-- jagati, 'pedestal of an idol' cognate स्थावर 'inanimate object as plant, mineral', firmness,solidity
-- jagati dhāman'pedestal with trefoils' rebus: vēdikā 'fire-altar' for dhāu'mineral', dhāman'wealth'
I suggest that a jagati 'pedestal for an idol' of the type discovered in Mohenjo-daro might have adorned the centre of a working platform of the type discovered in Harappa. It is notable that the centre is NOT covered by bricks, thus exposing the earth. The jagati or pedestal with linga might have been kept at this centre as a proclamation, a hypertext of veneration, as giver of dhāman 'wealth'.
Close shot of re-constructed platform. The white is salt creeping up from the ground, a problem in many areas of the site. Thus, the platform is a kole.l 'temple' rebus: kole.l 'smithy, forge' (Kota language). I suggest that each circular workers' platform is a smithy, forge holding a proclamation jagati in the centre of the platform, above bare ground signifies dhāman'wealth'. In a comparable circular platform in Padri, a slate plaque was found which signified Lajjā Gaurī divinity, signifier of tāmarasa'lotus' rebus: tāmarasa'gold, copper'. See:
![Image result for pedestal sivalinga mohenjodaro]()
-- Ka. jagati, jagali, jagaḷi, jaguli an artificially raised place, a kind of sacrificial altar, the pedestal of an idol, a seat of mud, stone, etc. Tu. jagali an open veranda. Te. jagati, jagile a pyal. (DEDR 2279)
These metaphors are exemplified in the metaphors of a temple frescoe of Darasuram.
![re-foil inlay decorated base (for linga icon?); smoothed, polished pedestal of dark red stone; National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi; After Mackay 1938: I, 411; II, pl. 107:35; Parpola, 1994, p. 218. Two decorated bases and a lingam, Mohenjo-daro.]()
Base and lingam, skambha, Mohenjo-daro. Are they signifiers of metalwork carried out on workers' brick-lined circular, elevated platforms?
Stupa. Sarnath.
Lingam, grey sandstone in situ, Harappa, Trench Ai, Mound F, Pl. X (c) (After Vats). "In an earthenware jar, No. 12414, recovered from Mound F, Trench IV, Square I... in this jar, six lingams were found along with some tiny pieces of shell, a unicorn seal, an oblong grey sandstone block with polished surface, five stone pestles, a stone palette, and a block of chalcedony..." (Vats, EH, p. 370)
File:Worship of Shiva Linga by Gandharvas - Shunga Period - Bhuteshwar - ACCN 3625
See: A tree associated with smelter and linga from Bhuteshwar, Mathura Museum. Architectural fragment with relief showing winged dwarfs (or gaNa) worshipping with flower garlands, Siva Linga. Bhuteshwar, ca. 2nd cent BCE. Lingam is on a platform with wall under a pipal tree encircled by railing. (Srivastava, AK, 1999, Catalogue of Saiva sculptures in Government Museum, Mathura: 47, GMM 52.3625) The tree is a phonetic determinant of the smelter indicated by the railing around the linga: kuṭa, °ṭi -- , °ṭha -- 3, °ṭhi -- m. ʻ tree ʼ Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. kuṭa, °ṭi -- , °ṭha -- 3, °ṭhi -- m. ʻ tree ʼ lex., °ṭaka -- m. ʻ a kind of tree ʼ Kauś.Pk. kuḍa -- m. ʻ tree ʼ; Paš. lauṛ. kuṛāˊ ʻ tree ʼ, dar. kaṛék ʻ tree, oak ʼ ~ Par. kōṛ ʻ stick ʼ IIFL iii 3, 98. (CDIAL 3228). See:
Cambodia. Khmer
Sivalinga. Cat Tien. Now in National Museum, Vietnam.
Cambodia Stone; H. 52 3/4 in. (134 cm)
Si Thep sivalinga, Thailand.
Bali sivalinga
वेदिका vēdikā वेदिका 1 A sacrificial altar or ground; इति प्रिये वादिनि वेदिकोदरी Rām. ch.2.57. -2 A raised seat; an elevated spot of ground (usually for sacred purposes); सप्तपर्णवेदिका Ś.1; सदेवदारुद्रुमवदिकायाम् Ku.3.44. -3 A seat in genearal. -4 An altar, a heap, mound; मन्दाकिनी- सैकतवेदिकाभिः Ku.1.29 'by making altars or heaps of sand &c'. -5 A quadrangular open shed in the middle of a court-yard; a pavilion, balcony; तप्तकाञ्चन- वेदिकम् (जग्राह); Rām.7.15.37; सुरवेश्मवेदिका Ki.7.12. -6 An arbour, a bower. (Apte) वेदि, वेदी vēdi, vēdī , or वेदिका f S A plat or raised ground on which sacrifices or oblations are offered. 2 A border around the कुंड (the pit) or the level area of a place of sacrifice. 3 A defined space (as in the yard of a temple &c.) on which a raised mass is made, serving as an altar; a seat for the vessels used in oblations &c; a stand for idols to be placed and worshiped.(Marathi) वेदि a stand , basis , pedestal , bench MBh. Ka1v. &c; f. (later also वेदी ; for 1. 2. » col.2) an elevated (or according to some excavated) piece of ground serving for a sacrificial altar (generally strewed with कुश grass , and having receptacles for the sacrificial fire ; it is more or less raised and of various shapes , but usually narrow in the middle , on which account the female waist is often compared to it) RV. &c (Monier-Williams)
The trefoils on the shawl of Mohenjo-daro priest have been read as dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' of tri-dhātu, ''three minerals'. The trefoils on the jagati or pedestal of an idol in Mohenjo-daro signify धामन् trefoils, dhāu 'mineral'. Trefoils are also shown on the body of a bull-calf to signify damkom 'bull calf' Rebus:
damha 'fireplace'.
Mohenjo-daro priest wears (on his forehead and on the right shoulder) fillets of a dotted circle tied to a string and with a uttarīyam decorated with one, two, three dotted circles.
(After Ardeleanu-Jansen, A., 'The sculptural art of the Harappan culture' in M Jansen et al, ed., Forgotten cities on the Indus: early cvilization in Pakistan from the 8th to the 2nd millennium BCE, Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1991.)
![Bracelet, from Mohenjo-Daro, Indus Valley, Pakistan, c.3000 BC (polished stone)]()
"Inlaid bead. No. 53 (L445). (See also Pl. CLII,17) Steatite. An exceptionally fine bead. The interiors of the trefoils were probably filled in with either paste or colour. The former is the more probable, for in the base of each foil there is a small pitting that may been used for keying a coloured paste. The depth of the cutting is 0.05 inch. Level, 3 feet below surface. late Period. Found in Chamber 27, Block 4, L Area. The most interesting of these beads are those with the trefoil pattern, which also occurs on the robe worn by the statue pictured in Pl. XCVIII. The trefoils on both the beads and statue are irregular in shape and in this respect differ from the pattern as we ordinarily know it. (For another example of this ornamentation, see the bull illustrated in Jastrow, Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria, pl. liii, and the Sumerian bull from Warka shown in Evans, Palace of Minos, vol. ii, pt. 1, p.261, fig. 156. Sir Arthus Evans has justly compared the trefoil markings on this latter bull with the quatrefoil markings of Minoan 'rytons', and also with the star-crosses on Hathor's cow. Ibid., vol. i, p.513. Again, the same trefoil motif is perhaps represented on a painted sherd from Tchechme-Ali in the environs of Teheran. Mem. Del. en Perse, t.XX, p. 118, fig. 6)."(John Marshall, opcit., p.517)
![Detail of terracotta bangle with red and white trefoil on a green background (H98-3516/8667-01 from Trench 43). Trefoil motifs are carved on the robe of the so-called "priest-king" statuette from Mohenjo-daro and are also known from contemporary sites in western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and southern Central Asia.]()
Detail of terracotta bangle with red and white trefoil on a green background (H98-3516/8667-01 from Trench 43). Trefoil motifs are carved on the robe of the so-called "priest-king" statuette from Mohenjo-daro and are also known from contemporary sites in western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and southern Central Asia. Source:
Trefoils painted on steatite beads, Harappa (After Vats, Pl. CXXXIII, Fig.2)![]()
Trefoil Decorated bead. Pl. CXLVI, 53 (Marshall, opcit.)
Hieroglyph-multiplex of dotted circles as 'beads': kandi 'bead' Rebus: kanda 'fire-altar' khaNDa 'metal implements'. Alternative: dotted circles as dice: dhāv, dāya 'one in dice' + vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus धावडdhāvaḍa 'red ferrite ore smelter'
![King Tut's burial bed in the form of the Celestial Cow. The Cow represents the Goddess Hathor Mehet-Urt, whose horns are decorated with the solar disk.]()
![]() ʻ tameable ʼ, m. ʻ young bullock to be tamed ʼ Mn. [~ *dāmiya -- . -- √dam ] Pa. damma -- ʻ to be tamed (esp. of a young bullock) ʼ; Pk. damma -- ʻ to be tamed ʼ; S. ḍ̠amu ʻ tamed ʼ; -- ext. -- ḍa -- : A. damrā ʻ young bull ʼ, dāmuri ʻ calf ʼ; B. dāmṛā ʻ castrated bullock ʼ; Or. dāmaṛī ʻ heifer ʼ, dāmaṛiā ʻ bullcalf, young castrated bullock ʼ, dāmuṛ, °ṛi ʻ young bullock ʼ.Addenda: damya -- : WPah.kṭg. dām m. ʻ young ungelt ox ʼ.(CDIAL 6184) A. dāmā ʻ peg to tie a buffalo -- calf to ʼ (CDIAL 6283)
tri त्रि-जगत् n. -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos- phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः ...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59. (Apte) त्रि--जगत् त्रि--जगती n. sg. = जगत् त्रय BhP. viii Caurap. Katha1s. Vet. (Monier-Williams) जगत् jagat जगत् a. (-ती f.) 1 Moving, movable; सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्च Rv.1.115.1; इदं विश्वं जगत्सर्वमजगच्चापि यद्भवेत् Mb. -m. Wind, air. -n. The world, the universe; जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरो R.1.1. -2 'The world of the soul', body; Māl.5.2. -3 A multitude of animals. ...... स्याज्जगद्विष्टपे पुमान् । इङ्गे वायौ ना जङ्गमे मृगषण्डे$ प्ययं त्रिषु । Nm. -ती (dual) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -अम्बा, -अम्बिका N. of Durgā. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आदिः, -आदिजः the Supreme deity. -आदिजः an epithet of Śiva. -आधारः1 time. -2 air, wind. -आयुः, -आयुस् m. wind. -ईशः, -पतिः 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva. -उद्धारः salvation of the world. -कर्तृ, -धातृ m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmā. -कारणम् the cause of the universe. -गुरुः(Apte)
-धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa; -तुम् 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. (Apte)
-- jagati, 'pedestal of an idol' cognate स्थावर 'inanimate object as plant, mineral', firmness,solidity
-- jagati dhāman'pedestal with trefoils' rebus: vēdikā 'fire-altar' for dhāu'mineral', dhāman'wealth'
I suggest that a jagati 'pedestal for an idol' of the type discovered in Mohenjo-daro might have adorned the centre of a working platform of the type discovered in Harappa. It is notable that the centre is NOT covered by bricks, thus exposing the earth. The jagati or pedestal with linga might have been kept at this centre as a proclamation, a hypertext of veneration, as giver of dhāman 'wealth'.
Lajjā Gaurī Supreme Mother Aditi Indus Script hypetext metaphors signify iron smelting, metalwork treasure

-- Ka. jagati, jagali, jagaḷi, jaguli an artificially raised place, a kind of sacrificial altar, the pedestal of an idol, a seat of mud, stone, etc. Tu. jagali an open veranda. Te. jagati, jagile a pyal. (DEDR 2279)
These metaphors are exemplified in the metaphors of a temple frescoe of Darasuram.
The metaphor of stambha, pillar. The endless pillar. Hamsa on top searches for the end of the pillar; the boar at the bottom searches for the bottom of the pillar as Mahadeva emerges from the pillar -- an unceasing enquiry of the cosmic dance of transmutation of metals.
Darasuram. Siva emerges out of the linga. Brahma searches for the ending of the pillar in heaven, Vishnu searches for the beginning of the pillar on the earth, underground. The medtaphor of a beginningless, endless pillar of light, pillar of fire, śivalinga as described in the Skambha Sukta (AV X.7). An unceasing enquiry of the cosmic dancer, Mahesvara.

Base and lingam, skambha, Mohenjo-daro. Are they signifiers of metalwork carried out on workers' brick-lined circular, elevated platforms?
Tomb Markers (cippi) from Cerveteri
An assortment of tomb markers (cippus, plural cippi), from the Etruscan Banditaccia necropolis of Cerveteri (Caere). These are no longer in situ. Markers like these, usually without any inscriptions or figural decoration, were set up on small stands before the doorways of chamber tombs.
Lingam, grey sandstone in situ, Harappa, Trench Ai, Mound F, Pl. X (c) (After Vats). "In an earthenware jar, No. 12414, recovered from Mound F, Trench IV, Square I... in this jar, six lingams were found along with some tiny pieces of shell, a unicorn seal, an oblong grey sandstone block with polished surface, five stone pestles, a stone palette, and a block of chalcedony..." (Vats, EH, p. 370)
File:Worship of Shiva Linga by Gandharvas - Shunga Period - Bhuteshwar - ACCN 3625

See: A tree associated with smelter and linga from Bhuteshwar, Mathura Museum. Architectural fragment with relief showing winged dwarfs (or gaNa) worshipping with flower garlands, Siva Linga. Bhuteshwar, ca. 2nd cent BCE. Lingam is on a platform with wall under a pipal tree encircled by railing. (Srivastava, AK, 1999, Catalogue of Saiva sculptures in Government Museum, Mathura: 47, GMM 52.3625) The tree is a phonetic determinant of the smelter indicated by the railing around the linga: kuṭa, °ṭi -- , °ṭha -- 3, °ṭhi -- m. ʻ tree ʼ Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. kuṭa, °ṭi -- , °ṭha -- 3, °ṭhi -- m. ʻ tree ʼ lex., °ṭaka -- m. ʻ a kind of tree ʼ Kauś.Pk. kuḍa -- m. ʻ tree ʼ; Paš. lauṛ. kuṛāˊ ʻ tree ʼ, dar. kaṛék ʻ tree, oak ʼ ~ Par. kōṛ ʻ stick ʼ IIFL iii 3, 98. (CDIAL 3228). See:
This museum artifact is comparable to the monumental 6 ft. tall inscribed stone linga discovered in Candi Sukuh as the sacred, venerated pillar of light, described in Atharva Veda Stambha Sukta.
gaṇḍa -- m. ʻ four' (Munda) गंडा[ gaṇḍā ] m An aggregate of four (cowries or pice). (Marathi) <ganDa>(P) {NUM} ``^four''. Syn. <cari>(LS4), <hunja-mi>(D). *Sa., Mu.<ganDa> `id.', H.<gA~Da> `a group of four cowries'. %10591. #10511.<ganDa-mi>(KM) {NUM} ``^four''. |<-mi> `one'. %10600. #10520. Ju<ganDa>(P) {NUM} ``^four''. gaṇḍaka m. ʻ a coin worth four cowries ʼ lex., ʻ method of counting by fours ʼ W. [← Mu. Przyluski RoczOrj iv 234]S. g̠aṇḍho m. ʻ four in counting ʼ; P. gaṇḍā m. ʻ four cowries ʼ; B. Or. H. gaṇḍā m. ʻ a group of four, four cowries ʼ; M. gaṇḍā m. ʻ aggregate of four cowries or pice ʼ.(CDIAL 4001)
``^penis'':So. laj(R)~ lij ~ la'a'j~ laJ/ laj~ kaD `penis'.
Hieroglyph: kanda m. bulbous root (Samskritam) Ash. piċ-- kandə ʻ pine ʼ Rebus:lo-khānḍa 'tools, pots and pans, metal-ware'. लोखंड [lōkhaṇḍa ] 'metalwork' Rebus: loh 'copper, iron, metal' (Indian sprachbund, Meluhha).
Candi Cetho. Lingga shows a pair of balls at the top of the penis -- to be read rebus as Meluhha hieroglyph composition: lo-khaNDa, penis + 4 balls; Rebus: iron, metalware.
The four balls of the penis are also clearly shown on a 6 ft. tall linga inscribed with 1. a sword; and 2. inscription in Javanese, referring to 'inauguration of the holy ganggasudhi...'

See: Histoire ancienne des Etats hindouises along the Tin Road from Haifa to Hanoi. NaMo, Obama, announce United Indian Ocean States.
lo 'penis' Rebus: loh 'copper, metal'
Hieroglyphs: gaṇḍa 'swelling' gaṇḍa 'four' gaṇḍa 'sword'
Rebus: kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’ (Marathi)
Together, hieroglyphs: lo + gaṇḍa. Rebus: लोखंड [ lōkhaṇḍa ] 'metalwork'
Metaphor: Sh. K.ḍoḍ. lō m. ʻ light, dawn ʼ; L. awāṇ. lō ʻ light ʼ; P. lo f. ʻ light, dawn, power of seeing, consideration ʼ; WPah. bhal. lo f. ʻ light (e.g. of moon) ʼ.(CDIAL 11120). + kaṇṭa 'manliness'. Metaphorical rendering of the effulgence (sun and moon) associated with the pillar of light yielding the imagery of an representation of a fiery pillar with unfathomable beginning, unreachable end, thus of infniity of Mahadeva representing the paramaatman for the aatman in search of nihs'reyas (moksha), from Being to Becoming, the way earth and stones transmute into metal in the smelter and smithy, kole.l 'smithy, temple'.
Bharatiyo, 'metalcasters' (Gujarati) are awestruck by this parallel with the cosmic energy replicated in the energies of the smelter, fire-altar and smithy. Hence, the veneration of the linga + 4 spheres as the essence of every phenomenon on cosmos, on the globe, of the world. These hieroglyphs and related metaphors thus yield the gestalt of Bharatiyo, 'metalcasters' (Meluhha). This enduring metaphor finds expression in sculptures on many Hindu temples of Eurasia.
The gloss gaṇḍu 'manliness' (Kannada); 'bravery, strength' (Telugu) is a synonym of the expression on Candi Suku linga inscription: 'sign of masculinity is the essence of the world'. Thus, the gloss lokhaṇḍa which is a direct Meluhha speech form related to the hieroglyph composition on Candi Suku inscription is the sign of masculinity. The rebus renderings of khandoba or kandariya mahadeva are elucidations of the rebus gloss: kaṇḍa, 'mahadeva S'iva or mahes'vara.' The hieroglyphs deployed on the 1.82m. tall stone sculpture of linga with the inscription and hieroglyphs of sword, sun, moon and four balls deployed just below the tip of the phallus are thus explained as Meluhha speech: lokhaṇḍa. The rebus rendering of the phrase is: lo 'light' and kaṇṭa 'manliness'. These attributes constitute the effulgence of the linga as the fiery pillar, skhamba venerated in Atharva Veda Skhamba sukta as the cosmic effulgence as the cosmic essence.
gaṇḍa -- m. ʻ four' (Munda) गंडा[ gaṇḍā ] m An aggregate of four (cowries or pice). (Marathi) <ganDa>(P) {NUM} ``^four''. Syn. <cari>(LS4), <hunja-mi>(D). *Sa., Mu.<ganDa> `id.', H.<gA~Da> `a group of four cowries'. %10591. #10511.<ganDa-mi>(KM) {NUM} ``^four''. |<-mi> `one'. %10600. #10520. Ju<ganDa>(P) {NUM} ``^four''. gaṇḍaka m. ʻ a coin worth four cowries ʼ lex., ʻ method of counting by fours ʼ W. [← Mu. Przyluski RoczOrj iv 234]S. g̠aṇḍho m. ʻ four in counting ʼ; P. gaṇḍā m. ʻ four cowries ʼ; B. Or. H. gaṇḍā m. ʻ a group of four, four cowries ʼ; M. gaṇḍā m. ʻ aggregate of four cowries or pice ʼ.(CDIAL 4001)
gaṇḍa -- m. ʻswelling, boil, abscessʼ(Pali)
Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) kāṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans and metal-ware’ (Marathi) खंडा [ khaṇḍā ] m A sort of sword. It is straight and twoedged. खांडा [ khāṇḍā ] m A kind of sword, straight, broad-bladed, two-edged, and round-ended.खांडाईत [ khāṇḍāīta ] a Armed with the sword called खांडा. (Marathi)
लोखंड [ lōkhaṇḍa ] n (लोह S) Iron.लोखंडकाम [ lōkhaṇḍakāma ] n Iron work; that portion (of a building, machine &c.) which consists of iron. 2 The business of an ironsmith.
लोखंडी [ lōkhaṇḍī ] a (लोखंड) Composed of iron; relating to iron.
``^penis'':So. laj(R)~ lij ~ la'a'j~ laJ/ laj~ kaD `penis'.
Sa. li'j `penis, esp. of small boys'.
Sa. lO'j `penis'.Mu. lOe'j ~ lOGgE'j `penis'. ! lO'jHo loe `penis'Ku. la:j `penis'.
@(C289) ``^penis'':Sa. lOj `penis'.Mu. lOj `penis'.KW lOj@(M084) (Munda etyma)
Rebus: lo 'copper' lōhá ʻ red, copper -- coloured ʼ ŚrS., ʻ made of copper ʼ ŚBr., m.n. ʻ copper ʼ VS., MBh. [*rudh -- ] Pa. lōha -- m. ʻ metal, esp. copper or bronze ʼ; Pk. lōha -- m. ʻ iron ʼ, Gy. pal. li°, lihi, obl. elhás, as. loa JGLS new ser. ii 258; Wg. (Lumsden) "loa"ʻ steel ʼ; Kho. loh ʻ copper ʼ; S. lohu m. ʻ iron ʼ, L. lohā m., awāṇ. lōˋā, P. lohā m. (→ K.rām. ḍoḍ. lohā), WPah.bhad. lɔ̃un., bhal. lòtilde; n., pāḍ. jaun. lōh, paṅ. luhā, cur. cam. lohā, Ku. luwā, N. lohu, °hā, A. lo, B. lo, no, Or. lohā, luhā, Mth. loh, Bhoj. lohā, Aw.lakh. lōh, H. loh, lohā m., G. M. loh n.; Si. loho, lō ʻ metal, ore, iron ʼ; Md. ratu -- lō ʻ copper ʼ. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) lóɔ ʻ iron ʼ, J. lohā m., Garh. loho; Md. lō ʻ metal ʼ.(CDIAL 11158) kanda m. bulbous root (Samskritam) Ash. piċ-- kandə ʻ pine ʼ Rebus:lo-khānḍa 'tools, pots and pans, metal-ware'. लोखंड [lōkhaṇḍa ] 'metalwork' Rebus: loh 'copper, iron, metal' (Indian sprachbund, Meluhha).

वेदिका vēdikā वेदिका 1 A sacrificial altar or ground; इति प्रिये वादिनि वेदिकोदरी Rām. ch.2.57. -2 A raised seat; an elevated spot of ground (usually for sacred purposes); सप्तपर्णवेदिका Ś.1; सदेवदारुद्रुमवदिकायाम् Ku.3.44. -3 A seat in genearal. -4 An altar, a heap, mound; मन्दाकिनी- सैकतवेदिकाभिः Ku.1.29 'by making altars or heaps of sand &c'. -5 A quadrangular open shed in the middle of a court-yard; a pavilion, balcony; तप्तकाञ्चन- वेदिकम् (जग्राह); Rām.7.15.37; सुरवेश्मवेदिका Ki.7.12. -6 An arbour, a bower. (Apte) वेदि, वेदी vēdi, vēdī , or वेदिका f S A plat or raised ground on which sacrifices or oblations are offered. 2 A border around the कुंड (the pit) or the level area of a place of sacrifice. 3 A defined space (as in the yard of a temple &c.) on which a raised mass is made, serving as an altar; a seat for the vessels used in oblations &c; a stand for idols to be placed and worshiped.(Marathi) वेदि a stand , basis , pedestal , bench MBh. Ka1v. &c; f. (later also वेदी ; for 1. 2. » col.2) an elevated (or according to some excavated) piece of ground serving for a sacrificial altar (generally strewed with कुश grass , and having receptacles for the sacrificial fire ; it is more or less raised and of various shapes , but usually narrow in the middle , on which account the female waist is often compared to it) RV. &c (Monier-Williams)
The trefoils on the shawl of Mohenjo-daro priest have been read as dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' of tri-dhātu, ''three minerals'. The trefoils on the jagati or pedestal of an idol in Mohenjo-daro signify धामन् trefoils, dhāu 'mineral'. Trefoils are also shown on the body of a bull-calf to signify damkom 'bull calf' Rebus:
damha 'fireplace'.
Mohenjo-daro priest wears (on his forehead and on the right shoulder) fillets of a dotted circle tied to a string and with a uttarīyam decorated with one, two, three dotted circles.
“The figure is draped in an elaborate shawl with corded or rolled-over edge, worn over the left shoulder and under the right arm. This shawl is decorated all over with a design of trefoils in relief interspersed occasionally with small circles, the interiors of which are filled in with a red pigment…there is a shallow pitting in the middle of each foil and roundel suggesting the point of a drill… ”(Mackay, 1931, I, pp. 356-357).
There are also beads with the trefoil pattern.
(After Ardeleanu-Jansen, A., 'The sculptural art of the Harappan culture' in M Jansen et al, ed., Forgotten cities on the Indus: early cvilization in Pakistan from the 8th to the 2nd millennium BCE, Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1991.)
Trefoil designs on the shawl garment of the 'priest' Mohenjo-daro statue. The left shoulder is covered with a cloak decorated with trefoil, double circle and single circle designs that were originally filled with red pigment. Drill holes in the center of each circle indicate they were made with a specialized drill and then touched up with a chisel. Material: white, low fired steatiteDimensions: 17.5 cm height, 11 cm width Mohenjo-daro, DK 1909 National Museum, Karachi, 50.852 Marshall 1931: 356-7, pl. XCVIII
The trefoil hieroglyph on the priest's shawl, on the body of a bull calf and on the base pedestal of a s'ivalinga is comparable to the hieroglyph which appears on painted lid or dish -- in the context of venerating the dead. This points to reverence for ancestors.
Trefoil design on the uttarIyam of the priest, AcArya, PotR. This denotes: three strands of rope: dāmā 'rope' rebus: dhāma ʻreligious conduct'.
Clearly, the wearing a fillet on the shoulder and wearing a dress with trefoil hieroglyphs made the figure of some significance to the community. National Museum, Delhi. One of the beads has trefoil designs.
"Inlaid bead. No. 53 (L445). (See also Pl. CLII,17) Steatite. An exceptionally fine bead. The interiors of the trefoils were probably filled in with either paste or colour. The former is the more probable, for in the base of each foil there is a small pitting that may been used for keying a coloured paste. The depth of the cutting is 0.05 inch. Level, 3 feet below surface. late Period. Found in Chamber 27, Block 4, L Area. The most interesting of these beads are those with the trefoil pattern, which also occurs on the robe worn by the statue pictured in Pl. XCVIII. The trefoils on both the beads and statue are irregular in shape and in this respect differ from the pattern as we ordinarily know it. (For another example of this ornamentation, see the bull illustrated in Jastrow, Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria, pl. liii, and the Sumerian bull from Warka shown in Evans, Palace of Minos, vol. ii, pt. 1, p.261, fig. 156. Sir Arthus Evans has justly compared the trefoil markings on this latter bull with the quatrefoil markings of Minoan 'rytons', and also with the star-crosses on Hathor's cow. Ibid., vol. i, p.513. Again, the same trefoil motif is perhaps represented on a painted sherd from Tchechme-Ali in the environs of Teheran. Mem. Del. en Perse, t.XX, p. 118, fig. 6)."(John Marshall, opcit., p.517)
Trefoil motifs are carved on the robe of the so-called "priest-king" statuette from Mohenjo-daro and are also known from contemporary sites in western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and southern Central Asia. dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' tri-dhAtu,'‘three minerals". त्रिधातु mfn. consisting of 3 parts , triple , threefold (used like Lat. triplex to denote excessive)RV. S3Br. v , 5 , 5 , 6; n. the aggregate of the 3 minerals.tri त्रिधा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; Ch. Up. -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. dhāˊtu n. ʻ substance ʼ RV., m. ʻ element ʼMBh., ʻ metal, mineral, ore (esp. of a red colour) ʼ Mn., ʻ ashes of the dead ʼ
lex., ʻ *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ KātyŚr.). [√dhā]Pa. dhātu -- m. ʻ element, ashes of the dead, relic ʼ; KharI. dhatu ʻ relic ʼ; Pk. dhāu -- m. ʻ metal, red chalk ʼ; N. dhāu ʻ ore (esp. of copper) ʼ; Or. ḍhāu ʻ red chalk, red ochre ʼ (whence ḍhāuā ʻ reddish ʼ; M. dhāū, dhāv m.f.ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ); -- Si. dā ʻ relic ʼ; -- S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f.(CDIAL 6773)
त्रिधातुः is an epithet of Gaṇeśa. This may indicate three forms of ferrite ores: magnetite, haematite, laterite which were identified in Indus Script as poLa 'magnetite', bichi 'haematite' and goTa 'laterite'.
Rebus readings of Indus Script hieroglyphs may explain the त्रिधातुः epithet of Gaṇeśa: karibha 'elephant's trunk' rebus: karba 'iron' ibha 'elephant' rebus: ib 'iron'.
It has been suggested at that the trefoil decorating the shawl of the 'priest-king' of Mohenjo-daro is a cross-sectional signifier of three strands of rope.
Thus, a dotted circle is signified by the word: dhāī 'wisp of fibre' (Sindhi).
These orthographic variants provide semantic elucidations for a single: dhātu, dhāū, dhāv 'red stone mineral' or two minerals: dul PLUS dhātu, dhāū, dhāv 'cast minerals' or tri- dhātu, -dhāū, -dhāv 'three minerals' to create metal alloys'. The artisans producing alloys are dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻa caste of iron -- smeltersʼ, dhāvḍī ʻcomposed of or relating to ironʼ)(CDIAL 6773).
dām 'rope, string' rebus: dhāu 'ore' rebus: मेढा [mēḍhā] A twist or tangle arising in thread or cord, a curl or snarl (Marathi). Rebus: meḍ 'iron, copper' (Munda. Slavic) mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (Munda).
Semantics of single strand of rope and three strands of rope are: 1. Sindhi dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, Lahnda dhāī˜ id.; 2. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ (RigVeda)
Ta. vaṭam cable, large rope, cord, bowstring, strands of a garland, chains of a necklace; vaṭi rope; vaṭṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to tie. Ma. vaṭam rope, a rope of cowhide (in plough), dancing rope, thick rope for dragging timber. Ka. vaṭa, vaṭara, vaṭi string, rope, tie. Te. vaṭi rope, cord. Go. (Mu.) vaṭiya strong rope made of paddy straw (Voc. 3150). Cf. 3184 Ta. tār̤vaṭam. / Cf. Skt. vaṭa- string, rope, tie; vaṭāraka-, vaṭākara-, varāṭaka- cord, string; Turner, CDIAL, no. 11212. (DEDR 5220) vaṭa2 ʻ string ʼ lex. [Prob. ← Drav. Tam. vaṭam, Kan. vaṭi, vaṭara, &c. DED 4268]N. bariyo ʻ cord, rope ʼ; Bi. barah ʻ rope working irrigation lever ʼ, barhā ʻ thick well -- rope ʼ, Mth. barahā ʻ rope ʼ.(CDIAL 11212)
I suggest that the expression dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' signified by trefoil or three strands is a semantic duplication of the parole words: dhāī 'wisp of fibre' PLUS vaṭa, vaṭara, vaṭi string, rope, tie. Thus, it is possible that the trefoil as a hieroglyph-multiplex was signified in parole by the expression dhā̆vaḍ 'three strands' rebus: dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter'.
The shawl decorated with dhā̆vaḍ 'trefoil' is a hieroglyph: pōta 'cloth' rebus:
पोता पोतृ, 'purifier' in a yajna. போற்றி pōṟṟi, போத்தி pōtti Brahman temple- priest in Malabar; மலையாளத்திலுள்ள கோயிலருச் சகன். Marathi has a cognate in
पोतदार [pōtadāra] m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith. The shawl decorated with dhā̆vaḍ 'trefoil' is a hieroglyph: pōta 'cloth' rebus:
पोता पोतृ, 'purifier' in a yajna. போற்றி pōṟṟi, போத்தி pōtti Brahman temple- priest in Malabar; மலையாளத்திலுள்ள கோயிலருச் சகன். Marathi has a cognate in
पोतदार [pōtadāra] m ( P) An officer under the native governments. His business was to assay all money paid into the treasury. He was also the village-silversmith. पोतृ पु० पुनाति पु--तृन् । ऋत्विग्मेदे अच्छावाकशब्दे ८५ पृ० दृश्यम् । होत्रादिशब्देन द्वन्द्वे ऋत आत् । पोताहोतारौ ।
पोता, [ऋ] पुं, (पुनातीति । पू + “नप्तृनेष्टृ-त्वष्टृहोतृपोतृभ्रातृजामातृमातृपितृदुहितृ ।”उणा० २ । ९६ । इति तृन्प्रत्ययेन निपात्यते ।) विष्णुः । इति संक्षिप्तसारोणादिवृत्तिः ॥ऋत्विक् । इति भूरिप्रयोगः ॥ (यथा, ऋग्वेदे ।४ । ९ । ३ ।“स सद्म परि णीयते होता मन्द्रो दिविष्टिषु ।उत पोता नि षीदति ॥”)शब्दकल्पद्रुमः पोतृ [p= 650,1] प्/ओतृ or पोतृ, m. " Purifier " , N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brahman ; = यज्ञस्य शोधयिट्रि Sa1y. )
पोतृ m. One of the sixteen officiating priests at a sacrifice (assistant of the priest called ब्रह्मन्). पोत्रम् [पू-त्र] The office of the Potṛi. ब्रह्मन् m. one of the 4 principal priests or ऋत्विज्as (the other three being the होतृ , अध्वर्यु and उद्गातृ ; the ब्रह्मन् was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 वेदs , to supervise the sacrifice and to set right mistakes ; at a later period his functions were based especially on the अथर्व-वेद) RV. &c होतृ m. (fr. √1. हु) an offerer of an oblation or burnt-offering (with fire) , sacrificer , priest , (esp.) a priest who at a sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the ऋग्-वेद , a ऋग्-वेद priest (one of the 4 kinds of officiating priest »ऋत्विज् , p.224; properly the होतृ priest has 3 assistants , sometimes called पुरुषs , viz. the मैत्रा-वरुण , अच्छा-वाक, and ग्रावस्तुत् ; to these are sometimes added three others , the ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिन् , अग्नीध्र or अग्नीध् , and पोतृ , though these last are properly assigned to the Brahman priest ; sometimes the नेष्टृ is substituted for the ग्राव-स्तुत्) RV.&c नेष्टृ m. (prob. fr. √ नी aor. stem नेष् ; but cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 135 Va1rtt. 2 &c ) one of the chief officiating priests at aसोम sacrifice , he who leads forward the wife of the sacrificer and prepares the सुरा (त्वष्टृ so called RV. i , 15 , 3) RV. Br. S3rS. &c अध्वर्यु m. one who institutes an अध्वर any officiating priest a priest of a particular class (as distinguished from the होतृ , the उद्गातृ , and the ब्रह्मन् classes. The अध्वर्युpriests " had to measure the ground , to build the altar , to prepare the sacrificial vessels , to fetch wood and water , to light the fire , to bring the animal and immolate it " ; whilst engaged in these duties , they had to repeat the hymns of the यजुर्-वेद , hence that वेद itself is also called अध्वर्यु)pl. (अध्वर्यवस्) the adherents of the यजुर्-वेद; उद्-गातृ m. one of the four chief-priests (viz. the one who chants the hymns of the सामवेद) , a chanterRV. ii , 43 , 2 TS. AitBr. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r. Mn. &c
अच्छा-वाकm. " the inviter " , title of a particular priest or ऋत्विज् , one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the सोम juice. ग्रावन् m. a stone for pressing out the सोम (originally 2 were used RV. ii , 39 , 1 ; later on 4 [ S3a1n3khBr.xxix , 1] or 5 [Sch. on S3Br. &c ]) RV. AV. VS. S3Br.= ग्राव-स्त्/उत् Hariv. 11363
pōtrá1 ʻ *cleaning instrument ʼ (ʻ the Potr̥'s soma vessel ʼ RV.). [√pū]Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ? -- Rather < *pōttī -- .(CDIAL 8404) *pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ.Pk. pottī -- f. ʻ glass ʼ; S. pūti f. ʻ glass bead ʼ, P. pot f.; N. pote ʻ long straight bar of jewelry ʼ; B. pot ʻ glass bead ʼ, puti, pũti ʻ small bead ʼ; Or. puti ʻ necklace of small glass beads ʼ; H. pot m. ʻ glass bead ʼ, G. M. pot f.; -- Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ rather than < pōtrá --(CDIAL 8403) pōtana पोतन a. 1 Sacred, holy. -2 Purifying.
Hence the importance of the office of Potr̥, 'Rigvedic priest of a yajna' signified as 'purifier', an assayer of dhāˊtu 'minerals.
I suggest that this fillet (dotted circle with a connecting strand or tape is the hieroglyph which signifies धातु (Rigveda) dhāu (Prakrtam) 'a strand' rebus: element, mineral ore. This hieroglyph signifies the पोतृ,'purifier' priest of dhā̆vaḍ 'iron-smelters' of dhāū, dhāv 'red stone minerals'. Orthography of the 'dotted circle' is representation of a single strand: dhāu rebus: dhāū 'red stone minerals.
It is this signifier which occurs in the orthography of the dotted circle hieroglyph-multiplex on early punch-marked coins of Magadha -- a proclamation of the dhāū 'element, mineral ores' used in the Magadha mint. On one Silver Satamana punch-marked coin of Gandhara septa-radiate or, seven strands emerge from the dotted circle signifying the use in the mint of सप्त--धातु 'seven mineral ores'.
These powerful narratives are also validated -- archaeologically attested -- by the discovery of Mohenjo-daro priest wearing (on his forehead and on the right shoulder) fillets of a dotted circle tied to a string and with a uttarīyam decorated with one, two, three dotted circles. The fillet is an Indus Script hypertext which reads: dhã̄i 'strand' PLUS vaṭa 'string' rebus: dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. The same dotted circles enseemble is also shown as a sacred hieroglyph on the bases of Śivalingas found in Mohenjo-dar. The dotted circles are painted with red pigment, the same way as Mosonszentjanos dice are painted with red iron oxide pigment.
It is possible to decipher the hieroglyphs using the rebus-metonymy layered cipher of Indus writing system.
The Meluhha semantics of objects signified by these three hieroglyphs are related to metalwork guild.
Trefoil hieroglyph or three 'beads, orifice'
kolom 'three' (Munda) Rebus: kolami 'smithy, forge'. The triplicate
composing the trefoil is a semantic determinant of the signified object: smithy, forge.

*pōttī ʻ glass bead ʼ.Pk. pottī -- f. ʻ glass ʼ; S. pūti f. ʻ glass bead ʼ, P. pot f.; N. pote ʻ long straight bar of jewelry ʼ; B. pot ʻ glass bead ʼ, puti, pũti ʻ small bead ʼ; Or. puti ʻ necklace of small glass beads ʼ; H. pot m. ʻ glass bead ʼ, G. M. pot f.; -- Bi. pot ʻ jeweller's polishing stone ʼ rather than < pōtrá -- 1 .(CDIAL 8403) பொத்தல் pottal , n. < id. [K. poṭṭare, M. pottu, Tu. potre.] 1. Hole, orifice.
dāya 'one in throw of dice' signifies dhāi 'strand' mlecchita vikalpa dhāi 'red mineral ore'.
vr̥ttá ʻ turned ʼ RV., ʻ rounded ʼ ŚBr. 2. ʻ completed ʼ MaitrUp., ʻ passed, elapsed (of time) ʼ KauṣUp. 3. n. ʻ conduct, matter ʼ ŚBr., ʻ livelihood ʼ Hariv. [√vr̥t1]1. Pa. vaṭṭa -- ʻ round ʼ, n. ʻ circle ʼ; Pk. vaṭṭa -- , vatta -- , vitta -- , vutta -- ʻ round ʼ(CDIAL 12069)
Translation: dhāū, dhāv m.f. ʻ a partic. soft red stone ʼ (whence dhā̆vaḍ m. ʻ a caste of iron -- smelters ʼ, dhāvḍī ʻ composed of or relating to iron ʼ) (Marathi)(CIAL 6773)
Hieroglyph: dhāˊtu n. *strand of rope ʼ (cf. tridhāˊtu -- ʻ threefold ʼ RV., ayugdhātu -- ʻ having an uneven number of strands ʼ - S. dhāī f. ʻ wisp of fibres added from time to time to a rope that is being twisted ʼ, L. dhāī˜ f. (CDIAL 6773)
Thus, together, dot + circle read: dhāvaḍ ‘iron smelter’.
![Harappa Terracotta bangle fragments]()
One badge used had a bangle with trefoil hieroglyph.
It was suggested that this may relate to the functions of a dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' tri-dhAtu,'‘three
Terracotta bangle fragments decorated with red trefoils outlined in white
on a green ground from the late Period 3C deposits in Trench 43. This image
shows both sides of the two fragments
(H98-3516/8667-01 & H98-3517/8679-01)

Detail of terracotta bangle with red and white trefoil on a green background (H98-3516/8667-01 from Trench 43). Trefoil motifs are carved on the robe of the so-called "priest-king" statuette from Mohenjo-daro and are also known from contemporary sites in western Pakistan, Afghanistan, and southern Central Asia. Source:

Trefoil Decorated bead. Pl. CXLVI, 53 (Marshall, opcit.)
Hieroglyph-multiplex of dotted circles as 'beads': kandi 'bead' Rebus: kanda 'fire-altar' khaNDa 'metal implements'. Alternative: dotted circles as dice: dhāv, dāya 'one in dice' + vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus धावडdhāvaḍa 'red ferrite ore smelter'
Trefoil Hieroglyph-multiplex as three dotted circles: kolom 'three' Rebus: kole.l kanda 'temple fire-altar'. Alternative: kole.l धावड dhāvaḍa 'temple PLUS red ferrite ore smelter'.
Sumerian marble calf with inlaid trefoils of blue stone. From the late Uruk era, Jemdet Nasr cira 3300 - 2900 B.C.E 5.3 cm. long; Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin; Parpola, 1994, p. 213. Trefoil inlay decorated on a bull calf. Uruk (W.16017) ca. 3000 BCE.
Trefoils are cut into stone surface and inlaid with lapis lazuli and carnelian. These are found on several small amulets from Sumer, having the shape of reclining bulls; they are from Uruk dated to te Jemdet Nasr period, ca. 3100-2900 BCE.
kõdā 'young bull calf' Rebus: kõdā 'turner-joiner' (forge); kundaṇa 'fine gold'.
damkom = a bull calf (Santali) Rebus: damha = a fireplace; dumhe = to heap, to collect together (Santali)
Trefoil Hieroglyph-multiplex as three dotted circles: kolom 'three' Rebus: kole.l kanda 'temple fire-altar'. Alternative: kole.l धावड dhāvaḍa 'temple PLUS red ferrite ore smelter'.
Harry Burton photograph taken during the excavation of the tomb in 1922 in pharaoh's Antechamber, Treasury and Burial chamber.

Funeral couch of Tutankhamen (1336 BC - 1327 BCE) features cow with solar disc and inlay blue glass trefoils decorating the body. Said to represent Goddess Hathor.
"An inscription from The Book of the divine cow found in the Burial chamber alludes to its sacred function as a solar barque for bearing the pharaoh to the heavens...Hieroglyphs carved on the footboard promise the protection of Isis and the endurance of Osiris."
A suggestion: A dotted circle as dhAv 'strand' hieroglyph may be read rebus as: धाम m. pl. N. of a class of superhuman beings MBh.; abode (Samskrtam) This may explain the significance of three dotted circles (trefoil) on the couch of Tuutankhamun with damkom bull calves signified on the couch.
dhamá in cmpds. ʻ blowing ʼ Pāṇ., dhamaka -- m. ʻ blacksmith ʼ Uṇ.com. [√dham ]Pa. dhama -- , ˚aka -- m. ʻ one who blows ʼ, Pk. dhamaga<-> m.; K. dam m. ʻ blast of furnace or oven, steam of stewing ʼ; -- Kho. Sh.(Lor.) dam ʻ breath, magical spell ʼ ← Pers. dam.(CDIAL 6730)
धामन् dhāman धामन् n. [धा-मनिन्] 1 A dwelling-place, abode, residence, house; तुरासाहं पुरोधाय धाम स्वायंभुवं ययुः Ku.2. 1,44; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवनगुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.33; Bg.8.21; Bh.1.35; पतत्यधो धाम विसारि सर्वतः किमेतदित्याकुलमीक्षितं जनैः Śi.1.2. -2 A place, site, resort; श्रियो धाम; भूतैः स्वधामभिः पश्येदप्रविष्टं प्रविष्टवत् Bhāg.7.12.15. -3 The inmates of a house, members of a family. -4 A ray of light; धाम्ना- तिशाययति धाम सहस्रधाम्नः Mu.3.17; Śi.9.53. -5 Light, lustre, splender; Mu.3.17; Ki.2.2,55,59;1.6; Amaru.86; R.6.6;18.22 -6 Majestic lustre, majesty, glory, dignity; गां गतस्य तव धाम वैष्णवं कोपितो ह्यसि मया दिदृक्षुणा R.11.85. -7 Power, strength, energy (प्रताप); सहते न जनो$प्यधःक्रियां किमु लोकाधिकधाम राजकम् Ki.2.47. -8 Birth. -9 The body. -1 A troop, host. -11 State, condition; Prab.1.3. -12 A class. -13 Ved. Law, rule. -14 Ved. Property, wealth. -15 A fetter. -16 Fashion, mode, manner, form, appearance; स बिभ्रत्पौरुषं धाम भ्राजमानो यथा रविः Bhāg.1.2.17. -Comp. -केशिन् m., -निधिः the sun; Mb.3.3.63. -छद् m. Ved. N. of Agni. -मानिन् a. believing in a material existence; नैवेशितुं प्रभुर्भूम्न ईश्वरो धाममानिनाम् Bhāg.3.11.38. (Apte)
धातुः dhātuḥ धातुः [धा-आधारे तुन्] 1 A constituent or essential part, an ingredient. -2 An element, primary or ele- mentary substance, i. e. पृथिवी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश; Bhāg.7.15.6. -3 A secretion, primary fluid or juice, essential ingredients of the body (which are considered to be 7:-रसासृङ्मांसमेदो$स्थिमज्जाशुक्राणि धातवः, or sometimes ten if केश, त्वच् and स्नायु be added); Mb.3.213.1. -4 A humour or affection of the body, (i.e. वात, पित्त and कफ); यस्यात्मबुद्धिः कुणपे त्रिधातुके Bhāg.1.84.13. -5 A mineral, metal, metallic ore; न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र Ku.1.7; त्वामालिख्य प्रणयकुपितां धातुरागैः शिलायाम् Me.17; R.4.71; Ku.6.51. -6 A verbal root; भूवादयो धातवः P.I.3.1; पश्चादध्ययनार्थस्य धातोरधिरिवाभवत् R.15.9. -7 The soul. -8 The Supreme Spirit; धातुप्रसादान्महिमानमात्मनः Kaṭha. -9 An organ of sense. -1 Any one of the properties of the five elements, i. e. रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द; तत्र तत्र हि दृश्यन्ते धातवः पाञ्चभौतिकाः । तेषां मनुष्यास्तर्केण प्रमाणानि प्रचक्षते Mb.6.5.11. -11 A bone. -12 A part, portion. -13 A fluid mineral of a red colour. -14 Ved. A supporter. -15 Anything to be drunk, as milk &c. -f. A milch cow. -Comp. -उपलः chalk. -काशीशम्, -कासीसम् red sulphate of iron. -कुशल a. skilful in working in metals, metallurgist. -क्रियाmetallurgy, mineralogy -क्षयः waste of the bodily humours, a wasting disease, a kind of consumption. -गर्भः, -स्तपः a receptacle for ashes, Dagoba; Buddh. ˚कुम्भः a relic urn. -ग्राहिन् m. calamine. -घ्नम्, -नाशनम् sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of rice-water). -चूर्णम् mineral powder. -जम् bitumen -द्रावकः borax. -पः the alimentary juice, the chief of the seven essential ingredients of the body. -पाठः a list of roots arranged according to Pāṇini's grammatical system (the most important of these lists called धातुपाठ being supposed to be the work of Pāṇini himself, as supplementary to his Sūtras). -पुष्टिः f. nutrition of the bodily humours. -प्रसक्त a. devoted to alchemy; -भृत् m. a mountain. -मलम् 1 impure excretion of the essential fluids of the body;कफपित्तमलाः केशः प्रस्वेदो नखरोम च । नेत्रविट् चक्षुषः स्नेहो धातूनां क्रमशो मलाः ॥ Suśruta. -2 lead. -माक्षिकम् 1 sulphuret of iron. -2 a mineral substance. -मारिणी borax. -मारिन् m. sulphur. -रसः a mineral or metalic fluid; न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र (भूर्जत्वचः) Ku.1.7. -राजकः, -कम् semen. -वल्लभम् borax. -वादः 1 mineralogy, metal- lurgy. -2 alchemy. -वादिन् m. a mineralogist. -विष् f. lead. -वैरिन् m. sulphur. -शेखरन् green sulphate of iron, green vitriol. -शोधनम्, -संभवम् lead. -साम्यम्good health, (equilibrium of the three humours). -हन् m. sulphur.
धातुमत् dhātumat धातुमत् a. Rich or abounding in metals. ˚ता richness in metals; अकालसंध्यामिव धातुमत्ताम् (शिखरैर्बिभर्ति) Ku.1.4.
धातुमय dhātumaya धातुमय a. Full of metals, abounding in red minerals; अधित्यकायामिव धातुमय्यां (लोध्रद्रुमं ददर्श) R.2.29.
धातृ dhātṛ धातृ m. [धा-तृच्] 1 A maker, creator, originator, author. -2 A bearer, preserver, supporter. -3 An epithet of Brahmā, the creator of the world; मन्ये दुर्जनचित्तवृत्तिहरणे धातापि भग्नोद्यमः H.2.124; R.13.6; Si.1.13; Ku.7.44; Ki.12.33; सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ धाता यथापूर्व- मकल्पयत् । Mahānārāyṇa Up. -4 An epithet of Viṣṇu; Mb.12.15.18. -5 The soul. -6 N. for the seven sages (सप्तर्षि) being the first creation of Brahmā cf. पुरातनाः पुराविद्भिर्धातार इति कीर्तिताः Ku.6.9. -7 A married woman's paramour, adulterer. -8One of the forty-nine winds. -9 An arranger. -1 One who nourishes. -11 A star among ध्रुवमत्स्य; Bhāg.5.23.5. -12 Fate, destiny; धाता यथा मां विदधीत लोके ध्रुवं तथा$हं भवितेति मत्वा Mb.1.89.1. -Comp. -पुत्रः an epithet of Sanatkumāra.
धामन् n. dwelling-place , house , abode , domain RV. &c &c (esp. seat of the gods cf. मध्यमं धाम विष्णोः (शकुन्तला) [ Pi. ?? iv , 5] ; site of the sacred fire and the सोम RV. &c ; with प्रियम् , favourite residence VS. Br. ); the inmates of a house or members of a family , class , troop , band , host (also pl.) RV. &c; favourite thing or person , delight , pleasure VS. AV. Br.;effect , power , strength , majesty , glory , splendour , light RV. &c MBh. Ka1v. Pur.; m. N. of one of the 7 ऋषिs of the 4th मन्व्-न्तर (v.l. धातृ) Hariv. [cf.Lat. famulus ; Angl.Sax. dom ;
Goth. domas; Germ. tuom and suff. -tum.]; धातृ m. establisher , founder , creator , bearer , supporter (cf. वसु-) , orderer , arranger RV. &c; N. of a divine being who personifies these functions (in Vedic times presiding over generation , matrimony , health , wealth , time and season , and associated or identified with सवितृ , प्रजा-पति , त्वष्टृ , बृहस्पति , मित्र , अर्यमन्, विष्णु &c RV. x AV. TS. S3Br. &c ; later chiefly the creator and maintainer of the world = ब्रह्मा or प्रजा-पति MBh. Ka1v.Pur. ; in ep. one of the 12 आदित्यs and brother of वि-धातृ and लक्ष्मी , son of ब्रह्मा MBh. ; or of भृगु and ख्याति Pur. ; Fate personified Ka1v. ); धात्री the earth Var. MBh. Hariv. &c (Monier-Williams)

(After Fig. 18.10 Parpola, 2015, p. 232) (a) Neo-Sumerian steatite bowl from Ur (U.239), bearing symbols of the sun, the moon (crucible), stars and trefoils (b) Fragmentary steatite statuette from Mohenjo-daro. After Ardeleanu-Jansen 1989-205, fig. 19 and 196, fig. 1 Steatite statue fragment; Mohenjodaro (Sd 767); trefoil-decorated bull; traces of red pigment remain inside the trefoils. Parpola, 1994, p. 213.
Source: Marshall, 1931: Pl. CXVIII. Harappan male ornament styles. After Fig.6.7 in Kenoyer, JM, 1991, Ornament styles of the Indus valley tradition: evidence from recent excavations at Harappa, Pakistan in: Paleorient, vol. 17/2 -1991, p.93
What is the decipherment of the trefoil hypertext on the garment of Mohenjodaro statuary of a seated person? Over 8000 documents (inscriptions) of Indus Script have been deciphered as wealth-accounting ledgers, metalwork catalogues. Does this context provide a reading and explanation of the trefoil hypertext? I submit that the decipherment of Indus inscriptions explain these trefoil hypertexts also, which are composed of one dotted circle, two dotted circles, three dotted The circles.. The frequently occurring fish-looking signs of the Indus Script signify aya 'fish' rebus: ayas 'alloy metal'. Thus, fish hypertexts signify alloy metalwork related terms. Similarly, do the dotted circles fusing into a trefoil signify some type of metalwork? The answer is yes using the logo-semantic cipher of the Indus Script: dotted circle signifies dhāu 'strand' rebus: 'ore' PLUS vaṭṭa 'circle' rebus: dhā̆vaḍ 'smelter' .
Rebus: dhāū, dhāv 'red stone minerals' .dhā̆vaḍ 'iron-smelter'
tri त्रि-जगत् n. -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos- phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः ...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59. (Apte) त्रि--जगत् त्रि--जगती n. sg. = जगत् त्रय BhP. viii Caurap. Katha1s. Vet. (Monier-Williams) जगत् jagat जगत् a. (-ती f.) 1 Moving, movable; सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्च Rv.1.115.1; इदं विश्वं जगत्सर्वमजगच्चापि यद्भवेत् Mb. -m. Wind, air. -n. The world, the universe; जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरो R.1.1. -2 'The world of the soul', body; Māl.5.2. -3 A multitude of animals. ...... स्याज्जगद्विष्टपे पुमान् । इङ्गे वायौ ना जङ्गमे मृगषण्डे$ प्ययं त्रिषु । Nm. -ती (dual) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -अम्बा, -अम्बिका N. of Durgā. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आदिः, -आदिजः the Supreme deity. -आदिजः an epithet of Śiva. -आधारः1 time. -2 air, wind. -आयुः, -आयुस् m. wind. -ईशः, -पतिः 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva. -उद्धारः salvation of the world. -कर्तृ, -धातृ m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmā. -कारणम् the cause of the universe. -गुरुः(Apte)
-धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa; -तुम् 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. (Apte)
The fillet is an Indus Script hypertext which reads: dhã̄i 'strand' PLUS vaṭa 'string' rebus: dhāvaḍ 'smelter'. The same dotted circles enseemble is also shown as a sacred hieroglyph on the bases of Śivalingas found in Mohenjo-dar. The dotted circles are painted with red pigment, the same way as Mosonszentjanos dice are painted with red iron oxide pigment.

1. A finely polished pedestal. Dark red stone. Trefoils. (DK 4480, After Mackay 1938: I, 412; II, pl. 107:35; Parpola, 1994, p. 218.) National Museum, Karachi. Stone base for Sivalinga.Tre-foil inlay decorated base (for linga icon?); smoothed, polished pedestal of dark red stone.
2. Two decorated bases and a lingam, Mohenjodaro. Trefoil inlay decorated base (for linga icon?); smoothed, polished pedestal of dark red stone; National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi; After Mackay 1938: I, 411; II, pl. 107:35; Parpola, 1994, p. 218. "In an earthenware jar, No. 12414, recovered from Mound F, Trench IV, Square I"
Griffith RV 1.115.1 The brilliant presence of the Gods hath risen, the eye ofMitra, Varuna and Agni.
The soul of all that moveth not or moveth, the Sun hath filled the air and earth and heaven.Wilson: 1.115.01 The wonderful host of rays has risen; th eye of Mitra, Varun.a and Agni; the sun, the soul of all that moves or is immoveable, has filled (with his glory) the heaven, the earth, and the firmament. [Agni: = the enlightener. Mitra, Varun.a and Agni are typical of the world, or of the seasons, perhaps, over which they preside. a_tma_ jagatah = the soul of the world, fr. his pervading and animating all things; jagatah, of what is moveable; tathus.ah, of that which is fixed. The sun is the cause of all effects, whether moveableor immoveable: sa hi sarvasya stha_varajan:gama_tmakasya ka_ryavargasya].
dhātuḥ धातुः [धा-आधारे तुन्] A mineral, metal, metallic ore; न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र Ku.1.7; त्वामालिख्य प्रणयकुपितां धातुरागैः शिलायाम् Me.17; R.4.71; Ku.6.51. (Apte)
जगत् jagat जगत् a. (-ती f.) 1 Moving, movable; सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्च Rv.1.115.1; इदं विश्वं जगत्सर्वमजगच्चापि यद्भवेत् Mb. -m. Wind, air. -n. The world, the universe; जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरो R.1.1. -2 'The world of the soul', body; Māl.5.2. -3 A multitude of animals. ...... स्याज्जगद्विष्टपे पुमान् । इङ्गे वायौ ना जङ्गमे मृगषण्डे$ प्ययं त्रिषु । Nm. -ती (dual) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -अम्बा, -अम्बिका N. of Durgā. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आदिः, -आदिजः the Supreme deity. -आदिजः an epithet of Śiva. -आधारः1 time. -2 air, wind. -आयुः, -आयुस् m. wind. -ईशः, -पतिः 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva. -उद्धारः salvation of the world. -कर्तृ, -धातृ m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmā. -कारणम् the cause of the universe. -गुरुः (Apte)
జగిలె or జగ్గిలె ḍzagile. [Tel.] n. A settle or stone bench. అరుగు. Chikk. i. 62. జగతి ḍzagati. [From Skt. జగము.] n. A raised verandah. తిన్నె.(Telugu)
Ta. takaram tin, white lead, metal sheet, coated with tin. Ma. takaram tin, tinned iron plate. Ko. tagarm (obl. tagart-) tin. Ka. tagara, tamara, tavara id. Tu. tamarů, tamara, tavara id. Te. tagaramu, tamaramu, tavaramu id. Kuwi (Isr.) ṭagromi tin metal, alloy. / Cf. Skt. tamara- id. (DEDR 3001) तमर 'tin' (Skt.)
Thāvara1 (adj.) [Vedic sthāvara, from sthā, cp. sthavira, Gr. stauro/s post, Lat. re -- stauro, Goth. stana judgment & stojan to judge] "standing still," immovable (opp. to tasa) firm, strong (Ep. of an Arahant: KhA 245) DhA iv. 176. Always in connection with tasa, contrasting or comprising the movable creation (animal world) & the immovable (vegetable world), e. g. Sn 394 ("sabbesu bhūtesu nidhāya daṇḍaŋ ye thāvarā ye ca tasanti loke"); It 32 (tasaŋ vā thāvaraŋ vā). See tasa for ref. (Pali)
Thāvariya (nt.) [fr. thāvara] immobility, firmness, security, solidity, an undisturbed state; always in janapada˚ an appeased country, as one of the blessings of the reign of a Cakkavattin. Expld at DA i. 250 as "janapadesu dhuvabhāvaŋ thāvarabhāvaŋ vā patto na sakkā kenaci cāletuŋ." D i. 88; ii. 16, 146, 169; S i. 100; Sn p. 106; It 15.(Pali)
स्थावर n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant , mineral &c ; these form the seventh creation of ब्रह्मा » under सर्ग) Up. Mn. MBh. &c (Monier-Williams) स्थिर sthira स्थिर a. [स्था-किरच्] (compar. स्थेयस्; superl. स्थेष्ठ) 1 Firm, steady, fixed; भावस्थिराणि जननान्तरसौहृदानि Ś.5.2. स स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः V.1.1; Ku.1.3; R.11.19. -2 Immoveable, still, motionless; स्थिरप्रदीप- तामेत्य भुजङ्गाः पर्युपासते Ku.2.38. -3 Immoveably fixed; कालेनावरणात्ययात्परिणते यत्स्नेहसारे स्थितम् U.1.39. -श्री a. having everlasting prosperity. (Apte) स्थिरः 1 A god, deity. -2 A tree. -3 A mountain. -4 A bull. -5 N. of Śiva. -6 N. of Kārtikeya. -7 Final beatitude or absolution. -8 The planet Saturn. -9 N. of certain zodiacal signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). -रा 1 The earth; पितामहस्तामालोक्य विहस्तामस्थिरां स्थिराम् Śiva B.5.47. (Apte)
थावरणें thāvaraṇēṃ v c (स्थावर S) To make to stand for a while; to set up (by repairing or mending). 2 To detain or stop. 3 To sustain or keep up (the spirits or purpose of).
थावरणें thāvaraṇēṃ v i (स्थावर) To rest or settle at; to obtain an asylum or a footing. 2 To rise again; to recover strength or credit--a sick person, a sinking tradesman or trade.
జగతి , జగత్తు or జగము jagati. [Skt.] n. The world: the earth. ప్రపంచము, భూలోకము. people. Men in general జనము. జగజ్జ్యోతి jagaj-jyōti. adj. Bright, radiant flaring. ఆ వజ్రము జగజ్జ్యోతిగానున్నది that diamond is a paragon of brilliancy. జగత్ప్రాణుడు jagat-prāṇuḍu. n. Air, వాయువు. జగద్విదితము celebrated: known to the world. జగన్నాధుడు jagan-nādhuḍu. n. Lord of the world, an epithet of Vishṇu as worshipped at the shrine in Puri in Orissa. జగన్నుత celebrated. జగచ్చక్షువు jagach-chakshuvu. [Skt. జగత్+చక్షువు.] n. The eye of the world, i.e., the sun. jágat ʻ moving, living ʼ RV., n. ʻ men and animals ʼ RV., ʻ the world ʼ ŚBr. 2. jágatī -- f. ʻ female animal ʼ RV. [√gam ]1. Pa. jagat -- n. (in cmpd. jagati -- ) ʻ the world ʼ; Pk. jaya -- n. ʻ the world ʼ, m. ʻ living creature ʼ; Si. diya ʻ the world ʼ, inscr. jiyaḷ ʻ people ʼ (< MIA. *jaya -- ḍa -- ?).(CDIAL 5078) ![]()
वेदिक m. a seat , bench R. Hariv.; f. a balcony , pavilion (= वितर्दि) Naish. Va1s. Pan5cat.; f. a sacrificial ground , altar VarBr2S. वि-तर्दि f. (said to be fr. √ तृद्) a raised and covered piece of ground in the centre of a house or temple or in the middle of a court-yard , verandah , balcony &c R. Ra1jat. ( L. also °तर्दी , °तर्द्धी and °तर्द्धिका)(Monier-Williams)
వేది or వేదిక vēdi. [Skt.] n. A terrace, a piece of raised ground, a platform. An altar. యాగాదులచేయడమునకై పరిష్కృతమైన భూమి, అరుగు, తిన్నె. వేది. n. One who knows or is acquainted with. ఎరిగినవాడు. An epithet of Brahma. బ్రహ్మ. A man of learning. విద్వాంసుడు. త్రిభువనవేది one who knows all nature.
ईश mfn. owning , possessing , sharing;one who is completely master of anything; powerful, supreme; a ruler , master , lord Mn. S3Br. MBh. Kum. &c
जगद्-ीश m. " world-lord " , ब्रह्मा BrahmaP. iii , 1 , 6