-- karṇī Supercargo's daybook entries ṭhākur 'blacksmith', kuṭhi 'smelter' goṭā 'ferrite, laterite ore' bharata 'alloy of pewter, copper, tin' ayo dhakka 'bright alloy metal'.
This monograph deciphers a unique Harappa tablet which can be called the 'Harappa standard' and contains two sided inscriptions documenting metalwork wealth.
This is an addendum to: 235 Harappa Indus Script tablets deciphered: भरत 'alloy of pewter, copper, tin' ready as supercargo & for turners, from 1. smithy, 2. cast metal, 3. implements furnaces (workshops) http://tinyurl.com/h45ex2j
h1997 A,B Harappa Faience Tablet or Harappa Standard
A unique mold-made faience tablet or standard was found in the eroded levels west of the tablet workshop in Trench 54 at Harappa in 2000. On one side is a short inscription under a rectangular box filled with 24 dots. The reverse has a narrative scene with two bulls face-to-face under a thorny tree.
kuṭi 'tree' rebus kuṭhi'smelter'
Pk. ḍhaṁkhara -- m.n. ʻ branch without leaves or fruit ʼ (CDIAL 5524)
khōṇḍa'leafless tree' (Marathi) कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner' kundana 'fine gold' PLUS kōḍu'horn' rebus koḍ 'workplace' PLUS koḍiyum 'ring on neck' rebus: koḍ 'workplace' PLUS khōṇḍī खोंडी 'pannier sack' rebus: कोंद kōnda 'engraver, turner, fine gold'. Thus, the hypertext composition signifies workshop of a goldsmith, lapidary (turner, engraver). A remarkable cognate etymon signifying a young bull is seen in Telugu (Indian sprahbund, 'speech union'): kōḍe. [Tel.] n. A bullcalf. కోడెదూడ. A young bull. కాడిమరపదగినదూడ. Plumpness, prime. తరుణము. జోడుకోడయలు a pair of bullocks. కోడె adj. Young. కోడెత్రాచు a young snake, one in its prime. "కోడెనాగముం బలుగులరేడుతన్ని కొని పోవుతెరంగు" రామా. vi. కోడెకాడు kōḍe-kāḍu. n. A young man. పడుచువాడు. A lover విటుడు. Rebus: kõdār 'turner' (Bengali). konda 'furnace, fire-altar' kō̃da कोँद'furnace for smelting': payĕn-kō̃da पयन्-कोँद । परिपाककन्दुः f. a kiln (a potter's, a lime-kiln, and brick-kiln, or the like); a furnace (for smelting). -thöji - or -thöjü -; ।परिपाक-(द्रावण-)मूषाf. a crucible, a melting-pot. -ʦañĕ -। परिपाकोपयोगिशान्ताङ्गारसमूहः f.pl. a special kind of charcoal (made from deodar and similar wood) used in smelting furnaces. -wôlu -वोलु&below; । धात्वादिद्रावण-इष्टिकादिपरिपाकशिल्पी m. a metal-smelter; a brick-baker. -wān -वान् । द्रावणचुल्ली m. a smelting furnace.
rebus: खोट (p. 212) [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. Rebus: Bos primigenius taurus (old bull or ox): ḍhangra 'bull'. Rebus: ḍhangar 'blacksmith'. barad, balad, 'ox' rebus: bharata 'metal alloy' (5 copper, 4 zinc and 1 tin ). कोंडण kōṇḍaṇa f A fold or pen. (Marathi) khōṇḍa 'young bull' 'bull-calf'. kunda, 'one of कुबेर's nine treasures', kundaṇa 'fine gold'.
The two bulls are read as: dula 'two' rebus: dul 'metal casting' PLUS barad, balad 'ox' rebus: bharata
Text message on h1997A contains a unique circumscribed rectangle with 24 raised dots and the most frequently expression composed of three hieroglyphs:Sign176, Sign342, Sign48
1. baraḍo 'spine' Rebus: भरत bharata 'alloy of pewter, copper, tin'.
2. karṇīka, kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: kaṇḍa kanka 'smelting furnace account (scribe), karṇī, supercargo--a representative of the ship's owner on board a merchant ship, responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.'.
3. khareḍo 'a currycomb' (G.) Rebus:kharada खरडें daybook, wealth account ledger; kharādī ' turner' (G.)
Thus, the string of circmscribed 24 raised dots PLUS four hieroglyphs/hypertext reads in Meluhha:
goṭā ayo dhakka bharata karṇī kharada
Meaning: laterite, ferrite ore, bright alloy metal, भरत 'alloy of pewter, copper, tin' cast metal implements/metalware from smithy/forge inscribed by supercargo (for seafaring merchants and for turners in smithy)and documented in daybook wealth-accounting ledger.
Note: (Frequency of occurrence of the expression: 41.) Frequency is in reference to Mahadevan concordance 1977. The occurrences will be more if HARP discoveries are reckoned.