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Is Parliament necessary? -- Meghnad Desai


Is Parliament necessary?

Meghnad Desai | February 23, 2014 3:12 am


No ruling party wants Parliament to function. Let them riot, but to not legislate is the mantra.
Parliament functioned much like its British counterpart for the first 24 years after Independence. (PTI)Parliament functioned much like its British counterpart for the first 24 years after Independence. (PTI)
The blackout of the live transmission of the Lok Sabha debate on the Telangana Bill was the least shocking aspect of the entire exercise. Nor was the behaviour of the rival factions of Andhra MPs, pepper spray or not, difficult to explain. Indeed, one explains the other. In no other Parliament of a major democracy could a Bill with so much at stake be passed without more than a perfunctory debate or without a single vote count on something like 110-plus amendments. A topic which has been debated in the public, required a commission, caused suicides and much damage to public property, and on which strong views were held by rival sides, would never have been passed with such ease if there had been a genuine legislative chamber.
The truth, however, is that India’s Parliaments have been rendered non-functional — not by rowdy MPs but by the executive which has concentrated total power in its hands. The executive controls the business and the procedure of the legislature. When it comes to discussing a Bill, it is done off the floor of the House and between the leaderships of the major parties in secret. Thus late as the Telangana Bill came to the Lok Sabha, the discussion of all the amendments which were acceptable to the UPA was carried out between the Congress and BJP in a secret conclave. What was presented to Parliament was pre-cooked and predetermined to pass. This is why a voice vote was enough to pass the agreed upon amendments and to reject the rest without any debate. Why just that day, on any other day you could blank out the live debate in Parliament and nothing will be lost. Parliament does not debate legislation any longer. What happens is that the leadership of the major parties meets outside and determines in a give and take bargain what will be allowed to go through and what not. Parliament as such is impotent and irrelevant to any systematic debates.
It was not always thus. Parliament functioned much like its British counterpart for the first 24 years after Independence. There were major debates and historic speeches made on the floor of the House. Listen to the debates on India’s policy on China or recall Annadurai’s speech in 1962 where he told North Indians that the South was going to secede. Members could disagree with their party’s policy as British MPs can and frequently do. A Bill regarding the bifurcation of a state would take at least three months in each House in the UK. India retains the pretence of a parliamentary system, but does not have substance anymore.
This position has been evolving since Indira Gandhi began to concentrate executive power in the hands of the prime minister after her re-election in 1971. Later, when frequent defections became a problem, anti-defection laws were passed and the Ninth Schedule sounded the death knell for the independence of backbench MPs. An Indian MP has to obey the chief whip’s command. Most of the time, he/she is not allowed to speak if they are in disagreement with the position of the party. Bills are amended in standing committees and then brought before Parliament, where they are passed on the nod. The MP is thus impotent, and, except as a bodily presence, not doing much.
The only way an MP can register a disagreement is to stop Parliament from functioning. A lot of the time MPs misbehave under orders from their whip when their party does not want some piece of legislation to be introduced since, once a Bill is allowed to be introduced, it is guaranteed to pass. This is why Samajwadi Party MPs rioted when the Bill to secure reservations in promotions for the Dalits was about to be introduced. Or they riot as a bargaining ploy for their party vis-a-vis the ruling party. When the MP’s party is in power, as happened with Congress MPs from Andhra Pradesh, the only recourse is rioting. This was well anticipated by the Congress and used to squeeze last-minute concessions from the BJP to pass the Bill.
No ruling party wants Parliament to function. Let them riot, but to not legislate is the mantra.
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    The parliament proceeding must be stopped. It is a wastage of taxpayer's money and embarrassment when you watch it on TV.
    All the voting on legislation can be done through SMS from MPs.
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        But this is not a big deal for many uneducated people. As long as they get freebies in the name of welfare programmes, they become blind or look other way when politicians in the power share the resources of nation. Corrupt people elect corrupt leaders and they form the corrupt government. And it is too much to expect that these leaders practice the democracy. A big dream in the present condition.
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            not "Ninth Schedule", but "Tenth Schedule" deals with anti-defection.

          'Usable Coal to be Over in 15 yrs' -- EAS Sarma


          'Usable Coal to be Over in 15 yrs'

          Published: 23rd February 2014 07:20 AM
          Last Updated: 23rd February 2014 07:48 AM
          Coal Mine Planning & Design Institute, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, has estimated the extractable coal resources in India under the UN Framework Classification to be 18.2 billion tonnes (BMT). PTI File Photo

          Despite India’s perceived abundance in coal reserves, usable coal will not last beyond 15 years, going by the rate at which it is being consumed in the country, warned former Union power secretary E A S Sarma here on Saturday.
          Speaking on the sidelines of a convention on the “Real Face of coal”, former Union Power Secretary E A S Sarma said that rational energy planning should shift the focus from creating new megawatts to saving megawatts in transmission and distribution. “Supply-oriented planning in energy, especially electricity, has outlived its time. Sooner we face this hard reality, the better it will be from the point of view of sustainability,” he said.
          The Coal Mine Planning & Design Institute, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, has estimated the extractable coal resources in India under the UN Framework Classification to be 18.2 billion tonnes (BMT). Considering the non-extractability of coal lying under dense forest growth and in constitutionally protected tribal tracts, this estimate would come down significantly. Assuming that this 18.2 BMT could somehow be extracted and used and considering the average coal requirement for power generation alone - as projected in the Integrated Energy Policy report of the Planning Commission extending up to 2032 works out to 1200 MMT per year - these reserves will not last beyond 15 years.
          “Therefore one should face the bitter truth that India’s coal reserves would not last more than 20 years on an optimistic basis,” said Sarma.
          Planning Commission’s IEP study has projected the total requirement of electricity generation by 2032 to be 7,78,000 MW. Considering that coal and gas resources will last less than 15 years and the nuclear option is not only highly expensive but also unsafe.
          “A time has come when all of us should recognise the unpalatable fact that we have reached the end of the tether as far as conventional energy sources are concerned.” Sarma, advised that, “any sensible planner of energy should focus attention on saving scarce energy resources rather than frittering them away, as we are doing now.”

          Ridiculous if govt breaks its word on Nalanda University status: Sen. Will Pranab Babu throw Sen out?

          Monday , February 24 , 2014 |

          Ridiculous if govt breaks its word on Nalanda University status: Sen

          Question: There was a controversy over a report that you are resigning from the Nalanda board as its chancellor — something you have subsequently denied.
          Amartya Sen: Not subsequently. I never threatened to resign. There’s a distinction between something which is called a “leak”, information which you are not meant to share. And, there’s something called a “plant”, that’s a misinformation that is sent around. In this case, it was a “plant”, not a “leak”. Somebody in the ministry of external affairs (MEA), a senior civil servant, who talked to some people completely made up the story.
          Q: Is there any delay in launching the university?
          Sen: Yes, of course. There’s lot of delay in starting the university.
          Q: Why?
          Sen: Because the MEA is unable to get the consent of other ministries to get an amendment to the Nalanda Act. The ministries were consulted at every stage but each time some came up with different answers. When in 2010, the Nalanda Act was placed in the Lok Sabha, all the ministries agreed that an international university would not be guided by procedures that apply to a central university, not like Visva-Bharati or Jawaharlal Nehru University. The finance ministry agreed then (when the original Nalanda Act was passed by Parliament), but some amendments were necessary as there were some faults in the Nalanda Act like the appropriate representation of other countries (it was, of course, already agreed that it would be an international university). So, these were altered. When the amended Nalanda Act went to Parliament in August 2013, then again all the ministries agreed to the draft bill which distinguished Nalanda’s status as an international university.
          If the Rajya Sabha had passed the act at that time, then it would have been the end of the story. But the Rajya Sabha referred the amendment bill to the standing committee. After the standing committee’s comments, the finally amended bill was to be reintroduced in Parliament. In the process, the MEA asked the ministries again for comments, and at that stage a particular department of the ministry of finance came up with new concerns that they had not raised earlier.
          New rules were then suggested, altering the international character of Nalanda University, and proposing to remove the international status of the university, even though the ministry of finance had no objection earlier to that status. The same questions were sent to the finance ministry three times, and they gave different answers. The MEA had to take the consent of other ministries also. The others, including the law ministry, had no problem, and only the finance ministry put a spanner in the works.
          Q: But the delay has its effect on infrastructure development also…
          Sen: Nalanda University has difficulty in committing money for infrastructure building until the Government of India speaks in one voice. The delay can possibly frustrate the attempt by the university, for which we have worked very hard. We plan to start teaching in late August or September. But if we can’t get the money, to spend the money for the campus, to set up the facilities in the temporary campus space (given by the state government), we are not in a position to start. The delay has been upsetting the plans of the university.
          Q: When the whole campus gets ready in another five-six years at Nalanda, how do you visualise it? A renewal of Bihar’s tradition, culture and education?
          Sen: When it does happen, it would of course be in Bihar, but not for Bihar only. Bihar was the centre of education, governance, maths and science too in India in those days. Nalanda was the best part of the tradition. We are inspired by the tradition to set up an international university. I won’t say it’s a renewal. Nothing in the 21st century could be a renewal of what was started in the 5th century. What we want is to be inspired by a similar devotion to academic work, a commitment to quality education, and try to aspire to be one of the best campuses anywhere in the world, where best teachers would come to take classes, to have a multi-dimensional educational effort.
          Although founded through Buddhism, old Nalanda did not confine education to Buddhism only. They had commitment to provide knowledge in different fields. They provided education in astronomy, medicine, public health care, linguistics and many other subjects. There was this broad-based education that Nalanda offered. It is inspirational for us. It also inspired the East Asian countries to undertake co-operation with us in setting up this international university.
          Q: The Prime Minister also got word of support from these countries…
          Sen: The Prime Minister has always been very supportive (as has been the President). To say that the Prime Minister should have followed the finance ministry and pursued instead the route of building a central university for India would be accusing him of misleading the East Asian countries to whom he said that it was going to be an international university. In fact, many other countries have co-signed an agreement — nine countries in all — to join us in this international effort. They signed an agreement to set up this international university, not a central university like Visva-Bharati. It is definitely planned to be an international university. The Indian government can hardly tell them now: “Sorry, we have made a mistake in telling you it will be an international university.” That would be ridiculous. But if we do follow what has come from an important section of the finance ministry, Nalanda would be just another central university.
          Q: Given the costs involved, would Nalanda University be financially viable?
          Sen: No government university in India can meet its costs without subsidy. It’s a question whether the university would one day have enough money to become independent of the government. If we are to follow the central university route, then five of the nine countries which have already committed financial support should sensibly withdraw. But if we make an international university, we expect financial contributions from abroad — from not only governments but also business establishments and individual donors.
          I work for a university like Harvard where the bulk of the money comes from donations of people. An endowment committee, led by N.K. Singh, has been set up to help raise funds. Nalanda would also be a part of our academic face to the world. We happened to have the former foreign minister of Singapore, former Chinese foreign minister, former foreign minister of Indonesia among other countries as part of another Nalanda committee dealing with international relations.
          Q: Do you feel there might be a problem of funds flow if the UPA government loses power at the Centre and another government comes? Will there be a change in terms of funds flow?
          Sen: I don’t see any reason for that anxiety. Nalanda has never been a single party’s call. The Nalanda Act was passed unanimously with the support of all political parties. I don’t see any reason to expect a change of attitude in that. It would be unfortunate if the party, whichever is in power, is against education in the modern world, or against the richness of the old Indian academic tradition. I don’t anticipate any new government would be against an international university.
          Q: Do you feel Bihar’s educational tradition has been lost over the centuries?
          Sen: It is not lost, but surely it was weakened over the centuries. Ancient Bihar had five universities for advanced learning. Nalanda was the most famous of them. Then there was Vikramshila near Bhagalpur. I have also gone to Telhara recently where archaeological excavations are going on at present for the university. It’s an irony of history that in the 21st century, Bihar is considered to be one of the backward states. It’s a very peculiar irony of history. Nalanda University can change the face of Bihar. Many foreign countries wanted to cooperate in Nalanda partly because of the university’s academic potential but also because the economic development of the Nalanda-Rajgir area is very important to one of the poorest parts of India. Nalanda University area can be inspired by the history of the Silicon Valley around Stanford.
          Nalanda, in the early days, focused particularly on astronomy. The mathematicians in Patna’s Kusumpur area must have been connected to scholars in Nalanda. We haven’t been able to get everything as documents have been destroyed, sometimes burnt.
          Q: What about the selection of faculty, student or research scholars for Nalanda University?
          Sen: We have placed advertisements recently and got great response also. The problem is we cannot, just as yet, spend any money without the permission of the MEA. When we get a nod from the complex Indian bureaucracy, we could rapidly go ahead. We got good applications, we are processing them, we have been interviewing the candidates, but we cannot offer them jobs until we get permission. But we have to do all this very soon, as we plan to start our classes in August or September.
          Q: But the delay is more bureaucratic in nature, nothing to do with academics…
          Sen: It’s a totally bureaucratic delay. As I told you earlier also, if Shilabhadra of ancient Nalanda had to deal with the austere bureaucrats of the ministry of finance, there would have been no ancient Nalanda!
          Q: So, you are now in a battle with the bureaucracy?
          Sen: I won’t say it is a battle. A challenge you can say. The main engagement has to be with getting a great and responsible international university started, near the ancient Nalanda university, which inspired the world.


          “History of Yoga” : Dr. Deepika Kothari Introduces her film (10:21)


          “History of Yoga” Film

          Dr. Deepika Kothari Introduces Her Film

          Published on Feb 24, 2014
          Dr. Deepika Kothari introduces her film at launch of 'History of Yoga' film, Mumbai 26 Jan, 2014

          Sackler Gallery exhibit shows yoga's complex history

          Start Quote

          Yogis were seen as quite sinister and dubious figures”
          Debra Diamond
          Two yogis under a tree
          The Kedar Ragini depicts an ascetic listening intently to a musicianGarbhasana, a watercolour from 1600 (shows yogi)
          Garbhasana, a watercolour from 1600, depicts a yogi in practiceYogis in a battleYogis used to wage war, as this 1590 painting shows

          Early yogis struck lovely poses - and also fought fierce battles. An exhibit in Washington shows the complex dimensions of yogi life.
          Do you like your yoga hot or powerful? Maybe you practise in the nude or spend a fortune on the latest Lycra. Are you a follower of BKS Iyengar, or do you prefer Vinyasa or Ashtanga yoga?
          Whatever your taste, yoga is a $5bn (£3.1bn) industry in the US practised by millions of people seeking physical fitness, improved health, or spiritual enlightenment. Almost every gym offers a class and the experience can be enhanced by drinking specially blended teas or listening to suitably soothing music.
          The Indian government has become so concerned about the commercialisation of yoga in recent years that it started a campaign to patent hundreds of postures to stop them being appropriated by Western companies.
          But the world's first exhibition exploring the visual art of yoga has revealed aspects of the ancient tradition that many purists will find troubling: in the 2,500 years of its known existence, there has never been one single type of yoga.
          "Five years ago I did think I would find that single yoga tradition," says Debra Diamond, curator of the exhibition Yoga: The Art of Transformation at the Smithsonian's Sackler Gallery of Asian Art.
          "But yoga constantly transformed and developed over time. Although there are a couple of main goals, there's nothing that shows up in every single yoga path.
          "For some traditions it was heightened consciousness and an end to suffering, a way to get out of the cycle of birth, death and re-birth that is so painful. But for other yoga traditions some of the goals were things like supernatural powers and the ability to control other people."
          The exhibition showcases 130 objects from 25 museums and private collections around the world. Many have never been seen in public while others are known masterpieces. Together they mark the start of a new field of study - how yoga's visual culture can shed light on its profound mysteries and hidden meanings.
          A group of fearsome looking yoginis, more than 1,000 years old, greet visitors at the start of the exhibition. These are flying goddesses who attained divinity by practising tantric yoga. They sit in audacious poses, baring their sharpened teeth and voluptuous breasts, their loose hair marking them as wild women.
          Some are adorned with snakes while another has her fingers in her mouth, ready to pierce the night skies with a war whistle.
          "They're the tough chicks of the 11th Century," says Diamond.
          The theme of the warrior yogi continues through the exhibition, culminating in a dazzling and intricate 16th Century watercolour illustrating the Battle at Thaneshwar, at a holy site in northern India.
          The blood flows freely as bands of armed yogis decapitate their rivals and battle over bathing rights at a festival.
          "Compared to what happens later on, it's a relatively small skirmish," says Sir James Mallinson, a Sanskrit expert and one of the exhibition advisers.
          "By the 18th Century the yogi sects are so powerful and so big that we have reports of huge pitched battles at these festivals where thousands and thousands of these yogis get killed."
          The painting is the earliest known depiction of a fight between yogi sects, which were hired as mercenaries by the Mughal emperors until the British disbanded them.
          Sir James is a yogi himself and has spent many years living and studying yoga in India. He is the first Westerner in his sect of master yogis to be ordained as a Mahant, or commander, with the authority to raise his own troops.
          He sees no conflict between yoga's peaceful pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and its more violent manifestations.
          "For these guys, even to this day, they see no contradiction," he says. "They understand yoga and their other practices are generating a kind of internal power which they can then use in various different ways, giving blessings or curses or indeed fighting."
          Given yoga's bloody history, it may seem odd that in the US it is practised largely by women seeking to relieve stress. That trend has its roots in the 19th Century when women's exercise emphasised stretching rather than the more masculine activity of weight lifting.
          "For guys, exercise is sports and competition, which seems to fly in the face of what yoga is about - but doesn't actually. Men just don't know what yoga is," says John Schumacher, director of Unity Woods Yoga Center in Washington - and one of a handful of American yoga teachers to qualify under Iyengar.
          "The very qualities that make a top athlete are the qualities necessary for excellence in yoga - not just physical flexibility, strength and stamina, but the whole quality of meditation which involves focus and clarity."
          The exhibition explores how such perceptions of yoga have changed as the practice crossed cultures and continents.
          "This is a very complicated and tricky section because what we have are very often images of European desire, what Europeans believed about the exotic in India and what they believed about yogis," says Diamond.
          On display are a number of early photographs of yogis presented as "native views" with elaborate backgrounds and props that fuelled the imagination of Western viewers.
          "Yogis were seen as quite sinister and dubious figures," she says. "They claimed to have worldly or supernatural powers, they were scantily dressed or naked, which was very upsetting to 19th Century sensibilities. They wandered around and often smoked dope. They became reviled as the stereotype of everything that was decadent about India."
          But as this ground-breaking exhibition shows, yoga has retained its power to transform, not just the bodies and minds of its practitioners, but yoga itself. The yoginis of the 11th Century wouldn't recognise their sisters in the 21st. Or would they?

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          Investigate treasonous activities; protect national security: Gen. VK Singh in email interview with Chitra Subramaniam


          General V K Singh says it is not just a question of 'fixing' him: Email interview with Chitra Subramaniam

          February 25, 2014
          Vk Singh
          General V K Singh's interview.
          Question- You have given a letter to the MHA. What is your expectation from the Home Minister?
          Answer- Home Minister Shinde must realize the gravity of the complaint. It is only the State that can do a detailed investigation on issues/offences like sedition, treason etc. Among other things, it is also gross violation of the Official Secrets Act. In any democracy, Civil-Military relations are a fine balance and in this case, we have people who have deliberately played havoc with a clear agenda. It's not just a question of 'fixing' VK Singh, its a clear violation of journalistic ethics. The facts are so glaringly obvious that any reasonable enquiry will immediately expose the entire nexus between the Arms lobby and certain key bureaucrats/politicians who have then used certain pliable media people to do their bidding. My expectation is that the entire matter should be fairly and expeditiously investigated and exemplary action taken against the culprits so that any further festering of the grievous wound on the nation is prevented. 
          Question- Have any efforts been made by the MHA to connect with you, informally or otherwise, on your letters?
          Answer- UNFORTUNATELY, NO.
          Question- How long are you willing to wait?
          Answer- I have waited enough. This mysterious delay in investigating the complaint and ascertaining the fact has emboldened the agenda-men to pursue with their treasonous activities without fear. The recent Indian Express reportage containing total falsehood and manipulation is a case in point. Shekhar Gupta had blatantly distorted the interview of former DGMO Lt. General Choudhry and what is worse, creating bad blood between the Army and Air Force by quoting former IAF Chief out of context. Today, a paranoid Shekhar Gupta is desperate to link the dots - any dots. One can only pity him. But he and his ilk cannot be pardoned. 
          Question-Within the limits of what you can share, what is your next step? 
          Answer-This demand for an enquiry is not about me. It has more to do with protecting the Institutional Integrity of the Armed Forces and the security of the nation. What we are dealing with here is nothing short of treason. Surely, it must be investigated. You find something against me, I'll take it on the chest. But if these people are guilty, as they most certainly are, why are you shying away from taking any action? I think in most parts of the world treason is perhaps one of the most heinous of crimes. We will proceed within the confines of law after taking appropriate legal opinion. 
          Question-There are two issues here. a) your personal credibility and b) the credibility of the Indian army. Both are serious and together raise many issues. Can you outline some of these? 
          Answer- I think I have already partly answered that. The single biggest fallout of the age issue was the institutional damage that was done by those who played this card with scant regard to its consequences. It's a well documented fact that this issue only came to the fore after I was promoted to the rank of Lt General. I didn't know the whys or the whats of it then. I had no choice but to represent against this blatant manipulation and fight it from within the system. I fought it as best as I could as a Corps Commander, as an Army Commander and then as the COAS. I exercised all the options that were available to me within the system. If the system could do something like this to the Chief of Army Staff, what message is being given to the rank and file down the chain of command? Yes, the credibility of the Indian Army is indeed at stake. 
          Question- A situation like this would not be allowed to linger in any self-respecting democracy. Either the COAS or equivalent is right or he is wrong. Why is the PMO silent? 
          Answer-I think the PM and the RM have to realize what is at stake here. What are they afraid of? Ten years at the helm of affairs is a long time for any Prime Minister. If not him, surely the PMO and those who surround him owe it to the country to uncover the truth. You start investigating the people I have named in the complaint and see which apples drop near the tree. This is not being done. There is something very rotten in the PMO.

          William Dalrymple's incurable colonial hangover -- Arvind Kumar


          February 25, 2014  /  3 Comments

          William Dalrymple's incurable colonial hangover -- Arvind Kumar
          William Dalrymple
          Behold! The direct descendant of Major General Sir John Dalrymple of North Berwick, 5th Baronet, a great soldier known for his cruelties in Madras Presidency, and the direct descendant of Sir John Warrender Dalrymple of North Berwick, 7th Baronetthe judge in a court in Bengal known for his focus on profits, and the son of Lord Lieutenant of East Lothian Sir Hew Dalrymple, 10th Baronet, the self-important William Dalrymple, is now waging agreat battle against Dina Nath Batra, a “native,” who has dared use the courts and police against a member of Dalrymple’s tribe!
          I first stumbled upon the writings of William Dalrymple on the internet a few years ago and contacted him as I was concerned by the unscientific claims he passed off as historical truths. In particular, I took exception to the following words.

          “Indeed a decade ago when the miraculously undecayed body of St. Francis…” 
          I explained to him that neither the dead body of Francis Xavier nor that of Vladimir Lenin was undecayed. On a related point about other claims in the Bible, Dalrymple’s response was bizarre. He presented the “four Gospels plus Josephus” as sources for historical evidence. Since the Gospels were part of the Bible, his point was that the Bible was evidence for the Bible!
          Clearly, Dalrymple was not familiar with the methods used in researching history. Nor did he seem familiar with even basic facts. Ordinary information such as the similarities between Islam and Christianity excited him like new discoveries about everyday events excites a small child.
          Another point of contention was Dalrymple’s description in which the historical truth of “Saint” Thomas and his alleged miracles were treated as open questions.

          “In Kerala, St Thomas is said to have converted the upper caste Brahmins with the aid of miracles and to have built seven churches. Whatever the historical truth…” 
          At some point Dalrymple flaunted his degrees to refute me. “Actually, Arvind my friend,” he bragged, “I have a top first in history from Cambridge (currently rated ahead of Harvard as the best university in the world) where I was the senior history scholar.” And then he sent this link and this link in order to persuade me that his college degree was from the world’s top-ranked university.
          Dalrymple also bragged that he had some honorary doctorate degrees. Being from a long line of barons must have helped him. After all, no British university has conferred honorary degrees on any Black person or Muslim for peddling religious myths as historical facts. 
          Curiously, Dalrymple never talks about the massive wealth that his family has accumulated by plundering India. Here is some information published in 1872 giving some clues about the size of this loot. William Dalrymple’s direct ancestorJohn Warrender Dalrymple, was a judge who was paid a huge sum of 37,992 silver rupees per year when every ounce of silver was worth a sixteenth of an ounce of gold. That is a whopping 27.69 kilograms of gold per year since each silver rupee weighed 11.66 grams. This amount does not include bribes he may have received to rig lawsuits. This particular Dalrymple was in India for thirty years. That is just one Dalrymple. There were other looters in the family including a Dalrymple in Madras whose job was to kill Indians. Given this background, William Dalrymple’s massive sense of entitlement should surprise no one.
          Another characteristic of William Dalrymple seems to be his discomfort in going against the myths peddled by the church. He appears to be a Catholic who fears the wrath of the Pope if he commits blasphemy. The fact that his brother has been a Roman Catholic priest may explain this behavior. This also lends credence to the view in some quarters that the ban on Salman Rushdie from the literary festival at Jaipur stemmed from Dalrymple’s opposition to blasphemous speech and the announcement about Rushdie’s speech was merely a publicity stunt.
          Dalrymple blamed Muslims for this purported fiasco. After all, a British Lord could never be wrong. Had the police prevented Rushdie’s speech from happening, Dalrymple and his cohorts could have declared themselves martyrs whose free speech rights were suppressed. As things turned out, Jaipur’s Commissioner of Police called his bluff by telling him that Rushdie’s televised speech could be shown and the police would keep things under control. Read what Dalrymple admitted in London’s Guardian newspaper.

          “[The Jaipur Commissioner of Police] was quite clear: the videolink could go ahead… But equally, can you justify going ahead with a literary event, however important, if you know that you will thereby be putting at risk the lives of everyone who attends… as well as knowingly igniting a major religious riot…” [emphasis added] 

          This reasoning sounds like the government’s excuse for banning books and is not consistent with the beliefs of a person interested in the right to the freedom of expression.
          Opposition to Indians seeking legal recourse is a recurring theme for Dalrymple. He objected to the lawsuits filed against MF Husain despite the fact that Husain was once part of the government machinery that silenced the voice of other Indians.
          On the other hand, when he wanted to silence the voice of Farah Damji – a lady of Indian descent with whom he had a falling out – the legal system was supposed to help him bully and silence her. Apparently, someone with the moniker “Ms Equaliser” had sent out emails about Damji and Dalrymple. Dalrymple suspected Farah Damji and complained to the police. Dalrymple also complained to the police when Damji showed up at a literary festival in Rajasthan.
          The immense sense of privilege harbored by the son of former Lord Lieutenant of East Lothian Sir Hew Dalrymple is astounding. Perhaps he believes that Indians are still slaves who should serve the British. Maybe he will soon demand that police stations and courts in India go back to the time of his father and keep out Indians with signs that say, ‘Dogs and Indians not allowed.’
          [The author can be reached at arvind@classical-liberal.net.]


          1. Udit Gupta February 25, 2014 12:45 pm Reply
            Why blame this moron for disparaging Indian beliefs at every given opportunity when the so called “educated, urbanized, westernized, anglicised” morons are already present in government machinery and our main stream media… the day top officials of our nation understands Indian culture and its capability, people like Dalrymple will soon go into oblivion…
          2. Dr. Jayaraman February 25, 2014 1:17 pm Reply
            This moron Dalpimple runs the Jaipur Lit Fest like a dictator. Doesn’t allow real intellectuals like Sri Rajiv Malhotra to participate. His brown sepoy Namita Gokhale gives the run-around to anybody who wants to present a talk…like a Sarkari bureaucrat…only to ultimately confess that “William decides”.
            When will brain-washed Indians realize that they are in fact superior to morons like Dalpimple?
          3. tapan February 25, 2014 1:27 pm Reply
            This Anglo is swollen headed due to the importance given by India’s macauleyputras,once the helm of nation is in hand of Nationalist it’s won’t take much time to deflate this pompous ballon.

          Margao was intra-Hindu terrorism: NIA -- Sandhya Jain

          Margao was intra-Hindu terrorism: NIA
          by Sandhya Jainon 25 Feb 2014

          ‘Hindu terrorism’ maybe the UPA’s grand denouement. The Congress’s most maligned monster got a clean chit in the riots of 2002; his Minister of State for Home was not named in the CBI chargesheet in the Ishrat Jehan encounter case; and nemesis is now hunting their former prosecutrix. Now, Army intelligence officer Lt Col Prasad Purohit, arrested in a ‘Hindu conspiracy’, has urged Union Home Minister SK Shinde not to discriminate between Muslims and others while providing relief in false cases. His wife recently met President Pranab Mukherjee to complain about lack of movement in the case despite five years in jail, and the refusal of bail.

          Others languishing without bail in cases of alleged Hindu terror include the cancer-stricken Sadhvi Pragya, Swami Aseemanand, and the Sharadapeeth Sankaracharya. However, the principal accused in the Israeli diplomat car bombing case was given bail by a bench presided over by the then Chief Justice of India.

          The National Investigation Agency (NIA) that was set up after the November 2008 assault on Mumbai to investigate terror-related crimes and given several high profile cases, has failed to distinguish itself. In a case largely ignored by the mainstream media, six persons accused in the Margao bomb blast of October 16, 2009, in which two persons died, were released by the Special NIA Court for Goa on December 31, 2013, for complete lack of evidence – or even a credible motive. The NIA sleuths claimed that the blasts were the handiwork of members of a social organisation, Sanatan Sanstha, based at Ponda, Goa, who disliked a local cultural event based on Narakasur, an asura killed by Krishna the day before Diwali!

          Briefly, the NIA case, argued by the prosecution, was that Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik conspired with nine others to hatch a criminal conspiracy to strike terror in the minds of the organizers, participants and spectators of the Narakasur Vadh Competition in October 2009. The Sanatan Sanstha promotes the proper performance of Hindu rites; it objected to the glorification of the asura and smaller size of the Krishna effigies. As the competition was held at several places in Goa, the Sanstha planned to cause explosions at these places. During the trial, a witness said the Sanstha’s main opposition to the event was due to children drinking alcohol, extracting money from people, and eve-teasing, and many local persons opposed it for the same reasons.

          According to the NIA, Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik (who died) conspired with Vinay Talekar, Vinayak Patil, Dhananjay Asthekar, Dilip Mangaonkar, Prashant Asthekar and Prashant Juvekar (who were released) and Jay Prakash @Anna, Rudra Patil and Sarang Akolkar (declared absconding) to wage war against the nation and terrorism. They purchased materials necessary for making a bomb and assembled Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) at the residence of Yogesh’ brother Laxmikant Naik, at Talaulim, Ponda-Goa, and conducted test blasts on the hillock behind the house.

          Their alleged plan was to blast IEDs at five places in Goa on October 16, 2009. Accordingly, Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik went to plant the IEDs at Madgaon behind Grace Church, near the venue of the function, where a large crowd, the Chief Minister, local MLA and other VIPs were present. But when the accused parked their Eterno scooter (No. GA-05-A-7800) near Reliance Trade Centre, the IEDs in the dickey exploded; they later died in hospital. Vinay and Vinayak allegedly planted IEDs in a lorry (no. GA-08-U-0029) ferrying Narakasur effigies at a temple in Sancoale; these were noticed by an alert driver who tossed the packet out of the vehicle; it was later defused by experts.

          But the Solid Party Trust which organises the competition told the court that the blast site was 300 metres away from the route taken by the effigy processions, on an isolated road. The blast was heard at the function and the Chief Minister received a telephone call and left, but the competition continued. The organisers continued to hold the function at the same venue in subsequent years; the police never suggested there was any threat to peace. Moreover, they testified that the Sanstha members had never complained directly to them, but to the Collector. They would come with placards prior to the competition, but never created any problems for the event. The organisers did not recognise any of the accused in court.

          Police witnesses confirmed that a letter produced by the prosecution contained no threat of any kind. The letter, addressed to the Ponda Police Station, said that Krishna slew Narakasur on ashwin vadya chaturdashi and granted a boon that whoever took a holy bath at dawn would never suffer in hell. In Goa, a custom developed of burning effigies of Narakasur to commemorate Krishna's victory. But recently the practice has become distorted with people participating the whole night and unable to wake up for the holy bath, which is an important spiritual aspect of this festival; they end up forgetting Sri Krishna.

          The Special Judge observed that persons peacefully opposing an activity on moral and ritual grounds will not take such extreme steps; he concluded that the prosecution failed to establish motive. This means thatMalgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik were victims, not conspirators.

          Three of the accused (Vinay, Vinayak and Dhananjay) were allegedly identified by persons who sold electronic items to them. But an engineering college student testified that Dhananjay was the main coordinator of a national level competition in electronics, and preparing circuits was part of the academic curriculum. The Special Judge observed that there was no evidence to show that the accused had purchased the detonators used for the blasts, which is the key to the crime.

          Nor was there any evidence to suggest that the Sanstha or its members intended to overcome the armed or other personnel deployed by the Government and attain a commanding position from which they could dictate terms to the Government. This negates the charge that the accused were waging war against the State Government (section 121-A IPC).

          As the trial unfolded, the Special Judge doubted the veracity of the FIR and held that the facts seemed to be manipulated with the intention of roping in the Sanatan Sanstha. Neither the evidence nor the witnesses supported the prosecution case. The case simply collapsed; the ‘Hindu terrorists’ were freed and the NIA’s reputation tarnished. The new government must seriously address the training and professional standards in this premier institution.

          Injury number 10, an injection mark, a mystery for Sunanda Pushkar's death


          Injury number 10, an injection mark, remains a mystery for Sunanda Pushkar's death

          Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 08:00 IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA

          Maninder Dabas

          Post-mortem report also says a mild, foul-smelling gas came out on dissection.

          An element of mystery and doubt has been infused into the tragic death of Sunanda Pushkar, wife of Union minister Shashi Tharoor, with the post-mortem report saying that there was an injection mark on Pushkar's right wrist which caused her death.

          All injuries on her body "were caused by blunt force, simple in nature and not contributing to death, except injury number 10, which is an injection mark," says the report.

          Sunanda's body had 15 injuries, caused in 12 hours before her death. Injury number 12 was caused by a teeth bite. Injury number 10, an injection mark, remains a mystery, sources said.

          A mild, foul-smelling gas emanated from her body during dissection, the report, signed by Dr Sudhir Gupta, said. It, however, doesn't spell out the details of injury number 10.

          "Only the viscera report will reveal the nature of injection," sources said. The viscera report is likely to come out in March.
          The Delhi police have written to the Central Forensic Science Lab last week seeking the report at the earliest.

          An overdose of anxiety medicine Alprazolam was supposed to be the cause of her death so far. A sub-divisional Inquiry had also indicated this. But only "circumstantial evidences are suggestive of Alprazolam poisoning", the post-mortem report says.

          Sunanda, 52, was found dead inside Leela Palace hotel in Delhi on January 17.

          Mystery around Sunanda death not laid to rest yet
          Sumit Kumar Singh   |   Mail Today  |   New Delhi, February 25, 2014 | UPDATED 14:16 IST
          Sunanda Pushkar
          Sunanda Pushkar
          The death of Union minister Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar is still shrouded inmystery with the investigators still probingwhether it was a case of murder or suicide. Though the police said they haven't yet ruled out the murder angle, they said none of Sunanda's family members have come forward with any complaints against Tharoor.

          "She consumed poison/medicines or was injected poison or was forcefully given some medicines is still a matter of probe," said a Delhi Police top officer. The officer added that they can't say anything concrete as to how she was poisoned as they are still waiting for theforensic and viscera reports.
          Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi said the police were carrying out necessary inquiries. "The outcome will soon be submitted to the concerned quarters," the commissioner said on Monday.
          Sunanda was found dead in a suite in LeelaPalace hotel in Chanakyapuri area in Delhi. Two staff members and Tharoor himself were present in the suite when they found her body.
          Investigators said Sunanda's last call from hermobile phone was to her son Shiv Menon. The investigators have also verified the call detail record of her phone and have questioned all the people who spoke to her during the last two days of her life. Police said they have found from the call records that she also spoke to Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar.
          Sources close to the case developments told Mail Today: "Delhi Police have got in touch with Tharoor after the first questioning during recording his statement. This is contrary to what is being speculated in a section of media that he's being quizzed by the police in the case…Police are probing on their own."
          Regarding allegations being levelled against Tharoor by senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy, a source told Mail Today, "It is best to ignore his despicable attempts."
          The investigators said undoubtedly there were several injury marks across Sunanda's body and it was because of a physical fight with her husband. "They had got into a fight," said an investigator adding that the fight was over Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar whom Sunanda had suspected of having an affair with her husband.
          The post-mortem report also stated that there were over a dozen of injury marks across Sunanda's body but there were superficial in nature and not severe. The report also said Sunanda had minor bruises on her left cheek.
          The post-mortem report also indicated that she died of poisoning. However, the police would be able to know the nature of the poison found in her body only after receiving the viscera report.
          "It is too early to conclude anything as of now since the south district police is investigating all angles in this murder mystery," said a senior police officer, requesting anonymity.
          The officer said Sunanda had starved herself for two days and was also consuming alcohol during her stay at the posh hotel. Revelations The autopsy report also stated that no food samples were found in her stomach, indicating that she hadn't eaten anything in the last two days. A panel of three AIIMS doctors also suggested that she had not been eating.
          The sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) who recorded statements in the 'mysterious death' case had also ordered the Delhi police to investigate whether it was a case of homicide,suicide or accident.
          "I have ordered the Delhi Police to further probe the mysterious death of Sunanda Pushkar as she is found to have died due to poisoning," Alok Sharma, the SDM of Vasant Vihar, said.
          The police said three empty strips of Alprax (0.5mg) medicine, apart from other medicines, including botox antiaging injections, was found in her hotel room.
          Swamy claims Sunanda given 'russian poison'
          Giving a fresh twist to the Sunanda Pushkar case, senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Monday claimed the wife of Union Minister Shashi Tharoor did not commit suicide and her death was a gruesome murder.
          Subramanian Swamy
          Subramanian Swamy
          Swamy questioned Tharoor nervousness regarding his wife's death, even as the Delhi Police investigation in the highprofile case is still not complete. Sunanda was found dead in a posh Delhi hotel days after she was locked in a bitter Twitter row with Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar.
          "Why is Shashi Tharoor feeling so nervous? He should be one who should be standing up and say I want a complete inquiry to be done. Why did he get rushed through the cremation of his wife within a day? This is ridiculous. There are many things which are wrong with it," Swamy said, adding that Sunanda had horrific injuries above her belly and "her nostrils were squeezed to open her mouth to administer Russian poison."
          Interestingly, this is not the first time that Swamy has spoken on Sunanda's private life. Earlier, Swamy had alleged that the Union Minister had misused his office to get his son out of prison in the UAE.
          "What prompted a Union minister from Kerala to use his office to get his son out of jail in UAE? Due to narcotic trafficking charges," Swamy had tweeted in the first week of January this year. Tharoor had responded to Swamy's charges, saying the allegations were "a bigot's perverse political agenda".
          The Delhi Police, on its part, has flatly rejected Swamy's claim that he had got the details about Sunanda's death through his "sources in Delhi Police''. "I can't comment on what grounds Mr Swamy is making these allegations when the probe is not yet complete,'' a Delhi Police officer said.
          Shashi Tharoor(left) and Sunanda Pushkar
          Shashi Tharoor(left) and wife Sunanda Pushkar.
          Swamy claimed Tharoor wants to make his wife's death seems like a natural death but the post-mortem reports stated that it was unnatural death. "Why is Tharoor so keen to declare the case as death due to natural causes? We want to get to the bottom of the matter. What is the need to have no photos taken of her body? Whatever photos were taken was destroyed. The Delhi police probe is not moving forward.

          Police sources told me in private that it is a gruesome murder," he claimed. The BJP leader also gave indication that when his party-led NDA comes to power at the Centre, he will "take the case to its conclusion.''"I will have to file either a public interest litigation, or when there is a government that is more responsive to the public like Narendra Modi's government. At that time, I will take it up and see that it (the case) is brought to a conclusion," he said.

          Wendy, Martha, you call yourselves authorities on Hinduism. Dhimmi, now answer the charges of funky wordplays. Aren't you cheating the UChicago students?

          Madan Lal Goel
          Professor Emeritus of Political Science
          The University of West Florida

          I do not believe in burning books, but Wendy Doniger’s 779-page tome titled, The Hindus: An Alternative History, 2009, is a hurtful book. It is laced with personal editorials, folksy turn of the phrase and funky wordplays. She has a large repertoire of Hindu mythological stories. She often narrates the most damning story—Vedic, Puranic, folk, oral, vernacular—to demean, damage and disparage Hinduism. After building a caricature, she laments that fundamentalist Hindus (how many and how powerful are they?) are destroying the pluralistic, tolerant Hindu tradition. But, why save such a vile, violent religion, as painted by the eminent professor? There is a contradiction here.

          Doniger’s book is at odds with the increasing acceptance in the United States of key Hindu spiritual precepts. Lisa Miller (Newsweek, 31 August, 2009) reports that Americans “are slowly becoming more like Hindus and less like traditional Christians in the ways we think about God, our selves, each other, and eternity.” Miller cites the following data:
          1. 67 percent of Americans believe that many religions, not only Christianity can lead to eternal life, reflecting pluralistic Hindu ethos rather than exclusivist Christian doctrine;
          2. 30 percent of Americans call themselves “spiritual, not religious;”
          3. 24 percent say they believe in reincarnation;
          4. And, more than a third choose Cremation rather than Burial. See: http://www.newsweek .com/id/212155

          The following review of Doniger’s very large book focuses on only one section: the chapters dealing with the incursion of Islam into India.

          As is well known, Islam entered Malabar Coast in south India with Arab merchants and traders in the 7thCentury. This was peaceful Islam. Later, Islam came to India as a predatory and a conquering force. Mohammad bin Qasim ravaged Sindh in 711. Mahmud Ghazni looted and destroyed numerous Hindu temples around 1000 CE. The Muslim rule begins with the Delhi Sultanate, approximately 1201 to 1526. The Sultanate gave place to the Mughal Empire in1526, which ended with the establishment of British Raj, about 1757.
          Wendy Doniger makes the following dubious points on the Muslim imperial rule in India (1201-1707).
          1. Muslim marauders destroyed some Hindu temples, not many. Ch 16
          2. Temple destruction was a long standing Indian tradition. In an earlier period, Hindus destroyed Buddhist and Jain stupas and rival Hindu temples and built upon the destroyed sites-- “the Muslims had no monopoly on that.” P 457
          3. Muslim invaders looted and destroyed Hindu temples because they had the power to do so. If Hindus had the power, they would do the same in reverse. Pp. 454-57
          4. The Jizya—the Muslim tax on non-Muslims—was for Hindu protection and a substitute for military service. Pp. 448-49
          5. Hindu “megalomania” for temple building in the Middle Ages was a positive result of Muslim demolition of some Hindu temples. P 468
          6. The Hindu founders of the Vijayanagara Empire double-crossed their Muslim master in Delhi who had deputed them to secure the South. P 467
          7. Hindus want Muslims and Christians to leave India for Hindustan is only for Hindus. Concluding chapter.

          I will take each one of these arguments and point out its falsity.
          1. Muslim invaders beginning with Mahmud Ghazni in 1000 CE looted, pillaged and destroyed not few but several thousand Hindu and Buddhist temples. Accounts written by the conquering hero and/or by the Muslim chroniclers who accompanied the invader describe the destruction of many Hindu shrines. The destruction of infidel places of worship is a meritorious act under Islam. See, for example: The Mohammedan period as described by its own historians, by Sir H.M. Elliot, The Grolier Society, 1906.
          Alberuni, the Muslim scholar who accompanied Mahmud Ghazni (also known as Gazhnavi) to India in 1,000 CE, describes one such event: “Mathura, the holy city of Krishna, was the next victim. In the middle of the city there was a temple larger and finer than the rest, which can neither be described nor painted. The Sultan was of the opinion that 200 years would have been required to build it. The idols included 'five of red gold, each five yards high,' with eyes formed of priceless jewels. . . The Sultan gave orders that all the temples should be burnt with naphtha and fire, and leveled with the ground. Thus perished works of art which must have been among the noblest monuments of ancient India.” 1
          At the destruction of another famous temple, Somnath, some 50,000 were massacred. The fabulous booty of gold was divided according to Islamic tradition--the Sultan getting the royal fifth, the cavalry man getting twice as much as the foot soldier. Women were sold into concubinage and children raised as Muslim.
          1. The esteemed professor asserts that during an earlier period, Hindus persecuted Jains and Buddhists and destroyed their shrines. She narrates the now discarded story about the impaling of Jains at the hands of Hindu rulers in the Tamil country. Then she says that “there is no evidence that any of this actually happened, other than the story.” (p 365). Then why narrate the story?

          Hindu sectarian violence existed but it pales in comparison to the level of violence that occurred under Islam. (See the riveting account of the history of pillage of minorities under Islam by Egyptian born Jewish writer Bat Ye'or. Google her.) The truth is that both Jainism and Buddhism were integrated into Hinduism’s pluralistic tradition. The Buddha is regarded as one of the Avatars. Exquisite Jain temples at Mt Abu at the border of Gujarat and Rajasthan built around 1000 CE survive in the region dominated by Hindu Rajput rulers, falsifying notions of Hindu carnage of Jain temples.
          1. Wendy Doniger suggests that Hindus would do the same to Muslims if they had the power to do so (p 457). Hindus did come to power when the Mughal rule rapidly declined after the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. The Hindu Marathas were the strongest power in Western and Southern India, as the Sikhs were in North India. There is no account of large scale demolition and looting of Muslim places of worship either by the Marathas or the Sikhs. If a copy of the Quran fell into the hands of Maratha soldiers, Shivaji instructed that the same should be passed on to a Muslim follower rather than being burned.
          2. Dr. Doniger argues that Jizia or the special tax levied on non-Muslims was for Hindus protection and a substitute for military service. Jizya is a long held Muslim tradition. It was levied to begin with on the defeated Jews and Christians, the People of the Book, as a price for the cessation of Jihad. Hindus, not being one of the People of the Book, did not deserve to live by paying the special tax. If defeated in battle, their only option was Islam or death. This was the position taken by the leading Islamic clergy. Unlike the clergy, however, the Muslim rulers were practical men. If they had killed the Hindus en masse for failing to adopt Islam, who would build their palaces, fill their harems, cut their wood and hue their water? 2
          3. Doniger argues that Hindu ‘megalomania’ for temple building resulted from Muslim destruction of some Hindu temples. In other words, because the Muslims destroyed some of the Hindu temples, the Hindus went on a building spree. If Doniger’s argument is accepted, Hindus should thank Islamic rulers for the destruction of their shrines. The truth is that in northern India which experienced 500 years of Islamic rule (1201-1707), few historical temples of any beauty remain. In contrast, temple architecture of some beauty does survive in southern India, the region that escaped long Muslim occupation.
          4. Doniger opines that the Hindu founders of the Vijayanagara empire in the South double-crossed their Muslim masters in Delhi and established an independent kingdom in the South. This is one among the innumerable editorial negative portrayal of Hindu character. One may ask: why wouldn’t a slave double cross his oppressor?
          5. Contrary to what Doniger writes, the view that Muslims and Christians should leave India is held only by a minority on the extreme fringes, and not the mainstream Hindu population. Muslim population has increased in India from about 9 percent at the time of Independence in 1947 to about 13 percent in 2012. In contrast, in Pakistan, Hindu population has declined from 10 percent and now constitutes less than two percent. In Muslim Bangladesh in the same period the Hindu population has declined from 30 percent to less than 10 percent. People vote with their feet. Muslims hold important positions in government and business in contemporary India. Among the richest person in India is a Muslim, Premji; the most popular film stars are Muslim: Shah Rukh Khan and Slaman Khan; Muslims leaders have served as governors at the state level. The single most important leader for the last decade in India is Italian-born Sonya Gandhi and the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is a Sikh. The former President of India APJ Kalam was a Muslim and before that K R Narayanan, a lower caste. In Federal and State civil service, 50 percent of the jobs are reserved for backward classes, in order to compensate for past discrimination. India has moved.

          Doniger describes the invasion of Sindh by Arab soldier of fortune Muhammad bin Qasim as follows:

          Qasim invaded Sindh in 713. The terms of surrender included a promise of guarantee of the safety of Hindu and Buddhist establishments. “Hindus and Buddhists were allowed to govern themselves in matters of religion and law.” Qasim “kept his promises.” The non-Muslims were not treated as kafirs. Jizya was imposed but only as a substitute for military service for their “protection.” He brought Muslim teachers and mosques into the subcontinent. (paraphrased)

          From Doniger’s assessment, Qasim should be regarded as a blessing. Andrew Bostom in “The Legacy of Islamic Jihad in India,” provides the following disquieting picture, based on Islamic sources.3

          The Muslim chroniclers . . .include enough isolated details to establish the overall nature of the conquest of Sindh by Muhammad b. Qasim in 712 C.E. . . . Baladhuri (an Islamic writer), for example, records that following the capture of Debal, Muhammad b. Qasim earmarked a section of the city exclusively for Muslims, constructed a mosque, and established four thousand colonists there. The conquest of Debal had been a brutal affair . . .Despite appeals for mercy from the besieged Indians (who opened their gates after the Muslims scaled the fort walls), Muhammad b. Qasim declared that he had no orders (i.e., from his superior al-Hajjaj, the Governor of Iraq) to spare the inhabitants, and thus for three days a ruthless and indiscriminate slaughter ensued. In the aftermath, the local temple was defiled, and “700 beautiful females who had sought for shelter there, were all captured.”

          R. C. Majumdar, another distinguished historian, describes the tragic outcome:
          Muhammad massacred 6,000 fighting men who were found in the fort, and their followers and dependents, as well as their women and children were taken prisoners. Sixty thousand slaves, including 30 young ladies of royal blood, were sent to Hajjaj, along with the head of Dahar [the Hindu ruler]. We can now well understand why the capture of a fort by the Muslim forces was followed by the terrible jauharceremony (in which females threw themselves in fire kindled by themselves), the earliest recorded instance of which is found in the Chachnama.(Cited in Bostom.)

          Doniger extensively footnotes Romila Thapar, John Keay, Anne Schimmel and A. K. Ramanujan as her sources for Islamic history, providing an impression of meticulous scholarship. Missing are works of the distinguished historians: Jadunath Sarkar, R. C. Majumdar, A. L. Srivastava, Vincent Smith, and Ram Swarup.

          Doniger writes at page 458: when Muslim royal women first came to India, they did not rigidly keep to purdah (the veiling and seclusion of women). They picked the more strict form of purdah from contact with the Hindu Rajput women. Doniger finds much to praise in Muslim women during this period: some knew several languages; others wrote poetry; some managed vast estates; others set up “feminist” republics within female quarters (harems); some debated fine points on religion; some even joined in drinking parties (chapters 16, 20). Such descriptions are patently negated by other historians. See for example, The Mughal Harem (1988) by K S Lal, available free on the Internet.

          If Hinduism is the source of strict purdah among Muslim women, as Doniger contends, how does one explain the strict veiling of women in the Middle East, a region far removed from Hindu influence? Or, the absence of purdah in southern India, a region that escaped extended Islamic domination?

          Doniger writes at page 627, “the Vedic reverence for violence flowered in the slaughters that followed Partition.” And, Gandhi’s nonviolence succeeded against the British. But it failed against the tenaciously held Hindu ideal of violence that had grip on the real emotions of the masses.

          Doniger blames "the Vedic reverence for violence" for post-Partition destruction that engulfed both India and Pakistan. What is one to make of this weighty pronouncement uttered in all seriousness by the author? Could it perhaps be an expression of the hurt feelings on the part of a scholar. While discussing the Hindu epic Ramayana in London in 2003, Doniger put forth her usual gloss: that Lakshman had the 'hots' for his brother Rama’s wife Sita, and that sexually-charged Sita reciprocated these feelings. An irate Hindu threw an egg at her and conveniently missed it. This incident is her cause célèbre.

          Doniger’s scandalous book on the Hindus makes sense only in the light of a larger global trend—a trend that seeks to re-package Islamic history as a force for tolerance and progress.

          Doniger is not alone in holding such views. Dhimmi attitudes of subservience have entered the Western academy, and from there into journalism, school textbooks and political discourse. One must not criticize Islam. For, “to do so would offend the multiculturalist ethos that prevails everywhere today. To do so would endanger chances for peace and rapprochement between civilizations all too ready to clash.” See Bat Ye'or, http://www.dhimmitude.org/archive/by_lecture_10oct2002.htm

          The field of Middle East Studies in the U.S. is now controlled by pro-Middle East professors, according to Martin Kramer, editor of the Middle Eastern Quarterly. “The crucial turning point occurred in the late 1970s when Middle East studies centers, under /Edward/ Said's influence, began to show a preference for ideology over empirical fact and, fearing the taint of the ‘orientalist’ bias, began to prefer academic appointments of native-born Middle Easterners over qualified Western-born students.” Search the link at: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1058/is_17_119/ai_90989239/.

          In contrast, the field of Hinduism studies by and large is controlled by non-Hindus and anti-Hindus. Hindu gods and goddesses are lampooned and denigrated. Hindu saints are described as sexual perverts and India in danger of being run over by Hindu fundamentalists. In these portrayals, Doniger is joined by Martha Nussbaum, Paul Courtright, Jeffrey Kripal, Sarah Caldwell, Stanley Kurtz, to name only a few. Unhappily also, the American born Hindu youth choose lucrative careers in medicine, law, finance and engineering rather than in the social sciences and the humanities.

          Doniger is quite harsh on the British record in India (1757-1947). She compares the British argument that they brought trains and drains to India to Hitler’s argument that he built the Autobahn in Germany (p. 583). Censuring Britain and giving a pass to the more draconian Islamic rule fits with the dhimmi attitude described forcefully by Bat Ye' or. Consequently, attitudes of concession and appeasement are on the rise in the academy. A reversal of language occurs. Jihad is called ‘struggle within’. Dhimmitude is called tolerance. Jizya is called protection. No wonder that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and on elite American college campuses.
          1 Vincent Smith, The Oxford History of India, Delhi, 1981, pp. 207-08. Smith derives his account of Mahmud’s raids from the account written by Alberuni, the Islamic scholar who traveled with Sultan Mahmud to India.

          2 See Ram Swarup’s Hindu View of Christianity and Islam, 1992. And, Andrew Bostom, The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims, 2005, at: http://www.andrewbostom.org/loj/.

          3 Published in 2005 in the American Thinker by Andrew Bostom and available at: http://www.islam-watch.org/Bostom/Legacy-of-Islamic-Jihad-terrorism-in-India.htm

          Appoint ethics committee on Hinduism studies: Petition to American Academy of Religions


          NOVEMBER 3, 2010


          Petition to American Academy of Religion (AAR)
          To appoint Ethics Committee to Probe Distortion of Study of Hinduism in Western Academia.

          India’s historical narrative has been primarily written by its colonists from a victor’s perspective of erasing the rich heritage, traditions, culture and history of ancient India. Western academy continues to take its cues from colonial scholarship even in modern times. The amount of denigration and negative portrayal of Hinduism in the Academy is alarmingly high. This is not surprising! Western scholars of Indology are largely non-practitioners of Hinduism. Sometimes they are trained in Divinity schools which provide inadequate tools to understand beliefs, traditions and interpretations of practicing Hindus.
          The situation has to change, as more and more practicing Hindu professionals settled in the US raise objections to unfair treatment of their faith. We hope that the Academy will be sensitive to their critique and help advance more appropriate scholarship. A few out of many examples of the distorted narratives/books by Western scholars are provided in this Petition and as below:
          Dr. Wendy Doniger of University of Chicago:
          A very good example of biased and agenda-driven scholarship is represented by Dr. Wendy Doniger’s latest book, The Hindus: An Alternative History, Penguin, 2009. Excerpted below is a critique of the book by Dr. Aseem Shukla, a Surgeon at the University of Minnesota, originally published at Washington Post under “On Faith,” March 17, 2010. Doniger’s unscholarly response to the critique is also available there through Google search!
          Hindus know that Doniger was derailed before. In 2003, Microsoft retracted a chapter on Hinduism written by Doniger for its online encyclopedia after a heavily publicized internet campaign protested factual and interpretive errors in her essay. In the end, a Hindu writer, providing the emic, or insider’s perspective, wrote an entry that depicted Hinduism in the light that practitioners would actually recognize. . ……Doniger’s 780-page tome is set as her rendering of Hinduism’s history based--we are to assume--on her own interpretations of scripture, her own biases and inclinations. Infamous for her penchant to sexualize, eroticize and exoticize passages from some of the holiest Hindu epics and scriptures--often invoking a Freudian psychoanalytic lens--Doniger has been accused of knowingly polarizing and inflaming. She does not disappoint………Doniger represents what many believe to be a fundamental flaw in the academic study of Hinduism: that Hindu studies is too often the last refuge of idiosyncratic and irreligious academics presenting themselves as “experts” on a faith that they study without the insight, recognition or reverence of a practicing Hindu or even non-Hindu--striving to study Hinduism from the insider’s perspective. …….Factual inaccuracies in her latest book were also detailed by a lay historian, Vishal Agarwal. . . (Details and other critiques of Doniger are printed in Portrayal of Hinduism in Western Indology, WAVES, 2010; available on request.). It is not just that there are documented errors in fact predicated on errors in interpretation and context, but Hindus argue that Doniger seems to delight in celebrating the most obscure and arcane of anecdotes or stories from the hoary expanse of Hindu epics and scriptures. Privileging the absurd--dissembling it as an alternative--comes across as a specious exercise of a motivated author seeking spice to sell books.
          Parallelisms in her book conjure up obsolete anecdotes comparing the sacred stone linga representing Lord Shiva to a leather strap-on sex toy, and Lord Rama, one of the most widely worshiped deities, is psychoanalyzed to have acted out of fear that he was becoming a sex-addict like his father. Agarwal shows, Doniger’s prose is replete with cutesy, perhaps, but offensive and jejune turns of phrases. Her interpretations of the Rig Veda, the most ancient of the Vedas that Hindus consider sacred, Doniger sees incest and adultery with a pregnant woman in a verse praying to God for protection and safe delivery. Here are some more out of many of her factually incorrect, derogatory, bizarre quotes/misrepresentations as pointed out by Agarwal from her book:
          Pg 40 – “If the motto of Watergate was ‘Follow the money’, the motto of the history of Hinduism could well be ‘Follow the monkey’ or, more often ‘Follow the horse’.”
          Pg 112 - The author alleges that in Rigveda 10.62, it is implied that a woman may find her own brother in her bed!
          Pg 128 - The book likens the Vedic devotee worshipping different Vedic deities to a lying and a philandering boyfriend cheating on his girlfriend(s).
          Pg 225 -“Dasharatha’s son is certainly ‘lustful’... Rama knows all too well what people said about Dasharatha; when Lakshmana learns that Rama has been exiled, he says, “The king is perverse, old, and addicted to sex, driven by lust (2.18.3)”
          Pg 467 - Harihara and Bukka (the founders of the Vijayanagara Empire that saved Hindu culture in S India) ‘double-crossed’ the Delhi Sultan when they reconverted to Hinduism.
          Pg 468-469 -“…The mosque, whose serene calligraphic and geometric contrasts with the perpetual motion of the figures depicted on the temple, makes a stand against the chaos of India, creating enforced vacuums that India cannot rush into with all its monkeys and peoples and colors and the smells of the bazaar…”
          Pg 509 - ”Shankara and the philosopher’s wife…This tale contrasts sex and renunciation in such a way that the renunciant philosopher is able to have his cake and eat it, to triumph not only in the world of the mind (in which, before this episode begins, he wins a series of debates against the nonrenouncing male Mimamsa philosopher) but in the world of the body, represented by the philosopher’s wife (not to mention the harem women who clearly prefer Shankara to the king in bed).” The author attributes the tale to Shankaradigvijaya of Madhava and to Ravichandra’s commentary on Amarushataka.
          Pg 571- It is alleged that in a hymn from Saint Kshetrayya’s poetry, ‘God rapes’ the women devotees.
          A Danish cartoonist would be hard pressed to match the disturbing parodies of a believer’s faith that Doniger offers throughout the book. The great Hindu yogi, Patanjali, cautioned in the 2nd century BCE against falling into the trap of false “meaning making” when reading scriptures that contain subtle, esoteric meanings as well as moral edicts. Doniger’s book, then, could be read as an idiosyncratic exposition that is “meaning making” out of profound revelations perhaps not meant for the spiritually untrained, untempered, and non-seeking mind……….. . Recall that publication of the Jewel of Medina was abruptly dropped by Random House last year when fear grew that a story about one of the wives of the prophet Muhammad would spark violence from the Muslim community.
          Doniger has tended to dismiss criticisms from Hindus as politically motivated, chauvinistic, sexist, casteist--the list is long. It is as Vamsee Julluri, Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, wrote: “The academy has gone almost directly from the Orientalist myth of Hindu superstition to the postmodern concern about Hindu fundamentalism, without even a notice of the great Hindu religion in between, and what it means to its followers and admirers. The academy must engage with Hinduism more positively.” Academic freedom is sacrosanct. But academic legitimacy in the eyes of the public sets a much higher bar.

          Doniger should face scrutiny about her latest book, “The Hindus: An Alternative History”. An online petition asking Penguin Press, the publishers of the book, to apologize for the insensitivity and to hold publication and demand revisions has already crossed 10,350 signatures. Petition can be viewed at http://www.petitiononline.com/dharma10/petition-sign.html
          Likewise, when her book was nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award, Hindu scholars and professionals wrote numerous concern letters about her shoddy scholarship and some activists even staged a protest outside the award ceremony in New York. It was saving grace that her insulting and inaccurate account/scholarship of ancient Hindu history was not the recipient of the NBCC award.
          Prof. Paul Courtright of Emory University:
          Another glaring example of insensitive and biased scholarship of Hinduism is represented by Paul Courtright’s book, Ganesa: Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings, OXFORD University Press, 1989-PBK. It is noteworthy that Dr. Wendy Doniger provided her endorsement/ Foreword to this derogatory book. The following critique was prepared by a committee of Atlanta concerned Hindus and submitted to Emory University in 2003.
          Quote: “…..We have been sorely disappointed at the lack of sensitivity Prof. Courtright has shown towards Hindu faith as reflected by assertions in his book. The following few quotes from the 1989 edition of the book will demonstrate our contention.
          “Its (Ganesa’s) trunk is the displaced phallus, a caricature of Siva’s linga. It poses no threat • because it is too large, flaccid, and in the wrong place to be useful for sexual purposes.” (Page 121)
          “So Ganesa takes on the attributes of his father but in an inverted form, with an exaggerated limp • phallus-ascetic and benign- whereas Siva is a “hard” (ur-dhvalinga), erotic and destructive.” (Page 121)
          “Both in his behavior and iconographic form Ganesa resembles in some aspects, the figure of • the eunuch, ……. Ganesha is like eunuch guarding the women of the harem.” (Page 111)
          “Although there seems to be no myths or folktales in which Ganesa explicitly performs oral sex; • his insatiable appetite for sweets may be interpreted as an effort to satisfy a hunger that seems inappropriate in an otherwise ascetic disposition, a hunger having clear erotic overtones.” (Page 111)
          “Ganesa’s broken tusk, his guardian’s staff, and displaced head can be interpreted as symbols • of castration” (page 111)
          “He (Ganesa) remains celibate so as not to compete erotically with his father, a notorious • womanizer, either incestuously for his mother or for any other women for that matter.” (Page 110)
          “Feeding Ganesa copious quantities of modakas, satisfying his oral/erotic desires, also keeps • him from becoming genitally erotic like his father.” (Page 113)
          “The perpetual son desiring to remain close to his mother and having an insatiable appetite • for sweets evokes associations of oral eroticism. Denied the possibility of reaching the stage of full genital masculine power by the omnipotent force of the father, the son seeks gratification in some acceptable way.” (Page 113)
          Unfortunately, none of his distorted characterizations of Lord Ganesa have any scriptural validity according to Hindu tenets or eminent Hindu scholars. ………….. “ Unquote.

          Other sample denigrations by Western Academia:
          1. “Kali’s Child: The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of Ramakrishna” By Kripal Jeffrey
          Distorted, sexist (non-falsifiable Freudian psychoanalytical) researches on Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (in his Ph.D dissertation) by Jeffrey John Kripal (Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1993), now the J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religious Studies and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies.
          2. Motivated interventions by over 40 academics led by Michael Witzel, Harvard Univ. Sanskrit Department in the California Textbooks case (also commonly referred to as the Harvard Donkey Trial) to link up the social organization of jaati in India with Hinduism and present myths such as Aryan Invasions/Migrations/Trickles-in as history of Hindu civilization in sixth grade school textbooks. Such distorted presentations made about Hindu civilization in textbooks, are not made in the study of other civilizations such as Judaism or Islam or Christianity which are intended to instill a sense of pride among school children about their heritage and cultural identities.
          3. Running anti-Hindu hate groups camouflaged as pseudo-academic Indo-Eurasian Research (IER) or Religions in South Asia (RISA) or Comparative Mythologies mailing lists or egroups or annual conferences.
          4. “Kiss of the Yogini: Tantric Sex in its South Asian Context” by Prof. David Gordon White
          5. “All the Mothers are one” by Stanley Kurtz
          Insensitive and perverse books/writings neither advance our knowledge about Hinduism nor foster interfaith dialog so badly needed in the current global, social and political environment. Such malicious distortions, sooner than later, are bound to cause worldwide condemnation and become an embarrassment to prominent academic universities such as University of Chicago and Emory University and to the American Academy of Religion (AAR). Imagine the wrath of people of some other religions if the icons of their faith were belittled!
          We have a moral obligation to respect practitioners of all religions and ensure fair representation in the Western Academia. We are hoping the Universities of repute will consider review of their policies on tenures of shoddy religious scholars who misrepresent other faiths by use of selective quotations from obscure and non-original, peripheral and ignorant or poorly researched references with a bizarre emphasis on sexuality and eroticism.
          It’s about time that academic groups such as AAR set up an Ethics Committee with guidelines transparently spelled out to inquire into the accuracy and the propriety of the derogatory depiction of Hinduism by Western Academia and for the aggrieved parties to present their concerns for redress.
          Our appeal is for your Academy to fulfill the socio-religious responsibility, enforce the high ethical and moral standards expected of a Religious scholar and partner with the Hindu Community to take steps ensuring the process of interfaith respect.
          We will be happy to coordinate further, on behalf of the Hindu Community, on the concerns raised in this Petition and help arrange a dialog that the Hindu Community is seeking.
          We can be reached at ConcernedHinduCommunity@yahoo.com.
          Subash Razdan; Dhiru Shah; Vasav Mehta; Sneha Mehta; Ram Sidhaye; M. L. Goel; Basant Tariyal; Amitabh Sharma (Partial list of signatories of the Core Group)
          Invading The Sacred: An Analysis of Hinduism Studies in America, Rupa & Co 2007. Editors: Krishnan Ramaswamy, Antonio de Nicolas and Aditi Banerjee
          Portrayal of Hinduism in Western Indology, World Association of Vedic Studies, 2010. Editors: TRN Rao and S Kalyanaraman.

          Absence of moral outrage. Options for expressions of old-fashioned, moral outrage?


          Outrage is a spontaneous, valid human emotion. Moral outrage finds expression when something patently unjust happens. How this 'injutice' is recognised is found in the expression of outrage by an individual or a group of individuals. 

          One example of such moral outrage can be when a pornographic account is presented to a minor whose prurient interests are aroused and which 'harmful material' is declared a crime under US Penal code chapter 43.

          I recall and reproduce below a NYTimes oped by William Safire on a sum of money paid to Pres. Clinton by foreign interests, commenting on the absence of outrage and failure to report in the media.

          One recent comparable event occurred in India. There were reports that Clinton Foundation received foreign donations and that USA intervened with 'cash-for-vote' to get the US-India nuke deal okayed in Indian Parliament. The reports in the media were muted and investigations were shoved under the carpet and even mischievously directed at the whistle-blowers, a few Members of Parliament who displayed the wads of currency notes allegedly paid as 'cash-for-vote'.

          Another recent event relates to the book by a Univ. of Chicago academic, Wendy Doniger who wrote a scurrilous book calling it History of Hindus and defaming Hinduism and Hindus. Many psecularatti came out of the woodworks in defense of academic freedom of speech and there were also some meek expressions of outrage provoked by attacks on what many Hindus consider sacred heritage. Even Muslims of Malaysia and Indonesia get offended because they adore the memories of 1) Rama by calling the official state gazette notifications Paduka Duli, referring to the story of Bharata ruling the state using the Paduka of Rama as objects of veneration and ethical statecraft; and 2) Krishna by erecting a statue of an episode of Mahabharata war with Krishna and Arjuna riding a chariot to victoryagainst injustice.

          Let me end with what William Saffire said in his piece: "Will anything so old-fashioned as moral outrage ever make a comeback? The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our investigative stars but in ourselves, that we are benumbed."

          What are the options available to express outrage on Capitol Hill, Whitehouse or Western Academe?


          Absence of Outrage

          Published: October 10, 1996
          In our last episode about the penetration of the White House by Asian interests, we saw how the President of the United States had been personally involved in the solicitation of an illegal campaign contribution of $250,000 by a foreign national.
          That was pretty scandalous, I thought, especially since the facts are not in dispute: (1) John Huang, the Indonesian Riady family's man here, left his foreign economic post at Commerce to resume fund-raising for the Clinton campaign. (2) That phantom fund-raiser introduced the President to a wealthy South Korean businessman in April of this year. (3) The alien shelled out. (4) When caught by The Los Angeles Times, his hot money was returned -- and no crime is charged.
          Evidently the Wall Street Journal reporters Glenn R. Simpson and Jill Abramson were also working on this story. Under the headline ''Asian Interests Are Providing Huge Campaign Gifts, Gaining Political Clout,'' they added rich detail this week to the sale of access to Clinton by favor-hungry foreigners.
          I had been wondering why the Secret Service was hanging out so often in the lobby of the Hay-Adams Hotel, across the street from the White House. It turns out that Mr. Huang (who will not speak to reporters, and has not been asked to speak to Craig Donsanto's Elections Crimes branch of the Department of Justice) has been holding posh Presidential dinners there with a $25,000 price tag.
          Many of the ''donors'' may be front men with green cards, resident aliens of modest means passing along huge gifts of soft money supplied them by the Asian connection. One $425,000 gift came from the son-in-law of a big shot in the Lippo Group, the Indonesian conglomerate that came to Webster Hubbell's financial rescue after looming prosecution forced that tight-lipped Clinton confederate to quit the Justice Department.
          Such unprecedented largess to American politicians from aliens, and their private access to the President and his top aides at a Jakarta conference of Asian leaders, used to be called a scandal. Though TV investigation lags, several newspapers in addition to The Journal are digging after the sleazy sale of influence to foreigners.
          But what is lacking -- in the press and in the public -- is an outdated emotion called outrage. Even when caught red-handed, the White House can be expected to dismiss the latest revelations -- as Mr. Clinton did with the F.B.I. files of 900 Republicans -- as an ''honest bureaucratic snafu.'' And even as it reeks of wrongdoing, the Clinton Asian connection will get a shrug from the public: ''Too complicated.'' Or ''Everybody does it.'' Or ''All a bunch of politics.'' Or ''Old stuff.''
          Ennui is in; outrage is out. Why?
          One reason is that the Department of Justice has shoveled all corruption over to the Independent Counsel, a part-time prosecutor who won't bring indictments until after the election -- after the President has thoroughly blackened the prosecutor's reputation, and after Mr. Clinton hopes to claim pre-emptive vindication at the polls.
          Another reason is scandal overload. The ripoff of taxpayers in Whitewater as shown by the convictions in Little Rock; the Travel Office abuse of police power; the Vincent Foster mystery; the obstructing of justice in long-concealed billing records; the abuse of executive privilege to conceal political embarrassment; the refusal of a lawyer, Randy Turk, to show Congress the contributors to Craig Livingstone's defense fund; the missing six months of records protecting the political operatives who looked into the F.B.I. files -- never have so few concealed so much from so many.
          Another reason the voters' gorge has not risen is that the opponent has been too eager to become likable to make his case. Bob Dole raised the pardon issue in the first debate and then backed away. At his final face-to-face chance, Dole should say: ''I pledge to you never to abuse the Presidential pardon power by using it to protect myself from criminal prosecution, and I call on Mr. Clinton right here and now to promise the same.''
          Will anything so old-fashioned as moral outrage ever make a comeback? The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our investigative stars but in ourselves, that we are benumbed.

          Obsessed with 'Hindu terror', NIA flounders -- Sandhya Jain



          Tuesday, 25 February 2014 | Sandhya Jain |

          Six persons accused in the 2009 Margao bomb blast, allegedly the handiwork of a Hindu group, were recently released by a Special NIA Court for complete lack of evidence, or even a credible motive
          ‘Hindu terrorism’ may be the UPA’s grand denouement. The Congress’s most maligned monster got a clean chit in the violence of 2002; his Minister of State for Home was not named in the CBI charge-sheet in the Ishrat Jehan encounter case; and nemesis is now hunting their former prosecutrix. Now, Army intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Purohit, arrested in a ‘Hindu conspiracy’, has urged Union Minister for Home Affairs SK Shinde not to discriminate between Muslims and others while providing relief in false cases. His wife recently met President Pranab Mukherjee to complain about lack of movement in the case despite his five years in jail, and the refusal of bail.
          Others languishing without bail in cases of alleged Hindu terror include the cancer-stricken Sadhvi Pragya, Swami Aseemanand, and the Sharadapeeth Sankaracharya. However, the principal accused in the Israeli diplomat car bombing case was given bail by a Bench presided over by the then Chief Justiceof India.
          The National Investigation Agency that was set up after the November 2008 assault on Mumbai to investigate terror-related crimes and given several high-profile cases, has failed to distinguish itself. In a case largely ignored by the mainstream media, six persons accused in the Margao bomb blast of October 16, 2009, in which two persons died, were released by the Special NIA Court for Goa on December 31, 2013, for complete lack of evidence — or even a credible motive. The NIA sleuths claimed that the blasts were the handiwork of members of a social organisation, Sanatan Sanstha, based at Ponda, Goa, who disliked a local cultural event based on Narakasur, an asura killed by Krishna the day before Diwali!
          Briefly, the NIA case, argued by the prosecution, was that Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik conspired with nine others to hatch a criminal conspiracy to strike terror in the minds of the organisers, participants and spectators of the Narakasur Vadh Competition in October 2009. The Sanatan Sanstha promotes the proper performance of Hindu rites; it objected to the glorification of the asura andsmaller size of the Krishna effigies. As the competition was held at several places in Goa, the Sanstha planned to cause explosions at these places. During the trial, a witness said the Sanstha’s main opposition to the event was due to children drinking alcohol, extracting money from people, and eve-teasing, and many local persons opposed it for the same reasons.
          According to the NIA, Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik (who died) conspired with Vinay Talekar, Vinayak Patil, Dhananjay Asthekar, Dilip Mangaonkar, Prashant Asthekar and Prashant Juvekar (who were released) and Jay Prakash Anna, Rudra Patil and Sarang Akolkar (declared absconding) to wage war against the nation and terrorism. They purchased materials necessary for making a bomb and assembled Improvised Explosive Devices at the residence of Yogesh Naik’s brother Laxmikant Naik, at Talaulim, Ponda-Goa, and conducted test blasts on the hillock behind the house.
          Their alleged plan was to blast IEDs at five places in Goa on October 16, 2009. Accordingly, Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik went to plant the IEDs at Margao behind Grace Church, near the venue of the function, where a large crowd, the Chief Minister, local MLA and other VIPs were present. But when the accused parked their Eterno scooter (No GA-05-A-7800) near the Reliance Trade Centre, the IEDs in the dickey exploded; they later died in hospital. Vinay Talekar and Vinayak Patil allegedly planted IEDs in a lorry (No GA-08-U-0029) ferrying Narakasur effigies at a temple in Sancoale; these were noticed by an alert driver who tossed the packet out of the vehicle; it was later defused by experts.
          But the Solid Party Trust which organises the competition told the court that the blast site was 300m away from the route taken by the effigy processions, on an isolated road. The blast was heard at the function and the Chief Minister received a telephone call and left, but the competition continued. The organisers continued to hold the function at the same venue in subsequent years; the police never suggested there was any threat to peace. Moreover, they testified that the Sanstha members had never complained directly to them, but to the Collector. They would come with placards prior to the competition, but never created any problems for the event. The organisers did not recognise any of the accused in court.
          Police witnesses confirmed that a letter produced by the prosecution contained no threat of any kind. The letter, addressed to  Ponda Police Station, said that Krishna slew Narakasur on Ashwin Vadya Chaturdashi and granted a boon that whoever took a holy bath at dawn would never suffer in hell. In Goa, a custom developed of burning effigies of Narakasur to commemorate Krishna’s victory. But recently the practice has become distorted with people participating the whole night and unable to wake up for the holy bath, which is an important spiritual aspect of this festival; they end up forgetting Sri Krishna.
          The Special Judge observed that persons peacefully opposing an activity on moral and ritual grounds will not take such extreme steps; he concluded that the prosecution failed to establish motive. This means that Malgonda Patil and Yogesh Naik were victims, not conspirators.
          Three of the accused (Vinay Talekar, Vinayak Patil and Dhananjay Asthekar) were allegedly identified by persons who sold electronic items to them. But an engineering college student testified that Dhananjay Asthekar was the main coordinator of a national level competition in electronics, and preparing circuits was part of the academic curriculum. The Special Judge observed that there was no evidence to show that the accused had purchased the detonators used for the blasts, which is the key to the crime.
          Nor was there any evidence to suggest that the Sanstha or its members intended to overcome the armed or other personnel deployed by the Government and attain a commanding position from which they could dictate terms to the Government. This negates the charge that the accused were waging war against the State Government (Section 121-A IPC).
          As the trial unfolded, the Special Judge doubted the veracity of the First Information Report and held that the facts seemed to be manipulated with the intention of roping in the Sanatan Sanstha. Neither the evidence nor the witnesses supported the prosecution case. The case simply collapsed; the ‘Hindu terrorists’ were freed and the NIA’s reputation tarnished. The new Government must seriously address the training and professional standards in this premier institution.


          British Museum should return two Sarasvati idols to India. They belong to a temple in Dhar.


          See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2012/03/british-museum-should-return-two.html British Museum should return two Sarasvatī Pratimā (statues) for puja in Sarasvatī temple in Dhar, India

          TN temple idols traced to S’pore, Belgium

          A Selvaraj TNN February 26, 2014

          Chennai: Two idols stolen from temples in the state have been traced to museums in Singapore and Brussels in Belgium. The two idols were allegedly sold to the museums by international idol smuggler Subhash Kapoor, who was arrested by idol wing CID sleuths in 2012. 

              “We will send letters rogatory to the authorities in Singapore and Belgium through the ministry of external affairs to retrieve the stolen idols,” inspector-general of police (idol wing CID) A G Pon Manickavel said. 

              Based on Kapoor’s confession, the idol wing came to know about the sale to the two museums of idols smuggled from Tamil Nadu. “It has been confirmed that the idol of Uma Parameshwari, stolen from Brahadeeshwarar Temple in Sripurandhan village in Ariyalur district, is at the Asian Civilization Museum in Singapore, 
          while an idol of Goddess Sivagami Amman alias Thani Amman, also stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu, is at an art gallery in Brussels in Belgium,” Pon Manickavel said. 

              Earlier, an idol of Lord Arthanareeshwarar, stolen from Vridhagireeshwarar temple in Vriddachalam, was traced to the Art Gallery of New South 
          Wales in Australia and an idol of Nataraja, stolen from the Brahadeeshwarar temple in Ariyalur, was found at the National Gallery of Australia. 

              “We had already sent letters rogatory to the Australian government and the US as the Australian government had bought one of the idols from the Art of the Past Gallery run by 
          Kapoor in US after paying 31 crore,” Pon Manickavel said. 

              He said they received a positive reply from the Australian government which asked the idol wing to send a formal letter to retrieve the idol. “We have sent a formal reply and are awaiting a response,” the officer said. 

              Idol wing CID sleuths attached to the economic offences wing of the CB-CID on July 13, 2012 managed to bring back Subhash Kapoor, who had settled in New York, to help recover 27 stolen idols that had been sent to the US through smuggler Sanjeevi Asokan. Asokan was arrested in Germany. 

              Before his arrest, Interpol, the international police organisation, had issued a red corner alert against Subhash Kapoor, a native of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, in connection with several cases of idol theft from Tamil Nadu. This followed a request from the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the state police.

          LOST AND FOUND: The idol of Uma Parameshwari (left), stolen from Brahadeeshwarar Temple in Ariyalur district, is at the Asian Civilization Museum in Singapore, and a stolen idol of Sivagami Amman is at an art gallery in Brussels in Belgium

          Dassault Aviation head arrested. MOD should put on hold IAF-Dassault-Rafael fighter jets deal -- Dr. Swamy writes to Antony MOD

          Dassault Aviation head arrested on bribery charge. MOD should put on hold IAF-Dassault-Rafael fighter jets deal -- Dr. Swamy writes to Antony MOD

          Shri A.K. Antony February 26, 2014
          Minister of Defence
          South Block, New Delhi

          Dear Shri Antony:

          Enclosed is a copy of a news item from the Feb 22ndHindustan Times, Delhi Edition, that states the French police had arrested Dassault Aviation Head for a bribery charge. Dassault has entered into a controversial deal to sell Rafael fighter jets for the IAF.

          Since this news item brings prima facie the issue of a scam in the Rafael deal also, I urge you to put the deal on a hold till the Defence Ministry gets the full details, and takes a view on whether the deal should reach closure or not.

          Yours Sincerely

          Subramanian Swamy

          Join the discussion…

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            This news means Rafale surprise win in MMRCA competition is not completely on the basis of merit. An investigation needs to be instituted wrt Rafale's selection in MMRCA deal.
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                Indian Air force please do not dream of ever flying a Raffale. That fighter will never see the Indian skies. Thank you Mr.A.K.Anthony. Time for a new Government to come to power and get all defense projects on a fast track. The defense minister has no defense background,no personality, and he has put the security of India at risk. He may have a clean record ,but that does not qualify him to be the defense minister. India needs a retired General to head this prestigious post.Until than the country will be attacked by terrorists and China time and again.
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                    Birds of same feather flock together....If you are dealing with congies you SHOULD be doing this as a benchmark of approval by congress.
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                        Here congis buys MPs and immersed in all corrupt dealings
                      Dassault Aviation Head Arrested , Will it effect India’s Mmrca !!!


                      Serge Dassault, who heads Dassault Aviation, was taken into custody Wednesday for allegedly buying votes in Corbeil-Essonnes where he was formerly mayor.Dassault in 1998 received a two-year suspended prison sentence in Belgium for bribing members of the Socialist Party to win a helicopter deal.

                      Dassault’s Rafale aircraft won the Indian MMRCA contract in 2012, its first foreign fighter aircraft sale and the company is currently vying to supply jets to the UAE. It will be interesting to see how India will view Dassault’s latest trouble with the law.While there is no direct link between Serge Dassault’s present and past brushes with the law and bids for military and civilian aircraft contracts abroad, it could be hugely embarrassing for India if Serge Dassault’s questionable ethics dominate world headlines.

                      New Delhi maintains zero tolerance to corruption in defence procurement and recently disbanded a helicopter contract with AgustaWestland merely on allegations of bribery without the outcome an investigation in India and Italy.

                      Speculation was rife in the past year that the future of the defense side of Dassault could form part of a bigger consolidation with either Thales or Safran. However, the current status of this proposal remains unclear.According to reports, the 88-year-old Dassault is “accused of running the suburb like a mafia don” and is currently is being questioned in the western Paris suburb of Nanterre.

                      The move comes a week after Dassault’s parliamentary immunity was lifted, according to the Associated Press.Dassault is suspected of “operating an extensive system of vote buying which influenced the outcome of three mayoral elections in Corbeil in 2008, 2009 and 2010, which were won either by Dassault or by his successor and close associate Jean-Pierre Bechter,” the report adds.

                      The vote-buying inquiry is connected to two shootings (considered to be attempted murder by the police) which took place is Corbeil.”I can prove my total innocence in these so-called buying of votes, accusations that have been invented by my political adversaries,” Dassault was quoted as saying. “I am ready to cross this step”.

                      Investigating judges are focusing on huge sums of money transferred between France and Lebanon, including one totalling €18m, which they suspect could have been used to buy votes. Of this sum, about €3m was sent back to France, according to The Guardian.

                      As well as the alleged vote buying, Dassault could be charged with money laundering and misuse of public assets — sufficiently serious crimes to raise the possibility of a prison term, the report said.

                      Dassault Aviation Head Arrested , Will it effect India’s Mmrca !!! | idrw.org

                      IAF inks $18-bn deal for fighter jets with Dassault

                      AFP  New Delhi, January 31, 2012
                      French firm Dassault has won a multi-billion dollar contract to provide 126 fighter jets to the Indian military, a government source in New Delhi said on Tuesday.
                      Dassault will sell its Rafale multi-role jet to India after beating the Eurofighter consortium to secure the long-awaited contract, which is estimated to be worth $12 billion.
                      "You can take it as confirmed that Dassault has got the deal. Since there were only two companies and it has come out as the lowest bidder," a government source told AFP.
                      The huge deal to supply war planes to fast-developing India has been fiercely fought over for four years.India’s biggest military deal

                      India in April pulled a surprise by cutting out US bidders Boeing and Lockheed Martin -- much to Washington's disappointment -- as well as dropping Sweden's Saab AB and the Russian makers of the MiG 35 from the race.

                      No money, India delays purchase of Rafale fighters

                      Reuters  New Delhi, February 06, 2014
                      India's military has postponed until the next financial year a plan to buy 126 fighter planes from France's Dassault Aviation, the defence minister said on Thursday. New Delhi had picked the Rafale fighters for exclusive negotiations in January 2012 and had been expected to finalise the deal, estimated at $15 billion, by the end of March.

                      But negotiations to buy 18 planes off-the-shelf and build the rest in India have slowed and will stretch into the following fiscal year, defence minister AK Antony told a news conference at a defence sector trade fair.
                      The military, the world's biggest arms importer for three years running, has already spent 92% of its defence capital budget for this year, he said.
                      "Major procurement can only be possible in the next financial year. There is no money left," Antony said. The country is due to hold elections by May and a new government is expected to be installed the following month.
                      India is in the midst of a $100 billion defence modernisation programme to replace Soviet-era planes and tanks, and narrow the gap with China, with which it fought a war in 1962. A border dispute lingers.
                      But the defence upgrade programme has moved slowly like other major projects under the current government and partly because of Antony's insistence on transparency and integrity in the defence procurement process, long dogged by allegations of kickbacks.

                      Last month, Antony's office cancelled a $560 million euro deal with AgustaWestland for 12 helicopters after allegations were made that bribes had been paid to middlemen to secure the contract.
                      Antony said there could be delays in arms procurement decisions as he tried to clean up the process, but it was important to send a message that India would tolerate no wrongdoing in these deals.
                      "Everybody will get opportunities, if products are good and prices are low. There is no need to do lobbying," he said.
                      India chose the Rafale after a bidding contest against the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft, made by a consortium involving Airbus Group, Finmeccanica and BAE Systems.
                      Dassault Aviation's chief executive, Eric Trappier, said in December that he was optimistic about finalising the fighter jet deal within a few months, though he was unsure whether it would be sealed before or after the national election.
                      Antony said the two sides were also trying to tackle the issue of life cycle costs relating to the Rafale.
                      India's air force, which launched the acquisition process in 2005, has said that delays will severely affect the fleet strength of the force.
                      The military was forced to turn to the overseas market because a programme to manufacture home-grown combat planes to replace ageing Russian MiG-21 fighters is running 15 years behind schedule.

                      Is Hindu dharma good and Hindutva bad? -- Mariawirth



                       “When Germany is Christian, is India Hindu?” got amazingly good response with thousands of facebook likes. However, some readers felt I made a mistake by not distinguishing between good, tolerant Hinduism, which is a private belief, and bad, intolerant Hindutva, which stands for the ‘communal agenda of an extreme right Hindu party’ that wants to force uniform Hinduism on this vast country, an act which is completely un-Hindu and against the pluralism of India.
                      Is Hindutva really different from Hindu Dharma and dangerous? Or have those, which coined the term, an interest in making it look like that? No doubt, Hindutva has a bad name in the eyes of many, in spite of the ruling of the Supreme Court in 1995:
                      “Hindutva is indicative more of the way of life of the Indian people. …Considering Hindutva as hostile, inimical, or intolerant of other faiths, or as communal proceeds from an improper appreciation of its true meaning.”
                      I would like to explain from a personal angle, why I came to the conclusion that it is indeed ‘an improper appreciation of its true meaning’, when Hindutva is branded as communal and dangerous.
                      For many years I lived in ‘spiritual India’ without any idea how important the terms ‘’secular’ and ’communal’ were. The people I met were appreciative of India’s great heritage. They gave me tips which texts to read, which sants to meet, which mantras to learn, etc., and I wrote about it for German readers. I used to think that all Indians are genuinely proud of their ancestors, who had stunningly deep insights into what is true about us and the universe and who left a huge legacy of precious ancient texts unparalleled in the world.
                      However, when I settled in a ‘normal’ environment away from ashrams and pilgrimage places and connected with the English speaking middle class including some foreign wives, I was shocked that several of my new friends with Hindu names were ridiculing Hinduism without knowing much about it. They had not even read the Bhagavad-Gita, but pronounced severe judgment. They gave the impression as if Hinduism was the most depraved and violent of all religions and responsible for all the ills India is facing. The caste system and crude rules of Manusmiti were quoted as proof. Reading newspapers and watching TV, I also discovered an inexplicable, yet clear anti Hindu stand.
                      My new acquaintances had expected me to join them in denouncing ‘primitive’ Hinduism which I could not do as I knew too much, not only form reading extensively, but also from doing sadhana. They were not amused and declared that I had read the wrong books. They asked me to read the right books, which would give me the ‘correct’ understanding. They obviously did not doubt their own view to be the correct one. However, instead of coming around by reading Romila Thapar and co, I rather got the impression that there was an intention behind the negative portrayal of Hinduism: Christianity and Islam were meant to look good in comparison. My neighbour, a writer with communist leanings, henceforth introduced me to his friends as “the local RSS pracharak”. Many ‘secular’ Indians consider the RSS as Hindu fundamentalists, occasionally equating it even with Islamic terror groups. So no surprise that an elderly lady once retorted, “In this case I am not pleased to meet you.”
                      What was my ‘fault’? I dared to say that I love Hindu Dharma, as it (its off- springs Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism included) is the only religion that is inclusive and not divisive, whereas Christianity and Islam divide humanity into those who have the ‘true faith’ and those who are wrong and will pay for it eternally in hell, if not already on earth. Standing up for Hindu Dharma (and not only following it in private) indicted me as belonging to the ‘Hindutva brigade’ that is shunned by mainstream media. Of course my stand is neither communal nor dangerous for India. Hindu Dharma is indeed inclusive, and needs to gain strength at the expense of Christianity and Islam, which are exclusive and therefore communal.
                      No doubt something is seriously wrong about the public discourse on ‘secular’ and ‘communal’ in India. I can’t believe that those media anchors and invited guests don’t know it. Indians are intelligent. So why would they get secular and communal wrong?
                      Secular means worldly in contrast to sacred or religious, and secularism is a western concept.  State and religion were intertwined since Christianity became state religion in the Roman Empire. The Church declared what is the truth, for example that that Jesus is the only way or that the earth is flat, and everyone had to agree. If scientists disagreed, they were in serious trouble. Not without reason those centuries of Church domination are called ‘dark ages’ and the liberation from her tight embrace is called the era of ‘Enlightenment’. For Christian Europe, it was a great and hard fought achievement to get ‘secular’ states, where the Church could not push anymore her agenda through state laws. Several centuries ago, even the Sunday mass was obligatory in German kingdoms. Nobody was allowed to leave Christianity. The blasphemy laws kept the flock in check. Heresy was punished severely. Jews suffered discrimination and persecution all through history being branded as the killers of Jesus.
                      After Martin Luther split the Church into Protestants and Catholics, fierce wars were fought over supremacy which destroyed much of central Europe. In 1648, after 30 years of fighting, a compromise was found: the subjects of a region had to follow the religion of their ruler. Only in 1847, a Prussian king introduced a law for ‘negative religious freedom’, which meant, his subjects had the right to leave the Catholic or Protestant Church. Ever since, the Churches are losing sheep from their flock. It points to the fact that Christianity did not grow because its dogmas were convincing. It gained strength because those born in the faith could not leave it. The blasphemy laws propped up Christianity.
                      India has a completely different story. Sanatana Dharma was never based on unreasonable dogmas and did not need state oppression to keep believers in check. It was not in opposition to science. It was helpful to society as a whole by giving guidelines for an ideal life that acknowledges the invisible, conscious essence in the visible universe. It did not straight jacket people into an unbelievable belief system. It allowed freedom of thought and many parallel streams with different ways to connect to this essence emerged. “Hinduism is a way of life”, is often said. Following Hindu Dharma is actually anideal way of life.
                      Since I grew up in the Catholic Church and know the narrow mindedness that is indoctrinated into children, I wonder why on earth Indians would prefer dogmatic religions to their ancient, benign Dharma. Don’t they see the real communal danger? Those ‘secular’ friends, who fiercely defend the right of the religious minorities to assert their exclusive identity, don’t seem to realise that both, Christianity and Islam cannot live with others peacefully. Both religions need to dominate. And both are very powerful worldwide, politically and financially. As long as they have not yet the numbers in India, they may downplay the central tenet of exclusiveness in their ideologies. But exist it does.
                      Secularism has dented the influence of Christianity in the west. But the Church did not give up its goal to make the whole mankind believe in Christ, and focusses now on the huge mass of Hindus. In Islam, the clergy still has a hold on the faithful and in several Muslim countries leaving Islam is punishable by death. As the Quran itself forbids the followers to leave the faith, it is difficult to forego the blasphemy laws.
                      The Indian secularists seem to fight for the right of Christianity and Islam to be communal and for their followers not to integrate into the Indian society, but to stress their separate identity. And what is this separate identity? It is merely an unverifiable belief that gravely impacts the mind-set. This mind-set not only creates outsiders, but it creates outsiders that are looked down upon. How can educated Indians be blind to the danger and risk having in future more partitions on the basis of unsubstantiated religious beliefs, including the risk of more terrible bloodshed?
                      Strangely, the dogmatic, exclusive religions are not accused of being divisive, but Hinduism is. Why? Hindus are required to see Brahman, the one Godhead, in everyone, never mind how he connects to his creator. In contrast, the followers of dogmatic religions are not required to respect those who reject their respective ‘true religion’. They are even allowed to hate them. The ease, with which Christians and Muslims killed unbelievers, is frightening. Only 70 years ago six million Jews were murdered in cold blood in gas chambers in Germany. Only a little over 40 years ago, hundred thousands, if not millions, of Hindus were butchered in Bangladesh. There are many more examples. Humanity needs to win over such madness. How? Hindu Dharma has the key: acknowledge that we are all members of one family – coming from the same source with the same blood as it were…
                      By Maria Wirth


                      1. Srinivas Rau·  · Reply
                        The Hindu View of Life is good, the Hindu view of the world is bad.

                        1. “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” – is it bad to consider the world as one family??

                        2. vasuerfolg·  · Reply
                          Hi Srinivas Rau, You need to explain your cryptic statement.

                      2. Ms.Maria, that was another nice article from your crystal clear mind which analyzes precisely every other religion with Hinduism or the belief that shows the ‘ way of life ‘.
                        Hinduism never fought with any other religion in the fast nor will do in the future. It does fear about to co-exit with other religion in Bharat. However, a minor fights among Hindus (Sivas Vs.Vaishnavas) was definitely there some time. These things, in fact, propelled the people to understand much in-depth of the Hinduism rather feeling bad of being born in this religion.
                        Please keep analyzing further on Hinduism like now and write more articles, may be, like you said, the born Hindus who does not know much knowledge about their own religion will have some chance to know about this great religion.
                        When all Muslims in this country pray everyday that ‘ there is no other God, other than Allah ‘, all tolerant Hindus in this country silently hear it and continue there routine work everyday without making any issue. What more secularism you want show to this World?

                      3. Pl. kindly bear with me some typographical mistakes in my reply.

                      4. Maria Lozano·  · Reply
                        Even beyond the amazing quality of your article, what I wish everybody could feel is the spirit backing it: I am sure this is the result of a dharmic lifestyle attuned to Bhagavan, the enthusiasm you convey can come only from Him. Truth expresses Herself through your words, and what is Truth but Him.

                      5. Whenever someone’s ask you about your caste then your answer should be to them is:
                        I am a Brahmin in knowledge
                        I am kshatriya in valor
                        I am vaishya in business
                        I m shudra in service
                        In the end I am just sanatam dharmi hindu and nothing else..Then say you proud to be a hindu..

                      6. In india any thing said in favor of hindus or he who share their beliefs ,immediately branded as pro hindutva..and there fore communal.any comments /criticism against hindu beliefs or hindus considered secular…and there fore forward..any comments against christianity or islam as communal and comments /action favoring their beliefs as secular…this has nothing to do with religion..and every thing about vote bank politics and so called modernity….but every hindu in his belief is a very tolerant person ,does not have inhibitions in worshiping any god or his creations ,and BELIEVES IN peaceful co existance but gets confused and angry when he is unfavorably targeted every were hence behaves some times as though communal especially against constant attacks by muslim and christian and so called secular theologians and politicians..an hindu is made communal by others ….and that is the truth…he never had conflicts with greeks,parsis,jews,huns ,buddists ,jains,sikhs,in indias history….but with these all attacking christians and muslims

                      7. vasuerfolg·  · Reply
                        Dear Mariajee,
                        Thanks once again for your true trade-mark writing displaying your amazing insight into Dharma

                      8. The article has been written with great clarity. It literally strips the religions nude for all to see.

                      9. All that needs to be done is to line up all the people of the world and ask whether they would like to be free or with christianity or islam .

                      10. If only the English speaking Educated middle class has some brains and a little reason in it or if they choose to come out of their fool’s paradise they would realize, what it takes to be a Hindu and what is the real meaning of Hindutva. No allegiance to a standard book or rules or customs, one can pick their own way with out affecting others fundamental freedom.

                      11. Rajeshwer sharma·  · Reply
                        You write wonderfully well . I wonder, how many people have access to your writings. Are these articles published in other columns? Accessibility of these needs to be increased to make it broad based and more in language accessibility may be starting with hindi. Please consider this. Thanks

                        1. Some websites took a few articles from my blog and posted them on their sites, like Hindu Human rights, Indiafacts, Bharat bharati and forum for Hindu awakening. If you can help spreading them further, please do so. I am not organised, prefer writing.


                      For Doniger row, don't blame the law -- Jyoti Punwani. Await the Commission of Inquiry on Hindu studies -- Kalyan

                      Martha Nussbaum and Wendy Doniger -- and their psecularatti chamchas (figure out the purport of the metaphors in the Indian context) -- will do well to review their legal competence or penchant for social welfare or even porno psycho, by reading this article by Jyoti Punwani. 

                      Jyoti says, don't blame the law; she also adds that the law should be applied more frequently against influential offenders. I assume that this category should also include habitual offenders.

                      For a brief cataloging of the habitual offences committed against Public Order and Public Decency under cover of academic freedom, see here. (annexed for ready reference).

                      In the context of the habitual offending patterns noticed in the US academe, a reasoned argument has been presented for the Capitol Hill and White House to consider and appoint a Commission of Inquiry into Hindu Studies in the US Academe. This has been followed by a Whitehouse petition which has crossed the first threshold.

                      I would suggest the the outraged UChicago horse-riders should await the Commission of Inquiry which may lay down the law explain further the impact of Chapter 43 of US Penal Code on civility, civil responsibiities of even the academe sitting on their higfalutin chairs. 

                      Remember, Wendy's and Martha's of the world are hoist with their own petards.

                      When Hindus attained independence from the British colonial regime only in 1947 (while USA gained her independence much earlier in 1776), one message was delivered loud and clear: just leave the heathen in their blindness alone, don't pontificate.

                      When that American savant studied philosophies of the world and story of civilizations, he noted: "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all". 

                      This is as good a time as any, to recall these wise words of Will Durant, and use the American idiom, 'Get a pie in the face,' or dharmam cara'practice dharma' (as an ancient Hindu convocation address said). Go figure out what dharma means. Start with civil responsibilities and ethical conduct for a just social order.


                      For Doniger row, don’t blame the law

                      Jyoti Punwani | February 26, 2014 9:41 am
                      The Hindus: An Alternative History, was sought to be banned, describe a law which applies to all faiths as one that applies only to Hindus?

                      The Hindus: An Alternative History, was sought to be banned, describe a law which applies to all faiths as one that applies only to Hindus?

                      In fact, we should demand more frequent application of Sections 295A and 153A against influential offenders.

                      So you have our idiotic law too!’’ a relative from Islamabad crowed after the Wendy Doniger affair hit the headlines. He was referring to Doniger’s statement that described Section 295A of the IPC as “the Indian law that makes it a criminal rather than civil offence to publish a book that offends any Hindu.” Why did Doniger, who must be familiar with the section under which her book, The Hindus: An Alternative History, was sought to be banned, describe a law which applies to all faiths as one that applies only to Hindus? Indeed, it was the offended feelings of Muslims that gave rise to this law. The story of how Section 295A came to be enacted shows its continuing relevance.

                      In 1927, the Punjab High Court ruled that while the book Rangila Rasool on Prophet Mohammed was offensive to Muslims, its Hindu publisher could not be prosecuted under Section 153A of the IPC, which related only to promoting disharmony between two communities. Sensing the mounting anger among Muslims, it was thought necessary to enact a law specifically targeted at wounded religious feelings. However, given its  potential for misuse, it was carefully fine-tuned with stringent provisions.

                      Even trial courts have taken liberal views on cases filed under this law. In 1953, the trial court of Tiruchirappalli held that iconoclast Periyar’s act of breaking a Ganesh idol did not amount to an offence under this section, a view set aside only by the Supreme Court. However, because five years had by then elapsed, it decided not to punish him. In 2005, another landmark judgment on Section 295A was given by the Calcutta High Court, striking down the West Bengal government’s ban on Taslima Nasreen’s Dwikhandito.

                      Given the way courts have ruled, neither Doniger nor Penguin had any reason to blame the law. Whatever their reasons for hiding behind this smokescreen, it is alarming that well-known intellectuals have called for a reform of the two laws dealing with acts that hurt religious feelings and promote disharmony: Sections 295A and 153A. They must be amended, they say, to protect “Intellectual and artistic freedom and the right to self-expression… works of serious academic and artistic merit.”

                      That’s a dangerous demand. Consider the editorials of the late Bal Thackeray in Saamna at the height of the December 1992-January 1993 Mumbai riots. The counsel for the Shiv Sena, before the Srikrishna Commission of Inquiry into the riots, described them as literary masterpieces. Indeed, some have the power to make the average Hindu reader weep in anguish or send a rush of anger through her. That this anger is directed towards a government described as one that cynically allows “fanatic anti-national Muslims to kill young patriotic Hindus”, and that the anguish is at the loss of young lives (rioters) by police bullets, does not take away from their literary merit.

                      MIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi’s seditious and anti-Hindu speech at Nirmal in December 2012 could well be described as an articulation of his right to self-expression. How else would one describe Raj Thackeray’s essay, “My stand, my fight”,  published in Maharashtra Times when his men were assaulting north Indians in 2008? Was Subramanian Swamy’s revolting but meticulously argued essay in DNA in 2011, “How to wipe out Islamic terror?”, devoid of academic merit? On the other hand, didn’t we all lament when big guns like Bal Thackeray and Varun Gandhi were acquitted of charges under Section 153A?
                      Throughout the Srikrishna hearings, policemen were asked why they hadn’t filed cases under Sections 295A and 153A against Shiv Sainiks. A few of the slogans on their placards could be described as examples of “self-expression’’. Yet, these placards (and speeches) were relied upon to convict former Sena MP Madhukar Sarpotdar and two aides in 2008. This was the first and only time a Sena leader was convicted under Section 153A. It was also the only 1992-93 riots conviction upheld by a higher court. Can we celebrate this conviction without celebrating  the provision under which it was made?

                      Sections 295A and 153A have been misused, but so have the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Hate speech is as much a part of our society as are atrocities against Dalits and violence against women. The difference is this: the most powerful purveyors of hate speech are seldom prosecuted because prosecution needs government sanction. The prosecution of artists and dissenters gets noticed. What doesn’t is the non-prosecution of political leaders. We should demand more frequent application of Sections 295 A and 153 A against these influential offenders.

                      The writer is a Mumbai-based  freelance journalist


                      Protestant Pedagogues Peeved at Protest Against Porn-Peddling 

                      By: Narayanan Komerath 
                      (Indic Journalists’ Association International)
                      June 01, 2004

                      Here’s a test. If the following sample from Emory University Professor Paul Courtright’s book: Ganesa: Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings” offends your sensibilities, you are “illiterate or worse”according to his friend, University of Chicago Professor Wendy Doniger.

                      “Although there seem to be no myths or folktales in which Ganesa explicitly performs oral sex, his insatiable appetite for sweets may be interpreted as an effort to satisfy a hunger that seems inappropriate in an otherwise ascetic disposition, a hunger having clear erotic overtones. “

                      Unlike Doniger’s colleagues in the “Religion in South Asia” (RISA) internet group, you cannot see why that constitutes “brilliant scholarship”. You wonder whether publishing conclusions sans data constitutes legitimate research. You point to the definitions of child pornography and pedophilia. The professors consider all that to be utterly “uncivil” of you – and claim to the media that you are a terrorist.

                      This encapsulates the controversy which pits alarmed citizens against entrenched academia. Hindus worldwide (except so far in India) are shocked at how Protestant-dominated pedagogues in academia caricature Hinduism as part of proselytizing, and then stifle discussion. Citizens cite the effects of such abuse in increasing bigotry and hate attacks – a Baltimore museum adorns a Ganesha exhibit with “explanations” from Courtright’s phallus fantasies, for example. The academics – far from being civil themselves - bemoan how “uncivil discourse” is “silencing” “scholars” (i.e., themselves). They claim “academic freedom” to write abusive fantasies about religions other than their own.

                      Petitions, Threats, Boycotts and Mobs     
                      Last September, citizens requested Emory University to stop using such texts. They were sent a condescending letter declaring that Courtright’s  “psychoanalysis” methodology was appropriate, and taunting them to argue the matter through journals. The Head of Religion Studies petulantly warned that Emory might stop teaching Hinduism.

                      A group of Louisiana students burst the academic balloon by posting an Internet Petition giving verbatim quotes - asking the publisher to withdraw the book. Emory’s Public Relations department, citing “threats”, tried to suppress the Petition – but not before the publisher withdrew the book,apologizing in shock and dismay. RISA called for a boycott of the publisher.

                      RISA members went to the “DANAM” (Dharma Association of North America) conference in Atlanta in November, excited that they would “communicate only with the most reasonable and civil of the Hindu lay Leadership and have a “debate on the fundamentals of Religious Studies---that of hermeneutics and methodology”, for, “only then can we have a genuine yet civil debate on "method" rather than an uncivil one on "motive." Apparently, the debate did not go happily for them. RISA returned to the security of  habit - personal abuse against those who tried to post contrary views.

                      In January, another American “history” professor, James Laine of Macalester College, gained name recognition with the claim that Maratha hero Chattrapati Shivaji was not his father’s son. Challenged, Laine admitted that his claim was without basis- a “joke”. The Sambhaji Brigade of  Shivaji supporters –  no friends of any “Hindu Nationalists” – ransacked the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI) in Pune. The Maharashtra Government won Mumbai High Court approval to investigate Laine and Oxford Books for criminal conspiracy to incite violence.

                      RISA’s boycott fervour seems to have been dampened by Oxford’s withdrawal of the Laine book. ButCourtright, and Washington Post writer S. Vedantam, have blamed the BORI mob attack on “Hindus”. Courtright’s article in the “Academic Exchange” e-zine, run by Emory’s  Vice Provost for Academic Affairs,  claims victimhood as a “scholar” facing terrorism - by association with Laine. He claimed that India is an increasingly dangerous place for scholars to visit. This occurred even as the National Congress government of Maharashtra – associated with the Sambhaji Brigade – was feting the visiting Emory University tourist team that included Courtright’s Department Head, Laurie Patton. Patton, in India all winter, gave a running commentary on RISA about events in Pune. Critics ask about Emory’s links to the BORI violence – and point to Courtright’s own usage of communal riot scenes to teach “Hinduism through films” at Emory.

                      Out of Context – or Outlandish?

                      The academics have tried claiming that the offensive quotes are taken out of context. They claim to be “visitors” to fields such as Hinduism, free, unlike believers, to follow wherever objective research leads them. They cite their great love for India and Indian history – and blame the growing criticism on political efforts to distort Indian history – and on prejudice against non-native scholars.

                      Readers retort that the criticism is about specific abusive writings and point to excellent scholarship on Hinduism at European universities. They cite the context of the offensive quotes, and the intent of the nude picture on Courtright’s cover, used to emphasize child-pornographic content. The premise of Courtright’s book is a 15th century Portuguese invader’s revulsion towards Indian icons. Critics compare this to using Heinrich Himmler as starting point for an analysis of Judaism, or analyzing Native American history from General Custer’s views. As for “objective research”, they point to unsupported hypotheses, incompetent methodology and outright bigotry being acclaimed as “brilliant scholarship”.  For instance, Courtright builds his “psychoanalysis”  on the idea that an elephant’s trunk is “limp” – an absurdity aggravated by his confusion about elephant anatomy. Doniger claims that Ganesa dictated the Mahabharata to Vyasa.  Courtright, in the space of a few pages, calls Ganesa an oral sex fiend, a homosexual, a mother-fornicator – and a eunuch – the “dregs of society”,  - a scatter-brained diatribe of bigotry and abuse. Critics question the quality of peer reviews which ignore such glaring illogic. Others cite Courtright’s ignoring the deep meanings of the Ganesha icon in favor of obscene interpretations, as evidence of sloppy, if not less than honest, work.

                      Classroom Reward Scheme? 
                      Another egregious example is cited below, from page 124 of Courtright’s 2001 edition: 

                      .. Ganesa’s mother.. Offers the prize of a mango to which of her sons can go around the world first. Ganesa wins by circumambulating her and eats the fruit and then gets beheaded. …. The mango is a vaginal symbol. Hence Ganesa’s eating the fruit is an act of incestuous possession of the mother for which he is punished by beheading, symbol of castration, and his celibacy is his punishment for acting out his incestuous desires”.

                      Critics ask why he chose that, when he knew the mainstream legend, which he clearly knew [page 126]:

                      “She said to them .. ‘Your father will decide who I will give it to.’’ When Skanda heard this, he quickly went on a pilgrimage through the triple world, mounted on a peacock, but the wise pot-bellied one circumambulated his two parents. Then he stood there happily in front of his two parents, saying: ‘Give it to me..!” .. Parvati smiled and said: “All the pilgrimages and sacrifices are not worth a sixteenth part of  the worship of one’s parents. Therefore this son (I.e., Ganesa) is worth more than a hundred sons having a hundred virtues”.

                      Readers point to this twisting of a beautiful legend, obviously used to instill respect for parents, and ask sarcastically whether his obscene “interpretation” is based on what Courtright’s Protestant teachers and colleagues at the Yale School of Divinity, Princeton and Emory do in classrooms.

                      Death Threats or Red Herrings?  

                      Observers argue that the “threats” and “dangers” are red herrings aimed to deflect attention from analysis of the psychodynamics of such writings. While Emory University, Courtright and Doniger have complained about “well-funded” campaigns to silence academic freedom, citizens point to Emory’s own campaigns to malign them. Comments on Emory’s edited, moderated Emory Wheel website have called the student authors of the internet petition, “KKK”, “Hitlerite” and other names. The editors’ failure to remove these abusive posts, despite the postors being shown to be bogus, reinforces suspicions, formed by the Public Relations department’s role in the saga, about the origins of the “threats” on the Petition site.

                      Doniger apparently enraged a London audience with a pornographic interpretations of Shri Ram and Sita of the Ramayana Epic - ideals of family values to hundreds of millions of Hindus.  An egg apparently missed her, but the meeting organizers are reported to have manhandled a woman psychologist who asked if Doniger had herself ever been psycho-analyzed.

                      Religion Studies or Hate Propaganda? 

                      Critics point out that Medthodist Emory University, and Baptist-origin University of Chicago use their Religion Studies programs or interdisciplinary centers – which are affiliated with the Law or other schools - to demonize other religions such as Hinduism. Meanwhile they keep their real studies about Christianity – and Judaism in the U.Chicago case - safe from malicious “interpretation” in Schools of Divinity or Theology. Thus, the scholars on Christianity in the Theology/ Divinity Schools are practising believers; the “scholars” in the Religion Studies Departments are, as Courtright describes himself, “visitors” interpreting these religions. Equal respect for all religions is unlikely to result from this arrangement.

                      Emory faculty and officials have repeatedly claimed that the controversy is due to some sudden dredging of a 19-year-old book. The Editor of the Academic Exchange, in conveying that protestors were being prudes about a toddler’s picture in the buff on Courtright’s 2001 cover, accidentally exposed this lie – and in the process, confirmed Courtright and Emory knowledge that the subject of his pornographic depictions is a child – a toddler. Most interestingly, Courtright continues to claim that his critics have not attempted to engage the “intellectual” basis of his book – when numerous published articles have done precisely that – with Courtright not attempting rebuttal.

                      Comparative Sensitivity 

                      This February, Emory Dean Robert Paul, acting on President Wagner’s orders, met with concerned community representatives for a 2-hour discussion

                      Though he professed himself educated on why people are outraged, and offered deep regrets on behalf of himself and the university, he insisted that the university held academic freedom to be sacred. Citizens pointed to the double standards at Emory, where a chance remark by a Professor of Anthropology in September 2003 offended African-American listeners, and triggered extreme administrative concern. Meanwhile, their own concerns about blatant hate-porn peddling were dismissed. They also point to the Bellesiles case, where a conclusion based on data which the author could not reproduce, was seen as sufficient evidence of academic fraud to have a prize withdrawn and the professor induced to leave. Courtright’s attempts to associate the protests against his book with “terrorism” in his recent speeches and articles, with the claimed “support” of the Emory administration, has served to vitiate the atmosphere further. Citizens see this as a show of poor faith while efforts were underway to conduct reasoned dialog with Emory.  

                      Matters were not improved by the appearance of a one-sided Washington Post article – nor by Courtright’s article in Emory’s “Academic Exchange”. The Academic Exchange failed to even acknowledge receipt of a rebuttal to Courtright’s article – just as Vedantam has failed to acknowledge requests to correct factual errors in his articles.

                      Age of Terror – or Abu Ghraib of Religion Studies?  

                      While Courtright and Doniger frame the issue as “scholarship in an age of terror”, their critics see it differently.  They state that the issue is not about the academic freedom to publish scholarly deductions based on evidence and competent, objective analysis. The issue is about a powerful university propagating vile fantasies - whose obvious and predictable effect is to demean and humiliate. They aim to see Hinduism taught and learned with competence and empathy, rather than with sneering tavern-tale “interpretations” and vile pornography. They cite the right of Hindus, like all other people, to be treated with elementary human decency, to worship as they please, and not be subjected to vicious bigotry and abuse.

                      They cite the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, where 21-year-old military jailers are faulted for claiming ignorance of the need to be sensitive about human beings of another culture – and ask whether university professors should not be held to at least that standard.

                      Visitors and Civility 

                      No resolution is in sight. The Protestant faculty are peeved at the rise of informed opinion, which hinders their “freedom” to write lewd fantasies about anything they choose to demean as “visitors” and tourists. Hinduism is a soft target. Writing such interpretations about Judaism or Islam is likely to bring extreme consequences – while there are enough Indian establishments which will continue to welcome “scholar” dollars, unaware of the nature of the scholarship conducted. After 19 years of such writings, the pedagogues do not appear to have anything to cite but a few hate e-mails or internet postings, and one missed egg, as signs of danger.

                      Sankrant Sanu frames the questions for Religion academia thus:  

                       “Is the academic study of Hinduism in America, as it currently exists, a valid discipline in that it has some ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and between scholarship and fiction?”
                      • “What does it tell us about the state of academia in Hinduism studies when a host of academic writing that is highly deviant from “emic” understanding passes off as mainstream scholarship, without any significant internal academic challenge?”
                      • “Are the standards of sensitivity in dealing with religious symbols of Hindus in the academy lower than that for other religious traditions such as Islam, Judaism or Christianity? What part does this play in dismissing any Hindu protest as ‘fanaticism’?”

                      The Academy, while bemoaning the decline of civility in intellectual discourse, is in no hurry to examine the causes and sources of incivility – which might point straight at themselves. For example, Professor Antonio de Nicolas refuted the RISA claim of blanket “academic freedom”, pointing out  that "the first responsibility of a scholar in describing, writing, speaking, and teaching other cultures is to present those cultures or the elements of those cultures in the same manner those cultures are viewed by themselves and by the people of those cultures. "the first responsibility of a scholar in describing, writing, speaking, and teaching other cultures is to present those cultures or the elements of those cultures in the same manner those cultures are viewed by themselves and by the people of those cultures. If not, then the scholar is using those cultures in name only and his goal is their destruction, if not in intention at least in fact.  A scholar who does not know how to present other cultures by their own criteria should not be allowed to teach those cultures.  His freedom of speech is not guaranteed by his ignorance.  His degree is a privilege of knowledge, not ignorance. Freedom stops here.  Opinions are not the food of the classroom at the hands of professors.  They guarantee knowledge".

                      The moderator of the RISA forum apparently sent a threatening e-mail asking de Nicholas to “shut up”.

                      Courtright describes his own, his university’s and the RISA’s attitudes quite well when he says in a grand  Freudian slip, dispensing wisdom to Emory’s admiring student newspaper“People who talk to themselves about themselves leave no room for discourse.”

                      64 arts of Kamasutra including mlecchita vikalpa (cryptography of mleccha, meluhha)

                      How to explain the erotic sculptures on some temples? Note that this is cited by psecularatti as a defence of Wendy's porno.  

                      One conjecture here:

                      I have no explanations to offer as to the erotic sculptures which occur on Hindu temples.
                      I submit my conjecture on one of the reasons why erotic sculptures occur on Hindu temples. Art was an expression or representation of human passions. 
                      It is from Vatsyayana's Kamasutra listing of 64 arts studied by youth, that I was able to define the meaning of one of the 64 arts -- म्लेच्छित  विकल्प mlecchita vikalpa 'cryptography' (lit. alternative representation by mleccha) --  for writing Mleccha,  So, I went on to outline the cipher of Indus writing as Meluhha (mleccha) hieroglyphs. Two other arts in the list of Vatsyayana related to language or communication are: अक्षर मुष्टिक कथनं , देशभाषा ज्ञानम् (communication through finger-wrist gestures, knowledge of vernaculars).
                      The 64 Arts Of The Kama Sutra are:-
                      1. Singing
                      2. Playing a musical instrument
                      3. Dancing
                      4.  A combination of singing, using musical instruments and dancing
                      5. Writing and drawing
                      6.The Art of Tattooing
                      7.Adorning an idol with flowers
                      8. The art of spreading flowers on a bed or on the ground
                      9. Coloring fabrics, nail and body with colors from plants
                      10. Fixing colored glass tiles on floor
                      11.The art of making a bed
                      12.Producing music by striking glasses of water
                      13. The art of storing water in reservoirs
                      14. The art of picture making and decorating
                      15. Making rosaries, necklaces, garlands
                      16. Tying turbans
                      17. Stage playing
                      18. The art of making ear ornaments
                      19. The art of making perfumes
                      20. Proper care of jewels, decorations and ornaments
                      21. Magic (sorcery)
                      22. Manual skills
                      23. Cooking (culinary skills)
                      24. Making combination drinks and flavored drinks i.e.– lemonades, sherbet etc
                      25. Tailoring and sewing
                      26. Making handicrafts e.g.– parrots, flowers etc. from thread
                      27. Skilsl to solve riddles, puzzles and covert speeches
                      28. The skill of Antakshari (a singing game were one must start with the letter with which other person’s song ended)
                      29. The skill of imitating natural sounds
                      30. Reading, chanting and intoning
                      31. Mastering tongue twisters
                      32. Skills at martial arts (the skills to use sword, stick, bow and arrow)
                      33. Skill to reach logical conclusions based on given facts
                      34. Carpentry
                      35. Architecture
                      36. Knowledge about gold, silver and gems
                      37. Chemistry (knowledge of properties of materials)
                      38. The art of coloring jewels or beads
                      39. Knowledge of mines
                      40. Gardening
                      41.The art of cock fighting (getting cocks, quail or rams to fight and make the fowl/animal victorious)
                      42.Teaching parrots or starlings to talk
                      43.Applying perfumes on body and hair
                      44. Understanding of code language
                      45. Spoonerism (purposefully interchanging position of letters of words while speaking)
                      46. Knowledge of languages
                      47. Knowledge of making flower chariots
                      48. Knowledge of making mystical graphics, spells and charms and ways to avoid spells
                      49.Mental exercises
                      50. Composing poems
                      51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabulary
                      52. The art of impersonation
                      53. Impersonation of materials i.e.– make common things appear fine rare substances (make cotton appear to be silk)
                      54. Knowledge of gambling
                      55. Using mantras (enchantments) to take away others’ possession
                      56.Skills in sports and games
                      57.The art of social conduct, paying respect and sending compliments
                      58. Knowledge of war, arms and army deployment
                      59. Knowledge of gymnastics
                      60. The skills of knowing a person’s real character from his conduct
                      61. The skill of reading and composing verses
                      62. The skills of enjoying arithmetic puzzles
                      63. Making artificial flowers
                      64. Making images with clay
                      “A public woman, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, and also versed in the above arts, obtains the name of a Ganika, or public woman of high quality, and receives a seat of honour in an assemblage of men.She is, moreover, always respected by the king, and praised by learned men, and her favour being sought for by all, she becomes an object of universal regard. The daughter of a king too as well as the daughter of a minister, being learned in the above arts, can make their husbands favorable to them, even though these may have thousands of other wives besides themselves.If a wife becomes separated from her husband, and falls into distress, she can support herself easily, even in a foreign country, by means of her knowledge of these arts. Even the bare knowledge of them gives attractiveness to a woman, though the practice of them may be only possible or otherwise according to the circumstances of each case.A man who is versed in these arts, who is loquacious and acquainted with the arts of gallantry, gains very soon the hearts of women, even though he is only acquainted with them for a short time.”

                      Page of edition: 27 
                      Sentence: 1     
                      dʰarmārtʰāṅgavidyākālān anuparodʰayan kāmasūtraṃ tadaṅgavidyāś ca puruṣo 'dʰīyīta //
                      dʰarma^artʰa^aṅgavidyā-kālān anuparodʰayan kāmasūtraṃ tad-aṅgavidyāś ca puruṣo +adʰīyīta //

                      Sentence: 2     
                      prāgyauvanāt strī / prattā ca patyur abʰiprāyāt /
                      prāg-yauvanāt strī / prattā ca patyur abʰiprāyāt /

                      Sentence: 3     
                      yoṣitāṃ śāstragrahaṇasyābʰāvād anartʰakam iha śāstre strīśāsanam ity ācāryāḥ //
                      yoṣitāṃ śāstra-grahaṇasya^abʰāvād anartʰakam iha śāstre strī-śāsanam ity ācāryāḥ //

                      Page of edition: 28 
                      Sentence: 4     
                      prayogagrahaṇaṃ tv āsām / prayogasya ca śāstrapūrvakatvād iti vātsyāyanaḥ //
                      prayoga-grahaṇaṃ tv āsām / prayogasya ca śāstra-pūrvakatvād iti vātsyāyanaḥ //

                      Sentence: 5     
                      tan na kevalam ihaiva / sarvatra hi loke kati cid eva śāstrajñāḥ / sarvajanaviṣayaś caprayogaḥ //
                      tan na kevalam iha^eva / sarvatra hi loke kati cid eva śāstrajñāḥ / sarvajana-viṣayaś ca prayogaḥ //

                      Sentence: 6     
                      prayogasya ca dūrastʰam api śāstram eva hetuḥ //
                      prayogasya ca dūrastʰam api śāstram eva hetuḥ //

                      Page of edition: 29 
                      Sentence: 7     
                      asti vyākaraṇam ity avaiyākaraṇā api yājñikā ūhaṃ kratuṣu prayuñjate //
                      asti vyākaraṇam ity avaiyākaraṇā api yājñikā ūhaṃ kratuṣu prayuñjate //

                      Sentence: 8     
                      asti jyautiṣam iti puṇyāheṣu karma kurvate //
                      asti jyautiṣam iti puṇya^aheṣu karma kurvate //

                      Sentence: 9     
                      tatʰāśvārohā gajārohāś cāśvān gajāṃś cānadʰigataśāstrā api vinayante //
                      tatʰā^aśva^ārohā gaja^ārohāś ca^aśvān gajāṃś ca^anadʰigata-śāstrā api vinayante //

                      Sentence: 10     
                      tatʰāsti rājeti dūrastʰā api janapadā na maryādām ativartante tadvad etat //
                      tatʰā^asti rājā^iti dūrastʰā api janapadā na maryādām ativartante tadvad etat //

                      Page of edition: 30 
                      Sentence: 11     
                      santy api kʰalu śāstraprahatabuddʰayo gaṇikā rājaputryo mahāmātraduhitaraś ca //
                      santy api kʰalu śāstra-prahata-buddʰayo gaṇikā rājaputryo mahāmātra-duhitaraś ca //

                      Sentence: 12     
                      tasmād vaiśvāsikāj janād rahasi prayogāñ cʰāstram ekadeśaṃ  strī gr̥hṇīyāt //
                      tasmād vaiśvāsikāj janād rahasi prayogāñ cʰāstram ekadeśaṃ  strī gr̥hṇīyāt //

                      Sentence: 13     
                      abʰyāsaprayojyāṃś ca cātuḥṣaṣṭikān yogān kanyā rahasy ekākiny abʰyaset //
                      abʰyāsa-prayojyāṃś ca cātuḥṣaṣṭikān yogān kanyā rahasy ekākiny abʰyaset //

                      Sentence: 14     
                      ācāryās tu kanyānāṃ pravr̥ttapuruṣasaṃprayogā sahasaṃpravr̥ddʰā dʰātreyikā / tatʰābʰūtā niratyayasaṃbʰāṣaṇā sakʰī / savayāś ca mātr̥ṣvasā / visrabdʰā tatstʰānīyā vr̥ddʰadāsī / pūrvasaṃsr̥ṣṭā bʰikṣukī / svasā ca viśvāsaprayogāt //
                      ācāryās tu kanyānāṃ pravr̥tta-puruṣa-saṃprayogā saha-saṃpravr̥ddʰā dʰātreyikā / tatʰā-bʰūtā  niratyaya-saṃbʰāṣaṇā sakʰī / savayāś ca mātr̥ṣvasā / visrabdʰā tat-stʰānīyā vr̥ddʰa-dāsī / pūrva-saṃsr̥ṣṭā  bʰikṣukī /svasā ca viśvāsa-prayogāt //

                      Sentence: 15     
                      gītaṃvādyaṃnr̥tyaṃālekʰyaṃviśeṣakaccʰedyaṃtaṇḍulakusumavalivikārāḥ,puṣpāstaraṇaṃdaśanavasanāṅgarāgaḥmaṇibʰūmikākarmaśayanaracanamudakavādyam,udakāgʰātaḥcitrāś ca yogāḥmālyagratʰanavikalpāḥśekʰarakāpīḍayojanaṃnepatʰyaprayogāḥ,karṇapattrabʰaṅgāḥgandʰayuktiḥbʰūṣaṇayojanamPage of edition: 32  aindrajālāḥkaucumārāś ca yogāḥ,hastalāgʰavaṃvicitraśākayūṣabʰakṣyavikārakriyāpānakarasarāgāsavayojanaṃsūcīvānakarmāṇi,sūtrakrīḍāvīṇāḍamarukavādyāniprahelikāpratimālādurvācakayogāḥpustakavācanaṃ,nāṭakākʰyāyikādarśanaṃkāvyasamasyāpūraṇaṃpaṭṭikā*vetravāna [Chvāna.vetra]vikalpāḥ,takṣakarmāṇitakṣaṇaṃvāstuvidyārūpya*ratna [Ch omits] parīkṣādʰātuvādaḥ,maṇirāgākarajñānaṃvr̥kṣāyurvedayogāḥmeṣakukkuṭalāvakayuddʰavidʰiḥśukasārikāpralāpanam,utsādane saṃvāhane keśamardane ca kauśalyaṃ [Chkauśalaṃ]akṣaramuṣṭikākatʰanaṃ,mleccʰitavikalpāḥdeśabʰāṣāvijñānaṃpuṣpaśakaṭikānimittajñānaṃyantramātr̥kādʰāraṇamātr̥kā,saṃpātʰyaṃmānasīkāvyakriyāabʰidʰāna*koṣaḥ [Chkāṣaḥ]cʰandojñānaṃkriyākalpaḥ,cʰalitakayogāḥvastragopanāni*dyūtiviśeṣāḥ [Chdyūtaviśeṣaḥ]ākarṣakrīḍābālakrīḍanakāni,vainayikīnāṃ Page of edition: 33  vaijayikīnāṃ vyāyāmikīnāṃ ca vidyānāṃ jñānamiti catuḥṣaṣṭiraṅgavidyāḥ kāmasūtrasyāvayavinyaḥ //
                      gītaṃvādyaṃnr̥tyaṃālekʰyaṃviśeṣakaccʰedyaṃtaṇḍula-kusuma-vali-vikārāḥpuṣpa^āstaraṇaṃ,daśana-vasana^aṅga-rāgaḥmaṇi-bʰūmikā-karmaśayana-racanamudaka-vādyamudaka^āgʰātaḥcitrāś cayogāḥmālya-gratʰana-vikalpāḥśekʰarakā-pīḍa-yojanaṃnepatʰya-prayogāḥkarṇa-pattra-bʰaṅgāḥgandʰa-yuktiḥbʰūṣaṇa-yojanamPage of edition: 32  aindrajālāḥkaucumārāś ca yogāḥhasta-lāgʰavaṃvicitra-śāka-yūṣa-bʰakṣya-vikāra-kriyāpānaka-rasa-rāga^āsava-yojanaṃsūcīvāna-karmāṇisūtra-krīḍāvīṇā-ḍamaruka-vādyāniprahelikāpratimālādurvācakayogāḥpustaka-vācanaṃnāṭaka^ākʰyāyikā-darśanaṃkāvya-samasyā-pūraṇaṃpaṭṭikā-*vetra-vāna[cʰ:vāna.vetra]-vikalpāḥtakṣa-karmāṇitakṣaṇaṃvāstu-vidyārūpya-*ratna [cʰ omits] -parīkṣādʰātu-vādaḥmaṇi-rāga^ākara-jñānaṃvr̥kṣāyurveda-yogāḥmeṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddʰa-vidʰiḥśuka-sārikā-pralāpanamutsādane saṃvāhane keśa-mardane ca kauśalyaṃ[cʰ:kauśalaṃ],akṣara-muṣṭikā-katʰanaṃmleccʰita-vikalpāḥdeśa-bʰāṣā-vijñānaṃpuṣpa-śakaṭikānimitta-jñānaṃyantra-mātr̥kādʰāraṇa-mātr̥kāsaṃpātʰyaṃmānasīkāvya-kriyāabʰidʰāna-*koṣaḥ[cʰ:kāṣaḥ]cʰando-jñānaṃkriyā-kalpaḥcʰalitaka-yogāḥvastra-gopanāni*dyūti-viśeṣāḥ [Ch.: dyūta-viśeṣaḥ], ākarṣa-krīḍābāla-krīḍanakāni,vainayikīnāṃ Page of edition: 33  vaijayikīnāṃ vyāyāmikīnāṃ ca vidyānāṃ jñānamiti catuḥṣaṣṭir aṅgavidyāḥkāmasūtrasya^avayavinyaḥ //
                      pāñcālikī ca catuḥṣaṣṭir aparā / tasyāḥ prayogān anvavetya sāṃprayogike vakṣyāmaḥ /kāmasya tadātmakatvāt //
                      pāñcālikī ca catuḥṣaṣṭir aparā / tasyāḥ prayogān anvavetya sāṃprayogike vakṣyāmaḥ / kāmasya tad-ātmakatvāt //

                      Sentence: 17a     
                      ābʰir abʰyuccʰritā veśyā śīlarūpaguṇānvitā /
                      ābʰir abʰyuccʰritā veśyā śīla-rūpa-guṇa^anvitā /

                      Sentence: 17b     
                      labʰate gaṇikāśabdaṃ stʰānaṃ ca janasaṃsadi //
                      labʰate gaṇikā-śabdaṃ stʰānaṃ ca janasaṃsadi //

                      Page of edition: 42 
                      Sentence: 18a     
                      pūjitā  sadā rājñā guṇavadbʰiś ca saṃstutā /
                      pūjitā  sadā rājñā guṇavadbʰiś ca saṃstutā /

                      Sentence: 18b     
                      prārtʰanīyābʰigamyā ca lakṣyabʰūtā ca jāyate //
                      prārtʰanīyā^abʰigamyā ca lakṣya-bʰūtā ca jāyate //

                      Sentence: 19a     
                      yogajñā rājaputrī ca mahāmātrasutā tatʰā /
                      yogajñā rājaputrī ca mahāmātra-sutā tatʰā /

                      Sentence: 19b     
                      sahasra*antaḥpunar [Chantaḥpuram] api svavaśe kurute patim //
                      sahasra-*antaḥpunar [Chantaḥpuram] api svavaśe kurute patim //

                      Sentence: 20a     
                      tatʰā pativiyoge ca vyasanaṃ dāruṇaṃ gatā /
                      tatʰā pativiyoge ca vyasanaṃ dāruṇaṃ gatā /

                      Sentence: 20b     
                      deśāntare 'pi vidyābʰiḥ  sukʰenaiva jīvati //
                      deśa^antare +api vidyābʰiḥ  sukʰena^eva jīvati //

                      Sentence: 21a     
                      naraḥ kalāsu kuśalo vācālaś cāṭukārakaḥ /
                      naraḥ kalāsu kuśalo vācālaś cāṭukārakaḥ /

                      Sentence: 21b     
                      asaṃstuto 'pi nārīṇāṃ cittam āśv eva vindati //
                      asaṃstuto +api nārīṇāṃ cittam āśv eva vindati //

                      Sentence: 22a     
                      kalānāṃ grahanād eva saubʰāgyam upajāyate /
                      kalānāṃ grahanād eva saubʰāgyam upajāyate /

                      Sentence: 22b     
                      deśakālau tv apekṣyāsāṃ prayogaḥ saṃbʰaven na  //
                      deśa-kālau tv apekṣya^āsāṃ prayogaḥ saṃbʰaven na  // 


                      CHAPTER III


                      MAN should study the Kama Sutra and the arts and sciences subordinate thereto, in addition to the study of the arts and sciences contained in Dharma and Artha. Even young maids should study this Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage, and after it they should continue to do so with the consent of their husbands.
                      Here some learned men object, and say that females, not being allowed to study any science, should not study the Kama Sutra.
                      But Vatsyayana is of opinion that this objection does not hold good, for women already know the practice of Kama Sutra, and that practice is derived from the Kama Shastra, or the science of Kama itself. Moreover, it is not only in this but in many other cases that, though the practice of a science is known to all, only a few persons are acquainted with the rules and laws on which the science is based. Thus the Yadnikas or sacrificers, though ignorant of grammar, make use of appropriate words when addressing the different Deities, and do not know how these words are framed. Again, persons do the duties required of them on auspicious days, which are fixed by astrology, though they are not acquainted with the science of astrology. In a like manner riders of horses and elephants train these animals without knowing the science of training animals, but from practice only. And similarly the people of the most distant provinces obey the laws of the kingdom from practice, and because there is a king over them, and without further reason. 1 And from experience we find that some women, such as daughters of princes and their ministers, and public women, are actually versed in the Kama Shastra.

                      A female, therefore, should learn the Kama Shastra, or at least a part of it, by studying its practice from some confidential friend. She should study alone in private the sixty-four practices that form a part of the Kama Shastra. Her teacher should be one of the following persons: the daughter of a nurse brought up with her and already married, 2 or a female friend who can be trusted in everything, or the sister of her mother (i.e. her aunt), or an old female servant, or a female beggar who may have formerly lived in the family, or her own sister who can always be trusted.

                      The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:
                      • Singing
                      • Playing on musical instruments
                      • Dancing
                      • Union of dancing, singing, and playing instrumental music
                      • Writing and drawing
                      • Tattooing
                      • Arraying and adorning an idol with rice and flowers
                      • Spreading and arranging beds or couches of flowers, or flowers upon the ground
                      • Colouring the teeth, garments, hair, nails and bodies, i.e. staining, dyeing, colouring and painting the same
                      • Fixing stained glass into a floor
                      • The art of making beds, and spreading out carpets and cushions for reclining
                      • Playing on musical glasses filled with water
                      • Storing and accumulating water in aqueducts, cisterns and reservoirs
                      • Picture making, trimming and decorating
                      • Stringing of rosaries, necklaces, garlands and wreaths
                      • Binding of turbans and chaplets, and making crests and top-knots of flowers
                      • Scenic representations, stage playing Art of making ear ornaments Art of preparing perfumes and odours
                      • Proper disposition of jewels and decorations, and adornment in dress
                      • Magic or sorcery
                      • Quickness of hand or manual skill
                      • Culinary art, i.e. cooking and cookery
                      • Making lemonades, sherbets, acidulated drinks, and spirituous extracts with proper flavour and colour
                      • Tailor's work and sewing
                      • Making parrots, flowers, tufts, tassels, bunches, bosses, knobs, etc., out of yarn or thread
                      • Solution of riddles, enigmas, covert speeches, verbal puzzles and enigmatical questions
                      • A game, which consisted in repeating verses, and as one person finished, another person had to commence at once, repeating another verse, beginning with the same letter with which the last speaker's verse ended, whoever failed to repeat was considered to have lost, and to be subject to pay a forfeit or stake of some kind
                      • The art of mimicry or imitation
                      • Reading, including chanting and intoning
                      • Study of sentences difficult to pronounce. It is played as a game chiefly by women, and children and consists of a difficult sentence being given, and when repeated quickly, the words are often transposed or badly pronounced
                      • Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff and bow and arrow
                      • Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring
                      • Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter
                      • Architecture, or the art of building
                      • Knowledge about gold and silver coins, and jewels and gems
                      • Chemistry and mineralogy
                      • Colouring jewels, gems and beads
                      • Knowledge of mines and quarries
                      • Gardening; knowledge of treating the diseases of trees and plants, of nourishing them, and determining their ages
                      • Art of cock fighting, quail fighting and ram fighting
                      • Art of teaching parrots and starlings to speak
                      • Art of applying perfumed ointments to the body, and of dressing the hair with unguents and perfumes and braiding it
                      • The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way
                      • The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on
                      • Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects
                      • Art of making flower carriages
                      • Art of framing mystical diagrams, of addressing spells and charms, and binding armlets
                      • Mental exercises, such as completing stanzas or verses on receiving a part of them; or supplying one, two or three lines when the remaining lines are given indiscriminately from different verses, so as to make the whole an entire verse with regard to its meaning; or arranging the words of a verse written irregularly by separating the vowels from the consonants, or leaving them out altogether; or putting into verse or prose sentences represented by signs or symbols. There are many other such exercises.
                      • Composing poems
                      • Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabularies
                      • Knowledge of ways of changing and disguising the appearance of persons
                      • Knowledge of the art of changing the appearance of things, such as making cotton to appear as silk, coarse and common things to appear as fine and good
                      • Various ways of gambling
                      • Art of obtaining possession of the property of others by means of muntras or incantations
                      • Skill in youthful sports
                      • Knowledge of the rules of society, and of how to pay respect and compliments to others
                      • Knowledge of the art of war, of arms, of armies, etc.
                      • Knowledge of gymnastics
                      • Art of knowing the character of a man from his features
                      • Knowledge of scanning or constructing verses
                      • Arithmetical recreations
                      • Making artificial flowers
                      • Making figures and images in clay
                      A public woman, endowed with a good disposition, beauty and other winning qualities, and also versed in the above arts, obtains the name of a Ganika, or public woman of high quality, and receives a seat of honour in an assemblage of men. She is, moreover, always respected by the king, and praised by learned men, and her favour being sought for by all, she becomes an object of universal regard. The daughter of a king too as well as the daughter of a minister, being learned in the above arts, can make their husbands favourable to them, even though these may have thousands of other wives besides themselves. And in the same manner, if a wife becomes separated from her husband, and falls into distress, she can support herself easily, even in a foreign country, by means of her knowledge of these arts. Even the bare knowledge of them gives attractiveness to a woman, though the practice of them may be only possible or otherwise according to the circumstances of each case. A man who is versed in these arts, who is loquacious and acquainted with the arts of gallantry, gains very soon the hearts of women, even though he is only acquainted with them for a short time.


                      1 The author wishes to prove that a great many things are done by people from practice and custom, without their being acquainted with the reason of things, or the laws on which they are based, and this is perfectly true.
                      2 The proviso of being married applies to all the teachers.

                      http://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/kama/kama103.htm (Richard Burton's translation)

                      Moditva - book release and dialogues

                      Shri Rajnath Singh launches (Book) 'Moditva -- the Idea behind the Man' in Delhi 

                      LS elections 2014:Google Hangout with Ram Madhav on RSS role(video)


                      Book release of Moditva - NaMo believes in positive secularism : http://www.dailypioneer.com/nation/namo-believes-in-positive-secularism.html


                      Wednesday, 26 February 2014 | PNS | New Delhi

                      BJP president Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said his party’s prime ministerial candidate  Narendra Modi believes in “positive secularism” and not in “perverted secularism” and claimed that minorities’ income in Gujarat under the Modi Government was “the highest” in the country.
                      Releasing a book, Modittva-The Idea Behind The Man, a collection of 14 short essays derived from quotes used by Modi during 13 years as Chief Minister of Gujarat, Singh said it was “a vote bank policy” that has driven a campaign of allegations against Modi including those relating to 2002 riot. “Divide and rule” is a thought behind those who want to run down BJP’s prime ministerial candidate.
                      The book has been compiled by Siddharth Mazumdar of Citizen for Accountable Governance (CAG) and his young team of professionals. It claims to have a volunteers force of over 2,00,000 “trying to shape public discourse in India.”
                      The foreword of the book is written by former police cop Kiran Bedi, senior BJP leaders Subramanian Swamy and Jaswant Singh. The 54-page-book gives snap-shots of Modi’s idea like — ‘secularism means India First,’ ‘Minimum Gover-nment, maximum governance,’ ‘Development Politics over Vote bank politics,’ ‘Per drop more crop,’ ‘Farm to fiber, fiber to factory, factory to fashion, fashion to foreign(5F),’ ‘Take the university outside the campus’ and ‘Pehle Sauchalaye, phir Devalaya.’
                      According to Majumdar, to ensure objectivity, all quotes have been selected from the speeches of Modi before he was declared BJP’s prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 polls.
                      Besides the BJP president, others who spoke on the occasion were Swamy, senior journalists M J Akbar and Swapan Dasgupta, and economist Prof Bibek Debroy and Bedi.
                      Modi later tweeted: “I congratulate the youngsters of Team CAG for their tireless efforts in compiling the book. Extremely grateful to Rajnath ji & other distinguished guests for their kind words & insightful suggestions at launch of book Moditva.”

                      Theatrics of Lokpal -- MG Devasahayam

                      The Statesman
                      27 Feb 2014

                      The Lokpal Act is testimony to India’s immense   propensity   for   jugaad  ~  dramatise things, but achieve nothing. The Act is more of a farce. In the event, the  very  purpose  of  setting  up  the high-profile Ombudsman stands  defeated. That probably was the  intention  behind  all the  theatrics ~ MG  DEVASAHAYAM

                      After carpet-bombing the airwaves with anti-corruption rhetoric for several months, Arvind Kejriwal, the enfant terrible of the ‘India Against Corruption” (IAC) campaign, openly declared that civil society led by Anna Hazare was impotent and the only way to combat corruption was to capture political power. Accordingly, he and his entourage morphed into a political party and briefly ‘captured’ power in Delhi with him as the Chief Minister. Before his hurried resignation, Kejriwal came out with the ‘rogue’s gallery’ of the most-corrupt politicians who actually run India’s democracy-turned-kleptocracy. Subsequently he went ahead and filed an FIR against a much bigger corporate shark.

                      The ‘Kejriwal List’ has several ‘big-fish’. The question is: Where have these corrupt kleptocrats gone, now that the Lokpal Act has been enacted? By all accounts they are where they are and in no way afraid of the ‘mighty Ombudsman’. Because the Lokpal as contemplated now is unwieldy, top-heavy, and its focus has been heavily diluted. The way things are and given the possibility of favourite agenda-men filling up Lokpal positions, this supposedly anti-corruption bulwark could turn out to be a damp squib.
                      To find out why, one needs to go back to 2009 when UPA-II formed the Government with the Congress in a stronger position. This was when some serious cases of corruption and loot ~ the Satyam scam, 2G scandal, Jharkand mining ~ started surfacing. The big-guns boomed against ‘corruption-in-high places’, creating an impression that eventually the debilitating cancer afflicting India’s governance and society, is meeting its nemesis and aam aadmi can look forward to good and honest governance in the near future.

                      Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself led the charge. Addressing a conference of CBI and anti-corruption officials at the state level, he said: “High-level corruption should be pursued aggressively. There is a pervasive feeling that while petty cases get tackled quickly, the big-fish escape punishment. This has to change.”

                      Then came the Chief Justice of India, KG Balakrishnan, firing on all cylinders. He sought confiscation of assets of persons convicted of offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Speaking at the national seminar on “Fighting Crimes Related to Corruption”, organised jointly by the CBI and the National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, he said: “The rationale behind the same is that if a public official amasses wealth at the cost of the public, then the state is justified in seizing such assets.”

                      Union Minister for Law and Justice went a step further and called for the amendment of Articles 309, 310 and 311 of the Constitution, thus removing protection and safeguards in prosecuting corrupt public servants. “There is a feeling that the protection given to the public servants under Article 311 of the Constitution is being used to create obstacles for expeditious punitive action.”
                      As if in response to the cacophony, bigger and worse scandals ~ Commonwealth Games, Coalgate, Isro-Antrax, the aircraft carrier Gorshkov, the Tatra truck, Augusta-Westland, NSEL, Air India purchase, loot of resources ~ surfaced and many more, like the KG Basin loot, were churning under the surface.

                      As it turned out, the PM, CJI and Law Minister have been hypocritical to the core. The Prime Minister’s charade against corruption was more of an ‘image makeover’ to attract foreign investment; it was not a genuine effort towards honest governance. He made it clear when he said: “Pervasive corruption in our country tarnishes our image. It also discourages investors, who expect fair treatment and transparent dealings”. The higher judiciary, including the then CJI, were themselves enmeshed in controversies over corruption and amassing huge wealth, denying access under the Right to Information Act and attempted elevation to the Supreme Court of people accused of corruption and land-grabbing . The Law minister along with his trusted Attorney-General was working overtime to suppress the scandals; they even went to the extent of filing false affidavits in the courts of law. In the event the ‘corrupt big-fish’ were growing bigger and stronger without any remorse or restraint.

                      In the Indian context, the ‘big-fish’ is represented by ministers, members of Parliament, judges, top-rung bureaucrats and other constitutional functionaries who wield enormous power and influence without corresponding accountability or rules to regulate their conduct. Institutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta were precisely aimed at reining in and punishing such characters. There are ‘vigilance’ bodies to discipline small fry.

                      The first Lokpal Bill was introduced and passed in the fourth Lok Sabha in 1968-69. However, while it was pending in the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha was dissolved, resulting in the first death of the Bill. It was revived in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and 2008. On every occasion, the Bill was referred to some committee or other for ‘improvements’, and before the government could take a final call on the issue the House was dissolved.
                      Though Lokayuktas have been constituted in 17 states, their power, function and jurisdiction are not uniform. Deliberate lacunae have been left in legislation creating the office, apparently to keep the elected representatives outside the meaningful jurisdiction of the Lokayukta, even when the laws appear to include them. Lokayuktas cannot take suo motu cognisance of even scandalizing corruption; they have no independent investigative machinery and are dependent on the government agencies, thereby making these Ombudsman-type bodies virtually non-functional.

                      Even 45 years after its initiation, such eminent ‘watchdog institutions’ conceived as the public bulwark against ‘corruption-in-high places’ were either non-existent or non-functional. They didn’t go beyond seminars and speeches. In the event, while the venal and the corrupt strode this land like colossus, dominating its political, administrative, judicial and business spectrum, the conscientious and the honest shrunk and faded away. This has been India’s true tragedy and the harbinger of state kleptocracy.

                      The recent struggle for the Lokpal was started by the Gandhian Satyagraha Brigade, the rejuvenated version of the Lok Sevak Sangh of Servants of the People Society founded by Lala Lajpat Rai in 1921 and inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. The struggle was led by nonagenarian Shambhu Dutt of Quit India vintage, and stalwart of the JP movement of the 1970s. In fact after a frustrating crusade he had decided to offer the ‘supreme sacrifice’ by going on ‘fast-unto-death’ starting from 30 January 2010, Gandhi’s martyrdom day, but was promptly dissuaded. It was this struggle that was taken up by Anna Hazare, Swami Agnivesh, Prashant Bushan, Justice Santosh Hegde, Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal when they released the draft Jan Lokpal Bill in December 2010. The movement of India Against Corruption followed with its quota of theatrics and in full media glare.

                      The Lokpal Act that has come out of this glare is testimony to India’s immense propensity for jugaad ~ dramatise things, but achieve nothing. The Act is more of a farce. The institution, as contemplated, is unwieldy, top-heavy, and the focus has been heavily diluted by including millions of Class III and Class IV government employees within its ambit though action on their corruption would be the responsibility of CVC. Ironically, the Kejriwal-driven Delhi Jan Lokpal Bill is also in the same league ~ covering all public servants from the Chief Minister to Group D employees, making it as unfocussed as the Central act. This serious aberration will protect the corrupt ‘big-fish’ who actually run India’s kleptocracy while chasing petty bribe-takers. In the event, the very purpose of setting up the high-profile Ombudsman stands defeated. That probably was the intention behind all the theatrics.

                      There have been desperate efforts to constitute the Lokpal in a tearing hurry by bulldozing decisions to facilitate appointment of ‘favourites’ as Chairman and members. It looks as if the Lokpal will be dismembered even before it is put in place.

                      It is in this ‘ambience’ that the ‘Kejriwal List’, a la the infamous ‘Schindler’s List’, is floating around. The latter had the ex-Nazis on the run. Will the former put India’s ‘kleptocrats’ on the run too? The jury is out.
                      [The writer is a retired IAS officer]

                      Offshore Tax Evasion: US Senate proceedings (Full texts). Business insider: Sonia Gandhi net worth $2-19 b.

                      Here are two reports: 1. Business insider report on World's richest politicians including Sonia Gandhi; 2. US Senate proceedings on offshore tax evasion & related documents. 

                      KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS of US Senate Committee

                      22,000 U.S. Customers with 12 Billion Swiss Francs. Modus operandi: 
                      opening accounts in the name of offshore shell entities to mask their U.S. ownership.

                      To ensure accountability, deter misconduct, and collect tax revenues, the Department of Justice should use available U.S. legal means, including enforcing grand jury subpoenas and John Doe summons in U.S. courts, to obtain the names of U.S. taxpayers with undeclared accounts at tax
                      haven banks.

                      DOJ should hold accountable tax haven banks that aided and abetted U.S. tax evasion, and take legal action against U.S. taxpayers to collect unpaid taxes on billions of dollars in offshore assets.

                      LESSONS for India:

                      Next Govt. should nationalise wealth held by Indian passport holders in ALL tax havens. Tax havens are by law mandated to facilitate restititution of such wealth. The next Govt. of India formed after 2014 LokSabha elections, should issue an ordinance within 10 days after assuming office, similar to the action taken by Indira Gandhi to nationalise select private banks.

                      Such a move will ensure that the wealth which should be held in Indian financial system should not be allowed to be taken out of India, with national security implications, apart from tax evasion. 

                      Such wealth if held within India should restore confidence in the nation's financial system and promote development as mandated under the Directive Principles of State Policy. These provisions were stated as the objective of nationalisation of private banks by Indira Gandhi.


                      PS: It is possible that there are other politicians holding such wealth in tax havens given the disclosures and views expressed by Supreme Court on the Hassan Ali case.

                      #4 Sonia Gandhi

                      Net Worth: $2-19 billion
                      Residence: India
                      Position: President, Indian National Congress (political party)
                      Gandhi is originally from Italy. She is the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, the assassinated former prime minister. As leader of the Congress party, Gandhi played a key role in reviving the party's fortune and power.
                      There's some dispute about her actual net worth, while Forbes doesn't list it. And India's National Election Watch has it listed at about $200,000. 
                      Source: World's Luxury Guide (based on OpenSecrets.org, Forbes.com, Bloomberg.com, Wikipedia.org, Guardian.co.uk)

                      OFFSHORE TAX EVASION:
                      The Effort to Collect Unpaid Taxes
                      on Billions in Hidden Offshore Accounts (US Senate: Feb. 26, 2014)

                      I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                      This investigation arises from the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations’
                      longstanding focus on offshore tax abuse, including U.S. taxpayers using hidden offshore
                      accounts. In 2008 and 2009, the Subcommittee held three days of hearings and released a
                      bipartisan report examining how some tax haven banks were deliberately helping U.S. customers
                      hide their assets offshore to evade U.S. taxes. The hearings focused on two tax haven banks,
                      UBS AG, the largest bank in Switzerland, and LGT, a private bank owned by the royal family of
                      Liechtenstein.1 On the first day of the hearings, UBS acknowledged its role in facilitating U.S.
                      tax evasion, apologized for its wrongdoing, and promised to end it. It later entered into a
                      Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, paid a $780 million fine,
                      and turned over about 4,700 accounts with U.S. client names that had not been disclosed to the
                      Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It also committed to disclosing to the IRS all future accounts
                      opened for U.S. persons.

                      Since then, significant progress has been made in the effort to combat offshore tax
                      abuses. World leaders have declared their commitment to reduce cross border tax evasion. Tax
                      havens around the world have declared they will no longer use secrecy laws to facilitate tax
                      dodging. In the United States, over 43,000 taxpayers joined a voluntary IRS disclosure program,
                      came clean about their hidden offshore accounts, and paid over $6 billion in back taxes, interest,
                      and penalties. In addition, Congress enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
                      (FATCA), which requires foreign banks to either disclose their U.S. customer accounts on an
                      automatic, annual basis or pay a 30% tax on their U.S. investment income. Just this month, at
                      the request of G8 and G20 leaders, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
                      Development (OECD) issued a model agreement that, like FATCA, will enable countries to
                      automatically exchange account information to fight cross border tax evasion.

                      On the negative side of the ledger, despite evidence of widespread misconduct by Swiss
                      banks in facilitating U.S. tax evasion, Switzerland has continued to severely restrict the ability of
                      Swiss banks to disclose the names of U.S. customers with undeclared Swiss accounts. As a
                      result, the United States has obtained few U.S. names and little account information. In addition,
                      despite the passage of five years, the U.S. Justice Department has failed to hold accountable the
                      vast majority of the 4,700 UBS accountholders whose names were given to the United States.
                      Aside from UBS, it has prosecuted only one of the Swiss banks suspected of misconduct, while
                      setting up a program for hundreds of Swiss banks to obtain non-prosecution agreements without
                      disclosing the names of a single U.S. customer with a hidden account. The promise of FATCA
                      to disclose hidden offshore accounts has also dimmed due to regulations that opened disclosure

                      1 “Tax Haven Banks and U.S. Tax Compliance,” hearing before U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, S. Hrg. 110-614 (July 17 and 25, 2008)(including bipartisan report); “Tax Haven Banks and U.S. Tax Compliance: Obtaining the Names of U.S. Clients with Swiss Accounts,” hearing before U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, S. Hrg. 111-30 (March 4, 2009).

                      Loopholes which may enable many offshore accountholders to continue to conceal their accounts
                      from U.S. authorities.

                      In this Report, the Subcommittee’s investigation chronicles these developments and
                      provides an assessment of U.S. efforts to combat offshore tax evasion through hidden foreign
                      accounts. It examines, in particular, ongoing roadblocks erected by the Swiss Government to
                      block bank disclosure of the names of former U.S. customers with undeclared Swiss accounts. It
                      uses as a case study a major Swiss bank, Credit Suisse, that was deeply involved in facilitating
                      U.S. tax evasion and whose unnamed U.S. customers continue to owe unpaid U.S. taxes on
                      billions of dollars in hidden assets.

                      A. Subcommittee Investigation
                      After the 2008 hearing on UBS, the Subcommittee initiated an informal bipartisan review
                      into whether Switzerland’s second largest bank, Credit Suisse, had also helped U.S. customers
                      evade U.S. taxes. At that time, Credit Suisse representatives acknowledged having U.S.-linked
                      Swiss accounts that had not been disclosed to the IRS, but also said that the bank was in the
                      process of closing those accounts or disclosing them to the IRS. Three years later, in 2011, after
                      seven Credit Suisse bankers were indicted by the U.S. Justice Department for aiding and abetting
                      U.S. tax evasion, the Subcommittee opened a formal bipartisan investigation into the status of
                      the bank’s cleanup efforts and found that they were still far from complete.

                      Over the course of the next few years, the Subcommittee collected approximately
                      100,000 documents from Credit Suisse, as well as extensive documents from 16 additional
                      parties, conducted 23 interviews of personnel at the bank, the U.S. government, and other
                      sources, as well as U.S. taxpayers who had evaded U.S. taxes using hidden Credit Suisse
                      accounts. The Subcommittee also received 18 briefings from both the bank and various U.S.
                      government agencies with expertise in U.S. taxes, U.S. tax enforcement, cross-border travel, and
                      illicit money flows.

                      The materials reviewed by the Subcommittee included Credit Suisse filings with the
                      Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other investor disclosures, Credit Suisse
                      internal memoranda, meeting minutes, emails, as well as legal pleadings and media reports. The
                      Subcommittee also reviewed bank statements and financial documents related to some former
                      accountholders. Additionally, Credit Suisse briefed the Subcommittee about the findings of an
                      internal investigation conducted by outside lawyers in 2011, and provided statistics about its
                      U.S.-linked accounts. The Subcommittee also examined U.S. and Swiss agreements, statements,
                      legal pleadings, and other materials related to disclosing the names of U.S. clients with
                      undeclared Swiss accounts.

                      B. Investigation Overview
                      Using the Credit Suisse case study, the Subcommittee investigation examined the bank’s
                      past actions, including the opening and servicing of undeclared Swiss accounts for U.S.
                      customers, and subsequent actions to close those Swiss accounts, as well as the status of U.S.
                      enforcement efforts to collect unpaid taxes and hold accountable the tax evaders and the banks
                      that aided and abetted them.

                      22,000 U.S. Customers with 12 Billion Swiss Francs. The investigation found that, as
                      of 2006, Credit Suisse had over 22,000 U.S. customers with Swiss accounts whose assets, at their
                      peak, exceeded 12 billion Swiss francs (CHF). Although Credit Suisse has not determined or
                      estimated how many of those accounts were hidden from U.S. authorities, the data suggests the
                      vast majority were undeclared. To date, due to Swiss Government restrictions, the United States
                      has obtained the names of only about 230 U.S. clients with hidden accounts at Credit Suisse.
                      Recruiting U.S. Clients and Facilitating Secrecy. The investigation found that, from at
                      least 2001 to 2008, Credit Suisse recruited U.S. clients to open Swiss accounts, and employed a
                      number of banking practices that helped its U.S. customers conceal their Swiss accounts from
                      U.S. authorities. Those practices included sending Swiss bankers to the United States to secretly
                      recruit clients and service existing accounts; sponsoring a New York office that served as a hub
                      of activity on U.S. soil for Swiss bankers; and helping customers mask their Swiss accounts by
                      referring them to “intermediaries” that could form offshore shell entities for them and by opening
                      accounts in the name of those offshore entities. One former customer described how, on one
                      occasion, a Credit Suisse banker travelled to the United States to meet with the customer at the
                      Mandarin Oriental Hotel and, over breakfast, handed the customer bank statements hidden in a
                      Sports Illustrated magazine. Credit Suisse also sent Swiss bankers to recruit clients at banksponsored events, including the annual “Swiss Ball” in New York and golf tournaments in
                      Florida. The Credit Suisse New York office kept a document listing “important phone numbers”
                      of intermediaries that formed offshore shell entities for some of the bank’s U.S. customers.
                      Credit Suisse also encouraged U.S. customers to travel to Switzerland, providing them with a
                      branch office at the Zurich airport offering a full range of banking services. Nearly 10,000 U.S.
                      customers availed themselves of that convenience. The bank’s own investigation indicates that
                      Swiss bankers were well aware that some U.S. clients wanted to conceal their accounts from
                      U.S. authorities, and either turned a blind eye to the accounts’ undeclared status, or at times
                      actively assisted those accountholders to hide assets from U.S. authorities.

                      Weak Oversight. The investigation also found that Credit Suisse exercised weak
                      oversight of its own policies for U.S.-linked accounts in Switzerland, facilitating wrongdoing.
                      A 2002 bank policy called for U.S.-linked accounts to be opened by a single Swiss office,
                      SALN, whose bankers were given special training in U.S. regulatory and tax requirements.
                      Despite that policy, a majority of U.S.-linked accounts were spread throughout other business
                      areas of the bank; by 2008, over 1,800 Credit Suisse bankers were opening and servicing Swiss
                      accounts for U.S. customers. Some of those Swiss bankers assisted U.S. clients to open
                      undeclared accounts, buy and sell U.S. securities, and structure large cash transactions to avoid
                      U.S. cash reporting requirements, in violation of U.S. law and the bank’s own policies which
                      prohibited those activities. The Swiss bank also used third party service providers to supply U.S.
                      clients with credit cards and travel cash cards that enabled them to secretly draw upon the cash in
                      their Swiss accounts. In addition, Credit Suisse restricted compliance, risk management, and
                      audit oversight of all U.S. customer accounts in Switzerland to Swiss personnel due to Swiss
                      secrecy laws, limiting the oversight that could be conducted by bank personnel in the United
                      States. Credit Suisse extended those limitations even to the U.S.-linked accounts at SALN which
                      was organizationally part of the Credit Suisse Private Bank for the Americas. On February 21,
                      2014, Credit Suisse paid a $196 million fine to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                      (SEC) to settle securities law violations by its Swiss bankers for conducting unlicensed broker
                      dealer and investment advice activities in the United States and by the bank for failing to prevent
                      that misconduct due to poorly implemented controls and ineffective monitoring.

                      Five Year Exit. Beginning in 2008, after the UBS scandal broke, Credit Suisse initiated
                      a series of “Exit Projects” to identify Swiss accounts that had been opened for U.S. customers,
                      and ask the customers to either disclose their accounts to the United States, or close them. The
                      Exit Projects took an overly incremental approach, delayed reviewing key groups of accounts,
                      and took over five years to complete. The projects included, in chronological order, the Entities
                      Project, Project Tom, Project III, Project Tim, Legacy Entities Project, Project Titan, and Project
                      Argon. The 2008 UBS scandal and 2011 indictment of seven Credit Suisse bankers spurred the
                      account closing efforts represented by those projects, but they continued to take years to

                      From 2008 to 2011, the Credit Suisse Exit Projects focused exclusively on Swiss
                      accounts held by U.S. residents, ignoring the over 6,000 accounts opened by U.S. nationals
                      living outside of the United States. The early projects also focused on the conduct of bankers at
                      SALN, the office that was supposed to have been in charge of opening U.S.-linked accounts in
                      Switzerland, even though the majority of U.S.-linked accounts were actually located in Swiss
                      offices outside of SALN, including Credit Suisse’s private bank subsidiary Clariden Leu. By the
                      end of 2010, the Exit Projects had closed accounts held by nearly 11,000 U.S. clients, an
                      indication of how extensive the problems were with the accounts. It was not until 2012, that the
                      bank expanded the Exit Projects to include a review of the thousands of Swiss accounts opened
                      by U.S. nationals living outside of the United States. At the end of 2013, five years after the
                      UBS scandal broke, Credit Suisse data indicated that the bank had closed Swiss accounts for
                      approximately 18,900 U.S. customers and retained accounts for about 3,500 U.S. customers with
                      assets totaling about $2.6 billion. These figures represent an 85 percent drop in the number of the
                      bank’s U.S. customers in Switzerland.

                      Lax U.S. Enforcement. Credit Suisse has been under investigation by the U.S.
                      Department of Justice (DOJ) since at least 2010. In 2011, seven of its Swiss bankers were
                      indicted by DOJ for aiding and abetting U.S. tax evasion. Despite the passage of almost three
                      years, however, none of those bankers has stood trial, instead remaining overseas. In 2011, the
                      bank itself was served with a target letter by DOJ, indicating that Credit Suisse, not just some of
                      its bankers, was under criminal investigation. The letter signifies that DOJ believed it had
                      substantial evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the bank at that point, although no indictment
                      was filed in the years that followed.

                      In 2011, as part of the DOJ investigation, the bank was asked to produce a variety of
                      documents through Grand Jury subpoenas and other requests. In response, the Swiss
                      Government intervened, took control of the document production process, and limited the
                      documents that the bank produced to DOJ. When, at the request of the Swiss, the United States
                      submitted a treaty request for names and account information related to U.S. persons with
                      undeclared Swiss accounts at Credit Suisse, a Swiss court ruled that parts of the request did not
                      meet the requirements of the U.S.-Swiss tax treaty, requiring the United States to submit a
                      revised request. After roughly two years, the Swiss Supreme Court permitted about 230 U.S.
                      customer files, or substantially less than 1 percent of the over 22,000 U.S. accountholders with
                      Swiss accounts at Credit Suisse, to be provided to U.S. authorities. During that same period, the
                      DOJ did not use any of the authorities and remedies available to it in U.S. courts, such as
                      enforcing the outstanding Grand Jury subpoenas or using a John Doe summons, to obtain U.S.
                      client names and account information directly from Credit Suisse.

                      DOJ’s decision to refrain from taking enforcement action against Credit Suisse over the
                      past five years is part of a larger failure by the United States to obtain from the Swiss the names
                      of the tens of thousands of U.S. persons who opened undeclared accounts in Switzerland and
                      have not yet paid taxes on their hidden assets. Despite constructing a 2013 program to enable
                      hundreds of Swiss banks to apply for non-prosecution agreements or non-target letters, DOJ did
                      not obtain any agreement in return from the Swiss Government to permit any of those Swiss
                      banks to furnish U.S. client names to the United States. To the contrary, DOJ explicitly
                      surrendered the right of the United States to obtain U.S. client names from the banks given nonprosecution agreements and non-target letters under the new DOJ program, and may have
                      implicitly surrendered the right to use remedies available in U.S. courts to obtain those names
                      directly from those banks, including through Grand Jury subpoenas or John Doe summonses.
                      DOJ also appears to have decided to rely solely on the treaty process to obtain documents
                      from the 14 Swiss banks under active investigation for facilitating U.S. tax evasion. For years,
                      DOJ has not enforced a single Grand Jury subpoena directed at the 14 targeted banks, nor
                      assisted the IRS in using a John Doe summons to obtain critical information from them in
                      Switzerland. Instead, since 2011, DOJ has made treaty requests involving at least two of the
                      targeted banks. After nearly three years, those treaty requests have produced few U.S. client
                      names and little account information. By relying on the restrictive treaty process and refraining
                      from using U.S. remedies enforceable in U.S. courts to obtain information directly from the 14
                      Swiss banks, DOJ essentially ceded control of the document process to Swiss regulators and
                      Swiss courts that value bank secrecy and are willing to prohibit disclosure of bank information
                      essential to effective U.S. investigations and prosecutions of U.S. tax evasion involving

                      In addition, since 2009, aside from UBS, DOJ has indicted only one Swiss bank, Wegelin
                      & Co. When Wegelin pled guilty, DOJ accepted its guilty plea without obtaining a single client
                      name that could be used to seek unpaid taxes from the U.S. clients that used the bank to escape
                      their tax obligations. When DOJ used U.S. prosecution tools and IRS John Doe summons
                      against UBS, the United States obtained about 4,700 accounts with U.S. client names, and DOJ
                      prosecuted 72 taxpayers. In contrast, without those tools, when DOJ used only the treaty process
                      to seek information from the 14 targeted banks, DOJ obtained only a few hundred U.S. client
                      names and prosecuted less than a handful of U.S. taxpayers for having a hidden account. DOJ’s
                      reduced effectiveness can be attributed, in part, to its reliance on the treaty process under Swiss
                      control instead of on U.S. tools enforceable in U.S. courts. Further, while DOJ has indicted 34
                      Swiss banking and other professionals for aiding and abetting U.S. tax evasion, the vast majority
                      of those defendants have yet to stand trial. Most continue to reside in Switzerland, without
                      facing any public U.S. extradition request to require them to face U.S. criminal charges. As a
                      result, DOJ has made little progress in collecting the unpaid U.S. taxes that continue to be owed
                      on billions of dollars of assets hidden in Swiss accounts.

                      While Switzerland sometimes claims that there is no need to obtain client names from
                      Swiss banks, because U.S. clients with hidden Swiss accounts will be named over the next few
                      years under FATCA, FATCA will not, in fact, solve the disclosure problem. FATCA’s
                      implementing regulations have created multiple loopholes, with no statutory basis, in the law’s
                      disclosure requirements. Among other problems, the FATCA regulatory loopholes will require
                      disclosure of only the largest dollar accounts; they will permit banks to ignore, in most cases,
                      bank account information that is kept on paper rather than electronically; they will allow banks
                      to treat accounts opened by offshore shell entities as non-U.S. accounts even when the entity is
                      owned by a U.S. taxpayer; and the remaining disclosure requirements can be easily circumvented
                      by U.S. persons opening accounts below the reporting thresholds at more than one bank.
                      Switzerland has also sometimes claimed that additional client names can be obtained through the
                      revised U.S.-Swiss tax treaty which has yet to be ratified by the Senate, but that treaty applies
                      only to requests for accounts that were open after its signing date in September 2009, which
                      excludes the years in which the bulk of misconduct by Swiss banks and their U.S. clients took
                      place. The treaty also has a convoluted process for obtaining the names of accountholders who
                      can seek to block disclosure in Swiss courts, and Swiss law has created new evidentiary burdens
                      for U.S. requests seeking information about unnamed U.S. taxpayers with accounts at Swiss
                      financial institutions.

                      Neither FATCA nor the revised U.S.-Swiss tax treaty nor the DOJ non-prosecution
                      program for Swiss banks can be relied on to produce the names of U.S. clients who used Swiss
                      accounts to hide assets, evade taxes, and dodge U.S. efforts to collect the taxes they still owe.
                      Unless DOJ is willing to use available U.S. legal remedies to obtain those U.S. client names,
                      many of the most egregious cases of tax evasion using hidden offshore accounts will escape
                      accountability, while tax haven banks continue to profit from U.S. clients dodging U.S. taxes.
                      Allowing tax cheats to dodge accountability for their actions would not only weaken the
                      incentive for other U.S. taxpayers with hidden accounts to enter into the IRS Offshore Voluntary
                      Disclosure Program, it would also send the wrong message to other tax haven banks and
                      governments, and give up on unpaid U.S. taxes on billions of dollars in hidden assets.

                      C. Findings of Fact and Recommendations
                      Findings of Fact. Based upon the Subcommittee’s investigation, this Report makes the
                      following findings of fact.
                      (1) Bank Practices that Facilitated U.S. Tax Evasion. From at least 2001 to
                      2008, Credit Suisse employed banking practices that facilitated tax evasion by
                      U.S. customers, including by opening undeclared Swiss accounts for
                      individuals, opening accounts in the name of offshore shell entities to mask their
                      U.S. ownership, and sending Swiss bankers to the United States to recruit new
                      U.S. customers and service existing Swiss accounts without creating paper
                      trails. At its peak, Credit Suisse had over 22,000 U.S. customers with Swiss
                      accounts containing assets that exceeded 12 billion Swiss francs.
                      (2) Inadequate Bank Response. Credit Suisse’s efforts to close undeclared
                      Swiss accounts opened by U.S. customers took more than five years, failed to
                      identify how many were undeclared accounts hidden from U.S. authorities, and
                      fell short of identifying any leadership failures or lessons learned from its
                      legally-suspect U.S. cross border business.
                      (3) Lax U.S. Enforcement. Despite the passage of five years, U.S. law
                      enforcement has failed to prosecute more than a dozen Swiss banks that
                      facilitated U.S. tax evasion, failed to take legal action against thousands of U.S.
                      persons whose names and hidden Swiss accounts were disclosed by UBS, and
                      failed to utilize available U.S. legal means to obtain the names of tens of
                      thousands of additional U.S. persons whose identities are still being concealed
                      by the Swiss.
                      (4) Swiss Secrecy. Since 2008, Swiss officials have worked to preserve Swiss
                      bank secrecy by intervening in U.S. criminal investigations to restrict document
                      production by Swiss banks, pressuring the United States to construct a program
                      for issuing non-prosecution agreements to hundreds of Swiss banks while
                      excusing those banks from disclosing U.S. client names, enacting legislation
                      creating new barriers to U.S. treaty requests seeking U.S. client names, and
                      managing to limit the actual disclosure of U.S. client names to only a few
                      hundred names over five years, despite the tens of thousands of undeclared
                      Swiss accounts opened by U.S. clients evading U.S. taxes.

                      Recommendations. Based upon the Subcommittee’s investigation and findings of fact,
                      this Report makes the following recommendations.
                      (1) Improve Prosecution of Tax Haven Banks and Hidden Offshore
                      Account Holders. To ensure accountability, deter misconduct, and collect tax
                      revenues, the Department of Justice should use available U.S. legal means,
                      including enforcing grand jury subpoenas and John Doe summons in U.S.
                      courts, to obtain the names of U.S. taxpayers with undeclared accounts at tax
                      haven banks. DOJ should hold accountable tax haven banks that aided and
                      abetted U.S. tax evasion, and take legal action against U.S. taxpayers to collect
                      unpaid taxes on billions of dollars in offshore assets.
                      (2) Increase Transparency of Tax Haven Banks That Impede U.S. Tax
                      Enforcement. U.S. regulators should use their existing authority to institute a
                      probationary period of increased reporting requirements for, or to limit the
                      opening of new accounts by, tax haven banks that enter into deferred
                      prosecution agreements, non-prosecution agreements, settlements, or other
                      concluding actions with law enforcement for facilitating U.S. tax evasion,
                      taking into consideration repetitive or cumulative misconduct.
                      (3) Streamline John Doe Summons. Congress should amend U.S. tax laws to
                      streamline the use of John Doe summons procedures to uncover the names of
                      taxpayers using offshore accounts and other means to evade U.S. taxes,
                      including by allowing a court to approve more than one John Doe summons
                      related to the same tax investigation.
                      (4) Close FATCA Loopholes. To obtain systematic disclosure of undeclared
                      offshore accounts used to evade U.S. taxes, the U.S. Treasury and IRS should
                      close gaping loopholes in FATCA regulations that have no statutory basis,
                      including provisions that allow financial institutions to ignore account
                      information stored on paper, and allow foreign financial institutions to treat
                      offshore shell entities as non-U.S. entities even when beneficially owned and
                      controlled by U.S. persons.
                      (5) Ratify Revised Swiss Tax Treaty. The U.S. Senate should promptly ratify
                      the 2009 Protocol to the U.S.-Switzerland tax treaty to take advantage of

                      improved disclosure standards.

                      Original documents from US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  February 26, 2014

                      Offshore Tax Evasion: The Effort to Collect Unpaid Taxes on Billions in Hidden Offshore Accounts

                      Source: http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/subcommittees/investigations/hearings/offshore-tax-evasion-the-effort-to-collect-unpaid-taxes-on-billions-in-hidden-offshore-accounts

                      Report :  http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/download/?id=DD609B36-94AB-44B5-AABA-97B2AB08E058


                      Exhibits: (Heavy)

                      Testimony : 


                      Senate probe accuses Swiss bank of helping rich Americans evade taxes

                      By Jim Puzzanghera
                      2:19 PM PST, February 25, 2014

                      WASHINGTON — A Senate subcommittee investigation accused Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse of using elaborate “cloak-and-dagger” methods to hide the accounts of 22,000 wealthy American citizens with a total of up to $12 billion in assets from U.S. authorities so they could avoid paying taxes.
                      The bipartisan probe also sharply criticized the Justice Department for being lax in using subpoenas and other legal tools to pressure the bank to reveal most of the names of account holders, which have been withheld as part of a long Swiss tradition of bank secrecy.
                      “The key to piercing the cocoon of bank secrecy and collecting the taxes owed by tax evaders is getting the names on those accounts,” said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
                      “Yet after years of investigations, negotiations and jawboning, the United States has names for just 238 of those 22,000 Credit Suisse customers,” he said Tuesday in unveiling a 175-page report on the bank’s practices.
                      The subcommittee will hold a hearing Wednesday on the report’s findings. Senators will question Credit Suisse Chief Executive Brady Dougan, other company executives and two top Justice Department officials.
                      The report, based in part on 100,000 documents from Credit Suisse, said that the bank used tactics to help U.S. customers avoid paying taxes from at least 2001 to 2008.
                      Employees took dozens of trips to the U.S. to meet customers and personally recruit new ones at golf tournaments and other bank-sponsored events, avoiding paper trails while telling U.S. officials the visits were simply for tourism.
                      One former customer told the committee a Credit Suisse employee once delivered the customer’s bank statements hidden in a copy of Sports Illustrated magazine during a breakfast at a Mandarin Oriental Hotel in the U.S.
                      The unidentified client also described visiting the bank in Switzerland and being taken to a special meeting room via an elevator that was controlled remotely with no buttons. At the end of each meeting, the client signed an order to destroy the account statements that had been reviewed.
                      “I’m sure similar types of James Bond environments exist in other banks,” Levin said. The subcommittee focused on Credit Suisse because it is the second largest bank in Switzerland.
                      A Credit Suisse spokesman said the bank was working on a response but did not immediately provide one.
                      The subcommittee investigation began in 2011 after the Justice Department indicted seven Credit Suisse employees on charges of aiding and abetting U.S. tax evasion. The bank itself also has been under criminal investigation by Justice officials since at least 2011.
                      Last week, Credit Suisse agreed to pay $196 million and admitted wrongdoing to settle allegations by the Securities and Exchange Commission that the bank provided brokerage and investment advisor services to as many as 8,500 U.S. customers without registering with the agency.
                      So far, the Justice Department’s efforts have produced few names of U.S. Credit Suisse account holders amid the difficulties of dealing with complex international treaties and Switzerland’s bank secrecy laws, the report said.
                      The Justice Department said Tuesday it is investigating 14 Swiss financial institutions for activities related to offshore tax evasion and has charged 73 account holders and 35 bankers and advisors with offenses related to offshore tax evasion since 2009.
                      The department also said its investigations have helped spur voluntary disclosures by U.S. taxpayers through an Internal Revenue Service program, started in 2009, that offers reduced penalties for people who owe back taxes, interest and penalties.
                      “The prospect of U.S. prosecution has been forceful enough to cause 43,000 taxpayers to self-report and pay nearly $6 billion in taxes and penalties,” the Justice Department said.
                      “Additionally, more than 100 Swiss financial institutions have applied for a program where they fully disclose their illegal conduct, cooperate and pay steep penalties,” it said. “That program will help the department root out tax evasion throughout the world.”
                      Levin and Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the subcommittee’s top Republican, said the Justice Department has failed to use tools that were successful in prying names of U.S. account holders from Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS.
                      After a similar investigation into practices by UBS, the subcommittee held hearings in 2008 and 2009 in which UBS executives acknowledged helping U.S. citizens avoid paying taxes. The bank also apologized.
                      The bank entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department, paid a $780-million fine and later provided the names of about 4,700 U.S. account holders to the Internal Revenue Service.
                      The names provided were less than 10% of about 52,000 UBS accounts held by U.S. citizens, the report said.
                      But that’s a much higher percentage than the 1% of account holder names that Credit Suisse has turned over as Justice Department officials have tried to obtain the information through an existing tax treaty with Switzerland rather than use other legal tools, the Senate report said.
                      McCain said tax evasion deprives the U.S. of billions of dollars in tax revenue and that the Justice Department’s “ineffective response allowed this conduct to persist.”
                      The tax treaty was amended in 2009 to make it easier to obtain information about U.S. accounts in Swiss banks. But the amendments have not been approved yet by the Senate and only cover accounts opened after Sept. 23, 2009.
                      The Senate report said the 22,000 U.S. customers had accounts as of 2006 and the holders of those accounts are liable for paying back taxes on them.
                      The report’s recommendations include calling for the Senate to approve the 2009 treaty amendments and for the Justice Department to use more legal pressure to obtain names of U.S. taxpayers with undeclared foreign bank accounts and collect unpaid taxes, as well as punish banks that assisted the tax evaders.

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