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Upanishad Ganga: 52 episodes (Videos)


Upanishad ganga -- overview (hindi)

Montage Of Tele-Serial 'Upanishad Ganga' With Title Track
Uploaded on Feb 3, 2012
"Upanishad Ganga", a treasure trove of stories Never told before on celluloid. A series depicting the story of you and me. A series depicting the concept of Upanishads. A series exploring vedic culture. A mammoth attempt to unravel the glorious heritage of India. Indepth Reasearch on Indian Wisdom.
Inspiration and concept Swami Tejomayananda.
Written and Directed By Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi.
Produced By Chinmaya Creations.
Executive Producer: Mandira Kashyap (Wisdomtree Productions)
Starring :K K Raina, Abhimanyu Singh, Ila Arun, Mukesh Tiwari, Vrajesh Hirjee, Zakir Hussain, Sonal Jha, Jaya Bhattacharya, Mona Ambegaokar, Sai Deodhar, Huma Qureshi, Auroshika Dey, Rasika Duggal, Ravi Khanvilkar, Sandeep Mohan, Faisal Rashid, Gagan Mallik, Dev Khubnani, Amit Behl, Dwarika Prasad, Anurag Sharma, Vineet Kumar Singh, Shyam Kishore

Episode 1 - The Journey - Introduction to Upanishads

Episode 2 - Think - Who Am I, Ask! - Story from Mahabharat

Episode 3 - Knowledge Transforms - Story of Ratnakar/Valmiki

Episode 4 - Universal Welfare - Story of Ashtavakra

Episode 5 - Veda - The Source of Dharma 1 - Story of Dara Shikoh

Episode 6 - Veda - The Source of Dharma 2 - Story of Dara Shikoh

Episode 7 - Vedanga - Story of Bhaskaracharya

Episode 8 - Upaveda - Story of Kacha (sage) - Devayani

Episode 9 - The Human Goal - Dharma - Story of Raja Harishchandra

Episode 10 - The Human Goal - Artha - Story of Chanakya and Chandragupta

Episode 11 - The Human Goal - Kama - Story of Bhartrihari

Episode 12 - The Human Goal - Moksha - Story of Kotikarna

Episode 13 - Student Life - Story of Satyakam

Episode 14 - Married Life - Story of Kavi Magha

Episode 15 - Retired Life - Story of Bhima - Dhritrastra and Story of Bimbisara-Ajatshatru

Episode 16 - Renunciation 1 - Story of Vidyaranya

Episode 17 - Renunciation 2 - Story of Maharshi Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi

Episode 18 - Varna (The Universal Characterization) - Story of Chanakya and Chandragupta

Episode 19 - Shodasha Samskara - The 16 Milestones of Life 1 - By Soordas

Episode 20 - Shodasha Samskara - The 16 Milestones of Life 2 - By Soordas

Episode 21 - Shodasha Samskara - The 16 Milestones of Life 3 - By Soordas

Episode 22 - Theory of Karma & Rebirth

Episode 23 - Glory of Human Birth - Story of Tulsidas

Episode 24 - Adhikari - The Seeker of Knowledge - Story of Ashoka and Story of Nachiketa

Episode 25 - Guru - Story of Pingala and 24 Gurus of Dattatreya

Episode 26 - Guru Upasadana - Seeking the Guru - Story of Indra and Virochan

Episode 27 - The Quest - Story of Yudhishthira and Yaksh

Episode 28 - Anatman - Not The Self - Story of Krishna - Subhadra and Story of Yamraj - Savitri

Episode 29 - Atman - The True Self - Story of Arunagirinathar

Episode 30 - The Existence Principle - Story of Maharshi Yajnavalkya and Gargi

Episode 31 - Consciousness - The Life Principle - Story of Indra and Yaksha

Episode 32 - The Bliss

Episode 33 - Bondage - Story of Puranjan

Episode 34 - The Self & The Non-Self -Story of Jada-Bharat

Episode 35 - God

Episode 36 - Maya - The Power of The Lord - Story of Sage Narada

Episode 37 - God's Incarnations - Story of Veda-Vyas

Episode 38 - Devata - The Cosmic Deities - Story of Akbar-Birbal and Story of Namdev

Episode 39 - Om - The Sacred Syllable

Episode 40 - The Creation - Story of Varāhamihira

Episode 41 - God, Me & The World - Story of Prahalad

Episode 42 - The Three Realities - Story of Janaka - Ashtavakra and Story of Sage Ribhu - Nidagha

Episode 43 - Beyond hues, become the Lord's muse - Story of Meerabai

Episode 44 - Inborn Traits - Story of Mohan-Rajkumari and Story of Sant Eknath

Episode 45 - Preparatory Spiritual Practices - Story of Pundalik

Episode 46 - Advanced spiritual practices - Story of Khandikya and Keshidhvaja from Vishnu Purana

Episode 47 - The attitude when performing action, Karma Yoga

Episode 48 - The Yoga of Devotion, Bhakti Yoga - Story of Saint Bhadrachala Ramadas

Episode 49 - The Yoga of Knowledge, Gyan Yoga - Story of Sadashiva Brahmendra

Episode 50 - The great statements of Truth - Mahāvākyas -Story of Aruni and Shvetaketu, Janak and Śukadev

Episode 51 - Liberation - Story of Parvailla Swami

Episode 52 - Master-Disciple relation - An expression of gratitude

GoM on CBI should not include PC who is under CBI probe: Dr. Swamy to PM


May 14, 2013
Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy

The Prime Minister must re-constitute the GoM on Autonomy for CBI since Mr. P. Chidambaram is himself under a CBI probe in the Aircel Maxis deal. In my Application in the Supreme Court I had submitted documents to show that FIPB clearance given under his signature was a fraud. The SC then asked the CBI on March 18th to look into my allegations. On April 18 th the CBI submitted its first report and the Court observed considerable progress had been made, the matter is posted for July 28th. This was also debated in Rajya Sabha. I then wrote to the PM bringing all this to his attention. Hence I demand Mr. Chidambaram be removed from this GoM.

(Subramanian Swamy)

Rethinking Indian historical linguistics


Indian historical linguistics
Setting the record straight
May 13th 2013, 7:41 by S.A.P. | LOS ANGELES

IT IS rare that Johnson is compelled to respond to comments. But my last post, about the fun parallels in the hybrid development of English and Dravidian languages, seems to have stirred the passions of our readers. Many of them commented, dismissing the post as (at best) misguided and (at worst) a piece of neocolonial rubbish. That is a shame. Studying the history of India’s languages can be immensely fascinating. With so much linguistic diversity in the subcontinent, Indian languages can provide a primer on nearly every major aspect of historical linguistics: the ways in which sound systems and grammars change over time, the impact of socioeconomic, ethnic and religious divides, the influence of foreign languages, and the development of writing systems, to name a few. India is home to 22 constitutionally recognised languages and hundreds more unrecognised ones. India is also home to sizable communities natively speaking major world languages like Farsi, Arabic, Chinese, Tibetan, English, Portuguese and French. India should be fascinating, to Johnson readers especially, because it is a microcosm of the world’s language diversity.

The central focus of language studies in India is, of course, Sanskrit. As a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, Sanskrit has played an outsized role in India’s linguistic development. Over its lifetime, Sanskrit traveled as far as Indonesia, Japan and Afghanistan on the backs of Hindu and Buddhist religious emissaries. The language’s name for itself, saṃskṛta vāk, means “perfected speech”—and its users genuinely believed that Sanskrit was indeed perfect. Sanskrit grammarians and authors looked down on commoners’ prākṛta, “natural”, languages as seriously deficient compared to Sanskrit. Rulers and other elites felt the same way. (These prākṛta languages, descendants of Sanskrit, eventually became most of the languages spoken in northern India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh, including Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Sinhalese and Marathi.) Because the native religious traditions of India highly value the precise oral recitation of scriptures, the liturgical language itself holds sacred importance. For thousands of years, Sanskrit persisted as a language of religion and elite education even as local vernaculars increasingly diverged from it. This relationship parallels the continued formal use of Latin in continental Europe through the Middle Ages despite the Romance languages developing apart from it, or the freezing of written and formal Arabic in its Koranic form as the spoken dialects became, in effect, new languages over the past 14 centuries.

Sanskrit’s position of prestige also allowed it to infiltrate the vocabularies of unrelated languages. This included the major languages of southern India, including Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam, as I wrote last week. Sanskrit also influenced (and was influenced by) Tamil, another major southern Indian language. More recently, Tamil-speakers have worked to shed the language of its Sanskrit borrowings, in part because of complex class and ethnic politics associated with the creation of modern India. Farther off, Sanskrit words penetrated deep into languages like Thai, Burmese, Khmer, Javanese, Balinese, Malay and Indonesian. For prominent examples, see Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport, from Sanskrit suvarṇabhūmi, “golden land”, or Singapore, from siṃhāpura, “lion city”.

Sanskrit’s star billing in these many languages doesn’t mean that they are related to, or descended from, Sanskrit. A language’s genealogy is much more fundamental. Figuring out whether two languages are related, however distantly, involves a thorough study of the structural features of a language. Linguists look at many things to determine structural relationships. How is a language’s grammar constructed? Are there vowel and consonant sound changes that have occurred in many words? Are there written records of intermediate forms of a language? Did ancient historians observe language change? Are there well-known social, class, ethnic and religious divisions that could have affected the way a language is shaped? Historical linguists spend decades piecing together the different ways languages could have changed over time. Persistent and systematic patterns usually provide the best clues.

It’s no secret that, say, Nepali is descended from Sanskrit, though. The job of figuring out more distant cross-continental relationships is altogether more difficult. Sanskrit, as it happens, played a central role in the development of historical linguistics. The existence of a language family stretching from Ireland in the west to Bangladesh in the east, now known as the Indo-European language family, was first proposed when an Anglo-English civil servant, William Jones, discovered persistent similarities between Sanskrit, Latin and Ancient Greek. Two centuries of thorough research has created a body of ironclad scholarship in Indo-European linguistics. The Indo-European relationship does not mean that Sanskrit came from European languages, or that European languages came from Sanskrit. It means that languages as different as Irish, Italian, Russian, Armenian, Farsi and Bengali all share a very distant ancestor, a language known as Proto-Indo-European (PIE). Over thousands of years, PIE and its successors spread across Eurasia. PIE’s linguistic descendants underwent natural sound change, absorbed other languages’ vocabulary and assumed unique characteristics. Over time, they became the hundreds of modern Indo-European languages.

In the Indian subcontinent, PIE’s descendant Sanskrit came into contact with Proto-Dravidian languages, the ancestors of today’s modern southern Indian languages. (Some Dravidian languages, like Brahui, are found in Pakistan, suggesting that the family was once more widespread across the subcontinent.) That long and fruitful exchange gave Sanskrit, among other features, a new set of common sounds—retroflex consonants—that aren’t found in many other Indo-European languages. In turn, Dravidian languages absorbed, and continue to absorb, Sanskrit sounds and vocabulary. But Dravidian languages are structurally unrelated to Indo-European languages. This fact gets obscured by the confusing relationship of Dravidian languages to Sanskrit. Lots of vocabulary has been adopted into Dravidian languages because of Sanskrit’s status as a prestige language, and the sound catalogue of some Dravidian languages has changed as a result of this contact. These exchanges don't change the genealogy of a language group. Dravidian languages are distinct from Indo-European languages, just as Japanese is distinct from Chinese despite borrowing some of its features, and just as Farsi is distinct from Arabic despite borrowing some of its features. Similarly, Burmese, Thai, Khmer, Malay, Indonesian, Javanese and Balinese have all absorbed a great deal of Sanskrit vocabulary. Just as in Dravidian languages, Sanskrit-derived terms are used in formal or ritual contexts in those languages. Linguists have studied these languages and deduced that (like Dravidian languages) the grammatical structure of each is fundamentally different from Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages.

When language communities interact, the product is hardly easy to categorise and parse. When these interactions happened ages before anyone bothered to record them, the task is much harder. Languages can absorb a great deal of another language without ever changing its structure. Distant linguistic relatives might even meet up again, unrecognised, as when Hindi absorbed a great deal of Farsi vocabulary during Mughal rule in India. Languages might meet up more than once, as in English's on-and-off relationship with Latin-derived vocabulary. And distinct language communities can have different layers of exchange. Far away and long ago, the medieval Indianisation of Southeast Asia was largely led by people who spoke Tamil, a major Dravidian language. They spread both Tamil and Sanskrit, along with religion, to places like Cambodia and the Indonesian archipelago. Nearly a thousand years later, Tamil-speaking people again reappeared in Southeast Asia, brought to places like Singapore and Malaysia as indentured servants for European colonists in the 1700s and 1800s. The Tamil-Southeast Asia cultural contact was reborn, adding a rich new layer of complexity to an already hybridised culture.

The serious study of Indo-European languages, just like the study of any language group, is not normally part of any political or social agenda. What we know about the Indo-European language family is the product of centuries of thorough research—not just in the Indian subcontinent, but in places like Iran and Europe, too. This has included the painstaking reconstruction of (an idealised form of) Proto-Indo-European, a language which was never written down, but which researchers know must have existed to account for the systematic similarities between Bengali, Russian, Portuguese and the rest.

In India, though, some people have been busily rewriting parts of Indian history to conform to jingoistic ideas about Indian exceptionalism and cultural superiority. They have attempted to cut out huge swaths of history involving the exchanges Indians have had with Greeks, Persians, East Asians, Arabs, Central Asians, Southeast Asians, and Western Europeans. They intend to write a story of Sanskrit and Hindu culture that is “pure” and devoid of foreign influence. Linguists know, based on reams of research, that a form of PIE, the language, did arrive in India from elsewhere, becoming Sanskrit over time. That fact doesn't have to diminish the "Indianness" of the language. Sanskrit's deep and longstanding cultural importance in the subcontinent is a strong enough connection. Its shared ancestry with farflung languages is just one of the many connections that have been made and remade over and over again in India's history.

This approach, of course, is nuanced and complex. Matters get complicated when religion and cultural identity is at stake, and Sanskrit isn’t alone in being used as an ideological tool. Hebrew, for another, has been touted as a “perfect” language and the source of all the world’s languages. Trained linguists describe the world’s languages as they are, not in the service of political, social or religious ends. It’s a shame that the conversation about India’s linguistic history gets twisted in ways that are at odds with what linguists and historians have deduced. Viewing India as a microcosm of the world’s diversity is far more fascinating. Seeing Indian languages as the product of many rich and varied cultural exchanges is far more exciting. These perspectives also have the virtue of being true to the facts.

joski65May 14th, 06:29
I just don't understand this need to defend purity and source of languages that this comments trail contains. A language is a tool of expression and in every language there is beauty. A language that borrows does not become less it only becomes more beautiful.
I remember once meeting the great actor Naseeruddin Shah who had spoken a few lines in Hindi. At the request of some people I asked him to say the same in Urdu. His response was liberating as it was enlightening. He smiled and asked me, "Tell me how are they different? which of the words I used should I change?"

Shreevatsa RMay 14th, 06:02
While factually mostly correct (that is to say, consistent with the modern linguistic understanding of things), this article in places betrays several implicit opinions. I'm not sure if these are merely a reaction to the uininformed comments on the previous article, or the author's deep-held views.
The general thrust of these remarks is that there is something _wrong_ with Sanskrit "borrowings" that have been a part of other languages for centuries. In the case of Kannada, a large part of its (non-basic) vocabulary comes from Sanskrit, and these words have not only been used by all poets beloved of Kannadigas, from "Adikavi" Pampa to "Rashtrakavi" Kuvempu and everyone in between, but are also commonly used everyday words. The ridiculous political idea of purging the language of these "foreign" words, and replacing them with new unfamiliar words coined from "native" Dravidian roots, which has been floated by some (and even successful to some extent in neighbouring Tamil), is tantamout to throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and leads to such absurdities as "Anglish", the similar idea for English. (See http://anglish.wikia.com/ with its articles like "Alzheimer's addle is the most meanly kind of mindloss. There is no heal for the addle [...] It was first builded by German mindleech and brainlotaddler Alois Alzheimer" and "Scorelore (also called reckonlore) (English: Mathematics) is the lore of scorings, or deals mindful on draughts such as howmuchness, forbuilding, room, and shift, and also the lorewise thewfastness that learn about them.")
The comments from this article:
* "Sanskrit has played an outsized role in India’s linguistic development"
-> Seems to suggest that there is a "right" size of a role, and something is wrong with Sanskrit's role in India's linguistic development, for having exceeded this alleged right size.
* "saṃskṛta vāk, means “perfected speech”—and its users genuinely believed that Sanskrit was indeed perfect"
-> Minor quibble: saṃskṛta means in this context not 'perfected', but something like 'refined' or 'polished' (literally, 'well done').
* "Sanskrit’s position of prestige also allowed it to infiltrate the vocabularies of unrelated languages"
-> The use of the word "infiltrate" suggests that something morally wrong happened. But of course, Sanskrit is not a sentient being with intentions. What happened is that *people* of other languages ("unrelated" in terms of lingusitic genealogy, but clearly related regionally and otherwise), of their own will, chose to use Sanskrit-derived words. The author's opinion seems to be that this is a wrong thing, that people shouldn't use words from language families that are etymologically unrelated. Perhaps the author also thinks that English shouldn't use words like "karaoke", "kung fu", etc.?
* "Trained linguists describe the world’s languages as they are, not in the service of political, social or religious ends."
-> Indeed, it would be *wonderful* if linguists did just this.

ashbirdin reply to Shreevatsa R3 hours 46 mins ago
I admire the insights you add. They provide yet one more peeling of the onion. The final couplet -

* "Trained linguists describe the world’s languages as they are, not in the service of political, social or religious ends."
-> Indeed, it would be *wonderful* if linguists did just this.

- is as good as it gets. Indeed.

NS RajaramMay 14th, 03:29
This article is based on outdated, scientifically discredited theories. For the latest findings on language development and Indo-European origins, please see articles on the subject at: http://folks.co.in

The following article summarizes the findings.

The Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society
Vol. 104, No. 1 (January – March 2013)

What science, especially natural history and genetics tell us is the near opposite of what historians and linguists have been saying for over a century. In particular, they have vastly underestimated the time scales involved by an order of magnitude.

Navaratna Rajaram

Introduction: the two hundred year-old question (IE origins)...

k6sbxWH2jCMay 14th, 03:28
Well said

raghuvansh1May 14th, 03:08
I fully agree with you that influence of Sanskrit language on Tamil language is clear cut.What may some bigot Tamil people think they are doing this in fear the death of their language.They don't understand culture ritual more of all Hindus are same.Just read their name Karuna nithi,Kamraj,Prabhakaran all are drive from Sanskrit.Worship of all God came from Sanskrit.So influence of Sanskrit on all regional languages are tremendous and no one can erases it,

VarqMay 14th, 02:44
"They have attempted to cut out huge swaths of history..."
I think that the word, in UK English, is "swathe". If you search The Economist's Web page you'll find that appears to be the usual practice there. It's also the usage in the Oxford and the Cambridge dictionaries on-line. "Swath" is given as US usage and, I believe, The Economist is a UK publication.
Since you were discussing linguistic nationalism, I thought I'd add my bit.

SirBedevereMay 14th, 01:05
For the Indian nationalists worried about Sanskrit being un-Indian in some sense, you might point out that it is only un-Indian in the same way English is un-English, Greek is un-Greek, Spanish is un-Spanish, etc.

VasumatiMay 14th, 00:41
Thanks to reading this article and its premise, I had to go back and read the previous article as well. Those two, in addition to the comments of some really knowledgeable people (not to forget some ignoramus...full disclosure, I am of Indian origin), I further confirmed the Socratic statement: "The only thing I know is that I know nothing". I would love further delving into this by The Economist.

As someone who speaks a number of languages, I also had this personal deja-vu here. My wife who is Italian spoke excellent English when I bumped into her first. I was rather stumped by her control over the Queen's language so I asked her as to what the secret was. She explained: say she is planning to use the word "guilty", it does not normally come to her but the Italian world for “guilty” is "colpevole" and so she modifies it to use the word "culpable" (Latinate) and voila', she speaks highfalutin English.

My knowledge of Italian, Spanish and French has definitely improved the quality of my English. Nevertheless, speaking of various languages and which should be used to speak to whom, I would humbly submit this: instead of speaking Italian to women, I would prefer to speak Bengali.

circular argumentMay 14th, 00:04
Tiresome sermon from another exercise in orientalism. While the jingoist nationalist agenda is laughably transparent yours (and other white fellows) is more insidious

ocassiusoMay 13th, 22:53
Languages, cultures, nations, beings: nothing human is produced by parthenogenesis.

jlawlerMay 13th, 21:15
Thank you for a very fine summary.
I might mention that many of the same comments can be made, mutatis mutandis, for Arabic and Persian words entering the vocabularies of Muslim populations, no matter what language they may be speaking. Often, as in Indonesia, these strata overlay and mix with the Sanskrit strata laid down by Buddhists a millennium before. This difference between descent and borrowing shows up in comparative linguistics very clearly.
This is a puzzle from a freshman class illustrating the difference:
• http://www.umich.edu/~jlawler/LangRelations.pdf

ashbirdin reply to jlawlerMay 13th, 22:41
Thank you for teaching. I want to say "us", but I shouldn't, as others may disagree. So I'll just say "me".

Nirvana-boundMay 13th, 21:10
PIE, like God is neither unequivocally provable nor categorically dismissable!
Obviously, every language must have primordially evolved from an unstructured proto-type compilation of grunts, groans, squeals..& the like. Nobody is denying that.
All I say is that Sanskrit originated & evolved in the Indian subcontinent & has been predominant there, for thousands of years - since the early Vedic era & beyond. As such it is, for all rational purposes, an "Indian" language - Johnson's hypothetical arguments not withstanding..

vuptin reply to Nirvana-boundMay 13th, 21:26
And if I may ask, why "Indian," instead of "Pakistani," "Nepali," "Sri Lankan," "Afgani," or "Bangladeshi"?

Nirvana-boundin reply to vuptMay 13th, 23:05
Coz it was spoken predominantly in what constitutes (North) India today..

Expand 3 more replies
Eva51May 13th, 20:25
I am astonished to read comments from people who are so obviously totally ignorant of linguistics, like bhartruhari. It is like when Hitler called theoretical physics "Jewish science", without knowing a thing about it. Thank you Mr. Johnson for an erudite article. Maybe it could be added that the breakup of the original PIE is supposed at about 5000 years ago. That is, at a time when there was no India, no Europe, no Iran, etc. Just a bunch a nomads speaking various dialects of PIE and wandering through Eurasia.

roddalitzMay 13th, 19:50
"These perspectives also have the virtue of being true to the facts."

Unfortunately, "facts" seem to be a last-century concept no longer relevant.

bhartruhariMay 13th, 19:06
Its the symptom of "crying before being pinched" !!

British came and wrote Indian history without either the understanding of the local language, customs, traditions or any respect to that.
Most history books printed in the world completely ignore India's contributions to Math and other sciences (except for the occasional grudgingly accepted zero).
Most history books' few words about Hinduism is caste, poverty and several thousand deities.
Many linguists have proposed so many theories about Indian languages, without even knowing to speak one full sentence in that language.

A linguist is fast becoming a journalist, in terms of professional ethics.

And when somebody finally says "hey may be we should correct the misconceptions", people say this:

"In India, though, some people have been busily rewriting parts of Indian history to conform to jingoistic ideas about Indian exceptionalism and cultural superiority. They have attempted to cut out huge swaths of history involving the exchanges Indians have had with Greeks, Persians, East Asians, Arabs, Central Asians, Southeast Asians, and Western Europeans".

In fact, this is exactly what the British did, isnt it? "They rewrote parts of Indian history to conform to the superior ideas of european culture and attempted to cut out huge swaths of history involving the local contributions to science, arts and other fields and focusing only on aryan invasion theories because Indians could not have been superior without an European influence."

So the new line of the academics now is if Indians talk about themselves and their own culture in flattering words, then they are jingoists. In every other part of the world, they are called patriots. Please inform Oxford and Webster too, its time jingoism is redefined, just like secularism was redefined recently.

bhartruhariMay 13th, 18:42
This PIE nonsense has been thrown around a lot and is used as a haven to hide for academics. Show me the evidence of PIE. Then talk about it. How scientific is it to assume something when there is no clear evidence of it? Just because you say that "oh there must be a common language to all, but we have lost it, so lets call it PIE" seems to be the line of the modern linguists. Its just a theory and my theories are surely better than yours.

Why are you linguists so well bent on fixing a status for Sanskrit? Nobody bothered about the history of the language until British came. Sanskrit did well without you guys for more than 5000 years and she will do fine in future too. Just learn the language and leave her alone from your pet history theories.

There is nothing new in the article. Its a rehash of several disoriented theories under one blog post.

"The serious study of Indo-European languages, just like the study of any language group, is not normally part of any political or social agenda" -- Ha ha! Tell that to Mr Witzel. Please post his reaction picture.

Hari Pin reply to bhartruhariMay 13th, 21:17
It's amazing how many people here talk about something they have no idea about.

Do you have any idea how PIE was reconstructed. Try reading on comparative linguistics first.

As they say, better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

wælcyrigein reply to bhartruhariMay 13th, 22:31
Evidence such as the plain similarity between Attic Greek and Sanskrit? The very easily-noticed phonological correlations?

I notice that Indians never repudiate the relationship between Arabic and Hebrew and the various ancient Kemet tongues, nor the relationship of Old Chinese to the current Sinitic languages, nor any of the work done on Polynesian languages Nope. They only thing they object to is being in any way associated with Europeans, even if they were Asian at the time.

It seems rather double-minded, doesn't it?

'Nobody bothered about the history of the language until British came.'

Because history as a field of scientific inquiry originated with the Greeks and didn't really make it to India, where Sanskrit was kept inscrutable by the natives anyway, what with being the holy language.

Expand 2 more replies
BaseldocMay 13th, 18:20
Compliments to Johnson for this vigorous and cogent defense of his original proposition, which I would have naively thought not to need any defense.
An amusing slip above: [Sir] William Jones is described as "Anglo-English." I had fun trying to think of a meaning for this term. Maybe Johnson meant to say "Anglo-Welsh," which is what Wikipedia calls the man in question. I am not qualified to say whether the latter expression is a useful designation of anyone.
As for the use of unrelated languages in varying admixtures by the same speakers in two different registers, another example that is close to home (in my case) is that of Hebrew and Yiddish. Yiddish is basically a variety of German with some Hebrew mixed in, along with chunks of Slavic, Romance, Hungarian, and "miscellaneous." It originated among the Jews of the Rhineland in medieval times. The interesting point (from the perspective of the present article) is that words of Hebrew origin tend to be used in Yiddish for religious and philosophical matters. The more hifalutin the discourse, the more Hebrew goes into it, till, at the high end, one ends up with what appears to be an unbroken series of Hebrew "meaning words" strung together with Germanic "function words" to make the grammar conform to the Yiddish pattern. Obviously, religious scholars (Jewish pandits, as it were) would be more likely to speak in such a style than the common people.
I imagine there is an analogy here between Dravidian/Sanskrit in South India and Germanic/Hebrew among Yiddish-speaking Jews. The different twist, if you will, is that for Jews the ancestral language is the liturgical/intellectual language and therefore occupies the higher register.

HibroMay 13th, 14:42
Speaking of Indo-European, Freddie Mercury of the British rock group Queen, was originally named Farrokh Bulsara, an ethnic Parsi who spent part of his childhood in Mumbai.


Many people could easily have mistaken him to be European.


Nirvana-boundin reply to HibroMay 13th, 21:23
Likewise Cliff Richard & Engelbert Humperdinck, who were both Anglo-Indians..

Reluctant Polluterin reply to Nirvana-boundMay 14th, 03:53
There are opposite examples, too: Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam aka Steven Demetre Georgiou. Hellenic-English?

jourisMay 13th, 13:55
And so we see (from the comments which inspired this) that linguistics is a hard science, not a "social science." That is, it has two characteristics of the hard sciences:
1) it is informed by hard data, and therefore theories in linguistics are able to be supported or refuted by data.
2) it is subject to vigorous dispute by those who demand that their cultural/religious beliefs be given primacy over real data from the real world.

Thank you, Johnson, for a great article.

Like I was saying...in reply to jourisMay 13th, 20:50
Dude, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

1) is wrong outright.
2) has nothing to do with "hard science".

But, whatever floats your boat, man.

jourisin reply to Like I was saying...May 13th, 21:41
1) rather than being just my opinion, is based on having actually studied linguistics. I don't claim to be a world expert in the subject, but I do have a bit of background.

I take consolation, vs your last remark, from the number of people who have been gracious enough to hit Recommend. ;-)

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VidurnaktisMay 13th, 12:16
A well written article, I'll just point out however that the Indic languages aren't the only Indo-European languages with phonemic retroflex consonants. Sardinian, Polish & Russian all developed them independently off the top of my head.

andym101May 13th, 11:55
Reading this rebuttal prompted me to check out the comments for the article 'English and Dravidian'. Two points, the first of which I thought was clear enough in the original article, but which many posters seemed to wilfully ignore was that Indo-European language is a name for a language group, not implying Indian languages came from Europe at all.

The second point is that many of the posters were betraying exactly the same sort of colonialist mindset they claimed to be against. Instead of everything worthwhile must be British/American/European/Whatever and anything from any other source is worthless, they imagine that everything worthwhile is Indian and everything from any other source is at best an imitation of something that originated in India.

Scary, short sighted and quite frankly not good for the future.

MrRFoxin reply to andym101May 13th, 13:02
A scholarly piece of work - TE at the top of its game. Just ...

... a cryin' shame it takes the rantings of a bunch not worthy of a rebuttal of this excellence to get the piece in print for the rest of TE's readers to enjoy. Suppose we should be grateful for those others' boorish behavior, or we might not have ever had this piece. Still, don't give the clowns more standing than they deserve -

The kind of jingoistic posts that prompted it - they are what is know as 'non-assertive conduct'; conduct that isn't meant to be a declaration of one's state of mind but is none the less - like turning and running at the sound of a policeman's whistle.

There are two or three ethnicities that reflexively go into 'jingo mode' whenever anything that pertains to them appears in print. This conduct betrays nothing but self-doubt, insecurity and perhaps a latent sense of inferiority. Confident and capable people don't do that kind of thing. So, don't let them get you down, SAP - and please don't wait for them to prompt you before you give us more stuff of this caliber.

ballymichaelin reply to andym101May 13th, 13:23
It's not good, no. But it isn't new. Greece had, and Norway has, officially-mandated diglossia, for much the same reason. A significant minority rejected foreign linguistic influence, insisting on a "pure" language.

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vuptMay 13th, 11:33
Johnson, Thanks for a well argued and nice article. Thanks also for the mention of Nepali language. If you have some scientific references about Nepali language's evolution, I would highly appreciate it.
I would also like to bring to the readers' attention some recent work on mapping the origins of many Indo-European languages. Please refer to the works by Quentin D. Atkinson, et. al. on this subject. Important ones are their work published in 2003 (Nature, Vol. 426) and 2012 (Science, Vol. 337). They map out how Indo European languages evolved, spread and branched out from one another.
There are over 100 languages in the Indo-European language family, including most spoken in Europe and South Asia. Sanskrit is most likely the ancestor of various languages spoken in South Asia. I think South Indian languages like Kannada and Tamil do not belong to this family. However, as Johnson argues, there was a lot of interaction among languages and they exchanged different elements.
As many Indians (of course not all Indians are like that, but definitely some very vocal ones on the internet, like the ones who prompted this response from Johnson) would like to believe (I guess because of a post colonial pride in the previous decades, and more recently because of a new found pride associated with being a rising global power ?), Sanskrit is the mother of many languages, and Hinduism is the most ancient of all civilizations. They believe that as a result, they are more superior than any other country in this world. A direct inference often seems to be that Hindi, because of being a language spoken by many in India, should receive the same respect. Research findings like the ones I mentioned above, paint a different picture, however. Sanskrit is definitely a very old and special language. But it probably benefited from other contemporary languages and enriched them in return too.
Additional information: The works I mentioned above also show with high confidence that apart from Kashmiri and Singhalese, Nepali is the oldest South Asian language. Singhalese is spoken in Sri Lanka. All three were related to Sanskrit, directly or indirectly.

QcAGPDNAa2May 13th, 11:24
Yes a fine essay indeed.
Dont let these internet commentards get to you.

AccruxMay 13th, 11:07
My congratulations on this fine essay, Johnson/S.A.P. I will read it again later on.

Anjin-SanMay 13th, 09:58
Because Sanskrit came to Japan indirectly via China, hand in hand with Bhuddism, Sanskrit is to Japanese what Ancient Greek is to English. Since character divergence between Sanskrit and Chinese is far greater than the character divergence between Latin and Greek alphabets, Sanskrit words entered Japan already Sinicized (In Hanzi characters rather than original Sanskrit letters), making it hard to identify a word of Sanskrit origin.
For instance, a common Japanese expletive 'Baka 「馬鹿」' originally came from Sanskrit 'Baka-moha (impediment to training)', but the Kanji characters used to describe the word came about from a Chinese parable about a king who made his subjects call a Horse(馬) a Deer(鹿) .

Accruxin reply to Anjin-SanMay 13th, 10:55
Interesting. As an aside, since you mention "Baka", in the Second World War the Kamikaze ("god wind", more commonly "divine wind") suicide attacks were derogatorily called "Baka" (fool) by some Americans.

pdottin reply to AccruxMay 13th, 13:09
The derogatory term Baka was a result of misunderstanding-deliberate or otherwise-of the term Oka that the pilots liked to describe themselves. Oka I understand means cherry petals and that is how one such pilot saw himself in a haiku

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joski65May 13th, 09:45
Clarified and how. It's a pleasure to read this essay written by an author who is clearly a master of his subject.

Tushar ThakkarMay 13th, 09:25
Well written, Johnson. Those attempting to impose primacy of culture do not really care about facts, but for those who do, this article is a very interesting read.

ballymichaelMay 13th, 09:14
a dignified and erudite rebuttal. There's an idea for another column.


TTG-IndiaMay 13th, 08:19
Don't let these people with their half-baked education get to you Johnson. The relationship between languages as widely dispersed as German, Farsi, Hindi are well documented and available to anyone who can use Google. As for the rest, let them carry on believing the world is flat. It will only get them so far.



English and Dravidian
Unlikely parallels
May 1st 2013, 19:28 by S.A.P. | LOS ANGELES

IF FORCED to pick my favourite part of the history of English, I’d be torn. There are so many to choose from. Would I pick the Great Vowel Shift, the mid-millennium change in pronunciation that largely explains English’s inconsistent spelling? Perhaps I’d turn to colonial times, when English vocabulary ballooned. I do like Noah Webster’s attempts to change American English spelling in the name of efficiency, too.

But my favourite must be the Norman invasion of 1066. When the Normans, who spoke a dialect of Old French, ruled over England, they changed the face of English. Over the ensuing two centuries, thousands of Old French words entered English. Because the ruling class spoke Old French, that set of vocabulary became synonymous with the elite. Everyone else used Old English. During this period, England's society was diglossic: one community, two language sets with distinct social spheres. Today, English-speakers pick and choose from the different word sets—Latinate (largely Old French borrowings) and Germanic (mostly Old English-derived words)—depending on the occasion. Although English is no longer in a diglossic relationship with another language, the Norman-era diglossia remains reflected in the way we choose and mix vocabulary. In informal chat, for example, we might go on to ask something, but in formal speech we’d proceed to inquire. There are hundreds of such pairs: match/correspond, mean/intend, see/perceive, speak/converse. Most of us choose one or the other without even thinking about the history behind the split. Germanic words are often described as earthier, simpler, and friendlier. Latinate vocabulary, on the other hand, is lofty and elite. It’s amazing that nine hundred years later, the social and political structure of 12th-century England still affects how we think about and use English.

English isn’t alone in having this sort of split personality. Halfway across the world, languages spoken in southern India underwent similar changes. Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu, the four major languages spoken there, are Dravidian languages. They are structurally unrelated to the languages of northern India, which are Indo-European. But Sanskrit, an Indo-European language of ancient India and the liturgical language of Hinduism, has held prestige all over the subcontinent for over two thousand years. Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam—and to a lesser extent Tamil—have absorbed, and continue to absorb, thousands of Sanskrit words. (A relatively recent movement among Tamil-speakers aimed to expunge the Sanskrit borrowings.) Much of southern India, just like Norman England, was diglossic between Sanskrit (used ritually and formally by Hindu elites) and vernacular Dravidian languages. Today, that diglossia is gone, but Sanskrit-derived vocabulary still forms an upper crust, mostly pulled out for formal speech or writing.

Some writing, especially poetry, still slants toward native vocabulary. Two influential religious movements among Hindu Kannada-speakers, the 12th-century Lingāyat and the 16th-century Haridāsa movements, treasured simple Kannada poetry. These movements arose in part to spread religious teachings beyond Sanskrit-educated elites to the common people. Works written then are largely devoid of obvious Sanskrit borrowings. To many Kannada-speakers, those works are softer and folksier than stiffer Sanskrit-heavy works. But caste and class politics didn’t end then, of course. Sanskrit still holds sway in India today, officially one of the "scheduled" languages listed in the constitution. It sometimes seems like any Kannada newscaster or speechwriter worth his salt swears by a Sanskrit dictionary. Sanskrit borrowings are used all over the place in order to sound proper, even when it sounds strange. (My favourite example of strained usage is the upscaling of “toilet” to shauchālaya, “abode of cleanliness”.) In the most tortured formal writing, Sanskrit words might just be strung together with Kannada grammatical endings. This has the strange consequence of allowing speakers of unrelated languages like Hindi to take a stab at translating the text. (Hindi, as it happens, is also split between the Sanskrit-heavy shuddh, “pure”, Hindi, popular in government and academia, and colloquial Hindi, which makes greater use of Arabic and Persian borrowings.) There’s some sweet spot in the middle of both extremes. Good writers seem to get it best.

It has always fascinated me how the Sanskrit/Dravidian divide in Kannada is so strikingly similar to the Latinate/Germanic divide in English. In English, word choice is often used to judge someone's class or education. In Kannada, caste is also mixed in. Picking certain words over others can have social consequences, branding the speaker or writer according to his vocabulary. In both languages, older borrowings underwent sound and spelling changes, but newer borrowings keep the roots intact. (In English, these old pre-Norman borrowings are mainly religious terms, like "nun", "monk", or "priest".) “Native” terms are considered earthier and Sanskrit/Latin-derived borrowings are stuffier. But there are interesting differences, too. English didn’t descend from Latin, though they’re both Indo-European. Dravidian languages, in contrast, aren’t related to Sanskrit at all. In Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam, the alphabet had to expand dramatically to incorporate Sanskrit sounds like voicing and aspiration. The shift was so complete that each language's alphabet, while written completely distinctly, contains nearly all of the same sounds as the Sanskrit-descended Hindi.

Many languages have "high" and "low" layers of vocabulary. But in most other languages, the two sets are drawn from the same source. By contrast, contact between Old English and French, Dravidian languages and Sanskrit, Japanese and Chinese, Persian and Arabic, and other pairings around the world have created fascinatingly hybrid languages. These mixed lexicons are, for linguistic and social historians, akin to the layers of fossils that teach paleontologists and archaeologists so much about eras gone by.

Some people even think English is descended from Latin, or Kannada from Sanskrit. That’s frustrating not only because it’s wrong, but also because the reality is far more interesting.

NNkikcjgqJMay 13th, 21:26
It has always amused me that the saxon peasant herded the sheep, but his norman master ate mutton, ditto the cows and beef!

As an English solicitor, too, I can see my forbear acting as a sort of turncoat interpreter between the saxon client, and the norman barrister (and pocketing something in between) probably, as now, despised by both sides!

semicontinuousMay 13th, 12:18
As it would benefit John-son to know... In swedish the same phenomena can be observed: words of norse/germanic root sounds "earthier" than french or latin loanwords, with greek loan-words playing a more neutral role. For a while, french was the language of the court and while swedish has a large number of words of french/latin origin the influence is of course smaller than that of french in english.

Nowadays many swedish intellectuals, especially in humanities and in hard science, prefer to restrict themselves to words of pure norse/germanic origin as a social marker.

Student of IndiaMay 9th, 16:56
Essentially correct, but one can quibble about the author's statement that "Works written then [12th - 16th centuries] are largely devoid of obvious Sanskrit borrowings. To many Kannada-speakers, those works are softer and folksier than stiffer Sanskrit-heavy works." The words "largely" and "obviously" shield the complexity of the situation -- Contrary to the widely prevalent perception, there IS a great deal of Sanskrit loan vocabulary in the Vachana poetry as well as in the Dasa Sahitya (Haridasa devotional (Bhakti) poetry, as, indeed there is in even today's ordinary spoken and written Kannada of any level of education or sophistication. So many tens of thousands of Sanskrit words are part of everyday Kannada vocabulary, spoken and written (I am not writing about fancy or scientific writing, but everyday language), but people are not aware that they are borrowings -- they are so intimately integrated into the lexicon. It is, therefore, difficult to agree with those extremists among the Kannada reformers who want to throw the baby with the bathwater, that is replace even perfectly understood, commonly used words in everyday use and replace them with unfamiliar hothouse inventions from native roots.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert CamachoMay 9th, 07:04
Sanskrit originated in India during the Vedic era which i think succeeded the Indus valley civilization. What is this nonsense about Sanskrit and European languages having a common ancestor? Perhaps other European languages are related to sanskrit due to the outward migration of the Indus valley people into Europe thousands of years ago.

NR.May 7th, 22:36
Oh, in a week I'm to have an exam in the English language history. It is involving subject when you read it out of curiosity, such funny things as the word wifman (woman) was of masculine gender in Old English, but not very motivating to compare OE words to those from other Indo-European or Germanic languages and explain all the changes, like Grimm's or Verner's law.

Reading the comments, I guess some readers of Indian background might have misinterpreted the point about the Indo-European family of languages. Roughly speaking, we study this subject in Ukraine (following the Russian academic approach) exactly in line with views expressed here - while comparing Germanic and Romanic languages to Latin and Old Greek, European scholars of the past assumed that they all might have one common ancestor language which had already become extinct to that point of time. When William Jones went in XVIII to India and learnt Sanskrit, he found it to be the nearest to perfectness, especially for its synthetic character. His conjecture that Sanskrit is the nearest/oldest language related to that supposed common Proto-Indo-European language-ancestor was a bedrock of comparative linguistics. All Indo-European languages are being compared to Sanskrit. In my textbook the Indo-European family of languages comprises Indian, Iranian, Baltic, Slavonic, Germanic, Romanic, Celtic, Greek, Albanian, Armenian, Hettish, Tokharian branches of languages. The word-combination Indo-European itself clearly reflects that this supposed language family originated from India and has settled as far as all over Europe.

ashbirdin reply to NR.May 8th, 18:20
Your post is so interesting! Now if I can do it all over again, I would like to learn Sanskrit! Some readers of Buddhism find it very difficult to grasp the concepts when they have been "translated" into another language. Reading your post, it makes sense that that would be so ("nearest to perfectness, especially for its synthetic character"). Language is the most fascinating on the level of the concepts represented by the words, and how the concepts string together. Many words simply cannot be translated, and the way they are linked simply cannot be relinked in a way another language would link them. That aspect of a language is endlessly revealing about a people and their culture.. I just find all of this so fascinating. Thanks for you post.

NR.in reply to ashbirdMay 9th, 16:37
My pleasure! Such information may be found in textbooks like Introduction to Linguistics. I couldn't agree more that this subject is a reward itself and every language is a gate to another universe, another worldview. As for translation, my books on this subject suggest that it is possible to render faithfully mostly the factual information layer of the text, but the imagery of a certain language and its hidden depth are bound to suffer from losses.

An evident example may be found within the lowest, basic level of any language - its sound system. There is a language phenomenon of sound imitation, when words imitate sounds of nature or animals (splash, bark, meow, tweet). It is called an onomatopoeia and (from Wikipedia): "Onomatopoeias are not the same across all languages; they conform to some extent to the broader linguistic system they are part of; hence the sound of a clock may be tick tock in English, dī dā in Mandarin, or katchin katchin in Japanese." It reveals that speakers of different languages perceive differently the very same sound - even though it is simple factual information, not sophisticated concepts - and yet it is amazingly asymmetric among these languages! Or, for instance, there are a lot of idiomatic sayings originated from the Bible; when in English they have "fly in the ointment", in Russian the same is known as (literally) "a spoon of tar in the barrel of honey". Thinking about the same concept, people imagine different things.

We have learnt at Uni that poetry and fiction are difficult to translate since they are often based on the nationally-specific lexicon, metaphors and other figures of speech which are either asymmetric in any two languages, or absent in one of them. Translation of sacred texts, which address sophisticated concepts, unique to certain culture, must be the most challenging task. Since language is a 4-D system at least (sounds, words with their sets of direct and indirect, often culturally-specific connotative meanings, then word-combinations and sentences), it ought to be a miracle to render such texts faithfully equivalent on each level, preserving all original meanings, style, images, as well as the formal side of the text - from character of sounds to grammatical structures, which may 'speak' in their own way. And then - different sounds and their combinations perceived in a very different way by people used to different languages, so they have to be changed in translation. According to a modern widespread views on translation - the text's effect on the reader/listener must be a main goal of a translator. Sorry, it turned out to be too long, looks like I have unwittingly started to revise for my module tests.

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against_south_asian_studiesMay 7th, 16:15
The author of this article is not a complete ignoramus but very sloppy and amateurish. Here are some examples.

1. As commenter "Tropicana" has pointed out, the "shaucha" of "shauchalaya" refers to the alternate meaning, namely "excretion" and not "cleanliness". I think the author was too eager to caricature what he imagines is overzealous sanskritization.

2. He talks of "the Sanskrit-heavy shuddh, “pure”, Hindi, popular in government and academia, and colloquial Hindi, which makes greater use of Arabic and Persian borrowings."

Bad dichotomization - the Hindi spoken in different parts of India possess varying degrees of urdu influence. There are parts of India where the Hindi is closer to the "shuddh Hindi". The author also seems to be ignorant of the fact that there was a similar movement in urdu that purged all sanskrit origin words in somewhere around the 19th century.

3. "Dravidian languages, in contrast, aren’t related to Sanskrit at all." - while a vocabulary-wise matching has not been found, the Dravidian sentence structures (order in which parts of speech are arranged) are much closer to Sanskrit than Sanskrit sentence structures are to any western language. So unless one ignores something as fundamental as that (which your highly political self seems only too happy to do) one would be more cautious while coming up with such a claim.

guest-isliwsoin reply to against_south_asian_studiesMay 13th, 15:15
your comment number 3 is so wrong that any amateur linguist will outrightly reject that sanskrit is in the same family with dravidian...
cultural aspect aside.. sanskrit is in a diferent family (coming later from iran to india) than dravida (indigenous language)

guest-isliwsoin reply to against_south_asian_studiesMay 13th, 15:16
your comment number 3 is so wrong that any amateur linguist will outright reject that sanskrit is in the same family with dravidian...
cultural aspect aside.. sanskrit is in a different family (coming later from iran to india) than dravida (indigenous language)

Avid-historianMay 6th, 22:34
Two volumes comparing details of grammar and phonology of Avesta and Sanskrit can be found online at Google books. It was written more than 100 years ago by Prof. Kohlhammer. Search the title "An Avesta Grammar in Comparison with Sanskrit"

Nirvana-boundMay 6th, 22:13
Sanskrit has no "European" lineage or ancestry worth mentioning. Claiming otherwise is sheer, unadulterated conjecture. How delusional can you get, Johnson??

Mantonatin reply to Nirvana-boundMay 7th, 22:35
Where does Johnson mention any European lineage in Sanskrit?

Nirvana-boundin reply to MantonatMay 7th, 23:15
He claims it's an "Indo-European" language

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Texan31May 6th, 16:54
Rubbish!! Badly researched article & utterly incorrect! Calling Sanskrit a "European" language in itself destroys the credibility of the article as India and the language existed long before Europeans even were in the picture!
If it were indeed European, why is it that Europeans can't pronounce 90+% of Indian names .. Ridiculous!!
Nice try to 'Divide & Rule'. This article qualifies for the trash cans ..

wælcyrigein reply to Texan31May 6th, 22:14
It's Indo-European, you half-wit. Distantly related to European languages (with some notable exceptions, e.g. Hungarian, Finnish, Euskara), like Latin and English or Greek and Norwegian, or, for non-European languages, Hebrew and Arabic and Ancient Egyptian.

Europeans just can't understand Indo-Iranian languages without training because the relation is distant, like with every other language.

So, basically, you're daft. Look to fixin' that.

Texan31in reply to wælcyrigeMay 7th, 02:01
You seem to be a blonde. Blonde, how about showing some historical evidence of Sanskrit being European? Remember back in the day, there was only 1 civilization, the Indian civilization and nothing else (Iranian was another point made, read the article and comments before typing 'blonde' .. haha go home boy. Sanskrit is Indian .. as Indian as can get.

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theundercurrent.caMay 6th, 14:50
In General, west cannot accept any non western success. And for them to see India as a cultural success is too hard. They just want to break it.This article is another confirmation of that. The article in not factual, and more a hypothesis of an active mind that is intellectually deficient.

Mantonatin reply to theundercurrent.caMay 6th, 16:54
The funny thing about this is that the majority of Western linguists agree to the fact that Western language evolved from outside origins. If there was any political or racial subtext, this would not be the case. No modern linguists are saying that any Indian language evolved from any European language.

ashbirdin reply to MantonatMay 7th, 05:53
No modern linguists are saying that any Indian language evolved from any European language.
I am not a linguist by profession. I only wanted to point out if one studies world history and civilizations and do that by going as far back in time as possible, and that means millenia, one has to come to the conclusion Sanskrit is separate from any European language and predates any European language.
An even more convincing piece of evidence is take a look at Sanskrit as Sanskrit exists now in the 21st century. What in it could have derived from a European language?
A commenter brought up that certain folks in the "West" are given to exhibit a strange brand of political posturing that is anachronistic by this time of world development. I don't know what the heck the posturing is about and what it proves - that the "West" is "older", "better", more "advanced"? It all seems very strange to me.
In the end, what is is and what isn't isn't. That's all there is to it. There is no gain by saying something that is not true is true.

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thelordofbacklandMay 5th, 20:11
There is no such thing sanskrit vs dravid. It is theory propagated by English men. Dravid word itself is derived from sanskrit word "Trivid". "Trivid" means land between three rivers. Telugu is most purest form of language which is derived from sanskrit. At least do some research before posting on platform which has good public outreach.

Phenkooin reply to thelordofbacklandMay 6th, 01:35
The study and classification is highly scientific and based on research. This is not done to satisfy or justify some political ideology. So please look beyond your jingoistic outlook and base your conclusions on proper research. Having learnt Kannada I can vouch for the ideas presented by the author. There was indeed a Sanskrit vs local language divide. This was also topic for learning in the curriculum, and we had to learn the Dravidian equivalent for the Sanskrit word.

Texan31in reply to PhenkooMay 6th, 16:49
I disagree, knowing Kannada myself and been in the state for 3 decades, Kannada is the language that comes closest to Kannada (the analysis shows 90+%). This is not jingoism, being an Indian in America, I am aware of the forces acting to 'divide and conquer' post colonialism and people like you are the 'sepoys' - wake up to reality.
Secondly, the Dravidian - Aryan philosophy has been long destroyed, so the basis itself is incorrect! Mr. Sepoy, wake up .. why will you, you are Mr. Sepoy!!

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Tropicana312May 5th, 11:03
shauchālaya : does not mean abode of cleanliness. Shuchi means cleanliness. Shaucha-karma is derived from the word Shuchi, means act of excretion or defecation. And shauchālaya (alaya = place / house) means the place where the act of "Shaucha-karma" is done.

guest-lwawisnMay 5th, 10:46
Sanskrit doesn't belong to India. It is a Indo-European or more of Indo-Iranian Language. As the Indus Valley civilization had no traces of sanskrit and had many evidences of existence of dravidian languages throughout the nation India, the aryan invasion theory can never be proved wrong. The structural difference of dravidian languages and sanskrit are like square and a circle, so it is absolutely intolerable to call Dravidian languages came from Sanskrit. In other ways it actually adulterated it.

primeargumentin reply to guest-lwawisnMay 6th, 16:15
You are factually wrong. The only place in the world where Sanskrit is spoken is India then how can it be a foreign language? You are simply repeating a misconception propagated by colonial scholars with political agenda of dividing people in India and for justifying there own "invasion" of India. The category Dravidian language it self was coined by christian missionaries to create a divide between people and elicit conversions. It is still used by aggressive missionaries in the form of movements like "Dravidian Christianity". You seem to be one of their henchmen too looking at your caustic and inaccurate views. AIT is already dead there is no archaeological evidence for it no serious scholar talks about "Aryan Invasion" any more. The Indus-Valley civilization has also been more correctly found to be actually Indus Sarasvati civilization and many evidence of continuity of civilization have been found. Also Iranian language Avestan is believed to be derived from vedic Sanskrit rather than the other way round you should check your facts before commenting on these issues.

Texan31in reply to guest-lwawisnMay 6th, 16:57
Rubbish!! It's no point proving you wrong, it would be like speaking to a stone in denial!! .. and by the way, Iran was a part of India back in the day.

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FelixTranMay 4th, 19:12
This has always fascinated me. I guess it all comes down to which language were dominant in the past. The Chinese language has a huge influence on Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and other languages in the region. My native language is Vietnamese and we always switch between the native Vietnamese words and Sino-Vietnamese words. I remember being quite surprised when I come across the same thing in English years later, Latinate, Germanic, Latinate, Germanic.

perguntadorMay 4th, 03:07
My first English teacher knew this very well.
She used to tell her teen-age pupils, half-jokingly, that we could sound more learned and scholarly in English by using Latinate words instead of their Anglo-Saxon pairs.
These words were more familiar and easier for us to remember, of course, as our native language was Latin-derived Portuguese. She meant this not as a suggestion. It was a warning, instead: be careful not to talk as arrogant, pretentious snobs.
Her own favorite reaction to anything that displeased her, though, could not be more Latinate: "preposterous!", she said, with an intonation not unlike the late ms. Thatcher's.
Like most good teachers, she had perfected her bit of theatre to grab the attention of our young and disorderly minds.

sysfxin reply to perguntadorMay 5th, 20:24
Agreed. Also, it is hard to believe that all or most Latin words entered English due to the French presence during the 12th century. In fact, Latin found its way into most -probably all- languages for the simple reason that it was the language of science for centuries.
"Armada", for example, is obviously of Spanish origin. "Automobile", "composite", "dinosaur" and many other Latin-originated words did not even exist back then...

MATT1970May 4th, 00:02
Not to stray far from the topic, but French does not inflect case, so did the influence of Old French help get rid of case?

Or did Old French inflect case?

NonPseudo SecularistMay 2nd, 22:47
Academic article marred with Ideological bias & political correctness
Author conveniently forgot the biggest religio-political project of all which is Urdu. As an 8th grader watching Pakistani TV, I realized that Urdu=Hindi-Sanskrit because 8th grader, who never learned Urdu and for whom Hindi is a 2nd language, thought that TV-anchor is speaking Hindi & can understand the TV-anchor.
It is politically correct to say that pure Hindi is spoken only by academia & govt but the fact is that recently I meet several Bhutanese refugee, of Nepali descent, and they speak pure Hindi.
Hindi's original name is 'Bhasa' meaning 'Language'. 'Bhasa' spoken in Pakistan & Northwest India has more Persian/arabic words, and 'Bhasa' spoken in NorthEast/Central India has fewer Persian/arabic words.

Accruxin reply to NonPseudo SecularistMay 2nd, 23:20
"Hindi's original name is 'Bhasa' meaning 'Language'."


Interesting. Though they are different roots and words, 'Bhārata' is the self-ascribed Sanskrit name for the old Indian subcontinent, Bhārat Gaṇarājya or simply "Bharat" is the official name for the Republic of India, and Bhārata Mātā (Mother India), is the national personification of India as a mother figure.

In Sanskrit, 'Bha' means light, brightness and sun (surya) among other things.

The people of Bharat speaking Bhasa is very suggestive.

Tropicana312in reply to NonPseudo SecularistMay 5th, 11:21
Interesting. National language of Indonesia is 'Bahasa'

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Communal AwardMay 2nd, 18:58
Humans learned how to write just 5000 years back https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_history

KarayaMay 2nd, 11:41
//Hindi, as it happens, is also split between the Sanskrit-heavy shuddh, “pure”, Hindi, popular in government and academia, and colloquial Hindi, which makes greater use of Arabic and Persian borrowings.//

Except that the split in Hindi happened in modern times. The first proper Hindi novel (Chandrakanta) is not more than a 100 years old. Also, it's not so much a split as purposely replacing Persio-Arabic words from Urdu with its Sanskrit equivalents.

HibroMay 2nd, 10:49
According to this source

"Of the Dravidian languages, Tamil has the greatest geographical extension and the richest and most ancient literature, which is paralleled in India only by that of Sanskrit. Its phonological and grammatical systems correspond in many points to the ancestral parent language, called Proto-Dravidian."

ashbirdin reply to HibroMay 2nd, 22:37
Thanks for this link. It's a great one.

thelordofbacklandin reply to HibroMay 5th, 20:23
If you read complete article, you can see Tamil has everything same as Sanskrit. Even the complex rule of "sandhi". If everything is same, only logical conclusion is either Sanskrit is derived from Tamil or Tamil is derived from Sanskrit. How any one conclude that they are of two different descendant and tradition is beyond any class of logic.
KanjeeMay 2nd, 10:16
Very interesting insight. I noticed a typo though. "Folskier" should be "folksier".

S.A.P. - The Economistin reply to KanjeeMay 2nd, 20:32
Thanks - fixed.

ballymichaelMay 2nd, 07:48
Also, there were several waves of linguistic influence from latinate languages on english - though the norman french influence, agreed, was the most deep-reaching and long-lasting.

But from the period (17th-18th century particularly) where french was THE language of culture and diplomacy, and often spoken by preference by the nobility in place of their native language, there's been a whole range of loan-words into many different languages.

That, as least, is my suspicion. One can certainly sound very prissy in german by using a lot of french-derived words - I suspect there will be a similar mechanic going on in other languages.

My favourite version of this mechanic (attributed to Emperor Charles V, though it's uncertain):

"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse."

ballymichaelMay 2nd, 07:08
Irish (neu-gälisch, as the germans refer to it) has the same diglossic relationship. A huge number of norman french loanwords.

What's interesting is that they don't follow the same pattern as in english, where they reveal a refined/coarse social split.

In irish, the loanwords from norman french cluster in words for buildings and rooms (seomra, from chambre, for example. And also in the numbering system.


a Haon, a dó, a trí, a ceathair, a cúig, a sé, a seacht, a hocht, a naoi, a deich

un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neun, dix.

But the norman french in ireland started being "Gaelicised" in the 12th century or so. It was never a complete conquest, so the social split wasn't as pronounced.

But they did have a far more clearly organised social system based around castle-building to hold down the conquered territory than the native irish, so I suppose it's understandable that it's in buildings and systems of organisation, that the left their mark.

ballymichaelin reply to ballymichaelMay 2nd, 07:11
sorry, mistake, gaelicisation from the 14th century or so, as evidenced by:


briggslawin reply to ballymichaelMay 3rd, 12:04
I don't believe the similarity of French and Irish numbering means that the Irish words were borrowed from French. All it means is that the languages have a family resemblance that traces back much further than the Norman conquest. Take a look at this: http://rjschellen.tripod.com/CelticNums.htm

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Masha BellMay 2nd, 06:06
My favourite part of the history of English is the second half of the 14th century when English was becoming re-established as the official language of England again. The language had become very different from the English of pre-conquest times. The three centuries of Norman rule had expanded its vocabulary enormously by adding hundreds of French words to it, although often with slightly changed pronunciations.

Writers like Chaucer were trying to give this new language a simple and consistent spelling system (erth, frend,lern; beleve, reson, seson). French words which had become part of ordinary English vocabulary had their spellings modified to conform to English rules: beef, pork, mutton, battle, risk (from: boeuf, porc, mouton, bataille, risque).

Sadly, in the 16th century printers made an almighty hash of Chaucer's more consistent spellings. In the 18th century Johnson then aggravated matters still further by greatly expanding the number of heterographs like 'there/their, feet/feat, bred/bread', and worst of all, by exempting words of Latin origin from English rules, leaving us inconsistencies like 'arrive -arise',
'copy – poppy' and 'rabbit - habit' - http://englishspellingproblems.co.uk/html/history.html .

I wish we would resume the 14th century habit of making words which have become part of ordinary vocabulary conform to the main patterns of English spelling. This would make learning to read and write English much easier and less costly than it is (http://improvingenglishspelling.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/costs-of-english-... ). Masha Bell

wenchwMay 2nd, 05:52
Actually I would disagree about Dravidian languages being separate from Sanskrit. The Indo-Aryan invasion myth is a fairy tale spun during the colonial era in India to explain the similarities between Sanskrit and Latin, it wasn't that some Europeans came to India, it was that Indians went to other areas in search of better resources and eventually created latin and so on. Even the genetic make up of most Europeans and Indians gives a hint at this as the amount of Indian genes in people of caucasian descent is higher than vice versa. Basically India suffered through cultural isolationism after around 16th century, giving local slangs and low developed languages higher importance and even making them the language of an entire kingdom, now most Indians who grew up in such sub regional culture don't want to leave those and re-integrate.It's a huge mess that will take decades to sort out.

Mantonatin reply to wenchwMay 2nd, 20:34
Except that the proto-Indo-European language didn't begin in what's now Europe, so it couldn't have spread from Europe to India. It's roots are in the area just north of the Black Sea, where it spread primarily south and west. Indo-European languages that exist in what is now Iran and India may have skirted Europe by way of Anatolia or may have spread along the Eastern shore of the Black sea, which seems possible considering languages like Armenian, which show a very direct link to the original proto-language. So, I think Sanskrit and its children are still safe from European taint by this reckoning.

ashbirdin reply to MantonatMay 2nd, 22:48
... So, I think Sanskrit and its children are still safe from European taint by this reckoning.

Thank God that is the case! Somebody has to stay pure! (only 3% facetious):)

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joski65May 2nd, 05:19
Interesting. But even Kannada does not penetrate deep, in Dakshina Canara it's Tulu that's the local language, and 100 kms south east is the strange language Of the Kodagu people, the next 100 km and you're in Mysore which speaks in its own language.
Why bother with syntax? because the words that touch us are those that issue out from the heart...

bampbsMay 2nd, 04:21
Having two whole vocabularies to choose from is great! My favorite example is from Macbeth:
No; this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red.

VarqMay 2nd, 04:20
'In informal chat, for example, we might go on to ask something, but in formal speech we’d proceed to inquire. There are hundreds of such pairs: match/correspond, mean/intend, see/perceive, speak/converse.'
I agree that there are at least two "levels" of language, but the difference is not between informal and formal or lower and higher status language. Rather it is the difference, in many cases, between natural language and the inflated and pompous.
The difference between, "I see what you mean", and "I perceive what you intend," is that between clear, direct, unequivocal language and that of pretentious wafflers, the semi-educated trying to make themselves sound important.
The self-important jobsworth who uses such language is a staple of English comedy. Police constables, bus inspectors and bureaucrats who speak like this are always good for a laugh.
We are taught, and shown by examples in literature, that clear, simple concise language almost always serves best. This is worth remembering.

Mantonatin reply to VarqMay 2nd, 20:22
You say that the dichotomy is not a result of formality or class, but rather of natural vs. pompous. But how did this notion of natural vs. pompous arise? Because of distinctions between the language of the common and the language of the upper class. So really, you're saying the same thing even though you're trying to disagree with it.

Varqin reply to MantonatMay 3rd, 05:36
Agreed, with one proviso. Formality or class implies that the more formal or higher-class is a "good", "pure", higher-status or "better" usage.
In English, certainly with the examples that were given, this is not what is actually conveyed.
The person who says, "I perceive what you intend", rather than, "I see what you mean", is not regarded as of higher status but is thought a pompous twit.
So, the distinction may be the same, as you say, but the impression given is very different.
If, on the other hand, the language becomes crude or ungrammatical, the speaker is simply thought ignorant and uneducated.

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Swiss ReaderMay 2nd, 03:40
The Thai language is another example. Here an Asian, tonal and largely monosyllabic language has been heavily influenced by the completely unrelated (Sanskrit-derived) Pali of the classic Buddhist texts. The higher the social context, the more prevalent is the use of words derived from Pali, and I believe the social diglossia is still much more pronounced than in England. "Market Thai" is completely different from the language used in court circles.

KouroiMay 2nd, 02:21
The English raised chickens, pigs, and cows, and the Normans ate poultry (poulet), pork (porc), and beef (boeuf).

x2y2in reply to KouroiMay 6th, 03:00
This is the only thing I remember from 9th-grade Ivanhoe.

ashbirdMay 1st, 20:47
I don't know that Chinese (pronunciation and written characters) can be "paired" with "Japanese" in the same way as described in this article. I don't that Chinese is "paired" with anything since the first pictogram was drawn multiples of millenia ago and went on to develop as a distinct language, with nothing in commonality with another. Were it otherwise, Chinese would have been such a "difficult" language to learn for "Westerners" or for "Western Linguist" to decipher.

There has been translation of the Buddhist scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese. The translation is very difficult to read. Not because of the way the text is written in Chinese, but because of the concepts embodied in Buddhism, which are very abstract and the translation attempts to do it all in Chinese, without incorporating the orginal Sanskrit.

Perhaps my learned friends on this blog Anjin San (Japanese) and New Conservative (American who knows a great deal about Chinese), both having shown a great deal of knowledge on the subject can help with more accurate knowledge than this article suggested. Not kosher to talk outside your scope of knowledge, generlizing what is in an apple to what is in an orange.

ashbirdin reply to ashbirdMay 1st, 20:49
Oh! And certainly any other linguistic scholar erudite on the subject. I seek to learn.

ashbirdin reply to ashbirdMay 1st, 20:55
Several typos and omission errors in first post Edit Button failed to catch -

- I don't know that Chinese is "paired"....

- Were it otherwise, Chinese would not have been such a "difficult"....

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JinteloMay 1st, 20:40
I was surprised when I learned we were Germans,

wælcyrigein reply to JinteloMay 2nd, 02:31
The English are not in fact German. 'Germanic', while encompassing the modern Deutsch, includes a greater breadth of people (the Scandinavians, Danes, the Dutch, the lowland Scots, the Frisians) than the word 'German' conveys.

abxtransin reply to JinteloMay 2nd, 09:40
By the time of the Norman Conquest the people in Southern England and Northern Germany spoke the same language, only with slightly different regional accents. From a linguist's point of view German grammar hasn't changed significantly in the past 1000 years whereas English has changed dramatically after 1066. Courtesy the frogs, English has become the truly modern language as of today that, ironically, has replaced French as the international working language since World War II.

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TachybaptusMay 1st, 20:30
The Norman invasion did something else useful for English. By relegating it to a low-caste status, it made the English of illiterate people the norm. Out went the complex Germanic grammar, to be replaced with something much simpler. We almost completely lost case, gender, and verb conjugation, and to a slightly lesser extent the tiresome subjunctive.

On the other hand, Old English was spelt phonetically. A combination of Norman interference and the Great Vowel Shift has wrecked that.

holverin reply to TachybaptusMay 1st, 21:56
That actually had nothing to do with the Normans. It was already beginning to happen in Old English as the case-endings were becoming all too similar.

Tachybaptusin reply to holverMay 1st, 22:58
Many case-endings have become similar in German, but the process has not been carried right through. I think this would not have happened fully in English if the language had not been given a good kick.

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MATT1970May 1st, 20:20
Never ever stop doing this blog.

And in my half-assed hobby-esque approach to improving my French, and learning German, and playing with Latin, it is quite clear where English came from.



Founder of the Euro says 'catastrophic' currency will self-destruct


Founder of the Euro says 'catastrophic' currency will self-destruct
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

As more and more countries within the European Union struggle economically, the euro - the union's common currency - becomes more embattled, with its founder now even predicting its demise.

German Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine, who was responsible the euro's development and launch, is now calling for the end of the single currency in order to let southern Europe recover. He says if not, the current fiscal course is "leading to disaster."

"The economic situation is worsening from month to month, and unemployment has reached a level that puts democratic structures ever more in doubt," he said, according to the Telegraph, one of Britain's largest dailies.

"The Germans have not yet realized that southern Europe, including France, will be forced by their current misery to fight back against German hegemony sooner or later," he said, adding that much of the current fiscal crisis has come in large part from Germany's squeeze on wages, in order to gain export share.

'Austerity is finished'

On the parliamentary website of Germany's Left Party, Lafontaine said German Chancellor Angela Merkel will "awake from her self-righteous slumber" once the European countries in economic dire straits come together to force changes in crisis policy, at the expense of Germany.

Lafontaine's dire prediction appeared to gain credibility as French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici "proclaimed the end of austerity and a triumph of French policy, risking further damage to the tattered relations between Paris and Berlin," the paper reported.

"Austerity is finished. This is a decisive turn in the history of the EU project since the euro," Moscovici told French TV. "We're seeing the end of austerity dogma. It's a victory of the French point of view."

The French minister's comments came on the heels of a deal with Brussels giving France and Spain an additional two years to meet deficit targets of 3 percent of GDP. But his triumphant tone could mean that hardliners in Berlin will become angry, confirming fears that such concessions will only lead to more fiscal chaos in the months ahead.

In early May German Vice-Chancellor Philipp Rosler attacked the European Commission, calling its decision to undermine the necessary belt-tightening "irresponsible."

Whether the current breakdown of the German-Franco alliance that has driven politics on the continent for more than a half-century is the fault of Berlin or Paris may be irrelevant at this point, but clearly the situation is spiraling out of control. France's Socialist Party - which now controls the prime minister's office - lashed out at the "selfish intransigence" of Merkel, accusing her of thinking over of "German savers, her trade balance, and her electoral future."

For his part, Lafontaine said he backs EMU but just doesn't think it is sustainable.

"Hopes that the creation of the euro would force rational economic behavior on all sides were in vain," he said, noting that the policy of forcing Spain, Portugal, and Greece to carry out internal devaluations was a "catastrophe." The economies of those three nations, plus Ireland and Holland, are among the EU's worst.

The euro has been in decline for months now, and as nations of the EU continue to deal with high unemployment and high government spending due to overpromising of benefits and lower revenues, there doesn't seem to be a future for the currency, much less the EU as a viable entity, experts believe.

In March, the Atlantic Monthly also reported that it is just a matter of time before the demise of the euro, simply because the EU doesn't have the fiscal infrastructure - or never had it - to make a common currency work:

Here's the Cliff Notes version of the euro crisis. The euro zone doesn't have the fiscal or banking unions it needs to make monetary union work, and it's not close to changing that. In the meantime, the euro's continuing flaws continue to suck countries into crisis. And their politics get radicalized. Most recently, Cyprus was forced to accept a bailout and bail-in, because its too-big-to-save banks made some horrendously bad bets on Greek bonds.

Fundamental flaws in the euro's design

Here are some of the euro's basic flaws:

Money is too tight. The euro zone is not what economists would label an optimal place for currency. "In other words," Atlantic Monthly says, "it was a bad idea." Part of the reason why is because the various EU members should have different monetary policies but they don't.

Budgets are too tight. Experts believe austerity has been an utter failure, if not outright disaster, because it has actually increased debt burdens across southern Europe especially. "The euro has become an austerity suicide pact."

Not enough trade. Save Germany, a little more than half of the EU's nations primarily trade with each other. As southern Europe slides into depression and northern Europe edges toward recession, each will purchase even less from the others.

As with all socialist countries, the nations of Europe simply do not have enough resources to continue providing cradle-to-grave services for their people. That is angering to tens of millions who have been raised to believe that the European money pit is bottomless but who are now realizing the fallacy of such thinking.

As an aside, it is important to note that both world wars last century began on a tumultuous European continent.

Sources for this article include:





Keeping vigil over Indian Ocean Region

Eyes in the sky: With a top speed of 907 kmph and an operating range of over 1,200 nautical miles, the Poseidon-8 Is will be able to detect and neutralize threats long before they reach Indian shores.

See: Indian Ocean Community (IOC)

Intelligent hawk eyes to keep strict vigil over Indian Ocean region
Rajat Pandit, TNN | May 15, 2013, 05.35 AM IST

NEW DELHI: India's long-range maritime snooping and anti-submarine warfare capabilities will get a huge boost when the first of the eight contracted Poseidon-8I aircraft touches down at the Arakkonam naval air station in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday.

Under the $2.1 billion deal inked with US aviation major Boeing in January 2009, the second and the third P-8I aircraft will reach the naval air station INS Rajali in August and November, with the other five being progressively delivered by 2015. India, as reported by TOI earlier, is going in for a repeat order of four more P-8I in a contract worth over $1 billion.

Armed with deadly Harpoon Block-II missiles, MK-54 lightweight torpedoes, rockets and depth charges, these sensor and radar-packed aircraft will be the country's "intelligent hawk eyes" over the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) that is increasingly getting militarized.

China has stepped up its submarine activity in the IOR as well as systematically forged extensive maritime linkages with eastern Africa, Seychelles, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan, among others.

With a maximum speed of 907 kmph and an operating range of over 1,200 nautical miles, "with four hours on station", the P-8Is will be able to detect "threats" — and neutralize them if required — far before they come anywhere near Indian shores.

Based on the modified 737-800 airframe, the P-8I is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon being built for the US Navy. "The P-8Is will be game-changers...Apart from long-range maritime reconnaissance, anti-ship and anti-submarine operations, they can also undertake anti-piracy and electronic intelligence missions," said a senior officer.

The P-8Is will work in conjunction with medium-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft and Israeli Searcher-II and Heron UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to establish an effective three-tier surveillance grid in IOR. They will replace the eight ageing and fuel-guzzling Tupolev-142Ms currently with the Navy.

India is gradually bolstering military force-levels on the eastern coast and the Andaman and Nicobar Island archipelago to counter China's strategic moves in IOR. While IAF has launched plans to base Sukhoi-30MKI fighters at Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, the Eastern Naval Command has been strengthened with over 50 warships as well as new forward-operating bases.

The Navy also recently commissioned a new air station at Campbell Bay, INS Baaz, which overlooks the Malacca Strait as well as "dominates" the Six-Degree Channel. "The construction of additional bases and naval air stations in A&N Islands and Lakshadweep & Minicoy islands is necessary to extend our operational reach," said defence minister A K Antony, addressing the naval top brass on Tuesday.

Apart from taking care of its primary area of strategic interest stretching from Persian Gulf to Malacca Strait, India also has a vast 5,422-km coastline, 1,197 islands and 2.01 million sq km of Exclusive Economic Zone to guard against all threats. "The P-8Is will help in this," said an officer.


Sharif vs. Army, Round 3 -- Declan Walsh


In Islamabad, supporters of Imran Khan’s party, which finished well behind Nawaz Sharif and his party in the election, protesting vote-rigging. The site of the bombing. Attacks across the country left at least 20 people dead.Credit: Asif Hassan/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesSupporters of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif celebrated in Lahore, Pakistan, on Saturday. The party led by Mr. Sharif, who was once a political exile, appeared to have enough seats to form a government easily.Credit: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

Sharif vs. Army, Round 3

Published: May 13, 2013

LONDON — The last time that Nawaz Sharif had close dealings with the Pakistani Army, soldiers handcuffed him and imprisoned him in an ancient fort overlooking the Indus River, physically dragging him from office in a coup.

Now that Mr. Sharif is poised to return as prime minister of Pakistan for the third time in 20 years, the success of his relationship with the generals will revolve around two related questions: Has he changed? And have they?

Many analysts believe he has new tools at his disposal, and in recent days he has played down the prospect of conflict with the army. Much of the hopeful talk surrounding his landslide victory on Saturday is focused on how Mr. Sharif seems different — more mellow, less authoritarian — than during his two previous stints as prime minister in the 1990s. And he returns to power with a mandate from Pakistani voters who have apparently given his party a near outright majority in Parliament.

When the military deposed him in 1999, he had earned the displeasure of its leadership for his outreach to India — which this week he promised to renew — as well as his clumsy attempt to fire the army chief, Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Since then, the military has faced several humiliations, including the American commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, that have hurt its public image. And under Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the army has shown little public appetite for openly meddling in politics, much less mounting another coup.

Against that backdrop, the success — and perhaps length — of Mr. Sharif’s tenure will be determined by how he negotiates the relationship with Pakistan’s unelected power players. They include the United States, an ally with whom he has a long and sometimes unhappy history and that has worried about his vigor in fighting Islamist militants. There is a newly crusading judiciary to gauge. And above all loom the generals, and his tense history with them.

His career was midwifed in the mid-1980s by Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, the military dictator, then cut short by the 1999 coup that brought General Musharraf to power. Mr. Sharif spent years in exile in Saudi Arabia.

Bitterness from that painful episode was widely believed to have colored Mr. Sharif’s attitude to the army after he returned to Pakistan in 2007. For a time, he regularly hurled rhetorical broadsides at the military that made even members of his own party, who are pro-military by inclination, uncomfortable.

In recent months, Mr. Sharif has adopted a more conciliatory tone. On Monday, he glossed over any differences, telling reporters that his problem had been with General Musharraf’s coup, not with the military as a whole.

“I think the rest of the army resented Mr. Musharraf’s decision,” he said. “So I don’t hold the rest of the army responsible for that.”

Still, there are hints that Mr. Sharif will insist on asserting his authority in ways that could put the generals on edge. In interviews with the Indian news media in recent days, Mr. Sharif stressed his desire to normalize relations with New Delhi — a subject that the army, which has fought three major wars with India — views as its central concern.

“Those statements might seem normal to outsiders,” said Cyril Almeida of Dawn, a leading English-language newspaper in Pakistan. “But inside the army it could set alarm bells ringing.”

On a different front, the country’s newly assertive Supreme Court also presents Mr. Sharif with a challenge, and perhaps some opportunity.

The previous government found itself embroiled in legal battles with the buccaneering chief justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who conducted his longstanding rivalry with President Asif Ali Zardari and his Pakistan Peoples Party through a series of high-profile court cases.

At the same time, judges have been relatively lenient with Mr. Sharif. Cases related to bank loans that his family defaulted on in the 1990s, and payments that Mr. Sharif received from military intelligence about the same time, all received relatively light treatment.

“The Supreme Court only had one eye, and it was trained on the Peoples Party,” said Ayaz Amir, a former lawmaker from Mr. Sharif’s party.

But now that he is in power, Mr. Sharif’s cozy relationship with the courts could come under strain. Under Justice Chaudhry, the courts have amassed new powers, hauling senior government officials before judges to account for their failings on matters ranging from blatant corruption to the weaknesses of the traffic system.

Analysts say Mr. Sharif, who also has a stubborn streak, could find himself drawn into a clash with Justice Chaudhry.

“Sharif might look at this court and find it a bit too activist for his liking, with its tendency to push government up against the wall,” said Mr. Almeida, the journalist. “I don’t think he would look on it very benignly.”

Still, the potential for conflict may be limited: Justice Chaudhry is set to retire in December, which leaves relatively little time for a battle between the courts and Mr. Sharif.

On the campaign trail, Mr. Sharif played to populist sentiment by condemning C.I.A. drone strikes in the tribal belt and suggesting, in vague terms, that he would seek to avoid bowing to American dictates. But the perilous state of Pakistan’s economy means that he may require American support for a bailout by the International Monetary Fund — one that economists believe will be necessary in the coming months.

Behind the scenes, American diplomats are likely to pressure him for stronger action against militants. Mr. Sharif was measured in the campaign in his criticism of the Taliban, which notably did not attack his party’s election events as they did those of more secular parties. Indeed, the perception that Mr. Sharif had an ambiguous view, at best, toward militants was a constant source of tension with American officials during his first stints in office.

Mr. Sharif may now come under pressure — from the army as well as the United States — to clamp down on militant havens in his home province of Punjab, parts of which have become hotbeds of sectarian violence led by Sunni extremist groups.

But in foreign policy, Mr. Sharif has another source of support: his close relationship with Saudi Arabia, where he whiled away his exile. King Abdullah helped broker Mr. Sharif’s return to Pakistan in 2007, and Mr. Sharif maintains close ties with Riyadh. That relationship, although discreet, could provide an alternative source of economic aid, as well as a powerful ally.

As Mr. Sharif welcomed foreign reporters on Monday to his palatial home outside Lahore, replete with stuffed lions and gilded furniture, he spoke with the confidence of a leader holding crucial cards.

A measure of that confidence, and a test of his intent, are close at hand.

His old nemesis, General Musharraf, is under house arrest at his villa outside Islamabad over several judicial prosecutions. The Supreme Court has decreed that Mr. Sharif’s administration will have to decide whether the former army ruler should face treason charges, which carry a possible death penalty.

A steel baron by background, and conservative by inclination, Mr. Sharif has long had a reputation as a man who does not forgive or forget. The Musharraf case presents him with an obvious opportunity for revenge. But even critics say he has softened over the years, and is more likely to take a lenient approach in the interest of avoiding an unnecessary confrontation with the army.

“He’s a more mature person now, less impulsive than before,” Mr. Amir said. “It would be very foolish to start settling scores. I think the Musharraf case will be a major test of that.”

May 13, 2013
Pakistani Leader Moves Quickly to Form Government
LONDON — Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif moved confidently to form a new government in Pakistan on Monday, signaling his choice to be the next finance minister even as votes from Saturday’s election were still being tallied and protests continued over alleged vote-rigging in some cities.

Mr. Sharif’s spokesman, Siddiqul Farooq, said that given the party’s priority on the economy, the likely choice for finance minister would be Ishaq Dar, who served in the post twice in the 1990s — a critical job in a country suffering from sharp economic decline that is likely to necessitate a bailout from the International Monetary Fund.

“No official announcement has been made yet but Mr. Dar is the most experienced man for the finance job. He is an expert in finance and audits and accounts,” Mr. Farooq said, adding that Mr. Sharif was also finalizing other cabinet choices during his meetings in Lahore throughout the day.

During the election campaign, Mr. Sharif, a former steel baron, campaigned heavily on his ability to turn around the ailing economy and end electricity shortages that can last for 18 hours in some parts of the country. A fiscal conservative, he is seen as favoring free market economics and deregulation. News of his apparent victory has prompted a large rally on Pakistan’s main stock exchange, in Karachi.

Successive projections since the voting on Saturday have put Mr. Sharif’s party, known by the abbreviation PML-N, ever closer to an outright majority in the 272-seat cabinet. Mr. Farooq said the party was sure to win at least 125, just 12 short of a majority, and that most of the 23 independent candidates that seemed sure to win seats had already begun talking about joining in coalition with Mr. Sharif.

Still, the vote tally was still very much in progress on Monday, with election officials saying that final results would not come before midweek at earliest. Still, Arif Nizami, the caretaker information minister, said at a news conference in Islamabad that the new government would easily take shape before the June 2 constitutional deadline.

Meanwhile, Imran Khan, the anti-corruption crusader whose campaign generated wide excitement but failed to make the predicted inroads against Mr. Sharif, concentrated his efforts on forming a government in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, in northwestern Pakistan.

Javed Hashmi, a senior official with Mr. Khan’s party, said it was in negotiations with the religious Jamaat-e-Islami Party to form a coalition administration in the province, which has borne the brunt of Taliban violence and adjoins the tribal belt where the C.I.A. has concentrated its campaign of drone strikes.

Projections give Mr. Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party 35 out of the 99 seats in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Legislature, making it the single largest party. Jamaat-e-Islami is thought to have about seven seats.

Speaking from his hospital bed in Lahore, where he suffered a serious fall in the final days of the election campaign and badly injured his back, Mr. Khan broadly welcomed the election. “We are now moving toward democracy,” he said.

But his supporters have been driven several protest efforts since the voting, claiming extensive fraud in Karachi and Lahore. New demonstrations were held in both cities on Monday.

The furor over vote-rigging highlighted a phenomenon in Pakistani politics: the emergence of social media as a tool of both electoral mobilization and protest. While the last poll, in 2008, was influenced by a raft of new private television channels, this weekend’s election gave new weight to Twitter and Facebook.

Candidates appealing to the youth vote, like Mr. Khan, rallied supporters through the Internet, and since the vote, have used it to engage in tight, real-time scrutiny of the ballot process.

Mr. Khan’s supporters have posted video taken on cellphones of alleged rigging. In one, Khawaja Saad Rafique, the candidate who defeated Hamid Khan in Lahore, is seen having a heated argument inside a polling station for women.

Still, the impact of social media is mostly confined to the country’s wealthy minority and had little effect in places like Baluchistan, the western province where the threat of violence caused a very low turnout.

Two other major parties in the election, the formerly governing Pakistan Peoples Party and the Awami National Party, announced on Monday that they had accepting projections showing that they had lost extensive ground to Mr. Sharif’s PML-N party.

Asfandyar Wali Khan, the leader of Awami National Party, which was routed in its traditional stronghold of Khyber-Pakhtunkwa province, said in a news release t that despite reservations over a terrifying campaign of violence against his party in the run up to the elections, he accepted the results.

Yusuf Raza Gilani, the former prime minister and senior vice president of Pakistan Peoples Party, also announced his resignation from party position Monday evening. Mr. Gilani was barred from contesting for the parliament by the Supreme Court last year. Three of his sons and one brother lost the Saturday election in Multan, which was earlier considered their stronghold.

Almost all leading Pakistan Peoples Party politicians lost their seats in Punjab.

“I accept responsibility,” Mr. Gilani said. “I accept public’s decision,” he said, stressing that the crippling power shortages and a critical media led to his party’s downfall.

Ismail Khan contributed reporting from Peshawar, and Waqar Gillani from Lahore.


Dancing around caged parrot without freeing it. Making PC chair GoM, eyewash is planned to implement SC directive.


GoM on CBI should not include PC who is under CBI probe: Dr. Swamy to PM
May 14, 2013
Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy

The Prime Minister must re-constitute the GoM on Autonomy for CBI since Mr. P. Chidambaram is himself under a CBI probe in the Aircel Maxis deal. In my Application in the Supreme Court I had submitted documents to show that FIPB clearance given under his signature was a fraud. The SC then asked the CBI on March 18th to look into my allegations. On April 18 th the CBI submitted its first report and the Court observed considerable progress had been made, the matter is posted for July 28th. This was also debated in Rajya Sabha. I then wrote to the PM bringing all this to his attention. Hence I demand Mr. Chidambaram be removed from this GoM.

(Subramanian Swamy)

NEW DELHI, May 15, 2013
Draft law on CBI autonomy an eyewash: BJP PTI

The Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday dubbed as the setting up of a Group of Ministers to draft a new bill to insulate the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from political interference as an eyewash.

Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Arun Jaitley said the issue of autonomy of CBI has been discussed at length in the debate over the Lokpal Bill as well as during the meeting of the select committee of the Upper House.

He said the Select Committee has already given its recommendation on the matter and the Union Cabinet has approved most of these.

Mr. Jaitley said there were differences between the government and the Opposition on certain points, but there was a broad agreement on most of the issues regarding autonomy of CBI.

“The new Group of Ministers on autonomy for CBI is an eyewash. There is no need to start afresh,” Mr. Jaitley said, adding the Lokpal Bill passed by Lok Sabha also has provisions on autonomy to CBI. An amendment in the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act is sufficient, he said.

The government on Tuesday constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM), headed by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, to prepare a draft law to insulate CBI from external influence and a draft affidavit within three weeks in the Supreme Court which had made scathing observations on the agency.

The Group of Ministers will deliberate on ways to further strengthen CBI’s autonomy and safeguard it from any kind of outside interferences.

The GoM has been constituted after the Supreme Court had indicted CBI for being a “caged parrot” of its political masters while hearing a case related to alleged irregularities in coal blocks allocation.


Liberating the caged parrot

By Sandhya Jain on May 15, 2013

Fifteen years after successive Governments blithely ignored the Supreme Court’s directive to liberate the Central Bureau of Investigation from political control, the scam-tainted UPA regime, spurred into action after the Apex Court castigated the premier investigating agency as a ‘caged parrot,’ finally set up a Group of Ministers to draft legislation to enhance CBI autonomy.

The move is a sequel to sensational developments in the coal block allocation scam, wherein CBI director Ranjit Sinha informed the court that the then Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, Attorney General GE Vahanvati and the then Additional Solicitor General Harin Raval, and two joint secretaries Shatrughna Singh (PMO) and AK Bhalla (Coal Ministry), had vetted the agency report and ordered substantial changes in the same. The CBI was supposed to submit its report to the Court in a sealed cover, the Court felt that the ‘heart of the report’ had been compromised.

Following the Court’s expression of anguish and anger at the blatant flouting of its May 6 orders, the Congress party’s ‘man for all seasons’ Digvijay Singh criticised the Court for being ‘observative’. This resulted in widespread condemnation and public odium, to deflect which the UPA seems to have set up the GoM headed by P Chidambaram (Finance), with Salman Khurshid (External Affairs), Kapil Sibal (Communications & Information Technology), Manish Tiwari (Information & Broadcasting), and V Narayanasamy (MoS, Personnel) as members. They are likely to submit the draft of the new legislation to the Supreme Court before the next hearing in the case on July 10.

The Supreme Court first called for an insulated CBI in the Jain hawala diary case in the late 1990s (Vineet Narain vs Union of India & Another of 18 December 1997) in a judgment by Chief Justice JS Verma and Justices SP Bharucha and SC Sen.

The case began as a complaint of inertia by the Central Bureau of Investigation in a matter against some eminent politicians and other notables, and drew public attention to the need for probity and accountability in public life. Hence, keeping public interest in mind, the Court took the unusual step of appointing the petitioners’ counsel, Anil Divan, as amicus curiae. All persons who desired were permitted to provide relevant material to the amicus curiae for consideration by the court. The Court noted that the CBI and Revenue Department showed definite improvement in their performance once assured of protection in the discharge of their duties.

The Bench observed, “This experience revealed to us the need for the insulation of these agencies from any extraneous influence to ensure the continuance of the good work they have commenced”. It felt this called for “permanent measures” to create a “fair and impartial agency” so that every matter did not have to come before the court on ad hoc basis. Rule of law is the bedrock of democracy; both are embedded in the basic postulate of the concept of equality: “Be you ever so high, the law is above you.”

The Jain dairies case began with the arrest of one Ashfak Hussain Lone, an alleged member of Hizbul Mujahideen in Delhi on March 25, 1991. Following his interrogation, the CBI conducted raids on the premises of Surender Kumar Jain, his brothers, relations and businesses, and recovered inter alia two diaries and two notebooks containing details of huge payments made to persons identified only by initials. The initials corresponded to the initials of various high-ranking politicians, in and out of power, and high-ranking bureaucrats.

When nothing was done to investigate the Jains or the contents of their diaries, some public interest petitions were filed on October 4, 1993, under Article 32 of the Constitution of India. The main concern of the petitioners was that the arrest of terrorists had led to the discovery of financial support to them via ‘havala’ transactions; this disclosed a nexus between politicians, bureaucrats and criminals; that the CBI and other Government agencies failed to investigate the matter in order to protect influential persons involved; and that this nexus between crime and corruption in high places posed a serious threat to the integrity, security and economy of the nation.

The Court passed a series of orders to the effect that the CBI and other Governmental agencies had not carried out their duty to investigate the offences disclosed; that no one is above the law or exempt from investigation; and that the Court would monitor the investigations to ensure that they were conducted.

The moment a charge sheet was filed in respect of a particular investigation, the ordinary process of the law would take over. This meant there was no presumption of guilt against any accused, and that the actual merits of any accusation against any person(s) would be considered by the competent trial court in separate proceedings.

The Court specifically directed the CBI not to report the progress of the investigations to the person occupying the highest office in the political executive (Prime Minister) to eliminate any impression of bias or lack of fairness or objectivity and to maintain the credibility of the investigations.

This is precisely the order which was perverted when the then Law Minister, Attorney General and other officials vetted and tampered with the text of the Coalgate scam affidavit. Ranjit Sinha’s decision to expose the same has doubtless paved the way for an eventually independent CBI, which has long been a public demand.

In the Jain dairies case, the Supreme Court had ruled that the Central Vigilance Commission should be conferred statutory status and that the CVC should overview CBI’s functioning.

Fifteen years of inertia followed this judgement. Now, with Ranjit Sinha concurring with the Court observation that the CBI was a ‘caged parrot’ of its political masters, the need to insulate the agency from extraneous pressures is an urgent imperative. A suitable legislation will not come a day too soon.


Angelina's mastectomy, and genetic injustice. Genes belong to owners, not monopoly companies.


Angelina’s breast surgery possible in India, but there’s a catch
by G Pramod Kumar May 15, 2013

Hollywood actress Angelia Jolie’s bold act of removing both her breasts to prevent cancer, and her subsequent decision to publicise that, has led to a sensational excitement among women across the world, including in India.

Her disclosure was immensely empowering to women on two counts: one, it spread awareness of cancer-prevention and two, reassured breast cancer patients who dread mastectomy for the fear of disfigurement and loss of sex appeal.

“If a hugely desired stunner like me can stay as sexy and as desired as before, you can do it too” seems to be Jolie’s message. She said she would look the same except for some minor scars. But the life-affirming change for her is that her cancer risk has come down to less than five percent from a formidable 87 percent.

To recap, what Angelia Jolie did was test for a faulty gene (BRCA1) that raised her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Her test was prompted by the fear that she might be genetically susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer because her mother died young of cancer. The test for the BRCA1 gene in her was positive and doctors told her that she indeed had a very high risk of contracting the illness. To prevent it, she underwent mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast).

Mastectomy is a routine procedure in breast cancer, but in Jolie’s case she didn’t wait for the cancer to manifest, and did the surgery to pre-empt it. In her message to women across the world, she advised them to find out their risks by doing the gene test and exercise the preventive options available to them.

Sounds like a breakthrough idea because breast cancer is the most common cancer in urban India and accounts for about 25 to 35 percent of the country’s cancer burden in cities. In addition, the average age of breast cancer patients is also coming down from 50-70 years to 30-40 years. If there is a possibility of getting tested and acting early, it is certainly empowering and life-affirming.

The gene Jolie talked about was BRCA1 (breast cancer 1) and there is one more that makes women susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer – BRCA2 (breast cancer 2). If these genes are damaged (BRAC mutation), then you will be at risk of contracting breast and ovarian cancer.

However, such an anomaly accounts for only five to ten percent of breast cancers – don’t get hyper anxious if your mother or somebody else in the family has had breast cancer. One can have a mutation in either one of the genes or both. Jolie had it only in one (BRCA1).

Several studies have shown that BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations do exist in Indian cancer patients.Till 2003 there were no reports of Indian families with such mutations when this research detected nine cases in a controlled sample of 90 women which included ten breast cancer patients. Significantly, a 2009 study in south Indian patients showed a BRCA mutation of 28 per cent, indicating that this test is indeed valuable for early prevention.

So can we test in India and gain from the same treatment privilege that Jolie had?

Surely yes.

The new generation labs do test for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. One can ask for a test for either of the genes or both. It’s roughly about 60,000-plus for both and about 30, 000-plus for one. Compared to the prices in the US (US $3,000), it’s much cheaper – roughly one-sixth; but according to available information, the tests can be done for about US $ 200.

So far so good.

The test is great and although it’s expensive, it’s available in India. Not bad.

But the real story is more sordid than what it appears to be in the US.

In the US, both the genes as well as the diagnosis are patented by a company called Myriad Genetics, which means that only labs licensed by Myriad, and NOBDOY ELSE can do the test. The implication is that for an illness of such fear and consequence, you cannot have a second test elsewhere or have a second opinion. In simple terms, it is like doing a diabetes test in the same lab and not being able to repeat it elsewhere to see if the diagnosis is correct.

This monopoly has led to a moral and legal battle in the US. In 2009, cancer patients supported by the American Civil Liberties Union went to a Federal Court in New York, which said the patents were invalid. An appeal court, however, overruled the decision and finally the case landed at the Supreme Court last month.

In other words, Myriad still has the patents which have been contested in the Supreme Court since mid-April.

Many of the judges hearing the case were clearly opposed to the patents awarded for “merely isolating a gene” while some were concerned that an adverse decision can impact future research. The Obama administration, hailed for health reforms in the country, curiously stayed neutral.

Reports indicate that the court might finally make a compromise ruling that will be against Myriad’s BRCA gene patents, but still permit genes that are synthetsised (non-naturally occuring genes that are synthetically created). The US Trademark and Patent office has so far awarded 4000 human gene related patents which preclude a lot of gene-related research because a patent on a single gene can prevent research on several other genes.

For instance, Myriad argues that any gene with 15 nucleotides of the BRCA belongs to them. Apparently, the nucleotides appear in 689 genes related to various body functions including that of the brain and the heart. If Myriad wins the case, it can impact not only genetic research, but diagnosis and treatment of illnesses related to them as well. In America, about 40 percent of our genes don’t belong to us, but to corporations.

In an article in Washington Post, two reputed academics argued that the case was a chance for the Supreme Court to rectify this “genetic injustice”. They said the genes of the human genome, like other natural body parts, belonged to their owners, not to companies seeking to exploit monopolies.

“If the court allows these types of patents to stand, it will put the endeavors of openly researching, preventing and treating lethal diseases on a lower level of importance than a set of ill-conceived property rights,” they said.

Fortunately in India, the BRCA genes are not patented and hence the tests are available exactly the way generic copies of non-patented or patent-expired drugs are available.

However, there is no protection against such patents in the future. The amended Indian patent law does have lacunae that permit such patents, mostly because it borrowed legal-language from developed countries and the patent office has signed MoUs with them.

Analysis by activist-researchers KM Gopakumar of Third World Network (TWN) and Visalakshi of (CENTAD) shows that the Indian patent office has indeed granted several patents on genes. The researchers are currently analysing suspected gene patents for follow up action

While encouraging women to future-proof their lives, Angelina Jolie although hasn’t told us about these intrigues, she does make a reference to the cost and access.

“It has got to be a priority to ensure that more women can access gene testing and lifesaving preventive treatment, whatever their means and background, wherever they live. The cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2, at more than $3,000 in the United States, remains an obstacle for many women,” she wrote in her article.

So yet again, it is a case of access-to-treatment Vs profit-hungry Big Pharma.

It’s high time that politicians and policy makers in India are aware of the complexities of this game. Supporting innovation in life sciences and biotechnology should not be at the cost of human lives. Had our politicians been careful at the time of amending the Patent Act, we would have been on a more certain wicket.

We are still not late. We should apply Angelia Jolie’s principle of prophylactic mastectomy to our Patent Law.


‘In India, even cancer patients don’t want to undergo mastectomy’
by Pallavi Polanki 29 mins ago
New Delhi: Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie’s decision to go public about having undergone preventive breast cancer surgery has received massive public attention and has been welcomed by women who share her predicament of having a family history of breast cancer.

Risk of breast cancer is a growing worry for women in urban India, given that the number of reported cases has been rising in recent years.

Do doctors in India recommend preventive double mastectomy to patients? And how open are women in India to such a procedure?

Revealing the extent of the stigma attached to mastectomy in India, Deepa Thayal, senior consultant, breast cancer surgery at Delhi’s Fortis La Femme says, “In India, mastectomy is a big stigma. So much so, even patients who are diagnosed with cancer don’t want to opt for it. They accept it with great difficulty. Opting for preventive surgery is, therefore, not something that can happen in the Indian scenario easily. Besides, the feeling among patients is that when they don’t have cancer, why go for such an extensive surgery.”

Image used for representational purposee only.Reuters
Single mastectomy could cost between Rs 70,000 to Rs 2 lakh, depending on the hospital, say doctors.

Asked whether the stigma among Indian patients also had to with unstated pressures from the family, Tayal said, “It seems so. Although, none of my patients have has said so to me. In India, women are not always very secure. They are dependent on their families and thus feel more insecure. They tend to believe that this could create problems for them.

“Patients whose families are supportive are a lot more comfortable going in for surgery. And patients where families are not seemingly supportive are more reluctant about their treatment. Patients say, for instance, that they don’t want to go in for chemotherapy for fear of losing their hair. But mostly, the stigma is self-inflicted, it is in the mind of patients.”

The second reason why the procedure was not so well-known, say doctors, is because the gene test –prerequisite for the surgery –was not commonly recommended by doctors in India.

The presence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene is associated with higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. The test doesn’t come cheap and patients have to be thoroughly counselled before undergoing the test. (The cost of gene test varies from lab to lab and according to doctors ranges between Rs 5000 to Rs 20,000).

Rupinder Sekhon, a senior consultant, surgical oncology, at Delhi’s Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, describes the test as being “controversial” because the absence of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene doesn’t necessarily rule out the possibility of the patient getting breast or ovarian cancer. “There are some doctors who do not recommend this test at all because it unnecessarily exposes patients to stress. The gene might be there but the patient might not develop the cancer at all and having the gene doesn’t mean the patient is going develop the cancer,” says Sekhon.

Asked under what circumstances the test was recommend in India, Sekhon said, “We advise this test only in very young patients when they have a strong family history of cancer. In cases where, say, the mothers, the sister, the aunts, have all had cancer. In such situations, we advise doing the test. And there too, it is with certain amount of caution.”

Tayal says presently the test is mostly done if the patient demands it. “Right now, we are doing the test on the patient’s or family’s demand only. If a patient has a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, then we advise them to go for BRCA1 and BRCA2 test for first degree relatives,” says Tayal.

On the advice she would give women who were concerned about the risk of breast cancer, Tayal says, “If you don’t have a family history, you could do a preventive screening (mammography) at the age of 35, that is the baseline age. And after 40 years of age, you should go for regular mammography after every two-three years. And patients who have a family history of cancer, should do a mammography every year. Start self-breast examination from the age of 20. And if you should find anything unusual, immediately consult a doctor.”

Prevalence of breast cancer, say doctors, in India is 9-10 percent of population. But the incidence is more among urban than rural India. “In urban India, every 8th woman per 10,000 has chances of developing the disease, while in rural India, every 27th women per 10,000 has chances of developing the disease. The risk is almost three-fold higher in urban population.”


Vodafone Rs. 11,217 crore ghotala: Kapil Sibal, Amit Sibal, P. Chidambaram, Vahanvati involved.


Kapil Sibal, Amit Sibal, P Chidambaram and Vahanvati's role in Vodafone deal.

Documents released by Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal.

Vodafone-Hutchison 2007 deal
Father & son batting for Vodafone in matters of tax evasion and benami shares

In a blatant misuse of power, and in direct conflict of interest, Kapil Sibal, on the very first day of tking over the additional charge of the Law Ministry, overturned his predecessor Ashwani Kumar's decision on the Vodafone's tax liability of Rs. 11,217 crore.
Kumar had rejected Finance Minister P. Chidambaram's proposal for conciliation with Vodafone, saying it was illegal. The Attorney General Vahanvati too had advised against a compromise and had said Vodafone must pay its dues.
Read on...


Vodafone-Hutchison 2007 deal

Wednesday, 15 May 2013 | PNS | New Delhi

In less than 24 hours of taking over the additional charge of Law Ministry, lawyer-turned-politician Kapil Sibal has reversed the decision of his predecessor Ashwani Kumar and initiated a move for a conciliatory out-of-court settlement with British telecom major Vodafone in a Rs11,000 crore tax dispute.

Attorney General GE Vahanvati prepared the way for reversal of Ashwani Kumar’s decision.

Interestingly, when Ashwani Kumar rejected the Finance Ministry’s proposal for conciliation with Vodafone, Vahanvati had advised against a compromise (with Vodafone).

Kumar had opposed conciliation, as proposed by Vodafone, saying the Executive cannot overturn an Act of Parliament. The AG had then concurred with Kumar's view.

It is learnt that soon after taking over as Law Minister, Sibal sought the fresh opinion of the AG, who gave a nod for conciliation of the tax dispute as was proposed by Vodafone.

Vahanvati has reportedly defended his new position claiming it was based on Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s clarification at meeting with the Revenue Secretary and the Chairperson of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) that the conciliation proposal would not bypass or alter the tax liability under the Income Tax Act.

In his opinion, the AG quoted Chidambaram as claiming that permission of the Cabinet was being sought for a non-binding conciliation only to discuss issues with Vodafone and has assured that no contract would be signed outside the provisions of the law. The out-of-court conciliation with Vodafone will now come up before the Cabinet to take the final call.

Vodafone is facing a tax liability of over Rs11,217 crore for purchase of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa's stake in Indian telecom business Hutchison Essar in 2007.

The tax liability arose after then Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee amended the Income Tax Act of 1961 to undo the relief that Vodafone had got from the Supreme Court in the tax case. The amendment in the Act provided for taxation of Vodafone with retrospective effect. Accordingly, a demand notice was served to Vodafone asking the British Telecom giant to pay about Rs 11,217 crore.

Taxation of Vodafone with retrospective effect did not find favour with Chidambaram, who is of the opinion that such a provision would act as a deterrent to foreign investments and hit the growth process.


Arvind Kejriwal targets Kapil Sibal on his decision over Vodafone tax liability issue

PTI / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 16:35 IST
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday targeted newly-appointed Law Minister Kapil Sibal over the reversal of his predecessor’s decision on the Vodafone tax liability issue.

Notably, the government has initiated moves for a conciliatory out-of-court settlement with British telecom major Vodafone over the Rs 11,000 crore tax dispute with Attorney General GE Vahanvati favouring such a step, marking a change in stance.

Addressing a press conference, Kejriwal alleged that Vodafone is expecting out-of-court settlement from Sibal. “We have learnt that Kapil Sibal's son is Hutchinson's lawyer,” Kejriwal said in a defiant tone.

“The question arises whether a portion of Rs 2,000 crore has gone to Sibal,” Kejriwal asked.

Accompanied by senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan, Kejriwal said that all the corrupt ministers have joined the Group of Ministers on CBI autonomy.

While addressing media, Bhushan noted that Hutchinson was bought by Vodafone in 2007 and most of it was done on capital gains.

Notably, soon after taking over, Sibal sought fresh opinion of the AG who gave a nod for conciliation of the tax dispute as was proposed by Vodafone.

Vahanvati is understood to have changed his opinion in the light of Finance Ministry clarification that the conciliation proposal would not bypass or alter the tax liability under the Income Tax Act, they said.

Vodafone is facing the tax liability of over Rs 11,217 crore for purchase of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa's stake in Indian telecom business Hutchison Essar in 2007.

The tax liability arose due to amending of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with retrospective effect during the tenure of the then Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to undo the Supreme Court judgement that was ruled in favour of Vodafone.

The Vodafone dispute was seen as having a discouraging impact on foreign investors' sentiments.

While taking over as Law Minister on Monday, Sibal had told reporters that he would work to ensure that "legal processes and procedures should not be an impediment to economic growth, but must fuel it."


Tax evasion: Why did Sibal extend undue favours to Voda, asks AAP
by Danish Raza May 15, 2013

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has alleged conflict of interest in newly appointed Law Minister Kapil Sibal's decision to allow an out-of-court settlement of Vodafone tax evasion issue. Kabil Sibal extended undue favours to the telecom company because the Law Minister's son Amit Sibal represented it in court alleged Arvind Kejriwal.

"Sibal's go ahead for conciliation is significant especially in view of the fact that the main company in this case - Hutchinson Telecommunications International Ltd - is his son Amit Sibal's client," said AAP founder Kejriwal.

Arvind Kejriwal holds a press conference in New Delhi on Wednesday. Ibnlive "This is amazing. One Law Minister resigns over corruption charges. The other person takes over and within a day, starts working in favour of the private firm," he added.

AAP members produced before the media an agreement between Hutchinson and Essar, under which the former paid Rs 2,000 crore to Essar to all court matters all withdrawn. "Was part of this Rs 2,000 crore given to Kapil Sibal?" asked AAP member Prashant Bhushan, demanding to know what is unique about the company because of which the Law Minister went out of his way to help it.

‪Sibal, who got the additional charge of the law ministry after Ashwin Kumar's resignation, gave the go-ahead for an out-of-court settlement of the Vodafone issue. He overturned the decision of his predecessor, Kumar, who had rejected the Finance Ministry's proposal for conciliation terming it ‘illegal'. Attorney General GE Vahanvati had also advised against conciliation with the British telecom giant.

But after Sibal cleared the deck for conciliation and sought Vahanvati's opinion on the same, the latter favoured it.

Vahanvati said his fresh opinion was based on the clarification given by Finance Minister P Chidambaram during his meeting with the Revenue Secretary and the Chairperson of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). In the meeting, Chidambaram said that the conciliation proposal would not bypass or alter the tax liability under the Income Tax Act. "Chidambaram further clarified, according to Vahanvati, that the permission of the Cabinet was being sought for a non-binding conciliation only to discuss issues with Vodafone and has assured that no contract would be signed outside the provisions of the law,” NDTV reported on Tuesday.

After the Cabinet approval, the proposal will go through Parliament ratification.

"You have to understand that this is a demand raised by a budgetary provision and cannot be overridden by an executive order," Economic Times quoted Sibal saying on Tuesday. "Anything that is decided will ultimately have to go to Parliament. Any out-of-court settlement/conciliation through any non-formal process would have to be first brought before the Cabinet,” Sibal added.

British telecom major Vodafone faces over Rs 11,000 crore tax liability in India for purchase of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa's stake in Indian telecom business Hutchison Essar in 2007.


Euro-Area Recession Deepens


Gross domestic product in the 17-nation euro zone fell 0.2 percent after a 0.6 percent decline in the previous quarter, the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today. 

Euro-Area Recession Deepens as Slowdown Exceeds Estimates

The euro-area economy shrank more than economists forecast in the three months through March, extending a recession to a record sixth quarter and increasing pressure on the currency bloc’s leaders to spur growth.

The median of 39 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey was for a 0.1 percent contraction. From a year earlier, the economy shrank 1 percent.

The slowdown has spread to the euro core. The German economy, Europe’s largest, expanded less than forecast in the first quarter. France slipped into a recession and Italy’s contraction exceeded estimates. The European Central Bank cut its benchmark interest rate to a record low of 0.5 percent this month and President Mario Draghi said the ECB is ready to act again if needed.

The first-quarter contraction “reinforces pressure on the ECB to come up with further measures to try and support euro-zone growth,” saidHoward Archer, an economist at IHS Global Insight in London. “An interest rate cut to 0.25 percent looks ever more possible, while the ECB will also continue to look into the case for a negative deposit rate and ways of getting more credit through to smaller companies.”

‘In Sight’

The euro extended losses after the data were released and was trading at $1.2862 at 1:15 p.m. in Brussels, down 0.5 percent on the day. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was up 0.5 percent to 307.24.

The euro area’s economic gloom contrasted with the U.K., where Bank of England Governor Mervyn King declared that a recovery is now “in sight” as he presented his final forecasts with an improved outlook for U.K. growth.

“Of most significance today is that there is a welcome change in the economic outlook,” King said in London. “This hasn’t been a typical recession, and it won’t be a typical recovery.”

In the central bank’s quarterly Inflation Report, officials predicted that growth may accelerate to 0.5 percent this quarter from 0.3 percent in the first three months of the year. The central bank sees inflation peaking at 3.1 percent in the third quarter of this year, lower than expected in February.

In Australia, Treasurer Wayne Swan made clear he’ll eschew European-style austerity as a stronger currency slows growth.

‘Social Destruction’

“To those who would take us down the European road of savage austerity I say the social destruction that comes from cutting too much, too hard, too fast is not the Australian way,” Swan told parliament in Canberra yesterday. “The alternative, cutting to the bone, puts Australian jobs and our economy at risk.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said European policy makers are still falling short in efforts to revive their economy, intensifying pressure on them to further ease their budget-cutting. “Europe is going to need to do a little bit better,” Lew said last week. “There’s room for progress.”

The ECB forecasts that the euro economy will shrink 0.5 percent this year. That compares with the European Commission’s projection of a 0.4 percent contraction.

Still, the euro area is forecast to pull out of its recession as the economy stagnates in the second quarter and returns to growth in the third, according to a Bloomberg News survey of economists.

‘Subdued Recovery’

Sovereign borrowing costs have dropped across the bloc this year. The yield on Spain’s 10-year debt was at 4.35 percent at 12:11 p.m. in Brussels, compared with a euro era high of 7.75 percent in July, a day before Draghi pledged to do whatever was necessary to hold the single currency together. The yields for similar maturities were at 1.39 percent for Germany, 1.95 percent for France and 4.01 percent for Italy.

“A subdued recovery in the second half of the year is still possible, but that requires an improvement in confidence,” said Peter Vanden Houte, an economist at ING Bank NV in Brussels. “Therefore it is imperative that euro-zone leaders maintain the momentum in the strengthening of the monetary union, with the banking union as a first important hurdle to be taken.”

Eurostat data showed the German economy expanded 0.1 percent in the first quarter, while France contracted 0.2 percent and Italian output dropped 0.5 percent. The 27-nation EU economy shrank 0.1 percent in the quarter.

Record Unemployment

Euro-area unemployment has reached a record 12.1 percent as governments increase taxes and cut spending to contain public deficits. Alstom SA (ALO), the world’s third-largest power-equipment maker, last week cut its profitability forecast amid lower demand from local utilities in Europe.

“I think when Europe stabilizes, we’ll emerge in a really positive way,” said Richard Cousins, chief executive officer of Compass Group Plc (CPG), the world’s biggest catering company. “Our working assumption is to say Europe’s going to remain as it is for at least the next 18 months.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Angeline Benoit in Madrid at abenoit4@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Craig Stirling at cstirling1@bloomberg.net


Modi is next on hit list - Arun Jaitley produces documentary evidence


BJP takes on UPA and CBI; Says Modi is next on hit list

by  May 15, 2013

The BJP’s leader in the Rajya Sabha, Arun Jaitley, today produced a document which suggests that former Gujarat Home Minister Amit Shah was booked and arrested by the CBI in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case so that it can ultimately target Shah’s boss – Narendra Modi.

This could well be one explosive piece of evidence that the BJP hopes will turn the spotlight on how the UPA uses (or misuses) the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) against political rivals.

Even as the Supreme Court’s ringing references to the CBI as a “caged parrot” are still to subside, Jaitley produced what he claimed was a CBI note dated 23 June 2010 that had the following noting: “Request you to refer again to annexure ABC, arrest proposal of Amit Shah dated 14 April, with underlined importance of annexure C.……for its potential in respect to Chief Minister (Narendra Modi) also.”



After this note, which linked Shah’s arrest with Modi’s fate, permission to go after him was immediately granted, he said.

Shah was arrested but granted bail by the trial court, a decision which was upheld by the High Court and subsequently the Supreme Court. Jaitley’s point was that in murder cases the courts generally don’t grant bail, but since the evidence against Shah was so weak, and even trashed during bail hearings, the courts deemed it appropriate to grant him bail. Jaitley’s charge is that “this is the real face of the CBI.”

Shah has maintained in private conversations that the CBI applied all kinds of pressure on him in order to name Narendra Modi in the encounter killings. But Shah proved to be a tough nut. He has now been elevated to the position of party general secretary.

The BJP leadership is miffed at the CBI’s supplementary charge-sheet filed in the Sohrabuddin encounter case where Gulab Chand Kataria, former Home Minister in Vasundhara Raje’s Rajasthan government and current Leader of the Opposition in the state, has also been named a conspirator in the case. It is the same case where Amit Shah is also an accused, facing similar charges.

Top BJP leaders have decided to challenge all aspects of the case, and are also reiterating their charge that the CBI had made out a politically motivated case at the behest of the ruling Congress. To fight back, the BJP leadership appeared before the media in full force to make its position clear on the CBI’s naming of Kataria. There is speculation that the CBI may also take aim at Raje, who was Chief Minister of the state till 2008. Elections in Rajasthan are due in November and Raje is the face of the BJP campaign for a return to power.

The BJP is contrasting the CBI’s attitude in the Sohrabuddin encounter case, where the agency is chasing Shah and Kataria with vigour, and the railway bribery case, where CBI Director Ranjit Sinha has reportedly said that there was no direct evidence against former Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal. The opposition party’s charge is that even before Bansal can be questioned, the CBI director has made a political defence of the government.

While the party’s leaders feel that the Congress’ alleged misuse of the CBI will help the BJP in the elections, they are wary of the judicial process and resultant public perceptions outside the state. The CBI is accusing Kataria of conspiring, at the behest of the Rajasthan marble lobby, and coordinating with Amit Shah to eliminate the two extortionists, Sohrabuddin and Tulsiram Prajapati. Sohrabuddin’s wife Kausarbi was also killed in the encounter.

An opinion given by Attorney General Goolam E Vahanvati on 27 May 2011 in the Rajendra Rathore case, (You can access that document here) another former BJP minister in Rajasthan who was booked by the CBI in a fake encounter involving bootlegger Dara Singh, is being cited by the BJP to prove its point about the agency’s bias. While concluding his three-page opinion on whether Rajendra Rathore should be made an accused in the Dara Singh case, the Attorney General wrote: “ In view of the above, I agree with the opinion of the Additional Director, CBI, which has been approved by the Director, CBI, that more evidence should be collected of the alleged involvement of Shri Rajendra Singh Rathore and, thereafter, it may be considered whether he should be joined as an accused or not.”

Rathore was granted bail by the trial court, which also rejected the charge-sheet filed by the CBI. The matter is now pending in the High Court on an appeal filed by the CBI and Dara Singh’s widow Sushila Devi.

Incidentally, the BJP’s latest attack on the CBI comes a day after the government made an announcement about the constitution of a Group of Ministers (GoM) led by Finance Minister P Chidambaram to formulate a draft to give functional independence to the CBI and report it to the Supreme Court at the next hearing on Coalgate on 10 July. The BJP calls the constitution of the GoM an “eyewash” because the issue had been discussed at length in the Select Committee and in Rajya Sabha during the Lokpal debate


Government back to misusing CBI as BJP set to sweep Rajasthan

By Niticentral Staff on May 15, 2013

With Rajasthan scheduled to go to the polls to elect a new Assembly, the Congress’s dirty tricks department has shifted into top gear in order to hobble the BJP which is poised to sweep the State, the CBI has been made to file a bogus charge sheet against the Leader of Opposition in the State Assembly Gulab Chand Kataria in the alleged Sohrabuddin fake encounter case.

The BJP has lashed out at the Congress for misusing power by using the CBI for political witch-hunting.

Rejecting all charges against Kataria, BJP president Rajnath Singh said the party stands behind him and will expose attempts of CBI and Congress both “legally and politically”.

BJP has levelled these charges against CBI at a juncture when the agency is facing heat from the Supreme Court for allowing changes to the draft status report in the coal scam case by then Law Minister Ashwani Kumar.

Rajnath, flanked by Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley and BJP Rajasthan unit chief Vasundhara Raje, said the charges against Kataria are part of a “well-planned conspiracy”.

Rajasthan BJP leader Kataria claims innocence in Sohrabuddin case (Video)

“CBI’s charge sheet against Kataria smacks of a political vendetta. The CBI is working at the behest of Congress to implicate its BJP leaders under a well-planned conspiracy. The party will fight it politically and legally,” he said addressing a Press conference in the national capital.

“The CBI charge sheet against Kataria is without any basis. He is known for his propriety and credibility. There is not a shred of truthful evidence against him. The case is being pursued by CBI with the intention of implicating senior BJP leaders at the behest of the Congress,” Jaitley said.

Jaitley, an eminent lawyer, maintained that CBI’s supplementary charge sheet in the Sohrabuddin case against Kataria, who was Rajasthan Home Minister when the encounter took place, is the third such instance of the investigating agency trying to implicate a BJP leader.

He cited the case of former Gujarat Minister of State for Home Amit Shah and Rajendra Rathore in the Dara Singh encounter case. Jaitley showed CBI documents to prove that the agency had aimed at “implicating” Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi through Shah in 2010.

Rajasthan BJP president Vasundhara Raje said, “Kataria is innocent. The party stands by him.”

Referring to the Railgate scam, Jaitley said though the evidence against the former Railway Minister PK Bansal is “100 times more”, yet the agency is going soft on him.

The senior BJP leader dubbed as an eyewash the setting up of a Group of Ministers to draft a new Bill to insulate the CBI from political interference.

Jaitley said the issue of autonomy of CBI has been discussed at length in the debate over the Lokpal Bill as well as during the meeting of the select committee of the Upper House.

He said the Select Committee has already given its recommendation on the matter and the Union Cabinet has approved most of these.

Jaitley said there were differences between the Government and the Opposition on certain points, but there was a broad agreement on most of the issues regarding autonomy of CBI.

“The new Group of Ministers on autonomy for CBI is an eyewash. There is no need to start afresh,” Jaitley said, adding the Lokpal Bill passed by Lok Sabha also has provisions on autonomy to CBI by amending the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act.

The BJP has alleged that the ruling UPA not only indulged in rampant corruption but was also desperately trying to cover up its “misdeeds”.

“The Congress-led UPA Government is trying to subvert and undermine the authority of the three pillars of democracy — the executive, the legislature and judiciary,” party’s national spokesman Sudhanshu Trivedi said addressing reporters in Hyderabad.

Trivedi said that the confidence of people in the entire establishment has been severely damaged and cannot be restored by mere resignation of two Union Ministers.

“It is unfortunate and painful that instead of introspection, senior leaders of the ruling Congress are making objectionable remarks about the Supreme Court and are not sparing even the highest and one of the most respected institutions of the land,” he said.

“How can a healthy democracy survive when the ruling party at the Centre is trying to subvert and undermine all democratic institutions, that too with the alleged involvement of Prime Minister’s Office,” Trivedi said.


Too many cooks in 5-star BJP -- Bhavna Vij-Aurora


Tragedy of the Five Star Party

Too many cooks: BJP fails to present a strong alternative to a discredited UPANarendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj, Rajnath Singh, LK Advani and Arun JaitleyNarendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj, Rajnath Singh, LK Advani and Arun Jaitley.

The wreckage of Wednesday gave little cheer to both the winner and the vanquished. InKarnataka, the only surprise was the magnitude of BJP's humiliation in a state that once offered the party a historic gateway to the south. In Delhi, Congress was denied the pleasure of celebrating its landslide in Karnataka as the Supreme Court unravelled the lies of the beleaguered Law Minister Ashwani Kumar in the multi-crore coal allocation scam, further making the Prime Minister's defence untenable. Taken together, Bangalore and Delhi, in the span of one bittersweet day, told the sordid saga of the moribund BJP and the discredited UPA. The Indian right, which has been fighting its inner demons ever since its fall from power in 2004, doesn't have the mind or the muscle to make use of the Congress's worst moment. What it has in abundance is a galaxy of national-some even notional-leaders whose ego is larger than their popular base, and whose ambition is incompatible with their achievement. At a time when an India, disillusioned with a corrupt ruling regime, craves for a credible and cohesive alternative, BJP, the erstwhile party with a difference, is far from struggling for power. It is irredeemably steeped in a power struggle within.

If BJP can still claim to be a party with a difference, it is for all the wrong reasons. The House of Saffron has no one Leader, but an embarrassment of leaders. The party president, a heartland warhorse, has not yet shown that he can lead from the front. He has not yet come out with an idea-or a slogan-that can inspire the base and unsettle the opponents. His seniority, or even respectability, is strictly defined by his designation, not his personality. The others are more visible and audible. Arun Jaitley, leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha, is a fine parliamentarian whose argumentative powers can put the treasury benches on the defensive. But he is more at home in the backrooms rather than in the heat and dust of mass politics. Sushma Swaraj, leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, is a lady with a common touch, and a shrill but effective public speaker. L.K. Advani, patriarch of the Parivar and a venerable parliamentarian, is in sagely isolation, known more for his unhappiness than wisdom. Hovering above them all is Narendra Modi, the party's bestselling brand; Moditva, a heady mix of development and nationalism, has already outgrown Hindutva.

In an ideal situation, they could be the Fabulous Five. Their collective talent-varying from organisational acumen to strategic thinking to good governance-could be an internal asset and the opponent's envy. But they are fast proving to be the fatal five for the party's future as General Elections loom. They are united only by ambition, which itself is not a bad thing in politics. In BJP, however, a prerequisite for the realisation of each one's ambition is the other's fall.

One man has already stolen a march over the others: Modi has not only become the first among equals but his campaign for India has become a political force rarely seen before in the country. He is determined to make himself inevitable to the party, if not India. The party is still struggling to come to terms with him. The one leader most unsettled by the rise of Modi is Advani, the man who worked most, and walked long, to bring bjp to power. But he served those five years as Number Two to Atal Bihari Vajpayee. At 85, he badly wants to be Number One, once in his lifetime. It is not a sentiment shared by his former proteges, for that is what they, too, want to be.


Clash of Egos

From the diarchy of Vajpayee-Advani, the party is now caught between the warring aspirations of these five stars. Advani, Jaitley, Sushma and Rajnath know the party cadre want Modi as captain but they would like to delay that as much as possible or at least keep his proposed elevation as chairman of the campaign committee as vaguely defined as possible. They would like to benefit from his popular appeal but not submit themselves to what they fear will be his ruthless, take-no-prisoners style of functioning.

Narendra Modi with Jagadish Shettar
Narendra Modi with Jagadish Shettar during campaigning for the recent Karnataka Assembly elections.
Sushma and Jaitley, both of whom Advani has mentored for over two decades, are pursuing their own ambitions. While Sushma still gives due respect to Advani, she is trying to inch closer to rss. "It is something that hurts Advaniji but he understands that she has her future to think of," a source close to Advani claims. However, Advani cannot forgive the "betrayal" of Jaitley, who has openly seconded himself to Modi. Jaitley believes Advani has always played favourites where Sushma is concerned. Advani preferred to propose Sushma's name for bjp president when the party was deciding on Nitin Gadkari's successor. The party patriarch was miffed that Jaitley went to rss leader Suresh Soni for an endorsement for the post of party president.

There is just too much distrust. The usually media-friendly Jaitley is maintaining an uncharacteristically low profile. He has kept himself busy travelling to Karnataka over weekends as election in-charge. It's been a month since he attended meetings of the party's core group-comprising Sushma, Rajnath, Gadkari and rss pointman Ram Lal-which takes all key decisions in the party, and has been meeting at Advani's house. There is speculation that if it comes to the crunch and Modi's lack of acceptability becomes an issue, he may well propose Jaitley's name as prime ministerial candidate. After all, Jaitley has a good equation with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and also with Biju Janata Dal leader Naveen Patnaik. RSS may not be thrilled but will probably agree to Jaitley if left with no other choice.

Sushma, too, is quietly strengthening her base. Sources reveal that in the past few weeks, she has been in touch with Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee. Uddhav, during a Shiv Sena party meeting on May 1, said that BJP should consult allies before announcing the prime ministerial candidate. He reminded the party that his father late Balasaheb Thackeray had endorsed Sushma's name as ideal PM material. She has a natural affinity with Janata Dal (United), a crucial nda ally. Sushma is often seen bonding with nda convener and former fellow socialist Sharad Yadav in the Central Hall of Parliament. She has consciously played on the right side of RSS on all issues. When rss was pushing for a second term for Gadkari, she kept a calculated middle-of-the-road stance. Sushma was trying to ensure that in a crunch, she will emerge as a "safe" option for prime ministerial candidate.


Call of Nagpur

The problem is that even Rajnath is positioning himself as a safe bet. He became party president only after the other leaders were ruled out of the race. The fact that rss is extremely well-disposed towards him only helped his cause. Rajnath hopes that the same stroke of luck that made him party president will again help him in the run-up to the 2014 polls. He is aiming much higher now, eyeing the prime minister's seat-daring to position himself as the next Vajpayee. Or at least that is what his spin doctors have been trying to project since he took over as BJP president in January. "He comes from the Hindi heartland (Uttar Pradesh) like Vajpayee and his command over the language, coupled with his oratorical skills, are just like Vajpayee's," says a close aide.

(From left) Rajnath Singh, L.K.Advani and Sushma Swaraj during the first meeting of newly-appointed BJP office-bearers in April.
(From left) Rajnath Singh, L.K.Advani and Sushma Swaraj during the first meeting of newly-appointed BJP office-bearers in April.
In fact, newly appointed General Secretary Varun Gandhi probably took a cue from that when he compared Rajnath with Vajpayee at an election rally in Bareilly on May 1. For the time being, Rajnath is projecting Varun as the face of Uttar Pradesh elections. The mutual admiration society of Rajnath and Varun also reflects the party's dilemma on Hindutva. BJP has still not been able to take a decisive stand on whether it stands for Hindutva or governance tempered with nationalism.

Rajnath knows it is best to allow the Modi juggernaut to roll on. Internal surveys from Uttar Pradesh indicate that if Modi is fielded as the party nominee for prime minister, he will add a 12 per cent vote to the party share of 22 per cent. But like others, Rajnath is wary of the Gujarat Chief Minister's single-minded pursuit of his dream of "repaying his debt to the Motherland". The largely unmentioned political reality of Gujarat is that Modi has ensured there are no leaders anywhere near as tall as him in BJP. The Sangh Parivar is wary of him because he has systematically reduced RSS presence in his state. He got rid of RSS man Sanjay Joshi from Gujarat and virtually declared VHP leader Praveen Togadia persona non grata. RSS abhors his autocratic style but has also reluctantly realised that BJP's best chance at forming a government is if Narendra Modi is the NDA's prime ministerial candidate.

The only person that RSS is completely averse to is Advani. He may not be pushing for his candidature actively but he definitely wants to be in a position where he will have a say in the matter. Instead of playing a constructive role, befitting his status as builder of the party, he has painted himself as a martyr, a victim deprived of his rightful status. He pushes Sushma's name when he wants to put down Jaitley. He endorses the name of Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan when he wants to belittle Modi's achievements. "A leader of his stature should be a unifying force instead of a divisive one," says an RSS leader.

For Advani, it has been a perpetual tussle with RSS. Once a Hindutva icon, Advani lost favour with RSS when he praised Mohammad Ali Jinnah during his visit to Pakistan as BJP president in 2005. He was forced to quit and RSS chose Rajnath to succeed him. That was the turning point in RSS's relationship with BJP as it took to micromanaging the party affairs. RSS has made deeper inroads into the party by increasing its representatives in the central party from one to six, working as 'sangathan mantris'.

RSS has made a lateral entry into the party, down to the level of districts and mandals. After Rajnath's term ended, RSS replaced him with Gadkari, their other blue-eyed boy. BJP lost considerable moral ground in its fight against corruption with RSS insisting on giving a second term to Gadkari despite his Purti group of companies being charged with financial malpractices. It took a mini rebellion in the party led by Advani and income tax raids on Gadkari's companies to make RSS relent, with senior leader Yashwant Sinha even threatening to contest against Gadkari for BJP president.
Strategic Blunders

However, RSS still managed to undercut Advani as it succeeded in deputing Rajnath as party president again. The Sangh continues to manage BJP through Rajnath and its sangathan mantris. In fact, some of the RSS men like Prabhat Jha and Om Mathur have been sent to the Rajya Sabha. "RSS is in the process of making a shift from being a nationalist organisation, working in the background, to an actively political one. It is a disturbing trend," cautions a BJP leader. Even as the senior party leaders continue to squabble, it will be left to RSS to take a final call on the party's PM candidate.

RSS leaders prefer confabulations to undercut one another rather than sitting together and working out a strategy to defeat UPA. "BJP seems to think that UPA is going to defeat itself and the next government at the Centre is up for grabs. They are in for a rude shock if they go into the next Lok Sabha elections unprepared and squabbling," says a party leader. As of now, the party has shown no signs of putting its house in order. Even in Parliament, they are seen as being purely obstructionist. "It is fine to stall bills and disrupt parliamentary politics but then they have to specify what they are offering to people. The party is on the verge of losing the goodwill of the middle class, its natural constituency," adds the leader. There is no cohesion and no plan in place"

It's the Economy, Stupid!

In their preoccupation with gaining power, BJP seems to have given policy formulation a complete miss. Its economic agenda is plagued by incoherence. When in government at the Centre between 1998 and 2004, the party was a fervent supporter of tough economic reforms. It was the Vajpayee-led NDA government that had originally proposed drastic measures like allowing 100 per cent foreign investment in multi-brand retail. A decade on, the central leadership opportunistically opposed FDI in retail in September 2012 in direct confrontation with the approach of some of their own chief ministers like Narendra Modi who have actively courted FDI across sectors. The central leadership is now opposing raising the FDI limit in insurance, a policy BJP had always supported.

The party's dogmatic approach to economic policy makes it impossible to distinguish it from the Congress, which is instinctively anti-reform, at a time voters are looking for an alternative reformist economic agenda. It was the NDA Government under Vajpayee that first set up a Ministry for Disinvestment in 1999. The UPA later lowered its status to a department within the ministry of finance in 2004. But under the NDA, the disinvestment ministry, headed by Arun Shourie between 2000 and 2004, was very proactive. It carried out several high-profile disinvestments, most famously freeing Maruti Suzuki, India's largest car-maker from Government control. It is unfortunate that the BJP no longer sees it fit to even consult Shourie on matters related to economic policy. As an analyst puts it, BJP has done very little outside of the Hindutva to build a narrative, "If you are positioning yourself as a party with a difference, then be different. Construct a New BJP, just as Tony Blair built a New Labour," he says. Yet, whenever it is in desperation, BJP waves the Hindutva flag, not realising the simple truth that India has already gone beyond Ayodhya and what the party needs is not the redundant ideology of religious nationalism but ideas-ideas of change. It has to strike a balance between the twin poles of Hindutva that pleases RSS and governance that appeals to its natural constituency: Urban, aspirational India.

But engrossed in fighting one another, the party has paid little attention to strategy, and at great cost. This was best exemplified in the Karnataka loss. The party dilly-dallied in taking action against scam-tainted B.S. Yeddyurappa for too long. Advani wanted to take the moral high ground by asking him to resign as chief minister. Then party president Gadkari favoured a more practical approach and stood by Yeddyurappa, who had led the party to its sole decisive victory in a south Indian state in 2008. Modi and Jaitley preferred a more nuanced approach. Sushma was sympathetic to Yeddyurappa due to her proximity to brothers Gali Janardhana Reddy and Somasekhara Reddy, who had helped her when she contested from Bellary against Sonia Gandhi in 1999. It was only after then Lokayukta N. Santosh Hegde indicted the Reddy brothers, who were part of the state Cabinet, and Yeddyurappa in his report on illegal mining in July 2011, that they all had to resign. Poor political management, not so much bad governance, brought bjp's house down in Karnataka. Just as it had done Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. In Uttarakhand, the central leadership dithered in bringing back B.C. Khanduri, and when they finally took the decision less than six months before the elections in March 2012, it was too late for him to save the party in the state. As for Himachal, Jaitley had admitted after the results in 2012 that "the rebellion in the party" was perhaps a factor in BJP's defeat.

It is ironic that for a party that is bumbling at the Centre, it still leads some of the better governed states in the country including Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Goa, and is an alliance partner in Punjab and Bihar. BJP has emerged as a party of quality governance in these states. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh's food security bill was the model for Sonia Gandhi's Food Security Act that the Congress is trying to push in Parliament. Madhya Pradesh achieved a growth rate of 15 per cent in agriculture for 2012-13, toppling Bihar from the top spot. Modi has shown the way in employment generation and industrialisation in Gujarat. Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar adopted several innovative ideas to curb illegal mining and to earn revenue.

Yet this equity has not helped the BJP at the Centre. On the contrary, state satraps like Chouhan are showing all signs of joining the race for the post of prime minister. Party spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman says so many leaders is reflective of a robust democracy in the party. She also denies that the party leaders have failed to get their act together. "It has become fashionable to say BJP has failed to rise to the occasion with UPA in a mess. There is still time. We'll announce our PM candidate when the time comes," she says.

What the party now needs is a leader with ideas that can reclaim the still vacant space for a modern right-wing party. It has to tap the economic and cultural aspirations of twenty-first century India. As the 2014 General Elections loom, can the BJP afford a hattrick in defeat?


A precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean -- Nature Geoscience


“Myth embodies the nearest approach to absolute truth that can be stated in words.” ― Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Pieces Of Lost Continent Discovered Buried Beneath Indian Ocean
February 25, 2013

From the world wisdom online library: www.worldwisdom.com/public/library/default.aspx
Chapter 16 Science and Myth, the hidden connection, Wolfgang Smith (2006) http://www.worldwisdom.com/uploads/pdfs/237.pdf
"It is fitting in a Memorial Lecture honoring Ananda Coomaraswamy to reflect upon the significance of Myth; for indeed, it was the Sri Lankan savant who opened our eyes to what may be termed the primacy of myth. In one of his several masterpieces—a slender book entitled Hinduism and Buddhism—Coomaraswamy begins by recounting the mythical basis of the respective traditions before turning to their doctrinal formulations. He gives us to understand that myth exceeds doctrine, somewhat as a cause exceeds an effect or the original an artistic reproduction. It is not the function of doctrine to take us out of the founding myth: to “explain it away.” On the contrary, its function is to bring us into the myth; for indeed, the pearl of truth resides in myth as in a sanctuary. Authentic doctrine can take us to the threshold of that sanctuary; but like Moses before the Promised Land, it cannot enter there. Not all doctrine, however, is sacred, and it turns out that atheists and iconoclasts have myths of their own. Not only the wise, but fools also live ultimately by myth; it is only that the respective myths are by no means the same. My first objective will be to exhibit the mythical basis of modern science. In particular, I shall discuss three major scientific myths (generally referred to as “paradigms”): the Newtonian, the Darwinian, and the Copernican. My second objective will be to contrast the myths of Science with the myths of Tradition."

Brett Smith for redOrbit.com – Your Universe Online

Tales of submerged or ‘lost’ areas of land have been prevalent in popular culture since the days of Plato. Yet, while we never found the lost city of Atlantis, an international group of scientists has found evidence of an ancient micro-continent resting beneath two islands in the Indian Ocean.

Until around 750 million years ago, all of the dry land on Earth was collected into a single continent called Rodinia, the older supercontinent counterpart to the more well-known Pangaea. The supercontinent was driven apart by tectonic forces, slowly fragmenting and drifting apart some 750 million years ago.

New evidence suggests at least one landmass got lost in this continental ballet that occurred millions of years before the emergence of man. According to a new report in Nature Geoscience, a strip of land, which scientists have dubbed Mauritia, linked the landmasses that would later become modern day India and Madagascar between 2,000 and 85 million years ago.

The team of British, Norwegian, South African and German scientists made this discovery while studying grains of sand from the beaches of Mauritius, a tiny yet popular tropical island in the Indian Ocean. Using lead-uranium dating techniques, the team was able to date the grains back to a volcanic eruption that occurred around nine million years ago, yet they contained minerals that were between roughly 600 million and 2 billion years old.

“We found zircons that we extracted from the beach sands, and these are something you typically find in a continental crust,” co-author Trond Torsvik of the University of Oslo, Norway told BBC News. “They are very old in age.”

After a recalculation of geohistorical plate tectonics, the team was able to explain how and where the fragments ended up on Mauritius. They said that large plumes of magma rise from deep within the Earth and soften the tectonic plates from below until the plates break apart at the hotspots.

“On the one hand, it shows the position of the plates relative to the two hotspots at the time of the rupture, which points towards a causal relation,” said Bernhard Steinberger of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, who also co-authored the report. “On the other hand, we were able to show that the continent fragments continued to wander almost exactly over the Reunion plume, which explains how they were covered by volcanic rock.”

Torsvik said that pieces of Mauritia might be located about 6 miles beneath the Indian Ocean and around Mauritius. About 85 million years ago, the microcontinent broke up and eventually disappeared beneath the waves.

“But once upon a time, it was sitting north of Madagascar,” Torsvik noted. “And what we are saying is that maybe this was much bigger, and there are many of these continental fragments that are spread around in the ocean.”

“We need seismic data which can image the structure,” Torsvik said. “Or you can drill deep, but that would cost a lot of money.” He says that future studies of the area will be focused on finding out more details about the lost landmass.

Source: Brett Smith for redOrbit.com - Your Universe Online

A Precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean

Nature Geoscience
10 August 2012 
18 January 2013 
Published online
24 February 2013

The Laccadive–Chagos Ridge and Southern Mascarene Plateau in the north-central and western Indian Ocean, respectively, are thought to be volcanic chains formed above the Réunion mantle plume1 over the past 65.5 million years23. Here we use U–Pb dating to analyse the ages of zircon xenocrysts found within young lavas on the island of Mauritius, part of the Southern Mascarene Plateau. We find that the zircons are either Palaeoproterozoic (more than 1,971 million years old) or Neoproterozoic (between 660 and 840 million years old). We propose that the zircons were assimilated from ancient fragments of continental lithosphere beneath Mauritius, and were brought to the surface by plume-related lavas. We use gravity data inversion to map crustal thickness and find that Mauritius forms part of a contiguous block of anomalously thick crust that extends in an arc northwards to the Seychelles. Using plate tectonic reconstructions, we show that Mauritius and the adjacent Mascarene Plateau may overlie a Precambrian microcontinent that we call Mauritia. On the basis of reinterpretation of marine geophysical data4, we propose that Mauritia was separated from Madagascar and fragmented into a ribbon-like configuration by a series of mid-ocean ridge jumps during the opening of the Mascarene ocean basin between 83.5 and 61 million years ago. We suggest that the plume-related magmatic deposits have since covered Mauritia and potentially other continental fragments.

 Circled numbers denote times (Myr) when the Réunion plume26 was beneath or near the Indian (red circle) or African plates. Triangles denote dated sites (see also inset map for ages). The red line is the 1% slow contour in the SMEAN mode…Figure 1Crustal thickness map based on gravity inversion and the Réunion hotspot chain.

Figure 2U–Pb concordia diagram. Data are shown with 2σ error ellipses (Supplementary Table S1) surrounded by yellow circles. Corresponding zircon grains are shown in microscope view before analysis. The two largest grains, which give concordant to nearly concordant re…

Figure 3Late Cretaceous to Eocene plate reconstructions. Mantle reference frame26 with surface location for Réunion (R) and Marion (Ma) hotspots. Mean plate speeds calculated for India (IND) and Africa (AFR). a, During the opening of the Mascarene Basin (83.5–70MyrBP), Mauritius (M) and par…




Plate tectonics: Calling card of a ghost continent

Nature Geoscience
Published online
27 February 2013

Where continents break apart, new ocean basins are formed. The discovery of ancient continental minerals on a young, volcanic island suggests that parts of the Indian Ocean floor may be underlain by fragments of a long-lost continent. 


  1. Conall Mac Niocaill is in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3AN, UK

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Article toolshttp://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v6/n3/full/ngeo1748.html

1,000-year-old Chola-era temple facing threat of demolition


The 1000 year-old Naganathasamy temple built by Rajendra Cholan. Photo: B. Velankanni Raj
KUMBAKONAM, May 16, 2013
1,000-year-old Chola-era temple facing threat of demolition G. Srinivasan

Road under the Thanjavur-Vikkiravandi four-way project to be expanded

A 1,000-year-old Siva temple at Manambadi village near Kumbakonam is facing the threat of demolition for expansion of a road under the Thanjavur-Vikkiravandi four-way project of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

The State government's Archaeology Department declared it a protected monument 30 years ago but neglected it, leaving the temple’s vimana in a dilapidated condition and enveloped by creepers. The stone structure below the vimana, with intricate sculptures, and the sanctum sanctorum with a Siva lingam are intact.

The temple has an entrance without a gopuram. The prahara has flower plants. A broken compound wall is also around the temple.

The NHAI has now decided to demolish this temple for widening the highway and has already marked the portion to be demolished. While the compound wall on the northern side, the Amman temple and the Chandikeswarar temple will be demolished, the road will come very close to the main structure, which may result in its falling apart once the road is put to use.

The people of the village, historians and archaeologists have opposed the move and appealed to the State government and NHAI to divert the road project to the extreme northern side of the temple, sparing the structure and protecting the monument.

According to Kudavayil Balasubramanian, epigraphist and historian, this temple was constructed by Rajendra Chola (1012-1044 AD). During Chola rule, the village was called ‘Elaichikudi’, and ‘Veeranarayanapuram’. The temple’s name was ‘Sri Kailasam’.

“This temple possesses more than ten inscriptions of the Chola period. Some of the sculptures on the walls of the main structure are those of Nataraja, which is an outstanding one. Another sculpture depicting Rajendra Chola worshipping the Lord with his wives is seen. Other sculptures depict Ganapathi, Dakshinamurthy, Ligotpava, Vishnu, Brahma, Gangadharamurthy, Durga and Arthanari. Among Chola sculptures, they are the unique ones,” Balasubramanian said.

In a memorandum to the Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and NHAI, Mr. Balasubramanian pleaded for steps to stop the demolition of the temple. “The irony is that the 1,000th year celebration of the coronation of Rajendra Chola, son of Raja Raja Chola, will take place in 2014. The demolition of a temple constructed by him will be shameful for the entire Tamil community,” Mr. Balasubramanian said in his letter.


Nepotism case against Kapil mounts. PC also involved.

Thursday, 16 May 2013 | PNS | New Delhi

A day after Law Minister Kapil Sibal reversed his predecessor Ashwani Kumar’s decision in the Vodafone taxation case, Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday released a set of documents to allege that Sibal’s decision was a clear case of “conflict” of interest.

The Pioneer was first to report about Sibal’s “conflict” of interest in its Tuesday edition. Bhushan and Kejriwal also revealed that at the time of Vodafone acquisition of Hutchison in 2007, the two companies along with Essar set aside Rs 2,000 crore to deal with legal hurdles. Bhushan alleged that this deal executed in London was mainly for lobbying in India.

The anti-corruption crusaders also produced a Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) document, which showed that Finance Minister P Chidambaram overruled the objections of FIPB officials on Vodafone takeover of Hutchison because it violated the maximum permissible limit of 74 per cent.

Accusing Sibal of “starting corruption within 24 hours” of becoming Law Minister by helping Vodafone in Rs 11,000-crore tax dispute, the duo produced documents to show Sibal’s lawyer son Amit Sibal was engaged by Hutchison to fight its legal cases in India.

While Sibal is yet to react, his son Amit Sibal said the allegations were baseless as he had stopped representing Hutchison and other telecom companies from 2010 onward.

“Prashant Bhushan knew all. But he preferred to put blame on me. The last time I appeared for a telecom company was on April 22, 2010, much before Mr Sibal became the Telecom Minister. I have consciously avoided taking such cases. The last time I appeared for Vodafone was over three years ago when the issue of taxation was not there,” said Amit.

“Within 24 hours of getting Law Ministry, Kapil Sibal sahib started doing corruption. He all of a sudden reversed the decision taken by his predecessor Ashwini Kumar and directed for negotiation with Vodafone, the biggest tax evader. His son Amit Sibal represented Hutchison in several cases, including the cases related to tax evasion and FIPB violations. Kapil Sibal-Chidambaram-Vahanvati coterie is involved in this huge corruption to save Vodafone.”

“Sibal’s decision is totally illegal and against the IT amendment law passed by Parliament,” said the Aam Admi Party leaders.

Accusing Chidambaram of trying to act against the laws passed by Parliament in this regard, Bhushan and Kejriwal alleged that in 2007 during his tenure as Finance Minister in UPA-I, Chidambaram overruled the objections of FIPB officials on the deal. As per the norms in telecom sector maximum foreign investment allowed is 74 per cent. The documents produced by the AAP leaders showed that FIPB officials had pointed out that Hutchison was holding around 89 per cent shares in the name of benami companies owned by Analijt Singh and Asim Ghosh.

“However Chidambaram pressurised the officers to ignore their own findings about the benami ownership of Hutchison through the companies owned by Analjith Singh and Asim Ghosh. After he again became Finance Minister, he started working against the law passed by Parliament on taxing the Vodafone, which acquired Hutchison. I worked in Income Tax. Under what authority, Chidambaram talks about negotiations with a tax evader?” asked Kejriwal.

Bhushan and Kejriwal also produced an agreement between Hutchison and Essar Group companies worth more than Rs 2,000 crore. This deal was executed on March 2007, when file of Vodafone-Hutchison takeover was pending with FIPB.

“This agreement clearly says that Essar Group would help the Hutchison and Vodafone in handling the FIPB and Court related issues by dismissal or withdrawal of cases in Courts and FIPB. This agreement is totally illegal. How can anyone engage in such agreements on settling cases in courts and FIPB? This is nothing but an agreement for lobbying. These activities of Sibal, Chidamabram and Vahanvati revolve around the Rs 2,000 crore.”

Accusing Sibal and Chidambaram of helping Vodafone to escape tax liability, the AAP leaders said that Government has no right to go for negotiation with tax evaders.

“Where is the question of the Government negotiating with Vodafone on a tax liability crystalised by Parliament by law? Does the government negotiate tax liability with other offenders? In fact, CBI was investigating the illegal lobbying agreement of Rs 2000 crore paid by Vodafone and Hutchison to Essar Group for securing the FIPB clearance and for securing the dismissal of the court cases. How CBI can go on a deal where powerful Ministers like Chidambaram and Sibal were involved? Ironically, the same Ministers are now entrusted with the job of securing independence of the CBI. The result is a forgone conclusion. Only the country is being looted by these unending cycles of scams,” they said.


'Secularism is the most abused word in Kerala'


'Nobody uttered a word when Advani came to Sivagiri mutt'

Shobha Warrier


Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi being welcomed at the Sivagiri mutt in Kerala. (Inset) Vellappally Natesan

Ever since the Sivagiri Mutt in Kerala invited Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as the chief guest of the Sree Narayana Dharma Meemamsa Parishad, Kerala politics has taken a new direction. 

What has become interesting is the coming together of two major Hindu groups -- the Shree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam and the Nair Service Society. Till now, the SNDP, largely representing the Ezhavas and the NSS representing the Nairs in Kerala, had resisted sharing the same platform.

Now, the leaders of both the groups are talking about the coming together of the two major communities and if it really happens, it can change the political scene in Kerala that has been dominated by the Congress-led United Democratic Front and the Communist-led Left Democratic Front.

In this exclusive interview, Vellappally Natesan, general secretary of the SNDP, talks torediff.com's Shobha Warrier about the prospective alliance and also about Narendra Modi.

Was inviting Narendra Modi to the golden jubilee of the Sree Narayana Dharma Meemamsa Parishad a decision of the Sivagiri Mutt alone or does the SNDP have any role in it?

The SNDP has absolutely no role in it. It was a decision taken by the mutt. We were not there on the dias also. Who should be invited for the celebration of the mutt is the prerogative of the Dharma Meemamsa Parishad. We have no authority there.

Pinarayi Vijayan said by inviting Modi for the celebrations, the mutt has lost its secular credentials. What do you have to say about that?

Modi came only now. Do you know, before that, L K Advani had come but at that time, nobody had uttered a word. That was a bigger meet than this one. They raised this kind of accusations only when Modi visited. If these people had kept quiet, nobody would have even known about his visit. Modi's visit became national news only because these people made all kinds of noise. 


'Hindus, Muslims, Christians voted for Modi in Gujarat'


Modi being felicitated at Sivagiri mutt

Why don't those who criticise Modi forget Modi's political ideology and look at what he has done for his state? He must have done something really right for the people of Gujarat to elect him for the third time. You must remember that he became the chief minister for the third time not because only Hindus voted for him but because all the people of Gujarat voted for him -- which includes Hindus, Muslims and Christians. If the Christians and Muslims of Gujarat have no complaint against him, why do these people from Kerala complain?

The Left parties described Modi's visit as a black day in Kerala...

I don't think so.

It was unnecessary to make such comments about a chief minister. If these people had not made such comments, Modi's visit would not have become such a huge popular event. There were lakhs of people assembled to see him, and listen to Modi. It was only because some politicians protested that it became such a huge success. Those who criticised it should know that a few sanyasis would not be able to make any impact on the Kerala political scene.

What I am saying is, you try to see the good things Modi has done, the development work he has done for his state.

It is now said that it was the Modi effect that is responsible for the SNDP and NSS holding discussions for a possible coming together. Is it true?

It is not the Modi Effect. We are meeting and talking so that the majority community can get all the benefits that they truly deserve. Of course, our common platform will have a secular outlook. When we talk about our rights, we are also talking about the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes who have been denied many of their rights.

What we see in Kerala is, both the political fronts in Kerala compete with each other to provide all the power, wealth, facilities and benefits only to the minority communities. This resulted in political power resting only in the hands of the minorities with the majority community being totally sidelined.


'Secularism is the most abused word in Kerala'


Do you really feel the majority community has no role in ruling the state?

Is there any doubt about that? Who has all the wealth? Who has all the land? In every field, there is an uneven distribution. When you distribute wealth, power and land, it has to be divided equally among all the people of the state. It may seem small but you look at the personal staff of all the ministers, who dominates there? 

When these ministers are elected by people from all communities, how can they favour only one community? Is it right when these ministers behave as if they are the ministers of only their own community?

When did you start feeling alienated?

We have started seeing this discrimination for quite some time; it is not a new phenomenon. When all of us started seeing and experiencing such injustice, we all felt the time has come for all of us to come together to fight this injustice and discrimination. For the last 4-5 years, we have been thinking of a united front.

Are SNDP and NSS looking at a united Hindu platform?

Our agenda is not a united Hindu platform. When we say a united Hindu platform, people will misconstrue it as BJP agenda. What we are talking about is a union of the majority communities and this will be a secular platform.

Both the UDF and LDF also say they are secular fronts?

What secularism are they talking about? Just by saying, we are secular, nobody becomes secular. It is a very beautiful word but it is the most abused word here. If you want to see the monstrous face of secularism, you have to only look at the personal staff of all these ministers.

We have been independent for more than six decades but have the scheduled castes and tribes in India tasted independence even today? Except shouting for their rights, what have all those in power done for these marginalised communities?


'Justice should not be only on paper; it should be for people'


Do you feel only if the SNDP and NSS come together, there will be a change in the political scene in Kerala?

Yes. Only if we stand together will we be able to bring about a change. Both the left, centre and right work hard to bring the other communities together under vote bank politics while the disunited majority community is totally neglected. Both the fronts in Kerala saw to it that the majority community is always disunited and they remain as many splintered groups. They even try to create fights amongst us.

Only because there was no unity among the majority community, they have been denied justice in all the fields including politics, education and wealth. The majority community in Kerala has been a victim of all this for quite some time, and the time has come for them to come together and seek justice.

Will this alliance develop into a political party?

There is no chance of this alliance turning into a political party. Our aim is to be a political force. 

You have two political fronts in Kerala, the UDF and the LDF. To which side will this alliance lean?

We will have no leanings towards any of the fronts. We will not look towards the right or the left; we would only utter some of the social truth that has not found expression so far.

Without taking a political stance, how far can you achieve what you stand for?

To make politicians and political parties see the truth, it is not essential to be a political party. More than that, we can indulge in pressure tactics if we are a formidable power. If we want to be a formidable power, we have to stand united. To some extent, it will help us get justice.

You must understand that we have no plan to grab what other communities have; we want to give justice to all the people whether they are Ezhavas or Nairs or Namboodiris. Justice should not be only on paper; it should be for people. 


'There is no ideology in politics; only opportunism'


In what direction will this alliance move forward?

All of us will sit together and decide on the future course of action.

Kerala is said to be a 100% literate state but many political parties in Kerala are based on either caste or religion. What do you have to say about this? Is this right?

No, it is not right. A government should be ruling for all people and not for any particular caste or religion. But what do we see? All the parties, whether of the left or right, they all encourage and give importance only to particular religious groups. They make them part of their alliance and use them as vote banks. This is what we see today. Is this not a tragedy?

There is no ideology in politics; only opportunism. They are only interested in exploiting caste and religion and in no time, Kerala will once again be a lunatic asylum like Swami Vivekananda said once.

What do people want? Development. Nothing else. Can Kerala politicians achieve at least 10% of what Modi did in Gujarat? Didn't he take Nano plant to Gujarat from West Bengal by giving them electricity, land and water? Can any politician in Kerala help start something like that here? When you talk about the Modi Model, you look at his development model and forget the politics he follows. Shibu Baby John meeting Modi and trying to learn the development model he follows there, has been looked upon as a crime by the ruling party. How narrow minded these people are! You should have an open mind to appreciate the good done by anyone.

Will the SNDP- NSS unity change the social and political scenario in Kerala?

The time has not yet come to talk about all that. You wait and watch what happens in future!

Quick-fix country at jugaad crossroads

Quick-fix country at jugaad crossroads

- To junk or not to junk a symbol
G.S. MUDUR May 16, 2013

New Delhi, May 15: When news broke that the Supreme Court had described jugaad as a “menace to public safety”, some sighs were emitted. Not for the rag-tag contraption that ferries humans and materials but for the concept of quick-fix improvisation that the word came to symbolise in India.

The court said jugaad, the vehicles that run mostly in northern India on diesel-powered irrigation pumps, would have to be registered and carry third party insurance.

The scientific community appears split over jugaad, the concept. While some scientists who specialise in technology innovation believe jugaad is not something to celebrate, others contend that such improvisations cannot be dismissed as they have at times helped achieve objectives even in high-technology domains.

India’s first home-grown scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) — an instrument that allows scientists to probe surfaces at the atomic level — was, some say, fabricated during the 1980s through as much or even more jugaad as is required to put together the passenger transport contraptions.

“This STM effort by physicists in Pune was a concrete example of jugaad in science and technology,” said Pankaj Sekhsaria, a researcher in Hyderabad, pursuing a doctoral degree in the culture of innovation through the Maastricht University in The Netherlands.

Physicist C.V. Dharmadhikari and his colleagues at the University of Pune used a discarded refrigerator, stepper motors from junked computers, tubes from car tyres, and bungee chords to fabricate the first STM, Sekhsaria has documented this week in Current Science, a journal published by the Indian Academy of Sciences.

They also used weights from grocers’ shops, aluminium vessels from kitchens and bobbins from sewing machines to make the first prototype STM, Sekhsaria said.

Each component had a specific role in the instrument. The refrigerator, for example, served as an acoustic shell.

“The microscopes worked very well, and the scientists were able to publish research papers in leading peer-reviewed journals,” Sekhsaria told The Telegraph. “Something shouldn’t be dismissed just because it involved jugaad.”

Scientists familiar with the history of the Indian space programme recall how the country’s first experimental communications satellite called APPLE (Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment) was ferried a short distance on a bullock cart before its launch via a European rocket in 1981.

Researchers point out that unusual innovation is not something unique to India. Cyrus Modi, who teaches history of science, technology and engineering at the Rice University in the US, has published a paper where he has described how European researchers used “hand-crushed pawn-shop diamonds glued to tinfoil cantilevers with brushes made from their own eyebrow hair” in fabricating components of atomic force microscopes.

But a senior Indian chemical engineer and an expert in technology innovation said he did not even like the word jugaad.

“We should not be celebrating this at all,” said Raghunath Mashelkar, former director general of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. “I’m not saying we should not appreciate the improvisation efforts that may have had societal impacts, but India needs to move to the next level, and that won’t come by celebrating jugaad,” Mashelkar said.

“What India should aim for is affordable excellence — the two terms may sound contradictory, but that’s what we should be doing,” he said.

Some analysts have linked jugaad to risk and questioned its value as a developmental tool. “Jugaad is a product of widespread poverty and underpins dependencies stemming from dilapidated infrastructure, unsafe transport practices, and resource constraints,” Thomas Birtchnell, a researcher from Lancaster University in the UK wrote two years ago in a paper published in Contemporary South Asia.

“Jugaad impacts on society in negative and undesirable ways... these factors make it wholly unsuitable as a development tool,” Birtchnell wrote.


Organic rice farmer in India yields over 22 tons of crop on only two acres, proving the fraud of GMOs and Big Ag

Organic rice farmer in India yields over 22 tons of crop on only two acres, proving the fraud of GMOs and Big Ag

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Despite all the claims made by industry-funded hacks that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and other industrial agricultural methods are necessary for the future of humanity, it is the traditional growing methods that continue to shine through as the real sustainers of life. As reported by Gaia Health, Indian rice farmers using traditional, organic growing methods are achieving yields far higher than farmers using more modern methods.

In the case of Sumant Kumar, rice yields have surpassed the national average per hectare (about 2.5 acres) nearly ten-fold. According to reports, Kumar is currently yielding about 22.4 tons of rice per hectare, greatly surpassing that of other rice farms currently outputting roughly 2.3 tons per hectare. His secret? A traditional crop management protocol known as System of Root Intensification, or SRI.

Farmers adhering to SRI techniques will typically plant about half the number of seeds as farmers using more modern methods, and will space them out at intervals of about 10 inches. They also plant their seeds much younger, and keep the soil dryer, while paying much closer attention to weed growth. By hand-removing weeds, SRI farmers are able to allow more water and nutrients to feed their rice plants, which results in significantly higher yields.

"Farmers use less seeds, less water and less chemicals but they get more without having to invest more," says Dr. Surendra Chaurassa, agriculture minister to the region where Kumar's farm is located, as quoted byThe Observer. "This is revolutionary. I did not believe it to start with, but now I think it can potentially change the way everyone farms. I would want every state to promote it. If we get 30 to 40 percent increase in yields, that is more than enough to recommend it."

System of Root Intensification methods could provide more than enough food to feed humanity

According to Gaia Health, SRI methods originated in ancient Madagascar, and were passed on from generation to generation among villagers. An agronomist by the name of Henri de Laulanie observed the methods back in the 1980s, and brought them back into use, teaching other farmers how to utilize them with limited resources. And perhaps the greatest aspect of SRI is that it is not tied to the biotechnology industry or Big Ag.

"SRI offers millions of disadvantaged households far better opportunities," Norman Uphoff, Director of the International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development at Cornell University is quoted as saying by The Observer. "Nobody is benefiting from this except the farmers; there are no patents, royalties or licensing fees."

This is good news, as Monsanto and others in the agriculture-for-obscene-profits industry are aggressively pursuing market expansions in developing countries like India. If the truth about the benefits of SRI can be widely disseminated, poor farmers across the globe will be well-equipped to reject the lies of Big Ag and the GMO industry.

"The farmers know SRI works, but help is needed to train them," says Anil Verma, an agronomist from the small Indian non-governmental organization (NGO) Pran, or Preservation and Proliferation of Rural Resources and Nature, which has been reintroducing SRI methods to villages all across the third-world for the past three years. "We know it works differently in different soils but the principles are solid. The biggest problem we have is that people want to do it but we do not have enough trainers."

SRI methods can also be used to grow other crops like wheat, sugar cane, and teff. To learn more, visit:http://sri.ciifad.cornell.edu/

Sources for this article include:



Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure: The Inside Story


See also:
http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/08/gods-gold-padmanabhaswamy-treasure.html God's gold: Padmanabhaswamy treasure

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/last-of-treasure-stays-behind-closed.html Last of treasure stays behind closed doors for now

Why Sri Padmanabhaswamy chambers were opened - DNA

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/eclectic-architecture-exquisite.html Eclectic architecture, exquisite features: Padmanabhaswamy Temple

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/theres-complete-record-of-temple.html There’s a complete record of temple treasures | Padmanabhaswamy temple | | The New Indian Express

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/riches-belong-to-nobody-certainly-not.html 'The riches belong to nobody, certainly not to our family' -- Uthradam Thirunal Marthanda Verma

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/padmanabha-dasas-and-political-class.html Padmanabha dasas and political class | Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple | |

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/exclusive-rs5-lakh-crore-treasure.html Exclusive! 'Rs5 lakh crore treasure belongs to Lord Padmanabha' - India - DNA

http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2011/07/lord-vishnus-royal-servants-guard-his.html Lord Vishnu's royal servants guard his riches - The Times of India

Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure: The Inside Story

In July 2011, the Sree Anantha Padmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, captured world headlines when vast wealth was discovered in its vaults, catapulting it to the position of the world's richest temple. The wealth came to light as a result of on-going litigation concerning control of the ancient temple. The Supreme Court of India ordered an inventory of the temple's six sacred vaults. Four of the vaults, which are opened regularly, contained no surprises. The remaining two, denoted A and B by the court and said to be unopened for centuries, caused great excitement.

A media frenzy ensued after vault A was opened in the presence of a committee appointed by the court. Heaps of gold coins, hundreds of big gold chains, crowns, Deities and other precious valuables of antiquity lay buried under broken dusty cabinets. News of the "treasure" dominated TV screens and newspapers. In no time, fake photos circulated on the Internet. Rumored figures of the value of the wealth neared 38 billion dollars. The flow of misinformation, so-called expert analysis and suggestions for use of this wealth have continued since. The Supreme Court explicitly rejected all hypothetical estimates valuing the find: "What is appearing in the newspapers is just surmises and conjectures."

The temple, located at Kerala's southern end, is a trust managed and administrated by the erstwhile royal family of Travancore, the former princely state of the area. The temple Deity, Lord Vishnu, is represented by Sri Padmanabha reclining on the serpent Anantha. The unusual, 18-foot-long murti is made of 12,000 shaligram stones brought from the Gandaki river in Nepal.

Indian law allows a State government to seize control of a religious institution that is being mismanaged. As a result, for example, nearly all the temples in Tamil Nadu, including the incomparable Chidambaram Temple--are now under state control. [Hinduism Today, which has followed this issue since the 1980s, has never discovered a case where the law was used to seize an institution of any other religion.]

History of the Case

In 2007, T. P. Sundara Rajan and Sri Padmanabhan brought a case claiming mismanagement and misappropriation of the temple assets. On January 31, 2011, Kerala's High Court ordered that control of the temple pass to the State. The royal family appealed to India's Supreme Court, which responded by ordering an inventory of the temple's assets.

After opening vault A on June 28 and inspecting its riches, the committee observed a snake insignia on the door of vault B--a warning that opening it is prohibited by divine sanction. Many fear that opening the vault could lead to calamity for the city and personal harm to the royal family. This omen gained credence even among skeptics when one original petitioner, T. P. Sundara Rajan, died just days after the opening of vault A. His untimely demise led to comparisons with the supposed curse upon those who, in 1922, opened the tomb of the Egyptian King Tutankhamun--which was also guarded by the image of a snake. Sundara Rajan's death, interpreted as divine retribution, caused considerable alarm in the city.

Before the court's judgment regarding the opening vault B, several respected astrologers sought to divine the will of the Deity by conducting a ceremony called Ashtamangala Devaprasnam at the request of the royal family. They reported that the contents of vault A had been defiled by the investigation and that opening Vault B would incur the Deity's displeasure. Initial attempts to open Vault B in July failed and, to date, no further attempt has been made.

My First-Hand Report

In September, I requested assignment from Hinduism Today to go to Kerala and explore the situation. I found the topic on everyone's mind in Trivandrum. Many sided with the royal family, who are held in the highest regard here. Some told me that Sundara Rajan's case had been vindictive in nature, that he was unhappy with his treatment by temple officers and sought revenge on the Maharaja, Uthradom Tirunal Marthanda Varma. The second petitioner, Padmanabhan, is a temple worker who was suspended for alleged misconduct.

I learned how deep feelings are running there when I asked my taxi driver if he thought the Maharaja was stealing the temple's wealth, as accused. He stopped short in the busy road, angrily slapped his head and let out a stream of Malayalam curses against those questioning the Maharaja's honesty. I took that as a "No."
Staking Claim to the Treasure

When the Supreme Court ordered the opening of the six vaults on June 18, 2011, they appointed a seven-member expert committee headed by C. V. Ananda Bose, the director general of National Museums. The committee included representatives of the Archeological Survey of India (ASI), the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), retired judges of the Kerala High Court, the Maharaja and Jaya Kumar, the high-ranking Additional Chief Secretary of Kerala's state government.

The reports of vault A's contents generated an avalanche of suggestions on what do with the wealth--even though the Chief Minister of Kerala, Oommen Chandy, stated, "No part of the wealth belongs to any person except the Deity, Lord Padmanabhaswamy."

Under Indian law, the Deity of a temple is a "juristic person," and all of the temple properties and wealth are held in the Deity's name. This principle was honored even under British rule. (Recently London courts reaffirmed the principle in the case of a 12th-century Nataraja murti that had been stolen from the ancient Pathur Temple in Tamil Nadu. Police confiscated the Deity from the British Museum in 1982, and it was eventually returned to India.)

At stake in the Padmanabha Temple case is not the right to own the wealth, but the control of it, and of the temple itself, both of which are now under the royal family's oversight. Several such government takeovers (such as that of the Tiruvattar Kesava Perumal temple in Tamil Nadu) have been followed by systematic looting of the temple's wealth by persons in connivance with the priests. Tiruvattar, which belonged to the same royal family, was known to be richer than Padmanabhaswamy Temple. In the 1990s it came to light that a huge amount of gold decorations for the Deity had been replaced with copper plates. It is speculated that the temple has vaults similar to those at Padhmanabha.

Kerala's Communist Party Leader, V. S. Achutanandan, an atheist, claimed that the Padmanabha wealth belongs to the people and demanded it be used for social welfare programs. Others suggested displaying the sacred treasures and murtis in a Louvre-like museum. Some advocated an auction, with the proceeds going toward education, development, roads or even reduction of India's national debt.

Shashi Tharoor, a member of parliament from Trivandrum and a former Foreign Affairs Minister, told a local news channel, "I object to those who are anxious to be generous with other people's money. It's important that we honor the sanctity of the temple and its possessions. It is the symbol of the city. "

Central to the petitioners' request for takeover of the temple is the claim that the temple was always under control of a committee, and not the king. The committee consisted of six brahmins and a secretary and was presided over by the Namboodiri Chief Priest. These eight members--called the Ettara Yogam and appointed by the king--managed the temple. Eetta means "eight" and ara (for arasan) means "king."Shungoony Menon, author of A History of Travancore, mistranslated ettara as "eight and a half," claiming that the king had only a half vote in temple affairs. This reference was used by the petitioners to argue that the king held only nominal power, and thus, could not assert control of the temple.

In a joint statement, experts Prof. Shashibushan, Dr. Raja and Uma, countered this claim, saying, "No voting system ever existed, there are no records to show that this 8-1/2 voting, or any voting system existed. This is a completely English concept that had influenced the writer's opinions and is a distortion of history." Other scholars, including Elankulam Kunjanan Pillai and Dr. A.G. Menon, also dismissed Shungoony Menon's half-vote theory.

Tight Security. Or Is It?

It will take at least a year to catalog, analyze and individually value the contents of vault A. Since all of the items are antiquities, their value is exceptional, but no list and not a single photo has been released to the public (though there are bogus photos circulating on the Internet). The small amount of valid information that is known is said to have been leaked in breach of confidentiality by an over-enthusiastic committee member or by petitioner Sundara Rajan, who eagerly addressed the media upon exiting the vault.

The royal family was displeased with the leaks. Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lakshmi Bayi, niece of the present Maharaja, told me, "He or his representatives would come out and regularly give details to the press. Sundara Rajan was a police officer and should have been aware of the security concerns. It's surprising that he was not prevented from talking. But then, the BBC acknowledged Ananda Padmanabhan, Sundara Rajan's lawyer, as being one of those who revealed details. We informed the court through our representatives that there was a serious security threat with this breach."

Nearly 40 persons were involved in the inspection of vault A. They included jewelers brought in to weigh the ornaments, technicians supplying oxygen to the underground chambers and security personnel. Each person represented an increased risk of leaks.As a result, security in the area has been greatly increased, to the considerable inconvenience of local residents. A five-kilometer wide "sanitized" zone has been established in which vehicles may be searched and no construction is allowed.

Jaya Kumar, the government representative on the court-appointment committee, summed matters up for Hinduism Today in an exclusive interview: "No one is claiming the treasure, neither the State nor the royal family. It is not palace property, but has been offered to the Lord Himself."

Jaya Kumar defended the need for an inventory, saying it would prevent future thefts, and that it is the State's responsibility to guard the treasure, now that they know about it. Throughout the court case, he explained, the government has taken the position that the temple was well run, and there was no need for intervention.

He criticized the premature publicity by other committee members. "I feel that one mistake some of the observers made was sharing their feelings about the find in public. I wasn't awestruck by the jewels and ornaments. I was just doing my duty. Only after the news broke did my wife ask me why I hadn't mentioned any of the riches in the vaults and wondered why I was so stoic about it. Now it is up to the court what to do with the treasures."

The Vaults

The vaults (kalaras in Malayalam) are inconspicuously tucked around the perimeter of the sanctum sanctorum. "Common people who have no connection with the temple will not know these are the vaults," noted Dr. R. P. Raja, a senior scholar and historian. "According to temple protocol, three people are necessary to open these vaults. The keys to the vault are held in a safe in a strongroom in the temple. The key to the safe is with the maharaja, and the key to the strongroom is with the princess. The executive officer, the representative of the maharaja, the treasurer, and at least 12 people on duty whose names are registered are required to be present whenever the vaults are opened, and these are clearly documented."

Two vaults on the northwestern side are opened eight times a year to bring out ornaments and other items for special festivals. Two other vaults house puja items for daily use. Temple sources state the vaults under contention, vaults A and B, were never opened, as there was no need to do so.

On entering vault A, the team found an empty, dusty room in which they discovered a hatch in the floor and steps leading to an underground chamber containing the wealth. They also tried at that time to open vault B, but the key failed to work. Now, in addition to trepidation occasioned by the serpent image, there are concerns that opening vault B's heavy door may result in structural damage.

Princess Gouri Lakshmi Bayi told Hinduism Today, "None of us has been inside the vaults. We knew that Padmanabha was rich, but not to what extent. Even Uncle did not know about the contents of vault A. The find came as a huge surprise to us all."
The Royal Family

The temple has an archive of 3,000 palm-leaf bundles. They contain records of donations, rituals, festivals, royal adoptions, appointments and even minor altercations among the staff. Some of the bundles are Palace Manuals, which contain detailed instructions to the royal family for observance of rituals, donations, traditions and conventions, including the royal adoptions, which are a major feature of Travancore history.

One manual states, for instance, that the king must visit Padmanabha every day to report the day's developments and duties performed. Any default in this incurs a penance--a fine payable to the Deity. To this day, the aging Maharaja visits the temple at 7:30 am and spends ten minutes in front of the Deity, reporting to Him as a humble servant.

The family's devotion was exemplified by Anizham Thirunal Marthanda Varma's Tripadidanam ceremony in 1750, in which he formally dedicated his entire kingdom to the Deity. From that moment on, Lord Padmanabha Himself has been the ruler of Travancore; the royal family function as His faithful servants and trustees. The family has always seen that revenue from temple property went to the temple. However, the government took over much of the temple's land under the Land Ceiling Act shortly after India's Independence.

The royals' piety is the source of much of the temple's wealth. The Palace Manual requires lavish gifts to the Deity, such as a golden pot of one to two kilos on every birthday in the family. Weddings require a donation of three 18-foot-long gold sarapoli necklaces for the Deity. Maharaja Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma (1813-1846), an extraordinary ruler and patron of the arts, is said to have given 200,000 gold coins in a single day, putting them into the donation box one at a time with his own hands

The current Maharaja, who turns 90 in April, unfailingly fulfills his duty to the Lord. Despite an injury to his feet, he goes to the temple every day. Twice a year he walks barefoot three kilometers with the Aarat procession. In a rare interview, he told me, "I'm a young person of 90, and I'm fortunate to be born in this family which has a great deal of submission to our treasured ideals, traditions and spiritualism." He continues to meet all the expenses of the temple staff from his own pocket, estimated at us$50,000 per month. In addition, the family provide $70,000 per year toward the daily rituals and periodic festivals.

Unlike many other erstwhile princely families in India today, the Travancore family has eschewed political involvement. They live a life of piety and frugality and are revered here by high and low alike. Recent allegations have been painful to the family.

Anantha Krishna, a journalist with one of India's premier dailies, told me, "If the royals really had been looting the temple as alleged, they would have been living in pomp and splendor. Look at the Kaudiar palace. It is badly in need of maintenance, which obviously means huge expenditure. Yet, they are spending out of their personal finances to maintain the temple." Now the court proceedings have placed further financial strain on the family's resources.


Other temples with royal patronage may have had similar stores of wealth, but these have been lost to looting and thieving--not just by the invaders, but by our own people as well. The temples are now a pale shadow of their glorious past. It is a testament to the devotion of its guardians that the Padmanabhaswamy wealth has been preserved.

I spoke to innumerable people in Thiruvananthapuram: auto drivers, the guest house staff, officials, devotees, shopkeepers, laypersons on the street, historians, temple workers, government officials, businessmen and film stars. There was no division of opinion or question about the royal family's integrity or devotion to Padmanabhaswamy. "Everyone knows the Maharaja and his family are totally honest, and even those criticizing them secretly agree that their integrity is of the highest order," offered one of the communist union workers.

If this sort of takeover attempt were aimed at a religious center of any other religion, one can easily imagine the worldwide expression of outrage that would ensue. A 2003 attempt by the Kerala government to merely inventory the wealth of the state's Christian churches was canceled after a storm of protests from church officials. But most Hindu organizations have been silent in the matter of Padmanabhaswamy temple.

Prof. Shashi Bhushan said, "This is the worst I have seen in my life. Very few Hindu organizations are concerned over these developments; they think this is a Padmanabhaswamy temple affair. No, it's not just the temple. It's the very foundation of Hindu faith that is being shaken. This is exposing the disunity of Hindus, and this worries me."

The princess expresses the steadfastness of her family: "We have to wait and watch how things will evolve, but the family is united in this: that our seva to the temple is of paramount importance. The moment I go into the temple, it supersedes all the turbulence and trauma that defies expression."

When the mythical ocean of milk was churned for the nectar of immortality, poison emerged first. In case of Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, a great deal of venom has been spewed; we can only wait for the ambrosia to follow.

Read more from Hinduism Today magazine: http://www.hinduismtoday.com/
United We Stand - American Hindu Association ~ http://www.americanhindu.net/

HC notice on Swamy’s plea that editors must be Indian citizens


HC notice on Swamy’s plea that editors must be Indian citizens

See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2013/05/siddharth-varadarajan-editor-hindu.html Siddharth Varadarajan, Editor, The Hindu: a profile

New Delhi, May 8 (IANS) The Delhi High Court Wednesday issued notice to the centre on a plea by Janta Party leader Subramanian Swamy that editors of news organisations in India should be citizens of the country.

A division bench of Chief Justice D. Murugesan and Justice Jayant Nath sought a response from the Registrar of Newspapers for India and the information and broadcasting ministry.

It also asked Additional Solicitor General Rajeeve Mehra to explain how it interprets the definition of an editor under the Press and Registration of Books Act and the Indian constitution.

The court posted the matter for further hearing July 24.

The court’s directions came on a plea saying editors of news organisations “must be Indian citizens and resident of India”, and not foreign citizens.

Swamy said that as per the Press and Registration of Books Act, only Indian citizen can hold the post of an editor in any news organisation.

“No person who is not ordinarily resident in India, or who is an minor, shall be permitted to be the editor, answerable to the government for any infractions of law committed by such newspaper,” the plea said, referring to the act.

Seeking a court to pass an order to rectify the existing law, Swamy said: “Rectify the lacunas prevalent in the Press and Registration of Books Act regarding the definition of an editor in section 1 as read with the provision to Section 5(8) of the Act.”

“Clarify the definition of editor to bring it in consonance with the current times and keeping in mind the fundamental rights of the citizen of India,” the petition further said.

Swamy contended that the media is held to be the fourth estate of democracy for its crucial role and as in the three other estates, the editor be an ordinarily a resident citizen of India.

The editor is responsible under law for what news items are and are not published in the newspaper, and has therefore to be committed to the restrictions under Article 19(2), that is freedom of expression, Swamy said in the plea.

“The editor if not a citizen of India cannot be expected to be committed to our nation and sensitive to Article 19(2).”

Swamy further pleaded that newspaper editorials have a profound effect in national debates and in the forming voter opinion in parliamentary and other elections.

“Only Indian citizens are entitled to this protection of Article 19(1)(a) of the constitution. Hence, foreign citizen editors cannot act as fearlessly in safeguarding the citizens’ right to information, or be expected to be committed to the sovereignty, integrity and security of the Indian State as required under Article 19(2),” Swamy’s petition said.

“Readers/subscribers’ fundamental right to information and free expression, which is subject to reasonable restrictions, is prejudiced when the editor, who under the law is the decisive authority for selecting what will be printed, is a foreign citizen.”

The plea further added that a 2002 cabinet decision to permit 26 percent FDI in news and current affairs print media imposes a pre-condition that all key editorial posts must lie with Indian citizens who are also ordinarily resident in India.

The editors in the visual and TV media are already required to be citizens of India, the plea noted.

IANS 2013-05-08 18:32:25
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