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Why Russia no longer fears the west -- Ben Judah


Why Russia No Longer Fears the West

The West is blinking in disbelief – Vladimir Putin just invaded Ukraine. German diplomats, French Eurocrats and American pundits are all stunned. Why has Russia chosen to gamble its trillion-dollar ties with the West?

Western leaders are stunned because they haven’t realized Russia’s owners no longer respect Europeans the way they once did after the Cold War. Russia thinks the West is no longer a crusading alliance. Russia thinks the West is now all about the money.

Putin’s henchmen know this personally. Russia’s rulers have been buying up Europe for years. They have mansions and luxury flats from London’s West End to France’s Cote d’Azure. Their children are safe at British boarding and Swiss finishing schools. And their money is squirrelled away in Austrian banks and British tax havens.

Putin’s inner circle no longer fear the European establishment. They once imagined them all in MI6. Now they know better. They have seen firsthand how obsequious Western aristocrats and corporate tycoons suddenly turn when their billions come into play. They now view them as hypocrites—the same European elites who help them hide their fortunes.

Once Russia’s powerful listened when European embassies issued statements denouncing the baroque corruption of Russian state companies. But no more. Because they know full well it is European bankers, businessmen and lawyers who do the dirty work for them placing the proceeds of corruption in hideouts from the Dutch Antilles to the British Virgin Islands.

We are not talking big money. But very big money. None other than Putin’s Central Bank has estimated that two thirds of the $56 billion exiting Russia in 2012 might be traceable to illegal activities. Crimes like kickbacks, drug money or tax fraud. This is the money that posh English bankers are rolling out the red carpet for in London.

Behind European corruption, Russia sees American weakness. The Kremlin does not believe European countries – with the exception of Germany – are truly independent of the United States. They see them as client states that Washington could force now, as it once did in the Cold War, not to do such business with the Kremlin.

When Russia sees Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal outbidding each other to be Russia’s best business partner inside the EU (in return for no mention of human rights), they see America’s control over Europe slowly dissolving.

Back in Moscow, Russia’s hears American weakness out of Embassy Moscow. Once upon a time the Kremlin feared a foreign adventure might trigger Cold War economic sanctions where it hurts: export bans on key parts for its oil industry, even being cut out of its access to the Western banking sector. No more.

Russia sees an America distracted: Putin’s Ukrainian gambit was a shock to the U.S. foreign policy establishment. They prefer talking about China, or participating in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Russia sees an America vulnerable: in Afghanistan, in Syria and on Iran—a United States that desperately needs Russian support to continue shipping its supplies, host any peace conference or enforce its sanctions.

Moscow is not nervous. Russia’s elites have exposed themselves in a gigantic manner – everything they hold dear is now locked up in European properties and bank accounts. Theoretically, this makes them vulnerable. The EU could, with a sudden rush of money-laundering investigations and visa bans, cut them off from their wealth. But, time and time again, they have watched European governments balk at passing anything remotely similar to the U.S. Magnitsky Act, which bars a handful of criminal-officials from entering the United States.

All this has made Putin confident, very confident – confident that European elites are more concerned about making money than standing up to him. The evidence is there. After Russia’s strike force reached the outskirts of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, in 2008, there were statements and bluster, but not a squeak about Russia’s billions. After Russia’s opposition were thrown into show trials, there were concerned letters from the European Union, but again silence about Russia’s billions.

The Kremlin thinks it knows Europe’s dirty secret now. The Kremlin thinks it has the European establishment down to a tee. The grim men who run Putin’s Russia see them like latter-day Soviet politicians. Back in the 1980s, the USSR talked about international Marxism but no longer believed it. Brussels today, Russia believes, talks about human rights but no longer believes in it. Europe is really run by an elite with the morality of the hedge fund: Make money at all costs and move it offshore.

The Kremlin sees its evidence in the former leaders of Britain, France and Germany. Tony Blair now advises the dictatorship in Kazakhstan on how to improve its image in the West. Nicholas Sarkozy was contemplating setting up a hedge fund with money from absolutist Qatar. And Gerhard Schroder is the chairman of the Nord Steam consortium – a majority Gazprom-owned pipeline that connects Russia directly to Germany through the Black Sea.
Russia is confident there will be no Western economic counterattack. They believe the Europeans will not sanction the Russian oligarch money. They believe Americans will not punish the Russian oligarchs by blocking their access to banks. Russia is certain a military counterattack is out of the question. They expect America to only posture. Cancel the G-8? Who cares?

Because Putin has no fear of the West, he can concentrate on what matters back in Russia: holding onto power. When Putin announced he would return to the presidency in late 2011, the main growling question was: why?

The regime had no story to sell. What did Putin want to achieve by never stepping down? Enriching himself? The puppet president he shunted aside, Dmitry Medvedev, had at least sold a story of modernization. What, other than hunger for power, had made Putin return to the presidency? The Kremlin spin-doctors had nothing to spin.

Moscow was rocked by mass protests in December 2011. More than 100,000 gathered within sight of the Kremlin demanding Russia be ruled in a different way. The protesters were scared off the streets, but the problem the regime had in justifying itself remained. Putin had sold himself to the Russian people as the man who would stabilize the state and deliver rising incomes after the chaos of the 1990s. But with Russians no longer fearing chaos, but rather stagnation as the economy slowed – it was unclear what this “stability” was for.

This is where the grand propaganda campaign called the Eurasian Union has come into its own. This is the name of the vague new entity that Putin wants to create out of former Soviet states — the first steps toward which Putin has taken by building a Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan, and he had hoped with a Ukraine run by Viktor Yanuvokych. This is not just about empire; it is about using empire to cover up the grotesque scale of Russian corruption and justify the regime.

Russia would rather have swallowed Ukraine whole, but the show must go on. Russian TV needs glories for Putin every night on the evening news. Russian politics is about spin, not substance. The real substance of Russian politics is the extraction of billions of dollars from the nation and shuttling them into tropical Western tax havens, which is why Russian politics needs perpetual PR and perpetual Putinist drama to keep all this hidden from the Russian people. Outraged Putin has built up a Kremlin fleet of luxury aircraft worth $1 billion? Angry that a third of the $51 billion budget of the Sochi games vanished into kickbacks? Forget about it. Russia is on the march again.

This is why Crimea is perfect Putin. Crimea is no South Ossetia. This is not some remote, mountainous Georgian village inhabited by some dubious ethnicity that Russians have never heard of. Crimea is the heart of Russian romanticism. The peninsula is the only part of the classical world that Russia ever conquered. And this is why the Tsarist aristocracy fell in love with it. Crimea symbolized Russia’s 18th and 19th-century fantasy to conquer Constantinople and liberate Greek Orthodox Christians from Muslim rule. Crimea became the imperial playground: In poetry and palaces, it was extolled as the jewel in the Russian crown.

Crimea is the only lost land that Russians really mourn. The reason is tourism. The Soviet Union built on the Tsarist myth and turned the peninsula into a giant holiday camp full of workers sanitariums and pioneer camps. Unlike, the Russian cities of say northern Kazakhstan, Crimea is a place Russians have actually been. Even today over one million Russians holiday in Crimea every year. It is not just a peninsula; this is Russia’s Club Med and imperial romanticism rolled into one.

Vladimir Putin knows this. He knows that millions of Russians will cheer him as a hero if he returns them Crimea. He knows that European bureaucrats will issue shrill statements and then get back to business helping Russian elites buy London town houses and French chateaux. He knows full well that the United States can no longer force Europe to trade in a different way. He knows full well that the United States can do nothing beyond theatrical military maneuvers at most.

This is why Vladimir Putin just invaded Crimea.

He thinks he has nothing to lose.

Ben Judah is author of Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In And Out Of Love With Vladimir Putin.


Nation salutes National Security Rally at Bengaluru on March 2, 2014. Sevaa paramo dharmah.

National Security Rally at Bangalore on 2 March 2014




2 MARCH 2014

1.   Military Veterans Karnataka and Karnataka Citizens Forum for Security & Youth For Nation organized a National Security Rally at Queen’s Statue, Opp Mahatma Gandhi Statue, MG Road Bangalore at 10.30 AM on Sunday, 2 March 2014 and appealed to the Central Govt to take immediate steps, on war footing, to bolster the defense capabilities of our Armed Forces.

2.   The Rally was well attended by a large number of retired Officers of the Army, Navy & Air Force; a large number of spirited Youth and citizenry from all walks of life.

3.   Lt Gen PG Kamath, Air Vice Marshal BK Murali and Captain GJ Singh of the Indian Navy castigated AK Antony, the Hon’ble Defence Minister for the steep fall in war fighting potential of the Army, Navy & Air Force; and Banners were put up urging him to step down. A huge banner was put up saying, The Nation Salutes Admiral Joshi with the quote, “I shall not be a party to the ruination of the war fighting potential of the Indian Navy”

4.   Admiral Joshi, as CNS, just like his predecessors has been apprising the Hon’ble Defence Minister, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Defence and His Excellency, the President of India, from time to time,  regarding the precarious state of Operational preparedness of the Navy, severely impacting National Security, on account of depleted strength and obsolescence of a large number of war ships and submarines. Admiral Joshi, as CNS, has been crying hoarse that in the interest of National Security, there is an urgent & inescapable requirement to boost the Defense capability of the Navy by going in for new war ships and submarines, on war footing. But to no avail. The Govt was unmoved. When one mishap followed another in quick succession in the Navy, the mishap in INS Sindhuratna was the proverbial ‘last straw’ on the camel’s back. Admiral Joshi felt ‘enough is enough’, and resigned.

5.   Admiral Joshi is worthy of the Nation’s respect and needs to be saluted for his courage of conviction in taking moral responsibility for the ills & failures in the Navy; and for resigning as CNS. By resigning as CNS, Admiral Joshi has sent a loud & clear message to the Govt that, he as CNS, shall not be a party to ruination of fighting potential of the Indian Navy.

6.   How one wishes, the other two Chiefs display similar gumption in the interest of National Security. I must tell my fellow citizens that time & tide waits for no man. The writing is on the wall. The Nation’s security is in grave danger and great peril.

7.   At the root of the problem is the Govt’s failure to understand the needs of the Armed Forces and provide them the required support in terms of training facilities & equipment and armaments by way of tanks, guns & helicopter gunships to the Army; ships, frigates, destroyers & submarines to the Navy; and, advanced fighter jets to the Air Force. The Defence Services have been suffering from prolonged neglect and apathy, both by the Politicians and bureaucrats. For instance, the Indian Air Force has only 34 squadrons as against 50 required to fight a two front war (ie. against China & Pakistan), a bench mark set by Defence Minister himself.

8.   What is worse, 6 squadrons of aging MiG-21s and 2 of MiG-27s are likely to be phased out in 2018. They need replacements which are, alas, not in sight. Similarly, the Army needs Howitzers, Anti-aircraft missiles, Infantry Combat Vehicles and even Assault Weapons. Today, the Tanks held by the Army lack night fighting capabilities. The less said about Army’s plans to increase the number of its armoured vehicles the better it would be. Arjun, touted as the indigenous Main Battle Tank is yet to become a reality. 

The number of Anti-tank missiles in the Army’s possession is only half of the required number.

Col SS Rajan ,
Convenor, National Security Rally, 
77,1st Cross Shankarpuram, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, 

Cell No. 9449043770

Distorting Russia -- Stephen F. Cohen


Distorting Russia

(Reuters/Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA Novosti/Pool)
The degradation of mainstream American press coverage of Russia, a country still vital to US national security, has been under way for many years. If the recent tsunami of shamefully unprofessional and politically inflammatory articles in leading newspapers and magazines—particularly about the Sochi Olympics, Ukraine and, unfailingly, President Vladimir Putin—is an indication, this media malpractice is now pervasive and the new norm.
There are notable exceptions, but a general pattern has developed. Even in the venerable New York Times and Washington Post, news reports, editorials and commentaries no longer adhere rigorously to traditional journalistic standards, often failing to provide essential facts and context; to make a clear distinction between reporting and analysis; to require at least two different political or “expert” views on major developments; or to publish opposing opinions on their op-ed pages. As a result, American media on Russia today are less objective, less balanced, more conformist and scarcely less ideological than when they covered Soviet Russia during the Cold War.
The history of this degradation is also clear. It began in the early 1990s, following the end of the Soviet Union, when the US media adopted Washington’s narrative that almost everything President Boris Yeltsin did was a “transition from communism to democracy” and thus in America’s best interests. This included his economic “shock therapy” and oligarchic looting of essential state assets, which destroyed tens of millions of Russian lives; armed destruction of a popularly elected Parliament and imposition of a “presidential” Constitution, which dealt a crippling blow to democratization and now empowers Putin; brutal war in tiny Chechnya, which gave rise to terrorists in Russia’s North Caucasus; rigging of his own re-election in 1996; and leaving behind, in 1999, his approval ratings in single digits, a disintegrating country laden with weapons of mass destruction. Indeed, most American journalists still give the impression that Yeltsin was an ideal Russian leader.
Since the early 2000s, the media have followed a different leader-centric narrative, also consistent with US policy, that devalues multifaceted analysis for a relentless demonization of Putin, with little regard for facts. (Was any Soviet Communist leader after Stalin ever so personally villainized?) If Russia under Yeltsin was presented as having legitimate politics and national interests, we are now made to believe that Putin’s Russia has none at all, at home or abroad—even on its own borders, as in Ukraine.
Russia today has serious problems and many repugnant Kremlin policies. But anyone relying on mainstream American media will not find there any of their origins or influences in Yeltsin’s Russia or in provocative US policies since the 1990s—only in the “autocrat” Putin who, however authoritarian, in reality lacks such power. Nor is he credited with stabilizing a disintegrating nuclear-armed country, assisting US security pursuits from Afghanistan and Syria to Iran or even with granting amnesty, in December, to more than 1,000 jailed prisoners, including mothers of young children.
Not surprisingly, in January The Wall Street Journal featured the widely discredited former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, branding Putin’s government as one of “deceit, violence and cynicism,” with the Kremlin a “nerve center of the troubles that bedevil the West.” But wanton Putin-bashing is also the dominant narrative in centrist, liberal and progressive media, from the PostTimes and The New Republic to CNN, MSNBC and HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, where Howard Dean, not previously known for his Russia expertise, recently declared, to the panel’s approval, “Vladimir Putin is a thug.”
The media therefore eagerly await Putin’s downfall—due to his “failing economy” (some of its indicators are better than US ones), the valor of street protesters and other right-minded oppositionists (whose policies are rarely examined), the defection of his electorate (his approval ratings remain around 65 percent) or some welcomed “cataclysm.” Evidently believing, as does the Times, for example, that democrats and a “much better future” will succeed Putin (not zealous ultranationalists growing in the streets and corridors of power), US commentators remain indifferent to what the hoped-for “destabilization of his regime” might mean in the world’s largest nuclear country.
Certainly, The New Republic’s lead writer on Russia, Julia Ioffe, does not explore the question, or much else of real consequence, in her nearly 10,000-word February 17 cover story. Ioffe’s bannered theme is devoutly Putin-phobic: “He Crushed His Opposition and Has Nothing to Show for It But a Country That Is Falling Apart.” Neither sweeping assertion is spelled out or documented. A compilation of chats with Russian-born Ioffe’s disaffected (but seemingly not “crushed”) Moscow acquaintances and titillating personal gossip long circulating on the Internet, the article seems better suited (apart from some factual errors) for the Russian tabloids, as does Ioffe’s disdain for objectivity. Protest shouts of “Russia without Putin!” and “Putin is a thief!” were “one of the most exhilarating moments I’d ever experienced.” So was tweeting “Putin’s fucked, y’all.” Nor does she forget the hopeful mantra “cataclysm seems closer than ever now.”
* * *
For weeks, this toxic coverage has focused on the Sochi Olympics and the deepening crisis in Ukraine. Even before the Games began, the Times declared the newly built complex a “Soviet-style dystopia” and warned in a headline, Terrorism and Tension, Not Sports and Joy. On opening day, the paper found space for three anti-Putin articles and a lead editorial, a feat rivaled by thePost. Facts hardly mattered. Virtually every US report insisted that a record $51 billion “squandered” by Putin on the Sochi Games proved they were “corrupt.” But as Ben Aris ofBusiness New Europe pointed out, as much as $44 billion may have been spent “to develop the infrastructure of the entire region,” investment “the entire country needs.”
Overall pre-Sochi coverage was even worse, exploiting the threat of terrorism so licentiously it seemed pornographic. The Post, long known among critical-minded Russia-watchers asPravda on the Potomac, exemplified the media ethos. A sports columnist and an editorial page editor turned the Olympics into “a contest of wills” between the despised Putin’s “thugocracy” and terrorist “insurgents.” The “two warring parties” were so equated that readers might have wondered which to cheer for. If nothing else, American journalists gave terrorists an early victory, tainting “Putin’s Games” and frightening away many foreign spectators, including some relatives of the athletes.
The Sochi Games will soon pass, triumphantly or tragically, but the potentially fateful Ukrainian crisis will not. A new Cold War divide between West and East may now be unfolding, not in Berlin but in the heart of Russia’s historical civilization. The result could be a permanent confrontation fraught with instability and the threat of a hot war far worse than the one in Georgia in 2008. These dangers have been all but ignored in highly selective, partisan and inflammatory US media accounts, which portray the European Union’s “Partnership” proposal benignly as Ukraine’s chance for democracy, prosperity and escape from Russia, thwarted only by a “bullying” Putin and his “cronies” in Kiev.
Not long ago, committed readers could count on The New York Review of Books for factually trustworthy alternative perspectives on important historical and contemporary subjects. But when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, the NYRB has succumbed to the general media mania. In a January 21 blog post, Amy Knight, a regular contributor and inveterate Putin-basher, warned the US government against cooperating with the Kremlin on Sochi security, even suggesting that Putin’s secret services “might have had an interest in allowing or even facilitating such attacks” as killed or wounded dozens of Russians in Volgograd in December.
Knight’s innuendo prefigured a purported report on Ukraine by Yale professor Timothy Snyder in the February 20 issue. Omissions of facts, by journalists or scholars, are no less an untruth than misstatements of fact. Snyder’s article was full of both, which are widespread in the popular media, but these are in the esteemed NYRB and by an acclaimed academic. Consider a few of Snyder’s assertions:
§ ”On paper, Ukraine is now a dictatorship.” In fact, the “paper” legislation he’s referring to hardly constituted dictatorship, and in any event was soon repealed. Ukraine is in a state nearly the opposite of dictatorship—political chaos uncontrolled by President Viktor Yanukovych, the Parliament, the police or any other government institution.
§ ”The [parliamentary] deputies…have all but voted themselves out of existence.” Again, Snyder is alluding to the nullified “paper.” Moreover, serious discussions have been under way in Kiev about reverting to provisions in the 2004 Constitution that would return substantial presidential powers to the legislature, hardly “the end of parliamentary checks on presidential power,” as Snyder claims. (Does he dislike the prospect of a compromise outcome?)
§ ”Through remarkably large and peaceful public protests…Ukrainians have set a positive example for Europeans.” This astonishing statement may have been true in November, but it now raises questions about the “example” Snyder is advocating. The occupation of government buildings in Kiev and in Western Ukraine, the hurling of firebombs at police and other violent assaults on law enforcement officers and the proliferation of anti-Semitic slogans by a significant number of anti-Yanukovych protesters, all documented and even televised, are not an “example” most readers would recommend to Europeans or Americans. Nor are they tolerated, even if accompanied by episodes of police brutality, in any Western democracy.
§ ”Representatives of a minor group of the Ukrainian extreme right have taken credit for the violence.” This obfuscation implies that apart perhaps from a “minor group,” the “Ukrainian extreme right” is part of the positive “example” being set. (Many of its representatives have expressed hatred for Europe’s “anti-traditional” values, such as gay rights.) Still more, Snyder continues, “something is fishy,” strongly implying that the mob violence is actually being “done by russo-phone provocateurs” on behalf of “Yanukovych (or Putin).” As evidence, Snyder alludes to “reports” that the instigators “spoke Russian.” But millions of Ukrainians on both sides of their incipient civil war speak Russian.
§ Snyder reproduces yet another widespread media malpractice regarding Russia, the decline of editorial fact-checking. In a recent article in the International New York Times, he both inflates his assertions and tries to delete neofascist elements from his innocuous “Ukrainian extreme right.” Again without any verified evidence, he warns of a Putin-backed “armed intervention” in Ukraine after the Olympics and characterizes reliable reports of “Nazis and anti-Semites” among street protesters as “Russian propaganda.”
§ Perhaps the largest untruth promoted by Snyder and most US media is the claim that “Ukraine’s future integration into Europe” is “yearned for throughout the country.” But every informed observer knows—from Ukraine’s history, geography, languages, religions, culture, recent politics and opinion surveys—that the country is deeply divided as to whether it should join Europe or remain close politically and economically to Russia. There is not one Ukraine or one “Ukrainian people” but at least two, generally situated in its Western and Eastern regions.
Such factual distortions point to two flagrant omissions by Snyder and other US media accounts. The now exceedingly dangerous confrontation between the two Ukraines was not “ignited,” as the Times claims, by Yanukovych’s duplicitous negotiating—or by Putin—but by the EU’s reckless ultimatum, in November, that the democratically elected president of a profoundly divided country choose between Europe and Russia. Putin’s proposal for a tripartite arrangement, rarely if ever reported, was flatly rejected by US and EU officials.
But the most crucial media omission is Moscow’s reasonable conviction that the struggle for Ukraine is yet another chapter in the West’s ongoing, US-led march toward post-Soviet Russia, which began in the 1990s with NATO’s eastward expansion and continued with US-funded NGO political activities inside Russia, a US-NATO military outpost in Georgia and missile-defense installations near Russia. Whether this longstanding Washington-Brussels policy is wise or reckless, it—not Putin’s December financial offer to save Ukraine’s collapsing economy—is deceitful. The EU’s “civilizational” proposal, for example, includes “security policy” provisions, almost never reported, that would apparently subordinate Ukraine to NATO.
Any doubts about the Obama administration’s real intentions in Ukraine should have been dispelled by the recently revealed taped conversation between a top State Department official, Victoria Nuland, and the US ambassador in Kiev. The media predictably focused on the source of the “leak” and on Nuland’s verbal “gaffe”—“Fuck the EU.” But the essential revelation was that high-level US officials were plotting to “midwife” a new, anti-Russian Ukrainian government by ousting or neutralizing its democratically elected president—that is, a coup.
Americans are left with a new edition of an old question. Has Washington’s twenty-year winner-take-all approach to post-Soviet Russia shaped this degraded news coverage, or is official policy shaped by the coverage? Did Senator John McCain stand in Kiev alongside the well-known leader of an extreme nationalist party because he was ill informed by the media, or have the media deleted this part of the story because of McCain’s folly?
And what of Barack Obama’s decision to send only a low-level delegation, including retired gay athletes, to Sochi? In August, Putin virtually saved Obama’s presidency by persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to eliminate his chemical weapons. Putin then helped to facilitate Obama’s heralded opening to Iran. Should not Obama himself have gone to Sochi—either out of gratitude to Putin, or to stand with Russia’s leader against international terrorists who have struck both of our countries? Did he not go because he was ensnared by his unwise Russia policies, or because the US media misrepresented the varying reasons cited: the granting of asylum to Edward Snowden, differences on the Middle East, infringements on gay rights in Russia, and now Ukraine? Whatever the explanation, as Russian intellectuals say when faced with two bad alternatives, “Both are worst.”

Decline of 'megacities' of bronze age (Sarasvati-Sindhu). Drought event ~4100 yr ago -- Yama Dixit, David A. Hodell and Cameron A. Petrie

Abrupt weakening of the summer monsoon in northwest India. Drought event ~4100 yr ago

Meluhha hieroglyphs or Indus script Credit: Amir Taj

Figure 1. Location of paleolake Kotla Dahar (dark gray square) (28°00′095″N, 
76°57′173″E), Haryana, India, and other climate proxies (black triangles) from Thar Desert. White dotted lines are isohyets (mm) between 1900 and 2008. Light gray dots indicate locations of pre-urban, urban, and post-urban Indus Civilization. Dark gray dot is nearest Indus urban center, Rakhigarhi. Satellite imagery was obtained from NASA’s Earth Observatory http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/.

Inset map shows location of main map in relation to limits of Indian subcontinent


doi: 10.1130/G35236.1
Geology published online 24 February 2014;

Yama Dixit, David A. Hodell and Cameron A. Petrie

Abrupt weakening of the summer monsoon in northwest India
~4100 yr ago
Yama Dixit1, David A. Hodell1, and Cameron A. Petrie2
1 Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
2Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, UK


Climate change may have contributed to the decline of a city-dwelling civilisation in Pakistan and India 4,100 years ago, according to new research.

They engaged in elaborate crafts, extensive local trade and long-ranging trade with regions as far away as the modern-day Middle East. But, by the mid 2nd millennium BC, all of the great urban centres had dramatically reduced in size or been abandoned -- Cameron Petrie

Scientists have demonstrated that an abrupt weakening of the summer monsoon affected northwest India 4,100 years ago. The resulting drought coincided with the beginning of the decline of the metropolis-building Indus Civilisation, which spanned present-day Pakistan and India, suggesting that climate change could be why many of the major cities of the civilisation were abandoned.

The research, reported this week in the journal Geology, involved the collection of snail shells preserved in the sediments of an ancient lake bed. By analysing the oxygen isotopes in the shells, the scientists were able to tell how much rain fell in the lake where the snails lived thousands of years ago.

The results shed light on a mystery surrounding why the major cities of the Indus Civilisation were abandoned. Climate change had been suggested as a possible reason for this transformation before but, until now, there has been no direct evidence for climate change in the region where Indus settlements were located.

Moreover, the finding now links the decline of the Indus cities to a documented global scale climate event and its impact on the Old Kingdom in Egypt, the Early Bronze Age civilisations of Greece and Crete, and the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia, whose decline has previously been linked to abrupt climate change.

“We think that we now have a really strong indication that a major climate event occurred in the area where a large number of Indus settlements were situated,” said Professor David Hodell, from Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences. “Taken together with other evidence from Meghalaya in northeast India, Oman and the Arabian Sea, our results provide strong evidence for a widespread weakening of the Indian summer monsoon across large parts of India 4,100 years ago.”

Hodell together with University of Cambridge archaeologist Dr Cameron Petrie and Gates scholar Dr Yama Dixit collected Melanoides tuberculata snail shells from the sediments of the ancient lake Kotla Dahar in Haryana, India. “As today, the major source of water into the lake throughout the Holocene is likely to have been the summer monsoon,” said Dixit. “But we have observed that there was an abrupt change, when the amount of evaporation from the lake exceeded the rainfall – indicative of a drought.”

At this time large parts of modern Pakistan and much of western India was home to South Asia’s great Bronze Age urban society. As Petrie explained: “The major cities of the Indus civilisation flourished in the mid-late 3rd and early 2nd millennium BC. Large proportions of the population lived in villages, but many people also lived in  ‘megacities’ that were 80 hectares or more in size – roughly the size of 100 football pitches. They engaged in elaborate crafts, extensive local trade and long-ranging trade with regions as far away as the modern-day Middle East. But, by the mid 2nd millennium BC, all of the great urban centres had dramatically reduced in size or been abandoned.”

Many possible causes have been suggested, including the claim that major glacier-fed rivers changed their course, dramatically affecting the water supply and the reliant agriculture. It has also been suggested that an increasing population level caused problems, there was invasion and conflict, or that climate change caused a drought that large cities could not withstand long-term.

“We know that there was a clear shift away from large populations living in megacities,” said Petrie. “But precisely what happened to the Indus Civilisation has remained a mystery. It is unlikely that there was a single cause, but a climate change event would have induced a whole host of knock-on effects.

“We have lacked well-dated local climate data, as well as dates for when perennial water flowed and stopped in a number of now abandoned river channels, and an understanding of the spatial and temporal relationships between settlements and their environmental contexts. A lot of the archaeological debate has really been well-argued speculation.”

The new data, collected with funding from the Natural Environment Research Council, show a decreased summer monsoon rainfall at the same time that archaeological records and radiocarbon dates suggest the beginning of the Indus de-urbanisation. From 6,500 to 5,800 years ago, a deep fresh-water lake existed at Kotla Dahar. The deep lake transformed to a shallow lake after 5,800 years ago, indicating a weakening of the Indian summer monsoon. But an abrupt monsoon weakening occurred 4,100 years ago for 200 years and the lake became ephemeral after this time.

Until now, the suggestion that climate change might have had an impact on the Indus Civilisation was based on data showing a lessening of the monsoon in Oman and the Arabian Sea, which are both located at a considerable distance from Indus Civilisation settlements and at least partly affected by different weather systems.

Hodell and Dixit used isotope geochemical analysis of shells as a proxy for tracing the climate history of the region. Oxygen exists in two forms – the lighter 16O and a heavier 18O variant. When water evaporates from a closed lake (one that is fed by rainfall and rivers but has no outflow), molecules containing the lighter isotope evaporate at a faster rate than those containing the heavier isotopes; at times of drought, when the evaporation exceeds rainfall, there is a net increase in the ratio of 18O to 16O of the water. Organisms living in the lake record this ratio when they incorporate oxygen into the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) of their shells, and can therefore be used, in conjunction with radiocarbon dating, to reconstruct the climate of the region thousands of years ago.

Speculating on the effect lessening rainfall would have had on the Indus Civilisation, Petrie said: “Archaeological records suggest they were masters of many trades. They used elaborate techniques to produce a range of extremely impressive craft products using materials like steatite, carnelian and gold, and this material was widely distributed within South Asia, but also internationally. Each city had substantial fortification walls, civic amenities, craft workshops and possibly also palaces. Houses were arranged on wide main streets and narrow alleyways, and many had their own wells and drainage systems. Water was clearly an integral part of urban planning, and was also essential for supporting the agricultural base.

At around the time we see the evidence for climatic change, archaeologists have found evidence of previously maintained streets start to fill with rubbish, over time there is a reduced sophistication in the crafts they used, the script that had been used for several centuries disappears and there were changes in the location of settlements, suggesting some degree of demographic shift.”

“We estimate that the climate event lasted about 200 years before recovering to the previous conditions, which we still see today, and we believe that the civilisation somehow had to cope with this prolonged period of drought,” said Hodell.

The new research is part of a wider joint project led by the University of Cambridge and Banaras Hindu University in India, which has been funded by the British Council UK-India Education and Research Initiative to investigate the archaeology, river systems and climate of north-west India using a combination of archaeology and geoscience. The multidisciplinary project hopes to provide new understanding of the relationships between humans and their environment, and also involves researchers at Imperial College London, the University of Oxford, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and the Uttar Pradesh State Archaeology Department.

“It is essential to understand the link between human settlement, water resources and landscape in antiquity, and this research is an important step in that direction,” explained Petrie. “We hope that this will hold lessons for us as we seek to find means of dealing with climate change in our own and future generations.”

Inset image upper: one of the snail shells collected for the study.

Inset image lower: Cameron Petrie in the field.


Climate Change Linked To Indus Civilization Decline 4,100 Years Ago
on 2014/3/2 18:42:31 ( 48 reads )

WASHINGTON, U.S., February 27, 2014 (Top News): A new study, published in the journal Geology, has suggested that climate change may have contributed to the decline of a city-dwelling civilization in Pakistan and India 4,100 years ago.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge have demonstrated that an abrupt weakening of the summer monsoon affected northwest India 4,100 years ago. The resulting drought coincided with the beginning of the decline of the metropolis-building Indus Civilisation, which spanned present-day Pakistan and India, suggesting that climate change could be why many of the major cities of the civilisation were abandoned.

The research involved the collection of snail shells preserved in the sediments of an ancient lake bed. By analyzing the oxygen isotopes in the shells, the scientists were able to tell how much rain fell in the lake where the snails lived thousands of years ago. Moreover, the finding now links the decline of the Indus cities to a documented global scale climate event and its impact on the Old Kingdom in Egypt, the Early Bronze Age civilisations of Greece and Crete, and the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia, whose decline has previously been linked to abrupt climate change.




Service Men Need to Vote. Sign petition to CEC VS Sampath


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rajeev Chandrasekhar <mail@change.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:22 PM
Subject: They Have No Facility to Vote


Election Commission must ensure that more than 23 lakh people in our armed forces have good facilities to vote.


I am a Rajya Sabha MP. I strongly believe every citizen has the right to vote. But I know thatour soldiers hardly vote.
It is almost impossible for the 23 lakh soldiers who serve and protect us, to participate in our democracy.
This is because the Election Commission has not provided them good voting facilities. This is a national shame!
Poonam, you and I can change this reality.
I have started this petition asking the Chief Election Commissioner, V. Sampath, to ensure that armed forces personnel are able to vote in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
Poonam, in the next few months, you and I would be voting in the general elections. But, many of our soldiers might not vote unless Mr. Sampath takes immediate action.

I know that if we show him that several thousand Indians are demanding it from him, he will take action faster.

Join me in ensuring that our soldiers are able to vote easily in this election. Sign my petition and forward this email to your friends.
Let's ensure that our brave men and women in the armed forces can easily exercise their democratic right to vote.

Jai Hind.
Rajeev Chandrasekhar via Change.org

This email was sent by Change.org to    

Aadhaar is not even an identity -- Rajeev Chandrashekhar. It is a loot of peoples' money. Neelekani, quit politics -- Kalyan

Feb 12, 2014
Rajeev Chandrashekhar
Reality check: Aadhaar is a house of cards and rests primarily on hype
"Aadhaar” is one such program – costing the taxpayers thousands of crores so far - but with seemingly zero thinking or preparation on specifics, no clear outcomes, but with extraordinary amounts of hype and rhetoric instead. Reuters
One of the defining attributes of the UPA Government has been its almost casual / unaccountable approach to spending public money on 'schemes' and dealing with Public assets like spectrum, coal, land etc. Words like ‘whimsical’ or ‘unaccountable' comes to mind, when evaluating this Government’s spending and profligacy.
UID a.k.a. “Aadhaar” is one such programme – costing the taxpayers thousands of crores so far - but with seemingly zero thinking or preparation on specifics, no clear outcomes, but with extraordinary amounts of hype and rhetoric instead. Sadly, the hype and rhetoric haven’t been given a chance in all these years to be challenged or debated in Parliament or outside within the public, despite repeated calls for it. One of the tragic characteristics of our democracy is that we allow this type of hype to go unchallenged and untested on its merits.
Let me say as someone who understands technology, Governance and the issue of corruption more than just a little, that Aadhaar, in its current form, is a house of cards and resting primarily on hype, and will surely not achieve any of the laudable objectives of eradicating corruption. This will become obvious to many, as the layers of hype are peeled off and the stark reality becomes obvious.
Here’s an abridged dose of reality:
1. Aadhaar does not give identities to Indians
The fundamental claim is that Aadhaar gives an Identity to all Indians. This is the most explosive falsehood in the Aadhaar proposition. Aadhaar simply takes an existing ID (Real or Fake), of anybody (Citizen or Foreigner or Illegal Immigrant) and issues a number, i.e., there is no identity verification, and so, there is no identity being issued. All Aadhaar does is link the potentially fake or true ID information to that ID holder’s iris or Biometric information. So if Mr. X had a fake ID all these years with his picture and address, he now continues that fake id, albeit with his iris and biometric instead of his photo. So, there is no way of knowing how many fake entries are in the Aadhaar database, because Aadhaar does no verification.
To compound this, Aadhaar uses a structure that is incentivized, it would seem, to generate fake applications. This structure uses small private firms which almost subjectively decide on Identity documentation, with no check on their capability or background for enrollment, in exercising no supervision of their activities, in not following up on the criminal acts of these firms and in absolute lack of due diligence in appointment of these agencies and contractors. There are several FIRs in several police stations against these so-called Enrollment agencies who have been nabbed with fake forms, and several TV channels have aired stings on this. No answers are forthcoming on what happened to these fraudulent applications – did they find their way into the database? I specifically asked a question in Parliament about instances of Fraud in Aadhaar and the Government has so far ducked answering it.
2. Aadhaar is a National security risk, it’s being issued to non-citizens and illegal immigrants
Aadhaar has changed its tagline recently to ‘One India; One Identity’. This is again a dishonest play with words. It makes no effort at separating citizens from non-citizens. Any national Identification platform should, at the very minimum, be able to determine who is a citizen and who is not. And so, one issue that arises from this is thattaxpayer-funded subsidies and cash transfers will also be availed by non-citizens and illegal immigrants. This is a significant and fundamental issue that should have been transparently debated. Benefits by definition can only be given out of the budget to the citizens that are entitled to them. In a recent Meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, I asked the UIDAI - of all the Aadhaar numbers issued, how many are citizens and how many are non-citizens - and I was given an answer of ‘we don’t know’.
The Aadhaar project is also facing a challenge from the Intelligence Bureau (IB), over the UIDAI issuing the card to foreigners and refugees from other countries. This comes on the heels of a Supreme Court order on September 23, 2013 that an Aadhaar card can't be issued to an "illegal immigrant". The court had also said that beneficiaries of welfare programmes shouldn't be denied benefits if they don't have an Aadhaar card.
The IB has raised objections to the possibility of Non Resident Indians (NRIs) and foreigners living in the country obtaining Aadhaar cards and has said the issuance of such cards was not based on proper verification of the applicant.
So here’s the bottomline - Given the sloppy and/or unverified identities at the enrollment stage, issuance to non-citizens and illegal immigrants, and a technology that has serious question marks - Aadhaar is creating a database that has serious issues about the integrity of the information in it. This, in turn, leads to several dangerous issues that arise – especially when it is bandied about casually as ‘The Identity’ – in terms of national security and citizenship and many issues that flow from that. As anyone who is privy to the concept of citizenship,Citizenship as defined by our constitution has to be verified and not accepted on declaration. In its current form, Aadhaar cannot be an identity.
3. Aadhaar does not improve targeting of benefits and subsidies; Increases costs
The fundamental use of Aadhaar, i.e., that of identifying citizens that are entitled to specific benefits – falls flat. Because it continues to use the same data that is causing the corruption and leakage i.e., BPL cards and other traditional forms of ID. In summary, the data that Aadhaar uses is the same historically compromised data and identification. There has been no evidence or any data put out by the Government that there is any improvement on targeting subsidies. Neither the Government nor UIDAI had put forth any real evidence to justify the tall claims of preventing leakages in subsidies including the DBT in LPGs. In fact, the LPG cylinder issue is a clear case where Aadhaar has proved that it is not helping leakages.In certain areas like ATM banking, by insisting that banks upgrade to Biometric ATMs whose costs will be passed onto consumers, banking costs will increase.
4. Aadhaar raises significant Privacy issues
Aadhaar involves collection of a large amount of people’s data and centralization of this data in their databases. Predictably, real issues of privacy arise, in a country like ours, where privacy laws are not robust and the issue itself not fully or adequately debated. The privacy issue is even more dangerous given the track record of Governments and bureaucrats in India. As the New York Times wrote “Unsurprisingly, some people see the idea of a centralized identity database as a dystopian nightmare. Privacy advocates contend that the government will use it to track citizens, a serious concern in a country where the government carries out extensive wiretapping and surveillance.”
5. Aadhaar is inconsistent with the way the country is evolving
As a matter of fact, given increasing federalism and financial devolution, what is required is more state level identification and databases. The model of having a central government managing subsidies directly to its citizens from Delhi is inconsistent with the future model of Governance. The current ‘one shoe fits all’ model of subsidies and benefits developed in Delhi will evolve into one with increasing financial devolution to states; states will form their subsidy and benefit schemes.
And for some unpeeling of the hype:
(a) Aadhaar is an unprecedented effort at Identifying Indians, it is technological innovation.
Aadhaar’s hype and PR machinery has been very impressive, but running too far ahead of its reality. To call it "technological leadership" is surely letting the hype get hugely ahead of reality. Aadhaar is a data collection exercise and creation of a biometric database. That’s it. Further, it uses foreign hardware and software, and technologies that have serious lacunae. Technologically, it is not unique; it has been done before elsewhere. What is significant is the size and scale of this effort, but even there, there have been and there are several efforts of large scale data collection by Government of India agencies with its citizens – by Election commission, by Census, the National Population Register effort - which have received none of the publicity that the Aadhaar effort has.
(b) Aadhaar is unique and portable.
Saying that Aadhaar is unique and portable, is saying the obvious – as if other IDs are not! The reality is that ALL IDs are unique and portable, be it passports, driving licenses etc. Actually, while passports can be used in India and all over the world, Aadhaar cannot, since it does not determine citizenship.
The need for a national identification program remains. Aadhaar started with good intentions, but it is mystifying why it has morphed into this. What should have been a demonstration of technology being deployed in a cost effective way to improve Governance, and deliver benefits through a robust diligenced citizen identification process and highly reliable database, is a far cry from that.
The question today should be why has it come to this. Why these short cuts? Why the reluctance to accept the Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations on merging Aadhaar with the other expensive project of the National Population Register, especially in these times of financial hardships in Government? Why did the Government not allow this project to be discussed all these years in Parliament?
I now read and hear that Aadhaar is a part of the ‘vision’ of the future leadership of the Congress. The brutal reality of vision is that unless it comes attached with specifics, the fate of the vision will be failures like this. Hype and rhetoric are no substitute to real targets and outcomes. Since vision and solutions are the new buzzwords in Delhi, both vision and solutions need to be real and money spent on them justifiable. Neither is true in Aadhaar.
The author is a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

US Berkeley group targets India for armed conflict. PM should tell Obama: rein-in the perpetrators of sedition from American soil.


US Berkeley group targets India for armed conflict. PM should tell Obama: rein-in the perpetrators of sedition from American soil.

Obama will do well to read again, the UN Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States (Annexed).



The time will come when America can dictate to India, and expect to be obeyed

March 03, 2014 16:26 IST
US President Barack Obama with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh'A plausible American tactic,' Rajeev Srinivasan suspects, 'would be to try and prevent the BJP and Modi from coming to power by splitting the anti-Congress vote using the AAP, and in case that fails, to follow up with a Plan B to make India ungovernable, to create mass conflict through their agents.'
If you scan the news these days the world seems to be a tinderbox, waiting for just a small spark to set off a conflagaration. The much-commented-on, eerie, similarities with 1914 that people have noticed concentrated on the rise of China as a revanchist power bent on changing the status quo, much as a rising Germany was a century ago. But there are other risks in a globalised world. I wonder what the catalytic action might be that actually sets off a cataclysm, just as the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary set off World War I.
In addition to the quasi-revolution in the Ukraine, here are several other countries embroiled in, or at risk of civil war, or caught up in covert or overt violence:
Syria, where an actual civil war is going on with horrific human rights violations on either side.
Thailand, where the government and the opposition seem to have fought each other to a stalemate.
Venezuela, on the verge of a civil war over discredited Chavismo and corruption.
South Sudan, the newly created country already heading towards State failure.
Afghanistan, the perennial problem child, on the precipice of partition.
Egypt, with simmering dissent and a polarised populace.
And I am only covering a subset of the world's problems. Interestingly, with the singular exception of the Ukraine, none of these problem States is in the West's heartlands; they are at best peripheral to the concerns of the rich world. This is not to say that there has been no violence in the heart of the West: The brutality in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, etc. took place not so long ago.
Nevertheless, these strife-torn countries are a perfect excuse for breast-beating and moralising by the West, as is being demonstrated by the hand-wringing over the so-called Arab Spring. Or, for that matter, as was shown in the Scandinavian efforts in Sri Lanka's civil war. Conveniently, the West can formulate an updated version of the 'White Man's Burden' and give full vent to their bleeding-heart, knee-jerk liberal impulses. All, handily, at someone else's cost.
As annoying as European interference may be, it is worse when the Americans jump in to solve the world's problems. Americans have a self-image (partially true) of being innocents abroad, trying merely to bring order and democracy and hygiene to various benighted parts of the world.
Unfortunately, they often end up, like big, awkward children, breaking the very countries they are trying to fix (oops!), as in the case of Vietnam. Americans rushed in to 'fix' this French colony which the French wisely retreated from. Or Cambodia, which was collateral damage due to the American obsession with the Domino Theory.
Thus, it is a matter of great concern when Americans want to fix India. Much of the time, India is peripheral to the US foreign policy establishment, except when they are annoyed with it (as in the Nixon-Kissinger days) or they are trying to sell some snake oil to it (as in the much-ballyhooed case of the 'nuclear deal', which was, to digress for a minute, a selling out of India's national security in exchange for virtually nothing).
In fact, India does much better when it is not on the radar of America's self-styled do-gooders.
Therefore, it is alarming that a group at the University of California, Berkeley's business school is toiling on a project to 'create a policy and protocol framework for protecting people's rights in situations of internal armed conflict and mass violence' in India.
Which is amazing, considering that there is less violence and conflict in India than in any of the countries mentioned above, and that, anyway, there has been low-level insurgencies in India for decades.
This leads me to wonder, does the Berkeley group know something that the rest of us don't?
The context, of course, is that there have been persistent rumours that the US has 'assets' high in the Indian government. The long-sustained (but just-lifted) boycott of Narendra Modi (allegedly because a group of leftists and Muslims in the US were upset) is another indication that the US does have an interest in the 2014 Indian election: They do have a dog in this fight.
There is also the surprising and widespread white noise in support of the Aam Aadmi Party by such establishment stalwarts as The New York Times and The Economist, among others. It is hard, prima facie, to believe the Americans would genuinely embrace a self-proclaimed anarchist group with far-Left views on almost everything. Nevertheless, there they are, with their front foundations merrily giving away all sorts of awards and money to the AAP.
This fits in with an observed tactic on the part of the West to encourage leftist, nihilist dissident groups in other countries. It is rather evident by now that a Narendra Modi-led government would not be particularly easy to bribe or manipulate -- it does appear that he neither forgives nor forgets -- and that it would be, as with Shinzo Abe's administration in Japan, prone to care about the national interest, not America's.
This, of course, is anathema to the American world view based on George Kennan's Cold War views on hegemony.
Thus, as a first approximation, a plausible American tactic would be to try and prevent the Bharatiya Janata Party and Modi from coming to power by splitting the anti-Congress vote using the AAP, and in case that fails, to follow up with a Plan B to make India ungovernable, to create mass conflict through their agents.
This is not theoretical: Almost exactly the same tactic was followed in Kerala in 1959. It is widely believed that the duly elected Communist government of E M S Namboodiripad was overthrown by the CIA and friends making the place essentially ungovernable.
Therefore, there is the fear that the Americans have every intent to meddle in a post-Congress scenario by creating chaos. Of course, if that too fails, they have a Plan C, which I doubt if I need to spell out. But we shall let that pass for the moment.
The concern about the Berkeley group is magnified if you look at their Web site. Grandly claiming that an aim of this 'Armed Conflict Resolution and People's Rights Project' is to 'engage with affected communities, and periodically engage with members of the Government of India,' it identifies J&K, Manipur, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, and specifically Gujarat and Odisha as having been 'impacted by far-reaching violence on minority communities in recent history.'
In other words, the usual anti-Modi rhetoric about the Gujarat riots in 2002, with a few other topics thrown in for the sake of camouflage. Old wine in new bottles.
The impression that there is more to this group, attached to the Haas School of Business at Berkeley, than meets the eye, is strengthened by a perusal of the list of principals. One is a notable purveyor of anti-India ideas, who was implicated in the Faigate scandal as an unregistered lobbyist for Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence. Another is now out on bail on charges of embezzling funds from victims of violence. Another is attached to the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, which deals with nuclear weapons!
Many of the others are old war-horses from the FOIL (Forum of Indian Leftists which transmogrified one fine day into the Forum of Inquilabi Leftists), a group that is reflexively and viscerally opposed to many things in India, especially to right-leaning Hindus.
There are enough people with a known history of antipathy to Modi in this group to strengthen the impression that this whole thing is another exercise for Modi's benefit.
What is particularly sinister is that there is circumstantial evidence that seems to indicate that people like FOIL have, in the past, 'known' about certain events before they happened. Which, by Occam's Razor, would suggest that these events were not random, but were planned, and that the leftists were in the know.
Are they planning to just study conflict, or is there more?
Furthermore, if the objective is to study conflict, why does the focus lie entirely on India, with almost all the members of the working group being of Indian origin?
As I pointed out above, there is actual armed conflict in many other places right now, so why India alone?
The implication is that this group may well be witting or unwitting participants in a conspiracy to create violence in India.
There is an implicit American project going on regarding India anyway: Many American maps show the entire North-East detached from India, in addition to all of Jammu and Kashmir. There has been much pressure on India to give away the Siachen Glacier to Pakistan.
And given the fact that India has now become the biggest buyer of American arms, the time will come when America can dictate to an Indian government, and expect to be obeyed.
It looks as though the Berkeley group may be planning to add internal pressure as well to the mix to discomfit an Indian government. This is a matter of serious concern, and it is not too far-fetched to consider this a conspiracy to overthrow a future Indian government. In my book, that would be considered seditious, and it should be treated accordingly.
Image: US President Barack Obama with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Photograph: Press Information Bureau.
Rajeev Srinivasan

Total 15 messages

by crusader (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:49 PM

Mr Beans conspiracy theory!

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Jobby Pynadath
An Excuse
by Jobby Pynadath (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:43 PM

Is this a preemptive effort to explain away MODI's failure to win national elections as and when it happens.

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by MM (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:41 PM

If Voters are fools and selfish, why America, even our neighbors can decide who should win elections
in India.


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by MM (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:39 PM

If Voters are fools, why America, even our neighbors can decide who should win elections
in India.


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by MM (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:39 PM

If Voters are fools, why America, even our neighbors can decide who should win elections
in India.


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by Anand (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:37 PM

If we want to put USA on the back foot, we need a leader who can show USA its place and Modi has done just that. He made sure that USA would come to meet him and not the other way round. Rahul is soft and can be easily manipulated by USA as per its needs but they can't manipulate Modi. Let's leave behind ideological and other differences and vote for BJP and save the country from the clutches of USA. Let's remember that we are Indians first and security of the country is very important.We wouldn't want to be ruled by a foreign country again and fight for freedom again.

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Darvin Chaudhary
Trying to change mole into mountain
by Darvin Chaudhary (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:36 PM

I think, writer is too suspicious about other intention. Every country see their benefit. They should do what well suited for them. US tried to involve India into Afganistan War. But, India clearly declined. Same happen in Sri Lanka, where India provide other support. But, decline when comes to artilary or ammunition. India concentrating more on Africa and Asia then US/Europe as their Trade Partner. India should concentrate more on trade and peaceful mission. With time, India will catch pace with these countries.

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Sheikh Akber
If CIA decides to get AAP on floor
by Sheikh Akber (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:36 PM  | Hide replies

no one can dare to defeat them, this author is just an diehard bjpee supporter and nothing else, this book is to influence voters..

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Re: If CIA decides to get AAP on floor
by rony (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 06:02 PM
AAP should disclose their source of funds for the last election. So far they have not submitted to govt. why?

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by SAMEERA (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:35 PM

America must stop acting as international policemen.India,China and Russia are the superpowers for 21st century.America is nothing.

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Trying very hard....
by Raj (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:21 PM

tinderbox, conflagaration, revanchist, cataclysm, populace, anathema....

Really?? It's clear that the author, Rajeev Srinivasan, is trying very, very hard to impress. What's the need for such big words when writing for a website such as Rediff?

Does the author not know his audience, or is he brimming with estrogen?

People like Rajeev Srinivasan need to get a life. Go ahead and read the reports of top journalists worldwide (BBC, WSJ, etc.)...they're devoid of fancy language and the journalist isn't trying to score...just doing what he's supposed to do - inform.

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by Ravi (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 04:52 PM  | Hide replies

American wants the world to follow them for that they use hook and crook policies in which most of the countries fell and in that there is possibility of trapping India too but this might not be successful as American don't know soul of India and its thousand year of culture.

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arvin g
Re: American
by arvin g (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:05 PM
but americans know slave mentality and stupidity of indians... thats why they use their stooges like kejriwal to brainwash and control indians...

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Re: Re: American
by Rashmi (View MyPage) on Mar 03, 2014 05:40 PM
Also look at the AAP team. Almost all are running their own NGOs. As reported by the CBI recently there are more than 20 lac NGOs operating in India at the moment and have received nearly 3000 Cr as funding between 2010 and 2011. So now you see what is cooking with AAP at its center.

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Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States

The General Assembly,
Reaffirming, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, that no State has the right to intervent directly or indirectly for any reason whatsoever in the internal or external affairs of any other State,
Reaffirming further the fundamental principle of the Charter of the United Nations that all States have the duty not to threaten or use force against the sovereignty, political independence or territorial integrity of other States,
Bearing in mind that the establishment, maintenance and strengthening of international peace and security are founded upon freedom, equality, self-determination and independence, respect for the sovereignty of States, as well as permanent sovereignty of States over their natural resources, irrespective of their political, economic or social systems or the levels of their development,
Considering that full observance of the principle of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal and external affairs of States is of the greatest importance for the maintenance of international peace and security and for the fulfilment of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Reaffirming in accordance with the Charter the right to self-determination and independence of people under colonial domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes,
Stressing that the purposes of the United Nations can be achieved only under conditions where peoples enjoy freedom and States enjoy sovereign equality and comply fully with the requirements of these principles in their international relations,
Considering that any violation of the principle of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal and external affairs of States poses a threat to the freedom of peoples, the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity of States to their political, economic, social and cultural development, and also endangers international peace and security,
Considering that a declaration on the inadmissibility of intervention and interference in the internal affairs of States will contribute towards the fulfilment of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the provisions of the Charter as a whole and taking into account the resolutions adopted by the United Nations relating to the contents of this principle, in particular those containing the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security, the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the Definition of Aggression,
Solemnly declares that:
1.No State or group of States has the right to intervene or interfere in any form or for any reason whatsoever in the internal and external affairs of other States.
2.The principle of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal and external affairs of States comprehends the following rights and duties:


  1. Sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity, national unity and security of all States, as well as national indentity and cultural heritage of their peoples;
  2. The sovereign and inalienable right of a State freely to determine its own political, economic, cultural and social system, to develop its international relations and to exercise permanent sovereignty over its natural resources, in accordance with the will of its people, without outside intervention, interference, subversion, coercion or threat in any form whatsoever;
  3. The right of States and peoples to have free access to information and to develop fully, without interference, their system of information and mass media and to use their information media in order to promote their political, social, economic and cultural interests and aspirations, based, inter alia, on the relevant articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the new international information order;


  1. The duty of States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any form whatsoever to violate the existing internationally recognized boundaries of another State, to disrupt the political, social or economic order of other States, to overthrow or change the political system of another State or its Government, to cause tension between or among States or to deprive peoples of their national identity and cultural heritage;
  2. The duty of a State to ensure that its territory is not used in any manner which would violate the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and national unity or disrupt the political, economic and social stability of another State; this obligaion applies also to States entrusted with responsibility for territories yet to attain self-determination and national independence;
  3. The duty of a State to refrain from armed intervention, subversion, military occupation or any other form of intervention and interference, overt or covert, directed at another State or group of States, or any act of military, political or economic interference in the internal affairs of another State, including acts of reprisal involving the use of force;
  4. The duty of a State to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation of their right to self-determination, freedom and independence;
  5. The duty of a State to refrain from any action or attempt in whatever form or under whatever pretext to destabilize or to undermine the stability of another State or of any of its institutions;
  6. The duty of a State to refrain from the promotion, encouragement or support, direct or indirect, of rebellious or secessionist activities within other States, under any pretext whatsoever, or any action which seeks to disrupt the unity or to undermine or subvert the political order of other States;
  7. The duty of a State to prevent on its territory the training, financing and recruitment of mercenaries, or the sending of such mercenaries into the territory of another State and to deny facilities, including financing, for the equipping and transit of mercenaries;
  8. The duty of a State to refrain from concluding agreements with other States designed to intervene or interfere in the internal and external affairs of third States;
  9. The duty of States to refrain from any measure which would lead to the strengthening of existing military blocs or the creation or strengthening of new military alliances, interlocking arrangements, the deployment of interventionist forces or military bases and other related military installations conceived in the context of great-Power confrontation;
  10. The duty of a State to abstain from any defamatory campaign, villification or hostile propaganda for the purpose of intervening or interfering in the internal affairs of other States;
  11. The duty of a State, in the conduct of its international relations in the economic, social, technical and trade fields, to refrain from measures which would constitute interference or intervention in the internal or external affairs of another State, thus preventing it from determining freely its political, economic and social development; this includes, inter alia, the duty of a State not to use its external economic assistance programme or adopt any multilateral or unilateral economic reprisal or blockade and to prevent the use of transnational and multinational corporations under its jurisdiction and control as instruments of political pressure or coercion against another State, in violation of the Charter of the United Nations;
  12. The duty of a State to refrain from the exploitation and the distortion of human rights issues as a means of interference in the internal affairs of States, of exerting pressure on other States or creating distrust and disorder within and among States or groups of States;
  13. The duty of a State to refrain from using terrorist practices as state policy against another State or against peoples under colonial domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes and to prevent any assistance to or use of or tolerance of terrorist groups, saboteurs or subversive agents against third States;
  14. The duty of a State to refrain from organizing, training, financing and arming political and ethnic groups on their territories or the territories of other States for the purpose of creating subversion, disorder or unrest in other countries;
  15. The duty of a State to refrain from any economic, political or military activity in the territory of another State without its consent;


  1. The right of States to participate actively on the basis of equality in solving outstanding international issues, thus contributing to the removal of causes of conflicts and interference;
  2. The right and duty of States fully to support the right to self-determination, freedom and independence of peoples under colonial domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes, as well as the right of these peoples to wage both political and armed struggle to that end, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
  3. The right and duty of States to observe, promote and defend all human rights and fundamental freedoms within their own national territories and to work or the elimination of massive and flagrant violations of the rights of nations and peoples, and in particular, for the elimination of apartheid and all forms of racism and racial discrimination;
  4. The right and duty of States to combat, within their constitutional prerogatives, the dissemination of false or distorted news which can be interpreted as interference in the internal affairs of other States or as being harmful to the promotion of peace, co-operation and friendly relations among States and nations;
  5. The right and duty of States not to recognize situations brought about by the threat or use of force or acts undertaken in contravention of the principle of non-intervention and non-interference.
3.The right and duties set out in this Declaration are interrelated and are in accordance with theCharter of the United Nations.
4.Nothing in this Declaration shall prejudice in any manner the right to self-determination, freedom and independence of peoples under colonial domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes, and the right to seek and receive support in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
5.Nothing in this Declaration shall prejudice in any manner the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.
6.Nothing in this Declaration shall prejudice action taken by the United Nations under Chapters VI and VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

Anti-national transfer of prime properties to Delhi Waqf Board: VHP tells Pranab Babu to restrain SoniaG UPA

57, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110 001, Telefax: 011-23092266

Media statement of VHP Patron Ma. Ashokji Singhal:

The Government of India cannot arbitrarily transfer 123 prime and high-end properties, many of it at locations of strategic importance, to the Delhi Waqf Board without giving to the Hindu society the Ayodhya and Mathura sites of Lord Vishnu and the Varanasi site of Lord Shiva and some such sites in Delhi itself. 

- Ashok Singhal, Patron, Vishva Hindu Parishad

New Delhi, March 03, 2014 - The country was yesterday stunned to hear the Government of India’s Minister Manish Tewari say on the eve of the general elections that "The Cabinet has approved the denotification of 123 properties in Delhi under the control of the land and development office and DDA and allowing the title to revert to the Delhi Wakf Board!" This transfer of title would enable the Wakf Board to take a call on these high-end prime properties at locations of strategic importance including selling them. These properties are spread over prime locations in the capital such as Connaught Place, Mathura Road, Lodhi Road, Man Singh Road, Pandara Road, Ashoka Road, Janpath, Parliament House, Karol Bagh, Sadar Bazaar, Darya Ganj and Jangpura, etc. At present, about sixty of these 123 properties are owned by the Land and Development Office (L&DO) under the urban development ministry while the rest lies with Delhi Development Authority (DDA).

“In the absence of a national policy in the matter serving the cause of national and cultural interest of the country, the outgoing Government cannotrepeat,cannot simplistically and arbitrarily denotify and transfer high-end prime properties, many of it at locations of strategic importance, to members of its vote bank without giving to the Hindu society the Sri Rama Janma Bhumi at Ayodhya, Sri Krishna Janmasthan at Mathura, Sri Kashi Vishwanath Prakatsthal at Varanasi, Indraprastha Durg (5,000+ year old Capital Fort of the Pandavas of Mahabharat fame/Old Fort) near Delhi Zoo, the Vishnu Dhwaj (Qutub Minar) complex comprising of the Lal Kot Fort & Qila-Rai-Pithora of the Rajput kings that housed a complex of twenty-seven ancient Hindu and Jain temples which were destroyed by Jihadists and their material used in the construction of the Quwwat-ul-Islam (Might of Islam?) mosque which pattern of terrorist statement they made everywhere else including at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, the holiest site in Judaism, superimposing on it the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They have made similar land-grabbing political statements on over 30,000 places of worship of the Himalayan Tradition all over Bharatvarsh,” warned Shri Ashok Singhal, Patron, Vishva Hindu Parishad.

Such conferring of largesse of public properties to its vote bank by the UPA-II Government driven under its unpardonable policy of appeasement for the sake of Vote-Bank Politics and Burqa Secularism is totally unlawful and unconstitutional, which will be fought tooth & nail by the Hindu society.

Vishva Hindu Parishad urges upon the Government of India to rescind and make null & void the said Cabinet approval of “denotification of 123 properties”! The UPA Government has perhaps done it as per the suicidal policy declaration by its Prime Minister in December-2006 that “Muslims must have first claim on national resources!” The UPA Government, it is now absolutely clear, is there only to serve the Muslim community and the national society counts not for it which is why it dares to oppress the latter’s nationalist interests at will. The Hindu society warns the Central Government that plays its tricks on it from behind its cloak of pseudo-secularism that it can no longer bear such humiliation and fraud!

Vishva Hindu Parishad is writing to His Excellency President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee to intervene in the matter and restrain his Government.

- Released by

(Prakash Sharma)
Spokesperson, VHP

Goofed up Lok Pal selection. Genius Singhvi is not embarrassed.

Published: March 3, 2014 19:21 IST | Updated: March 3, 2014 19:21 IST

Thomas’ decision not an embarrassment to govt: Congress

Congress on Monday put a brave face on former Supreme Court Judge K.T. Thomas turning down the offer to head the Lokpal search committee, days after jurist Fali Nariman opted out of panel.
“Where is the question of government being embarrassed. I do not find any head or tail of this question. It is a statutory body. Each position on this has to be fulfilled,” party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi told reporters.
“Giving or not giving consent cannot be linked to government. These are private decisions. People can say yes or no for many reasons. How you can blame government for this?”
Mr. Singhvi’s reaction came after Mr. Thomas turned down the offer to head Lokpal search committee.
“The reason is when I went through the rules, our committee which is called the search committee was to recommend names to select committee. The select committee need or need not to accept those names. So it was not worth while to have this search committee,” the former judge said giving reasons for his opting out.
Mr. Thomas was a judge in the apex court between March 29, 1996 and January 1, 2002.
Mr. Singhvi said whatever objections about the procedure for the appointments of Lokpal should have been raised when the Lokpal legislation was being passed.

Wendy peddling distortions on Hinduism

On Hinduism HB (Hardcover) by WENDY DONIGER  Binding: Hardcover
Released: 2013


Page- xvii 
After the attacks on me on the Internet, particularly after the publication of The 
Hindus, vii I almost lost my old sense of trust in my readers, and for a while I actually 
thought I would stop writing about India altogether; 
Vivekananda set himself firmly against all forms of caste distinction and advised 
people to eat beef.12 

Page -41 
The Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, however, deny the Vedas and are complete outcastes. 
“ So, friar(bhiksho), I see you have a taste for meat 
Not that it’s any good without some wine. 
You like wine too, then? Better when I dine 
With pretty harlots, surely such girls eat 
No end of money, ‘ Well, I steal, you see, 
Or win at dance, ‘ A thief and gambler. Too? 
Why, certainly, What else is there to do? 
Aren’t you aware I’m vowed to poverty? 
Page -57 
 Brahman and Vishnu were arguing, each shouting that he was supreme. In 
anger, Brahma cursed Vishnu: ‘ You will be deluded and your devotees will have the 
appearance of Brahmins, but they will be against the Vedas and the true path to 
release. They will be Tantric Brahmins, initiated into the Pancharatra, ever averse to 
the Vedas, law-books and the proper rituals that give release. 
Reviles himself just enough to make Himalaya lose his pure devotion and remain on 
A similar episode occurs in the Mahabharata: 
Formerly, all creatures were virtuous, and by themselves they obtained divinity. 
Therefore the gods became worried, and so Brahma created women in order to delude 
men. Now women, formerly virtuous, became wicked witches by the will of Brahma, 
who filled them with wanton desires that they in turn inspired in men. He created 
anger, and henceforth all creatures were born in the power of desire and anger. 
Here, as so often in Hindu mythology, women are the root of evil, though in this case, 
not through their own fault. 
Page 68 
Even Queen Vicotira Found a place in the Hindu pantheon; when a plague broke out 
in Bombay just after her statue had been insulted, certain pious Hindus believed that 
the disease was “ the revenge inflicted by her as insulted divinity 
Page 119 
Yogis also posed sexual threats, through an ancient Hindu belief in the crotic powers, 
of yogis, along a spectrum from genuine ascetics, who were said to be able to use their 
unspent sexual powers to bless infertile women and thus make them fertile, to false 
ascetics, who were said to use their status as yogis as mask through which to gain 
illicit access to women. 
Page 121 
Indians shamefacedly agreed; Indian children in Gandhi’s days used to chant a 
popular poem: ‘ Behold the mighty Englishman / He rules the Indian small, / Because 
being a meat-eater/ He is five cubits tall. The playing fields of Eton had made the 
English frightfully brave, as Noel Coward pointed out , but so had a regimen of 
exercise that they now imported into India. 
Page -122 
since yoga was often associated with sex in India and came to be 
Page -127 
The concept of tolerance in the positive sense is a product of the Western 
Enlightenment. Yet, just because Hindus do not have a word for it does not mean that 
they do not have a set of intellectual concepts that might approximate the Western 
concept of ‘ tolerance’
 Classical Hindu India was violent in its politics(war being the raison d’etre of 
every king), in its religious practices(animal sacrifice, ascetic self-torture, fire-walking, 
swinging from hooks in the flesh of the back, and so forth), in its criminal law ( 
impaling on stakes and the amputation of limbs being prescribed punishment for 
relatively minor offences), in its hells(cunningly and sadistically contrived to make the 
punishment fir the crime) and, perhaps at the very heart of it all, in its climate, with 
its unendurable heat and unpredictable monsoons. 
Page- 137 
Swami Vivekanand claimed, wrongly, that ‘India is the only country where there never 
has been a religious persecution.” 
Page- 137 
Shortly after Partition, a member of the fundamentalist and anti-Muslim Hindu 
associations, the RSS, remarked that, since Hindus are, as it well-known, the most 
tolerant people in the world, they deserve to have the land of India to themselves, and, 
therefore, the(less tolerant) Muslims should be disenfranchised. 
Here it is perhaps appropriate to recall that it was an RSS man who killed Gandhi. On 
the lighter side, the widening gap between the ‘tolerant’ scriptures and the intolerant 
interpretation of them was evinced in India Today in 1991: 
Page- 138 
These same political and economic factors, inflamed and perhaps manipulated by the 
rhetoric of religious intolerance, resurfaced to demolish Babur’s mosque in Ayodhya 
in 1992, to inspire the killing of Sikhs in Delhi in 1984 and of Muslims in Gujarat in 
2002, and to exacerbate the extreme suspicion and hatred. 
Page- 139 
Yet here, too, we must curb our optimism by noting that bhakti did not overthrow the 
caste system and that it was in the name of bhakti to Rama that the militant Hindus 
tore down Babur’s mosque. 
Page 144 
The accurate historical account would illustrate the Sangh’s complacency with British 
rule in the years leading up to Partition. 
Placing the Ramayana in its historical contexts demonstrates that it is an epic poem 
created by human authors who lived various times.

Page- 510 
Unbelievers and infidels, Dalits and women, were forbidden to learn Sanskrit, the 
sacred language, because they might defile or injure the magic power of the words; 
precisely in order to limit it to an elite, exclusive group, Sanskrit confined certain 
forms of the Indian classics (particularly sacred texts) to males of upper castes. 
‘But these Jains’ they continued, ‘ who are actually Shudras, since they have 
abandoned the true works of the Puranas, babble things about the Pandavas which 
are contrary to the smritis.’ 

Page- 525 
Rama’s mother, and then Lakshmana, who says, ‘ I don’t like this. The king is 
perverse, old and debauched by pleasure. What would he not say under pressure, mad 
with passion as he is? 
Page 526 
You are so perverse, You think that if Rama dies you can have me, but I will never let 
you posses me, Bharata has gotten you to follow Rama as his spy. That’s what it must 
be. And you’ve stayed here is order to get me………….while pretending to be a friend. 
And that’s why you won’t come to his aid. But I will never have anything to do with 
any man but Rama.’ 
Page 532 
Rama then pretends to grieve for sita, pretends to fight to get her back, and lies to his 
brother Lakshmana, who genuinely grieves for Sita. 
Page 535 
One day, when Ravana was full of passion, he saw the celestial courtesan Rambha 
and went mad with lust for her. She reminded him that she was his daughter-in-law, 
more precisely the wife of Nalakubara, the son of Ravana’s brother Vaishravana. But 
Ravana replied, ‘ You say you are my daughter-in-law. For those who have but one 
husband, this argument is valid, but in their world the gods have established a law 
said to be eternal, that celestial courtesans have no appointed consorts, nor are the 
god monogamous.’ Then he raped her. 

Page 539 
But Kunti had already had one son, secretely, out of wedlock: when she was still a 
young girl, she had decided to try out her mantra, just fooling around. The Sun god, 
Surya, took her seriously; despite her vigorous protests and entreaties, he raped her 
and afterwards restored her virginity.vii She gave birth to karna, whom she 
abandoned in shame; a charioteer and his wife adopted him and raised him as their 
own.{1.104; 3.290-294;5.144.1-9}
She objected, saying that it is against the law for a woman to have more than one 
husband, for then there would be promiscuity; moreover, her one husband should 
have her as a virgin. But Shiva reassured her that a woman is purified every month 
with her menses and therefore there would be no lapse from dharma in her case, since 
she had asked repeatedly for a husband. Then she asked him of she could be a virgin 
again for each act of sexual union, and he granted this, too. {1.189;1.1.157} 
The three primary advocated of Hindutva ideologies are the Rashtiry Swayamsevak 
Sangh (RSS, National Volunteers’ Organization or National Corps of Volunteers), the 
Vishva Hindu Parishad(VHP, World Hindu Council), and the Bharatiya Janata Party 
(BJP, peoples’ Party of India or National People’s Party),often known collectively as the 
Sangha(with perhaps unfortunate, perhaps intended, resonances with the Sangha as 
the ancient tern for Buddhism), and sometimes called the Hindutvavadis.” 
I had cited from Valmiki’s Ramayana in which Sita, the wife of Rama, accuse her 
brother-in-law Lakshmana of wanting her for himself. vi The web message stated: 
I was struck by the sexual thrust of her paper on one of our most sacred epics. 
Who lusted/laid whom,it was not only Ravan who desired Sita some I had never 
heard of, from our other shastras were thrown in to weave a titillating sexual 
tapestry. What would these clever, ‘Learned’ western people be doing for a 
living if they did not have our shastras and traditions to nitpick and distort?5 

My defence in the news coverage about the egg incident was :- 
The Sanskrit texts {cited in my lecture} were written at a time of glorious sexual 
openness and insight, and I have often focused on precisely those parts of the 
texts……… The irony is that I have praised these texts and translated them in such a 
way that many people outside the Hindu tradition--- people who would otherwise go 
on thinking that Hinduism is nothing but a caste system that mistreats 
Untouchables-have come to learn about it and to admire the beauty, complexity and 
wisdom of the Hindu texts.” 
Page 574 
Last November, I was chairing a lecture on the great Hindu epic, the Ramayana, at the 
school of Oriental and African studies in London. The lecture had been sponsored by a 
wealthy Hindu philanthropist, and was given by the celebrated Sanskrit scholar, 
Professor Wendy Doniger…. Midway through the lecture, a man stood up, walked 
threateningly towards the podium and threw and egg at Doniger, which narrowly 
missed her. During the questions that followed the lecture, Doniger faced a barrage of 
heated insults from a group who had come with the egg-thrower, and who maintained 
that as a non-Hindu she was unqualified to comments on their religion. Other SOAS 
lectures in India have since been broken up in similar circumstances. 
Ancinet Hindu texts wisely divide life into three basic stages of life: in the first, you 
study; in the second, you marry and become a householder; and in the third, you go 
and live in the forest. ( It has similarly been said about dogs that in the first stage, 
they play; in the second, they eat; and in the third,they sleep). 
Page 580 
A Hindu who didn’t like kama 
Refused to take off his pajama, 
When his bride’s lustful finger 
Reached out for his linga 
He jumped up and ran home to Mama. 

Wendy’s Menial Sepoys -- Kalavai Venkat


Wendy’s Menial Sepoys

shefali chandran
Rajiv Malhotra brilliantly tweeted, “Can’t be bothered by menial sepoys, only senior ones” thereby brushing aside one of Wendy’s Children that attempted to abuse him. One couldn’t have put it better and it is usually a waste of time to respond to every leftist ignoramus who attempts to make a livelihood by abusing Hinduism. However, Malhotra’s term, “Wendy’s Menial Sepoys,” is not only a catchy meme but effectively categorizes an unscrupulous crowd of cowardly liars. In this article, I am going to analyze the behavior of such menial sepoys by using one of them as an example.
 Penguin India recently voluntarily withdrew Wendy Doniger’s The Hindus: An Alternative History after reaching an agreement with a litigant. Shefali Chandra, an associate professor of history at (the 30th ranked in history, second tier) Washington University in St. Louis, was outraged. She alleged that “the United States has been shaping the contours of Hinduism (…) from the perspective of upper caste and conservative interests.”
Chandra also alleged that during the 2006 California Textbook Trial, Hindu-American parents attempted to overthrow the school textbooks because they had been authored “by anti-Hindu scholars and that it favored colonial stereotypes on Hinduism.” She asserted that the information Hindu-Americans disputed was “hardly insulting” and accused them of using “the terminology of ‘hurt’ and ‘embarrassment’ to shape the knowledge of Hinduism and India.”
What is the truth?
California textbook standards (see section 6.6) advocate portraying “the origins of Christianity” as the fulfillment of “the Jewish messianic prophecies” and recounting “the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in The New Testament.” It is highly irresponsible to portray delusional prophecies as history. It is disingenuous to recount the origins of Christianity according to the narrative of The New Testament and create the false impression that the gospel stories are historical accounts. In truth, The New Testament was repeatedly modified and books added to and subtracted from it until the 27 books that constitute it were canonized in 367 CE (Ehrman, Bart: Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code, p. 93).
Ehrman informs us: “The practice of Christian forgery has a long and distinguished history. We know of Gospels and other sacred books forged in the names of the apostles down into the Middle Ages – and on, in fact, to the present day (Ehrman, Bart: Lost Scriptures – Books That Did Not Make It Into the New Testament, p. 3).”  He adds, “There are more differences among (The New Testament) manuscripts than there are words in The New Testament (Ehrman, Bart: Misquoting Jesus – The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, p. 10).”
As Ehrman points out in Lost Christianities – The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew, in the early centuries of the Common Era, heretical and Gnostic schools of Christianity, whose teachings were very different from those of orthodox Christianity (which includes today’s Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelism, etc.), dotted the landscape. Orthodox Christianity eventually prevailed by violently suppressing the rival schools.
Textbooks do not allow these historical realities to be portrayed. Instead, they require portraying Christianity in such a manner as to strengthen the religious indoctrination students receive at home and in their parochial churches. The Sermon on the Mount is presented as if a historical Jesus delivered it even though scholarly research has shown that it was borrowed from Buddhism and incorporated into The New Testament probably centuries after the time Jesus is alleged to have lived. The portrayal of Jesus and Christianity is highly sanitized and none of the negative aspects of that religion such as its inherent anti-Semitism or the advocacy of genocide of non-believers is mentioned.
Textbooks sanitize the portrayal of Islam too. As I show in my article, California Schools Proselytize for Allah, textbooks portray the claims of the alleged revelation to the prophet Muhammad as historical fact. Muhammad’s intolerant acts of destruction of pagan places of worship are inexplicably presented as acts of forgiveness and his pagan opponents are falsely demonized. Violent jihad is rebranded as the striving to “resist temptation and overcome evil.”
Various Christian churches and an Islamic outfit took an active part in defining the standards and textbook content to ensure that the portrayal of their respective religions is sensitive and that they aren’t subject to critical scrutiny.  The said Islamic group even insisted on including anti-Semitic canards in textbooks to falsely implicate the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus which could very well have been a cruci-fiction. No Hindu organization was consulted by the state until they petitioned demanding equality very late in the textbook adoption process.
Not only that, a very different yardstick was used to portray Hinduism. It was portrayed as the religion of invaders. The likes of Stanley Wolpert, who argues, “(The Aryan invasion) was the most important invasion in all of India’s history, since the Aryans brought with their Caucasian genes a new language – Sanskrit – and a new pantheon of gods (see section 4.14 of the CAPEEM complaint),” were made the arbiters of the content on Hinduism. Who but a white supremacist and an ignoramus would argue that an alleged invasion is all important because it brought ‘Caucasian genes’ into India? Anyone who has studied Genetics 101 would laugh at Wolpert’s Neanderthal-like belief in the existence of ‘Caucasian genes.’
Hinduism is portrayed as oppressing women whereas Islam is portrayed as having conferred upon women marital rights, right to education, and right to control the earnings from their work, to make contracts, and to serve as witnesses in court. Goddess Kāḻi is portrayed as “bloodthirsty.” A textbook, after summarizing the story of The Rāmāyaṇa, recounts the Hindu belief that wherever the story of Rāma is discussed Hanuman is present there, and mockingly asks the students to look around and see whether there is a monkey in the classroom. In The Bible, Jesus asserts, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them (Matthew 18:20).” Textbooks, after a discussion of The Bible, don’t ask the students to look around and see whether there is a crucified convict in the classroom. The effect of selectively directing such ridicule at Hinduism is the alienation of Hindu students from their religious traditions.
Does any of this look like a portrayal of Hinduism “from the perspective of upper caste and conservative interests” as Wendy’s Menial Sepoy alleges? Contrary to her claims, the Hindu contention was well supported by distinguished academics. Over 30 academics such as the eminent archaeologist B. B. Lal wrote the Department of Education explaining why there is no evidence for Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT). Professor Metzenberg, a distinguished biologist, wrote the Department that the genetic evidence doesn’t support AIT. Aren’t Hindu-Americans entitled to demand that their religion be portrayed using the same yardstick applied to portray Christianity and Islam? Why can’t one demand that the portrayal of religions have a factual basis? Perhaps Chandra is irked because unlike Wendy’s Menial Sepoys Hindu-Americans who valiantly fought for textbook revision didn’t kneel down in abject submission in front of their white masters.
It is unlikely that Chandra was unaware of these well-documented facts. Why then did she lie through the teeth to demonize Hindus? Her behavior is typical of Wendy’s Menial Sepoys. It is best understood when we see them as the native fifth column. In his brilliant essay, The Cultures of Christianities, David Eller points out that the imperial Christian mission created a native fifth column in societies it set out to conquer (Loftus, John W. (ed.): The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails, pp. 29-30). This native fifth column’s job is to continually attack and weaken the native culture thereby paving the way for its eventual evangelization. When they falsely denounce Hindus’ reasonable demands, Wendy’s Children and Wendy’s Menial Sepoys are acting as the fifth column to reinforce the imperial Christian West.
Their behavior follows a pattern. It always seeks to demonize and weaken Hindus and Hinduism while strengthening the Christian evangelizing mission and imperial designs. As I showed in my critique, The Doniger Book Controversy, Wendy Doniger shamelessly claimed that the vicious Christian canard about Thomas’ visit to India is a historical fact. This canard has been instrumental in legitimizing the forced conversions of India’s natives. Martha Nussbaum falsely claimed that Hindus had issued death threats to Jeffrey Kripal for his abusive portrayal of Hinduism. However, Aravindan Neelakandan proves that Kripal admitted that he has never received any threats. Arvind Kumar demonstratesthat Nussbaum is a repeat offender:
“Nussbaum (falsely) alleged that Hindus threatened violence against the employees of Harvard University Press in order to prevent the publication of her book. A phone call to the number listed on the website of Harvard University Press in order to verify this charge resulted in the veracity of her claim quickly evaporating. The person who answered the phone repeatedly denied that any such incident had taken place and even laughed at it and brushed off the claim.”
Wendy’s Children and Wendy’s Menial Sepoys abandon all scruples to demonize the Hindus when Hindus refuse to be the native informants subservient to their imperial masters. It must be quite lucrative for the members of the fifth column when they don’t let ethics come in the way of fulfilling imperial agenda. However, an honest person would seek a better way to earn one’s livelihood than to prostitute oneself to imperial agendas and turn oneself into the lickspittle of one’s imperial handlers.
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Kalavai Venkat

Kalavai Venkat is a Silicon Valley-based writer, an atheist, a practicing orthodox Hindu, and author of the forthcoming book What Every Hindu Should Know About Christianity.

Ukraine doublespeak: If west takes over, it is imperialism, if Russia takes over, it is freedom.

March 4, 2014

Old friend cast in invader’s role, silence is golden in India

New Delhi, March 3: When old friends are accused of doing what only old foes can do, comrades and countries are torn between Vladimir and volubility.
The CPM has chosen silence over Russia’s armed foray into Ukraine-held territory. So has New Delhi.
The CPM has not been as friendly to Russia or the Soviet Union as New Delhi has been. But whenever the Great Russian Bear is pitted against the “imperialist” American Eagle, the Left has found it difficult to articulate its otherwise fluent thoughts on international affairs.
Senior CPM leaders turned incommunicado today when reporters tried to ascertain the party’s position on Ukraine. Those who responded said they were preoccupied with the preparations for the general election — an uncommon instance of Marxists putting a national matter before a delectable international issue.
The Indian government is also being forced to fall back on stoic silence — a strategy it has increasingly abandoned in recent years.
Senior government officials have said India has communicated to Russia that it is uncomfortable with any escalation of military tensions in Ukraine or its neighbouring nations.
But the Indian government will question Moscow publicly on President Vladimir Putin’s decision to push Russian troops into the Crimean peninsula only if the territorial integrity of Ukraine is at stake, the officials said.
Most major nations, including China and South Africa, have issued public statements criticising the violence in Ukraine that has now led to what Britain is calling Europe’s biggest crisis in the 21st century.
But India has not made a single official statement on either the protests that have raged across Kiev since December, or on the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russia’s military intervention into territory globally recognised as belonging to Ukraine.
Instead, India is carefully calibrating its position on a dispute that has triggered concerns over Russia’s military intervention on the one hand, and a West-supported overthrow of an allegedly corrupt but democratically elected government on the other.
“Military intervention of any kind is clearly not something we are comfortable with, but unlike the West, we aren’t convinced that this kind of an overthrow of a democratically elected government, however unpopular, strengthens democracy,” a senior Indian official said. “We don’t want to be pulled in prematurely into what could potentially become a flashpoint for a larger geostrategic battle.”
The unilateral invasion of the traditionally pro-Russian Crimea violates the UN charter that New Delhi holds sacrosanct for military interventions — a contravention that India normally promptly criticises.
As the US was preparing for a limited military strike against Syria last September, India publicly opposed the move in a series of statements that placed it on the same side of that debate as the country now at the centre of the storm — Russia.
Russia remains one of India’s most reliable allies — a country New Delhi depends on heavily not just for defence and technology imports, but also for crucial support at most multilateral platforms.
“For Indian diplomacy, it is a lot easier to criticise the US — even though they are our biggest trading partners today — than it is to criticise Russia,” an official said. “That has to do with the fact that the relationship with Russia has been steady for a longer period, but also has to do with the perception that the US can handle criticism better.”
New Delhi also harbours concerns over the spate of supposedly popular “revolutions” and attempted coups in West Asia, Thailand and now in Ukraine.
For the CPM, “invasions” by countries from the communist family have always been tricky affairs. In fact, the fault line on “internationalism” pertaining to Soviet Russia and China has been one of the key reasons that led to the split of the communists and the birth of the CPM in 1964.
When China attacked India in 1962, a comment attributed to communist veteran E.M.S. Namboodiripad had caused considerable outrage and saddled the Marxists with a millstone that is cited even today to question their nationalist credentials.
Mohit Sen, the communist ideologue, writes in his book A Traveller and the Road  The Journey of an Indian Communist: “EMS was asked (in a press conference) whether he thought the Chinese committed aggression. He (EMS) said that the Chinese had entered territory that they thought was theirs and hence there was no question of aggression. At the same time, the Indians were defending territory that they considered theirs and so they were not committing aggression either.
“Just then, (S.A.) Dange (the chairman of the united Communist Party) walked in and sarcastically asked (EMS) ‘and what is your opinion about the territory in question?’ Even as EMS fumbled for a reply, Dange stated that the Chinese had attacked India, occupied Indian territory and the communists supported Nehru’s call to the nation to defend itself and repel the Chinese forces”.
When rivals later brought up the issue to needle the CPM, the party held up EMS’s comments as an example against jingoism. “He was a true internationalist in the true sense of the term. During the India-China war in 1962, braving the chauvinist onslaught, EMS campaigned throughout the country advocating a peaceful settlement of the border dispute…. As a true communist, he always thought the Indian communist movement to be part and parcel of the world revolutionary process,” the then CPM general secretary, Harkishen Singh Surjeet, wrote in a 1998 article paying tribute to EMS.
Ironically, the same Dange backed the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, known as Prague Spring.
Those days, the communists used to devote more time to pulsating international affairs. By 1968, the Communist Party had split and the national council of Dange’s CPI debated for three days and adopted the resolution supporting the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia by a majority of just one vote.
The CPM was once viewed as more friendly towards China and the CPI towards the Soviet Union. The CPM has not desisted from criticising Putin’s party, the United Russia. The political resolution adopted at the CPM party Congress in April 2012 attacked the United Russia party for using “unfair” and “undemocratic” means in the elections.
With China embracing the market, the CPM has lost its international bulwark. Cuba and Venezuela do not have the punching power of a Soviet Union or China. Asked which world power the CPM is more aligned to now, a sympathiser responded with a question: “North Korea, perhaps?”
Late this evening, a CPM leader drew attention to an article in the latest edition of the party mouthpiece People’s Democracy. “See the article in PD. It clears our position,” he said, perhaps delighted — and relived — that the party has lived up to its international past.
The article, titled Ukraine and Imperialist Designs, starts with the sentence: “Ukraine today is the laboratory for imperialist designs.”
The article acknowledges that both the European Union and Russia are driven by similar instincts of “economic” and “military” interests and were engaged in luring Ukraine to their side.
Over to you, Vladimir.
The Ukraine stand-off has given a fresh lease of life to a glossary of vocabulary that retreats during peacetime
Phoney War
The inactivity in the initial months of the Second World War when Britain and France declared war on Germany but major military operations had not yet commenced. The coinage “Phoney War” is attributed to US Senator William Borah. Winston Churchill called it the Twilight War, the Germans der Sitzkrieg (the sitting war, a play on blitzkrieg) and others referred to it as the Bore War (punning on the Boer War)

A masked man blocks Ukraine’s naval base in Crimea. (AFP)
Phantom War
The events now swirling in Crimea have produced a strange phantom war in which heavily armed men come and go, mostly in masks and in uniforms shorn of all markings, to confront an enemy nobody has actually seen. A few vehicles had the black plates used by Russian forces based in Crimea. A group of journalists tried to approach Crimea’s parliament building, seized overnight by masked gunmen. The journalists received a blunt reply when they inquired about the intruders’ identities: the loud bang of a percussion grenade tossed in their direction. “They were less than communicative,” said Dalton Bennett, a video journalist
The Crimean city from where many journalists are despatching reports now. The tight-knitted garment — an improvised version of which evolved as the monkey cap and tormented children and comforted parents in inclement weather— takes its name from the city where the 1850s’ Crimean War was fought and soldiers used the mask as protection.
Hijackers have made it a must-have accessory in modern times.
The Battle of Balaclava in 1854 was immortalised in verse by Tennyson in The Charge of the Light Brigade. A tribute to the unquestioning soldier, the poem has the lines: “Theirs not to make reply/ Theirs not to reason why/ Theirs but to do and die.”
The current crisis traces some of its more modern roots to the Soviet leader who was locked in the Cuban missile stand-off with John F. Kennedy and gave the world the first
taste of eyeball-to- eyeball confrontation in the nuclear age. Russia had conquered Crimea in the late 18th century. But in 1954, Nikita Khrushchev, himself partly of Ukrainian origin, gave it to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as a gift. Now Putin is trying for a thorough purge of Ukrainian authority from a region that Russia considers its own.



Publisher mum on threat to another Doniger book -- Anita Joshua


Published: March 4, 2014 01:42 IST | Updated: March 4, 2014 02:46 IST

Publisher mum on threat to another Doniger book

Anita Joshua
Wendy Doniger
Wendy Doniger

Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti has given an ultimatum to Aleph Book Company

Three days after the Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti (SBAS) gave an ultimatum to Aleph Book Company demanding withdrawal of American Indologist Wendy Doniger’s book On Hinduism by the coming weekend, there was no word from the publisher on how it would deal with the situation.
SBAS spokesman Rajeev Gupta told The Hindu that a legal notice would be served on the publisher if it did not give in writing, as Penguin India did, that it would withdraw the book from the Indian market and pulp all copies by March 8.
On Saturday, the SBAS announced that it would now go after On Hinduism published in 2013.
The publisher’s website describes the book as a “magisterial volume,” while the author has billed it as the “book of my books.” Further, the publisher says, On Hinduism is a “scholarship of the highest order, and a compelling analysis of one of the world’s great faiths.”
The SBAS, on its part, claims the book is full of “distortions of history.” The list includes “Vivekananda set himself firmly against all forms of caste distinction and advised people to eat beef,” “infidels, Dalits and women, were forbidden to learn Sanskrit ... because they might defile or injure the magic power of the words,” and “the accurate historical account would illustrate the Sangh’s complacency with British rule in the years leading up to Partition.”
Over a fortnight ago, Penguin India agreed to withdraw and pulp all copies of Ms. Doniger’s book The Hindus: An Alternative History from the Indian market in an out-of-court settlement with the SBAS, which had moved the court against the book on the grounds of “distortion” aimed at “denigrating Hindu traditions.”

Courage and Conviction: Kunal Verma talks about Gen. VK Singh

Gen VK Singh will bring an uncorrupted mind to politics: Kunal Verma

Bhupendra Chaubey,CNN-IBN | Mar 03, 2014 at 02:16pm IST

New Delhi: Former Army Chief General VK Singh, who was an active member of veteran social activist Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement made his foray into politics on Sunday as he joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. He may also contest the general elections from a Haryana or Rajasthan seat. CNN-IBN's Bhupendra Chaubey talks to Kunal Verma, who co-authored General VK Singh's autobiography, Courage & Conviction (Aleph) about General Singh joining the BJP and other related issues including the latest notice sent by the former Army Chief to the Home Minister accusing him of abetting treason and sedition by shielding various parties that came together to malign the General.

Following is the transcript of the interview:

Question: By finally taking the political plunge, what does VKS bring to the table?
Gen VK Singh will bring an uncorrupted mind to politics: Kunal Verma
Kunal Verma has co-authored General VK Singh's autobiography, Courage & Conviction (Aleph) .

Answer: I think in India this move was long overdue. Somehow, even though General Carriapa had flirted with the Shiv Sena in the '50s there was this ridiculous belief that an 'apolitical' Armed Forces meant that Chiefs and senior officers after retirement were holy cows who should not join any political party. In the six decades since Independence, the Armed Forces have spiraled downwards not just in protocol but have been at the receiving end in the evolving civil-military equation that we settled for based on Prime Minister Nehru's philosophy. To have a political 'fixer' as his Defence Minister in the immediate aftermath of Independence and Partition, the political canvas for the Armed Forces had been clearly defined right at the start. Ever since, all that senior officers, especially after retirement, did was to belly ache and moan about the state of affairs with their heads in the sand. General VK Singh and a host of other former top brass have broken the glass ceiling. VKS can bring to the table an uncorrupted and professional mind dealing with the vexatious issues of national security, civil-military relationship, democratic governance and a nationalistic response to these issues.

Question: Does this (a former Chief joining politics) have any negative impact on the Armed Forces, more specifically on the Army?

Answer: How is it any different from former Chief's being appointed Governors? In some cases - not all, for we have had some excellent people who have done extremely well - these gentlemen have been appointed with the sole intention of carrying the ruling party's agenda forward. If that is not cynical politics, I don't know what is. For the rank and file still serving in the Forces, at least they will now know that there are people who will speak up for them in the so called all pervasive 'system'. Just how successful this move will be depends on various factors. The most important will be the defining of roles for these officers in the immediate future. The larger implications must be understood by the political parties without giving in to short term temptations. This is a breed of highly competent and professional people. You definitely do not want to make them into decorated Christmas trees that allow parties to pay lip service to National Security issues.

On the other hand, I also think its important for these ex-Servicemen to realize that having attained a certain rank in the Army, Air Force or Navy, things will automatically fall into place for them. In the political hierarchy of whichever organization they choose to join, they will have to carve out their own place, competing with people from other equally competent walks of life. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out - these officers must realize they are the new Standard Bearers for the Armed Forces and it will take a lot of maturity on all sides, especially when you are under the constant scrutiny of our new 24x7 media.

Question: As the co-author of VKS's autobiography, what according to you are the biggest take away for the reader?

Answer: Every book has a different impact on different individuals, so its hard to quantify any one or more 'take away' as such. Even though Courage & Conviction was an autobiography, I thought one of the most important factors that the book dealt with was the General's putting down the manner in which the Ministry of Defence has virtually taken the sting out of our Armed Forces. It's not just the Army, the entire system has virtually come apart under the watch of the UPA over the last one decade. The sheer professional ability of our officers and men have helped to carry the can, else the elements would have hit the fan much earlier. Personally I was a bit surprised that while most reviewers focused of less important things, this did not get enough attention. The entire modus operandi of how things work with the money being 'unspent' is all there. Various people have warned of the hydra-headed monster that the MOD has become, but just how bad the situation is becomes obvious once one reads what is actually happening from the perspective of a man who was the Chief of the Indian Army.

I also feel that the General was much too soft of the RM, with whom he shared a good relationship and who he has always described as a 'good man'. I think what the UPA Government has done to the Armed Forces and the country as a whole through their inaction and through various scams is deplorable. For most people, this inaction and unaccountability is the greatest betrayal - governments are elected and people chosen because we as the people want them to govern. They are not elected to serve any one family and fatten their own pockets, or also run away from responsibility. Having said that, I also feel that the Opposition also is equally responsible for the mess we are in. They just did not seem to realize how things were eroding away. They did precious little to protect some of the most important institutions when they came under the hammer. Hopefully, the injection of military minds into the political arena will help bridge this huge gap in our polity.

Question: You have also worked extremely closely with the IAF and the Navy and also made the film on the LCA. From your perspective, as someone who is outside the system and yet so closely involved, how bad is the situation really? Or is it a case of too much media hype combined with the shrill voices of ex-Servicemen?
Answer: First, let's look at the positive part. We have people this country should really be proud of. The kind of dedication and work that was being put into various projects a decade ago had to be seen to be believed. Not just the LCA, I was also fortunate enough to see the work being done on warships like INS Delhi and INS Mysore. Again, I was lucky enough to film the Kargil War with the Army and even film fighter sorties over Tololing and Tiger Hill when we later made the film on the IAF, Aakash Yodha. The cutting edge of our Armed Forces have always been outstanding - be they airmen, sailors or soldiers. We have youngsters who will always lead from the front, no matter what. The two boys rushing into a burning battery chamber to evacuate everyone in a submarine and paying with their lives does not surprise me. What does horrify me, however, is that when we already have such difficult boundaries to protect where even the elements of nature stretch you to the limit, how can we as a people compound the problem by letting vested interests and power brokers highjack the system to the extent that we lose precious lives. We make a big noise for a few days, but then nothing happens. I challenge anyone to tell me the names of the two boys who were beheaded on the LOC, or the last pilot who was killed in an air crash, or even the names of the two officers killed last week. To come back to VKS, when he started to raise these issues, it was a lobby of handpicked retired generals who day after day denounced him on television and in the print media. Most of these officers had suspect professional reputations while in Service. There are thousands of retired people out there, but the television channels just kept recycling the same half a dozen odd people. It was ludicrous.

Question: Your involvement with VKS started with the NE Trilogy. What were you people trying to do?

Answer: I had been making films on wildlife and the Armed Forces for more than two decades and a lot of our shooting was in the Northeast. It was obvious there was a huge void, what I call 'blanks on the map' when it came to our people's understanding of the people and the entire Northeastern region. We were between projects, and we decided to start photographing the region. We were also doing the book for Assam Rifles and 3 Corps, which is based in Dimapur. Rakesh Loomba was the Corps Commander and I suggested to him we focus on the region and the local people rather than the military personalities and he backed us to the hilt. VKS then came in as the Eastern Army Commander and we discussed what needed to be done. It was a massive project, and I often wondered then if we had bitten off far more than we could chew. It took four years, but we managed to get to the remotest parts and spend time with people we didn't even know existed. Our objective was to produce a world class trilogy, and then get it across to all our people, both within and outside the Northeast. The General's involvement with virtually every page in the 1300 pages was an eye opener - his commitment and faith in what we were doing was fantastic and despite the fact that no project like this had ever been done before, his support allowed us to achieve most of the objectives we had set for ourselves.

Question: Why did Phase-II fail to get off the ground.

Answer: My co-author, Dipti and I briefed the President and the PM in January 2011 during the Army Day and we told them what we were planning to do. With the Army we then worked out a fairly simple plan - we wanted to translate the trilogy in every Indian language and give each state Government 10,000 sets to distribute to their schools and colleges. As part of Phase I we made 7,000 sets that were distributed within the Army, with the sole intention that the officers and men who serve in the region must have a deeper understanding of the people they were dealing with. VKS took the proposal to the PM. Not once, but time and again. There was no response, even though when we spoke to the PM he had said that the Northeast was very dear to him etc. as he himself was elected from Guwahati or something like that. Frankly, I could never quite believe that the PM could let a project like this pass. Every time there is a horrific incident involving Northeasterners, these guys make all the right sounding noises but they do nothing. Once VKS was no longer 'kosher', I guess the entire project was collateral damage. The Indian Express in its mad desire to get at VKS, promptly front paged it and said it was under scrutiny. That was pure bunkum, but then who can fight the media? I sent them a legal notice which is all that I could afford, both in terms of time and money. They sent me a long winded reply giving me the definition of the word scrutiny, claiming it meant nothing negative. What can you do with people who have an unlimited supply of ink and no scruples.

Question: You talk of the negative role played by the Express Group in particular. How can you justify the General's use of the word 'presstitutes', a term that even drew a rebuke from the Editor's Guild of India. Apart from the much hyped 'coup' story, which were the other 'frame ups' that have been perpetuated by the media? Can you briefly summarize those issues as well.

Answer: I personally felt the General needn't have got provoked by some elements in the media who seem to believe they can cook up anything or imply certain things, perhaps secure in the belief that he has the protective hand of people in power over their head. Certain journalists have been clearly identified who have said and done things which are not even remotely true and a complaint was sent to the Home Minister in November 2013. True to form, despite a reminder a month later, the home Ministry has been as silent as a pet rock. The main offending newspaper then relied on the silence of UPA Government and the ripple effect that would grip the rest of the media and have tried to create more smoke by quoting the former DGMO and the CAS. Just what did the Air Force have to do with a road mobility exercise is something which seems to escape the intelligence of the collective editorial board of the Express. I was on a television panel where the moderator had the biggest culprit on the line. It was funny, the editor of a newspaper group going on about having his fingernails pulled but he would not give up his sources! Forget about the Age issue and the Coup story, there have been endless instances, some of which we dealt with in the book, which are fabricated. J&K, TSD, Panchayat Elections, its all there in black and white. I don't think we'll have to worry about fingernails if the Government did do an inquiry or have to look up dictionaries to figure out the actual meaning of certain words.

As far as the Editor's Guild is concerned, I think the General has pointed out that the main person is the editor of one of the accused groups. To say that the editor who was then in charge no longer works for us is no defence, especially in a matter which is so grave as to mislead a State Assembly. As a media regulatory body, I think they should be more concerned about these issues.

Question: What happened to Tatra? One day it was all over the place, then it went off the air. Who is the main sutradhar in the PMO VKS keeps alluding to? In Courage & Conviction, VK and you have dwelt on the indigenous production of the Bofor's gun. It almost seems ridiculous that the gun was never manufactured in India for almost thirty years after we had paid huge sums as part of the deal for licensed production. It seems almost unbelievable that no one ever looked into this matter until VKS came along. Are there other examples?

Answer: I think the fracas around the DGMOs comments reported in the Indian Express a few days ago give you all the names, if you had any doubts in the first place. Join the dots... the PMO man had a role in Tatra which went off the air the moment front page adds appeared in leading newspapers including the Express. The General refers to them as the 'Chandigarh Think-Tank'. The PM and the RM both rubbished the Express story officially, so which 'highest seat of power' was the Defence Secretary referring to? Some people have been playing the 'spook' game for years now. All this is part of the complaint, which demands action not just against the named press persons but also people within and outside the Government.

DRDO, HAL, various shipyards, they all need to take a real hard look at themselves. Accidents are inevitable, and by their very nature they will undoubtedly happen again. However, what we need is a complete overhaul of the system where everyman working on any project actually feels the pain when someone goes down because we as a nation failed to provide them with the tools to defend us. Today, most scientists measure success by the fact that their own kids managed to get into NASA or some Western Missile Program while they continue to punch their time clocks. Its a vicious cycle, and unless these issues are identified and tackled, we will sink even deeper into the mire.

Question: There was this little band of people who had dug in with VKS during this period - between his retirement from the Army and his joining politics. This included a couple of former Naval Chiefs who were quite vocal in their support for him even during the dark days when the Government of India was throwing the kitchen sink at the General. Any of them plan to follow him into politics as well?

Answer: This 'band of people' is neither a political nor pressure group. They ascertained the facts and stood by the General who was being wronged. There is no question of them following the General into politics. As for VKS's support base, it has always been the Army and I think one can safely say that the junior and mid-ranking level of officers had a lot of respect and faith in him as the Chief. The 'Age extension' nonsense may have cut some ice with civilian audiences but I think all the men knew what was going on. The support that the General received from some people, especially senior retired officers, was fantastic, with some of them even going to court over the issue of 'Institutional Integrity'. That the highest courts in the land chose to look the other way even though the Attorney General committed perjury in court by presenting tampered files, is something they in their wisdom may choose never to answer. For most of us who were around at the time and could see what was happening, it was an issue based fight, more ideological than anything else. I think it is for the General and his team to now identify the people that he needs to chart a path forward.

Question: Ever since VKS's involvement with Anna, there has been this constant covert verbal sniping between the AAP and the General. Considering they are both two major faces of the anti-corruption crusade, why did VKS veer off towards the BJP when the AAP would have seemed to be the more natural choice for him and even, say Kiran Bedi?

Answer: Indulging in anti-corruption rhetoric is one thing and fighting it by staking one's career and even reputation is another thing. While AAP and its 'stalwarts' did the former, the General did the latter. Those who make up AAP today, with the exception of Prashant Bhushan, did not lift a finger to support General VK Singh when he was waging a lonely battle against the combined might of the massively corrupt arms and mines lobbies.When the General retired, there were a lot of people expecting him to plunge into politics. Few realize that it's almost two years now since he hung up his boots. At that stage most of us in the group suggested he spend time looking at various critical issues, for all said and done, life in the Army is quite insulated. To a great extent, he did just that; broader security issues, nuclear and alternate energy, farmers issues, ex Servicemen problems, the entire Jan Morcha business with Anna who was at the time was floundering after Arvind Kejriwal's exit with most of his people. He has expanded on that aspect in the book and he gave it the name 'Reclaiming India'. Strangely, AAP media-hypers went to the extent of humiliating the General for being with Anna Hazare campaign. What is worse, AAP has now put up certain ex-servicemen who have been mouth piece of Congress party and have been denigrating him all the while as candidates for the forthcoming Parliament elections. Nevertheless, to be quite honest, I think we all always wanted AAP to succeed as a political force. This does not mean everyone should join that bandwagon!

Other than co-authoring General Singh's biography, Kunal Verma has also authored of The Long Road to Siachen: The Question Why (Rupa & Co.) and the highly acclaimed Northeast Trilogy apart from a few others. In the last two and a half decades, he has also made many important documentaries, starting with the Project Tiger series in the 1980s to most of the major films on the Indian Armed Forces, including the films on the National Defence Academy (The Standard Bearers), Indian Military Academy (Making of a Warrior) and the Kargil War.

Bimstec, part of Indian Ocean Community


PM Seeks Strong Cooperation from Bimstec to Counter Terrorism

Published: 04th March 2014 11:53 AM
Last Updated: 04th March 2014 12:14 PM
Warning about the evolving threat of terrorism in the Bimstec (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) region, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today sought stronger cooperation from the seven-nation grouping to effectively counter it, asserting that their security is "indivisible".
Addressing the 3rd Bimstec Summit here, Singh said the region faces many common challenges - from natural disasters to terrorism which have to be collectively addressed to make an important contribution to peace, harmony, security and prosperity in Asia and the world. "Like our prosperity, our security, too, is indivisible- whether it is the security of sea lanes of communication in our region or the persisting challenges of terrorism and transnational crimes," he said.         
The seven members - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal - bring together over 20 per cent of the world population, which is about 1.5 billion, and a GDP of over USD 2.5 trillion.          
"The nature of the evolving threat of terrorism in the Bimstec region has imparted greater urgency for stronger cooperation to counter it," he stressed.
As part of this effort, the grouping must seek early ratification of the Convention on Cooperation in Combating International Terrorism, Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Drug Trafficking as also expediting signing of the Bimstec Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, he said, adding that negotiations should be commenced on a Bimstec Convention on Extradition. The Prime Minister also spoke of the many opportunities that Bimstec countries share in the fields of trade, economic cooperation and connectivity, saying all of this "presage a bright future for us".         
He said the in realising the Bimstec vision, connectivity-physical and digital-was the key to it and could be a drive of cooperation and integration in the region, the Bimstec is an expression of India's look East Policy of the 1990s, coinciding with Thailand's Look West policy.        
Singh said in coming together, the grouping was not only stepping out of "narrow, traditional" definitions of regions such as South Asia or Southeast Asia, but also building a bridge across Asia's most promising and dynamic arc.           
India, he said, was working with Bimstec members to improve physical connectivity through various projects such as the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway, the Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Project, the Asian Highway Network, the Asean Master Plan for Connectivity and others.        
"We will soon launch a direct shipping line to Myanmar that will enhance our region's growing maritime links," he said. "While developing physical infrastructure, there was also need for simultaneously putting in place supporting architecture of rules and regulations to facilitate cross-country movements," he said.      
Focussing on trade and economic cooperation, Singh said this should figure high on the list of priorities of Bimstec countries. He underpinned the importance of early conclusion of the Bimstec Free Trade Agreement for trade in goods and extend it to investment and services.
Full Text of PM's Speech:

कोर्ट परिसर में फेंकी स्‍याही। Face with black ink, Subrata Roy in SC


कोर्ट ने सुब्रत रॉय से कहा- पैसा लौटाने का ठोस फॉर्मूला बताइए, तभी किया जाएगा रिहा

सहारा प्रमुख के तर्कों से संतुष्‍ट नहीं हुई कोर्ट। अभी पुलिस हिरासत में ही रहना होगा। कोर्ट परिसर में फेंकी स्‍याही।कोर्ट ने सुब्रत रॉय से कहा- पैसा लौटाने का ठोस फॉर्मूला बताइए, तभी किया जाएगा रिहा

Subrata Roy sent to police custody by Supreme Court till next hearing, faces ‘ink attack’

Express News Service | March 4, 2014 4:16 pm


Man threw ink at Sahara chief Subrata Roy, who was brought to the Supreme Court by the Lucknow police.
A man was arrested for throwing ink at Sahara chief Subrata Roy outside the Supreme Court.
A man was arrested for throwing ink at Sahara chief Subrata Roy outside the Supreme Court.


Man threw ink at Sahara  chief  Subrata Roy,  who was brought to the Supreme Court by the Lucknow police.
Sahara chief Subrata Roy, who was presented before the Supreme Court by the Lucknow police on Tuesday, was sent to police custody by the apex court till next hearing.
Roy was brought to the Supreme Court by the Lucknow police, which had whisked him away from a forest department guesthouse at Kukrail picnic spot. This came after the Supreme Court had issued a non-bailable warrant against him for defying summons.
According to reports, a man threw ink on the Sahara chief, following which he was taken away by policemen.
Later in the apex court, the Sahara chief apologised for not complying with its order, assuring that it would not happen in future. He also soughtsome more time from the court to refund investors’ money. “I have faith in you, punish me if I don’t comply with your order,” said Roy.
Reacting to this, the Supreme Court pulled up the Sahara Group for taking a contradictory stand payment of investors’ money. The court said, “You push us to the corner. Had you been serious, this position would not have arrived.”
Roy had on Friday surrendered before the Lucknow Police and was arrested in connection with the contempt case arising out of two of his companies failing to refund a staggering Rs 20,000 crore to investors.
After his surrender, the Sahara chief was sent to police custody till March 4 by a Lucknow court.

Published: March 4, 2014 15:01 IST | Updated: March 4, 2014 16:17 IST

Lawyer throws ink at Subrata Roy

  • A man calling himself “Manoj Sharma, lawyer from Gwalior”, is surrounded by the media after he threw ink on Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
    APA man calling himself “Manoj Sharma, lawyer from Gwalior”, is surrounded by the media after he threw ink on Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
  • Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy walks into the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with his face smeared with ink thrown by a lawyer.
    APSahara Group chief Subrata Roy walks into the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with his face smeared with ink thrown by a lawyer.
A lawyer threw ink at the arrested Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy on Tuesday outside the Supreme Court premises in New Delhi.
Manoj Sharma, who claimed to be an advocate from Gwalior, threw ink at Roy as the latter got out of a car and was heading towards the court amid security personnel and a large number of mediapersons.
“I threw ink at Subrata Roy as he is a thief and has robbed the poor,” Sharma shouted, after which he was hurriedly taken away by police.
Roy was brought to Delhi Monday after he was arrested by the Lucknow police Feb 28.
The apex court Feb 26 had issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against Roy for failing to appear before it in person as directed by the court.

Citing ‘Coup’ in Ukraine, Putin Reserves Right to Use Force

Citing ‘Coup’ in Ukraine, Putin Reserves Right to Use Force

Lutyens scam: security breach. Pranab Babu should take suo moto notice and dismiss UPA Govt.

I suggest that financial emergency provisions of the Constitution should be invoked and a direct President's rule established, after dismissing the UPA Govt. for the blatant security breach. If need be, as a measure of abundant caution, President can refer the Proclamation to the Supreme Court for opinion.

Article 360 in The Constitution Of India 1949

360. Provisions as to financial emergency
(1) If the President is satisfied that a situation has arisen whereby the financial stability or credit of India or of any part of the territory thereof is threatened, he may by a Proclamation make a declaration to that effect
(2) A Proclamation issued under clause ( 1 )
(a) may be revoked or varied by a subsequent Proclamation;
(b) shall be laid before each House of Parliament;
(c) shall cease to operate at the expiration of two months unless before the expiration of that period it has been approved by resolutions of both Houses of Parliament: Provided that if any such Proclamation is issued at a time when the House of the People has been dissolved or thedissolution of the House of the People takes place during the period of two months referred to in sub clause (c), and if a resolution approving the Proclamation has been passed by the Council of States, but no resolution with respect to such Proclamation has been passed by the House of the People before the expiration of that period, the Proclamation shall cease to operate at the expiration of thirty days from the ate on which the House of the People first sits after itsreconstitution, unless before the expiration of the said period of thirty days a resolution approving the Proclamation has been also passed by the House of the People
(3) During the period any such Proclamation as is mentioned in clause ( 1 ) is in operation, theexecutive authority of the Union shall extend to the giving of directions to any State to observe such canons of financial propriety as may be specified in the directions, and to the giving of such other directions as the President may deem necessary and adequate for the purpose
(4) Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution
(a) any such direction may include
(i) a provision requiring the reduction of salaries and allowances of all or any class of persons serving in connection with the affairs of a State;
(ii) a provision requiring all Money Bills or other Bills to which the provisions of Article 207 apply to be reserved for the consideration of the President after they are passed by the Legislature of the State;
(b) it shall be competent for the President during the period any Proclamation issued under this article is in operation to issue directions for the reduction of salaries and allowances of all or any class of persons serving in connection with the affairs of the Union including the Judges of theSupreme Court and the High Courts.

S. Kalyanaraman
March 4, 2014

Published on Mar 3, 2014
In a debate moderated by TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, panelists -- Abid Rasool Khan, Chairman, Minorities Commission, Andhra Pradesh; Smriti Irani, Vice President & MP, Rajya Sabha, BJP; Vinod Mehta, Editorial Chairman, Outlook; Gaurav Bhatia, National President, Legal wing, SP; Sunil Alagh, Chairman, S K A Advisors and Rasheed Kidwai, Senior Journalist -- discuss whether, just because it's the last leg of the UPA, can the Prime Minister duck the volley of scams?
METRONEWS/NEW DELHI : In what is believed to be the biggest scam of the UPA-II government, a massive land scam worth over Rs 10,000 crore was exposed on Monday. According to a TIMES-NOW television channel report, the land scam in Lutyens Delhi, involved construction of an uber-luxury apartment complex in a piece of land admeasuring 22.95 acres very close to Rashtrapathi Bhavan.According to conservative estimates, each acre in the area costs Rs 400 crore; thus, the total cost of the land runs into more than Rs 10,000 crore. However, the Urban Development Ministry has approved the development of the complex project at a meager cost of Rs 65 cr by Edvert Keventers, a subsidiary of DLF UPA-II allows building complex at Lutyens group (Letter dated July 30, 2012).

What is more alarming is that the residential complex was approved by the ministry despite serious objections raised by the Intelligence Bureau and the President’s Office. Both the institutions raised alarm bells about the proposed apartment complex. In a secret note sent to the Central governmet on November 12, 2012, the IB authorities objected to raising of any tall structures on the piece of land. The note said multi-storied building complex could provide visual intrusion into Rashtrapathi Bhavan and it could be leveraged for using sniper rifle or rocket launcher.On December 11, 2012, Omita Paul, Secretary to President wrote a similar letter to Sudhir Krishna, Secretary, Urban Development Ministry stating: “The 39-metre high security wall may obstruct planned helipad in the Presidential Estate as it would fall on the flight path of VVIP aircraft.”

She further said large residential complex in the proximity of Rashtrapathi Bhavan is a security threat from various angles. Proposed building would have view to functions hosted in Moghul Gardens by President, she pointed out.Surprisingly, the Prime Minister’s Officer was also said to be aware of the scam. Director in the PMO Shakil Ahmed in a letter to Secretary, Urban Development Ministry on June 11, 2013, alleged that some officials in the urban development ministry in lieu of monetary considerations twisted the case and allowed land use.But the ministry pushed the case for approval again. On August 16, 2013, an office memorandum from Abhijit Bakshi, Deputy Secretary to Land requested the Land and Development Office to clarify/explain reasons for imposition of restrictions. The project is still under the process, the report said.

ASI’s assault on Shankaracharya Hill in Srinagar, Kashmir – Sandeep Balakrishna


ASI’s assault on Shankaracharya Hill in Srinagar, Kashmir Sandeep Balakrishna

Shankaracharya Temple in Srinagar
Archaeological Survey of IndiaAccording to this Tribune news report, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has summarily renamed the Shankaracharya Hill to Takht-e-Suleiman overlooking the Dal Lake in Srinagar.  If this was not enough, the ASI has also presented a distorted version of the history of the Shankaracharya Hill on the tourist information plaque, a move which has justifiably outraged the Kashmiri Pandits. From that news report:
‘It is a matter of great concern that ASI has given the name Takht-e-Suleiman (Throne of Solomon) to it, replacing the earlier plaque. How have they come to this conclusion warrants an answer,’ said Predhuman K. Joseph Dhar, an expert on ancient Kashmir history. He said recently a European historian visited the place and expressed surprise over information provided to the people.
Adi Shankara BhagavatpadaOf course, there is no question that this move is politically motivated because it has no basis in history. One wonders what is the connection between Suleiman/Solomonand Adi Shankara.
Even a layman in India knows that Adi Shankara travelled in all four directions in India and established maths in prominent places in each direction. That apart, he consecrated several other major and minor temples and other places of worship like in Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, Kollur in Karnataka, and in Sharada in Pak-occupied Kashmir.
Kashmir indeed has a hoary history as one of the finest centres of learning in the world. In its heydays, it attracted scholars and philosophers from all parts of India. In the annals of the Hindu tradition, Kashmir was almost synonymous with “Sharada Desha” or “Sharada Peetha” or the Pedestal of Goddess Sharada (orSaraswati, the Goddess of Learning). A conclusive evidence of this exalted status of Kashmir can best be gleaned from the famous verse in praise of Saraswati as
Namaste Sharada Devi Kashmirapuravasini
I bow to you, Goddess Sharada,
the One who Resides in the Kashmira country
This verse is so commonplace recited and heard by millions of Hindus daily across the world that hardly anybody gives a second thought at the rich historical heritage that’s embedded in it. And the credit for establishing Kashmir as the Sharada Peetha, to make it part of the nation’s cultural and spiritual DNA goes to Adi Shankara.
And it is this hoary heritage that the ASI has sought to destroy unceremoniously by renaming the Hill after some Suleiman based on a spurious history. Needless, in the process, real history has been made an unfortunate victim. From the same report,
‘While the plaque informs the people that the roof of the temple was constructed by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1644 AD, there is no mention of King Gopadhari, who [repaired] the temple, King Lalitaditya, who renovated it several hundred years before the arrival of Islam in the 13th century, and Dogra rulers, who placed the lingam of Lord Shiva, which was destroyed at the orders of Jehangir’s wife Noor Jehan,’ said Dhar
As for the spurious history,
Talking about the name Takht-e-Suleiman, New York-based historian and author of Jesus in Kashmir: The Lost TombSuzanne Olsson, said at one time Kashmir was controlled by Jews and Suleiman referred to Solomon, King of Israel and one of the greatest Jewish rulers, known for his wisdom and riches. ‘In ancient times, there was a considerable influence of Hebrew people in Kashmir. Several places have names similar to Jewish places. But historically, it is referred to as Shankaracharya Hill,’ Olsson said.
Sue OlssonOne wonders whether Suzanne Olsson even understands how she contradicts her own assertion. If Jews had indeed controlled Kashmir, why don’t we have a single piece of evidence to show for it? And second, she doesn’t quite explain why despite the Jewish control, the Hill was revered and renowned as the Shankaracharya Hill? And why doesn’t Rajatarangini, the most definitive account of Kashmir’s history mention the presence–let alone control–of Jews even once? And why haven’t the galaxy of scholars and litterateurs from Kashmir–KalhanaAbhinavagupta,AnandavardhanaKshemendra, et al–mention Jewish influence? The truth is the Suzanne Olsson happens to be the latest purveyor of the phony theory that Jesus visited/lived in Kashmir. Two definitive sources are sufficient to puncture Suzanne Olsson’s motivated claim about Jesus in Kashmir. The first is by the redoubtable Koenraad Elst, and the second by a Buddhist monk and scholar named Shravasti Dhammika who takes a close look into various Suzanne Olssonsesque myths about Jesus’ visit and stay in India.
St. ThomasAll kinds of scholars making all kinds of fantastic assertions have existed since time immemorial. However, it is regrettable that the ASI, a body of the Government of India, chose to put out one such fantastic claim as the official history of a place based purely on political consideration. This does disservice not just to Hindus but to the nation’s precious heritage as a whole. More importantly, it is a dangerous portent. As we’ve seen in the case of the St. Thomas Church of Mylapore how an existing Hindu place of worship was appropriated by Christian missionaries through deceit and declared as one of the sites of Christian piety.
Given this, what is the guarantee that the “Takht-e-Suleiman” will not become adargah or mosque some time in the near or distant future and thereby erase another living place of Hindu heritage permanently? – India Facts, September 27, 2013
» Sandeep Balakrishna is the administrator of the IndiaFacts website. 
» Those who wish to sign a petition objecting to the change of name of Shankaracharya Hill to Takht-e-Suleiman can do so HERE


Balochistan’s Hinglaj Mata Temple -- Muhammad Akbar Notezai


Balochistan’s Hinglaj Mata Temple

Published in The Baloch Hal on October 1, 2013
The Hinglaj Mata Temple is situated in a desolated and hilly area of Balochistan’s Lasbela District. It is quite famous in all over the Sub-contient, especially among many Kuldevi, Kshatriya and other Hindu communities of India because it is a Hindu pilgrimage place in Balochistan, Pakistan.
It is approximately 250 km (155 miles) from Karachi, Pakistan’s most populated city. Moreover, it is near the peak of one of the mountains of the Makran Coastal Range. And from the Indus Delta River and the Arabian Sea, it is 120 km. The area of Hinglaj Mata Temple is located in the rugged mountains, and its journey is extremely tiring.
The pilgrimage of Hinglaj Mata Temple is also famous among the local Muslims, particularly the Zikri Balochs (predominantly an ethnic Baloch group). They call it “Nani Ki Haj.”
There are water kunds (pits) in proximity to Hinglaj Shrine; these are: Til Kund, Kheer Kund or Briham Kund, Khali kund and Maha Kali kund at up to the stream of the river Hingol, going downwards to the Hinglaj Mata and kali Mata kunds.
It is said about Til kund that Black Til (corn) when rubbed with hands in Til kund water still becomes white. And about Kheer Kund, it is famous that mailk used to fall, but, presently, water of springs fall through Herb “Mamera” and it is very beneficial for eye sight. Maha Kund is at a height in the mountain.
h1There are also worship places of Ganesh Deva, Asha Pura Mata, Hanumanji, Mata Kali, Gru Gorakh Nath, Gru Nanik, Ramjarokha, Bethak, Aneel Kund on Chorsi Mountain, Braham Kund, Kali Kund and Maha Kali Kund. In the way, Chandra Goop, Khari Nadi, Aghora Pooja and the main pilgrimage place which is the Asthan of Mata Hinglaj Devi.
Kali Matha Asthan
Kali Mata Asthan is few yards away in amountain cave from Aashapura where a Murti of Kali Mata is fixed.
At this place, devotees offer Coconut, Chunri, Agarbati, Missri, Khoya, Bali (goat sacrifice) and Pooja Arti ceremony, which is performed over there.
Predominantly the Baloch ethnic group, Zikris, are also followers of this Devi. They also worship here and call it “Nani Matha.”
In front of Kali Murti, there is a large pit of water, which comes from up stream.
Hinglaj Asthan
h2It is the main pilgrimage place for devotees where there is a small old Temple in a cave of mountain in original form with open place for devotees. Here yagan, which is offered by devotees favoured with Darshan of Hinglaj Mata. They take sacred bath in Hinglaj Kund (Pit), which is in front it.  Then, after that, devotees go through Gorabh Parsav ceremony under the ground channel, under Hinglaj Mata Murti to complete Yatra.  In the past, devotees would be called “Kapris,” who used to adopt sanyas, renunciation, thereafter, by wearing Mala of Tharma.
Guru Gorakh Shilla (Stone)
It is a big piece of about 15 feet diameter and 12 feet high lying of Hinglaj Shrine. It is, as the Hindu people say, to have been thrown by Guru Gorakh Nath from the Chorsi Mountain, which is at about 2 km away from here and its diameter is equal to present Aneel Kund (water well) on the Chorsi Mountain. On this mountain, Agarbati Dhopp, Namaskher is made.
They also say that the pilgrims, who cannot climb up the Chorsi Mountain, take four rounds around this big stone.
h3This writer was further updated about the Hinglaj Shrine that before pre-partitition days, Rajput King used to come to Hinglaj Shrine for performing pilgrimage from Rajistan and Gujrat provinces of Indus. And at that very time, there were no roads. The devotees had to pass through jungles, sandy routes, deserts, mountains, and rivers, full of danger on the back of camels. It would also take months in travelling. But unlike previous times, it has now become easy to travel to Matha Hinglaj Asthan.
They further added, “The devotees from all over the world would come to the Hinglaj Matha Teerath since centuries. Rven Hindus Rama Avatar,Great Guru Nanik, Mekhan Avatar of laxman, and other great saints, Rishis and Hindu scholars paid visit to Hinglaj Matha Teerath.”
Sham Kumar, a prominent Hindu scholar based in Balochistan, said: ” Hindu sect, Nath Panthis, whose founder was Gru Gork Nath, used to visit this shrine in 6, 00 A.D. Also, the Sindhi mystic poet, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, would visit the Hinglaj Shrine. He has written a poem about Hinglaj Mata Temple”.
In recent years, devotees from Africa and European countries have visited and performedHinglaj Matha Teerath.
h5Undoubtedly, Hinglaj Matha Temple has remained famous even in Mahabharet period.
Samrat Vikramjeet, the king of India also visited Hinglaj Matha Temple for performing pilgrimage after conquering the all India.
Raja Todarmal of Mughal regime visited Hinglaj matha Temple, too.
Besides them, other well known names who visited Hinglaj Shrine are: Bihari Ma, Raja Bhaj Singh, Raja Madho Singh, Raja Jagat Singh, of Jaipur, Dada Mekhan, the great saint of Gujrat, who was first called Kapris of Matha and, after this, all the devotees are called Kapris (who wear Mala in their necks), visited Hinglaj Matha Teerath.
Moreover, there is a much famous story among the Hindus about the Hinglaj Mata Temple that the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, Sati, married to the God Shiva against her father’s wishes. Due to this reason, Daksha organized a great Yajna, but didn’t invite Sati and Shiva. Uninvited, Sati reached the yajna-site, where Daksha ignored Sati and vilified Shiva. Then, after that, Sati couldn’t withstand this insult. She committed suicide by jumping into the sacrificial fire. Sati died but her dead body didn’t burn. After that the grief-stricken Shiva wandered the universe with the corpse of Sati. Lastly, God Vishnu cut up the body of Sati into 52 parts. The Head of Sati is believed to have fallen at Hinglaj.
h6Unlike previous times, pathetically, Hindus are now living dangerously in Balochistan. They, after visiting the Hinglaj Mata Temple, were less in number over there. In the past, Hindus would be visible in large number in the mountains of Hinglaj Matha. They would nonchalantly come from inside and outside of the country to visit Hinglaj Mata Teerath. But now it is the condition that they cannot visit the Hinglaj Mata Temple from its contigous districts.
As compared to other districts of Balochistan, Lasbella District, where Hingal Temple is situated, is considered to be safe for the Hindus. And, there are many Hindus, who have settled in Lasbella District of the other places of Balochistan.
“The Baloch and Hindus have been living just like brothers for centuries. We even attend each other funerals. And it is manifest to everyone that the Baloch and Hindus are facing alike problems. They are not complainants about the Baloch people. They, if you ask, call themselves Baloch and they are Balochs,” said Asif Magsi, who is a resident in Lasbella District of Balochistan.
h10Lastly, the present government of Dr. Malik Baloch ought to resolve the manifold issues of the Hindus, at any cost. They are pioneers of this land, i.e., Balochistan. They are living since time immemorial over here. Therefore the problems of the Hindus must be resolved so that they may live peacefully and visit Hinglaj Mata Temple without any fear.
The writer is doing a research on the Balochistan based Hindus. Twitter: @Akbar_notezai Email: akbarnotezai@yahoo.com

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