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Teddy bear party Umar Khalid without beard. Theatre of the absurd called JNU. NaMo, nationalise kaalaadhan.

    1. Left profs, students at JNU are desperate for clashes with cops. I'm pretty sure channels have cams in position at site, waiting to roll.
    1. The gasbag revolutionary is lying. His father and comrades in media played the Muslim card for obvious reasons.
    2. Idea was to generate TV footage of cops smashing students late night. How very diabolical. Shame on JNU Left cabal for using kids as pawns.
    3. Tactical patience is the right response. Hope authorities don't get pushed into doing anything hasty by jeering Left or conniving media. GN.
      1. Interesting. Are teachers / politicians goading students to take this stand in the hope this would lead to a clash?
      2. Chap suffers from extreme infantile disorder. He thinks other media houses are Che Guevara Cafes?
  1. But of course, they had gathered for a teddy bears party. Deceit has no limit.

5 JNU students, accused of raising anti-national slogans, surface on campus

TNN | Feb 21, 2016, 11.32 PM IST
Umar Khalid addressing students in JNU. (ANI Photo)Umar Khalid addressing students in JNU. (ANI Photo)
NEW DELHI: All five students, who were on the run from the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus since February 12 including Umar Khalid, are now back. Ashutosh, Anant Prakash Narayan, Rama Naga, Anirban Bhattacharya and Umar Khalid are now back on the campus and among the student protesters at the administrative block.

The five have been debarred by the university but they can still use their hostels. "We had taken the decision to flee because of the atmosphere that had been created," said Ashutosh, former JNU students' union president and present Delhi state secretary of All India Students' Association.

"We were afraid there would be mob attack and the police were going from room to room to check. The media trial — targetting us and branding us as 'anti-nationals' and terrorists — was also worrying us," Ashustosh said. Narayan, a former JNUSU vice-president and Rama Naga, the present general secretary, are also from AISA. Bhattacharya and Khalid are former members of Democratic Students' Union.

Ashutosh said the students were in Delhi itself and that the decision to return on Sunday evening had been taken individually and not collectively. "We didn't do anything wrong but were been framed using doctored video. When we saw people rising up in our support, thousands of students marching for us, we got the strength to return," he said.

Their return doesn't change much where the university's position is concerned. The five remain suspended. Ashutosh intends to join the andolan -- the campaign to restore to JNU the space for "students to speak their mind, express opinions and dissent.""That has been completely crushed. We are innocent students who wanted to express our views. The administration allowed the police in without resistance; the police have been working as RSS agents. We have to expand and step up our fight."
The committee the university has established to inquire into the February 9 incident is a problem. "It has to be broadened. There are no women, no-one from the SC-ST or OBC castes. I am an OBC, Rama and Anant are both SC students. How can we depose before such a committee?"

Swamy for Uniform Civil Code to combat terror threats

You can watch it here: - 

Also you can view the documentaries in the following You Tube links: - 

தாலிபான் நாடாகும் தமிழகம்

தமிழகத்தைச் சூழும் ஜிகாத் பாகம் - 1

தமிழகத்தைச் சூழும் ஜிகாத் பாகம் - 2


Monday, 22 February 2016 | PNS | CHENNAI
Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Sunday called for Uniform Civil Code in India at the earliest. “We cannot allow a miniscule minority holding the country to ransom. It is because of this confused mind set of Hindus that the jehadis got stronger by the day. The Congress, the DMK and the AIADMK are to be equally blamed for the growth of Jehadis and Islamic terrorism in India,” said Swamy, while releasing a documentary film on the activities of Islamic jehadis in Chennai.
He said while the Muslims had no issues in accepting Uniform Civil Code in United States and Australia, they are holding the Indian State to ransom in the name of minorities, pluralism and secularism. “When the Government of Australia decided to introduce Uniform Civil Code across the nation, certain  Islamic fundamentalists came out against the move of the Government. The Australian Government told them bluntly that if they are not willing for the uniform civil code, they are free to move out of the country. Next day saw thousands of Muslims coming out in the open supporting the Government’s decision to introduce the uniform civil code,” said Swamy.
He repeated his demand to burn all the history books written by the former British rulers of India. “Our history books are silent about Chola,  Maurya, Gupta periods while there are many chapters eulogising Akbar, Shajahan, Aurangazeb and Tippu Sultan. The younger generation should be taught about the excellent works done by the likes of Shivaji, Maharajs Rana Pratap, Kattabomman and  Rani Chinnamma. The British wrote the Indian history with ulterior motives. They wanted the Indians to feel inferior and ignorant. The Dravidian movement was born out of this inferiority complex and ignorance.It was the first anti-India movement in the country,” said the senior BJP leader.
Swamy pointed out that wherever the Muslims are in a majority, they do not allow tolerance of any kind. “The Kashmiri Pundits were driven out of Kashmir by the brute majority enjoyed by the Muslims. The Hindus in Melvisharam, a Town Panchayat in Tamil Nadu are at the mercy of Muslims because the latter enjoy numerical strength. The Hindus are denied even basic human rights and dignity,” he charged.
He pointed out that a Hindu awakening is happening in Tamil Nadu following the victory of Narendra Modi in the last Lok Sabha elections. “This made the DMK leader M K Stalin to declare that his was a Hindu party since 90 per cent of the DMK activists are Hindus. He should also understand that Tamil Nadu has become the second most terrorist compliant State in India. Police officials confided to me that they were not being allowed to take action against those perpetrating crimes against the Hiindus,” said Swamy.
Sushil Pundit, leader of Kashmiri Pundits driven away from their home state reminded the people that Jihadi activities began in Tamil Nadu in early 1990s with the attack against the RSS head quarters in Chennai. “Right now Tamil Nadu is  going through the beginning of what we experienced in Kashmir  long back. It was the brutal majority enjoyed by the  Muslim community which resulted in the exodus of the Hindus from Kashmir. What is happeneing in Tamil Nadu? A mere six per cent of the population terrorizes the majority community. Please remember that they are doing this even without the presence of Article 370,” said Pundit, who was introduced as Tamil Nadu’s son-in-law from Kashmir. 

Kaalaadhan is NOT a tax avoidance issue. It is anti-national to keep Bharatiya wealth in foreign country accounts.

Kaalaadhan is NOT a tax avoidance issue. It is anti-national to keep Bharatiya wealth in foreign country accounts. Nationalise
"In India, Black money refers to funds earned on the black market, on which income and other taxes have not been paid. The total amount of black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians is unknown. Some reports claim a total exceeding US$16.4 trillion are stashed in Switzerland's. Other reports, including those reported by Swiss Bankers Association and the Government of Switzerland, claim that these reports are false and fabricated, and the total amount held in all Swiss banks by citizens of India is about US$2 billion" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_black_money

There is often tongue-in-the-cheek diversion to treat kaalaadhan as a double-tax avoidance issue and talk about double tax avoidance treaties.

Switzerland has a law for restitution of illicit wealth held by politically exposed persons 

Is there a will to ask for restitution of the wealth held in tax havens by Bharatiya citizens?

What is the problem is asking for these monies to be brought into Bharat's financial system?

Why is the issue being dodged, allowing the criminal corrupt politicians to indulge in anti-national anti-Modi slogans to cover up their guilt, their anti-national activity of keeping the nation's wealth in tax havens?

S. Kalyanaraman

Six objects that illustrate how India's trade with ancient Rome was conducted


Six objects that illustrate how India's trade with ancient Rome was conducted

TNN | Feb 22, 2016, 05.14 AM IST
Reconstruction of the oak chest
Display case. Treasure hoard discovered in 1992. British Museum.
CHENNAI: A silver pepper pot, gemstones, black pepper, cooking pots, coins and Roman amphorae - historian Roberta Tomber chose these six seemingly disparate and unconnected objects to show why and how Indo-Roman trade was conducted in the ancient world.

The 'Empress' pepper pot was part of a large Roman hoard excavated from Hoxne in the east of England. It contained more than 14,000 coins, gold jewellery, cutlery and other pepper pots. "The fact that the "Empress" is made of gilded silver shows the value with which pepper was regarded, and it was spices and particularly black pepper that drove trade between the Mediterranean and India," said Tomber, visiting fellow at the British Museum, who is currently working on Indian Ocean commerce through the study of Roman and non-Roman pottery from ports of the Red Sea and India.

Tomber said the largest finds of black pepper in the Roman world come from Berenike, including an Indian storage jar containing 7.5 kilos of black pepper. In the Roman world, black pepper was a very expensive commodity. One of the few items of similar value that the Romans could exchange with India was gold and silver - which was traded in the form of coinage. "In most cases these coins were not used monetarily, but as bullion. This is supported by the defacing and reuse of Roman coins in India. Coinage was so highly valued that it was imitated, both in metal and clay," she said.

Speaking on "A history of Indo-Roman trade through its objects" as part of the 9th national conference on marine archaeology of Indian Ocean countries at the Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tomber said some gemstones, such as diamonds, garnets and sapphire were available only from India or Sri Lanka, but others including pearls, emeralds and carnelian had other known sources, including Egypt. "The evidence from Pattanam (an ancient site near Ernakulam) clearly shows that cameo blanks were prepared in India, although they might have been finished in the Roman world," she said. But in the case of intaglio (carving of stone or other materials), Tomber said the skills were probably transferred to India from the West.
During her research, she found a very different level of interaction evidenced by the common occurrence of Indian cooking pots at Quseir al-Qadim and Berenike in Egypt. "Unlike the Indian storage jars, the cooking pots are thought to belong to Indian sailors residing on site, enabling them to cook in a manner that was familiar. Only rarely has this pottery been found beyond the Egyptian ports, further supporting that they reflect a resident community rather than trade items," she said. Roman amphorae, according to Tomber, are another type of pottery widely found throughout the Indian Ocean and its distribution, clustering at one or two port sites, suggests that many of the amphorae were for consumption in the ports.
The Hoxne Hoard (/ˈhɒksən/ hok-sən) is the largest hoard of late Roman silver and gold discovered in Britain,and the largest collection of gold and silver coins of the fourth and fifth century found anywhere within the Roman Empire. Found by Eric Lawes, a metal detectorist in the village of Hoxne in Suffolk, England, on 16 November 1992, the hoard consists of 14,865 Roman gold, silver and bronze coins from the late fourth and early fifth centuries, and approximately 200 items of silver tableware and gold jewellery.The objects are now in the British Museum in London, where the most important pieces and a selection of the rest are on permanent display. In 1993, theTreasure Valuation Committee valued the hoard at £1.75 million (today £3.18 million).
The hoard was buried as an oak box or small chest filled with items in precious metal, sorted mostly by type with some in smaller wooden boxes and others in bags or wrapped in fabric. Remnants of the chest, and of fittings such as hinges and locks, were recovered in the excavation. The coins of the hoard date it after AD 407, which coincides with the end of Britain as a Roman province. The owners and reasons for burial of the hoard are unknown, but it was carefully packed and the contents appear consistent with what a single very wealthy family might have owned. Given the lack of large silver serving vessels and of some of the most common types of jewellery, it is likely that the hoard represents only a part of the wealth of its owner.
The Hoxne Hoard contains several rare and important objects, including a gold body-chain and silver-gilt pepper-pots (piperatoria), including the Empress pepper pot. The Hoxne Hoard is also of particular archaeological significance because it was excavated by professional archaeologists with the items largely undisturbed and intact. The find has helped to improve the relationship between metal detectorists and archaeologists, and influenced a change in English law regarding finds of treasure.


104 yr old Maa Kunwar Bai. NaMo bows to her. She is Bharata maa who sold her goats to build toilets


PM Modi bows to 104 Years old Maa Kunwar Bai for her exemplary contribution to #SwachhBharat
Published on Feb 21, 2016
PM Narendra Modi​ saluting and felicitating 104 Years old Maa Kunwar Bai for her exemplary contribution to #SwachhBharat, who built toilets by selling her goats.

KURRUBHAT(C'garh): PM Narendra Modi on Sunday touched the feet of a 104-year-old woman from a village in Chhattisgarh's Dhamtari district who sold her goats to build two toilets at her home.

Felicitating Kunwar Bai from Kotabharri village at the launch of 'Rurban Mission' in the state's Naxal-hit Rajandgaon district, Modi said her efforts to make her village open defecation free was a big sign of changing India. 

To build toilets at her residence, she had sold-off her 8-10 goats and then urged villagers to build lavatories too.

"An elderly woman of 104 years who stays in a remote village, does not watch TV or read papers, but the message of building toilets under clean India mission somehow reached her. She sold off her goats to build toilets at home and also encouraged others from the village to build toilets," Modi said.

Four clusters of villages in Rajnandgaon, Dhamtari, Bastar and Kabirdham districts of the state will be developed in the first stage of the Rurban Mission that intends to bridge the rural-urban divide by bringing civic and infrastructural amenities to villages.

Munak canal brings water to Delhi. Tughlak Kejriwal of Delhi should now know the imperative of cooperation with the Centre instead of media buffoonery


Haryana crawls to normalcy; water supply to Delhi likely to be restored soon

TNN & Agencies | Feb 22, 2016, 11.59 AM IST
Haryana crawls to normalcy; water supply to Delhi likely to be restored soon
Haryana crawls to normalcy; water supply to Delhi likely to be restored soon

CHANDIGARH: Violence-hit Haryana is limping towards normalcy on Monday with traffic restored on the busy NH-1, curfews being relaxed at various places and the Army taking control of the state's Munak canal that supplies water to Delhi, officials here said.

Railway officials said that restoration of train traffic on the Delhi-Ambala and Delhi-Bathinda sections could take some more time as the tracks will have to be repaired and inspected thoroughly before plying of trains is allowed. The protesters had uprooted the railway tracks at various places.

Haryana has been on the boil since late last week after pro-quota protests by Jats took a violent turn. Eleven people were killed and 150 injured in state-wide clashes; Rohtak was the worst hit.

With the Bharatiya Janata Party promising to give reservation to Jats and assuring that a bill will be brought in the next session of the Haryana assembly, Jat leaders had appealed to the protesters to end the agitation.

No untoward incident, except for the earlier blockades, were reported in the state over the past 12-hours, police said in the morning. Some protesters have started heading back home early on Monday, police officials said.

Sources said that chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar has called for a cabinet meeting in Chandigarh on Monday afternoon. The meeting will discuss the reservation issue for Jats and the situation in the state.

Traffic restored on highways

Reports said that traffic had been restored on National Highway No. 1 (NH-1) between Delhi and Ambala after security forces removed Jat protestors at some places. At other places protestors left the blockade points on their own on Monday morning.

Army personnel and para-military forces, along with the state police and district authorities, continued to patrol and provide security along NH-1 and other roads to ensure the protestors did not return.

Thousands of people and vehicles were stranded on NH-1 as protesters laid siege to the highway in Sonipat and Panipat districts over the past three days, cutting off road connectivity to Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Chandigarh through the highway.

Traffic was being restored on other highways in the violence-hit districts of Rohtak, Sonipat, Panipat, Jhajjar, Bhiwani, Jind, Kaithal and Hisar.

Curfew in Rohtak town was relaxed for an hour on Monday and lifted in Hisar and Hansi , officials said.

Delhi's water supply to be restored

Around 600 CRPF personnel and two columns of the Army took control of Munak canal at around 4am Monday and started repair work to ensure uninterrupted water supply to Delhi, official sources said. All protesters who were squatting at the site were also evicted, they added.

Haryana's irrigation department officials reached the canal and were carrying out repairs on it.

"Thank u army, thank u centre for securing munak canal back. Great relief for delhi," tweeted Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

SC slams Delhi water minister

Separately, the Supreme Court on Monday sought a status report from the Haryana government on a Delhi government petition seeking the resumption of water supply to the national capital.

A bench headed by Chief Justice T S Thakur has sought a status report in two days on the plea of the AAP government which has also sought a direction for ensuring security on the barrages at the Munak Canal in Haryana.

The bench was initially reluctant to take up the plea of Delhi government and rapped it for approaching the apex court instead of resolving the issue at a government-to-government level.

"You people instead of solving the problem at government- to-government level are moving to Supreme Court. You want order from the Supreme Court. You want everything on the platter...You ministers are sitting in the court instead of going to the field. You rest in AC chambers and you want order from the court," the bench said while referring to the presence of Delhi water minister Kapil Mishra inside the court.

However, after repeated appeals from senior advocate Rajeev Dhawan, whowas appearing for the Delhi government, the bench asked the Haryana government to make the necessary arrangements for resumption of water supply to the capital.

Mahamaham Kumbakonam


மகாமகக் குளத்தில் எழுந்தருளி தீர்த்தவாரிக் காணும் உற்சவ மூர்த்திகள்

First Published : 22 February 2016 12:30 PM IST
கும்பகோணம் மகாமகக் குளத்தில் தீர்த்தவாரி வெகு விமரிசையாக நடந்து வருகிறது.
இதில், கும்பகோணத்தில் உள்ள 16 கோயில்களின் உற்சவ மூர்த்திகள், குளத்தில் எழுந்தருளி தீர்த்தவாரியில் பங்கேற்றனர்.
1. அருள்மிகு மங்களாம்பிகை உடனுறை ஆதிகும்பேசுவரர்
2. விசாலாட்சி உடனுறை காசி விசுவநாதர் கோயில்
3 பிரகன்நாயகி உடனுறை  நாகேசுவரர் சுவாமி கோயில்
4. அமிர்தவல்லி உடனுறை அபிமுகேசுவரர் சுவாமி கோயில்
5. ஞானம்பிகா உடனுறை காளஹஸ்தீசுவரர் கோயில்
6. சோமசுந்தரி உடனுறை அருள்மிகு சோமேசுவரர் சுவாமி கோயில்
7. அருள்மிகு பாணபுரீசுவரர் சுவாமி கோயில்
8. அருள்மிகு ஆதிகம்பட்ட விசுவநாதர் கோயில்
9. அருள்மிகு கௌதமேசுவரர் கோயில்
10. அருள்மிகு ஏகாம்பரேசுவரர் கோயில்
11. அருள்மிகு அமிர்தகலசநாதர் கோயில்
12. அருள்மிகு கோடீசுவரர் கோயில்
13. அருள்மிகு சார்ங்கபாணி சுவாமி கோயில்
14.அருள்மிகு சக்கரபாணி சுவாமி கோயில்
15. அருள்மிகு ராமசுவாமி கோயில்
16. அருள்மிகு ராஜகோபாலசுவாமி கோயில்
17. அருள்மிகு ஆதிவராகப் பெருமாள் கோயில்
ஆகிய கோயில்களின் உற்சவ மூர்த்திகள், மகாமகக் குளத்தில் எழுந்தருளி தீர்த்தவாரி கண்டருளுகின்றனர்.
Published: February 22, 2016 12:24 IST | Updated: February 22, 2016 12:26 IST  

Huge number of pilgrims throng Mahamaham in Kumbakonam

  • A holy man taking bath at the Kumbakonam Mahamaham pond on the occasion of the Mahamaham festival 2016 in Kumbakonam,Tamil Nadu on Sunday.
    A holy man taking bath at the Kumbakonam Mahamaham pond on the occasion of the Mahamaham festival 2016 in Kumbakonam,Tamil Nadu on Sunday.
  • Devotees take part in the Chariot procession of Lord Shiva near the Kumbakonam Mahamaham pond on the occasion of the Mahamaham festival 2016 in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu on Sunday.
    Devotees take part in the Chariot procession of Lord Shiva near the Kumbakonam Mahamaham pond on the occasion of the Mahamaham festival 2016 in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu on Sunday.
More than 2.75 lakh pilgrims took a dip in the famed Mahamaham tank in Kumbakonam since midnight on Monday and a even larger number of people congregated at the temple town for the ongoing Mahamaham. So far, more than 40 lakh pilgrims have visited the town since the festivities began on February 13.
Notable among the early visitors on the day of Mahamaham were the Kanchi Acharyas Sri Jayendra Saraswati and Sri Vijayendra Saraswati as well as the Sri Lankan MP for Batticoloa Seenithambi Yogeswaran.
Devotees had a dip at the Mahamaham tank before moving on to the Portramarai Kulam and then to the Chakra Padithurai bathing ghat on the banks of Cauvery. There has been a smooth flow of pilgrims as they moved after arriving at the seven temporary bus terminals on the peripheries of the town and at the railway junction.
At around 10 a.m., the processional deities from the Siva temples arrived at the Mahamaham tank while the Vishnu temple deities were taken to the Chakra Padithurai for the Teerthavari rituals.  
Thousands of police personnel including commandos and Fire and Rescue Services unit men have been deployed to ensure smooth conduct of the rituals.
Printable version | Feb 22, 2016 1:53:58 PM | http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/huge-number-of-pilgrims-throng-mahamaham-in-kumbakonam/article8267169.ece

Black Money: Dr Subramanian Swamy's lecture at IIM Bengaluru (29:22, 30:01, 27:14). NaMo, nationalise kaalaadhan in Money Bill 2016.


Dr Swamy at IIM Bangalore  21st Feb. 2016 Published on Feb 21, 2016
The great crusader of ills, Respected Dr. Subramanian Swamy gives thought provoking insights about the vicious web of Black Money in India and Indian black money outside India.



Black Money can be brought back… here’s how!

Instead of just making sound bites that Black Money can be brought back, Dr. Swamy, in this lecture, details formulaically a step-by-step process by which it can be curbed and in the long term eliminated.
This video is a student’s delight as Dr. Subramanian Swamy proves how Black Money can be curbed by the technique of going after the highest net worth individuals. You may want to bookmark this video and see it again and again to grasp the reasoning behind it.
A crisp introduction, in which the Speaker recalls how one Union Minister in the cabinet of Shri P V Narasimha Rao (PM) wanted Dr. Swamy to go slow on a particular issue. To this the then PM replied, “No one can stop Swamy, once he makes up his mind.”
Due to time constraints, Swamy had to charter a flight to come from Chennai so he could make it in time for this lecture. Listen to him start off this juicy lecture by talking about a former student of his at Harvard, who went on to become the Finance Minister of India. He (the former FM) was described as a “playboy” who ended up failing Dr. Swamy’s class! We leave it to you to deduce who Dr. Swamy is referring to.
He also recalls a bright student from IIT Delhi, whom Dr. Swamy recommended to Harvard. He went on to great heights in his career in the US but greed got the better of him. He was implicated in an insider trading case and sentenced to jail. The person in question, Rajat Gupta owed his rise and fall to Dr. Swamy as he was netted in a case that Dr. Swamy had initiated to track illegal shipment of arms by the Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

This video is Part 3 of the 3-part lecture delivered by Dr. Swamy (Click here for Parts 1 and 2) at the Indian Institute of Management – Bangalore.

Pak GHQ activates new front in India: JNU -- Madhav Nalapat. NaMo, nationalise kaalaadhan.

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Pak GHQ activates new front in India

By MADHAV NALAPAT | NEW DELHI | 21 February, 2016
General Raheel Sharif.
Accompanying terror strikes will be ‘death by a thousand revolts’.
There has been widespread national attention at the manner in which a small group called for the breakup and even the Wahhabisation of India on 9 February at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. They did this repeatedly, without obvious objection from the much larger number of attendees during the event. However, the impact of such cries on public opinion, reminiscent as they were of the frenzied and ultimately successful cries for the partition of India in the 1930s, was lost afterwards by hooliganism indulged in by hyper-patriots. However, the 9 February JNU event, soon followed by a similar do at Jadavpur University in Kolkata is worrying senior officials battling radicalism and terrorism worldwide, who fear that such calls on campuses for the vivisection of India may spread.
The source of their worry is contained in information detailed by a group of sources within Pakistan, who reveal that the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) unit of the Pakistan military has, since November 2014, begun to implement a plan designed to activate a “non-terror” front in India, in addition to the long-running terror front. This second front is expected by GHQ Rawalpindi to have a destructive effect on public morale and the ability of the governance system to take decisive action against the terror front and its affiliates—the hawala and narcotics industry, which has been growing unhindered in India since the United Front government took over from the Congress Party in 1996 and oversaw the introduction of policy measures designed to boost domestic opium production, as well as encourage the manufacture of chemicals designed to process narcotics, especially in states bordering Pakistan.
Once the economic liberalisation carried out by P.V. Narasimha Rao in the1990s gave promise of faster growth in India, among GHQ Rawalpindi’s core objectives in this country has been a meltdown of economic and societal vitality. This economy-focused strategy got accelerated in early 2003, when it became obvious that Pakistan-directed terror attacks by themselves were not sufficient to bring India to a state of insecurity and lack of confidence sufficient to prevent an adequate response to the ISI’s covert terror mission in India. Hence, followed repeated attacks on major metropolitan centres, as well as efforts to assassinate scientists, who are a key element in the wide “Knowledge Gap” between India and Pakistan. GHQ Rawalpindi has been particularly disconcerted by the increasing warmth between Washington and Delhi, especially the two militaries. GHQ Rawalpindi watched with dismay as Manmohan Singh began to change the parameters of engagement with Washington after the 2005 nuclear understanding with President George W. Bush. 
There has been a sharp acceleration of the ISI policy of “death to India by a thousand revolts” since Narendra Modi became the prospective Prime Minister by mid-2013. Once he took charge as PM in May 2014, the new PM gave promise of ushering in a period of 21st-century reform of the governance structure, which would hopefully raise to double digits the “natural” rate of growth of the country from the historical level of 2%. This may otherwise be termed the Nehru Rate of Growth in honour of the Prime Minister whose policies made such a situation inevitable. Soon afterwards, the concept of a non-terror “second front” against India was developed within GHQ and communicated to the ISI for implementation through its proxies and dupes in India. 
Sources within Pakistan reveal that the budget for the “second front” was “expanded five times” during 2013-15 by General Raheel Sharif. The aim was to “deepen the demonisation of Narendra Modi abroad and in the big cities of India”, both locations crucial to increasing India’s rate of growth to double digits. According to those who have worked with General Sharif, the all-powerful and hugely popular Chief of Army Staff (COAS) in Pakistan is “determined to ensure that the global India story gets derailed in the era of Modi”. Keeping alive international perceptions that India and Pakistan were a trigger away from nuclear war is seen by GHQ as important in discouraging investment within India and into India. Hence, there has been a particular focus on actions designed to derail India-Pakistan dialogue and instead promote tension through terror attacks by ISI proxies. “To befool (sic) Obama, General Sharif regularly speaks of peace and good relations with India. However, his true intent gets communicated to his staff, who are told to work on plans for strengthening the covert First (terror) and Second (popular unrest and revolt) fronts.”
In a bid to derail dialogue, in Arnia, in 2014, on the anniversary of 26/11 (the Mumbai terror attacks), a terror attack took place at an Army camp. Not coincidentally, both the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan were in Kathmandu at the time, looking towards overcoming the stoppage of Foreign Secretary-level talks announced by India in August 2014.
Rawalpindi GHQ, according to well-informed sources, is “very concerned at the rise in public support within Pakistan for peace with India, even if this means freezing the Kashmir dispute by both sides”. Public support within the tortured country for the hugely expensive (relative to Gross National Product) Pakistan military hinges on an inflating of the “India threat”, an objective helped by periodic breakdowns of communication and rise in border tensions between Delhi and Islamabad. In an effort at derailing dialogue, three more attacks occurred in succession by terrorists trained in Peshawar and Muzaffarabad. These took place on Army camps in India, on 5 December 2014 near Uri, on 20 March 2015 at Samba (which hit police installations as well) and 27 May 2015 in Tangdhar, just a day after the first anniversary of the Modi government.
However, neither Prime Minister Modi nor National Security Advisor Ajit Doval (who is reputed to be as close to the PM as BJP president Amit Shah and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley) fell into the GHQ trap by cutting off avenues for dialogue with the civilian establishment in Pakistan led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, “who knows that peace with India is essential for the growth and stability of Pakistan, but who has got no support from the international community for ensuring civil dominance over the military in Pakistan”, a source based in Karachi said.
Defying predictions that dialogue at such a level was stalled if not totally derailed by the terror attacks, both Nawaz Sharif and Modi met at Ufa in Russia on 10 July 2015 to the chagrin of the ISI, which was “pulled up” by GHQ for not doing enough to foul the atmosphere within both India and Pakistan for talks with each other. In order to goad India into precipitate action, such as would make Delhi look the aggressor rather than Rawalpindi, another ISI-linked terror attack got carried out on 27 July 2015 at Dina Nagar and another on 6 August on a BSF convoy in Udhampur. That same year, on the anniversary of 26/11, three terrorists fired on a Gorkha Rifles camp in Kupwara district, although their attempt to set on fire the oil depot was foiled by prompt action by the Gorkhas. 
Sources say that Prime Minister Modi has been getting detailed real time information from multiple sources about the goings-on in GHQ Rawalpindi and the intentions of General Sharif and his top advisors. Hence, despite pressure from those eager for a cutting off of contact between this country and Pakistan, the PM refused to be provoked. “Modi Sahab (sic) knows that decisive action against Pakistan needs coordinated action by India and the US”, hopefully with China adopting a neutral stance in its own interest. This can be assured “only after it becomes obvious that India has gone the extra mile to preserve peace, but has repeatedly been rebuffed by the Pakistan military through its proxies”. Hence the focus on diplomacy. To the dismay of the ISI, PM Modi met his counterpart Nawaz Sharif at Paris during the climate summit. This brief but intense interaction resulted in the NSAs of the two countries meeting at Bangkok on 6 December 2015 and working the modalities for External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to visit Pakistan on 8 December, ostensibly to attend the “Heart of Asia” security dialogue. This was followed by the unprecedented visit by Modi to Lahore on 25 December, Christmas Day, where the personal chemistry and bonhomie between him and Sharif was on display to the world. GHQ was not slow to react, igniting the Pathankot attack on 2 January 2016, which, fortunately, did not result in the mass casualties which had been planned for the operation by specially-selected “shock elements” of the terror groups nurtured by the ISI. However, even this attack did not result in the collapse of Prime Minister Modi’s innovative diplomacy towards the civilian leadership of Pakistan, nor goad him into copying the verbal aggression, which is a staple of television talk shows on both sides of the border.
Sources close to GHQ say that the failure to derail the India-Pakistan peace process resulted in an “intensification of the strategy of promoting unrest in India through agitations and violence directed against the security arms of the state”. The banking, railways and road transport industries are a particular focus of this campaign, and sources cognisant of the field situation say that the ISI is working to ensure that “soon after the Union Budget (for 2016-17) gets passed, strikes, go-slows and uncontrollable unrest will break out” in India, thereby damaging economic prospects. 
Since 2005, these sources claim that the ISI has been able to recruit across India over 16,000 (sixteen thousand) “volunteers and auxiliaries” (with the latter being unaware of the actual affiliation of the group they belong to). They add that “more than 80% of the new recruits are sleepers”, those who as yet have not participated in any covert activity and hence are under the police radar. Interestingly, according to these sources, such recruits belong “not only to Muslim organisations. Many are from the Sikh, Hindu and other communities, and are distributed across various professions and strata of society.” “Both the hawala networks, especially in the border states, and the narcotics industry work closely with the ISI to provide logistical support and protection for this expanding ‘non-terrorist’ network of the ISI.” A particular infowar focus “is to discredit those who point to the danger of GHQ intervention in the economics, sociology and politics of India as alarmist and paranoidal”, a ploy which seems to be working, judging by the number of those in the commentariat who refuse to accept that the country is facing a mortal threat from the Pakistan military, not just through non-conventional war but through other means.
The ISI has been getting help from individuals in foreign countries to paint a dismal picture of India, “many of whom are well-meaning and who do not realise that they are being manipulated in the name of women’s rights, child rights and minority freedoms by a Wahhabi organisation, whose core objective is the meltdown of the Indian state, thereby creating a vacuum which can be filled with radicals and result in chaos in a manner similar to what has happened in other countries where there has been a collapse of the governance mechanism”. Interestingly, they point out that several such meltdowns in governance and social cohesion in countries targeted by rival powers have been initiated by protest movements across college campuses that soon engulfed the streets. 
The 9 February 2016 rally in JNU appears to have been infiltrated by elements of the “non-terror” front of the ISI. However, it would be incorrect to state that the students’ union in the university knew of such a move, “as these take place covertly and under false flags”. Security experts fault the Delhi police for “using an AK 47 rather than a sniper rifle”, or in other words, widening the net of arrests and police action too broadly rather than zeroing in on the handful who have links with the ISI and its affiliates or dupes. 
Why were pro-separatist slogans relating to the terror campaign in Kashmir raised in the JNU and Jadavpur rallies? Why are such slogans getting repeated across several parts of India? According to sources within Pakistan, “the ISI is alarmed at the diminishing confidence even within Wahhabi segments in Kashmir of the prospect of separation from the Union of India”. “The ISI wishes to boost the confidence of pro-Pakistan elements in Kashmir (whom they wish to recruit in terror gangs that would be active across India). They try and do this by demonstrating that significant sections of the population in other parts of India support their struggle, and hence they ought not to give up.” Either by design or by coincidence, well-organised albeit theatrical shouts of “azaadi” by a few indoctrinated individuals were heard during the 9 February rally at JNU, which was attended without obvious protest at such slogans by some office-bearers of the JNU Students’ Union.
Contrary to selected media reports, it is extremely unlikely that any of the office-bearers of the students’ union at JNU are in sync with the slogans raised by pro-Pakistan elements on 9 February. Hence, security experts spoken to say that the arrest of JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar was a “gross error”. They say the move “had the effect of uniting the students”, as well as shifting the spotlight from the 1930s Partition of India-style slogans raised by a handful of motivated protestors at the rally to the clumsy tactics of the Delhi police. Although the authorities were justified in their alarm at what took place in the rally held in JNU (and in Jadavpur), the steamroller action taken by the Delhi police may have the effect of driving such groups underground, where they will be more difficult to uncover and eliminate. In the JNU situation, it may have been preferable for the police to “wait and watch” till more Pakistan-oriented elements emerged into the sunlight—investigating them quietly and later on, arresting them singly in subsequent days—rather than acting “prematurely and indiscriminately”, thereby netting not the required core elements, but relative innocents who were simply caught up in the excitement of the rally. It will take painstaking investigation into the call and visit records of the ringleaders of the 9 February rally at JNU before the unseen handlers of the youths responsible for seditious sloganeering and partition-oriented indoctrination get identified.
GHQ Rawalpindi has opened a second front in India that is in some respects even deadlier than the terror operations conducted by the organisation. These are the “non-terror” groups recruited and motivated by them to stage uprisings designed to damage the potency of the governance mechanism in India, and with that, any expectation of the high growth promised by Narendra Modi while on the campaign trail in 2013-14. A strategy designed to deal with the “Terror Wing” (ISI-TW) of the ISI may not be effective against the “Non-Terror Wing” (ISI-NTW). Unless better methods get worked out and put into operation, what is taking place may be the start of a protracted “non-terror” campaign waged on different platforms by the ISI across India through its agents, dupes and dummies, even as GHQ ensures an acceleration in terror strikes, as well as unrest in key economic sectors within the country to derail both economic prospects and an India-Pakistan detente.
Battling such a twin strategy, implemented through a network that now has considerable depth and sophistication within India, requires scrutiny also of seeming hyper-patriots, such as those who indulged in hooliganism against the media. Are any of such individuals financially or socially linked to narcotics and hawala networks in Rajasthan and Punjab? It needs to be remembered that GHQ, through the ISI, seeds sleepers in both the ruling as well as opposition parties, fortified by the financial, political, official and logistics backing of the multi-billion dollar hawala and narcotics lobby in India. Those hooligan elements seen across television screens in India and abroad beating up JNU students, no matter what their affiliation, significantly assisted the ISI in its campaign against India, exactly as those few calling for a second partition of India did on campus.

I suspect that Pakistan has also got its assets in the Indian media too. Narendra Modi may have strategically chosen not to challenge them at this point. The over enthusiastic response of the lawyers to the rantings of some JNU traitors was counter productive.


If only we could expose a few news traders and their links, it wil lserve the purpose. WE need to discredit a few big names and a few in the small towns so that we can use that to beat the borderline ones who are just tryign to enter int oa contract with ISI... thorough literature festivals etc..

I appreciate the approach with mr Madhav has wrought this is very important as for as writin about Pakistan is concerned as pak want we should forget last incidence and concentrate on only new so they execute their next target with new zeal they really have many in their pipeline . Our policy maker should have this approach while dealing with Pakistan .

I appreciate the approach with mr Madhav has wrought this is very important as for as writin about Pakistan is concerned as pak want we should forget last incidence and concentrate on only new so they execute their next target with new zeal they really have many in their pipeline . Our policy maker should have this approach while dealing with Pakistan .

If true it will be a better strategy than launching terror attacks.The way JNU affair is being blown up as " crisis" , GHQ may be succeeding.It may also be due to willing accomplices that we have within our fold.AAP, Congresss and Communists in their anxiety to embarras Modi govt may be playing in to the hands of these anti India forces.

Reports emerged shows this Umar Khalid has travelled to Pakistan, in recent times made over 800 calls to various leaders in Universities and to his separatists in JnK. Delhi Police kept an eye on JNU, sent a report in last Nov about separatists elements in JNU supported by some Jeehadi professors. It also suggested measures like CCTV surva eilance, as they felt narco trade is run by these gangs to self finance their Jeehadi campaign in Universities. Gov scouted for a able man to lead JNU n appointed new VC. However this pre planned event gone off the wisdom of new VC too as he succumbed to Jeehadi dominated JNUTA which condoned such protests in last 3years. JNU Jeehadi sloganeers has given Gov, an opportunity on platter to fully cleanse the premium institute and restore its glory. Its a long hard way but most urgent requirement.

And i am the queen of england - Just make up a name like Sunday Guardian Live to sound close to Guardian and write and kind of rubbish

My compliments to Mr. Nalapat for joining the dots so adroitly to draw out a coherent picture from the morass of disparate facts - and news reports masquerading as facts - about the recent unrest in the country. Mr.Nalapat's picture would be even more true to life,though, if one were to add to it the role of Pakistani moles deep within the media. These moles act as the force multipliers for the ISIS. They continually mould and manipulate national and international public perception to the detriment of India and strengthen the hands of India's enemies. But then, for a media insider to speak of this may be sheer blasphemy and hence, perhaps, Mr. Nalapat's omission of this fact.

For 'ISIS' please read 'ISI' in my previous post.

India is aware of the fact that a radicalization is going on by separatist group mainly from Kahmir and a few unarmed Jihadis like SAR Geelani are trying to make the institution a base for support.It is essential to crack down on these unarmed jihadi groups before it spreads.In the name of freedom of speech and democracy these groups can not be allowed to perpetuate terrorism


Anti-India slogans by JNU students ‘definitely amounts’ to sedition: N Santosh Hegde, former Solicitor General


Anti-India slogans by JNU students ‘definitely amounts’ to sedition: N Santosh Hegde

The former SG said that there should be judicial reforms.sh.Jd3YkhSz.dpuf

HyderabadUpdated: Feb 22, 2016, 15:39

N Santosh Hegde, the former Karnataka Lokayukta, said he does not believe in the previous judgement of the Supreme Court that says mere talk is not sedition and should be followed by actions, something contrary to law. (Express Archive)

Former Solicitor General of India N Santosh Hegde today said he is in “favour” of the sedition law as some “restrictions” are needed to stop people from abusing and talking against the country.

The retired Supreme Court judge argued that the act of some JNU students, who allegedly termed the execution of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru as “judicial murder” and raised anti-India slogans, “definitely amounts” to sedition.
JNU Students Union President Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested on sedition charges earlier this month. Five students, accused of sedition and missing for days, surfaced on the JNU campus last night.

“I believe in sedition law. I am a patriot. Any patriot cannot go on abusing the country. There are certain parameters,” the former Karnataka Lokayukta said.
“Many people think differently in this country whose allegiance is with some other country or some other group..if democracy has to survive, then there should be some restrictions on the people talking against the country.
“Forget all other things. You criticise the government, criticise the individuals, criticise the system. Patriotism can never be criticised,” he said.
Hegde said he does not believe in the previous judgement of the Supreme Court that says mere talk is not sedition and should be followed by actions, something contrary to law.

“I don’t believe in that judgement. Sedition means propagating some views which are against the nation. As long as the judgement of the Supreme Court is there, I am bound to say its the law of the day today. I am one of those personswho would say that the judgement should be changed,” Hegde said, citing events in JNU after the February 9 controversial event, including violence in Patiala House.

“You can’t meddle with patriotism. Everything is alright (but) patriotism can never be compromised,” Hegde said.

He strongly sought to counter those who favour junking the century-old sedition law saying it’s an archaic legislation and a relic of British colonialism.
“What about Indian Penal Code. How old is it? You scrap Indian Penal Code because somebody is involved in a crime? (and wants it to be scrapped). Its a 230-year-old act. You change it,” Hegde said, reacting angrily to suggestions in some quarters on scrapping the sedition law.

“There are ways and means of saying it. There are people who say they don’t believe in death sentence. But I would ask them a question. What happens to the fundamental right of a victim who died? Who was killed by somebody else. It’s a very, very sad day for a country.

“In Pakistan what happened? A Virat Kohli’s fan showed Indian flag and was sentenced for 10 years. No country can never ever compromise on its integrity. Forget everything else. So far as integrity of the nation is concerned, never ever compromise it,” Hegde said, adding.

“Urgent reform is a system by which every judgement is delivered within one year in criminal cases and within two years in civil cases. Remove all the appeals provision. Like in the United States, there is one trial court and one appellate court. Supreme Court (in the US) is not meant for civil cases,” he said.
“(The) American Supreme Court is meant only for interpretation of constitution of the United States. Here (in India), just imagine, in Lalu Prasad Yadav’s case, charge sheet was filed in 1996 and first conviction was in 2013, sixteen years later. What sort of justice (is this)? Who will be afraid of punishment? Because of freedom of speech, we have been talking anything and everything. And we get away with it,” he said.

The former SG said that there should be judicial reforms.

“There was a time when we (Judges) used to respect precedent law, that is, law laid down by superior court or larger bench had to be followed implicitly by other judges. Today, I don’t find that discipline. People either not notice earlier judgements, just bypass the judgement and deliver their judgement or they say on facts this is different from that case. No…there should be more judicial discipline than what it is today,” Hegde added.
- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/anti-india-slogans-by-jnu-students-definitely-amounts-to-sedition-n-santosh-hegde/#sthash.Jd3YkhSz.dpuf

Arun Jaitley's speech in Rajya Sabha on JNU


Arun Jaitley’s speech in Rajya Sabha on JNU

Published on Feb 25, 2016
Arun Jaitley’s speech in Rajya Sabha on breaking India activity in JNU. Shri Jaitley termed those who organized and participated the “breaking India” event in JNU Delhi under the title of ‘ A country without post office” as ultra leftist. Jaitley said Congress lost two PMs to terrorism. They should condemn this more strictly than we are. Jaitley said associating Dr Ambedkar with separatists like Afzal is sacrilege. Jailty quoted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB_4XjA5i7Q

The great Indian bank robbery. NaMo, nationalise kaalaadhan.


Recounting the great Indian bank robbery

Money Robbery
The biggest players, goes a common saying, are often the most shameless. This was reinforced when data came rolling out of the presentations made last fortnight by S.S.Mundra, deputy governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
It also explains why the Supreme Court too has decided to step in and ask the RBI to disclose the names of the biggest defaulters.
RBI’s data shows that medium and large industrial players accounted for over 55% of the stressed assets faced by banks. These are the players who account for just 23% of  India’s net domestic product (NDP) and less than 10% of its workforce. Compare this with loans taken by the agriculture sector. Even though it accounts for over 50% of the country’s workforce, and contributes to over 17% of its NDP, agriculture accounts for just 7.9% of NPAs (see chart).
In fact, the agricultural sector highlights a crucial aspect about India’s value system. For the past four decades, India’s politicians have constantly tried to teach farmers and rural folk not to repay loans. It started with the infamous loan melas started by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi – a move that almost bankrupted the country’s banks and set the path for the country’s financial woes in the early 1990s. Despite this lesson, legislators have opted for loan waivers every now and then.
This is always worrisome, because a section of India’s legislators has actually been trying to corrupt the most creditworthy community in the country. Rural folk, conventionally, have been god-fearing and honour-bound.  They consider it a matter of pride and honour to be capable of taking over and redeeming the debts of parents and close relatives. They have often believed that non-payment of loans brings dishonour to the entire family.
When legislators teach farmers not to repay loans, they are attempting to render dishonest the nation’s most creditworthy sectors. They also encourage, simultaneously, the most corrupt among large and medium industry players. Mercifully, despite such corrosive attempts by some legislators, the farmer has remained India’s most credible borrower.  His contribution to stressed assets is the smallest.
Now, consider the role of medium and large industry.  Its contibution to jobs in the labour workforce is poor (under 10%).  Its share of gross domestic savings is pathetic.  Almost two-thirds of the gross domestic savings of this country came from the household sector. The private corporate sector’s contribution was less than one-fourth.
Moreover, contrary to justifications claiming that the surge in NPAs was on account of the downturn in the global economy, much of the blame lies elsewhere.
Consider the manner in which banks gave away money to steel mills that were located in the worst places — far from ports, from coal, or even iron ore.  Steel is a freight sensitive commodity. It does not need a Harvard graduate to tell a banker that a steel unit located far away from raw material or fuel sources cannot be viable. Yet banks gave money for setting up such units. Just one such industrialist has totted up bad debts requiring restructuring of loans of over Rs.30,000 crore.
Look at another industry group that sought to exploit and refine oil, but whose gross refining margins were always lower than those of its peers. That group ended up borrowing over US$18 billion – both from foreign and Indian banks – without affected bankers asking the right questions. The group was large. Its track record of bribing government officials, legislators and even journalists is by now legendary. Will the Supreme Court now be compelled to ask the questions that bankers forgot to ask?
Look at a third instance where bankers have lent big sums for building a port and for landbanks for a smart city to people with few linkages in the port business.
The list can go on.
Sadly, one of the big obstacles in even recovering these sums is the absence of a bankruptcy code. The legislators who were quick to hike their own perquisites, failed to legalise this crucial facility.
Each of these groups – like so many others – was politically well connected.  Each of them hoped to make money by persuading bankers, legislators and bureaucrats to further bend the rules in order to make their projects viable. Subsequently, more money was lent to help these groups pay interest on the original sums borrowed. Thereafter, more money was lent to avoid the risk of losing public money (all public sector banks use money belonging to taxpayers and depositors). When the burden became too large, loans were written off. Most of the time, it was the public sector banks that lent out more money generously – it is easy to be generous with other people’s money.
The RBI data thus suggests that the future of good banking lies more in the hands of small enterprises and rural folks than with large enterprises. This is why people like Prof R. Vaidyanathan defend the “unincorporated” (in his book titled India Uninc.) They view large players as leeches that have learnt to prey on public money.
Hence, the Supreme Court’s scrutiny of large borrowers is welcome. It’s time big unscrupulous industrialists went to jail, or are compelled to repay bank loans. It’s also time for big bankers to be asked why they failed to ask the right questions. Was it incompetence? Or was it collusion?
The author is consulting editor with FPJ.

Teesta Setalvad commissioned by Kapil Sibal got paid Rs.38.71 lakhs to promote hatred in Class 4 teaching material

  1. Background:  Smriti  Irani in Lok Sabha (24 Feb 2016) read out portions from Setalvad's manual for teachers, which Irani claimed was commissioned by then HRD Minister Kapil Sibal under the UPA regime. The book meant for students of Class 4 talks about anti-sikh riots, Hindu-Muslim clashes, separatism in Kashmir, Hindu-Christian clashes in Kanyakumari and paints Shivaji in a negative light. "You are teaching this to a child of fourth standard. This is what they call secularism." She added: "Siksha ko ran bhumi mat banayo". Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PlGs8NCMWE (49 min)
  2. So commissioned to write garbage on our civilisation. Cost? Now, former represents latter in court. What fee?

  3. Tweet text

Anti-national elements in JNU and Rahul G -- Anurag Thakur questions

SC agrees to hear Dr. Swamy's plea to 'rebuild' Ram temple

  1. On Ram Temple matter the Bench made me a party in the Civil Appeal which is also before the same Bench on 28/3/16. I am satisfied
  2. 6 hours agoOn Ram Temple matter the Bench made me a party in the Civil Appeal which is also before the same Bench on 28/3/16. I am satisfied
  3. Today I will argue in SC on Ram Temple issue that what Hindus have is fundamental right to pray at janmasthan. Muslims can pray anywhere
Published: February 26, 2016 16:12 IST | Updated: February 26, 2016 17:05 IST  

SC agrees to hear plea to 'rebuild' Ram temple

  • Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas president Nritya Gopal Das at the 'shila puja' of the stones that arrived at the Ram Sewak Puram workshop in Ayodhya. File photo
    Special Arrangement
    Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas president Nritya Gopal Das at the 'shila puja' of the stones that arrived at the Ram Sewak Puram workshop in Ayodhya. File photo
  • BJP leader Subramanian Swamy had moved the Supreme Court to allow the “rebuilding” of Ram temple in Ayodhya at the disputed site where Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. File photo: Sandeep Saxena
    The Hindu
    BJP leader Subramanian Swamy had moved the Supreme Court to allow the “rebuilding” of Ram temple in Ayodhya at the disputed site where Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992. File photo: Sandeep Saxena

Dr. Swamy's plea will be heard along with appeals challenging a 2010 Allahabad HC decision fixing the exact birthplace of Lord Ram at the disputed Ayodhya site.

A plea by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy to "re-build" Ram temple at the Ramjanmabhoomi site where kar sevaks destroyed Babri Masjid in 1992 will be heard by the Supreme Court along with appeals challenging a 2010 Allahabad High Court decision fixing the exact birthplace of Lord Ram at the disputed Ayodhya site.
Subsequently, the Supreme Court had stayed the implementation of the High Court decision soon after. The case has remained in limbo ever since.
In his petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution, Mr. Swamy contended that the pendency of the appeals in the Supreme Court has restricted his fundamental right to worship and dignity of life under the Constitution.
He asked the court to intervene with the government to “allow the Hindus to rebuild the Ram temple at the Ram Janmabhoomi site in Ayodhya, State of Uttar Pradesh. The exact spot where Lord Rama was born (Ram Janmabhoomi) has been and remains firmly identified in the Hindu mind and is held as sacred”.
“A masjid is not an essential part of Islam religion, according to the above majority judgment of a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, whereas according to the House of Lords, U.K. (1991), the temple is always a temple even if in disuse or ruins. Thus, the fundamental truth is that the Ram temple on Ram Janmabhoomi has an overriding claim to the site than any mosque Fundamental Rights guaranteed under Article 25 and Article 21 of the Indian Constitution to the petitioner as well as to other persons belonging to the Hindu religion,” the petition said.
"So you want Ram temple to be constructed in the same place in Ayodhya?" Justice Arun Mishra, on the Bench with lead judge Gopala Gowda, asked Mr. Swamy.
"Why should you not go to the High Court? Without going to the High Court you have come here" Justice Gowda asked.
Justice Gowda questioned how the court is expected to consider this plea for Ram temple when the civil appeals on the very question of fixing the birth place are yet to be decided.
"When the civil appeals are still pending before this court, how can we hear your petition?" Justice Gowda asked.
The court then suggested that the current petition could be converted into an intervening application and be tagged along to be heard with the civil appeals whenever it came up for hearing.
Here's a timeline of how events unfolded in the Ayodhya verdict:

Chidambaram, Afzal and the Congress party’s deplorable duplicity on death penalty -- S Ramanathan

Namo Government must direct Delhi Police to register against PC a Sedition Case under Section 124A IPC for his "Afzal is innocent" comment

BJP slams Chidambaram for saying ‘doubts over Afzal Guru’s involvement’ in Parliament attack

Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram, who held the home and finance portfolios in the UPA government, on Thursday came under attack from the BJP for comments attributed to him regarding Afzal Guru, who was hanged after being convicted in the terror strike on Parliament in 2001.
Reacting to Chidambaram’s remarks, BJP National Secretary Shrikant Sharma called it “unfortunate”, saying it is an “insult” to the martyrs of Parliament attack and the judiciary.
“It is a very unfortunate statement. It is an insult to the soldiers who were martyred in the Parliament attack and also the judiciary,” Sharma said.
Chidambaram has been quoted as having said in a newspaper interview that he felt it was possible to hold an “honest opinion” that the Afzal Guru case was “perhaps not correctly decided” and that there were “grave doubts about the extent of his involvement” in the Parliament attack. Afzal Guru was hanged on February 9, 2013.
Chidambaram was Union home minister when Afzal Guru’s mercy plea was rejected by the previous UPA government in 2011
Chidambaram, Afzal and the Congress party’s deplorable duplicity on death penalty
Ramanathan S.| Friday, February 26, 2016 - 08:32
Congress party’s hypocrisy on issues of nationalism, communalism and caste are not new. Throughout its history since Independence, it has been opportunistic. The party has dabbled in soft Hindutva when it saw it being useful, or taken to disgraceful minority-pandering when required. Rahul Gandhi’s theatrics at JNU and University of Hyderabad recently are good examples of how the party goes on a moral grandstanding overdrive when it finds it convenient.
P Chidamabaram’s recent interview with Economic Times however takes the cake.
After being one of the most influential ministers for 10 years under the UPA regime, a Home Minister directly dealing with death penalty cases for a considerable period, and then keeping mum while his government, with an apparent eye on the 2014 elections, hanged Afzal Guru in near-secrecy, the former Union Minister now has the audacity to say, “There were grave doubts about his involvement (in the conspiracy behind the attack on Parliament) and even if he was involved, there were grave doubts about the extent of his involvement. He could have been imprisoned for life without parole for rest of his natural life.”
"I think it is possible to hold an honest opinion that the Afzal Guru case was perhaps not correctly decided," he told ET, adding, "But being in government you cannot say the court has decided the case wrongly because it was the government that prosecuted him. But an independent person can hold an opinion that the case was not decided correctly." 
Chidambaram has never had it too tough in public discourse.  Journalists don’t take him head on, and when he was a minister, he was feared. The fallout of that has been that he, along with the Congress party, gets away with such blatant political manipulation.
And if there was anyone who knew this best, it was Afzal Guru himself.
In 2008, in an interview to IANS, he said,
"I don't think the (UPA) government can ever reach a decision. The Congress party has two mouths and is playing a double game. I really wish LK Advani becomes India's next prime minister as he is the only one who can take a decision and hang me. At least my pain and daily suffering would ease then.”
Afzal however was wrong on two counts. LK Advani never stood a chance at Prime Ministership, and the Congress was cunning enough to eventually take the political decision of hanging him, just ahead of 2014 elections. They can take decisions, but it just has to be a purely political one, devoid of any humanity.
And Chidambaram’s interview is an example of such decisions, and is problematic at many levels.
One, why did he not make his doubts publicly known, wasn’t the life of a possibly innocent man worth it? At the very least, he could have made it public that a life sentence was more appropriate?
Two, why can’t you question the court when you are in government? Isn’t that just an excuse for political convenience? Does he not disagree with the SC verdict on section 377?
Three, will he then agree that his politics over Afzal is marginally different, if not far worse, from that of the BJP’s? BJP believes and says that Afzal was guilty, and wanted to hang him. He did not believe so, and yet he allowed for him to be hanged in muted silence. That he could not go against the wishes of the party can only be a lie, or mean that he is spineless.
What is the problem with this hypocrisy you ask? It’s that the Congress party continues to perpetuate the injustices while not ceding space to a more genuine liberal politics. When you shout from the rooftops supporting Afzal is guilty and then go and hang him, then you are helping perpetuate the myth that a more sensitive India which shuns the death penalty is not possible.
When asked about the fact that it was his own government that executed Afzal, he told ET, “That is true, but I was not the home minister then...I can't say what I would have done. It is only when you sitting on that seat you take that decision." 
True. When you are not in the hot seat, you can say anything you want.

SaveOurChildren – an initiative to correct our Education System


SaveOurChildren – an initiative to correct our Education System

On Wednesday February 24, Union Minister for Human Resource Development Mrs. Smriti Irani spoke in the Lok Sabha on the debate on the recent events in Hyderabad and Delhi universities. Among other things, Mrs. Irani read passages from Class IV and Class VI textbooks, approved by the previous UPA regime, which are factually incorrect, distort history, and paint India in poor light with respect to the ongoing conflict with Pakistan on Kashmir. See what she said:
This was perhaps the first time a Union Minister has spoken about the indoctrination our children are subjected to as they grow up, that too at a very young age. Several facets of the history, geography, economics, and civics we teach our children are written by agenda merchants, pop historians, and establishment professionals, who made careers out of carving out a neo-Anglican narrative, which constantly and purposely demeans the Indian dharmic narrative.
Examples abound, as many parents in India can easily testify. The Aryan Invasion Theory (the proponents of which have themselves reduced its severity to an Aryan Migration Theory) which divides one country into two people is still taught. The obliteration of references to River Saraswati, the cradle of Indus-Saraswati Civilization, serves as a vehicle to the same, while strengthening the Proto Indo European schools, discrediting the Vedic people. From Rigveda to Sulbha Sutras, from Aryabhatta to Panini, the Indic achievements are completely or mostly left out from our textbooks. Our history and heritage is trampled by calling it mythology. Socialism is constantly glorified and wealth creation is demonized.
This is a long list – a list of how our children are learning a rigid, politically charged version of social sciences. When the English Education Act of 1835 was envisaged by Thomas Macaulay, he would have not dreamt of the converts one day outdoing him. Outdoing him on de-glorifying our past, questioning our present, and constantly hitting skeptical notes for our future. But this is being done every day as the books our children carry in their school bags will testify to.
So why not bring out these factual inaccuracies in the open? Why not highlight the glorification of the conquerors and dehumanizing of the vanquished, so commonly found in these books? Why not collate the instances of gradual brainwashing our children are subjected to as they progress through their scholastic career?
Here’s what you can do – check your children’s books for inaccuracies, for inclusion of theories which have long been denied, for statements which are lopsided presenting one side as evil and one side as saintly, for glorification of economic systems which have long crumbled elsewhere in the world.
Click their pictures and share with us:
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Email to us at OpIndia.com@gmail.com
If you wish to remain anonymous, use file sharing sites like these.
Append these social media posts with the hashtag #SaveOurChildren. Do not forget to mention these details along with your submission: The name of the state, the name of the board / agency (CBSE, ICSE, NCERT, State Board etc) and the class/division the book is from.
We will make a collection of these problems with our children’s books and we will then petition the Union Minister for Human Resource Development Mrs. Smriti Irani to get these references checked and corrected. Let’s start a campaign together to reclaim the truth, to teach our children what they deserve to know, not what a few in Delhi’s establishment want them to!
Let’s #SaveOurChildren.
OpIndia.com @OpIndia_com
Participate in – an initiative to correct our Education System http://www.opindia.com/2016/02/saveourchildren-an-initiative-to-correct-our-education-system/ 

Bad light appeal in RS


. to anand sharma- if you are so offended what was the political compulsion of Rahul Gandhi to stand by those who defamed Durga

Must admit one thing.. 's fiery speech has made the entire circus go berserk and act bizarrely.. It's hilarious..
ROFL.. If JNU students say that, high-level genius will jump to defend them.. What circus Congress is..

D Raja's gesturing during Smriti's reply goes viral

TNN | 

NEW DELHI: A video has gone viral from proceedings in the Rajya Sabha in which CPI MP D Raja is seen gesticulating during the course of debate.

The incident happened when HRD minister Smriti Irani was engaged in a verbal duel with opposition MPs.

Top Comment

This is the way they are operating Rajya Sabha and not allowing India to grow and because of They are in majority here. ... Read MoreP.K. Singh

The short clip has been widely circulated and commented upon with some alleging that the senior CPI leader was signalling something to the Deputy Chairman. However, we would not want to interpret anything.

TOI can't vouch for the authenticity of the video clip.
Footage is this.

JNU row: Delhi University teachers' group writes to President against ‘anti-national’ slogans


JNU row: Delhi University teachers' group writes to President against ‘anti-national’ slogans

TNN | 


To term execution of Afzal Guru as 'judicial hanging' is crossing the limit. SC is an important pillar of democracy -- SC Judge PV Reddi


SC judge in Afzal case slams critics of the judgement

TNN | Feb 27, 2016, 02.38 AM IST
SC judge in Afzal case slams critics of the judgement
NEW DELHI: Former Supreme Court judge P V Reddi, who headed a two-judge bench which upheld Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru's death sentence in 2005, said fair criticism of SC judgements was welcome, but to say that the execution was a "judicial killing" amounted to "crossing the limit".

Justices Reddi and P P Naolekar had upheld a Delhi HC verdict imposing death penalty on Afzal. However, the bench had reversed Shaukat Hussain Guru's death penalty to 10 years' imprisonment. It upheld the HC order to acquit SAR Geelani even though it found his role suspicious, and endorsed the acquittal of Afsan Guru aka Navjot Sandhu.

Trial judge S N Dhingra, who later became an HC judge, had awarded death penalty to Afzal, Shaukat and Geelani.

Some JNU students recently termed Afzal's hanging, under the UPA government, a judicial killing and alleged that the terrorist did not get a fair trial. It was followed by ex-home minister P Chidambaram's statement that there were "grave doubts" about the extent of Afzal's involvement in the terror attack.
Talking to TOI from Hyderabad, Justice Reddi said, "The judgment speaks for itself. Those who celebrate Afzal martyrdom day must pick up the judgment and read it thoroughly before making comments or criticism. Fair criticism of Supreme Court judgments is the hallmark of our democratic system that zealously guards the right to free speech. But to term it a judicial hanging is crossing the limit. The criticism must be decent and in public interest. If not, then it could hit at the root of democracy, of which Supreme Court is an important pillar."
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