"Clearly, both the astronomical markers recorded by Rishi Gargya in Atharva Veda kaanda 19 sookta 7 would be correct only near about circa 2400 BCE. This must certainly be incontrovertible proof that Rishi Gargya's Sookta was composed near 2400 BCE, dating Atharvana Veda to at least 2400 BCE." The key question is: what is the date of Vrddha Garga? Abhyankar claims it to be 500 BCE. http://www.new1.dli.ernet.in/ data1/upload/insa/INSA_1/ 20005b5f_19.pdfÂ
Bharateeya Nakshatra system
Bharateeya Nakshatra system
Though the lunar time between two successive full moons is 29.53059 solar days, the time taken for moon to go round the earth (sidereal month) is 27.32166 days. Moon also has an oscillatory motion crossing the ecliptic. The moon anomalistic motion and nodal motion have periods are 27.55545 and 27.21222 days for a revolution around earth. The reason for time between full moons being higher than sidereal month is because, the moon has to go around the earth by more than a revolution (nearly 390 degrees) to keep with earth which moves forward in its trajectory around sun. The Chandramaana lunar calendar system keeps a natural cyclic count of days using two Moon based properties described below.
First property is that moon functions as an astronomical day count clock in which Moon is the pointer and the stars are numerals in the sky pointed to by moon each day of the lunar month. The astronomers of Vedic period identified this approximate 13 degree movement of the moon between successive days and named the 27/28 stars pointed to by moon on a daily basis over a rotation as 27/28 nakshatra's, corresponding to little less than a lunar month. Thus a Nakshatra shift corresponds to moon traverse over approximately one solar day.
The second property is the size of fractional moon exposure to sun can indicate a day count and is defined as a moon day or thiti. Thirty thiti's are defined in a lunar month, each thiti being smaller than a solar day. Fifteen are identified as Shukla paksha or ascending fortnight and next fifteen are called krishna paksha or descending fortnight.
This system of day count calendar keeping, is traceable to Veda's. Veda's, which are perhaps the oldest original documentation of knowledge any where in the world, still in their original shape and language. A study of theVeda's, Brahmana's, and Aaranyaka's point exclusive use of a lunar pointer as the primary calendar in the Vedicperiods. Pournamsya, a time at which earth, sun, moon are aligned is a time of singularity used for religious purposes and formed the unit of half a month and is used in Rigveda. The Vedas also refer to solar events such as Aayanas, and Vishuwat-Sankramana's as solar singular events. Ayana means Solstices when apparent North-South movement of Sun reverses, usually occurring on June 21 and Dec 22. Vishuwat means equal or the spring and fall equinoxâs when daytime is equal to nighttime, usually occurring on March 21 and Sep 21. There are vedic references to solar singularities with corresponding solar/lunar pointed star locations.
The six-season definition is unique to vedic system and is not found in any other recorded culture or system. These seasons are, Vasanta, Geeshma, Varsha, Sharad, Himavanta and Shishira each season being about two moon cycles. It is in Taittareeya Samhita (Krishna Yajurveda) and in Atharva samhita 19th kaanda /7th Sootrathat an explicit first definition and identification of the twenty- seven(28) Nakshatraâs is available (Refs, 1 and 2). It should be noted that the concept of Zodiac/Raashi is not even hinted in any vedic texts of the old period.
The table below provides a list of the twenty-seven stars from Taittareeya Samhita and Krishna Yajurveda 4thKaanda 4th Prashna of Andhra School. Similar list is referred to in Atharvaveda, 19th kaanda/7th Sookta. It differs from the Yajurveda list in that twenty eight stars are listed. In 19th Kaanda/8th sooktha twenty eight(ashtha vimshaani) nakshatras are declared. The nakshatra not explicitly used in Jyotishya and in yajurvedais named Abhijit. The taiaareeya brahmana (third Ashtaka) derived from yajurveda again lists 28 nakshatrasincluding Abhijit. It is referred to in Athrvana veda. The author or Drashtaara of Atharva veda sookta is Gaargya Rishi.
The confusion about 27/28 Nakshatras can be analyzed as follows. The 27.3 days taken by moon for visiting the same star can be rounded to either 27 or 28. Each of these integers represents a nakshatra or a daily star. It is possible that initially 28 nakshatras were proposed and defined to represent every day. This is evident fromGargyaâs Nakshtara sooktha. Subsequently many years later when Jyotishya was taking a more formal and mathematical shape, 27 integer identities were perhaps found to be more reasonable and accurate. Hence one of the original 28 nakshatras had to be deleted. This could not be done easily as the vedas are considered to be âapourusheyaâ and no liberties were allowed. Hence perhaps Abhijit, was declared to be an imaginary nakshatrameant only for phala.(ref 10).
The Table below lists names of Nakshatras, the deity to which Nakshatra is dedicated to, and alternate names.Ashwini and Bharani are listed as last two Nakshatras. Note that the list starts from Krittika and not fromAshwini as is currently used in Jyotishya Shaastra (Ref 3). The time at which Rishi Gargya documented the list of nakshatra's in Atharvana Veda is at least circa 2400 BC, as analyzed in appendix I. The appendix also dates the Jyotishya Shaastra as having been brought in to the present form around circa 400 BC.
Nakshatra | No. of stars | Alternate name | Dedicated to |
Krittika | 6 | Agni | |
Rohini | 5 | Prajaapati | |
Mrigasheerisham | 3 | Soma | |
Aardharaa | 1 | Rudra | |
Punarvasu | 2-4 | Aditi | |
Tishya | 3 | Pushya | Brihaspati |
Aaslesha | 1 | Ashresha | Sarpa |
Maghaa | 5 | Pitru | |
Poorva Phalguni | 2 | Pubba | Bhaga |
Uttara Phalguni | 2 | Uttara | |
Hastaa | 3 | Savitru | |
Chitra | 1 | Chitta | Indra |
Swati | 1 | Vaayu | |
Vishaaka | 2 | Indraagni | |
Anooradha | 4 | Mitra | |
Jyeshta | 3 | Indra | |
Vichruta | 11 | Moola | Pitru |
Aashada | 2 | Purvashada | Aapah |
Aashada(Abhijit) | 3 | Uttarashada | Vishvedeva |
Shrona | 3 | Shravana | Vishnu |
Shravishta | 4 | Dhanishta | Vasu |
ShathaBhishaja | 100 | Indra | |
Proshtapada | 2 | Purvabhadra | |
Proshtapada | 2 | Uttarabhadra | Ahirbadhni |
Revathi | 32 | Pausha | |
Ashwini | 3 | Ashwini | |
Bharani | 3 | Yama |
The lunar calendar was in universal and secular use in ancient Bhaarata. Historical events used lunar calendar for dating all events. It is well known that Gautama Buddha was born, achieved his enlightenment and died on full moon day with the full moon pointing to Vishakha Nakshatra. The twelve months were named after the stars at which full moon occurs and these are Chaitra, Vaishakha, Jyeshta, Ashaada, Sharavna, Bhadrapda, Ashwija, Kaartika, Margashira, Pushya, Maagha, Phalguna. Typically alternate stars with some skips refer to month names and hence accommodate 27 stars corresponding to nearly 360 degrees motion of Sun in a solar year.The first question that arises is whether a 'Nakshatra' corresponds to one single star entity or a group of stars in the sky. Bharateeya Jyotishya shaastra states that each Nakshatra name corresponds to a group of stars called star mansions or Asterisms. The concept is that Chandra or Moon visits these mansions in his trajectory around earth. It is very possible that at the inception of daily star concept during the early vedic period, a Nakshatra may have been a specific single star. Nakshatra positions may have been rationalized in later days to mansions or groups of stars for purposes of mathematical averaging to be exactly 13.333 degrees apart required in Jyotishya. The table above also shows the number of stars, accepted by Jyotishya shaastra, constituting the specific Nakshatra.
European Influence on the Bharatheeya system:
The European view (originally from Chaldian and Kassarian cultures of Middle East and from Egypt), propagated by Greek philosophers, of the night sky and the star system ran in a different direction in ancient times in that Sun was considered as the pointer to skies. In contrast, the moon is considered to be the primary pointer fromvedic astronomical point of view. Star groups pointed to by the sun were defined as Zodiacs representing clusters of stars forming shapes of animals and figures. Zodiacs were named after animal shapes or Greek mythological figures. The twelve months were named and represented Zodiac groups, which had an animal form through which the Sun passes.
If we compare the names of Bhaarateeya Rashis and Zodiacs and Weekdays, are same but for the language as shown in table below. It is inconceivable that two non-communicating societies can evolve name systems, which are translations of each other in a linguistic sense. Clearly, one of the two parties influenced the other.
Ravivar | Sunday | Sun |
Induvasar or Somavar | Monday | Moon |
Bhomyavasar or Mangalvar | Tuesday | Mars |
Sowmyavasara orBudhavar | Wednesday | Mercury |
Brihaspativasara or Guruvar | Thursday | Jupiter |
Bhargava vasara or Shukravar | Friday | Venus |
Sthiravasara or Shanivar | Saturday | Saturn |
Mesha | Aries |
Vrishabha | Taurus |
Mithuna | Gemini |
Karkataka | Cancer |
Simha | Leo |
Kanya | Virgo |
Tula | Libra |
Vrishchika | Scorpio |
Dhanu | Sagitarrius |
Makara | Capricorn |
Kumbha | Aquarius |
Meena | Pisces |
The Vedas and other older texts do not refer to weekdays named after Graha's or Planets or to Raashis. TheGrahas referred to in Veda's are Surya, Chandra, Brihaspati, Shukra, Budha, shani, Kuja, Rahu, Ketu. They extensively refer to Nakshatra month names and moon pointing at different Nakshatra's for various purposes. Therefore it appears likely that the Bharateeya cosmological system interacted with the European solar calendar and gradually the Jyotishya shaastra was modified to the present form, as we know now. Sun based concepts ofRashi, weekdays were invoked in to Jyotishya. This could have occurred, perhaps through contact with Yavanas (Greek's) as there is considerable evidence of Greek and Bharateeya interaction during period before Chandra Gupta. Appendix provides astronomical time markers which confirm the origins of Jyotishya Shaastra in present form to circa 400 BC. Without acceptance of this interaction, it is difficult to explain why the twelve Zodiacs of the European star system are translations of the Nakshatra-Rashi defined in Jyotishya.
It is worth while looking at the some Bharateeya astronomers of a more recent time of 300-500 AD. They areAryabhata, Varaha Mihira, Brahma Gupta. These astronomers were aware of the vedic astronomy and made new and unique contributions. Specifically Aryabhata made contributions to Spherical geometry, a part of understanding the earth as a globe. Varaha Mihira's contributions include pesently used Soorya Siddhanta, (He refers to nine types of time keeping and calenders) and the fact that he proposed Prime Meridian through Ujjainin Madhya Pradesh. He knew of Earth's Precession and called it as ayanaamsha. Brahma Gupta made contributions to Arcsin in Trigonometry. Aryabhata had estimated the beginning of kaliyuga as 3102 BC. He stated that when he was 26, sixty of the 60-year cycles were completed after start of kaliyuga. Varahmihiramade an estimate of 2526 before start of Shaka varsha for Mahabharata's Yudhishtira. Texts from that period likeYavana Jataka, Romaka Siddahnta provide evidence of understanding of European astronomical works.
The Chandramaana Lunar scale has 27 daily and twelve month name definitions. While amalgamating the solar calibrations of zodiacs in to Lunar calibrations of Nakshatra's, the issue of translating 27 Nakshatras in a revolution to 12 Rashis was solved in Jyotishya Shaastra by treating 1/4 of a Nakshatra as a unit making Nine quarters of Nakshatra as one Raashi.
Every society in human history has had its own vision and definition of skies. The precision of Egyptian,(Chaldean/Akkadian) Messapotamian, Mayan, Stonehenge, Chinese culture are known to us, and certainly there must have been many others unknown to documented history. The stars in the skies were identified and named as single stars or groups and their relation to sun movement has been observed (Ref 6,7,8,9).
Chinese have had a long tradition of astronomical observations. They appear to have used, Sun, Moon and Jupiter as pointers which included zodiac division in to 28 segments as early as 1200 BC. The 28 segmental division is somewhat similar to vedic system. The starting position of the 28 zodiacs was in Libra (near Swati orVishakha). That appears to rule out Chinese interaction with Vedic culture.
The concept of animal shaped zodiac representing 10-12 zodiacs per year is attributed to Chaldean and Akkadian cultures of Messapotamia. Egyptian Dendera Palnisphere, presently in France, which has been dated to about 1800 BC shows the twelve zodiacs (Ref 4). The earliest traceable documentation from European sources is by Ptolemy in 130 AD, who lived in Alexandria in current Egypt. He compiled data from many centuries of European knowledge before him and he used Hipparchus's astronomical observations (nearly 300 year older than Ptolemy) for many of his observations. The observation of Earth's Precession is attributed to Ptolemy and Hipparchus, and is a major astronomical observational finding. Ptolemyâs works comes down to modern days via Arab astronomers who called his work `Al magistâ. In this Ptolemy, refers to 48 constellations in the skies. He used the Egyptian year and month names, which were well advanced and similar to Julian system. Interaction of middle eastern/European astronomical knowledge with Bharateeya knowledge clearly must have happened, much before Ptolemy when many Greeks were in Bhaarat. Ptolemy's zodiac boundaries are different from present zodiac boundaries of same name. The Arab astronomers used Ptolemy's data base and made a thorough study of the skies after Ptolemy and many individual stars were named by them in post Ptolemy centuries. These names have been widely accepted and used.
During many centuries after Ptolemy's time, number of changes have occurred in constellation definitions and boundaries. In 17th century, Bayer systematically named stars using three parameters, first to give star a serial number in its constellation, and second to assign a Greek alphabet representative of the brightness and third to refer to constellation where star is. Therefore a should always be the brightest star of the constellation followed by b, etc. Flamsteed numbers are another catalog of stars from same era. The presently accepted 88 Zodiac definition was frozen in 1932 by International Astronomical Union and stars are named by Bayer's system. This came about because of the meriad constellation names and boundaries that were being floated at that time.
Since the profound beginnings of modern astronomy by Kepler, Galileo, Newton and their astonishing advances in recent times by Hubble and others, extensive and detailed catalogs of all bodies in skies have been made. Optical and other electromagnetic wavelength telescopes have been used to study all objects in the skies. The modern astronomers have a very precise understanding of major and minor planetary motion, binary stars, Messier objects, Comets, and even man made objects in sky. Modern astronomical science has catalogs all the visible stars. The identification currently extensively used in modern astronomy is the HD number standing for Henry Draper Classifications, and SAO number standing for Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory catalog number. There are star catalogs from Germany, France, and Britain.
Most of the European style analysis of astronomical references in veda's (starting from German and British writers of 19 and early 20th century) have always suggested that the vedic text astronomical observations were generally primitive and any non-primitive elements were some how derived from Messapotamian/Akkadian/Chaldean origins. These analyses trivialize any significant original observations in theVeda's. This bias has been brought out be David Frawley succinctly in his work (ref-8).
Star Brightness/rules used for identifying Vedic star equivalence
Star brightness has been numerically expressed since Hipparchus in 150 BC. The scale presently used to measure brightness of objects is an inverse geometrical scale with brightness of sun at -26. With such a bright object, flooding atmosphere, other objects in sky are only visible to normal human eyes during night when sun is not visible. Full moon has a brightness of -12. Venus at its brightest has a brightness of -3. A change of brightness by 2.56 refers to a change of brightness by factor of two. The brightest star is Sirius, which has a brightness of -1.5. On a clear dark night (without moon), the dullest object that can be seen by healthy human eye is considered to be +6.
The following principles and assumptions can perhaps be used as the basis for establishing identity ofBharateeya Nakshatras in this article.
*Nakshatra named by people at Vedic time, must have been visible to naked eye and hence must be brighter than +5, based on brightness definitions.
*Moon is said to visit the Nakshatra or star mansions. Moon traverse plane is inclined to sun motion plane and hence over a period of time, the moon trajectories form a band. Let us call it as the moon traverse band. It is typically 5 degrees around ecliptic. Hence for any star or group of stars to qualify as a Nakshatra, it must be within the moon traverse band or outside not exceeding a few moon diameters. One Moon diameter is about 0.6 degree as seen from earth.
* The Nakshatras should be about 13.33 degrees apart or to 1/27 of 360.
* It is also necessary that they belong to the Raashi's or twelve Zodiacs. There are 88 officially identified zodiacs in the sky, moon traverse band passes only through 12. It should be noted that the Raashi or zodiac boundaries may vary from past definitions of 2400 years ago when possibly the Zodiac concepts were amalgamated in toJyotishya.
*In Bharat, the traditional Panchangas/almanacs provide chandramana details including the beginning and end of visit of moon to 27 Nakshatras time to within few minutes of accuracy for every day of the year. Such almanacs are used even today for religious purposes. This data has to correlate with our identification in that moon must be near the star.
Implicit in these rules is the assumption that Jyotishya Shaastra experts of circa 400 BC carried forward the knowledge and identity of the Nakshatras correctly from vedic period accurately in correlating nakshatra's toRaashi's at that time. It is this interrelation of Nakshatras and Raashi's that permit us to identify what the vedictime names of stars were. The effect of natural motion of stars is assumed to be insignificant, but accounting for precession or Ayanamsha is necessary.
An astronomical computer software, LOADSTAR PRO GS has been used to identify the traditional Bharateeya Nakshatras and their equivalents based on the rules and assumptions declared above.
LoadStar Pro GS Astronomical Software
This is a powerful modern computer based astronomical program (ref 5). This software provides the view of sky from 10000 BC to 10000 AD at any specific location and time on earth. The accuracy of this software is declared to be as follows.
4000BC-2000BC | 2000BC-0AD | 0-1900AD | 1900AD-2000AD | |
Sun | 24 arcsec | 6 arcsec | 4 arcsec | 2 arcsec |
Moon | 0.9 deg | 0.5deg | 6 arcmin | 13arcsec |
Stars | - | - | - | 2 arcsec |
Software can track solar system bodies, stars, Messier Objects, Comets and all natural heavenly bodies given a date and time. This program provides graphic view of the sky for any coordinate system and can correct for earth's Precession, Proper Motion in the Milkiway, optical refraction due to air (altitude and temperature) for any day in Gregorian calendar (16th century AD) or Julian calendar extrapolated back up to 10000 BC. Further, the location of the observer at any latitude, longitude and altitude is accounted for. The software is capable of identifying all Henry Draper objects, Smithsonian Astronomical Objects and others. The various pictures provided in this document are derived from this software. The software has been cross-correlated to Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Ephemeris, and Interactive Computer Ephemeris (ICE) of US Naval Observatory for 20th century.
The night sky picture for various Raashis are presented in approximately 30 degrees square of night sky. The Moon traverse band is found by finding moon trajectories over a period of 20 years. This is shown in all the figures as a band of dots. The Sun trajectory is fixed and bisects the moon band as a line.
The Nakshatras were identified by using the material from Bhaarateeya chandramana panchangas (Almanacs) for a given day and looking at the moon pointer to see which Nakshatra was pointed to, over a period of randomly chosen dates covering a hundred year period. Then the rules laid out above were used to choose the best candidate for Nakshatra.
Figure 1 shows the picture of Mesha or Aries group of Stars in the sky. Clearly, the Moon Band does not touch the Mesha Raashi or Aries as presently identified, but is within about 5 degrees of the band. Figure 1 shows fourNakshatras viz., Revati from Meena Raashi, Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittika.
Ashwini Nakshatra is defined in Bharateeya Jyotishya as group of three stars. A study of the figure 1 suggests that the best candidates for this group are as shown in table below based on brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Ashwini | 3 | 75151 | 12929 | 13 a Aries | +2.01 | Hamal |
75102 | 11636 | 6 b Aries | +2.63 | - | ||
92680 | 11502 | 5g1-Aries | +3.9 | - |
The month of Ashwija (usually October in the Gregorian System) is named after Ashwini and at the full moon ofAshwija Moon is near Ashwini Nakshatra. If a single star has to be identified as representing Ashwini Nakshatra, Best candidate is 13 a Aries / SAO-75151/HD-12929/Hamal.
The Bharani Nakshatra is defined as a group of three stars. Brightest can be identified as HD17573 and SAO75596. The following table provides candidates which qualify as Bharani Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Bharani | 3 | 75596 | 17573 | 41-Aries | +3.61 | - |
75578 | 17361 | 39-Aries | +4.51 | - | ||
75532 | 16908 | 35-Aries | +4.65 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as representing Bharani Nakshatra, best candidate is 41-Aries/SAO-75596/HD-17573.
Krittika Nakshatra is defined as a set of six stars. Bharateeya tradition has it that Kaartikeya, is surrounded by five Apsaras. This set of stars is identified by classical European system as Plaeidis. Brightest amongst them is called Alcyone by Arabs. The following table provides the candidates of stars for Krittika Nakshatra or Lunar mansion from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previousNakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Krittika | 6 | 76199 | 23630 | 25Â hAries | +2.87 | Alcyone |
76228 | 23850 | 27 | +3.63 | - | ||
76131 | 23302 | 17 | +3.70 | - | ||
76155 | 23408 | 20 | +3.88 | - | ||
76229 | 23862 | 28BU | +5.09 | - | ||
76140 | 23338 | 19 | +4.3 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as representing Krittika Nakshatra, best candidate is 25hAries/SAO-76199/HD-23630/ AlCyone.
Krittika is also the name of the Chandramana month Kaartika. On the full moon day of Kaartika, the moon is near Krittika Nakshatra. In the Raashi/Nakshatra translation, both the Ashwini/Bharani belong to Mesha Raashi. The Krittika is considered as 1/4 a part of Mesha (Aries) and 3/4 a part of Vrishbha (Taurus).
Arundhati Nakshatra (though not a part of the 27 day pointing stars) is near the Krittitka. It is said to be the eighth star in the cluster Krittika(Ref-2).
The Ashwini/Bharani Nakshatras stars are separated by 50 minutes of time or about 12.5 degrees (E-W), whileBharani and Krittika are separated by about 55 minutes corresponding to about 13.75 degrees (E-W). Both these gaps are near the ideal 13.33 degrees E-W gap between stars.
Figure 2 shows the night sky covering the Vrishabha Raashi or the Taurus. It shows Nakshatras, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashiras. Nakshatra Krittika has already been discussed in Mesha Raashi, where a quarter of Krittikais said to occur.
Rohini Nakshatra is defined traditionally as a mansion of five stars. In olden days, Europeans called it as Haydes. The following table provides candidates which qualify as Rohini Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Rohini | 5 | 94027 | 29139 | 87Â aTau | +0.85 | Al Debaran |
93955 | 28307 | 77q1Tau | +3.85 | - | ||
93868 | 27371 | 54Â gTau | +3.63 | - | ||
93897 | 27697 | 61 DTau | +3.76 | - | ||
93954 | 28305 | 75Â eTau | +3.53 | - |
Rohini is the brightest of the 27 Stars used for Bharateeya Nakshatra system of names, with a brightness of 0.85. Rohini is identified as birth star of Sri krishna. The distance between Krittika and Rohini is about 12.5 degrees (E-W). If a single star has to be identified as representing Rohini Nakshatra, best candidate is 87aTau/SAO-94027/HD -29139/ Aldebaran.
Mrigashiras is traditionally defined as a mansion of three stars. The following table provides candidates which qualify as Mrigashira Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Mrigashiras | 3 | 77168 | 35479 | 112Â bTau | +1.65 | El nath |
77336 | 37202 | 123Â zTau | +2.98 | - | ||
94628 | 36389 | 119CE | +4.38 | - |
Mrigashiras Nakshatra is associated with month of Maargashira where, on full moon day, moon will be nearMrigashira Nakshatra. This approximates to month of December. The Zodiac name Vrishbha suggests a bull with horns, and Mrigashiras is the head of the bull. With some imagination, in figure 2 one can imagine springing bull.Mrigashiras has been named El Nath by Arabs. If a single star has to be identified as representing Mrigashira Nakshatra, best candidate is 112b Tau /SAO-77168 /HD -35497/ Elnath.
The distance between Rohini and Mrigashiras is about 50 minutes corresponding to 12.5 degrees (E-W) not too far from 13.33 requirement. All the Vrishbha stars are within the Moon traverse band.
In the Raashi/Nakshatra translation, 1/4 of Krittika is treated as a part of Mesha and 3/4 of Krittika is treated asVrishbha Raashi. Rohini is considered to be fully in Vrishbha while 1/2 of Mrigashiras is in Vrishabha and the other 1/2 is in Mithuna.
Figure 3 shows the night sky covering Mithuna Raashi or Gemini Zodiac. The stars in figure 3 are Aardhra andPunarvasu.
24 g Gem/SAO-95912/HD47105/Arab 'Alhena' is the best candidate for Aardhra. It is 68 minutes or 17 degrees (E-W) away from Mrigashiras. It is 2 diameters out of moon traverse band.
Aardhra is traditionally called as a mansion of single Nakshatra. The following able provides candidate, which qualify as Aardhra Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Aardhara | 1 | 95912 | 47105 | 24Â gGem | +193 | Al Hena |
Punarvasu Nakshatra is considered traditionally to be a mansion of four stars. The following table provides candidates which qualify as Punarvasu Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Punarvasu | 4 | 79666 | 62509 | 78Â bGem | +1.15 | Pollux |
0 | 60179 | 66Â aGem | +1.59 | Castor | ||
79653 | 62345 | 77Â kGem | +3.56 | - | ||
79374 | 58207 | 60Â iGem | +3.72 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Punarvasu, then 78 b Gem/SAO-79666/HD-62509/'Pollux' is the best candidate for Punarvasu. It is a very bright star of +1.15 brightness. It is about one to two-moon diameter outside of moon band. Punarvasu is 60 minutes or 15 degrees (E-W) away from Aardhra.
In Raashi/Nakshatra translation 1/2 of Mrigashiras, Full Aardhra and 3/4 of Punarvasu are considered to be part of Mithuna.
Figure 4 shows the night sky covering the stars in the Karkataka Raashi. The Nakshatras in this Raashi arePushya (or Tishya) and Aaslesha.
Pushya Nakshatra is considered to have three stars traditionally. The following table provides a list of stars, which qualify as Pushya from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Pushya | 3 | 116569 | 69267 | 17Â bcnc | +3.52 | Al Tarf |
97819 | 71250 | 27BP-cnc | +5.5 | - | ||
97881 | 72094 | 31Â qcnc | +5.35 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Pushya (Tishya), then 17b Cnc/SAO-116569/HD-69267/ is the best candidate. The brightness of this star is 3.52. Pushya is 40 minutes or 11 degrees (E-W) away from Punarvasu. There are no alternate choices of star for Pushya in this Raashi. Pushya is also nearly 6 to 8 moon diameters away from the moon-traversing band. Pushya is 40 minutes or 10 degrees (E-W) away from Punarvasu. Arab name is Al Tarf.
Aaslesha Nakshatra is considered to have two stars. The following table provides a list of two stars, which can qualify as Aaslesha from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Aaslesha | 2 | 98267 | 76756 | 65Â acnc | +4.23 | Asselus Australis |
98087 | 74442 | d cnc | +3.93 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Aaslesha, then 65 a Cnc/SAO 98267/HD 76756 is the best candidate.Aaslesha is 45 minutes or 11 degrees (E-W) away from Pushya. This star is also called by Latin name Asseleus Australis. Chinese astronomers also had a name for this star translated as Second Minister.
In Raashi/Nakshatra translation 1/4 of Punarvasu, whole of Pushya, Aaslesha are considered to be part ofKarkataka.Figure 5 shows Nakshatras of Simha. For the imaginative, a lion with a high tail is visible in figure 5. TheNakshatras shown are, Maghaa, and Pubba/ Poorva Phalguni. There are a number of bright stars in the Raashi.
Maghaa Nakshatra is considered to have two stars. The following table provides a list of two stars, which can qualify as Maghaa from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Maghaa | 5 | 98967 | 87901 | 32 aLeo | +1.35 | Regulus |
98955 | 87737 | 30Â hLeo | +3.53 | - | ||
81298 | 89484 | 41Â g1 Leo | +2.61 | Algieba | ||
81265 | 89025 | 36Â zLeo | +3.42 | - | ||
98078 | 83808 | 14Â oLeo | +3.52 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Maagha, then the best candidate is 32 a Leo/SAO 98967/HD 87901/Regulus. Its is located 70 minutes or 17 degrees (E-W) away from Aaslesha. Regulus is an old European name for Maghaa known to Ptolemy.
Poorva Phalguni / Pubba Nakshatra is considered to be a lunar mansion of 2 stars. The following table provides a list of two stars, which can qualify as Poorva Phalguni from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Poorva Phalguni | 2 | 99512 | 97633 | 70Â qLeo | +3.34 | Chort |
81727 | 97603 | 68Â dLeo | +2.56 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Poorva Phalguni, then SAO 99512/HD 97633 is the best candidate, and it is located at 65 minutes or 16 degrees (E-W)from Maagha. Poorva Phalguni is also called Chort by Arabs.
In Raashi/Nakshatra translation, whole of Maghaa and whole of Poorva Phalguni are considered to be part ofSimha Raashi. 1/4 of the Uttara Phalguni is also considered as Simha Raashi.
Figure 6 shows 35 degrees containing four Nakshatras in Kanya Raashi called Uttara Phalguni, Hastaa, Chitra, and Swati.![](http://www.vedicastronomy.net/stars_images/Figure6.gif)
Though Uttara is a part of Virgo/Kanya in the zodiac, in Bharateeya measure it is considered as a part of Tula. All the Kanyaa Nakshatras are in the Moon Band and are the brighter stars of the Raashi. Uttara Phalguni orUttara is onsidered to be a lunar mansion of 2 stars. The following table provides a list of two stars, which can qualify as Uttara Phalguni from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Uttara Phalguni | 2 | 99809 | 102647 | 94Â bLeo | +2.14 | Denebola |
119076 | 102870 | 5Â bVir | +3.61 | Zavijava |
Both the stars are at same time distance from Poorva Phalguni. If a single star has to be identified as Uttara Phalguni, then 94 b Leo/SAO 119076 / HD 102870 is the best candidate, despite Denebola being brighter. Reason is that Denebola is about 5 diameters out of Moon traverse band while Zavijava is in the moon traverse band. Uttara Phalguni, is also called Zavijava by Arabs.
Hastaa is considered to be a lunar mansion of 3 stars. The following table provides, a list of three stars which can qualify as Hastaa from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra. Hastaa has also been called Porrima, probably an Arab name.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Hastaa | 3 | 0 | 110380 | 29Â gVir | +3.68/2.68 | Porrima |
119674 | 113380 | 43Â dVir | +3.38 | - | ||
100384 | 113226 | 47Â eVir | +2.83 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Hastaa, then star 29 g Virgo identified as HD-110380, (It has no SA0 identification) is best candidate for Hastaa Nakshatra. Its brightness has been declared as +2.8 in some references and +3.6 in some. Hastaa is 55 minutes or 14 degrees (E-W) away from Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. It also carries the Arab name Porrima.
Chitra is considered to be a lunar mansion of single star. The following table provides the stars which qualifies asChitra from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previousNakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Chitra | 1 | 157923 | 116923 | 67Â aVir | +0.98 | Spica |
Chitra is 50 minutes or 13.3 degrees (E-W) away from 'Hastaa'. There can be no doubt about the identity ofChitra. It also stands for the name of the first month in Chandramaana calender. The Bhrateeya Chandramaana Ugadi (new Year day) is on the new moon day of this month, and this day is very near the Spring Equinox day. In Raashi/Nakshatra translation, 1/4 of Uttara-Phalguni is considered as belonging to Karkataka. 3/4 of Uttara-Phalguni, whole of Hastaa and 1/2 of Chitra are considered to belong to Kanyaa Rashi. The other half of Chitra is shown as Tula Raashi.
This star which is very near the ecliptic was scientifically studied by Hipparchus in 150 BC and by Ptolemy in 150 AD, and they noticed the property of earth's precession using observations on Spica.
Figure 7 shows the 30 degrees square of Tula Raashi and shows, Swati, Vishaaka in Tula, and Anooradha, Jyeshta Nakshatras of Vrishchika. Tula or the Libra Zodiac is a very small one. Swati is a difficult Nakshatra to identify, because 10-20 degrees (E-W) away from Chitra there are no bright stars.
The following table provides the stars which qualifies as Swati from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Swati | 1 | 139824 | 124850 | 99Â iVir | +4.08 | Symra |
There are some scholars who have argued that Arcturus is Swati. Arcturus is located in 'Bootes' constellation and is identified as SAO-10094/HD-124893/16-Bootes of brightness +1.24. However, Arcturus is at 19 N degrees where as northern limit of moon traverse (8 S to 18 S) band is -8 degrees. Hence the star
Arcturus is located 27 to 37 degrees away, north from moon traverse band, hence can not be seriously considered, as being pointed to by Moon. This 27 degrees is the distance between two Nakshtra's and too large an error. If we accept moon visits the Arcturus mansion, all our identifications become questionable. The Arcturus mansion located in Bootes constellation is nowhere near Tula (Libra) or Vrishchika. Even 5000 years ago, the location of that constellation was far away from moon traverse band. Hence SAO-139824/HD 124850 /99i Vir, also called Syrma by Arabs is the best candidate for Hastaa. This Nakshatra is 45 minutes or about 12 degrees (E-W) away from Chitra. It is bright enough to have been given a name by Arab astronomers.
Vishaaka is considered to be a lunar mansion of 2 stars. The following table lists likely candidate stars in Tula from a brightness point of view, location with respect to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Vishaka | 2 | 158840 | 130841 | 9Â a2 Lib | +2.75 | Zubenelgenubi |
140340 | 135742 | 27Â bLib | +2.61 | Zubeneschemele |
If one star has to be chosen as Vishaaka in Tula Raashi, it is 92a2Libra, identified as SAO 158840 or HD 130481. The brightness is +2.75. It has been called, Zubenelgenubi by Arabs. Vishaaka pair is 45 minutes or 11(E-W) degrees away from Swati. Though Zubeneschemele is a little brighter, it is a little away from moon traverse band. Vishaaka is right in the middle of the moon traverse band. Guatama Buddha was born, received enlightenment, and died on the full moon day of Vishaka when full moon was on this nakshatra.
In the Raashi/Nakshatra translation, whole of 1/2 of Chitra, whole of Swaati and 3/4 of Vishaaka is considered to be in Tula Raashi.
Figure 8 shows the 30 degree square of Vrishchika Raashi in which Anooraadha, Jyeshta and Moola Nakshatra choices are to be made. Anooradha is considered to be a mansion of four stars
The following table lists the stars, which qualify as Anooradha Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Anooradha | 4 | 84014 | 143275 | 7Â dSco | +2.3 | Dschubba |
159862 | 144217 | 8b1Sco | +2.63 | - | ||
183987 | 143018 | 6Â pSco | +2.9 | - | ||
184123 | 144470 | 8Â w1 Sco | +3.97 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Anooraadha then the best candidate is 7d-Sco/SAO 184014/HD 143275.Anooraadha is 1 hour 10 minutes or 17 degrees (E-W) away from Vishaaka. Anooradha is also called Dschubbaby Arabs.
Jyeshta is considered to be a lunar mansion of 3 stars. The following table lists the stars, which qualify asJyeshta Nakshatra from brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Jyeshta | 3 | 184415 | 148478 | 21Â aSco | +1.08 | Antares |
184336 | 147165 | 20Â sSco | +2.88 | - | ||
184481 | 149438 | 23Â gSco | +2.83 | - |
If a single star has to be identified as Jyeshta, then the best candidate is 21 a Sco/SAO 184415/HD 148478.Jyeshta is 30 minutes or 8 degrees (E-W) away from Anooraadha. The brightness of Jyeshta is a high +1.08.
In the Raashi Nakshatra translation, 1/4 of Vishaaka, whole of Anooraadha and whole of Jyeshta are considered as Vrishchika.
Figure 9 shows 30 degrees square area around Dhanu Raashi. The Nakshatras in this figure are Vichruta/Moola, and Poorvaashada. Both the stars are in the moon traverse band. For the imaginative, a stretched bow can be seen in the Dhanu Raashi. Vichruta or Moola Nakshatras considered to be a star mansion with eleven stars.
The following table presents candidate stars, which qualify as Moola based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Moola | 11 | 185320 | 157056 | 42Â qOPH | +3.28 | - |
185296 | 156897 | 40Â eSAG | +4.4 | - | ||
185401 | 157792 | 44-SAG | +4.17 | - | ||
185412 | 157919 | 45-SAG | +4.29 | - | ||
160332 | 155125 | 35Â eOPH | +2.43 | Sabik | ||
185470 | 158643 | 51-SAG | +4.8 | - | ||
160700 | 159876 | 55Â zSAG | +3.54 | - | ||
160479 | 156928 | 53Â gSAG | +4.33 | - | ||
185155 | 161592 | 3Â cSAG | +4.54 | - | ||
185198 | 155886 | 36-OPH | +5.29 | - | ||
185327 | 156350 | 39-OPH | +6.8 | - |
If one star is to be identified as Moola, then the best candidate for Moola or Vichruta Nakshatra is 42 q OPH from Ophichius zodiac of the European system. It falls in the star band and is 50 minutes or 13 degrees (E-W) away from Jyeshta. Its brightness is +3.28. Arab Sabik is another strong candidate for Moola with +2.43 brightness and is also 13 degrees from Jyeshta.
Moola or Vichruta has been extensively referred to in Atharveda Kaanda 2,Kaanda 3 and kaanda 6 (Ref 2).Vichruta, stands for darkness and Moola carries an adjective Arishta. This word has two meanings, one standing for sweet and second associated with bad associated with death. Astronomically, Moola is in line with Milkiwaygalactic center. Did some astronomical event appear 5000 years ago near the center of Milkiway galaxy, which could explain why Moola is considered as bad? In modern astronomy, there have been conjectures of a black hole at the center of our Milkiway. This area of sky is visually dark because large amount of matter is presumed to exist around the center of the Galaxy. Did vedic period astronomers know of the center of the galaxy or did they see some astronomical event justifying the bad omen associated with Moola?.
Poorvaashaada Nakshatra is considered to be a star mansion of two stars. The following table presents candidate stars, which qualify as Poorvashaada based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Poorva Aashaada | 2 | 187448 | 175191 | 34Â aSAG | +2.06 | Nunki |
187600 | 176687 | 38Â zSAG | +2.6 | - |
If one star is to be identified as Poorvaashadha, it is 34 aSag, which has an Arab name Nunki. Its brightness is +2.06. There are other stars nearby and one which has a brightness of 1.8. But it is far away from the moon traverse band, and hence is not a good candidate for Poorvaashada. Poorvaasaahda is 80 minutes or 20 (E-W) degrees away from Moola.
Uttarashaada is considered to be a star mansion of two stars. It is shown in figure 10. The following table presents candidate stars, which qualify as Uttarashaada based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Uttara Aashaada | 2 | 163481 | 193495 | 3Â bCap | +3.07 | - |
163427 | 192947 | 6a2-Cap | +3.56 | Geidi |
If one star is to be identified for Uttaraashada, it is the twin star 5a/6a2 both in Capricorn Zodiac. They are of brightness 4.24 and 3.56.Together the pair appear as one star. The SAO identities are SAO-163422/163427 or HD -192876/192947. There is a large gap between Poorvaashada and Uttaraashaada of nearly 22 degrees (E-W). There are no likely candidate stars for Uttaraashaada in the 22 degrees in the moon traverse band or near by. Arabs call this as Geidi associated with slaughter of sheep.
In Raashi/Nakshatra translation, whole of Moola and whole of Poorvaashaada are treated as Dhanu Raashi, while 1/4 of Uttaraashaada is a part of Makara Raashi.
Figure 10 shows some of the the stars in Makara raashi which are Uttaraashadha and Shravana.
We have already discussed Uttarashadha nakshatra and its identification. The original nakshatra from vedicperiod, Abhijit, would be a star between Uttarashaadha and Shravana.
Shravana Nakshatra is considered to be a star mansion of three stars. The following table presents candidate stars, which qualify as Shravana based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Shravana | 3 | 164644 | 207098 | 49Â dcap | +2.83 | Deneb Al Geidi |
163427 | 206088 | 40Â gCap | +3.66 | - | ||
190341 | 204075 | 34Â zcap | +3.74 | - |
If one star is to be identified as representing Shravana, it is clearly 49d-cap of brightness+2.83 identified as SAO-164644 and HD-207098. It is 30 minutes or 8 degrees (E-W) away from Uttarashada, which is a part of Makara Raashi. Arabs also call Shravana as Deneb Al Geidi.
Since half of Dhanishta is considered to be part of Kumbha raashi Figure 11 shows Dhanishta Nakshatra is considered to be a star mansion of four stars. The following table presents candidate stars which qualify asDhanishta based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previousNakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Dhanishta | 4 | 146107 | 213051 | 55zAqr | +3.66 | - |
146044 | 212051 | 48gAqr | +3.84 | - | ||
12750 | 212571 | 52p Aqr | +4.66 | - | ||
146181 | 213998 | 62hAqr | +4.02 | - |
If one star is to be identified as representing Dhanishta, it is clearly 55z of brightness +3.66 identified as SAO-146107 and HD-213051. From a distance point of view this star is 45 minutes or about 12 degrees (E-W) away from Shravana. The Moon trajectory is within a few diameters of Dhanishta.
In terms of Nakshatra-Raashi translation, 3/4 of Uttaraashaada, whole of shravana and 1/2 of Dhansihta are defined as belonging to Makara Raashi.
Figure 11 Shows the sky with about 30 degrees square of the Makara and Kumbha Raashi, in which Shravana, Dhansihta and Shatabhisha are to be found.
Shatabhishaja Nakshatra is defined to be a star mansion of 100 stars. Shata is undred and bhishaja stands for medical doctor. The significance of later is not apparent. The following table presents one candidate star, which qualifies as Shatabhishaja based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Shatabishta | 100 | 146585 | 219215 | 90Â fAqr | +4.22 | - |
and 99 others whose identity has not been proposed -
There is great dilemma about star for Shatabhishaja because one hundred stars of brightness <+5 brightness are not visible. Did one hundred bright objects exist in this part of sky 5000 years ago? One bright star near ecliptic is 90f Aqr, and best qualifies as single star identity of Shatabhishaja. The other identities are SAO-146595/SAO-146620, or HD-219449/HD219688. This star pair is 50 minutes or 13 degrees (E-W) away fromDhanishta, which is an ideal location.
Since half of Poorvabahdra is a part of Meena Raashi, figure 12 shows Poorvabhaadra (Proshtapada) Nakshatra,which is defined to be a star mansion of two stars. The following table presents candidate stars, which qualify asPoorvabhaadra based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previousNakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Poorva Bhadra | 2 | 128513 | 224617 | 28Â wPsc | +4.02 | - |
128336 | 222603 | 18Â lPsc | +4.5 | - |
If a single star is to be found to represent Poorvabhaadra, the best choice is SAO128513/HD224617 /28w Psc. Star Poorvabhaadra really is in Meena Raashi. The brightness is +4.02.
In the Nakshatra/Raashi translation, 1/2 of Dhanishta, whole of Shatabhisha and 3/4 of Poorvaabhaadra are considered as belonging to Kumbha Raashi.
Figure 12 shows the Nakshatras of Meena Raashi, which contains the Nakshatras Poorvabhaadra, Uttarabhaadra, Revati and Ashwini of Mesha Raashi. All the stars in this Meena Raashi are very low in brightness. Modern astronomers always use this area to identify new Sun's minor planets because of less interference from low brightness stars.
Uttarabhaadra is considered to be a Nakshatra with two stars. The following table lists likely candidate stars forUttarabhaadra from a brightness point of view, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Uttara Bhadra | 2 | 109474 | 4656 | 63Â dPsc | +4.43 | - |
109267 | 6186 | 71Â ePsc | +4.27 | - |
If a single star is to be found to represent Uttara Bhaadra, then the best candidate is 63 dPsc, SAO-189474/HD-4656. It is in the moon band and is located about 12-14 degrees (E-W) away from Poorvabhaadra. But 71e is only 7 degrees away from Revati, while 63 is midway between Poorvabhaadra and Revati. Hence, the best choice is 63. The Poorva and Uttara Bhaadra Nakshatras represent Bhadrapada month, usually September of Gregorian calender.
Revati Nakshatra is considered to be a star mansion with 36 stars. There are a number of stars in figure 12. The following table presents one candidate star which qualifies as Shatabhishaja based on brightness, location with reference to moon traverse band, and distance from previous Nakshatra.
Nakshatra | No. | SAO | HD | Bayer | Bright | Arab/Other |
Revathi | 36 | 92484 | 9270 | 99Â hPsc | +3.62 | - |
and 35 others whose identity has not been proposed.
If one star has to be identified for Revati, it is 99h Psc, which is the brightest star of Meena Raashi. Its identities are SAO-92484 or HD-9270.The brightness is +3.62. It is 45 minutes or about 12 degrees (E-W) away fromUttarabhaadra.
In the Raashi/Nakshatra translation, 1/4 of Poorvabhaadra, whole of Uttarabhaadra and whole of Revati are parts o the Meena Raashi.
The table below provide a summary of the work on equivalence of Bhaarateeya Nakshatras with other star names used by different cultures and modern day star tables. In this article, effort has been made to identify single star to represent a Nakshatra. However, the Jyotishya definition is that the Nakshatras stand for group of stars. Hence the stars identified below belong to that group and are the brightest of the Nakshatra group.
Nakshatra | Smithson Astro Obser | Henry Draper | Bayer Identity | Bright | Other Names | Light Years | Deg from Spring Equinox |
Ashwini | 75151 | 12929 | 13Â aAries | +2.01 | Hamal | 75 | 31 |
Bharani | 75596 | 17573 | 41 Aries | +3.61 | - | 42 | |
Krittika | 76199 | 23630 | 25Â hTau | +2.87 | Alcyone | 400 | 57 |
Rohini | 94027 | 29139 | 87Â aTau | +0.85 | Aldebaran | 70 | 69 |
Mrigashira | 77168 | 35497 | 112bTau | +1.65 | Alnath | 200 | 82 |
Aardhra | 95912 | 47105 | 24Â gGem | +1.93 | Alhena | 100 | 98 |
Punarvasu | 79666 | 62509 | 78Â bGem | +1.15 | Pollux | 35 | 115 |
Pushya | 116569 | 69267 | 17Â bCnc | +3.52 | Al Tarf | 124 | |
Aashlesha | 98267 | 74442 | 47Â dCnc | +3.93 | AsselusAustralis | 135 | |
Maghaa | 98967 | 87901 | 32Â aLeo | +1.35 | Regulus | 85 | 152 |
Pubba | 99512 | 97633 | 70Â qLeo | +3.34 | Chort | 168 | |
Uttara | 119076 | 102870 | 5Â bVir | +3.61 | Zavijava | 177 | |
Hastaa | 0 | 110380 | 29Â gVir | +2.8/3.6 | Porrima | 33 | 190 |
Chitra | 157923 | 116658 | 67Â aVir | +0.98 | Spica | 250 | 203 |
Swati | 139824 | 124850 | 99Â iVir | +4.08 | Syrma | 214 | |
Vishaka | 158840 | 130481 | 92a 2Lib | +2.75 | Zubenelgenubi | 65 | 224 |
Anooradha | 184014 | 143275 | 7Â dSco | +2.3 | Dschubba | 600 | 240 |
Jyeshta | 184415 | 148478 | 21Â aSco | +1.08 | Antares | 400 | 248 |
Moola | 185320 | 157056 | 42Â qOPH | +3.28 | - | 260 | |
Poorvashada | 187448 | 175191 | 34sSGR | +2.06 | Nunki | 250 | 282 |
UttaraShada | 163422 | 192876 | 5Â aCapr | +4.24 | Giedi | 95 | 303 |
Shravana | 164644 | 207098 | 49Â dCapr | +2.83 | Deneb Algeidi | 37 | 325 |
Dhanishta | 146107 | 213051 | 5z1Aqr | +3.60 | - | 335 | |
Shatabhisha | 146585 | 219215 | 91fAqr | +4.22 | - | 343 | |
Poorva Bhadra | 128513 | 224617 | 28Â wPsci | +4.00 | - | 0 | |
Uttara Bhadra | 109474 | 4656 | 63Â dPsci | +4.43 | - | 12.5 | |
Revathi | 92484 | 9270 | 99Â hPsci | +3.62 | - | 22.5 |
A study of the star latitudes along the ecliptic reveals that while average gap between Nakshtra's is 13.33 degrees the maximum is 22 degrees (E-W) and minimum is 8 degrees (E-W).
In summary, the uniquely Bharateeya star proper name system with their probable equivalents in the modern sense, and the probable time of their naming has been detailed. The time at which these names were given has been identified as at least 2500BC, suggesting that the last of the veda's was probably composed at that time. These should help in negating the stereotype statements that all the vedas were composed about 1000 BC.
Astronomical time marks in Atharva Samhita & Jyotishya shaastra.
When was Atharvana Samhita composed?
Though we consider that the Star system to be basically stationary with reference to Solar system, there is an earth wobble occurring at rate of 26000 years per revolution which makes the star system appear to move slowly with reference to Sun. This has been called Earth's Precession and was first identified nearly 2000 years ago by Ptolemy and Hipparchus.
The position of Chitra (Spica), which is very near the ecliptic, was recorded by Hipparchus (circa 150 BC) on the autumnal Equinox day with reference to Sun. It was studied again by Ptolemy (circa 150 AD) nearly 300 years later on same autumnal Equinox day. Ptolemy found that Chitra appeared to have moved about 3 degrees toward Sun (Ref 4). Ptolemy decided that Sun was moving one degree for 100 years in reference to stars. This observation made nearly 2000 years ago, was probably the first documented recording of Earth's Precession. Today we know that Ptolemy was correct and that Earth's Precession rate is about 1.36 degrees for 100 years.
This 2000-year old observation, confirms the uniformity of Earth's Precession validating the geocentric mathematical models that exist for motion of objects in the sky. It allows us to extrapolate backward and forward in time, positions of objects in sky using computer software like Load Star pro. Thus, any past Sun position records, on Equinox/Solstice days referring Sun position to stars, carries the astronomical time mark of the period (Ref-8).
There are two possible definitions of a year as observed from Earth.
A Sidereal year is time taken for Sun to move from one star, and then come back to same star. This is full 360 degrees movement of Earth around the Sun.
A Solar year is the time taken by Sun in its passage from one equinoctical point back to same point.
One would expect these two years to be same, but Solar year is shorter than Sidereal year by about 19 minutes and 50 seconds and is said to be caused by inertial effects. It is called Earth's Precession.
First let us get a contemporary picture of the location of our solar system in the Milkiway galaxy. This is illustrated in figure below. Our solar system is located at the edge of the Milkiway disk of stars. The Milkiway is estimated to be about 50000 light years in its diameter. It consists of a large number of stars and other matter. The stars visible to our naked eye are generally within a few hundred light years around us. Some giant stars are located nearly 1000 light years are also visible to naked eye. Thus most of the 10000 stars visible to us are very near our solar system.
In the illustration below, the center of Milkiway Galaxy is in the direction of Moola nakshatra. Thus bulk of the Milkiway matter is concentrated, as seen from earth, near stars Jyeshtha, Moola, Poorva/Uttarashadha.
Because of Earth's Precession, the angle of earth's motion to come back exactly to same latitude (Solar year) is only 359.864 degrees around the sun. Solar year is the classical definition of a year, as the 23.5 degrees earth's tilt controls the weather, seasons and the position of Sun in its north-south traverse. A notional 360 degrees Sidereal year is irrelevant to us.
But the 359.864 degrees Solar year is relevant because of repeating weather and seasons and hence Solar year is a natural year. That means every solar year, the Sun position drops back by about 0.0136 degrees with respect to stars. Also, it may be noted that the earthâs spin polar axis also shifts by same angle of 0.0136 degrees per year in a coning motion. Most popular books on Stars illustrate this spinning top like coning motion property of Earth's Precession, but do not illustrate the apparent ecliptic plane motion of stars. The diagram below illustrates the star shift in the ecliptic due to Precession on spring equinox day. The diagram shows the 27 nakshatra's in a circle of diameter of the order of few hundred light years with sun at the center.
The diagram below shows the effect of Earth's Precession on Sun/Star/Earth's position exactly at the time of Spring Equinox. In this diagram, the Sun is always on equator and the day time equals night. Diagram shows Earth's position from 2400 BC to 2000 AD. Every year, the Earth's seasons start occurring 0.0136 degrees (or roughly 0.0136 days) earlier. The diagram also shows twenty-seven Bharateeya nakshatra's in the infinite distance in the ecliptic plane. It should be noted that the Precession does not change the Equator position or the Earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees. It only changes the direction of polar axis.
The Bhaarateeya Veda's have left some astronomical time marks in the texts. Amongst the Veda's, Atharvana Vedais considered to be chronologically the last. Based on the identification of the twenty-seven Baharateeya Nakshatra's, and using the astronomical time markers in Atharvana veda's 19th kaanda/ 7th sooktha. it is possible to to identify when the last of the veda's, Atharvana Veda was composed. The Atharva veda 19th kaanda/7th Sooktha reads,
Atharvana Veda Kaanda 19 / Sooktam 7
Gargya Rishi! Nakshatrani Devata! Trishtup-Bhurik Chandaha!
Chitrani sakam divi rochanani sarisrupani bhuvanejavani
turmisham sumatimichaamaano ahaani geerbhi saparyami nakam!1!
suhavamagne krittika rohini chaastu bhadram mrigashirah Sham aardhrah !
punarvasu soonruta chaaru pushyo Bhaanur aslesha ayanam magha mey !2!
punyam poorva Phalguni chottra hasta schittra shiva swaati sukho mey astu!
raadhe vishaakhe suhav anooradha jyeshta sunakshatramarishta moolam !3!
annam poorva raasataam aashadha oorja devy uttaraa aavahantu!
abhijinma raasataam punyameva shravanah shravishtaah kurvatam supushtim!4!
Aa mey maha chatabhishagam vareeya Aa mey dvaya proshtapadaa susharma!
Aa reyvato chashvayujow bhagam ma Aa mey rayim Bharanya aavahantu!5!
This Sookta dedicated to Nakshatra's was recorded (Drashtaara) by Gargya Rishi. The Sookta describes both astronomical and astrological elements. Twenty eight Nakshatras are identified starting with Krittika and reference is made to Ayanam occurring in Maghaa. A nakshatra Abhijit is shown between Uttarashadha and Shravana. Its use has been discontinued in the Jyotishya with only twenty seven identified currently. The authenticity of the Athrarvanatexts is well accepted, by the very reverence shown towards precise learning. Hundreds of generations ofShrotreeya's have carried veda's down to us in its original language using oral traditions of Krama, Pada, Jatha, andGhana Paatha so that distortions are nonexistent. Two major astronomical time markers are evident and implicit in the Sooktha. They are,
1. Rishi Gargya starts the list of twenty seven nakshatra's starting with Krittika. Choice of Krittika as the first of twenty-seven is very significant. In contrast Jyotishya Shaastra uses Ashwini as the first star. The choice of firstNakshatra must correspond to a logically first day of a solar year, which dictates the weather cycles. Which is the yearâs first day? Astronomically speaking, the spring Equinox day in Northern Hemisphere temperate zone is a logical one. It heralds the arrival of the spring, in temperate zone of northern hemisphere of the earth. Vasantha ritu, the spring has always been considered as beginning of a year from Rig-vedic times. Hence, the first observation implicit in Rishi Gargya's sooktha is that on spring Equinox day, Sun was at Krittika Nakshatra. Figure 13 shows Sun location on March 21, 2400 BC from Load Star Pro. The Sun is on equator and is pointing to Krittika nakshatra.
Compare this to Figure 14 which shows Sun 4400 years later, on March 21,2000 at same equator but Sun is onPoorva Bhadrapada. Thus Sun has Precessed by about 57 degrees in 4400 years since Rishi Gargya's Sooktha.
2. Rishi Gargya refers to Ayana occurring in Maghaa during his time. Ayana refers to apparent direction of Sun's North-South motion. The day of direction reversal is called an Ayana day (Uttara and Dakshina Ayana). When Rishi Gargya refers to Ayana he is clearly referring to a Solstice day and that Ayana occurred when Sun is at Maghaa.
It could be either Dakshina Ayana(Summer Solstice ) or Uttara Ayana(Winter Solstice). Let us look at Load Star pictures of Sun at Daskhina Ayana (Summer Solstice) 4400 years ago. Figure 15 shows the Sun at +23.5 degrees on June 21, 2400 BC. This is the day of Dakshina Ayana. Sun is clearly at Maghaa Nakshatra.
Rishi Gargya's Ayana could also be Uttara Ayana, (Winter Solstice), but it fails because the first nakshatra would then have to be Hasta or Chitra and the date would be 22000 BC. The Soothra indicates Krittika as the first.
The diagram below shows the picture of Earth's position over past 4500 years on Summer Solstice day when Sun reaches the peak northern position of +23.5 degrees and starts his southern movement (Dakshina Ayana). The Sun position as observed from earth in 2400 BC on this day would be at Maghaa. In circa 400 BC, Sun would be in Pushya. Today, Sun is between Mrigashira and Aardhra.
Hence Rishi Gargya's Atharvana Veda 19 Kaanda and Sooktha 7, clearly has two astronomical time markers and provide a clue as to when it was composed. It is easy dismiss that the starting of Nakshatra list with Krittika as an accident, but recording of star locations which are true for both Equinox and Solstice in same sookta can not be accidental. It suggests a well understood contemporary knowledge of motion of Sun, Moon and Stars in the skies. While such knowledge may have been more thoroughly documented in other texts, only a brief poetic indication of that knowledge appears to have been made in the veda's.
Clearly, both the astronomical markers recorded by Rishi Gargya in Atharva Veda kaanda 19 sookta 7 would be correct only near about circa 2400 BC. This must certainly be incontrovertible proof that Rishi Gargya's Sookta was composed near 2400 BC, dating Atharvana Veda to at least 2400 BC.
When was Jyotishya Shaastra brought to presently used form?
As previously observed, the Earth's Precession makes the Sun move back one degree along the ecliptic in about 76 years with reference to star system. All Sun position references in past with reference to stars on days of Sun singularity, thus carry the astronomical time mark. Bhaarateeya Jyotishya shaastra probably was brought to the presently used form, at a time when old vedic chandramana and all other data was integrated with Raashi or Zodiac based concepts. The time at which this was done can be identified using following.
1. Jyotishya Shaastra starts the lists of Nakshatras with Ashwini, suggesting that Sun was at Ashwini on Spring Equinox day in that period.
2. Jyotishya states that Uttara Ayana starts exactly when sun enters Makara (Capricorn) suggesting that Sun was near Uttaraashadha on Winter Solstice day (Gregorian Dec 21).
Sic'Yasmin Kshane sooryam gachati Makaram; tatah prabhruti shanmasa udagayanam. from Rudra Skanda Bashya(10th century AD) of Khadhira Grihya Sutra (4 century BC).
Use of Load Star Pro and scan of Sun position over past few thousand years yields following results. Figure 16 shows the position of Sun on Spring Equinox day of 400BC (March 21).
The sun is on equator and is clearly at Ashwini Nakshatra. This explains as to why Jyotsihya Shaastra starts thenakshatra list from Ashwini. The figure showing the position of Earth, Sun on Spring Equinox Day in previous section also confirms the fact that Sun would at Ashwini. As already illustrated now sun is at Poorva Bhadrapada. Nakshatralisting today must start from Poorva Bhadrapada.
Figure 17 shows the position of sun on Gregorian December 21(winter Solstice),the start of Uttara Ayana in 400 BC. Clearly the sun is at +23.5 degrees and near Uttara Aashadha near Makara Raashi. This supports the Jyotishyastatement that Uttara Ayana occurred when Sun entered Makara near about 400 BC.
Compare this to figure 18, which shows the position of sun on December 21, 1998. Thus sun is clearly at Dhanu Raashi and not at Makara.
Thus the twin observations of Jyotishya Shaastra, (of the Spring Equinox and Winter Solstice) are valid only near 400 BC and hence that is the period when it probably took the present form. It is clear that Bharateeya astronomers who knew of the astronomical information carried down from vedic culture, looked at Western Zodiac based system and then merged the two to form present Jyotishya Shaastra. Hence Jyotishya uses both the 27 Nakshatra's and 12raashi's.
It should be noted that the Western Zodiac system appears to have been frozen at same time period. It uses Aries as the starting Zodiac in recognition of Spring Equinox occurring at time of entry of Sun to Aries.
Astronomical identity of Saptha Rishi's, Dhruva & Arundhathi
On the night of the marriage, Bhaaratheeya brides are shown a star called 'Arundhathi' in the night sky. Arundhathi is the wife of sage vasishtha. This couple is revered as a loving and ideal couple worthy of emulation, because of their devotion to each other and harmony.
Vasishtha is one of the seven rishis. The seven stars in the northern sky was named 'saptha rishi mandala', and it is more popularly known as 'Ursa major' constellation. It is also called 'Great bear' or 'Big Dipper'. The astronomical identity of these stars is very easy to establish due to explicit definitions given by Varaha Mihira in his Brihat Samhita (circa 550 AD).
There are two sets of definitions as to who the saptha Rishi's are. The vedic tradition is 'Gautama, Vishwamithra, Jamahagni, Bharadwaaja, Kashyapa, Vasishtha and Athri' are the saptha rishis. However, the saptha Muni's according to Varahamihira are' Marichi, Vasishtha, Angirasa, Athri, Pulasthya, Pulaaha, and Kruthu'. V.S.Apte in his famous Sanskrit-English dictionary (circa 1800) also concurs with later definition. Vasishtha and Athri figure in both the lists. However, V.S.Apte refers to Arundhathi being a star in the pleiades group or Krittika of our vedic tradition. Pleiades is far away from Ursa major. Clearly Apte's definition deviates from Varaaha Mihira's identity of Arundhathi.The later is more logical in that Arundhathi must accompany Vasishtha.
Varaaha Mihira explicitly identifies the Ursa Major and provides the proper names of seven dominant stars, and attributes the origin of these names to sage 'Vruddha Garga'. In all probability 'Vriddha garga' is same as 'Gargya Rishi' of Athrvana veda 19 kaanda 6-7 sooktha whose time was approximately 2400 BC. He is referred to in Mahabharatha as the person who named Krishna, and is considered as Achaarya of vedic astronomy.
Varaaha Mihira in his Brihat Samhitha, dedicates 13 kaanda to Saptha Rishis. The first six verses provide following descriptions translated as:
- We have on Vriddha Garga's authority that in the Northern Sky, the Saptha Rishi's revolve around Dhruva Nayaka like a necklace.
- From east to west the Saptha Muni's Marichi, Vasishtha, Angirasa, Athri, Pulasthya, Pulaaha,, and Krathu sit. Chaste Arundhathi accompanies sage Vasishtha.
These descriptions provide us with adequate information about the explicit astronomical identity of the nine stars, called as Dhruva, Arundhathi & saptha Rishis's. Figure 19, 20 and 21 illustrate Load Star Pro views of the 'Ursa major', with zoom in to 'Vasishta-Arundhati' pair. This constellation is known in Northern Hemisphere as rotating around the pole star Polaris.
Thus 'Dhruva' clearly is Polaris. The saptha Rishi's are the seven major stars of Ursa major. We can easily identify from figure 19, that 'Marichi' stands for Alkaid, 'Vasishta' stands for Mizar, 'Angirasa' stands for Alioth, 'Athri' stands for Megrez, 'Pulasthya' stands for Phecda, 'Pulaaha' stands for' Merak and 'Krathu' stands for DuBhe. The companion star for Mizar is Alcor. Hence 'Arundhathi' stands for Alcor. In figure 19, Vasishta and Arudhathi (Mizar-Alcor) can not be seen separate.
As we zoom in, illustrated by figures 20 and 21, the separation between Vasishtha and Arundhathi become evident.
The star Arundhathi is difficult to separate from Vasishta for people with poor eyesight. Arundhathi's brightness is 4 and is within 0.2 degrees of Vasishtha whose brightness is 2.2. This makes it difficult to separate them.
Nakshatra | Other name | Bayer Identity | Henry Draper | SAO | Brightness |
Marichi | Alkaid | 85 h UMa | HD 120315 | 44752 | 1.86 |
Vasishtha | Mizar | 79 z UMa | HD 116656 | 28737 | 2.27 |
Angirasa | Alioth | 77 e UMa | HD 112185 | 28553 | 1.77 |
Athri | Megrez | 69Â DÂ UMa | HD 106591 | 28315 | 3.31 |
Pulasthya | Phecda | 64 g UMa | HD 103287 | 28179 | 2.44 |
Pulaaha | Merak | 48 b UMa | HD 95418 | 27876 | 2.37 |
Krathu | DuBhe | 50 a UMa | HD 95689 | 15384 | 1.79 |
Arundhathi | Alcor | 80 UMa | HD 116842 | 308 | 4.01 |
Dhruva | Polaris | 1 a UMa | HD 8890 | 28751 | 2.02 |
The table above provides the modern astronomical identity of the nine stars from vedic period which are not in the ecliptic. Dhruva is not illustrated in any of the figures, as its identity is very well known in the sky.
In Bhaaratheeya culture, anecdotally people who are approaching death can not separate Arundhathi from Vasishtaand hence can not see Arundhathi. The gap between Vasishtha -Arundhathi is said to be widening due to proper motion and it is now a days relatively easier to see them seperately, while few thousand years ago it was more difficult. In other cultures of the world also, historically in ancient times, keenness of eyesight was measured by the ability to distinguish the two stars Vasishtha-Arundhathi (Mizar-Alcor).
Astronomical identity of Vedic star Agasthya
While the 27/28 daily stars Krittika to Bharani are in the ecliptic plane, the Saptha Rishis in the extreme north near the Dhruva/Polaris, only one star in the southern sky has been named during vedic period. It is Agasthya (canopus).Agasthya Rishi crossed vindhya mountains southwards and it is a major event in the vedic chrononlogy. He is held in great reverence in the south and associated with Lopamudhra his wife. Thus it is not surprising that a star in southern extreme is named after Agasthya.
The astronomical identity of Agasthya can be determined based on Varaaha Mihira's work Brihat Samhita(Ref 12). He has dedicated the whole of 12th kaanda (chapter) to Agasthya Rishi. Varaaha Mihira(550 AD) again refers to the authority of Rishi Vriddha Garga (2400 BC ) in identifying Agasthya. This identity is not as explicit as the Saptha Rishi's, but he gives the season in which Agasthya is visible. That means the star was not visible during nearly 4-5 months near summer at Ujjain where Varaaha Mihira was located. Based on this, it is very easy to identify the star as Canopus in constellation Carina as Agasthya. Canopus is 53 degrees south, and in summer when earth tilts 23.5 degrees north, people north of Tropic of Cancer can not see Canopus, because of daylight and being down in horizon. The figure 22 shows the star Agasthya Rishi.
Agasthya is so far south that people in Northern Hemisphere, like New York, Athens etc can never see Agasthya.Agasthya and Constellation Carina are not even shown in popular star charts and books sold in USA. Agasthya is best visible in the winter months near winter solstice for people living south of 25-30 degree latitude as the dark period increases in Northern Hemisphere. People living in Australia, can easily see Agasthya most of the time. The brightness of this star is very high at -0.72. Amongst the 37 stars (including daily stars Krittika to Bharani, Saptha Rishi's, Arundhathi, Dhruva and Agasthya), Agasthya is the brightest of them all. Following table provides the formal astronomical identity of Agasthya.
Nakshatra | Other name | Bayer Identity | Henry Draper | SAO | Brightness |
Agasthya | Canopus | 1 a CAR | HD 45348 | 234480 | -0.72 |
Yajurveda Samhita - in three volumes (Sanskrit in Kannada script), Ramakrishna Ashrama Publication, Mysore, 1984
Athrva Bhasha Bhashyam (Sanskrit in Nagari script), Kshemakarana Das Trivedi, Dayanand Samsthan., New Delhi, 1912
Bodhayana, Aapasthambha, Ashwalayana, Khadira, Grihya Sootras (Sanskrit in Nagari script), Government Oriental Library Series, Mysore, 1904
Great Books of Western World (English), -Book 16- Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Edited by R M Hutchins, University of Chicago, 1952
Load Star Pro (English), Wayne Annala, Zephyr Services, Pittsburg, 1994
What Star is that? (English), P L Brown, Viking Press, 1971
History of Astronomy (English translation of Italian text), Giorgio Abetti, Henri Schumann, 1952.
David Frawley (English), Gods, Sages and kings, Passage Press Publication 1988
E C Krupp (English), Echoes of Ancient Skies-The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations, Harper & Row Publishers, 1983
Ramashesha Shastri, Kannada Bhagavatha Mahapuraana,1-12 skandas in 8 volumes(private publication),1912-193
Taittareeya Brahmana (Sanskrit in kannada Lipi), Ramakrishn aashrama Publication 1996, Bangalore