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Chinese military developments -- Pentagon report revelations


By Andrew S. Erickson


Last year's annual report on Chinese military developments was widely criticized. What does the 2013 version offer?

Pacific visit

After a year-long hiatus, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)’s annual report on Chinese military developments is back and better than ever. Its 43-page 2012 predecessor was widely criticized for arriving far later than Congress requested and containing little substance or new data. But this year’s expeditiously-issued 92-page document continues a tradition of detailed, sophisticated, publicly-available U.S. government analysis previously seen in the 2011 DoD report, the 2010 National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) report on China’s air force, and the 2009 and 2007 Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) reports on China’s navy.

Like these other landmark reports, this year’s DoD iteration clearly and understandably comes from a U.S. military perspective, yet strives to provide a comprehensive picture of Chinese military developments and the strategic concerns that motivate them. This represents an admirable effort to offer a balanced assessment, as can be seen in remarks at the time of its release by David F. Helvey, deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia. Useful data are presented on everything from Chinese sea- and -land based energy access to apparent ambiguities in Beijing’s “no first use” nuclear doctrine to members of the Central Military Commission and their key professional relationships.

All this context matters deeply, and should be commended. But arguably the report’s greatest contribution lies in more specific areas: providing authoritative assessments of key People’s Liberation Army (PLA) developments that are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve or confirm via other publicly-available sources, such as Beijing’s own recently-released 2013 Defense White Paper—which, like many Chinese public strategic documents, offers few specifics. Chinese government representatives are already out in force criticizing this year’s DoD report and claiming that its content is distorted or inaccurate, but as usualdo not offer credible evidence to clarify or counter even the report’s most important assertions. Yet it is precisely in such areas—which include hard-to-attribute cyber activities and other types of espionage—that observers of China’s military development need the greatest governmental assistance. After all, as a recentWall Street Journal op-ed argues cogently: “In the long run Beijing usually does what it says it is going to do, although the execution may be concealed with deception.”

With respect to obfuscation, the report documents that China has conducted multiple naval operations in the undisputed U.S. Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of a nature that it would oppose a foreign military such as that of the U.S. conducting in its own claimed EEZ—which it is projected to fill with increasing numbers of maritime law enforcement vessels. While the report states that China is conducting such activities in the EEZs of multiple states, a reference that almost certainly includes Japan, it is worth noting the report’s exact wording with respect to the United States: “the United States has observed over the past year several instances of Chinese naval activities in the EEZ around Guam and Hawaii. One of those instances was during the execution of the annual Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise in July/August 2012. While the United States considers the PLA Navy activities in its EEZ to be lawful, the activity undercuts China’s decades-old position that similar foreign military activities in China’s EEZ are unlawful.” It will be particularly interesting to see how Beijing responds to such revelations, which further underscore the emerging contradictions between China’s promotion of restrictive approaches vis-à-vis foreign military and governmental activities in the Near Seas (Yellow, East, and South China Seas) even as it pursues increasing access to such other strategic seas as the Western Pacific and the Arctic. Given this complexity, perhaps Beijing’s approach for now will be to denounce the report generally while avoiding this specific issue.


Perhaps the report’s single greatest contribution to what is known publicly about the PLA concerns China’s nuclear submarine programs. It states that China’s three already-operational Type 094 Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) may be joined by “as many as two more in various stages of construction.” The Type 094 “will give the PLA Navy its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent” once its 7,400+ km-range JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SSBN) is deployed effectively. “After a round of successful testing in 2012, the JL-2 appears ready to reach initial operational capability in 2013,” DoD explains. “JIN-class SSBNs based at Hainan Island in the South China Sea would then be able to conduct nuclear deterrence patrols.” After as many as 5 Type 094 SSBNs are operational, China is slated to “[proceed] to its next generation SSBN (Type 096) over the next decade.” This improved variant may finally offer acoustic qualities suitable for long-range patrols.

Additionally, “China is building four improved variants” of the Type 093 Shang-class nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) to add to the two already deployed. Within “the next decade, China will likely construct the Type 095 guided-missile attack submarine (SSGN), which may enable a submarine-based land-attack capability,” the report adds. Not only will the Type 095 employ “better quieting technologies,” it will also “fulfill traditional anti-ship roles with the incorporation of torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs).” With respect to conventional attack submarines, DoD states that the Yuan-class (Type 039A), which may grow to twenty hulls in total, has air-independent power, hence its designation as an “SSP.” These developments will afford the People's Liberation Army (PLAN) new force deployment options and significantly enhance its undersea warfare and strike capabilities.

Another area of significance is the report’s coverage of China’s anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) program, which is part of a major Chinese emphasis on missile development, particularly of conventional ballistic and cruise missiles. While many details can and have been assembled from previous U.S. government announcements, this is the most definitive, comprehensive statement concerning the program’s current status and capability yet available. “China continues to field” the DF-21D ASBM with its 1,500+ km-range and maneuverable warhead, the report asserts, which “it began deploying in 2010.” The DF-21D “gives the PLA the capability to attack large ships, including aircraft carriers, in the western Pacific Ocean.” Also, “The PLA Navy is also improving its over-the-horizon (OTH) targeting capability with sky wave and surface wave OTH radars, which can be used in conjunction with reconnaissance satellites to locate targets at great distances from China (thereby supporting long-range precision strikes, including employment of ASBMs).” In a hint that Beijing may build longer-range ASBMs, DoDstates: “Beijing is investing in military programs and weapons designed to improve extended-range power projection… Key systems that have been either deployed or in development include ballistic missiles (including anti-ship variants)….”

On the nuclear side, Beijing is trying to achieve/consolidate secure second-strike capability. China has engaged in major efforts over the past decade to construct advanced, deeply-buried facilities to enable “all aspects of its military forces, including C2 [command and control], logistics, missile, and naval forces” to survive a nuclear first strike.

This is part of a larger array of “current and projected force structure improvements” that “will provide the PLA with systems that can engage adversary surface ships up to 1,000 nm from China’s coast.” The PLAN “will also develop a new capability for ship-based land-attack using cruise missiles.” The report judges China’s defense industry to enjoy significant resources.The report credits China with having deployed one of the world’s largest advanced long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) forces. In a sea change from a decade ago, DoD assesses that PLA missile and other developments have already “largely negated” many of Taiwan’s traditional defensive advantages of technological superiority and geography even as Taipei’s military spending is a tenth that of the mainland’s official defense budget.


Areas of particular Chinese defense industrial capability include missiles, space, and shipbuilding. The report characterizes China as being “among the top ship-producing nations in the world” and China’s ballistic and cruise missile industries to be “comparable to other international top-tier producers” and well-positioned for further development. China’s missile and space industry has benefitted from “upgrades to primary final assembly and rocket motor production facilities.” A burgeoning space launch industry enabled 18 space launches in 2012 that lofted, among many other systems, 11 new remote sensing satellites. Meanwhile, Chinese shipyards have improved in capacity and sophistication, e.g., through improvement management and software, allowing them to develop increasing varieties of platforms and systems and reducing reliance on foreign assistance. Other Chinese research and development trends stand out. The report documents a significant focus on developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), both for PLA use and to market to foreign countries; as well as on development/acquisition of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs).

China’s navy also “has the largest force of major combatants, submarines, and amphibious warfare ships in Asia.” Looking forward, DoD estimates that “China will probably build several aircraft carriers over the next 15 years.” It projects that Beijing “will likely establish several access points… in the next 10 years,” possibly in the Malacca, Lombok, and Sunda Straits, in “the form of agreements for refueling, replenishment, crew rest, and low-level maintenance” to address logistical limitations that currently restrict the level of PLAN distant operations. The report is careful to emphasize, however, that “the services provided will likely fall short of U.S.-style agreements permitting the full spectrum of support from repair to re-armament.”

Despite these areas of progress, the PLA faces areas of enduring weakness, and even new emerging challenges. Present limitations, albeit which the PLA is struggling to surmount, include lack of “a robust, deep water anti- submarine warfare capability….”A related uncertainty is “whether China has the capability to collect accurate targeting information and pass it to launch platforms in time for successful strikes in sea areas beyond the first island chain.” Other developments will themselves force difficult questions upon the PLA. Generally speaking, “to fully implement ‘informatized’ command and control, the PLA will need to overcome a shortage of trained personnel and its culture of centralized, micro-managed command.” More specifically, “Further increases in the number of mobile ICBMs and the beginning of SSBN deterrence patrols will force the PLA to implement more sophisticated command and control systems and processes that safeguard the integrity of nuclear release authority for a larger, more dispersed force.”

Finally, as part of a clear effort to address Chinese military development comprehensively, the report is not all doom and gloom in its coverage. It enumerates both PLA bilateral and multilateral military exercises and Sino-American military contacts and exchanges. One imagines that the report’s authors have been tempered by the reality that Beijing often limits or cancels such exchanges to express political differences, but remain duty bound to pursue a U.S. government policy that preserves the possibility of such exchanges building trust and habits of cooperation and in doing so avoids a still-worse alternative. Whatever uncertainties and concerns may underlie it, this is not a document that is all zero-sum in its approach.

While the U.S. intelligence community has access to a wide range of data on specific developments, other observers who lack access to such information because of nationality or societal station must depend in part on open government publications to raise and clarify specific issues. Given the dynamism and importance of the matters at stake, it is essential that a full range of individuals and foreign governments alike have access to substantive reports. U.S. taxpayers must be informed as to why they are being asked to fund the development and maintenance of military capabilities, and to exercise the civilian oversight on which a democracy depends. Allied and friendly governments and their citizens must keep abreast of relevant developments and maintain military relations with Washington on the basis of mutual understanding and interest. And China itself needs to know how its military progress is being perceived, even as it remains free to publish whatever reports of its own it might wish. Given these factors, DoD is to be commended for having released such a substantive and timely report on China’s military development. Its contents should be discussed and debated constructively with regard to specific substance, in lieu of political sloganeering or sweeping but unsubstantiated charges that fail to further understanding.

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of Defense



  1. Observer
    May 10, 2013 at 11:28 am

    Yawn!!! More shiny stuffs but still could not fight. Can someone tell me when china won a war vs. competent military forces?


    Let see. Against Japanese, Brits, Machus, Mongols, what were the results? Heck, even against little Vietnam for the last few thousands years, what were the results?


    "The emtpy drums are the loudest ones" – old proverb

    • Typhoon
      May 10, 2013 at 2:07 pm

      Just to refresh your memory. During the Korean War, US led UN Forces were defeated in North Korea by Chinese PLA volunteers. According to US history, it is the most humilating & longest retreat ever

      In desperation during the retreat back to South Korea, US Forces abandon many heavy weapons which include heavy artillery and Tanks. These captured weapons are now still on display in Beijing Miltary Museum.

      The most embarrasing is that the Chinese troops heaviest weapons were mortars and assault rifles.

      They had no air & Armor Support and yet they are able to defeat the world best equipped and best trained soldiers.


  2. Brutaltruth
    May 9, 2013 at 11:43 pm

    "Present limitations, albeit which the PLA is struggling to surmount, include lack of “a robust, deep water anti- submarine warfare capability…"


    Enough said. Till China rights this situation, it is not a serious adversary. See you in a couple of decades. (That's how long it takes).

  3. Bankotsu
    May 9, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    I have a new suggestion. Since U.S. is hell-bent on staying in western pacific to contain China and Japan, why not let U.S. take hawaii west, while China take hawaii east?

    • Errol
      May 10, 2013 at 3:18 am

      That sounds like fun. Only drawback is you'd need the equivalents of what the US has in the western Pacific. Bases in Japan, Guam, etc. Aside from the Galapagos, not sure what islands can serve as bases for the PLAN.

  4. Liang1a
    May 9, 2013 at 8:58 am

    Many Chinese are annoyed by America apparently taking the side of the Japnese in the Diaoyu Island dispute.  America should understand clearly that unlike Hu and Wen the two cowards the new Chinese leadership is no longer afraid of America and no longer so eager to placate it and win its "friendship".  The Chinese leadership no longer cares about the incessant demonization of China threat.  And as they no longer care about America's hostilities, they will no longer do anything to placate it.  This means that China will not back down from the Diaoyu dispute nor will it give any concessions to America. The end result is that America only makes the Chinese people more angry which will harm American businesses in China.  And as Chinese military grows stronger every year, American mystique and charisma also dim proportionately.  The Chinese people will see that America is just a second rate country compared to China with a smaller economy, poorer peoples and a inferior and weaker military.  In the end, the Chinese people and leadership will just be impatient with the boorishness of the Americans and just kick them aside if they tried to inconvenience China.

    • Justin
      May 9, 2013 at 2:32 pm

      Please tell me you are joking. China with its one "new" aircraft carrier if you want to call that is still not near the level of the 10 aircraft carriers that the United States has. Furthermore, the level of skill and training that American forces untake is far better than what China is currently attempting. Yes, China has increased their military for budget every year for the last decade. However, America's defense spending is still 4 1/2 times more. Even with the expected cuts in the future, China will not come close for over a decade. Your argument about China having a larger army is invalid. How are they supposed to transport it with their inferior navy and airforce? Furthermore, all you need to do is look through history to see what happens when larger untrained forces challenger smaller better trained armies. It normally does not work out well. Of course China's economy is growing quicker since it is still a developing one. Yet, lets not forget that China's economy is only half the size of the United States. Even though China's transformation has lifted tens of millions of Chinese citizens out from under the poverty line, there is still a large gap between the standard of living in both nations. Furthermore, environmental destruction will eventually bring China to its knees unless it is fixed. Lets also not forget about China's housing bubble that will be getting to pop in the next few years. Also, its important to mention the insane amount of debt help by local and provincial governments in China that is off the record. Furthermore, China's continued use of the 9 dashed line in the South China Sea is leading neighboring nations to join together against them. Yes, the SCS dispute is a nationalism booster at home, but China has put all of its eggs in one basket over a sovereignty dispute that will not hold up in international court. Claiming 80 percent of the SCS due to vague historical ties is not justified. 

      Yes America is in a bad place right now, and yes China has the chance to over take them. However, China is not without issue. There are a lot of things China needs to work out before it will be going anywhere. 

      • Liang1a
        May 9, 2013 at 6:48 pm


        China may have only 1 carrier and America may have 10 carriers now.  But the situation can change.  In 10 years China may deploy 6 carriers while America may need to reduce its carriers to 6 also.  So by 2023, China's and America's carriers will be the same in number.  And China's carriers will be of higher quality because they are all modern and new while America's carriers are all WW2 vintage outdated carriers.  China has actually increased the number of its transport planes and naval transport ships and amphibious ships that can carry a whole brigade at a time together with tanks, guns, attack helicopters, etc.  You'd be amazed to know how fast the Chinese military is expanding in all respects.  And anything America has, China also has.  For example, America has a new kind of carrier based UAV called the X-47B.  The truth is China is also testing its version of X-47B called the Lijian or Sharp Sword.[1]  China also has more than 6,000 UAV of more than 10 kinds.  And while America has its X-37 Orbital Test Vehicle, China also has its version of space plane called Shen Long or Divine Dragon.  So don't think America is so far ahead of China.  The truth is China has already caught up with America and poised to overtake it soon.

        And China's economy is not half the size of America's.  It is in fact already significantly bigger than the American economy.  China's 2012 GDP is 52 trillion yuan.  At 6.3 yuan per dollar this is only $8.25 trillion.  But at the PPP rate which is actually close to 3 yuan per dollar the real Chinese GDP is $17.33 trillion or $2.33 trillion more than America's 2012 $15 trillion GDP.  And the gap will be even bigger after 2013 as China grows another 7.5% or more while America can at best eke out 2% or 3% at best.  So don't delude yourself with the real size of China's economy.  The only thing that might endanger China is its excessive dependence on exports.  Once China can successfully shift from exports to domestic service based economy then it can grow sustainably for the next 30 years until it become 7 times bigger than America's economy.  Obviously when China's economy is 7 times bigger than the American economy, the American economy is obviously puny relative to China's extra large economy.

        [1] Lijian – China testing its carrier based UAV


        [2] China has more than 6,000 UAV of more than 10 kinds


      • Liang1a
        May 9, 2013 at 7:04 pm

        Justin wrote:

        Furthermore, China's continued use of the 9 dashed line in the South China Sea is leading neighboring nations to join together against them. Yes, the SCS dispute is a nationalism booster at home, but China has put all of its eggs in one basket over a sovereignty dispute that will not hold up in international court. Claiming 80 percent of the SCS due to vague historical ties is not justified.


        Your so-called "neighboring countries" consist of only 2, namely Vietnam and Philippines.  The rest of the countries in SE Asia are either on China's side or don't care.  Malaysia even has a territorial dispute with Philippines over Sabah.  China has already given notice to Philippines to get out of 8 of China's sovereign islands within the 9-Dotted Lines.  Hopefully, China will proceed to use force to protect its sovereignty before the end of May.  The excessive weakness Hu-Wen had shown to these thuggish nations had created a big problem for China where there should never have been any problem at all.  Now only by using force can China bring this needless problem to a quick end.  Chinese leaders should understand there is no need to try to make friends with countries that are not really good friends.  In the end, good relations cannot give China peace and security.  Only force and the willingness to use it can keep China safe.

        The size of China's soverign waters is irrelevant.  There is no need for China to feel guilty for owning large areas of waters.  It is just China's good luck.  The same as Russia owning Siberia or America owning Alaska.  Although there is even less ground for America to own Alaska.  After all, how can America buy it from Russia?  Can America buy the moon or Mars from Russia?  Obviously not.

        • Duke
          May 10, 2013 at 2:01 am


          ….'The size of China's soverign waters is irrelevant.  There is no need for China to feel guilty for owning large areas of waters.  It is just China's good luck!!"

          This sort of 'neo-Lebensraum' ( living space for the superior race) must be crushed right at its early embryonic stage before it's too late ! Save this sort of 'silly arrogance' for yourself, my poor old Lang1a. Remember, in today's civilized world there's no place for that sort of dangerous delusions & illusions!

        • Errol
          May 10, 2013 at 2:58 am

          Would you espouse the same venom in trying to retake the northern territories that Russia took from China? I guess not.

          You claim only Vietnam and the Philippines have a bone to pick with you. Don't fudge the situation. China's recent exercise in the southernmost reach of its SCS claims raised Malaysia's hackles. I guess the other ASEAN members have realized that once the first line has fallen, that being the Philippines and Vietnam, then Malaysia and Brunei are next. And after them, the last claimants in the SCS. Don't worry about Malaysia and the Philippines. Manila isn't pushing the Sabah issue, and Sabah residents can decide who they want to be with.

          And you did kind of amuse me with how you disparage American carriers. WW2-vintage you say? Unless you can prove that nuclear-powered carriers were sailing the seven seas back in the early 40's, I'll take your claims with a grain of salt.

          Why can Alaska be bought from Russia? Because it's a sale that can be 'consummated'. Once bought, American sent people to Alaska. And rest assured, that assuming we humans don't wipe each other off the face of this planet, colonies will be set up on Mars and the Moon. And you can bet your soul that people will be selling and buying properties on said off-world bodies at that point.

      • Oro Invictus
        May 10, 2013 at 12:27 am

        @ Justin

        Dear fellow, don’t make the mistake of rewarding Liang1a’s behaviour with a reply; trust me on this, there’s no need to reply to him, every other rational person here knows he is utterly divorced from reality and thus do not respond to him. The only purpose his posts serve is to make those other few reality divorcees look foolish by agreeing with a man whose proficiency with what he spouts is (to paraphrase the criticism of L. Ron Hubbard’s All About Radiation) the sort of knowledge that perhaps an individual who has read Intermediate Economics and Statecraft, with a lot of misapprehensions and lack of understanding, demonstrate.

        I’ll admit, even I get annoyed by the extra scrolling to actually read useful comments his long, ranting attempts to preserve his own fragile ego entail, but the best option is just to pity him and move on. That’s the only way to deal with someone who makes the North Korean foreign ministry’s claims look rational and level-headed.

        Also, just as a precaution in the face of the new comments policy, I’m requesting that the Diplomat moderators not censor anything I’ve said here; while I appreciate the desire to avoid flame wars, A) If anyone decides to respond to this with vitriol, I’m just going to disregard it and B) I hardly think I am being unfair, given we are dealing with the same person who has repeatedly stated his belief that Chinese people aregenetically more clever and productive than any other ethnic group.  

        • Liang1a
          May 10, 2013 at 6:43 pm

          Errol wrote:

          May 10, 2013 at 2:58 am

          Would you espouse the same venom in trying to retake the northern territories that Russia took from China? I guess not.

          Liang's response:

          Apparently Russia and China are jointly developing the former territories of China now under Russia control.  As long as China can develop it jointly there is no urgency in recovering it.  In a de facto way China already has retaken these areas.

          Errol wrote:

          You claim only Vietnam and the Philippines have a bone to pick with you. Don't fudge the situation. China's recent exercise in the southernmost reach of its SCS claims raised Malaysia's hackles. I guess the other ASEAN members have realized that once the first line has fallen, that being the Philippines and Vietnam, then Malaysia and Brunei are next. And after them, the last claimants in the SCS. Don't worry about Malaysia and the Philippines. Manila isn't pushing the Sabah issue, and Sabah residents can decide who they want to be with.

          Liang's response:

          Malaysia has no wish to fight with China.  Brunei certainly doesn't want to fight with China.  Thailand and Singapore and Indonesia are all neutral.  Laos and Cambodia are both friendly to China.  Burma is just too far away from the South Sea.  Therefore, there are only two thugs in SE Asia namely Vietnam and Philippines who dare to steal from China.  And if you think Malaysia and Philippines are good over Sabah then you don't know what you're talking about.

          Errol wrote:

          And you did kind of amuse me with how you disparage American carriers. WW2-vintage you say? Unless you can prove that nuclear-powered carriers were sailing the seven seas back in the early 40's, I'll take your claims with a grain of salt.

          Liang's response:

          American carriers are mostly made in 1970's.  Nitmiz was built in 1975.  And all the active American carriers are of the Nitmiz class.  So they are old and outdated.  At least in technologies if not in actual age.  And America won't even be laying the keel for the first Ford class carrier until 2015 if ever.

          Errol wrote:

          Why can Alaska be bought from Russia? Because it's a sale that can be 'consummated'. Once bought, American sent people to Alaska. And rest assured, that assuming we humans don't wipe each other off the face of this planet, colonies will be set up on Mars and the Moon. And you can bet your soul that people will be selling and buying properties on said off-world bodies at that point.

          Liang's response:

          This is nonsense.  Deal that can be consummated?  That's nothing but gibberish.  If Russia didn't have legal possession of it then it was stolen property.  Stolen property can't be sold.  And anybody caught owning stolen property will be punished by law.

          As to colonizing the moon and Mars, who do you think will colonize them?  You Americans?  Don't make me laugh!  China will be landing a moon probe sometime this year.  Then there will be plan to land a rover and return a sample to earth.  Then there will be a manned landing on the moon.  There are speculations that Americans faked its moon landing.  So we'll see if there are any American footprints on the moon when Chinese taikongnauts get there.

          As to Mars, Americans (with its puny $15 trillion economy) will be too poor to go there for another hundred years.  Only China with a $100 trillion economy (by 2040) will have the money to fund a manned expedition to Mars.  We'll be taking Russians and various friends (such as South Africans and Brazilians) with us but no Americans.  Can you get there by yourselves?  I doubt it.


        • Liang1a
          May 10, 2013 at 6:50 pm

          Errol wrote:

          And you did kind of amuse me with how you disparage American carriers. WW2-vintage you say? Unless you can prove that nuclear-powered carriers were sailing the seven seas back in the early 40's, I'll take your claims with a grain of salt.

          Liang's response:

          American carriers are mostly made in 1970's. Nitmiz was built in 1975. And all the active American carriers are of the Nitmiz class. So they are old and outdated. At least in technologies if not in actual age. And America won't even be laying the keel for the first Ford class carrier until 2015 if ever.


          China's first carrier, Liaoning, is less than 1 year old.  By 2023 there may be some 6 Chinese carriers which will all be less than 10 years old.  In contrast, America will probably not build any more carriers for another 10 years.  So by 2023, America will have maybe 6 Nitmiz class carriers that were built between 1989 and 2009 and 34 years to 14 years old.  Obviously, they will all be outdated by Chinese standard.

  5. Liang1a
    May 9, 2013 at 8:46 am

    America is not a real democracy but a dictatorship of the majority.  This is why the minorities are all discriminated and marginalized.  The fact that the blacks earn only 2/3 the incomes of the whites and own 1/20 the wealth of the whites is good evidence that America is not a democracy.  American government might ask the American people for more money to fund its military.  But there is just no more money left for the military to spend.  In fact, given the dire situation of the American economy, the American military has to reduce its budget by some 10% or more.  Therefore, America cannot increase its military spending no matter how fast Chinese military is expanding.  If America tries to increase its military spending to arms race with China then it will quickly collapse its economy and cause unspeakable hardship to the American people.  Many people still think America can arms race China into the ground like it did to the USSR.  But the truth is the shoe is now on the other foot with Chinese economy able to expand 8 to 10 times over the next 30 years while America would be lucky not to collapse.  Therefore, as Chinese economy expands, America can no longer arms race with China.  In fact, even though Chinese military budget is only some 720 billion yuan or $120 billion for 2013, yet because of the much higher purchasing power of the yuan and the lower salaries of the Chinese military personnel, Chinese military's 720 billion yuan can buy more than American military's $600 billion.  In fact, China's effective purchasing power can give China a military that American military needs $1 trillion or more to keep up.  For example, a Chinese private takes home 15,000 yuan while an American private takes home $20,000.  Therefore, for each American private China can deploy 8 privates – America needs to spend $1.33 for each yuan China spends which means as China spends 720 billion yuan America must spend some $1 trillion.

    China's navy is developing many types of new ships that are as good as or better than American models.  China's new Type 55 destroyer is just as good as American Zumwalt class destroyer.  China had deployed at least 2 Type 052D destroyers in 2012 and will probably deploy 6 in 2013.  There were reports with pictures purported to be at least 6 Type 052D under construction.  There was also at least 1 report that a 60,000 ton carrier is some 80% completed and can be expected to be launched in 2013 or 2014.  The truth is China is increasing the number of its naval ships at a very fast rate.  And the ships are not only being produced quickly they are also of very high quality.  It would not be surprising at all for Chinese navy to equal American navy by 2023.

    Of course, all of these expansion requires that China maintains a minimal economic expansion of at least some 7.5% per year.  If China can turn inward to develop its internal economy based on expanding the services for the Chinese consumers then China will have no problem to maintain such a minimal rate of economic expansion.  But if China tried to rely on exports then it is likely that its economy will begin to stagnate at some 5% or less.  Probably even just 3%.  But I'm hopeful that China can maintain 7.5% growth.  Then as China's economy doubles to some 110 trillion yuan by 2023, its military budget can be some 1.5 trillion yuan to 2.5 trillion yuan for some 1.5% to 2.5% of its GDP.  Even presuming Chinese wages will double, it would still require American military to spend some $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion to keep up which is obviously impossible.  Therefore, America is doomed to become second rate or collapse and break apart like the former USSR and becomes the former USA.

    • Kanes
      May 9, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      I agree with your purchasing parity analysis.

      In addition to the salaries, there are other implications. Food, uniforms, weapons, lodging, deployment, transport, etc. also saves billions of dollars for the Chinese. Developing weapons is another saver. US weapons development is carried by companies that make huge revenues with extremely high pay. Marketing campaigns to pro-up weapons beyond their usefulness also cost a lot of money. Running many security agencies with bureaucracy costs billions too.

      Having regular wars since 2001 also cost billions.

      All in all, the US defence spend has a lot of fat in it. When adjusted and discounted for purchasing parity, the Chinese budget is higher. Plenty more to go into new product development which itself is much cheaper.

      Economic concepts of cost leadership applies in defence too.

      • Bankotsu
        May 9, 2013 at 7:07 pm

        "America is not a real democracy but a dictatorship of the majority."

        America is more like two party dictatorship to me. 

  6. Liang1a
    May 9, 2013 at 7:52 am

    I'm glad to hear that China had done any kind of military exercises in America's EEZ.  It is about time for China to play tit for tat.  And I don't know why America is talking about EEZ since it really doesn't have any EEZ since it never joined the UNCLOS.  So, if America is not a member of the UNCLOS how can it claim to have any EEZ under a provision of UNCLOS?  This is the kind of bad reasoning that America is famous for.

    I don't think Chinese government had consider foreign ships entering into China's EEZ as "illegal".  China only considers them "unfriendly" and "provocative".  But since China's protests had gone unheeded, China might as well return the favor.  If America dislikes China in its "EEZ" which it really cannot claim as I explained above, then it can appreciate how China feels about American subs just outside the 12 nm limit.

  7. Kanes
    May 8, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    Just imagine the possibilities if China and Russia come together in military development. They complement one another perfectly. China developed a new space weapon about 5 years ago – space junk. A missile launched from earth hit a sattelite scattering debris across a large area in space. This may be repeated until some concessions are awarded by bigger space powers. Its a new bargaining tool.

  8. Leonard R.
    May 8, 2013 at 10:29 am

    From a NYTimes story on the report (emphasis added): 

    "But the Pentagon report describes something far more sophisticated: a China that has now leapt into the first ranks of offensive cybertechnologies. It is investing in electronic warfare capabilities in an effort to blind American satellites and other space assets, and hopes to use electronic and traditional weapons systems to gradually push the United States military presence into the mid-Pacific nearly 2,000 miles from China’s coast." 

    From a NYTimes story on the report (emphasis added): 

    "But the Pentagon report describes something far more sophisticated: a China that has now leapt into the first ranks of offensive cybertechnologies. It is investing in electronic warfare capabilities in an effort to blind American satellites and other space assets, and hopes to use electronic and traditional weapons systems to gradually push the United States military presence into the mid-Pacific nearly 2,000 miles from China’s coast."


    If this is not already war, it is the prelude. It is a good sign that the Pentagon is making a realistic assessment of China's near-term plans to push the US out of the western Pacific and ultimately (in my opinion), to force the US to abandon its sovereign territories, allies  & US citizen populations of Hawaii.  

    The Pentagon gets it. DOS under Hillary got it. What's necessary now is a mobilization. The US should not wait for another Pearl Harbor. The next one will be much worse. China's intentions toward the America are quite clear. The threat is existential. And despite the efforts and hopes of diplomats, the status quo  cannot holdIn fact, it's not even the status quo any moreThe pieces are already moving into position.

    • Leonard R.
      May 8, 2013 at 11:46 am

      Should read: 
      "force the US to abandon its sovereign territories, allies  & US citizen populations west of Hawaii"


      • Bankotsu
        May 8, 2013 at 2:09 pm

        "The US should not wait for another Pearl Harbor. The next one will be much worse. China's intentions toward the America are quite clear."

        This had better not be another "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" drivel from the U.S. again.

        U.S. is not fooling anyone. I am not going to be duped twice by the U.S.

        • ..
          May 9, 2013 at 1:26 am

          Well.. Unlike Iraq, China actually does possess CBRN weapons and delivery systems capable of hitting the states.

    • TDog
      May 9, 2013 at 3:34 am

      @Leonard R.

      You claim the threat posed by China to the US is "existential."

      What would Chinese preeminence in the western Pacific do to remove from the globe the existence of the United States?  How would removing our bases from, let's say, Guam or South Korea result in the total and complete destruction of the United States government, people, and territory?

      Your overstatement of the situation is exactly the sort of hyperbole that leads to war rather than prevents it.  We have within our means the ability to adjust to China's reemergence on the world stage, yet many policymakers and China watchers tend to panic because they cannot fathom a world where the United States controls less of the globe than it currently does.  

      One of the main tenets of strategic thinking, however, is the strategic withdrawal.  You redress your lines to shorten lines of communication and control, allow your resources and manpower to be more effectively employed, and generally create a more convenient and less costly environment for your forces given your current situation.

      With that in mind, it would be much better for us at this point in time to accommodate China's rise in the western Pacific and cooperate with them.  With the US economy still in a fragile recovery and our military power all but exhausted, now is not the time to thump our chests and prepare for a war with someone we need not fight.  And if we cooperate with China, our retrenchment does not take on the character of a retreat or a rout and we would be leaving the security of our flank to partners rather than competitors.

      In preparing for war, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  It's not that we're incompetent, mind you, but rather it's because we're exhausted.  We spent ourselves to the brink of insolvency fighting paramilitaries and terrorists armed with small arms and improvised explosives, so the notion that we should or even could prepare for an even bigger war with an even better-equipped, better-trained, and better bankrolled foe is ridiculous.

      Right now we need to regroup and recover.  The question we have to ask ourselves is will we do it with at least some degree of influence by cooperating with China or do we do it the hard way and have China take it anyway?  Because I guarantee you the latter method will be more expensive, less palatable, and infintely more humiliating than the former.

      • Leonard R.
        May 9, 2013 at 10:08 am

        TDog: "One of the main tenets of strategic thinking, however, is the strategic withdrawal.  You redress your lines to shorten lines of communication and control, allow your resources and manpower to be more effectively employed, and generally create a more convenient and less costly environment for your forces given your current situation."

        I do advocate strategic withdrawal from Taiwan and South Korea. But US territories and US citizen populations are worth defending. That's how I see it. Imperial Japan made the same demands on America and the US decided to fight. Now China is making the same assumptions. We'll see how it plays out. 

      • Oro Invictus
        May 9, 2013 at 11:08 am

        @ TDog

        If I may be so bold, it seems both of you are engaging in hyperbole, Leonard’s being of the alarmist variety and yours of the defeatist. Leonard’s portrayal of the “malevolent PRC menace” is deserving of critique, but your depiction of the US as a beaten and tired nation whose best option is acquiesce to an (as you imply) unstoppable rising PRC seems just as deserving of skepticism.

        And, before you argue it is a matter of perspective, I must note that is exactly my point. Both of you are expressing a perspective based on assumed certainties which are, in fact, utterly unverified. One must remember that, in the absence of true objectivity for perception or reality, what separates educated opinion and logical conclusion from hyperbole and irrational exhortation is the degree of logical parsimony; with respect to the principle of Occam, the difference is a matter of a razor’s edge.

        On another note, is the constant utilization of group inclusive phrases like “we” and “our” in your writings intentional? I ask because, if your diction is non-accidental, the implications of such language add an entire dimension to your posts. Indeed, such words, when used, as such carry connotations of sectarianism, group exclusivity, and discrete consequence (well, either that or it is basic overcompensation for a sense of non-belonging, perceived or otherwise). I apologize if this inquiry seems strange, I just like to have knowledge rather than uncertainty in such discourse.

        • Bankotsu
          May 9, 2013 at 2:03 pm

          "Imperial Japan made the same demands on America…"

          What demands did Imperial Japan make on America? I thought it was America making all the demands on Japan? 

    • Stefan Stackhouse
      May 9, 2013 at 4:21 am

      I don't intend to be a glib pollyanna here, but let's get a grip on reality. China is one of the major nations on Earth, and of course they are going to be developing a hefty military. They have an exposed litoral, and so of course they are going to strengthen their naval forces. This would all be happening regardless of what the government of China happened to be, and even if they were an ally of the US. Just understand that this much is a baseline, and is going to happen no matter what. Let's not get paranoid and read too much into that part of it. It is only things above and beyond that baseline that really should start to raise any real concern.

  9. Oro Invictus
    May 8, 2013 at 8:30 am

    The article provides a good overview of the report (of which I have only read parts of) and I generally agree with the article’s presentation of it; what I am extremely curious about, though, is an extremely notable exception: Failure to mention the paper’s allegations of direct PRC military support for widespread cyber-espionage against the US, the first time this report has ever done so. Was this ignored as such things are already getting a great deal of coverage by others? Was it an oversight (unlikely)? Or did the author not consider these allegations to be as severe nor noteworthy as many others view them as?

    I myself find the allegations intriguing, not insomuch as because anything said is particularly revelatory, but that it is one of the few assessments, however indirect, of the state of PRC military innovation the US provides. That the report indicates that the scale of such attacks have been increasing at a rate non-commensurate with spending increases implies that, rather than simple gauging of others’ strengths (which all nations engage in), the PRC remains (or are becoming more) reliant upon espionage to “fill-in-the-gaps” as their technology levels reach more appreciably modern levels; in other words, the implication is that the PRC military’s innovative capacity has seen no major systematic improvement in recent times. Indeed, such indicators are appreciated as, in the absence of official data, it is difficult to know for certain whether the PRC military’s innovative infrastructure is on par with the public sector or otherwise.

    • Leonard R.
      May 8, 2013 at 11:43 am

      Prediction: The US will experience a huge surge in cyber-attacks from North Korea. That's because the PLA will re-route its attacks against the US through orth Krea. It's the same sock puppet show the US falls for every time. 

      • Bankotsu
        May 9, 2013 at 2:05 pm

        "Prediction: The US will experience a huge surge in cyber-attacks from North Korea."

        You might as well tell me Iraq has WMDs.

  10. TDog
    May 8, 2013 at 7:31 am

    The key to dealing with China, in my opinion, is two-fold: first we must understand China and then we must see to it that our understanding leads to cooperation rather than confrontation or even competition.  China's major shortcoming is that it is incredibly insecure.  Whether this is due to its recent history or its geography or a combination of those factors and others, it is an undisputable fact; China behaves as if it has been backed into a corner.

    Justified or not, the key to dealing with that is to not view China as anything other than a new player on the field.  When a sports team gets a new player, is it par for the course to brutalize them, try to keep them from playing, and generally isolate them?  Or is it more productive to make the new player feel like a part of the team?

    We often justify our military expenditures and deployments in terms that are anti-China.  Whether implied or stated, our understanding of China is all too often combined with the qualifier "And here's what we're going to do to counter it."

    We have the understanding part down fairly well.  While the details may escape us, we're certain enough of Chinese capabilities to know what to expect out of them at least 80% of the time.  The failure on our part is that we seek to turn that understanding into a competitive advantage at a time when it would behoove us to cooperate with China rather than butt heads.

    I think the Pentagon is moving in the right direction.  It is displaying a bit more understanding than it has in the past and certainly a lot more patience.  If we can turn this strained competition into a genuine cooperation, this pivot to the Pacific could turn into a win-win situation.

  11. Leonard R.
    May 8, 2013 at 10:34 am

    "force the US to abandon its sovereign territories, allies  & US citizen populations west of Hawaii"

  12. Bankotsu
    May 8, 2013 at 2:11 pm

    "force the US to abandon its sovereign territories, allies  & US citizen populations west of Hawaii"

    How come U.S. is so concerned about west pacific? Maybe China should also start thinking about Easternpacific.

  13. RaRa the new god
    May 8, 2013 at 7:31 pm


    "force the US to abandon its sovereign territories, allies  & US citizen populations west of Rhode Island"

    Obama is planning to move his family to Damascus (Benghazi being no longer okay) very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

  14. Jonathan
    May 9, 2013 at 2:19 am

    Does China have allies in the Eastern Pacific, let alone allies that are threatened by an aggressive power?

  15. vic
    May 9, 2013 at 8:44 am

    I really cannot understand why the US is so worried about being pushed out of the "west of Hawaii"?

    The US is really threatening continental Asia by having an aggressive navy.  The Chinese armed forces have to push the US out to a safe distance from Asia if only to guarantee safety for their citizens.  The security of the American homeland is not affected one bit by the displacement of US navy to the "east of Hawaii".  Eventually the US government must come to its senses to realize that their actions are creating fear in others.  



  16. fdsaasdf
    May 9, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    "Eventually the US government must come to its senses to realize that their actions are creating fear in others.  "

    Does this statement go both ways, with the Chinese military vis-a-vis its neighbours — Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia, and so on? 

  17. Duke
    May 9, 2013 at 6:06 pm


    The US is a Pacific country & has  been  in the Asia- Pacific for almost 7 decades as a protector for the whole region ( when China was still a poor third-world country). Most of its closest allies & key trading partners are in this region. Its trade with the regional countries has amounted to trillions of dollars annually & you really think it's not  important to the US' economy? The Asia-Pacific will also be  the world’s strategic and economic center of gravity  in the 21st century, and  the US will expand its trade with the region via  the TPP, a free trade zone. For over 6 decades, USN has protected all the vital SLOCs from the Persian Gulf to the East Asia via  Indian Ocean ,  Strait of Malacca  & SCS against  any  menaces to disrupt  or hinder freedom of navigation. Then, there's no reason now  for the US to withdraw all its forces from this strategic region, especially when  there already appeared a big bad bully having been intimidating , coercing & forcing  other small regional countries  into submission for serving its own interests & its hegemonic ambition.

  18. Bankotsu
    May 9, 2013 at 7:09 pm

    I agree with your views.

  19. JohnX
    May 10, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Look at history, China doesn't have allies. China has vassals or enemies.


Hindu sheikh, Khimji Ramdas from Mandvi, Gujarat


The Khimjis: Anil, Kanaksi and Pankaj (L to R).

AHMEDABAD: It was 143 years ago that Ramdas Thackersay set sail from the coastal town of Mandvi to relocate his growing business to Muscat for faster access to strategic ports. His forefathers, dhow merchants from Mandvi, had landed in Sur in the mid-1800s. As traders, they brought grain, tea and spices from India and took away dates, dry lime, and frankincense from the sultanate of Oman. Muscat was, at that time, a very active port. Thackersay's son, Khimji Ramdas, followed him and together, they sowed the seeds of a global enterprise that is today one of the largest business groups in Oman.

Khimji Ramdas Group of Companies passed on from generation to generation and, in 1970, Thackersay's great-grandson, Kanaksi Khimji, took over from his father, Gokaldas, after finishing his education in Mumbai. Today, with an annual turnover of more than $1 billion, the group is the chosen partner of more than 400 top global brands in consumer products, lifestyle, infrastructure, projects and logistics. It has business operations in India and UAE and is a corporate member of the World Economic Forum. "We see achievements as milestones in the quest for excellence. We just want to be the best," says the 77-year-old tycoon, Kanaksi Khimji. Not sales and volumes, Khimji believes that the most important measure of success for his family's business is how far it has helped advance the national development plans laid out by Oman's Sultan Qaboos bin Said. In fact, Khimji with his Indian roots was one of the first to embrace Omanisation, a directive to train and empower Omani professionals. Such a rare honour makes Khimji the most distinguished Indian in this Middle Eastern country.

However, it is Khimji's philanthropy that has made him a legend across the world. In 1975, just five years after taking over from his father Gokaldas, Kanakbhai, as he is fondly known, founded the first English Indian School in Muscat. There are 19 Indian schools catering to around 35,000 students in Oman today. Probably the finest jewel in his crown is the title of Sheikh conferred on him by the Sultan, the first-ever use of the title for a member of the Hindu community. "Though my family hails from Kutch in Gujarat, we have always identified with Oman as our home country," he says. "I was offered the nationality of Oman in recognition of all the goodwill created by my ancestors. It is a gift that I accepted twenty years late. But I am glad I finally did."

A historic bond

When Kanaksi Khimji took over the family business in 1970, motorized navigational ships weren't launched in Oman yet. Earlier, during the two World Wars, the Khimjis were chosen as supplier for provisions for the entire base of allied forces. "This gave us the opportunity to earn revenue and strengthen our base. We quickly learnt the art of supply chain management and maritime shore support," says Pankaj Khimji, son of Kanaksi Khimji and director of the group.

Life before the Omani Renaissance, though, was tough. "The pre-70s were very different as there was no electricity or piped water. We went to wells to take bath and clean clothes. At least one lantern was required to walk on the streets after sunset. It was a close knit community that lived in Muscat and Muttrah. The gates of Muscat closed at sundown," recalls Kanakbhai.

"We stuck to our core business of trading and prospered with the Renaissance setting in. We were expanding as the country grew economically, and we struck roots across the country," he adds.

The first bank to be set up in Muscat was HSBC, its building constructed by the Khimji Ramdas (KR) group more than 60 years ago. Before that, trading was done by barter or through silver. Bait al Falaj, now known as Ruwi, was the first airport in Oman which too was built by the Khimji group. It was the Khimjis who first acquired the Ford dealership in 1969 and, interestingly, the sultan of Oman had ordered their first car.


Punditry on how to make CBI independent -- Arun Jaitley's


Friday, 10 May 2013

How To Rescue CBI From UPA's Fear And Favour Tactic
(Congress in Coalgate)

Article : Arun Jaitley
(Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha)

The Supreme Court in the Jain Hawala case made an attempt to liberate the CBI from political clutches. Its judgment in the Vineet Narayan case laid judicial guidelines that could ensure some element of autonomy for the CBI. However, the CBI in the last few years started enjoying more than a comfortable relationship with the UPA government. This relationship was based on the premise that the directors were appointed from amongst a panel prepared by the CVC and secretaries of the government. It was the Prime Minister who had the last word.

Governments preferred friendly CBI directors. The last three directors who retired from the CBI were all given post-retirement jobs in the government. One was appointed a member of the commission to review the Centre-state relations. The next one was appointed as governor, and the last one was appointed a member of the UPSC. Both fear and favour were used to control the CBI.

An officer of the law ministry is posted as director of prosecution. Convenient legal opinions were given by him. Even the director of prosecution, after retirement, was made a member of a tribunal. Law officers now have become a law unto themselves. They advise and appear for the CBI. The CBI under the UPA has a history of controlled and politically friendly investigations. A large number of investigations had a political complexion.

When it came to implicating BJP ministers or police officers of Gujarat, the CBI, in some cases, acted even without evidence. In a Rajasthan case where a former BJP minister was falsely implicated, the CBI's own opinion was that there was no evidence against him. However, a law officer (who recently resigned) literally intimidated the CBI through a letter citing judicial consequences, and the former minister was wrongly charge-sheeted. If the Gujarat riot cases had been referred to the CBI rather than a Supreme Court-constituted SIT, I have no doubt that the final reports would have been politically coloured.

This comforting relationship between the political executive, CBI and the law officers has resulted in a travesty of justice. When YSR Reddy was a tall Congress leader, the CBI looked the other way despite the enormity of his corruption. When Jagan Mohan Reddy parted company with the Congress, the CBI was let loose on him. The pace of investigation in the cases of the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party chiefs is in tune with UPA's attitude towards allies.

It is this very practice that the CBI followed in the investigation relating to the coal block allocations. The CBI, the law officers and the political executive did not think that there was anything wrong in conspiring to alter the facts contained in a CBI status report. The law minister thought that he represents the political sovereign and is, therefore, entitled to direct the CBI to alter the basic substance of its report. The "suspects", namely, the officials of the PMO and the coal ministry, were granted the privilege of correcting the investigator's report.

But truth has an inconvenient habit of leaking out. This is precisely what happened. The Supreme Court bench hearing the coal allocation case did not provide the government with a friendly wicket. So, we now have an opportunity to liberate the CBI from the political clutches.

The court has asked the government to communicate how it plans to make the CBI independent. I had suggested the following steps to the Select Committee that discussed the Lokpal Bill.

The CBI should have two wings. Director, CBI, will head the organisation. Under him, a separate directorate of prosecution should function.
The investigative and prosecution wings should act independently.
Director, CBI, and directorate of prosecution should have fixed terms and should be appointed by a collegium comprising the Prime Minister, leader of Opposition, Lok Sabha, and chairman of Lokpal.
Neither director should get re-employed in government post-retirement.
Superintendence and direction of the CBI in relation to Lokpal-referred cases should be with the Lokpal.
Lokpal must approve the transfer of any officer investigating a case.
The panel of advocates who appear for and advise the CBI should be independent of the government. They can be appointed by the director of prosecution after Lokpal approval.
I hope accepting these suggestions will go a long way in ensuring independence of the CBI.


Bansal feeds a goat, before sacrificing it. Sacrifices himself at the command of SoniaG


Bansal feeds goat, turns TV fodder
- Footage of ‘ritual’ and ‘sacrifice’ buzz spark jokes


Bansal at his residence in New Delhi on Friday. Picture by Prem Singh
New Delhi, May 10: Television footage of Pawan Bansal feeding a goat at his official bungalow, and jocular speculation that it may have later been sacrificed to save his chair, turned the suave politician into the butt of jokes today.

“Bakre ka mama, kab tak khair manayega (How long will the goat’s uncle pray for its life),” flashed a headline on a Hindi news channel along with the shot of Bansal and the goat.

If anyone was puzzled about the connection between a bakra (goat or a figurative sacrificial lamb) and mama (uncle), a tweet from Suhel Seth, brand consultant and a columnist with The Telegraph’s Graphiti, offered a clue.

“Did Bansal actually sacrifice a goat? I thought he only sacrificed his nephew…” Seth posted on Twitter.

Bansal had denied any business links with nephew Vijay Singla after the latter was arrested in a bribe-for-job scandal last week. The railway minister was eventually forced out tonight after resisting calls for his resignation and shutting the media out for days — but not before the TV cameras had got their own back on him.

For the past one week, reporters and camera crews would station themselves before Bansal’s 6 Ashoka Road residence every day from morning till evening to get a reaction from him. But Bansal kept dodging them.

Today, an enterprising still photographer discovered one opening, away from the main gate, that provided a view of the sprawling bungalow’s portico. The camera crews rushed to the vantage point and soon their telephoto lenses had begun capturing an unsuspecting Bansal coming in and out.

The wait came good in the afternoon when Bansal, his wife standing beside him, fed the goat, apparently in a ritual to ward off the misfortune that had befallen him.

“Bad enough Bansal needs a goat to save his chair. Worse, some channels now discussing ‘goat’ politics! gets my goat!!”, tweeted CNN-IBN editor-in-chief Rajdeep Sardesai. His channel ran the visual and a story on its website titled: “Pawan Bansal feeds goat to ward off bad luck”.

Some TV channels suggested the goat must have later been sacrificed to appease the gods but this remained in the realm of speculation. Bansal is a vegetarian, though that does not rule out an animal sacrifice.

As the news channels kept beaming the goat footage, one of Bansal’s sons approached the camera crews parked outside the gate and burst out: “What is all this….”

The sense of anticipation heightened when news channels flashed reports about Sonia Gandhi arriving at the Prime Minister’s residence.

Shortly after 5pm, a frowning Bansal stepped out of his bungalow, climbed into his beacon-fitted car and headed for Rail Bhavan after three days. It was assumed he would announce his resignation but nothing of the sort had happened by the time he stepped out of his office an hour later.

“I have nothing to say beyond what I have said. An investigation is going on and I will not speak now,” Bansal said. Asked whether the Prime Minister had called him, he grimly denied it.


India’s demographic challenge




The Economist


India’s demographic challenge

Wasting time

India will soon have a fifth of the world’s working-age population. It urgently needs to provide them with better jobs

May 11th 2013 | PATNA, BIHAR |From the print edition

ONE of India’s bigger private-sector employers can be found in Patna, the capital of Bihar, a poor, populous state in the east of the country. Narendra Kumar Singh, the boss, has three gold rings on his right hand and arms big enough to crush rocks. His firm, Frontline, has 86,000 people on its books. They are mostly unskilled men from rural areas in poor states like Bihar; thanks to Mr Singh they have jobs in cities all over India.

There is lots to celebrate about this. Mr Singh’s business has sales of $185m and its employee base has grown by 1,600% since 2000. He is looking for a Western partner and wants to expand to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. He is providing paid work for part of the large cohort of young people now entering the workforce. And by shifting people from farms to cities he is helping urbanisation of the sort that underpinned startling progress elsewhere in Asia.

Related topics

Yet Frontline is also a symptom of a colossal failure. For it is not supplying labour for a manufacturing boom of the kind that helped so many in China, South Korea and Taiwan out of poverty, or for the IT services at which India has excelled. Instead it offers relatively unproductive service-sector jobs—in particular, security guards. It has become de rigueur for every ATM, office, shop and apartment building to have guards. Across India millions of young men now sit all day on plastic seats in badly fitting uniforms with braids and epaulettes, unshaven and catatonically bored as the economic miracle passes by. This isn’t how East Asia got rich.

From a bomb to a boom and back

During the boom of the 1990s and 2000s, it became fashionable to talk of India’s forthcoming “demographic dividend”. This was quite a turnaround. In the 1960s and 1970s, the booming populations of states like Bihar were seen as a curse. “The Population Bomb”, a Malthusian bestseller by two American environmentalists, Paul and Anne Ehrlich, began by describing “one stinking hot night in Delhi”, and its horrifying number of “people, people, people, people”. In the 1970s there was a forced sterilisation programme. Sanjay Gandhi, a thuggish scion of the ruling dynasty, organised vasectomy camps near Delhi—one doctor boasted he could perform 40 sterilisations an hour.

In the 1990s, though, economic liberalisers evoked the experiences of East Asia and the demographic dividend it benefited from when previously high fertility rates began to decline. Working-age populations rose at the same time as the ratio of dependants to workers fell. An associated rise in the rate of saving allowed more investment, helping pay for the vast expansion in manufacturing that employed those workers and lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. In the mid2000s the prospect of a similar dividend in India, where the fertility rate had dropped a lot in the 1980s and 1990s, was a key reason for investors’ optimism. The timing was particularly encouraging: India’s labour force was due to soar as China’s began to decline (see chart 1).

Now many are worried that India is squandering this demographic opportunity. This is partly because the economy is in a funk. Growth is at 4.5%, half the rate at the peak in the mid-2000s. Industry is 27% of output, compared with 40-47% in other big developing Asian economies. High inflation has prompted households to store ever more of their savings in physical assets rather than the financial system (see chart 2). The costs are clear. With few manufacturing exports, India has a chronic balance-of-payments problem. And India has created too few formal jobs in the past decade.

India’s leaders have long said they are committed to employment, but have shown little stomach for the economic upheaval rapid job creation entails. China’s policymakers accepted that the process of adding jobs overall often destroyed jobs in particular industries and places. For years India’s politicians have preferred economic palliatives such as NREGA, a giant scheme that guarantees work for the rural poor, and subsidies for the needy.

Now India’s borrowing has soared to queasy levels and welfare spending is being squeezed. There are worries that joblessness could be feeding the spasmodic unrest seen in some cities since 2011. Not all protesters were young. And their motivation varied from support for the anti-corruption guru Anna Hazare to disgust at a series of rapes in Delhi. But the protests added to a sense of youthful volatility.

An official report into the public finances in 2012 warned that a combination of slower growth and the demographic bulge could be “politically destabilising”. Rahul Gandhi, who is poised to lead the ruling Congress party in the general election due by 2014, speaks of the “angry” young and their “urgent demand for jobs”. The government’s economic adviser, Raghuram Rajan, says jobs are the biggest priority. Some in the elite seem to be waking up. But is it too late?

Quantity and quality

To see the scale of the challenge, consider that the working-age population, aged between 15 and 64, will rise by 125m over the coming decade, and by a further 103m over the following decade. On current trends a third of the growth will come from poorer and less literate states in the north, notably Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Not everyone of working age will be in the job market. More people aged 15-24 will remain in education—26% do today. Some adult women will stay at home; presently only about a third work, a low level by Asian standards. But India probably needs to create about 100m net new jobs in the next decade.

China’s boom created 130m net jobs in services and industry between 2002 and 2012. But India is no China. The most recent survey showed no net new jobs were created between 2004-05 and 2009-10, a dramatic slowdown on the previous five years, when 60m jobs were created.

These figures may not be as shocking as they seem. Fewer jobs were created partly because some folk voluntarily withdrew from the workforce. More women in rural areas decided not to look for jobs—perhaps because several fairly good years for farmers meant they did not need the cash. Wages for the unskilled have been rising, and though this is partly because of the NREGA guaranteed-work scheme, it suggests there has not been a collapse in the jobs market. For all these caveats, though, the headline data remain disquieting. Even during a boom few jobs were created. Now that the economy is growing more slowly things have got harder.

The rural poor seem likely to be frustrated, which will add to the number of migrants headed for the cities. The better-educated will suffer, too. By some estimates India produces twice as many new graduates each year as it can absorb. In a half-built private-run campus in Patna most students have modest expectations of their future salaries—typically $500 a month. Even so, their professor worries they won’t all get job offers.

The problem lies not just in the quantity of jobs, though; quality matters too. Statistics verify what the naked eye can see in any Indian city. They all have their armies of guards, peons, delivery boys, ear-dewaxers and men who sit on stools in lifts pressing the buttons. About 85% of India’s jobs are with “informal” enterprises—those organisations with fewer than ten staff which are not incorporated. Another 11% are casual jobs with formal companies. Only 16% of Indians say they get a regular wage. People with informal jobs are usually very poor. An official study of 2004-05 data concludes that 80% of informal workers got less than the then national minimum wage of $1.46 a day. There are some good jobs. But India’s IT firms, for example, account for only a few million jobs out of a total of half a billion.

All this seems to be closely linked to the lack of manufacturing. Although some 23% of Indian workers are categorised as working in “industry”, compared to nearly 30% in China and 22% in Indonesia, half of India’s “industrial” workers are in construction whereas the figure is just a quarter in Indonesia. Of the remainder almost all are in the “manufacturing” subcategory. But these are not jobs that involve exposure to modern machinery, techniques and training (crucial for unskilled labour let down by the country’s education system). More than half of Indians in the manufacturing sector work in facilities without electricity.

The obvious problem is a “missing middle”. Most of the jobs are in tiny operations. Most of the value added is in a few big, sophisticated firms that prefer using machines to humans. Some, such as Tata Sons and Mahindra, are well-known. Most of those seem keener on expanding globally than on building factories at home. For every dollar of foreign direct investment (FDI) made by outsiders in Indian manufacturing in the five years to March 2012, local firms invested 65 cents in manufacturing abroad. The number of jobs in factories (excluding the very smallest) has increased since 2005; but only by 2.8m.

What manufacturing FDI India does attract tends to be high-end—Volkswagen has a smart €570m plant full of robots. Meanwhile investment is pouring into Vietnam and Indonesia (see chart 3) as costs in China rise. Li & Fung, a big trading firm based in Hong Kong which buys goods in Asia and sells them in the West to retailers including Walmart, gets some 5% of its goods from India, compared with about 20% from South-East Asia.

Death on the shop floor

India’s missed opportunity is most evident in textiles and clothing, a labour-intensive industry that has been dominated by China. In 2011 McKinsey, a consultancy, found that purchasing managers at global clothing firms wanted to shift their sourcing from China; their favoured new destinations included Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia—but not India. India’s textile exports have grown, but those from Vietnam and Bangladesh, combined, easily outstrip them.

Why don’t more people want to make things in India? Indian migrant workers are sought across the world, not least in the Gulf. But at home tricky labour relations are a problem.

In a dusty lawyers’ room in the industrial belt near Delhi, five workers explain how they were fired by Maruti Suzuki, a carmaker controlled by Suzuki of Japan, after simmering tensions on the shop floor led to a riot at a nearby plant in July 2012. A manager was burned to death. The men are in their 20s and from rural families. They have a strong sense of injustice. “We have told our families that they should consider us as behind bars and that they should make other plans for their lives. We are ready for a long fight.” The Maruti violence has so far been a one-off. But the episode unnerved businesspeople.

Economists have long identified arcane labour laws as the key to India’s manufacturing problem. Scholars have gleefully dissected India’s 51 central and 170 state labour statutes, some of which pre-date independence, to demonstrate how they make it hard for firms with more than a handful of staff to fire people and allow disputes to become legal endurance tests. Studies have shown how tighter rules impede growth in labour-intensive industries and prompt firms to remain small.

Two-tier world

Yet the industrial belt in which Maruti’s factory sits shows times have changed. Big firms can bypass labour law by using “contract” workers, technically employed by third-party agents. In the past decade they have used—or, workers say, abused—this kink in the rules a lot more. At three car and motorbike plants, based on discussions with workers, about 70% of 14,500 staff work on a contract basis. Their average wage is $5-6 per working day, a quarter of what permanent, unionised staff get. The minimum wage in Guangzhou, a Chinese industrial hub, is $10.5 per working day.

That might appear to be good news. If lots of factory workers can be hired at globally competitive rates, on flexible terms, manufacturing firms should pile into India. In practice the situation is unstable. As the Maruti riot showed, the two-tier workforce has caused anger—the five men in the lawyers’ room were permanent employees who say they were disgusted by the treatment of their contract colleagues. Maruti is abandoning the distinction. And from a financial perspective the contract system is not as good as it looks for employers. They must still hire unionised permanent staff, and though these may be in a minority they can account for the majority of a plant’s wage bill, lifting the average pay across all workers to Chinese levels.

The labour situation is a long way from the strikes and militancy of the 1970s, but it is unpredictable. That puts off potential manufacturers. And there are lots of other deterrents, too, from red tape to erratic electricity (see, for example, the monumental blackout across north and east India in 2012), a lack of land, bad roads and busy ports. One shipping boss thinks logistics add 20% to the cost of making something in India, compared with 6-8% in China. The Middle Kingdom hardly excelled on such metrics 20 years ago, but India does seem to be especially intimidating for industrial firms. Where non-labour problems have been tackled, notably in Gujarat, manufacturing does better. But Gujarat—population 60m—is not a big state by Indian standards.

Since 2000 India has tried carving out special economic zones (SEZs) to create islands with lower taxes and access to infrastructure, where manufacturers can feel at home. But these have been a limited success, with many dominated by IT firms. A new twist is a proposed industrial corridor between Delhi and Mumbai, inspired by the expressway between Seoul and Busan in South Korea. The project has Japanese support, but basic things such as access to land and water have yet to be settled.

In its frustration India is flirting with a more overt industrial policy. A new rule says that government offices must now buy computers with a chunk of components made locally. This is designed to improve the balance of payments and promote an indigenous industry. The government is also now offering subsidies that could be worth billions of dollars to attract a microchip foundry. There is a push to indigenise the defence industry.

The legislation on offer to try to change the situation more generally may not enthuse industry. There are noises about labour-law reform, but rather than liberalise the regime for permanent workers it may merely tighten the one for contract employees. A bill that is supposed to make it easier to buy land could make the process even more expensive and protracted, argue many businesspeople.

For robust jobs growth there must be a change of mindset among officials, judges and politicians. Although Mr Gandhi and others are talking about the challenge, not everyone is, partly due to the electoral system’s skew towards the countryside. Only 10% of legislators in the lower house have urban constituencies in which 75% or more of the population is urban, reckons the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), a think-tank. Jobs in factories in cities are not a priority for most politicians.

Failing gently

Could the voices of the young change this? There is a rising level of political involvement. A recent survey by CSDS and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, a German think-tank, found that nearly twice as many of today’s 18- to 33-year-olds say they are interested in politics as did in 1996. Some 20% of young rural men say they participate in protests, as do 22% of college-educated young men. Those with exposure to the media, from talk shows to social media, are most politically active. One of India’s big mobile-messaging sites, Nimbuzz, with 25m mostly young users, says traffic doubled in the aftermath of the rape scandal in Delhi in December and during the Anna Hazare anti-graft protests. But the young have little independent political identity; their party allegiance is much like that of their parents. Nor do they have any obvious muscle.

The lack of political resolve and of a clear signal from voters mean India is unlikely to summon up the single-minded dedication with which South Korea, Taiwan and China created industrial jobs. Its demographic dividend will yield only a fraction of what it could, and the problem of low-quality employment will fester. That would be an immense waste. Most policymakers and well-off people would deny that it is a deep threat, though. The country’s religions, its distinctive mix of hierarchical culture and populist politics and its durable family structures will ensure social stability, they say.

They are probably right. They might want to pay their security guards a little more, though. Just in case.

Readers' comments

hah!3 hours 59 mins ago

India and China accounted for over 90% of the world GDP until westen colonialism arrived.

To see what 600 years of colonialism does to teh mindset of a people, look no further than present day India.

hikeandskiin reply to hah!2 hours 43 mins ago

600 years??? You jest. England was running the show for about 100 years.Who ran it for the other 500? Oh, yes, Indians.Like most socialists you take some insignificant irrelevant item from history and use it as an excuse for the failure of a society to flourish. The English did not just inflict damage on the society they ruled. Look at the other "colonies"; they have not all followed the Indian pattern of collapse, corruption, etc.

Messi CMay 10th, 19:33

Very well written and detailed article. I agree on all fronts. But you have missed out on a couple of (basic) things. Most of our problems are strongly connected with with our general way of thinking or commonly known as 'The Indian mentality'. Every single person here is scared to take a gamble with their future. India, being very much a family oriented country, where most people are compelled to shape their futures according to social/ personal status. From childhood, we are advised/ convinced by elders that if you do not earn a large sum of money.., there will be lack of respect from your peers and relatives. In some cases, many just follow on the steps of their parents without a hint of realization of the many endless opportunities and career paths out there in the world. Many of us (speaking from personal experience) have no freedom to think and choose for ourselves. Even though we sometimes do give it a thought, but eventually in the back of the mind, we still think about what was told by our elders and choose to act according to their wishes cause they have seen and experienced more years of life than us. Hence scared to take the initiative in shaping our own destiny. Graduation has become like a trend and a show of status as mentioned in one of the comments. The population (educated or otherwise) being so vast and and lack of jobs, people are focusing on other alternatives like migrating to another country to earn a living.

Living conditions in metropolitan cities have become unsustainable. Heavy congestion, lacking infrastructure, lacking foresight etc just add to the problems. As mentioned, the youth can only do so much as they have no/ limited muscle, but the people who can make a difference are the ones who are in the global spotlight; The Billionaires of India. But again, the mentality factor kicks in - "As long as it doesn't affect us, why should we bother to get involved".

People have become too money-minded to bother tackling the day-to-day issues of our society and nation on the whole. What good is being educated if you don't help maintain order in your society/ country? The best of our flock are making serious headway in other countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc. Leaders of other countries accuse us of stealing their jobs, but who are we to blame for such circumstance to arise in the first place? http://www.merinews.com/article/was-winston-churchill-right-about-india/...

We are the grand architects of our country's decline. We as Indians are all in it together. We have ourselves to blame no matter how much you argue about it and point fingers.

"FEAR and LOVE are the two most destructive weapons on the planet"

TarH33lMay 10th, 16:29

Overpopulation is a ticking time-bomb and the root of multitude of problems. It was true thirty years ago, it is still true today. Population dividend is a self-deception.

dafuqMay 10th, 12:45

May our politicians read your articles and start thinking about the countrymen than actually pleasing for their votebanks and do silly things as they always do!! Political will is one of the most basic and important problem in India. As politicians are more willing to please their vote bank rather than actually doing something for public.They show their faces to voters when they need votes and for the remaining time they show voters the middle finger when it comes to fulfill promises!! They become politicians to gain power and earn money.Period. They do nothing for the people of India and only thing they do is just showing off!!! The Government comes to power and abuses it heavily doing scams after scams and launching schemes which are total waste of money and benefits no one economically.For example,Congress's employment guarantee scheme is a total waste of money and thousands of crores goes to the pockets of so called our leaders even CAG(auditing body of India) has shown thousands of crores of money which never reached to the people from whom you are expecting votes. And almost 89%(figures may not be accurate but it is around this) of the investment in Government schools goes on red tape and does not reach to the students!! Corrupt people don't even leave the future of our country,what else you can expect from them. The whole political and administrative structure in India is highly corrupt from bottom to top and this is one of the problem India does not reaching to it's potential.But who will stop them? In India,law makers are law breakers!!!

May God save India from these corrupt a$$#@##, who do nothing for the country as they praise!! All they want is money...

But there are few good leaders still left, like Narendra Modi,Subramaniyam Swamy,Shivraj Singh Chahuhan, and many political activists and only some honesty can be expected from these leaders rest are just for sale!!

economical aetiologyMay 10th, 08:59

Nice read specially that demographical distributional graph changing from triangle standing on rectangle shape to a dumb=bell.. Only Economist can so suavely "simplify" concepts that they remain sophisticated yet have that lucid smell to it

Sachi MohantyMay 10th, 08:21

India should launch a many-pronged "Moon shot".

This should cover

1) massively improving the availability of healthcare in villages,

2) improving the quality of primary education and school infrastructure in the villages,

3) set a target to end open defecation in the next five years,

4) improve availability of clean drinking water in the villages,

5) start cutting edge and bold programs in the high tech sphere; one example could be a civilian passenger jet of 150-200 seat capacity. A 'domestic' program to manufacture such a jet would challenge and help improve manufacturing as well as software companies.

hedgieMay 10th, 07:48

good article. a waste when the gap btw global technologies in mfg and services not bridged by young skilled labor. India not realizing its potential, it sits on a goldmine of unexploited human talents. Good article from TE.

EducationforallMay 10th, 07:29

I think the biggest gap is excellent education for all. Our educational institutions (govt included) are failing our lower and middle class - this includes rural and more so all the urban immigrant population.

We need our government and policy makers to strongly re-look at our quality of education and recognize the fruitless/skilless education we are currently providing our youth which is unable to make a case for good jobs in this growing economy.

RT123May 10th, 07:16

What if this army of educated jobless guards get access to cheap smartphones and google glasses? I wonder what disruption it would create.
With ample of free time they may access MIT courseware or lectures on youtube triggering innovation. Or they may become engrossed in facebook triggering debates.

guest-lwmnonlMay 10th, 06:39

The article depicts the current reality, the problem with rural youth is more serious than the urban youth. The urban youth at least have some ways to progress, but the rural youth dont have any opportunities to experience growth opportunities.

Anugu Amarender Reddy

brand naveenMay 10th, 05:51

I feel what makes India suffer is: One- Unfairly designed institutions which never trust their citizens. Neither citizens trust State and their institutions. So, we need to bring more fairness into these institutions.

Second, Indian youth lacks imagination and courage. This force them to imitate a lot just to differentiate with their peers. Even after the expected changes that Govt makes will youth live to that challenge? I seriously doubt.

So, youth also need to re-invent themselves to this "New Normal" world where things are more dicer. Hopefully these actions from both the sides will fill the so called "middle gap"

brand naveenMay 10th, 05:16

"Challenge? We see nothing serious" You would have got similar reply if you could have interviewed politicians for this story.

This is the problem with us !!
Why the f*** do we have to link every f***ing thing with Politics ?

The issue raised by TE is a serious matter and politics is an integral part of the problem. Sure the f could have been left out.

guest-iimjlnaMay 10th, 05:11

India failed to harness the age old traditions of craftsmanship and tuned in with modern day education so as to expand and absorb the badly needed workforce in manufacturing sector. On the other hand university education has become a status symbol, which will be difficult to overcome. In reality it lacks a well planned development policy to tackle the issues of gainful employment.

mac205May 10th, 00:35

journal quality articles like this make me 'forgive' many other generalized, sensationalist bits and contnue with economist. (even though you guys are so expensive to subscribe!)
have you thought of a massive marketing strategy to expand reader base and reduce unit price without compromising quality? (former NZ PM Helen Clark said once, all she needs for a week are frozen food and the economist)

Communal AwardMay 9th, 18:11

http://www.lietaer.com/2010/03/the-worgl-experiment/ will create millions of new/local jobs in the economy.

No MistMay 9th, 16:41

fine quality of the article and even better graphics


SoniaG's coalgate quartet TKA Nair, Pulok C, Ahmed Patel, Motilal Vora. Step down SoniaG, PM -- Dr. Swamy


I've cracked Coal Gate case: culprits are TKA Nair, Pulok Chatterjee, Ahmed Patel & Motilal Vora. TDK beneficiary. MMS on world tour.
By Swamy39
4+ hours ago | 27+ retweets

Time for PM, Sonia Gandhi to step down: Subramanian Swamy
Last Updated: Saturday, May 11, 2013, 11:53

New Delhi: President of Janata Party Subramanian Swamy on Saturday said it is time for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi step down, after two Cabinet ministers resigned.

Earlier, Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal and Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, who were caught in the web of allegations of corruption and interference with graft probe, submitted their resignation on Friday evening.

Commenting further, he said: "The two cases are different. It is again proved that every Congress minister is corrupt. Half their ministers are in the quest of getting their collars clean, then how do you expect them to have time to think about the commoners. An enquiry has also been ordered against Chidambaram."

"Nobody will be spared. Even if the Prime Minister is clean things have happened around him, and he has maintained silence... Hence Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi should resign," concluded Swamy.

Meanwhile, senior Communist Party of India (CPM) leader Atul Anjan commenting on the same issue and accused the ruling Congress of mismanagement amongst their own party.

Anjan said: "Congress have twisted the rules, they have been protagonists of most of the scams, one of their ministers had to be forced by the Supreme Court to resign. They cannot manage their own party nor can they manage the Cabinet, they are good for nothing."


Chanakyas of modern India
By Prabha Jagannathan
Story Dated: Monday, July 2, 2012 16:4 hrs IST
The master brains behind powerful politicians 
see, hear, feel and think what their masters don’t

Rajendra Prasad, India's first President, is the only politician to move to the Rashtrapati Bhavan from the thick of action. Pranab Mukherjee, in all probability, will be added to that list in July. And the nation's gain will be the Congress's loss, as his departure means no more single-window clearances for the party's problems. In all these years as a crackajack strategist, master manipulator and a fluent juggler, Mukherjee served Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi as their unofficial Rajguru, their Kautilya.
That is no mean feat, considering that in politics a thin line separates Kautilya (or Chanakya, who was Chandragupta Maurya's adviser and the author of Arthshastra and Nitishastra) and Shakuni, known in the Mahabharata for his self-serving cunningness. Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik will know that well.
In May, Patnaik was in London to solicit investment from the European business community, projecting his state as resource-rich and well-governed. Hours after his presentation, came bad news from home—his political mentor and one-time aide Pyarimohan Mohapatra allegedly tried to topple his government. Patnaik hopped on the next flight back home, suspended Mohapatra from the party and axed two ministers.
Mohapatra, who was Naveen's father Biju Patnaik's secretary from 1990 to 1994, was behind all the key decisions taken by Naveen, including the 2009 break-up with the BJP, an ally for 11 years. “After the sweeping win in 2009, Mohapatra expected that Naveen would move to New Delhi and leave the coast clear for him in Bhubaneshwar. Instead, Mohapatra was shunted off to the Rajya Sabha, signalling strained relations,” explained an MP from the Biju Janata Dal.
With his control over the party organisation, it is said, Mohapatra engineered a rift between top bureaucrats and the chief minister during the recent spate of Maoist abductions of tourists, bureaucrats and party MLA Jhina Hikaka. What made the timing of the failed coup important was that, in an attempt to up his stakes in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Naveen had initiated a movement asserting the concerns of regional parties on policy matters. The Congress was not pleased with this, and it is said that Mohapatra had the help of the Congress in plotting the coup.
“Politicians of all hues have always had key aides or political mentors to support and second them,” said social scientist Shiv Vishwananthan. “Chandragupta Maurya needed a Kautilya to guide him on the art of political and economic strategy and governance. But relying heavily on one person can at times be a double-edged sword. Julius Caesar was literally back-stabbed by his closest crony, Brutus. Many leaders tend to distance from well-entrenched guides in order to preempt the eventuality of a takeover.”

Naveen, it seems, was trying to do that. “Earlier, Naveen needed inputs and information to take a decision,” said Baijayant ‘Jay' Panda, MP, once the BJD's best man in New Delhi. “Now he listens to several, consults some, but takes all decision solely by himself.”
At times, it reads like the fable of the king and his pet parrot, in whose heart his apparently invincible life lay. Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Yadav was politically and financially reliant on the lobbying skills of Amar Singh. Mulayam dumped him once the lieutenant over-stepped.
The presence of advisers, at times, has an adverse effect on the fortunes of political leaders. J. Jayalalithaa, despite her political acumen and popularity, was highly dependent on aide Sasikala at a personal level. But the AIADMK supremo paid heavily for it. Similarly, BSP chief Mayawati depended heavily on the power troika of Satish Mishra, Shashank Shekhar Singh and Nasimuddin when she came to power in 2007. Observers say her downfall was triggered by their ‘betrayal' of her trust.
Political leaders of the older generations, too, relied heavily on aides and mentors. The aides, despite their sharp instincts, lacked charisma. According to Vishwanathan, it is not easy for guides and gurus to assume the mass-connect that a leader has with the public. “That sets the one apart from the other,” he said.
A case in point is Ahmed Patel, political secretary of Congress president Sonia Gandhi. The highly influential politician from Gujarat is a complete failure when it comes to making any impact in his home state, prompting many to call him just a “glorified retainer of the Gandhi family”.
Very different from the quiet Patel is Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh. The former Madhya Pradesh chief minister, who mentored Rahul Gandhi in Uttar Pradesh, never shies away from taking on mighty rivals or owning up mistakes.
Yogendra Yadav, social scientist at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, attributes politicians' lack of acumen to the requirement of aides. “Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi never felt the need for an adviser. He had the connect with people and political vision and took his decisions instinctively,” he said. Politicians these days are increasingly defined by legions of aides.

“THE WORK OF this back office is essentially managerial and not political in nature. Leaders like Rahul Gandhi have taken a lot of time to reach a take-off point in electoral politics. In the interim, they need to build an image of a thoughtful decision maker. That is the vacuum that these ‘mentors' and back-office boys fill,” said Vishwanathan.
The real test of these advisers and back-room brigades is in implementing their policies on the ground and delivering essentials in food, water, shelter, sanitation, health and education to the people, said Dr Pramod Kumar of the Institute for Development and Communication. He was hired to evolve the ‘Trust, Dignity and Productivity' model, which helped the Shiromani Akali Dal retain power in Punjab.
Yadav attributes the rise of political advisers to the economic boom, which has made decision-making ever more complex and brought about stronger ties between policy makers and corporate houses. But how far will they go? Said Vishwanathan: “Unless policy-driven institutional changes, such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Right to Information Act and the Food Security Bill, are elevated to the third stage and directly linked to a new theory of democracy, there is little political importance that can be attributed to the back-room brains trust brigade and techno battalions.”
Over the next few pages THE WEEK features some of India's modern Chanakyas. Much as they are admired for their quick thinking and manoeuvring, they seldom taste success in electoral politics. That is the preserve of their masters.

rahul gandhi
kanishka singh
Knight in armour
The 35-year-old Kanishka, or ‘K', has been referred to as Rahul Gandhi's Ahmed Patel. While that might be true as catchy slogans go, the Gandhi scion's trusted lieutenant does not have the experience, suaveness or people management skills that Patel has. But Kanishka is still very effective.
Kanishka, who maintains a low profile, began playing a larger role in the party affairs as Rahul's stock went up in the Congress. The plan to remove Harish Khare, known to be close to Patel, from the Prime Minister's Office and bring in Pulok Chatterjee is attributed to Kanishka. It was aimed at easing Patel's clout in the PMO and make a trouble-free entry for Rahul.
“Within the party Rahul has immense clout and has been quietly calling the shots,” said a Congress leader. “He needs able assistance to shoulder his burden and to guide him on legislative, economic and governmental issues. Kanishka is his guide on things ranging from appointments to political strategies.”
Kanishka was involved in the ticket distribution decisions in the Assembly elections in Uttarakhand, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. The Congress's miserable performance in the elections and the failure of the grandiose plan to revive the party in UP, in which he played an important role along with Digvijaya Singh, have prompted many critics to argue that textbook political aides are incapable of swinging votes.

nitish kumar
ramchandra prasad singh
Official choice
A 1984-cadre IAS officer from Uttar Pradesh, Ramchandra Prasad Singh quit his job in 2010, when he was the principal secretary to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and had eight more years of service. Two weeks later, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha. Some people say the elevation was an attempt by Nitish to reduce his over-dependence on Singh. Possible, because Nitish had been seeking his opinion on every single political and administrative matter.
Nitish spotted him in 1998 and invited Singh to work with him at the Rail Bhawan when he was the Union railway minister. Singh was the brain behind luring some opposition leaders into the Janta Dal (U).
He played an important role in selecting the candidates for the 2010 Assembly elections in which Nitish secured a remarkable victory. He was also the convener of the team that handed over signatures of 1.25 crore people from Bihar to the Prime Minister, demanding special status for the state.

mamata banerjee
mukul roy
Engine pilot
Mukul Roy was Mamata Banerjee's choice for the Union railway minister when she quit the post to become West Bengal chief minister. But when she met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with the request, he shot it down. “The Prime Minister wanted her to nominate Dinesh Trivedi,” said a senior Congressman. Though she accepted Singh's suggestion, Mamata was visibly unhappy. The resentment grew as her relationship with Trivedi worsened. She did not hesitate for a moment to show him the door over a controversial railway budget, and give the post to Roy.
“For me, Didi is a symbol of justice and courage. I am only a soldier in the party,” said Roy. It is, however, well known that he is the first among equals in the Trinamool Congress. He joined the party when Mamata formed it, and was unnoticed among leaders like Pankaj Banerjee and Sudip Bandyopadhya. But over time he became her trustworthy adviser. He stood by Mamata during setbacks and played an important role in Trinamool's organisational growth in the rural areas.
Roy is Trinamool's face in the rural Bengal. When Mamata realised that the farmers of Singur were unhappy over the delay in getting back their land, which was acquired for the abandoned Tata Nano plant, she sent Roy to pacify them. He plays a key role in shaping the party's policy matters and raising party funds. He developed the strategy to reach out to civil society groups and worked with technocrats like Derek O'Brien to change Mamata's maverick image, which played an important role in bringing the party to power in West Bengal.

sonia gandhi
ahmed patel
Power centre
In the highest echelons of power, Ahmed Patel, Congress president Sonia Gandhi's political secretary, is known for his modesty. This despite the fact that he holds the keys to the party's treasure troves and manages its election strategies and orchestrates its back-room moves.
Elected to the Lok Sabha from Bharuch in Gujarat in 1977, 1980 and 1984, Patel has steadily grown in stature within the party to become the Congress's treasurer. Both Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are said to have offered ministerial berths to him, but he turned them down. When Sonia became Congress chief, he earned her trust and soon became her closest aide. “His biggest skill is discretion,” said a Congress general secretary. “He is a solutions man. His importance in the Congress can't be overstated.”
Patel played a crucial role in getting the UPA re-elected in 2009, and is the usual suspect behind every big political move by the Congress. Within the PMO, it is an ill-kept secret that all files dealing with the appointments of heads of public sector units are routed to him.
There is no doubt that Patel is one of the biggest power centres in the Congress, as party leader Mani Shankar Aiyar once put it. “The really powerful Congress workers go there [10 Janpath, Sonia Gandhi's residence] or to 23 Willingdon Crescent [Patel's residence], and only the hopeless go to 24 Akbar Road [Congress headquarters].”

m. karunanidhi
durai murugan
M. Karunanidhi himself is referred to as the Chanakya of modern Indian politics owing to his political acumen and shrewd moves. By nature he neither depends on nor dismisses anyone while taking political decisions. One exception was Murasoli Maran, whom the DMK chief called his conscience.
After Maran's death, Karunanidhi's closest aide has been former minister Durai Murugan. It is difficult to see the octogenarian leader these days without Durai by his side.
Durai is known for his loyalty to Karunanidhi. He plays an important role in making the strategy of the party in the Assembly and has a strong say in crucial decisions. He acts as a proxy for Kanunanidhi when the leader wants to send across indirect messages.
When the DMK was in power Durai had been the main defender of the government's policies. He has a thorough knowledge of the river water disputes pertaining to the state, which is crucial considering the sensitivity of the matter. Though he is seen as close to the Stalin, Durai maintains a good rapport with M.K. Alagiri and Kanimozhi as well.

j. jayalalithaa
cho ramaswamy
Man of the moment
Cho Ramaswamy was Jayalalithaa's Chanakya as she scripted a massive victory in the 2011 Assembly elections by forging an alliance with Vijayakanth's DMDK. Many credit him with influencing the AIADMK chief's decision to kick her aide Sasikala out of her Poes Garden residence soon after coming to power. Though Sasikala has since made a comeback, her influence over Jayalalithaa has come down.
A seasoned political analyst, columnist, playwright and comedian, Cho, or Srinivasa Iyer Ramaswamy, edits the Tamil political weekly Thuglak. “Cho's advise regarding Sasikala seems to have helped the AIADMK leader. It was a determined attempt to cleanse the administration. She has now lost her corrupt image,” said a senior journalist. 
Though Jayalalithaa depends a lot these days on Cho's political acumen, she does not have the habit of sticking to an adviser. In fact, she does not trust people easily, and prefers making decisions on her own.

mufti mohammad sayeed
naeem akhtar
Valley's voice
He was Sheikh Abdullah's press officer, has worked with Farooq Abdullah. But it is not with the Abdullahs but their arch rivals Muftis that Naeem Akhtar, 60, has struck a chord. He was political secretary to Mufti Mohammad Sayeed before assuming the role of the People's Democratic Party spokesperson.
It is no secret that the Mufti draws heavily on Akhtar's political acumen. Important policy decisions of the PDP are incomplete without his inputs. Like any good spin doctor, he is a good media manager. Policy statements and important speeches do not make it to the press without him vetting them.
A good grasp of Kashmir's chequered polity and the time he spent in administration turned Akhtar, a former bureaucrat, into an astute strategist. He was behind the idea of the Mufti inviting Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to Kashmir in 2003. He ensured that Vajpayee addressed people at the Sher-i-Kashmir cricket stadium instead of just talking to the media at the Srinagar airport. It was a masterstroke. “Inviting Vajpayee to Kashmir was a risky decision, but it paid off,” said Akhtar.
Some of the symbolic decisions that the PDP took after coming to power in 2002 are attributed to Akhtar. Allowing traffic on the Gupkar Road, which had been an exclusive domain of security forces and the Abdullahs, won the hearts of Kashmiris. Akhtar also played an important role in disbanding of the notorious State Task Force, the anti-militancy wing of the Kashmir Police.

lalu prasad yadav
jagadanand singh
Yours faithfully
Seek Jagadabhai's opinion before signing on any paper. He is the only man you can blindly trust. Do not even trust your brothers.”
That was the advice Lalu Prasad Yadav gave his wife, Rabri Devi, just before he was packed off to jail for his alleged involvement in the fodder scam. Jagadanand Singh, or Jagadabhai, a Lok Sabha member from Buxar, has been associated with Lalu for the past 35 years.
Lalu has reasons to have blind faith in Jagadanand. First, the man is known for his honesty and integrity. Second, his loyalty has been tried and tested on many occasions in the power politics in Bihar, in which Lalu had many ups and downs. Third, he is an able administrator. When Lalu was the chief minister, Jagadanand held half-a-dozen important ministerial portfolios.
Jagadanand was instrumental in making Lalu the leader of opposition after the death of Karpoori Thakur in 1988, and the chief minister in 1990. He was one of the three people present in the meeting that decided to stop L.K. Advani's rath yatra and arrest him in 1990. The move created the Muslim-Yadav vote bank in the state, which helped Lalu stay in power for 15 years.
Lalu's fall from power saw an exodus of leaders from the Rashtriya Janata Dal into the ruling coalition. There have long been attempts to lure Jagadanand also to the JD(U). But he has been spurning them. “I am not a political prostitute,” he said. “As long as I am in politics, I will remain with Lalu Prasad.”

oommen chandy
shaffi mather
Development agent
Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy would be the last person needing advise on political matters. In his second term, the veteran leader is working hard to change the state's underdog status in industrial and infrastructure development. And pivotal to that plan is Shaffi Mather, Chandy's economic adviser.
Mather is in charge of monitoring the progress of the programmes suggested by Sam Pitroda, the state's mentor for development, such as setting up of a chain of ports along the Kerala coast and establishing a knowledge city in the state. As the convenor of the party's Economic Planning and Policy Committee, he works closely with Chandy in the party and the government.
Mather's association with Chandy started at the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland in 2006. Chandy, who was there to present a paper, had a fall and suffered a fractured hip, and had to stay back longer than expected. Mather was his primary aide there.
Though Mather's mandate is the implementation of the development programmes suggested by Pitroda, his immediate attention is to ensure that the projects declared by Chandy are on track. Said former minister M.M. Hassan: “His knowledge and experience as a successful entrepreneur will definitely help the government.” The chief minister seems to be counting on that.

with Tariq Bhat, Lakshmi Subramanian, 
Rabi Banerjee and Sabarinath Bahuleyan


Published on Feb 28, 2013
T. K. A. Nair
T.K.A. Nair (born in 1941 as Thottuvelil Krishna Ayappan Nair[1]) is an Indian civil servant who currently serves as Adviser to the Prime Minister of India[2] with the rank of the Minister of State. He is a 1963 batch Indian Administrative Service officer from Punjab Cadre.[1]

He also presently serves as Member of Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation and Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development.


Rich are widely hated in China: John Osburg


Rich are widely hated in China: John Osburg, Professor, Rochester University

Ullekh N P, ET Bureau May 5, 2013, 05.32AM IST

("With the title [Anxious Wealth] I wanted to convey the sense that although Chinas new rich have benefited financially in the post-Mao years, their position in Chinese society is highly precarious in many ways)

Rochester University professor John Osburg spent several years learning Chinese in Beijing before he took up a job as a local TV host to get up, close and personal with China's reclusive new rich. His new book, Anxious Wealth: Money, Morality, and Social Networks Among China's New Elite, captures the precarious nature of the lives of those people. In an interview with ET, Osburg talks about China's "beauty economy", communist control and troubles brewing in that country.

How extensive was your research for your book, "Anxious Wealth"? How do you describe the experience of writing it?

Prior to formally starting my research, I spent four years studying Chinese in graduate school (including three summers of intensive language training in Beijing). Then I spent more than three years in Chengdu conducting fieldwork. That length of time was necessary for me to develop relationships of trust with my research informants. Starting out I was faced with the problem of how to access a relatively secretive, elite group of people. The solution for me was a job I took as the co-host of a local television show. The show profiled several local businesses and real estate developments. Through my work at the show, I was able to meet several wealthy entrepreneurs who then introduced me to their friends and associates. Once I had a core group of informants I quit my job at the show and started full-time research supported by several grants I received. This was about halfway through my time in Chengdu.

Writing proved relatively easy as I had so much data to draw from and a lot of memorable stories which served as the launching off point for my discussion of other issues.

You talk about China's new affluent class and the "masculinisation" of private business in that country. Are there historical similarities that came to your mind while handling stories of such massive inequalities over income and gender?

There are many similarities between what's happened in China in over the past few decades and what's happened in post-socialist Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. There are also many ways in which China's nouveau riche fit into the classic model of nouveau riche at other moments in history--profound status anxiety, bad reputation, political precariousness, etc. But what makes the rise of profound economic and gender inequality in the post-Mao period so interesting is that it follows the Maoist period in which the entire political and ideological apparatus was committed to addressing the exact forms of inequality that have arisen in the post-Mao period. There's a saying that captures this irony, "We shed blood, sweat, and tears for 30 years only to return to the old society." It rhymes in Chinese--Xinxinkuku sanshinian, zuihou huidao jiefang qian.

Did you coin the expression, "beauty economy"? How bad is commericialisation of women in communist China of today?

I didn't coin the term. I think it was coined by Chinese journalists. It refers to the use of young, attractive women in sales and all sorts of commercial promotions. This is a phenomenon you find in most capitalist countries so China is not unique in this regard. What really struck me was the ubiquity of financial terms and concepts in discussions of romantic, marital, and sexual relationships in China and the ways in which the commercial exploitation of women tended to overlap with the commodification of women more broadly as mistresses, sex workers, etc. For example, some of my interviewees referred to a woman serving as a mistress for several years in order to acquire capital for a business as a strategy of "primitive accumulation". Other interviewees referred to women's youth as beauty as forms of capital and resources that should be utilised before they went to waste. While some found this abhorrent, many others saw nothing wrong with this commercialisation, including many participants in the "beauty economy" themselves.

Do you see the current predicament as negative fallout of gaige kaifang (economic reforms launched in 1980 by Deng Xiaoping)? What are the similarities between China under the communist party and Russia under Putin?

I see it more as the stalling of gaige kaifang. At the start of gaige kaifang many thought that reforms would continue along the logic of greater openness and loosening of state control. While you've seen a profound retreat of the state in certain domains, state control has intensified in others. In the 90s the state sector of the economy was viewed as backward and moribund. Young people all wanted to go into business. Now the majority of recent college graduates want to work for the government for the security and perks they provide. As many have pointed out, China doesn't appear to be "in transition" to liberal democracy and free market capitalism but rather merely honing and perfecting its current version of authoritarian capitalism.


Plato & Upanishads; Continuity and world-influence of Vedic culture: Lectures delivered by Dr Nicholas Kazanas in Chennai (May 2013)


http://www.scribd.com/doc/140798041/Plato-Dialogues-Upanishads-Nicholas-Kazanas-May-2013Plato Dialogues & Upanishads: Nicholas Kazanas (May 2013) Slides of lecture at Kuppuswamy Sastri Research Institute, Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Chennai, May 10, 2013.

Plato Dialogues & Upanishads: Nicholas Kazanas (May 2013

http://www.scribd.com/doc/140798786/Continuity-and-World-Influence-of-the-Vedic-Civilization-Nicholas-Kazanas-May-2013 Continuity and World Influence of the Vedic Civilization: Nicholas Kazanas (May 2013). The continuity and world-influence of the Vedic culture . Slides presented in a lecture at ORI. Platinum Jubilee Auditorium, Marina Campus, University of Madras, Chennai. (Parithimar Kalaingar Complex), May 10, 2013

Continuity and World Influence of the Vedic Civilization: Nicholas Kazanas (May 2013)

Mathematics in India - From Vedic Period to Modern Times -- A course with 40 lectures in IIT Madras, May 15-28, 2013


Congratulations to IIT, Madras, IIT, Bombay, Profs. MD Srinivas, MS Sriram and K. Ramasubramanian for this splendid initiative.

This should be the start of the narrative of Hindu History of Mathematics, a narrative yet to be told to the students and researchers all over the world.

With the anugraham of Devi Sarasvati, this course should be a resounding harbinger of a renaissance of a great civilization with a remarkable mathematical heritage. Chandogya Upanishad calls mathematics, rāśi (Śankara's commentary).


Prof. M.D.Srinivas Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai.Prof.M.S.Sriram University of Madras, Chennai Prof.K.Ramasubramanian IIT Bombay

Mathematics in India - From Vedic Period to Modern Times (Video)

COURSE OUTLINE Download Syllabus in PDF format Course Co-ordinated by IIT Bombay

The Course would cover the development of mathematical ideas and techniques , starting from the Vedic period to modern times. While the treatment would be historical, we would be focusing mainly on the mathematical contents of various texts. We would be covering topics such as –the discussion of numbers in the Vedas, details of construction of geometrical figures and altars as given in Sulvasutras, discovery of zero and the place value system, and also details of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and combinatorics, as discussed in the works of Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Mahavira, Bhaskaracharya and Narayana Pandita. Development of ideas and techniques of calculus and spherical trigonometry as found in the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics will also be discussed. Detailed proofs of mathematical results as contained in the famous workYuktibhasa will be presented. At the end of the course, we briefly sketch the development of mathematics in modern India , especially highlighting the workof Srinivasa Ramanujan which seems to be in continuation both in methods and philosophy, with several aspects of the older tradition of mathematics in India.

Lectures Topics
1. Introductory Overview (MDS)
2. Mathematics in the Vedas and Sulva Sutras 1 (KR)
3. Mathematics in the Vedas and Sulva Sutras 2 (KR)
4. Panini (MDS)
5. Pingala (MDS)
6. Mathematics in the Jaina Texts (KR)
7. Development of Place Value System (KR)
8. Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata 1(KR)
9. Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata 2(KR)
10. Aryabhata and Bhaskara I (KR)
11. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 1 (MSS)
12. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 2 (MSS)
13. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 3(KR)
14. Bakshali Manuscript (KR)
15. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 1 (MSS)
16. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 2 (MSS)
17. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 3 (MSS)
18. Development of Combinatorics 1 (MDS)
19. Development of Combinatorics 2 (MDS)
20. Lilavati of Bhaskara II 1 (MSS)
21. Lilavati of Bhaskara II2 (MSS)
22. Lilavati of Bhaskara III3 (MSS)
23. Bijaganita of Bhaskara II 1 (MDS)
24. Bijaganita of Bhaskara II2(MDS)
25. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 1 (MSS)
26. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 2 (MSS)
27. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 3 (MDS)
28. Magic Squares 1 (KR)
29. Magic Squares 2 (KR)
30. Kerala School of Astronomy and Development of Calculus 1 (MDS)
31. Kerala School of Astronomy and Development of Calculus 2 (MDS)
32. Computation of Accurate Sine Tables (KR)
33. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 1 (MSS)
34. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 2 (MSS)
35. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 3 (MSS)
36. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 1(MDS)
37. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 2(KR)
38. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 3 (MDS)
39. Mathematics in Modern India 1(MDS)
40. Mathematics in Modern India 2 (MDS)

• Mathematics at +2 level
• Desirable : Sanskrit as second language or Optional subject at the school level.

1. 1.B.Datta and A.N.Singh , History of Hindu Mathematics, 2 parts , Reprint , Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, New Delhi, 2004. Supplementary material revised by K.S.Shukla in issues of Indian Journal of History of Science, INSA, New Delhi, India spread over Vols. 15, 18, 19, 27 and 28,1980-1984.
2. 2.C.N.Srinivasa Iyengar, History of Indian Mathematics, World Press, Calcutta, 1967.
3. 3.T.A.Saraswati Amma, Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India, Motilal Banarsidass, Varanasi, 1079.
4. 4.A.K.Bag, Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval India, Choukhambha, Varanasi, 1979.
5. 5.K.V.Sarma, K.Ramasubramanian, M.D.Srinivas and M.S.Sriram, Ganitayuktibhasa of Jyesthadeva : Rationales in Mathematical Astronomy , Vol.1. Mathematics, Vol.2. Astronomy, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2008/2009 ; Springer Reprint, 2009.

1. K.S.Shukla and K.V.Sarma,Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, Edited, translated with explanatory notes, INSA, New Delhi, 1976.
2. H.T.Colebrooke,Classics of Indian Mathematics, Algebra, Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanscrit of Brahmagupta and Bhascara, London, 1817; Reprint: Sharada Publishing House, Delhi, 2005.
3. M.Rangacarya,Ganitasarasangraha of Mahaviracarya, with Translation and notes, Govt. of Madras, Madras, 2012.
4. Paramananda Singh,Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita, Translation and notes in Ganita Bharati, New Delhi, Vols. 20-24 , 1998-2001.
5. G.G.Joseph,The Crest of the Peacock : The Non-European Roots of Mathematics, Penguin 1990, 3rd Ed, Princeton, 2011.
6. Kim Plofker,Mathematics in India, Princeton Univ. Press, 2009; Indian Reprint : Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2012.
7. G.G.Emch, M.D.Srinivas and R.Sridharan, Eds,Contributions to the History of Mathematics in India, Hindustan Book Agency, Delhi, 2005.
8. C.S.Seshadri Ed.,Studies in History of Indian Mathematics, Hindustan Book Agency, Delhi, 2011.
9. S.Balachandra Rao,Indian Mathematics and Astronomy : Some Landmarks , 3rd Edn., Bhavan's Gandhi Centre, Bangalore, 2004.
10. C.K.Raju,Cultural Foundations of Mathematics : the Nature of Mathematical Proof and the Transmission of the Calculus from Indian to Europe in the 16th c. CE, Pearson, Delhi, 2007.
11. K.Ramasubramanian and M.S.Sriram,Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha Somayaji, Hindustan Book Agency, 2011; Springer Reprint , 2011.


Mathematics in India - From Vedic Period to Modern Times (Video)


The Course would cover the development of mathematical ideas and techniques , starting from the Vedic period to modern times. While the treatment would be historical, we would be focusing mainly on the mathematical contents of various texts. We would be covering topics such as –the discussion of numbers in the Vedas, details of construction of geometrical figures and altars as given in Sulvasutras, discovery of zero and the place value system, and also details of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and combinatorics, as discussed in the works of Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Mahavira, Bhaskaracharya and Narayana Pandita. Development of ideas and techniques of calculus and spherical trigonometry as found in the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics will also be discussed. Detailed proofs of mathematical results as contained in the famous workYuktibhasa will be presented. At the end of the course, we briefly sketch the development of mathematics in modern India , especially highlighting the workof Srinivasa Ramanujan which seems to be in continuation both in methods and philosophy, with several aspects of the older tradition of mathematics in India.


Lectures Topics
1. Introductory Overview (MDS)
2. Mathematics in the Vedas and Sulva Sutras 1 (KR)
3. Mathematics in the Vedas and Sulva Sutras 2 (KR)
4. Panini (MDS)
5. Pingala (MDS)
6. Mathematics in the Jaina Texts (KR)
7. Development of Place Value System (KR)
8. Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata 1(KR)
9. Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata 2(KR)
10. Aryabhata and Bhaskara I (KR)
11. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 1 (MSS)
12. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 2 (MSS)
13. Brahmasphutasiddhanta of Brahmagupta 3(KR)
14. Bakshali Manuscript (KR)
15. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 1 (MSS)
16. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 2 (MSS)
17. Ganitasarasangraha of Mahavira 3 (MSS)
18. Development of Combinatorics 1 (MDS)
19. Development of Combinatorics 2 (MDS)
20. Lilavati of Bhaskara II 1 (MSS)
21. Lilavati of Bhaskara II2 (MSS)
22. Lilavati of Bhaskara III3 (MSS)
23. Bijaganita of Bhaskara II 1 (MDS)
24. Bijaganita of Bhaskara II2(MDS)
25. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 1 (MSS)
26. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 2 (MSS)
27. Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita 3 (MDS)
28. Magic Squares 1 (KR)
29. Magic Squares 2 (KR)
30. Kerala School of Astronomy and Development of Calculus 1 (MDS)
31. Kerala School of Astronomy and Development of Calculus 2 (MDS)
32. Computation of Accurate Sine Tables (KR)
33. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 1 (MSS)
34. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 2 (MSS)
35. Trigonometry and Spherical Trigonometry 3 (MSS)
36. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 1(MDS)
37. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 2(KR)
38. Proofs in Indian Mathematics 3 (MDS)
39. Mathematics in Modern India 1(MDS)
40. Mathematics in Modern India 2 (MDS)

• Mathematics at +2 level
• Desirable : Sanskrit as second language or Optional subject at the school level.

1. 1.B.Datta and A.N.Singh , History of Hindu Mathematics, 2 parts , Reprint , Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, New Delhi, 2004. Supplementary material revised by K.S.Shukla in issues of Indian Journal of History of Science, INSA, New Delhi, India spread over Vols. 15, 18, 19, 27 and 28,1980-1984.
2. 2.C.N.Srinivasa Iyengar, History of Indian Mathematics, World Press, Calcutta, 1967.
3. 3.T.A.Saraswati Amma, Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India, Motilal Banarsidass, Varanasi, 1079.
4. 4.A.K.Bag, Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval India, Choukhambha, Varanasi, 1979.
5. 5.K.V.Sarma, K.Ramasubramanian, M.D.Srinivas and M.S.Sriram, Ganitayuktibhasa of Jyesthadeva : Rationales in Mathematical Astronomy , Vol.1. Mathematics, Vol.2. Astronomy, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2008/2009 ; Springer Reprint, 2009.

1. K.S.Shukla and K.V.Sarma,Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, Edited, translated with explanatory notes, INSA, New Delhi, 1976.
2. H.T.Colebrooke,Classics of Indian Mathematics, Algebra, Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanscrit of Brahmagupta and Bhascara, London, 1817; Reprint: Sharada Publishing House, Delhi, 2005.
3. M.Rangacarya,Ganitasarasangraha of Mahaviracarya, with Translation and notes, Govt. of Madras, Madras, 2012.
4. Paramananda Singh,Ganita Kaumudi of Narayana Pandita, Translation and notes in Ganita Bharati, New Delhi, Vols. 20-24 , 1998-2001.
5. G.G.Joseph,The Crest of the Peacock : The Non-European Roots of Mathematics, Penguin 1990, 3rd Ed, Princeton, 2011.
6. Kim Plofker,Mathematics in India, Princeton Univ. Press, 2009; Indian Reprint : Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2012.
7. G.G.Emch, M.D.Srinivas and R.Sridharan, Eds,Contributions to the History of Mathematics in India, Hindustan Book Agency, Delhi, 2005.
8. C.S.Seshadri Ed.,Studies in History of Indian Mathematics, Hindustan Book Agency, Delhi, 2011.
9. S.Balachandra Rao,Indian Mathematics and Astronomy : Some Landmarks , 3rd Edn., Bhavan's Gandhi Centre, Bangalore, 2004.
10. C.K.Raju,Cultural Foundations of Mathematics : the Nature of Mathematical Proof and the Transmission of the Calculus from Indian to Europe in the 16th c. CE, Pearson, Delhi, 2007.
11. K.Ramasubramanian and M.S.Sriram,Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha Somayaji, Hindustan Book Agency, 2011; Springer Reprint , 2011.



This Course proposes to give a detailed overview of the development of mathematics in India from the Vedic period to the modern times. While the treatment of the subject is historical, the focus will be mainly on the mathematical ideas and techniques discussed in the major texts dealing with mathematics in India. The purpose is to highlight the explicitly algorithmic and constructive approach that is characteristic of Indian mathematics, and showcase some of the extremely novel and interesting examples through which the subject is presented in the classic texts, for the benefit of the students, teachers and researchers in mathematics in India.

The first few lectures are being devoted to the development of mathematics in the ancient and early classical periods. They shall deal with the details of construction of geometrical figures and altars as given in the oldest textbooks of geometry, Śulvasūtras; the discovery of zero and the development of place value system; and the mathematical ideas found in the early Jaina texts. An introduction shall also be given to the recursive, algorithmic and symbolic techniques developed in the Indian grammatical tradition culminating in the seminal work of Pāõini, and the combinatorial ideas developed in the pioneering work of Piïgala on Sanskrit prosody.

A major part of the course is being devoted to the development of Indian mathematics in the later classical period (500 CE-1250 CE). This would include details of the mathematical ideas and techniques discussed in the classic texts of Āryabhaña (c.499), Bhāskara I (c.629), Brahmagupta (c.628) and Mahāvīra (c.850). By the time of Āryabhañīya, the Indian mathematicians had systematised most of the basic procedures of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry that are generally taught in schools to-day, and many more that are more advanced (such as kuññaka and sine-tables) and are of importance in astronomy. The culmination of all these developments may be seen in the canonical works of Bhāskarācārya II (c.1150), Līlāvatī and Bījagaõita, which
will be discussed in considerable detail. The classical period also saw remarkable developments in combinatorial techniques, which are found in the texts of prosody and music, and some of them would be highlighted in the course.

An important feature of this course is the extensive coverage of developments in Indian
mathematics in the medieval period (c.1250-1750). This has indeed been made possible by the pioneering scholarly investigations carried out mainly in the recent decades. The seminal work Gaõitakaumudī of Nārāyaõa Paõóita (c.1356) will be discussed in detail, especially as it introduces several new ideas and techniques in arithmetic, algebra and geometry, and also devotes an entire chapter each to novel topics such as factorisation, combinatorics and magic squares. The other most important development in the medieval period is the work of the Kerala School (c.1350-1825), pioneered by Mādhava (c.1350-1420). Particularly noteworthy are their contributions to the development of calculus and spherical trigonometry, and they will be
discussed along with details of the proofs contained in the famous Malayalam work Yuktibhāùā.

While discussing the tradition of proofs (upapatti) in Indian mathematics, some of the crucial aspects in which it differs from the Greco-European tradition shall be indicated.

The final couple of lectures are devoted to the development of mathematics in India in the modern period. Unlike the continued and almost uninterrupted developments seen over the previous two millennia, the later part of the eighteenth and much of the nineteenth century saw a serious erosion of traditional learning in India. It is only with the onset of the 20th century that some work in modern sciences and mathematics got initiated. However, soon there arose a natively grown genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), whose work continues to have a major impact even in contemporary times. A brief introduction shall be given to the life and work of Ramanujan indicating how his work can be viewed to be clearly in continuation, particularly in methodology and philosophy, with the earlier tradition of mathematics in India. While summarizing the significant developments in mathematics in post-Independent India, a brief mention shall also be made of the recent studies which seem to show a somewhat halting growth in mathematics (and scientific research) in India in the last few decades, especially in comparison with many other developing countries.


1. Prof. K. Ramasubramanian, Cell for Indian Science & Technology in Sanskrit, Dept of
Humanities, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 400076
2. Prof. M. S. Sriram, Dept of Theoretical Physics, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600025
3. Prof. M .D. Srinivas, Centre for Policy Studies, Mylapore, Chennai 600004

Pre-requisites: Mathematics at + 2 level, Basic Knowledge of Sanskrit

Desirable: Sanskrit as a Second Language or Optional subject at School Level

For further details on the course, please visit
Those desirous of attending the course may contact Prof. M. S. Sriram at

Source: http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/syllabus/syllabus_pdf/111101080.pdf

PM has no sense of dignity and honour -- Kanchan Gupta


Sunday, 12 May 2013 | Kanchan Gupta | in Coffee Break

Manmohan Singh has been shown his place by Sonia Gandhi for his untenable defence of Pawan Kumar Bansal and Ashwani Kumar. Clearly, he is not the primus inter pares. A man of honour would have resigned by now

Those of us in the media who broke ranks with our colleagues and defied popular perception of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as a man of unimpeachable integrity to describe him as a glorified babu, weak and pusillanimous, remarkably bereft of any sense of honour and utterly unscrupulous in a cynical and sly manner, were rudely rebuked for besmirching the reputation of an honest man. That was during the months when Manmohan Singh was pushing the India-US civil nuclear deal and displayed no qualms about misleading Parliament repeatedly to sidestep inconvenient questions from the Opposition. The Americans kept on shifting the goalposts; our obliging Prime Minister kept on insisting that we were being sold an apple and not a lemon as claimed by critics of the nuclear deal.

Then came the infamous cash-for-vote scandal when money was used for purchasing parliamentary support for UPA1 which had clearly lost its majority after the Left walked out of a perverse relationship. It did not bother Manmohan Singh, touted as a man for whom probity mattered more than power, that he won the vote but lost the trust of the people. We reminded those flying the flag for Manmohan Singh that our description of him was not wide of the mark; sadly, few were persuaded that the Prime Minister’s mask had fallen off, exposing the face of a cynical politician for whom ends justify the means. A second victory for the Congress-led UPA in 2009 weakened the case against Manmohan Singh —the image of a clean politician, we were told, had swayed opinion in his party’s favour.

We will never know the truth about that assertion and it would be foolish to speak with certitude on imponderables that influence the outcome of an election. But what can be said without fear of contradiction is that by the time he took oath of office in 2009, Manmohan Singh was no longer an accidental politician but a crafty practitioner of the politics of cynicism. Between the summer of 2009 and that of 2013, the crafty politician has become craftier, although as during the tenure of UPA1, he has got away with impunity by using the popular perception of him as a man of integrity and honour as a cover. That was till now. Even as I write, the Prime Minister stands disrobed of his fictional integrity and denuded of make-believe honour; his ‘spotless’ image, cultivated assiduously by camp followers, most of them charlatans in media, lies in tatters, smudged by scams and stained by scandals, beyond repair and resurrection.

If India has never before seen a Government as steeped in corruption as the present regime headed by Manmohan Singh, the nation has never had to contend with a Prime Minister so fallen that Lucifer would be envious. In her time Mrs Indira Gandhi spoke of corruption as a global reality and thus sought to put a gloss on it. It could also be argued that she was not particularly finicky about rules and procedures being followed, nor was she averse to undue favours or else she would have asked Sanjay Gandhi not to accept huge tracts of land for his non-existent Maruti car factory. We have also seen a Prime Minister turn his office into a cash-and-carry counter when Chandra Shekhar occupied the post for a few months. The Bofors scandal led to the downfall of Rajiv Gandhi; no Prime Minister had been called a ‘thief’ before that, unfairly as it may have been.

But what we are witnessing now is incredibly stupendous and stunning at once: A “dithering, ineffectual bureaucrat”, to quote

The Washington Post, “presiding over a deeply corrupt Government”. What we have is a Prime Minister who claims to be perpetually in the dark about what’s happening right under his nose; scornful of accountability and disdainful of responsibility. When the Great 2G Spectrum Robbery came to light, he said he was not aware of what A Raja was up to although that is not true. As we now know, at every stage Raja kept the Prime Minister informed of his decisions and actions; at no stage did Manmohan Singh remonstrate. We also know that he has failed to act on the findings of the Commonwealth Games inquiry committee that he had set up. All that and more pales into insignificance compared to the gargantuan Coalgate scam — he held charge of the Coal Ministry when coal blocks were allocated to cronies of the regime for a song, defying both logic and rules. His claim, that he was not aware of the loot, comes as no surprise.

The story does not end there. It continues with the Law Minister, the Government’s law officers and senior officials of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Coal Ministry trying to manipulate the CBI’s investigation into the scandal. Together they changed the “heart of the report” the CBI was supposed to submit to the Supreme Court, detailing its investigation and findings. The Prime Minister’s response? Why, he wasn’t aware of the tampering with the report, of course! And even after he became aware of it, he brazenly defended Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, refusing to act against him despite severe strictures by the Supreme Court in the form of scathing observations.

Just as the Prime Minister would not countenance any demand to sack his Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal whose nephew was caught red-handed collecting cash for prize postings. Even as the evidence against the Minister piled up by the day, Manmohan Singh refused to act. Was it merely because Pawan Kumar Bansal was loyal to him instead of the Palace? Is that also why Ashwani Kumar thought he could get away with his shameful though amazingly brazen attempt to whitewash the Coalgate scandal? Lutyens’s Delhi is awash with stories, each more scandalous than the other. For instance, lurid details of alleged taped conversations between Pawan Kumar Bansal and his associates are doing the rounds. As always, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction and that path is best avoided.

What we do know is that it required an incensed Congress president to tell the Prime Minister where he got off to get the two tainted Ministers out of the Cabinet. Friday afternoon’s unscheduled visit by Sonia Gandhi to the Prime Minister’s residence was followed by Pawan Kumar Bansal and Ashwani Kumar putting in their papers. For the record, the meeting lasted for 15 minutes; the discussion could not have been replete with niceties. That Ahmed Patel made it a point to be present when the two Ministers came to hand over their resignation letters has served to underscore the fact that Manmohan Singh may be the Prime Minister but he is not the primus inter pares.

A person who has so debased the Prime Minister’s office and become an object of ridicule within and outside the Government and the ruling alliance, not to mention his own party, should put in his papers too. But this would require summoning a sense of honour and dignity which is absent at the moment. Manmohan Singh is incapable of doing even that.

(The writer is a senior journalist based in Delhi)


'You changed core of coalscam report': SC. How SoniaG subverted the Constitution: Coalgate case study. CBI, act on Dr. Swamy's letter of May 13, 2013


You changed core of coal scam report, Supreme Court raps CBI

  | New Delhi, May 8, 2013 | 21:36
File photo: Coal mine in Odisha. Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters
File photo: Coal mine in Odisha. Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters
The Supreme Court on Wednesday pulled up CBI, PMO and Coal Ministry officials for changing the "heart" of the coal scam probe report and directed the governments to come out with a law before July 10 to insulate the agency from "external influence and intrusion".

Even as it came down heavily on these entities, the apex court also made a reference to the Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar's role in vetting the probe report and asked, "does it not subvert the integrity of the investigation if changes are brought in status report on the suggestion of Law Minister and government officers." 

However, this apart, there were no strong observations against Kumar, who is battling to retain his position in the Cabinet, with the opposition demanding that he resign for vetting the draft report of the CBI to the Supreme Court.

Mail Today cartoonist R Prasad's take on the Centre-CBI-Supreme Court tussle on the coal scam report.
The Bench wanted to know whether the Law Minister can ask CBI to show details of probe or status report in a case involving people of other ministries and the PMO.

During the three-hour long hearing, the bench was critical of the access given by the CBI to Shatrughna Singh and A K Bhalla, joint secretaries of PMO and the Coal Ministry respectively, to the draft probe reports.

"What business they (JS of PMO and Coal Ministry) have to go to CBI and look the draft status report. What business they have on earth to go to CBI to see draft status report? 

"How can CBI permit them to peruse. Whether they took away draft report with them or not. next day, these people came and suggested changes in para 1.21. PE 2 is the most crucial.

"These two gentlemen visit the CBI office and they were shown the draft reports on March 6. They go back and on March 7, come back and say changes have to be done in two paragraphs," the bench said adding "This is something which is very serious".

The bench, also comprising justices Madan B Lokur and Kurian Joseph, said the agency should stand up to all kinds of "pulls and pressures" and not share its probe report.

"You (CBI) are not applying your mind in such an important and sensitive case. There are pulls and pressures from all quarters. You should have the capability to stand the pulls and pressures.

"Supreme Court has given you strength 15 years ago (Vineet Narain case). You should make yourself solid as the rock but you are like the sand. We want a very professional, very qualitative, very thorough investigation," the court said.

The bench, which accused the political executives and the officials of changing the heart of the probe reports, also said that as a result the "whole direction" of the investigation got changed.

"You could have said it earlier which is said now only. A different impression has come out. This is the position of the premier investigating agency in which we all take pride.

"The CBI should have stood up and denied the invasion, intrusion and incursion. It is a total act of indiscretion.

The CBI director said in an unequivocal term that changes were made in para 19 and they were of significant natures.

"The entire direction of investigation has changed. Now the investigation has gone in a particular direction," it said.

The court termed as "sordid saga" the sharing and alterations in draft probe reports and said the CBI has become a "caged parrot" which is speaking in the voice of its political masters.

"...CBI has become a caged parrot. We can't have CBI a caged parrot speaking in master's voice. It is a sordid saga where there are many masters and one parrot," the bench said.

It also took strong note of the transfer of Ravikant Mishra, the then CBI DIG who was in-charge of coalgate probe, to the Intelligence Bureau and asked the Government not only to repatriate him back but also not to disturb the 33-member probe team without its prior approval.

"Immediate steps should be taken by Centre and CBI to repatriate Ravikant Mishra, back with CBI for inquiry, investigation in coal block allocation case. Director CBI shall ensure that 33 officials, including Mishra, are not changed without the permission of this court," the bench said.

The court, at the end of the hearing, passed a slew of directions and asked the CBI and the Centre to file affidavits.

"Henceforth, Director CBI shall ensure that in the investigation of allocation of coal blocks, no access of any nature is provided to any person, authority including ministers, Law Minister or any other central minister, law officers, counsel of CBI, department of Prosecution, CBI or any person or any officer of central government or any person outside the investigating team," the order said.

It also made it clear that no court except the apex court will be given the status report filed so far.

The bench also sought to know from the Government and the CBI as to whether the Law Minister has the power to see the investigation report.

"Minister is answerable to Parliament but the minister cannot intervene in the investigation...After going through the affidavit filed by the director, there are certain questions which require some debate. The question is whether any person/ authority or Law Minister has any power under Rule of Business to share the report," it said.



Coalgate: 'Some people are more pious than Pope': SC on JS

New Delhi, May 8, 2013 (PTI):

"There are some people who are more pious than the Pope," was how the Supreme Court observed when repeated submissions were made about the role of two joint secretaries in altering the draft status report of CBI in the coalgate probe.

While the submissions were being made that the two joint secretaries -- Shatrughna Singh (PMO) and A K Bhalla (Coal ministry), be directed to file an affidavit, a bench headed by justice R M Lodha said it would be considered at a later stage.

"They could have gone (to CBI) at the instance of somebody or must have gone by themselves. There are some people who are more pious than the Pope," the bench observed.

"We will consider these questions and setting up of SIT as requested by Prashant Bhushan later," the bench, also comprising justices Madan B Lokur and Kurian Joseph said.

The court was anguished that, "In this situation, there was no justification at all, firstly, for two officials to peruse draft status report and recommend changes therein.

"Nor was there any justification for CBI to allow these officers to peruse draft reports and carry out amendments in draft status reports as suggested by the two joint secretaries."
The bench said it was "mainly pained with the March 6 incident, when the two joint secretaries were permitted to peruse the draft reports and on their suggestion, CBI amended the draft status report that has put it (CBI) in bad light."

Pulling up the CBI for allowing them access to the report and making changes to its most crucial part at their instance, the bench also said, "The Director of CBI and for that matter, the investigating team should have stood up and denied these officers access to draft status report."

"You are a mammoth organisation and you allowed the two persons to peruse the draft status report and incorporated the suggested amendments."  "What business these two joint secretaries have that they first come to CBI office or is CBI office a place where all and sundry can come and deal with the papers?" it asked CBI.

"These two gentlemen (JS of PMO and coal ministry) visit CBI office and they were shown draft report on March 6. They go back and on March 7 come back and say changes have to be done in two paragraphs. This is something which is very serious," the bench observed.

"On March 6 evening, they shared draft status report. Next day, March 7, they suggested amendments in Para 1.2 of PE 2 and of PE 4. "Bones, blood and muscle of the probe is in PE 2. Para 1.21 of PE 2 is the heart of the report and that is amended. PE report are most important," the court said.

The court also said, "They are called for supply of documents to CBI. Now what business they have to go to CBI and look at the draft status report. What business they have on earth to go to CBI to see draft status report?

"How can CBI permit them to peruse (the report)? Whether they took away draft report with them or not. Next day, these people come and suggest changes in para 1.21 and ask to delete. PE 2 is the most crucial.

The court also also pointed that the role, act, and ommision and commision of the two joint secretaries, as representatives of the government, is also under scanner.
"People from two ministries --Joint Secretarries PMO and Coal ministry are interfering. They are not integral part of the investigating team," it said.



A basic feature of the Indian Constitution is the framework for governance. This framework has been subverted by instituting extra-constitutional entities bypassing institutions of governance. Coalgate is a case study in this subversion. The extra-constitutional entities led by SoniaG and a Gang of Four controlled the allocation of coal blocks to harness the natural wealth of the nation to create illicit wealth of the type stashed away as black money in tax havens.
SC is monitoring the investigation by the CBI which should start with the policies and processes for allocation of coal blocks to select beneficiaries. It is amazing that this investigation by CBI under Court supervision was sought to be subverted by amending the status report submitted to the Hon'ble Supreme Court. The key amendments show the actors in action to protect the extra-constitutional authority and beneficiary. PE 2 which relates to allocation of coal blocks for the period 2006-2009 was amended."...allegations of corruption and conspiracy against unknown public officials of the Ministry of Coal are the subject matter of PE 2. 11 FIRs have already been registered. In light of the position exposited in Vineet Narain1 there was no justifiable reason for the two Joint Secretaries to peruse the draft status reports and recommend changes therein nor there was any justification for the CBI to allow these officers access to the draft status reports and allow the changes in the draft status reports as suggested by them. The Director, CBI and the investigating team ought to have acted as per the law laid down in Vineet Narain1."
The SC has directed: "The Director, CBI shall henceforth ensure that secrecy of the inquires and investigations into allocation of coal blocks is maintained and no access of any nature whatsoever in this regard is provided to any person or authority, including any Minister of the Central Cabinet, Law Officers, Advocate(s) of CBI, Director of Prosecution and officials/officers of the Central Government."
This direction means that CBI should inquire into the allocation of coal blocks during 2006-2009.  In his letter of May 13, 2013 to Director, CBI, Dr. Subramanian Swamy has brought out that a group reporting to Sonia Gandhi controlled the coal block allocations consisted of Mr. T.K. A. Nair (then Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister), Mr. Pulok  Chatterji (then Joint Secretary in the PMO), Mr. Motilal Vohra (Treasurer, Congress Party) and Mr. Ahmed Patel (Adviser to Ms Sonia Gandhi). It is incumbent upon CBI to investigate following this lead, review the documents and and interrogate Sonia Gandhi and others on the policies and processes adopted to make the coal block allocations to select beneficiaries.

 May 13, 2013



Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sinha,


Central Bureau of Investigation,

CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi.


Dear Mr. Sinha,


            I write this letter by way of information  I have received from usually  reliable sources in  Government.  The coal block  allocation approved  by the Ministry of Coal,  was originally prepared  by four persons, namely, Mr. T.K. A. Nair (then Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister), Mr. Pulok  Chatterji (then Joint Secretary in the PMO), Mr. Motilal Vohra (Treasurer, Congress Party) and Mr. Ahmed Patel (Adviser to Ms Sonia Gandhi).

  I am given to understand  by this  source that these four did meet often and  prepared a list of those who should  be allotted coal blocks.  The list then was shown to Ms Sonia Gandhi (who is also holding a Cabinet Minister’s position as Chairman, National Advisory Council), who then pruned it and  approved  a short list and then sent it for implementation.

            Since  the CBI is  probing  the matter,  it would be good if you depute one of your officers to go through records to see if indeed such was the procedure followed for short listing of recepients.


Best Regards,

                                                                        Yours sincerely,


                                                            ( SUBRAMANIAN  SWAMY )

  • Paragraph 19 of the affidavit indicates the following changes - 
a) “The tentative finding about non-existence of a system regarding allocation, weightage and marks was deleted”. This clearly indicates that the factum of there being no system of giving weightage/marks for specific criteria and that the decisions were taken in an arbitrary manner was deleted.
b) “The other tentative finding of non-preparation of broad sheets or charts by the Screening Committee, to the best of our recollection, was deleted by the Hon’ble Union Minister of Law & Justice .”- This indicates  the fact that there are no records containing the calculations made by the screening committee and this fact was deleted.
c) “Further from the Para 1.23 of the same report deletion of a sentence about the scope of inquiry with respect to legality of allocation, while amendments in law were in the process, was done by the Union Minister of Law & Justice.”  The gravamen of the charge of the C&AG was that while the law was being amended, to give effect to the June, 2004 decision for allocation by bidding/auction and till 2011, for a period of eight years, nothing was done thus causing wrongful loss to the government. The Law Minister prevailed and deleted that part of CBI’s Status Report which confirmed what the C&AG had said.
d) “The changes made in the Paragraph 2.8 of the final Status Report pertaining to PE4 about non-existence of approved guidelines for allocation of coal blocks incorporated at the instance of the officials of the PMO and the Ministry of Coal and the same were factually correct.“

The changes sought to be made are a cover-up by suspects who were keen to protect someone, the key beneficiary, sutradhari of the coal block allocation.
CBI should ignore the changes made in the status report by concerned parties (and suspects themselves) involved in the scam (since such changes have been declared illegal by the SC) and investigate all policies and processes which resulted in the scam and initiate legal action against the perpetrators and beneficiaries of the illegal, fraudulent allocations.
The Supreme Court Order
The Supreme Court's May 8 order in the coalgate investigations, questioning the behaviour of the CBI director, law minister, the counsel for the govt, PMO and coal ministry officials



WRIT PETITION (CRL.) NO(s). 120 OF 2012




(With appln(s) for directions and stay and intervention and
office report)


W.P(C) NO. 463 of 2012
(With appln.(s) for directions and permission to file additional documents
and c/delay in filing rejoinder affidavit and I.A. No. 4—appln. for
impleadment as party petitioner and office report)

W.P(C) NO. 429 of 2012
(With office report)

W.P(C) NO. 498 of 2012
(With office report)

W.P(C) NO. 515 of 2012
(With office report)

Date: 08/05/2013 These Petitions were called on for hearing today.


For Petitioner(s)

WP 410/2012 Mr. Manohar Lal Sharma,

WP 463/2012 Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Adv.
Mr. Pranav Sachdeva, Adv.

WP 429/2012 &
WP 498/2012 Mr. Suresh Chandra Tripathy, Adv.

WP 515/2012 Mr. Satyajit A. Desai, Adv.
Mr. Somnath Padhan, Adv.
Ms. Anagha S.Desai, Adv.

For Respondent(s) 
Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati, Attorney General
Mr. Mohan Parasaran, Solicitor General
Mr. Paras Kuhad, A.S.G.
Mr. A.S. Chandhioik, A.S.G.
Mr. T.R. Andhyarujina, Sr. Adv.
Mr. D.L. Chidananda, Adv.
Mr. Rohit Sharma, Adv.
Mr. Mrimayee Sahu, Adv.
Ms. Swati Vijayvergiya, Adv.
Mr. Shalaj Mridul, Adv.
Mr. Jitin Chaturvedi, Adv.
Mr. D.S. Mahra ,Adv.

Mr. U.U. Lalit, Sr. Adv.
Mr. T.A. Khan, Adv.
Mr. B.V. Balramdas, Adv.

Mr. Sanjay Parikh, Adv.
Mr. A.N. Singh, Adv.
Ms. Bushra Parveen, Adv.
Ms. Aparna Bhat ,Adv

Mr. Bhavanishankar V. Gadnis, Adv.
Mr. Raj Kumar Mehta, Adv.

Mr. Navnit Kumar, Adv. For
M/s Corporate Law Group

Mr. Ashok H. Desai, Sr. Adv.
Ms. Kirti Renu Mishra, Adv.
Ms. Apoorva Upmanyu, Adv.

Ms. Kamini Jaiswal, Adv.

UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following


We have heard Mr. Manohar Lal Sharma, petitioner-in-person in Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 120 of 2012, Mr. Prashant Bhushan, advocate for the petitioners in Writ Petition (Civil) 463 of 2012, Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati, learned Attorney General, Mr. Mohan Parasaran, learned Solicitor General, Mr. U.U. Lalit, learned senior counsel for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Mr. T.R. Andhyarujina, learned senior counsel for the Union of India.

In Vineet Narain and Others Vs. Union of India and Another1, this Court emphasised the need for insulation of CBI from any extraneous influences to enable it to discharge its duties in the manner required for proper implementation of the rule of law. In para 48 of the report, it was observed that in view of the common perception shared by everyone including the Government of India and the Independent Review Committee of such need, it was imperative that some action was urgently taken. Accordingly, certain directions were issued in this regard. It was, inter alia, directed that the Central Government shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the CBI functions effectively and efficiently and is viewed as a non-partisan agency.

On a careful consideration of the affidavit of the Director, CBI filed before this Court on May 6, 2013 pursuant to the order dated April 30, 2013, we find that draft status reports pertaining to PE 2 and PE 4 have been shared with the Law Minister, Law Officers and the two Joint Secretaries— one from the Ministry of Coal and the other from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and at their instance some changes have been made. Some of the changes made in these draft status reports are significant.

PE 2 relates to allocation of coal blocks for the period 2006-2009. In the course of inquiry into PE 2, 11 FIRs alleging corruption and conspiracy against unknown public officials of the Ministry of Coal have already been registered by the CBI. In Vineet Narain1, whilst acknowledging that overall control of the CBI and responsibility for its functioning has to be in the executive, this Court was of the view that in the matter of investigation, a scheme giving the needed insulation from extraneous influences of the controlling executive was imperative. This Court noted that though the Minister who has been given responsibility for the functioning of the CBI has general power to review its working and give broad policy directions and he has also power to call for information regarding progress of the cases being handled by the agency, but none of these powers would extend to permit the concerned Minister to interfere with the course of investigation and prosecution in any individual case.

As noted above, allegations of corruption and conspiracy against unknown public officials of the Ministry of Coal are the subject matter of PE 2. 11 FIRs have already been registered. In light of the position exposited in Vineet Narain1 there was no justifiable reason for the two Joint Secretaries to peruse the draft status reports and recommend changes therein nor there was any justification for the CBI to allow these officers access to the draft status reports and allow the changes in the draft status reports as suggested by them. The Director, CBI and the investigating team ought to have acted as per the law laid down in Vineet Narain1. In the backdrop of the above, we wanted to know from Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati, learned Attorney General, whether the Central Government intended to put in place appropriate law for the independence of the CBI and its functional autonomy and insulate it from extraneous influence(s) of any kind so that CBI is viewed as a non-partisan investigating agency. This query was put to the learned Attorney General as we thought that if the statutory framework was in place, there would not be any necessity for us to undertake exercise in this regard.

Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati, learned Attorney General, stated that he would seek instructions and report to the Court by way of an affidavit on behalf of the Central Government. We accept his statement. Such affidavit may be filed by July 3, 2013. Mr. Prashant Bhushan, learned counsel for the petitioners in Writ Petition (Civil) 463 of 2012, in light of the facts that have emerged from the affidavit of the Director, CBI filed on 06.05.2013 raised the following questions for our consideration:-

  1. Can the Law Minister ask the CBI to show him the details of any investigation being done by them and seek changes in the status report to be filed in Court, particularly when the investigation involves other Ministers and the PMO?
  2. Can the CBI Director disclose the details of investigation to the Law Minister and the counsel for the Government and allow them to make changes in the report to be filed with the Court? Does this not subvert the integrity of the investigation?
  3. Can the CBI officials disclose the details of the investigation to officials of the Ministries which are being investigated and allow them to make changes in the report to be submitted to the court about the investigation?

Mr. Prashant Bhushan also pressed the payer for constitution of a Special Investigating Team (SIT). We leave the above questions and the prayer for constitution of SIT for consideration, if necessary, at a later point of time.

As of now, in our considered view, the following directions are required to be followed by the CBI in the matter of inquiry and investigation into PE 2, PE 4 and other inquiries relating to allocation of coal blocks:-

  1. Immediate steps shall be taken for reappointment of Mr. Ravi Kant, IPS, on deputation with the CBI for the purposes of inquiry and investigation into allocation of coal blocks.
  2. The Director, CBI shall ensure that 33 officers, list of which has been supplied to this Court in the compilation entitled "CVs of Officers associated with inquiry and Investigation— Coal Block Allocations" and Mr. Ravi Kant, IPS, on his rejoining CBI on deputation basis, are not changed without leave of the Court and the same investigating team continues until further orders.
  3. The Director, CBI shall henceforth ensure that secrecy of the inquires and investigations into allocation of coal blocks is maintained and no access of any nature whatsoever in this regard is provided to any person or authority, including any Minister of the Central Cabinet, Law Officers, Advocate(s) of CBI, Director of Prosecution and officials/officers of the Central Government. We may add that this accords with what learned Attorney General and Mr. U.U. Lalit, learned senior counsel for CBI, have submitted before us having regard to the peculiarities of the case.
  4. If any request is received from the Special Judge, CBI-I for filing the status reports concerning the FIRs relating to allocation of coal blocks, we direct that until further order(s), no such status reports need be filed before that Court. Accordingly, further action by CBI pursuant to the communication dated April 23, 2013 received from the Court of Special Judge, CBI-I shall remain stayed.
  5. Should the Director, CBI or the investigating team feel that assistance of some experts in furtherance of the inquiry and investigation is required, liberty is granted to the CBI to apply for necessary permission.

We clarify that we have not expressed any final opinion in the matter.

The Director, CBI shall submit status report duly vetted by him of the progress made upto July 5, 2013 by July 8, 2013. List the matters on July 10, 2013.

|(Rajesh Dham) | |(Renu Diwan) |
|Court Master | |Court Master


Bansal, Ashwani outed and shamed. Who are the targets? -- Kanchan Gupta


Bansal, Ashwani outed and shamed

But are they the intended targets? If not, who’s it?But are they the intended targets? If not, who’s it?

By Kanchan Gupta on May 11, 2013

The CBI is not exactly known for being pro-active in tackling corruption in high places, more so if the people involved are even remotely linked to a ruling party politician. If that politician happens to be a Minister, and that too a Minister in the Union Cabinet, then chances are the CBI will steer clear of the misdeed. Unless, of course, it is forced, or ‘directed’, to act by those who wield greater authority or are higher in Delhi’s food chain.

It is, therefore, intriguing as to what prompted the CBI to keep a tab on Vijay Singla, nephew of Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal who has had to resign from the Union Cabinet on account of what has now come to be known as ‘Railgate’ – a massive scandal involving the ‘auctioning’ of top jobs in Indian Railways. The CBI arrested Singla collecting Rs 90 lakh as part payment by a Railway Board member, Mahesh Kumar, who was keen to be made head of the electrical department that handles big ticket contracts.

Three questions arise. First, was the CBI acting independently? It’s unlikely it was. Targeting a high profile person is a decision taken at the highest level of the investigative agency, not by local or junior officials. The CBI Director’s approval would have been secured before zeroing in on Singla and moving against him. Second, who tipped off the CBI? Or, what alerted the CBI on Singla’s activities? Ministers have nephews and nieces. Not all of them are constantly watched. Third, who ordered the tapping of telephone conversations between Singla and his ‘business’ associates.

If the CBI Director was indeed in the know, did he share the information with anybody in Government? Who alerted the CBI about Singla’s wheeling and dealing? And, most important of all, who conducted the telephone tapping – 1,000 calls were intercepted; 80 hours of conversations were taped – was it the CBI or another agency? Is it true that some of the tapes have been played back to certain individuals?

The law on telephone tapping lays down that permission has to be secured from the Union Home Secretary before any telephone is tapped and conversations are taped. If permission is not secured then the individual or organisation involved in tapping and taping telephone conversations is guilty of committing a punishable offence. Surely the CBI did not violate the law.

If we are to assume that permission to tap and tape Singla’s telephone, as also the telephones of others believed to be involved in Railgate, including an IAS officer and an IPS officer, both related to Bansal, was secured from the Home Secretary, can we then also assume that the Home Minister was taken into confidence? It is unlikely, though not impossible, that the Home Secretary would take a decision of this nature, involving those close to a Union Minister, on his own.

Now let us look at it from another angle. What if the CBI was not involved in tapping and taping telephone conversations? What if another agency, say, the IB, was involved? The IB, as we know, reports to the Home Minister, who happens to be Sushilkumar Shinde. We also know that Shinde is a Sonia Gandhi loyalist.

In brief, was there a political decision to target Bansal? Since politics is also about proximities, it would be in order to mention that Bansal is a Manmohan Singh loyalist – among the handful in the Congress and the Government who are known to align themselves with the Prime Minister and not the National Advisory Council chairperson. If there was a political decision to target Bansal, would it be unfair to suggest that there’s a message in this for the person to whom he is loyal, namely Manmohan Singh?

Consider the episode involving Ashwani Kumar, another Manmohan Singh loyalist who has had to resign from the Law Minister’s job, joint secretaries from the PMO and the Coal Ministry, and law officers “changing the heart” of the CBI’s status report on its investigation into Coalgate, the scandalous allocation of coal blocks to cronies during the time when Manmohan Singh was in charge of the Coal Ministry.

Who leaked the information about the meeting that took place in the Law Minister’s office? Or, to be more precise, who planted the story in the media? Link this question to the one I posed earlier: Who alerted and/or prompted the CBI?

Those who earn their daily bread working for newspapers and news channels know all too well where such plants come from. And why some ‘plants’ become ‘exclusive reports’. The intended consequences are not unknown to Editors and owners of media houses. As Shamshad Begum famously sang, “Kahin pe nigahen kahin pe nishana”.

There is a common thread that ties the outing, shaming and ignominious exit of Pawan Kumar Bansal and Ashwani Kumar from the Union Cabinet. There is no percentage in speculating as to whose hand controls that thread.


Nawaz Sharif Is Set to Regain Power in Pakistan Vote -- Declan Walsh


Supporters of Nawaz Sharif celebrated in Lahore on Saturday night
Supporters of Mr. Sharif flooded the streets in LahoreSome 4,670 candidates are fighting for seats in ParliamentWomen in the city of Wagha stood in line Saturday to vote.

May 11, 2013
Ex-Premier Is Set to Regain Power in Pakistan Vote

LAHORE, Pakistan — Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, once a political exile deposed by the military, returned to the cusp of power on Saturday, taking a commanding lead in a parliamentary election in which Pakistanis braved Taliban intimidation to cast ballots with historic prospects for the country’s democracy.

Record turnout was reported in several cities, sparked by an energized political campaign dominated by the battle between Mr. Sharif and Imran Khan, the former cricket star whose appeal as an anticorruption crusader had many predicting he could play a kingmaker role.

Even with just partial returns in early Sunday, however, Mr. Sharif’s party appeared to have secured enough seats to form a government easily. His supporters ran cheering through the streets of Lahore, honking horns and, in some instances, firing bursts of celebratory gunfire.

But while the raucous election highlighted the vibrancy of Pakistani politics, it also highlighted the gaping holes in the country’s democracy.

Threats by the Taliban to disrupt voting were borne out in attacks across the country that left at least 21 people dead, including at least 11 in a bombing in Karachi and others in Baluchistan Province, where turnout greatly suffered.

Accusations of widespread vote irregularities in Karachi, the nation’s largest metropolis, led to the invalidation of results from dozens of specific polling places, Pakistani officials said. Final election results are likely to wait for days.

Even if Mr. Sharif faces no obstacles in forming a government, he will then face a stalled economy, profound infrastructure failure, and grave threats from an emboldened Taliban insurgency. Furthermore, he has promised to rein in American influence in Pakistan, leaving questions about the countries’ often-stormy relationship.

The election was Pakistan’s 10th since 1970 but the first in which a civilian government that has served a full five-year term is poised to peacefully hand power to another elected government.

Unlike previous elections, in which the military’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate was widely accused of vote manipulation and intimidation, this one offered little evidence of involvement by the military, which has ruled Pakistan directly for more than half its 66-year history.

Instead, the country was gripped by election fever, most of it driven by the contest between Mr. Sharif and Mr. Khan. In the final days of campaigning, the momentum appeared to be with Mr. Khan, who electrified voters with a series of mass rallies that tapped into a deep vein of support among young and middle-class Pakistanis in urban areas.

His ratings rose further after he fell nearly 15 feet to the ground at a rally in Lahore on Tuesday, badly injuring his back but winning widespread public sympathy.

But as the results flooded in late Saturday, and television projections gave Mr. Sharif up to 119 of the 268 elected seats on offer, against just 33 for Mr. Khan, promises of a revolutionary “tsunami” led by the former cricket player appeared to have vanished.

That result signaled a victory of sorts for old-style dynastic politics: the Sharifs have dominated Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, since the 1980s, and have cultivated voters for the past five years through development projects financed by the provincial government, which they controlled.

The other loser was President Asif Ali Zardari’s Pakistan Peoples Party, which led the last government but now seems destined to the opposition benches. Mr. Khan, however, was poised to capture a valuable consolation prize, one with potentially sharp implications for American policy: control of the provincial government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, along the Afghan border.

During his campaign rallies, Mr. Khan stridently said he would end C.I.A. drone strikes in the tribal belt, by ordering the Pakistani military to shoot down American aircraft if necessary. And he has said he believes that the Pakistani state should negotiate with Taliban insurgents, not fight them.

Still, it is Mr. Sharif who is likely to have the greatest impact on relations with the United States. A nationalist by inclination, Mr. Sharif, while publicly amenable to reaching out to the Americans, has also hinted that he was open to negotiating with Taliban rebels in the northwest — a stance that would greatly concern American officials as they try to withdraw from an Afghan war next door that has featured many cross-border attacks by those insurgents.

A conservative and a steel baron, Mr. Sharif’s political career was incubated by a military dictator, Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, in the mid-1980s. But he turned against the generals after his ouster at the hands of Gen. Pervez Musharraf in 1999, which resulted in a long exile in Saudi Arabia; since then many military men have viewed Mr. Sharif with suspicion.

He first came to American attention during Pakistan’s tense confrontation with India in 1999, when the possibility of a nuclear conflict was averted thanks to mediation by President Bill Clinton.

The election evoked a rare sense of enthusiasm for politics in Pakistan. About 4,670 candidates fought for 272 directly elected seats in Parliament, while almost 11,000 people battled for the four provincial assemblies. Aside from more traditional politicians, they included astrologers, openly transgender candidates, former models and the first female candidates in the tribal belt along the Afghan border.

Also running were dozens of candidates from Sunni sectarian groups, some with links to violent attacks on minority Shiites.

Mr. Khan’s campaign, in particular, had a carnival atmosphere, because it drew so many young urban Pakistanis into politics, many of them first-time voters. In the wealthier neighborhoods of Lahore on Saturday, supporters honked car horns, danced in the streets and waved giant flags bearing Mr. Khan’s image.

But the sense of a vibrant, if flawed, democracy was tempered by Taliban attacks throughout the campaigning. The militant movement’s ability to derail wide tracks of the campaign, particularly in the mountainous northwest, was taken as a signal that it has evolved beyond its nihilistic guerrilla roots and has become a powerful political insurgency bent on upending Western-style democracy in Pakistan.

Campaigning was further marred Thursday when Ali Haider Gilani, the 27-year-old son of former Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, was shot and kidnapped by unidentified gunmen as he addressed a campaign event in the city of Multan, in southern Punjab Province.

Two guards who tried to protect Mr. Gilani were shot dead; the candidate was reportedly bleeding from a gunshot wound as he was dragged into a vehicle and driven away.

In a statement on Friday, the Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud ordered his commanders to attack the “infidel system” of democracy, warning that teams of suicide bombers would hit targets across the country.

At least 21 people were reported killed in attacks across Pakistan on Saturday, among them a gunfight and an attack on a polling place in the western province of Baluchistan and two explosions in the northwest, including in Peshawar, that injured several people. The deadly bombing in Karachi appeared to have been directed at a candidate from the Awami National Party, one of three secular-leaning parties that have borne the brunt of Taliban attacks that have killed at least 125 people in the last month.

The police established new checkpoints and military helicopters patrolled the skies in Peshawar, the city that has been worst hit by militant violence over the years. Hospital workers were put on alert while billboards across the city asked citizens to watch for suspicious activity.

After a slow start to voting, large numbers of voters emerged by midmorning, including many women. About 300 women in burqas stood in line outside the Lady Griffith High School, where policemen warned photographers not to take pictures of the women.

One of the women, Saba Iqbal, 35, a doctor, said she was going to vote for Mr. Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party.

“I never voted before,” she said, “but this time I want to be part of Imran Khan’s change.”

Mr. Zardari’s Pakistan Peoples Party found itself badly overshadowed in the race after a lackluster and leaderless campaign.

The party developed a poor reputation for governance as the economy faltered in recent years and ministers failed to reverse crippling power shortages. Among the party kingpins who lost their seats on Saturday was Raja Pervez Ashraf, the last prime minister, who suffered a crushing loss to a candidate from Mr. Sharif’s party.

There were also signs of irregularities like those that tainted some past votes. At least one party, Jamaat-e-Islami, withdrew its candidates from Karachi and Hyderabad to protest alleged rigging of the election at different polling places.

Officials blamed the Muttahida Quami Movement party, which has traditionally dominated the city. A senior official with the Jamaat called for a peaceful strike on Monday to protest reported vote rigging in the city.

Prominent officials of both Mr. Zardari’s and Mr. Sharif’s parties lodged similar accusations, saying they would reject some results in Karachi.

After polls closed, the Election Commission of Pakistan said that its staff had been threatened in the city, but that the voting had generally gone well.

Early on Sunday, The New York Times bureau chief in Pakistan, Declan Walsh, prepared to leave the country three days after receiving a notice from the Interior Ministry that his visa had been canceled.

Mr. Walsh, who covered the elections on Saturday from Lahore, was accompanied to the airport by plainclothes intelligence agents, he said in a telephone interview. The men had closely paced him for hours before.

He received the notice early Thursday morning from police officers outside his home in Islamabad. The order read, in full: “It is informed that your visa is hereby canceled in view of your undesirable activities. You are therefore advised to leave the country within 72 hours.”

No further details of any wrongdoing were given, and Pakistani officials did not respond to repeated requests for more information.

The Times’ executive editor, Jill Abramson, filed a formal complaint with the Pakistani government on Friday, seeking Mr. Walsh’s reinstatement and noting that his expulsion struck a troubling note for a country celebrating an important milestone as a democracy.

“The expulsion of an established journalist, on the day of the voting, contradicts that impression,” she wrote.

Reporting was contributed by Salman Masood from Gujar Khan, Pakistan; Zia ur-Rehman from Karachi, Pakistan; Ihsanullah Tipu Mehsud from Peshawar, Pakistan, and Douglas Schorzman from New York.


Who are the Presstitutes? -- Shenali Waduge. Media prostitutes. Why did Gerald Celente coin a new phrase?


Who are the Presstitutes?
by Shenali Waduge on 12 May 2013 0 Comment

Presstitute is a term coined by Gerald Celente (Press + Prostitute) and has been defined by the Urban Dictionary as “a member of the media who will alter their story and reporting based on financial interests or other ties with usually partisan individuals or groups”. An alternate definition is one who “screws” the general public by intentionally submitting false or misleading information to the Press. Yet another definition is “an individual reporter or news broadcaster, or a media news group, who reports to be unbiased, but is in fact tailoring their news to suit someone’s goal (usually corporations or big business political affiliates)”.

What is implied is that such journalists or writers are neglecting their fundamental duty to report impartially. Is this the media freedom they are demanding?

We need not repeat how powerful media is – he that controls media can use it for political advantage, money and power. When we know that politicians lie, is it difficult to fathom that media lies as well? If politicians lie because of two factors – money and power, the same syndrome affects media as well.

You are far better informed if you do the research on your own – the internet is a good tool; a bit of time spent is worthwhile.

There is no such thing as an “independent press” – not many on a payroll would dare to go against corporate policy. People are actually paid to keep honest opinion to themselves. Very few would dare challenge the status quo because there are plenty of others to take over. Purchasing reporters is nothing new and has been happening for decades. Even the CIA has acknowledged that it has thousands of journalists on its payroll, including foreign reporters.

When Governments like US, UK, and other Western nations make allegations and accusations about human rights, freedoms, war crimes, etc, no western media cares to cover the atrocities committed by these very nations following military interventions, illegal weapons and bombs used, how infrastructure is purposely targeted, and babies are born deformed or disabled. US media supports US interventions because media is owned by companies who gain from defense contracts. So wherever there’s a war – they enter to make the profits. These links are never disclosed by media or reporters. Where is the unbiased reporting?

It is no different in Sri Lanka. How often have LTTE NOT been accused as “terrorists” by our own people, who prefer instead to say “allegedly committed by LTTE”. Many have been paid to ensure they do not refer to LTTE as terrorists and now other fundamentalists in Sri Lanka funded by petrodollars are busy denigrating the majority populace in Sri Lanka. If purchasing of reporters takes place in countries where they boast of media freedom like the US, can we not say that it takes place in Sri Lanka and that there are plenty of such presstitutes?

Governments in Sri Lanka have always had only the State media at its disposal, but the number of opposition channels and mediums far outnumber the handful available with the Government. Naturally these mediums end up creating a very bleak scenario based on what their owners pay them to do.

The Government may have banned a few websites, but the fact that a handful of people openly ridicule the country, openly align with terrorists and have spoken at foreign and local stages in support of LTTE with no consequences to themselves shows there is far more freedom for media in Sri Lanka than in the US. Imagine if the same bandwagon of local personages would ever be allowed to do the same in the US and destabilize America as they attempt to do in Sri Lanka! Would US ever allow its citizens to go and talk on Al Qaeda stages, or write malicious articles one after the other against the President of the US or send emails round the world making stories about the First Family?

When the head of CNN says there was ‘almost a patriotism police’ after 9/11 and when the network showed [things critical of the administration's policies] it would get phone calls from advertisers and the administration and big people in corporations were calling up and saying, ‘You’re being anti-American here.’

You can be sure that intelligence keeps a close tab on everything and everyone in the interest of the nation as whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says the Government has ordered the media NOT to cover 9/11, while Sibel Edmonds says “there will be phone calls going out to the media saying “don’t even think of touching it, you will be prosecuted for violating national security”. So if America can do so, why can’t other countries?

This is where other “journalists” may like to do some self-evaluation.

Lies of Foreign Media

There are plenty of lies of Mainstream Foreign Media; the West is guilty because it controls the world’s media and ensures the world listens and watches what it desires. The foreign mainstream media can target countries as enemies, show the world they are developing nuclear arsenals, claim terrorists are going to attack, create false flag events – there is just about nothing they cannot do and they are enough people who are paid and willing to be part of the lies and bias. Examples of lies using manipulated pictures and scenes creating scenarios with their own crew members “acting” to show a situation of danger abound. Their imagination for creating lies knows no bounds.

An example of how America lies can be seen in the story titled “She was fighting to the death” by Susan Schmidt and Vernon Loeb, Washington Post, April 2003. This was a story about Jessica Lynch, alleged to have been shot by Iraqi forces after an ambush; initial reports said she was stabbed to death. But Jessica in fact had no gunshot or knife wounds – so why did they lie?

Then there is Amber Lyon, a former Emmy Winning CNN journalist. Her revelation was shocking to say the least. “CNN is paid by the US government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others. Obama Administration pays for CNN content” (Oct 2012). Now that is news? How come it got little publicity and none at all in Sri Lanka? Amber Lyon was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly stories adverse to the Obama administration. CNN and CNN International are paid by foreign and domestic Government agencies for specific content.

In March 2011, a four-person CNN team left for Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring and interviewed dozens of people tortured by Government forces, whose families disappeared, activists imprisoned; it video-graphed government forces shooting at unarmed demonstrators. Bahrain has a US-backed regime. So CNN International never broadcast the documentary because the Bahrain Government had paid them not to. That’s democracy for you. Today six media companies control 90% of America’s media.

CIA’s Operation Mockingbird enlists journalists to work as agents and was exposed in a book “The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence” by two ex-CIA agents. The US Senate launched an investigation by the Church Committee, “The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities” but the Commission was stopped and report buried. Now that’s democracy!

The CIA admitted having reporters on the payroll in 1982. There are said to be thousands of American and foreign journalists on CIA payroll – gathering intelligence, serving as go-betweens; editors and reporters shared notes with CIA; some were even awarded awards as distinguished reporters and other such accolades. Foreign correspondents play a significant role as they are given VIP treatment by host nations and have the perfect opportunity to develop ties amongst politicians, government officials, military etc which develop into “personal” relationships with the other side divulging too much information for the sake of friendship. Often locals end up becoming “foreign agents” and we can easily count those in Sri Lanka. The NGO nexus works in the same fashion as do the new Evangelical movements.

Where is the credibility? How many of Sri Lanka’s English newspapers function in the interests of the country and how many editors and journalists may be on an alternate payroll is a question that needs to be answered given the coverage they give to cause disharmony in the nation.

The extent to which the American public is brainwashed is clear from the way the majority continue to think Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, that the 9/11 attackers were from Afghanistan, and that the whole world was against the US – they would not believe that the jihadists were created by the US, that Osama and Saddam were on US payroll and most Third World secessionist movements are led by the US! The truth is out there but they listen to CNN!

Many of America’s media are members of the Council of Foreign Relations which includes politicians, district judges, Supreme Court judges, etc. CFR has a three-tier system comprising the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. They decide who will be leaders, politicians and what the news is (what we need to know). Politicians are mere functionaries and they soon get bumped off – does Patrice Lumumba ring a bell?

Ten per cent of the staff in the Trilateral Commission comprises Obama’s staff. The Council of Foreign Relations’ Brzezinski is President Obama’s top foreign policy advisor, while the Rockefellers fund Obama’s political and election campaigns. CFR’s Henry Kissinger gave Obama his first job after leaving college. The gist is that multinationals and secret societies combined with media on their payroll – the truth never emerges.

The ugly relationship between Governments, multinationals and media is seen by the manner in which laws are created or repealed, where culprits never make the news, where the crooks are shown as martyrs and philanthropists and not much good news makes the news because the plan is to always show a country at the brink of collapse.

Not surprisingly people we think as epitomes of justice are not immune either – there are enough of scandals inside the Judiciary of any nation that discounts their efforts to appear lily white.

There are people aware of the truth, but they are silenced by others labeling them racist, extremist, fascist, hate mongers etc. We have to find the way to shut down the ‘powers’ that control these people. People need to spread the truth and not depend on the media that gives the wrong picture/story. Courage is all that is needed.

Some fundamentals need to be understood: No President should fear public scrutiny for in questioning the regime’s actions people draw a better understanding and with that comes support or opposition. All Presidents must be aware that many did not vote for them, so they cannot expect the entire country to approve everything they do. They must respect this and explain why they take the decisions they do without taking decisions irrespective of what the people think.

The people of Sri Lanka must spend more time researching the news for themselves and drawing their own conclusions because what the media says is certainly not what happens in reality.


Read between the LAC -- Minxin Pei. A brilliant, insightful anlysis.


Read between the LAC
Minxin Pei Posted online: Sat May 11 2013, 02:18 hrs

China’s strategy of offensive deterrence may have been behind the Ladakh stand-off

To everyone’s relief, China and India have ended their three-week stand-off in Ladakh. Troops on both sides agreed to pull back to their positions before April 15, avoiding a potentially dangerous confrontation. The peaceful resolution of the latest unhappy incident in troubled Sino-Indian relations raises many questions.

The most obvious one is the timing of the incident. The incursion of Chinese troops occurred roughly a month before a scheduled trip to India by China’s new premier, Li Keqiang, and less than a month before the visit to Beijing by India’s External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid. For the two countries, whose ties have recently frayed over unresolved territorial disputes, these visits were supposed to help improve the overall atmosphere of bilateral relations. Common sense dictates that China should do everything possible to earn the goodwill of the Indian government and public alike.

Yet, apparently, the Chinese military commanders were oblivious to this diplomatic imperative. Their actions cast doubts on China’s chain of command. One innocent, but not really credible, explanation is that it was a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. Chinese generals perhaps ordered their troops to cross the unmarked Line of Actual Control (LAC) in ignorance of the planned diplomatic exchanges. Although we should never rule out mistakes caused by poor communication in a stove-piped decision-making system, such an explanation strains credulity because an act of such consequence and with such potential risks must be approved by the highest level of the Chinese military command — the Central Military Affairs Commission (CMAC). Contrary to popular perception that the People’s Liberation Army generals have grown excessively powerful, the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) actually exercises tight control over the military. It is thus highly unlikely that China’s civilian leadership was not informed of or consulted on the decision. As the new chairman of the CMAC, Xi Jinping, has repeatedly emphasised the military’s loyalty to the party since his appointment as CPC chief, it is hard to imagine that Chinese generals would risk his wrath — and their careers — by either failing to inform him or pressuring him to agree to their plans.

If the highest civilian decision-makers in China were indeed consulted and had given the operations their approval, the question to ask is what they were trying to accomplish with such a risky move.

Given China’s ongoing territorial disputes with Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam, it seems that it would be prudent for China not to drag India into the fray and needlessly antagonise another important neighbour. In light of the planned high-level diplomatic exchanges, the timing of the incursion appears particularly ill-advised. However, as Henry Kissinger insightfully observed in his book, On China, ostensibly counter-productive measures taken by Beijing actually embody sophisticated strategic thinking and serve key objectives desired by Chinese leaders. Since 1949, China has taken on fights with external rivals or adversaries when it was much weaker or the timing was inauspicious. Kissinger interpreted such seemingly irrational behaviour as “a strategy of offensive deterrence”. China’s calculation was that it would be better off demonstrating its resolve to fight for its vital interests even if it might lose. In the short run, China could suffer military or diplomatic setbacks. But in the long run, China’s deterrence would gain more credibility, thus serving the country well.

In deciphering the specific case of the Ladakh stand-off, Kissinger’s observation may be applicable. By showing a willingness to escalate in the face of India’s increased military deployment in the contested areas, Beijing hoped to send a message to New Delhi that it was prepared to risk a great deal and respond forcefully to defend its claims.

Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed in this face-off. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government, in particular, deserves enormous credit for showing restraint during this unfortunate episode. Now that both sides have temporarily defused a dangerous situation, it is time to repair the damage.

Salman Khurshid’s ongoing visit to Beijing and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India, which starts on May 20, constitute a perfect opportunity to restart the long-stalled negotiations on disputed territories. Of course, it may be unrealistic to expect a quick breakthrough because the issues involved are devilishly complex. But getting the negotiations going again will create at least a more conducive atmosphere for resolving these disputes.

Perhaps the most immediate and effective step to take is the implementation of confidence-building measures that will avert similar confrontations in future. Before a final resolution of the territorial disputes can be reached, the Indian and Chinese militaries should agree not to station troops within a certain distance of the unmarked LAC. Movements of any military unit over a certain size must be communicated to the other side a week in advance. Military aircraft should stay clear of the LAC. Local commanders of the Chinese and Indian army units must have direct communication links with each other.

Frankly, these measures will not help resolve Indian-Chinese territorial disputes, but they should greatly reduce the risks of future confrontations similar to the Ladakh stand-off.

The writer is a professor of government and non-resident senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the US


Will Parliament expel Pawan Kumar Bansal? -- Sandhya Jain


Will Parliament expel Pawan Kumar Bansal?

By Sandhya Jain on May 12, 2013

As he fed a goat to ward off karmic retribution on Friday, May 10, moments before being asked to resign as Union Minister for Railways, Pawan Kumar Bansal may have rued the high moral ground he seized as Chairman, Parliamentary Committee of Privileges, when he ordered expulsion of 11 Members of Parliament in the cash-for-questions sting operation that broke out in December 2005. Bansal was Chairman, Privileges Committee from 2004 – 2006 and was known for his preachy ways.

Now, caught is a genuine corruption scandal in which his nephew Vijay Singla was caught red-handed by the CBI for accepting a bribe of Rs 90 lakh (advance against a total payment of Rs 10 crore) in lieu of providing a plum Railway Board posting, Bansal’s position is untenable. While the 2005 case involved media entrapment for puny amounts of money, Bansal case is fit for reference to the Privileges Committee and peremptory expulsion.

The case of former Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, who had to resign after the CBI admitted in the Supreme Court that the Minister, the Attorney General, and some senior bureaucrats had vetted and changed the draft CBI report on the coal blocks allocation issue, is different as it does not involve direct corruption. But with Bansal set to be questioned by the CBI, and the harsh precedent of 2005, there is no excuse for his continuation as a Member of Parliament.

Bansal’s tenure as cabinet minister for Water Resources (June 14, 2009 – January 18, 2011 and July 2011 – October 28 2012) has also come under a cloud. BJP’s Chandigarh unit chief Sanjay Tandon has alleged that Bansal doled out illegal favours by permitting a firm, Motia Townships Ltd, permission to dig tube wells (May 4, 2012). The firm had allegedly given share application money of Rs 30 lakh to Mirage Infra Pvt Ltd in which Bansal’s nephew Vijay Singla is a director.

Tandon reportedly handed over some records to the CBI. These allegedly show that several firms invested in Mirage Infra but did not show the transactions in their records, though Mirage reflected the money in its accounts. Ridhi Industries, which had a capital of just Rs 1.1 lakh gave a loan and advance of Rs 2.79 crore to Mirage, but did not show the same in its balance sheet. Similarly, Malerkotla Steels loaned Rs 2.60 crore and Garg Pipes loaned Rs 1.2 crore to Mirage.

The December 12, 2005, sting operation by a television news channel caught 11 MPs across party lines accepting bribes in lieu of asking questions in Parliament for a fictitious NGO. They included BJP Lok Sabha MPs MK Anna Patil (Erandol-Maharashtra) YG Mahajan (Jalgoan-Maharashtra), Pradip Gandhi (Rajnandgao-Chattisgarh), Suresh Chandel (Hamirpur-Himachal Pradesh), and Chatra Pal Singh Lodha from Odisha (Rajya Sabha).

Other Members caught on tape included Ram Sevak Singh (Congress, Gwalior); Manoj Kumar (RJD, Palamau); Narendra Kumar Kushwaha (BSP, Mirzapur); Lal Chandra (BSP, Robertsganj) and Raja Ram Pal (BSP, Balhour).

In a remarkably swift action, on December 23, all 11 MPs were expelled at the recommendation of the Privileges Committee. While parties officially took the high moral ground to restore public confidence in elected representatives, many felt the punishment was too harsh given the measly amounts involved, being as little as Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 in some cases. The Congress MP was caught accepting Rs 50,000.

The questions-for-money scandal was riddled with ironies. A three-judge Bench headed by then Chief Justice YK Sabharwal (who himself became controversial for allowing his sons to conduct business from his official residence and for giving a questionable judgment in the Delhi sealing case) referred the issue to a five judge Constitution Bench after BSP MP Raja Ram Pal approached the court to challenge his expulsion.

The Bench felt that the petition required interpretation of Article 105 of the Constitution, to decide if it provided for expulsion of a MP for reasons other than those contemplated in the Constitution or the Representation of the People Act (RPA). The BSP Member contended that Parliament did not have the power to remove a member caught in a sting operation without giving him sufficient opportunity to explain his conduct. He pointed out that the Constitution provided for disqualification of a Member only on the grounds of defection, and that even the RPA did not have any provision to expel a member caught in a sting operation. Later, other MPs also challenged the expulsion.

They contended that the Pawan Bansal committee did not give them a chance to explain, and that the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had acted in haste and expelled them on the basis of media reports. The BJP and some allies had walked out of Parliament to protest the expulsion as ‘disproportionate’ to the offence.

But the committee headed by Bansal endorsed the view taken by the First Report of the Committee of the British House of Commons on Standards in Public Life under the Chairmanship of Lord Nolan. It said, “A free Press using fair techniques of investigative journalism is an indispensable asset to our democracy”, and noted that “we do not hold the media in any way to blame for exposing genuine wrongdoing. They have a duty to enquire — coupled with a duty to do so responsibly and in that way we can contribute to the preservation of standards in public life”.

During the debate on the issue, some MPs resented the sting operations and demanded an inquiry into the motives behind the media expose. As another sting surfaced regarding MPs seeking cuts for sanctioning funds under the MP Local Area Development Scheme, the Members charged journalists involved with making money from the sting.

In its judgment of January 10, 2007, the 5-judge Constitutional Bench headed by Chief Justice Sabharwal upheld the expulsion of the 11 MPs in a 4-1 judgment. The dissenting judge, Justice RV Ravindran, said Parliament had no right to expel members, but could suspend the MPs, withdraw their privileges, and try them under the Prevention of Corruption Act. They also should have been allowed to continue as MPs till the judgment.

The legal position now rests with the majority judgment. Hence it is incumbent upon Parliament to expel Pawan Kumar Bansal without further ado.


"Mounting evidence" links Tsarnaev brothers to earlier triple throat-slitting of Jews -- Jihad watch

"Mounting evidence" links Tsarnaev brothers to earlier triple throat-slitting of Jews
"You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews..." -- Qur'an 5:82
"So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks..." -- Qur'an 47:4
"'Mounting evidence' links Tsarnaev brothers to earlier triple homicide," from RT, May 10:
There is “mounting evidence” which suggests that Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were involved in an unsolved triple homicide in 2011, according to Massachusetts investigators.
Forensic evidence from the crime scene matched the brothers’ DNA, and cell phone records put them in the area of the murders on the date they occurred, officials told ABC News.
In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, authorities in Middlesex County began to investigate the link between Tamerlan and Brendan Mess - one of the three men killed in the triple homicide.
Mess and two other men were found in a Waltham, Massachusetts residence with their throats slit and their bodies covered with marijuana on September 11, 2011. Tamerlan and Mess were once roommates and practiced boxing and martial arts together.
The officials stressed that until more definitive DNA testing is complete, it is still too early to bring an indictment against the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar.
The cold case was made active again once the victims’ family and friends saw the Tsarnaev brothers’ photos in the media. It was then that they were reminded of Tamerlan’s behavior after the murders. He did not attend Mess’ funeral and disappeared from the martial arts gym where the men had sparred together....
Posted by Robert on May 10, 2013 3:31 PM | 26 Comments 
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  Lena | May 10, 2013 3:49 PM | Reply
Wasn't sept 11 2011 also the day one of the bombers got his us citizenship?
  winoceros | May 10, 2013 4:13 PM | Reply
Djokhar got his citizenship on 9/11/12, one year later with three fewer infidels in his new country.
Tamerlan, however, tried to skip town after his obligatory jihad. He had the street cred now, so quickly applied in December for his visa for the Hajj, since he is now a worthy Muslim.
Denied that, he arranged to travel to Dagestan as quickly as he could.
He waited until the heat was off, then split so he could tell his new friends what he'd done and get proper strokes, from the right kind of people with the right kind of mindset.
"I don't have any American friends. I don't understand them."
  winoceros | May 10, 2013 4:21 PM | Reply
I thought just two were Jewish. The older one, a non-Jew, I believe...
But the other two went to school, where else? Ringe and Latin Prep...with the Tsarnaevs.
But too much pot smokin' for little brother, who would surely be necessary for the next phase of jihad. The infidels had to learn they could never corrupt the Muslims, so they had to pay.
Tamerlan was far, far gone by then. Remember, the first girlfriend got kicked to the curb in 2009, and had already seen Tamerlan's total transformation during the time she was dating him, from 2006. Nadine? Natalie? Anyway, lucky girl.
By 2011 he was already driving the Mercedes that Uncle Ruslan's bribe money had bought (but he did not turn from Misha's teachings), his mother was properly hijabed, he was married with a Muslim wife and a Muslim child and he could do the rest of the things on his bucket list: kill some Jews and corrupt drug users in an honor killing for restoration of his brother's wayward potsmoking and partying, go on a hajj, visit the true jihadists and commune with his Companions, kill a bunch of Americans, and get his boy like a pearl in Jannat.
Done and done.
  Americana | May 10, 2013 4:25 PM | Reply
This is the most detailed story I could find...
In retrospect, a chilling comment, winoceros. I wonder when the police will say for sure that they've got enough forsensics hits and evidence? What a hideous betrayal on soooo many levels!
  Lohengrin | May 10, 2013 4:53 PM | Reply
Hideous betrayal indeed. How can you wear a mask and disguise your true feelings for so long? It's not humanely possible...
  S Kevin | May 10, 2013 5:10 PM | Reply
@ Mino~
I think the boy like a pearl in Jannat was none other than dopey Jahar.
  undaunted replied to comment from Americana | May 10, 2013 5:11 PM | Reply
Took a look at the story, seems like there were leads back in Sept 2011 that BPD should have and could have chased down. Problem is that most PDs are more worried about manpower issues as they relate to overtime than they are about catching bad-guys.
  Americana | May 10, 2013 5:25 PM | Reply
You really think that was poor police work, undaunted? I think the Tsarnaevs weren't considered suspects at that point on the basis of one of them being a roommate and their friendship. It was certainly easier to see the crime as drug turf homicides. But you are an ex Army CID guy, right? So, what is it you saw as evidence of things that should have been followed up?
  Holy Prophet APF | May 10, 2013 5:34 PM | Reply
Mohammed said, “Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country.”
The young Brothers Tsarnaev came to this country, and certainly had no realistic prospect of killing every Jew in this country, heck, we don’t even know if they wanted to try by slitting the three Jewish throats in question here.
But if they did try, if they were the ones who slit these three Jewish throats, then that would’ve been a commendable act based on the scriptures, as shown in the Mohammed quote above, in the Hadiths.
Most call them Islamic extremists just plain terrorists for short, but I call them Moslem Activists. Everybody should; if they did it would be a clearer and safer world.
  Lohengrin replied to comment from winoceros | May 10, 2013 5:45 PM | Reply
The Saudis denied Tamerlan an entry visa?! Wow.
So BOTH the Russians AND the Saudis flagged this guy as terror-related. And yet the FBI cleared him?! And now they're claiming they did everything right?
  undaunted replied to comment from Americana | May 10, 2013 5:59 PM | Reply
Didn't show up for the funeral if his good friend. Very odd.
  LemonLime | May 10, 2013 6:29 PM | Reply
"Tamerlan and Mess were once roommates and practiced boxing and martial arts together."
No doubt if Brendan Mess had been told that Muslims are a dangerous problem, he'd have said, "I have Muslim friends; they're not all bad; how many Muslims do you know? What about the Crusades and the Inquisition, blah blah blah..."
  dumbledoresarmy | May 10, 2013 7:05 PM | Reply
I am reminded of what happened to a Jew in France called Sebastien Selam.
As reported in 'Jerusalem Post'.
"After yet another frenzied night spinning R & B and house tunes in a top Paris nightclub, Sebastien Selam went home to his mother just off Place Colonel Fabien in the 10th district, not far from the hilly Buttes Chaumont Park.
"It's a typical five-story Paris apartment building owned by the huge AGF insurance company, with small balconies lined with flowerpots, but surrounded by city-owned housing projects in a bustling neighborhood with the tough sons of immigrant families hanging out on the streets.
"After thrilling dancers with his spinning style, the 23-year-old DJ Lam.C, as he was known in the club scene, wanted nothing more than to sleep, but he ran into his longtime neighbor and former buddy, Adel Amastaibou, who said, Let's check out the garage a second."
"...in the garage at 5 Rue Louis Blanc, Adel Amastaibou took out a long knife and stabbed Sebastien Salem repeatedly in the chest, killing him. He went upstairs to his mother's apartment and told her and then the police when they arrived, "I killed a Jew, I will go to paradise. Allah made me do it.""
Now, let's reflect on something in a popular Hadith anthology that can be bought in English translation from Muslim bookshops, online, today (just google and see):
"When judgment day arrives, Allah will give every Muslim a Jew or Christian to kill so that the Muslim will not enter into hell fire." -- Mohammed (Mishkat Al-Messabih, vol. 2, no. 5552.)
  ApolloSpeaks | May 10, 2013 8:49 PM | Reply
Lately events relating to terrorism and national security seem to have taken an ominous turn perhaps toward a second 9/11 size mass terror attack on US soil. Look at the signs and shudder. two weeks ago it was reported that our Islamic supremacist enemies at the Ground Zero triumphalist mosque found a piece of the wreckage from one of the two 9/11 planes that slammed into the Twin Towers. The piece, authenticated by experts, was found wedged between the mosque at Park 51 and the building next door just blocks from Ground Zero. This discovery was made just weeks after Osama bin Laden's terrorist son-in-law (Suleiman Abu Ghaith) was arraigned in a nearby Federal Court in Lower Manhattan for plotting to kill Americans; and we suffered the only successful Islamic terror bombing since 9/11-with one of the terrorists (Tamerlan) suspected of having slit the throats (al Qaida style) of three Jewish men on 9-11-11 (an obvious sacrificial offering of evil Jews to Allah); and the other (Dzhokar) obtaining US citizenship exactly one year later on 9-11-12-the day al Qaida struck our consulate in Benghazi to honor bin Laden and his deadly attack.
With all this sudden focus on 9/11 coming from many directions could it be a warning from On High that a second large scale attack is in the works? An attack that's eluding authorities (like the Boston bombing) because of the administration's blindness and weak on terror 9/10 mentality? I don't know. But if you recall when Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson the gunman Jared Loughner killed Christina Green, a lovely child born on 9-11-01, with Loughner born on 9-10-88 (one month after the birth of al Qaida). Was this a providential sign warning about the consequences of the 9/10 mentality leading to another horrific 9/11 event? I hope not. Boston was enough; but not for our monstrous Islamic enemies whose thirst for American blood is unquenchable.
  Bewick114 replied to comment from Lohengrin | May 10, 2013 9:08 PM | Reply
You aren't a muslim then?
  undaunted replied to comment from Americana | May 10, 2013 9:51 PM | Reply
Not sure if it was poor police work but at least they gave up too soon, in my opinion. BPD had to know the victims were Jewish and that their "friends" were Muslim. BPD should have known the enmity Muslims feel for Jews and put the brothers Tsarnaev at the top of their suspect list. The date of the crime was signficant. There were drugs and 5K cash left at the scene. That means the killers didn't commit the murders as part of a drug deal gone bad and they were *saying* drugs and money were not the motive by leaving those things at the scene, atop the bodies. BPD needed to then determine the motive, which, according to Occam's Razor, was the brothers. At least that's how I would have looked at it. Seems likely that BPD was willfuly negligent in their investigation. That's my take.
  fredalanmedforth | May 10, 2013 11:30 PM | Reply
And nobody, nobody could connect the dots until now?
Strange. Too strange. Is Holders police working on the case?
  BlueRaven replied to comment from undaunted | May 11, 2013 2:59 AM | Reply
Undaunted - If all these guys were boxers, even one at a time, they would have put up a real fight. To cut someone's throat, unless you are seriously overpowered, is not an easy task. My guess is there were a number of Muslims involved, perhaps a bunch of visitors from Krapstan, to overpower the victims.
I am a little disturbed about the statement : "The officials stressed that until more definitive DNA testing is complete," : does it mean they didn't do the DNA analysis back then when the incident took place ? They have DNA analysis results up to their eyeballs in their databank.
This statement reminds me of Obama-Clinton statement about Banghazi. I don't know the reason, I go bold on this case, IT IS A COVERUP.
  Mark54 | May 11, 2013 6:55 AM | Reply
At least by the time of the bombings we know the brothers were armed with guns. So it's quite possible one kept a gun trained on the other two victims as they did their work with the knife.
  duh_swami replied to comment from Lohengrin | May 11, 2013 7:27 AM | Reply
How can you wear a mask and disguise your true feelings for so long? It's not humanely possible...
Yes it is, and it happens all the time...
  ImNoDhimmi replied to comment from duh_swami | May 11, 2013 7:40 AM | Reply
Indeed. One has only to look at the current President to know it's true.
  Americana replied to comment from Mark54 | May 11, 2013 9:40 AM | Reply
Very good point about the use of a gun to possibly hold them, Mark. They weren't all found in one room of the apartment though, right? I guess I just don't know enough about the crime scene to do anything but speculate...
  undaunted replied to comment from BlueRaven | May 11, 2013 11:04 AM | Reply
Makes sense to me.
  Kepha | May 11, 2013 5:24 PM | Reply
I will bet that Brandon Mess was raised to respect all people regardless, found his former roommate and sparring partner's background interesting, and thought that his association with Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an ordinary one between two fellow students.
It seems that these people admire the treacherous.
  Al Frank | May 11, 2013 7:30 PM | Reply
I did hear from one of Brendan's friends that he wasn't Jewish. Not sure if that is accurate though, but JTA claims the same in the mess murder wiki. His friend said Brendan was Portuguese not Jewish, but I tried to let him know that there have been and still are plenty of Portuguese Jews, Sephardi and so forth.
The whole case and that it wasn't solved is ridiculous and likely a case of FBI-Boston intentionally burying it.
Let's see, triple homicide, what to do.
Maybe get a list of all known friends, associates and acquaintances of the deceased. Interview everyone on the list, ask for alibis, confirm or deny alibis. Brendan's friends knew that Tamerlan hung out with Brendan a lot. Some even said he was the last to be seen with him. Shortly after the crime, the cops were saying that they were looking for 2 assailants.
Geez Sgt, his he's nowhere to be found. He didn't show up for the wake or funeral. His boxing coach says that he and Brendan were best friends. He and Brendan were both boxers and trained MMA. He was a Golden Gloves champ. Must be sorta strong and capable of enough violence to do something like this. Where is he? He has a brother too? And we were looking for 2 people. Imagine that.
Check phone records and any records of arrest or convictions.
Geez Sarg, this Tamerlan guy has an arrest for Domestic Violence and lo and behold he's in this FBI Guardian computer database for potential terrorists that Russia warned FBI and CIA about.
Geez Sgt, his phone records put him nearby the crime scene too.
This is not brain surgery. Not this case anyway. Open and shut really.
  Holy Prophet APF replied to comment from dumbledoresarmy | May 11, 2013 7:34 PM | Reply
When judgment day arrives, Allah will give every Muslim a Jew or Christian to kill so that the Muslim will not enter into hell fire." -- Mohammed (Mishkat Al-Messabih, vol. 2, no. 5552.).
So then, the bad guys will get the hell fire, but so too the good guys could get it unless they kill a bad guy just to be extra sure of their deserving Jannat. Sounds like a double check process to me, Dumbles.
But as a gift, cuz Allah will present each Moslem with a Jew or Christian for the killing, kind of a test disguised as a prize. But wouldn’t the answer be obvious at that juncture, even to a Moslem? (Sorry for the implied redundancy here.)
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Siddharth Varadarajan, Editor, The Hindu: a profile


See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2013/05/appointment-of-foreigner-as-editor.htmlAppointment of Foreigner as Editor, The Hindu, challenged in Delhi HC -- Dr. Subramanian Swamy. Subsequent to this post, I received the following profile. k

Siddharth Varadarajan, Editor, 'The Hindu' -- a profile

Note: deracinate 'uproot, to remove or separate from a native environment or culture' (Merriam-Webster dictionary)

I would like to alert you to a few more facts on Siddharth Varadarajan, a deracinated Indian and citizen of the United States, born in America. He studied in Columbia University for a PhD in Economics, which he never completed. He had started a Marxist student group there by the name of the Indian Progressive Student Group whose only mandate was to attack India. He was then a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML) and openly supported the Maoist revolt in the Indian heartland, not to mention the Kashmiri claim to self-determination and independence.

Surprisingly, he had also traveled to Israel - not sure why - to interview Palestinian groups? He led several demonstrations against India in front of the Indian Mission to the UN in New York. He was an avowed admirer of Stalin..

He took a close interest in events in Nepal and had traveled several times to Pakistan. He knew Prachanda well. He was closely linked to Ayesha Jalal, Sumantra Bose, Sugata Bose and Sharmila Bose. He never finished his PhD although he did have a part time lecturer position at New York University.I was surprised therefore when he returned to India to take up a position as a journalist in the "Hindu'.

Its time that both the New Indian Express and the Hindu are in Indian nationalist hands, not in the those in cohoots with international vested interests. It does not surprise me that N. Ram had designated Varadarajan as his successor.

Siddharth married a fellow student - Nandini Sundar whom he then inducted into that Marxist student group. Both were deracinated Tamils who could not speak Tamil. This said, Siddharth was a fan of Urdu poetry. Siddharth's father was a senior IAS officer who was close to the Congress Party.

--Anonymous May 12, 2013

Social networks pre-date internet: study of pre-hispanic southwest (Barbara J. Millsa et al, March 2013)


Transformation of social networks in the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest
Barbara J. Millsa,1, Jeffery J. Clarkb, Matthew A. Peeplesb, W. R. Haas, Jr.a, John M. Roberts, Jr.c, J. Brett Hillb,d, Deborah L. Huntleyb, Lewis Borcka, Ronald L. Breigere, Aaron Clausetf,g, and M. Steven Shackleyh
Author Affiliations

Edited* by Linda S. Cordell, University of Colorado, Santa Fe, NM, and approved February 26, 2013 (received for review November 15, 2012)


The late pre-Hispanic period in the US Southwest (A.D. 1200–1450) was characterized by large-scale demographic changes, including long-distance migration and population aggregation. To reconstruct how these processes reshaped social networks, we compiled a comprehensive artifact database from major sites dating to this interval in the western Southwest. We combine social network analysis with geographic information systems approaches to reconstruct network dynamics over 250 y. We show how social networks were transformed across the region at previously undocumented spatial, temporal, and social scales. Using well-dated decorated ceramics, we track changes in network topology at 50-y intervals to show a dramatic shift in network density and settlement centrality from the northern to the southern Southwest after A.D. 1300. Both obsidian sourcing and ceramic data demonstrate that long-distance network relationships also shifted from north to south after migration. Surprisingly, social distance does not always correlate with spatial distance because of the presence of network relationships spanning long geographic distances. Our research shows how a large network in the southern Southwest grew and then collapsed, whereas networks became more fragmented in the northern Southwest but persisted. The study also illustrates how formal social network analysis may be applied to large-scale databases of material culture to illustrate multigenerational changes in network structure.

archaeology North American Southwest spatial analysis network visualization regional interaction
1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: bmills@email.arizona.edu.
Author contributions: B.J.M., J.J.C., M.A.P., J.M.R., R.L.B., A.C., and M.S.S. designed research; B.J.M., J.J.C., M.A.P., W.R.H., J.M.R., J.B.H., D.L.H., L.B., and M.S.S. performed research; M.A.P., W.R.H., J.M.R., and J.B.H. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; B.J.M., J.J.C., M.A.P., W.R.H., J.M.R., J.B.H., L.B., and M.S.S. analyzed data; and B.J.M., J.J.C., M.A.P., and J.B.H. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.

Data deposition: The Southwest Social Networks database is available through Archaeology Southwest (a nonprofit organization) by application. The database contains sensitive locational information for archaeological sites and is available upon request.


http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/03/19/1219966110.full.pdf+html (Full text pdf requires subscription)

Social networks older than internet: Study
PTI | Mar 31, 2013, 08.00 AM IST

WASHINGTON: Modern-day social networks like Facebook and Twitter may help you stay more connected, but a new study has found that such long-distance networks existed even before the advent of internet.

Researchers studied thousands of ceramic and obsidian artifacts from 1200-1450AD to learn about the growth, collapse and change of social networks in the late pre-Hispanic Southwest.

The study led by University of Arizona anthropologist Barbara Mills, sheds light on the transformation of social networks and shows that people of that period were able to maintain surprisingly long-distance relationships with nothing more than their feet to connect them.

They found that early social networks do not appear to have been as restricted as expected by settlements' physical distance from one another.

Researchers found that similar types of painted pottery were being created and used in villages as far as 250 kilometres apart, suggesting people were maintaining relationships across relatively large geographic expanses.

"They were making, using and discarding very similar kinds of assemblages over these very large spaces, which means that a lot of their daily practises were the same," Mills said.

"That doesn't come about by chance, it has to come about by interaction - the kind of interaction where it's not just a simple exchange but where people are learning how to make and how to use and ultimately discard different kinds of pottery," she said in a statement.

"That really shocked us, this idea that you can have such long distance connections. In the pre-Hispanic Southwest they had no real vehicles, they had no beasts of burden, so they had to share information by walking," she said.

The study is based on analysis of more than 8,00,000 painted ceramic and more than 4,800 obsidian artifacts dating from 1200-1450 AD, uncovered from more than 700 sites in what is now Arizona and western New Mexico.

Researchers found that while a large social network in the southern part of the Southwest grew very large and then collapsed, networks in the northern part of the Southwest became more fragmented but persisted over time.

"Network scientists often talk about how increasingly connected networks become, or the 'small world' effect, but our study shows that this isn't always the case," said Mills.

"Our long-term study shows that there are cycles of growth and collapse in social networks when we look at them over centuries. Highly connected worlds can become highly fragmented," Mills said.


Dear PM, you're the bali ka bakra -- Venky Vembu. Just in time, will you reveal the real conspirators of coalgate?


Not Bansal or Kumar: Dear PM, you’re the real sacrificial goat

by  May 12, 2013

A heart bowed down with the weight of woe will cling to the weakest hope. Barely hours before he was forced to resign as Railway Minister, Pawan Kumar Bansal sought in vain to propitiate some unknown larger force by feeding a goat at his residence. Media accounts have it that the goat was subsequently sacrificed, evidently to ward off the malefic effects on Bansal’s political career in the week since his nephew was caught taking a bribe to facilitate a promotion in the railways. The “goat-hungry gods” weren’t so easily appeased, so Bansal had to walk away, bleating about his “innocence”, into the sunset.

Barely hours later, Ashwani Kumar, too resigned as Law Minister for the sin of covering up the tracks on behalf of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Coalgate scandal. But in his comments soon after, and again on Sunday, he insinuated that he was being made a bali ka bakra and insisted that he had done no wrong.

The knives are out for Manmohan Singh. AFP.

The knives are out for Manmohan Singh. AFP.

Since then, several media accounts have been unquestioningly channelling the political spin put out by Congress sources suggesting that the two tainted Ministers were forced to step down at the insistence of Congress presidentSonia Gandhi. According to these accounts (for instance,here and here), Manmohan Singh was reluctant to ask Ashwani Kumar to resign because, in his estimation, the charges against him – that he made substantive changes to the CBI draft preliminary enquiry report into the Coalgate scam – were not serious and the Supreme Court had not formally passed strictures against him. In these narratives, even Bansal had offered to resign a full week earlier, but had been asked by Manmohan Singh to stay on.

It is true, of course, that Manmohan Singh did bat for Ashwani Kumar just last week, and said publicly that there was “no question” of his being asked to resign.  But, then, so were the Congress party spokepersons, who would presumably have been channelling the official party line, which – given the political dynamics within the party – would have reflected Sonia Gandhi‘s mind.

But now we are led to believe that it was Sonia Gandhi who twisted Manmohan Singh’s arm and got him to drop both Bansal and Ashwani Kumar  because their continuance in the government was tainting the Congress’ pristine-pure image of propriety.

This stretches credulity on several counts. We’re asked to believe that Sonia Gandhi’s conscience, which wasn’t particularly perturbed by the damning allegations of Robert Vadra’s supernormal profits on land deals – secured by leveraging his political clout and “insider information” on changes in land-use patterns – suddenly became prickly now. She herself  and her son Rahul Gandhi  stand accused of cornering prime real-estate in violation of election laws, in the National Herald case, but we’re now asked to believe, Madam stands for probity, and will even tick off her own puppet-Prime Minister in order to be seen to be doing the right thing.

Both those cases were just as damaging for the Congress’ image, and in Vadra’s case, Ministers in the government came out batting on behalf of Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law and offer him self-serving clean chits.

Stretching farther back in time, the UPA government’s culpability in letting Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi escape from India and avoid justice in the Bofors scandal casts a long shadow on the Gandhi family’s role. But the theme for today is that Sonia Gandhi is the last line of defence for upholding propriety in the Congress – since even Manmohan Singh is shielding  corrupt and overreaching  Ministers.

Manmohan Singh should take heed of the smoke signals that are being put out by Sonia Gandhi’s loyal supporters, even to the extent of insinuating that it was he – and he alone – who wanted to shield Bansal and Ashwani Kumar.

The message is this: when it comes to ring-fencing Sonia Gandhi from the taint of corruption that overruns the UPA government, everyone  - even the Prime Minister – is expendable. In propitiating the Mother Goddess, there are no ‘holy cows’, and everyone is potentially a sacrificial lamb that is ripe for slaughter.

So, watch your back, Dr Manmohan Singh. The word is out that you too are a bali ka bakra,who can be sacrificed at the appropriate time. Can you already hear the swish of the executioner’s knife?


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