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శంకరనారాయణ తెలుగు-ఇంగ్లీష్ నిఘంటువు 1953 (Telugu-English lexicon) provides evidence of a remarkable gloss: కుటి kuṭi 'the woman water carrier who carries water in a leather bag.'
![Water Carrier or Bhestie]()
Water-carrier of bhestie. http://www.oldindianarts.in/2012/03/illustrations-from-book-india-1876-part.html బిస్తి, బిహిస్తి .
Water-carrier as a hieroglyph of Indus Script Corpora
kut.i = a woman water-carrier (Telugu.) kut.i = to drink; drinking, beverage (Ta.); drinking, water drunk after meals (Ma.); kud.t- to drink (To.); kud.i to drink; drinking (Ka.); kud.i to drink (Kod.); kud.i right, right hand (Te.); kut.i_ intoxicating liquor (Samskritam)(DEDR 1654). कुट [p= 288,1] a water-pot , pitcher L.kuṭi 'water-carrier' (Telugu) kuṭa1 m.n. ʻ water -- pot, pitcher ʼ Yaśast., kūṭa -- 5 n. lex., kuḍikā -- f. lex. 1. Pa. kuṭa -- m.n. ʻ pitcher ʼ; NiDoc. kuḍ'a ʻ waterpot ʼ, Pk. kuḍa -- m.; Paš. kuṛã̄ ʻ clay pot ʼ (or < kuṇḍá -- 1); Kal. kŕūŕi ʻ milking pail ʼ; H. kuliyā f. ʻ small earthen cup ʼ; Si. kuḷāva ʻ pot, vessel for oil ʼ (EGS 47 wrongly < kaṭāha -- ), kaḷa -- geḍiya ʻ waterpot ʼ, kaḷaya (or < kaláśa -- ).2. Pa. kuṭava -- ʻ nest ʼ (semant. cf. N. gũṛ s.v. kuṇḍá -- 1); Or. kuṛuā ʻ tall red earthen pot for cooking curry and rice offerings in the temple at Puri ʼ. 3. Pk. kōḍaya -- , °ḍia -- n. ʻ small earthen pot ʼ; Dm. kōŕí ʻ milking pail ʼ; G. koṛiyũ n. ʻ earthen cup for oil and wick ʼ; M. koḍẽ n. ʻ earthen saucer for a lamp ʼ. OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) loc.sg.m. kūṛaï ʻ pot ʼ; G. kuṛlī f. ʻ small pitcher ʼ.(CDIAL 3227)Ta. kuṭam waterpot, hub of a wheel; kuṭaṅkar waterpot; kuṭantam pot;
kuṭantai Kumbakonam (old name); kuṭukkai coconut or other hard shell used as vessel, pitcher; kuṭikai ascetic's pitcher; kuṭuvai vessel with a small narrow mouth, pitcher of an asectic. Ma. kuṭam waterpot; kuṭukka shells (as of gourds) used as vessels, small cooking vessel with narrow mouth; kuṭuka, kuṭuva small vessel. Ko. koṛm (obl. koṛt-) waterpot with small mouth; ?kuck small clay pot used to drink from (? < *kuṭikkay). To. kuṛky smallpot. Ka. koḍa earthen pitcher or pot; kuḍike small earthen, metal, or wood vessel;guḍuvana, guḍāṇa large water-vessel, used also for storing grain; earthen pot used for churning. Koḍ. kuḍike pot in which food (esp. rice) is cooked. Tu.kuḍki, kuḍkè, guḍke small earthen vessel. Te. kuḍaka, kuḍuka cup, bowl, scoop, any cup-like thing; guḍaka a coconut or other similar shell; (B) guḍaka, kuḍaka shell of a fruit prepared to serve as a snuff-box, etc., small metal box; (Inscr.) kuḍalu small earthen vessels. Kuwi (Su.) ḍōka, (S.) ḍoka, (F.) dōkkapot (Te. kuḍaka > *kḍōka > ḍōka). / Cf. Skt. kūṭa- waterpot (DEDR 1651)
kūṭa कूट Head, chief -कृत् a man of the writer caste (कायस्थ). (Samskritam)
Transporte de jarras para almacenaje. Amarna.
Kur. goṭā any seed which forms inside a fruit or shell. Malt. goṭa a seed or berry(DEDR 069) N. goṭo ʻ piece ʼ, goṭi ʻ chess piece ʼ; A. goṭ ʻ a fruit, whole piece ʼ, °ṭā ʻ globular, solid ʼ, guṭi ʻ small ball, seed, kernel ʼ; B. goṭā ʻ seed, bean, whole ʼ; Or. goṭā ʻ whole, undivided ʼ, M. goṭā m. ʻ roundish stone ʼ (CDIAL 4271) <gOTa>(P) {ADJ} ``^whole''. {SX} ``^numeral ^intensive suffix''. *Kh., Sa., Mu., Ho<goTA>,B.<goTa> `undivided'; Kh.<goThaG>(P), Sa.<goTAG>,~<gOTe'j>, Mu.<goTo>; Sad.<goT>, O., Bh.<goTa>; cf.Ju.<goTo> `piece', O.<goTa> `one'. %11811. #11721. <goTa>(BD) {NI} ``the ^whole''. *@. #10971. (Munda etyma) Rebus: <gota> {N} ``^stone''. @3014. #10171. Note: The stone may be gota, laterite mineral ore stone. khoṭ m. ʻbase, alloyʼ (Punjabi) Rebus: koṭe ‘forging (metal)(Mu.) Rebus: goṭī f. ʻlump of silver' (G.) goṭi = silver (G.) koḍ ‘workshop’ (Gujarati). P. goṭṭā ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ, H. goṭā m. ʻ edging of such ʼ (→ K. goṭa m. ʻ edging of gold braid ʼ, S. goṭo m. ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ); M. goṭ ʻ hem of a garment, metal wristlet ʼ(CDIAL 4271) Rebus: goṭa 'laterite' khoṭ m. ʻbase, alloyʼ (Punjabi) koṭe ‘forging (metal)(Mu.) Rebus: goṭī f. ʻlump of silver' (G.) goṭi = silver (G.) koḍ ‘workshop’ (Gujarati).
Example of water-carrier hieroglyph as Indus script. Seal impression, Ur (Upenn; U.16747) Seal impression, Ur (Upenn; U.16747); dia. 2.6, ht. 0.9 cm.; Gadd, PBA 18 (1932), pp. 11-12, pl. II, no. 12; Porada 1971: pl.9, fig.5; Parpola, 1994, p. 183; water carrier with a skin (or pot?) hung on each end of the yoke across his shoulders and another one below the crook of his left arm; the vessel on the right end of his yoke is over a receptacle for the water; a star on either side of the head (denoting supernatural?). The whole object is enclosed by 'parenthesis' marks. The parenthesis is perhaps a way of splitting of the ellipse (Hunter, G.R., JRAS, 1932, 476). An unmistakable example of an 'hieroglyphic' seal.
Hieroglyph: spathe "A spathe is a large bract that forms a sheath to enclose the flower cluster of certain plants such as palms, arums, Iris and dayflowers. In many arums (Araceae family), the spathe is petal-like, attracting pollinators to the flowers arranged on a type of spike called a spadix." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bract#Spathe): Kashmiri. gab m. ʻ womb, sprout of a plant ʼ; gāb(h)ā ʻspathe of a plant (Bengali)(CDIAL 4055) Rebus: gābhā m. ʻ heart, core ʼ (Marathi) gāb(h)ā 'foetus' dhātugarbha (Samskritam), dhātu gabbhā (Pali) (Sinhalese dāgoba. The expression is equivalent to dhātu relics+garbha womb, inside. Thus, dāgoba is a dome-shaped shrine containing
relics of the Buddha or a Bauddham arhant.
Hieroglyph: mollusc: śāṅkhika ʻ relating to a shell ʼ W. 2. *śāṅkhinī -- (śaṅkhinī -- f. ʻ mother -- of -- pearl ʼ Bālar.). [śaṅkhá -- 1] 1. K. hāngi ʻ snail ʼ; B. sã̄khī ʻ possessing or made of shells ʼ. 2. K. hö̃giñ f. ʻ pearl oyster shell, shell of any aquatic mollusc ʼ (CDIAL 12380). Rebus: sangha [fr. saŋ+hṛ; lit. "comprising." The quâsi pop. etym. at VvA 233 is "diṭṭhi -- sīla -- sāmaññena sanghāṭabhāvena sangha"] 1. multitude, assemblage Miln 403 (kāka˚); J i.52 (sakuṇa˚); Sn 589 (ñāti˚); 680 (deva˚); D iii.23 (miga˚); Vv 55 (accharā˚=samūha VvA 37).Sanghin (adj.) [fr. sangha] having a crowd (of followers), the head of an order D i.47, 116; S i.68; Miln 4; DA i 143. -- sanghâsanghī (pl.) in crowds, with crowds (redupl. cpd.!), with gaṇi -- bhūtā "crowd upon crowd" at D i.112, 128; ii.317; DA i.280.
Decoding fish and ligatured-fish glyphs of Indus script (S. Kalyanaraman, November 2011) in the context of a Susa pot showing a fish glyph and containing metal artefacts, the fish glyph [aya 'fish'(Santali)] was decoded as aya 'metal, iron' (G.) Comparable to the ligatured-fish glyphs are the ligatures found on a basin of Susa decorated with goat-fish figures and many fish hieroglyphs on Ancient Near East artifacts.
See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/11/susa-ritual-basin-decorated-
![This depiction of a fish-apkallū of the parādu-fish type guarded the entrance to the temple of Ninurta at Nimrud. A fish's head can be seen on the Apkallu's head, and its skin hangs down over the back of his body. It is important to recall that the so-called Seven Sages of Sumeria were apkallū of this type. Neo-Assyrian era, 865-860 BCE. From the Temple of Ninurta, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu; Biblical Calah), northern Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The British Museum, London). Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg) http://www.ancient.eu/image/2708/]()
A fish's head can be seen on the Apkallu's head, and its skin hangs down over the back of his body. Neo-Assyrian era, 865-860 BCE.
![In this bas relief from Nimrud, human apkallū, the ummánū, kneel and tend to a sacred tree. Both ummânū wear horned tiaras and display rosette bracelets on their wrists. Bracelets are also apparent on their upper arms. In the lower register, bird-apkallū raise mulillu cones to sprinkle water in a gesture of exorcism and liberation of sin. As is typical, the banduddu buckets are in their left hands. Interestingly in this case, the bracelets of the bird-apkallū are atypical. No rosettes are apparent.]()
Bas-relief from Nimrud. Bird-apkallu raise mulillu cones.
![The god Ea at far left, wearing the horned headdress indicative of divinity, with water coursing from his shoulders.
A fish-apkallū is in the iconic posture with right hand raised in blessing or exorcism, with the banduddu bucket in his left hand.
The next apkallū wields an indistinct and as yet undefined angular object in his right hand, with the typical banduddu bucket in his left.
The entity at far right, which appears to be wearing a horned tiara indicative of divinty, remains unidentified and undefined.]()
God Ea at far lef, wears horned headdress, with water coursing from his shoulders. Two fish-apkallu.
![Antediluvian apkallū portrayed as fish-men, such mixed-species creatures were the teachers of men, with Oannes and Odakon from Berossos the exemplars. These specific statuettes were buried in the foundations of the home of an exorcist, where they were positioned beneath doorways and against particular walls to exert a prophylactic effect, warding off evil. The antediluvian type of apkallū, the so-called paradu fish, are often grouped in sevens.]()
Apkallu portrayed as fish-men.
![Another depiction of the Kulullû, or fish-man.]()
![Fish-man known as a Kulullû. Terracotta figurine (8th-7th BCE) in the Louvre collection, Nr. 3337. The Kulullû is distinct from the fish-Apkallū. They are not the same.]()
Fish-man known as Kulullu. Terracotta figurine (8th-7th BCE). Louvre collection, Nr. 3337.
![Sowie Museum 9-1796, sun-dried clay figurine of a suhurmaššu, probably from Aššur. Previously published: H.F. Lutz, University of California Publications in Semitic Philology 9/7 (1930), Rittig, 97. Sowie Museum 9-1795, sun-dried figurine of a kilīlu, allegedly from Aššur. Previously published: Lutz, op. cit., Rittig, 95f. Plate XV.]()
Sowie Museum 9-1796 sun-dried clay figurine of a suhurmashshu, probably from Assur. Previously published HF Lutz, Univ. of California Publications in Semitic Philology 9/7 (1930), Rittig.97.
![Fish-Apkallū statuettes of the type that were buried in the foundations of buildings. The so-called parādu-fish apkallū were the seven antediluvian sages of Sumeria.]()
Fish-Apkallu statuettes of the type that were buried in the foundations of buildings. The so-called paRadu-fish apkallu were the seven antedeluvian sages of Sumeria.
![Two Kusarikku, or "bull-men," holding a sacred palm tree surmounted by the eight-pointed star of Ištar. Note the horned headdresses, indicative of divinity. From Eshnunna (Tell Asmar near Baghdad,Iraq). Early 2nd millennium BCE. Louvre, AO 12446]()
Two kusarikku or 'bull men' holding a sacred palm tree surmounted by the eight pointed star of Ishtar. From Eshnunna (Tell Asmar near Baghdad, Iraq). Early 2nd millennium BCE. Louvre AO 12446
tamar 'date palm' (Aramaic, Ethiopic, and Hebrew) tamr, 'fruit of the date-palm' (Arabic) http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/11873-palm Rebus: tam(b)ra 'copper' (Pali) arka 'sun' Rebus: araka, eraka 'copper, moltencast' (Kannada.Tulu).
See the peg shown on the crown of Nihal Mishmar cire perdue alloy hoard of artifacts:
kūṭa 'a peg, etc.'; kūṭi 'a hat turban peg or stand' (Kannada) khut.i Nag. (Or. khut.i_) diminutive of khun.t.a, a peg driven into the ground, as for tying a goat (Mundari) khun.t.i = pillar (Santali) Rebus: kuThi 'smelter'.
Cognate hieroglyph: Ta. kuṭai umbrella, parasol, canopy. Ma.
kuṭa umbrella. Ko. koṛ umbrella made of leaves (only in a proverb);
keṛ umbrella. To. kwaṛ id. Ka. koḍe id., parasol. Koḍ. koḍe umbrella.
Tu. koḍè id. Te. goḍugu id., parasol. Kuwi (F.) gūṛgū, (S.) gudugu, (Su. P.) guṛgu umbrella (< Te.). / Cf. Skt. (lex.) utkūṭa- umbrella, parasol. (DER 1663) उत्-कूट [p= 176,2] m. an umbrella or parasol L. (Monier-Williams) utkūṭḥ उत्कूटः [उन्नतं कूटमस्य] A parasol or umbrella.(Pali)
S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvati Research Center
August 17, 2015
శంకరనారాయణ తెలుగు-ఇంగ్లీష్ నిఘంటువు 1953 (Telugu-English lexicon) provides evidence of a remarkable gloss: కుటి kuṭi 'the woman water carrier who carries water in a leather bag.'

Water-carrier of bhestie. http://www.oldindianarts.in/2012/03/illustrations-from-book-india-1876-part.html బిస్తి, బిహిస్తి .
Even though it was a circular seal from Ur (Upenn; U.16747), Ancient Near East, CJ Gadd recognized it an Indus Script seal because of the hieroglyphs used on the seal inscription: water-carrier, two stars and a parenthesis which is a split oval or lozenge shape.
Similarly, there are nearly 2000 inscriptions on so-called Dilmun or Persian Gulf seals which are circular in shape but use Indus Script hieroglyphs. The Persian Gulf is a segment of the Maritime Tin Route for seafaring Meluhha merchants transporting tin from the tin-belt of the world, Mekong river delta, exemplified by the stunning Dong Son bronze drums of Vietnam and bronze cire perdue artifacts from Bon Chiang, Thailand of a period earlier than 3rd millennium BCE, predating the Silk Road.

kut.i = a woman water-carrier (Telugu.) kut.i = to drink; drinking, beverage (Ta.); drinking, water drunk after meals (Ma.); kud.t- to drink (To.); kud.i to drink; drinking (Ka.); kud.i to drink (Kod.); kud.i right, right hand (Te.); kut.i_ intoxicating liquor (Samskritam)(DEDR 1654). कुट [p= 288,1] a water-pot , pitcher L.kuṭi 'water-carrier' (Telugu) kuṭa1 m.n. ʻ water -- pot, pitcher ʼ Yaśast., kūṭa -- 5 n. lex., kuḍikā -- f. lex. 1. Pa. kuṭa -- m.n. ʻ pitcher ʼ; NiDoc. kuḍ'a ʻ waterpot ʼ, Pk. kuḍa -- m.; Paš. kuṛã̄ ʻ clay pot ʼ (or < kuṇḍá -- 1); Kal. kŕūŕi ʻ milking pail ʼ; H. kuliyā f. ʻ small earthen cup ʼ; Si. kuḷāva ʻ pot, vessel for oil ʼ (EGS 47 wrongly < kaṭāha -- ), kaḷa -- geḍiya ʻ waterpot ʼ, kaḷaya (or < kaláśa -- ).2. Pa. kuṭava -- ʻ nest ʼ (semant. cf. N. gũṛ s.v. kuṇḍá -- 1); Or. kuṛuā ʻ tall red earthen pot for cooking curry and rice offerings in the temple at Puri ʼ. 3. Pk. kōḍaya -- , °ḍia -- n. ʻ small earthen pot ʼ; Dm. kōŕí ʻ milking pail ʼ; G. koṛiyũ n. ʻ earthen cup for oil and wick ʼ; M. koḍẽ n. ʻ earthen saucer for a lamp ʼ. OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) loc.sg.m. kūṛaï ʻ pot ʼ; G. kuṛlī f. ʻ small pitcher ʼ.(CDIAL 3227)Ta. kuṭam waterpot, hub of a wheel; kuṭaṅkar waterpot; kuṭantam pot;
kuṭantai Kumbakonam (old name); kuṭukkai coconut or other hard shell used as vessel, pitcher; kuṭikai ascetic's pitcher; kuṭuvai vessel with a small narrow mouth, pitcher of an asectic. Ma. kuṭam waterpot; kuṭukka shells (as of gourds) used as vessels, small cooking vessel with narrow mouth; kuṭuka, kuṭuva small vessel. Ko. koṛm (obl. koṛt-) waterpot with small mouth; ?kuck small clay pot used to drink from (? < *kuṭikkay). To. kuṛky smallpot. Ka. koḍa earthen pitcher or pot; kuḍike small earthen, metal, or wood vessel;guḍuvana, guḍāṇa large water-vessel, used also for storing grain; earthen pot used for churning. Koḍ. kuḍike pot in which food (esp. rice) is cooked. Tu.kuḍki, kuḍkè, guḍke small earthen vessel. Te. kuḍaka, kuḍuka cup, bowl, scoop, any cup-like thing; guḍaka a coconut or other similar shell; (B) guḍaka, kuḍaka shell of a fruit prepared to serve as a snuff-box, etc., small metal box; (Inscr.) kuḍalu small earthen vessels. Kuwi (Su.) ḍōka, (S.) ḍoka, (F.) dōkkapot (Te. kuḍaka > *kḍōka > ḍōka). / Cf. Skt. kūṭa- waterpot (DEDR 1651)
kūṭa कूट Head, chief -कृत् a man of the writer caste (कायस्थ). (Samskritam)
Amarakos'a: नामलिङ्गानुशासनम् 2. Dvitīyaṃ Kandam 9. siṃhādivargaḥ 12 verse 42 c
42 c. / D. Syan nikāyaḥ Punja-Rasi tūtkaraḥ kūṭam astriyāmस्यान् निकायः पुञ्ज-राशी तूत्करः कूटम् अस्त्रियाम् .42 ख. [Names of a pile of grain and. .: Ä]
Kur. goṭā any seed which forms inside a fruit or shell. Malt. goṭa a seed or berry(DEDR 069) N. goṭo ʻ piece ʼ, goṭi ʻ chess piece ʼ; A. goṭ ʻ a fruit, whole piece ʼ, °ṭā ʻ globular, solid ʼ, guṭi ʻ small ball, seed, kernel ʼ; B. goṭā ʻ seed, bean, whole ʼ; Or. goṭā ʻ whole, undivided ʼ, M. goṭā m. ʻ roundish stone ʼ (CDIAL 4271) <gOTa>(P) {ADJ} ``^whole''. {SX} ``^numeral ^intensive suffix''. *Kh., Sa., Mu., Ho<goTA>,B.<goTa> `undivided'; Kh.<goThaG>(P), Sa.<goTAG>,~<gOTe'j>, Mu.<goTo>; Sad.<goT>, O., Bh.<goTa>; cf.Ju.<goTo> `piece', O.<goTa> `one'. %11811. #11721. <goTa>(BD) {NI} ``the ^whole''. *@. #10971. (Munda etyma) Rebus: <gota> {N} ``^stone''. @3014. #10171. Note: The stone may be gota, laterite mineral ore stone. khoṭ m. ʻbase, alloyʼ (Punjabi) Rebus: koṭe ‘forging (metal)(Mu.) Rebus: goṭī f. ʻlump of silver' (G.) goṭi = silver (G.) koḍ ‘workshop’ (Gujarati). P. goṭṭā ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ, H. goṭā m. ʻ edging of such ʼ (→ K. goṭa m. ʻ edging of gold braid ʼ, S. goṭo m. ʻ gold or silver lace ʼ); M. goṭ ʻ hem of a garment, metal wristlet ʼ(CDIAL 4271) Rebus: goṭa 'laterite' khoṭ m. ʻbase, alloyʼ (Punjabi) koṭe ‘forging (metal)(Mu.) Rebus: goṭī f. ʻlump of silver' (G.) goṭi = silver (G.) koḍ ‘workshop’ (Gujarati).

The inscription on the Ur circular seal is deciphered goṭa dul meḍ kuṭhi 'laterite, iron (cast metal), tin smelter furnace'. [kuṭhi 'smelter' furnace for iron/ kuṭila, 'tin (bronze)metal; kuṭila, katthīl = bronze (8 parts copper and 2 parts tin) [cf. āra-kūṭa, ‘brass’ (Samskritam)]
kuṭi ‘water-carrier’ (Telugu); Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelter furnace’ (Santali) kuṛī f. ‘fireplace’ (H.); krvṛI f. ‘granary (WPah.); kuṛī, kuṛo house, building’(Ku.)(CDIAL 3232) kuṭi ‘hut made of boughs’ (Skt.) guḍi temple (Telugu) मेढ (p. 662) [ mēḍha ] 'polar' star' Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ 'iron' (Ho.Munda)
kuṭi 'womanwater-carrier' (Telugu) kuṭhi‘smelter furnace’ (Santali)] A pair of hieroglyphs flank the head of the water-carrier. It is read as the polar star मेढ [mēḍha](Marathi) Rebus: meḍ‘iron’ (Ho.) dula‘pair’ (Kashmiri); rebus: dul‘cast (metal)’(Santali)
kuṭhi 'smelter, furnace for iron' (Santali) kūṭa कूट -पालकः a potter; a potter's kiln. (Samskritam) कुटिलिका A blacksmith's forge. (Samskritam) कुटिलक [p= 288,2] f. a tool used by a blacksmith Pa1n2. 4-4 , 18 Ka1s3.कुटी a hut , cottage , house , hall , shop MBh. R. &c kut.hi, kut.i (Or.; Sad. kot.hi) (1) the smelting furnace of the blacksmith; kut.ire bica duljad.ko talkena, they were feeding the furnace with ore; (2) the name of e_kut.i has been given to the fire which, in lac factories, warms the water bath for softening the lac so that it can be spread into sheets; to make a smelting furnace; kut.hi-o of a smelting furnace, to be made; the smelting furnace of the blacksmith is made of mud, cone-shaped, 2’ 6” dia. At the base and 1’ 6” at the top. The hole in the centre, into which the mixture of charcoal and iron ore is poured, is about 6” to 7” in dia. At the base it has two holes, a smaller one into which the nozzle of the bellow is inserted, as seen in fig. 1, and a larger one on the opposite side through which the molten iron flows out into a cavity (Mundari)
měď (copper)(Czech) mіdʹ (copper, cuprum, orichalc)(Ukrainian) medʹ (copper, cuprum, Cu), mednyy (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), omednyatʹ (copper, coppering), sulʹfatmedi (Copper), politseyskiy (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), pokryvatʹ medʹyu (copper), payalʹnik (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), mednyy kotel (copper), medno-krasnyy (copper), mednaya moneta (copper). медь (copper, cuprum, Cu), медный (copper, cupreous, brassy, brazen, brass), омеднять (copper, coppering), Сульфатмеди (Copper), полицейский (policeman, constable, peeler, policemen, redcap), покрывать медью (copper), паяльник (soldering iron, copper, soldering pen, soldering-iron), медный котел (copper), медно-красный (copper), медная монета (copper).(Russian)

meḍho a ram, a sheep (G.)(CDIAL 10120) Rebus: mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.) mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali) meṛha, meḍhi‘merchant’s clerk; (Gujarati)
Sign 15 occurs togethe with a notch-in-fixed fish hieroglyph on Harappa 73 seal:
Harappa seal (H-73)[Note: the hieroglyph ‘water carrier’ pictorial of Ur Seal Impression becomes a hieroglyph sign] Hieroglyph: fish + notch: aya 'fish' + khāṇḍā m A jag, notch Rebus: aya 'metal'+ khāṇḍā ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’. kuṭi 'water-carrier' Rebus: kuṭhi 'smelter'. खोंड (p. 216) [khōṇḍa] m A young bull, a bullcalf; खोंडा [ khōṇḍā ] m A कांबळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood. खोंडरूं [ khōṇḍarūṃ ] n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा -cowl (Marathi); kōḍe dūḍabull calf (Telugu); kōṛe 'young bullock' (Konda) rebus: kõdā ‘to turn in a lathe’ (Bengali) [The characteristic pannier which is ligatured to the young bull pictorial hieroglyph is a synonym खोंडा 'cowl' or 'pannier').खोंडी [ khōṇḍī ] f An outspread shovelform sack (as formed temporarily out of a कांबळा , to hold or fend off grain, chaff &c.) ] खोंड (p. 216) [ khōṇḍa ] m A young bull, a bullcalf.(Marathi) खोंडरूं [ khōṇḍarūṃ ] n A contemptuous form of खोंडा in the sense of कांबळा -cowl.खोंडा [ khōṇḍā ] m A कांबळा of which one end is formed into a cowl or hood. खोंडी [ khōṇḍī ] f An outspread shovelform sack (as formed temporarily out of a कांबळा , to hold or fend off grain, chaff &c.)

Hieroglyph: kōḍ 'horn' Rebus: kōḍ 'place where artisans work, workshop' কুঁদন, কোঁদন [ kun̐dana, kōn̐dana ] n act of turning (a thing) on a lathe; act of carving (Bengali) कातारी or कांतारी (p. 154) [ kātārī or kāntārī ] m (कातणें ) A turner.(Marathi)
Rebus: खोदकाम [ khōdakāma ] n Sculpture; carved work or work for the carver.
खोदगिरी [ khōdagirī ] f Sculpture, carving, engraving: also sculptured or carved work.खोदणें [ khōdaṇēṃ ] v c & i ( H) To dig. 2 To engraveखोदींव [ khōdīṃva ] p of खोदणें Dug. 2 Engraved, carved, sculptured. http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/04/excavations-at-dholavifra-1989-2005-rs.html
The intimations of a metals turner as a scribe are also gleaned from the gloss: खोडाखोड or डी [ khōḍākhōḍa or ḍī ] f (खोडणें ) Erasing, altering, interlining &c. in numerous places: also the scratched, scrawled, and disfigured state of the paper so operated upon; खोडींव [ khōḍīṃva ] p of खोडणें v c Erased or crossed out.Marathi). खोडपत्र [ khōḍapatra ] n Commonly खोटपत्र .खोटपत्र [ khōṭapatra ] n In law or in caste-adjudication. A written acknowledgment taken from an offender of his falseness or guilt: also, in disputations, from the person confuted. (Marathi) Thus, khond 'turner' is also an engraver, scribe.
That a metals turner is engaged in metal alloying is evident from the gloss: खोट [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. Hence 2 A lump or solid bit (as of phlegm, gore, curds, inspissated milk); any concretion or clot.खोटीचा Composed or made of खोट , as खोटीचें भांडें .
See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/03/x.html
The intimations of a metals turner as a scribe are also gleaned from the gloss: खोडाखोड or डी [ khōḍākhōḍa or ḍī ] f (
That a metals turner is engaged in metal alloying is evident from the gloss: खोट [ khōṭa ] f A mass of metal (unwrought or of old metal melted down); an ingot or wedge. Hence 2 A lump or solid bit (as of phlegm, gore, curds, inspissated milk); any concretion or clot.
See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2015/03/x.html
'Based on cuneiform documents from Mesopotamia we know that there was at least one Meluhhan village in Akkad at that time, with people called 'Son of Meluhha' living there. The cuneiform inscription (ca. 2020 BCE) says that the cylinder seal belonged to Shu-ilishu, who was a translator of the Meluhhan language. "The presence in Akkad of a translator of the Meluhhan language suggests that he may have been literate and could read the undeciphered Indus script. This in turn suggests that there may be bilingual Akkadian/Meluhhan tablets somewhere in Mesopotamia. Although such documents may not exist, Shu-ilishu's cylinder seal offers a glimmer of hope for the future in unraveling the mystery of the Indus script." (Gregory L. Possehl,Shu-ilishu's cylinder seal, Expedition, Vol. 48, Number 1, pp. 42-43).http://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/PDFs/48-1/What%20in%20the%20World.pdf
Shu-ilishu's cylinder seal. Department des Antiquites Orienteles, Musee du Louvre, Paris.
Kannada. mēke she-goat; mē the bleating of sheep or goats. Te. mē̃ka, mēka goat. Kol. me·ke id. Nk. mēke id. Pa. mēva, (S.) mēya she-goat. Ga. (Oll.) mēge, (S.) mēge goat. Go. (M) mekā, (Ko.) mēka id. ? Kur. mēxnā (mīxyas) to call, call after loudly, hail. Malt. méqe to bleat. [Te. mr̤ēka (so correct) is of unknown meaning. Br. mēḻẖ is without etymology; see MBE 1980a.] / Cf. Skt. (lex.) meka- goat (Monier-Williams lex.) mlekh ‘goat’ (Br.); meḷh ‘goat’ (Br. mr̤eka (Te.); mēṭam (Ta.); meṣam (Samskritam) Te. mr̤eka (DEDR 5087) (DEDR 5087) Rebus: meluh.h.a (Akkadian) mleccha (Samskritam) milakkhu 'copper' (Pali)
Ht. 10 feet.Alabaster relief in the Louvre. Drawing by Saint-Elme Gautier. Illustration for A History of Art in Chaldaea and Assyria by Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez (Chapman and Hall, 1884) The winged person, whose helmet has three sets of horns holds a raphia farinifera cone on his right palm. The person (perhaps a Meluhha) with antelope on his left arm appears to be holding a date cluster on his right hand; he is followed by a person holding a pomegrante cluster.
The relief presents a trade deal involving exchange of sharp metal tools with copper metal ingots from Meluhha.
mlekh 'goat' carried by him denotes the Meluhha merchant (dealing in) milakkhu 'copper'. The twig or sprig on his right hand: ḍhāḷā m. ʻsprig' meṛh 'merchant's assistant' carries a cluster of pomegranates: ḍ̠āṛhū̃ 'pomegranate' (Sindhi) Rebus: ḍhālako 'a large metal ingot' (Gujarati)
ḍāla1 m. ʻ branch ʼ Śīl. 2. *ṭhāla -- . 3. *ḍāḍha -- . [Poss. same as *dāla -- 1 and dāra -- 1: √dal, √d&rcirclemacr;. But variation of form supports PMWS 64 ← Mu.]1. Pk. ḍāla -- n. ʻ branch ʼ; S. ḍ̠āru m. ʻ large branch ʼ, ḍ̠ārī f. ʻ branch ʼ; P. ḍāl m. ʻ branch ʼ, °lā m. ʻ large do. ʼ, °lī f. ʻ twig ʼ; WPah. bhal. ḍā m. ʻ branch ʼ; Ku. ḍālo m. ʻ tree ʼ; N. ḍālo ʻ branch ʼ, A. B. ḍāl, Or. ḍāḷa; Mth. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, °ri ʻ twig ʼ; Aw. lakh. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, H. ḍāl, °lā m., G. ḍāḷi, °ḷīf., °ḷũ n.2. A. ṭhāl ʻ branch ʼ, °li ʻ twig ʼ; H. ṭhāl, °lā m. ʻ leafy branch (esp. one lopped off) ʼ.3. Bhoj. ḍāṛhī ʻ branch ʼ; M. ḍāhaḷ m. ʻ loppings of trees ʼ, ḍāhḷā m. ʻ leafy branch ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ twig ʼ, ḍhāḷā m. ʻ sprig ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ branch ʼ.(CDIAL 5546). Rebus: ḍhāla n. ʻ shield ʼ lex. 2. *ḍhāllā -- .1. Tir. (Leech) "dàl"ʻ shield ʼ, Bshk. ḍāl, Ku. ḍhāl, gng. ḍhāw, N. A. B.ḍhāl, Or. ḍhāḷa, Mth. H. ḍhāl m.2. Sh. ḍal (pl. °le̯) f., K. ḍāl f., S. ḍhāla, L. ḍhāl (pl. °lã) f., P. ḍhāl f., G. M. ḍhāl f.. *ḍhāllā -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhāˋl f. (obl. -- a) ʻ shield ʼ (a word used in salutation), J. ḍhāl f. (CDIAL 5583).
dalim 'the fruit of pomegranate, punica granatum, Linn.' (Santali) S. ḍ̠āṛhū̃ 'pomegranate'(CDIAL 6254). Gy. eur. darav ʻ pomegranate ʼ (GWZS 440).(CDIAL 14598). dāḍima m. ʻ pomegranate tree ʼ MBh., n. ʻ its fruit ʼ Suśr., dālima -- m. Amar., ḍālima -- lex. 1. Pa. dālima -- m., NiDoc. daḍ'ima, Pk. dāḍima -- , dālima -- n., dāḍimī -- f. ʻ the tree ʼ, Dm. dā̤ŕim, Shum. Gaw. dāˊṛim,Kal. dā̤ŕəm, Kho. dáḷum, Phal. dhe_ṛum, S. ḍ̠āṛhū̃ m., P. dāṛū̃, °ṛū, °ṛam m., kgr. dariūṇ (= dariū̃?) m.; WPah.bhiḍ. de_ṛũ n. ʻ sour pomegranate ʼ; (Joshi) dāṛū, OAw. dārivaṁ m., H. poet. dāriũ m., OG. dāḍimi f. ʻ the tree ʼ, G. dāṛam n., dāṛem f. ʻ the tree ʼ, Si. deḷum.2. WPah.jaun. dāṛim, Ku. dā̆ṛim, dālim, dālimo, N. dārim, A. ḍālim, B. dāṛim, dālim, Or. dāḷimba, °ima, dāṛima,
mlekh 'goat' carried by him denotes the Meluhha merchant (dealing in) milakkhu 'copper'. The twig or sprig on his right hand: ḍhāḷā m. ʻsprig' meṛh 'merchant's assistant' carries a cluster of pomegranates: ḍ̠āṛhū̃ 'pomegranate' (Sindhi) Rebus: ḍhālako 'a large metal ingot' (Gujarati)
ḍāla1 m. ʻ branch ʼ Śīl. 2. *ṭhāla -- . 3. *ḍāḍha -- . [Poss. same as *dāla -- 1 and dāra -- 1: √dal, √d&rcirclemacr;. But variation of form supports PMWS 64 ← Mu.]1. Pk. ḍāla -- n. ʻ branch ʼ; S. ḍ̠āru m. ʻ large branch ʼ, ḍ̠ārī f. ʻ branch ʼ; P. ḍāl m. ʻ branch ʼ, °lā m. ʻ large do. ʼ, °lī f. ʻ twig ʼ; WPah. bhal. ḍā m. ʻ branch ʼ; Ku. ḍālo m. ʻ tree ʼ; N. ḍālo ʻ branch ʼ, A. B. ḍāl, Or. ḍāḷa; Mth. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, °ri ʻ twig ʼ; Aw. lakh. ḍār ʻ branch ʼ, H. ḍāl, °lā m., G. ḍāḷi, °ḷīf., °ḷũ n.2. A. ṭhāl ʻ branch ʼ, °li ʻ twig ʼ; H. ṭhāl, °lā m. ʻ leafy branch (esp. one lopped off) ʼ.3. Bhoj. ḍāṛhī ʻ branch ʼ; M. ḍāhaḷ m. ʻ loppings of trees ʼ, ḍāhḷā m. ʻ leafy branch ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ twig ʼ, ḍhāḷā m. ʻ sprig ʼ, °ḷī f. ʻ branch ʼ.(CDIAL 5546). Rebus: ḍhāla n. ʻ shield ʼ lex. 2. *ḍhāllā -- .1. Tir. (Leech) "dàl"ʻ shield ʼ, Bshk. ḍāl, Ku. ḍhāl, gng. ḍhāw, N. A. B.ḍhāl, Or. ḍhāḷa, Mth. H. ḍhāl m.2. Sh. ḍal (pl. °le̯) f., K. ḍāl f., S. ḍhāla, L. ḍhāl (pl. °lã) f., P. ḍhāl f., G. M. ḍhāl f.. *ḍhāllā -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhāˋl f. (obl. -- a) ʻ shield ʼ (a word used in salutation), J. ḍhāl f. (CDIAL 5583).
dalim 'the fruit of pomegranate, punica granatum, Linn.' (Santali) S. ḍ̠āṛhū̃ 'pomegranate'(CDIAL 6254). Gy. eur. darav ʻ pomegranate ʼ (GWZS 440).(CDIAL 14598). dāḍima m. ʻ pomegranate tree ʼ MBh., n. ʻ its fruit ʼ Suśr., dālima -- m. Amar., ḍālima -- lex. 1. Pa. dālima -- m., NiDoc. daḍ'ima, Pk. dāḍima -- , dālima -- n., dāḍimī -- f. ʻ the tree ʼ, Dm. dā̤ŕim, Shum. Gaw. dāˊṛim,Kal. dā̤ŕəm, Kho. dáḷum, Phal. dhe_ṛum, S. ḍ̠āṛhū̃ m., P. dāṛū̃, °ṛū, °ṛam m., kgr. dariūṇ (= dariū̃?) m.; WPah.bhiḍ. de_ṛũ n. ʻ sour pomegranate ʼ; (Joshi) dāṛū, OAw. dārivaṁ m., H. poet. dāriũ m., OG. dāḍimi f. ʻ the tree ʼ, G. dāṛam n., dāṛem f. ʻ the tree ʼ, Si. deḷum.2. WPah.jaun. dāṛim, Ku. dā̆ṛim, dālim, dālimo, N. dārim, A. ḍālim, B. dāṛim, dālim, Or. dāḷimba, °ima, dāṛima,
ḍāḷimba,ḍarami ʻ tree and fruit ʼ; Mth. dāṛim ʻ pomegranate ʼ, daṛimī ʻ dried mango ʼ; H. dāṛimb, °im, dālim, ḍāṛim, ḍār°, ḍāl° m., M.dāḷĩb, °ḷīm, ḍāḷĩb n. ʻ the fruit ʼ, f. ʻ the tree ʼ.3. Sh.gil. daṇū m. ʻ pomegranate ʼ, daṇúi f. ʻ the tree ʼ, jij. ḍ*lṇə́i, K. dönü m., P. dānū m.
dāḍima -- . 2. dāḍimba -- : Garh. dāḷimu ʻ pomegranate ʼ, A. ḍālim (phonet. d -- ).(CDIAL 6254).Ta. mātaḷai, mātuḷai, mātuḷam pomegranate. Ma. mātaḷam id. (DEDR 4809).
தாதுமாதுளை tātu-mātuḷai, n. < id. +. Pomegranate, s. tr., Punica granatum; பூ மாதுளை. (யாழ். அக.)
தாதுமாதுளை tātu-mātuḷai, n. < id. +. Pomegranate, s. tr., Punica granatum; பூ மாதுளை. (யாழ். அக.)
Rebus: ḍhālako = a large metal ingot (G.) ḍhālakī = a metal heated and poured into a mould; a solid piece of metal; an ingot (Gujarati)
Elamite statuette showed a person (king?) carrying an antelope on his hands, the same way a Meluhhan carried an antelope on his hands.
While a composite comparable glyph has not been identified in the corpus of Indus inscriptions,there are seals which show fish glyph together with antelope glyph; fish glyph together with composite bull + heifer glyph.
Harappa seal (h330)
Seal. National Museum: 135.
The rebus readings of the hieroglyphs are: mẽḍha ‘antelope’; rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Ho.) aya 'fish'; rebus: aya 'cast metal' (G.).
A Susa ritual basin dated to ca. 12th or 13th century BCE depicts goat and fish ligatured into a 'fabulous' or 'composite' animal representation, clearly intended to connote the underlying hieroglyphic meaning.
Deification of glyphs: When did it happen?
At what point in time, the glyphic representations denoting native metal or cast metal artefacts and which were used to authenticate trade transactions of the civilization, using Indus script inscriptions, were deified can only be conjectured. This shift from use in trade to use in cultural/religious contexts may have occurred -- in the interaction areas such as Susa and Meluhha -- between 19th and 13th centuries BCE (i.e. between the time when the continued use of Indus Script glyphs is attested, say, 19th century BCE and the time when the same glyphs or cognate glyphic representations were deified, say, 13th century BCE).
Mohenjodaro seal (m0302).
The composite animal glyph is one example to show that rebus method has to be applied to every glyphic element in the writing system.
This image is also interpreted in corpora (e.g. Mahadevan's Corpus of Indus script) as: body of a ram, horns of a bison, trunk of elephant, hindlegs of a tiger and an upraised serpent-like tail.
m0301 Mohenjodaro seal shows a comparable 'composite animal' glyphic composition.
The glyphic elements of the composite animal shown together with the glyphs of fish, fish ligatured with lid, arrow (on Seal m0302) are:
--ram or sheep (forelegs denote a bovine)
--neck-band, ring
--bos indicus (zebu)(the high horns denote a bos indicus)
--elephant (the elephant's trunk ligatured to human face)
--tiger (hind legs denote a tiger)
--serpent (tail denotes a serpent)
--human face
All these glyphic elements are decoded rebus:
meḍho a ram, a sheep (G.)(CDIAL 10120);
kaḍum ‘neck-band, ring’
adar ḍangra ‘zebu’
ibha ‘elephant’ (Skt.); rebus: ib ‘iron’ (Ko.)
kolo ‘jackal’ (Kon.)
moṇḍ the tail of a serpent (Santali) Rebus: Md. moḍenī ʻ massages, mixes ʼ. Kal.rumb. moṇḍ -- ʻ to thresh ʼ, urt. maṇḍ -- ʻ to soften ʼ (CDIAL 9890) Thus, the ligature of the serpent as a tail of the composite animal glyph is decoded as: polished metal (artifact).
mũhe ‘face’ (Santali); mleccha-mukha (Skt.) = milakkhu ‘copper’ (Pali)
கோடு kōṭu : •நடுநிலை நீங்குகை. கோடிறீக் கூற் றம் (நாலடி, 5). 3. [K. kōḍu.] Tusk; யானை பன்றிகளின் தந்தம். மத்த யானையின் கோடும் (தேவா. 39, 1). 4. Horn; விலங்கின் கொம்பு. கோட்டிடை யாடினை கூத்து (திவ். இயற். திருவிருத். 21).
Ta. kōṭu (in cpds. kōṭṭu-) horn, tusk, branch of tree, cluster, bunch, coil of hair, line, diagram, bank of stream or pool; kuvaṭu branch of a tree; kōṭṭāṉ, kōṭṭuvāṉ rock horned-owl (cf. 1657 Ta. kuṭiñai). Ko. kṛ (obl. kṭ-) horns (one horn is kob), half of hair on each side of parting, side in game, log, section of bamboo used as fuel, line marked out. To. kwṛ (obl. kwṭ-) horn, branch, path across stream in thicket. Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn. Tu. kōḍů, kōḍu horn. Te. kōḍu rivulet, branch of a river. Pa. kōḍ (pl. kōḍul) horn (DEDR 2200)
meḍ ‘iron’ (Ho.)
khāḍ ‘trench, firepit’
aduru ‘native metal’ (Ka.) ḍhangar ‘blacksmith’ (H.)
kol ‘furnace, forge’ (Kuwi) kol ‘alloy of five metals, pancaloha’ (Ta.)
mẽṛhẽt, meḍ ‘iron’ (Mu.Ho.)
mūhā mẽṛhẽt = iron smelted by the Kolhes and formed into an equilateral lump a little pointed at each of four ends (Santali)
koḍ = the place where artisans work (G.)
Orthographically, the glytic compositions add on the characteristic short tail as a hieroglyph (on both ligatured signs and on pictorial motifs)
xolā = tail (Kur.); qoli id. (Malt.)(DEDr 2135). Rebus: kol ‘pañcalōha’ (Ta.)கொல் kol, n. 1. Iron; இரும்பு. மின் வெள்ளி பொன் கொல்லெனச் சொல்லும் (தக்கயாகப். 550). 2. Metal; உலோகம். (நாமதீப. 318.) கொல்லன் kollaṉ, n. < T. golla. Custodian of treasure; கஜானாக்காரன். (P. T. L.) கொல்லிச்சி kollicci, n. Fem. of கொல்லன். Woman of the blacksmith caste; கொல்லச் சாதிப் பெண். (யாழ். அக.) The gloss kollicci is notable. It clearly evidences that kol was a blacksmith. kola ‘blacksmith’ (Ka.); Koḍ. kollë blacksmith (DEDR 2133). Vikalpa:dumba दुम्ब or (El.) duma दुम । पशुपुच्छः m. the tail of an animal. (Kashmiri) Rebus: ḍōmba ?Gypsy (CDIAL 5570).
A remarkable evidence is provided by a lexeme in Kota. The lexeme is: kole.l ‘smithy, temple’ (Kota) kwala·l Kota smithy (Toda)kol ‘working in iron, blacksmith (Tamil)(DEDR 2133)Ta. kol working in iron, blacksmith; kollaṉ blacksmith. Ma. kollan blacksmith, artificer. Ko. kole·l smithy, temple in Kota village. To. kwala·l Kota smithy. Ka. kolime, kolume, kulame, kulime, kulume, kulme fire-pit, furnace; (Bell.; U.P.U.) konimi blacksmith; (Gowda) kolla id. Koḍ. kollë blacksmith. Te. kolimi furnace. Go. (SR.) kollusānā to mend implements; (Ph.) kolstānā, kulsānā to forge; (Tr.) kōlstānā to repair (of ploughshares); (SR.) kolmi smithy (Voc. 948). Kuwi (F.) kolhali to forge. (DEDR 2133).
kula कुल (Monier-Williams lexicon): (with शाक्तs) N. of शक्ति and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. कौल); m. the chief of a corporation or guild.
Susa ritual basin dates from 13th or 12th cent. BCE. It is decorated with goatfish figures, flankin a hieroglyph-multiplex of reedposts, spathes, molluscs. http://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/ritual-basin-decorated-goatfish-figures aya 'fish' Rebus: aya 'iron' (Gujarati) ayas 'metal' (Rigveda) meḷh ‘goat’ (Br. mr̤eka (Te.); mēṭam (Ta.); meṣam (Samskritam) Te. mr̤eka (DEDR 5087) (DEDR 5087) Rebus: meluh.h.a (Akkadian) mleccha (Samskritam) milakkhu 'copper' (Pali)
Hieroglyph-multiplex or Susa ritual basin has hieroglyph components: reeds, spathe, mollusc (snail). Rebus Meluhha readings in Indus Script cipher signify this to be Hieroglyph: eruva dhatugarbha śāṅkhika, 'reed, spathe, mollusc (snail)' Rebus: eruva dagoba sangha.'copper mineral core assemblage'.
Hieroglyhph: eruva 'reed' Rebus: eruva 'copper'
Hieroglyph: śāṅkhika 'relating to a shell' hö̃giñ 'shell of a mollusc' Rebus: sangha 'assemblage'
Hieroglyph: spathe "A spathe is a large bract that forms a sheath to enclose the flower cluster of certain plants such as palms, arums, Iris and dayflowers. In many arums (Araceae family), the spathe is petal-like, attracting pollinators to the flowers arranged on a type of spike called a spadix." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bract#Spathe): Kashmiri. gab m. ʻ womb, sprout of a plant ʼ; gāb(h)ā ʻspathe of a plant (Bengali)(CDIAL 4055) Rebus: gābhā m. ʻ heart, core ʼ (Marathi) gāb(h)ā 'foetus' dhātugarbha (Samskritam), dhātu gabbhā (Pali) (Sinhalese dāgoba. The expression is equivalent to dhātu relics+garbha womb, inside. Thus, dāgoba is a dome-shaped shrine containing
relics of the Buddha or a Bauddham arhant.
Hieroglyph: mollusc: śāṅkhika ʻ relating to a shell ʼ W. 2. *śāṅkhinī -- (śaṅkhinī -- f. ʻ mother -- of -- pearl ʼ Bālar.). [śaṅkhá -- 1] 1. K. hāngi ʻ snail ʼ; B. sã̄khī ʻ possessing or made of shells ʼ. 2. K. hö̃giñ f. ʻ pearl oyster shell, shell of any aquatic mollusc ʼ (CDIAL 12380). Rebus: sangha [fr. saŋ+hṛ; lit. "comprising." The quâsi pop. etym. at VvA 233 is "diṭṭhi -- sīla -- sāmaññena sanghāṭabhāvena sangha"] 1. multitude, assemblage Miln 403 (kāka˚); J i.52 (sakuṇa˚); Sn 589 (ñāti˚); 680 (deva˚); D iii.23 (miga˚); Vv 55 (accharā˚=samūha VvA 37).Sanghin (adj.) [fr. sangha] having a crowd (of followers), the head of an order D i.47, 116; S i.68; Miln 4; DA i 143. -- sanghâsanghī (pl.) in crowds, with crowds (redupl. cpd.!), with gaṇi -- bhūtā "crowd upon crowd" at D i.112, 128; ii.317; DA i.280.
Sit Shamshi bronze. Note the eight píṇḍa flanking the ziggurat in front of the two braziers offering ablutions in worship of the manes (pitr-s). One of the rectangular structures shown on the Sit-Shamshi bronze behind the three stakes (of leafless tree trunks) may denote a Susa ritual basin which showed the goat-fish hieroglyph. The rendering of this interpretation of the bronze is premised on the presence of Meluhhan metalworkers in Susa, comparable to the presence of Meluhha merchant shown on Shu-ilishu cylinder seal. It is also hypothesised that the underlying language of mleccha (meluhha) explains the semantics of the glyphics shown on both Sit-Shamshi bronze and the Susa ritual basin.
The eight píṇḍa can be read as a pair of four píṇḍa : gaNDa 'four' Rebus: khaNDA 'metal implements' dula 'pair' Rebus: dul 'cast metal'. Hence the eight píṇḍa signify 'cast metal implements.'
Decoding fish and ligatured-fish glyphs of Indus script (S. Kalyanaraman, November 2011) in the context of a Susa pot showing a fish glyph and containing metal artefacts, the fish glyph [aya 'fish'(Santali)] was decoded as aya 'metal, iron' (G.) Comparable to the ligatured-fish glyphs are the ligatures found on a basin of Susa decorated with goat-fish figures and many fish hieroglyphs on Ancient Near East artifacts.Source: Source: Joan Aruz et al., 2003, Art of the First cities: the third millennium BCE from the Mediterranean to the Indus, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Pages 320, 322). See also: http://ancientworldonline.blogspot.in/2012/10/kuwaiti-slovak-archaeological-mission.html
The center-piece hieroglyph-multiplex: crucible + sun hieroglyphs.
Hieoglyph: koThAri 'crucible' Rebus: koThAri 'treasurer'Hieroglyph: aru m. ʻ sun ʼ lex. Kho. yor Morgenstierne NTS ii 276 with ? <-> Whence y -- ? (CDIAL 612) arka 'sun' Rebus: araka, eraka 'copper, moltencast' (Kannada. Tulu) eraka, era, er-a = syn. erka, copper, weapons (Ka.) eruvai ‘copper’ (Ta.); ere dark red (Ka.)(DEDR 446). eraka, er-aka = any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.) Tu. eraka molten, cast (as metal); eraguni to melt (DEDR 866)
Hieroglyph: aquatic bird: karaṭa1 m. ʻ crow ʼ BhP., °aka -- m. lex. [Cf. karaṭu -- , karkaṭu -- m. ʻ Numidian crane ʼ, karēṭu -- , °ēṭavya -- , °ēḍuka -- m. lex., karaṇḍa2 -- m. ʻ duck ʼ lex: seekāraṇḍava -- ]Pk. karaḍa -- m. ʻ crow ʼ, °ḍā -- f. ʻ a partic. kind of bird ʼ; S. karaṛa -- ḍhī˜gu m. ʻ a very large aquatic bird ʼ; L. karṛā m., °ṛī f. ʻ the common teal ʼ.(CDIAL 2787). Allograph: karaṭa m. ʻ Carthamus tinctorius ʼ lex.Pk. karaḍa -- m. ʻ safflower ʼ, °ḍā -- f. ʻ a tree like the karañja ʼ; M. karḍī, °ḍaī f. ʻ safflower, Carthamus tinctorius and its seed ʼ.(CDIAL 2788). Rebus: karaḍā 'hardalloy of metals' (Marathi)
gaṇḍ 'four'. kaṇḍ 'bit'. Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar'. khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298). खडा (Marathi) is ‘metal, nodule, stone, lump’. kaṇi ‘stone’ (Kannada) with Tadbhava khaḍu. khaḍu, kaṇ ‘stone/nodule (metal)’. Rebus: khaṇḍaran, khaṇḍrun ‘pit furnace’ (Santali) kaṇḍ ‘furnace’ (Skt.) लोहकारकन्दुः f. a blacksmith's smelting furnace (Grierson Kashmiri lex.) [khaṇḍa] A piece, bit, fragment, portion.(Marathi) Rebus 2: kandi (pl. -l) beads, necklace (Pa.); kanti (pl. -l) bead, (pl.) necklace; kandit. bead (Ga.)(DEDR 1215). Rebus 3: khaNDa 'metal implements'.
Ta. kaṇ eye, aperture, orifice, star of a peacock's tail. (DEDR 1159a) Rebus ‘brazier, bell-metal worker’: கன்னான் kaṉṉāṉ , n. < கன்¹. [M. kannān.] Brazier, bell-metal worker, one of the divisions of the Kammāḷa caste; செம்புகொட்டி. (திவா.)
ranku 'antelope' Rebus: ranku 'tin'.
The antelope + divided square is read rebus: eraka tagara kaṇḍ 'tin furnace' (merchant, damgar). The upraised arm indicates eraka 'copper': eraka ‘upraised arm’ (Telugu); eraka ‘copper’ (Telugu) Thus, the seal denotes a merchant dealing in iron, tin and copper ingots.
Composition of two horned animals, sitting human playing a four-string musical instrument, a star and a moon.
The rebus reading of hieroglyphs are: తంబుర [tambura] or తంబురా tambura. [Tel. తంతి+బుర్ర.] n. A kind of stringed instrument like the guitar. A tambourine. Rebus: tam(b)ra 'copper' tambabica, copper-ore stones; samṛobica, stones containinggold (Mundari.lex.) tagara 'antelope'. Rebus 1: tagara 'tin' (ore) tagromi 'tin, metal alloy' (Kuwi) Rebus 2: damgar 'merchant'.
Thus the seal connotes a merchant of tin and copper.
Inventory No. 8480. A seal from Dilmun, A seal from Dilmun, made of soft stone, classified as the 3rd largest seal in Failaka Island, decorated with human and zoomorphic figures. 0.16 X 4.8 cm. Site: the Ruler's Palace. 2nd millennium BCE, Dilmun civilization [NOTE: Many such seals of Failaka and Dilmun have been read rebus as Indus writing.]
Hieroglyphs on this Dilmun seal are: star, tabernae montana flower, cock, two divided squares, two bulls, antelope, sprout (paddy plant), drinking (straw), stool, twig or tree branch. A person with upraised arm in front of the antelope. All these hieroglyphs are read rebus using lexemes (Meluhha, Mleccha) of Indiansprachbund.
meḍha ‘polar star’ (Marathi). Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Ho.Mu.)
ṭagara (tagara) fragrant wood (Pkt.Skt.).tagara 'antelope'. Rebus 1: tagara 'tin' (ore) tagromi 'tin, metal alloy' (Kuwi) Rebus 2: damgar 'merchant'
kuṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to drink, inhale. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’ (Santali)
ḍangar ‘bull’; rebus: ḍangar ‘blacksmith’ (Hindi) dula 'pair' (Kashmiri). Rebus: dul 'cast metal' (Santali) Thus, a pair of bulls connote 'cast metal blacksmith'.
khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus 1: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (ore). Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Thus, the two divided squares connote furnace for stone (ore).
kolmo ‘paddy plant’ (Santali) Rebus: kolami ‘furnace, smithy’ (Telugu)
Kur. kaṇḍō a stool. Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali)
Tu. aḍaru twig. Rebus: aduru 'native (unsmelted) metal' (Kannada) Alternative reading: కండె [kaṇḍe] kaṇḍe. [Tel.] n. A head or ear of millet or maize. Rebus 1: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Rebus 2: khānḍa ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’.
eraka ‘upraised arm’ (Te.); eraka ‘copper’ (Te.)
Thus, the Dilmun seal is a metalware catalog of damgar 'merchant' dealing with copper and tin.
The two divided squares attached to the straws of two vases in the following seal can also be read as hieroglyphs:
khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus 1: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (ore). Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Thus, the two divided squares connote furnace for stone (ore).
kuṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to drink, inhale. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’ (Santali)
ḍangā = small country boat, dug-out canoe (Or.); ḍõgā trough, canoe, ladle (H.)(CDIAL 5568). Rebus: ḍānro term of contempt for a blacksmith (N.); ḍangar (H.) (CDIAL 5524)
Thus, a smelting furnace for stone (ore) is connoted by the seal of a blacksmith, ḍangar
Ta. kara-tāḷam palmyra palm. Ka. kara-tāḷa fan-palm, Corypha umbraculifera Lin. Tu. karatāḷa cadjan. Te. (B.) kara-tāḷamu the small-leaved palm tree.(DEDR 1270). karukku teeth of a saw or sickle, jagged edge of palmyra leaf-stalk, sharpness (Ta.) Ka. garasu. / Cf. Skt. karaṭa- a low, unruly, difficult person; karkara- hard, firm; karkaśa- rough, harsh, hard; krakaca-, karapattra- saw; khara- hard, harsh, rough, sharp-edged; kharu- harsh, cruel; Pali kakaca- saw; khara- rough; saw; Pkt.karakaya- saw; Apabhraṃśa (Jasaharacariu) karaḍa- hard. Cf. esp. Turner, CDIAL, no. 2819. Cf. also Skt. karavāla- sword (for second element, cf. 5376 Ta. vāḷ). (DEDR 1265) Allograph: Ta. karaṭi, karuṭi, keruṭi fencing, school or gymnasium where wrestling and fencing are taught. Ka. garaḍi, garuḍi fencing school. Tu.garaḍi, garoḍi id. Te. gariḍi, gariḍī id., fencing.(DEDR 1262)
Allograph: eagle: garuḍá m. ʻ a mythical bird ʼ Mn. Pa. garuḷa -- m., Pk. garuḍa -- , °ula -- m.; P. garaṛ m. ʻ the bird Ardea argala ʼ; N. garul ʻ eagle ʼ, Bhoj. gaṛur; OAw. garura ʻ blue jay ʼ; H. garuṛ m. ʻ hornbill ʼ, garul ʻ a large vulture ʼ; Si. guruḷā ʻ bird ʼ (kurullā infl. by Tam.?). -- Kal. rumb. gōrvḗlik ʻ kite ʼ?? (CDIAL 4041). gāruḍa ʻ relating to Garuḍa ʼ MBh., n. ʻ spell against poison ʼ lex. 2. ʻ emerald (used as an antidote) ʼ Kālid. [garuḍá -- ]1. Pk. gāruḍa -- , °ula -- ʻ good as antidote to snakepoison ʼ, m. ʻ charm against snake -- poison ʼ, n. ʻ science of using such charms ʼ; H. gāṛrū, gārṛū m. ʻ charm against snake -- poison ʼ; M. gāruḍ n. ʻ juggling ʼ. 2. M. gāroḷā ʻ cat -- eyed, of the colour of cat's eyes ʼ.(CDIAL 4138). கருடக்கல் karuṭa-k-kal, n. < garuḍa. (Tamil) Rebus: karaDa 'hard alloy' (Marathi)Hieroglyph: kaNDe 'pine cone' Rebus: khaNDa 'metal implements'
Depiction of an annunaki in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Hieroglyph composition of an eagle-faced winged person also carried a pine-cone in his right hand; a basket or wallet is held in the left hand. Assyrian) alabaster Height: 236.2 cm (93 in). Width: 135.9 cm (53.5 in). Depth: 15.2 cm (6 in). This relief decorated the interior wall of the northwest palace of King Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrud. http://www.cuttingedge.org/articles/RC125.htm
Hieroglyph: pine-cone: கண்டபலம் kaṇṭa-palam, n. < kaṇṭa கண்டம்¹ kaṇṭam kaṇṭal 'pine-cone'; maraka 'peacock' Rebus: khaṇḍa, kaṇṭa 'temple front' smāraka, 'memorial for ancestors'., n. < khaṇḍa. A portion of the front hall, in a temple; கோயில் முக மண்டபப்பகுதி. (S. I. I. v, 236.)Ash. piċ -- kandə ʻ pine ʼ, Kt. pṳ̄ċi, piċi, Wg. puċ, püċ (pṳ̄ċ -- kəŕ ʻ pine -- cone ʼ), Pr. wyoċ, Shum. lyēwič (lyē -- ?).(CDIAL 8407). Cf. Gk. peu/kh f. ʻ pine ʼ, Lith. pušìs, OPruss. peuse NTS xiii 229. The suffix –kande in the lexeme: Ash. piċ-- kandə ʻ pine ʼ may be cognate with the bulbous glyphic related to a mangrove root: Koḍ. kaṇḍe root-stock from which small roots grow; ila·ti kaṇḍe sweet potato (ila·ti England). Tu. kaṇḍe, gaḍḍè a bulbous root; Ta. kaṇṭal mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata; dichotomous mangrove, Kandelia rheedii. Ma. kaṇṭa bulbous root as of lotus, plantain; point where branches and bunches grow out of the stem of a palm; kaṇṭal what is bulb-like, half-ripe jackfruit and other green fruits; R. candel. (DEDR 1171). Rebus: khaṇḍa, kaṇṭa 'temple front'. Rebus:khānḍa ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’. Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Hieroglyphs: kandə ʻpineʼ, ‘ear of maize’. Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans of metal’. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298).
A fish-apkallu drawn by AH Layard from a stone relief, one of a pair flanking a doorway in the Temple of Ninurta at Kalhu. British Museum. Reproduced in Schlomo Izre'el, Adpa and the South Wind, Language has the power of life and death, Eisenbrauns, 2001.
gaṇḍ 'four'. kaṇḍ 'bit'. Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar'.
khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298). खडा (Marathi) is ‘metal, nodule, stone, lump’. kaṇi ‘stone’ (Kannada) with Tadbhava khaḍu. khaḍu, kaṇ ‘stone/nodule (metal)’. Rebus: khaṇḍaran, khaṇḍrun ‘pit furnace’ (Santali) kaṇḍ ‘furnace’ (Skt.) लोहकारकन्दुः f. a blacksmith's smelting furnace (Grierson Kashmiri lex.) [khaṇḍa] A piece, bit, fragment, portion.(Marathi) Rebus 2: kandi (pl. -l) beads, necklace (Pa.); kanti (pl. -l) bead, (pl.) necklace; kandit. bead (Ga.)(DEDR 1215). Rebus 3: khaNDa 'metal implements'.

The rebus reading of hieroglyphs are: తంబుర [tambura] or తంబురా tambura. [Tel. తంతి+బుర్ర.] n. A kind of stringed instrument like the guitar. A tambourine. Rebus: tam(b)ra 'copper' tambabica, copper-ore stones; samṛobica, stones containinggold (Mundari.lex.) tagara 'antelope'. Rebus 1: tagara 'tin' (ore) tagromi 'tin, metal alloy' (Kuwi) Rebus 2: damgar 'merchant'.
Thus the seal connotes a merchant of tin and copper.

Hieroglyphs on this Dilmun seal are: star, tabernae montana flower, cock, two divided squares, two bulls, antelope, sprout (paddy plant), drinking (straw), stool, twig or tree branch. A person with upraised arm in front of the antelope. All these hieroglyphs are read rebus using lexemes (Meluhha, Mleccha) of Indiansprachbund.
meḍha ‘polar star’ (Marathi). Rebus: meḍ ‘iron’ (Ho.Mu.)
ṭagara (tagara) fragrant wood (Pkt.Skt.).tagara 'antelope'. Rebus 1: tagara 'tin' (ore) tagromi 'tin, metal alloy' (Kuwi) Rebus 2: damgar 'merchant'
kuṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to drink, inhale. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’ (Santali)
ḍangar ‘bull’; rebus: ḍangar ‘blacksmith’ (Hindi) dula 'pair' (Kashmiri). Rebus: dul 'cast metal' (Santali) Thus, a pair of bulls connote 'cast metal blacksmith'.
khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus 1: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (ore). Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Thus, the two divided squares connote furnace for stone (ore).
kolmo ‘paddy plant’ (Santali) Rebus: kolami ‘furnace, smithy’ (Telugu)
Kur. kaṇḍō a stool. Rebus: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali)
Tu. aḍaru twig. Rebus: aduru 'native (unsmelted) metal' (Kannada) Alternative reading: కండె [kaṇḍe] kaṇḍe. [Tel.] n. A head or ear of millet or maize. Rebus 1: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Rebus 2: khānḍa ‘tools, pots and pans, metal-ware’.
eraka ‘upraised arm’ (Te.); eraka ‘copper’ (Te.)
Thus, the Dilmun seal is a metalware catalog of damgar 'merchant' dealing with copper and tin.
The two divided squares attached to the straws of two vases in the following seal can also be read as hieroglyphs:
khaṇḍ ‘field, division’ (Skt.) Rebus 1: Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (ore). Rebus 2: kaṇḍ 'fire-altar' (Santali) Thus, the two divided squares connote furnace for stone (ore).
kuṭi (-pp-, -tt-) to drink, inhale. Rebus: kuṭhi ‘smelting furnace’ (Santali)
ḍangā = small country boat, dug-out canoe (Or.); ḍõgā trough, canoe, ladle (H.)(CDIAL 5568). Rebus: ḍānro term of contempt for a blacksmith (N.); ḍangar (H.) (CDIAL 5524)
Thus, a smelting furnace for stone (ore) is connoted by the seal of a blacksmith, ḍangar
Ta. kara-tāḷam palmyra palm. Ka. kara-tāḷa fan-palm, Corypha umbraculifera Lin. Tu. karatāḷa cadjan. Te. (B.) kara-tāḷamu the small-leaved palm tree.(DEDR 1270). karukku teeth of a saw or sickle, jagged edge of palmyra leaf-stalk, sharpness (Ta.) Ka. garasu. / Cf. Skt. karaṭa- a low, unruly, difficult person; karkara- hard, firm; karkaśa- rough, harsh, hard; krakaca-, karapattra- saw; khara- hard, harsh, rough, sharp-edged; kharu- harsh, cruel; Pali kakaca- saw; khara- rough; saw; Pkt.karakaya- saw; Apabhraṃśa (Jasaharacariu) karaḍa- hard. Cf. esp. Turner, CDIAL, no. 2819. Cf. also Skt. karavāla- sword (for second element, cf. 5376 Ta. vāḷ). (DEDR 1265) Allograph: Ta. karaṭi, karuṭi, keruṭi fencing, school or gymnasium where wrestling and fencing are taught. Ka. garaḍi, garuḍi fencing school. Tu.garaḍi, garoḍi id. Te. gariḍi, gariḍī id., fencing.(DEDR 1262)
Allograph: eagle: garuḍá m. ʻ a mythical bird ʼ Mn. Pa. garuḷa -- m., Pk. garuḍa -- , °ula -- m.; P. garaṛ m. ʻ the bird Ardea argala ʼ; N. garul ʻ eagle ʼ, Bhoj. gaṛur; OAw. garura ʻ blue jay ʼ; H. garuṛ m. ʻ hornbill ʼ, garul ʻ a large vulture ʼ; Si. guruḷā ʻ bird ʼ (kurullā infl. by Tam.?). -- Kal. rumb. gōrvḗlik ʻ kite ʼ?? (CDIAL 4041). gāruḍa ʻ relating to Garuḍa ʼ MBh., n. ʻ spell against poison ʼ lex. 2. ʻ emerald (used as an antidote) ʼ Kālid. [garuḍá -- ]1. Pk. gāruḍa -- , °ula -- ʻ good as antidote to snakepoison ʼ, m. ʻ charm against snake -- poison ʼ, n. ʻ science of using such charms ʼ; H. gāṛrū, gārṛū m. ʻ charm against snake -- poison ʼ; M. gāruḍ n. ʻ juggling ʼ. 2. M. gāroḷā ʻ cat -- eyed, of the colour of cat's eyes ʼ.(CDIAL 4138). கருடக்கல் karuṭa-k-kal, n. < garuḍa. (Tamil) Rebus: karaDa 'hard alloy' (Marathi)
Hieroglyphs: kandə ʻpineʼ, ‘ear of maize’. Rebus: kaṇḍa ‘tools, pots and pans of metal’. Rebus: kāḍ ‘stone’. Ga. (Oll.) kanḍ, (S.) kanḍu (pl. kanḍkil) stone (DEDR 1298).

A fish's head can be seen on the Apkallu's head, and its skin hangs down over the back of his body. Neo-Assyrian era, 865-860 BCE.

Bas-relief from Nimrud. Bird-apkallu raise mulillu cones.

God Ea at far lef, wears horned headdress, with water coursing from his shoulders. Two fish-apkallu.

Apkallu portrayed as fish-men.


Fish-man known as Kulullu. Terracotta figurine (8th-7th BCE). Louvre collection, Nr. 3337.

Sowie Museum 9-1796 sun-dried clay figurine of a suhurmashshu, probably from Assur. Previously published HF Lutz, Univ. of California Publications in Semitic Philology 9/7 (1930), Rittig.97.

Fish-Apkallu statuettes of the type that were buried in the foundations of buildings. The so-called paRadu-fish apkallu were the seven antedeluvian sages of Sumeria.

Two kusarikku or 'bull men' holding a sacred palm tree surmounted by the eight pointed star of Ishtar. From Eshnunna (Tell Asmar near Baghdad, Iraq). Early 2nd millennium BCE. Louvre AO 12446
tamar 'date palm' (Aramaic, Ethiopic, and Hebrew) tamr, 'fruit of the date-palm' (Arabic) http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/11873-palm Rebus: tam(b)ra 'copper' (Pali) arka 'sun' Rebus: araka, eraka 'copper, moltencast' (Kannada.Tulu).
See the peg shown on the crown of Nihal Mishmar cire perdue alloy hoard of artifacts:
kūṭa 'a peg, etc.'; kūṭi 'a hat turban peg or stand' (Kannada) khut.i Nag. (Or. khut.i_) diminutive of khun.t.a, a peg driven into the ground, as for tying a goat (Mundari) khun.t.i = pillar (Santali) Rebus: kuThi 'smelter'.
Cognate hieroglyph: Ta. kuṭai umbrella, parasol, canopy. Ma.
kuṭa umbrella. Ko. koṛ umbrella made of leaves (only in a proverb);
keṛ umbrella. To. kwaṛ id. Ka. koḍe id., parasol. Koḍ. koḍe umbrella.
Tu. koḍè id. Te. goḍugu id., parasol. Kuwi (F.) gūṛgū, (S.) gudugu, (Su. P.) guṛgu umbrella (< Te.). / Cf. Skt. (lex.) utkūṭa- umbrella, parasol. (DER 1663) उत्-कूट [p= 176,2] m. an umbrella or parasol L. (Monier-Williams) utkūṭḥ उत्कूटः [उन्नतं कूटमस्य] A parasol or umbrella.(Pali)
S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvati Research Center
August 17, 2015