముంగిస సివంగిశోణంగిసింగిలీక గుంపు. మానిసికోతులగొన్నికొనియె." H. v. 400.
సింగిణి, సింగాణి singāni. [from Skt. శార్ఙ్గ.] adj. Made of horn. కొమ్ముతోచేసిన. "సింగాణివిండులు." S. i. 158. సింగాణి, సింగిణి or సింగిణీ [from Skt. శీంజినీ.] n. A bow. విల్లు.
मर्कट m. ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c; n. an iron monkey-shaped bolt; मर्कटी f. a female ape (Monier-Williams)
मकडी makaḍī f (मर्कट S) A female monkey or ape. Pr. लकडीवांचून मकडी वठणीस येत नाहीं. The word seems confined to this proverb. मर्कट markaṭa m n (S) A monkey or an ape.(Marathi) माकड mākaḍa n m (मर्कट S) A baboon, a monkey of short tail and red muzzle, Macacus radiatus. Pr. मा0 मारलें आणि पाला हगलें Applied to useless punishment. Pr. माकडाला काकडी (मिळणें) Used where a person is pleased and full-satisfied at very little cost. माकडचेष्टा mākaḍacēṣṭā f Monkey-tricks; mischievous pranks. माकडतोंड्या mākaḍatōṇḍyā a Baboon-faced. (Marathi)
*margā ʻ wild goat ʼ. 2. *marjikā -- . [Cf. Wkh. m
marakata n. ʻ emerald ʼ R.Pk. maraada -- , maragaya -- m.n.; Si. marā ʻ emerald ʼ, adj. ʻ green ʼ.(CDIAL 9868) मरकत marakata m S An emerald. (Marathi)
पन्ना pannā m (पन्नग S) An emerald.(Marathi)
वेंग vēṅga f ए Embrace, clasp, hug, the comprehension of the arms extended circularly and meeting in front. v मार, घाल. वेंग मारणें To gather up within the embrace of the arms (grass, leaves &c.) वेंगेवर घेणें To take and carry on the hip (a child &c.) वेंगलणें vēṅgalaṇēṃ f R (वेंग) A term for a female monkey having a young one clinging to her breast.(Marathi)
See: Octopus veṛhā, unicorn (young aurochs kondh), Indus Script hypertexts are professional calling cards of jangaḍiyo bəḍhàri ʻmilitary guards in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ
Octopus veṛhā, unicorn (young aurochs kondh), Indus Script hypertexts (m297, h1080), are dhamma samjñā, 'professional calling cards' of jangaḍiyo bəḍhàri ʻmilitary guards in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ. The temple is kole.l. This is kole.l 'smithy, forge'.
Hieroglyph: veṛhā 'octopus, said to be found in the Indus' (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900) Rebus: LapisLazuli or turquoise vēluria:
vaíḍūrya n. ʻ cat's -- eye gem ʼ MBh. 2. *vaiḍūriya -- , 1. Pk. vēḍujja -- n. ʻ lapis lazuli ʼ.2. Pa. vēḷuriya -- n., Pk. vēluria -- , vēlulia -- , vērulia -- n., Si. veraḷu -mini. Addenda: vaiḍūrya -- . 2. *vaiḍūriya -- : Md. billūri ʻ glass ʼ ← Ind.(CDIAL 12138) वैडूर्य vaiḍūrya n (Properly वैदूर्य S) A turkois or lapis lazuli.(Marathi)
It has been demonstrated that Zebu (Bos primigenius indicus) are descended from Indian aurochs (stylized as unicorns) The hypertexts of inscriptions on m297 (seal inscription) and h1018 (copper plate inscription) are explained as fortified enclosures of mleccha smithy guild workshops. On both these inscriptions, the cipher uses a unique hypertext orthography resulting in a semantic cluster or category: 1. composition with body parts 2. head/face of young bull (aurochs) 3. horn 4. octopus.
The hypertext of the composite orthograph pictorial motif reads rebus: jangaḍiyo bəḍhàri ʻmilitary guard in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ
Composition with body parts. 1. सांगड [ sāṅgaḍa ] m f (संघट्ट S) f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together. Rebus: jangaḍ ‘good entrusted on approval basis’; jangaḍiyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’
Head/Face (aurochs). 2. mũh 'a face' Rebus: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' (Santali) kondh 'young bull' rebus: kũdār 'turner, brass-worker, engraver (writer)' kundana 'fine gold'.
Horn. 3. koḍ 'horn' rebus: koḍ 'workshop'.
Octopus. 4. The hypertexts of inscriptions on m297 and h1018 are explained as fortified enclosures of mleccha smithy guild workshops. veṛhā 'octopus' rebus: bəḍhàri ʻman in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ.
On both these inscriptions, the cipher uses a unique hypertext orthography resulting in a semantic cluster or category: 1. composition with body parts 2. head/face of young bull 3. horn 4. octopus.
The hypertext of the composite orthograph pictorial motif reads rebus: jangaḍiyo bəḍhàri ʻmilitary guard in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ
Composition with body parts. 1. सांगड [ sāṅgaḍa ] m f (संघट्ट S) f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together. Rebus: jangaḍ ‘good entrusted on approval basis’; jangaḍiyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’
Head/Face. 2. mũh 'a face' Rebus: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' (Santali)
Horn. 3. koḍ 'horn' rebus: koḍ 'workshop'. The hypertexts of inscriptions on m297 and h1018 are explained as fortified enclosures of mleccha smithy guild workshops. On both these inscriptions, the cipher uses a unique hypertext orthography resulting in a semantic cluster or category: 1. composition with body parts 2. head/face of young bull 3. horn 4. octopus.
The hypertext of the composite orthograph pictorial motif reads rebus: jangaḍiyo bəḍhàri ʻmilitary guard in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ
veṛhā 'octopus', kondh 'young bull' Indus Script hypertexts, bəḍhàri ʻman in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ; kũdār 'turner, brass-worker, engraver' *இருக்குவேதம் irukku-vētam , n. < id. +. The Ṛg-vēda, the most ancient sacred book of the Hindus, consisting of 1017 hymns in archaic language, in ten maṇḍaḷas இருக்குவேள் irukku-vēḷ ~~ R̥gveda
Composition with body parts. 1. सांगड [ sāṅgaḍa ] m f (संघट्ट S) f A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together. Rebus: jangaḍ ‘good entrusted on approval basis’; jangaḍiyo ‘military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’
Head/Face. 2. mũh 'a face' Rebus: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' (Santali)
Horn. 3. koḍ 'horn' rebus: koḍ 'workshop'.
Octopus. 4. veṛhā 'octopus' rebus: bəḍhàri ʻman in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ

Left 1. Harappa h1018a copper plate with young bull + a four-pointed star-fish (Gangetic octopus?);
Right 2. Mohenjo-daro seal m297a with young bull + a five-pointed star-fish (Gangetic octopus?)+ hypertext of inscription.
Right 2. Mohenjo-daro seal m297a with young bull + a five-pointed star-fish (Gangetic octopus?)+ hypertext of inscription.
Pictorial motifs: The pictorial motif of the horned head or face of young bull compares with the profile on Lydia electrum coin (6th cent.BCE) shown opposed to a lion's head and feline paw. panja 'feline paw' rebus: panja 'kiln, smelter'; arye 'lion' rebus: arā 'brass'; konda 'young bull' rebus:kundaṇa 'fine gold'; koḍ 'horn' rebus: koḍ'workshop'. Thus, gold, brass workshop (mint).
Young bull: kondh 'young bull' rebus: kũdār 'turner, brass-worker, engraver (writer)' kundana 'fine gold'.
Face: mũh 'a face' Rebus: mũh, muhã 'ingot' or muhã 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace.' (Santali)
Rings on neck: kodiyum 'rings on neck' kod `horn' (Kuwi); rebus: kod `artisan's workshop' (Gujarati).
Throat: Ma. vēḷa throat. Koḍ. bo·ḷe neck. Go. (Tr.) warēṛ, (G.) veṛeṛ, vereṛ, vereḍi, (Mu.) vaṛer, (Ma.) veṛer̥ neck; (Y.) verer, (S.) veḍeṛu (pl. veḍahku), (L.) veḍāgā throat; (W.) warer id., neck (DEDR 5547)
Octopus: veṛhā 'octopus, said to be found in the Indus' (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900)
Rebus: Ta. vēḷ petty ruler, chief, Cāḷukya king, illustrious or great man, hero; ? title given by ancient Tamil kings to Vēḷāḷas; vēḷir a class of ancient chiefs in the Tamil country, the Cāḷukyas, petty chiefs; ? vēḷāḷaṉ a person of Vēḷāḷa caste. Kur. bēlas king, zemindar, god; belxā kingdom; belō, (Hahn) bēlō queen of white-ants. Cf. 5507 Ta. veḷḷāḷaṉ (DEDR 5545) Ta. veḷḷāḷaṉ, vēḷāḷaṉ, veḷḷār̤aṉ man of the Vēḷāḷa caste; fem. veḷḷāḷacci, veḷḷār̤acci; veḷḷāṇmai, veḷḷāmai cultivation; vēḷāṇmai agriculture, husbandry. Ma. veḷḷāḷar Tamil Śūdras; veḷḷāyma agriculture; Veḷḷāḷas. Te. velama name of a caste, man of this caste; (DCV) agriculture; (Inscr.) vēlāṇḍu a cultivator; affix to the names of cultivator caste in Tamilnad. (DEDR 5507)
Rebus: bəḍhàri ʻman in charge of treasure and stores of a templeʼ (WPah.); veṛhā, vehṛā, beṛhī 'building with a courtyard, warehouse' (Lahnda.WPah.) Alternative: vēḍa ʻboatʼ(Prakritam)
A synonym in Gujarati is: koṭhārī m. ʻstorekeeperʼ; this is signified by the semantic signifier hieroglyph on the text of m297 inscription.
vēṣṭá m. ʻ band, noose ʼ Kauś., ʻ enclosure ʼ lex., °aka- m. ʻ fence ʼ, n. ʻ turban ʼ lex. [√vēṣṭ ]M. veṭh, vẽṭh, veṭ, vẽṭ m.f. ʻ roll, turn of a rope ʼ; Si. veṭya ʻ enclosure ʼ; -- Pa. sīsa -- vēṭha -- m. ʻ head -- wrap ʼ,vēṭhaka -- ʻ surrounding ʼ; Pk. vēḍha -- m. ʻ wrap ʼ; S. veṛhu m. ʻ encircling ʼ; L. veṛh, vehṛ m. ʻ fencing, enclosure in jungle with a hedge, (Ju.) blockade ʼ, veṛhā, vehṛā m. ʻ courtyard, (Ju.) enclosure containing many houses ʼ; P. veṛhā, be° m. ʻ enclosure, courtyard ʼ; Ku. beṛo ʻ circle or band (of people) ʼ, beṛi ʻ fetter ʼ; N. berh, ber ʻ wrapping ʼ, ber -- bār ʻ wrapping up ʼ; A. ber ʻ wall of house, circumference of anything ʼ; B. beṛ ʻroll, turn, fence, enclosure ʼ, beṛā ʻ fence, hedge ʼ; Or. beṛha ʻ girth, fence round young trees ʼ, beṛā ʻ wall of houseʼ; Mth. beṛ ʻ hedge, wall ʼ, beṛhī ʻ granary ʼ; H. beṛh, beṛ, beṛhā, beṛā m. ʻ enclosure, cattle surrounded and carried off by force ʼ, beṛī f. ʻ ring on ankle ʼ; G. veḍh m. ʻ finger -- ring ʼ, veḍhɔ m. ʻ circular log, joint of the fingers ʼ; M. veḍh n.f. ʻ ring ʼ, m. ʻ circumference ʼ; Si. veḷu ʻ twisted string, bandage ʼ.Addenda: vēṣṭá -- : WPah.kṭg. beṛɔ m. ʻ palace ʼ, J. beṛā m. ʻ id., esp. the female apartments ʼ, kul. beṛā ʻ building with a courtyard ʼ; A. also berā ʻ fence, enclosure ʼ AFD 234. (CDIAL 12130) vē ṣṭana n. ʻ enclosing ʼ Gr̥Śr., ʻ bandage, band ʼMBh., °aka -- m. ʻ a method of coitus ʼ lex. [√vē ṣṭ]Pk. veṭṭhaṇa -- n. ʻ wrapping ʼ, °aga -- n. ʻ turban ʼ; K. wuṭhan f. ʻ act of twisting, a screw ʼ; S. veṭhaṇu m. ʻ pack -- cloth ʼ; MB. beṭhana ʻ turban ʼ, B. beṭan ʻ wrapper, envelope, cover ʼ; Bi. beṭhan ʻ washerman's ironing cloth ʼ; Bhoj. beṭhan ʻ cloth wrapper of a book ʼ; H. beṭhan m.ʻ pack -- cloth, wrapper ʼ; M. veṭhaṇ n. ʻ tierope ʼ; -- Pa. vēṭhana -- n. ʻ wrap, turban ʼ; Pk. vēḍhaṇa<-> n. ʻwrapping ʼ; Kho. beḷini ʻ swaddling clothes ʼ; K.wurunu m. ʻ bedclothes, quilt ʼ; A. beran ʻ act of surrounding ʼ; Or. beṛhaṇa, °ṇi ʻ girth, circumference, fencing, small cloth worn by woman ʼ.Addenda: vēṣṭana -- . -- X m ḗkhalā -- : A. meṭhâni (phonet. me thɔni) ʻ woman's girdle ʼ AFD 206.vēṣṭáyati wraps up, encloses, surroundsʼ TBr. [vḗṣṭatē ʻ clings to ʼ AV. -- √vēṣṭ ]Pk. veṭṭhida -- ʻ wrapped up ʼ; Dm. byēṣṭ -- ʻ to twist ʼ, Phal. bēṣṭūˊm 1 sg., Sh.koh. bĕṭhōnṷ, K. wuṭhun: M. veṭhṇẽ ʻ to tie ʼ; -- Pa. vēṭhēti ʻ wraps, surrounds, twists ʼ; Pk. veḍhēi, °ḍhaï ʻwraps up ʼ, Kho. beḷik; K. wurun ʻ to wrap oneself up in bedclothes, cover ʼ; S. veṛhaṇu ʻ to twist ʼ; L. veṛhaṇ ʻ to wind, bandage, bind, surround ʼ; Ku. beṛṇo ʻ to fence in, enclose ʼ; N. bernu ʻ to roll, fold up ʼ; A. beriba ʻ to surround (with fence or wall) ʼ, B. beṛā, Or. beṛhibā, Mth. beṛhab; H. beṛhnā ʻ to enclose, surround ʼ; M. veḍhṇẽ ʻto twist, surround ʼ; Si. veḷanavā ʻ to twist, entwine, (SigGr ii 464) wrap ʼ. -- X bandhati : Pk. veṁḍhia -- ʻ wrapped up ʼ); H. bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā (see also váyati ) ʻ to plait, braid, fold ʼ.(CDIAL 12131, 12132)
veṛā building with a courtyard (WPah.) Rebus: veṛhā, vehṛā m. ʻ courtyard, (Ju.) enclosure containing many houses ʼ(Lahnda) beṛɔ m. ʻpalaceʼ, beṛā m. id. beṛā ʻbuilding with a courtyardʼ (Western Pahari) vāṛo m. ʻ cattle enclosure ʼ (Sindhi) மேடை mēṭai, n. [T. mēḍa.] 1. Platform, raised floor. Thus the hieroglyph-multiplex signifies a workplace (maybe, circular platform?) for the 'turner' artisan, metalworker). வேளம் vēḷam , n. cf. vēla. 1. Fortified place where ladies of rank captured in war were kept as slaves by the Cōḻas; சோழராற் சிறைபிடிக்கப்பட்ட உயர்குலத்து மகளிர் அடிமையாக வாழும்படி அமைத்த அரணிடம். மீனவர் கானம்புக . . . வேளம்புகு மடவீர் (கலிங். 41). வீரபாண்டியனை முடித்தலை கொண்டு அவன் மடக் கொடியை வேளமேற்றி (S. I. I . iii, 217). 2. Quarters; வாசத்தலம். (S. I. I . ii, 440.)
Alternative: bēḍā f. ʻ boat ʼ lex. 2. vēḍā, vēṭī -- f. lex. 3. bhēḍa -- 3 m., bhēla -- 1 , °aka -- m.n. lex.1. Pk. bēḍa -- , °aya -- m., bēḍā -- , °ḍiyā -- f. ʻ boat ʼ, Gy. eur. bero, S. ḇeṛo m., °ṛī ʻ small do. ʼ; L. bēṛā (Ju. ḇ -- ) m. ʻ large cargo boat ʼ, bēṛī f. ʻ boat ʼ, P. beṛā m., °ṛī f.; Ku. beṛo ʻ boat, raft ʼ, N. beṛā, OAw. beḍā, H. beṛā m., G. beṛɔ m., beṛi f., M. beḍā m.2. Pk. vēḍa -- m. ʻ boat ʼ.3. Pk. bhēḍaka -- , bhēlaa -- m., bhēlī -- f. ʻ boat ʼ; B. bhelā ʻ raft ʼ, Or. bheḷā.*bēḍḍa -- , *bēṇḍa -- ʻ defective ʼ see *biḍḍa -- .Addenda: bēḍā -- . 1. S.kcch. beṛī f. ʻ boat ʼ, beṛo m. ʻ ship ʼ; WPah.poet. beṛe f. ʻ boat ʼ, J. beṛī f.3. bhēḍa -- 3 : A. bhel ʻ raft ʼ (phonet. bhe l) ʻ raft ʼ AFD 89. (CDIAL 9308)
Text 2641 of inscription on m297
Line 1: Top line: kolom 'three' rebus:kolimi 'smithy, forge' PLUS baṭa 'rimless pot' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'. kuṭi = a slice, a bit, a small piece (Santali.Bodding) Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'.
Together, Line 1 of the hypertext reads: 'smithy furnace, smelter'
Line 2: Bottom line:
Together, Line 1 of the hypertext reads: 'smithy furnace, smelter'
Line 2: Bottom line:
koṭṭha 'warehouse' Alternatives:koḍa 'sluice'; Rebus: koḍ 'artisan's workshop Vikalpa: kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge'.
ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥gveda) PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'. aya kammaṭa 'alloy metals mint'
Hypertext decipherment:
ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥gveda) PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'. aya kammaṭa 'alloy metals mint'
Hieroglyph: Rim of jar:Kaṇḍa kanka ‘rim of jar’ (Santali): karṇaka rim of jar’(Skt.) Rebus: karṇaka ‘scribe, accountant’ (Te.); gaṇaka id. (Skt.) (Santali) copper fire-altar scribe (account)(Skt.) Rebus: kaṇḍ ‘fire-altar’ (Santali) Thus, the ‘rim of jar’ ligatured glyph is read rebus: fire-altar (furnace) scribe (account) karNika 'rim of jar' rebus: karNI 'supercargo'; karNaka 'account'; Alternative: kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kanga 'brazier'.karṇaka 'rim of jar' karava 'narrow neck jar'.
Standing person with spread legs and wearing a scarf: datu 'scarf' rebus: dhatu 'mineral' PLUS कर्णक 'helmsman' PLUS Thus the body hieroglyph signifies mē̃d dhatu कर्णक karṇi 'an iron mineral helmsman seafaring, supercargo merchant.' Alternative: mē̃d, mēd 'body' rebus: mē̃d, mēd 'iron', med 'copper' (Slavic) PLUS bhaṭa 'warrior' rebus: bhaṭa 'furnace'. Thus, 'furnace supercargo'. kañi-āra 'helmsman' karaṇī 'scribe', supercargo -- a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.' kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe, helmsman kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S) That causes, conducts, carries on, manages. Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship &c. karaṇī, कारणी or कारणीक kāraṇī or kāraṇīka a (कारण S) That causes, conducts, carries on, manages. Applied to the prime minister of a state, the supercargo of a ship &c. 'supercargo -- a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.' (Marathi) karṇīka 'scribe' Rebus: कर्णिक having a helm; a steersman (Monier-Williams) కరణము karaṇamu karaṇamu. [Skt.] n. A village clerk, a writer, an accountant. వాడు కూత కరణముగాని వ్రాతకరణముకాడు he has talents for speaking but not for writing. స్థలకరణము the registrar of a district. கரணன் karaṇaṉ , n. < karaṇa. Accountant; கணக்கன். கரணர்கள் வந்தனர் கழல் வணங்கினார் (கந்தபு. மார்க்கண். 210). கரணிகம் karaṇikam , n. < karaṇa. (Te.) karaṇikamu village accountant. கருணீகம் karuṇīkam , n. < karaṇa. [T. karaṇikamu.] Office of village accountant or karṇam; கிராமக்கணக்குவேலை. கருணீகன் karuṇīkaṉ , n. < id. 1. Village accountant; கிராமக்கணக்கன். கடுகை யொருமலை யாகக் . . . காட்டுவோன் கருணீகனாம் (அறப். சத. 86). 2. A South Indian caste of accountants; கணக்குவேலைபார்க்கும் ஒருசாதி.
Hieroglyph: spread legs of standing person: कर्णक kárṇaka, kannā 'legs spread' Rebus: कर्णक ' helmsman'
Semantic determinant: body of person:mē̃d, mēd 'body' rebus: mē̃d, mēd 'iron', med 'copper' (Slavic)mẽṛhẽt, मृदु mṛdu 'iron' (Santali.Skt.)
मेटींव [ mēṭīṃva ] p of मेटणें A verb not in use. Roughly hewn or chiseled--a stone. (Marathi)
meḍh ‘helper of merchant’ (Pkt.) meṛha, meḍhi ‘merchant’s clerk; (Gujarati) मेढ ‘merchant’s helper’ (Pkt.); m. an elephant-keeper Gal. (cf. मेठ). Ta. mēṭṭi haughtiness, excellence, chief, head, land granted free of tax to the headman of a village; mēṭṭimai haughtiness; leadership, excellence. Ka. mēṭi loftiness, greatness, excellence, a big man, a chief, a head, head servant. Te. mēṭari, mēṭi chief, head, leader, lord; (prob. mēṭi < *mēl-ti [cf. 5086]; Ka. Ta. < Te.; Burrow 1969, p. 277) (DEDR 5091).மேட்டி mēṭṭi, n. Assistant house-servant; waiting-boy. மேட்டி +. Headman of the Toṭṭiya caste; தொட்டியர் தலைவன். (E. T. vii, 185.) మేటి [ mēṭi ] mēti. n. Lit: a helper. A servant, a cook, a menial who cleans plates, dishes, lamps and shoes, &c. (Eng. ‘mate’) మేటి [ mēṭi ] or మేటరి mēṭi [Tel.] n. A chief, leader, head man, lord, శ్రేష్ఠుడు, అధిపుడు. adj. Chief, excellent, noble. శ్రేష్ఠమైన. మేటిదొర a noble man, lord. Bilh. ii. 50. మెరయుచు నుండెడి మేటీరంబులు మేటీరంబులు, అనగా మేటి, గొప్పలైన, ఈరంబులు, పొదలు large bushes. "తేటైనపన్నీట తీర్థంబులాడి, మేటికస్తూరిమేనెల్లబూసి." Misc. iii. 22. మేటిగా = మెండుగా. మేటిల్లు mētillu. v. n. To excel. అతిశయించు. Medinī (f.) [Vedic medin an associate or companion fr. mid in meaning to be friendly.]
khōṇḍa 'young bull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, script'PLUS veṛhā 'octopus, said to be found in the Indus' (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900)
HYPERTEXT EXPRESSION: veṛhā 'octopus' plus kōnda 'young bull' rebus: plain text: kōnda 'engraver, scribe' PLUS bēṛā (Ju. ḇ -- ) m. ʻ large cargo boat ʼ Meaning: The engraver deivers to the boat (the detailed metalwork products). m297: koḍa 'sluice'; Rebus: koḍ'artisan's workshop
Rebus: Engraving, carving: *khōdd ʻ dig ʼ. 2. *khōḍḍ -- . 3. *kōḍḍ -- . 4. *gōdd -- . 5. *gōḍḍ -- . 6. *guḍḍ -- . [Poss. conn. with khudáti ʻ thrusts (penis) into ʼ RV., prákhudati ʻ futuit ʼ AV.; cf. also *
1. P. khodṇā ʻ to dig, carve ʼ, khudṇā ʻ to be dug ʼ; Ku. khodṇo ʻ to dig, carve ʼ, N. khodnu, B. khodā, khudā, Or. khodibā, khud°; Bi. mag. khudnī ʻ a kind of spade ʼ; H. khodnā ʻ to dig, carve, search ʼ, khudnā ʻ to be dug ʼ; Marw. khodṇo ʻ to dig ʼ; G. khodvũ ʻ to dig, carve ʼ, M. khodṇẽ (also X khānayati q.v.). -- N. khodalnu ʻ to search for ʼ cf. *khuddati s.v. *khōjja -- ?
2. B. khõṛā ʻ to dig ʼ or < *khōṭayati s.v. *khuṭati .
3. B. koṛā, kõṛā ʻ to dig, pierce ʼ, Or. koṛibā ʻ to cut clods of earth with a spade, beat ʼ; Mth. koṛab ʻ to dig ʼ, H. koṛnā.
4. K. godu m. ʻ hole ʼ, g° karun ʻ to pierce ʼ; N. godnu ʻ to pierce ʼ; H. godnā ʻ to pierce, hoe ʼ, gudnā ʻ to be pierced ʼ; G. godɔ m. ʻ a push ʼ; M. godṇẽ ʻ to tattoo ʼ.
5. L. goḍaṇ ʻ to hoe ʼ, P. goḍṇā, goḍḍī f. ʻ hoeings ʼ; N. goṛnu ʻ to hoe, weed ʼ; H. goṛnā ʻ to hoe up, scrape ʼ, goṛhnā (X kāṛhnā?); G. goḍvũ ʻ to loosen earth round roots of a plant ʼ.
6. S. guḍ̠aṇu ʻ to pound, thrash ʼ; P. guḍḍṇā ʻ to beat, pelt, hoe, weed ʼ.
Addenda: *khōdd -- . 1. S.kcch. khodhṇū ʻ to dig ʼ, WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) khódṇõ, J. khodṇu.
2. *khōḍḍ -- : WPah.kc. khoḍṇo ʻ to dig ʼ; -- kṭg. khoṛnõ id. see *khuṭati Add2 .(CDIAL 3934)
ayo 'fish' rebus: aya 'iron' ayas 'alloy metal' (R̥gveda) PLUS khambhaṛā 'fish-fin rebus: kammaṭa 'mint, coiner, coinage'.
kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe, helmsman
कोंद kōnda 'youngbull' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, script'PLUS veṛhā 'octopus, said to be found in the Indus' (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900) Rebus: beṛɔ m. ʻpalaceʼ, beṛā m. id. beṛā ʻbuilding with a courtyardʼ (Western Pahari) vāṛo m. ʻ cattle enclosure ʼ (Sindhi) மேடை mēṭai, n. [T. mēḍa.] 1. Platform, raised floor. மேடை mēṭai, n. [T. mēḍa.] 1. Platform, raised floor; தளமுயர்ந்த இடப்பகுதி. 2. Artificial mound; செய்குன்று. (W .) WPah.kṭg. bəḍhāˋr m. ʻstorehouse, granaryʼ(CDIAL 9442)baḍal -- väḍa ʻ goldsmith's trade ʼ(Sinhala)(CDIAL 9441) WPah.kṭg. bəḍhàri m. ʻ man in charge of treasure and stores of a temple ʼ(CDIAL 9443)
vāṭa1 m. ʻ enclosure, fence ʼ MBh., vāṭī -- f. ʻ enclosed land ʼ BhP., vāṭikā -- f. ʻ enclosure, garden ʼ Kathās. [Early east MIA. < *vārtra -- . -- √vr̥ 1 ].Pa. vāṭa -- , °aka -- m. ʻ enclosure, circle ʼ; Pk. vāḍa -- , °aga -- m. ʻ fence ʼ, vāḍī -- , °ḍiā -- f. ʻ fence, garden ʼ; Gy. eng. bor ʻ hedge ʼ, germ. bār ʻ garden ʼ, gr. bári, hung. bar, pl. barya; Dm. by eŕ, by äˊŕu ʻ cattle -- fold ʼ; Paš.weg. waṛ ʻ wall ʼ; Phal. bāṛ ʻ goat -- pen ʼ (→ Gaw. bāḍ ʻ fence, sheepfold ʼ; Paš.weg. bāṛ ʻ cow -- pen ʼ); Sh. (Lor.) bā ʻ sheep -- or goat -- pen ʼ; K. wār (Islāmābād wāḍ) m. ʻ hedge round garden ʼ, wôru m. ʻ enclosed space, garden, cattle -- yard ʼ, wörü f. ʻ garden ʼ, kash. wajī ʻ field ʼ; S. vāṛo m. ʻ cattleenclosure ʼ, vāṛi f. ʻ fence, hedge ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ field of vegetables ʼ; L. vāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛā m. ʻ cattle -- or sheepfold ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ sheepfold, melon patch ʼ; P. vāṛ, bāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛā, bā° m. ʻ enclosure, sheepfold ʼ, vāṛī, bā° f. ʻ garden ʼ; WPah.bhal. bāṛi f. ʻ wrestling match enclosure ʼ, cam. bāṛī ʻ garden ʼ; Ku. bāṛ ʻ fence ʼ (whence bāṛṇo ʻ to fence ʼ), bāṛo ʻ field near house ʼ, bāṛī ʻ garden ʼ; N. bār ʻ hedge, boundary of field ʼ, bāri ʻ garden ʼ; A. bār ʻ wall of house ʼ, bāri ʻ garden ʼ; B. bāṛ ʻ edge, border, selvedge of cloth ʼ, bāṛi ʻ garden ʼ; Or. bāṛa ʻ fence ʼ, bāṛā ʻ fence, side wall ʼ, bāṛi ʻ land adjoining house ʼ; Bi. bāṛī ʻ garden land ʼ; Mth. bāṛī ʻ ground round house ʼ, (SBhagalpur) bārī ʻ field ʼ; Bhoj. bārī ʻ garden ʼ; OAw. bāra m. ʻ obstruction ʼ, bārī f. ʻ garden ʼ; H. bāṛ f. ʻ fence, hedge, line ʼ, bāṛā m. ʻ enclosure ʼ, bāṛī f. ʻ enclosure, garden ʼ; Marw. bāṛī f. ʻ garden ʼ; G. vāṛ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāṛɔ m. ʻ enclosure, courtyard ʼ, vāṛī f. ʻ garden ʼ; M. vāḍ f. ʻ fence ʼ, vāḍā m. ʻ quarter of a town ʼ ( -- vāḍẽ in names of places LM 405), vāḍī f. ʻ garden ʼ; Ko. vāḍo ʻ habitation ʼ; Si. vel -- a ʻ field ʼ (or < vēla -- ).Addenda: vāṭa -- 1 [Perhaps < *vārta -- < IE. *worto -- rather than < *vārtra -- T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 68]WPah.kṭg. bāṛ m. ʻ fence, pen for sheep, goats, calves in bottom storey ʼ, baṛɔ m. ʻ pen for cattle, grain store, fence ʼ, baṛnõ ʻ to fence in, build a nest ʼ, báṛhnõ ʻ to become a bar, to force oneself in, be fenced ʼ; poet. baṛən f. ʻ fence, railing ʼ, baṛne f.(CDIAL 11480)
Thus the hieroglyph-multiplex signifies a workplace (maybe, circular platform?) for the 'turner' artisan, metalworker).
veṛhā octopus, said to be found in the Indus (Jaṭki lexicon of A. Jukes, 1900) Rebus: veḍh n.f. ʻringʼ, m. ʻcircumferenceʼ(Marathi)
வேதி² vēti, n. < vēdi. 1. Low platform within a house, for sacrifices, weddings, etc.; மணம் முதலிய சடங்கு நிகழ்த்தும் மேடை. மைந்த னைச் செம்பொன்வேதி யெறிக்குங் கிரணமணிப் பீடம தேற்றினாரே (பாரத. திரெள. 91). 2. See வேதிகை¹, 1. கீதசாலை வேதிநிறைய (பெருங். உஞ் சைக். 34, 224). 3. Outer wall of a fortification; compound wall; மதில். (சூடா.) 4. See வேதிகை¹, 3. பாத்திரவேதி, திருமஞ்சனவேதி. 5. Sacrificial pit; ஓமகுண்டம். (பிங்.) 6. The 18th nakṣatra. See கேட்டை¹, 1. (பிங்.)
வேதி&sup4; vēti, n. < வேதி³-. Transmuting; தாழ்ந்தவற்றை யுயர்பொருளாக மாற்றுகை. குளிகை கொடு பரிசித்து வேதி செய்து (தாயு. சின்மயா. 7).வேதை² vētai , n. < bhēda. 1. Alchemy, transmutation of metals; இரசவாதம். (W.)
வேதிதம் vētitam , n. < vēdhita. (யாழ். அக.) 1. Perforating, drilling; துளைக்கை. 2. Tube; துளையுடைப்பொருள். வேதை³ vētai , n. < vēdha. 1. Drilling, boring; துளைக்கை.
Rebus: beṛɔ m. ʻpalaceʼ, beṛā m. id. beṛā ʻbuilding with a courtyardʼ (Western Pahari) vāṛo m. ʻ cattle enclosure ʼ (Sindhi) மேடை mēṭai, n. [T. mēḍa.] 1. Platform, raised floor; தளமுயர்ந்த இடப்பகுதி. 2. Artificial mound; செய்குன்று. (W .)
veṭh, vẽṭh, veṭ, vẽṭ m.f. ʻroll, turn of a ropeʼ (Marathi) bẽḍhnā, bẽdhnā ʻto plait, braid, fold (Hindi) baṭṇī ʻ twisting, twist (of a cord) ʼ (Kumaoni) vaṭaṇu, srk. °ṭiṇu ʻ to twist, plait, wring ʼ(Sindhi) baṭnā ʻ to be twisted ʼ (Hindi) meḍhā m. ʻ curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread ʼ (Marathi)(CDIAL 10312) meḍhi, miḍhī, meṇḍhī = a plait in a woman’s hair; a plaited or twisted strand of hair (Punjabi) [dial., cp. Prk. měṇṭha & miṇṭha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 293. The Dhtm (156) gives a root meṇḍ (meḍ) in meaning of "koṭilla," i. e. crookedness. (Pali)
Glyph ‘spear’: మేడెము [ mēḍemu ] or మేడియము mēḍemu. [Tel.] n. A spear or dagger. ఈటె, బాకు. The rim of a bell-shaped earring, set with ems.రాళ్లుచెక్కినమికీ అంచుయొక్క పనితరము. "క ఓడితినన్నన్ వారక మేడెముపొడుతురె." BD. vi. 116.
meḍ ‘body’ (Munda)
mēḍhi -- m. ʻ post on threshing floor (Prakrit) meḍhā m. ʻ post, forked stake ʼ(Marathi)
வேடன்¹ vēṭaṉ , n. < வேடு¹. cf. vyādha. [T. vēṭa, K. bēḍa, M. vēḍan, Tu. vēḍḍa.] 1. Hunter, fowler; வேட்டுவன். வெந்தொழில் வேட ரார்த்து (சீவக. 421). 2. Man of the pālai
கோவேள் kō-vēḷ, n. < gōkōva.] Potters; குயவர். இருங் கோவேட்களுஞ் செம்பு செய்ஞ்ஞரும் (மணி. 28, 34) செந்தீவேள்-தல் [செந்தீவேட்டல்] cen-tī-vēḷ- , v. intr. < id. +. To perform Vēdic sacrifice; யாகம் பண்ணுதல். செந்தீவேட்ட சிறப் புரைத்தன்று (பு. வெ. 9, 15, கொளு). செம்பியன்தமிழவேள் cempiyaṉ-tami- ḻa-vēḷ , n. < id. +. A title conferred by the later Cholas; பிற்காலத்துச் சோழர்களாற் கொடுக் கப்பட்டுவந்த பட்டங்களில் ஒன்று. (S. I. I . iii, 221.)
Ta. vēḷ (vētp-, vēṭṭ-) to offer sacrifices, marry; n. marriage; vēḷvi sacrifice, marriage; vēḷvu sacrifice; presents of food from the bridegroom's to the bride's house and vice versa at a wedding; vēṭṭal marriage; vēṭṭāṉ, vēṭṭōṉ husband; vēṭṭāḷ wife; viḷai (-pp-, -tt-) to perform as worship. Ma. vēḷvi, vēr̤vi sacrifice; vēḷkka to marry as brahmans before the holy fire; vēḷi, vēḷvi marriage, bride, wife; vēḷppikka fathers to marry children. Ka.bēḷ to offer into fire or with fire as ghee, animals, etc.; bēḷuve oblation with fire, burnt-offering; bēḷamba destruction of human life in fire. Tu. belcaḍe a devil-dancer, one possessed with Kāḷī. Te. vēlucu to put or throw in a sacrificial fire, offer up a burnt sacrifice; vēl(u)pu god or goddess, deity, divinity, a celestial, demi-god, immortal; vēlpuḍu worship; vēlimi oblation; (inscr.) vēḷpu god. (DEDR 5544) வேள்¹-தல் [வேட்டல்] vēḷ- , 9 v. tr. [K. bēḷ.] 1. To offer sacrifices; யாகஞ் செய்தல். ஓதல் வேட்டல் (பதிற்றுப். 24, 6). 2. To marry; மணம்புரிதல். மெய்ந்நிறை மூவரை மூவரும் வேட் டார் (கம்பரா. கடிமணப். 102). 3. To desire; விரும்புதல். வயவுறு மகளிர் வேட்டுணி னல்லது (புற நா. 20). 4. To love; சினேகித்தல். மலர்ந்து பிற் கூம்பாது வேட்டதே வேட்டதா நட்பாட்சி (நலாடி, 215).
வேளாண்வாகை vēḷāṇ-vākai , n. < id. +. (Puṟap.) Theme of exalting a Vēḷāḷa for doing the duties laid upon him by caste rules; வேளாளன் செய்தற்குரிய கடமைகளை நிறைவேற் றலைக் கூறும் புறத்துறை. (பு. வெ. 8, 11.)
வேளாப்பார்ப்பான் vēḷā-p-pārppāṉ , n. < வேள்- + ஆ neg. +. Worldly-minded Brahmin, as not performing sacrifices; இலௌகிகப் பிராமணன். (அகநா. 24.)
வேளாளரறுதொழில் vēḷāḷar-aṟu-toḻil , n. < id. +. The six occupations of the Vēḷāḷas, viz., uḻavu, pacu-k-kāval, vāṇipam, kuyiluvam, kārukaviṉai, irupiṟappāḷarkkēval-ceyal; உழவு பசுக்காவல் வாணிபம் குயிலுவம் காருகவினை இரு பிறப்பாளர்க்கேவல்செயல் என்னும் வேளாளர்க்குரிய அறுவகைத்தொழில். (திவா.)
பசுக்காவலர் pacu-k-kāvalar , n. < பசு +. 1. The cowherds; இடையர். 2. A sect of Vaišyas. See கோவைசியர் (அக. நி.)
வாணிகம் vāṇikam , n. < vāṇijya. 1. Trade; வியாபாரம். வாணிகஞ்செய்வார்க்கு வாணி கம் (குறள், 120). 2. Gain, profit; ஊதியம். யானோர் வாணிகப் பரிசில னல்லேன் (புறநா. 208). வாணிபம் vāṇipam
, n. 1. See வாணிகம், 1. (W .) 2. See வாணிகம், 2. இவளை வைத்து வைத்துக் கொண்டென்ன வாணிபம் (திவ். பெரியாழ். 3, 7, 9).
குயிலுவம் kuyiluvam , n. < குயில்²-. Playing on stringed musical instruments, drums, tabrets, clarionets, horns; வாத்தியம் வாசிக்கை. (திவா.)
, n. < kāruka. 1. Spinning and weaving; நெய்யுந்தொழில். (சிலப். 5, 17, உரை.) 2. Menial service, servile labour as carrying burdens; ஊழியவேலை. (
, n. < ஏவு-. Assistance to Brahmin priests (16 priests mentioned in Veda tradition), Services, duties; பணிவிடை. ஏவன்முற்றி (அரிச். பு. மயான. 1).
வேளூர் vēḷ-ūr , n. < வேள் +. Vaittīcuraṉ-kōyil, a Šiva shrine in the Tanjore District; தஞ்சாவூர்ஜில்லாவி லுள்ள வைத்தீசுரன் கோயில் என்னுஞ் சிவதலம். வேளூர் வைத்தியநாதனை (குமர. பிர. முத்துக். 2).
kṓṣṭha2 n. ʻ pot ʼ Kauś., ʻ granary, storeroom ʼ MBh., ʻ inner apartment ʼ lex., °aka -- n. ʻ treasury ʼ, °ikā f. ʻ pan ʼ Bhpr. [Cf. *kōttha -- , *kōtthala -- : same as prec.?] Pa. koṭṭha -- n. ʻ monk's cell, storeroom ʼ, °aka<-> n. ʻ storeroom ʼ; Pk. koṭṭha -- , kuṭ°, koṭṭhaya -- m. ʻ granary, storeroom ʼ; Sv. dāntar -- kuṭha ʻ fire -- place ʼ; Sh. (Lor.) kōti (ṭh?) ʻ wooden vessel for mixing yeast ʼ; K. kōṭha m. ʻ granary ʼ, kuṭhu m. ʻ room ʼ, kuṭhü f. ʻ granary, storehouse ʼ; S. koṭho m. ʻ large room ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ storeroom ʼ; L. koṭhā m. ʻ hut, room, house ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ shop, brothel ʼ, awāṇ. koṭhā ʻ house ʼ; P. koṭṭhā, koṭhā m. ʻ house with mud roof and walls, granary ʼ, koṭṭhī, koṭhī f. ʻ big well -- built house, house for married women to prostitute themselves in ʼ; WPah. pāḍ. kuṭhī ʻ house ʼ; Ku. koṭho ʻ large square house ʼ, gng. kōṭhi ʻ room, building ʼ; N. koṭho ʻ chamber ʼ, °ṭhi ʻ shop ʼ; A. koṭhā, kõṭhā ʻ room ʼ, kuṭhī ʻ factory ʼ; B. koṭhā ʻ brick -- built house ʼ, kuṭhī ʻ bank, granary ʼ; Or. koṭhā ʻ brick -- built house ʼ, °ṭhī ʻ factory, granary ʼ; Bi. koṭhī ʻ granary of straw or brushwood in the open ʼ; Mth. koṭhī ʻ grain -- chest ʼ; OAw. koṭha ʻ storeroom ʼ; H. koṭhā m. ʻ granary ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ granary, large house ʼ, Marw. koṭho m. ʻ room ʼ; G. koṭhɔ m. ʻ jar in which indigo is stored,warehouse ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ large earthen jar, factory ʼ; M. koṭhā m. ʻ large granary ʼ, °ṭhī f. ʻ granary, factory ʼ; Si. koṭa ʻ storehouse ʼ. -- Ext. with -- ḍa -- : K. kūṭhü rü f. ʻ small room ʼ; L. koṭhṛī f. ʻ small side room ʼ; P. koṭhṛī f. ʻ room, house ʼ; Ku. koṭheṛī ʻ small room ʼ; H. koṭhrī f. ʻ room, granary ʼ; M. koṭhḍī f. ʻ room ʼ; -- with -- ra -- : A. kuṭharī ʻ chamber ʼ, B. kuṭhrī, Or. koṭhari; -- with -- lla -- : Sh. (Lor.) kotul (ṭh?) ʻ wattle and mud erection for storing grain ʼ; H. koṭhlā m., °lī f. ʻ room, granary ʼ; G. koṭhlɔ m. ʻ wooden box ʼ.Addenda: kṓṣṭha -- 2 : WPah.kṭg. kóṭṭhi f. ʻ house, quarters, temple treasury, name of a partic. temple ʼ, J. koṭhā m. ʻ granary ʼ, koṭhī f. ʻ granary, bungalow ʼ; Garh. koṭhu ʻ house surrounded by a wall ʼ; Md. koḍi ʻ frame ʼ, <-> koři ʻ cage ʼ (X kōṭṭa -- ). -- with ext.: OP. koṭhārī f. ʻ crucible ʼ, P. kuṭhālī f., H. kuṭhārī f.; -- Md. koṭari ʻ room ʼ.(CDIAL 3546) kōṣṭhapāla m. ʻ storekeeper ʼ W. [kṓṣṭha -- 2 , pāla -- ]M. koṭhvaḷā m. (CDIAL 3547) *kōṣṭharūpa ʻ like a room ʼ. [kṓṣṭha -- 2 , rūpá -- ]B. kuṭru ʻ tent ʼ.(CDIAL 3548) *kōṣṭhāṁśa ʻ share of store ʼ. [kṓṣṭha -- 2 , áṁśa -- ]Pa. koṭṭhāsa -- m. ʻ share, portion ʼ, adj. ʻ divided into ʼ (ā felt as contraction of a -- a and preserved before ṁs; consequent āṁs > ās: cf. re -- establishment of prefix ā before MIA. double consonant, e.g. Pk. āṇavēdi < *āṇṇ° replacing aṇṇ -- < Sk. ājñ -- ); Si. koṭasa, kohoṭa ʻ share, part, piece ʼ.(CDIAL 3549) kōṣṭhāgāra n. ʻ storeroom, store ʼ Mn. [kṓṣṭha -- 2 , agāra -- ]Pa. koṭṭhāgāra -- n. ʻ storehouse, granary ʼ; Pk. koṭṭhāgāra -- , koṭṭhāra -- n. ʻ storehouse ʼ; K. kuṭhār m. ʻ wooden granary ʼ, WPah. bhal. kóṭhār m.; A. B. kuṭharī ʻ apartment ʼ, Or. koṭhari; Aw. lakh. koṭhār ʻ zemindar's residence ʼ; H. kuṭhiyār ʻ granary ʼ; G. koṭhār m. ʻ granary, storehouse ʼ, koṭhāriyũ n. ʻ small do. ʼ; M. koṭhār n., koṭhārẽ n. ʻ large granary ʼ, -- °rī f. ʻ small one ʼ; Si. koṭāra ʻ granary, store ʼ. kōṣṭhāgārika -- .Addenda: kōṣṭhāgāra -- : WPah.kṭg. kəṭhāˊr, kc. kuṭhār m. ʻ granary, storeroom ʼ, J. kuṭhār, kṭhār m.; -- Md. kořāru ʻ storehouse ʼ ← Ind.(CDIAL 3550) kōṣṭhāgārika m. ʻ storekeeper ʼ BHSk. [Cf. kōṣṭhā- gārin -- m. ʻ wasp ʼ Suśr.: kōṣṭhāgāra -- ]Pa. koṭṭhāgārika -- m. ʻ storekeeper ʼ; S. koṭhārī m. ʻ one who in a body of faqirs looks after the provision store ʼ; Or. koṭhārī ʻ treasurer ʼ; Bhoj. koṭhārī ʻ storekeeper ʼ, H. kuṭhiyārī m.Addenda: kōṣṭhāgārika -- : G. koṭhārī m. ʻ storekeeper ʼ. (CDIAL 3551)
வேள் vēḷ A man from eighteen to fifty years of age, ஆண்மகன்.வேளான் vēḷāṉ , n. < id. 1. A caste title; ஒரு சாதிப்பட்டப்பெயர். மதுராந்தக மூவேந்த வேளான் (S. I. I . ii, 10). 2. A title of persons belonging to the Kuyavar caste; குயவரது சாதிப் பட்டப்பெயர். Mod. குயவன்¹ kuyavaṉ , n. < id. [M. kuyavaṉ.] Potter; குசவன். திருநீலகண்டத்துக் குயவனார்க் கடி யேன் (தேவா. 736, 1).
Source: Puṟanānūṟu 201 identifying Vadapal tava munivar in the text Puṟanānūṟu 201 as Sambu Maha-munivar (pace UV Swaminatha Iyer) and links with Hoysala lineage.
Note on vēḷir who migrated 49 generations before Puṟanānūṟu text of Sangam times from Dwāraka
In Tirumoolar's Tirumanthiram, the northern sage "Vaṭapāl Tavamuni" is said to have created the "Fire-pit"; வடபால் முனிவன் is mentioned in Puṟanānūṟu in the context of vēḷir migration from Dwāraka (Sarasvati river basin)
அங்கி உதயம் வளர்க்கும் அகத்தியன்
அங்கி உதயஞ்செய் மேல்பா லவனொடும்
அங்கி உதயஞ்செய் வடபால் தவமுனி
எங்கும் வளங்கொள் இலங்கொளி தானே" (திருமூலர் திருமந்திரம் - 338)
This is a reference to the Veda culture of Civilization of the 2nd millennium BCE when the migration of
This is a reference to the Veda culture of Civilization of the 2nd millennium BCE when the migration of
vēḷir occurred.
Chief vēḷir was tuvarāpati for 49 generations, notes Puṟanānūṟu a text of Sangam times.
The text is dated to ca. 5th cent.BCE.
Thus, Chief vēḷir (வேளிருள் வேளே!) who was Dwāraka ruler (துவரை ஆண்டு) migrated into velanāḍu (vēḷ region of Andhra Pradesh), ca. 1750 BCE (computing an average of 25 years per generation).
*இருக்குவேதம் irukku-vētam , n. < id. +. The Ṛg-vēda, the most ancient sacred book of the Hindus, consisting of 1017 hymns in archaic language, in ten maṇḍaḷas இருக்குவேள் *இருக்குவேதம் irukku-vētam , n. < id. +. The Ṛg-vēda, the most ancient sacred book of the Hindus, consisting of 1017 hymns in archaic language, in ten maṇḍaḷas இருக்குவேள் irukku-vēḷ , n. A line of powerful chieftains who flourished about the 8th and 9th cc. at Koḍumbāḷūr, in the Pudukōṭṭa state; ஒருசார் சிற்றரசர். (Insc.) , n. A line of powerful chieftains who flourished about the 8th and 9th cc. at Koḍumbāḷūr, in the Pudukōṭṭa state; ஒருசார் சிற்றரசர். (Insc.)
•Migration from Tuvarai mentioned in Puṟanānūṟu 201 is also referred to in a 12th century inscription (Pudukottai State inscriptions, No. 120) cited by Avvai S. Turaicāmi in Puranaanuru, II (SISSW Publishing Soc., Madras, 1951). tuvarai mānakar ninru ponta tonmai pārttu kkiḷḷivēntan nikaril ten kavirnādu tannil nikar̤vitta nitiyāḷar
201. இவர் என் மகளிர்!
பாடியவர்: கபிலர்.
பாடப்பட்டோன் : இருங்கோவேள்.
திணை; பாடாண். துறை: பரிசில்.
குறிப்பு: பாரி மகளிரை உடன் கொண்டு சென்ற காலத்துப் பாடியது.)
இவர் யார்?` என்குவை ஆயின், இவரே,
ஊருடன் இரவலர்க்கு அருளித் ,தேருடன்
முல்லைக்கு ஈத்த செல்லா நல்லிசை,
படுமணி யானைப்,பறம்பின் கோமான்
நெடுமாப் பாரி மகளிர்; யானே
தந்தை தோழன்: இவர்என் மகளிர்;
அந்தணன், புலவன், கொண்டுவந் தனனே;
நீயே, வடபால் முனிவன் தடவினுள் தோன்றிச்,
செம்பு புனைந்து இயற்றிய சேண்நெடும் புரிசை,
உவரா ஈகைத், துவரை ஆண்டு,
நாற்பத்து ஒன்பது வழிமுறை வந்த
வேளிருள் வேளே! விறற்போர் அண்ணல்!
தாரணி யானைச் சேட்டிருங் கோவே!
ஆண்கடன் உடைமையின், பாண்கடன் ஆற்றிய
ஒலியற் கண்ணிப் புலிகடி மா அல்!
யான்தர, இவரைக் கொண்மதி! வான்கவித்து
இருங்கடல் உடுத்தஇவ் வையகத்து, அருந்திறல்
பொன்படு மால்வரைக் கிழவ! வென்வேல்
உடலுநர் உட்கும் தானைக்,
கெடல்அருங் குறைய நாடுகிழ வோயே! identifying Vadapal tava munivar in the text Puṟanānūṟu 201 as Sambu Maha-munivar (pace UV Swaminatha Iyer) and links with Hoysala lineage.