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On the speech of Neanderthal man

"Neanderthal culture developed at a slow rate. We may speculate on the disappearance of Neanderthal man, and we can note that his successors, for example, Cro Magnon man, who inhabited some of the old Neanderthal sites in the Dordogne (Boule and Vallois, 1957), had the skeletal structurethat is typical of Man's speech mechanism. Neanderthal man's disappearance may have been a consequence of his linguistic -- hence intellectual -- deficiencies with respect to his spaiens competitors. Inshort, we can conclude tht Man is human because he can say so."
http://web.haskins.yale.edu/sr/SR021/SR021_09.pdfPhilip Liberman & Edmund S. Crelin, On the speech of Neanderthal man

What DNA says about human ancestry -- and bigotry. Witzel should read Tok Thomson's review and OUP should withdraw the book.

What DNA says about human ancestry -- and bigotry. Myth-maker Witzel should read Tok Thomson's review and OUP should withdraw the book.

shame on Oxford Univ. Press review policy
Any consideration that this book show be taken seriously will need to deal with the insightful points made in this review by Tok Thompson, University of Southern California:

http://www.indiana.edu/~jofr/review.php?id=1613 (Appended for ready reference)

(All JFR Reviews are permanently stored on-line at


Published 1 month ago by T.M. Scruggs

OUP will do well to read this review which endorses the review at the india.edu URL provided above and withdraw Witzel's book since it exemplifies bigotry of the type described below. Spinning cock-and-bull stories and linking apples and oranges does not an academic work of scholarship make. Don't assume that any book by a person claiming to be in the academe is fit for publication. Make OUP editors review and do a due diligence check once more. Harvard Corp. which employs the author should also subject the work to review by Harvard U. Provost to evaluate the possible damage caused to the psyche of impressionable minds of students of Harvard U and other academic institutions which may inadvertently get access to the bigoted work. 

OUP and Harvard Corp., do not allow prejudices to cloud social responsibility.


What DNA Says About Human Ancestry—and Bigotry
Part 3, The Myth of Race
Village Voice
Mark Schoofs
Adam and Eve
See also DNA Rumor and Message Mill (bulletin board) athttp://darwin.cshl.org/wwwboard/wwwboard.html
Race and genetics form their own double helix, twisting together through history. The Nazis, as everyone knows, justified the death camps on the grounds that Jews and Gypsies were genetically inferior—but what is less known is that the Nazis took their cue from eugenics legislation passed in the United States. Here, race is defined primarily by skin color. Since that's a genetic trait, the logic goes, race itself must be genetic, and there must be differences that are more than skin deep.
But that's not what modern genetics reveals. Quite the contrary, it shows that race is truly skin deep. Indeed, genetics undermines the whole concept that humanity is composed of ''races''—pure and static groups that are significantly different from one another. Genetics has proven otherwise by tracing human ancestry, as it is inscribed on DNA.
Demystifying race may be the most important accomplishment of this research, but it has also solved some of the most intriguing mysteries of human history.
In 1918 a wounded woman showed up in a Berlin mental hospital claiming to be Anastasia, the last surviving member of the Russian imperial Romanoff family. Her story, from which she never wavered, engendered an epic controversy that ranged from courtrooms to the silver screen. The mysterious woman married an American, took the name Anna Anderson, and died in 1984, insisting to her grave that she was the true Anastasia.
After her death, an amateur historian bought some of Anderson's books.
In one was an envelope with some strands of her hair. He took them to Mark Stoneking, a Penn State University genetic anthropologist who would later confirm the identity of Jesse James's remains. Meanwhile an English geneticist had obtained some of Anderson's colon tissue that a hospital had stored after an operation. Both researchers analyzed the DNA. ''We found that our sequences matched each other,'' Stoneking recalls, ''but they didn't match the royal family.''
So who was Anna Anderson? ''One of the private investigators hired by other Russian nobility came to the conclusion that she was a Polish woman who had been working in a munitions factory,'' Stoneking says. There had been an explosion at this factory, which could explain the wounds that gave such credence to her tale of fleeing the Bolsheviks. The English team tracked down a relative of this Polish woman, and, indeed, her DNA matched Anna Anderson's.
If the Polish relative had come from the paternal side of Anderson's family, the English team would have been at a dead end. That's because they were analyzing something called mitochondrial DNA. Almost all human cells contain tiny bacteria-like entities called mitochondria. They provide energy to cells, and they have their own DNA, separate from the DNA that actually makes a person. Mitochondria are not in sperm cells; therefore, they are inherited only from the mother. They record a person's matrilineal heritage.
The paternal counterpart is the Y chromosome. Women, of course, lack the Y chromosome, so it is inherited strictly from father to son. It can be quite revealing to trace how the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA mix in a single population. Under the old South African apartheid categories, ''colored'' people were those who descended from black and white parents—but their Y chromosome almost always shows a European ancestry, whereas their mitochondrial DNA usually shows an African heritage. To put it plainly, white men were sleeping with black women, but black men were not sleeping with white women.
This pattern is common wherever one finds ''dominant and subservient groups,'' says South African researcher Himla Soodyall. In southern Colorado, for example, a group of Hispanics trace their ancestry to Spanish settlers from the 1500s, before Jamestown. ''Their oral history says they didn't mix with the native Americans,'' says University of Michigan researcher Andrew Merriwether, who studied this group. But genetics tells a different tale: about 85 per cent of them carry mitochondrial DNA of Native American origin. Other genetic markers show a strong European heritage, which indicates ''directional mating,'' says Merri- wether. As in South Africa, European men were sleeping with Amerindian women, but Amerindian men were rarely sleeping with European women. Partly this is because few Spanish women traveled with the conquistadores, but it's also due to sexual politics, and they are inscribed on DNA.
So are ancient human migrations. Thor Heyerdahl believed that Polynesians crossed the Pacific and helped populate the New World. By sailing his boat, the Kon Tiki, he proved such a voyage was possible—but DNA demonstrates that it didn't happen. Polynesians bear a distinctive motif on their mitochondrial DNA that is not present among any native American peoples, either those who are living now or mummies. So did the first Americans come from Siberia? Surprisingly, no. Mitochondrial DNA indicates that native Americans descend from Mongolians.
Such genetic history depends on statistics. Researchers test hundreds or thousands of people in a given population to find what motifs are present and in what concentrations. Then they look for other populations that possess the same markers. ''We try to construct the most likely historical scenario,'' explains Stoneking, ''but we can't rule out more complicated alternatives.'' He says scientists must triangulate ''the fossil, archaeological, and genetic evidence.''
But sometimes only DNA can settle questions of human history. Europeans almost all descend from farmers who slowly moved northeast from what is now Turkey. They subsumed the hunter-gatherers whom they encountered, but pockets of the old hunters still remain. The Saami people—formerly known as the Lapps—live in Scandinavia and speak a language close to Finnish. Finns and Saamis ''used to say they had a common history, one that goes back to Romantic myths of coming from the Urals,'' says University of Munich researcher Svante Paabo. Genetically, the Saami are indeed distinct from the mass of Europeans. ''But the Finns look like everyone else in Europe,'' says Paabo. ''The Finns borrowed their language from the Saami, probably when they came as farmers. Then they pushed away the Saami by taking more and more land.'' The Basques also seem to be an outpost of the earlier hunters; their DNA carries different motifs than that of the surrounding Europeans.
Japan was populated by ancient Koreans and, earlier, by a mysterious people called the Jomon, known only by their pottery and other archaeological remains. Where did they come from? To figure that out, geneticist Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona looked at the Y chromosome. Surprisingly, the closest match to the Jomon variant lies in Tibet. How could an isolated mountain tribe thousands of miles from the sea be related to the first Japanese? The Tibetans and the Jomon might descend from a common tribe that lived in central Asia, where the Jomon-Tibetan motif is now found only rarely, superseded, perhaps, by the ceaseless mixing of people. But it might also be that migrants from Tibet crossed Asia and entered Japan on an ice bridge 12,000 to 22,000 years ago.
Even individuals can sometimes trace their heritage. (See box, Roots, DNA Style.) Matthew George, a geneticist at Howard University, is analyzing the DNA from bones found in the African Burial Ground in Wall Street's Foley Square. Since lab contamination is always a danger, he says, ''we test our own mitochondrial DNA.'' He recalls that an African American colleague had DNA that was closely related to people in Benin. ''She started dancing around saying, 'Oh, I'm from Benin, I'm from Benin.' I said, 'No, you're from Plains, Georgia. But, yes, your mitochondrial DNA comes from Benin.'''
With the promise of genealogy comes the danger of bigotry. Genetic classification could ''concretize the racist assumptions already out there in the scientific milieu,'' warns University of Maryland anthropology and biology professor Fatimah Jackson. ''This isn't an idle fear I have.''
Others share her uneasiness. Ashkenazi Jews are much more likely than other groups to have a mutation that causes breast and ovarian cancer. New York magazine recently called this the ''Jewish gene,'' even though non-Jews can also carry it. In the shadow of the Holocaust, some Jews worry about being stigmatized as genetically inferior.
So do African Americans. ''Medical literature is replete with black-white distinctions,'' says Jackson, and many of them are based on bad science. ''You realize they sampled 12 black men in Chicago, who are supposed to stand for all African Americans. Science begins with the collection of the sample and the definition of the group to be studied.''
The impact of what Jackson calls ''lazy genetics'' can be devastating. ''With anemia,'' she recalls, ''physicians were being told, 'When you see low hemoglobin levels in a black child, that's not anemia, it's just genetic and you don't need to treat. But the same level in a white child needs treatment.' So they disenfranchised all these people by geneticizing what might have been environmental.''
Specific problems such as this arise from a general set of assumptions about race. Biology textbooks used to show the ascent of man, leading from apes through Africans and Asians and culminating with Europeans. These racist hierarchies were justified in part by evolutionary theory. Two million years ago, various hominid ancestors of modern humans migrated out of Africa. Neanderthals settled in Europe--and some scientists argued that Europeans descend from Neanderthals, Asians from other hominids such as Peking Man or Java Man, and Africans from still other sources. Genetics has helped demolish this ''multiregional'' theory.
Mitochondrial DNA indicates that all living humans descend from one maternal source—christened Mitochondrial Eve—who lived in Africa between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. Similarly, the Y chromosome shows that all men have a common ancestor, Y-chromosome Adam, who lived at the same time. (Actually, both analyses indicate that modern humans descend from a small founding population of about 5000 men and an equal number of women.) The time estimates are based on assumptions on how frequently genetic mutations occur. The mutation clocks of mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome tick at different speeds, so the fact that they both indicate humans emerged at the same historical moment makes this evidence much more convincing.
Did modern humans coming out of Africa completely replace Neanderthals and the other earlier hominids—or did they interbreed with them? This year, Stoneking and researchers in Germany compared the mitochondrial DNA of modern humans to that of a Neanderthal skeleton between 30,000 and 100,000 years old. The conclusion: Neanderthals contributed nothing to human maternal ancestry.
But, says Svante Paabo, who led the Neanderthal project, the question of whether humans mated with other hominids, such as those in Asia, is still open. ''The ultimate answer will be to look at 100 or more loci in the genome,'' he says. ''If it all comes from Africa, then that would prove'' humans from Africa colonized the globe, replacing their older hominid cousins. But, he says, ''I find it hard to believe that there would have been absolutely no interbreeding, that it would be such a simple story.''
Indeed, the Y chromosome has begun to tell a more complicated tale. ''We found that the oldest branches in the Y chromosome tree trace to Africa,'' explains Hammer. ''But an intermediate-length branch seems to originate in Asia, and that one led to a newer branch in Africa.'' In fact, says Hammer, ''the majority of the Y chromosomes in Africa seem to be derived from one that may have come from an Asian source.'' Hammer thinks that after the initial human diaspora out of Africa, there was a reverse migration back into Africa between 10,000 and 50,000 years ago.
This doesn't prove Homo Sapiens bred with other hominids: Hammer's Asian Y chromosome could have arisen by mutation, not by interbreeding. But if some breeding with older hominids is proven, might that rekindle the old racist genealogies? Hammer doesn't think so. ''Each trait is floating around out there in geographical space,'' he says. In other words, every person's DNA is a mosaic of segments that originated at various times and in different places.
That helps explain a fundamental finding: Genetic variation within any race is much greater than between races. ''If you take even a small camp of Pygmies,'' says L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a pioneer of genetic anthropology, ''they are extremely different for all the genetic markers we look at.'' Indeed, they show almost all the genetic variation catalogued in the world.
Racial hierarchies are cultural, not scientific. While every group has genetic characteristics—and sometimes flaws—that are more common than in other groups, not everyone in the group will share them. The Afrikaners, much more than South Africa's other ethnic groups, are prone to porphyria variegata, the blood disorder depicted in the film The Madness of King George. It turns the urine purple and can incite temporary insanity. Almost all the South African cases of this disease can be traced to a single Dutch couple who married in Capetown in 1688. Being an Afrikaner is not a risk factor; being a descendant of this couple is.
Not only is race or ethnicity a poor predictor of most genetic traits, it is very hard to define. Many people think they can easily tell an Asian from a European, but, says Paabo, ''If we start walking east from Europe, when do we start saying people are Asian? Or if we walk up the Nile Valley, when do we say people are African? There are no sharp distinctions.''
Cavalli-Sforza has probably spent more time trying to classify human groups by genetic analysis than anyone else. In his massive book The History and Geography of Human Genes, he groups people into geographic and evolutionary clusters--but, he writes, ''At no level can clusters be identified with races.'' Indeed, ''minor changes in the genes or methods used shift some populations from one cluster to the other.''
Geneticist Steve Jones makes this point by looking at blood. ''We would have a very different view of human race if we diagnosed it from blood groups, with an unlikely alliance between the Armenians and the Nigerians, who could jointly despise the...people of Australia and Peru,'' who generally lack type-B blood, Jones writes in The Language of Genes. ''When gene geography is used to look at overall patterns of variation,'' he writes, ''color does not say much about what lies under the skin.''
Not only is our concept of race arbitrary, but it is based on a relatively insignificant difference between people. Skin pigment, eye shape, and hair type are all determined by genes. Indeed, as the human genome is mapped, geneticists might be able to reconstruct what mummies or other ancient people looked like. But the physical ''stereotypes'' of race, writes Cavalli-Sforza, ''reflect superficial differences.'' For example, light skin color is needed in northern climates for the sun's ultra- violet light to penetrate into the body and transform vitamin D into a usable form. This mutation may well have arisen at different times, in different ancestral groups, on different points along the DNA. That's true for cystic fibrosis, which occurs almost exclusively in people of European descent but is caused by several different mutations.
In other words, ''white people'' do not share a common genetic heritage; instead, they come from different lineages that migrated from Africa and Asia. Such mixing is true for every race. ''All living humans go back to one common ancestor in Africa,'' explains Paabo. ''But if you look at any history subsequent to that,'' then every group is a blend of shallower pedigrees. So, he says, ''I might be closer in my DNA to an African than to another European in the street.'' Genetics, he concludes, ''should be the last nail in the coffin for racism.''
That's the utopian view. But there are still scientists who claim that inferior genes plague certain races. J. Phillipe Rushton, a professor of psychology at Canada's University of Western Ontario, publishes books and articles claiming that ''Negroids'' have, on average, smaller brains, lower intelligence, more ''aggressiveness,'' and less ''sexual restraint'' than ''Caucasoids'' or ''Mongoloids.''
Rushton's views are on the extreme fringe, but even in mainstream genetics, largely discredited concepts of race persist. Scientific articles constantly speak of ''admixture'' between races, which implies a pure and static standard for each race. ''Where did these standards come from?'' asks Jackson. ''We've taken a 19th-century view of racial variation and plugged in 20th-century technology.'' Indeed, the whole notion of racial standards—of a pure Caucasian or a pure Negro—is exactly what modern genetics undermines. But, says Jackson, ''the philosophy hasn't caught up with the technology.''
Over time, ''genetics will help beat down racist arguments,'' says Eric Lander, a world-renowned geneticist at M.I.T. ''But they will need to be beaten down, because they will keep coming up.''
Research assistance: Ebony-Anne Smith, Dennis Lim, Mina Seetharaman

What DNA Tells Us About How Life Evolved (Part 2)  http://www.courseworld.com/bio/gene2.html
Also see part 1,part 4part 5part 6part 7of this series

The Origins of the World's Mythologies

By E.J. Michael Witzel. 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reviewed by Tok Thompson, University of Southern California
[Review length: 1535 words • Review posted on December 5, 2013]

This is an astonishing book, but not for the reasons the author intended.
The Origin of the World's Mythology utilizes completely out of date and highly questionable scholarship to claim a grand scientific discovery which relies on the author's "theory" of ultimate mythological reconstruction, dating back all the way to reconstructed stories (i.e., made up by the author) told some 100,0000 years ago. The "theory" (I would say hypothesis) is implausible (in terms of data, scholarship, logic, internal plausibility, etc.), even more so than quasi-academic concepts, like Nostratic, which it relies on as proven fact.
The book's main claim is explicitly racist. I define "racist" here simply as any argument that seeks to categorize large groups of people utilizing a bio-cultural argument ("race"), and that further describes one such group as essentially better, more developed, less "deficient," than the other(s).
The book claims that there are two races in the world, revealed by both myth and biology: the dark-skinned "Gondwana" are characterized by "lacks" and "deficiencies" (e.g., xi, 5, 15, 20, 88, 100, 105, 131, 279, 280, 289, 290, 313, 321 315, 410, 430, 455) and are labeled "primitive" (28) at a "lower stage of development” (28, 29, 410), while the noble "Laurasian" myths are "our first novel," the only "true" creation stories, and the first "complex story" (e.g., 6, 54, 80, 105, 321, 372, 418, 421, 430), which the Gondwana never achieved.
Such a grand evolutionary pronouncement, published by Oxford University Press and penned by a Harvard Professor (of Sanskrit), demands attention and careful investigation of its claims. If the author is correct, then indeed the field of mythology, and folklore, will be entirely rewritten. Not only this, but the ideas of a separate, deficient "dark-skinned race" will be, for the first time, scientifically validated.
The theoretical justification of this work is derived from a sort of straw man contest between ethnologist Leo Frobenius (1873-1938), representing monogenesis and diffusion, and Freud's errant disciple Carl Jung (1875-1961), with his universal archetypes of the collective unconscious. This straw man argument is not an appropriate one: Jung's theories have long been derided in scholarship on mythology, and the data have been shown not to support his claims of universals (Dundes, 2005). Indeed, the resounding refutation of universals not only invalidates Jung's theories, but also stands in direct contradiction to many of the claims of this book.
His sole factual claim to his grand separation of the races seems to be his assertion that only the light-skinned Laurasians developed a "complete" myth. He makes several claims about what this myth "is," but these are contradictory, vague, and with many exceptions or permutations (variously: 53, 64, 76, 120, 183, 323). At some points he claims that the only actual differences between the two is that the Laurasian has the world end, and the Gondwana do not (e.g., 283). At other times, however, he claims that the Gondwana actually have no cosmogonic myths whatsoever. For example:
• "Gondwana mythologies generally are confined to the description of the emergence of humans and their culture in a preexisting world" (5).
• "The Laurasian stress on cosmogony, however, is entirely absent in Gondwana mythologies" (105).
• "In Gondwana mythologies the world is regarded as eternal" (20).
• Describing Gondwana mythology: "In the beginning: heaven and earth (and sea) already exist" (323, restated 361).
This particular claim is made even more remarkable in light of his own comment on page 474, where he himself discusses the common African myth of the world being created from a god's spittle and/or vomit.
In previous publications the author argued that the Gondwana had no flood myths as well. However, in this book the author relates recently encountering Alan Dundes' The Flood Myth, which disproved the assertion (see the author's discussion, page 284). Taking pains to explain this change, the author now claims the flood myth "is universal" (wrongly: see Dundes 2005) and not, as he previously decreed, "Laurasian." This late encounter with Dundes' scholarship is instructive: Dundes is generally regarded as one of the most important folklore theorists of the last century, yet aside from this one problematic citation of The Flood Myth, no notice is taken of him, not even his classic work on myth, Sacred Narrative. Nor are other seminal recent works in scientific myth scholarship cited, such as Schrempp and Hansen's Myth: A New Symposium, or even the earlier Sebeok's Myth: A Symposium. The sustained overlooking of the scholarship on mythology over the last fifty years or more is one of the larger foundational problems of this work.
For example, aside from a brief early mention (45, 46), the concept of polygenesis is never considered as a potential explanation, yet a mere acknowledgment that different people do sometimes create similar-sounding plots and motifs removes any necessity to view every similar motif or narrative as united in some grand historical scheme (see Thompson 2002). An instructive case in point might be the flood myths of the seismically active coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest, held to be caused by mountain dwarves dancing (a compelling explication of which can be found in McMillan and Hutchinson 2002)—there is absolutely no reason to assume this is derived from the same source as the very different biblical flood myth, simply because they both involve floods in flood-prone areas. Stripped of any emic understanding of the explanatory and rhetorical majesty of sacred stories, myth is reduced to a mere grab-bag of words and motifs.
I consider my own research specialties, and the many Dene and Inuit/Yupiq mythologies I have heard, and watched, and read. In the Dene, and the Inuit, one finds no apocalypse stories, no end of the world. This should, then, disqualify them completely from the Laurasian. Nor is there "Father Heaven/Mother Earth," or the time of "nobles," or a "slaying of the dragon," or a "drinking of soma," all of which are expected to be in his Laurasian story (at least as per page 53). But according to the author, all this is irrelevant, since they are simply Laurasians who haven't told it all, or haven’t been recorded telling it, or have forgotten parts, or there is some other reason. In other words, they are Laurasian because he says they are Laurasian. But when the same question is asked of the South African San, who also do not have all those elements, the answer is that they are Gondwana. The criteria are not applied equally, but rather only as the author sees fit in justifying his hypothesis.
In chapter 4, the author seeks to buttress support for his hypothesis by using reconstructions in linguistics and genetics. Genetically, he states that specific DNA haplogroups "seem to represent the Gondwana type of mythology" (233). His appeal to linguistics is at least marginally more appropriate, as language is a cultural, not biological, phenomenon. But here, too, he utilizes less-than-scientifically-accepted hypotheses, such as a "Dene-Caucausian" language family linking Basque and Navajo, and "Nostratic." The all-too-breezy use of non-academic claims can be seen in the following two quotes, located on the same page (193):
"Nostratic theory has not been accepted by most traditional linguists."
"Once we accept the reconstruction of Nostratic, we can establish the natural habitat, the material culture, and the Weltanschauung and mythology of the Nostratic populations."
To be clear: if linguists don’t think that languages could be reconstructed back more than 6,000 years, why does the author believe they can, and further, that entire stories can be reconstructed for over 100,000 years?
Finally, the startling claim that the book proves the existence of two races, going against all other scholarly data, would have profound implications for global society as a whole, yet these implications are never discussed by the author. Instead, in his conclusion he claims that the reason Abrahamic religions have made inroads into the global south in recent times is simply because Laurasian myth is "better" and "more complete" than any ever formulated by the Gondwana themselves (430), a remarkably naïve view of global political history.
To conclude: this book will no doubt prove exciting for the gullible and the racist, yet it is useless—and frustrating—for any serious scholar. This is a work which should never have reached book publication stage: a whole series of scholarly checks and balances—ranging from Harvard's venerable Folklore and Mythology Department, to the editors and reviewers at Oxford University Press—should have been in place to guide the scholarly inquiry, which would have prevented the socially irresponsible publication of such grandiose, brash, and explicitly racist claims based on ill-informed, highly problematic scholarship.
Works Cited
Dundes, Alan. 2005. “Folkloristics in the Twenty-First Century.” Journal of American Folklore 118:385-408.
-----, ed. 1984. Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory of Myth. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
McMillan, Alan D., and Ian Hutchinson. 2002. “When the Mountain Dwarfs Danced: Aboriginal Traditions of Paleoseismic Events along the Cascadia Subduction Zone of Western North America.” Ethnohistory 49:41-48.
Schrempp, Gregory, and William Hansen, eds. 2002. Myth: A New Symposium. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sebeok, Thomas, ed. 1966. Myth: A Symposium. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Thompson, Tok. 2002. “The Thirteenth Number: Then, There/Here and Now.” Studia Mythologica Slavica 5:145-160.


Neanderthals headed west, Denisovans to east. Witzel, don't read Baudhāyana into this migration.


Witzel’s mistranslation or over-interpretation of Baudhāyana śrautasūtra  see: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2014/01/aratta-as-meluhha-speech-area-re.html

The downside of sex with Neanderthals

Some modern humans carry immune genes that originated in Neanderthals and a related species. Picture of Ian SampleBut these genes may have come at a price
 Posted by
Thursday 25 August 2011 
Model of a Neanderthal man
Interbreeding with Neanderthals (above) and Denisovans may have brought short-term health benefits but long-term problems. Photograph: Chris Howes/Alamy
One question seemed to hang in the air more than any other when scientists first turned the powerful techniques of modern genetics on the fragile and damaged remains of ancient humans: did we or didn't we? Have sex with them, that is.
The answer came after years of painstaking work, when material extracted from the leg of a Neanderthal and the fingerbone of a Denisovan, an apparent sister species, yielded readable DNA. It turned out that most of us have some of their genes. The Neanderthalscontributed up to 4% of modern Eurasian genomes, while the Denisovans contributed roughly 4-6% of modern Melanesian genomes. That doesn't happen by holding hands.
And so the scene was set. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, early humans in Africa split into several groups, among them Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and their apparent sister species, the Denisovans. The Neanderthals headed for West Asia and Europe, the Denisovans to East Asia. Our ancestors left Africa much later, and arrived in Eurasia where the others had set up home. Cue amorous encounters, and surely a fair amount of less than amorous contact.
But the question of whether our ancestors mated with these other human-like groups was always just the starting point for a line of inquiry. With interbreeding now well-established the intriguing question is, what came of it? How did our ancestors' antics shape the people we are today?
A glimpse of the legacy of those ancient encounters is revealed in a study reported today in the US journal, Science. An international team of scientists, led by Stanford University, scoured the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes for gene variants that are central to the immune system. These genes belong to a group known as the HLA class I genes, which govern the body's ability to recognise and destroy dangerous pathogens.
By comparing the HLA genes of modern human populations with those from Denisovans and Neanderthals, the scientists identified a handful that could be traced back to ancient sexual encounters between the groups. One variant, known as HLA-B*73, likely arose in modern humans after cross-breeding with Denisovans. The variant is most common in West Asian populations, the region where the mating probably happened.

The Neanderthals contributed a string of HLA gene variants, or alleles, to the modern Eurasian population's gene pool, the study found.
There was good reason for Neanderthal and Denisovan immune system genes to have spread through the populations of modern humans who encountered them. Both Neanderthals and Denisovans had established themselves long before modern humans arrived. Their immune systems had adapted to the threats of the local environment. When those genes crossed into modern humans, they conveyed an advantage. Natural selection took care of the rest.
But the scientists think there was a downside. Inheriting Denisovan or Neanderthal immunity genes will have helped modern humans to fight the diseases of the day, but beyond the age of reproductive maturity they might have a more harmful effect, turning our immune systems on ourselves.
Paul Norman, a co-author on the paper, put it like this: "There's enormous genetic variation in people's immune systems and that can control how different people fight different diseases. This could go some way to explaining why some people are better at fighting some infections than others, but we think it also goes some way to explaining why some people are susceptible to autoimmune diseases."
Autoimmune diseases are conditions that arise when the immune system turns its firepower on the body, usually when it mistakenly identifies the body's tissues as foreign, and so potentially dangerous.
"The vast majority of autoimmune diseases have been shown by genome-wide association studies to be associated with particular HLA alleles and we find a couple of those in Denisovans," Norman added. "So it looks to me like modern humans have acquired these alleles, but we weren't kind of prepared for them, we hadn't grown up with them, and in some circumstances, they can start to attack us as well as the viruses and other pathogens."
The group is now investigating a gene variant called HLA-B51, which came from cross-breeding with Neanderthals and has already been linked to Behcet's disease, a rare and chronic inflammatory condition.

How else might immune genes inherited from Neanderthals and Denisovans affect the health of modern humans? The question is intriguing and will differ from population to population. Here, at least, is a worthy successor to the question of "did we or didn't we?"

Congress doing zehar ki rajniti: Narendra Modi


Congress doing zehar ki rajniti: Narendra Modi

By Sandhya Jain on
2 Feb 2014

Congress doing zehar ki rajniti: Narendra Modi
Escalating his attack on the ruling Congress while addressing a range of critical issues, from the assaults on Africans and youth from the north east in Delhi, to the plight of farmers and citizens in general, Narendra Modi said that the Congress leadership has drunk so deeply of the ‘poison’ called power that it was spewing venom all over the nation, of which the current turmoil in Andhra-Telangana is a poignant example.
Addressing a mammoth Vijay Shankhnaad rally in Meerut on Sunday, he mocked the Congress leadership for adopting a new style of giving completely different answers to questions asked (a possible dig at Rahul Gandhi’s unforgettable interview with Times Now). Thus, if one asks Sonia Gandhi why farmers are committing suicide, she responds that some people are harvesting poison (‘zehar ki kheti’)! Countering the allegation, the Gujarat strongman pointed out that at the party convention in Jaipur (where Rahul Gandhi was appointed vice president), the Gandhi scion said that he had gone to his mother’s room that morning and she told him that ‘power is poison’ (satta zehar hai).
To roars of appreciation from the mammoth gathering, he thundered, “Who has been in power the most in the past 60 years? Who tasted poison the most?” Narendra Modi answered that Congress has drunk so much poison that it is spewing poison; it has sown the seeds of poison and is now harvesting the fruits. The party’s very character is divisive; it is addicted to the politics of vote-banks and making communities, castes and States fight each other, and this is the real zehar ki kheti. In contrast to the mess in Andhra and Telangana, where both sides are on fire owing to the ‘todo aur raj karo rajiniti’, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had lovingly carved out Uttarakhand from Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand from Bihar and Chhattisgarh from Madhya Pradesh.
In a changing world, the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate said, Delhi should develop as a global city. Instead, the language used and recent events there make us hang our heads in shame before the whole world. Recently, African women were misbehaved with; girls from Manipur were harassed, and a young student from Arunachal Pradesh was harassed and beaten to death. Charging Congress president Sonia Gandhi of being indifferent to what was happening under her nose, he said children from any part of the country coming to Delhi for education or employment must be looked after; the city must provide hostels for them and care for their security: “They are the youth and blood of the country, and their security is our responsibility”. Accusing the Delhi Government of dereliction of duty, he said one has to go to Arunachal Pradesh to see how ordinary citizens are fighting for India against China, shunning all allurements; Arunachalis greet everyone with ‘Jai Hind’ and their sons are killed (in Delhi). He lauded the Saraswati Vidya Mandir of Meerut for bringing children from the north-east and educating them.
Meerut is the land of heroes and sacrifices, he said, and the sea of saffron surging in the maidan and beyond was witness to a new history when the kamal and roti ka sandesh of 1857 would be realised in 2014. Lauding Meerut as the prerna sthali of 1857, he condemned the Government of India for conducting such low key celebrations of the 150th anniversary of 1857 in Meerut that the nation never came to know of the great sacrifices made by so many Indian youth from so many parts of the country. The UPA, he pointed out, dared not highlight this event because then the country would discard the lies fed by Congress that it was the only party that fought for freedom from the British. Congress, he charged, has never accepted or respected the sacrifices made by others, “ye shaheedon ka apman hai, swatantra sangram ka apman hai” (this is an insult to the martyrs, to the freedom movement).
Arya Samaj founder Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who hailed from Gujarat, had made this region his karambhoomi and deeply influenced its culture. But it is interesting, he joked, that a famous poet of the region, Hari Om Pawar, used to frequently come to Gujarat and say ‘Ahmedabad is just like Meerut, there are always dangas here’. Conceding this was true till a decade ago, the Gujarat strongman said that the people decided that they had had enough of vote-bank politics and troubles and opted for the path of communal amity and development, and since then it has been a danga mukt Gujarat.
In Uttar Pradesh, on the other hand, the security of women is a big headache. In just one year of the new regime, 1.5 lakh cases of harassment have been registered by girls and women, and this is enough to gauge the number of unregistered cases. Challenging Mulayam Singh and Akhilesh Yadav to honour the women by fixing the law and order in the State, he said they should not compete with him by holding rallies, but by positive action in the interest of women and farmers.
Two days ago, Netaji (Mulayam Singh Yadav) gave a speech saying that the welfare budget of Uttar Pradesh was larger than the whole budget of Gujarat. This may well be true, Narendra Modi conceded, but why are people happy in Gujarat and unhappy in Uttar Pradesh? The answer will be found when we follow the money trail and see to whose welfare this budget is catering. He promised that if the BJP forms the next Government, it would protect the national treasury (tijori) from every misguided hand (panja).
Over 60 lakh sugarcane farmers in western UP they cannot feed their families as the sugar mills are idle. This is a shame in the land of Chaudhary Charan Singh and Mahendra Singh Tikait, and even worse that the neglect is happening at the hands of a follower of Ram Manohar Lohia. In Gujarat, the sugar mills (which are cooperatives owned by farmers) start rolling on Vijayadashmi and farmers are paid promptly. The mill to which each farmer will take his crop is pre-decided so that no injustice can be done. Further, productivity and yields have been increased through the use of tissue culture, genetic engineering and drip irrigation technologies, thus giving farmers higher incomes; this model can be reproduced anywhere.
Instead, Meerut is a sad story of missed opportunities, and if conditions are so pitiable in western UP which stimulates growth in the whole State, one can readily imagine conditions elsewhere. Electricity is just one sorry story; the lack of adequate roads, railways and even an airport cannot be explained in independent India when so many top Central leaders and Ministers hailed from Uttar Pradesh. The British never forgave Meerut for 1857 and deprived it of opportunities, but today, being so close to Delhi, there should have been an express highway linking the two cities. This was envisioned by Atal ji in 1999, but the UPA had scuttled it in concert with the visionless politics of the Bahujan Samaj Party and Samajwadi Party.
Development in UP, was unfortunately only in the direction of criminalisation. Narendra Modi pointed out that one decade ago, UP accounted for only 13 per cent of crimes in India, but now accounts for 45 per cent of criminal cases in India. Serious offences under the Arms Act and Terrorist Act have risen 240 per cent, under the protection of a benign State, and the ordinary citizen is simply crushed.
Pointing out that corruption is eating into the vitals of the State and the nation, Narendra Modi said India has had enough of poisonous politics, crime and corruption, and now stands at a crossroads from where it can choose the path of growth and development, where mothers and sisters are safe.
BJP president Rajnath Singh said that just as Mangal Pandey launched the revolution that eventually threw the British out of India, Meerut would once again play an historic role in the ouster of the Congress. He asked the people to give all 14 Lok Sabha seats of the region to the BJP. Pointing out that Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had fueled the anti-Sikh violence by saying that the earth inevitably shakes when a great tree falls, he said that in Gujarat there was one unfortunate incident which was condemned by the Chief Minister who thereafter ensured that nothing untoward was allowed to happen in the State; today minorities here are better off than in other States. But under the Congress, the BSP and the SP, communal riots continue and they are unable to control the situation. He charged that the government was responsible for the trouble in Muzaffarnagar, where even aid to victims was distributed on the basis of religious affiliation. In deference to the large number of ex-servicemen present at the rally, Rajnath Singh promised that the BJP would fulfill the One Rank One Pension demand of military veterans.
Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh, who hails from Meerut and is likely to be the BJP candidate for the constituency, was present on the occasion, along with former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh, State in-charge Amit Shah, State unit chief Laxmikant Bajpai, leaders like Vinay Katiyar, Lalji Tandon, Hukum Singh, Surya Pratap Shahi; Lieutenant General Niranjan Singh Malik, and others.

Dangers posed by comparative mythology theories which are camouflaged ‘race’ studies

Dangers posed by comparative mythology theories which are 

camouflaged ‘race’ studies

Imagining categories of people

The world has been witness to devastations caused by racism, as a theory, resulting in the massacres of millions of innocent people.  For example, assuming racial superiority of redheads, and imagining an entire community of people called a Jew as hate symbols, horrendous genocides and holocaust have been perpetrated in engineered mass hysteria. The problem arises from creating false categories of people.

Imagining the white-man’s burden to save or redeem sinful souls or to civilize tribal ‘natives’, evangelical activities continue unabated to indulge in the violence of ‘religious’ conversions rendering a united family relationship into smithereens.

Premised on the superiority of a race, books like Catherine Mayo’s account of India have also appeared which Mahatma Gandhi labeled as a Drain-inspector’s report.

Such misdirected, motivated approaches in searching for the roots of or categorizing communities have led to establishment of colonial regimes until the last century. The root cause is the denial of the imperative of recognizing all living phenomena as demanding of respect for common human dignity and the environment we live in as demanding of diligent care to be sustained to protect present and future generations.

The new kid on the block for pursuing racist agendas in academic studies is the category called ‘comparative mythology’. This category lacks its own methodological tools and draws upon a variety of other disciplines. The underlying danger of this category is the perpetuation of ‘race’ studies.

Camouflaged ‘race’ studies

First, attempts were made citing Biblical inputs of the Tower of Babel, breaking up the world into distinct races descending from some specific, named individuals. Similar attempts are now being tried out using comparative studies of gene sequences.

Mythology studies quickly degenerate into race studies. Witzel's book is a good example because the underlying assumption providing a framework for the book is an assumption of racial superiority of groups such as redheads.

In studies attempting to trace the ‘roots’ of communities, many failed attempts using questionable analytical frameworks can be cited. As we delve into the mists of time into distant pasts, we have limited evidences to access.

One framework is from a discipline called ‘archaeology’ which results in comparison of artifacts unearthed from digs and in some cases, using decoded epigraphs from archaeological sites.

A second framework is from a discipline called ‘anthropology’ which has resulted in a plethora of ‘ethnic’ studies.

A third framework is from a discipline called ‘linguistics’ premised on the assumption that language features and their travels across space and time can be traced. This assumption has the fallacy that there is no falsifiable method to prove the direction of ‘borrowings’ of words. A more serious problem created by the fallacies of language studies is that a lot of guesswork is involved in assuming the ‘meaning or meanings’ assigned to words by ancient people who may or may not be the ancestors of the present-day language communities.
Now, a fourth framework has assumed the dimensions of a sexy option. The discipline is called ‘genetics’ used to study common genetic sequences among communities. Gene-based evidence is not really evidence because it is based on one huge assumption. It assumes that the original home of whichever race is being studied is wherever the concentration of the genes specific to the race is the highest. It then sorts the appearance of the gene in the population in descending order of density in various geographical areas and concludes that the path of dispersion was from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration. More devastation of such genetic studies is caused by the fact that communities of people get categorized as ‘races’. A good example is the recent work of Witzel, a Harvard academic who tries to trace mythologies from the days of the continental drift which resulted in the identification of a mythical entity called ‘Laurasia’. This is called by a variety of names such as ‘Gondwana’ or ‘Atlantis’ or ‘Lost Continent’ or ‘Kumari-k-kandam’. There is, of course, the famous narrative of the super-eruption of Krakatoa. In the Dravidian political parlance, a dravidian race is imagined as traceable to this lost continent as the Indian subcontinent started drifting away from the African continent. Continental drift is explained in geological eras running into time-depths of millions of years. Same is the case with genetic mutations with time-depths of tens of thousands of years. This is the clear danger posed by using tools of various disciplines to explain cultural phenomena which provide the core basis for perceived identities of communites in the globe. Straitjacketing the communities into sub-categories as ‘ethnic’ groups or ‘language-speaking’ groups or ‘local natives’ tends to create more divisions among people, thus negating the principal purpose of researches which should be to promote the essential unity and inter-relatedness of the living phenomena, human groups, in particular.

Peoples’ identity problem

The identity problem is central to any social community. This problem is exemplified by the as yet unresolved definition of a ‘nation’. Though nation-states have been formed and polities established, a consistent framework to define a ‘nation’ has not been achieved so far. Witness the recent break-up of the Soviet Union and the earlier break-up of Yugoslavia and creation of multiple states still in search of ‘identity’ of the citizens of the states. Though the roots of another world war III have not yet firmed up, there are continuing tensions dividing the communities of people and setting one group in opposition to another. An added category in firming up the divisions is the ‘identity’ politics based on another construct called ‘religion’. ‘Religious’ wars are ongoing with one group vehement on evangelizing and claiming the ‘right’ to save souls by forcing adherence to one perceived ‘truth’ declaring the rest as ‘blind heathen’.

Mischievous academic interventions

It is a disturbing trend in the academia to foster divisive studies and perpetuate a climate of fostering hatred among communities. The Harvard University, for example, has instituted a study group called Mythology studies earmarking huge funds. Many are using the platform to peddle their pet agendas of race studies, the way early anthropology studies tried to categorise races by the size characteristics of brains or bone structures of human beings. This trend should be reviewed and institutions like Harvard University will do well to scrap its mythology studies project, which have only ended up in self-serving exercises of wasting academic time with spurious publications of the Witzel type. I do not have to list the examples of mischievous comparisons Witzel tries to make between the Vedic heritage and the ‘myths’ of many communities. They ca be seen from the ‘Look inside’ snippets which can be seen on amazon.com of the blurbs and reviews of the tome by Witzel which should be declared as rubbish and Oxford University, the published asked to withdraw the book from the bookstores. Harvard Corp. should also institute an inquiry into the author of the book and call him to order for violating academic ethic. There is no falsifiable basis for such comparisons since the time and space assumptions are as absurd as the earlier polemics related to Aryan invasion or migration or trickle-in theories intended to debunk the perceived identities by the communities themselves as descendants of, say, a Vedic or Hindu heritage. 

First, incursions of a mythical race called ‘Aryan’ were sought to be proved with Biblical inputs of the Tower of Babel; the same sage is now being tried out with gene sequences in Witzel’s book premised on an underlying racial superiority assumption of redheads who need to understand Veda in a German translation, little realizing that the translation of such an document will be an act of irresponsibility without fully getting immersed in the tradition which holds the Veda as a sacred text sustained for generations and transmitted with high-fidelity of oral transmission with very strict regulations of education and error-corrections in pronunciations. The dangers of mistranslating are huge and such translations should be abandoned so as not to cause further tensions among communities which do not believe in a divinity and those whose faith is based on the sacred text as the pramaana (rough translation of the Sanskrit word: a measuring standard) for all subsequent explanatory texts. A good example of mistranslation by Witzel has already been cited when he mischievously mistranslated Baudhayana Srautasutra 18.44 to justify his pet, false theory of Aryan invasion into Indian Subcontinent.

This is a plea to the academic world-over to leave the peoples’ communities to their own preferences instead of trying to superimpose strait-jacketed ‘categories’ which more often than not tend to be divisive and false.

The dangers of academic interventions resulting in social tensions are present and real and academia should deliberate further on the pursuit of such hobby-horses as the now sexy mythology or genetic studies to prove the identities of peoples’ communities.

A plea to revamp the curricula and institute an academic or inquirer’s oath

This expose on the dangers of mythology as race studies is not to deny the need for study of history or social sciences to satisfy the innate urge of every human being to trace his or her roots and to pay tribute to the ancestors who have given him or her an identity and a system of values to regulate his or her life activities.

Sure, study history or psychology or study civilizations or cultures, but let such studies of people be done with compassion, empathy.

Let there be a renewed academic ethic of search for satyam, moderated by social responsibility and the inviolate, global ethic of dharma-dhamma.

Such studies should also be governed by the fact that the academic should have humility, accepting the limitations of his or her knowledge of the emotions of people they are studying. A private language exists but it is impossible to subject it to any linguistic study of any kind because it is entirely ‘personal’.

Such a private language is integral to the human being’s own life-experiences and consciousness. This is called chitta in the Indian tradition, exemplified by the compound: sat-cit-ananda, roughly translated as: truth, consciousness, bliss or nihs’reyas (which is the obverse of dharma-dhamma coin; the reverse is abhyudayam, social welfare).

Why can’t academic institutions reframe their curricula to study means of social welfare, abhyudayam? Test every academic project on this anvil of abhyudayam and abandon those exercises which do not satisfy the test of resulting in abhyudayam.

In conclusion, I end this plea with a direct plea to the Harvard Corp. to institute an inquiry into the Mythologies Project, to inquire into the racist narratives perpetrated by Witzel which present a clear danger to the students who get exposed to the academic. This is also a plea to Oxford University Press to review its editorial standards and withdraw Witzel’s mythology book from the bookstores. Surely, the entire narrative of the nation-state is an unfinished struggle to set the limits to freedom of expression which should not be allowed to degenerate into provocations for conflicts among communities of people. There should be an ethical standard set for unbridled freedom of expression or academic liberties without allowing such liberties as a free-for-all anything goes orgies indulged in without regard to sensitivities of millions of people and without regard to what may be termed, respect for human dignity.

Maybe, it is time to deliberate on an academic oath for every inquirer (functioning in an academic environment or a corporation or unincorporated grouping) governed by respect for human beings as living entities with an inalienable responsibility to live in a community with harmony. This oath can be a variant of the Hippocratic oat(horkos) which many medical practitioners live by to vow honesty in their profession and should certainly apply to inquirers working in the discipline of genetics.

One part of the horkos reads, in translation from Greek: In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or men, be they free or slaves. Shouldn’t a similar oath apply to inquirers spreading cock-and-bull stories in the name of comparative mythologies?

The central components of the oath have to be a vow not to hurt the sentiments of groups of people, and a resolve, a responsibility to promote respect for human dignity.

The renewed oath has to underline fundamental responsibilities or duties pushing ‘rights’ as mere complements derived from the discharge of responsibility. A good example is provided by the Vietnam Constitution which gives primacy to Fundamental Duties and makes them justiciable.

Let me prove my bit of compassion. I offer this as a tribute to the Jew whose travails in life and in history have been recently remembered in one word, ‘JEW’ which is repeated 6 million times in a published book. To cite an ancient Hindu prayer, let me say: jeevema s’aradah s’atam, may you live a hundred autumns. Every jew is my brother and my sister. Everyone is a Sarasvat. I will live and die for protecting their human dignity.

Let a million historical narratives bloom

Just as there are a myriad flowers of various hues and shades, as the law of nature, there could also be myriad perceptions of value systems governing lives of groups of people. Let a myriad of narratives of local histories or community histories bloom. Let a unifying framework be seen in such narratives such as the unifying dharma-dhamma imperative in many regions and among many peoples’ communities of the globe. Let people of Bosnia-Hersegovina or Kyrgystan or Xinxiang write their own historical narratives and their world-views. Let the Hindus, Sufi Muslims, Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Christians of various denominations, Bohras, Ahmedias, Zoarastrians, Gypsies write their own narratives. There ain’t no need to compare the narratives which are integral presentations from the dars’ana of the adherants. In the Hindu tradition, for example, there is space even for a Carvaka dars’ana with its own ground-rules of inquiry. Why should academe indulge in straight-jacketing such narratives? Such indulgence is no different from the myths created by so-called Dravidian studies premised on shaky foundations and with the evil intent to divine communities.
Sotto voce, this is my Veda, my search for truth. I must start with a confession: I have no adhikaara to talk about the Veda. I just do not know. It will be a travesty of responsibility to claim to know what the chandas – the language of the Veda -- seeks to communicate. Even Panini did not dare to write a grammar for that language. I will try to abide by what my gurus tell me, because they have lived it.

An example of an inquirer’s oath from an ancient text
Satyam vada, dharmam caraस्वाध्यायान्‌ मा प्रमदः ‘svādhyāyān mā pramadaha’ were the starting phrases of the oath administered by the teacher. The exhortations meant: speak the truth, live a righteous life, never get intoxicated with learning. I take the last ethic to mean ‘humility’ in scholarship and conveying such scholarship to others.

The guidance goes on to provide methodologies and guiding principles appropriate to living a life by dharma. Some scholars refer to it as a graduation speech. I see it as containing the oath of an inquirer: ya evam veda, this is the Veda, to know.

The key ingredients of the inquirer’s oath can be gleaned from the ancient text given below in English translation. This should be deemed to be an ever-lasting documentation for all climes and seasons. There could be errors in the translation of the text and the present writer seeks pardon for any errors and would willingly accept corrections to the rendered text which should be translated into all languages of the globe for oral or written transmission.

Taittiriya Upanishad is a testament of complete education.

ऋतं  स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। सत्यं  स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। तपश्र्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। दमश्र्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। tam ca svādhyāyapravacane ca; satyam ca svādhyāyapravacane ca; tapaśca svādhyāyapravacane ca; damaśca svādhyāyapravacane ca’ (Taittireeya Upanishad: 1/17). Svādhyāya ‘act of learning’; pravacana ‘teaching’. Let the oath be elaborated if necessary defining the words: tam, satyam ‘cosmic order’ ‘truth’.

यान्यस्माकं सुचरितानि तानि त्वयोपास्यानि। नो इतराणि। ये के चास्मत्व्छ्रेयांसो ब्राह्मणाः। तेषां त्वयाऽऽसनेन प्रश्वसितव्यम्‌। ‘yānyasmākam sucaritāni tāni tvayopāsyāni, no itarāi, ye ke cāsmacchreyānso brāhmaāh, teshām tvayāsanena praśvasitavyam’ ‘Only adopt good conduct, nothing else.  After leaving here, if you find a teacher better than us, then respect him, pay homage to him by offering him a seat’.

मातृदेवो भव। पितृदेवो भव। आचार्यदेवो भव। अतिथिदेवो भव।  ‘mātvedo bhava, pitdevo bhava, atithidevo bhava’ – ‘Know your mother to be like a divinity, know your father to be like a divinity, know your teacher to be like a divinity, know a guest to be like a divinity.’ 

Will the leaders of the academic community come forward and adopt an inquirer’s oath?

S. Kalyanaraman, Sarasvati Research Center, February 3, 2014


I think Government of India should refuse to return the 'dancing girl' statue to Pakistan which has just announced a sacrilege act of erecting a rock-concert wooden stage close to the Great Bath in Mohenjo-daro archaeological site. This ain't the way to preserve monuments and India should lodge a protest at the desecration a major site of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization.

Kalyanaraman February 3, 2014

From <http://www.saharasamay.com/world-news/676547168/pakistan-wants-dancing-girl-statue-for-india-controversial-festi.html#>:

Pakistan wants 'Dancing Girl' statue for India

At a time when a controversial festival organised by PPP leader
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has drawn the attention of people to Sindh's
ancient culture, Pakistani authorities are planning to ask India to
return the famous 'Dancing Girl' statue from Mohenjodaro.

"We are writing to the federal government to help us repatriate our
exiled heroine back to us from India," an unnamed member of the
cabinet of southern Sindh province was quoted as saying by news paper

The 10.8-cm bronze statue, made in 2500 BC, is on display at the
National Museum in New Delhi. Along with the Priest King, it is
considered one of the two most famous artefacts from Mohenjodaro, one
of the oldest planned cities.

The demand comes at a time when Bilawal has organised the Sindh
Festival at Mohenjodaro amid fears among archaeologists that the event
would damage the ruins.

Unnamed officials were quoted by Dawn as saying that the Dancing Girl
and Priest King were transported by British archaeologist Sir Mortimer
Wheeler to Delhi in 1946 for an exhibition. After the Partition in
1947, Pakistan sought the return of both relics.

Sindh govt wants 'Dancing Girl' statue back from India:

A Pakistani official visited Delhi and succeeded in bringing back the
King Priest and the Fasting Buddha. There is a popular legend that
Indian authorities refused to hand over both relics and asked
Pakistani authorities to choose between the Priest King and the
Dancing Girl, the report said.

"The Pakistanis chose the King Priest made up of soapstone. Perhaps
they were hesitant to get hold of a naked teenager to avoid a possible
backlash from religious quarters," one official said.

The Priest King -- a bearded man wearing an ajrak-like cloth with hair
neatly combed back is currently on display at the National Museum of
Pakistan in Karachi.

Experts said they had asked previous governments to bring back the
Dancing Girl but no one took interest.

The tiny bronze statue of a young woman is suggestive of two
breakthrough - that Indus artists knew metal blending and casting and
that the well developed Indus society had innovated dance and other
performing arts, India's National Museum says in its description of
the Dancing Girl.

Qasim Ali Qasim, director of Sindh's archaeology department, said
Islamabad?s efforts in 2009 brought back 13 artefacts of the Gandhara
civilisation from several countries.

Italian media on India government’s revenge on expose of bribes. SoniaG chopper Scam Vs Italian marines trial



Monday, 03 February 2014 | PNS | New Delhi
Italian newspapers on Saturday linked talks in India to slap charges of death penalty on two Italian marines undergoing trials here to the revelation made by a middleman in AgustaWestland that Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s close aides might have been approached to clinch the deal.
According to Tempo, Libero and IL Fatto, all newspapers, a day after the controversial letter of middleman Christian Michel surfaced in the Italian court, India’s Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde started talking about imposing death penalty charges on the two Italian marines.
The reports titled The Revenge of India — The death penalty is back with hearing of Finmeccanica” in Tempo, and “Agusta Helicopters, Italian bribes to Indian politicians in the background of the marines case in IL Fatto accused the Indian Government of playing with the lives of Italian Navy’s marines.
The newspapers pointed out when the controversial documents linking Indian politicians to the chopper deal were produced by the prosecutors in the Italian court on January 9, “the legal representatives of the Indian Government present at the hearing exploded.”
The Italian papers pointed out that the next day onwards, the Indian Government, especially Home Minister Shinde, started talking about imposition of death penalty on the Italian marines charged for the killing of two fishermen off the Kerala coast last year.
“The very next day a news appears in the Indian newspapers that leaves the families of rifle men, imprisoned in India for two years, astonished: ‘The decision whether or not to apply the death penalty will be assessed by the Indian Government within two or three day’. This was leaked that day by the Minister of India, Sushilkumar  Shinde,” reports IL Fatto.
Another Italian newspaper, Libero, too links the “sudden change of scenery” due to the developments in the Italian court. The newspaper quoted the previous statements of Foreign Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid, ruling out the imposition of death sentences on marines.
“There is a weaving of dates of suspicion and fear that the fate of two marines may be linked to the outcomes of the process on the 30 million Euro bribe paid by Finmeccanica (the manufactures of AgustaWestland chopper) to politicians in India.
“During the hearing on January 9 the judges unsheathed a ‘hot’ document, which lists the names of the Indian personalities, while on January 10 the Government of New Delhi said they were going to decide whether or not to apply the death penalty to the two Italian riflemen,” reported Tempo.
“Here is the card that could make the match between the Government of India and Italy hot: on the one hand is the destiny of our marines. On the other hand, according to a document in the file of the prosecutor, there are politicians in India who took millions in bribes from Finmeccanica for the supply of Agusta helicopter in 2010,” said the intro of the report in IL Fatto.
On January 9, the prosecutor produced a letter by one of the middlemen, Christian Michel, to Peter Hulett, Agusta’s representative in India. The letter said that the British High Commissioner should target Sonia Gandhi’s advisors to click the deal. Agusta is a British-Italian venture.




Monday, 03 February 2014 | IANS | Pong Dam (Himachal Pradesh)

One of the largest man-made wetlands in the foothills of the Himalayas, the Pong Dam reservoir in Himachal Pradesh, is currently home to around 43,000 bar-headed geese, probably half their numbers globally, wildlife officials said on Sunday.
They said it was the largest influx of any winter migrant in the Pong wetlands. “Around 43,000 migratory bar-headed geese were recorded during the two-day census of waterfowl species, conducted by the State Wildlife department from January 29 at the Pong reservoir,” Assistant Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) DS Dadwal told IANS.
Besides the bar-headed goose, the other prominent species spotted in the Pong in the Kangra Valley are the common coot, northern pintail, common pochard, tufted pochard, red-crested pochard, common teal, little cormorant, great-crested grebe and greylag goose. The census recorded 128,200 birds of 119 species. The common shelduck, sarus crane, osprey, buff bellied pipit, Indian skimmer and the little gull, which are rarely observed in Indian wetlands, have also been recorded.
Dadwal said this was the first time that such a large number of the bar-headed geese, a species that has been a regular visitor here from Central Asia, including Tibet and Ladakh, was recorded at the Pong Dam reservoir, some 250 km from State capital Shimla and 190 km from Chandigarh. The goose, with two distinctive black bars across its neck, starts descending in wetlands in October and stays there till March-end.
Bombay Natural History Society assistant director S Balachandran told IANS that Pong has been attracting a good number of the bar-headed goose. “Most of the water bodies and lakes across the country have been getting bar-headed geese every winter. Their number is between 3,000 and 4,000 in each water body. But Pong is the only place which is getting the largest influx of bar-headed geese,” he said.
Balachandran, who has been tracking migratory routes of the geese and some duck species through satellite and leg-rings in Pong, said the total global numbers of the geese were believed to be around 100,000. He said the bar-headed geese, which were ringed in Pong, have been spotted in Punjab and Kashmir wetlands too. In Pong, the bar-headed geese can be spotted in marshy areas along the reservoir like Nagrota Suriyan, Nandpur Batoli, Chatta, Jambal and the Rancer island.
Records of the State wildlife department say the largest influx of the bar-headed geese in Pong Dam was recorded in 2010. At that time, their number was 40,000.  Barring 2001, when only 5,500 birds were spotted, numbers have ranged between 28,000 and 23,000 in the past few years. However, in 2013 experts found 34,000 bar-headed geese in Pong.
The gregarious bar-headed goose feeds at night in grasslands on riverbanks. It is listed under Schedule IV of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Their numbers are believed to be declining due to hunting, say ornithologists. A bar-headed goose along with three other migratory species that was tagged with global positioning system (GPS) transmitters in 2010 in Pong returned to their wintering base here the following year, after traveling thousands of miles.
That particular goose had returned from Kailash Cora Lake in Tibet. The 307-square km Pong wetlands are also home to many native birds like the red jungle fowl, large Indian parakeet, Indian cuckoo, bank mynah, wood shrike, yellow-eyed babbler, black ibis, paradise flycatcher, crested lark and the crested bunting. A total of 421 species of birds, both migratory and local, 18 of snake, 90 butterfly, 24 mammal and 27 of fish have been recorded so far in Pong.

When America Becomes Number Two -- Kishore Mahbubani

Kishore Mahbubani
Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

When America Becomes Number Two

Posted: 01/21/2014 4:21 pm
Kishore Mahbubani is Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and author of "The Great Convergence: Asia, the West and the Logic of One World."
SINGAPORE -- In 2019, barely five years away, the world will pass one of its most significant historical milestones. For the first time in 200 years, a non-Western power, China, will become the number one economy in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. America will become number two. Yes, it will take longer for China's economy to overtake America's in nominal terms but the trend line is irresistible. And in PPP terms, China's economy could be twice that of America's by 2020.
The big question for our time therefore is this: is America ready to become number two? Sadly, it is not, even though Bill Clinton wisely tried to wake up his fellow Americans as far back as 2003. In a very subtle speech at Yale, he asked whether "we should be trying to create a world with rules and partnerships and habits of behavior that we would like to live in when we're no longer the military political economic superpower in the world."
Unfortunately, Bill Clinton was too subtle. He was trying to hint to his fellow Americans that America should create a model of rules-based behavior that would then serve as a model for China when it emerged as the number one power in the world. His hint was ignored. Hence, few Americans today are aware that America's national interests change dramatically when it becomes number two in the world. When it is number one, it is in America's interests to see that the number one power has complete freedom to do whatever it wants to do. When it is number two, it is not in America's interests to see that the number one power has complete freedom to do whatever it wants to do. Catch the difference?
Why have American leaders failed to prepare the American population for this significant change of interests? There are at least three reasons. Firstly, it is political suicide for any American politician in office to speak on America as number two. As I document in The Great Convergence, no serving American politician can use the words, "If America is number two..." or "When America becomes number two..." In the land of free speech, there is no effective freedom for serving politicians to speak undeniable truths.
Secondly, most American intellectuals continue to indulge in wishful thinking. In their minds, there is a deep ideological conviction that democracy represents the future and Communism represents the past. Since China is still run by the Chinese Communist Party, it can only represent the past, not the future. Many American intellectuals also believe that since they live in the world's freest society, they cannot possibly be prisoners of any ideology. This is massive self-deception. When it comes to understanding China, Americans have allowed ideology to trump mountains of empirical data. This is why they cannot even conceive of China becoming number one.
Thirdly, and very sadly, China's emergence is taking place at a moment of great political paralysis and disunity in the American body politic. If Nixon and Kissinger were managing American foreign policy today, they would have focused on the most critical challenge that America faces and found ingenious ways and means of implementing the wise advice that Bill Clinton offered in 2003 and prepared for a new geopolitical environment. The days of wise foreign policy management are long gone in Washington, DC. Furthermore, with Washington, DC being completely divided and polarized, the challenge of dealing with becoming number two is the last thing on the minds of American policymakers.
Sadly, the last thing on the minds of American policymakers will come true in five years. Will America wake up to this new reality before or after it happens?


India's worst journalists - 2014



India's Worst Journalists - 2014

This is the third edition of India’s Worst Journalists poll; the Razzies for the worst in the business. The poll is conducted every two years (Previously 2010 and 2012). The term “journalists” is being used only technically as people have coined many other names for these unworthies: “Paid media”, “brokers” and even “pimps”. It’s an election year and most of these unworthies will be seen campaigning heavily for the non-performers and the corrupt. That the poll has grown in popularity can be measured by the fact that in 2010 it was just a panel of 7who picked the list, in 2012 there were 938 voters and this year there are 9429 voters.

A word about those who exited from the 2012 list: Arnab Goswami may not have won too many back-scratching industry awards but has earned a lot of respect for his integrity if not for his style of TV shows. Vinod Sharma, the HT mouthpiece for Congress, has lost in prominence and therefore wasn’t considered worth the trouble. Vir Sanghvi too has lost all standing as a journalist and the former Radia-stenographer makes some back-door appearances on TV and nothing more. Shekhar Gupta didn’t make it to the winners list probably because he is not in the news anymore and there weren’t any sensational “Raisina hill” type blunders. This is probably because he had to give up overall management of Indian Express and retain his job as editorialist. Poll results and tabulation are appended to this post. Here are India’s Worst Journalists 2014 (2012 ranking in brackets after name):

10. S. Varadarajan (New entrant)

Till recently S. Varadarajan or “Varadabhai” as I fondly call him, was the editor of ‘The Hindu’ which is famous for its anti-Hindu articles. Lately, Varadabhai is a TV panellist who helps to continue pounding the redundant theory that Modi abetted the 2002 riots. He came out strongly in support of Rahul Gandhi’s bogus allegations on January 27 with Arnab Goswami. Incidentally, RG stated journalists told him Gujarat govt was involved in the riots. I guess RG just missed naming Varadabhai directly. Peddling opinions as news articles was one of the reasons the anti-Hindu claimed he was sacked from the newspaper.  The most hilarious article carried in the The Hindu under Varadabhai was one which more or less claimed the “masculine pose” by Swami Vivekananda was one of the causes of rapes in India. So if Varadabhai ever strikes that pose I don’t want to venture a guess on what’s on his mind.

9. Kumar Ketkar (9)

KK stays where he was last time. He retains his old habits of hate-RSS, hate-Hindutva and anything remotely connected with BJP. Of course, most would remember he’s also a former speech writer for Congress. Lately, he’s an “acting” defence lawyer for the AAP party. Following the anarchic acts of Arvind Kejriwal & Co. outside Rail Bhawan in January 2014 Ketkar quickly defended them by telling CNN-IBN India has always been anarchic. He recalled events like the Ayodhya movement to defend Kejriwal’s stupidity. KK has a rare distinction though. He’s one of those media heroes who has been provided police protection following police complaints and threats for abusing a certain caste in Maharashtra. And that contempt is because he hated a certain politician. There’s also a case relating to defamatory articlesagainst the RSS and also abusing judiciary. It’s unlikely the man will change. A hate-filled heart remains the same. 

8. Nikhil Wagle (New entrant)

Frankly, this media moron is in the bad news not so much for journalism but for his filthy tweets and some allegations by one Nitin Rane. I haven’t watched him on IBN Lokmat nor have I had the misfortune to read anything he may have ever written. Like some others in this list he is most known for peddling of untruths. His most stupid outburst was against the middle class people. Hetweeted in March 2012: I am surprised by the low IQ of middle class in this country. Their understanding of politics is so dismal that they vote BJP. God save! In another tweet he brazenly claims Not a single PM of India has defended communal riots directly or indirectly. If @narendramodi dreams to become PM he should know this! Of course, this Congress crony apparently backs what Rajiv Gandhi said justifying killing of Sikhs with a great tree falling. While Wagle often screams about corruption, readers and voters are quite aware of his bosses being alleged to be involved in the Coal scam. I don’t see any reason why Wagle why will ever move out of this list. 

7. Nidhi Razdan (10)

The “Larger picture” has made progress and has gone up the list. If she is angling for a permanent spot among India’s worst then she’s doing just the right things. With a permanent scowl on her face and permanent contempt for some panellists, her show called “Left, right, centre” is nothing more than filler on NDTV. Sort of bench-warming for passing the “buck”. Nidhi delivered one of the most shameful episodes on Indian TV in her mindless rant against a British MP for inviting Narendra Modi to speak in the British parliament. She even claimed she had the right to “question” SC judgements. If you watch the video of that shameless spectacle Nidhi mentions “controversial/controversy” as many times as Rahul Gandhi mentions empowerment or systems in his speeches. A thorough disgrace to journalism.

6. Karan Thapar (6)

India’s only “bow-tie” journalist (he often reminds me of thebow-tie killer). He has earned the nickname ‘The Tool’ after infamously ridiculing PA Sangma, the presidential candidate, of being a tool in the hands of some political parties. His standard pose is the dangerous “masculine” pose that The Hindu warns us of as the cause of rapes. Often also called a Paki-Tool, KT sort of proved it when he was handed a quote of Nawaz Sharif about friendship with India. This quote was planted by the Pak news agencies after Sharif became PM and KT grandly discussed the “hand of friendship” on his show. It just turned out the statement was made by Sharif to none other than KT earlier (before Sharif became PM again) and the Pakis made KT a “useful idiot” to peddle that old statement in the midst of LOC violations. The other thing KT is fond of is making others (like Sibal, Jaitley) sit in his chair and play Devil’s Advocate and pay him compliments. His 2007 statement hoping for a “sudden removal of Modi” may hold more interest now in many quarters.   

5. Rajdeep Sardesai (3)

If Rajdeep has fallen one place it’s only because a bigger disgrace has made a grand debut in this list. “Point taken, fair enough” is now the standard defence RS offers when zapped by a panellist (much like Nidhi’s “larger picture” diversion). From defending Robert Vadra and the Gandhis, RS is now seen as grand campaigner for the AAP party. The number of interviews and promotions of Arvind Kejriwal on CNN-IBN and the whole IBN group would stand as proof. His most famous event in the past two years would be the incompetent interview with Modi on the bus floor. Modi even, deliberately or inadvertently, called him “Sar-ka-dard-esai”. Under RS the IBN group has hit rock bottom with many employees being sacked and the channel hitting new lows in TRP. Quite unfortunate considering CNN-IBN does have some of the best journalists on TV. Rajdeep’s judgement and prudence can be measured by the fact that most of his IOTY nominees have ended up as disasters. If the “top” is bad then no number of good journalists can shore up a failing channel.   

4. Ashutosh (New entrant)

One of the admirable things about Ashutosh is that he made his way up from humble beginnings to prominence. But as many will tell him, it’s not where you started but where you finished that counts. Right now Ashutosh has finished in absolute disgrace. He pretended to be a journalist and an editor while being a political activist for the AAP party. Ashutosh epitomises what most of his colleagues are: Political cronies in the garb of journalists. He had to be thrown out and he became a full time politician; scarf, cap ‘Malala look’ and all that. Having become a politician he now does a U-turn on many things he uttered as a closet-journalist. The pro-retail stand FDI turning into anti-FDI being the most prominent one. Somewhere, Ashutosh suffers an inferiority complex as well it seems. His muddled language often confuses but doesn’t fail to entertain with its stupidity. So much that Kiran Bedi held up Roget’s Thesaurus to him to help him understand the meaning of “anarchy”. In return he has promised to teach her a lesson. I’m willing to bet: failed journalist, failed politician.

3. Sagarika Ghose (2)

She was again in the contest for the top slot. There isn’t much that Cacafonix hasn’t done which budding journalists should learn not to do. From Easter eggs on Good Friday to calling SC judges “Crackpot” you have heard it all from this C5M. Just two days back she was in a Sikh colony scavenging on their pain of the 1984 killings while her boss was calling the recent discussions on the topic a “nautanki”. It didn’t occur to Rajdeep that the nautanki was from his own channel in fake care for the victims. Sagarika was also a grand campaigner for the Congress in the December 2012 elections of Gujarat. She travelled through the ‘Muslim Corridor’ from Ahmedabad to Surat tasting “Communal” food and “Secular” food. Stuttering and stammering on her shows she also has this silly habit of repeating the last lines of her panellists for which Madhu Trehan of Newslaundry aptly calls it “Face the echo”. Sagarika is, of course, one of the greatest economists produced by CNN-IBN. You can tell by the stupid questions she keeps posting and repeating to RahulG and Modi. And, hold on tight to you chair, Rajdeep passes her as “Sense over Sensationalism”.

2. Barkha Dutt (1)

Barkha finally falls off her top perch. She topped the pile in the last two editions but then BD has fallen of every perch she’s been on. One of the biggest blows to her must be that RahulG preferred Arnab Goswami to her for his first ever TV interview. All her years of carefully “evoluting” the Gandhi has ended in misery. She also campaigned for SheilaD by moderating her Google hangout; but SheilaD too lost as did Congress in Delhi. Overall BD has been far more subdued in the last year or so but hasn’t failed to maintain her bitchiness or her sense of grandeur about herself. She thrilled when Hartosh Bal was sacked from Open Magazine because he had spanked her badly over the Radiagate episode. She couldn’t help telling the world over and over again how she was reporting from the “North Lawns” of the White House. She screwed up over the “Dehati Aurat” incident and then claimed the story was being made “about her”. She didn’t forget to bitch about a reporter from TimesNow in her reporting from the “Keran Sector”. To add to her misery her frequent darlings have also been in trouble. Musharraf is more in jail than out. Imran Khan got a smackdown in the Pak elections. Poor thing! Nothing is going right for ‘Lady Iamthenews’.

1. Deepak Chaurasia (New entrant)

India’s Worst Journalist 2014 by a good margin. DC who was earlier with Aajtak, then Doordarshan and now allegedly with India News is in the news for an alleged fake video. Many on SM have campaigned to vote for him on this poll because of a video which he is alleged to havedoctored and aired to tarnish someone’s reputation. They were trending him on Twitter with#ArrestCHORasia. This relates to sexual molestation case of a minor. It is for this reason that he not only makes a debut in this list but also makes it straight to No.1. There is something I remember about DC that most people may not. You see, DC is a brave man who had gone to report on the US-Iraq war of 2003. That takes some courage, doesn’t it? Oh yes, our DC was right in the middle of it and he was all dressed up in flap-jackets, helmet and all and reporting on the war. There was just one problem though. The war was in Iraq and DC was reporting from Kuwait, which wasn’t under any attack. Perhaps this comedian thinks news business is also a theatre. Although DC is one of the early reporters in the Hindi category he is clearly not fit for TV journalism. If he is at the top of this trash pile he quite well deserves the honour.

Congratulations to all the winners and may they stand as a beacon for budding journalists on what not to do or be. It is fitting that we relive some funny, filthy and frivolous moments from some of these characters. Here’s a video compilation (6.30 mins. Some clips are from Newslaundry):

Poll results below. Please note that total number of votes vs voters as also related percentages may not match because voters were allowed to choose multiple candidates in the poll.

Two-judge bench to hear petition on EVM

Last Updated: Monday, February 03, 2014, 17:50
Aizawl: Gauhati High Court Chief Justice, A.M. Sapre has appointed a two-judge bench comprising Portfolio Judge of Aizawl Bench Justice LS Jamir and Justice Ujjal Bhuyan to take up the petition submitted by the opposition Mizo National Front (MNF) asking full inquiry into Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) used in the last Mizoram assembly polls. 

R. Thanga, registrar of the Gauhati Aizawl Bench told PTI that all the people connected with the petition were furnished with information on Friday last and the Sapre's appointment of the two judges were also notified. 

C Lalramzauva, advocate for the petitioners said that 23 unsuccessful MNF candidates filed the petition asking the High Court to form an expert committee to inquire into the possibilities of tampering the EVMs. 

"It is a highly technical matter and should be inquired by experts whether the EVMs used in the election to the 40-member Mizoram legislature held on November 25 last year were tampered or could be tampered," Lalramzauva said. 

The petitioners further pleaded that in the event the court finds out that the EVMs were tampered with, the Congress winners be disqualified and the closest rival candidates (MNF nominees) be declared as elected. 

The petition cited a number of alleged instances while discrepancies were found in the number of votes polled and the number of votes counted from the EVMs. 

They also said that while the MNF nominees were always winning in the postal ballots, they lost in the votes counted from the EVM. 

"The votes polled in the postal ballots were always the trends in the earlier elections," they held.


Zeher ki kheti - emotional maternal outburst of Firangi Memsahib Sonia -- V. Sundaram IAS

Praveen Shanker Pillai

Applying the Diagnostic Methodology of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the Founding Father of PSYCHOANALYSIS to the recent emotional outburst of Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi when she described her major political opponent as Zeher Ki Khethi, I would say that she was traumatized by the vapid and vacuous performance of her stupid, foolish, ignorant son Rahul Gandhi in his recent interview with Arnab Goswami of Times Now TV Channel.

Sonia Gandhi when she used the term Zeher Ki Khethi with great feeling and passion at a Congress Rally in Gulbarga, really thought that she was sending out the most powerful missile against the thousands of detractors of Rahul Gandhi not only in the arena of Party Politics but also in the Mass Media --- both print and electronic --- in India. Rahul Gandhi through his own command performance became the butt of jokes in the social media like twitter and facebook. Sonia’s Italian Blood boiled with Mediterranean Effervescence and she went out on an uncontrolled verbal rampage by mobilizing her profound and unequalled knowledge of the Hindi language by reading out her extempore insults from a note written in Roman Script! Strange but never mysterious are the known ways of her shadow boxing with her political adversaries!

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) said: “Politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel”. In India, ANTI-HINDU SECULARISM and PRO-MINORITY COMMUNALISM are the last Abodes of Refuge of a Desperate Political Scoundrel like Sonia Gandhi heading a decaying Political Party.

Addressing his seventh public rally in Uttar Pradesh, Modi said in Merut, “Sonia Gandhi has told Rahul Gandhi that power is poison. Who has been in power for most of the time during the last 60 years? In whose stomach has this poison gone? They (Congress) are the ones who sow the seeds of poison. Congress has drunk so much poison that it is spewing poison. Congress has sown the seeds of poison and is now harvesting the fruits.”

“The Congress’s very character is divisive. It indulges in the politics of vote-bank and makes communities, castes and states fight one another, and this is the real ZEHAR KI KHETI.”

“In contrast to the mess created by Sonia Gandhi, in Andhra and Telangana, where both sides are on fire owing to the politics of Divide and Rule, former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had adoringly carved out Uttarakhand from Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand from Bihar and Chhattisgarh from Madhya Pradesh. Everyone was happy in both the States and distributed sweets among one another”.

“We have a long record of history of riots in UP and Meerut. If BJP is voted to power, we will make the State of Uttar Pradesh Riot-Free.”

“During the days of Congress Rule in Gujarat, Ahmedabad was very much like Meerut. There were always Muslim-Hindu Riots. But during the past ten years (of BJP Rule), there have been no riots in Gujarat. The people (of Gujarat) decided that they had had enough of vote-bank politics and troubles and opted for the path of Communal Harmony and Development. Since then it has been a Riot-Free Gujarat. BJP would make UP also riot-free if we are voted to power.”

Let me now turn to stark reality of the Congress brand of Secular Divisiveness sowed in India after our Independence for harvesting maximum Muslim votes. Alongside this Divisive Policy went hand in hand, the mischievous Policy of Dividing Hindu Society by pernicious policies of Divide and Rule under the Vote-Bank Umbrella of “Social Engineering”. This policy has pitted the Dalits against the Backward Castes and the Backward Castes against the Forward Castes.

Let me give an Overview of how the Congress Party has destroyed the backbone of Mother India during the last 67 years after our Independence.

1. PARTITION OF INDIA followed by the largest migration of people in human history, around 12.5 Million, and the largest number of people killed since the crusades. Up to 1 million people (perhaps many more) died; while untold numbers of women suffered a fate worse than death -- they were raped, sometimes tortured, gang-raped and murdered. The Indian government now estimates that 83,000 women and girls were abducted and raped during Partition, but others believed this estimate is far too conservative. Indeed, the Partition of India and Pakistan, a decision made by Nehru and Jinnah unleashed an episode of brutal bestiality unmatched in human history.

2. DIVISION OF INDIA INTO LINGUISTIC STATES through ‘The States Reorganisation Act, 1956’. Distinguished pundits including Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar (1891-1956) had cautioned that linguistic division could encourage secessionist forces. Proving Dr B.R Ambedkar right, new States became battlegrounds for Jats, Yadavs, Bhumihars, Marathi Brahmins, Maratha peasant-proprietors, Kammas, Reddis, Lingayats, Vokkaligas, Ezhavas and Nairs. Instead of welding India into a functioning federalism like Canada or Switzerland, this Linguistic Division of India is now reminding us of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as well as the Ottoman Empire that came to grief because they could not turn their Multicultural Diversity into a viable Unity.

3. CASTE BASED RESERVATIONS. The Indian population was Divided into Forward and Backward Castes and Caste Based Reservations were given in Educational Institutions and in Government and Public Sector jobs based on one’s birth in a particular caste. This division has lead to keeping the Caste System alive by constantly reminding people that they belong to a particular category (OC, BC, OBC, SC, ST).

4. PERPETUATING THE MUSLIM LEAGUE WHICH DEMANDED THE RELIGIOUS PARTITION OF INDIA. Majlis Ijtehad Muslimeen in Hyderabad State and Muslim League in the rest of India were, and still are, wedded to the Islamic doctrine of achieving Islamic Dominance. They have no place in a modern state. However they are protected by the anti-Hindu Congress Party which hated Indian Nationalism which was and is still essentially Hindu in character.

5. HAJJ SUBSIDY. The Haj subsidy was established in 1959. The Congress Party refuses to abolish the Hajj Subsidy as it feels that forcibly taxing Hindus to pay for Muslim religious pilgrimages will enable it to score political points with its Muslim votebank.

6. ALLOWING ‘MINORITY PROVISIONS’ IN THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION TO OVERRIDE EQUALITY BEFORE LAW. These provisions violate the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution, which provide for Right to equality, including Equality Before the Law, Prohibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Gender or Place of Birth. They make Muslims and Christians super-Citizens in India and Hindus Second-Class Inferior-Denizens in the only country in the world the latter can call their own. Minority provisions were further misused and abused to allow Muslims and Christians to run Religious Institutions, Educational Institutions and Orphanages with very little Governmental control.

Now we have an arch-traitor Congressman Manmohan Singh, present Prime Minister of India, who made his infamous declaration at the 52nd meeting of the National Development Council on 9th December 2006: “We will have to devise innovative plans to ensure that Minorities, particularly the Muslim Minority, are empowered to share equitably the fruits of development. MUSLIMS MUST HAVE THE FIRST CLAIM ON RESOURCES OF THE STATE”.

7. ALLOWING PERSONAL LAW FOR MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS. Uniform Civil Code which is the hallmark of a Modern State is deliberately denied to India by the DIVISIVE Congress Party. This was done to enable Muslims to indulge in polygamy and rapidly increase their numbers in a creeping demographic invasion.


The REAL and GENUINE Indian Army was raised by Subhash Chandra Bose. However Nehru in COLONIAL BRITISH MINDSET ensured that they were shunned like lepers, put on trial for High Treason, and dismissed with dishonour.

The British Indian Army was insulted, humiliated, shamed and DEGRADED by the Congress Party under Nehru since the day their British Masters left. Country's first Prime Minister JawaharLal Nehru had the "paranoia" of a Military Coup by the Hindu majority Indian Army. He also chose to disregard professional advice from Army Commanders when it was offered. The status of the Army Chief came down considerably. The pay and privileges of the Defence Personnel came down in relation to their Civilian counterparts. The Defence Services were out of the loop while Defence Policy matters were formulated.

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru blew his top when Lt General Sir Robert Lockhart, the first commander-in-chief of India took a Strategic Plan for a Government directive on Defence Policy.

Nehru took one look at the Plan Papers and blew his top. Rubbish! Total rubbish! We don’t need a Defence Plan. Our policy is Ahimsa (non-violence). We foresee no military threats. Scrap the Army! The Police are good enough to meet our Security Needs’,"

I started this article by referring to Sonia Gandhi’s “Zeher Ki Kheti” invective unleashed against the BJP in general and Shri Narendra Modi in particular. I would conclude this article by fully endorsing the Statement by Dr S. Kalyanaraman:

Recently SoniaG used the phrase zeher ki kheti referring to BJP which in common parlance means poison field. I submit that the poison field is NOT BJP but SoniaG. The antidote for this poison is to free Bharat from SONIA CONGRESS, WHICH IS THE REAL ZEHER.


US NGO uncovered in Ukraine protests - William Engdahl. Ukrainian protests -- George Friedman


US NGO Uncovered in Ukraine Protests

CANVAS: The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests
The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement that would have driven a deep wedge between Russia and Ukraine. Glamor-star boxer-turned political guru, Vitaly Klitschko, has been meeting with the US State Department and is close to Angela Merkel’s CDU political machine in Germany. The EU association agreement with Ukraine is widely resisted by many EU member states with deep economic problems of their own. The two EU figures most pushing it—Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski—are both well known in the EU as close to Washington. The US is strongly pushing the Ukraine EU integration just as it had been behind the 2004 failed “Orange Revolution” to split Ukraine from Russia in a  bid to isolate and weaken Russia. Now Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests.
A copy of the pamphlet that was given out to opposition protestors in Kiev has been obtained. It is a word-for-word and picture-for-picture translation of the pamphlet used by US-financed Canvas organizers in the 2011 Cairo Tahrir Square protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak and opened the door to the US-backed Muslim Brotherhood.[1] The photo below is a side-by-side comparison:
The photo left is from Tahrir Square; the right from Kiev and here below is the English original used by the Belgrade CANVAS NGO:
Canvas, formerly Otpor, received significant money from the US State Department in 2000 to stage the first successful Color Revolution against Slobodan Milosovic in then-Yugoslavia. Since then they have been transformed into a full-time “revolution consultancy” for the US, posing as a Serbian grass-root group backing “democracy.” [2] Who would ever think a Serbian-based NGO would be a front for US-backed regime change?
The Strange Ukraine “Opposition”
Direct sources in Kiev that I have contacted report that the anti-government protestors have been recruited with money from among university students and unemplyed to come by bus into the heart of  Kiev. The revealing aspect is the spectacular emergence of champion boxed Vitaly Klitschko as presumably the wise politician guiding Ukraine’s future. No doubt spending your career beating other boxers unconscious is a superb preparation for becoming a statesman, though I for one doubt it. It reminds of the choice of a low-grade Hollywood movie actor, Ronald Reagan as President. But more interesting about “opposition” spokesman Klitschko is who his friends are.
Klitschko is being backed by US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Nuland, former US Ambassador to NATO, is a neo-conservative married to leading neo-conservative hawk, Robert Kagan, and was herself a former adviser to Dick Cheney. [3]
Klitschko is also very friendly with German Chancellor Merkel. According to a recent Der Spiegel report, Merkel wants to support Klitschko in his bid to become Ukraine’s president in 2015. [4]
More evidence that a darker agenda lies behind the “democracy” opposition is the fact that the demands of the protestors went from demanding accession to the EU to demanding the immediate resignation of the Yanukovich government. Klitschko and the opposition used an unfortunate police crackdown on protesters to massively expand the protest from a few hundred to tens of thousands. On December 18, the government took the wind partly out of the Klitschko sails by signing a major economic agreement with Moscow in which Russia agreed to cut the price of Russian gas exported to Ukraine by a third, down to $268.5 per 1,000 cubic meters from the current level of more than $400, and to buy $15 billion of Ukraine’s debt in eurobonds. That gives Ukraine breathing room to avoid a sovereign debt default and calmly negotiate over its future.
# # # #
F. William Engdahl, BFP contributing Author & Analyst
William Engdahl is author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics in the New World Order. He is a contributing author at BFP and may be contacted through his website at www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net where this article was originally published.

[1] SysAdmin, Pamphlets in Ukraine handed out during protests and pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt, December 12, 2013, accessed in http://12160.info/photo/photo/show?id=2649739%3APhoto%3A1376645.
[2] Nebojsa Malic, Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Empire’s Revolution Business, AntiWar.com, June 24, 2011, accessed in http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2011/06/23/invasion-of-the-mind-snatchers/.
[3] NTDTV,Ukrainian Opposition Vitaly Klitschko Meets US Official Victoria Nuland, December 6, 2013, accessed in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0miz548u0WY.
[4] Die Zeit, Merkel unterstützt Klitschko, 8. Dezember 2013, accessed in http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2013-12/merkel-klitschko-ukraine.

Perspectives on the Ukrainian Protests

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A few months ago, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was expected to sign some agreements that could eventually integrate Ukraine with the European Union economically. Ultimately, Yanukovich refused to sign the agreements, a decision thousands of his countrymen immediately protested. The demonstrations later evolved, as they often do. Protesters started calling for political change, and when Yanukovich resisted their calls, they demanded new elections.
Some protesters wanted Ukraine to have a European orientation rather than a Russian one. Others felt that the government was corrupt and should thus be replaced. These kinds of demonstrations occur in many countries. Sometimes they're successful; sometimes they're not. In most cases, the outcome matters only to the country's citizens or to the citizens of neighboring states. But Ukraine is exceptional because it is enormously important. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has had to pursue a delicate balance between the tenuous promises of a liberal, wealthy and somewhat aloof Europe and the fact that its very existence and independence can be a source of strategic vulnerability for Russia.

Ukraine's Importance

Ukraine provides two things: strategic position and agricultural and mineral products. The latter are frequently important, but the former is universally important. Ukraine is central to Russia's defensibility. The two countries share a long border, and Moscow is located only some 480 kilometers (about 300 miles) from Ukrainian territory -- a stretch of land that is flat, easily traversed and thus difficult to defend. If some power were to block the Ukraine-Kazakh gap, Russia would be cut off from the Caucasus, its defensible southern border.
Moreover, Ukraine is home to two critical ports, Odessa and Sevastopol, which are even more important to Russia than the port of Novorossiysk. Losing commercial and military access to those ports would completely undermine Russia's influence in the Black Sea and cut off its access to the Mediterranean. Russia's only remaining ports would be blocked by the Greenland-Iceland-U.K. gap to the west, by ice to the northeast, by Denmark on the Baltic Sea, and by Japan in the east.
This explains why in 1917, when the Bolsheviks took power and sued for peace, the Germans demanded that Russia relinquish its control of most of Ukraine. The Germans wanted the food Ukraine produced and knew that if they had a presence there they could threaten Russia in perpetuity. In the end, it didn't matter: Germany lost Word War I, and Russia reclaimed Ukraine. During World War II, the Germans seized Ukraine in the first year of their attack on the Soviet Union, exploited its agriculture and used it as the base to attack Stalingrad, trying to sever Russia from its supply lines in Baku. Between the wars, Stalin had to build up his industrial plant. He sold Ukrainian food overseas and used it to feed factory workers in Russia. The Ukrainians were left to starve, but the industry they built eventually helped the Soviets defeat Hitler. After the Soviets drove the Germans back, they seized Romania and Hungary and drove to Vienna, using Ukraine as their base.
From the perspective of Europe, and particularly from the perspectives of former Soviet satellites, a Ukraine dominated by Russia would represent a potential threat from southern Poland to Romania. These countries already depend on Russian energy, fully aware that the Russians may eventually use that dependence as a lever to gain control over them. Russia's ability not simply to project military power but also to cause unrest along the border or use commercial initiatives to undermine autonomy is a real fear.
Thinking in military terms may seem more archaic to Westerners than it does to Russians and Central Europeans. For many Eastern Europeans, the Soviet withdrawal is a relatively recent memory, and they know that the Russians are capable of returning as suddenly as they left. For their part, the Russians know that NATO has no will to invade Russia, and war would be the last thing on the Germans' minds even if they were capable of waging one. The Russians also remember that for all the economic and military malaise in Germany in 1932, the Germans became the dominant power in Europe by 1939. By 1941, they were driving into the Russian heartland. The farther you move away from a borderland, the more fantastic the fears appear. But inside the borderland, the fears seem far less preposterous for both sides.

Russian Perspectives

From the Russian point of view, therefore, tighter Ukrainian-EU integration represented a potentially mortal threat to Russian national security. After the Orange Revolution, which brought a short-lived pro-EU administration to power in the mid-2000s, Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear that he regarded Ukraine as essential to Russian security, alleging that the nongovernmental organizations that were fomenting unrest there were fronts for the U.S. State Department, the CIA and MI6. Whether the charges were true or not, Putin believed the course in which Ukraine was headed would be disastrous for Russia, and so he used economic pressure and state intelligence services to prevent Ukraine from taking that course.
In my view, the 2008 Russo-Georgian War had as much to do with demonstrating to Kiev that Western guarantees were worthless, that the United States could not aid Georgia and that Russia had a capable military force as it did with Georgia itself. At the time, Georgia and Ukraine were seeking NATO and EU membership, and through its intervention in Georgia, Moscow succeeded in steering Ukraine away from these organizations. Today, the strategic threat to Russia is no less dire than it was 10 years ago, at least not in minds of the Russians, who would prefer a neutral Ukraine if not a pro-Russia Ukraine.
Notably, Putin's strategy toward the Russian periphery differs from those of his Soviet and czarist predecessors, who took direct responsibility for the various territories subordinate to them. Putin considers this a flawed strategy. It drained Moscow's resources, even as the government could not hold the territories together.
Putin's strategy toward Ukraine, and indeed most of the former Soviet Union, entails less direct influence. He is not interested in governing Ukraine. He is not even all that interested in its foreign relationships. His goal is to have negative control, to prevent Ukraine from doing the things Russia doesn't want it to do. Ukraine can be sovereign except in matters of fundamental importance to Russia. As far as Russia was concerned, the Ukrainian regime is free to be as liberal and democratic as it wants to be. But even the idea of further EU integration was a clear provocation. It was the actions of the European Union and the Germans -- supporting opponents of Yanukovich openly, apart from interfering in the internal affairs of another country -- that were detrimental to Russian national interests.

European Perspectives

Ukraine is not quite as strategically significant to Europe as it is to Russia. Europe never wanted to add Ukraine to its ranks; it merely wanted to open the door to the possibility. The European Union is in shambles. Given the horrific economic problems of Southern Europe, the idea of adding a country as weak and disorganized as Ukraine to the bloc is preposterous. The European Union has a cultural imperative among its elite toward expansion, an imperative that led them to include countries such as Cyprus. Cultural imperatives are hard to change, and so an invitation went out with no serious intentions behind it.
For the Europeans, what the invitation really meant was that Ukraine could become European. It could have the constitutional democracy, liberalism and prosperity that every EU state is supposed to have. This is what appealed to most of the early demonstrators. However improbable full membership might be, the idea of becoming a modern European society is overwhelmingly appealing. Yanukovich's rejection made some protesters feel that their great opportunity had slipped away -- hence the initial demonstrations.
The Germans are playing a complex game. They understood that Ukrainian membership in the European Union was unlikely to happen anytime soon. They also had important dealings with Russia, with which they had mutual energy and investment interests. It was odd that Berlin would support the demonstrators so publicly. However, the Germans were also managing coalitions within the European Union. The Baltic states and Poland were eager to see Ukraine drawn out of the Russian camp, since that would provide a needed, if incomplete, buffer between them and Russia (Belarus is still inside Russia's sphere of influence). Therefore, the Germans had to choose between European partners, who cared about Ukraine, and Russia.
The Russians have remained relatively calm -- and quiet -- throughout Ukraine's protests. They understood that their power in Ukraine rested on more than simply one man or his party, so they allowed the crisis to stew. Given Russia's current strategy in Ukraine, the Russians didn't need to act, at least not publicly. Any government in Ukraine would face the same constraints as Yanukovich: little real hope of EU inclusion, a dependence on Moscow for energy and an integrated economy with Russia. Certainly, the Russians didn't want a confrontation just before Sochi.
The Russians also knew that the more tightly pro-Western forces controlled Kiev, the more fractious Ukraine could become. In general, eastern Ukraine is more oriented toward Russia: Its residents speak Russian, are Russian Orthodox and are loyal to the Moscow Patriarchy. Western Ukraine is oriented more toward Europe; its residents are Catholic or are loyal to the Kiev Patriarchy. These generalities belie a much more complex situation, of course. There are Moscow Orthodox members and Russian speakers in the west and Catholics and Kiev Orthodox in the east. Nevertheless, the tension between the regions is real, and heavy pro-EU pressure could split the country. If that were to happen, the bloc would find itself operating in chaos, but then the European Union did not have the wherewithal to operate meaningfully in Ukraine in the first place. The pro-EU government would encounter conflict and paralysis. For the time being that would suit the Russians, as unlikely as such a scenario might be.

U.S. Perspectives

As in most matters, it is important to understand where the United States fits in, if at all. Washington strongly supported the Orange Revolution, creating a major rift with Russia. The current policy of avoiding unnecessary involvement in Eurasian conflicts would suggest that the United States would stay out of Ukraine. But Russian behavior in the Snowden affair has angered Washington and opened the possibility that the United States might be happy to create some problems for Moscow ahead of the Sochi Olympics. The U.S. government may not be supporting nongovernmental organizations as much as its counterparts in Europe are, but it is still involved somewhat. In fact, Washington may even have enjoyed putting Russia on the defensive after having been put on the defensive by Russia in recent months.
In any case, the stakes are high in Ukraine. The Russians are involved in a game they cannot afford to lose. There are several ways for them to win it. They only need to make the EU opening untenable for the Ukrainians, something Ukraine's economic and social conditions facilitate. The Europeans are not going to be surging into Ukraine anytime soon, and while Poland would prefer that Ukraine remain neutral, Warsaw does not necessarily need a pro-Western Ukraine. The United States is interested in Ukraine as an irritant to Russia but is unwilling to take serious risks.
A lot of countries have an interest in Ukraine, none more so than Russia. But for all the noise in Kiev and other cities, the outcome is unlikely to generate a definitive geopolitical shift in Ukraine. It does, however, provide an excellent example of how political unrest in a strategically critical country can affect the international system as a whole.
In most countries, the events in Kiev would not have generated global interest. When you are a country like Ukraine, even nominal instability generates not only interest but also pressure and even intervention from all directions. This has been the historical problem of Ukraine. It is a country in an important location, and the pressures on it tend to magnify any internal conflicts until they destabilize the country in excess of the significance of the internal issues. Germany and the United States may continue to pursue goals that will further irritate Russia, but as Stratfor indicated in our 2014 annual forecast, they will avoid actions that would risk harming Moscow's ties with Washington and Berlin. Russian influence in Ukraine is currently being limited by the proximity of the Olympics and the escalation in protests on the ground, but the fundamental geopolitical reality is that no country has a higher stake in Ukraine than Russia, nor a better ability to shape its fate.

Bhakti that integrates India

Thanks to Smt. Mali Nandakumar for forwarding this exquisite note, with this comment: "reminded me of the sikh gentleman who has been reading kandar anubhuti at the murugan temple in Delhi for many years now."

How Bhakti integrates INDIA!

I am now having a short stay in a colony in Hazira (28 KM from Surat, Gujarat) for family reasons. As this is the month of Margazhi (Dhanur masa), I enquired if there is any Vishnu temple here. Yes, there is and it opens at 4:30 AM during this month, I was told. The next day, I went there by 5:30 PM to see if any activity is there. I was surprised to see a group of men and women (some 20 of them), chanting Tamil Pasurams.

The sound of


They went on to chant TIRUPPALLANDU, TIRUPPALLI-EZHUCCHI, TIRUPPAVAI (in full), SREE STUTI and GODHA STUTI. It took more than one hour to complete all that along with Archanai and Aratti etc. At the end all were given plenty of hot Ven Pongal etc as Prasadam. This is going on for every day of this month.

I was happy to see so many Tamil people there and started conversing with some in Tamil. Surprisingly they did not understand what I was asking them! I found that none of them (except me) was knowing Tamil.

When I looked at the papers they were holding, it was all written in Hindi. Tiruppavai in Devanagiri (Hindi) script! They told me (in Hindi) that the Bhattachariar (from Srirangam) has written it all down for them in Hindi and they have photocopied, distributed and practiced it for many days to chant as if their mother tongue is Tamil!

I was amazed at the faith and beliefs of ordinary men and women here. This is a much colder place and such low temperatures are never seen anywhere in Tamilnadu. The Sun light comes only by 7 AM. In such a chilly place with cold winds blowing, these humble folk are getting up very early in the morning and many are even taking bath before being present in that temple by I was wondering how people are in deep slumber back in TN (many are active no doubt) when all conditions are much better and Tamil is the mother tongue! We do not realise the value of what is easily available!! 

I would consider the HERO here as the humble Bahttachariar who has taken up residence in the colony along with his assistants and doing a great service in this remote place. It seems he has even refused offers to go to USA to serve in some temples there!



Political AAP always hid behind apolitical IAC? -- S. Gurumurthy

Darshak Hathi #VBIPolitical AAP Always Hid behind Apolitical IAC?

By S Gurumurthy

Published: 03rd February 2014 06:00 AM

Last Updated: 03rd February 2014 07:38 AM

Arvindji, if you reject both ruling and Opposition parties as two sides of
the same coin, you will eventually form a political party of your own,
unless of course you work for a revolution to overthrow the system."

This was how my meeting with Arvind Kejriwal ended. Kejriwal responded that
he would never ever enter politics. That was a couple of days before the
famous August 20, 2011 fast of Anna Hazare at Ramlila Madian. We never met
before or later. He met me at the instance of a spiritual leader whom I hold
in high esteem. He had advised Kejriwal to meet me to know how the movements
against corruption in high places -- in which I was involved as part of the
Indian Express group in the 1970s and 1980s -- were carried on for long

The meeting took place at the Indian Express guest house at Sarvoday Enclave
in New Delhi.

A common friend, Darshak Hathi, had accompanied Kejriwal. Darshak was part
of India Against Corruption (IAC) team in its critical work of drafting the
Lok Pal Bill, of meeting the Prime Minister and other ministers. He was also
instrumental in mobilising the Art of Living volunteers who were initially
IAC's backbone. Darshak belongs to a respected political family, that of
Jaishuklal Hathi, a former Union minister. Darshak is now the international
director of Art of Living in Bangalore. He was witness to our dialogue which
went on for almost two hours.

I told Kejriwal that all anti-corruption movements were political. They were
invariably against the ruling party's corruption, co-opting the Opposition
parties in the fight. I cited the examples of the Bihar movement, the Nav
Nirman movement and the movement against Rajiv Gandhi over the Bofors
pay-off -- which led to the defeat of corrupt regimes. I told him that the
only way corruption could be fought was to punish the corrupt politicians by
defeating them in elections.

A movement to establish honesty in politics is impractical. The movement for
the Lok Pal Bill aimed at a better law to punish the corrupt, but overlooked
the issue of the unprecedented and ongoing corruption of the ruling party. I
also told him that for an anti-corruption movement to succeed, the first
requirement was a leadership which could bring all anti-establishment forces
to fight the ruling party's corruption.

Kejriwal's short reply was that such movements proved futile as corruption
had continued even thereafter. He insisted that a movement to clean the
political system was needed. I asked him whether he was seeding a
revolution. Responding theoretically, he said that he was mobilising
people's power to correct the system. I moved to the next point and said the
unflinching support of one media outlet willing to risk its interests was
needed -- like the Indian Express which actually led the anti-corruption
battles. Kejriwal responded that he had the support of the entire media. I
told him that the media as a whole could not be trusted to support an
agitation for long and they would soon get divided. So relying on the
disparate media might prove dangerous.

He then named a media group which had promised total support to him.(Later I
checked up with them. They confirmed they were sympathetic to IAC but
wouldn't back them like Ramnath Goenka who would put his last penny in a

I went on and told Kejriwal that there could not be an effective
anti-corruption movement without openly targeting the corrupt person. The
IAC, instead of naming and fighting the blatantly corrupt rulers, was
actually helping them by giving them opportunity to escape the blame by
supporting the Bill and thus claiming to be clean! In the process, they had
also gained the time they needed. Worse still, IAC was blaming all
politicians - clubbing and equating those who had looted the country of
lakhs of crores with, to say, pickpockets. In effect IAC was bailing out the
Congress which was virtually shameless about corruption.

At that point Arvind said the movement had gone too far into the apolitical
line. I said that, having taken up a political issue, to say that IAC would
handle it apolitically, was a contradiction. Anna's apolitical stature could
bring together the various shades of Opposition, like JP did.

Kejriwal then asked me pointedly, given where he stood, what should be done.
I suggested to him that IAC should course-correct itself. When Anna would
sit on a fast on August 20, the leaders of the Opposition parties might come
and garland him and he may ask them to sit with him on the stage for the
day. That would signal to the public who the buccaneers were.

Kejriwal responded that they could come and garland Anna but they should sit
in the audience. I said that was too much, as they had also spent decades in
public life and some of them had maintained standards through their life
which today's younger generation might find difficult to do. I noticed two
things throughout.

Kejriwal always took Anna's name and said Anna would not agree for this or
that. Next, he said that he could never cross Anna's apolitical line. When I
told him finally that he might himself have to form a political party to
fight the issue politically, he asserted that he had no political ambition
at all. I wished him well and the meeting ended. To be sure that I
recollected the conversation correctly I had sent the gist of the dialogue
to Darshak Hathi. He responded by his mail dated January 29, 2014: "This is

I never reveal private conversations. I can vividly recall the personal
meeting a Bofors pay-off accused had with Ramnath Goenka and me at the
Express Towers in Mumbai in July 1989. He was accompanied by Mahesh
Jethmalani. He clearly told us that if he opened his mouth the Prime
Minister would have to go. Despite the fact that the Indian Express
desperately needed proof on Bofors pay-off, we did not even think of
publishing that incriminating but confidential statement. But there was
nothing confidential about Kejriwal's meeting or dialogue with me. We
discussed only public issues. Yet I refrained from making the dialogue with
Kejriwal public because it principally involved what I was telling him and
also there was no appropriate context for that till AAP formed the
government in Delhi.

Kejriwal's flip-flop-flip on almost every issue of principle made me feel
that he is not what he professes to be. He said he would not contest
elections, but he did. He said he wouldn't ally with the Congress, but he
did. He said the AAP wouldn't form the government, but it did. He said he
wouldn't hold any office, but he does. He said he would act against Sheila
Dixit within seven days of assuming power, but did not. These flip-flop-flip
made me recall what all he had told me. Several questions arose in my mind
over his intent ab initio. Was he honestly pursuing apolitical agenda in
IAC? Or was IAC just theatrical to co-opt the media and many respectable
persons which gave unprecedented publicity and image to IAC and himself?

Was apolitical IAC just a strategy to lure guileless Anna and throw him out
later? Would Kejriwal have deliberately used Anna knowing that a truly
apolitical and undoubtedly innocent Anna would be useful but irrelevant if
Kejriwal and his ambitious colleagues morphed IAC into the AAP? Where is the
IAC agenda now, will he tell the nation? Was the political AAP always
incubating in Kejriwal's mind even as he was espousing apolitical IAC?

Kejriwal needs to tell the nation why and when did he think of snuffing out
the IAC and giving birth to AAP. Unless he takes the country into confidence
and explains what made him ditch Anna and why he formed the AAP after
promising a million times that he would not enter politics, his political
morality will barely equal that of any Aam politician.

Unless he comes clean, he cannot and should not be trusted. What is the
guarantee that the man who fooled his mentor Anna will not fool the people?

S Gurumurthy is a well-known commentator on political and economic issues.

Email: comment@gurumurthy.net <mailto:comment@gurumurthy.net>


Congress sowed the seeds of poison, Madam Sonia -- Irfan Iqbal Gheta


Congress sowed the seeds of poison Madam Sonia

By Irfan Iqbal Gheta on
2 Feb 2014

 (File Photo)
(File Photo)
The trouble with the electioneering is it exposes mad lust for power and thus ends up making leaders look silly. This is what happened with theCongress president Sonia Gandhi in Gulbarga where she was on a visit to inaugurate an ESI facility. Speaking at a public rally, she said that the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was indulging in divisive politics by sowing the seeds of poison and by instigating violence.
Sonia Gandhi‘s Congress is struggling badly in the run-up to general election. The Congress-led UPA under Manmohan Singh has been faltering on every parameter. The scams that have taken place under the watch of the incumbent Prime Minister has left the party in such a precarious position that it is finding it difficult to seek support for the third term of the UPA led by Rahul Gandhi.
Rahul Gandhi is the Congress’s vice president upon whom his party has bestowed the responsibility of leading it to a victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha election. December 2013 saw humiliating defeats in as many as four Assembly Election. Rahul Gandhi had campaigned extensively in those four States. But his surname Gandhi failed to whip up any support whatsoever in his troubled party’s favour.
Congress sowed the seeds of poison Madam Sonia
Ever since those elections and their results depicting the Congress’s whitewash, the party’s fortunes have dwindled significantly. Both Sonia and Rahul Gandhi have realised that the Gandhi surname has come to be synonymous with corruption and sycophancy. People are growing sick and they are looking for an alternative. And to add insult to injury, the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s admirers are growing day by day.
The reason for this is his honest approach to the country’s problems and their solutions which has found many takers. He has exposed the Congress, its indulgence in rampant corruption, the irreparable damage its rule of sixty years has done to the country and its tendency to encourage and reward cronyism and sycophancy hugely. Narendra Modi leaves no stone unturned to articulate his vision for India whenever he interacts with people.
This multi-pronged strategy of Narendra Modi that, on one hand, exposes the Cunning Congress and on the other hand, provides solutions for all the issues faced by India leaves his listeners mesmerised. His simple language of serving the nation and its people endears him to his listeners within no time. As a result of this sustained efforts to rid India of Congress on Narendra Modi’s part, both Sonia and Rahul have got panic attacks. This is precisely why ahead of the Lok Sabha election, they want to indulge in personal attacks and mudslinging thinking Narendra Modi will pause and give them a breather.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that the Congress has always indulged in the doublespeak as far as the secularism is concerned. The Congress regimes have seen the worst ever communal clashes resulting in the loss of the innocents’ lives. It is the Congress that has sown the seeds of poison and cultivated huge windfall out of these seeds of poison over and over. Recently the much-talked about Rahul Gandhi interview to a private television channel has brought the focus back on the 1984 pogrom in Delhi that had killed many innocent Sikhs.
The prominent Congress leaders were seen as leading the mobs that brutally attacked the Sikhs. It is quite unfortunate that even after thirty years the families of those victims await the justice as not even a single conviction has taken place so far with the Congress showing no interest in putting the matter at rest by calling for a fair probe into the violence and bloodbath of 1984. There are numerous other examples that prove that the Congress has created situations conducive to the communal violence and subsequent polarisation by indulging in appeasement that abets divide and rule.
On the other hand, Narendra Modi’s Gujarat has remained peaceful for past over a decade now. The reason for this is Narendra Modi thinks of himself as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and not the Chief Minister of any one particular community. He works for the development of Gujarat that benefits all sections of society. He has chosen empowerment over appeasement. He loves to reward hard work over cronyism and excellence over sycophancy.
His methodology of governance has taken the IT CZARS, matinee idols, business emperors at home and leaders from abroad by surprise. They have often showered Narendra Modi and his model of development with praises wondering what if such a man becomes the Prime Minister of India. He will surely change India’s fortunes and put India on the global map with his forward looking pro development agenda. Other countries will take a leaf out of India’s success story with Narendra Modi at the helm of affairs.
Unfortunately, a narrow minded dynasty like Gandhi cannot tolerate this. It forgets that wherever Narendra Modi speaks, he minces no words in emphasising that the poverty is the biggest enemy of Hindustan. Instead of fighting against each other, we must unite and fight this evil called poverty that the Congress rule has gifted this country. In September, 2013 his party declared Narendra Modi as its Prime Ministerial candidate because the clamour for this announcement was growing by leaps and bounds with each passing day.
The reason for this is a common man of India wants justice, peace, development, respect and bright future. At present, with the sole exception of Narendra Modi, there is no other leader who has got a vision that includes everything that a common desires. There is only one leader Narendra Modi who knows the pulse of the nation and who has got grand ideas to transform India into a superpower envied by the whole world.
Narendra Modi deeply feels for India’s unity too. He knows that infighting can bring instability and loss of manpower. If India has to progress and emerge as a force to reckon with on the global level, the communal harmony and everlasting peace is a must. His every speech stands testimony to this idea of unity between the communities. Nowhere he has passed veiled threats in his speeches. On the other hand, he has expressed desire to treat the poor of this country like the VIPs. And it is an open secret that the minority lives in pitiful conditions with poverty as its sole companion. Narendra Modi wants to uplift the poor out of poverty and looks forward to giving them a sense of immense pride by improving their conditions. This is the most recurring theme in almost all his speeches.
The leader who talks about eradicating poverty and introducing development across India so as to create prosperity all around is anathema to the Congress that has rode to power by exploiting the poor and making fun of their poverty. Narendra Modi – having passed through those pitiful conditions as a poor himself – knows this out of experience. This is why he plans to attack poverty and deliver India from its devilish clutches. This can be possible if India becomes Congress free first.
Now the Congress cannot watch its downfall as a mute spectator. Therefore such personal attacks against the most loved leader of India are natural from the Congress’s camps. Narendra Modi’s pearls of wisdom feel like seeds of poison to Sonia Gandhi who surrounds herself with Babalog Brigade that tells her what she likes to hear. When a common man has seen a dream to see Narendra Modi as next Prime Minister of India, such personal attacks will have no effect. On the other hand, the Congress will suffer further heavy losses in the upcoming general election. The Modi tsunami is on the way and it shall uproot any tough challenge.

BJP and opposition, say NO to SoniaG Telangana bill. Form Telangana after fresh consultations. Save federal structure of India.


BJP and opposition, tell SoniaG that the Telangana bill will NOT be supported. PERIOD.

This Telangana bill will be another subversion of the Constitution's federal structure.


Published: February 4, 2014 01:16 IST | Updated: February 4, 2014 09:36 IST

Interpreting a federal Constitution

    Arghya Sengupta
    Alok Prasanna Kumar

The rejection of the Telangana Bill by the Andhra Pradesh Assembly must not be dismissed as having no legal consequences as that would render the constitutional process of consultation entirely nugatory

The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2013, which creates the State of Telangana, has been decisively rejected by the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and Council. This rejection, together with the recording of 9,072 amendments and expression of views on its various clauses by its MLAs, and 1,157 like suggestions by its MLCs, has brought the process of the creation of new States in India into renewed focus. As has been opined previously in the pages of this newspaper, the constitutional position in this context is straightforward: Article 3 of the Constitution vests Parliament with the power to form a new State, provided that the Bill creating such a State is introduced on the recommendation of the President and he has referred it to the legislature of the affected State “for expressing its views thereon.” This would suggest that the views of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly will have no legal effect; the formation of Telangana is solely the prerogative of the government of India. While this may indeed be the position of the law as it stands today, the unprecedented nature of the rejection of the Bill by the Andhra Pradesh Assembly requires the legal interpretation of Article 3 be reconsidered. Such reconsideration is also prompted by the changing nature of Indian federalism, aptly demonstrated by the curious situation of a Congress government at the State level defying its counterpart in power at the Centre.
Unprecedented rejection
The key distinction between this instance and earlier disputes raised in relation to the formation of a new State lies in the fact that never before has an Amendment Bill been rejected by the State legislature in question. Both in Babulal Parate (Supreme Court) and Pradeep Chaudhary (Supreme Court, 2009) seminal judgments of the Court dealing with the creation of Bombay and Uttaranchal respectively, the issue before the Court was whether it was open to Parliament to amend the final Bill after the State legislature had expressed its views on an earlier, unamended version. In both cases, the Supreme Court, adopting a literal interpretation of Article 3, held that there was no requirement that an amendment to a Bill forming a new State would also have to be referred to the State legislature concerned. Such interpretation is arguably correct — the proviso to Article 3 simply states that the Bill must be sent to the State legislature concerned for expressing its views within a specified period. The provision is silent on whether later amendments have to be referred, as well as on the effect that the views of the State legislatures will have. Thus read literally, even a wholesale rejection of the Bill can be ignored by Parliament, since Article 3 merely gives State Assemblies a consultative role — their views are not binding on Parliament in any way.
However, to treat the State’s views as carrying merely formal value, as has been widely suggested, would render the constitutional process of consultation entirely nugatory in a matter of national importance. The current proviso to Article 3 was introduced by the Constitution (Fifth Amendment) Act, 1955. Before this amendment, the President could only introduce an Amendment Bill in Parliament after referring it to the State legislatures concerned for their views. This was a time-consuming process, allowing States to vacillate in responding, thereby frustrating the efforts of the government of India. This amendment was necessary to lay the groundwork for the smooth passage of the States’ Reorganisation Commission Report that recommended a radical redrawing of State boundaries and creation of new States. By adequately circumscribing State power, it was felt that no single State could hold up the process of reorganisation.
But what if a State rejected the proposal to create a new State outright? Both the proviso to Article 3 as well as the Rajya Sabha debates prior to its passage are silent on this specific question. The reason for such silence is aptly demonstrated in a speech by MP Professor N.G. Ranga who said in the House, “I am glad really now that this Bill has come to be introduced instead of … the Congress Party trusting itself to its capacity to get the local majorities, which are also Congress majorities, to express the views of the legislatures.” (Rajya Sabha Debates, December 15, 1955). The proviso was thus brought in at a time when such disagreement between the Centre and States was not a real possibility. Neither did Parliament envisage nor did it legislate for such a situation. The rejection of the Telangana Bill by the Andhra Pradesh Assembly is evidence of a dramatically changed time. For the legal interpretation of Article 3 to ignore such change would be an anachronism. It would also be inconsonant with the Supreme Court’s characterisation of the Constitution as “a living tree” capable of continuous growth with concomitantly changing scenarios.
Bommai case
Such reinterpretation of provisions of the Constitution that have bearing on its federal character has precedent. In terms of the legality of the imposition of President’s Rule in States under Article 356, the Supreme Court in S.R. Bommai v. Union of India (Supreme Court, 1994) overruled its own precedent in the case of State of Rajasthan v Union of India (Supreme Court, 1977). While holding that the power of the President to impose President’s Rule is not above and beyond judicial review entirely, the Court narrowed down the circumstances and the manner in which such powers could be exercised. The premise of this shift in constitutional jurisprudence was that the principle of federalism was part of the basic structure of the Constitution, and this principle could only be deviated from in exceptional and extraordinary circumstances, i.e. where constitutional rule was not possible in the State. In doing so, the Court recognised the pitfalls of a literal minded construction of the Constitution as was done in the Rajasthancase. In the absence of any checks on the exceptional power of the President to impose President’s Rule and give federalism a go-by in the name of upholding the Constitution, the Court recognised that the Constitution itself could be subverted.
The Supreme Court’s course correction in Bommai has a deeper lesson. That India’s constitutionally envisaged federal structure has a strong centralising tendency is beyond question. Such a tendency is not unique to India. Federal states the world over — Canada, the United States, Australia — all display discernible centripetal forces irrespective of differences in their federal structure. But the decision in Bommai and now the Andhra Pradesh Assembly’s rejection of the Telangana Bill marks a significant change in this dynamic. It provides recognition to a more balanced union, with Centre and States seen increasingly as coordinate entities. At a time when the Chief Minister of West Bengal trumps the decision of the government of India to sign an international accord, the sole prerogative of the Central government, and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu prevents Sri Lankan cricketers from playing in Chennai despite them having valid visas for travel in India, such a reworked understanding of federalism in India is both realistic and pragmatic.
Towards a new federalism
In the face of such changes, to merely parrot an originalist constitutional vision of a strong Centre while interpreting legal provisions is to take a blinkered view. The centralising tendency in India’s federal structure was adopted at a time when it was necessary to weld India’s disparate elements together into a nation. This was a task for which the government of India was uniquely positioned and required a supporting constitutional architecture. Thus, the federal provisions of the Constitution were as much lofty vision as political strategy. Such strategy now requires a careful recalibration since such a tool for nation-building, if used unthinkingly, will be seen purely as central hegemony. Such forced unitarity will be more harmful than a genuine recognition of a more equal federal structure that is perfectly consonant with the idea of India.
This does not in any way mean that the Andhra Pradesh Assembly’s views on the Telangana Bill should be the last word on the matter. Such an inference would be plainly unconstitutional. However, it is necessary that the Central government be required in law to adequately take into consideration the reasons why the Andhra Pradesh Assembly rejected the Telangana Bill. This obligation should be discharged in writing, demonstrating a proper application of mind with accompanying reasons as to why each recommendation has been accepted or rejected. Without such consideration, the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2013, if passed, would seriously lack legitimacy and be inconsonant with the dynamic federal spirit of the Constitution.
(With inputs from Sakshi Aravind)
(Arghya Sengupta and Alok Prasanna Kumar are research director and senior resident fellow respectively, at Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, a New Delhi-based legal policy think tank.)


Chimera or chameleon of the mythology drivel presented as historical facts

See: http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2014/02/dangers-posed-by-comparative-mythology.html Dangers posed by comparative mythology theories which are camouflaged ‘race’ studies

The arguments of the above URL are continued.

The key danger of Witzel's book is that religious myths are put together in a cut-and-paste job -- with a number of footnotes, nothing original here -- and presented in an academic 'tome' as historical facts.  

Tracing the origins of mythologies is a bogus attempt to trace the peoples' history. 

Not unlike the attempt to trace history of languages to trace the peoples' history. One is called mythology studies and the other historical linguistics. It is good that many academic institutions have closed down 'historical linguistics' projects. 

It is now time to close down 'mythology studies' projects.

When apples and oranges constitute the edibles in the myth basket, it is stupid to cite the myths of origins of apples and myths of origins of oranges. It is mischievous to claim a common origin of both the apple and orange myths as though they are historical events which can be sequenced in space and time.
This is where the mischief begins, in the spurious correlation of myths with history. Be it krakatoa super-eruption, be it continental drift resulting in an imagined 'lost continent'.

The danger with apples is that Eve is likely to be tempted. The danger with oranges is that they will be peeled for academic self-gratification.

Failure by the academe to challenge such spurious correlations shows scholarship at its damning worst -- with lack of integrity and without an iota of ethical social responsibility.

A good example can be cited which occurred in recent times. 

When Hindus opposed biblical indoctrination being pushed by various church groups, then the American academia ganged up with the churches. This was to be expected as American professors such as Wendy Doniger and Stanley Wolpert believe that religious myths are historical facts. For example, labeling themselves "South Asia experts", both of them are known to have pushed a date of 52 CE for the alleged arrival of the alleged Saint Thomas into India. That is pure fiction.

Not ONE American professor has challenged the propagation of such fictional claims as historical facts. Says a lot about the quality of scholarship in American academe.

At first the theory of dispersion was based on the idea that Noah cursed Ham that his tribe would serve the tribes of his other two brothers and blessed his other two sons that their tribes would expand. Then people like Max Muller were the "radicals" who gave up on the race theory. However, their "bold" theories were also within the biblical framework and they fitted their theory in line with the story of the Tower of Babel. In fact, the search for a single language is based on the search for the language before the confusion of the tongues.

Debating the topic when it is really based in the bible is as stupid as debating whether the earth is flat. Some academics collude with a church, attack Hindus for opposing the textbooks teaching the bible as historical fact, and then make a bogus claim of anti-creationism. Witzel colluded with the church in Colorado and changed the Coloarado Church Wikipedia page to hide the fact that they were Christian fanatics.

Harvard Donkey Trial *was* about opposing religious indoctrination in textbooks. Oposition from the academia occurred *because* Indian parents in California opposed the teaching of nonsense like "Moses saw a burning bush in 1290 BC" and how Jesus was resurrected. Additionally, the chapter on Hinduism too is based on biblical ideas as the belief in AIT *is* due to its biblical basis. There were claims about a horse flying to Jerusalem. Or how the LORD made the wheels fall off the chariots (definition of miracles).

Harvard Donkey Trial is similar to the Scopes Monkey Trial. Both lawsuits were against biblical indoctrination and on one side were those opposed to such indoctrination and on the other were church groups and people affiliated with churches.

Charles Munger, Jr. started off with a one-point agenda to get the idea that "Jews killed Jesus" into textbooks. 

There is a pattern here of carrying out the church's agenda. This pattern, or academic template, or agenda-driven architecture of chronology or comparative studies, results in books claiming to trace the origins of world mythologies.

If Harvard Donkey Trial is an example to go by, one can also experience the dangers posed to children of gullible communities to be told of the origins of their respective myths. This ain't no academic scholarship. This is abject lack of social responsibility of the academe.

So, US academe will do well to close down mythology study projects which are not driven by compassion or founded on ethics but turn out to be motivated drivel to publish or perish, in a vacuous rush to claim false contributions to knowledge. The victims are the students. 

Ur-Myth of Witzel is a chimera or a chameleon (to use mixed metaphors) that adds no light to the darkness of the academe. Chimera is a single organism composed of genetically distinct cells. Chameleon is a clade of lizards which changes color to suit the clime and locale.

If Gondwana is Africa and Laurasia is Europe, positing such false entities is nothing but racism cloaked in a tome jumbling up genetic, philology or geology footnotes. One could be homo erectus and the other neanderthal. Who knows? Does Witzel know? 

Go study, starting with the white skin of the neanderthal which has been identified with clear signs of genetic markers and skin color.

So, the moral of the story: anecdotal evidences do not a history make. There is a Tamil proverb: kurangin kaiyil poomaalai (rough trans. 'flower garland in the hands of a monkey')

So, the key question: what is the contribution to knowledge of the mythology origins drivel presented as historical facts?

S. Kalyanaraman
Sarasvati Research Center
February 5, 2014.

2G kickback: Karuna tried to save Kani. Now in CBI net.



Wednesday, 05 February 2014 | PNS | New delhi

AAP leader Bhushan says there’s audio evidence of Kanimozhi’s complicity in scam; CBI to examine tapes
Aam Aadmi Party leader and 2G case petitioner Prashant Bhushan on Tuesday released five audio tapes exposing how a senior Tamil Nadu Police officer and the DMK leadership tried to save DMK MP Kanimozhi from the CBI in the 2G scam.
According to Bhushan, the tapes have accounts of conversations between former ADGP Intelligence Jaffar Sait, Kalaignar TV Managing Director Sharad Kumar, Kanimozhi and Karunanidhi’s Private Secretary Shanmuganathan on how to manipulate the funds and documents with regard to the 2G scam.
In a move that portends more trouble for the DMK chief’s daughter, the CBI has decided to analyse the taped conversations which the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims as additional “evidence” in the 2G scam showing alleged roles of Karunanidhi, his daughter Kanimozhi and the top cop from Tamil Nadu.
“A conversation which is said to have been taken place in February-March, 2011 purportedly between Sharad Kumar and Jaffar Sait, has come to the notice of CBI through media reports,” the CBI spokesperson said in a statement.
The CBI is in the process of obtaining the recordings and transcripts of these conversations, the spokesperson said.
“We will first establish the veracity and genuineness of these tapes,” a senior CBI officer said. In its charge sheet in 2G scam, CBI alleged that Kalaignar TV, in which Kanimozhi and her mother Dayalu Ammal had 80 per cent stake, allegedly received Rs 214-crore from Shahid Balwa’s Dynamix Realty, Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables and Cineyug Films in return of favours given to Swan Telecom by then Telecom Minister A Raja in 2G spectrum allocation.
Kanimozhi, who was also charged under provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, had claimed that this amount was an unsecured loan which had been returned.
Meanwhile, speaking to reporters in Chennai, DMK chief M Karunanidhi denied  allegations and charges by Bhushan that there was an attempt to cover up the corruption charges against Kanimozhi.  The DMK chief turned all his ire at Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and asked the reporters: “What corruption? What allegations? You go and ask Jayalalithaa about her disproportionate  assets”.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister is facing trial in a special court in Bangalore in the disproportionate asset case filed against her by the Karunanidhi regime (1996 to 2001).
In one of the tapes released by Bhushan, Sharad Kumar, who is also an accused in the 2G case, is heard telling Jaffar Sait that Kanimozhi was indeed a Director of the TV channel when kickbacks in the scam flowed into the TV company. This admission will be a great blow to Kanimozhi, who has been arguing in court that she was not a Director during the period when the TV channel received the alleged bribes from companies linked to another accused Shahid Balwa.
Though the CBI had demolished Kanimozhi’s arguments in the 2G court with proof during trial, the leaked tapes are further evidence of her complicity in the scam. 
The conversations took place between February 2011, when the CBI started questioning Kanimozhi and Sharad Kumar. In the leaked tapes, Sharad Kumar is heard talking about forging documents to save Kanimozhi. The tapes were believed to have been leaked by A Sankar, former employee of Tamil Nadu State Vigilance who runs a website called Savukku.
The conversations between police officials and Karunanidhi’s Private Secretary reveal that hefty amounts were pumped into Kalaignar TV through dubious methods. Releasing the tapes in the Press conference along with colleagues Yogendra Yadav and Sanjay Singh, Bhushan said the CBI should take cognizance of the offence committed by Karunanidhi’s family by forging documents.
The AAP leader said the tapes also warranted a probe into the property deal and various “favours” granted by then DMK Government to the Tata Group.  Bhushan said he will place the tapes before the Supreme Court which is monitoring the probe into the 2G spectrum scam.
When contacted by news agency PTI, a Tata Sons spokesperson said: “Allegations that are being made against Tata companies have been repeatedly looked into and investigated by the authorities concerned. These have found the conduct of Tata entities to be above board. We reiterate that the business transactions of Tata companies are bona fide and in line with the group’s code of conduct and commitment to ethical standards.”

CBI probing ‘2G kickback’ tapes

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To look into authenticity, relevance to spectrum case

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will examine the alleged conversation between M.S. Jaffar Sait, when he was the Additional Director-General of Police (Intelligence), Tamil Nadu, and Sharad Kumar Reddy, former managing director of Kalaignar TV, which was published in a section of the media a couple of days ago.
The conversation, and transcripts revealed by Prashant Bhushan, Aam Aadmi Party leader and lawyer-activist, in New Delhi on Tuesday, purportedly show how documents were tampered with to cover up the trail of money to the channel in the 2G spectrum case.
CBI sources said the transcripts would also be looked into.
“The CBI is in the process of obtaining the recordings or transcripts of the said conversation after which necessary action as per law will be taken. We will also examine the conversation (purportedly between Mr. Jaffar Sait and Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam leader M. Karunanidhi’s secretary Shanmuganathan) that was brought to public domain today,” a CBI official told The Hindu.
The official, who said the conversation came to the notice of the agency through media reports, denied rumours that a CBI team had landed in Chennai on Tuesday to investigate the matter. “The authenticity of the transcript and the relevance of the conversation to the case have to be ascertained first,” the official said.
The suspicion is that the conversation pertained to alleged kickbacks in the allocation of 2G spectrum involving Kalaignar TV in which the family members of Mr. Karunanidhi, including his daughter and Rajya Sabha MP Kanimozhi, have shares.
Mr. Jaffar Sait, who belongs to the 1986 batch of the Indian Police Service, served as Inspector-General of Police and then the Additional Director-General of Police (Intelligence) in the DMK regime. After the AIADMK returned to power, a case was registered against him in connection with alleged irregularities in the allotment of a Tamil Nadu Housing Board plot and he was subsequently placed under suspension.
However, the Ministry of Home Affairs declined sanction to prosecute the officer on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. Mr. Jaffar Sait could not be reached for his comment. 

AAP Claims Fresh Evidence in 2G Case, Alleges Cover-up

Published: 04th February 2014 08:35 PM
Last Updated: 04th February 2014 09:44 PM
Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Tuesday claimed fresh evidence has emerged in the second generation (2G) spectrum allocation case and said it will move the Supreme Court.

Party leader and advocate Prashant Bhushan released four of what he said were taped telephonic conversations of some of the key stakeholders, throwing more light on the 2G case. 

This, he said, needed to be thoroughly probed. 

He also released what he claimed was a handwritten letter by a top industrialist to then Tamil Nadu chief minister and DMK leader M. Karunanidhi which he said further added to the evidence of alleged misdoings.

Bhushan alleged that a major cover-up was attempted by Karunanidhi, whose party was then a part of the Congress-led government.

A livid Karunanidhi dismissed the latest allegations as "lies". "It is all lies," he said in Chennai. 

Pressed for more, the veteran politician told the media: "You are all reporters. Why don't you ask (Chief Minister J.) Jayalalithaa about her disproportionate assets case? You don't ask her questions. But you only ask me."

The AAP leader released transcripts of the tapes of alleged telephonic conversations involving Karunanidhi's daughter Kanimozhi, Karunanidhi's aide M. Shanmuganathan, police officer Jaffer Sait and Sharad Kumar of Kalaignar TV.

>>Ratan Tata's Letter to Karunanidhi
The transcripts and letter released by Bhushan appeared to show that Karunanidhi was aware of all the dealings that took place, Bhushan said. 

Meanwhile, the Tata Group, which Bhushan named, said: “Allegations that are being made against Tata companies have been repeatedly looked into and investigated by the authorities concerned.

“These have found that the conduct of Tata entities have been above board. We reiterate that the business transactions of Tata companies are bonafide and in line with the Group’s Code of Conduct and commitment to ethical standards,” a Tata Sons spokesperson said in a statement. 

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has framed corruption and other charges against 17 accused in the spectrum case, including former telecom minister A. Raja and Kanimozhi, a DMK Rajya Sabha member.

According to the government auditor, Raja was biased while distributing 2G mobile airwaves and operating licences to telecom firms, causing a loss of up to Rs.1.76 lakh crore in revenue to the treasury.

Raja, who has claimed innocence, was arrested Feb 2, 2011 and sent to jail. He got bail in May 2012. 

The CBI filed its first chargesheet April 2, 2011 pegging the loss to the exchequer at Rs.30,984 crore.


Lynchpin Jaffer Sait Did PR Job for DMK First Family, Protected Kani

Published: 05th February 2014 07:24 AM
Last Updated: 05th February 2014 07:24 AM
Tamil Nadu’s most powerful IPS officer during the previous DMK regime, Jaffer Sait, was allegedly fully involved in the cover-up operation that was on in the DMK camp prior to the arrest of Rajya Sabha MP Kanimozhi when the investigations on the 2G scam were at a crucial stage. He allegedly tried his best to save Kanimozhi — with whom he was seemingly close — from the CBI.
These are apparently some of the startling revelations that tumble out from the friendly conversations he allegedly had with Kanimozhi on two occasions — November 23, 2010 and February 16, 2011 — whose audio recordings and transcripts were placed in the public domain by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) after party leader Prashant Bhushan gave a press conference in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Sait, who emerges not just as a prime fixer for Kanimozhi but also as a PR person for then Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, even purportedly aspired to become the Director General of Police of Tamil Nadu and apparently hoped that the DMK chief’s daughter Kanimozhi would make him realise the dream as he predicted a ‘dynasty type of rule’.
Talking to Kanimozhi when she was detained in a kalyana mandapam after her arrest for taking part in an agitation on February 16, 2011, the then police intelligence chief allegedly says he had prepared a statement for the media, on behalf of private channel Kalaignar TV, to pre-empt CBI action, which had been approved by Karunanidhi, and reads it out to her.
Allegedly approving the contents of the statement, Kanimozhi says: “Good... It will be like saving us even as we fall.”
The statement was published by media houses the next day.
In another talk with her from the Murasoli office, Sait allegedly says he had told Karunanidhi ‘about the PR work’. “We have to highlight all that... for that we have to do some PR work... he asked me you should do it.” Then he purportedly says he had identified a person to do the PR work in Delhi. Apart from that, Sait says, in the recordings released by AAP, that he advised A Raja to ‘take the auction route’, suggesting that he knew about all about 2G. 
According to the recordings, in two other conversations, one with M Karunanidhi’s close aide Shanmuganathan and other with Kalaignar TV MD Sharad Kumar, Jaffar Sait discusses several issues relating to the 2G scam. To Shanmuganathan, he purportedly says he made arrangements from a company for `60 crore, which will be adjusted in advertisements. He also allegedly says he had found another source for `40 crore.
According to the audio recordings, Sait says to Kanimozhi: “This Nira Radia should be shot in the mouth. They too are a bit cautious and do not talk openly.”

Race studies returning in garb of comparative mythology theories -- S. Kalyanaraman

Race studies returning in garb of comparative mythology theories
by S Kalyanaramanon 05 Feb 2014

Imagining categories of people: The world has been witness to devastations caused by racism as a theory, resulting in the massacres of millions of innocent people.  It was assuming the racial superiority of redheads and imagining an entire community (Jew) as hate symbols that horrendous genocides and holocausts have been perpetrated in engineered mass hysteria. The problem arises from creating false categories of people. Imagining the white-man’s burden to save or redeem sinful souls or to civilise tribal ‘natives’, evangelical activities continue unabated and indulge in the violence of religious conversions, rendering a united family relationship into smithereens.
Premised on the superiority of a race, books like Catherine Mayo’s account of India have also appeared, which Mahatma Gandhi labeled as a drain-inspector’s report. Such misdirected, motivated approaches in searching for the roots of or categorising communities led to the establishment of colonial regimes until the last century. The root cause is the denial of the imperative to recognise all living phenomena as worthy of respect, to recognise that the environment we live in demands diligent care to be sustained to protect present and future generations.
The new kid on the block for pursuing racist agendas in academic studies is a category called ‘comparative mythology’. This category lacks its own methodological tools and draws upon a variety of other disciplines. Its underlying danger is the perpetuation of ‘race’ studies.
Camouflaged ‘race’ studies
Previously, attempts were made citing Biblical sources regarding the Tower of Babel, to break up the world into distinct races descending from specific, named individuals. Similar attempts are now being tried using comparative studies of gene sequences. As a result, mythology studies quickly degenerate into race studies. Harvard professor EJ Michael Witzel’s The Origin of the World’s Mythologies (OUP, 2013) is an example of the assumption of racial superiority of groups such as redheads.
In studies that attempt to trace the ‘roots’ of communities, one can cite many failed attempts using questionable analytical frameworks. As we delve into the mists of time into distant pasts, we have limited evidences to access. One framework is from a discipline called ‘archaeology’ which results in comparison of artifacts unearthed from digs and sometimes uses decoded epigraphs from archaeological sites. A second framework is from a discipline called ‘anthropology’ which has resulted in a plethora of ‘ethnic’ studies.
A third framework is from a discipline called ‘linguistics’ premised on the assumption that language features and their travels across space and time can be traced. This assumption rests on the fallacy that there is no falsifiable method to prove the direction of ‘borrowings’ of words. A more serious problem created by the fallacies of language studies is that a lot of guesswork is involved in assuming the ‘meaning or meanings’ assigned to words by ancient people who may or may not be the ancestors of the present-day language communities.
And now, a fourth framework has assumed the dimensions of a sexy option. The discipline called ‘genetics’ is being used to study common genetic sequences among communities. Gene-based evidence is not really evidence, because it is based on one huge assumption – that the original home of whichever race is being studied is wherever the concentration of the genes specific to the race is the highest. It then sorts the appearance of the gene in the population in descending order of density in various geographical areas and concludes that the path of dispersion was from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.
Genetic studies cause devastation because communities of people get categorised as ‘races’. Thus, Witzel tries to trace mythologies from the days of the continental drift which resulted in the identification of a mythical entity called ‘Laurasia’, also known as ‘Gondwana’ or ‘Atlantis’ or ‘Lost Continent’ or ‘Kumari-k-kandam’. There is, of course, the famous narrative of the super-eruption of Krakatoa. In Dravidian political parlance, a dravidian race is imagined as traceable to this lost continent as the Indian subcontinent started drifting away from the African continent.
Continental drift is explained in geological eras running into time-depths of millions of years. The same is the case with genetic mutations with time-depths of tens of thousands of years. This is the clear danger posed by using tools of various disciplines to explain cultural phenomena which provide the core basis for perceived identities of communities on earth. Straitjacketing communities into sub-categories as ‘ethnic’ groups or ‘language-speaking’ groups or ‘local natives’ tends to create more divisions among people, thus negating the principal purpose of research which should be to promote the essential unity and inter-relatedness of living phenomena, human groups in particular.
Peoples’ identity problem
The identity problem is central to any social community. This problem is exemplified by the as yet unresolved definition of a ‘nation’. Though nation-states have been formed and polities established, a consistent framework to define a ‘nation’ has not been achieved so far. Witness the recent break-up of the Soviet Union and the earlier break-up of Yugoslavia and creation of multiple states still in search of ‘identity’ of the citizens of the states.
Though the roots of World War III have not yet firmed up, there are continuing tensions dividing the communities of people and setting one group in opposition to another. An added category in firming up the divisions is the ‘identity’ politics based on another construct called ‘religion’. ‘Religious’ wars are ongoing with one group vehement on evangelizing and claiming the ‘right’ to save souls by forcing adherence to one perceived ‘truth’ declaring the rest as ‘blind heathen’.
Mischievous academic interventions
It is a disturbing trend in academia to foster divisive studies and perpetuate hatred among communities. Harvard University has instituted a study genre called Mythology Studies, earmarking huge funds. Many are using the platform to peddle their pet agendas of race studies, the way early anthropology studies tried to categorise races by the size of brain or bone structure. This trend should be reviewed and the institution would do well to scrap this project which is only wasting academic time with spurious publications. Instances of mischievous comparisons Witzel tries to make between Vedic heritage and the ‘myths’ of many communities can be gauged from the ‘Look inside’ snippets on amazon.comthis work is fit to be declared as rubbish and the publisher, Oxford University, should withdraw the book. Harvard should call the author to order for violating academic ethics. There is no falsifiable basis for such comparisons since the time and space assumptions are as absurd as the earlier polemics related to Aryan invasion or migration or trickle-in theories that were intended to debunk the perceived identities by the communities themselves as descendants of, say, a Vedic or Hindu heritage. 
Just as the alleged incursions of a mythical race called ‘Aryan’ were sought to be proved with Biblical inputs of the Tower of Babel, now the same is being tried out with gene sequences, which are premised on an underlying racial superiority of redheads who need to understand Veda in German translation, little realizing that the translation of such a text will be an act of irresponsibility without being fully immersed in the tradition which holds the Veda as a sacred text sustained for generations and transmitted with high-fidelity of oral transmission with very strict regulations of education and error-corrections in pronunciations.
The dangers of mistranslation are huge. Such translations should be abandoned so as not to cause further tensions among communities which do not believe in a divinity and those whose faith is based on the sacred text as the pramaana (rough translation of the Sanskrit word: a measuring standard) for all subsequent explanatory texts. A good example of mistranslation by Witzel is well known: he mischievously mistranslated Baudhayana Srautasutra 18.44 to justify his pet but false theory of Aryan invasion into the Indian subcontinent.
Serious academics would do well to leave communities to their own preferences instead of trying to superimpose strait-jackets called ‘categories’ on them, which more often than not tend to be divisive and false. The dangers of academic interventions resulting in social tensions are real and academia should deliberate further about pursuing hobby-horses like the now sexy mythology or genetic studies to prove the identities of peoples’ communities.
A plea to revamp the curricula and institute an academic oath
This exposé on the dangers of mythology as race studies is not to deny the validity of History or Social Sciences studying roots, ancestors, identity and the system of values of different peoples. But the study of History or Psychology or Civilizations or Cultures must be done with compassion and empathy.
An academic ethic of search for satyam, moderated by social responsibility and the inviolate global ethic ofdharma-dhamma would be in order. The academic should have the humility to accept the limitations of his/her knowledge of the emotions of people being studied. A private language exists which is impossible to subject to any linguistic study because it is entirely ‘personal’. Such a private language is integral to the human being’s own life-experiences and consciousness. This is called chitta in Indian tradition, exemplified by the compound:sat-cit-ananda, roughly translated as: truth, consciousness, bliss or nihs’reyas (which is the obverse ofdharma-dhamma coin; the reverse is abhyudayam, social welfare).
Why can’t academic institutions reframe their curricula to study means of social welfare, abhyudayam? Every academic project should be tested on the anvil of abhyudayam and abandoned if it falls short. Meanwhile, Harvard should revisit the Mythologies Project and inquire into the racist narratives perpetrated under it, which present a clear danger to students exposed to the narrative. There should be ethical standards for freedom of expression or academic liberties so as not to trample on the sensitivities of millions of people.
Perhaps it is time to deliberate on an academic oath for every inquirer (functioning in an academic environment or a corporation or unincorporated grouping) governed by respect for human beings and communities, on the lines of the Hippocratic oath (horkos) for medical practitioners. The central component of the oath must be a vow not to hurt the sentiments of groups of people, and a resolve, a responsibility to promote respect for human dignity.
Let a million historical narratives bloom
Let people of Bosnia-Herzegovina or Kyrgyzstan or Xinjiang write their own historical narratives and world-views. Let Hindus, Sufi Muslims, Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Christians of various denominations, Bohras, Ahmadiyas, Zoroastrians, Gypsies write their own narratives. There is no need to compare the narratives which are integral presentations from the dars’ana of the adherents. Why should an academic try to straitjacket these narratives? This is no different from the myths created by so-called Dravidian studies premised on shaky foundations and with the evil intent to divide communities.
The author is Director, Sarasvati Research Center, Chennai

Top bureaucrats take policy decisions, need protection from probe: Centre


Top bureaucrats take policy decisions, need protection from probe: Centre

NEW DELHI: The Centre on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that bureaucrats of joint secretary level and above "take all policy decisions" and must be protected from frivolous inquiry. 

The court is examining the validity of Section 6A of Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act which mandates an investigating agency to take prior consent before initiating inquiry against a top bureaucrat. 

In his note handed over to a bench comprising Justices R M Lodha, A K Patnaik, S J Mukhopadhaya, Dipak Misra and F M I Kalifulla, additional solicitor general L Nageshwar Rao said, "Public servants of the level of joint secretary and above take all policy decisions. As they take all policy decisions, there is a need to protect them from frivolous inquiries and investigation so that policy making does not suffer." 

Two petitions - one by Subramanian Swamy and the other by NGO 'Centre for Public Interest Litigation' - had challenged the validity of Section 6A on many grounds, but primarily alleging that it gave a handle to the government to stall inquiry into corruption in high posts and discriminate by choosing the bureaucrat who would be allowed to be probed and those who would not be. 

The controversial provision, popularly known in bureaucratic circles as "single directive', was brought back to life by the government by amending DSPE Act after the court had scrapped it in 1997 by its judgment in Vineet Narain judgment on the basis of a Parliamentary Committee recommendation that top bureaucrats needed protection from frivolous inquiry and resultant litigation. 

The judicial spotlight on the validity of Section 6A intensified after the apex court, while monitoring CBI investigations into irregular allotment of coal blocks, ruled that the provision would give no protection to joint secretary or above level bureaucrats if the investigation was either monitored by the Supreme Court or ordered to be instituted by it. 

Rao defended the validity of the provision saying mere apprehension of the petitioners about possible abuse of the power vested by Section 6A in the Centre could not be a valid ground to test the validity of the law. 

He said as the power to decide whether or not permission be given to initiate inquiry against a top bureaucrat had been conferred on a "high authority", it reduces the possibility of its abuse to the very minimum. 

He said absence of guidelines for exercise of the power under Section 6A could at best make the decisions taken using such power open to judicial scrutiny, but not invalidate the law. 

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