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SoniaG family real-estate portfolio: comments

See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2014/04/soniag-family-real-estate-portfolio.html SoniaG family real-estate portfolio

A look into the real-estate portfolio of in-law with ties to India's Gandhi dynasty

Pratik Joshi Wrote:

Robert Vadra's corruption story was reported by Indian media at least a year ago. I'm surprised at the timing of the story. Is it about dumping the good ole Congress friends now that another party is expected to do well in the national elections?

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3 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

india has become a sick perverted country. here if a baron real state like Gujarat is made prosperous by an innovative-successful-Hindu swayam sewak chief minister , by making it riots free and winning three gen elections straight for its assembly polls --that very CM will be attempted to be dumped as a non-secular fanatic-no one will like to see its positive achievements but a true fanatic-terrorist-communal state from where lakhs of hindus have been forced to go out of state-even muslims now residing in a priority basis not allowed to prosper irrespective of the fact that billions of dollars are pumped there to sell cheap food and out siders are not allowed to start industries so that it can make it a prosperous that state and their chief ministers are called secular.an innovative grand son in law can not put its brain behind a project and make the land associated with its project three or four times more lucrative without being dubbed as a corrupt.indians are putting their brains and connections-resources out of the country and making billions but are not dubbed corrupt but if they industrially plough their own purchased land and make it more lucrative the vested interests start calling it corrupt or non secular or capitalist.what this young entrepreneur has done is making that very baron cheap land lucrative rather very much sought of as San jay Gandhi did with gurdgaon by opening a very much sale-able maruti car factory in that land and making it now the most lucrative residentiabuisnessl costly place very much inquired for investments by every one (who wants to come back to india) world wide.

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1 hour ago
chandra shekar Replied:

the funny thing is that the Bush administration denied him visa to visit this country because he could not control the riots in his state forgetting the fact that the riots were caused by muslim mob setting fire and burning more than 60 hindu men women and children alive. their brutality was compounded by the fact that these muslims attacked the fire services from reaching the train. also they locked these train coaches from outside to block their exit. 

also 100s of thousands of hindus have been killed or driven out of their homes into refugee status in their own country by muslim majority in kashmir. the state has not made any attempt to resettle these hindus in the state. problem is these muslims in kashmir are supposed to be secular and so is their chief minister and has no problem getting US visa. 

however mr. modi has been labelled communal, fascist and not been granted visa to come to USA. shame on the US. also wsj reporters,niharika and zhong call mr.modi as being intolerant anti muslim. 

in a recent article zhong wrote that the "coach caught fire" totally overlooking the fact that it was burnt by a violent, brutal muslim mob which started spontaneous hindu retaliation. also ignored the fact that mr.modi asked the congress ruled neighboring states for help to control the violence but they refused. 

in summary its ok for muslims to kill hindus, christians, sikhs and everyone else as they will be called secular by the appeasement crowd but if any of these groups retaliate then they're fascist and intolerant. i think it's high time for the world to face up to the dangers posed by evil fascist islam and stop appeaasing them

11 hours ago
Sam Kumar Wrote:

This is really shocking. Not because it is a story on good ole Indian corruption.
Shocking that it is now news.

India is one of the most corrupt nations in the world. So nothing to see here folks. It is all business as usual in that country.
How corrupt? One may ask. Corruption is in the DNA of Indian population. For example, mid level govt. officials siphoning off several Crores (1 Crore rupees = $170,000) of rupees per head is expected by their families.
No one looks at the salary one gets in a Govt. job, but how much real income (bribes) one can earn per annum.
Politicians are the cancer of the society. Criminals graduate into politicians. One study found out that at least 70% of politicians have serious criminal records. Criminal record is the minimum qualification to get into Indian politics.

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3 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

what an engineer/doctor is paid by your so called non-corrupt govt machinery--is a laughing question in middle east- per month.if they go USA/canada they earn-much more but u call it a brain drain.what a soldier is paid in india by the govt getting passed its budgets by thugs-criminals-corrupt-convicted politicians ,in india is a pittance in comparison to what a fighting soldier or police man ready to sacrifice his life in USA gets.u have two morals in the sobriety just consuming and opposing each other.Gujarat u call is ruled by a non-secular fanatic hindu cm but Kashmir you call it a secular -state ruled by a secular muslim where terrorists/Pakistanis having Taliban connections are if convicted and proved guilty by the highest court of land and are hanged then-they are called martyrs--a PM killer with the help of a terrorist organization LITTE is given mercy by govt of a state in state assembly on the basis of his native language *amil.

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58 minutes ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

when u say india is yes the most corrupt country of the world---i apprexciate your brave thoughts.in india only the Sahara king who has swindled the taxpayers money to the tune of 25ooo crores of rupees is tried by lawyers and judges who are purchasable-employable in tens of crores of rupees only.even on the 1inthousand ie 0 .1percent interest on of that money the police-jails-judiciary-law making parliament -assembly-media channels-print journos-radias-singhvis---- can be built-purchases-employed-elected-appointed----election rallies can be organized and won even.i have written long back that d company can get elected its law making battery of mps in india at their whims and fancies--Italian mafia has done it and ruled the country for more than 10 years.but when indian media-politics deduct that Robert vadra is(who is money genius in fact} corrupt because he made in 5 years322 crores of rupees by investing only one lakh rupees i declare they are wrong and illegal-unlawful.i deduce that Robert is a money minting machine one man show.if his style of money-geniuses can be employed by the nations fiance-investment departments economic- departments or loss making banks {whose non-recoverable debts are crossing thousands of billions of dollars},this country will be richestin /of the world

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11 hours ago
Ajay Tyagi Wrote:

So what! Gandhi family except for Rahul Gandhi had always been corrupt and created the culture of corruption. It has been known for 50 years. Rahul was clean and he was working to clean it up but he gave with his life.

But how is this different from Bank of America settling mortgage fraud with the U.S. govt. and paying back billions while the common American who got screwed does not see a dime!

Every day I read the news of large US bank paying the govt. billions for some fraud. Nobody goes to jail though! Meanwhile my taxes go up through the roof - enough to feed many families- and I do not see a dime from the settlement!

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8 hours ago
Venkat Gundapaneni Replied:

You got it all wrong Ajay -
You meant Rajiv but wrote Rahul - but Rajiv was hardly clean, you forgot Bofors???
This article is about corruption in India, why you confuse yourself about US Banks etc.,

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7 hours ago
Ajay Tyagi Replied:

Corruption is everywhere. Russia, India, China, US. It is done in more sophisticated ways in advanced countries.

Yes, I meant Rajiv. Bofors was nothing. Anyway, Rajiv was trying to clean things up but he did not last.

3 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

in bofors the quality guns proved their worth more than three or four times of their cost paid in kargil war. india is yet to produce a quality gun worth in that cost in india or purchase it.corrupt is kalmadi-raja-coal scams colored politicians-betting supremo d company connected cricket srinivason ---the list is long bellary brothers gave 5000 crores of rupees for making a Delhi-haryanvi *itch the pm of India who can not win a single election from her own state but aspires to become pm and spoiling the chances of Modi becoming the pm of india.

2 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

u r very encouraging ly correct -when india purchases rotten migs planes and its parts from of course a socialist country ,the pseudo socialist journalist lobby of press club of india makes it a matter of communist-brave-pro poor policy but when quality-guns are purchased from non-communist countries commission issues are raised and corruption word is painted in every jethmalani question daily in the newspapers.when an ISI sponsored journalist of ptv becomes the secretary of press club its called a free press club elections of kulshreshtha but whentahalka journalist is caught spoiling the taste of sexy-journos writings in functions nights its corruption-caught and put in jails.

3 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

He was rajiv Gandhi father of rahul Gandhi.

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2 hours ago
Laddakhisharma Sharma Replied:

u please analyze and define corruption first.in a pseudo -socialist pseudo secular free democratic called society like bharat mera mahan india earning by innovative means by any individual/creative genius is called corruption.like in election days-if a journalist like me coins/fabricates stories in news channels-press print media and releases books well written and earn money by making some filthy politicians to loose or win its 'Paid NEWS' is a corrupt practice.but if i invent a way to release terrorists by going to kandhar and my party friends collect money-paid by govt to pay it to terrorists and release them then it is logical-honest-national interest.if kulkarni named adviser to a pm of india controls the kitty of giving advertisements to the newspapers its policy matters of course that policy makes bjp to loose the winning election or say the policy of making deepak chaurasia a head of media organization-by an aspiringlauhpurush/coterie ofmedia ministery----if a famous journalist, calling it a privatization policy who when was the minister sold precious govt organizations on a pittance to pvt companies ,raises the name of pm would be of course of india of 2014 and makes the aspiring lauhpurush to loose the 2008-9 elections its called freedom of speech.what is a crime in the eyes of highest court becomes a money earning device by lobbying for mercy in an election time by infamous organization Litte.

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11 hours ago
chandra shekar Wrote:

i appreciate wsj for encouraging investigative reprting based on such investigative efforts. hope wsj doesn't encourage reporting by zhong or niharika who just publish reports based on congress party's idea of secularism w/o any effort to get to the truth or perhaps alternate opinion.

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10 hours ago
Sree Srinivasan Wrote:

Indian politicians may want to watch this old Hollywood movie: "The Great McGinty" 


Even one scene in that classic movie (where a corrupt politician names the right bribe amount indirectly, by asking the "donor" to guess the number of people in a ballpark and keeps correcting the guess upward) will teach the Indians how to be corrupt à l'Américaine.

The point is, there's plenty of corruption here too, but it's done in a subtle, classy manner. If you believe otherwise, you probably believe that beauty queens don't f art either!

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8 hours ago
Venkat Gundapaneni Replied:

The difference is the Checks & Balances available in the American system to prevent & cure the ills, which are either absent or quite weak in India.

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9 hours ago
Mike Tian Wrote:

Two months later, Mr. Vadra applied to the Congress-controlled state government for a license to convert the land to commercial use from agricultural. Preliminary permission was granted 18 days later, according to the license application and state approval. With that, the land became far more valuable.

>>> if he wasn't connected, how long would it take to re-zone this land? lol... ridiculous. They should lock him and his family up.

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8 hours ago
Seshadri Kumar Wrote:

Vadra's inside job of massive corruption is well-known in India. In fact, it made the news a couple of years ago. Arvind Kejriwal and India Against Corruption did indeed start some exposes against Vadra, but suddenly they stopped pursuing it. The ruling Congress also hushed up the matter. But it was much talked about in 2012. I even composed a parody song on it that you might enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC4I1br_lyQ

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8 hours ago
Venkat Gundapaneni Wrote:

Why the authors refer 'Gandhi' Dynasty, this family should be called Nehru Dynasty.
Indira Nehru married Feroze Gandhy (not related to Mahatma Gandhi in any way) and she did not even care much about him.

Using Mahatma Gandhi's name as theirs is a big fraud in itself.

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3 hours ago
v saijwani Wrote:

The Vadra-DLF story was big news in India in 2012-2013 when Arvind Kejriwal began naming names of Teflon politicians stealing India's wealth. WSJ should have pursued an interview with whistleblower civil servant Khemka . It should also do a piece on former BJP president Nitin Gadkari and his wealth. In any case, the revelations do not help the average Indian since the average citizen is powerless to stop the corruption. India is ruled by a robber mafia of politicians who come in the guise of all ideologies. If and when the BJP wins, WSJ and other papers will be left uncovering the spoils of BJP politicians..

Craig Mundo Wrote:

Crony capitalism at its best. But then again, we have our own version of it in our country, from solyndras and solar firms to Hollywood debauchers and everyone in between who are in bed with liberals.

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23 hours ago
Ray Batts Wrote:

It's almost quaint that, speaking relatively even for India, how small these amounts are. The chief of DLF, company mentioned in the article, is worth $3.3 billion, and was a few years ago worth $30 billion according to Forbes. Kind of astonishing that those so close to the epicenter of power are dealing in single million $ amounts, when every other scam in the country is in the billions of dollars. Man, these guys are dumb!

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20 hours ago
Keshav Gupta Wrote:

Not that different from Mr. George W. Bush converting nothing to $40 million with criminal insider trading and land deals related to Texas Rangers' use of eminent domain. All his backers in this deal got big contract to manage multibillion dollars Texas employees’ pension fund! He still became unelected U.S. President in 2001 with the help of U.S. Supreme court. As U.S. President he launched unnecessary war on Iraq so that his and Cheney’s buddies can make billions of dollars from no bid contracts. Come to think of it Bush and Cheney's corruption was much worse than anything I have heard about corruption in India. Especially considering how many innocent Iraqi lives were lost.

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11 hours ago

Wow, I thought Indians were smarter that this. You have proven otherwise.

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17 hours ago
Howard Tyson Wrote:

It's good to be the King!

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17 hours ago
Sav Rah Wrote:

I smell corruption.

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15 hours ago
Sailesh Kapadia Wrote:

I would think that this would be a case of "per se" corruption or malfeasance. If someone's mother-in-law is the political honchorette then it is a given that this person is acting on inside information regarding development plans for a region. We have had similar situations where State legislators seem to buy up land in an area which becomes a State Park or a regional industrial hub developed with State funds.

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15 hours ago
Chris Georgandellis Wrote:

Typical India. It's why this country is still considered to be "developing" despite having thousands of years to develop.

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15 hours ago
Frank Wilson Replied:

Chris: "thousands of years to develop."??

Your ignorance is showing

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11 hours ago
Sam Kumar Replied:

Short and quick read on ancient India (Indus valley):

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14 hours ago
arish sahani Wrote:

One billion Hindus in india and abroad are still ruled by minorites .1000 yrs and now ruled by Uneducated foreign born Sonia gandhi and family with full of corruption and antinational rules. Looks like Hindus lack good leadeship and still hold slave mentality infilcated by mugals and British. Soon ,Like in the rmiddle east Local convert to islam will destroy his great nation India ,1/3 lost to Hindu converts to islam , now ( paksiatn ,bagladesh) jihaadis and terror sponsor nation. Rest will follow if Hindus don’t unite in this election.

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11 hours ago
Stan Arvkarian Replied:

Exactly my thoughts. I was thinking there is India's problem in a nutshell in that picture. A foreign born, Italian catholic lady is one of the most powerful politicians in India. Does anyone believe a Hindu Indian could go to Italy and be a powerful politician there? Indians still have a slave mentality. The best thing Indians can do is never elect anyone associated with the Gandhi name. They are not royalty, they are owed nothing. Gandhi sowed the seeds of India's destruction at Partition. When Jinnah wanted Pakistan for the Muslims, India should have been declared homeland for Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists (native religions). Democracy does not work in this region. Israel is for Jews, all the other lands in between are Muslim dominated. Only foolish Hindus with this secularism nonsense allow its enemies to freely live within the country to destroy their religion and culture.

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11 hours ago

We americans have an illegitimate son of kenyan muslim polygamist as president. His unelected wife flies around in her own 737 at taxpayer expense. I am sure the UK is more than ripe for a Pak-ee Jihadi PM and his multiples wives.

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9 hours ago
Yankini KAMATH Replied:

Congress party offers free rice, gas, electricity and other amenities to poor people. People who get these entitlements keep voting for Congress. Congress tries to keep people poor and uneducated so they never discover other opportunities. Businessmen who supply rice, wheat and gas for distribution happen to have Gandi Family/Congress members' phone numbers on their contacts list.

How do I know this? I have been running a non-profit school for the past 13 years in a congress-ruled region. Spouses of public school principals and teachers in that school district own businesses that sell rice, wheat, oil and other food-related products. And they are the suppliers of grocery/grains to Government's Free lunch programs in schools. Everyday, teachers spend hours deciding a gourmet menu for these free school lunches because they feed the same food to their families. But school kids are happy and their parents are also happy that the congress govt. is giving good meals to kids. Who cares about education?

P.S: I can not speak for other political parties because the region I work in is ruled by congress for the past 13 years.

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14 hours ago
Sudip Datta Wrote:

Crony capitalism, illegal insider trading, dynastic "democracy", Italian mafia and an uneducated Indian conman came together.

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14 hours ago
Abraham Pabbathi Wrote:

While I don't dispute any details given in the story, I feel most politicians are involved in some kind of corruption, and to single out Robert Vadra is purely because he is related to the Gandhi family. Most BJP supporters will go to any lengths to defame the Gandhi family and most recently Arvind Kejriwal although AK is running on an anti-corruption platform. I think the reporters should also do a story on a corrupt BJP politician to show that they are not biased against Congress, else they won't have any credibility as reporters.

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13 hours ago

>>I think the reporters should also do a story on a corrupt BJP politician to show that they are not biased against Congress, else they won't have any credibility as reporters.

I couldn't care less if they are biased (who isn't?) as long as they are reporting facts. Isn't there a faction on the other side that has similar interest in exposing BJP? As long as both sides go after each other's corrupt politicians, I say good enough. 

You are defending the "Gandhi family", perhaps people like you can band together and fund the investigative journalism to expose the corrupt politicians you don't like. Your work will be appreciated even if your motives grounded in self interest/bias.


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